#I don’t need riz to come out to the bad kids but I do need him to come out to himself
erelux · 2 months
literally the only reason I want Riz to come out as aroace is so that part of the fandom shuts up. “Erm he’s canonically asexual, not aromantic /:” said after we see him extremly uncomfortable with sex AND romance, so much that he makes up a ROMANCE PARTNER to fit in with his friends. yeah alright.
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amorhedera6 · 11 days
the bad kids as pixie hollow fairies
psa: i’ve only seen the movies and i haven’t read the books, so if you’re a book person pls bear with me.
gorgug thistlespring - tinker fairy
tinker fairies are known for ingenuity and creation. they make all kinds of tools and contraptions to help their friends lives easier. they mend things, create things, and their signature color is green. it just makes sense.
kristen applebees - light fairy
also fairly obvious. with kristen’s connection to the sun through her family and the moon through tracker, this one was bound to be. light fairies can bend sun or moonlight, keep pixie hollow aglow, and are known to make rainbows. the mechanics of species don’t exactly line up, but i could see a young kristen being a sunlight fairy, devoted to keeping the sun filtering in the direction it was meant to and keeping everything a light. a growing kristen would work instead with the moonlight, training fireflies, and keeping a lantern of moonlight that keeps darkness from being threatening.
fabian seacaster - water fairy
he lives in a boat, people. what else was there? water fairies and manipulate water, shape it, control it, and also are often found seeking boats in the waters. they can create fountains and communicate with water-animals, often assisting fish and tadpoles in learning how to swim. imagine the hangman as a fish. come on.
fig faeth - animal fairy
animal fairies are known to interact with and feel the emotions of any animals in pixie hollow. they are also known to be the most emotional fairy type, as they are feeling others emotions. they help animals reach the mainland and are skilled trackers. fig’s constantly summoning animals (sexy rat, the daymare), comparing herself with animals (the “german shepherd” mode), connecting with animals (giving a dog a bardic at the black pit, the pet oyster that she supposedly carried around for weeks in freshman year) or pretending to be an animal (orangutan at loam farm), and i think that the mask gorgug gifts her for moonar yulenear is an extension of that. fig’s very very caring for all her friends, and i think that would easily extend over to animals.
riz gukgak - fast flying fairy
fast flying fairies have control over winds, can create breezes, go up to triple the speed of a normal fairy. they also carry bigger wings, which might, in turn, make them look smaller. such speed would be incredibly helpful for stealth, when trying to get away from someplace and hide quickly. i think riz would fit will here as someone who’s constantly running around searching clues, not sleeping, doing the most that he can. he needs extra speed to keep up.
adaine abernant - frost fairy
i think adaine being a winter fairy makes a lot of sense, with her family being ambassadors from fallinel. maybe the winter fairies are just british. a forst fairy can create frost from their fingertips, or if they are particularly skilled they can conjure it from anywhere. they can freeze plant life, make icicles, and need to keep cold in order to live. with adaine pulling a wand of frost out of her jacket in freshman year, her personal connection to basrar’s ice cream shop, and her most prominent color being blue (the school uniform of hudol, her denim jacket, her eyes, her sword, her character art even has her magic depicted as blue), i think she makes a perfect frost fairy.
i have no idea what kind of story this would make, but i love it. like a small flock of fairies accidentally getting lost, leaving pixie hollow, and having to find their way back from neverland while accidentally fighting a dragon? idk i just love them thanks
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roll-for-gaslight · 3 months
The Bad Kids + Sharing Clothes Headcanons
Probably has taken the most
Has multiple things from each person
Always wearing something that does not belong to her
Not all of it goes together
In fact, most of it doesn’t 
Gorgug has had to politely ask her to stop taking things because she took like half of his closet and he needed clothes
She got so sad he only had her give a little bit of it back
Jackets, t-shirts, a pair of sweatpants
Hoodies also go down to her knees
Fig’s leather jacket
Literally does not go with anything else she wears
Drapes it over her shoulders instead of just putting it on
Occasionally buys her new pins/patches
The jacket belongs to both of them now really
Adaine’s sneakers!!!
She has to wear something other than sandals occasionally 
She likes borrowing Adaine’s because they do match her vibe the best
The only thing she really returns!!! 
Does fully just come into Adaine’s room without asking to both get them and put them away though
Riz’s bracelets
Like the little leather ones??? I feel like he has those
She thinks he’s So Cool and Hipster for wearing them and she takes them
Also has been known to borrow ties and such accessories
Does not wear them as intended
Fabian Hates when she borrows his clothes, especially like sweatshirts and such
It starts as a like “I don’t have workout clothes” thing and evolves from there
He didn’t mind at first!! Then things were never given back
Fabian offered to buy her her own clothes and she refused???
He doesn’t understand at all
Back when her and Tracker were dating it was a huge thing
They didn’t do a good job of hiding that they were staying in each others’ rooms
Like yeah they came out of the right doors most mornings, but it wasn’t like they came out wearing their own clothes
Like Kristen emerges wearing one of Jawbone’s old shirts that he gave to tracker a long time ago and she usually sleeps in
Anyway yeah being friends with Kristen means you’re losing a chunk or your wardrobe and you just kind of have to be okay with that
Adaine | Fig | Fabian | Kristen | Gorgug | Riz
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jadelion · 4 months
I need to know that you're ok
This is my first fanfic, I hope you like it.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53663482
1849 words
Adaine x Fabian
Mostly fluff and a bit of hurt/comfort
Summary: Fabian doesn't want to go home, Adaine wants to help him
(Junior Year spoilers)
"You guys wanna go to Basrar's?" Fabian asked, as nonchalantly as possible.
It was the end of their first week back at school and Seacaster Manor had only felt lonelier day by day. He didn't want to make it obvious, but going back to that empty home was something Fabian desperately wanted to avoid.
Fig was the first to respond, “Sure, I got nothing else to do!”
Each of the others responded in turn, until it came to Adaine. She paused for a moment, knowing that they all did in fact have quite a lot of work to do. However, as she looked at Fabian she saw something in his eyes that convinced her to agree.
As they all climbed into the Hangvan, Adaine sat next to Fabian. She bumped his shoulder to get his attention.
“You good?” she asked with a kind smile.
“Yeah… yeah! I'm good.” he responded, in a not very convincing tone.
She nodded her head, “Alright.”
She had decided to let it rest for now, but Adaine was determined to figure out what was troubling her friend and to help him though it.
They all sat around a table at Basrar's, sipping milkshakes and eating ice-cream.
“Do you guys think Squeem will make it back here?” Kristen asked.
Fig responded, “I believe in him.”
Gorgug nodded along.
Riz pushed some papers towards Kristen and she picked them up to read with a sigh.
“Oh, is that for the campaign? How's it going?” Adaine inquired.
“Yeah, it's going great. I really think we have a shot at this.” Riz answered.
“We're going to destroy that Kippercopper Whatever-the-fuck.” Kristen said excitedly.
“Hell yes!” Fabian yelled.
The bad kids went on discussing life and school, but every now and then Adaine shifted her focus to Fabian. She just couldn't get the thought of that look in his eyes out of her head. It was lessened now, but it still worried her. She needed to know that he was alright.
Later, they were all sat around the TV in Mordred Manor. They'd picked out some fun, shitty horror movie to watch. The sun was setting by the time the credits rolled and Gorgug got out of his seat.
“I better be getting home.” He announced to the group, “Fabian, Riz, you two want a ride?"
“Yeah, sure.” Riz responded.
“Ehh, I don't need to go home right away.” Fabian said, leaning back in his seat on the sofa. “I think I'll stick around here a bit longer.”
Gorgug and Riz said goodbye and the others went back to chatting. After a while, Fig jumped out of her seat, announcing that she had just come up with an idea for a song. Without another word she ran off to her room.
About half an hour later, Kristen left as well to do her pre-bed workouts, leaving only Adaine and Fabian in the living room.
“I can leave if you want to go to bed soon.” Fabian said.
“No, no, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” Adaine responded, turning to face him on the sofa. “What's up with you?”
“You've been acting weird all week. You brushed me off when I asked about it earlier, but I know something’s wrong.”
“Adaine, I…”
“If you really don't want to talk about it that's fine, but I really just want to help you.”
Fabian sighed. “No, it's fine. It might actually be good to talk about it. So, you know how my Mama and Gilear went on holiday?"
“Well, I have no idea how to live on my own. I don't know how to cook, I don’t know how to clean my clothes… I don't know how to do anything.”
“Oh, you should’ve told us sooner, we can help you learn how to do all that stuff!”
Fabian lit up a little at this, but there was still something bothering him. “That's wonderful, thank you Adaine.” He said with some hesitation.
Adaine moved a little closer to him on the sofa. “There's still something wrong, what is it?”
“Well…” He sighed, “God this is pathetic.”
She put her hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. “No Fabian, it's not pathetic to ask for help. Please, tell me about it.”
He looked away from her, fidgeting with his hands. The feeling of her hand on his shoulder made him calmer, yet somehow more nervous at the same time.
“I don't think I want to live alone. Each night in that empty house makes me more and more miserable.”
“I see, well I’m sure Jawbone and Sandra Lynn would be more than happy for you to stay here. Tracker’s old room is free now, or I have a spare bed in my room if you’d prefer that.”
Relief flooded Fabian’s body as he felt as though a weight was lifted. Though, his heart still raced for some reason that he couldn't quite understand.
“Oh, Adaine, you’re far too kind.” He said, but then he took a moment to think. “I thought Aelwyn was staying in that bed.”
Fabian’s question caught Adaine off guard, now it was her who couldn't look at him. She removed her hand from his shoulder as she stared at her reflection in the blank TV.
“Uh, not anymore. She moved out before we got back.” She paused for a moment. “I wish I could have spent more time with her before that.”
Fabian wished he could help her the way she had helped him, but there was no easy solution to this problem. So, he tentatively put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug, in hopes to at least comfort her.
His touch was warm and soft, breaking through the brave face she had being trying to put on. She leaned into the hug, struggling to keep her composure.
“We save the world and I reconnect with my sister, only to have to go out and save the world again and not get to spend any time with her. And to top it all off, I'm going to need to get about 10 jobs just to pay for school supplies.” She started crying as she buried her face into his chest. “I feel like we never get a goddamn break.”
“Adaine.” He said softly as he hugged her tighter. “I'll pay for your school stuff if you want.”
She sobbed softly. “I don't want to burden you.”
“It's not a burden. I have plenty of money, why not use it for something good?”
She was silent for a few moments, thinking it through, before she responded quietly, “Thank you, Fabian.”
They sat there silently in each others’ embrace for about 10 minutes, until they both suddenly became rather aware of their current position. Adaine could feel Fabian's heart racing and her mind wandered back to a memory that it often did, a memory that she was always trying to forget.
It was about two years ago when they had fought at the Durinson Mithral Factory. Fabian was talking to the Hangman and he made a comment about her that she wasn't really supposed to hear, but she did.
"She is rather cute”
It shouldn't have stuck in her mind the way it did, they were just friends. When he started pursuing her sister she tried to completely shove any other possibilities out of her mind. Though, that was extremely difficult to do when so much of what he did still made her heart pound.
At the same time, Fabian was trying to push away similar thoughts. That's what he had always been trying to do, attempting to find distractions that could keep his mind off her. First with Aelwyn and now more recently with Ecaf. He could let himself get caught up in those toxic relationships to keep himself from the possibility of getting his feelings truly hurt by someone who actually mattered to him.
However, he couldn't stop the fact that every time he saw her cast a powerful spell he would get a little flustered. He couldn't deny the fact that so often when he was showing off it was in an attempt to impress her. He wished these things weren't true and that he could just see her the same way he saw the rest of his friends, but they were and he couldn't.
Neither of the two knew the other’s feelings and they were both so sure that their feelings could never be reciprocated.
Adaine pushed herself away from Fabian as she felt her face flushing. His heart sank as he felt the space grow between them, but a part of him was thankful for it. However, as she turned away from him, he noticed something that made him a little worried.
“Adaine, are you feeling alright? Your whole face is red. Should I go get someone to help?”
“N- no no, I'm fine, it's nothing.” She stammered.
She stood up and moved a few paces away from him. He followed behind her, but stayed a little back, not wanting to overwhelm her.
“Adaine, seriously, what's wrong?” He asked softly.
So many thoughts were rushing through her head as she desperately tried to figure out some way to brush this all off. Without thinking, she suddenly blurted out the loudest thing on her mind.
“Do you still think I'm pretty?”
Fabian just stood there in stunned silence, trying to figure out how to respond. As soon as Adaine realised what she had said she began to panic.
“Oh, no no no no no no no.”
She started walking away, not able to face him, not able to face the look of disgust that was surely on his face. But before she could, he gently grabbed her. As she stopped in her tracks, he turned her to look at him.
“Wait, Adaine, I… yes.”
As he looked into her eyes, Fabian knew that he couldn't run from it anymore. Still holding her hand in his, he gently placed his other hand on her cheek and took a deep breath.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked quietly.
Adaine’s heart pounded in her chest as she heard those words and nodded her head. It felt like nothing mattered outside of this moment with him.
He leaned forward and kissed her softly. It was different to any kiss he'd had before. Not as intense, but just as, if not more, passionate.
As he pulled away they both took a second to process what had just happened. They each felt like they had been freed from something that had been trapping them for a while now. However, Adaine was still slightly anxious.
“What will the others say?” She asked.
“That's an issue for tomorrow.” Fabian responded, leading her back towards the sofa. “Let's just enjoy this right now.”
As they sat back down, they kissed again, this time more sure of themselves. They held one another tightly. After a while, they fell asleep in each others' arms, nervous and excited for what this change in their relationship might bring.
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cookies-over-yonder · 4 months
cutting class
During class Riz's teacher sends him to see Jawbone, and he doesn't know why.
A most unexpected head pokes its way in the doorway, and Jawbone looks up from his desk to see Riz Gukgak finally paying a visit.
“Riz! Come on in, you can just shut the door behind you,” Jawbone says, getting up from his desk to sit in his chair across the couch.
“My teacher sent me here,” Riz says, following Jawbone’s instructions. “I’m not too sure why, I mean, it’s not like my grades will drop if I miss a few minutes of one class, but you never know, right? Maybe it was so you could help me work on my plans for the Bad Kids to all get into the same college, but I—I didn’t tell her about that, so no, that doesn’t make any sense. Did—did you know anything? Do you—did you…”
Riz takes a sip from his rather large water bottle, hand trembling as he drinks from it.
“Why don’t you have a seat, Riz?” Jawbone gestures to the couch across from him.
Riz puts his bottle back in his backpack and sits, hands balled into fists and pressed against his knees, and he’s wound so tight he’s shaking all over.
“You look a little tense, is everything alright?”
“Everything’s—” Riz swipes at the sweat on his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt, “Everything’s fine. Maybe I was sent here so you could help me work on Kristen’s campaign? I think I’ve got it handled though, so I’m not really sure why—”
“Take a breath.”
“What?” Riz asks, eyes no longer darting around the room, locked with Jawbone’s.
“Take a deep breath in right now for me.”
Riz does as followed, shutting his eyes.
“Now let it out nice and slow.”
He sighs, fingers uncurling a bit against his knees.
He opens his eyes.
“Do you know why I was sent here? Because whatever it is, I really need to get back to class.”
He pulls the bottle out again and takes another swig of whatever’s inside.
“Is that water?” Jawbone asks.
“It’s coffee.”
“Kid, you should not be drinking that much coffee,” Jawbone says, opening up a little cooler under his desk and tossing Riz a plastic bottle of water.
“Wha—how else am I gonna stay awake?” he asks, just barely catching it.
“How many hours of sleep do you usually get?”
“Mm..” Riz tilts his head in thought. “I’d say, usually somewhere between zero and three. I think two is my sweet spot, though.”
“I think your teacher might’a sent you here ‘cause they were worried ‘bout you.”
“What? I—I’ve got perfect scores on all of my tests, and I’ve never missed an assignment—I would never—”
“Not worried ‘bout your grades. Worried ‘bout you .”
“ Why? ” he asks, and Jawbone notices him squeezing the water bottle so hard he fears it might burst.
“Simple. You seem stressed, and I know what you’re about to say, like you said last time, some stress can be good, sure.”
“It is.”
“Too much stress isn’t.”
Riz hisses, baring his fangs and glaring daggers.
“I know you don’t like hearing it, but it’s true, alright? I’ve seen how many clubs you’ve signed up for in addition to your campaign managing and your regular coursework and it’s a lot, and it’s clearly weighing on you.”
“I’m staying on top of everything just fine, Jawbone.”
“What’d your teacher say when they sent you to see me?”
“Uh… ‘Riz, you don’t look so good,’ and then I told her I was, and then she asked if everything was okay, and I said it was, and then she said, ‘how about you go and see Jawbone,’ and I said, ‘I’m fine,’ and then she said, ‘don’t hiss at me, I’m your teacher, and I’m asking you to go see Jawbone for me,’ and then I apologized, and then I came here.”
“Mhm, okay.”
“Can I leave now?”
“How are things at home?”
“Is there a reason why you signed up for all these clubs?”
Jawbone wouldn’t expect Riz to try and avoid staying home for any reason in particular, but it doesn’t hurt to check.
“Looks good on applications. I—I’m not just gonna look past scholarship opportunities ‘cause it’s too much work. I can do all the work.” Riz squeezes the waterbottle harder.
Riz’s trembling is worse now, and Jawbone feels a little guilty in pushing so far, but at the same time, he’s still being fairly receptive, so it’s worth it to keep going.
“Is everything okay money-wise at home?” he asks, careful to keep his voice low and gentle.
Riz hisses again. “Do you really need to know all of this!?” he snaps, eyes wide and wild. “You’re a guidance counsellor, not some—some fucking interrogator!”
His claws pierce the bottle, and water shoots out of it, spraying at both of them. He throws it to the ground, and sucks in a breath, clawing at his hair.
“Riz, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m asking questions because I wanna help you.”
“You can’t.” he says, glaring again, but when they lock eyes, Jawbone can see tears welling up in his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he deflates, “Just—just—sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled. Sorry,” Riz stutters out between gasps.
“It’s okay, kid. I know you’re dealing with a lot, and I’m not judging you for it.”
“I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay,” Riz whispers, shaking his hands out before burying his head in them, though his rapid breathing betrays him.
“It’s okay if you’re not, too,” Jawbone says softly.
Riz shakes his head. “It's not. I—I have to keep up with everything so all of us can get into college together—” he gasps, “—I don’t have time for anything else—” he gasps, “—I don’t have time for breakdowns—” he presses his palms against his eyes, and it’s clear he’s holding back a sob when he says, “—I’m used to being anxious anyway. It’s nothing new.”
“Riz, you’re allowed to cry in here if you need to. It might even make you feel better.”
Riz draws his knees to his chest and buries his face in them, pressing his hands against the back of his head.
And he breaks down crying. Giving in to his needs and letting it all out.
“It’s so stupid!” he sobs, “Why should my education be barred behind a paywall? I usually only sleep a couple hours, but I think I’ve been riding on half an hour for three days. And it’s only nightmares, but that’s fine! It’s fine! I—I—I wake up and I can’t breathe, but I always get over it eventually, so it’s fine!”
The sobs die down, and they’re replaced by the sound of pained hyperventilation.
“Riz, hey, I need you to breathe, okay?”
Riz whines, “I can’t—fuck— fuck ! ”
He lifts his head from his knees and swipes at the sweat on his face, eyes shut and breathing strained.
“Riz, can you hear me? You’re having a panic attack.”
“I know,” he forces out, flapping his hands and then pulling at his hair.
“Okay, Riz, listen here, I want you to follow along with me, okay?”
Riz nods.
“Can you look at me?”
Riz opens his eyes and stares back at Jawbone in a complete contrast to his glares from earlier. He sees fear.
“I want you to try and breathe in with me for four seconds. I’m gonna count, alright?”
Riz nods again.
Jawbone counts, and Riz tries his best to take in a breath.
“Now hold it.”
He does.
“And let it out. Good. Now we’re gonna do that again, alright?”
They do it a few more times, and when Jawbone sees Riz’s shoulders relax a little, he asks, “You feeling any better?”
“Yeah, uh, sorry,” he glances away. “Sorry. About that.”
“No need to apologize about your brain making things harder for you.”
“Right,” he mutters, scratching at his arms and staring at the floor.
“Now, you said you knew what was going on. Does that happen to you often?” Jawbone asks, grabbing another bottle of water and handing it to him. This time he actually takes a sip.
“What, panic attacks?”
“Well, I mean, yeah? But it’s only like, well, it used to be a few times a week, but now it’s more like twice a day, since, uh, since the school year started, I guess? It’s not, like, that bad, though. Like, I’m fine.”
Riz shrinks into himself a little as he’s talking, his discomfort obvious.
“That sounds pretty bad, kid. Does your mom know?”
He shakes his head. “She’s got enough on her plate. Especially now.”
“It sounds like you’ve got some severe anxiety, kiddo. I might have to talk to your mom about getting you some treatment.”
“ No! ” Riz shouts, throwing his hands out in defence, “I can handle it, it’s fine, I don’t want to cause her even more stress—”
“Riz, deep breaths.”
Riz slows down his breathing once more, setting down his hands.
“Riz, you are worth the worry, you know that? We worry about you because we care about you. We don’t want you to be suffering when we can find a way to help, you got me?”
“Um… okay. I—I got you.”
“You wanna stay here for the rest of class?”
Riz glances at the clock and bites his lip.
“I’ll talk to your teacher, and we can both help you catch up on whatever you missed.”
“Okay. okay,” Riz says, tears sliding down his cheeks again.
“You’re free to lie down on the couch if you’d like, you could even nap, unless you wanted to keep chatting, that is.”
Riz shakes his head.
Jawbone smiles at him, gets up and sits back down at his desk. Riz drinks some more water and then lies down, and Jawbone is pleased to see that he’s out like a light after ten minutes. He grabs a blanket hung over the arm of the couch and drapes it over him, and then he sits back down, dialing Sklonda on the phone.
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strugglingatart · 4 months
Jr Year ep4
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don’t want to this will be long
I have wanted most if not all of Zac's and Murph's shirts this season
I still have issues with the multiclass system but also no school thing has made the most sense in universe
I believe you and that's why I'm not saying anything is SUCH a trouble friend mood
"what's the drinking age?" "you have murdered SO many people"
the whole Kalina/Cassandra/Kristen scene is so nerve wrecking and interesting and once again I can talk so much about this topic and I know I have critized Kristen's approach but that's bc honestly I do have issue w it despite understanding it but it does make for an interesting arc and with this conversation it does seem like she believes in this domain of faith on the unknown. I will at some point talk more about from the point of someone who also left a culty religious thing but was still expected to perform similarly once out of it but my thoughts are still not the most organized
that being said I do not trust kalina and i do love cassandra
when you're in the dark I'm there holding your hand why am i crying
not kvx still being a thing lmao so Brennan
oh I just love how complicated but absolutely Bill Seacaster is the whole trust thing, the money going to the nemesees, there being a whole department, honestly that's a department I'd work for it's basically spy and gossip stuff
but also poor Fabian having to go through all this head ache stuff alone
watch Caperslolly Cattlekrush not be a direct nemesis but someone from her party be yes Fabian get that service!
I too keep thinking it is rat ccrushers no t grinders and will absolutely get it wrong
the gorthlax art is PERFECT
my school nurse did not have sweat pants but ok murph(i also absolutely am not from the us idk why i keep pointing out diferences)
they each will have a foil in my head so why just one owlbear contender? also is riz in the bloodrush team?
grinding for xp is so much weirder and terrible imo in this context also should be less effective bc like lbr experience is important like thinking on your feet etc like yes they are probably equal level and Brenan will play them well but they should absolutely not be as good as the bad kids at actual adventuring
I love how they all are so agro tho bc I get it and love the energy and I would absolutely be that mad
xp isn't bad if you at least still DO INTERESTING STUFF TO GET IT
if brenan makes them like grinding i will become as agro as the bad kids so far lol
gorthlax gave great advice, that being said i do hope they get a lil bit petty and end annoying grinders
nooo Gorgug (cries) I really want him to do well
listen I am so emo about gorgu's storyline like it's just no thoughts just feels and all of them
listen i don't do character builds but it does not sound to me like artificer and barbarian are THAT ill fitted, like yes the require different focus levels and types but they are also USED in different moments, nothing is stopping Gorgug from using his down time to come up with gadgets that work WITH his strenght and dex and rage and then use reckless abandon in battles. I think even th solar lasso is very much an example of that because it uses his strenghts, he's realing it in with atheltics checks iirc or how his shoes have jump like yes absolutely a challenge and not the most obvious but people are acting like it's impossible when it absolutely isn't
we love Corsica Jones
Riz helping Kristen <3
Brenan is absolutely having so much fun with Ayada's messages
Listen Fig does not need to go to warlock classes, no one in the school knows she is a warlock just do bard and barbarian and help your friend
also i get that procrastination girl
Please I want Fig and Gorgug to work on a song together and for us to get that scene so bad
Aelwynn is a whole entire mood
well that answers me: riz is not on bloodrush
wouldn't detect magic tell riz what enhancements she has? cause otherwise it's nnot THAT useful for spies (which is reason #1 the gadget exists)
oh brennan REALLY made people we will all hate
Yes Bucky I adore him
someone please go home with Fabian
ohhh Brennan put extra stakes at Fig just quitting/failling auegfort since she technically doesn't need it
oh warlock classes are night classes, kinda love that for Fig and also good for her being good at it
also looove the talk about exchanges and that
FIg could make an album out of pressure and expextations that woul be rad as hell
RAGH we love him
LISTEN Ragh should be like party guy, he was absolutely popular and is older and it takes stuff away from the bad kids to do
oh Fabian goes into it immediately we stan
Listen Ally is MASTER of weird ass energies and I love them for it
they truly are such dorks and somehow cool at the same time
I cannot tell if they don't know milkyriver's name or if they are benedict cumberbunching it and I love that
literally everything kalina says is so threatening
also the bad kids should count as followers of cassandra like they are not clerics sure but they ablsolutely belive in her... do only clerics/paladins count?
oh the shard and red thing that was in one of the arts
oh I REALLY thought they were gonna split party this
I do hope the party still goes well
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bardy-boy · 1 year
Who Is Who Within The Mystery Gang and Bad Kids Mash Up?
Disclaimer: none of these mash ups are identical. These are just the closer comparisons that I believe to be correct. And yes, for an even number I had to include Scrappy. I love the person that I paired with Scrappy so there’s no hate to that character. Also, I realize that the intrepid hero’s have many characters. I chose the bad kids because they are the most like the mystery gang, not because I don’t like other seasons. I love other seasons. Now hear me out, gang.
Fred is Riz. This probably has to do with the autistic boy swag I get from both of them. They both are so passionate about mystery solving and charismatic, although not always great with people. Though neither of them are natural born leaders they manage to keep the group with a focus on mystery because these dudes really truly love mystery. They’re passionate and cute and terrible at reading social cues. While neither of them are necessarily prone to romance, they are filled with love. Their friends are one of the most important things in their life and they have a complete dedication to them.
Daphne is Fabian. Both of these two come from a rich and privileged life style. They’re not super accustomed to norms and can sometimes struggle with understanding their privilege. That being said, they are protective, caring, and willing to learn. Both of their love languages is gift giving which is great coming from someone with such amazing fashion sense. They can be easy to over look, but in reality they are so kick ass. Either of them could easily kill a man and look hot while doing it. They are more than just looks and money, they are fiercely loyal and insanely active!
Velma is Adaine. This is something we can all agree on. They’re the smarts, yes, but they’re also soft and nervous. Each have a need to be perfect, to strive for the best. And as nice as they are, you do not want to get on their bad side. There is a deep buried rage in there. They both love their friends, but also enjoy time to be alone and recuperate. With all the chaos of a big group it’s okay to need moments to calm yourself. This is very different from loneliness which (I think) both have a deep fear of. Without these group members, the rest of the group would fall way off track. Sometimes taking your time and slowly solving the puzzle is the best move. Velma and Adaine already know that.
Shaggy is Gorgug. This lanky loser can fit so much love inside of them. They are both very low key and chill on the outside. Neither of them are great at expressing their feelings (albeit in different ways) but they know just how to comfort someone when they are down. Maybe neither of them are the brightest in the bunch, probably because all that metal music they listen to at full volume blew out some brain cells. Also, each of these dudes are so awkward when it comes to romance, but that never stops them from trying. These dudes are a glue in the friendship. You just can’t find anyone who dislikes them.
Scooby is Kristen. I know this one is weird, but hear me out. This clumsy idiot would die (and in both cases (if you know where to look) has died) for their friends. Each one is always down for a joke and uses humor to cope with bad situation. And, out of the group, talks the most about food. Even though both of these characters don’t come from great situations (in the majority of Scooby media, Scooby was a misunderstood stray before the gang) they go through life happily and with love. They choose worship as a form of love (food vs a deity) and are both attracted to dogs. THE lovable goofball.
Scrappy is Fig. I know this is going to be controversial, especially since I hate Scrappy and love Fig, but when I’m right I’m right. The sheer amount of confidence and chaos displayed within these characters make no sense, but you love to see it. They get the rest of the gang in so much trouble. As naïveté as both of these guys are they do it to protect their friends (and show off a little bit). Although there has been a change of writing for the mystery gang, the original group loved and was dedicated to scrappy no matter what. Yes, they make mistakes but both of them look up too and honor their friends so much. They love a good joke and to encourage others to put themselves out there. Maybe they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but fuck everyone else. Those who like you are the only people you should care about. Also they both love the word fuck.
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authortobenamedlater · 2 months
Okay, I finally worked my way here.
For the '100 ways to say I love you' prompts.
17 for Tom and Chyler
23 for John and Cortana
24 for Riz and Vannak!
And I can finally answer! At least one. Will do the rest in reblogs.
Shoehorned this into an idea I’ve had for a few months. One of the few MWAS ideas that did not come from real life, though we do have a Roomba.
17. “Watch your step.”
Chyler woke up to an empty bed and a light on in the kitchen.
Tom must be back. Chyler stood up and exited the bedroom, carefully dodging the robovac. “Tom?”
“In here,” Tom called from the tiny kitchen.
“Hey.” Chyler greeted her still-uniformed husband with a hug from behind.
“Hi,” Tom said in between bites of cheese. “Sorry I’m so late.”
Chyler flattened her cheek against his back. “Well, you’re going for the cheese, not the whiskey, so it couldn’t have been that bad.”
Tom humphed. “Wasn’t bad, just long.” He turned around to return Chyler’s hug.
The robovac trundled into the kitchen and bumped against a cabinet twice before continuing its lap around the room’s perimeter.
“I ever tell you how much those creep me out?” Tom asked as the vacuum crossed into the living area.
“Oh, please,” Chyler sighed.
“I’m telling you, it’s spying on us.”
“You know those things have been around for centuries.”
“Centuries of data collection,” Tom said conspiratorially.
“With which they have done absolutely nothing,” Chyler countered. “Not very good spies.”
The vacuum rolled along the edge of the couch.
“That’s what they want us to think,” Tom said.
“Do you want to vacuum your own rug?” Chyler asked pointedly.
“Not really.”
Chyler laughed and stood on tiptoe to kiss her husband’s cheek. “Well, if the robovac is a spy maybe we should go where it can’t see us.”
“Hm, good idea,” Tom yawned. “You go ahead. Let me put all this away.”
“Tom Lasky, putting things away?” Chyler asked with mock astonishment.
“Quiet,” Tom grumbled, but he was smiling.
Chyler smiled back and headed to the bedroom. She grabbed her compad on the way to the bed and started to look for new messages before thinking better of it. Roland would alert her and Tom to something urgent. Everything else could wait—
A thud and holler from the living area interrupted Chyler’s train of thought.
“Tom!” Chyler leapt off the bed and threw the door open. Tom was sprawled on the floor clutching his right foot, the Robovac slinking away like a kid trying to avoid Mom and Dad’s wrath.
“Watch your step!” Chyler exclaimed unthinkingly.
“A little late for that, don’t you think?” Tom gritted.
“What happened?!”
“What’s it look like happened?” Tom groaned.
“Is it broken?” Chyler bent over and tried to examine Tom’s foot.
“How should I know?” Tom dropped his head onto the floor. “Ah, hurts like a you-know-what.”
“I’ll, uh,” Chyler bit her lip. “I’ll pick you up.”
“I don’t think that’s happening, babe,” Tom said between hisses.
“I’ll call medical.” Chyler started back to the room for her compad.
“No need, Commander Silva.” Roland’s voice broke into the chaos. “I’ve already summoned medical attention. ETA five minutes.”
“Good.” Chyler nodded at the ceiling.
The robovac began dutifully edging around Tom’s side.
“Roland, turn this damn thing off!” Tom snapped.
“Right away, Captain.”
Chyler watched the vacuum return to its stand, then looked back to Tom. “How’s the—”
The vacuum began emptying its bin.
“How’s the foot?” Chyler asked once the noise subsided.
Tom lifted his head to glare at the robovac. “Told you that thing was bad news,” he panted.
The machine emitted a beep, almost as if in protest.
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adaines-furious-feast · 2 months
I have a Fantasy High OC that I think about a lot. Not as much as my Crown of Candy one, but a lot, and I thought I would share, undercut. 
Tiffany Rosestride, of the Rosestrides, the halfling bard family. If there is a halfling backing dancer, singer, musician, actor, they are part of Tiffany’s very large family. 
She has two older sisters and a younger brother and they are all in the arts. If there was a TLC channel in Elmville, this family would be on it. Tiffany’s mother is a dance mom and deeply, deeply disappointed that Tiff has precisely zero artistic talent. It’s embarrassing really.  
Her mother has kind of moved on from this disappointment. She’s really quite busy taking her other children to auditions and rehearsals ect. Tiffany spends a year at Mumple, doing Mumple stuff. Her mother kind of hopes it will give her some business sense so she can at least be a manager. 
But shortly before the summer of her freshman year, she develops magic. Tiffany is now a sorcerer and has no idea what to do about that. She’s enrolled at Augefort for the following year, so she has to retake freshman year but oh boy is it so different than her year at Mumple. She kind of hopes she can figure out why she has magic now, or at the very least how to control her magic. 
She gets detention on the first day by accidentally using grease to cause Goldenhoard to fall while he’s chasing after Riz.  
After the corn cuties fight, when the parents come to pick her up, her mother is the last to arrive because her brother had a call-back for some commercial and she didn’t want to leave him alone. They spend most of the ride home talking about that audition. 
Mrs Rosestride – her husband is on tour, so she’s kind of single-parenting this – is very excited to learn that Tiff is in a party with a bard, and she hopes it will rub off on her. The bard-ness doesn’t. The rebellion does. 
The Rosestrides must always look like stereotypical halflings. That’s the niche that has made their family famous and Tiff cannot let the family down. It’s all long curly hair, green and yellow dresses. The only thing not stereotypical are the heavy boots she wears because there are some *weird* fans that are obsessed with halfling feet and that’s something the family does not want getting out. If it’s not part of a performance, the boots need to be on. 
Tiff cuts her hair short and swaps the heavy boots for a pair of sneakers. She’s not ready to go complete barefoot just yet but wants something more comfortable. When her mother freaks out at the reveal at Solstice, the Thistlesprings step in (they are neighbours after all, and have been giving Tiff rides home from school).  
We see Tiffany’s mother actually realize what she’s done and try to turn things around/be there for her more.  
After the Sisterly Showdown, we find out she had a letter *the whole time* that her mother had put away and just forgotten about. The whole campaign there had been hints of shadowy figures watching the Bad Kids, and they assumed it was part of the Harvestmen, but they continue after the cult is busted. They’re actually members of the Order of Hospitaller, a group of spell casters committed to being a voice for the inn keepers and Mumple-People of the world, to hold adventurers somewhat accountable and stop them just going and looting a poor guy’s shop because they want to. And they’ve been waiting for her response about whether she will take up her oath this whole time. Tiffany immediately accepts. She’s been trying to be like “hey, why don’t we stop making fun of Mumple people” this whole time and is fully onboard with this. 
When they’re in prison, her mom contacts a lawyer but he’s an entertainment lawyer and really not very useful. Tiff does go and help her family though, and her little brother decides he doesn’t want to go to the special elite bard high school that their other two sisters go to, but wants to help people.  
Anyway, Prom goes down. And they all live happily ever after for nine months until spring break. 
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aranarumei · 5 months
okay watched ep 2 of fhjy and as anyone might imagine I've got thoughts. under the cut.
lots of fun things this episode! haven't watched the AP yet btw. i'm mostly writing these down myself so I'll go character-by-character, but some overall stuff about the episode:
whatever episode one was doing really paid off here. by itself, the full episode of battle, apart from being excited by all the new intros, was a bit frustrating especially since I wasn't sure how they were actually going to be able to reel the night yorb in, but they did it in this one! with lots of time left over for other stuff.
and with both episodes out, (as i suspected) that really frustrating feeling from episode 1 carries a lot more meaning--brennan making everyone fight those minions was perfect icing on the cake. as well as all those personal troubles at the end. but that gets into character stuff, so:
riz gukgak is one of my favorite characters in the universe. when i watched fhsy baron happened and i obsessively took notes the whole season bc i was like. riz is aroace and i can prove it. as you can imagine i nearly died when my green heaven released
anyways, pretty much everything riz has done has been so, so, on brand for what I'd think he'd do, so that's great--i feel like I haven't gone wrong in understanding him, which is cool
one of the big things that seems like we'll be getting this season is riz's attachment to his friends, by which i mean he feels like he can't hang out with them unless there's a job to be done. he's got this bit in the boys' night extra where riz says "it's usually like we kind of have this whole group dynamic where all of us come together and we solve these problems together. and when I don’t have a problem to solve, I don’t know what to do with myself." which is pretty much exactly what's going on here. as brennan phrases it, riz has basically just told his mother "I have a pretty a hard time connecting to my dearest friends whose lives I've saved many times unless there's a problem, so I can feel useful."
and this like... deep sense of anxiety around being alone, that's kind of a really deep part of riz's character, right? penny luckstone was his babysitter--closest thing he had to a friend. riz cares a lot about the case, but he probably also cared about the only connection he really had. and now the bad kids are his connections. he wants to be with them, like, forever, and half of his worries about all those romantic entanglements is that everyone is going to prioritize themselves and their romantic partners above him, and since he doesn't... want that kind of thing, where does that leave him? alone? forever? with no place to belong? he's already one of the only goblins we ever see in the whole time we've been in the land of spyre.
and I think what's really heartbreaking about this, at least to me, is that riz so clearly and obviously loves and adores his friends. he doesn't have a problem expressing his love! and I don't think he really even doubts that his friends love him, too. it's just that. i don't think he can deal with the possibility of being without them. and he doesn't know if the fact that they like each other is enough to keep them together. but hey, world-saving does.
sklonda was so good this episode, too. was particularly affected by when she told riz "you do everything for other people, and I want to make sure that you don't get your heart broken" because it's just... yeah. also that's such a real struggle money-wise with college in particular... I really kind of hoped we could maybe help sklonda out with her case, but, it is her job, after all. see where riz gets his board from haha. but seriously, she's just... such a good mother. every time the gukgaks interact it's so warm to me because riz and sklonda just... so obviously care for each other, so carefully. like. not a single bit of resentment or frustration coming from riz once sklonda tells him he might need some to put some extra pressure on himself, and it's partially being fine with pressure, partially not acknowledging his problems, and partially that he's just a good kid and knows his mother's doing the best for him. so he'll do that for her, too.
who bets that riz will not talk about any sad feelings in front of his friends this season!!! anyways that was so goddamned long, because I'm crazy about riz. the rest will be way quicker
anyways no one except ME is reading this. haha.
so, I'm fully convinced that gilear and fig swapped lucks. the sour, curdling feeling? very gilear yogurt. also the kicker was icing on her shirt. real yogurt moment there. and with all these kisses of fortune gilear's getting, I'm convinced that's what's happened for fig. very interested to see how that messes with her coolness
I'm also really interested in fig actually taking bard classes. i do have to wonder how it might go... I know emily like, does music, so I wonder if any of her knowledge there might come in handy
also very interested in seeing how any of the aguefort quangle stuff is gonna mess with things this season! even the little bit of ayda we saw was so good.
so, like, obviously, cassandra's not doing so hot, because they've only got two followers. i think it's really interesting how non-pressuring they are towards kristen because like. for all the pestering they don't actually seem to outright mention that they aren't doing so great
also kristen seems in a pretty bad place this semester, but I'm hoping that the stark reality of expulsion is actually going to make her think about like, getting her life together. i'm really interested to see where it'll go because like. i dunno. i'm not much of an evangelizer myself.
more than tracker being away, it must sting additionally that like, apart from being in a possible breaking up state, tracker, right now, is being the like, perfect cleric. like she is reforming and adding nuance to her faith and stuff in a really really big way!! which is the kind of achievements kristen should be doing. but you know. they're world saving and things are... they're pretty tiring. (must've been nice talking about the moon goddess during eternal night, i bet)
ragh is also back and i'm so glad bc i love ragh. also 100% that red crystal lydia barkrock's been dealing with is gonna be relevant. i really hope that he has somewhat of a presence this season because like, he was around in fhsy, but ragh's like... idk, he's cool, and I feel like he's rich enough in character that he's got places to go?
loved the little aelwyn mention. that nemesis abjuration is such a deeply aelwyn way of looking out for her sister
i am really excited to see adaine trying to get a job, personally. and i do hope we get to see more of zayn darkshadow bc he's just a really chill and nice minor npc in my opinion
i love fabian's parents as equally as i hate them, and this scene exemplified it. they like... give him things, and look after him, but they're not really... supportive, are they? in an emotional way. no time to talk, and he's 18 now, so they're totally fine leaving him alone for months. they can be the cool parents that let him throw awesome parties. and hallariel saying it's a great thing to be his father's son... I don't know, bill seacaster's like, kind of a shithead?
so that'll be interesting. and he wanted to go to dance camp...! i hope he really does get to explore that passion more during the school year. truthfully i have to wonder how his grades are... riz and adaine are doing great, fig and kristen are doing terribly, gorgug is probably not the greatest considering his rage, but fabian? I'd be interested in knowing what's up with that
also they don't directly answer whether they're taking all the staff iirc, but judging by how hallariel mentions that food is just set up with an account, it may be that he can't even like, talk to cathilda or anything. which sucks!! it really does suck.
in some ways, zelda and gorgug breaking up was a little anticipated. still, it does suck. but it's not like he really had the time for anything
i wonder how this interacts with the timeline of the seven: that's in her junior year and sam seems to still refer to gorgug as zelda's boyfriend, and stuff, so I wonder if it's a retcon or I've got the timeline wrong or that I haven't quite finished actually watching the seven. anything could be fine--personally I think gorgug and zelda work really well as solo characters, so like, who knows
edit: in the AP brennan said zelda graduated so the events of the seven have likely already happened... that does bring up the question of why things dont line up but like. i can handwave time shenanigans in my head. especially with the quangle.
could be kinda fun if gorgug and ragh bonded a bit more this season.
thistlesprings are great parents, of course. love that they offered to fix the hangvan, or work on it together, and I'm really hoping their supportive energy is gonna help gorgug out this year. i have to wonder if there's gonna be any strangeness with gorgug meeting any of the thistlespring extended family, now that they're hosting this festival
speaking of this festival, it's the same one that sklonda's working a case related to!! i want to get my claws into this mystery so bad
ok that's about everything. gonna watch the AP now! my final thoughts... it's so frustrating that these bad kids have saved the world multiple times over and done so many things, and it's not like... enough, not even close. but that's a very real thing I felt during junior year of high school and that I'm sure many people felt--that I'd spent all this time developing myself as a person and becoming better and doing some pretty interesting stuff, in my opinion, but when I put it all out on like a resume or a college application or whatever, it looked like nothing. even though it was absolutely meaningful and important, it was nothing.
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pumpkins-and-penguins · 5 months
how i think the rest of the bad kids should reclass
nobody asked for it but idc here is how i think every one of them should change their subclass or just multiclass entirely. obviously i don't think they should all do this at once because that would cause problems. but riz becoming an arcane trickster inspired me.
adaine: fighter multiclass
because she just keeps fucking killing people with brute force. specifically i would love if she took a few levels of it because once you’re a third level psi warrior you can do telekinesis. also you can put up a protective field to limit damage to yourself or someone within 30 feet and that feels like such an adaine thing to do. siobhan please hear me out.
fabian: college of glamour
i mainly just really want to see fabian using enthralling performance to charm everyone with his dancing. i feel like he would use it in the middle of a bloodrush game.
fig: just let her be a barbarian (or college of swords)
okay so im biased bc i don’t really like warlock as a class but also. she already has learned so much because barbarian classes are the only ones she goes to. and more importantly think about fig being able to go into a rage. game changer. i’m aware her strength ability score is too low for this to be physically possible but imagine it. i'll also settle for college of swords i just need to see my girl FIGHT.
gorgug: path of wild magic
ayda says he’s the greatest wizard of the age and i think it’s because he has latent magical potential. also it would add to the whole “breaks the bed from going into a rage in the middle of the night” thing if him going to a rage also made some magic shit happen
kristen: nature domain
look i know the subclass change into twilight domain was recent and tbh i agree with it but also i think kristen at some point in her coming out journey would get really into cottagecore aesthetics. i will also accept trickery domain because of how ally mentioned this season will be her dealing with the unpleasantness of chaos. just in general i can totally see her changing her subclass after the inevitable trackerbees breakup because it reminds her too much of her ex.
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unsleepingtales · 5 months
Fhjy e2 reactions this episode is batshit and I love them but also I’m so sad
I’ll be so real gang I am stressed and have been in a downwards thought spiral so we’ll see how this goes yeah?
I love Adaine making her mage hand look like Riz’s ringed hand that’s so fun and lovely
Also the mage hand mini is so cool
Don’t patronize me, it’s bad 😔
Goddamn they’re good
Would you be interested in healing us?? Spare healing o cleric??
I love that they could heal the hangvan
The night yorb’s art is SO cute I need a plushie of it. I’m gonna just buy galaxy patterned fleece and make one.
It feels like a stretch???
It’s gonna bite!
I just thought if I acted excited it would be good
Naur 💀
Armor of ayda!!!
Go sit on a whisky bottle you punk bitch !
Duggan and Balthazar definitely explored each others bodies we’re all agreed on this right. In my mind they had something like the cowboy and the roman soldier from night at the museum had.
“This is hot” Emily I agreeeee
Perfect example of gambler’s fallacy but y’know what this did just reinforce it
Nothing I can do! Brennan. Brennan come on.
That’s a feat I took in LIFE
They THREW that that die TRAVELLED
“You know I’m always rooting for you”
No more probability smashing ok murph?
Y’know what for being fully run over by a van? 22 points of damage is not bad.
Was last episode really only two rounds of combat
He is So defeated
I’m hurting 😡
ALSO the portal is so cool. This battle set is amazing.
The blood on the windshield I can’t
Can she resummon Baby?? Has he died before I can’t remember?
“From when you ran me over” as if Fabian is not Solely responsible for the choices he’s made. Riz didn’t intentionally run you over babe you fell out of the van.
This is. Not great!
What hell!
Oh nooooo
Cmon Murph please
Oh god
Oh my god you are about to kill your healer
She had 23!!
Aaaaaaaaa oh god
:( I feel bad for the cute manta ray
Ally’s gonna sue you if they hit you
With my wizarding powers and my absolutely fucked van ! Gorgug thistlespring the man that you are
Ok yeah that makes sense that was on the bingo
Ok so the van now holds the night yorb sealed in its roof and an angel in the engine. Fantastic.
That mural is beautiful
They’re so exhausted guys. School starts tomorrow.
(What an episode to air the week I go back to class and have Such A Bad Time Guys)
Don’t menace me!
It means something to me emotionally. Gorgug Car Guy Thistlespring <3
You wanted to do a bit so now we’re doing a bit. Suffer for your bit.
Does the back door of the van mini open?? Bc that’s sick
Ooooh Ally has custom spell cards with the d20 logo on them. Those are neat
He’s gonna stab these guys but it’s not with any of the normal zeal 😔
Just to try and feel something
Why do you guys careee you’re bugssss
Zac oh god
‘Guys I think Fig’s getting hit with the ballista right now’
She doesn’t even cutting words she just takes it 😭😭
It’s that era, The Ball 😭😭
Oh my fucking god
The noises of defeat they’re all making
I want an ice cream. Like the old days.
Just like that ART oh I’m gonna reblog that art of them at basrar’s so bloody after a fight
I love them. I missed the bad kids guys.
I think we’ve gotta go to sleep.
Love an aso callback
Love wins 💅
We’re done doing this!!
What kind of BULLSHIT
God this is so unhinged
No bonus action healing or anything Kristen?
So tactical. So late. So dead.
The slowest and saddest three point turn
The least enthusiastic stab
You didn’t! Have! To do it! You could! Have had! Ice cream! I! Want! To go! Home!!!
That Turncoat 😢
This is so fucking sad.
What the fuck man
I don’t know why anything happened. Why did any of that happened.
The shard of the day yorb
Fig why would you ask that.
Riz desperately trying to keep the group together is so heartbreaking
The fucking dry guys
Gotta stay awake in the dome motherfuckers
Oh my GOD
They’re gonna cry man
Dome art!
Brennan what are you about to do
Daisy Cubby!!!!
Fig. What.
I’M gonna cry.
Everyone’s gonna cry.
Is it fun man. Is it really.
It says fuck you zac ☺️ in beautiful writing!
Emily Axford the woman you are……….
What the fuck is happening right now.
Oh god oh no
This is so horrifying
Kristen. Kristen No.
I love the map!
Oh god.
Oh the Hallariel art is FANTASTIC
Are they going on their honeymoon. I have paused the episode to write this are hallariel and Gilear going on a honeymoon did they get married and not invite their kids because they were saving the world I’m gonna be so pissed
Oh the Gilear art is cursed
Okay they’re going on a cruise.
Gilear’s voice has dropped
Oh SHIT okay so I wasn’t that far off
This is just. So fucking sad. I know that it’s gonna get happier because it’s fantasy high but right now this is so fucking sad
They’re newlyweds??? So they did fucking get married?????
Leaving for MONTHS after your only child gets back from saving the world and you got married to one of his best friends’ dad without your child or your new spouse’s child there is so horrible oh my god. I am real life mad about this.
Ok interesting things happening with Gilear and luck. Is Gilear not gonna go see Fig at Mordred before he leaves for a year???
Guys there is still almost an hour left in this episode is it all gonna be this fucking sad
Oh my god he inherited the singing barrel pirates
Good for them being unionized
She’s got her own boarddddd
I love her
God they’re powerful this season
Oh thank god a loving mother.
It was… ssso tactical
That summer before junior year growth spurt/style shift combo is so real
Oh shit. The single mother struggling to pay for college storyline is gonna fuck me up monumentally I think. Fuck.
Scholarships are gonna be really important 🥲 line taken from my real life
Setting up a board is to riz gukgak what a spreadsheet is to me. I am him he is me.
Please god I need the thistlesprings to not make me sad
They’re so cute!!!!
Zac looks fucking near tears
Oh god any time Brennan’s face gets a little more serious and the music kicks in my heart just sinks
That does not make any sort of sense
Staying tight with your ex’s parents is also so real lmaooo
He had a toothbrush at her house??????
The bad girls are so important to me
They’re aaaall crying
And Ragh and Lydia!! Yay!!
Brb printing out the new Sandra Lynn art to hang on my wall
They’re so tired guys
Squeem is alive? Ok
Jawbone man.
Oh god. Literally.
Sobbing this is literally the high school mentality
Guys. Guys.
It’s a real crapshoot for me finishing things. Yep.
Babe that is not a measurement of classes.
Yes that is a thing you can do. You can take time off for extreme circumstances.
LOVE the Aguefort art. Slay.
Also love that the way Brennan gets into the Aguefort voice is to do the peace hands
He’s going on vacation with ayda?????
Ayda looks great
Oh God No
How could this possibly go wrong?
What is the quangle and why is it going to cause so many problems
Oh nooooooo
That’s so fucking sad christ alive
Oh god
“Does nobody respect the fact that it takes time to save the world” feels like the thesis of the season
Trackerbees breakup about to be confirmed??
Look at my best friend in the whole wide world and his pet rat. He’s so fucking pretty.
Aelwyn moved out??
Oh that’s lovely actually
Oh aelwyn looks GOOD.
And she’s got cats and is teaching middle school??? Good for herrrr
Awww that’s sweet
Oh right somehow I completely forgot that Fig did a fucked up devil deal
Oh god fig’s spilling on her shirt. Did she somehow swap fates with Gilear or something.
Sandra lynnnnnnnn
That is a good way to think about classes :)
Sometimes you really do just have to give Nothing constructive in an improv scene sometimes it’s better
Trackerbees breakup confirmed. Tracker’s doing great.
Still interested in the retcon or whatever happened with Tracker originally being a cleric of Lida and then switching to Galicea
Cassandra I’m sorry you and Kristen are both struggling so much
Oh Whatttt no
If Cassandra dies and goes to the astral plane I will be so sad.
Holy SHIT guys.
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ezrisdax-archive · 2 years
fantasy high time loop. starstuck odyssey timeloop. LEVERAGE TIME LOOP
send me a fandom and I'll tell you how I'd do a time loop episode
God I’m trying to imagine the absolute chaos that would come from Brennan getting to do a time loop. Probably would take first place in the time loop list but okay, for this it’s just about the chaos.
Fantasy high
I mean it’s the bad kids, it’s always about the chaos but you know any one of them stuck in the loop would immediately do something stupid and get it reset. I also don’t think it would be possible to just do one kid stuck in a loop given the format so you would have to have all six. Adaine and Riz would be taking notes and seriously trying to break it while also Adaine would probably do things like call the others elves out and be like “this is your oracle speaking, shut up”. Riz would get distracted and use the time to also solve a mystery that’s been bugging him or something while also getting so anxious about the loop because what if it does have an end and that end is the end of the world.
Fabian, Kirsten, Fig, and Gorgug are more just going with the flow. Like Gorgug would either be helping Adaine and Riz or using the time to get to know his dad more. Fig would be making new songs and testing them out and also taking advantage of the time to take Ayda places except I could see her getting frustrated in partway because Ayda doesn’t remember the dates from before since she’s not in the loop. Kirsten is out there trolling as many people as she can and def pretends at some point cause she can tell what they’re about to say that she’s the new elven oracle which Adaine ??? “you’re not even an elf but also okay, please take my job.” Fabian is unraveling the patriarchy within himself still and also just using the time like it’s a vacation (“Oh my god, Fabian, this isn’t a vacation, we can die from this.” “We’ll just reset Riz, relax”)
Starstruck Odyssey
Even more fucking chaos. No one knows how to fix it. At one point they accidentally blow up the whole universe. Margaret has a breakdown because her calendar function is made useless on her planner until she decides that this is fine actually and calls Lucienne every loop. Skip once takes over Aurora Nebbins body for ?? reasons. Sidney keeps starting a robot revolution. Barry somehow never realizes it’s a loop. Riva knows it’s a loop but doesn’t see it as a problem. Gunthrie uses this to make bets and get a big cash sell out cause the ball is rolling up.
Does it get fixed? Maybe. We just don’t know.
100% it’s Eliot stuck in the loop and he blames Hardison. Hardison automatically believes Eliot is in a loop every time and is god damn delighted. He keeps asking which type of loop it is and making Eliot watch various episodes of things to get comparisons.
One loop has Eliot perfectly plan out the con they need to do on the bad guy they were working on and Nate believes it’s a loop after that happens but of course it resets.
Sophie thinks it’s the universe telling Eliot he needs to work on something in his life. (“Have you tried acting? With your eyes you’d make a very….intense version of Puck in a Midsummer Night’s Dream.” “Hardison fix this.” “Eliot where are you going?”) She’s also the one he goes to when he needs to complain about the loop though every time.
Parker’s response is “This doesn’t happen to everyone? Hunh.” And then walking away. Eliot doesn’t want to know.
He also proves that Hardison ate his damn sandwich.
“You owe me Hardison so fix this.” “Damn, I’m not a physics major, you’re the one who’s in this. You know what might help?” “I’m not watching the TNG episode again, dammit Hardison.”
The loop just breaks at some point. Eliot isn’t convinced it wasn’t Parker’s doing now.
He still blames Hardison.
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bardicbird · 2 years
original bad kids gender hcs
- kristin: i think sometime along the line of high school she gets into the part of lesbianism where oftentimes you really feel this Disconnect from femininity. and this makes her a little confused. but she loves doing research on queer labels and such so i think she eventually settles on nonbinary or maybe demigirl ! i think once she had figured that out she’d use she/they pronouns :]
- adaine: idk i think adaine is definitely queer but she comes off as more cis to me. she likes learning about that stuff tho so she can be a better ally to her friends :] i think maybe at some point in her life she might experiment a little with gender expression. get some botched femininity going. idk. 
- gorgug: i think gorgug is simply existing. i don’t think he’s ever given any deep thought into gender and is just kind of like :] yeah whatever works sure. his parents probably taught him about some of that stuff bc they seem like the types to do that . i think gorgug just went oh thats nice okay and kept going. i think he primarily uses he/him bc it’s what he’s most used to but also i think he’d be cool with any pronouns !
- fabian: look. i don’t have much reasoning for this one. i really want to say he’s cis bc that makes the most sense story wise but also this boy just SCREAMS trans for some reason???? so yeah. he’s trans. its why he kind of cared so much about seeming impressive and masculine, and a small part of why he tries to follow in his dads footsteps as much as he can. i think his dad was very supportive in a really weird way where he was like “AYE I KNEW A BABY WITH GRIP THAT STRONG HAD TO BE A STRAPPING LITTLE LAD. AW YER TAKIN AFTER YER OLD DAD ARENT YA IM SO PROUD OF YOU” or something akin to that. i think he has also probably already had top surgery which. would be VERY young in our world but i dont think bill gives a shit and could totally pay someone enough to do that. also surgery is probably safer and maybe even reversible in their magic world so ! 
- riz: honestly i think he’s pretty similar to gorgug except the first time he actually tried to think about it he got super worked up over it and ended up making a whole board trying to connect things together to make sense of his own identity and then after like. hours of hyperfixating on it he was just like “im so tired. i need to not do this anymore.” and went to sleep and never tried touching the subject again. pronoun wise i think he’d be cool with primarily he prounouns but also like? a they every once and a while to spice things up. maybe some neopronouns that just sound nice to him? (i can’t think of any specifically rn if anyone else has opinions on this i’d love to hear your thoughts :])
- fig: she doesnt give a fuck babeyyy. one of those “genders not real so i get to do whatever the fuck i want with it” people. i think that comes out a lot mostly via gender expression more than actual labels? fig is just vibing. i think pronouns would probably be something along the lines of she/he/hy/ze. maybe sometimes fig just wants to go by no pronouns and just goes by her name. it depends !
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fallinel · 3 years
Been writing down all my Riz headcanons as I come up with them so I don't forget and absolutely nobody asked for this but I'm slamming that publish button anyway
He is very popular online after livestreaming the Nightmare King fight, but is so terminally Not Online that he has absolutely no idea
The only thing Fabian can do that will actually set Riz off against him is talk about money. All goodwill goes out the window the second Fabian's mouth opens and rich person nonsense comes out
On the flip side Riz is one of those freaks that just always has clear skin and never needed things like braces etc. despite only ever doing the bare minimum of personal maintenance needed to stay alive and hygienic (like using 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner to "save time"). This incenses Fabian in particular because you KNOW that boy has an extensive multi-step skincare routine
I personally believe that goblins are born with all their teeth and Riz was an especially bitey infant
Riz taught himself how to pick locks when he was six
This is also, not coincidentally, when he got his first major Gun Safety Lecture from his mother because she figured it was only a matter of time before he advanced to cracking safes. (This was back when she could predict what he was going to do and get ahead of it before something horrible happened)
He learned how to actually SHOOT a gun when he was nine (9). Sklonda taught him after her anxiety went through the roof when his dad died. Riz has actually never taken an official shooting course; the Bad Kids believe that he has and he just lets them keep believing it
Not a headcanon necessarily but worth mentioning that I'm an AroAce Riz truther
You know how he consumes inhuman amounts of caffeine but basically had to go off it cold turkey for the entirety of spring break? This isn't a headcanon either I just think it's funny
The friendship necklace thing was Penny's idea
Penny also taught him how to throw knives. She's an excellent babysitter
He let Fabian and Gorgug basically shotput him across a field because they wanted to know how far they could actually throw him. This is a Boys Thing that nobody else knows about
Absolutely tasteless when it comes to food. The quality of The Swan's Little Parade and just, like...a can of olives, pits included, are equal in his mind. A can of olives is a meal. The venn diagram of what is a "goblin thing", a "poor person thing," and a "Riz thing" is often just a circle
Mirror Phobia (Don't Worry About It)
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snandtnurtle · 3 years
All The Bad Kids Are Trans
and you can’t convince me otherwise
First off, Riz. Riz dresses like every transmasc in existence. No cis man walks around wearing a newspaper cap voluntarily. When he first started questioning his gender (which was about age 10 or so) he took about ten different online quizzes in order to compare the results, then decided they weren’t reputable sources and took matters into his own hands in order to scientifically prove his feelings. Finally Sklonda took him aside one day and said “You’re trans, right?” Riz responded with a long ramble about how he hadn’t quite collected all the data and there were still plenty of experiments left to do before asking how she knew. Sklonda replied “you scratched a bunch of different gendered terms into the wall and then rated them all one to five stars. You rated ‘boy’ very high. Do you want to use a different name? Or pronouns? Also, are we out of paper? You need to stop writing on my walls, we rent this apartment.” Penny had figured it out months ago and had been very subtly avoiding calling him anything but “kiddo.”
Adaine came out at thirteen years old, much to the chagrin of her parents. She tried to be assertive about coming out, but also had a panic attack midway through, which made them doubt her confidence. She had prepared a speech and had been using she/her pronouns and the name “Adaine” with her friends for a long time beforehand, just to figure out if she was totally, absolutely sure. Incidentally, she purposefully picked the name Adaine in order to subvert the -wyn pattern that all of the Abernants’ names have. It took her a lot of fighting to get her parents to address her correctly, but, though it didn’t occur to her at the time, Aelwyn never had any issues with it.
Gorgug is that kid who came out when he was like four years old. Wilma and Digby SHOWERED him with love and support from the get-go, and contacted Gorbag and Roz (who were also supportive) to help them think of a name that honored his orc heritage. However, the Thistlespring parents are SO supportive that they sometimes forget that their son is trans, which only heightens his discomfort during their weirdly frequent sex ed conversations. “Mom and dad? Mom and dad. I don’t have anything to ‘wrap up.’” Also, he wears hoodies everywhere. Case closed.
Fig came out at the end of 8th grade, which was..... a tumultuous time. Sandra-Lynn and Gilear are both supportive of their daughter, but because she decided to come out just when her horns were coming in, and they were figuring out the divorce, and Gilear was still trying to process that his daughter wasn’t exactly his daughter, they struggled a bit with the news at first, which only sent Fig further down her identity-crisis-rebellious-phase rabbithole. Gorthalax had been keeping tabs on Fig and knew as soon as she came out. He’s very proud of his daughter, because he may be a demon but he sure as hell (haha) ain’t a transphobe! Everyone assumed she was just a very flamboyant gay boy in middle school. Now she’s a riot grrrl.
Fabian came out when he was still on the pirate ship with his father, and his parents were OVERWHELMINGLY supportive from the get-go. He, of course, left figuring out his name up to his parents again, because who could think of a better name for him than Bill Seacaster? Captain Seacaster, incidentally, sent a panicked letter to Garthy as soon as Fabian came out asking wtf he was supposed to do, to which Garthy responded “just call him your son and use the right pronouns, i suppose, darling.” He took this to heart, and would enthusiastically (some might say overenthusiastically, but not Fabian! Not about his papa!) exclaim that Fabian was his “darling BOY!” whenever he saw him. Of course, they’re far more settled into the reality of things by now, but saying “my darling boy” just became a bit of a habit.
FH:SY finale spoilers below the cut!
Kristen is the only one who did not come out before the events of Fantasy High. In fact, she has yet to come out in canon at all, but I am convinced it is coming. She’s finished her sexuality crisis. She’s in a stable relationship.  ....Except that Tracker has just left for a long trip. Perfect time to have another crisis while your emotional rock is away! I am convinced that Kristen, a religiously traumatized follower of a nonbinary god of mystery and the unknown, cannot NOT be nonbinary and will absolutely have an arc where she comes to terms with her gender and learns to operate and find confidence in herself without Tracker. I’m not sure what pronouns she’ll use, but it’s probably all of them.
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