#I can't call it 'content' for my irl blog or whatever
triflesandparsnips · 2 years
(I have to go back to work on Thursday)
(I am making a beautiful Google spreadsheet with all my ridiculous raw STEDE IS WEIRD ABOUT TOUCH data)
(it is legitimately one of the most fun things I've done in ages that serves no additional purpose except. fuck man. fun.)
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justsomeectoplasm · 10 months
Hhhuugh so the reddit incident came and went but I know there's going to be a handful of twitter users that don't know jackshit about tumblr and are migrating here. Honestly it's valid that you all jumped ship because there's only going to be two outcomes to this:
-Muskratatouille is going to realise he fucked up and remove the rate limit.
- He refuses to admit his mistake and kills twitter.
So welcome! I hope you like my blog. Here's a revamp of some things you need to know before interacting with me and some general notes you need to know:
Massive porn bot problem here that can actually harass you and other users by sending porn through dm's and asks. Also shares malicious links to sites which is a big no-no. Therefore, PUT A DAMN PFP AND CUSTOMIZE YOUR BLOG, AND REBLOG POSTS. That's the only way to let people know that you're not a bot and that you're 100% a living breathing human. Lurking only works through reblogging without adding tags. (Side note: irl Hot lady pfps are not that great. Bots use them all the time. Anime hot lady is fine.)
Likes do jackshit. Tumblr is more of a blogging website than a social media platform. The way it circulates and brings attention to posts is by a sharing system called reblogging. If you really want to support artists, writers, game devs or just wanting your friends to see some funny posts, reblog it. (Reblogging artists work is not the same as reposting on this site. It helps us.)
Tags are your friends in this site. You can use them to navigate through content of your favorite subjects or you can add your thoughts to them. They can also help sort out your own original posts on your blog. (for example I use 'I ramble' on posts that have nothing to do with my fandoms.)
If you censor a word I will personally break your computer. You can say whatever the hell you want on this website and you won't get in trouble (unless it's hate speech, which you can report.)
Pt 2 of the above point: The reason why I'm so adamant on this point is because tumblr has a filter system. Users use this system to filter out content and tags that they don't want to see. This helps a lot for people with triggers and over all curating your online experience. By censoring words, you are bypassing these filters and doing more harm then good. Don't censor your words. If you want to use this feature go to settings and click on "content you see".
Pt 3. With that said, please please tag your posts if they have triggers or upsetting material. Whether you do dark content or not, it is important to tag your posts if they have a well known trigger.
There is no algorithm. You create it using tags. Your post going viral is a 50/50 gamble and you better hope it's a post that's actually great.
You can block anonymous askers since you need to use an account to send asks. Have fun.
Blocking users is much more effective. You can't see or interact with their posts and vice versa. Go wild.
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kiefbowl · 1 year
I know this isn't a "real problem" according to radblr but I feel so insane when I read a lot of feminist literature about sex. It's always about how penetration is evil and centers male sexuality and I get that, I truly agree that men feel entitled to penetrate women. But there's always that implicit message that you cannot enjoy penetration, or that women only really enjoy clitoral stimultation. I had no idea my case was so rare before feminism: I have never orgasmed from clitoral stimulation by another person, unless you count rubbing my vuvlva over someone else's genitals. With another person I have only ever orgasmed from penetration by a penis, or fingers one time. When I have penetrative sex I pretty much orgasm every time, sometimes multiple times. On my own I can orgasm very easily from clitoral stimulation but never with someone else, and it's not like the guy I'm with doesn't try, he knows where the clitoris is, he actively and enthusiastically goes down on me. And I know this sounds like a non-issue, a sort of "good for you, nobody else is like that" kind of thing. But I find it difficult to connect with a lot of sentiments about sex on here. A lot of it makes me feel like I can't talk about the way I experience sex and desire, because I sound like I'm sucking up to the patriarchy or to men. Centering male sexuality, even if I'm really not. Sorry to rant
There's a couple things I want to address here, and you might not like them all, but please keep in mind I'm writing this in good faith and not to lecture. I'll just take it one bit at a time:
"I know this isn't a "real problem" according to radblr but I feel so insane when I read a lot of feminist literature about sex."
First of all, radblr is a tenuous concept at best. It's not that it isn't real, or that it isn't important, or we should flippantly dismiss what happens on radblr, but you have to understand that what you specifically are experiencing as "radblr" is extremely unique to you. You have the only dashboard you experience. You get to follow who you want, you get to block who you want, there are settings you can toggle, you can block tags, and most importantly, you get to publish whatever content you want. So whatever it is you’re experiencing as “radblr” is not going to be everyone’s experience. So when you say “I know this isn’t a ‘real problem’ according to radblr”, it comes off as myopic and self-indulgent. You don’t know what everyone’s “problems” are, and frankly a lot of women come on tumblr to specifically not have “problems.” They’re here to have a good time, which leads to my second of all:
You caring about something or feeling uncomfortable about something and finding that most others don’t care or are dismissive or are even critical or even mean doesn’t really say anything about feminism or radblr, but says more about what you’re spending your time on tumblr doing. You’re allowed to quit tumblr. You’re allowed to have 20 sock puppet accounts. Stop expecting other women on here to be endless supplies of validation. In fact, expect them to be not even a fraction of their “true, irl” self here. Every single person on tumblr has a real life that is is more interesting than anything happening on tumblr and just literally has nothing to do with you. If you really can’t handle how a woman is using tumblr to blog about her life, just block her. She won’t even notice.
I guess the rest of my response is going to address the “insane” part...
(the rest under a cut for length and descriptions of het sex, not too graphic):
“It's always about how penetration is evil...”
I think if you’re reading feminist literature about PIV and your take-away is that it’s calling it “evil”, you don’t really give much respect to the validity of feminist literature as social, or political, or even philosophical theory. You see women as play-acting male intellectualism. Evil is a moral concept, and more often than not a religious concept. Maybe you’re throwing this word around unthinkingly, you mean it in some colloquial way and you didn’t really intend it’s full (and varied) meaning, but if you want to engage with female literature as intellectually relevant, and you want to be critical of it, you need to choose your words carefully. Does feminist literature critical of PIV claim penetration is evil, or are you just uncomfortable reading critical theory about PIV sex?
Evil in general is a pretty broad concept, so what is intended to respond to PIV critical theory with such a broad response? It means you don’t really want to engage, because you haven’t brought much to the table. You’ve brought your feelings, which aren’t unimportant, but have you really explored beyond that? What is your theory, your hypothesis, your maxims? What’s your thesis? Are you doing the heavy lifting, or do you just want to “not feel insane.” That’s fair to an extent, but if that’s the case, stop reading things that make you “feel insane” and go about your business. Engage or don’t engage, commit or don’t commit.
“...and centers male sexuality and I get that, I truly agree that men feel entitled to penetrate women. But there's always that implicit message that you cannot enjoy penetration, or that women only really enjoy clitoral stimultation.”
Many different women are coming to the table to discuss feminism, and even the most intelligent and well resourced women has the limitation we all have, which is at the end of the day we can really only speak to our own experiences. No woman can tell you what it is you like sexually, you are the only person who is experiencing your sexual history. If a woman says “women can’t enjoy penetration”, and you think she’s wrong, that’s your answer. What do you want from her? She will never ever validate your sexual experience and frankly she doesn’t have to. Validate your own sexuality.
Personally, I understand that there’s two nuances here: (1) the human body is both measurable and yet varied and diverse, and (2) sexual satisfaction can’t be divorced from socialization and mentality, which PIV critical theory attempts to explore. I’m already getting into more intense and complicated discourse than the average tumblr post, because if I really wanted to explain my feelings on both those points and then connect it to what I’ve already discussed above, we’re talking pages. Pages and pages, words and words, work I don’t want to do. I’m not getting paid, neither is your random tumblrina.
Which leads me to another point...are you reading feminist literature, or are you just kinda sorta hanging out on tumblr? No shade, I think just hanging out on tumblr is fine, and I think there are a ton of intelligent and smart women hanging out here too making some great content. The last time I read a feminist essay I honestly can’t tell you. I haven’t been doing my own heavy-lifting in awhile, I haven’t been doing my due diligence. I also trust, as a grown woman, I’ve done enough of my own studying to rest on my laurels a bit. I’m not convince of that for everyone I see on tumblr, but I’m also not their mom and I’m not going to lecture women to read or what to read. I encourage it, though! But at the end of the day, if the extent of your feminism is hanging out on tumblr reading what cool women are saying on their personal blogs when the mood strikes them, I’m not saying that’s bad or not enough, but you have to temper your responses to what you read accordingly. I think it’s awesome the internet allows women to congregate, and the anonymity of it allows women to speak more freely than they probably do in real life. It totally makes sense that internet communities are a big entry point to explore feminism for lots of young women, especially if they’re missing that community in real life. Love love love it.
But it does blur the lines of what is (in my estimation) the three “pillars” of any social movement’s text: theory, action, and personal account. To expand on that...
“I had no idea my case was so rare before feminism: I have never orgasmed from clitoral stimulation by another person,”
Were you actually “called to action” to only enjoy clitoral stimulation, or is it more likely many women have personal accounts of not enjoying penetration, enjoying clitoral stimulation, and having their needs disregarded by male partners? If we have so many personal accounts, what can we theorize? What you personally act on with that information is not that important in the grand scheme of feminism because you’re just one individual. The call to action is better suited to the group: how can we make women more comfortable standing up for their boundaries and their pleasure? How can we protect women from sexual violence? How can we educate them? When it comes to you, no one can stop you from making the choices you want to make, and that’ll be true for everyone. But the more we talk about these things, the more we can help women in general.  
“... unless you count rubbing my vuvlva over someone else's genitals.”
Why wouldn’t we? No honestly, this strikes me. I think this speaks to the issue a lot of women have where they’re primed to view their own sexuality in 3rd person, downplay what they experience as “real” or “correct”, and view sex from a male POV.
YOU orgasmed, that’s reality. Every orgasm you have counts. Every orgasm you have is real. Who cares how rare it is? Who cares if it fits the idea, the “social script” about sex?
Many, many, many people discuss het sex as if the only way to have genital sex is penetration, even so much so that when discussing other sex besides penetration, people point to oral and manual, and seem to be unable to envision genital sex without penetration. But genital sex without penetration is sex. You had sex and you orgasmed without penetration at least once from what I’m reading.
So yes, I count it. I count you. Now imagine a woman in your experience deciding for herself that’s how she wants to pursue orgasm, and standing her ground that she’ll never have PIV sex again. I see that as brave, and wonderful. It doesn’t matter what I do in my sex life, which includes PIV. I’m not a factor in her sex life. But I applaud her, I support her. You could do the same while changing nothing else in your life, so why wouldn’t you?
“With another person I have only ever orgasmed from penetration by a penis, or fingers one time. When I have penetrative sex I pretty much orgasm every time, sometimes multiple times.”
I’m very glad you’re having orgasms. Lots of women don’t, so it’s exciting to hear that’s a big part of your sex life.
“On my own I can orgasm very easily from clitoral stimulation but never with someone else, and it's not like the guy I'm with doesn't try, he knows where the clitoris is, he actively and enthusiastically goes down on me.”
Another way to have sex is mutual masturbation, which you’re claiming doesn’t lead you to orgasm, which I’ll admit sounds strange to me. Why would stimulating your clit work with masturbation but not with a male partner? Are you so positive social conditioning isn’t playing a role here? In any case...
Another way to have sex, though some might disagree with me (I don’t care), is to masturbate together. As in separately. If you were to masturbate with him there doing idk whatever he’s doing (maybe he’s not even touching himself maybe he’s rubbing your feet or brushing your hair who knows), I call that sex and you have again successfully orgasm without penetration and by clitoral stimulation. So again, are you that different from other women?
Maybe, hopefully, this might give you some pause just to think about it. You don’t have to do anything different, but maybe you should think about it. What is so different about you? You don’t sound different or rare to me. You sound typical. Is there nothing to glean from PIV critical theory if you push past feeling uncomfortable, if you don’t treat it as a call to action, if you just sit with it an think about it? Maybe there is something scary on the otherside, but maybe with the new scary thought comes something exhilarating. Maybe there’s even more pleasure than you could even imagine. You will have to discover that for yourself.
“And I know this sounds like a non-issue,”
To circle this back to the first point, don’t speak for me :) Kindly meant, I will tell you what sounds like a non-issue to me.
“...a sort of "good for you, nobody else is like that" kind of thing. But I find it difficult to connect with a lot of sentiments about sex on here. A lot of it makes me feel like I can't talk about the way I experience sex and desire,”
Get over those feelings. You have a personal narrative, you can bring to the table your personal account. One of those pillars I mentioned above. But make sure you’re aware...your personal narrative is not enough to “call to action”, and is not a significant sample size to theorize.
Not to mention, this is tumblr. Like it’s a personal blog. Say whatever the fuck you want. If you’re not using tumblr for fun, I can’t imagine how you’re using tumblr. Like if it isn’t fun, go do something fun instead it’s better for you.
“because I sound like I'm sucking up to the patriarchy or to men. Centering male sexuality, even if I'm really not.”
Part of putting your feelings out in the world is that they might be met with criticisms. But it sounds like you want to do it, so get tough. Harden that skin. Get in there get messy, make mistakes. People are going to come at you with legitimate counters, and that should be so exciting and titillating. Don’t you want to learn? Don’t you want to grow? I’m getting so pumped thinking about it, women’s minds coming together to make an unique and interesting place on the internet, be still my heart.
And sometimes people say stuff that’s bullshit. Okay, so trust your own mind and judgement? Respond back. Tell them they’re wrong, present your argument, present your logic.
You have to make the value here, and if you’re not getting any value, again...maybe tumblr isn’t for you.
“Sorry to rant.”
I manifest for all women everywhere to stop apologizing to me for saying things from the heart. I could say sorry for writing 1000 words (I didn’t count) but I’m not going to fucking do that because I get to write whatever I want when I want. I don’t have to be sorry for existing and neither do you.
Cheers! :)
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Heyo! I'm Cassiopeia!
The following blog is an ooc hub for all my pkmn irl accounts, and where the follows for all the accounts listed later in this post come from! This blog USED to be the rp blog for a character I no longer use and have no motivation for anymore, and is the main blog on this account, so I figured changing it into a hub blog of sorts would be a good idea.
I'm free to answer questions about my ocs ooc here, plot arcs, and generally talk about stuff in the pkmn irl community. I'll also possibly be boosting some accounts I think are cool, reblogging important posts and ask games in the community to hopefully spread them around a bit more, and just generally using this to store some posts about pokemon in general that I think are neat.
Info about the Mod and General Boundaries!
The following is some general information that might be useful. Like I said earlier, I'm Cassiopeia, but you can call me Cass, Cassi, or Pea! I use any pronouns, and I'm an adult (Adult meaning 18 or older in this case.) I'm the host of a system, and a splitroject (or whatever the term is I cant remember) with multiple sources, but notably several pokemon characters. Pokemon has been a systemwide special interest since we were a little kid, and we have a lot of opinions and headcanons, as well as know A LOT about the series as a whole. Our main account is @dragontypess but this is a seperate account so follows for pkmn irl stuff will come from here. A warning that we occasionally reblog heavy stuff or more adult oriented content on that blog (nothing outright nsfw, but usually some suggestive stuff and sexual humor, so minors beware)
I DO check peoples boundaries before I follow so don't worry! Only time I won't is if I miss them. Also sometimes I follow people just cause I think the blog is cool, but I tend to not interact outside of anons just cause while I like your blog, my blogs just can't or wouldn't interact, or I'm a little scared to, yknow?
Any pkmn irl rp account is allowed to interact with p much any of my blogs! Sentient pokemon, legendaries, eebies, etc etc etc. I run on Rotomblr being a multiverse. I may not interact much if our canons diverge too strongly for personal comfort but usually it's whatever cause of the previously mentioned multiverse thing. Some general stuff I go by on all my blogs are people do eat pokemon, and pokemon do eat other pokemon. There are small bugs and bacteria and shit thatre still. alive but not pokemon. Not all pokemon lay eggs. A more mammalian pokemon like stoutland would give live birth like a real dog, and stuff like the more plant like pokemon like sunflora or oddish produce seeds. Not going to go too into details but thats something that happens.
While I am an adult, I prefer not to engage with more suggestive or outright nsfw content on the pkmn irl sphere. There's a lot of minors in this community, and I'd like to keep my blogs generally safe spaces for them to interact. If it's anything you wouldn't joke about with a middle schooler or high schooler, probably not. I try to tag stuff that can be upsetting on all my blogs, and I'll usually ask before doing anything big with anyone elses blogs. There's other stuff, but DNI's don't usually work, so I'll probably just block you if I don't like your vibes.
My tumblr dms are always open, so if you'd like to plot anything out, I'm free to chat here or on the rp account in question! You CAN leave a message on my main account too, but I'd prefer to keep rp stuff here. If you already know my discord and we've chatted in dms there before in the past, that's also an option, but otherwise stick to tumblr.
If you have a problem with me, please tell me because I am stupid. If you don't want me following you please just block me, or tell me straight up because I will not realize.
Pokemon IRL Blogs I run:
Putting these under the cut cause there's a lot. Includes summaries.
@yveltalreal - A blog for the legendary pokemon Yveltal, and their specialest little guy (chosen). Yveltal is the very same from Pokemon Y that was captured by Lysandre and Team Flare, although from a canon where both X and Y are true. Reaper Sys are just OCs that experiance horrors unending. Used primarily in a Discord RP
@northernwindsglory - A slow eeby deeby. And I mean slow. Glory is a big fan of Legands and Myths, and wants to learn all there is about them! Unfortunately, this has... consequences...
@pure-incense - my attempt at making a normal ass guy i can just interact with a bunch of people with. probably gonna end up being a very active blog but who knows we'll see.
@fruitbasket-gossip - A joint blog with 3 friends. I play Mod Starf. A group of NaraUva students and Blueberry students fucking around on Rotomblr. What will they do? Who knows!
@vital-spirit - A joint blog with a friend! A pmd blog in a setting inspired by various western movies. A whole new set of towns, dungeons, and characters unrelated to those in the various games. I play Lucario.
@blazingvictory -the blog of a bba student with so many problems and issues.
@crater-champion - A blog for Florian, protag of SV, specifically violet in this case. Linked to the Juliana from the blog @union-circle, who is from Scarlet. Another scenario of both games being true yippe. Post DLC and Epilogue. Don't ask him about what happened to Blueberry's League once he left (Please do. He's going to dodge the question like mad and it'll be funny.)
@shields-down - The blog of a VERY excitable Blueberry student named Electra. They're just here to have a good time and be silly.
@dread-plate - A semi-doccumentation of a Challenge Run I'm doing of Ultra Sun. Rift is a dark typed human and former big shot battler who's trying to get away from it all, retracing the steps they did as a child on their Island Challenge.
@redwoodrevival - Redwood Revival and Rescue is a research facility and sanctuary for various pokemon, especially those from the past. The blog is run by the owner of the facility, Professor Redwood herself, as well as her two assistants, Fern and Ginkgo. Mostly just a place for me to ramble about my pokemon hcs lol. Please ask her shit Semi-Inactive due to lack of asks.
@capricious-syrpents - A blog run by a Blueberry Academy student by the name of Malus! Formerly a member of the League Club but kicked out during Kieran's Reign as champion for bullshit reason, Malus is now in the music club and also not happy about no longer being allowed within League Club. Used primarily in a Discord RP
@snug-as-a-bugtype-in-a-rug - An eeby deeby from Alola by the name of Deb. She's been turned into a cutiefly, and is not having a good time. Free her from the hell that is minimum wage. Inactive due to lack of motivation.
@acetrainerchrys - Chrys is a skilled trainer from Johto who moved to Paldea about a year ago. Following strange events that led her to hatching an egg that contained the legendary pokemon giratina, she has not known peace since. She's the cousin of Reaper Sys from @yveltalreal. What do you expect? Used primarily in a Discord RP
@a0ranger - Venus is the father of Reaper Sys from @yveltalreal and a ranger stationed in Area 0 in Paldea. As him about his work sometime! Mostly a place for me to talk about my headcanons regarding pokemon, especially those surrounding Area 0 and give some silly stories. Semi-Inactive due to lack of asks
@lucias-narauva-hell - Lucia is actually normal. Her biggest problem is Ms. Tyme's math class. Why are there people at her school with absurdly strong pokemon and basically superpowers? What the fuck. Used primarily in a Discord RP
@festivalofmasks - A blog of Carmine from the games, post DLC and epilogue. Inactive due to lack of motivation and uncomfortable asks I got early on into running the blog. May come back to it one day.
There's a few others but they're completely dead and I have no intent to use them again for a while, and are still attached to my main rather than this blog.
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zhansww · 5 months
Hi, I've read your blog and thank you for providing us with some detailed and interesting content. Recently I came across your thoughts (assumptions, knowledge) regarding their timeline of getting together. Now according to their posts throughout the years and the last ones on 19/11 they seem to hint at some kind of anniversary, noone knows for sure which one that might be (it's of course ok not to know but curiosity is a human trait...) I wonder what's your take on this? Best regards
First off, thank you for your thanks. That's really sweet ^-^
I do wonder which timeline you read cuz I may not have updated all of my older posts. The only thing I know for sure, as far as anniversaries goes, is when ggdd met, got together and when they got married. I honestly think it's a fallacy to assume everything they post has to be because of an anniversary or to somehow find a way to force a meaning onto everything they do/say/wear/post. When all of their posts on Sunday appeared, I thought to myself that it feels like they're talking to each other in a code we can't decipher - which is perfectly fine by me. If it was a callback to a certain event, then maybe that same day five years earlier. If you look at the weibo post Zhan-ge made that day, it seems like he wasn't out and about on his own. But what I think myself is that when they post at the same time like that, it's more likely because of their current situation (and not because of an anniversary). Like e.g. maybe they only just parted ways or they simply miss each other. To put it differently, I think ggdd are way more concerned and busy with what they're going through irl to bother giving us fans any sort of messages or hints or whatever you wanna call it. Not everything has to mean something, much less something that we understand, and that's okay. Or it should be lol
Best regards to you, too~
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thebardisabird · 11 months
Only time I'm gonna talk about this, thanks.
Peep the timestamp in the picture please. I have always been about not catering to nsfw content of minors, fictional or not. Thank you. I want to start this with: I'm exhausted even having to type this out - but I will ask everyone who saw the posts to just please leave the person who accused me of this alone about this, don't go running into their inbox trying to defend me or be disrespectful to them because that is the opposite of what I want. Leave them alone. I'm very fucking serious - do not fucking do that, I don't appreciate it. I messaged them myself once and only once, and they've made it clear how they feel about me and this situation and they sound like they want to be left alone about this from what I understand so after this - we let shit die. I will not be addressing this further because everything I have to say is right here. If you saw their post, you know what I'm talking about. I'm not giving context - though they called me out by my name I won't do the same and I don't even really wanna make this a thing to begin with, but I AM gonna say this one thing about it because I was called and accused of some pretty awful things. And I saw the screenshot - me calling Mirio, a 'sexy tin tin' as an offhand joke doesn't make me a pedophile - because as far as I'm concerned and that can be publicly seen - I have done nothing to any child or minor, I would rather kill myself (as I've been suggested to do apparently). In fact, I stuck to my guns on being against writing nsfw on the bnha minors on that SAME DAY when I said THIS vvvv
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I would like for everyone to move on with this, please. If you're not comfortable with me here because I give you "weird vibes", fine. I won't make you stay. I'm not here to make you uncomfortable, just block me, you're free to do whatever you want and I'm not going to be hurt over it. My disposition was clear. I truly don't know what they're referring to about nsfw content because there is none, but I can speak for myself, what I know I've written, and who I am as a person. and my tags are available for complete viewing (and you all know I tag everything heavily). I do not wish this person harm or hatred and I will not tell anyone who this was because despite how they feel about me and the post they made, they deserve to be safe. I saw the screenshot. I see that I called Mirio 'sexy' 4 years ago and for that I apologize. He's canonically 18, but I completely understand those optics and I can understand the upset and I want to make it clear that I don't view this character in any sexual way. DO want to note however, that there was NEVER any nsfw content made of him. Not once. I still don't know what content they're referring to and none of MY friends both IRL and online have never seen this shit either - and they've been in this fandom and the BNHA fandom for as long as I have. Calling me a pedophile and a predator isn't funny and I am not laughing, I take that very very seriously because I am CONSTANTLY and publicly up in arms about minor safety and the protection of children. On top of that I spent my whole life trying to heal from being preyed on and sexually assaulted when I was a minor, trauma that I am STILL dealing with because one of my former abusers is a family member that I have to see on a regular basis. To be accused of being the very demon that caused me so much harm...I don't even know what to say because that can't be further from the truth and this has been extremely triggering. I think that's all I have. I know my intentions, my actions and how I've conducted my blog for years speak for themselves. I don't mess around when it comes to minor safety or vehemently being against the nsfw content of minors and that has not changed. Not once. This isn't about saving face - I have no face to save. I'm nobody on tumblr, this is the internet. But I won't be painted out to be something I'm not. Especially not over content that doesn't exist and an offhand comment. If people do not feel comfortable following me after this even if it's just because of this whole interaction, I understand. That will not stop me from making ososan content and enjoying the content I make about adults for adult audiences only. Regardless of how they feel about me - let this shit die please and leave them alone. I wish them well and I hope them and their friends are safe even if they feel like it has to be from me.
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Hi! this is kinda a broad question but i am just getting back into fl after years away from it and i was wondering if you have any tips for early game players, especially wrt fun character building? i feel like the game suggests a strong path with making your name and I am struggling to figure out when i should make 'in character' decisions vs. following this kinda tutorial vibe of early game. are you expected to do all four MYN or do people focus on just the ones that make the most sense for your character?
i thought i'd ask you bc you have some really cool fleshed out characters but if you know of other blogs that have more early game tips and stuff i would really appreciate it. i am also a little unsure about the social aspect of the game, is that for interacting with friends from real life who also play or do people contact random people through the game?
i love your blog and hope you are having a delicious day
Putting this under a readmore since I wrote a lot more than I thought I would-
MYN storylines are good for early game stat gains, but they can be rather tedious and are by no means a strict requirement (I myself have never fully completed every single one). MYN storylines do, however, permanently open up certain areas- some of which can be accessed through other means (wolfstack docks, the flit), some which can't/can't without fate (the shuttered palace, mahogany hall, the foreign office, the university, the labyrinth of tigers, etc.) which are required for ambitions or later game content.
Personally, I do whatever storylines are most beneficial for my current gameplay, but pick and choose as to what I actually consider canon to my characters.
-Wolfstack docks is unlocked via the Dangerous MYN, but I believe you can buy your way in with items. The Labyrinth of Tigers is unlocked at the end of the MYN, but the only way to gain permanent acccess outside of the storyline is via spending Fate, and most of the things you can do there are unlocked via MYN. Out of all of them, at least in my opinion, Dangerous is the most worth doing. It's also one of the least annoying. It also later opens up dock brawling, which is good for getting certain hard-to-get items.
-The Flit is unlocked via the Shadowy MYN, but can be unlocked via a skill check (albeit an annoying one). Mahogany Hall is unlocked via either the Shadowy or Persuasive MYN, and I believe there IS an option to gain access via fate? Don't quote me on that. Mahogany Hall is a good place to have unlocked, as it's required for a certain storyline that can get you useful items.
-The Forgotten Quarter is unlocked via the Watchful MYN, but you can buy in with items. The University is, again, only otherwise unlockable via Fate, and similarly to the Labyrinth, most options are locked until you reach a certain point in the MYN. Depending on your actions in the storyline, you may also temporarily be kicked out of the University. The university is required for some later game content, such as getting your own laboratory. The Watchful Storyline also grants you the trait "Scholar of The Correspondence", which is necessary for some ambitions.
-Writing a Short story is unlocked via the Persuasive MYN. The shuttered palace is as well, though you can buy in via fate, as is The Empress's court, which has no other way in. Completing the Persuasive MYN grants access to the foreign office, which also has no other means of entry. And as stated before, it is one of the two ways to gain access to Mahogany Hall.
As for social actions, it's hard to contact random people, as you need access to someone's profile to add them as a contact- but it's not required you know them IRL either, as plenty of people online have linked their profiles to add them. I myself don't know anyone IRL who also plays, all my contacts are from online.
Once you have someone added as a contact, you can send them a calling card through your social engagements (shown below), and they can choose to accept or deny to become an Aquaintance.
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Some social actions only require you have them as a contact, others require you be acquainted.
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justagamerandaweeb · 15 days
Welp, I guess I'm doing this.
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Hi, my names justagamerandaweeb, or TheWritingWeeb, or King, or whatever the fuck you wanna call me, it doesn't matter, and welcome to my blog. It's clearly nothing special, as you can see, but it's whatever honestly.
My birthday is January 21st, I'm 18, and I'm just a guy trying to get through this Tumblr bullshit.
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About me:
All you need to know about me is that I'm antisocial, both IRL, and on the internet. I don't really talk to people that I know IRL as I don't think they're interested in me. That, and I'm to scared to talk to anyone, period.
And as for online, I think it's a waste of time (If you make random arguments that you are entitled to on the internet against people you've have never seen before in real life, you are a fucking loser that has nothing better to do with your life).
I consider myself as talentless. Outside of this writing shit (4 years into the game), I have no talents at all. I mean, I have a guitar, I can only play a few notes, but outside of that, I don't amount to anything in the real world, hence why I'm here (and you could say the same right? Unless you got a job or a career that means something).
I mostly write for entertainment, not to make friends, but lets see if you guys can change that (if you even take the time to acknowledge me).
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What I like:
Friends, food, video games, music, YouTube, writing, having fun when I have the opportunity, and I think that's about it.
What I don't like:
People who treat their loved ones like shit, jealousy, hate, fear, the pain of loss, losing someone or something you love, people who push their friends and family under the bus to reach some sort of status, and that's about it as well.
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Do not insult me, do not come after me for whatever reason I did, do not come after my friend(s), and do not request me to do grotesque things if I don't feel comfortable writing about it.
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What I can do:
If and when I have the gumption to open my requests, here are the things I can write:
Vanilla, BDSM, Threesome (MMF, FFM, MMM, FFF), AU's, pegging, maybe HC's, SFW content, maybe a little bit of dead dove: do not eat (only gore though), and maybe some other stuff I can't name.
What I won't do:
The content that I will not contain the following: Lolicon, Shotacon, futanari, scat, watersports/Golden Shower, rape, necrophilia, zoophilia, anal and vaginal stuffing (putting random objects in the female genitalia and anus), bug play, urethral insertion, earfucking, and anything that I am dissatisfied writing.
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Masterlist of characters:
Yoriichi Tsugikuni:
Mating Season
Kyojuro Rengoku:
True love
Bonded Together Forever
Comfort Through Pleasure
A Message
Senjuro Rengoku:
TLC (Tender, Loving Care)
Tengen Uzui:
A Message
Tanjiro Kamado:
A New Experience
A new Experience (Revamped)
My Blossom...
Giyuu Tomioka:
Drunk Sex
Iguro Obanai:
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
Drunk Sex
Mitsuri Kanroji:
Kocho Shinobu:
Muzam Kibutsuji:
Deflowered (Revamped)
Lady Tamayo:
Douma (I'm not making his name a rainbow):
I'm in Control
True Beauty
Peer Pressure
Goku vs. Akaza
Wake up.
Spider-Man 2 pics
Ghost of Tsushima Pics
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Well, that's all there is to it. See you, I guess.
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hi, twitter refugee here and i love this blog. it's a breath of fresh air compared to the "proship" side of one of my previous main fandoms. i feel like both "sides" on twitter generally just use the other stance to mean "anyone i don't like." the big "proship" people in that fandom were hypocrits who would call me anti for having a popular ship as a trigger (even tho i don't care who shipped it) while also calling me a "freak" for (properly tagged) caregiver/little and abdl content. i ended up receiving harassment from them at the same time as harassment from antis for being openly proship and shipping teacher x student, large age gaps and incest. it was just so confusing and frustrating because it was like "whatever happened to ignoring content you don't like? what proship literally means???" as people openly into shotacon would shittalk me over abdl like it doesn't make them sound hypocritical and then it felt so much like you were expected to like the most popular ship in the fandom (which was deemed as problematic by a lot of people) to be "proship" even tho a lot of antis like that ship too. it's just great to see that proship tumblr seems to be actually proship and anti-harassment rather than whatever weirdness twitter was
Oh my god, I am so sorry you've dealt with people like that. Those people sound insufferable, and that means a lot coming from me because I myself am very insufferable ❤️ /hj
Tbh it reminds me of when i saw some so-called "proshippers" (reminder: you can't be proship if you harass people over their shipping tastes!) call people "anti-lite" simply because they didn't support radqueer things like consang.
Consanguinamory is about IRL people! Shipping shipcest is fiction! Anti is not just a label you use for people who don't like the things you like or disagree with you about serious topics like IRL incest, wtf? I know this isn't specifically what this ask is about, but it's something I've actually seen with my own two eyeballs that blows my mind.
You are very welcome here, as are your boundaries. Unfortunately, we do have some of those types of people using the proship label here on tumblr, but thankfully, they aren't common. At least not in my experience. I hope you have a much better time here! ❤️
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thatoneguy031 · 7 months
Pinned Post(Stuff about me and... stuff)
You dudes can call me Guy, and I'm a Pokemon known as Samurott. Y'know, luscious beard/goatee/mustache (Honestly, you can just call it a mane), blue fur, them slashin' seashell swords(Try saying that ten times fast), and you can't forget the iconic helmet.
I currently live in Unova. Where, specifically...? Hard to say for sure. I sorta have a weird situation going on compared to humans. I live between Accumula Town and Striaton City, but not really living on the connecting routes either. I make my way around Unova as I please, as I don't necessarily reside in a particular area. Just sayin', you'll most likely find me in the in-between of the towns I mentioned.
Speaking of humans, I don't do that. None of it. I don't belong to a Trainer, I don't want to, and I don't see a reason to be trained under a human. I'd rather not say why.
I evolved about half a year ago now, like... within the last two weeks of this June. Yeah, somewhere around then. I'm not quite used to Samurotting yet, so please cut me some kind of slack. I'm only doing what I can.
I have very little knowledge about how this Rotomblr thing works, but I'm enjoying the chaos so far. I originally made this for some advice with the whole "evolving" thing, but wow, are these people supportive. I have friends now, my main bud being @poke-historian, my favorite dork. Myla's adorable too, we'd hang out if I could travel to Galar. I'm figuring out a way I can do that, mostly because there's a lot I want to do in this world, and I have no idea how much time I have to do it. Oh, and @silverott-chevalier is cool too. He's a 'Wott Trainer from what I understand, and he's given me some crucial info about battling and stuff. As a matter of fact, all eeby-deebies are fine by me, as long as you don't have nefarious intentions.
Don't be too scared to ask me stuff. I'm more than happy to answer some questions about myself and what it's like to be a Pokemon, as long as it isn't too personal, y'know? Even advice is pretty well appreciated.
But, uh... Yeah. That's basically everything that I think you guys should know about me. If there's any questions or things like that, my askbox is currently open (And admittedly sorta empty). Anons can ask me stuff too, since it'd be pretty hypocritical for an introvert to not provide that kind of option.
But now, without any further ado...
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(OOC under the cut)
Hey, guys. I'm the mod for this whole shebang, although I'd rather not speak my name because reasons. If you want, you can just call me Delta(Confusing, considering my past posts, I know, so let's just pretend those don't exist). As well as a pkmn IRL blog, this is also my main blog, so expect a ton of reblogs or whatever. So, to help everyone, including myself, I am including some tags to filter what content you see:
Guy Rambles/Cherry Chatters/Suicune Speaks: The tag if you want to see stuff about what the main trio are up to, and their perspectives on their current situation. Stuff about themselves, the people/Pokemon they meet, and the experiences they go through, things like that.
I should really make an OOC tag(Desperately in need of a new title): Anything that I post that doesn't come from them, but from me. Personal life, and how school is going so far, things of that nature. Y'know... Stuff.
Arc (Insert number here): Displays the arc that I'm currently writing for, and some stuff that the squad's doing within that arc. Pay attention to these, this is where lore is normally added and/or revealed.
Currently, this is the "Adventures Anew" arc, or Arc 3. Guy, now having met a very mysterious Suicune and reuniting with a Flygon named Cherry, has his sets on traversing the world. Thankfully, Cherry has him covered, making him aware of a cruise ship that is making its way to Unova in some time, and heading to Sinnoh soon after. With a plan of action set, Guy and his group are preparing for the long journey to the unfamiliar region.
As well as that, Guy had also unlocked a dark power deep within him, of which is often described as "evil" or "scary". Not much is known about the bizarre energy, although many suspect that it can become very powerful once Guy learns to harness it for himself. With the progress he's making, however, it doesn't look like it's going to be an easy process...
Here are some ask hints, if y'all want those:
-Guy seems to have both fond and unfortunate memories of a former friend of his. Perhaps you can force some info out of him? -Guy also has a few issues regarding humans. While he's gone into some very slight details about his experiences with them, it's clear he's not telling the full story. -Cherry has quite some experiences with both battling and performing. Maybe she's willing to tell some stories about 'em. -Cherry definitely hesitated when she mentioned that she was a Trapinch before. Surely, there's more to that than what she said. -While they've never hidden it, Mx. Suicune's never outright acknowledged his broken leg. -It's brought up that Mx. Suicune can speak, but has very clear reasons why they don't. Despite that, no one has ever elaborated on what the reasons in question were. -Mx. Suicune has an odd connection to Guy, being the first to acknowledge out loud(ehhh... sort of) his rather dark and evil aura. Perhaps there's a reason for that.
All of these tags are going to be alongside the "pkmn irl" "pokeblogging" "rotomblr" tags and stuff like that, you get the gist of it.
Me and Guy are both minors, so no NSFW asks please. Suggestive ones I'm iffy on, though. Guy might answer them, depending on what content is in them, but don't do anything extra. Zoo- and pokephilia are also off the table, for obvious reasons. Please stay away from here if that describes you. Oh, and that goes for child-diddlers too, because obviously. I naturally believe that everyone can change for the better, so I just hope that these kinds of folks do exactly that.
Oh! And I also run two other blogs! @midnight-battiness, which features Chris, a human-turned-Noibat that was dropped onto the world of mystery dungeons, and @battle-bond-gone-wrong, that features a Samurott and human Trainer that have had their minds swapped (Sort of. It's complicated, it's better explained over there), and features most Pokemon that the Trainer has captured over the course of his journey. Check them both out when you have the chance, I thought they were cool.
Is there anything else I'm missing? ...Oh yeah! Magic anons are allowed too! Just make sure not to make it too weird.
But uh... yeah. That's about it, yea?
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hugh-g-vulva · 2 months
Hello, it is I Hugh G. Vulva (huge vulva)
Not really, that was just the first account name I could think of that was available
Recently lost access to my other account, idk what happened I just can't log in anymore, no warning. I won't link because I didn't post original stuff or talk to anyone. Maybe here that will change, who knows.
I don't tag things to avoid coming up in results, so no TW or kinks, but I do tag #hughspeaks, #hughoriginals & #hughcrushes etc... for myself to look through, please be aware of that if you chose to look through my account.
Mixed bag of kinks, but because of the darker subject matter here and trying to respect DNI's that tends to push me towards other darker blogs who don't necessarily post the softer stuff I also like.
Kinks in no particular order: fisting/hole wrecking, monsters, object insertion, size (taller human to skyscraper sized), praise, degrading, spanking, choking, manhandling, slapping, light restraint, breeding, impreg, pregnancy, birth, oviposition, creampie, cum, no protection, exhibitionism, pet play, objectification, freeuse, cnc, somno, age gap, fauxcest, dad/daddy, misgendering, feminisation, beast, piss, group, public, double+ penetration, glory hole, snuff, faux kidnapping, probably more but I can't remember
For obvious reasons most of the content on this blog should not be replicated in real life in any capacity, please be aware of your own mental health and wellbeing if you choose to read. Take caution and care, remember to keep it safe, sane and consensual, value trust, honesty and clear open communication with your partner/s, and practice aftercare for yourself and your partner/s.
You can call me whatever cute pet names or anatomical terms (excluding breast words, as I don't have any) you like, excluding Kitty, as that is reserved for my lovers.
I am 19, ftm, 3+ years on T and post top surgery, sub, bottom, bisexual with a preference for men, currently single but trying to date around after recently leaving a year long relationship. I use he/him irl but I don't mind what pronouns you use for me within the boundaries of kink.
I am not interested in the following kinks, but you are still welcome to interact, please do not try to involve me as that will result in a block: scat/feces, farting, emeto/vomit, actual rape, kidnapping, stalking, or snuff, I may add more but those are the big ones
DNI: everybody under 18 years old, racists, xenophobes, MAPs/pedos, homophobes, transphobes, all the other phobes, ya know! Just don't be an asshole!
Thank you and goodnight, take care of yourselves!
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countlessrealities · 1 year
🔥 { thoughts on anything shipping related ! }
Unpopular opinions || No longer Accepting !
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I'm gonna use this ask to delve into a specific aspect of what I mentioned in the previous ask, because I think that this is something you need to know when interacting with me. Bullies or bullying supporters are NOT welcome in my space.
CRITICALLY exploring & enjoying "problematic" SHIPS doesn't make you a bad person / psycho / pervert / whatev they wanna call it.
Almost anyone who's had a fandom experience, no matter how brief, has run into this topic. The whole big war "antis vs pro-shippers"...even if personally I'd call it the endless "in this episode of how antis start another witch hunt against people who just want to stay in their corner and do their thing..." series.
Btw, to be precise, "pro-shipper" doesn't mean only what everyone seems to think. At the very start, the term was used for people who apply the very healthy, very mature philosophy of the "Ship and let ship", variation of that "live and let live" so many people (even antis, and damn, hello, hypocrisy) loves to throw out to justify their not so popular behaviour.
So, "pro-shipper" isn't a bad word. Actually, it means that you're acting like the adult you're supposed to be. And this means that if you follow what I wrote up there, then technically, you are a pro-shipper.
Gonna leave that there, for pondering purposes. For the rest of the ask, I'm gonna use the term with the most common meaning that's used online nowadays. Back on track.
Are these ships "problematic"? According to our social standards, yes. That's undeniable and no one denies it, not even the shippers (mind, I'm talking about people who critically consume this kind of content, the actual pervs are NOT considered here). They know and have the common sense to explore their ship never losing sight of the fact that 1. it's fiction and 2. this doesn't equal supporting those things IRL. Because yeah, I'll say it (unpopular opinion inside the unpopular opinion):
Fiction does NOT equal reality.
Being intellectually curious about something doesn't equal doing it or even just wanting to do it. Most people fantasise about killing one or more people during their life (and this is a scientifical fact, there are studies on this shit), and this fantasies are pretty enjoyable too for most of them. Would you call them murders? Just because they have explored a scenario without having intention of reproducing it in reality?
I don't think so.
And the same goes for anyone who is interested in the theory and the psychology of "problematic" ships (and content in general). Toxic relationships, abusive relationships, underage, big age differences, incest, power imbalance...and there's more than I can't recall right now, but you got the gist. All this stuff is bad IRL, no one can argue with that (and if they do, then they need to get professional help or go to jail). But on a fantastical level, with fictional characters? It's not different from enjoying a horror movie or being fascinated by a fictional serial killer. Which doesn't mean wanting to become the next John Kramer (Saw) or Michael Myers (Halloween) or being an actual groupie.
So let's put things into the right context before starting to throw around real heavy words, shall we?
Then, on the other hand, as I've already said, we have the ones who bully real people, who accuse real people of being really disgusting thing, who tell real people to kill themselves. People who write on their fucking blog descriptions, for everyone to see, stuff like "pro-shippers killed on sight / if you ship X go hang yourself / if you like Y I hope you OD", etc. I'm not making these up, btw, I've actually seen this shit.
I won't add anything else about this last point because I have already stated what I think and, especially, it should be really fucking obvious. And if it's not to you...whelp, maybe you need to go out and touch some grass. Just saying.
You're allowed not to like this stuff. You're allowed to be uncomfortable about. You have all the rights not to want to see it. You're allowed to avoid / block the people who engage in it. This is all valid.
You're not allowed to be a fucking cowardly bully who uses the anonymity of the internet offers to be an asshole and a criminal. Because that's what you are when you tell someone to take his life, even more when it's about fiction and stuff that doesn't affect anyone's fucking existence. You're a bad person.
So, once again. If you're one of aforementioned people who think that acting this way is all right and cool and just, well...Kindly get the fuck off my blog. I don't want actual toxic people in my life. I hope karma gets to you -fingerguns-
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ariana-517 · 4 months
Hi, I am Ariana and this is my blog. This is meant to be a safe space for me, so there will be no discourse or politics on it. The only upsetting thing you'll find here is the tragedy of my ocs :).
Below the cut you'll find tags, ocs, etc.
I have an askblog where you can ask questions to one of my ocs.
Here are some of my important ocs and worlds (more will be added!):
Akajlaj - Modern setting but without the guns and with magic. Kitchen sink of everything I liked since starting it.
Arizana - A hybrid creature created by the Zykatans. She has a lot of trauma and wants to kill her creators. She can't stand Inuihan (the feelings are mutual).
Sharo - A scout for the Skalanyan army. Said army invaded Zykata, and this invasion is how he met Arizana.
Natarin - A lieutenant in the Skalanyan army. Sassy, gets along well with Arizana.
Inuihan - Another hybrid creature from Zykata. Far older than Arizana, she's been working for the Tisharii for a long time. So when the Tisharii joined the Skalanyans in the war against the Zykatans, she had to go with them.
Barra - One of Sharo's friends, did not participate in the war. Zykata - A nation ruled by an absolute monarch. Known for its magical advancements, including less savory things like the creation of Inuihan and Arizana.
The Tisharii - An island (floating island actually) people. Originally ruled by a queen, but nowadays democratic.
Skalanya - A nation spanning half a continent. Known for warmongering and putting their noses in other country's matters.
Iravar - Northern country, shares a border with Skalanya. Typically does not get involved in whatever their southern neighbour has been doing.
Triognathia (no good name yet) - Medieval setting with nonhumanoid sophonts called the triognaths.
Kérskwa - A prodigal archer who loses his eye in his very first battle. He becomes a mercenary after that, but eventually he turns his life around and becomes a monk. He is/was the triognath equivalent of a narcissist.
Shaciísusa - A mysterious fisherwoman. She is the only person Síkerwa tolerates (even though he says he hates her). She was born under the red star, which in the Toxyokan religion means an omen.
Síkerwa - A ghost bound to a magical crystal. He protects an ancient city from intruders (by killing those intruders). He has basically gone crazy from the isolation.
Toxyok - The region where all these characters live. It is in the far southern hemisphere, and the climate is similar to Siberia. It is not one country, it has many different warring tribes.
Here are some of my tags:
I (try to) tag triggering content, just with the word and no tw/cw. So if a post has a mention of death in it, I'll just tag "death". Also all of these things are fictional, I don't talk about actual terrible things on here, it's all my ocs, so if you can't handle irl but you can handle fictional then it's totally safe here.
inspo - this is mainly nature photographs that I find to fit the vibe of a character or the environment they live in.
oc: X - X being the name of the oc in all lowercase.
vagueing about the ocs - exactly what it says.
vagueing as the ocs - same as the above, but it's from the perspective of the oc and I don't tell you who it is.
an ending in soft light - What could have been for the protagonists of Akajlaj. Only Sharo returned from the war, but what if it had been different? Arizana could have lived with Barra in the woods. Inuihan could have been training new recruits for the Tisharii dragonriders. Natarin could have married her girlfriend and gone to Iravar. But Arizana died killing the Zykatan emperor, Inuihan and Natarin died in battles before that.
city of gold - ? A futuristic city ?
toxyokcore - the environment/culture of Toxyokù/Toxyok, a region in my spec bio world (which still doesn't have a proper name)
des_light - a specific type of lighting in photos I like.
others art of my ocs - what it says. When others draw my oc.
colors - colors I like.
conlang: ashisota - My conlang, Ashisota.
reflections - Me in a way.
the created self stays the same - Hyranes, Vei, Dafne. They want to change but they can't, they are bound to their programming/true name.
Do not claim my art as your own, but I am totally okay with you using my art or characters as inspo for your own (I do it too it would be hypocritical to say others can't take inspo from my art)! You can even tag it as inspo for an oc!! I like it if my art inspires people or reminds them of their ocs, their stories, of themselves!!!
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sandover-days · 5 months
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DISCLAIMER: this needs to be redone!
hi there! you can call me pup or bow, and this is my sfw agere blog! i use he/it/(any)neos/they (in order of preference) and occasionally use she/her for myself ^^ i am a minor even outside of regression. i'm pretty sure i usually regress to one of these two age ranges depending on circumstances and what my brain feels like: 0-2 (or maybe 0-3, i'm not sure. i just know it's very, very small) and 4-6. when i'm small (and even when i'm big!) i love kirby, blues clues, bluey (the essential /j), lps, and way more! lps 1012 and tabby/lps 460(mostly her 2d promo art, because that's how she looks in new puppy on the block) are two of my biggest comforts!! i'm also fictionkin, my known kintypes are rico from beatcats, lps 1013/the puppy from the lps figures/the lps friends game, and daxter from jak and daxter (canon divergent in his case) ! not all of these sources are child-friendly, just a warning (COUGH canon daxter COUGH) i might start taking requests for something on this blog, but i don't know what, and i make no promises. this blog will mostly be used for viewing and requesting agere content. ramble posts will not be tagged in anything other than my blog-specific tags. any fandom agere i might post will be tagged with "[fandom name] agere" but not "[fandom tag]" as i am rather shy about people not in the sfw agere community seeing agere content for my fandoms, especially since i'm probably very recognizable.
⁔⁔⁔ DNI
please do not interact with this blog if your blog is or you are: lgbtphobic/terf/truscum/similar, transid/transx/similar, nsfw/kink/minors dni(i'm a minor and this is an agere blog, i don't have a problem with sexual stuff i just don't want it near this blog fir obvious reasons), pedo/map/shotacon/lolicon, ddlg(+variants)/abdl/ageplay/petplay/cgl) or sexualize agere or childlike behavior in general, anti-agere/petre or think of it as a trend/cool aesthetic thing, think regression must be cute and/or positive and cannot contain negative emotions or dark aesthetics, think diapers in agere are inherently sexual, proship/comship/anti-anti/similar, pro-ed/pro-self harm, anti-mogai, anti neopronouns, anti otherkin/therian/fictionkin, harry potter fan, dream smp fan (or fan of any of the people in it-- i can't be bothered to find out who's relatively unproblematic), discourse blog, support cringe culture, think regressors being romantically involved OUTSIDE of their regression is kink (i haven't regressed on the platform i talk to them on most of the time in a long while but when i did my partner would sometimes hang out with me if they were online and nothing in those interactions was sexual or even really romantic)
i am neutral on label discourse such as mspec lesbians/gays and contradictory identities. i am not diagnosed with anything and do not claim to be. please do not refer to me as a "little" or call my regression "littlespace," it makes me very uncomfortable (for like no reason?? the terms aren't inherently nsfw why is my brain wonky about them). i often use alternatives that include the words "tiny" or "small," but you can get creative! you also may use the terms in reference to yourself or others when talking to me, just don't use them to refer to me. i have nothing against the terms, they just aren't my thing. i am not looking for a caretaker/caregiver/whatever word you wanna use. the reason there's nothing about serious irl stuff in the world on this blog is because all that gets put on my main blog which is not hooked to this one; i am not ignoring these events. i may miss jak a lot, but i'm not looking for him as my mems of him are romantic and i already have a partner whom i love very very very much <33
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Why are you posting Carlando and even Piarlos content if you don't like Carlos? Math ain't mathing...
well, firstly, anon, this is tumblr dot com, not maths class. i've said repeatedly, and i will say it again, that i reserve the right to be as hypocritical and insane as i want here. after all, it's tumblr - if i can't be insane and hypocritical here, then where can i?
example: anyone who watches my blog at all during a race week will know that i am NO max fan. not in the slightest. and yet i will occasionally reblog maxiel fic recs. why? well, because they're quite often quite well-written. at the end of the day, i'm a fangirl and also a bisexual disaster, so if there's a well-written gay fanfic, the chances are relatively high that i will read and enjoy it. also: i think there's quite a significant difference between fic!max (who i occasionally enjoy) and driver!max (who i despise quite passionately.) fic!max has a lot of background and nuance that can make for fascinating characterisation, and as a writer, i just enjoy that.
now for carlos specifically: please let it be known that i do not hate him the way i hate max. not even close. i am, however, a dedicated chirlie (charles girlie) and anyone who gets in the way of charles doing well is automatically in my bad books. i do try to be at least a little reasonable about it, though, and yes i absolutely do realise that a lot of major fuck-ups this season were ferrari's, not carlos' (see: silverstone 2022.) but yeah, unfortunately the way carlos has handled a lot of interviews this year really rubbed me up the wrong way, and i read one too many comparisons of carlos girlies calling him more talented than charles as well. which.... babe, no.
like i said at the start, i am fully aware that i'm a hypocrite lmao. but i'm not HERE to be unbiased. we are watching a sport - everyone is biased towards their favourites, and i'm not going to apologise for that.
and as for carlando and piarlos - i treat them the same way as i would maxiel. carlos might not be on my favourites list as a driver, but he's an interesting character to explore in fic. i am at the end of the day a writer, and i like interesting characters to explore, so yes, i am quite happy to post carlando or piarlos or very very occasionally even charlos content (because akira is the best and might convert me one day. we'll see.)
anyway! the last thing i wanted to say to you, anon, is just a gentle reminder again of the PURPOSE of fandom. it is an escape from real life, somewhere where we can come to have fun. the same rules and restrictions and - dare i say it - morals that we use irl do not apply here. they just don't! fandom should be about what makes one happy, and nobody really has the right to police that, i don't think.
so tl;dr - anon, i am here to do whatever it is that makes me happy in that moment. if that's carlando and/or piarlos, then that's what i'll do. if you have a problem with that, then i'm happy to point you in the direction of the Unfollow button, lmao - curate your experience! see what you want to see. have fun!
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sevenhundred721 · 10 months
!! If you see me liking your art but not reblogging, it is in my queue !!
You might wanna read this before you follow/scroll through my blog. It's basically just an 'about me' and some content warnings. That said, it's a rambling wall of text because I kinda lost the plot, so there's a tl;dr at the end. Don't really care if you read this, I'm not the boss of you. Follow if you want.
Also, check out my art tag. There's not much in there, but I'd still appreciate some eyes on it. For now, I just use #my art
Just hit me I don't have a pinned post and my bio is a quote let's fix that. I'm white, I'm an adult, I'm a high-school dropout. Call me whatever you want, my name means very little to me. That said, my friends call me oil, and the most recent enemies I've had (rude teenagers in driver's ed) called me Cowboy Girl. I am not a girl. This is unrelated to why these people were my enemies. I think it's really funny, so call me by it if you'd like. I really only care about how I'm gendered irl, don't sweat my pronouns too hard on here. I'm not gonna mind if you don't use the right ones (he/him), and if a situation arises where somebody gets them wrong or uses different pronouns for comedic effect, don't worry about correcting them. I will do that if I see fit. And if it's not something I can see or respond to, then what I don't know can't hurt me, idgaf.
I like posting art, but it's pretty sporadic, so it's not really worth following for. I appreciate reblogs when I do post it, though. Art requests are always open, but I usually don't get around to doing them, i just hope they'll inspire me to draw something fun. I guess technically, this is a personal blog. The only fandom I have a recent history of interacting with people in, beyond just looking at/reblogging posts from, is transformers, and I'm still more of a lurker than anything. If you see me talking about/reblogging things from smth you have interest in, my dms and ask box are open. I enjoy idle chatter.
I'd prefer minors don't follow me, but I don't mind interactions from minors on my sfw posts. I just sometimes post/reblog things that are nsfw. That being said, the most you'll see in that department on this blog is just some conventional softcore fetish content and artistic nudity. I sometimes forget to tag gore, blood, and needles when I reblog them, and I do enjoy horror media, so if you are sensitive to that stuff, while I do try to tag it, I can be forgetful sometimes so my blog may not be a safe place for you.
If I reblog or post something and it has any kind of bigoted dogwhistles or is just generally misinformed, shoot me an ask or DM so I can delete it. I refuse to knowingly enable bigotry on my blog, and if I post something bigoted, it is out of ignorance. I'm not going to delete any post I make just because some stranger on the internet tells me to take it down, but I will genuinely consider what you say to me and I will take it as a queue to read more on the topic in order to investigate the stance I took. Don't try to do petty discourse with me. This is mostly about queer microlabel shit or powerscaling leftist ideology. It's sometimes interesting to think about, and I have opinions on that stuff, but ultimately, arguing about it does literally nothing for anyone except waste time that could be spent doing anything else. The sentiments are better expressed in opinion piece essays instead of bad faith arguments with strangers. I'm open to criticism, and I enjoy talking to people who don't share my opinions sometimes, but please show some decorum.
Tl;dr: white, American, he/him, adult. Some nsfw content sometimes. Might rb horror content (including blood/gore/medical equipment), in the past, I have forgotten to trigger tag it, and I may make that mistake again. Open to dms/asks, please tell me if a post I've made/rb'ed has offended you, and I'll look into it. Art requests open, but I probably won't do them.
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