neskastree · 2 months
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i arrived in Act 4 finally, so i kinda passed half of the game? Possibly?? it's so good
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valenrose · 2 months
final 4❕❕(click image for better quality)
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Image redraw (og image under the cut)
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iamafule · 8 months
One of the things I live about tumblr is that uts literally amazing for all my fandom needs. Like, you could have the rarest hyperfixation ever and there will be an entire community for it on tumblr filled with fanart, fanfics, rambles, info dumps, theories and memes. I love tumblr.
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lobster-child · 3 months
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Character design sheet for Aunt Violet from Which Way to Anywhere! Aunt Trudie may be next… 🧪
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meru90 · 1 year
oh what are your top fave manwhas may i aks ?
ahh yess !! im very much obsessed with Taming the Tiger & wet sand!! I've read a lot but these to are def my favs right now ;w;;
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anhttydbookfan · 2 months
okay listen i know i’ve already sent several asks about several things but i need to say this one too
so i’m imagining a classic TWOO Arthurian style continuation where an (aro) Xar (though everyone calls him Arthur) continuously takes a love potion to try to force himself into loving Guinevere, because he thinks “A king needs a queen, right? That’s how it always goes.”
this doesn’t go well, obviously. Bodkin (of course referred to as Lancelot) and Guinevere have the classic affair, Arthur hunts Lancelot down and kills him.
Lancelot tries to tell Arthur to go back, that Looter’s son is going to usurp him, but Arthur is in shock. The love potion is wearing off, and his rage dissipates. Lancelot dies and Xar tries to wake him up desperately, calling him Bodkin for the first time in over a decade, desperately trying to believe that it’s just Bodkin’s narcolepsy.
The potion wears off and Xar stands over his old friend’s corpse, realizing that none of this would have happened if he hadn’t kept taking that potion.
None of this would have happened if he hadn’t tried to spell things the right way instead of going with whatever sounded right.
I always enjoy getting asks from you, please never apologize for putting masterpieces in my askbox this is one of the greatest stories ive read all day. I think i felt every emotion a longform version of this story would have given me in the span of forty-five seconds. I needed to step away from my computer for a bit to recover. Wow.
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just-bendy · 2 years
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Hello I'm a friend of the person down here love your thing!
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wh0re4elliewilliams · 26 days
yes i hate when people are touching me & yes i want someone to hold me.
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aldoodles · 2 years
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Shooting cupid
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garfield-milk · 3 months
think about how much would yall have loved me when i was 13 and depressed and couldn't shut the fuck up. what a pity i ended up in twitter
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squid-seraph · 2 years
Can you tell us about nemesis? The octo commander I think their called? Is she on the surface with Two and Tidekiller?
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Heyo! Nem, the octo on the far left is more serious and intimidating than Two and TK. She's in charge of a troop so she doesn't spend much time with them. All three of them are friends though! Or they were.
Nemesis was very against Octolings migrating to the surface (she had some unwavering loyalty or whatever) and was pissed when Twoo and TK left. I have designs for the members of the rest of the troop, but theyre old and need some refreshening ahah. She's still underground in the domes, but TK is on the surface!
Twoo couldn't leave the metro in time. She never got to see the surface.
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mumuying · 1 year
I can't believe I actually did fan arts of them in that ugly orange paper (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
(I didn't like Xar that much honestly, I have to practice more that angle lol)
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warverse · 2 years
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I had to draw these two again it’s been too long. Need me some Drink <3 Dream: @jokublog Ink: @comyet Warverse: Yours truly 
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iamafule · 3 months
I adore the httyd books with a passion but I honestly think twoo is a tiny bit better. My opinion on this does vary but most of the time I truly think twoo had so much to offer. And that's not to say httyd doesn't have as much to offer, I just liked the aesthetic of twoo so much because of all the whimsical magic fairytale vibe. But twoo had so much to offer and no one really acknowledges it. And a lot of the time when they do acknowledg it httyd creeps it's way into the conversation. I think twoo was a beautiful book but it's so underrated it's honestly wild to me.
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wickedcriminal · 2 years
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"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard"
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Spoilers for the Wizards of Once series if you haven't read it and want to, but I really thought the narrator would be Squeezjoos.
Because look, the story directly said the narrator was a character in the first book. I thought Wish and Xar and Bodkin were too obvious. I assumed Cressida Cowell liked a good twist so I barely considered them. Caliburn is also too obvious. Other than that you have the sprites, snowcats, Crusher, etc. None of them had enough presence in the story, or personality, to emotionally impact me as the read if they were the narrator.
Except Squeezjoos.
Squeezjoos wasn't there for everything that happened but I could imagine him learning about things after the fact and writing down the story we read. He was also young, and we don't know the age limit of sprites, so it's possible that he would live long enough to be able to say the phrase "A British Isles so old it did not know it was the British Isles yet"
Also, with the narrative asking questions about the moral of the story, it makes sense for Squeezjoos to ask that question. He goes through so much, so much pain in these books, and so it makes sense that he didn't ask why at the time, and he's thinking about it now, as he writes.
It just, it would have made so much sense for that little hairy fairy to be the narrator, and it would have fulfilled the twist of who is the narrator, because I remember at the time everyone thought it would be Caliburn or Bodkin. Just, ugh. I'm gonna pretend the last chapter and epilogue didn't happen and Squeezjoos is the narrator and he makes an eloquent point about progress, and what is progress and what makes a better world. And maybe how he doesn't know what the moral of the story is, but he knows there is one, and he thinks this story should not be forgotten. So he writes it down, and hopes someone someday finds it.
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