randomfandomz · 4 years
Im not sorry–
Depressed as f*ck so he doesnt have the modivation to take care of himself
He drinks mainly to forget, and to releive stress
Not only that but he H A T E S water(not as much as Baxter does, but he still avoids it like the plauge)
He never showers until he absolutely has to
Like his fur is always matted and alchohol scented
And he thinks licking himself clean like non-demon cats do is absolutely out of the question, it is gross and undignified, he doesnt want to lick himself and water makes his fur feel heavy and cold and he w i l l argue with you about this
He hates having fur. He just hates it. Its hard to take care of and things get stuck in it, it gets caught in things and just hhhh h h h H H - NO
Will straight up refuse to shower until Charlie makes him
Everyone in the hotel knows about shower day
The day when they make Husk take a shower because e w g r o s s o l d m a n -
Baxter somewhat sympathizes with him about his hatred of water
Not like he actually shows it or does anything to help him though- because 1) Bax really doesnt give a flying f*ck, he just wants to do science and this doesnt concern science so he couldnt care less, and 2) He doesnt wanna speak up because s o c i a l a n x i e t y . S o c i a l i n t e r a c t i o n ? N o t h a n k y o u .
Hes literally a cat, so he hates water with a burning passion
Husk's self image is kinda... ehhhhhh- I mean, its not like he really is that bad looking, if anything he looks pretty damn cool, but he honestly finds himself pretty unattractive. "The fur and wings d o n t h e l p "
Doesnt care if you call him old unless youre trying to be offensive; Hes proud of his age and experience
Even though he acts like an old man(well, he kinda is, but-) hes actually younger than Baxter, Mimzy, Alastor, Angel, and Nifty
Only Vaggie and Crymini are younger than him
When Husk first arrived at the hotel he didnt really wanna interact with anyone; New places kind of stress him out, so it took a long time for him to adjust and not snap at every little thing
Dont get me wrong, hes still a pissy alchoholic^tm, but the anger is less serious/genuine and more just because thats how he is
Husk fought in the vietnam war, and he attempted(and failed) suicide multiple times after the war until he was eventually beaten to death outside of a bar
He turned to alchoholism and gambling as a coping mechanism
Husk suffers from PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), along with the obvious alchoholism and gambling addiction
He is very salty/sad that he's a war vet but died in a bar fight, and wouldn't be remembered for his fighting but rather for being beaten to death in a bar while trying to drink away the feelings he had about not being welcomed home because of the way the media portrayed him and his fellow soldiers that fought in Vietnam
Upon learning that Husk is a vietnam war vet(he mentioned it while drunk off his ass- more than usual) one patron who attended the hotel for a short time told him "Welcome home doc!". Husk was surprised, as he had come to terms with the idea that he would never be thanked or welcomed for his services, but he did make sure to be maybe a bit less pissy to that particular guest. He will never forget them. It meant more to him than he would like to admit.
((I can't really think of a better reason as to why Husk would bring it up, but having seen one or two instances of someone saying "welcome home" to Vietnam war vets, I really wanted to add this. The "Welcome home doc" thing was me referencing a specific instance of this ive seen. Im so sorry if I'm wrongly portraying this in anyway, I tried to do enough research first before typing this part out, but I just wanted to point out that I tried my best to be respectful while talking about the subject.))
Moving on- L A S E R P O I N T E R S
One time Angel was just casually messing around with a laser pointer, out of boredom or something
"That DAMN RED DOT where the FUCK did iT gO!?"
He HATES that he does this, but he really cannot help it
Being a cat demon, and being Husk, his hunt and kill instinct is through the roof(hunt and kill instinct is why cats chase laser pointers btw)
Was VERY pissy for the next few weeks after this incident
Husk will purr involuntarily whenever someone pets him or strokes his fur
He WILL murder anyone who attempts to pet him or make him purr without consent(*COUGH COUGH* ANGEL *COUGH*)
Same goes for the wings DO NOT TOUCH THE WINGS, JUST DONT-
In his room, Husk's bed is literally a mound of blankets and pillows inside a box
Even he needs to get warm and comfortable after a long day
He never lets anyone in his room
Like n e v e r
Angel snuck in one night- Husk's half asleep drunken a*s shoved him out and yelled at him, waking up practically all the hotel staff and a few guests
In his defense, Angel, upon seeing the sleeping Husk, scratched behind his ears. Husk started to purr, but then snapped to somewhat conciousness, and realized what the f*ck was going on-
Yes, Husk is v e r y defensive
Give him a compliment? He wont accept it under any circumstances. He will probably be flustered and claim that the other is either lying or just kissing up to him
"You know you dont have to kiss my a*s to ask me something, right? The fuck do you want?"
Charlie honestly finds his reaction to compliments very sad
Has a kind of "well ya didnt need to point it out" attitude towards insults
Alastor insults him with the worst names in the book? He accepts it and couldnt give less f*cks
Even if its someone either than Alastor insulting him, usually even if he acts offended and p*ssed off, somewhere in his mind he just accepts it
Usually Alastor is the one insulting him, but in a "best friend rights" kind of way
He likes being creative when it comes to colorful language
"Look out to my sea of f*cks, and see how it is barren"
Doesnt have a "soft spot" for kids like Angel, but doesnt mind lessening the swearing a bit and doing a few magic tricks for the occasional child that somehow found their way to the hotel
If Husk is hissing at you you better f*ckin rUN-
He usually refrains from hissing- its part of him rebelling against his cat-like nature, but if he is openly hissing at you it means he is at his wits-end and is honestly P * S S E D .
Crymini has a blog documenting all the cat-like things Husk does, and she sometimes does the classic "THIS IS A HUSK IN ITS NATURAL HABITAT" or "LETS SEE HOW THE KITTY REACTS TO THIS NEXT THING" bit, and Husk honestly finds it insulting as f*ck
Crymini pranked Husk with a cucumber(you know how cats on the internet are terrified of them) and Husk was actually scared of it, and he ran up a f*cking tree and wouldnt come down for a solid hour, partly put of legitimate fear, and partly out of spite from seeing the slightly guilty look on Crymini's face after the first 20 minutes of him hiding up there
Being a cat demon, alchohol is actually slightly toxic to him, and he is prone to alchohol poisoning. He usually drinks beer, which has low ammount of ethanol(5-7%)[ethanol is what makes alchohol so toxic to cats]
Baxter has a spray bottle to use on Husk if he is being particularly stubborn or bothersome. Charlie sometimes uses her own spray bottle for similar purposes, but she usually says something like "Bad kitty! No!" Along with it to tease him. Husk finds it humiliating and hates when his fur is wet, so surprisingly the spray bottle thing usually works.
He is demi-panromantic and asexual
H A T E S being touched, like under any circumstances
"The last time I voluntarily made physical contact with another being was in 1970 and it was while I was loosing a bar fight. It was also the day I was beaten to death and setenced to hell."
Angel: Hey kitty~! Wanna cuddle~?
Husk: The last time I voluntarily made physical contact with another being was in 1970 and it was while I was loosing a bar fight.
Angel: Oh really? *snickers* And how'd that work out for ya'?
Husk: Well, it was also the day I was beaten to death and put in hell. So I dunno. You tell me.
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scavxnger · 6 years
// Holy shit I guess I wrote a literal novel about this movie. Sweet Jesus. Let me just talk about some short stuff first and under the read more, will be the much more in depth, break down of the movie and certain scenes. I’m sure you all have heard most of it before with everyone doing these.
The moment where Finn wakes, and asks Poe ‘Where’s Rey?” and the ambient noise + music quiets and it transitions to Ahch-To is beautiful and needs to be mentioned.
Or you know really any transition between story lines during the first half at least
Rey’s eyes mist and her lip quivers just a little when she verbalizes to Luke whats happening, and how it scares her. My poor baby.
The fact that Poe Dameron looking disheveled and dirty is like the most attractive thing needs to be mentioned.
I always forget how precious Rose is when she first introduces herself to Finn and talks with him, I fall in love all over again every time
Poe has not left Leia’s side since Leia was brought back into the ship oh wow you precious mamas boy
Ren’s line when lost in his thoughts, staring at Rey through the force for the first time “This is something else..” is too pure why haven’t we been talking about this guys
I didn't notice till now that Rey’s theme plays while she switches to the saber to train with (AND WHEN SHE TOSSES THE SABER TO BEN LATER FOR A LINE WOWZA), which is beautiful
I noticed after she slices the rock in front of her and it falls, she hides the saber behind ehr back like a little kid mY PRECIOUS BABE
PARALLELS BETWEEN TLJ and Crimson Peak, the “You are a monster” “I am” and “You told me you loved me!” “I do!” scenes, I haven't thought of the significance yet but MAN I love it
I was trying to write down all this while in theater but I got to the point where i just.. forgot to. I forgot the other things I wanted to say. Anyway the rest is long and drown out evaluations on scenes, characters ,and themes that I kinda just word-vomited out. So, sorry if its a bit choppy and all that, it is a mix from my second viewing with changes from my third viewing.
First, how the force is not defined by who wields it is a big theme this episode. Even if all ‘jedi’ and ‘sith’ are gone, the force will live. Its like an air bender saying the air will cease to exist if all the air benders were gone.
Rey over comes her thoughts on the force as I strictly black and white thing. She first thinks it as Ren is dark, he must be stopped. The Jedi and in extension Luke, is the light and thus will create a even balance. I think she has a firmer grasp on how the force works and how it relates to good versus evil, and understand enough that the force exceeds the Jedi and Sith. Of course,  I don't think she realizes this entirely till they break the saber after fighting together. He cant let go of the separation of things as much as she cant.
Luke’s line about how its vanity to think that the force’s power lies within certain people really bullet points this. Of course, she looked towards him for his guidance and knows he is right, but her vision with Ben clouds her judgement.
When the force bond is created-- and yes, this scene is still a favorite Id say-- She is quick to attack. She thinks Ren is doing it, and of course once he wraps his head around whats happening, he calms and we see his gentle, inquisitive side. I melt a little.
Another thing, a side note, more like-- I assumed after the first watch that Rey had some control, and closed herself off to him so he couldn't see where she was. But honestly, we never find out if she can see his surroundings. I can only assume, especially after seeing the hand scene from Luke’s point of view, that they exist solely in each others space, without their surroundings. “The effort would kill you” also helps this. I think their connection  was never Snoke’s doing, but the force. We can sorta see the force acts like its own entity sometimes, and since they are opposites to each other, the force brought them together. Snoke senses this and is quick to twist it to his favor. Anyways.
It isn’t till Ben tells her his side of the story of when he turned on the Jedi, she realizes he was just a kid when it happened. that it must have been terrifying to him, to have his own uncle turn on him, and no matter what motivations Luke had, they didn't make up for the trauma he gave Ben. He has turmoil, he is conflicted. I think its a moment of clarity for her, realizing there's a chance he can be changed, that she can be the light to him. She reaches out, and to her surprise he reaches back, in his weakness.
She explodes on Luke. Like in the forest, where she channels the force and overtakes Ren, we see the conflict in her, too. She demands the truth, she fights him for it. She needs to know if Ben is lying before truly pursuing him. And it is, the truth fully explains both sides. Ben’s first thought was his master turning on him, and Luke is shaded by his guilt of even thinking of harming his nephew. When Luke doesn’t comply to help her, she goes off by herself to try to bring Ben back.
At this point, I don't think she cares about where she stands within the force. She has more then just dabbled in the dark side and is a very morally grey character. Her heart is with the resistance, where the people she cares for lie, but her strength, her force power, is more so tied to the dark. I think Ben sees this and he assumes she’ll give in and stand beside him, as he grew being manipulated into thinking power is most important. Rey follows her intuition and heart and thinks Ben will return to the light because she sees a sort of fragility in his heart. I think that's the reason they both took what they saw differently.
Another thing proving that the force is what you make of it is when Snoke sees the conflict in Ben resolve itself and assumes its Ben, choosing to kill Rey. But of course, after seeing all he had done to Rey, the resolve lies in deciding to finally kill Snoke.
The fight scene is great. Even after the third time watching my heart is still racing from the point that he kills Snoke to the saber exploding. just wow. And the saber drop and catch was suuuch a sick moment. You go girl.
After the fight though, you see where their head spaces really are. As Rey runs to the spyglass and spats about saving the rest of the resistance, how he can now just give the command, He stops and stares at Snoke’s body. He’s lost, his purpose and presence in the galaxy was defined by what that man said. Without him, what was he? Who is he? Others have already speculated that he’s now having an identity crisis, and yes, I think he is. He immediately goes towards what he knows, steeling himself to preserve his power, thinking the best idea was let everything else go-- but her. He wants to have her with him, knowing his only light of guidance now lies in her. And she denied him, and he turns to anger, and he just doesn’t know where to turn. His emotions take lead as he takes position as the new Supreme leader, and even after discovering that he let them all get away, he sees her and crumbles, just in the smallest bit. HE was loosing the only one he felt he had left.
Rey is overwhelmed. She realizes, as he holds out his hand, that killing Snoke didn't end the fight, it sparked the beginning of a new one. She’d have to return to Leia with nothing, failing to give the resistance hope. He begs her, and she almost complies. She reaches out, but has a moment of hesitation. She probably thinks of Finn. of Leia, and all the other people she had met. They were good people, there were casualties in any war but they fought for good, the preservation of the innocent, the light in the force. Even if they left it all behind, the light and Dark would still be there. No, that wasn't the answer. So she changes her focus on the saber in his hand, and they fight for it.
She wakes before him. She could have seen him as dangerous, far more dangerous then he was before. But she leaves him there, unharmed. that was a fight for another day.
I think she had no idea Luke was there on Crait, even in spirit. She was worried about finding an exit for the resistance, her focus away from the split entrance to the abandoned base. She uses the force to lift the rocks and free her friends, and left with a better understanding on the force. Even as she feels Luke leave, worry crosses her features more than once. Mostly, for Luke;s safety. Did this mean he was dead? That he removed himself from the force again? was Snoke able to send troops to the island and attack him? She finds solace in Leia.
Once everyone has enters the Falcon, and she sees him again at the base of the loading platform, she struggles. Her hand hovers over the lock. She could leave the rest to find shelter in the ship while she sorts Ben out, but decides, whatever comes from that discussion will come another day. First, she needs to help get the resistance to a save hiding place while they fan the flame. She realizes Ben needs time to sort himself out before the speak again, through force bond or not.
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