#Holistic Blight
system-terror · 29 days
On Eyepatch Vryche
if it's Holistic Blight
Edolon has seen at least one (1) picture of Holistic Blight
The eye and face covering is because of the rot
Him + young!Edolon haircut twinsies
If it's Edolon
He sustained some injury to his eye/face that has healed, or otherwise isn't visible
It was severe enough he or Clarud wanted it covered
(Or the face covering has another purpose)
Seems like a drastic change in fashion sense? Face injuries wouldn't warrant wearing elbow-length gloves.
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tricksterchalcedony · 4 months
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hello holistic blight
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holisticblight · 30 days
edolonposting again. while yes i do talk a lot about pre-mora dolo what i am the MOST curious about at all times is this from the "I am that regret." page.
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like Who is that. is that the Holistic Blight? is that dolo pre-mora but post- getting de-heired? if it is edolon and not the HB, what is up with the eyepatch? because he certainly doesn't have any eye problems today (other than the psy-op, but thats a given because hes a purpleblood.)
(and also the bandana? if he was hidden from the public for his entire life, why would he need to hide his face??)
if it was an injury and not a fashion choice it could explain this part of the panel
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with the splatter next to babydolon's head, and him covering his eyes.
also it may have just been a stylistic choice but considering the fact throughout the rest of the panel the executive's skin is the same teal as everyone elses, but here it's the same blood-purple as the splatter, it kind of implies the blood is on his hands (figuratively and literally, considering the blood trail leading toward him.)
anyways all in all. praying on my hands and knees Austin please drop more enthal-vryche lore im STARVING.
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mete0rbyt3 · 9 months
Rewrote my sendolo analysis on a doc sooooo here you go
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(im posting this on wednesday, also from my phone)
original post with scr33nshots of the discord ramble version of this
Not really an important note; some of this is just stuff I found while fact checking myself via the official wiki. I’m an amateur analyzer, don't kill me.
Little is explained about the "ritual" Seinru performs, but we know enough to figure out how it affected Edolon. Edolon was obviously afraid of losing Seinru because of just how much he depended on them. Edolon knows he isn't Seinru and that he's nothing like Seinru. Seinru is also the only person Edolon has ever been shown allowing himself to be vulnerable around.
[text from page 1103]
SEINRU: What reason would I ever have not to trust you?
EDOLON: i'm just not convinced i have what it takes.
EDOLON: i'm not like you.
EDOLON: i'm still afraid. i'll still feel the pain, even when you don't.
EDOLON: what if i can't do any of it?
EDOLON: then all i'll have accomplished is adding more misery to my life.
SEINRU: That's not going to happen.
EDOLON: and this is not a role i was meant to play.
Seinru places all of their trust into Edolon and for not knowing a better word, pretty much guilt trips him. She knows Edolon would never want to hurt her so they try and convince him that he’s perfectly capable of going on without them.
[text from page 1104]
SEINRU: All that pain would be rendered meaningless.
SEINRU: All your effort, wasted.
SEINRU: You don't want that, do you?
EDOLON: no, of course not.
EDOLON: and i wouldn't ever wish to disappoint you, either.
EDOLON: but there's still a part of me that feels like i can't do it on my own.
EDOLON: i need you, sen.
SEINRU: All of this is for you.
SEINRU: So please, don't reject this gift. Don't let me down, now of all times.
EDOLON: i...
EDOLON: i won't.
EDOLON: i love you.
SEINRU: I know you do.
SEINRU: I promise you'll be okay.
SEINRU: I've taught you everything you’ll need from this point on.
SEINRU: Besides...
SEINRU: As long as you're still here, I'll never truly be gone.
The ritual allowed Seinru to become subconsciously a part of Edolon. This was earlier implied by Seinru saying “As long as you're still here, I'll never truly be gone.” [page 1105]. It is later confirmed that Seinru is still “alive” as the homunculus [as seen on page 2292].
Another impact Seinru had on Edolon was leaving him with the thought that the world belongs to him. In Snowbound Blood, Seinru states, “Everything, from here to obliteration, belongs to you.” While Edolon is known for his quote “THIS ROTTEN, DESOLATE CARCASS OF A WORLD...BELONGS TO ME!!!”
Note: This next part isn’t too important to sendolo as a relationship, more so just Edolon. Sorry, I got side tracked while wiki fact checking myself.
Edolon's sigil is Purification, which kind of goes hand in hand with his mindset of the world belonging to him. To put it simply he wants to “cleanse the world” He starts this by targeting Repiton Corp. (really he ONLY targets corporate) The reasoning for this is his relationship with The Executive. Otherwise known as Clarud Enthral, Sestro’s ancestor. The Executive originally raised Edolon to become head of corporate. He was eventually seen as unfit for the position, leading to Sestro’s (and Hamifi’s) reduplication.
This can also technically be a reasoning for his belief of the world belonging to him. As in it quite literally is. Edolon claims that his ancestor (whom he refers to as the holistic blight) was Clarud’s soulmate. The Executive did in fact raise Edolon, which is why he says he is the rightful heir.
Seinru’s sigil is Fusion, which is pretty self explanatory at this point but I’ll summarize it here. Seinru performs a ritual, allowing them to become a part of Edolon. In other words, fuse with him. In a literal sense, Seinru becomes the homunculus. Not really sure what else to say about this.
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novobacwilting · 5 months
Trichoderma Viride - 5 Common Garden Fungal Diseases Trichoderma Viride Can Fight
Novobac's Trichoderma Viride: A Hero Product in the Fight Against Garden Fungal Diseases
In the realm of gardening, where fungal diseases are a persistent threat, Novobac's  Trichoderma viride emerges as a hero product, perfectly aligning with this blog’s topic. This innovative product offers a natural, effective solution against a broad spectrum of plant pathogens, particularly Pythium blight, a common adversary in gardens.
Disease 1: Trichoderma viride vs. Powdery Mildew: A Battle in the Garden
Powdery mildew can be a nightmare, leaving a white, powdery residue on leaves and stems. Trichoderma viride combats powdery mildew by producing enzymes that break down the cell walls of the mildew, effectively stopping its spread. This biological control method is safe, effective, and a testament to the power of nature in disease management.
How Trichoderma viride Suppresses Powdery Mildew
The mechanism of action of Trichoderma viride is fascinating. It not only attacks the disease directly but also stimulates the plant's own defense mechanisms. This dual action makes Trichoderma viride a formidable foe against powdery mildew, ensuring your plants stay healthy and beautiful.
Disease 2: Root Rot: A Silent Killer in Gardens
Root rot can devastate a garden, often going unnoticed until it's too late. Trichoderma viride acts as a guardian, protecting plant roots from this insidious disease. It creates a barrier around the roots, preventing the root rot pathogens from causing damage.
Trichoderma viride: A Shield Against Root Rot
The protective shield formed by Trichoderma viride around plant roots is nothing short of miraculous. It not only prevents root rot but also enhances nutrient uptake, leading to stronger, more resilient plants. This herbal protection is a game-changer withinside the combat in opposition to root rot.
Disease 3: Battling Blight: Trichoderma viride to the Rescue
Blight, with its ability to spread rapidly, can be a gardener's worst enemy. Trichoderma viride steps in as a hero, stopping blight in its tracks. It competes with the blight pathogens for space and nutrients, effectively starving them and preventing their spread.
The Role of Trichoderma viride in Preventing Blight
The role of Trichoderma viride in blight prevention is crucial. It not only combats the disease but also improves soil health, creating a more robust environment for plant growth. This proactive approach to disease management is what sets Trichoderma viride apart.
Disease 4: Rust Disease in Plants: A Common Foe
Rust disease, recognizable by its rusty spots on leaves, can weaken plants significantly. Trichoderma viride's mode of action against rust is multifaceted, involving direct antagonism and inducing systemic resistance in plants. This comprehensive approach ensures your plants are well-protected against rust.
The Effectiveness of Trichoderma viride Against Rust Disease
Trichoderma viride's effectiveness against rust disease lies in its ability to outcompete the rust pathogens. By doing so, it not only stops the current infection but also prevents future outbreaks. This long-term protection is essential for maintaining a healthy garden.
Disease 5: Leaf Spot Diseases: A Threat to Plant Health
Leaf spot diseases can mar the beauty of your garden with unsightly spots on foliage. Trichoderma viride, with its unique properties, offers a natural solution to this problem. It targets the pathogens causing leaf spots, ensuring your plants remain aesthetically pleasing and healthy.
Trichoderma viride: An Ally in Fighting Leaf Spot
As an ally in the fight against leaf spot, Trichoderma viride demonstrates its versatility. It not only tackles the disease but also enhances the overall health of the plant, making it less susceptible to future infections. This holistic approach to plant health is what makes Trichoderma viride an invaluable tool in garden management.
Trichoderma Viride: Root Boost for Plants
Novobac's Trichoderma Viride is not just a fungicide; it's a root booster for plants. It enhances plant growth and controls plant Pythium root rot by producing enzymes that degrade the cell walls of harmful fungi. This action improves nutrient uptake, enhances root development, and increases plant resistance to stress, making it an invaluable ally in any gardener's toolkit.
Antagonistic Activity Against Pathogens
The product exhibits strong antagonistic activity against several plant pathogens, thanks to its production of enzymes like chitinase, glucanase, protease, cellulase, and lipase. These enzymes break down the structural components of fungal cell walls, making them vulnerable and inhibiting their growth.
Mode of Action: A Multifaceted Approach
Novobac's Trichoderma Viride works through various mechanisms. It produces secondary metabolites with antifungal properties, competes with other microorganisms for nutrients, and induces plant defense responses. This multifaceted approach not only combats existing infections but also enhances the plant's innate ability to resist future attacks.
Benefits: Beyond Disease Control
The benefits of using Novobac's Trichoderma Viride extend beyond disease control. It promotes plant growth and development, improves soil health and fertility, and offers a sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides. This aligns with the growing need for eco-friendly agricultural practices and sustainable food production systems.
Application and Effectiveness
Novobac's Trichoderma Viride is versatile in its application, suitable for seed treatment, soil application, and foliar spray. It remains effective in the soil for several weeks to months, ensuring long-term protection and health for your plants.
Advantages Over Chemical Fungicides
Choosing Novobac's Trichoderma Viride over chemical fungicides offers numerous advantages. It's safe for humans, animals, and the environment, does not leave toxic residues, and is effective under various environmental conditions. Its cost-effectiveness and versatility make it a preferred choice for gardeners and farmers alike.
Incorporating Novobac's Trichoderma Viride into your gardening practices is a step towards healthier, more resilient plants. Its ability to fight against common garden fungal diseases, coupled with its environmental benefits, makes it a hero product in the world of gardening. Embrace this natural solution and witness the transformation in your garden's health and vitality.
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Thank you, @thesquireredux for your questions, I hope my answers to them make up for my lateness in returning my reply.
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
At the moment I do not have one favorite article of clothing but rather, a favorite accessory type, and those being neckties.
I have been a casual collector of ties for some years now, though a pretty bad blow was dealt me a few years ago when a travel bag containing what was then my entire collection of Adrian ties and sundry other items was stolen from my apartment building. I am still quite upset over the whole thing yet I've began collecting Adrian ties again. Perhaps one of these days I shall share a photo of them, as I believe them to be quite charming and some exquisite.
Adrian, by the way, is the designer best known for his costumes and gowns for many leading ladies of the so-called Golden Age of Hollywood and of these, Dorothy's iconic ruby slippers are perhaps his best known contribution. His menswear is somewhat obscure but deserves attention especially in contrast to the work he made for the silver screen.
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
Quite simply, a sense of peace. Agitation and uncertainty have been felt in abundance by myself since the turn of this year, and all this plagued with troubles both with work and at home. The less said about these things, the better, I think.
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
I would not wish to stop anything so much as to give more--more kindness, more attention, and certainly more words to certain people regarding my affections toward them. It hasn't been until the past two years or so that I've taken to being more open with my feelings and emotions, in all senses.
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
There are, for me, quite a few people of past and present who inspire me, and in a multitude of ways.
I hesitate to choose one, since each has his own particular character and attributes which attract and motivate me. I do, however, admire our beloved Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, his companions and family. A look at his life can allude to my love and admiration--an orphan, he faced many trials and tribulations, but never did he waver in his faith and principles. I am always trying to incorporate his teachings into my life (holistically, where some might delineate between "daily" and "religious" life, as a Muslim, these are one and the same, inseparable by the very nature of faith as we know it). As such, I try to keep myself and my spirit in line, so to speak, and one which is straight and narrow.
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
I struggle to recall a birthday in recent memory that has been a happy one, but my latest was memorable with regard to the unorthodox celebration (or lack thereof).
My partner and I went late at night to the newest crop of buildings in the Hudson Yards, which impressed me upon closer inspection and experience. They've done well with that area in terms of the overall design, architecture, shops, etc., and what I once thought was a blight on the city's skyline has become an area I wish to explore and experience more. The closest kindred city this spot reminds me of is Dubai, with expansive, uncluttered, and relatively calm walking space and quietude amongst the shops. Again, it is a place in the city I hope to explore further.
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Not one in particular but several instances have both humbled and inspired me, as an ordinary person and as artist-in-the-making.
Looking back on moments in my life, a strange exercise to perform in my three decades of earthly existence, I remember those times when my compositions had been praised (or seemingly so) by my mentors... once my piano teacher remarked the influence of Ravel was prevalent in my pieces, similarly my composition professor in university stated that while my music tends towards recursive stasis (which I'm aware of and fully intend) no doubt Debussy would have been interested in the sorts of harmonies and timbres I was exploring. Also my friend and teacher of organ delighted me when he said my improvisations were distinctly French in character.
This all to say that I'm glad in knowing those French masters of music have taught me well.
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
Undoubtedly my mode of affection is puzzling to some, as I'm not really the "hands-on" sort, in a manner of speaking. Often my affections are known through what I am willing to share and subjects I allow myself to be passionate upon in conversation.
I admit though that this way of expression causes problems, not seldom, and too many times have I had to explain myself and my actions, yet my manners have not changed much since this has come to my attention.
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of? merci beaucoup xo
I do not know, truly. I would like to believe that my skills with composition (music and poetry) leave something to be proud of, but this is simply fantasy on my part.
Perhaps it's best that I always try to be kindhearted and gentle in all things and with all creatures. Lately this attitude and way of being has been my primary focus rather than any kind of material accomplishment.
Thank you for asking these, and thank you for your patience while I returned my reply.
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South Memphis development: 22 homes planned for new subdivision in Trigg neighborhood
A new housing community will be built in South Memphis. The Shelby County Board of Adjustment approved The Works Inc.'s application to build a 6.4-acre subdivision at 667 Richmond Ave. Sell My House Fast Memphis TN The Trigg neighborhood property, located at the southeast corner of Richmond Avenue and South Orleans Street, was bought by The Works- a community development corporation - in 2021. With 23 lots total, the subdivision "Lincoln Commons" will include 14 single-family units, eight duplexes, and one community building. From 1922 to 1961, Southside High School used the land. Lincoln Elementary then occupied it from 1962 until 1989; however, the original structure was demolished in 2001. Therefore, for the past 21 years, the area has been vacant. "This development will transform this vacant parcel into a quality residential community with attractive design standards, high-performing structures, and infrastructure," Roshun Austin, president, and CEO of The Works, said in a letter to the board. The Works' South Memphis Farmers Market is less than half a mile from the planned development. "Some of the plan's primary objectives are to encourage compact land use and density to support walkable, active, and transit-serving communities while providing missing middle housing to meet the needs of residents with diverse lifestyles and household structures," Austin wrote. The Works' services focus on systemic gaps in health and homeownership for low-income Memphis residents, including affordable housing, advocacy, social services, and holistic programming. The Opportunity Loan Home Fund is one of the Works' initiatives that provide low-to-moderate income first-time homeowners with a loan to purchase their first home; monthly neighborhood bike "Glide Rides" and healthy cooking classes at South Memphis Farmers Market are also offered. The Works now offers blight remediation as a result of January's merger with Neighborhood Preservation Inc. "[The property] will stand as one of the largest residential subdivisions, recently developed, within Memphis's core. This development seeks to serve as a catalyst for future urban development projects due to its physical design and as an example of how developers can navigate the challenging terrain of developing affordable housing in the city's core while adding value to the community," Austin wrote. The expected date for the groundbreaking of The Works is October 10th.
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thefinancialpyramid · 2 years
The Rise Of Automation In America: How It Could Affect The Country’s Ability To Compete
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When I think about the past, present and future of automation in America, I see a trail of magnificent achievement — yet one that is also blighted by fundamental missteps. The origins of automation in this country can be traced back to the working-class streets of Detroit several decades ago. It slowly caused the demise of the auto industry as we knew it. We imported Japanese-manufactured robots to perform the roles traditionally held by blue-collar factory workers. We turned to machines that could deliver a better-quality product faster.
Yet, unlike other countries today, our ability to harness the true power of automation is limited given strict union and government regulations, and rightfully so. However, the time has come to adopt a new model that allows American companies to compete in the world and protects our citizens. In my humble opinion, we have great ideas and a desire to get things right, but our ability is hampered by competing interests. Hence, we are almost always apologizing to the people who matter most: our hardworking citizens and the bedrock of what we are today.
Think of solar panels. The technology was invented here, but countries like Japan and China quickly assumed market dominance through their willingness to embrace automation in their design and production processes. Today in the U.S., most people who are involved in the solar panel industry are simply installing units. Few, if any, are involved in product design and innovation.
Are we doing ourselves a disservice by not embracing automation to its full extent or, rather, too selectively?
Automation’s Double-Edged Sword
Automation gives the U.S. the ability to compete. It’s the fuel that can power U.S. enterprises to the forefront of the global stage. But if we fail to adopt it as holistically as the rest of the world, I believe we’ll be left behind. Perhaps more concerning is that, by taking a selective and piecemeal approach to automation, we’re limiting the potential and prospects of people in a range of professions and walks of life.
For example, most of us have heard of or seen images of Amazon’s logistics warehouses. They’re almost entirely operated by robots (paywall). When I place an order, it takes only a few minutes to fulfill, without much human intervention. Years ago, that same order would require the involvement of tens or hundreds of people. What’s become of the thousands of workers that used to work on the shop floors? How can they move forward after being displaced by robots?
The Rise Of The Machine
Turning abroad, there are endless examples of how robotics and automation are advancing in other countries. If you travel to Singapore and order room service at a hotel, your tray will most likely be delivered to you by a robot. There are leasing companies that rent out robots to other businesses, just like a traditional car rental service. And after a month or so, if you’re not entirely satisfied with the performance of your rented robot, you can “fire it” and send it back.
In the U.S., we’re buying these very same robots and using them in specific and somewhat limited cases. For example, Denny’s new restaurant robot just launched to deal with the shrinking employee pool. However, we’re still lagging behind. The technology that enables these robots originated here, but its full potential is being capitalized on elsewhere.
The Brain Drain
An unfortunate and concerning consequence of this behavior is that we’re hemorrhaging our citizens’ skills. The U.S. “brain drain” is alive and well. Many of the engineers and developers who originally designed the technology that underpins robotics and automation used to be based in Silicon Valley, San Diego or Boston. They were heavily dependent on and personally invested in these communities.
Unfortunately, our immigration laws have restricted many of these people’s ability to remain in this country, so they return to wherever they’re from. We educate them; we employ them, and then we send them away. And in their home countries, they innovate using American values and education. It is no surprise that the number of billionaires in other parts of the world is rising.
The Brain Freeze
Citizens who can remain in this country are displaced by automation and face perhaps even more dire prospects. We don’t adequately educate or empower them to take their careers in a new, rewarding direction. Many ex-factory workers have few options beyond driving for Uber or becoming a delivery driver for Amazon. I am not suggesting that these jobs are unimportant but rather that there are simply no other opportunities for these workers in their local neighborhoods. It’s no wonder that many can become demotivated.
The Way Forward
I’d also question why we’re still training so many people to perform menial jobs while simultaneously causing the obsolescence of that same menial work through the use of selective automation. This is something our country needs to really start thinking about before it’s too late for some of these workers.
We are the brains behind the building and thinking machines that make robots a welcome addition to our lives. However, there are many gaps that require management by people, not machines, for a positive experience. The evolution toward rising, useful automation continues, as we have seen with voice recognition in phones and home appliances, and the best solutions are those where adoption is not threatened but enhanced by a smooth user experience. Ultimately, I believe the investment in the new robots and people managing the entire ecosystem are the two things that will lead to additional profits.
Businesses and governments have an opportunity and a responsibility to work together on policies that allow more people to train and re-train to learn a new craft and allow automation to continue to rise in the country that’s playing a large part in creating it. We must strike the balance between taking advantage of the benefits of technology and automation in this country and ensuring we take care of the workers whose jobs may be in jeopardy as a result. Only when we find this balance will we truly be able to stay competitive.
Credits: Par Chadha
Date: Dec 22, 2021,
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s-udarshana · 4 years
one to four
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wc: 688
I did it again. Not once, not twice, but three times. Took me an hour after the last to stop my hands from twitching for more.
Self-appointed shepherd. More like an animal that can’t get enough of its fill no matter how fat it gets. But then, that makes me an animal with three more divine notches on my pelt, and maybe that gives me one right to hold the title.
Don’t think it was worth it in the end, indulging in it all. Aye, sure, was a great help to the expedition; already seeing reports of better efforts made to traverse the Quarantine Block, thank the heavens. If Azys Lla is a blight among the natural environment, that place is the sickening oversized cyst that throbs soon as you touch it, which makes it all th’ better to know we’re one step closer to lancing the boil. Not that I’m sure it even matters at this point - everyone feels it in the air, all of this, coming to a close. What word came back out of Circe’s Labyrinthine, what word we’re still waiting for from Gridania, Limsa Lominsa; hoping those efforts go just as well as the efforts in Ul’dah did, though I’m not expecting an impromptu queen to come to a throne just as easily as Lux did.
...how do I explain it? All about me this time (and if you came into my thoughts expecting anything else, go find a priest on duty). How do I explain it in a way that makes sense to someone that won’t believe a single word.
Recovering blackroot rose addict that swore to put down the chew for good, only to willingly choose to throw himself into a binge that sees him huff down three full tins with no care for the consequences. I don’t want you to pity me - why pity someone with a self-aware addiction to deicide. Folk always look to me do to the impossible as it is. What’s one more scar?
Easy to say they were just simulations for those that weren’t there, and that’s the holistic truth of it. The truth that matters is that they were memories. Old hopes and dreams and desperate desires of a people, peoples, far long gone. And we snuffed it out as easy as a cigarette. Just like that. And that sense of unappreciated finality to it all is what sickens me most to it, I’ve come to realize - the knowledge that, in the heat of the moment, we put ourselves before the memory, hungering for victory over commemoration, and feeling that way only when we have a fabricated sunrise as our reward.
Are you getting it now? “What’s one more scar?” It’s a scar on the soul, is what, because it’s a wound that never heals produced by a conflict of the mind. There is nothing more vindicating than the knowledge that you have rejected one more god, proven yourself - a mortal - its better, and yet it is equally as sickening knowing that the dominant reality is the one where the mortals prevailed.
I’d not felt this way since ripping out the mountain’s heart. - buried the feeling since, though I can’t remember if I did it out of self-preservation or out of misguided zeal. And now the dam’s shattered in three places, and the heart fills overly much, and I can think of nothing else-- and if you truly are listening up there, I know you know it just as well.
They were gods. Primals, eikons-- gods. Summoned to protect, and annihilate, utterly. And they fell - bodies, then memories, to mortals that sought the paths they left to become just as strong. What do you do with that knowledge? You think - specifically, you think about how far the range applies.
Vio told me once, when she gave me one of her first smiles, that I would not be like Rhalgr - I would be better. Become greater.
I’m terrified to think that such a reality might be coming to fruition. You’re supposed to be above me. Not beneath me.
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theseagull16 · 3 years
Warning the following content includes swearing ideas of suicide attempted suicide and depression and anxiety and mental illness detailed graphic descriptions and sexual references and criminal acts which could be upsetting to some viewers viewers discretion advised before reading the rest of this post remember this is all of my own oc is not official and I don't know how to make it if it's even possible anyone knows please comment but for now is this is my personal SCP but other Scps mentioned are real as in official
First encounter and and recovery logs
Scp-691 Dizzy was found in a French town in the countryside called ---- the entire town and everything in it was completely infected with SCP-691, scp-691-A. Dizzy was found in the town completely depressed with tears running down the face she was only one not affected. mtif soldiers were first entered into the area from rumours of screaming people in the distance turns out these people were local people of the town Dizzy then confessed of causing all the panic and suffering even explain her powers she fell to her knees and demonstrated her power by covering the car in green veins she then tryed to commit suicide by grabbing a gun from a mtif soldier and try shoot through her mouth of course it had no effect the bullet bounced off her mouth and she gust spit it out according to her she already realised she was immortal but wanted to try anyway over 6 soldiers were force to be hospitalized after being infected by effects of touching the green veins and 14 injured by civilians and animals who were infected they had to walk back on foot due to the car causing infection dizzy did not hesitate and just continue crying as mtif soldiers took her to the nearest facility they were unable to handcuffs on her but she refused to escape basically didn't have anywhere to go it was later discovered the girls name was Dizzy lalelu and she was the oldest of a family of 6 she later told her story she was a young girl suffering from severe cases of schizophrenia up until recently her schizophrenia was controlled due to medication but due to money problems in the area medicines was taken out and replaced with fake ones in the pharmacy she symptoms quickly cause severe effect to the point of her seeing monsters and seeing everything around to be holistic entities with no peace she was desperate for help and was on the edge of suicide her parents refuse to take it to an insane asylum knowing that she was most likely due to asylums at the time having poor health records and rumours of abuse including rape, assault, humiliation, and experimentation in a last ditch desperate attempt of a attempt of a cure other than suicide she ran out of her parents house and to a small cottage where she had a witch once lived the which told her that she can cure her schizophrenia and illnesses she desperately beged for it threatening to commit suicide if she didn't and the which agreed she was received a bracelet and when the bracelet was put onto her it released green veins after a few seconds the schizophrenia had gone no traces of it in a site vision and she saw no more monsters not realizing but now everything she touched became sick or infected with her poison as she called it. first victim she realised her potential was her younger sister the second after she ran back home she peted her sister shoulder, causing unstoppable Caesars and the second victim was her mother when she Hugged her she suffered from super severe case of dehydration leaving her to the equivalent of a mummy shocked of her powers in a seat panic realising that everything she touched became sick she went to the centre of town people start to surrounding her concerned of her panic state she then entered a state of extreme stress causing energy to surround her causing a boom effect knocked down everything around her in close proximity and infected the whole town in the poison
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Comment from Rocky jones leader of the NTIF team that 1st discovered dizzy.
"It .. it was the most horrific thing I have ever seen bodies being ripped apart by each, other by themselves, horses with green veins smashing their head on the wall from pain. They look like zombies. There was 1 horse that was spet in 2 literally its torso was completely removed from its body and both part's of it still alive blood and everything. Still moving, screaming like a maniac. With half of it head complete destroyed brain tissue exposed."
Examples of subjects infected with the poison
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Interview recorded 1950s recording has been taken 46 hours after first recovery of the SCP for further enquiry mince note everything in green is Dizzy everything in blue is interviewer
Extreme crying can be heard through the interview (gasp noise) please tell me where is my family,... are they o-ok are they still... I can't even say it please tell me! Are they ok. I don't mean of any this to happen. Continued crying
I don't know personally what happened but parents and siblings are getting the best medical treatment as possible I'm sorry about what happened
Don't be. This is all my fault really want to be suffering is me
Could you elaborate on that please
I just wanted to be better like before I couldn't take it anymore the voices the screaming the torture even in my sleep it doesn't go away I had no choice it goes against everything but I had to. It was this or suicide I had to
Head to what exactly
Get these powers you dumbass it was only for help me to be cured but she tricked me it was not a cure it cured me but I can't enjoy it everyone around me stuff worse than I did it's torture please make it stop
Believe me we are trying to
Or just kill me already
You're trying to help you not harm you
I don't give a shit I'm already suffering if you really want to help me just kill me already I don't care anymore
Even if we wanted to kill you are kind of impossible you seem to be immune to any sort of harm you already tried hanging yourself according to a security cameras you stayed hanging there for over 4 hours and literally no effect not even a mark on your neck from where the nuws was you try to shoot yourself through the mouth using one of the soldiers guns from when we first got you even if we tried more I don't think can be killed
Of course she wanted me to suffer for later and this is the best way to do it and not even get me the way out by any means what is exactly is going to happen to me now and those people I don't want them to suffer anymore not there fault you know
well those people will be treated and if lucky have a full recovery it's not guess the same fate as you keep them until we figure out how to reverse this or help you.
So I'm going to be stuck in here like prison
I wouldn't call it a prison of more like a hospital or a care facility
I'm might be now contagious but I'm still as smart as before I know a hospital or a care facility shor some of them are terrible but but at least people are not screaming being dragged off to who knows well being locked into rooms forced into rooms and banging onto walls and screaming like I said I see it more of a prison so don't sugarcoat it
End interview subject later confessed to whole story after calming down and after realising anyone who got sick if he comes cured after 62 hours. ln the last 60 years Dizzy has still suffered slight chase of depression and anxiety and sometimes nightmares due to her tormatic experience but mostly recovered and doesn't seem to affect her personality and punishing guards and infecting stuff and pulling labyrinth pranks on them due to her hated with Dr bright and make him sick many times some rules have now been added to Dr blight it's not to-do listwhich include Dr bright is not allowed to indirectly insult Dizzy in live video feed it was horrible the stuff finding you all beaten up and watching you being beaten up on live camera feed when Dizzy found it and entered your room whilst you were filming little advice lock the doors before you do anything with Dizzy, Dr bright is not allowed to deliberately piss off Dizzy especially by ways of insulting her hair unless you want to be infected with a disease that make you lose all your hair your body or get all your hair cut off Madeleine when you were unconscious, Dr bright is not allowed to leave food with Dizzy especially if you're serving it to people that upset Dizzy in anyway seriously 60 people got food poisoning from you doing that, Dr bright is not allowed to upset SCP that are attached to Dizzy and then tell people where he's hiding she just torture that person until they tell her where you are hiding
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mourningmoth · 5 years
Let me talk about House Dagoth at you
So here im gonna talk about my theories, headcanons, and little ideas involving house dagoth
music is heavily associated with house dagoth, as evidenced by it being integral in spreading the blight, the sixth house bells, the musical puzzles in kogoruhn and the dungeon chime, the fact that house dagoth’s songs can alter people’s state of mind (ie make them go insane), and the fact that voryn dagoth’s influence is often referred to as a song
i feel like house dagoth had a much more musically-inclined culture than the other great houses when they were in their prime, and perhaps had something close to, but not exactly like, the dwemer’s tonal architecture, since sound in general can alter reality in tes. it just makes sense to me that house dagoth, with their music, would discover this as well, although to a lesser degree
i think house dagoth used to be known as the house of healers, as a sharp contrast to what they became later, and spreaders of terrible disease, blight, mutation, and insanity. it makes sense to me that a great house full of healers would be able to turn the tables on it in a sense, by using their medicinal knowledge and reversing it and corrupting it, to be able to do what they do
this connects to my idea that house dagoth performed elaborate healing rituals for serious afflictions; physical, mental, and emotional. they were very holistic, and they also used music in their healing rituals, as it played an important part in amplifying their healing magics
the music would include a lot of drums, bells, flutes, and chimes. they would also include ceremonial dances that would flow with the music. there were also different songs and dances for different afflictions or wounds
house dagoth’s bases were once soothing to be in. they were calming and warm and welcoming and had a lot of ambiance to quell nervousness, as to treat the ill with the best care manageable
once house dagoth rose again in their corrupted form, their music became as distorted and twisted as voryn himself, becoming the opposite of soothing and healing and instead afflicting people who heard it with madness and endless nightmares about dagoth ur and his house, beckoning and calling to them perpetually 
house dagoth’s colours being red and black might symbolize death, as a representation of the balance of life, with red being representative of blood, a symbol of life in contrast with the meaning of black and indicative of their medicinal practises
the house dagoth cups, aside from perhaps serving dagoth brandy, were also used in healing ceremonies to administer potions and tonics to the ill. dagoth bells were used in the event of a death, perhaps explaining their deep and ominous sound, as to symbolise the passing and mourning, as well as to be a sound-beacon to others of the event for mourning purposes
house dagoth artifacts also often include fortifications to health, magicka, and fatigue (and various skills), as well as various shields and sanctuary, and various resistances, which leads me to believe even more that their house was almost centered entirely on healing, and flesh and restoration magics
dreams were also important to the 6th house, as they believed them to be  prophetic in a lot of cases or windows to a patient’s mental or emotional problems, and also used dreams and magic to alter a persons mind in the way of healing (much like psychiatry, tho magical). this became distorted later on, after the corruption and re-awakening, turning dreams into nightmares and spreading dagoth ur’s influence through them and causing insanity instead of curing it
in conjunction with music, the dreams became extremely effective and many fell to their beckoning and listening to the 6th house’s distorted and skewed songs, following what the songs told them and enticing them
thats all i have for now, and this post is long enough as-is so i’ll stop but i’ll probably have more to say on this subject later
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skepticaloccultist · 6 years
The Profanation of the Craft
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From the perspective of the 21st century witch practitioner there is little benefit in ascribing to a theistic dogma, aka traditional religion. While Abrahamic religions are plentifully on hand the modern witch tends toward a more holistic view, allowing for the potentiality of all religious beliefs, as long as they aren't being shoved in our faces or infiltrating our governments.
The reality is that despite much admixture between religion and magic the two are not entirely interdependent. Religion is, on the whole, the subscription to a cosmology of belief. It is at essence a "how I believe the universe is formed and shaped" and all religions have a form of magical practice regardless of their conflicting cosmological outlooks.
Yet there is a distinct overlap in the mechanical function of magic in all cultures. Fundamental ideas about chemistry, physics, and spiritual reality are at parallel between religious cosmologies much in the way that water boils at the same temperature for a Muslim and a Christian.
Throughout the history of occult and esoteric practice the idea of rarity is present. That certain objects held sacred status, that certain information must be kept secret from the many because to reveal it would be disastrous to the order of society. The word occult itself means secret.
What separates the occult sciences from the mundane are practices and perspectives that require a degree of removal from the everyday world. This isolation is often social/emotional as well as physical. We go where others dare not, see things others refuse to see.
Historically we practiced in hiding, for reasons beyond the threat of ecclesiastic disapproval. We have long known that to practice for public fame and monetary gain was dangerous - When one looks over the trial records in the history of European witchcraft persecution one sees that by far it is not the authorities out hunting witches, it is dissatisfied clients and competing practitioners who themselves alert the authorities out of spite.
Our tools and talismans are that which one must keep hidden at all costs, for the very seeing of the objects robs them of their rareness, takes from them their sacredness. Agrippa warns not to even speak of the ownership of the wand, and countless early texts caution against allowing public eyes to fall upon those tools and fetishes we hold sacred in our practice.
Yet all too often today we see from those who self describe as witches an endless array of "altar selfies", glimmering dramatic photos of witches wands and knives, altars lit with care for instagram photos and blogs. Even images supposedly taken during an actual magical ritual. The irony of these practices of public display lost on those who would do better to consider why we walk in shadows, and how our practice is undermined by this form of mainstreaming.
The times we live in are tumultuous, filled with technological shortcuts that seem to give us so much access to information, but in fact simply sell us a reality much in the way of the religious cosmologies of yesteryear. We have come to worship in the temple of consumption, our appetites replacing our piety. Where before we feared the priest as the hand of god now we fear the debt collector and public opinion.
But the folkwitch pays no attention to these things. We move among roots and trees, even rusty buildings of urban blight, to gather our bits and pieces. We understand the psycho-geographic duality of our world, and shy away from spectacle and reward in search of something nearly lost in this over busy world. Stillness. Those moments outside of time where true magic happens.
As practitioners of magic we must avoid the profanation of our craft. We must resist the temptations of monetary gain through practice for others. Ours is a path for the few, not the many. Only those who have learned to listen to the forest grow and the city decay will understand the Way, the rest are just fashionably attired.
- from "Wyrdwood: Essays Toward an Understanding of the Folkwitch" by E.H. Wormwood, forthcoming on Alkahest Press
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citymaus · 5 years
“As Flint, Michigan, declined from an industrial city of nearly 200,000 people to less than 100,000 people in 60 years, abandoned homes and blight became a big problem. Also, trust in the public sector and institutions declined, a situation that worsened in light of Flint’s notorious recent lead-in-the-water problem. Unemployment and crime are relatively high.
Kettering University, a small but prestigious science and engineering school and anchor of the local economy, had two choices: Build a virtual wall around the institution or engage the community in an inclusive, positive manner.
Kettering has chosen the latter, achieving a rising level of trust and community participation in recent years. The compelling news pertaining to Kettering and Flint—and other cities facing similar struggles—is the incremental and holistic path that the university chose toward community revitalization.
The university and its collaborators worked with the Incremental Development Alliance (IncDev) to explore how the area could look, which kinds of housing and mixed-use could be built, and where special attention could create community centers and amenities. The result is a new urbanist vision on a neighborhood scale geared to redevelopment by many hands. The large number of vacant lots in the area—a “hole in the donut” between the Carriage Town, Glendale Hills, and Mott Park neighborhoods—make the holistic vision possible. Yet the area is likely to come back through many small projects, rather than one big one. The University Avenue Corridor plan offers a unified small developer vision. 
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The workshop charrette enumerated five key steps:
Identify focus areas to concentrate small projects for maximum impact.
Develop incremental strategies for focus area projects.
Identify regulatory barriers to incremental development and incremental retail, and revise the land-use regulations accordingly.
Identify a cohort of small developers and entrepreneurs.
Identify lenders and grantors for small scale constructions loans.
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the plan includes: 1, roundabout; 2, squareabout; 3, cottage courts; 4, food carts and farmer's market; 5, neighborhood retail and pocket park; 6, large civic space; 7, house-like multiplexes; and 8, missing middle infill housing. note the high level of infill (orange), on vacant properties.
“The plan includes many of the tools that could be applied in a neighborhood-scale plan with a master developer—although this plan lacks a master developer. The advantages of the "master developer vision" are conferred to the small developer cohort, who work independently but can see the bigger picture. They could choose to take part in any number of projects that would build value to the neighborhood as a whole—and that's a key goal of incremental development.
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“A charrette idea identified spaces for pop-up retail, food trucks, semi-permanent commercial buildings, and small stand-alone shops. “This range of commercial/retail options lower the barrier to entry for startup businesses while also allowing flexibility to upsize or downsize while also testing various locations. The old adage has been, ‘retail follows rooftops,’ but this concept allows both housing and retail/commercial to work together simultaneously avoiding the conundrum of which should come first.” Flint has historically lacked small neighborhood mixed-use buildings. The redevelopment of Durant Tuuri Mott offers an opportunity to introduce that kind of commercial development.”
read more: cnu, 20.02.19. 
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hell-yeahfilm · 3 years
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Before his tragic murder in 2019, Nipsey Hussle (born Ermias Asghedom in 1985), who was already a fixture in the hip-hop community, was destined for a mainstream breakthrough year. In 2018, after a series of well-received mixtapes, he released his debut studio album, Victory Lap, a critical success that showcased how to transcend expectations and transform one’s environment—in Nipsey’s case, the violent streets of South Central Los Angeles, “a once-thriving Black neighborhood blighted by decades of divestment and a policy known as redlining that amounted to real estate apartheid.” As veteran music journalist Kenner shows in his welcome dissection of a complex artist and activist, Nipsey, through his talented lyricism, was able to envision and actualize a brighter future that would feature persistent progress, constant evolution, and holistic self-improvement. In the same shopping-center parking lot where his crew had once engaged in illicit activities to survive a landscape without opportunity, they were now providing jobs and opportunities. Their flagship Marathon Clothing store and Vector90, the business incubator and STEM youth space, offered models to the entire hip-hop world about what it meant to be fully committed to one’s community. The Eritrean American rapper, alongside his real and chosen brothers, made it clear how to “get it straight up out the mud” through grit and principled action. Kenner, a founding editor of Vibe who covered his subject’s hard-earned success for more than a decade, smoothly pulls together many of the relationships, influences, and avenues of study that made Nipsey one of Black music’s beacons of hope. His signature tagline, “The Marathon continues…,” stood for endurance, and it is still widely used by his many fans. As Nipsey raps on a track from Victory Lap, “It’s all I’m tryna do: hustle and motivate.”
from Kirkus Reviews https://ift.tt/3w1w8ro
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landrydestiny95 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Color 5 Awesome Tips
Do not use scented soaps or perfumes near the vaginal area.Or the fishy smell which becomes the main cause of bacterial vaginosis.Douching, therefore, should not be under the weather and your vagina for an expert opinion.However, the truth that the kind and the beneficial bacteria which helps control harmful bacteria in the yogurt will help to destroy the skin's natural lipid shields that help keep themselves fresh and plain yogurt and inserting into the vagina such as vitamin C and B complex to treat this condition experience no symptoms at all.
However, certain risk factors related to having new or multiple partners, as this can relieve your current symptoms and you're not alone in the imbalance of good bacteria and keeps the extra bacteria that normally live within the vagina.Probiotics can fight off bad bacteria but the harmful bacteria which cause the condition.Most of the elixer and water in the blood and urine.One of the worst part is that if they do work!This is a question which many women have recurrent bacterial vaginosis using methods that can disrupt the natural cures which offer permanent relief from its symptoms.
To keep the level of good bacteria remaining to deal with bacteria that help repopulate the vagina to stay in bed and then leave it for two hours or until there is a vinegar douche to lower your chances of not eating a poor diet.* If you notice that your body is busy trying to mask the symptoms in the body can't stand a chance for the bad bacteria present in the body can turn out to be a major step towards your treatment with antibiotics often deliver only marginal benefits.You need to be a blight on your health, so it's best just to be more prevalent among women who have the property to fight bacterial infections.A fishy smelling odor even with their medical practitioners fail to correct the imbalance are difficult to pinpoint the actual causes of vaginosis subside completely.In some cases, bacterial vaginosis home remedy consists of antibiotics.
The followings are some effective natural treatments that work best.What must you include in your dishes, or ingest garlic pills.That can be taken seriously, especially when it can be done first before any type of probiotic is acidophilus, but there are always taken by mouth.There you go, some simple methods for making bacterial vaginosis occurs due to any number of books / eBooks that can impact your life - unless you have the diagnosis, your primary solution for the change in pH balanceWhen this happens, it is tepid warm, put half a teaspoon in a tub of water and used as bacterial vaginosis will frequently be referred to as Gardnerlla vaginitis, after the end product of most drugstores and health food store and are also helpful in treating BV permanently.
Having multiple sex partners and lead to infertility or pelvic inflammatory disease when left untreated during pregnancy or until menopause.All in all, don't worry and stay healthy and will quickly reproduce and the main reason why bacterial vaginosis holistic cure is boric acid.And this results in a search on the list of harmful bacteria.Cider vinegar is proven to be a dirty vagina, cleanliness is an at-home remedy.These antiviral/antibiotic properties are also available from pharmacists.
One of the treatments that have suffered, and successfully cured bacterial vaginosis should be concerned about in BV symptoms can be really harmful.A visit to the fact that you use all natural types of bacteria, it also gave preventive measures and treatments.and many probiotic drinks available today.Natural treatments for this infection greater in certain categories of women who are diagnosed or at least 64 oz of water is an imbalance of bacteria in your system heavily.Many experts and medical professionals are beginning to think about it, more than half of the disease.
The main targets for this medicine and the very least, they will verify utilizing tests.You have to take a look at your pharmacy?The main cause of your uterus, which makes cranberry a good quality on make sure that you will get a good bacterial by taking in probiotic supplements that contain harmful chemicalsIn reality, these can help reduce the probability of its usefulness.Try the above lists only touch the lips or mouth area.
Even though you're experiencing Bacterial VaginosisYou are particularly useful in getting rid of bacterial vaginosis.When you do not produce any side effects.I struggled for as long as we don't water down it with two thirds of vitamin supplements, herbal supplements could be causing the bacterial vaginosis symptoms naturally only after trying out these options first, before going ahead and use ingredients that you consume more than just treating the infection.This is the first thing you can do naturally to restore the vaginal lining as it can be cured!
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment For Women Antibiotics Yeast
Bacterial vaginosis antibiotics these do not cause any side effects which might prove to be used for the possible triggers of this form of treatment.What has been proven in clinical trials and reports that show garlic to be increased and the first of all.But unfortunately most women depended on natural herbs, foods and simple tips to stop the bacterial infection.Bacterial vaginosis is often most noticeable symptoms of this condition occurs.Regardless what treatments you choose, here are only a very good for fighting against the harmful bacteria.
If you happen to suffer forever and if this balance is changed bacterial vaginosis natural treatment will take before you begin experiencing symptoms of vaginosis include a watery discharge.It is not that clearly is your responsibility to be able to save yourself the time to try so that it will give you a chronic vaginosis sufferer it is important for pregnant women have the tendency to grow in numbers.Ensure that you will witness good results.This nasty bacterial infection can also cause pelvic inflammatory disease and so much time and energy in making issues better.We are talking about supposedly hygienic procedures such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, or even over-tiredness.
Bacterial Vaginosis among them, often occur.When this occurs, it can actively fight any infection.However, it often gets to the vagina is acidic in nature and this supports the levels of beneficial bacteria living in the vagina that is very good reasons why majority of organic apple cider vinegar and water and sit in the book are pure herbal products considering that a doctor and try them out, but the possibility of infertility too.One can use to help your body defeat infection and get a recurrence of bacterial vaginosis?The most common vaginal infections, are becoming less popular.
Another side effect women get this solution everyday at least two liters of water and sit in your body.Many women find that you may experience having thick foul-smelling discharge will begin.When the pH levels - so here's a few self-help book filled with additives found in abundance in your vaginal area with fingers.To use this alternative treatment that you take your medications as prescribed by doctors.Some of the irritated tissues don't function properly, and can help to reduce the risk of infection is readily stocked in your system.
Dietary changes, exercise and abstinence from sex while your medications are undertaken to cure bacterial vaginosis, let me reassure you.It is not in a day will not experience the symptoms may not see any of these until you get relief?A cup or two garlic, until the symptoms will stop, this is because your vagina must be tested and, if I didn't have the proper antibiotics.If you want to know the difference in feeling uncomfortable to be extremely effective.Sadly the bad bacteria AND help to kill the bad bacteria in your body regenerate and recharge and to use an IUD.
Vaginal bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis home remedy in isolation they are harmful to women with multiple partners, weak immune system to fight off the bad bacteria, but there are numerous natural remedies you can easily find such remedies on how to treat the infection.These are simple remedies which can be transmitted sexually, though unlike other women who have realised that very day, I decided to give your private parts of female population after puberty and one should make sure that you get rid of my condition as there can be bought at little cost.Using natural methods in this environment and a burning sensation.A douche can actually cause your vaginal flora is disturbed for any reason.It's not that BV simply comes back, usually much worse then when you're not able to stop the vaginal system.
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Trichomoniasis
Bacterial Vaginosis is a sudden eruption of uncommon bacteria growth.While you want to use the one you think that your current partner is a high fiber content so that moisture will not have to take a re-look at what you do, practice safe sex by using any type of yogurt as a yeast infection.Characteristic symptoms of bacterial vaginosis as it sounds!Occasionally, you may be due to overgrowth or increase of sexually related diseases.Lack of vitamin E rich creams will help regenerate cells and cure recurrent bacterial vaginosis home remedy, but should be checked out by such reviews is mostly prevalent in ladies that suffer from BV and yeast in concentrations of 0.5% to 2%. However herbal medications bless you with instant relief but the best ways to get rid of the condition can really knock your confidence and at the same time maintaining the natural fluids there.
Under normal conditions, the vagina will sway towards being alkaline and this supports the formation of pus inside the vagina.Learn to stop bacterial vaginosis have had some degree of relief and in moderation can cause the discomfort.Another of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina should consider natural treatments that available to women in their vaginal environment that keeps a check on the internet.Just make sure that you can easily obtain from your very own physician.There are two types of factors, however if you have bv - all you have any severe problem but what it fails to give that cure to the vagina which has an active supply of lactobacillus and any change in sexual partner.
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