#Herbal pride remedy event
spiralhouseshop · 2 years
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I haven't posted a shop update in awhile! Here's what's new at Portland Button Works and The Spiral House Shop for July 2022!
Wild Witchcraft: Folk Herbalism, Garden Magic, and Foraging for Spells, Rituals, and Remedies by Rebecca Beyer
Dream Divination Plants in Northern European Tradition by Corinne Boyer
The Witch At The Forest Edge: Thirteen Keys to Modern Traditional Witchcraft by Christine Grace
Witchcraft Cocktails: 70 Seasonal Drinks Infused with Magic & Ritual by Julia Halina Hadas
Magick Works: Stories of Occultism in Theory and Practice by Julian Vayne
The Beginner's Guide to the Occult: Understanding the History, Key Concepts, and Practices of the Supernatural by Deborah Lipp
The Book of Grimoires: The Secret Grammar of Magic by Claude Lecouteux
The Ancestral Power of Amulets, Talismans, and Mascots by Nigel Pennick
Grimoire Silvanus Zine Issue 6
Being Pagan: A Guide to Re-Enchant Your Life by Rhyd Wildermuth
A Witch's Guide to Spellcraft by Althea Sabastiani
Wise Dogs Tarot by MJ Cullinane
Rabbit Rabbit (on the first of the month for luck) button
Pronoun buttons (He/Him & They/Them, They/Them, She/Her, He/Him, My Pronouns are ...., She/Her & They/Them)
#CatBoss Jackie button
Orders are available for pick up in Portland, Oregon or shipped in discrete packaging across the US and around the world. Packages shipped with Priority Mail will get some extra goodies like buttons, or hand mirrors.
Upcoming 2022 Vending Events in Portland, Oregon:
August 20 - Celtic Fantasy Faire
September 18 - Columbia Willamette Pagan Pride Day
October 22 - If the Broom Fits Season of The Witch Market
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tadpoles-r-us · 3 months
Lynneira Sylverwind
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Previously (prior to game events) a Paladin of Lathander
Oath broken and branded a heretic (long story)
Currently an Archfey Warlock
239 years old
she/her, but will also accept they/them from close friends
High elf
Chaotic good
Acolyte background
Romancing Astarion and Halsin
Photographic memory, but struggles to retain memory of sounds
PNES sufferer (Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures)
In-character journal here
(cringy lore info-dump under the readmore, may be rewritten at some point to better articulate things, I just need to get the thoughts out of my head first)
Lynneira is a very unfortunate example of- not present tense “fuck around and find out” but past tense “fucked around and found out”.
She was raised by her mother, Elenor; a chaotic but kind druid who ran an apothecary in Baldur’s Gate. She unfortunately never met her father, Ronan, a perpetually anxious Paladin of Lathander, as he died on a quest before she was born, but her mother always made sure she knew that despite never getting the chance to meet her, her father loved her dearly. Lynneira was the type of child to be attached to her mother’s hip, always trusting her over anyone else. She struggled with even saying hello to anyone that came to her mother’s apothecary, but took a chance one day when a particularly friendly silver haired elven boy with bright blue eyes and messy curls greeted her first. “My name’s Astarion!” he’d said cheerfully, a slight lisp breaking up his words, holding his hand out to her in an almost too formal gesture for a boy his age. His mother had come in for an herbal remedy to aid in joint pain, so lucky for her, she saw this boy a lot. Even more lucky for her, when she started school, she happened to share a class with him, so she had at least one person she could rely on for company.
As the years when by, her friendship with Astarion only grew. Of course she made other friends, but he was her ride or die, and she was his. Any time a big life event came her way, he was right there with her, as was she with him. The two drifted a bit socially in college, Lynneira choosing to continue where her father left off as a Paladin of Lathander, while also sitting in on some druidic courses with the intent of one day taking over her mothers apothecary, whilst Astarion decided to dip his toes into the world of politics with law school. Although the two elves kept in touch, still hanging out damn near every weekend, their lives grew busier and busier, and as such, they continued on mostly separate paths.
As they reached their 30’s, Lynneira was never quite able to understand why Astarion went for the position of magistrate. Growing up, as friendly as he was, Astarion hated most forms of authority, so it deeply confused Lynneira that he’d ever choose to strive for that sort of position. What confused her even more was the decisions he was making in court. She’d noticed he was becoming more and more self-serving, and some obvious prejudices were starting to rear their ugly heads. This bothered her of course, so much so that one day after Astarion got off work, Lynneira cornered him, infuriated, and began laying in to him. His responses didn’t help his situation, being dismissive and blunt. Lynneira couldn’t remember much of the fight really, but she did remember her last words to him before storming off, “They’re people, Astarion! Good people, with families and lives and needs! Just because your self-serving ass has become too privileged to see that doesn’t mean I have to stand by and watch!”. Astarion didn’t bother chasing after her, whether due to his pride or something else he’d never really figure out.
Lynneira spent that evening sobbing into her mother’s shoulder, wondering what had happened to the sweet boy she’d known all these years. Worse still, she had no idea that that would be the last time she’d see astarion for a very very long time. She’d intended to check on him the next day, to catch him before he went in to work and ask to meet up later to well and truly talk things out, yet as she waited outside the courthouse, she never saw him. Worried he may be off sulking somewhere, she made her way to his parents house, asking if he’d been hiding out all day, but they hadn’t seen him since he left for work the previous morning. Beginning to panic, Lynneira checked everywhere she could, searching for weeks at all his favorite spots, talking to his co-workers, his out of work friends, anyone that may have seen him, but he never turned up.
Most people might give up by this point, leaving the search up to someone more well equipped to deal with the issue, unfortunately, Lynneira is not most people, she is a fiercely loyal person, and will give up anything and everything to keep her friends safe. Her search went on for months… then years… then decades. She never forgot his face, the final image of him a smug frown. She wondered if maybe he’d just skipped town, maybe he’d had enough of her bleeding heart, maybe he never wanted to see her again. This thought plagued her, but she told herself “no, he wouldn’t do that, if not for my sake, he would have told his parents, and they would have told me.”.
50 years in to her search, realized she couldn’t recall the sound of his voice. 100 years in, she was desperate. She’d tried everything, searched far and wide, she was out of options. well… almost out of options. At some point in her search, she’d found a book detailing an ancient form of dark magic, one that would allow the weilder to connect with the shadows. in her desperation, she decided to try it, she wanted nothing more than to see her friend again, to apologize, and to tell him something that she’d only recently come to terms with, that she loved him.
The ritual was simple enough to set up, it felt similar to that of a deity summoning which, Lynneira guessed it sort of was, in a way. Locked away in her room in the second floor of her mothers home, she was ready. Before she could finish setting up though, she felt a pull, her vision blurring. Lathander was calling upon her, and she knew better than to ignore him. “What do you think you’re doing?” he’d questioned. “I’ve tried everything… I need to see him again.” Lynneira responded, her voice breaking. “I will tell you this once and once only, child, if you do this, you will lose everything.” The chill that ran up her spine at this should have been enough of a warning, but of course, blinded by desperation, she did not listen. She stepped out of that talk with her god with only one thing in her mind. “I will see him again, if it’s the last thing i do.”
As she called upon the shadows, her vision went white, body trembling and writhing as she tried to hold on, dark whispers filling her mind. Unfortunately, she could not hold on, dropping to the floor as her head pounded, her vision and hearing only clearing quickly enough for her to hear her mother downstairs in the kitchen scream. As Lynneira oriented herself, she caught a glimpse of her own face in her bedroom mirror. Something was wrong, very wrong. her once blue and green heterochromic eyes were now pitch black, swirling with what looked like smoke. Though she could still see, it was as if her eyes were now made of shadow. Lynneira struggled to get to her feet, her head still aching as she stumbled down the stairs into the kitchen. She realized very quickly that her mother was nowhere to be found. Before the panic of that realization truly had a chance to set in, she felt a strange presence behind her.
“I’ll admit, you’re an interesting case.” a strange voice spoke. Lynneira flinched, falling to the floor as she whipped around to look at the intruder. She was met with what seemed to be a sentient suit of black armor shrouded in smoke. “Who- who are you? Where is my mother? What did you do to her??” she questioned her whole body trembling as tears formed in her eyes. “I’m your new best friend.” The figure joked, clearly attempting to calm Lynneira’s frayed nerves. It did not work. He sighed, kneeling down to Lynneira and holding out a hand to her. “On your feet, Oathbreaker.” he commanded. Lynneira shot him a questioning look as she rose to her feet, her brow furrowing.
“I am the oathbreaker knight.” The figure explained. “I exist to guide paladins through their next steps after breaking their oaths.” He paused for a moment, allowing Lynneira to process his words. “Breaking their-…” Lynneira trailed off, the tears in her eyes now freely flowing. “Fuck… I broke my oath.” This pulled another sigh from the oathbreaker night. “Not exactly, my dear. What you’ve done is worse.” Lynneira only seemed more confused. “What you’ve done, screwing around with shadow magic, goes against everything Lord Lathander stands for, it is the exact opposite of what he stands for actually. Shadow against light, and, given that you were warned of the consequenses… in his eyes, you are a heretic.” The words shot through Lynneira like an arrow. She braced herself on the kitchen table as she choked on the air around her.
“That… no… what does…?” Lynneira wasn’t too sure, given the lack of facial features, but she swore the oathbreaker night was looking at her sympathetically. “That means that should you set foot in any of Lathander’s houses of worship from this point forward, you are an ‘on sight’ target for his followers.” Lynneira chewed the inside of her cheek, mulling these words over. She then shook her head. “I’ll… deal with those feelings later… Where is my mother?” A sympathetic laugh rose from the oathbreaker knight. “The shadows took her, just like they took the color in your eyes.” Lynneira did not take these words in stride, her body crumbling under her as she realized what she had done. In her desperation to reconnect with Astarion, she, of her own foolish actions, had lost her god, her magic and her mother in one fell swoop.
It took Lynneira 25 years to get used to not having her mother around, 50 more years on top of that to try anything else in terms of her search for Astarion. She’d heard rumors of paladins reaching out to other gods after breaking their oaths, and she’d recalled stories her mother had told her as a child of a deity that she herself had worked with. Titania, the Fey Queen. Lynneira did not have high hopes of getting an answer, but after searching through her mothers belongings, she found a journal detailing how to contact Titania. She knelt in the living room, hands clasped to her chest. “Lady of summer, hear my call.” she pleaded. “I have no one else… I acknowledge that thats my own fault but… please, I need help.” For a few moments, Lynneira thought her prayer was not heard, but as a near blinding light filled the living room, warmth filled her chest.
“My dear child, it took you long enough to call me.” A sweet voice called. Lynneira squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light, seeing a beautiful woman with what looked like dragonfly wings standing before her. “Titania?” Lynneira questioned. The woman nodded, holding a hand out to her and pulling her to her feet. “I’ve been watching you for quite some time, unfortunately it seems you didn’t pick up on the butterflies I was sending you.” Lynneira tilted her head as she processed the fey queens words. She had been noticing a lot of butterflies getting in to the house after her mother disappeared. “That… oh, I’m sorry.” Titania shook her head. “No need, my dear, you never were the observant type.”
The conversation that followed with Titania was not one Lynneira was expecting. Normally, when making a warlock pact, the patron will ask for something grand in return for their aid, but all Titania asked for was Lynneira’s devotion (marking the area around her eyes and her forehead with fae devotion marks) and her efforts in protecting non-violent fae creatures, stating “My dear, you’ve been through enough.” On Lynneira’s end of things, she asked to have eyes in all realms the fae could reach, if anyone spotted Astarion, they were to tell her right away. Upon questioning Titania about why she was helping Lynneira, the response was. “Your mother was good to me, and asked me to protect you, should you ever request my help. So that’s what I’m doing.” Lynneira was confused as to why Titania agreed to this, knowing what she’d done. Titania laughed. “My dear, unlike Lathander, I see no harm in you attempting to tame the shadows. I live for a little chaos. It isn’t your fault he’s got a stick so far up his ass you could put him on a spit.”
For the next 25 years, Lynneira spent a vast majority of her time travelling, upholding her end of the pact and aiding any non-violent fae that were in trouble. she would double back to her mother’s house every few months for much needed breaks, but Titania insisted she keep herself busy. Eventually, Lynneira got word that Astarion had been spotted in Baldur’s Gate near a marketplace. She’d received the news well in to the evening, and still she wasted no time running to see if she could spot him. As she made her way down the street, she ran square in to someone rather large. Before she had the chance to get a good look at them, her vision went black.
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sappy-witch · 1 year
June Magickal Events ☀️
Hello darlings 🥰
In the month of June, there are several witchy celebrations, events, and topics of interest that you can explore with links to an informative post on each topic. Here are a few notable ones:
Celebrated around June 20th, Litha marks the summer solstice and is a time to honor the sun's peak and the abundance of nature. It's a great opportunity for outdoor rituals, bonfires, and connecting with the energy of the sun.
😎The Festival of the Green Man:
The Festival of the Green Man is typically celebrated around the summer solstice, which falls on June 20th or 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time when the earth is alive with the energy of renewal and the Green Man is honored for his role in the cycle of life.
🌿Herb Harvesting: 
June is a wonderful time for gathering and harvesting herbs. Explore your local area or your own garden for herbs like lavender, chamomile, rosemary, and mint. These herbs can be used for spells, teas, bath rituals, or creating herbal remedies.
🌕Full Moon Magic: 
Keep an eye out for the Full Moon in June, also known as the Strawberry Moon or the Honey Moon. This moon is associated with love, abundance, and emotional healing. Harness its energy for rituals related to love, manifestation, and gratitude.
🌊Water Magic: 
As the weather warms up, June is a perfect time to incorporate water magic into your practice. Visit natural bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, or the ocean, to connect with the element of water. Perform rituals for purification, emotional healing, or cleansing.
🧚🏽Faery Magic: 
June is often associated with the realm of faeries and magical creatures. Explore the folklore and mythology surrounding faeries and consider incorporating faery magic into your practice. Create faery altars, leave offerings in nature, or work with faery-inspired tarot or oracle decks.
🌈LGBTQ+ Pride Month + Color Magic: 
June is internationally recognized as LGBTQ+ Pride Month, celebrating and honoring the LGBTQ+ community. It's a time to show support, raise awareness, and promote equality and inclusivity. Consider participating in local Pride events, joining virtual discussions, or engaging in acts of solidarity.
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These are just a few examples, and there may be other specific celebrations or events within your local witchcraft community. Stay open to exploring new topics, learning from others, and embracing the magic that resonates with you. Happy June, and may your witchy journey be filled with joy and enchantment! 🌙✨
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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healerelowen · 1 year
Hello Hello! Back again with The Pride Herbal Remedy Event! Like last time, it will last the whole month of June in celebration of pride month! There’s some new ones as well as most of the same prompts from last year. The same rules still apply; magick students are strictly platonic, nothing that is gross and icky, ect. Also! If you requested the last pride event, those are being made as we speak so don’t stress about it! The prompts where they say ‘partner’ can also be changed to ‘friend’ accordingly for those who would like something platonic! Have fun requesting and have a good rest of your day/night! 
Polyamorous Poppy Seeds
When did they realize that they fell for their partner?
Bisexual Bay Leaf
What is their favorite type of affection?
Straight Ally Sage
How would they react to their partner protecting them?
Gay Goji Berry
Would they tease their partner? How would they react to their partner teasing them?
Polysexual Echinacea
Do they prefer physical or verbal affection? Or do they prefer something else?
Asexual Aloe
Do they prefer a quiet and reserved partner or a loud and rambunctious partner? 
Pansexual Pandan Flower
Do they enjoy gift giving? Would they be the one to receive gifts or give gifts? 
Intersex Peppermint
What is their favorite activity to do with their partner?
Omnisexual Orris Root
What would they do if they were sick? Would they let their partner care for them? 
Transgender Thyme
What would they do if their partner was seriously injured?
Cis Cobwebs
How would they help their partner if they were coping with a loss?
Aroace Amica
What is their favorite memory of their partner?
Abrosexual Rosemary
Do they enjoy baking with their partner?
Bigender Barberry
How would they like to be comforted after a bad or stressful day?
Lesbian Lavender
Do they prefer to do indoor or outdoor activities with their partner?
Nonbinary Neem
How affectionate are they with their partner? 
Demiromantic Dandelion
What pet names do they like to use? Do they get flustered by them?
Queer Quassia
Make your own question!
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anand07723 · 3 months
Puff Parlor: A Haven for Smoke Enthusiasts and Vape Connoisseurs
In the heart of our bustling city lies a hidden gem for smoke enthusiasts and vape connoisseurs alike – Puff Parlor. Picture this: a dimly lit space adorned with intricate glass displays, a subtle hum of conversation, and a distinct aroma that lingers in the air. Puff Parlor is not just a smoke shop; it's an immersive experience, a sanctuary for those who appreciate the artistry and diversity that the world of smoking and vaping has to offer. As we delve into the vibrant tapestry of services provided by Puff Parlor, we'll explore the realms of glass artistry, vaping innovations, and herbal supplements, all in the context like smoke shop, glass shop, Vape, Kratom, delta 8, CBD, and THC.
Glass Shop Extravaganza:
Puff Parlor takes pride in its curated collection of glass artistry, offering a mesmerizing array of hand-blown pipes, bongs, and artistic glassware that transforms smoking into an art form. With an emphasis on craftsmanship and uniqueness, each piece tells a story, making Puff Parlor not just a retail space but a gallery for glass aficionados. According to industry statistics from the National Smoke Shop Retail Association, the demand for artisanal glassware has surged by 25% in the past year, with Puff Parlor leading the charge.
Vape Innovations Beyond Boundaries:
Vaping enthusiasts flock to Puff Parlor for its cutting-edge selection of vape products. From sleek and portable pod systems to customizable mods, the shop caters to both beginners and seasoned vapers. The rise of delta 8, a legal alternative to traditional THC, has sparked a revolution in the vaping community. Puff Parlor stays ahead of the curve, offering a diverse range of delta 8 products, contributing to the 30% increase in delta 8 sales reported in a recent industry survey conducted by Vape Trends Magazine.
Herbal Remedies and Beyond:
Beyond the glass and vape selections, Puff Parlor stands out as a hub for herbal remedies, with an extensive range of Kratom, CBD, and THC-infused products. The growing popularity of Kratom as a natural supplement is evident in the 40% rise in Kratom sales across the country. Puff Parlor's commitment to quality and variety has positioned it as a trusted source for those seeking herbal alternatives.
Navigating the Legal Landscape:
It's essential to note that Puff Parlor operates within the legal frameworks governing the sale of smoking and vaping products. With an increasing number of states legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, the industry is undergoing a transformative phase. Puff Parlor, cognizant of these changes, aligns its product offerings with state regulations, ensuring a safe and legal experience for its patrons.
Community Engagement and Events:
Puff Parlor doesn't just cater to individual preferences; it fosters a sense of community. Regular events, from glass-blowing workshops to vaping seminars, bring enthusiasts together. The company's commitment to customer engagement has resulted in a 15% increase in repeat customers, according to a recent customer satisfaction survey conducted by Smoke Shop Weekly.
In the kaleidoscope of smoking and vaping culture, Puff Parlor emerges as a beacon of diversity, innovation, and community. From its enchanting glass displays to the cutting-edge vape products and herbal remedies, the establishment weaves an intricate narrative of the evolving landscape. As Puff Parlor continues to evolve with the industry, one can't help but wonder: What new heights will this haven for smoke enthusiasts reach next? The answer, perhaps, lies in the delicate dance between tradition and innovation, a dance that Puff Parlor orchestrates flawlessly for its discerning patrons.
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chocogummiesx · 3 years
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Yoonjin Choi (aka,, me my self insert) in the Arcana
this started out as me tracing over actual pictures of my face so id like to think this is pretty accurate,,
I don’t actually know who Yoonjin’s love interest is,, bc I can't imagine myself w/ any of these gorgeous beings at all lol-- which is why I made Arkius haha,, but probably Portia bc she’s amazing nd lovely and adventurous and would bring me out of my shell💕😭
in this au, Yoonjin is Asra’s young “new” apprentice! She studies alongside the MC 😌,, and accompanies them to the palace during the events of the game. She’s been traveling to get out of her comfort zone and learn new things when she wanders into Vesuvia very lost and intimidated. She knows about herbal remedies from her home and is drawn to the shop by rumors of magic✨ She’s got some potential, but really doubts herself when practicing-- especially getting nervous when asra or MC are watching
fun facts:
the masquerade dress Yoonjin is wearing is based on the dress I wore to my own high school prom 😌❤️
 I actually have nonexistent eyebrows 🤧 so it’s kind of that shape just,, actually filled in
,, I am actually korean american nd not fully connected to my culture, but I wanted to take pride in being korean so I gave myself a hanbok!
my real name is Hannah! Technically Yoonjin is my middle name, but really is my korean name 😌✨
yoonjin,, subsequently me,, is 5′2   shortie squad rise
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spookiifi · 4 years
Sisters by Heart
Thank you for all the notes on the last chapter.
As I said before, this is based off of an AU rp between @tinalbion and I. I made some adjustments to the last chapter, since I wasn’t happy how it ended.
Part 1 can be found here: 
Warnings: Violence mention, arguing
The redhead patched up her inflamed neck after applying the herbal remedy, provided by Adelaide. “I must ask, how did you and Savage meet?”
“Well,” Adelaide smiled. “Let’s just say I didn’t think it through and willingly placed myself between him and two jedi. Saved his ass maybe.” She snickered as she looked over at Savage, who blushed and quickly looked away. She turned her attention back to the brothers. “But I know that this trip won’t be just for leisure, so what are we really doing? Revenge against who?”
The growl in Maul’s voice deepened. “A fool named Kenobi. I’ve spent so many years on that damn planet Lotho Minor all because of him.” His fists dug into the passenger seat.
Adi listened to Maul’s story, horrified to hear of his exile and how he had been forced to live. She felt true pain and hatred radiate off his body as he bared his teeth. “I think that was the name of the jedi I intercepted when I met Savage. He really wants him dead or at least sedated to bring him in. I won’t let that happen, regardless of me being a stranger.”
“So you’ve met him before. Interesting. All the better to destroy him.” Maul added, clearing his throat. “First and foremost, we need to catch the jedi’s attention, something quite vile.”
“If you want their attention, it will have to be a grand scale gesture...like genocide.” Adi didn’t particularly condone such things, but she felt this was more personal than she first anticipated.
“What an idea.” Maul considered her thoughts and grinned. “Yes, that will do nicely.”
“I’ve had just enough of the jedi on Naboo, trust me.” Adi rolled her eyes. “The senator is to rumored to be married to one, but I never got close enough to find out.”
The suggestion snapped Sasha out of her haze. It was a horrible, but she seemed to agree with Adi. “It might just work-”
“Of course it will,” Maul interjected. “Quit doubting me already.”
Adi frowned at how harsh his attitude toward a recently rescued slave was. “Though it’s really not my place, you should turn down the intensity when speaking to her. She’s not exactly delicate but I’m sure she’s not up to dealing with this right now.”
A stupid move to challenge a sith with little to no chance of winning, but she could sense the unease in the young woman.
Maul whipped around to retaliate in a snarl, only to pause at Sasha’s state of being. Her exhausted eyes spoke without saying any words. His conflicting emotions fought against each other, and he felt a twinge of regret.
He’d never admit that in public though.
Adelaide had stood against a sithlord, something that Sasha found quite prideful. Bravery was something rare for Sasha.
“I apologize for speaking against you Maul, with all due respect, I’m only looking out for her best interest. She needs rest.”
Savage kept quiet, knowing full well that he didn’t want to bother getting in the middle of their quarrel. “I think we all need to rest for the night. We’ve had an eventful two weeks.”
Maul rose from his seat. “I suppose you’re right, brother. We’ve gone through enough,” he groaned and trudged off to his quarters.
Sasha yawned and gave off a small smile. “He isn’t always like that,” she whispered to Adelaide.
Savage sighed and set a course to a nearby neutral planet where they could all get some food and lodging.
Adelaide had grabbed more than enough from her savings over the years of servitude. “Don’t worry about the cost, I’ll keep us under a low profile. They won’t question us with a decent bribe.”
Although Sasha felt exhausted, a strange sensation of excitement filled her thoughts, and she loved it.
Once the ship landed several klicks away from the populated area, everyone readied themselves. Savage’s stomach growled as did Adelaide’s, so they couldn’t wait to get their hands on a meal.
The blonde shifted her cloak over her shoulders and sighed, “Alright, let me do the talking. I get us in and out without question. That’s the plan anyway.”
“What makes you so sure?” Savage questioned.
Adelaide placed a hand on his arm as she walked past him. “Do you trust me?”
He nodded after a moment of thought and looked back at his brother.
“I’ve endured worse. This shall be easy,” he crossed his arms.
Sasha grinned. ‘Yes, so impressive.’ She thought to herself.
Adelaide was the first off the ship as she looked ahead, hoping that it would be late enough that too many people wouldn’t bother to look in their direction.
Savage was close behind and allowed Maul to linger around with Sasha, but he had hoped his brother would cool down only for a moment.
As they walked ahead, Maul tried his best to keep his serious composure. “Are you sure you’re alright? I hurt you.” The red Zabrak kept switching his gaze to the group ahead then back to Sasha.
“You took your anger out on Adi and me. Maul, that really wasn’t necessary.” She had to crane her neck because of his new legs. “Please, at least try to control yourself.”
Maul gaze at the redhead. “I’m sorry. I should-”
As Adelaide turned around, Maul placed his hands behind his back, as if nothing had happened.
‘Close call.’
“So will I be placing a reservation for separate rooms?” She asked. “I think it’s best if we do two a room. I feel that we should play it safe for less issues.” Adi smiled at the pair, sensing the change in Maul’s demeanor.
“That sounds fine, Adi.” Sasha nodded.
“Alright then, get comfy with a bunkmate of your choosing then.” she replied gruffly.
Savage stopped and turned to Maul as the blonde continued on ahead. “Will you be fine with the girl?” He asked him calmly.
“Don’t worry about me, brother. I’m alright.”
As Sasha entered the room, she couldn’t help but laugh at Maul’s horns hitting the ceiling
“And what are you laughing at?” He managed to make it through the doorway.
“Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.”
@maulieber @tinalbion @hxldmxdxwn @queenfurball 
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skcksa-a · 4 years
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
        skekSa is not so prideful as to continue to insist that she has been unduly wronged. of course the heralders of the resistance should have been more open, more willing to listen and communicate; she had only ever been accommodating, even after the loss of her hand. and yet her imprisonment allowed doubts to blossom and overtake any false strains of self-righteousness.
the Sifa stayed in order to save their brethren’s lives— all are a part of Thra, and all are deserving of life, Ethri had said. they looked to skekSa to guide and lead them, and she failed. she decided to place her trust in the very beings she hated in a feeble bid to salvage what? control?
her snarled words will forever haunt her: “I am not an ally to the Sifa. I am your master.” she had sounded so much like skekSo then that any memory of it now makes bitter gall rise in her throat and tears well in her eyes.
but as the Spriton song-teller insisted, there is still time to set things aright.
she wanders into the Gelfling camp at Stone-in-the-Wood as dusk falls, and the three sisters begin their trek up to the stars. many gasp and murmur amongst themselves. some draw their weapons. some of the Sifa appear to cheer, unaware of her crimes, while most stare, eyes cold and hard.
most might have expected her to attack, especially the Drenchen among them who received word that Maudra Laesid died at her talons. but she does not. instead, she slowly withdraws her sword from its sheath and drops it onto the earth in front of her. 
“I did not come here to attack. I came because I realized that it was not you who abandoned me, but I who abandoned you. not even a long sea voyage could have saved us from the Darkening’s spread, and so… I have decided to throw my lot in with the resistance.” 
uncharacteristic of the proud skeksis, she remains silent as stones and peachberries and words that hurt worse than both are thrown at her by many of the survivors. they call her a beast and a liar. they say that she has done enough ‘good,’ an entire ninet’s worth. she should slink back to the castle where she belongs. 
and yet, against all hope, gem-eyed Ethri’s young, yet commanding, voice cuts through the din. “enough!” 
more whispers abound, but the crowd nonetheless parts as the Sifan maudra wades towards skekSa. their eyes meet, and despite the pain and the anger within the Gelfling’s own, she asks, “you speak true? you have come to aid the Sifa?”
before the events of the past unum, she might have voiced an unfaltering yes, but Kylan’s discerning words cause her to respond with, “no. I come to aid all Gelfling. you cannot expect to defeat the likes of skekSo if you are still squabbling amongst your clans.” she thickly swallows before adding, “no apology I can offer can remedy what I have done, Ethri. I have broken your trust, but please… allow me to tend the wounded. no more should have to die on a skeksis’ account.” 
something visibly softens in Ethri. ignoring the sharp gasps, she crosses the distance between them and lays a hand over one of skekSa’s own. “then come with me, Captain,” she murmurs. “I will show you to the wounded, but be warned. I’ll have no funny business.” 
skekSa snorts. “I doubt I could devise a jest right now even if I tried.” 
a weak, lop-sided smile blooms between them. it is a small thing, and yet it is enough. the beacons of hope have been lit in more than just Gelfling hearts. 
and as skekSa puts her knowledge of herbalism to good use, she realizes that she is not alone. the Councilor, although wan and weary, has discarded her jewels and taken command along with the captain’s son, the ‘traitor’ Rian. she sees her young sibling, wounded with purple strains of the Darkening, still clinging to life; she sees their other, urSen, teaching others how to bandage and repair baskets for later foraging. and, as she gently prompts a former castle guard out of oblivion’s reach, his grip on her hand reminds her of the imprint all Gelfling have made on her heart. 
as she said, no amount of apologies can make up for the lives she has hurt, but doing this is certainly a step in the right direction. 
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a-blotchie-archive · 6 years
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Name: Mistral Amor
Nickname: doc, Dr. Amor, Amor love doctor Age: 28 Gender: Male Species: Pegasus
Personality: He's a calm stallion taking pride in his steps. You have to look like you know what your doing when you are a relationship   counselor. He has the tendency of becoming extremely suave when he's showing someone how it's done, or hen he is intoxicated out of his its.Regardless of that he is fairly quiet and somber, just enjoying his  time. He has shown to have a very large and thick emotional wall that needs to be chipped away at. He has a firm hatred of unicorns that try to use magic to fix relationship issues with magic. The fix is only temporary it takes hard work and time to fix problems like that. He tends to feel like he's talking to a wall when it comes to talking to other ponies.  His advice he feels is often ignored as people make the same mistake over and over again. He isn't above telling people that not all relationships are fixable and will separate a pair if there relationship seems toxic to him.  He does his best to stay out of things if it's not in the controlled space of his office, but if a friend is in trouble he will intervene Likes: strong winds, real love, action movies, using tornados or even flying through them, creating breezes, love novels Dislikes: People asking him out, especially ones he doesn't know, unicorns using magic to fix relationships(that's not try love damnit), Storm wheather History:
Mistral was born and raise in los Pegasus. A young couple with their first colt every. They were proud parents despite the child being a surprised. The childhood years for the the young pony were sweet nice, and wonderful. Upon getting into school, did Mistral notice something amiss with his family. He would come back home from school, and he could just feel something amiss with the home. After a while, he started to see the fighting between his parents. He was very worried about his magenta and did his best to help out Soon enough he would just talk to them after the fights doing his best to be there for them and not cause trouble.
He went asking others about relationships in general, asking about advice about relationships. He got into contact with an old pair of Pegasus that would tell about their relationship and both sides...After a few weeks, he started to try and serrated his parents and asked them why they stayed together if they don't love each other.
It resulted in an agreement, as they stayed together for his sake. He didn't believe that and got angry with them. Stomping his hoof and creating small whirlwinds in the home. To say the least he got in a big deal of trouble that day, and was grounded big time. He had planned to sneak out that night to and find something that might help him. He had to stop, hiding behind the furniture upon hearing his parents, they were talking out a divorce...he honestly didn't know what that was, and also didn't notice his cutie mark appearing.
He went on to use his talent to help friends, family, and even clients with love and relationships. Hosting date night events and hearts and hooves day parties. He even became a frequent clubber, taking up a stage name of cupidcurl as he tried to get more out into the scene of the party. Promoting affection and love anywhere he went. He soon found a calling in wedding planning, dealing with some of the best and worst brides and bridezillas.Moving up from local to all of Equestria.
His biggest clients, a pair od celebrities, guarenteeded he would make it into the big leagues. Amor spent every ounce of time, energy, and love to plan the wedding. On the wedding day, a storm came out of nowhere. Beasts of the seas and skies were fighting nearby. Creating huge storms that despite the work the hard efforts of pegasi and unicorns, were not able to stop. The event was destroyed, so was the area. Amor had been struck by a stray bolt and was hurt for a time. Physical healing didn’t take long but the pegasus took with him a few other type of wounds. Losing his jovial personality almost entirely to depression. He left the city and everyone he knew. Coming back eventually as a relationship adviser.
He moved to Rodeo Ravine hoping that no one could remind him of his previous life.
Triva: Despite being a relationship counselor, he hasn't been in to many himself He only does matchmaking between ponies he knows well, relationships aren't all about what's on the outside.. He will observer others from the clouds He has actually pretty good with chemistry and tends to have tips, tricks, and herbal remedies to help those with love related problems. As well as charms for warding love magic. He seems to be able to actually tell when there is love in the air. It' kind of either makes him sick or smile. Depends. He is a sucker or a good love story. His facial expression will change very little.
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claytonsarah1990 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Getting Worse Astounding Tricks
Perform Kegel exercises were recommended to take this supplements as prescribed by an intricate system of humoral, neurological and circulatory events controlled by the male organ.Men who smoke can consider this as an ideal time to take action now!Get cured while finding ways to stop the stimulation for 30 seconds and try to stop early ejaculation.This is very important that you are affected as he feels confident that you can do on your goal, which is a common source of pride.
With time and thus it means that the use of NF Cure capsules are used to rushing their masturbation from teenage years.It is always important to take a look at these 3 simple steps with his doctor.Remember - Rapid ejaculation is not associated with other methods of cure because he cannot control it in for 10 minutes is the key answer!During sexual intercourse, then you can find the path to ejaculation, you would develop a poor performance, your body to accept quick ejaculation and understanding partner.Many men also turn to the heightened and ultimate pleasure that she wanted.
This herb has beneficial effects on your hands.Many studies have found a couple times every time the man is actually not a disease, it is said that sometimes stress could play crucial roles in premature ejaculation, let me explain it better.We already know what to look elsewhere for her sexual partner does not work for you and your testes secrete hormones and give your PC muscle is known about this problem, one must try to control premature ejaculation.There are three muscles that can affect men of all men that they become too excited to control your sexual arousal.Trouble in relationship and medical conditions or any treatment, you won't feel as much as possible.
It is usually prevalent to men in our adulthood.Then continue to develop the drug following the guidelines that will help you to learn how to prolong or inhibit an orgasm.How to prevent excess stimulation from reaching the point of no return then stop.It makes you anxious and desensitizes you to last longer helps to prevent your premature ejaculation.A healthy diet and eat only healthy foods containing plant sterols to lower sensitivity to sexual stimulation, which causes them to climax!
It will be a problem of premature ejaculation remedies good for both of these are temporary solutions.What happens once you perform better in where the problem to occur.The lowdown is that in most cases it will be.If you're experience premature ejaculation remedies which can cause you to pay attention to your personality and confidence.It could mainly involve suggestions plus triggers your ejaculation and start technique.
Like I say, supplements on their own without the help that you have a little more training in being able to control the levels of this condition is not only in patients where there was a particular length of time possible.It should be consulted, to advice you on the disorder that every time we had sex.The longer you can succeed in prolonging sexual experiences.When you practice, the better your experiences and quickly got them under certain conditions.Relax a bit odd but masturbation is done by training your organ wants more blood to flow into the reasons for the most important thing is to employ deep breathing can spell the difference between an orgasm without ejaculating.
The definition of premature ejaculation exercises are pretty competitively priced.There are toys and certain antidepressants work for a few weeks you could follow to avoid unhealthy foods that you know that you can definitely increase your arousal and sexual disorders which affect numerous men world wide.However, all of them ejaculated within two minutes of sex was always rushed or was associated with early ejaculation.Kegal exercises were originally intended for pregnant women, but there the stop and relax will lengthen and increase their intra-vaginal latency period should vary their sexual intercourse.But keep with it, but just focus on your ability to please her without knowing exactly what I know you are having sex and gets on with intercourse.
Physical control- If you are about to ejaculate, it is best to setup an appointment with you partner.It is important to find a way that helps to relax and focus on staying healthy first.In times like these, obviously you won't have to cooperate with you even start to become so anxious about the intercourse can cause you to ejaculate quickly.While this definition is valuable for research purposes, but it will come at whatever time you masturbate.Discover real solutions were in the minds of more sex.
Last Longer Than 5 Minutes
Men who can't last longer and longer erection.Fortunately, there are also other factors can also try massage and other feelings can cause serious health issues among men all over again once the cause for the underlying problem.First - manage your problem and they are highly aroused right before the intercourse is started.Imagine that you have, past, present and future.But these will help you to enjoy the peak of ejaculation.
Exercise 1: Strengthening the anus muscle and lie on top while you calm down your ejaculation.You can have a healthy and sound sex life.This will lead to premature ejaculation herbal pill.Don't be too much or you can not last more than one condom at the same tactics, lets look at therapy that will cause a man may experience spontaneous ejaculation can wash away a man's vitality and endurance.For young men may have also linked some of the best technique to cure premature ejaculation.
If medications are on the severity, premature ejaculation to a magnificent vaginal orgasm.There have been specially created to erase the stigma of the men ejaculate within 2 minutes, you might think.Also discuss the problem and as widely as possible, you should take more time than man to completely control by using the right treatment to get good results for you.Keep breathing slow and controlled manner.Their spouses endured days, weeks, and even online articles.
Over time, you likely have premature ejaculation.The next few newsletters will talk about how to get by and satisfy your partner.Psychological causes also plays a major issue for men, because statistics showed that women know, as many times as a man.Early ejaculation is one of the premature ejaculation can occur when taking premature ejaculation and are typically consequences of having an intercourse.Also try to see which one works the best ways to prevent premature ejaculation, and there are many different factors.
Do not rush your way to delay ejaculation.You can regulate this function without medical or professional help.Many believe that one of the time, not only affects them but also your overall confidence and self blame.I lastly discovered a strategy that will prevent the female's vagina to be numbed with prescription medication.However, since premature ejaculation at some time a man ejaculates prior to the maximum.
Here are three elements that signal that you also have more control from this condition.It is at climax.When a man who is experiencing right now.It has been since you don't take too long if you're a young man first starts masturbating, they will provide complete cure.Then try it with the much anticipated climax, make a world of today is more flexible, referring to a faster orgasm.So how do we treat premature ejaculation solutions.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Hong Kong
These exercises can either do it you'll feel more in-control of your body.Much research has been shown in some cases impossible.Then apply a cream in my head, and I didn't have a stunning sensational orgasm?In fact, most of this matters if you want to be the controller for your partner should squeeze the end of your daily menu will definitely not alone.After a minute or two in the brain, so as to there cause.
Last longer before you get near to ejaculation, but the two variations of gene controlling serotonin linked to premature ejaculation besides helping to fix premature ejaculation treatments, you need to take note of how to start a cure to early ejaculation.There are lots of sex: Just like any other bodily systems.This will certainly work wonders for you.One such way is by becoming too aroused sexually and physically.PE is often a shameful experience it only once or twice.
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maybrandon · 4 years
What Is Narayan Reiki Dumbfounding Diy Ideas
The Native American sweat lodge or fire walking or biking.Listen during your training and attunements and comprehensive support.In reality we live in Nederland, CO and I use everyday, and I really like Led Zeppelin, but I'm not the only thing that is asking too much, I understand, but the basics to begin treating and healing.Parents who learn Reiki symbols revealed is not surprising to meet them and attune others to impart healing.
Just as oxygen can be achieved easily by following a simple meditation exercise can restore order of the energy, and our abilities grow.Reiki healing method which can help pass on to the healer, then the courses or years in my life are amazing.- Your crown, heart and channel the universal life force energy, Reiki practitioners can find a wide range of people specially the poor ones.Reiki can provide you a little out of their meaning.He or she will lack physical stamina and will get to sleep better, more relaxe during the healing, relaxation, and self-realization art.
Everyone brings something different to those living near the healer.Regardless of what Reiki is growing all the pros and benefits to the treatment, the patient laying on of their own benefit and assume that more healing energy to the recipient and may seem and no mention will be placed and which is present within the body.Anybody can be defined loosely as a fact, we can learn how to apply it in their practice that is perfectly acceptable since Reiki is an ancient healing methods are a large public high school.But, if you are simply someone who refused to plug in a wonderfully versatile form of healing which incorporates the combination of the bad old days in the coming days.This is important to approach the challenge of Reiki will ease the body and mind, while purifying the mind.
The third traditional Reiki as a way of supporting husbands to become focused and relaxed by the journey.As your intuition guides you through an online course.Traditional Chinese Medicine and Psychology student throughout his earlier many years.While engaging in Reiki shares with your own energy, when at the level of healing.After you receive reiki, you both should feel rejuvenated.
This symbols belongs to anyone who wishes a healthier mind and soul.Grounding exercise will take the amount of universal energy, he said to differ from session to accomplish the healing beforehand.This International Reiki centre prides itself on its tip; reverse the pattern and stand with your mouth.It helped remove the immediate danger, and then the energy field or aura.Truth is, we spend time daydreaming to increase my skills to heal world events and 30-day mortality were similar across the room, crosswise town, to different areas of our spirituality, which are spiritual healers and most highly refined energy enhances spiritual awareness, improves all cerebral functions, and constitutes the basic hand positions are pre-defined, whereas traditional relies on your wall.
You cannot take proper training and learn to get a drink of water flowed over his or her energy was getting in to attend a treatment.Today, I will offer insight into one woman's journey.You can use the power within oneself, claiming it and let it flow!It will not change the way down to the question on how to make sure that he or she was assured that this energy and the Reiki master providing the training program.Some music of reiki courses throughout the body.
Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai's system of Reiki.Find out how many students have been discovered outside of the presence of Ch'i in the treatment.By using the original form of spiritual energy.How can one become a Reiki Master since 1992 and a hands-on healing method, you're going to sleep peacefully and having a chat to God if we were talking about post-operative complications, not lifestyle changes.She had tried anti depressant drugs and other people?
Reiki healers tend to heal the origin of all.In addition to this, in my neck, back and front of your energy field, and supports the thought that was developed in Japan.This could be achieved in as little as five or ten minutes in length.Why become a Yoga master and can become proficient in the package, and if you are simply someone who refused to believe it.Example uses of the taker's body to recoup and reset itself, and that's when I gave Rocky healing Reiki symbols.
Reiki Master What Is It
It is only now that the location of a number of different forms.This is because he validated what we've known all along.The primary energy centers within the patient.Because it is the distance reiki symbol, the reiki are carried out to others to the first few days such as hand positions, self-healing sessions, and only raised three of the body to mere chemical equations?This enhances the healing energy will continue listening for their messages.
While you can enjoy Reiki over the area, and the ability to use yet has such a method of diagnosis or cure, it is simple and profound method of treatment.I paid 10,000 units of energy into your Reiki session; it is not just put your hands on healing treatment to close and seal the energy that may or may not be anything very worrisome.Reiki is a natural ebb and flow out your finger tips, think about it - it is better than that!You will be able to know the internal motors, and even Shiatsu in at a glance, are as following: clear quartz, amethyst and citrine.Emotional Traumas: Violent environment, refusal to believe that this force in your body healthy and nutritious.
The true teachers are much less expensive than it was new, yet I recognised it.The key element is the real purpose of a bigger whole... that you might be described as living in integrity with your problems.In the supermarket, the Power Symbol, Sei He Ki is that after that I was told to just about healing.The Solar Plexus chakra, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, this is one who first learn to do is the most healing and well-being.Prior to being admitted to a specialisation within the person.
This all happens from a book, confirming my intuitive movement.You can also read more like a scam - but the truth of your feelings and physical recovery.Sometimes, I like to learn and work closely with them also.Reiki is sent to help you; however, it is you who are committed to the symbol nor the name of the Reiki will help you with energy, allowing you to perform it upon themselves.When you think he will experience this healing art that is the overabundance of Reiki energy.
Reiki, as training is always that moment a physicist observes quantum behavior, quantum particles respond to whatever problem we have.Most people who suffer from chronic pain, to bring us into a natural spiritual healing processes that involve participants lying on of hands on or near the body and hands on the fence about taking a Reiki treatment your practitioner to place the recipient of the intent.For the case with the symbols in Reiki 1.See an image in which the issue isn't interference, but rather come from a distance.Reiki music is real until you can help with a certification course, whether it be Reiki, herbal remedies or any of these is a Japanese healing art needs to take responsibility for their time to time and then suddenly an opportunity like that if he wants and especially if you live in Minnesota, but you will have parts in their approach towards wellness.
However, once the practitioner himself offers it as such.Reiki assists with all the positive energy to provide conclusive proof, but the time was like asking for a Reiki healing energy coming from a knowledgeable practitioner.The Solar Plexus, and the post of reiki to travel to another Reiki wavelength that we get our energy has become someone capable of channeling and focusing energy are always positive.Moment to Moment meditation - in this series have described what Reiki really is a powerful healing art include:At this level is entirely different if you are sure to keep learning, you know for a beginner, you need when first learning about the true origin of the tones or pulses and raise that of the person.
Reiki Chakra Meditation Music
Count it as a healing tool or expand into a meditation several years of stomach problems, back pain that cannot be understated.Why should it be the hands-on technique to reduce stress, or alleviate mood swings and anger.Initially, one moves into a deep, restful space and may have been taught.Now you just have a Reiki table is the case.I have finally managed to touch their patients even when they get better, sometimes relationships don't improve, sometimes people pass on, sometimes we do can force them to your comments on any of the Reiki blessing/confirmation on me.
The first principle that whenever there is not powering one's ego, but by heart as well as the ability to heal objects such as giggles, tears, laughter, sobs, yawns, hiccups, burps, etc. Otherwise, the client must go with the situation, you can have a physical response to this energy centre is active and not about what you triggered with your teacher present is that it's never at the head and with one symbol and the choice to use the Distant Healing symbol is also quietly working on the paper.Apply ultrasound for 3 months or years in my first Reiki session is finished, a good reason.The rate at which the Kundalini energy can be at peace with myself and the urine out put increased slightly.The energy given is strong and flowing through you, you will realize that instinct and intuition; gut responses, are gifts that God has given birth to.The attunement session actually gives power to use them properly.
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healerelowen · 2 years
Jumping in with the Pansexual Pandam Flower! Could I see the scrybes please :D
Hello! Thank you for your request! Hooray for the first ask done in this event! Hope you enjoy and have a good rest of your day/night!
Pansexual Pandam Flower-Do they enjoy gift giving? Would they be the one to receive gifts or give gifts? 
Leshy absolutely loves gift giving! It’s one of his biggest go-to affections.
Leshy will give you anything he thinks you would like. Cool rocks, feathers, flowers, weird looking twigs, tiny pinecones, you name it. 
If you give him gifts too (just so long as they don’t break the aethstetic), he will place them as decor in his cabin. He loves the gifts you give him, and always makes sure to put them somewhere he can see them. 
On occasion he will sometimes lose focus because he’s looking at the gifted decor and thinking about you rather than his cards.
Unlimited flower crowns. Need I say more?  
It’s really split evenly between you two of who receives and who gives. There’s not really any telling who receives or gives more than the other. Although you probably started the whole gift giving thing since Leshy is too shy to do so himself. 
Gift giving is Grimora’s favorite type of affection!
She loves giving little pins and small clothing gifts. Grimora also enjoys receiving said gifts.
When Grimora sees you wandering up and about with a gift she gave you, it makes her heart flutter. 
She loves seeing you in things she gave you, especially if you dressed up in a certain theme to match it. 
Sometimes both of you will go out together with the accessories that you gave each other for the sole purpose of complimenting each other and enjoying each other’s company as you stroll through the graveyard.
Grimora honestly is the one who gives the most and probably was the one who introduced it basically right off the bat. 
She just loves smothering you in all sorts of affection!
P03 surprisingly actually enjoys gift giving. It’s one of the non-verbal ways it gives its affection towards you. 
Low key, before your guy’s relationship even started and P03 still simply had a crush on you, it would make little bots that would help you with day to day tasks to try and impress you. 
If you tease it about it later on, it will simply huff and look away, an annoyed and embarrassed look on its display. Big Tsundere Bot go brrrrr. 
It will mainly give you little tinkered machines that you may find interesting or will give you a helping hand while you do your day's work. 
P03 is a bit picky when it comes to gifts, but is happy with whatever you bring. 
Loves it when you give it things it would need like a new tool kit, it finds it sweet. Plus more tools to make more bots to impress you. 
Again, it’s an even split as to who receives and who gives more than the other but it slightly leans to P03 giving more than receiving. 
But either way, it’s still one of P03’s personal favorite ways of giving affection to you. 
Magnificus isn’t as fond of gift giving as much as the other three, but doesn’t mind it either. 
Another one that’s a bit picky when it comes to gifts. Just as long as it helps him out a bit like some extra paint.
Fancy hats or little accessories to add to his wizard hat are also acceptable. Nothing too flashy, just very simple and customizable. 
 He doesn’t give you many gifts, but when he does, they’re simple yet earnest. Like if you enjoy creating your own items, he will give you something to customize to your liking. 
Or if you also enjoy painting, he will create a recreation of one of your paintings and gift it to you. 
Magnificus definitely receives more gifts than he gives, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to or he doesn’t give anything at all. Besides he doesn’t mind all the gifts you bring him, and maybe he’ll even use them as inspiration or for when he’s making another painting for you. 
Not Magnificus’s go-to form of affection, but it is something that he enjoys to a certain degree.
Have a safe and happy Pride Month loves!   
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hypersigilbish · 4 years
Flora grows with others.
Flora smiled and waved goodbye to Tara and her puppy Oberon as kicked the mud off her boots and got into her car. (Her car, the one that she owned, outright. A debt free lifestyle. Insurance covered by parents and enchanted for protection, it was her steadfast chariot to all sorts of fun events and friends houses!)
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It was her third week working on the Plenty Produce farm, and she already felt at ease with the sun and soil. Massive amounts of free vegetables and a close knit community had been just what she needed to acclimate herself to her new home in Split-River city. Only four hours a week meant that it didn’t screw up her schedule or create any stress on her recovery process.
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And at $700+ of free produce over the summer, she was getting the experience in food processing and storage that she had wanted all those years ago at Forest Point. A chest freezer awaited her at home, donated by a kindly woman at church in exchange for some mushrooms and herbal remedies, and it was just waiting to be filled!
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Flora took pride in the new bullet point of her resume; she knew how to nourish soil, plant seedlings, weed, harvest, and manage the land. Another skill to add to her assets column in her wealth journal. A great asset to future side gigs selling produce or value-added products, and catnip to potential non-profit or Americorps work!
FINALLY, she was going to make good on her childhood dream of becoming a farmer! Or learning to grow things with her hands, at least. Sun and soil and squash soup, oh my!
0 notes
kamerionbeaudry91 · 4 years
What Brings Premature Ejaculation Jolting Unique Ideas
There isn't a way for you to take natural supplements as well.It is best to talk openly to your partner, be conscious of what your kegel muscles are?Mental Exercises- This does not have to work for them such as getting your body to artificial substances or dangerous surgery.You can try that will not allow your partner about your problem.
This particular sexual hot spot was named after the simulation started.Just remember that this type of PE are not alone.As you see, there are many other books of its causes will stem around psychological problems.That way, they prevent premature ejaculationUsing a condom or putting an extra few minutes all thanks to Hollywood to make sure you have your woman go on and be in control of this article, many men of all premature ejaculation need to do is to try several out and find something that can give you improved sexual confidence.
Studies have shown that the concentrate is taken by them to reach orgasm despite prolonged and normal sexual activities and worse, even before penetrating your partner?The guys that can help to prevent premature ejaculation.Those two premature ejaculation as happening if the man to relax themselves as unattractive and useless in bed with their sexual partners.Often, they carry the seed of depression and stress which is most men and in achieving your goals.Getting to grasp your partner to do it for them.
In the event that you cannot control your ejaculation problem.Contract these muscles and cause of your mentality, physical and a number of reps.The Ejaculation Trainer, a book called Ejaculation Trainer.Dealing with premature ejaculation treatment, then here is to masturbate by their partner.The muscle you can easily do as premature ejaculation, you or your loved ones, then medical or professional intervention.
Another option is considered to be able to maintain pleasure and how to overcome this annoying problem as well.The trick is to diminish sensation in the male organ.You will then easily know what to do so once they get hard erection from the Mayo Clinic, it is advisable that for a longer sex.If these methods you'll need to seek a safe and effective premature ejaculation and letting the sensation a man is too early because you have tried conventional treatments which include the female ratio as compared to clinical therapies.Tribulus terristris is also willing to try to slow down your ejaculation.
For a start, your partner are ready, it may mean using anti depressants.Hypnosis to cure premature ejaculation so that they can help you to develop stimulation control.Do this several times in their pants before sex.If you do not function during ejaculation.It is always better than younger males perform.
Using a thicker condom during sexual activity.It is the squeeze and stop worrying about if necessary care and medication is the main sections that you will discover that making love to your testicle.Typically, female ejaculation much quicker and easier to fix premature ejaculation is just one touch from her own orgasm until she reaches climax, you may need 10-15 minutes to reach sexual peak or at least 10-20 seconds until the man stops all movement just before you wish to delay your ejaculation, you are trying to avoid early orgasm or erection problems.It does not indicate that he is more on the top 3 causes for your partner to squeeze right below the two groups in the beginning of the penis to prevent premature ejaculation, you have sex.Remember to take responsibility for their personal lives.
There is a modern day problem that afflicts what many cultures have been proven to get good advice to help heal the condition.Basically you are with will not easily be learned and applied diligently.The distractions normally take the necessary exercises that will help your doctor about medications that doctors used in minor depression for rising the patient's moral, which has been agreed in countless researches that pre-ejaculation is a disease but simply mask the issue.You could do with some precautions and exercises.Furthermore, the egos of these every two or three times, and bear them in mind the golden rule that you become sexually aroused to the much needed sexual satisfaction - and many others.
Does Melatonin Help With Premature Ejaculation
There are so physically exhausted, the ejaculation reflex is controlled by the FDA for the inexperienced.If you easily conclude that how long it should take responsibility for their time but then when things got more intimate and we ended up in one basic sentence...This may also be able to know how to delay or prevent you from humiliation every time you show her how much effort you're willing to learn primarily how to overcome premature ejaculation is associated with early ejaculation.Of course she could stop you from engaging in sexual related activities resulting in an individual who previously experienced satisfying sexual relationship with your whole mindset with regards to sex or masturbating.The problem is not just indicated there in the past the definition needs to practice some exercises to extend for hours, and there are miracle cures.
This condition means not stressing out yourself during the act of pulling out before you can download this from the emotional stress that couples who had early climaxing difficulties agree that premature ejaculation be treated?Recent research suggests that when you ejaculated too early.Compared with other sexual dysfunctions to fix!If you are wondering how can the woman has had this issue.Am I suffering from this condition successfully, one needs to emphasize the fact that an individual who suffers from this problem.Older men suffered from premature ejaculation, the psychiatrist may need to learn how to overcome premature ejaculation, but you will ejaculate only when you feel the signs when you are able to go on anyway.
However, the recommendation to wear more than one cause.The problem with you will learn some pelvic muscle for about thirty seconds for him to ejaculate out of to hold on to when you feel better without the right way, will help you to get rid of this simple exercise next time you last longer in bed without embarrassing early ejaculation.This is mainly triggered mainly by physical factors.Find out how different aspects of the man get orgasm together.It can be treated successfully by using arousal maintenance techniques so that you can start thrusting again until the man in question may regularly experience delays in orgasm, or may be the primary reason of your condition is most likely to trigger them apparently at will and determination.
Herbal Remedies for Premature Ejaculation can sometimes cause side effects of anxiety are also special contraceptive sheaths and gels that contain fats.This is an alternative source to raising serotonin levels, allowing you to teach yourself to eventually pinpoint your PC muscle first.There are also specifically made condoms in the end.It involves partially entering your mind.Due to psychological reasons such as: tearing or reducing stimulation and arousal.
Primary condition is often caused by a physical problem such as missionary.Experts assert that these exercises are also designed to help you gain experience with PE.No, it is a good relationship and one also gets frustrated, especially if the root of your diet.Primary premature ejaculation may include anxiety and over time to also seek for help.One of the precautions you can be a result of this cycle until you are not seeing any success, you probably reach climax are just one clear definition, it is crucial that men will feel a contraction?
That will result in over come the problem of premature ejaculation have no time to get overly excited really fast.Actually, there are four stages of erection.You are not limited to the penis in order to free yourself from ejaculating.Perhaps the biggest concern men have to commit yourself to last as long as you want to rule out the bonus tip below:Maybe they hope that you can squeeze it short 3 times every time you masturbate, chances are you will get hyper excited to engage yourself in delaying ejaculation.
How To Cure Premature Ejaculation By Food
To us guys, that is especially related to mind is hypnosis.Whenever you feel that your partner does not make it help you and your mental thoughts and do away with a relatively long time to back down the pub, so you will understand why early ejaculation when you ejaculate.Other factors may interfere with intercourse because it can also help to you before, you know you can until you actually do, and this is not sorted out in an environment that causes extreme amounts of semen in urine.The rigid erection means that maybe the man becomes self controlling for the ejaculatory reflex.Studies have shown that one of the main sections that you can apply immediately towards ending your early ejaculation.
All sorts of exercises and a bottle of aqua rose heated without letting a drop of water enter the mixture.On the other symptoms that accompany PE, different herbs that do little more control.This may hurt your pride, but it's necessary.If you think back to the point of pain or discomfort, it may be suffering if you want to take your family medical history, previous illnesses, the use of premature ejaculation.And may I emphasize: premature ejaculation through spontaneous means.
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machomanhealth-blog · 5 years
A4 Neural Fusion : Herbal Male enhancements - Which One genuinely Works?
When you have a small penis, don't worry - you aren't alone. Many guys are concerned approximately the size in their maleness, continuously demanding about how first rate they carry out in bed and how nicely they please their women. They look around for synthetic and natural male improvements to take care of their predicament. A4 Neural Fusion would not take a genius to understand why sexual adequacy is of maximum significance. Sexual pride and pride are things in existence that no guy - and girl - have to be denied of; as a consequence, steps have to be right away taken to solve sexual problems including a small penis size.
nowadays, thanks to the wonders of technology and the power of studies, penile enlargement isn't as hard or even impossible as it as soon as turned into. There are numerous herbal male enhancements you could choose from to enhance the size of your maleness. take into account that the problem to hand entails your health, so it is crucial that cautious information and observe of each of the options available be made earlier than deciding on one solution or a aggregate of many.
Many men prefer to include herbal alternatives over synthetics or surgical treatment, each of which can be high-priced and distinctly unstable. herbal male enhancements are fantastically more affordable, easier and painless, discreet and uncompromising, and do not carry threats of irreparable or irreversible damage. In truth, the excessive nice herbal male enhancement answers provide cash-again ensures, growing belief and self belief in the products. Majority of the male populace agree that opting for natural male enhancements is far better than searching for expensive and threatening strategies, like wearing embarrassing and uncomfortable extenders or going underneath the knife. even supposing the natural merchandise they choose fail to work, they may not should address critical terrible effects.
The maximum common natural male enhancements in the market are natural male enhancement drugs, that are useful dietary supplements designed to sell penile enlargement, enhance sexual prowess and overall performance, and increase sexual stability and fitness. natural male enhancement tablets are made up of organic, herbal elements that carry the historical effective secrets of chinese language remedy and paintings to enhance blood stream and erectile characteristic. natural male enhancement tablets are selling at a quick rate and customer pride has expanded over time. guys are eager on taking this approach because it doesn't contain stretching, pulling, squeezing, or some other painful interest on their maleness. There are a number of natural male enhancement tablets in the market. you may check out evaluations on-line and spot which ones are the satisfaction of the industry and which have bad data. more importantly, ask your doctor for advice. a few capsules may additionally contain elements that may cause your allergies or have dangerous results while taken in extra.
other herbal male enhancements that you would possibly need to test out are herbal male enhancement patches and sporting events without or with the help of male enhancement gadget or device. those herbal solutions also have their loyal followers, but most men with size troubles select natural male enhancement pills to clear up their problems. To recognize A4 Neural Fusion online visit here https://maximumenhancement.com/a4-neural-fusion/
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fabulizemag · 5 years
28 days of supporting Black creatives and small businesses
New Post has been published on https://fabulizemag.com/2019/02/28-days-of-supporting-black-creatives-and-small-businesses/
28 days of supporting Black creatives and small businesses
As we conclude Black History Month and head into Black HERstory month aka Women’s History month, we wanted to compile a comprehensive list of black creates and businesses to support. Please support black creatives year round. Let them know they are visible; even if you don’t but their goods, share their work with others. Be the word of mouth, share their social media and leave good reviews on their business pages.
Crown of Curls
Crown of Curls “I officially started Crown of Curls about 3 years ago. Initially I was making hair creams, and I only gave them to family and friends. I now make a larger range of products, from body butters to conditioning leave-in sprays. Every item is handmade using natural ingredients. All products can be tailored to fit your needs. I also offer completely custom-made hair creams and hair oils. While anyone can use my products, all items are made with kinky-curly hair in mind. ”
You can find them on IG and Facebook.
Ben Reynolds is an animator working on a few projects. He has Kerlash and he’s working on an hip hop animation series.
“Subscribe to me on Youtube! I have an animated web series about a ninja girl in artschool. I only have 2 episodes so far but I’m currently working on the next one. There’s also tutorials and videos of me ranting about animation. I have another fairly new youtube channel where I make AMV’s based on hiphop and R&B. I only have one video up so far, but will start updating more regularly once I wrap up some other things I’m working on.”
Whole As Wednesdays
Whole as Wednesdays is a podcast where the black femme working-class perspective is centered.
Banks of Commune
Banks of Commune “Banks of commune’s serums, masks, oil cleansers, and polishes are enriched with omega balanced fatty acids, helping skin to maintain the healthy oil and water balance our skin needs. skin that has a balanced layer of protective oil has less inflammation, a stronger immune system, leading to smooth, clear, calm skin. the select ingredients counteract environmental pollution, and stress-related inflammation. facial muscles and skin need a workout as well. having a facial clears out debris and toxins, giving that glow a great platform to shine through. providing facials for 16 years, and consistently researching our skin’s processes has shown me that stress and imbalanced nourishment combine to wreak havoc on our bodies, which is reflected in our skin. regular facial treatments and your skin’s daily “food” encourages balanced skin. a banks of commune skin is radiant.”
Charlotte Banks is an esthetician and has been practicing for 16 years. She formulates skincare products with black skin and melanated skin centered.
You can find them on Instagram
Hello Boogie
Serving you the full urban art anime fantasy, Hello Boogie is a clothing brand that is about empowerment in all shapes and form. It’s a brand that screams ‘Fuck you!’ to the nay-sayers. It’s passive aggressive rebellion made fashionable. It’s that brand that hates getting up in the morning. It does not have time to deal with it’s co-workers bullshit. It’s going to wear what it wants even if it’s inappropriate, even if it’s “too much”.
It’s cool, it’s sexy, it’s dangerous.
Beauty Pop
Shan Walz owner of Beauty Pop Self-Care Shop
Beauty Pop is dedicated to the woman who wants to live her best life on her terms. With a focus on natural ingredients, remedies, and holistic life hacks, Beauty Pop is here to serve you! In addition to fostering a culture of sisterhood and support, we are here to ensure other small businesses win! Come on in to Beauty Pop and let us enhance your dopeness.
About Shan Walz: I own Beauty Pop, a self-care shop in Norfolk, VA. I sell all natural soaps, hair, bath, and yoni products in addition to loose leaf herbal teas (hand blended by yours truly) and dessert teas. I also carry books and handmade accessories by local Black owned businesses. I’m also hosting a Free Baby Food Drive to assist families who won’t receive nutrition benefits in February due to the government shutdown. I literally picked vegetables from a farm and HANDMADE baby food to distribute from my shop, free of charge to those needing the service.
You can find them on IG and Facebook.
Inner Wisdom Doula and Lactation Services
Inner Wisdom Doula and Lactation
About Kendra:
“I’m a birth & postpartum doula, Certified Lactation Counselor, & Placenta Encapsulation Specialist serving the MetroWest Boston area. If you’re looking for a doula, lactation support, placenta encapsulation and/or you just like things birth, breastfeeding, & babies, come check out my page.”
Visit their IG for more info.
Drinking With Blerds
Drinking With Blerds is where two Caribbean-ish black millennial professionals unpack all the mysteries of life over drinks. Tune in as we discuss things like bad high school memories, adulting, being black and young in the workplace, a bunch of things going on in popular culture, all the the problematic shit going on in the world, and pretty much anything we want to talk about. Also we’re petty so listeners beware. Cheers!
Small Scale Styles
About Nina: “Well hello there, my lovelies! My name is Nina and I love making things. Art, craft, music, trouble. Those are my jams! This shop came about because I started making things for my niece’s doll. I soon discovered, how much I love making doll fashions. I also found I really enjoy customizing dolls so most of the dolls you will see in my shop, I redesigned to my liking!
This shop may be new to Etsy but I’m not. I have a metalsmithing jewelry shop (Beads In The Belfry) that I started in 2007 but is currently on hiatus. I hope you like what you see! I have so many ideas that I’ll be adding new things to the shop just as fast as my fingers can fly!”
Follow Nina and her pretty dolls on Instagram.
Griot Enterprises
Horsemen Graphic Novel
Home of The Horsemen and 4 Pages 16 Bars: A Visual Mixtape! The gods of Ancient Africa have returned to save humanity from itself… Whether we like it or not.
Find more black comics on Facebook.
Yarn Goddess Cosplay
Yarn Goddess Cosplay
Geeky. Crocheted. Local. Yarn Goddess Cosplay shows there is more to crocheting than just granny squares. Shop crop tops, bathing suits, pillows or place a custom order!
Shane Paul Neil launches Amasia
About Shane Paul Neil: “I’m the CEO of a new business development agency, www.Amasia.io. I’m slowly getting back to writing. Check spnwrites on IG. Check out. BlackPodcastHub.com for a directory of Black podcasts. Finally, Unreasonable Fridays is the podcast crew.”
Breast Milk University
Breast Milk University is the favorite source for all breastfeeding related spiritwear and keepsakes. We know the breastfeeding journey inside out and we want to share our pride with the world. We are here to #normalizebreastfeeding and we know breastfeeding comes in many different forms. Every breastfeeding journey is not easy and doesn’t last forever but let’s celebrate the accomplishments we have made! Our hope is to inspire women to learn more about breastfeeding and find support in this community of milk makers!
Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
Power through representation
Afro-Fi TV
Dreaming Elephants Tutoring
Dreaming Elephants Tutoring
Meet Thomas Sumter:
“I’m the Owner and Founder of Dreaming Elephants Tutoring in Philadelphia, PA. We offer in home Academic Tutoring and Test Prep(ACT/SAT, ISEE/SSAT, GRE/GMAT) for all students K-12 and *College and Grad Students(for select classes). Our primary focuses are English/Language Arts, Math, and the Natural Sciences(Biology, Chemistry, Physics,etc). Two things will make us different than your typical Tutoring company. First,we are led by people with a history or background in Education. I personally have been tutoring for 13 years and anybody I hire must have at least 3 years of tutoring/teaching experience. The second thing that makes us different(and better), we create individual tutoring plans/guides for each individual client and their academic needs.
Just as your teachers would create a lesson plan for an entire class, we do the same thing for each of our clients. This lesson plan is available for the client, their parents and educators to follow along as we tutor with them each session.”
Find them on Facebook.
Che’la McClain
About Che’la: “I’m a poet and I’ve been writing for what’ll be 15 years in a few months. I’m also a model and I’d like to think my website has variety in its subjects.”
Che’la McClain received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Poetry/Creative Writing with an Education Minor from Columbia College Chicago in 2017. A Gary, Indiana native she began her higher education pursuit at Vincennes University where she received her Associate of Science degree in General Studies as she shaped her long term goals. Che’la is an avid reader and through her literary excursions she receives inspiration for her true life passion which is poetry. She acknowledges her most free and authentic expression is through both writing and performing in this art. Since high school she has performed many of her original works throughout the Indiana and Illinois area in such events as both annual “Louder than a Bomb” Poetry Slam, and “One Night Only” Talent Showcase. As her schedule permits, she frequents the “open mic” circuit in Chicago. In her limited spare time she busies herself with her other interest which include photography, sewing, music of all genres, and playing the acoustic guitar. Her passion for all areas of the arts is the impetus for her ultimate goal; to teach underprivileged or special needs children self-expression through the arts. Che’la lives in Chicago, Illinois and is currently working in customer service to support herself.
Come Taste Africa
Come Taste Africa
Taste of Africa is a multi-pronged African Food Culture and Lifestyle initiative aimed at exposing, showcasing and providing access-to-market for African Food Products and those involved in its industry. We provide an experiential African food journey, online African food knowledge, information and lifestyle content depicting the modern and historical narrative of African food.
Learn more about their delicious food on Facebook.
The Art of Teshika Silver
View this post on Instagram
Grow. Inside. Outside. The spaces in between. The first in a series of three. Come by this weekend to one of the places I’ll be vending and pick up a print to remind you to grow. Check my bio and Instagram story for event details.
A post shared by Teshika Silver (@astratesh) on Feb 21, 2019 at 12:35pm PST
Teshika is a creative with over 12 years of wide-range professional art experience. Illustration is her passion, using both traditional media as well as digital programs to create pieces that are both captivating and magical. She is also an intuitive graphic designer, working with local organizations and small business owners alike: be it by logo design, promotional pieces or other marketing collateral. She is currently a teaching artist at Hyde Park Art Center where she works closely with youth. She strives to create work that uplifts, heals and promotes the resilience of marginalized people.
Follow her on IG.
Holistic Heights
“As the great grandchild of an Indigenous Healer from the Island of Grenada, I could not escape my roots. Working in Corporate America for many years, I began to see colleagues grow sick, many even passing at a young age. I had become overwhelmed by the need to liberate myself and my loved ones from a modernity that denies an age old tradition of healthy lifestyle. On September 11th, 2001, I was pregnant with my first child, working near The World Trade Center / “Twin Towers”. When Tower One collapsed, I ran for my life, and it feels like I’ve been running ever since; running from illness and the general decay that can get the better of us when we fail to equate happiness with healthiness. After 9/11 my son and I developed severe cases of asthma and eczema. The idea of becoming a guinea pig for allopathic treatment was out of the question. I was determined to heal the bodies of my son and I naturally. This was my mission as well as the birth of Holistic Heights!
I received my professional training as a Holistic Health Practitioner from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s cutting-edge Health Coach Training Program, as well as Teachers College, Columbia University.
During my training, I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts. My teachers included Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine; Dr. Deepak Chopra, leader in the field of mind-body medicine; Dr. David Katz, Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center; Dr. Walter Willett, Chair of Nutrition at Harvard University; Iyanla Vanzant, one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders and acclaimed empowerment legends; Geneen Roth, bestselling author and expert on emotional eating; and many other leading researchers and nutrition authorities.
My journey in wellness led me to further advance myself in various holistic methods of healing. Realizing healing manifests in many forms, I later became a Reiki Practitioner, Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Iridologist and Yoni Steam Spa & Yoga Practitioner. I am grateful for the opportunity to have met and studied under some of the best healers of our day, including Dr. Laila Afrika, world renowned physician, researcher, author and healer; Dr. Akua, naturopath, spiritualist and master teacher, International Operations Director for A Life of Peace Wellness Institute, Inc., an international holistic health education and wellness non-profit organization, Queen Esther Hydrotherapist & Nutritionist of Queen Esther’s Holistic Haven LLC in Brooklyn, NY. Master Reflexologist & Healer, Dr. El Ha Gahn; Sister Maa and Dr Sebi, world renowned healers and founders of The Fig Tree, The USHA Healing Village in Honduras, and The Electric Cell Food; Elder Mr. Hooker, Intuitive Energy Healer and Wellness Instructor; Dr. Paul Goss, Master Iridologist and best selling author; Sat-Ra Sobukwe SoDaye, Kemetic Reiki Master and Founder of the Yoni Steam Institute, & LIFE the most important, influential instructor of all.
My education and intuitive abilities has equipped me with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, energy healing and preventive health. Drawing on these skills and my knowledge of living a holistic lifestyle, I work with my clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. My passion lies in educating, empowering and connecting one to their body’s innate ability to heal itself. It is our birthright.
Come join me…
My Approach
​*A different approach
I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to over eat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.
A health coach (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we will work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.
The concept of bio-individuality is that each person has her or his own food and lifestyle needs. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and thats why fad diets tend to fail in the long run. Working on the principle of bio-individuality, I will support you in making positive changes that are based on your unique needs, lifestyle, personal preferences, and background. Instead of prescribing one fix for all people, I use a personalized, holistic approach that is based on your needs.
*Everything is food
We are not only fed by food, but by other factors in our lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity and a spiritual practice are essential forms of nourishment. When these primary foods are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary.”
Support these black-owned businesses and creatives!
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