let-it-ripperoni · 1 year
I would love to see Brooklyn and Ilma with their favourite beverage(s) 👀
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Brooklyn is a tea drinker. He likes stuff like loose leaf, or flowering teas.
Meanwhile Ilma...
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She injects coffee into her veins
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kinomiya · 1 year
Mayblade Day #22: Cover Art.
Thanks @hellovivirose​ for collaborating with me on whatever last minute disaster this was that we produced. ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª
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[ARTICLE TEXT: Another day, and another musician has been targeted by a series of leaks. Less than two weeks after Neoborg was embroiled in a series of scandalous rumors posted by someone using the pseudonym “crimson sunbird” on the anonymous gossip site DeuxMoi.
The anonymous leaker suggested the band used ghostwriters for their debut album, questioning the frontman’s authenticity in doing so. The band has remained silent regarding these rumors, despite the attention they’ve received.
Today, in what appears to be a continuation of these targeted leaks, an anonymous tumblr account has posted what they claim is a genuine leak of the cover art and tracklist to the bands highly anticipated sophomore album. Only time will tell if there is any veracity to these claims or if it’s simply an elaborate hoax intended to harm the bands reputation with their fans.
Prior to publication, we reached out to NeoBorg’s representatives but they did not respond immediately for comment.]
The door to the apartment violently swung open and Yuriy angrily stalked into the spacious Tokyo high rise. He approached the figure who was lounging on the sofa, playing on his phone and dropped an iPad into his lap.
Takao didn’t flinch despite the loud thud of the device hitting his knee. Instead he glanced from his phone to the tablet screen, scanning the article the webpage was open to. The disinterested expression on his face made Yuriy’s scowl intensify.
“What about it?” Takao inquired as he finished reading the article and looked up at the intruder in his apartment, an eyebrow slightly raised.
“You better have a real fucking convincing explanation to how this couldn’t be you, Kinomiya,” Yuriy said through clenched teeth.
“Why do you think I’d do this?” Takao questioned, as he shifted on the sofa, tossing the device in his hands beside him.
“Gee I don’t fucking know, maybe because you’re the only person who’s seen this who isn’t part of the band or the team!” Yuriy spoke, frustration and betrayal in his voice as he clenched his hands into fists at his side.
“Then it sounds like you have a mole on your team or in your band,” Takao retorted, his nose wrinkling in displeasure at the man's accusation.
Yuriy closed the distance between them, grabbing onto the collar of Takao’s yellow t-shirt and pushing him into the back of the couch, where Yuriy towered over him.
“Listen closely you little brat, my band is my family, and if you’re saying I should believe your suggestion that one of them is a traitor, you’re about to have a rude awakening,” he spoke in a threatening whisper, as his clenched fist turned white.
A bitter laugh escaped Takao’s lips as one of his hands moved to grab onto Yuriy’s forearm. His nails left red marks on the pale skin as he pushed the man away from him.
“Why are you always like this?” Takao asked, as he gave Yuriy an abrupt shove that caused the man to let go of his shirt collar. He spoke again, his irritation no longer hidden: “How long has it been now, Yuriy? Half a decade? But because I never had the misfortune of going to that shithole boarding school with you and your misfit friends, you’ll never even humor the idea that I don’t actually want to ruin your life!” Takao finished with a frustrated shout.
Yuriy stared between his open hand and the shorter man who now stood before him a bewildered expression on his face at Takao’s normally calm demeanor being replaced with anger.
Maybe he was right, how many trials and tribulations would Yuriy make Takao go through, how many more times would he move the goalpost on the man. Never satisfied that this wasn’t all just some elaborate plan to ruin him straight out of a generic coming of age film.
“Then tell me… who do you think is trying to sabotage us?” He asked with a sigh as he lowered his hand to his side and shifted his gaze away from the wild rage in front of him.
“I don’t know, maybe the dude who’s dating your manager's niece,” Takao replied nonchalantly, tilting his head to the side slightly as he continued: “you know, the one who thinks he’s better than you in every way.”
Yuriy closed his eyes, inhaling deeply as he recalled all the private arguments with Volkov about allowing Kai to take on a more significant role in the writing process as well as performances, insisting it would be to their benefit due to his popularity with their fans.
He wasn’t quite ready to admit how much sense it made.
“Sorry…” He muttered awkwardly, daring to sneak a glance at Takao.
“I’m used to it,” Takao replied monotonously, nudging his shoulder gently against Yuriy's, in a silent act of comfort before finishing: “Anyway I thought it was funny at first that he was gossiping about how you didn’t write your own music because it wasn’t like any of the music he was writing was better but… it’s less amusing the lengths he’ll go to sabotage his family, for his own benefit.”
“I’m going to kill him,” Yuriy grumbled as he returned the nudge, in a silent thank you.
“Or… you could just reveal that he’s the grandson of your record label's CEO?” Takao suggested, a hint of amusement on his face as Yuriy suddenly looked at him in shock
Takao leaned closer to the man, moving a hand to gently cradle his jaw, as a smirk danced across his lips as his breath tickled Yuriy’s face.
“See, what did I tell you? It’s to your advantage to trust the vapid global superstar that writes your music for you… because I know things.”
All Yuriy could reply with was an exhale of air that sounded vaguely like a chuckle.
Maybe it was about time he cemented the post once and for all.
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darkened-storm · 11 months
Happy Birthday @hellovivirose
Vivi! @hellovivirose Wishing you the happiest of birthdays! It’s been an absolute delight knowing you, running a server with you (which, for everyone else, is happily welcoming new and returning beyblade and beyblade OC fans, give us a shout for more info) and sharing our OCs and all our whacky ideas. You’ve been a wonderful friend, supporting me through some trying months and reigniting my passion for Beyblade. 
This scene was inspired the moment you shared one of your artworks with me, and I have been absolutely dying to share it with you, but I don’t know what to tell you - our characters are poorly behaved children and this just kept evolving further. 
And since I finished this in beyOCweek, I’m going to double down and claim this for an early day 11: Hurt prompt.
I hope you like it!
It’s been a week, Steph thought dismally as she watched the elevator numbers count up to the seventh floor. The elevator itself reeked of potent disinfectant, the sort of smell that made her stomach turn - she hated hospitals. Nothing good ever happened in a hospital in Steph’s opinion.
The elevator rattled to a stop on the ICU floor and the doors opened into a dimly lit ward. Save for the night nurses, the hospital was practically deserted. Visitors usually weren’t permitted at this hour, but tonight at least, the staff had made an exception.
ICU wards always shared the same layout: with the patient beds arranged in a circle around the nurses station so that they could be monitored continuously by the diligent staff. That diligent monitoring brought Steph no comfort though - instead it served as a constant reminder of just how precarious Tala’s situation was.
The night staff waved her through to the room across the hall where she wasn’t surprised to find the guest chair by the bed occupied by a familiar, yet almost unrecognisable figure.
For as long as Steph had known her; Celeste had been the epitome of neat and organised. In the stadium, everything from her outfit to the ribbons she tied in her hair had been meticulously evaluated prior to execution.
The Celeste that sat in the chair at Tala’s beside was a shadow of her former self; and Steph didn’t blame her, she was pretty sure her friend hadn’t left the hospital since she’d arrived in Japan. Dressed in old jeans and a hoodie, Celeste’s usually neat hair hung limp around her shoulders. She looked up as Steph entered, hastily wiping the tears from beneath her eyes.
“I’m sorry,” she said, sounding embarrassed. “I know I’m not supposed to be here - ”
“You’re supposed to be in Canada,” Steph interjected, holding out one of the coffee cups.  “But since when have you or I ever done what we were supposed to?” she added.
Celeste choked out a laugh, accepting the cup and folding her fingers around it. “I suppose you’re right,” she agreed, “although, I’m not sure he would approve.”
“Maybe,” Steph said, perching on the end of the Tala’s bed and balancing her own cup precariously in her palm. 
Canada was exactly the sort of distance Tala would want both of them from the current situation. Then again, if he hadn’t been so insistent on handling everything himself, he might not be lying in a hospital bed, so Steph didn’t care much for his opinion right now. 
She ran her eyes over the vitals monitors for her own peace of mind. “No change since yesterday then?” 
Celeste shook her head. “Nothing,” she confirmed. “Still, I couldn’t leave him - not when he could wake up any minute.” 
Except that he wouldn’t, Steph knew - at least, not yet. 
Following the battle with Garland, the doctors had placed Tala in a medically induced coma to reduce the swelling in his brain, to give him time to heal, they’d told her. And while the results had looked positive in the first few days; his white cell count reduced and his fever abated, he’d shown little to no improvement since. 
Steph had been around hospitals long enough to know doctors gathering outside rooms and talking in hushed voices was anything but good news. 
The truth was, the doctors had no answers for Tala’s condition because there was no medical reason for it. She’d known it the moment she’d retrieved the shattered remnants of his beyblade from the stadium floor. Whatever was going on with her friend had very little to do with biology and more to do with the broken bond between with Wolborg. She knew that through her own bond with Fovular, Celeste would have felt Tala’s loss, even from across the world.
“Kenny thinks that if we can rebuild Wolborg’s beyblade, there might be a chance,” she explained. “BEGA’s registration requirements have made it impossible for us to source new beyblade parts from any of the local hobby shops.”
Celeste sucked in a breath. “But you’re supposed to go up against their team in less than a week,” she exclaimed. “What are you going to do?”
Steph shrugged. “The Chief will think of something,” she said, albeit uncertainly. Designing and building five new beyblades in a week was already an impossible undertaking, let alone without access to the parts they would need. But Kenny hadn’t let them down yet. 
She sighed, sipping at her coffee.  “Everything is a real mess right now, huh?”
Celeste could only nod. Given the circumstances, Steph figured her friend was holding herself together better than anticipated. The revelation that BEGA had unscrupulously ousted Dickenson from his own company was one thing, but Tala’s allegations against Boris had undoubtedly turned Celeste’s whole world upside down. 
“I didn’t know,” she lamented. “When my mum withdrew me from the Abbey, I knew something was a miss, but I never imagined …” she trailed off, burying her head in her hands. When she spoke again, her voice was barely a whisper. “Why didn’t he tell me?”
Steph reached over and squeezed her hand, hoping the gesture would be of some comfort to her friend, while at the same time knowing she could do little else at this point to ease Celeste’s pain. “Because he knew how much it would her you to know the truth,” she offered kindly. 
She didn’t know much of Tala’s history, or his life before he came to the abbey, but she did know that his mother had abandoned the family, and that alone was reason enough, Steph thought, for Tala to want to keep the truth from Celeste - because he knew how much it hurt to discover that someone you love was rotten to the core.
There was, however, another reason Steph knew. “And because while you still believed in Balkov’s cause, you were safe. He did it to protect you.”
Slowly, Celeste lifted her chin, her eyes were full of unshed tears. “We argued,” she admitted, the statement catching Steph by surprise, which clearly must have shown on her face, because Celeste went on.
“Back home, before the Championships - he tried to tell me something was up with Boris, but I - I didn’t want to believe him … how could I?” She hiccuped, her body shaking violently, and Steph helplessly patted her head as she struggled to digest this information.  
She’d figured of course, when the Star Shooters hadn’t entered the World Championship Qualifiers that something had been amiss, but for all the emails and exchanged pineapple emojis, Celeste had given her no fathomable reason to withdraw from the tournament. Why, Steph thought dismally. Why hadn’t she probed her friend when she felt something hadn’t been right?
“Celeste,” she began, only to be cut off by her friend’s pitiful sob. “It’ll be okay - Tala’s going to be okay…”
“You don’t get it,” Celeste said, choking on the words. “The things I said to him before he left Canada were - they were just awful, and now…” she hiccuped again, letting the tears finally fall. “And now they might be the last words I ever get to say to him!”
Oh, Celeste, Steph thought, abandoning her coffee cup and swooping down on her friend, hugging her tightly while she cried.
“I wish he could hear me,” Celeste whispered. “I wish he knew …” she trailed off helplessly.
“How much you love him?” Steph supplied the words helpfully. “Celeste - he knows - he’s always known how much, but even so you should tell him.”
She pulled away so that she could look at her friend. 
“You’re going to tell him when we get through this, and we will get through this. Kenny is going to come through for us with the new beyblades, and Tyson and I - we’re going to bring Boris down once and for all - for you, for Tala, - and god knows, for Kai too, when he finally does come to his senses.”
Celeste hiccuped again pitifully at the mention of the double cross they were all still reeling from. “How?” she choked out. “How can you be so sure?”
Steph smiled, glad that she at last had a question that was easy to answer.
“Because we have something your uncle doesn’t have,” she said assuredly. “We have each other, and thanks to Tala, Bryan and Spencer we have the opportunity to expose Boris for his crimes once and for all. But I can’t do it alone - I need your help too.”
Slowly, Celeste’s tears dried up and the sobbing eased. Finally, Steph’s words were beginning to reach her, to bring back the Celeste she knew and loved. When she finally raised her head again, her eyes were steeled with determination.
“What do you need me to do?”
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aurorascarletantares · 8 months
Ship question! For Rick x Michael, are they officially dating? If so, how did they start? :)
They are! And after some time (in a very short time) they are even engaged! They started dating officially some time after Grev! At that time Michael has already retired Beyblading, focusing more into baseball, college and cosplay (which he did more after leaving the Beyblading scene). He moved at the same loft as Rick (without knowing he lived there before) for college. Of course Rick is still at the Beyblading scene, but at this point he is more like a senior blader, training the PPB newcomers and testing new Beyblades. The neighboors always comment about "that handsome married young couple". Michael is aware of this, Rick isn't.
I was sleepy while writing this, but I loved answering it ❤️Thank you so much for the ask!
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nekobakubey · 7 months
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I did a stupid thing for myself 🙃
These days have been not great, but tomorrow is my birthday and it’s kind of sad because reasons regarding friends who were not actually friends and stuff, but I drew an older Yuriy as a way to vent a little…
This idea came from a little chat on Discord, where @hellovivirose and I imagined an older Yuriy growing a beard but also having long hair; my inspiration came from Joacim Cans, Hammerfall’s vocalist, and after messing up a sketch, I came up with this drawing using crayons on my stone paper notebook, guess I could’ve used oil pastels instead 😅
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hellovivirose · 1 year
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Heeeyyy hey hey! Check out what @nesuki and I made!! This is the first collab I’ve done in a while and it was so much fun, thank you so much for collab-ing with me! We wanted to sail the high seas on our YuKa ship~ I’m so happy with how it turned out!
Kai sketch and Yuriy’s colours by @hellovivirose
Yuriy sketch, Kai’s colours, background by @nesuki
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istan-idraw · 10 months
Cat Dad Kai
-inspired by @hellovivirose
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2 expressions cuz yes o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
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imma-lil-teapot · 3 months
Song Poem Challenge! Put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. You must then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of! Then tag or send asks to three others people that you think might enjoy the challenge!
Ooh, fun!!! Let's give it a whirl~ 😁
Have quite a lot of Japanese songs (actually more than English 'cause Anime 😅) so Imma add the translations from what I can find online. Just note that sources may vary~ 😅 1. I Just Wanna Hold You Tight [MAR END 1] - Miho Komatsu
Nante HIDOI yume na no
What a horrible dream
2. Ai wa Kusuri [The Apothecary Diaries END 2] - wacci
Tuzurareta moji kara ukabu hyoujou
The expression floating from the written characters
3. Style [Soul Eater END 2] - Kana Nishino
Hajimaru yo kimi to boku wo
Let's begin you and me
4. Can-do Dreamer [Tokyo Mew Mew New S2 END] - Smewthie
Don’t stop! nayandenaide jibun no Style de susumeba ii
Don't stop! Don't worry about it, go ahead with your own style
5. Floria [Natsume Yuujinchou Roku OP 6] - Tomohisa Sako
Jibun ni wa nai mono bakari
All the things I do not have 6. Yajirushi ni Natte! 2013 (Be an Arrow! 2013) [Pokemon Black and White/Best Wishes N OP] - Rica Matsumoto
Tsuppashiru yajirushi hitotsu!
One dashing arrow! 7. Cheer Song [Bakuten Shoot Beyblade END 1] - System B
Haru wa te o furi hohoende
Spring has appeared smiling 8. Ao no Sumika [Jujutsu Kaisen S2 OP] (English Cover) - NateWantsToBattle
The blues of the sky divide the watercolor scene in two 9. Ashes [Deadpool 2] - Celine Dion
What's left to say? 10. No control - One Direction
Stained coffee cup
To absolutely no one's surprise, the majority ended up being Anime-related! 😆 And Y U do dis again, formatting?! Why can we never get along? 😭
Ahem, so, putting it all together~
What a horrible dream The expression flowing from the written characters Let's begin, you and me Don't stop! Don't worry about it, go ahead with your own style All the things I do not have One dashing arrow! Spring has appeared smiling The blues of the sky divide the watercolor scene in two What's left to say? Stained coffee cup
I like how some of these actually correlated into pairs following a theme of sorts. 😁 As for the chosen blorbo or OTP... I wracked my brain and eventually chose... Kiyoka Kudo x Miyo Saimori from My Happy Marriage, for vibes and aesthetic.
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Look at them! Look at the babies!!! 💙❤️
Thanks a bunch, lovely nonnie! That was a blast! 😁👏 No pressure Asks will be sent to: @ruiniel @hellovivirose and @darkened-storm
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bladerbunny · 11 months
Girls Night- An OC friends Sleepover fic
Dedicated to @hellovivirose @darkened-storm and @veenavalart thank you for making this semi bearable sometimes <3 __________________________________________ "So much junk in here!" Kiya makes a face. She pulls out a shiny, purple colored blouse. " I know this place was a little behind the times but the 70s, really?" She tosses the shirt behind her.. "Even Mr Granger has better tastes with his bright Hawaiian shirt he was wearing at dinner!" 
"And Dickenson with his boring suits!" Ilma giggles. "All of it's so tacky! We may as well take it to the trash and call it a night!" 
"And miss out on an opportunity to make some money?" Celeste chucks a few pairs of shoes into the nearby bin. "One man's trash is another mans-" 
"Trash. It's all trash. We would be lucky to make five dollars off any of this!" 
“Ruble” Steph pops her head out of the closet.”The russian currency is actually the ruble, not dollars.” She turns her attention to the other girls. “I think I found something that can liven up the night.” She pulls out a small speaker stand and a microphone. “It’s-”
“A karaoke machine!” Ilma practically screams. She pushes the others aside and snatches the microphone from Steph’s hands. “Does it work? Can we use your laptop to connect to videos with lyrics? Can I go first? OH!” She glances over at Celeste, hiding in a nearby corner. “Let's call Tala and Brooklyn up and sing a duet for them! Then we can have a singing competition and they can judge us! Come on, it will be fun!”
Kiya quickly snatches the microphone from Ilma. “Absolutely not!” She huffs, holding it out of reach. “No boys allowed. Besides, not all of us are as talented as you! It wouldn’t be fair!”
“If you are so worried about fairness, Bryan can come down too! Pleaseee?”  “Absolutely not! I need a break from his tentacle arms this week. Thank you very much.” Kiya groans, plopping down onto her sleeping bag.”He’s been so clingy lately.”
Ilma plugs in the Karaoke machine, flipping on the switch. “Testing 1,2,3!” She speaks into the microphone, smiling. “Will Cupid please come visit the pouty looking girl on level 3 of the abbey? Thank you!” She clips off the microphone and sits down next to Kiya. “I am sorry though,” She adds, stretching herself out on the blanket.”Brooklyn has been acting the same way though. It’s like having a needy cat. If I am in the kitchen, he’s right there. Or in the bathroom doing my hair. It's like he’s afraid if he lets me out of his sight for more than a second I will disappear. POOF!” 
“Now that you mention it, Tala has been a little more attentive than usual as well.” Celeste joins in the conversation. She pulls her knees up under her chin and smiles. “Kind of nice actually. But then there's Kai too.” She hums. “He’s even taking the time to text and call me more while he’s away. I wonder what's going on with all that.”
“Oh right!” Ilma giggles. “You have double the trouble, Celeste.” She quickly dodges a pillow thrown at her. “I was only kidding!” She sits up on her knees. “Don’t mess up my hair rollers I just got them set!” “Of course you were.”Celeste grins, noticing Kiya sneaking up behind Ilma. “I was only seeing how quick your reflexes were, like… this!” She dodges to the side of Ilma, hitting kiya. “Hey! You were supposed to be distracting her while I got her!-” THUMP!
“I never agreed to that!” THUMP! THUMP! “Wait, were you planning to hit me with that from behind?!” Ilma is cut off by two pillows sandwiching her head
Steph closes the closet door and sighs. “Alright ladies,I think that's enough organizing for the night.” She yells over the others. “It sounds like we need a group therapy session.” She wraps her blanket around her and sits down near the fireplace. Kiya, Ilma, and Celeste follow, getting in a final few shots with their throws. “It seems like all of us have suspiciously clingy boyfriends and no answers.” Steph finally speaks. “I thought I was being irrationally irritated when Matt started hovering over my shoulders lately and asking questions about some of my work. Or insisting we make meals together when I just want to get it finished and eaten so I can relax!”
”Maybe it's just because it’s winter time and the guys need a little more snuggles than normal?” Kiya shrugs. “Bryan is always reluctant to get out of bed in the morning and wants to cuddle because it's too cold out.” She glances toward the snow covered window in disgust. “Can’t say I blame him.”
“It's Moscow though. It's always cold!” Ilma interrupts,”At least to me it is.” She stretches her legs out and smiles. “Last month Brooklyn and I went to that Costa Rican volunteer retreat and between every little job we did he insisted we take a walk on the beach together and check out the little tidepools that come up, or he’d make us watch the sunset from the campout area together.” She picks a string from one of her mismatched socks and sighs. “It was almost too perfect, you know? Like he was trying to make up for something. I’m suspicious.” She looks up at the others. “It may sound silly or over the top. But it just puts me on edge.”
Steph nods.”No I get it,” she reassures Ilma. “It's like there is some sort of ulterior motive behind the sweet behavior. That’s exactly how I feel with Matt.” She sighs, leaning closer to the warmth of the fire.”I mean, I don’t mind him showing interest in what I am doing. It's just why all of a sudden? Why couldn’t he be interested in helping with it it weeks ago when I tried showing him what I had been planning for this big fundraiser for the Abbey and Institute? Why wait until after I have a game plan set up to try and offer advice and his own ideas into it?” She grumbles, wrapping the blanket tighter around her. “It's like he doesn’t think I am capable of doing it or something, even though he didn’t even bother to look in the first place.”
“Aw Steph. I’m sure he doesn’t mean it like that.” Kiya throws an arm over Steph's shoulder, comforting her. “Men are just clueless. We all know this yardsale of Boris junk wouldn’t be possible without your careful planning and research.”
“Or with Celeste’s indifference to what you do with her family heirlooms.” Ilma laughs.”You sure there isn’t anything of your uncles that you want to keep?”
“You can have the Karaoke Machine.” Celeste shrugs.”The rest can be tossed in the fire for all I care. I have no connections to it, anyway.It would have already been gone if it were up to me. But for some reason Tala kept insisting we wait. It’s like he hoped the man would come back for it one day or something.”
Ilma makes a face.“Ew why would he even want that?” She asks, looking over at the dusty pile of boxes. “It's all junk!”
“Beats me.” Celeste replies. She falls back onto her pillow. “Sometimes Tala can be hard to understand. He’s not bad about it or anything. There is just a lot of hesitation there. I don’t know if its because deep down he misses the way things were with Boris and it’s a way to hold onto that. Or if its bait to lure him into coming back for yet another confrontation. Tala is really hard to read sometimes.”
“And that's why you are worried about how he has been lately?” 
Celeste nods.“It’s just the little things I’m noticing.The way he shifts me aside in a crowd. Or asks how I am feeling, bringing me a cup of tea or coffee in bed in the morning.Things he didn’t used to do before.” She shifts onto her elbows. “And Kai. He used to only call or text once or twice a day while on his trips. But tonight alone I have had 3 missed calls and 5 unanswered texts from him.” She points to her phone on the end table.“Even after I told him it was a girls night.”she trails off. 
“You know I am surprised that Bryan and Tala aren’t up here trying to butt in, now that you mention it.” Kiya runs her hands through her hair nervously. “I expected them to at least knock once or twice to try and cut in on our sleepover time.”
“Brooklyn too.” Ilma adds. “He would normally be asking me to come and cuddle by now before bed.”
Steph looks over at the door nervously. “It is awful quiet out there tonight. Did the boys have anything planned? Matt mentioned they were all going to hang out tonight as well, but didn’t give any details. Maybe we should-”
“Go and check on them!” Ilma bolts upright, pulling Kiya and Celeste to their feet. “I knew there was something going on!” She snatches up Celeste's phone and shoves it into her hands. “You, call Kai! You two,” she turns to Steph and Kiya, “Follow me!” She stomps over toward the door, sliding on her bunny slippers. “We are going to get to the bottom of this once and for all!”
“B-But wait!” Steph gasps, pulling the blanket over her head. “What is the point? We don’t even know if something is going on!”
“Yeah!” Kiya stumbles, slipping on her robe. “What if we just look like the crazy ones! We can’t just go barging in there without some sort of reason!” She dodges the door as Ilma swings it open. “What are we-”
“I don’t need a reason!” Ilma grumbles, marching out into the hallway. “If Brooklyn wants to see me, then I am going to make him see me! Lets go girls!” She darts gracefully down the hall, leaving the others behind. 
“Great!” Kiya groans, turning toward Celeste. “We will go get her. You call Kai.” She shakes her head. “Ilma, wait up!” She calls out. “Don’t get lost please! I won’t save you if you end up lost in the dungeons again! And we didn’t set out mouse traps with cheese this year so you won’t be able to survive on those for 3 days again!”
Steph laughs.“Guess this means girls' night in is canceled.” She sighs, following the others down the hall. 
“I guess so,” Celeste smiles, clicking the green callback button on her screen. “It was nice though, even if it was just a little while.” She tells herself, putting the phone up to her ear.
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harry-nezumi · 1 year
Hello everybody ! Today a little gift post for : 
@evallina ; @hellovivirose and @aquariasmoon
( I needed to practice my drawing skills a bit and I thought why not make little oc badges like I did for Astrée ? And as I have already done for my oc I wanted to do it with those of other people. )
So here they are !
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I hope you enjoyed this post and I wish you a good day !
( Let me know in the comments if you want me to do another post like this. )
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let-it-ripperoni · 11 months
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Belated Birthday Gift for @hellovivirose! Happy Birthday!
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chakramancerrr · 1 year
They did have these in a game once, sadly they weren’t made irl
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They did a hello kitty blade at one time so I am hopeful they make these.
Also - some beyblade parts have names similar to transformers
Though hasbro loves to use names it already owns so that’s why we see Magnus and Strongarm as nerf guns :P
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darkened-storm · 1 year
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A COLLAB for Mayblade with the lovely @hellovivirose ! She did this FANTASTIC sketch of what happens when Tala loses a bet with Ian, resulting in him spending the day as the Blitzkreig Boys maid.
Of course, Ian, the devious little monster that he is, had this little outfit up his sleeve when he initiated the bet, much to Tala’s horror 😂
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Many thankies for the tag, @ruiniel
:D :D :D :D
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I too be a simp-le person. 😜 (Normally go with whatever I'm currently hyper fixating on, but at the moment I'm not entirely certain what that is... so, Al it stays for now 😁)
Last song you listened to: Allstar - Smash Mouth (Ah, catchy nostalgia on loop)
Currently reading: Trying to catch up on fanfics... Brain making it arduous. 😵
Last movie: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Had to cut it short cause I started nodding off - long day 😴)
Last TV show: Pokemon Ultimate Journeys (have to wait for the next episodes to be dubbed)
Craving: Busy eyeing the Tex chocolate next to me. 👀
What are you wearing right now: Long navy and turquoise pyjama top (it has unicorns on eet 🦄), white tracksuit pants, and light blue socks with 'lil penguins on dem. Ultra comfort clothes FTW!
How tall are you: 5'1'' ft (Yes, I'm short)
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.
Glasses or contacts: Neither.
Last drink: Rooibos tea.
Last thing you ate: Cheesy Doritos and rice cakes with butter. (Ah, so healthy 😋)
Favorite color: Blue. All shades.
Current obsession: Hard to say at the moment. Maybe Pokemon, but with a sprinkling of Beyblade and Castlevania here and there too. It's weird, and honestly contributing to the current state of feeling lost and almost depressive. I need to obsess over something or else I die inside. 😵
Any pets:
*Clears throat*
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Cosmo. African Grey Parrot. Presumably male. Age 5 years. Always up to no good. Good talker. My baby.
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Gringo. Blue-crowned conure. Presumably male. Around 20 years. LOUD! Full of bull. Loves to call everyone an ass. Also my baby.
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Neera. Leopard gecko. Female. Around 15 years. Can do no wrong, just a 'lil gal. Also baby. ALL MY BABIES!
And for whatever reason, my phone does not want to show the photos of the others, but also have a male yellow cockatiel (Rango) aged 15 yrs, and 3 lady doggos (Misty, Kelsey and Roxy) all Border collie x's, ages 16, 13 and 4 yrs.
Favorite fictional character: Let's make that characters cause you can't have just one: 😁
Shiron, Ranshiin, Greedo (Legendz: Tale of the Dragon Kings)
Kai, Tala, Bryan (Beyblade [2000/Bakuten Shoot])
Kyuzo (Samurai 7)
Ponyta/Rapidash, Mewtwo, Lugia, Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile, Riolu/Lucario (Pokemon) [Throwing in Lance as fav human character]
Sebastian (Black Butler)
Levi (Attack on Titan)
Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter)
Toons/Animated Series~
Alucard (Castlevania [Netflix])
Leonardo (TMNT [2003/2007/Bayverse])
Ripster (Street Sharks)
Ridge, Haxx, Bullseye (Extreme Dinosaurs)
Allo (Dinosaucers)
Cheetor, Dinobot (Transformers: Beast Wars/Beast Machines)
Aaaaand we'll cut it off there, or else I'll be here all night. 😅
The last place you traveled: Bathurst, for their yearly Agricultural show on Friday. Literally a fifteen drive away, but I'm counting it. 😋
And now I shall tag.... @hellovivirose and @fuckiecheeses if you want to do it. 😄No pressure whatsoever.
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nekobakubey · 9 months
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After a year of not drawing him, I finished this with a lot of pain because I kept messing my watercolors 🥲 but managed to fix some stuff…
Drawing for @hellovivirose (I hope you like it)
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mfb-oc-week · 10 months
Hello! I just wanted to check in on this since I think my post might have been missed (I hope it doesn’t violate any of the rules 😅) Thank you!
Hi hellovivirose,
Your post did not violate any rules, we just didn't see it until now. Sorry about that, thanks for sharing your artwork!
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