#Har har .har har .hwr
rusty-gloinks · 3 months
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it’s a secret I keep tucked inside my chest
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daisypath · 2 years
Being soooo neurotypical rn you wouldn't believe /s
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dirtybg3confessions · 3 months
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Confession: I want Shadowheart to go all dom on me. I want her to put me in a an elaborate silver chain body harness and put a collar on my neck. I want her to walk around me, looking, apprising her new toy as I kneel in front of her all of my body on display. I want hwr to tut at me and adjust my position to her liking as she takes her time runnjng her hands across my body as I try tk remain still. I want to rub my pussy on her boot h till i comr and she would press it harder into me. I want to eat her out as she tugs on my leash almost choking me. She could be such a kind but relentless dom, demanding absolute perfection from me and i would do anything for her
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loki-who-remains · 6 months
Well, Victor Timely sure knows how to draw attention and eventually make some money. And make me write another post on a partially scientific topic. I’m not an expert tho!
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On the right side of the stage there's a sign, 'Electrifying achievement to harness the power of time'
And then he explains what the Loom does. 'My temporal loom inverts the temporal decay of the electricity flowing through it, lowering its entropy and gathering it into fine threads of power. Which it then weaves into elegant ropes of voltage. A chaos of particles is transformed into order.'
(I'm gonna assume he quotes OB's guidebook and not just wings it all randomly, because at least a part of what he says made sense to me)
In short, he says that the Loom can arrange matter into an ordered state. And that it not only uses electricity but also reproduces it in a form of threads and ropes. That would explain how the TVA operates outside of uh time and why it has power surges in s2e1. But it still leaves the question from where comes the initial energy to kick start the loom.
I believe that the temporal decay is synonimous to the increasing entropy. Entropy is a measure of how many ways there are possible to rearrange the same amount of matter without changing its 'shape'. Simply put, objects with low entropy can't be rearranged without being broken/reassembled. And those with high entropy can be rearranged without changing its form or shape, so to speak. Prof. Brian Cox compares the former with a sand castle and the latter with a pile of sand 👌 Another important point is that entropy inevitably increases over time: order becomes disorder. BUT. If we go back in time — and not like in Doctor who but like in Tenet — then we would observe entropy again, increasing relative to us (and not decreasing if we observe it from the present into the past).
Now, I think that raw time, as OB named it, is energy with high entropy and a physical timeline is rearranged energy with low entropy. When a timeline branches, entropy increases again. Also, temporal radiation means a form of energy that travels from a source through space.
(Side note. My initial guess was: to isolate a timeline HWR would need to have something threaded. Which would mean that the Loom came first. But when the timeline branches it creates more input INTO the Loom. And what’s more, in the end of s1 the Sacred timeline branches into a web which resembles the raw time. Just like Timely said, ‘the energy of the past, present and future flows all around us.’ And HWR managed to harness it to sustain his big project. So, raw time/sacred/other timelines exist as they are, and the Loom is just a tool to operate the former)
(Side note 2. The Sacred timeline doesn’t consist of just one universe. It’s weaved from multiple but strictly selected multiversal timelines. Otherwise we’d see minutemen in previous movies)
I can accept temporal auras which can help track and pull someone across space-time. Or temporal radiation, which is itself a fun concept. But what puzzles me the most is time being a form of matter. In our reality, at least according to the current physics, it’s a dimension. I can’t wrap my head around it. Even in a fictional way, i can’t explain it to myself. Because I experience time the same way people do in the show. I think here Timely either simplifies so to make people understand and buy his Loom or he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
And that’s why, until proven otherwise or explained by OB, I think that the Loom is first of all just a big power generator. The timelines are being pruned manually by time cops setting time bombs and arresting variants. Resetting a timeline means removing entropy that was created by a variant’s actions. The Loom generates energy for the TVA, people working there and their equipment. And maybe it charges Kang’s time chair.
The multiverse doesn’t need the Loom to function. Time flows on its own, entropy increases all the time, it’s far more inevitable than Thanos. Loom is a tool, it can be removed, repaired or upscaled. The TVA as organisation and people and city (?) all need it but, most of all, the person behind it.
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diddeoglaurapaatur · 1 year
Så har vi været i Singapore. Byen man sjældent ser fra andet end en lufthavn eller et fly foroven.
Vi startede hårdt ud med at ankomme kl. 7.00 om morgenen og skylle så have en hel dag inden, vi kunne tjekke ind på vores hostel. Vi havde det varmt og var trætte, men vi overlevede.
Vi brugte en 3 timer på at se den nye Avatar i biografen efter at have set en park.
Vi har ellers brugt dagene på at se et par by-områder. Vi nen arabiske del). De to første var mest spændende. Vi tog også forbi et museum om Helvede, som var ret spændende. De havde bl.a. en hel afdeling om de 10 domstole i Helvede. De havde bygget eksempler på alle 10 domstole, som gav eksempler på, hvad straffen ville være ift., hvad synden var.
Generelt fungerer de 10 domstole på den måde, at man starter i den første domstol. I den første domstol, bliver der vejet, om ens synder vejer nok til, at man kan gå direkte videre uden, at man skal igennem de 10 domstole. Vejer ens synder for meget skal man igennem alle 10.
I de 10 domstole er syndernw alt fra grådighed, utroskab, tyveri, at man ikke lytter til sine ældre søskender og forældre og mere. Man kan derefter bliver straffet med alt fra at blive smidt i lava til kvast af en kæmpe sten til smidt på et træ med knive og meget mere. Meget grumt, men interessant at se og læse, om den tilgang til døden.
Vi sluttede sidste aften af med at se Gardens by the Bay (nogle kendte haver, som ligger ud til vandet i Singapore), som er ret futuristiske, hvor der er nogle kæmpe "træer", som egentlig ikke er træer, men de kører på solenergi og andet smart teknologi, og de ligner lidt træer. Der er billeder af dem for neden.
Da det var det kinesiske nytår i Singapore, var der masser af oppyntning og i Gardens by the Bay, var der en festival med lysshow og lidt små boder og forlystelser. Meget flot og rart sted. Vi var oppe i en af "træerne" i haven, hvor man havde enorm flot udsigt til hele Singapore.
Vi er ind til videre kun blevet spurgt om foto én gang, men lad os se, hvor længe det varer ved. Derudover kan man fornemme, at folk kigger en del. Det var ikke alt for slemt hwr i Singapore, men de er nok også vant til en mere international befolkning. Det holder nok ikke ved, når vi når ud til mere lokale steder, som vi gerne vil ud til.
Vi får se, hvad der sker.
Det var lidt om Singapore. En storby, der er stor og på mange måder moderne og på mange måder ikke helt. Fx bruger mange steder stadig kontanter, selvom det er en etableret butik.
Det var sjovt nok at se, men vi glæder os begge til noget, der nok ikke er helt så storbys-agtigt.
- Didde og Laura
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I’m seeing all the MoM stuff and it has me wondering… was it really necessary to introduce the TVA and multiverse in the Loki show?
Like first of all, it can’t be relied upon to introduce it to everyone, since as a show, it’s gonna have a lower reach than say, NWH or MoM. And later fans are less likely to include the show in a ‘must view to understand’ list since… its longer than a movie. And honestly, I don’t see them NOT introducing/explaining He Who Remains/Kang/Multiverse in either MoM or later movies.
Tbh, because the show was so confusing in many ways, I would have preferred the build up to the multiverse we’re getting in the movies, with the ‘wth is happening’ glimpse in NWH and the deeper, horrorlike exploration we’ll hopefully get in MoM. The show just kind of laid it all out right away, and I would have enjoyed more mystery honestly when viewing the MCU as a whole.
So I’m just very disappointed that That was what they chose to focus on, to make it the TVA/multiverse show (bc lets be real, thats what friends of mine who saw it talk about, not Loki) instead of really focusing on Loki and his character. It just feels so unnecessary and that after MoM it feels like the Loki Show will just be this side thing of the MCU like “hey! we talked abt the multiverse too!! and did it worse!!”
Just let me add a couple things. The multiverse was introduced in 2016 in the DS1 movie, it was mentioned by the Ancient One:
You think that this material universe is all there is? This universe is only one of an infinite number.
Who are you in this vast Multiverse, Mr. Strange?
We harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse to cast spells, to conjure shields and weapons to make magic.
Learning of an infinite Multiverse includes learning of infinite dangers.
And Mordo:
Mastery of the sling ring is essential to the mystic arts, they allow us to travel throughout the Multiverse.
So we've known about it for quite some time, 5 years before the Loki series. So the show couldn't even be innovative in that regard either 😜
As for Kang, he is confirmed to appear in Quantumania, the third Ant-Man movie, so I doubt he'll show up in MoM although I can't say that for sure.
I guess they can work it out if the TVA and HWR are above whatever Stephen deals with in MoM, like the Illuminati acting like a step or two below Kang so they can have the sorcerers involved with that which still wouldn't affect the story in the Loki series, but it would be a bummer to have a tv show handling more important matters than the hero who is supposedly the face of the MCU nowadays.
So they could make it so that the TVA and Kang are actually below the Illuminati and Stephen deals with someone with more authority... but I dunno.
Personally I'd prefer it if the Loki series has absolutely nothing to do with MoM but since Waldron is involved..... we'll see.
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
I've only seen the old version of hxh and that until the end of the exam and after that I stopped. And then I saw hwr and started reading it and also started rewatching hxh.
I don't know most of the characters and what's happening, but I simply fell in love with your writing!! 🥺
AWE this is so sweet?? the dedication to read fanfic about a series you're not super familiar with is next level. i'm ecstatic to know you're giving hxh another shot though! it's my favorite anime, managing to surpass the hot competition in my top five. togashi is playing 4d chess while the rest of us are stuck playing tic tac toe or something. if i could harness just half of his creative genius... phew...
thank you very much anon <333
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hvidogtraet · 5 years
Fuzk jeg har drt så skidt et e bkæpoe idiot hvorfor skriver jwg det overhovedet hwr aa
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