#Happy Yuri Friday anon
video-game-jams · 8 months
What day of the week is the most yuriful of them all?
Friday because Friday is universally loved and so is yuri. Love and peace on planet earth.
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dullahandyke · 2 months
Hang on actually before I hit post limit.pinned post so I can edit this and have my tumblr thoughts even tho I'm post limited
Yup okay hit the post limit <3 new followers please know this is normal
Anonymous asked: did they put bugs in him again
Yknow it's hard to tell but I think they might have. Guys we need to get riku dewormed again, this keeps happening to him :(
Anonymous asked: I forgot I had notifs turned on for your blog . Oopsie daisy
HAHAAAAAAAA ANON I CACKLED.... flattered u have urgent coverage on which large surface I'm thinking abt being slammed into at any given time but ig this is an object lesson in paying too much attention to me or something
Listening to a queer history podcast and it's so funny they're explaining to me what yuri is... I know ❤
on my laptop now bcos i gotta study for this stupid test..d. and then afterwards theres a powerpoint im actually rlly gonna enjoy presenting but i gotta facking put it together, augh
niche complaint but it sucks shit when animanga do the 'character suddenly becomes hot as part of a daydream/joke' gag and they dont go full bishie. give that man a delicate jawline NOW!!!
really happy with this sticker on my laptop. whenever im feeling down i just rememebr that this man got a lobotomy
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[ID: a black frame meme featuring Hajime Hinata from Super Danganronpa 2 at the chapter 1 cabin party, smiling and holding a glass of orange juice. It is captioned, "This man, got a lobotomy.]
whew im a sneezy girl. the sneezing sneasler. wait thats a pokemon. ritalin on friday unless i have a heart murmur
@effervescentleaf asked:
i know im constantly posting abt my beard but its still weird as hell to consider that i have a beard that other people can see. when people look at me they see androgyny. what the fuck. i keep being drawn to people with beards and make-up/long hair/jewelry/whatever the fuck else as my favourite examples of gender non-conformity and like. IM that. im that with my stupid eyeliner. what the shit
also that reminds me im not gonna have time to do my eyeliner before my class test tomorrow :/ now i Could just go without it bcos i'll have a presentation later in the day that i should probably be serious for. but where is the fun in that. i will be wearing a hawaiian shirt instead of a t-shirt and thats all that can be expected of me <3
i probs need to eat a proper meal but the call of pop tarts it is so great.... sighhhh i got the bread out the freezer for soup so ill see if thats defrosted. and if not. squints. cup noodles. kinda want the cup noodles anyway but the soup is gonna expire soon so i gotta be fuckinnn responsible and nutritious or whatever
sidenote i kind of rlly enjoy having just one long ledger of posts all day. kind of fun
Ugh fuck my gay life I gotta make a PowerPoint... I'm tired I'm a bit sick i gotta sleeeep... wanted to make it fancy but ig that's fucked :(
I saw a video of a cat and now I miss bubbles :( bubblesssss... I'm going home tomorrow tho so I'll see her then :)
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Hi! It's 🏩 Anon again 😇
I was wondering if I could request some angst(?) with the Yuri S/O request. Same characters.
Basically, [character] sees one of S/Os Club members run out of S/Os clubroom about to '🤢' and they go investigate, that's when they see S/O dead Yuri style™ before that they didn't see S/O for the weekend (because Yuri was in that class room with MC for the entire Weekend). back to what I was typing in the beginning, they find S/O dead like how Yuri was (rotting corpse and all) and there like having there angst moment then the club leader comes in the clubroom and is like "Oh dear you weren't supposed to see that 👹☝️" and basically they restart time back to before the weekend started with there epic Monika powers but [character] still remembers and then they have to prevent S/O from dying again, the rest is up to you 😌
Also I hope your weekend was good! 🐰
Hello again, 🏩 anon! This one was a bit complex, which is no big deal! I ended up making this a longer fanfic type story, so I chose one of the characters to work with-- Chihiro sparked some inspiration in me and I had a difficult time imagining the other characters in this scenario. I'm sorry if it isn't exactly what you were after, but hopefully you like it! It might start bleak, but I tried to give it a happy ending.
-Mod Celeste
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You Weren't Supposed to See That: Chihiro x reader (DDLC Crossover):
Disclaimer: Death, blood su*c*de, and angst below!
Fujisaki was on their way to see you in class when a girl ran right past them, panicked. It was as if she'd seen a ghost, really. It was a bit startling, but Chihiro just wanted to see you. After all, you hadn't messaged them all weekend and they began to worry.
"I'm sure they're all right," Chihiro thought. "Just a bit busy, is all." But as they opened the door to your club room, everything changed.
Chihiro froze where they stood. Your body was slumped against a desk, with fatal wounds in your chest and torso. A knife sat in a pool of dried blood close to your ghostly hand-- cold and unmoving. This wasn't recent, either, from the looks of it.
Your dear friend had no choice but to scream in anguish, the sight was too much to bear. How did this happen? Why??? They fell to their knees, sobbing uncontrollably.
Footsteps were approaching, but it didn't matter to Chihiro. They were out of reach, deep in grief. It took them many moments to realize someone else had entered the room.
"Oh dear," said a sweet voice. "You weren't supposed to see this, were you? It's fine, no big deal!" It was a girl your age, with green eyes and a cute ponytail. She didn't seem all that concerned at the sight.
"W-what? How could you? This is... it's just..." Poor Fujisaki couldn't even continue.
"Oh, I know! But seriously, it's fine. Let's just reset this, shall we?" Before they could react, everything stopped. And then, restarted... it was an odd sensation.
Chihiro came to, only to be completely shocked by the events. Your body was no longer there, nor was the cruel girl. Their phone said it was Friday... three days prior. Not only that, but--
You had opened the door. Chihiro was still crying, and seeing you did not help. "Y/n? Y/n???" They ran up to you, making sure it wasn't a dream. "You're alive?? But how?"
None of this made sense. But you didn't really know what to say. "Well, of course I'm alive! What's the matter?"
"I was just here, a few seconds ago, and you... you were dead!! It was so horrible, but now I'm here and--"
"I'm right here, Chihiro. Please, don't worry! It sounds like you just had a bad dream. I have my club now, but I'll see you afterwards, okay?" Your words rang hollow, like an echo of your true self. Dismissing Chihiro like this was simply unlike yourself.
Chihiro knew you wouldn't be okay, based off the events they saw moments earlier. If this really was Friday, then it's safe to assume you died on this day-- soon. The corpse looked as if it had been there for a few days, solidifying this. Not only that, but you were acting strangely...
They didn't have much time to plan. Because of the knife right next to you, it seemed the wounds were self-inflicted... but what would cause that out of nowhere in a club meeting? Who could provoke that???
So, Chihiro waited outside the room. A few of the other girls left, and they figured it would only be you and one other in the room now. They peeked through the small window on the door, watching for anything abnormal. It seemed you were having a discussion with a guy from club, and it looked rather serious. He said something Chihiro couldn't make out, and then--
"WAIT!" They screamed, slamming the door open. The sight of a knife glinting in your hand sent Chihiro into hysterics, and they bolted to you, prepared for anything. The boy in the room did nothing, shocked into silence. They grabbed your hand to prevent any harm.
"Y/n... please. Don't do this..." Chihiro pleaded helplessly, with no other choice in sight.
"What?" Your head was foggy, unaware of the sudden event. You looked down, saw Chihiro clinging to you and the kinfe, and gasped. "Ah, Chihiro! What's happening, why am I...?" You stopped. Something felt oddly familiar about this. Not that it was normal, by any means. But a faint memory of a choice you were forced to make.
"I told you, something isn't right! I'm not sure what's going on, or why you're doing this... but please, don't hurt yourself!" Tears began welling in their eyes once again, proof of their concern. "Whatever is going on, you can't die! People love you here... I love you!"
At that, it all came back to you. Somehow, you were being tampered with. It was unclear how or why, but you were being manipulated... now that you know, you could break free. You dropped the knife. "Oh, Chihiro... I am so sorry! This is all so, so confusing, but now, I think I'm free. Thank you... if it weren't for you I'd be dead right now."
They immediately gave a sigh of relief. Then it occured to them-- would you be safe? What if that green-eyed girl was responsible for this? Before they could think any longer, she appeared.
"Monika?" You asked, even more confused.
"Yep! That's right. Seems like I'm here just in time."
"What do you mean? You saw--" Chihrio implored, but was cut off.
"Well, I thought I'd have to worry about y/n here interfering with something of mine, but it seems like her intentions lie... elsewhere," she pointed at Chihiro. "Thank goodness for that!"
She then walked over to the boy you'd been talking to, who was just as relieved. "We should probably give these two a moment, right? Come with me." The two left.
"I'm so glad you're okay!" Chihiro said. Without thinking, they hugged you closely-- then backed away. "Oh, I'm sorry!! I did that without thinking... oh, and about what I said,"
"I love you too," you replied. You embraced Chihiro yourself this time, and you knew things were okay again.
Thank goodness there was a glitch in your simulation.
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hazy-edits · 3 years
[𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐭...𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐞.]
Hey there! I am Mod Haze, and this is my, mostly Danganronpa based, edit blog! Please read this whole post before interacting, and enjoy your stay!
-About the mod-
Hi there, I'm Mod Haze, but you can also call me by my kins, as well as most nicknames.
I am a pangender demi-trixic ace, I also use all pronouns!
I am a minor, so please don't say anything inappropriate in my inbox or on my posts.
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I have pretty bad anxiety, so I will apologize way too much. Please don't get angry over that.
I am a beginning editor, so please don't expect too much [/lh].
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[From highest to lowest, doubles are ok]
Korekiyo Shinguji
Mukuro Ikusaba
Chiaki Nanami
Junko Enoshima
Mikan Tsumiki
Toko Fukawa
Chihiro Fujisaki
Kyoko Kirigiri
Nagisa Shingetsu
Izuru Kamakura
Tsumugi Shirogane
Anon List
🕷 Anon
[𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘶𝘺𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘦.] - request accepted
[𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘴.] - request pending
[𝘪 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯...] - request denied
[𝘺𝘦𝘱. 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘢 𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.] - my edits
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[𝘪'𝘮 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦𝘴.] - self indulgent
[𝘭𝘦𝘵'𝘴 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦.] - not an edit
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purebloodprincess · 5 years
The official website for Yuri!!! on Ice the Movie: Ice Adolescence announced on Friday that the film has been delayed from its 2019 opening date. The franchise's production committee plans to post a new opening date when it has been decided. The announcement noted that the film was delayed "in order to substantially scale up the content more than originally planned." Source for this is AnimeNewsNetwork and Yuri!!! on Ice the Movie: Ice Adolescence film's website.
Hi Anon,
Yes, I saw. I have all the official social media accounts on alert, so this was literally the first thing I saw this morning lol. Honestly, I’m pretty sure this surprises no one. The movie was originally set to be released this year, but we are already in September, and we didn’t even have a release date yet. A delay was inevitable. I’m just glad to see it officially confirmed.
I honestly can’t be mad about it. They are adding more content than what was originally planned and that’s awesome. I’m happy to wait as long as it takes if the result is a perfect movie. :)) I’ve seen so many rude comments from people under the official announcements on twitter and instagram. Guys, please, the movie is not cancelled, they are working really hard on it. I’m sure you’d also rather wait a bit more than to have something that’s only mediocre. Be supportive and kind, there is no reason to be a d*ck.
On that note though, idk about you, but I have a feeling that “scaling up the content more than originally planned” means adding more Yuuri in general. The small marketing we have seen of the movie was only about Victor, and even the title of the movie suggests a teenage backstory. The lack of Yuuri was so obvious actually, that fans in Japan started to worry about him not having a big role in the movie. Or that he might not even be in it. Yuuri’s voice actor even had to comment on this, so apparently the staff is aware of the concerns. Personally I was never worried about Yuuri not being in the movie, but I did worry about him not having much of a role and only appearing occasionally. Don’t get me wrong, I love Victor to pieces, and I want to know more about his backstory, but a full movie dedicated to just that might be a bit too much considering we don’t know that much about Yuuri (the protagonist) either. Not to mention that most people want to see Victuuri, and I’m pretty sure the team is very aware at this point that that is the main selling point of the franchise. Victor and Yuuri are a pair, their relationship is the heart of the anime and I don’t think I could fully enjoy a movie if one of them is not really in it. So I’m hoping this adding more content means we will get more Yuuri and more things about the present. If that’s the case, I’m happy to wait forever lol.
Anyways, tbh the only thing I’m mad about is that it took them this long to update. We didn’t know anything since January. Like, leaving the fans in the dark for months with no update whatsoever is not a smart PR move. Hopefully this post also means we will get more regular updates in the future. 
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davidpwilson2564 · 5 years
Friday, May 10, 2019
Up very early.  I get a text about a church gig in Harrison.  I turn it down.  If I accepted it I'd have "gig regret"...as with the Lehmann College gig.  I did the Harrison job before and it was most complicated.  Train to Harrison, taxi to the church.  Not very good in-house timpani and having to fake most of the music.  That well-intentioned, though wild, arm-waving of the conductor. (Geez.  You'd think he was on speed.)  Had not the ballet season started up I might have said yes. 
Rehearsal at JCC.  Both morning and afternoon.
Note: On receiving the current International Musician I again go to the little column called Taps.  The obits, what Kenny Dybuisz calls the Irish sports pages.  I find the names of three people I knew, among them Maxim Gershunoff, a close associate with Sol Hurok.  (As I have said before) I never met Mr. Hurok but heard so much about him.  Gershunoff's father, I think, was a close friend from Russia.  Hurok brought the Russian ballets to America.  Max acted as an interpreter and sort of ran the show.  My late friend Jaime Austria told me Max had written a book.  I ordered it and have delved into it (many people I knew are mentioned) but have not read it all the way through.  ("It's Not All Song and Dance.") It could be so interesting but it's so dully (ghost) written...  The book mentions  the famous (almost) blind Russian conductor, Yuri Fier...and there are many Jack Lancbery stories (he is the best conductor I've ever worked for)...  Jaime actually sat down and talked to Max.  I can't imagine such a thing, the reason being that Max had such a mean streak.  He often found himself in hot water and last I heard of him was when he was called into question (putting it mildly) for the way he was managing the (defecting) Panovs.  Most often when someone passes on you remember something unusual or amusing about them.  I don't have a single funny story to tell about Max.  Even among the people I knew, said to be his close friends...not one anecdote.  That in itself is funny.  (Max wore a top-of-the-line wig.)
And scanning down the column is another name.  Billy Dennison...more about whom anon. 
Rain.  Exhaustion in the evening but so happy to be working. 
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n3rdlif343va · 7 years
Otayuri and number 10 for the writing prompts?
Still spreading these out so they aren’t spamming anyone’s dash :) If you are an anon and wondering where your drabble is, fear not! They are all going to be posted :) now for a little bit of these adorable besties :)
They had been on the phone for exactly one hour and thirty nine minutes when their conversation finally started to wind down from a frenzied pace. Between practice schedules and time zone issues, their communications had been limited to sporadic texts and social media interactions, leaving both of them feeling neglected. When Otabek had been the first to mention this feeling, Yuri had jumped on the chance to suggest a scheduled Skype call, both of them opting to spend their Friday nights in the confines of their individual rooms in order to finally catch up.
The first few minutes had been a hilarious stumbling of the joint need to say everything in their minds as soon as they saw each other’s faces. They had each started sentences, speaking over top of each other, and then dissolving into a comical spat of who should go first. In the end Yuri had won, clamping a hand over his mouth and refusing to speak until Otabek finished his story.
Now, after rapid speech subsided and a few appearances by Potya in the camera field, they had settled to a comfortable rhythm, discussing whatever random thoughts crossed their minds.
Otabek sat back against his headboard watching Yuri brush his hair on the other end of the call. His friend was chattering away about a new hair conditioner when a screeching alert startled Otabek. Pulling the phone closer to his chest, Otabek raised an eyebrow into the screen as Yuri cursed into his own. “What was that?” he asked, studying Yuri’s face as he stood and started moving across his room in St. Petersburg.
“Ugh,” was Yuri’s only response as he slammed into his computer chair.
“Enlightening,” Otabek quipped, the side of his mouth twitching into a smirk as Yuri snorted.
“It’s nothing,” Yuri’s eyes were focused on a point beyond his telephone screen and Otabek continued to watch him with interest. “I forgot I was supposed to play Rocket League tonight, but it looks like one of the team members isn’t here anyway, so I don’t know why it is an issue.”
Clicking could be heard as Yuri set his phone down with the camera still pointing to his face. Sitting up, Otabek glanced to his own computer and shrugged. “I’ll play. That is… if you teach me how to play.” He watched as Yuri’s gaze returned to his own.
“I mean, sure…” Yuri sounded hesitant as he chewed on his bottom lip. “But you have to have a computer that can handle it.”
Raising an eyebrow in Yuri’s direction, Otabek lifted his phone and aimed it at his desk in the corner of the room. Hitting the button to flip the camera, he heard Yuri’s confused gasp as Otabek’s computer set up came into view.
He had three monitors spread over the L-shaped desk and his tower was a beast of plastic with blue lights glowing from within. On the corner was his digital mixing table and his mic, keyboard, and mouse all sat under the middle monitor, which also had his headphones hooked over the top left corner. Stacks of CDs and USB drives sat in a black plastic organizer to the right of the desk and the rest of his DJing equipment was stacked on the ground under a poster of the Barcelona GPF finalists. He had bought the poster because he and Yuri appeared on it together, but he would never tell his best friend that. Listening to Yuri sputter, Otabek chuckled and flipped the camera around as he stood to move to his own desk.
“You’ve been holding out on me!” Yuri complained, his surly face set in a playful scowl. “Controller?” he inquired, still appearing as if he was ready to fire of rampant rounds of indignation at any moment. Lifting a black controller from its hook under the desk, Otabek flashed it in front of his phone. Scoffing, Yuri shook his head, currently too stunned to make a snide remark. “Steam account?”
Flushing red, Otabek averted his eyes. It had been a handle that his sister had come up with as a joke, but Otabek had kept it since he wasn’t as creative on his own. Hearing Yuri ask again, Otabek stared at his computer screen, muttering “DJOtaBear” under his breath.
“No way,” Yuri laughed, slapping a hand to his forehead, “you are such a nerd!” He was still laughing as he typed out the friend request on his own Steam account.
“Right, I’m the nerd,” Otabek snickered, hitting accept on his new request, “is your name really IceTigerClaws????” He couldn’t help his own laughter as he searched for the game. Looking at the description, he missed Yuri’s response. “What even is this?” The game concept looked similar to soccer, except…
“It’s like soccer but the ball is huge, you are in a cage, and you’re a race car.” Yuri snickered as Otabek stared at him with furrowed brows. “Trust me it’s awesome, you’ll see.”
Forty-five minutes later, Otabek had spent more time than anyone else ever (according to Yuri) on the ceiling with his race car and had heard Yuri use the most colorful language crafted into cleverly brutal insults, but he also had to admit that the bizarre game was actually fun. With a final smashing of an unsuspecting opposing team, Yuri declared it a successful night and they signed off to continue talking.
“Do you normally play games online?” Yuri was settled back on his bed again, curiously considering Otabek. “You weren’t bad, but you have a good set up for someone who seems to be a noob.”
“I don’t play a lot, but…” Otabek trailed off. He had almost told Yuri exactly what game he normally played online, and wished he had stopped his sentence before the “but” had slipped out.
“What are you not telling me?” Leaning forward so his face was extremely close to the screen, it was Yuri’s turn to raise his eyebrow at Otabek.
“I play pinochle with my grandparents.” The revelation was quiet, Otabek staring down at his socks instead of into the phone as his cheeks burned red again.
“What is that?” Yuri sat back again, running a hand through his hair. His interest sounded genuine, so Otabek decided to continue.
“It’s a card game. Four players, two teams, they are always on a team together and I play with a random person or the computer. They kick my butt every time.” Otabek still couldn’t bring himself to look at his phone screen, scared about the teasing that was about to occur.
“Screw that!” Yuri barked, his voice a little too loud for the late hour. “Teach me how to play! I’ll be your partner. We’ll kick their asses!” He pumped a fist into the air with the last statement.
“You want to help me kick my grandparents’ asses in pinochle?” Unsure that he had heard Yuri correctly, Otabek spoke each word with a slight pause between them.
“Yup, but we have to practice,” Yuri was talking as he moved again, and Otabek realized that his best friend had moved back to the computer. “Come on and send me the link!” His tone was eager as Otabek chuckled.
Locating the link to the online card site, Otabek sent it over to Yuri and settled down to teach his best friend how to play the game. Biting back his smile, Otabek again found himself incredibly happy that his best friend was the most ridiculous, competitive, and wonderful human he had ever known.
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asagimeta · 7 years
Thank you for writing what you did about Atomic Blonde. Literally all I've seen about it on twitter/tumblr is 'DON'T SEE IT, KILLS A LESBIAN IS DISGUSTING AND MISOGYNISTIC OFC' and I haven't been able to articulate why that's such a damagingly simplistic view of what happened but you captured it perfectly. I loved the film and I'm glad another bi lady did too :)
Anon, you honestly don’t know what this message means to me, I posted that post with the idea in my mind that I was probably going to get flames, saw the +1 and thought “There’s my first hate mail of the night”, and this is such a beautifull and cleansing surprise
I’ve seen enormously mixed reveiws going through the first minute of posts in the Atomic Blonde tag, it’s kind of half and half from what I saw, but I felt the need to post myself because some of the pro!AB posts I saw (note: SOME not ALL) seemed very dismissive of the Kill The Your Gays/Burry Your Lesbians trope wich is just… not good
See there’s a difference between Kill Your Gays and “We have to kill this person off who happens to be gay” but people don’t often see or atleast acknowledge that difference
The Vampire Diaries killed their lesbians
The 100 HAD to kill off a lesbian woman because the actress was leaving the show and there was no way, plot wise, for them to have her… what? Run off on a toxic planet to never return because the actress was on a different show?
Supernatural killed their lesbian
The Walking Dead HAD to kill off a lesbian woman in order to leave Alexandria without a doctor so that Maggie would have a reason to be in desperate need of going to Hilltop surrounded by 90% of the main cast, wich had to happen to get them confronted by Negan (ha… oh how I wish this hadn’t happened but you know how plots are)
There’s a very big problem of offensive and problematic tropes developing and then fandom being so- RIGHTFULLY- hurt by those tropes that they assume anything that CAN play to it, DOES play to it (IE: Yuri On Ice!!! being “queerbaiting” despite the show being about a literal, canonically queer couple who are in a romantic relationship, just because Japanese censorship laws LITERALLY do not allow an on-screen show of lip-on-lip male/male kissing that isn’t, in some way, hidden)
Things like what happened to Charlie on Supernatural are the reason why people are RIGHTFULLY upset at the Bury Your Gays trope, especially for lesbians, but there’s a line between avoiding an offensive trope and avoiding certain narratives all together, and as I said in the first post, the “Lover of the protagonist dies and fuels their mission” trope is a tale as old as time, look at American Assassin! Dylan O'Brien’s fiance’ gets killed off in the very beginning but I haven’t seen anyone call THAT misogynistic yet and that one fuels the pain of a straight man, but that’s the way the genre works (not that’s an excuse not to deviate from it though)
One of the biggest problems about queer media that’s even MARGINALLY mainstream is that it’s all the same *~~tragic and depressing oh woe it is to be queer~~* nonsense that wins Oscars and usually has some tragic ending where they don’t end up together or one of them dies or whatever, becase *~oh woe to be gay~*, queer media needs to branch into other genres…. like horror, and spies, and thrillers, and those movies don’t typically have Everyone Is Happy And Alive endings
And on a very personal note, as a bisexual woman, Atomic Blonde is so important to me because Lorraine’s sexuality is not erased or fetishized or closeted or portrayed in ANY way other than purely bisexual, and she’s never put down for it, she’s never called a slur, she’s never accused of “just being straight/gay and unable to decide”, it never COMES UP at all, and oh my GOD that’s so rare that, as a person who legitimately goes to the movie theater EVERY Friday, I cannot, off the top of my head, think of another movie where that’s the case
Bisexual representation- ESPECIALLY positive bi representation- is a freaking UNICORN in the vast sea of media and you’d better bet I’m going to hang onto this beautifull blonde unicorn with everything I have because I KNOW I’m not going to see it again until Gotham City Sirens, probably, and that’s… what? Four years from now?
I am so so so happy you sent me this message Anon, I am honestly, honestly so happy, thank you
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araminthe-ispwitch · 7 years
hi so i love your writing its amazing i especially love gay highschool romance its my favourite i was wondering if i could have some advice im trying to write a school fic and im not sure how to transition between different characters since theres quite a lot. its in third person if that helps. if you have any other tips for school fics id be happy to hear them :)
(Alsoshit I have to update OTL)
(((Okay,I rambled way too much here with advice when you were just asking aboutcharacter transitions… so uh I’ll just put this under Keep Reading. Anon, yourspecific question is answered on #6. If anyone’s interested in writing tips, feel free to skip some ramblings.)))
Well,okay, actually, The ExaggeratedlyPerilous Journey of a Gay High School Romance or GHSR had been my veryfirst school fic (I can’t count that one DNAngel fic ‘cause the setting washalf-outside of school…) and the one thing I noticed while writing it was that ahuge cast of characters needs to be handled with care, otherwise things cangrow way out of proportion.
Letme give a little more exposition on what happened to me exactly first, so you’llunderstand how important writing this fic had been for me:
GHSRwas my second fic in my entire life. After my DNAngel fic (which I really don’t encourage you guys to readunless you want a cringe-y flashback to your teenage weaboo days), I took along break from writing until KnB came along and inspired me. Now, whathappened in that break was that I got slowly influenced by other writers’styles as I read and read, so once I started creating GHSR, it was oodles morerefined than my first fic.
Butit still had that weaboo factor in it somewhere. I hadn’t practiced in a while,so I haven’t gotten rid of that thing yet.
(Andhere I will admit that my first writing style was really heavily inspired by acertain DNAngel fic author. She had written crackfics and I unfortunately adoptedher habit of using “blunette, blue orbs, teardropped, etc.” Yeah. Are youcringing yet? ‘Cause I am. Still, thanks for inspiring me, lady.)
Now,when I wrote Ch. 1 and 2 of GHSR, I was still using my old style. But as Iwrote chapters 3, 4, and 5—and as my word count climbed higher and higher forevery chapter jesus christ—I finally started to find my own style and startedcorrecting all the cringe-y habits I had before (hence why I had refined Chapter1 a while back). So what I’m saying here,anon, is that that experimental school fic of mine practically made me realize howto properly write a school fic.
(I’msorry this will be a bit longer pls bear with me let’s focus on the advice partnow)
Okay,first of all, if your school fic will be having a huge cast (because you canactually writing a fic set in a school without writing a lot of characters init), it’s best to really know each character’s persona. This is easy since if youread a lot of fanfics about the fandom you’re going to write for, you will havea lot of references on how the character is written by the majority. Forexample, I learned how to write Takao by reading works about him, and then Ijust added my own interpretation of him a bit and viola, I now have a Takao whofits my “everyone goes to one school” AU. It’s amazing because a lot of myreaders tell me Takao is so in-character in my fic, but when you really thinkabout it, his entire character isn’t completely shown in the canon as opposedto Kuroko or Kagami, right? But I managed to write him well enough that heseems natural to the readers because they’ve read other works about him, too—andall because I did my research on how his character works!
Anotherexample for this is when I fucked up Kagami’s character. OTL
Backin GHSR’s Ch. 1, I freely wrote Kagami as this food-loving delinquent who ispretty much down to fight. I was sofucking wrong. Watching the next seasons of KnB, I realized with horrorthat I fudged him up so bad and was really so embarrassed and basically, Iwanted to delete my fic right then and there. He’s a food lover, yeah, but he’snot actually actively looking fortrouble. He’s actually a well-mannered kid who is just skirting close todelinquency due to his looks, but is actually just a huge basketball dork.Those times he gets in trouble with authorities? Not actually his fault becausehe’s a mischievous kid—he’s just really unlucky lmao.
(Andthat is why I rewrote Ch. 1. I didn’t do enough research on him and I felt bad.OTL)
Okay,so basically this first advice is me telling you to read other fanfics and do your research. Major characters arepretty easy since they’re popular. It’s the side/minor ones you have to payattention to if you’re going to make them protagonists like what I did withGHSR, since they’re not fully fleshed out and it’s up to the fans to give themtheir own interpretation (like what I did with Sakurai Ryou). A word ofcaution, though: you have to be carefulin distinguishing canon from fanon during your writing. Fanon tends tooverwhelm the canon when the fandom accepts it more—when in reality, the fanonis inaccurate. I can’t think of an example in KnB, but in Yuri on Ice, OtabekAltin had become an Ensemble Dark Horse character in the anime because of hisconnection to Yuri Plisetsky, one of the major characters. Despite his littlescreen time, he’s now one of the most popular guys in the fandom and because ofhis character profile’s small size, the fans have pretty much supplied itthemselves—which kind of ruined his persona a bit. I’ve seen some fanworkswhere he seemed out of character, and that’s a bit dangerous when you’rewriting. So tread carefully when researching characters through fanworks.
Secondadvice: research school fics by reading school fics. Yep, this oneis pretty simple. Just find a school fic, and if you can’t put it down, keepreading and enjoy. You can come back for serious studying on it. (You can do soon my fic lol.) Even better: find a school fic on the fandom you’re going towrite for! If its style is within your standards, then go ahead and use it as astudy material. You might think I’m telling you to copy it, but oh no, I’m actuallytelling you to let it influence yourknowledge of how school fics work. For example, when I was inspired towrite for DNAngel, I never bothered about the mechanics of how schools incertain countries work—because I thoughtthat all schools in the world worked the same. (I hate teenage me.) It wasonly through spending enough time with anime and fanfics that bothered todescribe the Japanese schools’ inside slipper system that I realized that “oh fuck I’ve been basing Japanese schoolson my country’s schools oH SHIT”. Now, I can get away with that in DNAngel,where the rules and the world are a bit screwy. But I cannot bullshit my way through KnB, an anime that is fucking based in Japan. I, as a writer, amexpected to be responsible enough to research the setting of KnB, which is Japan’s education system. So not only amI telling you to research by reading school fics, I am also telling you toresearch the setting of the story. Chances are, there will be some differencesfrom what you know and what is actually real. And not only the setting, too, butthe culture of the school—not all schools mandate their students to clean theirrooms by themselves, and not all schools freely allow their students to go therestroom (looking at you, America). These are simple things you can look up onGoogle, and if you’re lucky, you’ll come across stuff like this in Tumblr, too.
Thirdadvice: it’s okay to be vague sometimes.There’s no need for you to be specific on a lot of details or even reverentlywrite what happened to a character the whole day. You can skip the time to amore interesting event or just be general about something. Because if you getway too focused on giving out every detail, not only will it bore your readers,it will also bore you and tire you out. Take GHSR, for example. In Ch. 5, thetimeline was from Tuesday to Friday, but despite my overly-long chapter, I didn’tactually write every single day on the story from morning to night. I showedwhat was happening in school in general and skipped to the really important andeventful moments for my characters to give movement to the story. Because I can’tjust put so much interaction if it doesn’t mean anything—that would be pointlessand exhausting. This really helpswhen your school fic has a huge cast, like mine. (In fact, the only reason thefirst few chapters were reverently following each day was because the startingcast was small, but it’ll soon grow and I’ll have to put plenty of time-skips.)
Eventhough what you’re writing is a school fic, you still have a designatedprotagonist, so most of the story revolves around them, hence the need to notdetail every single aspect of their life. It’s only called a school fic becausethat’s their setting.
Fourthadvice: your protagonist doesn’t have totalk to everybody in the room. Imagine Kagami in his classroom in my fic,with Aomine beside him, and Kuroko and Sakurai at the back. And then all theother classmates have been replaced with the cast of KnB—so technically, everyoneknows each other inside that room. Now, just because Kagami knows everyonedoesn’t mean he’s entitled to chat all of them up—nor are you entitled to forcehim to. Some writers (most especially those starting out, as I saw this yearsago, but hopefully, this generation has learned) think they have to forceinteractions for everybody so it won’t be boring, but actually, that would besuch a tedious process. You have to think about this realistically, even thoughit’s fiction. Even the most social butterfly in KnB would get tired if theyhold conversations with everyone in the span of a certain period of time. Thepurpose of a school fic is to emulate a school setting, and you don’t reallysee everyone interacting with each other, right? That would be chaos. Let therebe peace—in intervals. For example, when Misdirection was having their firstpractice in GHSR back in Ch. 4, everyone knew each other in the clubroom, but Ididn’t write them all talking to each other. Aomine and Midorima were isolatedfrom the rest and hadn’t talked to the others unless necessary. So unless your character wants to interact with someone specifically, it’sokay to just let them be silent.
Fifthadvice: DON’T PHYSICALLY DESCRIBE YOURCHARACTERS WHEN YOU’RE WRITING IN THEIR PERSPECTIVE.JUST DON’T. There’s this post I’ve found in Tumblr  (which I urge you to read) after finishing Chapter5, where it’s a bit demeaning to refer to the character you’re using with blandtitles/epithets like “the blonde” or “the male”, as if that was the only thing going for them. I admitted that it is, but at the same time, I gottause this style sometimes becausethere will always be scenes where several characters are all altogether. InGHSR, I can’t help but refer to Hyuga as the “bespectacled one” because thereare other black-haired upperclassmen besides him. Even with Kagami and Akashi—Ihave to distinguish the two. It helps that you describe their other features,but giving them titles like the ones above can be a bit too much if there’s noone else in the area that has the same description, ya know? So I propose this:
Don’tdo this:
The black-haired and blue-eyed kickboxer stared at the mop of blondehair he could see outside the gates and sighed.
Do this:
The kickboxer stared at the mop of blonde hair he could see outsidethe gates and sighed.      
“ButAra!” you say, with shocked eyes, “isn’t the first one your style? That line wasin the beginning of Chapter 5!”
Yes,it is. But you know what else? I wrote that line over two fucking years ago. I posted the chapter over a year ago and I didn’t edit that lineout. But over the course of a year, my style concerning this naming thing haschanged, and now I am actively trying to lessen that kind of thing in my works.I didn’t have to remind my readers that Kasamatsu Yukio had black hair and blueeyes. That was just my ego talking,being fancy as I add the descriptions to his title. That whole thing wasone of the very habits I’ve retained from my DNAngel days—and I fucking hate it actually so please don’t emulate me and just keepyour character’s self-perspective simple. Please.
Okay,sixth advice (and the last one for now because this has become too long): transitioning between characters inthird-person perspective is easy as long as you keep things SIMPLE. Sobasically, you just have to apply the simplicity above when leaping from onecharacter to another! It’s actually pretty easy when it involves dialogue:
Sakurai chuckled nervously at the answer. “I-I’m sure they canimprove, Sensei.”
“Oh, I’m hoping for it. Otherwise, we’ll all be in trouble,” said Kogawith an aggravated sigh.
“Maybe if you didn’t suspend us, we wouldn’t be struggling right now,”muttered Aomine, glancing sideways at the door.
See?For every line of dialogue, there was a corresponding character assigned to it.Dialogue tags and extra exposition helps.
Onthe other hand, for internal narration:
As much as Kise wanted to see Kasamatsu as soon as possible, hedecided to hold back since it was obvious his best friend needed a companion—anotion that Midorima rejected almost immediately, of course. Shintarou didn’tneed anyone tagging along with him as he switched from one department toanother. And he most definitely didn’t need Kise Ryouta pestering him withquestions about Takao.
Seehow in the first half, the narration was in Kise’s third-person POV, and thenon the other half, it’s Midorima’s? As long as you’re referring to who is thinkingat the moment and showing the readers whose mind it is you’re narrating,everything will be fine.
Thisalso works with dialogue-to-narration:
“You four are already in an agreement, correct?” he askedmatter-of-factly. The four high-schoolers paused at his words, staring at himin surprise and bubbling dread. There was something about the way the lightglinted off the math teacher’s glasses that warned them to be cautious, and sothey reluctantly nodded.
Thefirst sentence was in Koga-sensei’s POV, then the rest was showing what Kagami,Aomine, Kuroko, and Sakurai were experiencing.
Justkeep things simple. The best tip I can offer here is “if you’re gettingconfused by the transitions yourself,then chances are, your readers will be, too.”
1)Study your characters’ personas.
2)Research by finding similar works.
3)Being vague in storytelling is alright sometimes.
4)Social interaction with each character in a large group isn’t a must.
5)Don’t dump descriptions on your character all the time. (Unless you’re writingcomedy, but that’s for another lesson.)
6)Keep things simple so character transitions aren’t confusing or jarring.
That’sall I can think of for now. If you still have specific questions, don’t beafraid to message me! Honestly, though? Just keep on experimenting andpracticing with your writing. Read fanfics and do your research. That phasebetween DNAngel and KnB was my dominant experimental phase and actually, I’mstill improving and refining my own style, which you’ll notice if you check outmy new fics. Go and find your own style, too! :)
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thissupposedcrime · 7 years
Do you know when Chapter 6 of Soldier Boy is going to come out? I'm really looking forward to it! Your writing style and characterization are amazing and the story is so beautiful :3
soldier boy
anon, you are a treasure and I am not worthy of such praise. Before I get into when soldier boy chapter 6 will get published, I just want to send all my appreciation to you and everyone else reading my story. I am grateful and touched in ways I can’t begin to express for the kudos, comments, and the fic recs people put it on. A lot of stories/authors aren’t fortunate enough to have such support, and I always keep that in mind. So thank you.
Originally, I had hopes it would be published last week. Soldier Boy Chapter 6 is a rather lighthearted affair:
Yuri waking up at 4 am to record a hair loss commercial so he can edit Victor’s face on the bald testimonials
He is affronted that Otabek will not help him in this noble pursuit
Yuri’s second failed attempt at apartment shopping with Lilia and the real estate agent they make cry because the crown moulding isn’t up to par
The earnest attempts of Otabek’s father to adopt Yuri
The return of Georgi as Yakov tries to stage an intervention on behalf of Yuri’s temper
I think, this might get deleted.
(And these aren’t even the plot relevant spoilers!!!)
Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Between stress over my PhD apps sending out acceptances this week/next, Voltron messing me up, and Donald Trump (a lot of my students are international) I haven’t been in the right mindset to write fluff. I have the chapter outlined and some scenes written (roughly 1.5k of a 5-6k chapter).
I’ve made this promise before, but I’m very confident in my ability to stick to it: Soldier Boy Chapter 6 will be out within a week or so. I’m personally shooting for Friday, but if I don’t hit that, it will drop next Monday.
For what it’s worth, I’ve got most of the next-next chapter (7) written because I’ve been sad and anxious, including killing Grandpa Plisetsky, Otabek’s failed proposal, and Otabek’s motorcycle crash that begins the end of his career!
“The Altin family has been host to numerous drunken elopements and whirlwind romances that keep the divorce courts busy. Otabek was supposed to break the tend, and what does this asshole do? Propose to Yuri at nineteen. Unfortunately for history, Yuri was too busy punching his ex in the face to fact-check him” 
tl;dr: you’re all amazing and I love you. fluffy chapter is hard but I am working on it. 99% sure it will be out within the week with angsty chapters coming quickly after. 
btw: I have a few otayuri prompts in my inbox. I’ll get to those tomorrow for people who have been patiently waiting! 
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