nam-on-jo · 2 years
who else is TERRIFIED of the inevitable fallout and heartbreak porchay will feel when he realizes he started out as a pawn for kim to investigate his brother, that kim has been a mafia son all along and has been keeping everything from him? this seems to be his first love and it’s gonna be so traumatic for him to realize he’s been lied to by the people he cares about most
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anrisimps · 10 months
Krs whump
Krs's uncle who got recruited by the hunters was tasked with the job of keeping the anomaly (krs) under control so that he doesn't get in their way in the future as Cale and they rather want him to be subservient to them.  
This krs ran away from his uncle when he had had enough of his uncle and his abuse ( lies, he was just scared that he was going to die that day. His uncle came smelling of alcohol that day and the man being drunk never meant good for krs. The child flinched when the keys jingled outside of the door, trying to find the keyhole- no doubt fumbling bcoz he was drunk and then there was angry yelling and it terrified krs. He had an inkling that if he hadn't run away that day, he wouldn't be here drinking with his hyungs)  and was living his best life with his team. The monsters still attacked everyone and the world was thrown into chaos but he was the happiest he had ever been. 
One night, there was a knock on his door. Usually krs wasn't one to open the door at night but he was used to cjs coming at his house at the oddest time and he ended up opening the door on autopilot, still half asleep.  His hand froze on the doorknob when he found him standing in front of his door instead of cjs. His heart seemed to drop to his stomach and all he could do was stare blankly, hiding his trembling hand behind himself while his uncle stared down maliciously at him. 
For a split second he contemplated running back inside, to call his team leader nim, cjs or anyone really- anyone who could save him from this monster but his legs refused to move. It was as if his muscles had been locked into place and all he could do was stand there like a lamb ready to be slaughtered. 
He was quick. It didn't take long for deft fingers to clench around his neck. He crowded krs against the wall, whispering how fragile his neck looked, how easy it would be to snap it in two, how funny it would be to see krs choking to death. He seemed extremely amused with the way krs trembled yet his face remained as expressionless as ever.
That brought a strange, hungry gleam in his uncle's eyes and he realized he had managed to doom himself yet again. He was barely given any time to process anything when his uncle lugged him out of the door, leaving it open for anyone to raid his house or just too unbothered to close it. Krs doesn't know how he didnt realize his uncle awakened. He was sure that the man had died in the cataclysm. 
"Are you saddened to find your uncle alive, Rok Soo-yah?" fingers grabbed his face harshly, forcing him to face the older man. He remained quiet. He knew all too well that the man didn't like him talking. 
"Answer me. Answer your uncle Rok Soo- yah" His hair was being pulled after that but krs felt too dazed to register the pain slowly spreading all over his scalp. 
"You have grown too cocky after being left alone for so long. Clearly you need to be reminded of your place-"
Krs stopped listening. He knew he was fucked. He could see the moonlight glinting off the knife his uncle had hidden in the car. If he dared to anger the man any further, he might end up getting stabbed. Will he finally be dead for good? Would his hyungs mourn him if he died? Would anyone care? 
After all, why should anyone care for an emotionless bastard like him? It didn't matter if he lived or died. He didn't have any useful abilities either except his slightly sharper memory. Their company won't waste their precious resources in trying to rescue him. Perhaps, in another life, if he hadn't been so useless, would he have been rescued? 
That was the last thought krs had before he was knocked out and thrown into the basement of an abandoned house.
Water continuously dripped from the roof. The pipeline seemed to be broken. The sound was driving him insane but that was also the only thing keeping his sanity in check. Without it, there was nothing to distract him from his injuries and the dull ache in his muscles. Everything had turned numb. This was a lot better than the deafening silence he had grown used to for the past few days? weeks?- at the very least. 
Ah, look at him being hypocritical now. How often did he tell cjs to shut up because he was noisy? Why did he crave this silence back then? 
Krs coughed out a large chunk of blood. His chest heaved up and down as he struggled to breathe, each movement sending sharp bouts of pain across his body. One of his ribs seemed to be broken too. Countless other bruises throbbed but he couldn't feel anything except a dull ache- his body too numb, too broken to register the pain. Has he always been like this? He couldn't seem to remember how he dealt with the aftermath of his uncle's drinking habit. 
Few weeks ago, he wouldn't have even remembered his uncle but after spending all this time in the basement with him had refreshed his memories. When he was being tortured, he chose to retreat into his mind, far away from the monster who called himself his uncle but after some days, that became useless too. Memories from his childhood, starring his uncle plagued his mind and he found no respite. It had become a cycle. 
His uncle would come and play with him. 
Krs would retreat within the recesses of his mind. 
His uncle would continue to torture both his body and mind and then leave him to stew in his nightmares. 
He would get a few scraps of food so that he doesn't die so easily.
Later, the entire night was spent toeing the line between consciousness and unconsciousness. 
And then repeat. 
This had become his life ever since his uncle kidnapped him. He didn't know what the man did with his body when he wasn't mentally present here but it seemed his unresponsiveness had particularly angered the man last night. The whip marks down his back smarted as he tried to shift, to relieve some pressure of his broken legs but that just ended up opening other wounds. 
His memory was blurry but he remembered his uncle promising something "special" for the next time and the thought turned his heart to stone. What more could he possibly do? What hadn't he already done to krs? Krs felt that the man would be disappointed again tomorrow for krs was already broken, there was nothing more to break anymore and his uncle was on a failed mission if he wanted to get a response out of him. 
With that thought, he drifted off to a restless sleep.
Contrary to his beliefs, his uncle didn't bring anything special to torture him with. Krs had barely glanced at him for a moment before quickly putting his head down- unwilling to gaze at the revolting man. He was sure he could take it. No new instruments meant he would use the old ones and krs was dearly familiar with them already. What could possibly go wrong? 
"Did you ever think how I got my hands on you?" his uncle asked lightly, as if they were taking a walk in the park. 
"Do you wonder why no one came for you?"
"Oh? You already seem to know how worthless you are. Interesting"
Krs flinched at the response and lifted up his head to glare at the man and promptly froze. Wha- what was this?
Lsh's face smiled condescendingly down at him. 
"My, this expression looks good on you, nephew" 
Krs's pupil shook as he stared at the man in front of him. Hyung? His hyung was here? Why was he smiling like that? Why wasn't he rescuing krs? Did he want to hurt him too? 
The man smiled again and krs flinched. It wasn't his hyung. It couldn't be his hyung. He had never seen such a disgusting expression on his hyung's face and knew it wasn't him. And he still sounded like his despicable uncle. 
His uncle frowned when krs's eyes cleared up and he clicked his tongue in annoyance. 
"Tsk, I forgot about the voice." 
And surely, the next time he spoke, it sounded exactly the same as his hyung.  
Krs's mind grew chaotic as his hyung's husky voice washed over him. He trembled when the man came close and caressed his cheek- the same way like he always had. The only difference was that krs wasn't usually tied up and bleeding from 10 different places while lsh stared at him in equal parts fascination and disgust. 
Horror crept up his spine and ice flooded his veins when he realized his uncle's schemes. He was unable to tear his gaze away as the repulsive man wearing his hyung's face came closer and closer, whispering about how he was going to ruin krs, how he would have krs begging for death soon, how dare krs live when he ruined so many lives just by existing. 
Krs would have ignored him, as usual, but he couldnt ignore his hyung. He couldnt ignore the warm voice which would usually be laced with exasperation as his hyung tried to scold him and cjs for their latest shenanigans. He could hardly take his eyes off hyung. 
The eyes which used to look at him with so much love, so much adoration held so much contempt, disgust for him that it shocked him into stillness. He wasnt used to those warm, gentle eyes gazing at him like that. He wasnt used to his hyung gazing at him like that.
Krs wondered how could a person feel so different when they had the same face. Everything was same, yet so different. Lsh's usually reliable figure and gentle demeanour didnt feel safe or reassuring at all today. With every step he took, krs felt a closer to death. 
With a icy chill, krs realized that he isnt going to come out unscathed or alive when his hyung uncle was done with him today. 
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notozthewizard · 1 year
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Kinda forgot I made this while procrastinating one day but fortunately searching for disco/drag clothing references reminded me about it✌️
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57sfinest · 1 year
I know this must be a weird ask, you don't have to respond if you want but how would a poly relationship work with Jean and Harry? Like in general, not really specifics about who is with them or anything just like how a dynamic would work when they are still in the very codependent relationship but then they both fall for the same person. Am I the only one who sees the similarities to Rene and Gaston(?), Like that's how their relationship will end up.
since you're specifying the codependency i'm assuming we're talking a pre-martinaise j/h so that's how i'll be answering. i can definitely see where you're coming from about rene and gaston with the whole "constantly bickering rivals who both repressed the fact that they loved the other" thing but i feel like describing j/h as "in love" (the way rene & gaston were described) is a little too generous for a relationship that is based first and foremost off necessity and convenience. however the end of the rene & gaston situation definitely feels like how j/h could have ended if they both lived to that age without killing themselves or each other.
anyway like... i can't see them being able to rope a 3rd person into their bullshit. not without heavy coercion or substance abuse or some complicating 3rd factor because they genuinely are so toxic and fucked up that idk who could possibly want to be in the middle of that. BUT if it did happen, you have to keep in mind that harry is in control in the j/h dynamic. jean can bitch and moan all he wants but at the end of the day, what harry says goes-- he's got tangible authority at work + he's a decade older than jean + that's just the way their personalities collide. so it doesn't actually matter if jean likes this hypothetical 3rd person: if harry wants them involved he's gonna get them involved. and i can't see jean as wanting anyone else involved, so it would almost definitely be harry forcing it with someone he likes and jean doesn't care for.
harry takes up all the oxygen in any given room so it's going to be jean + Hypothetical Third supplicating to harry, essentially, and jean is going to make it known that he is NOT happy about sharing, but he's gonna put up with it anyway because harry threatens to leave him if he doesn't (harry wouldn't actually leave jean, they're too deeply enmeshed, there's too much between them. but he has no problem threatening to.) and neither jean nor harry will ever say they're in a relationship because that would be GAY, but they sure act like it, because if one of them ever gets attention from anyone else, the other one will immediately get jealous and defensive and possibly try to drive that 3rd away. even if they managed to get a 3rd involved who they did both like, i still think they'd be like 80% about each other and maybe a generous 20% towards that 3rd, so the 3rd would have to tolerate that. i guess also calling back to rene & gaston yeah i could definitely see them trying to take the Hypothetical Third for their own, but they'd be doing that to make the other jealous, not because they actually wanted the Third. anything that happens with that Third will always have some element of "is he looking? what is he thinking? what is he feeling?" like in the end it will always come down to the two of them and no one else.
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troglobite · 2 years
okay i finished kinnporsche now who tf is going to explain all of that to me lol
#no literally like obviously fuck gun and korn is..........proooobably not the worst#but someone EXPLAIN!!! AMERICA EXPLAIN!!!!!#also tf how are they gonna cast porsche's mom and SHE DOESN'T GET A SINGLE LINE????#BRO HER MEMORY'S BROKEN NOT HER FUCKING WORD CENTER AND MOUTH#LIKE GOOD GOD WILL SHE SAY ANYTHING?!#ALSO IT'S BEEN A MONTH AND SHE'S STILL LIKE ??? ABOUT HAVING KIDS??? BRO DOES HER WORKING MEMORY NOT WORK OR WHAT?! EXPLAIN!!!!!#also okay for real like whose version was truer? gun's or korn's?#also WHO SHOT HIS FUCKING DAD?! WHO KILLED WHATSHISFACE WHOSE NAME I CAN'T REMEMBER RN?!#also like....okay so it's not Weird bc they're not blood related#but also DID THE GRANDAD KILL THE MOM'S WHOLE FAMILY!? WAS THAT TRUE?! IF SO WHY?!#for real though why is this family just like welp gotta#murder a bunch of people and then adopt their kids!!!!#bro i am TRYING to understand but boy oh boy gimme another episode man that was A LOT#also i feel like we didn't see ENOUGH of vegaspete for me to fully believe it#or at least i believe it on vegas's side but not pete's just yet#like i'm not buying it#he certainly reacted normally throughout but then had like no contact and suddenly is like no i love him???? bro c'mon#kinn and porsche though i'm on board with i get it#but don't get me started onchay and kim FUUUUUUCK RIIIIIIGHT OFFFFFFF I DON'T CARE!!!!!#kinn's friends? adorable. tahnkhun? best boy best brother.#everyone else can eat an ass which is fine bc they'd probably like it since EVERYONE IS GAY IN THIS SHOW??? EXCEPT THE PARENTS???? I GUESS?#no seriously explain the whole parents situation to me and why and how we're supposed to believe korn THIS time?#oh no wait hang on biggest thing WHY THE FUCK DID HE FAKE HIS OWN GODDAMN DEATH?!#LIKE WHAT WAS THE IMPETUS FOR THAT BRO?! HOW WAS THAT CENTRAL TO ANY PLAN?! I DON'T GET IT!!!!
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lowkeyremi · 4 months
How they react when their little ones throw up ! (we all know gojo is gonna be overreacting) ft. gojo, geto, choso, toji, and nanami
content: TW: vomit, no curse!au fluff, established relationship (marriage), children, families. (divider by kim jiho) same kids from jjk men as dads
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Gojo Satoru
Satoru's on daddy duty for the next week and a half while you're gone, and so far he's actually doing quite well. Currently, he's making dinner from a simple recipe in the recipe book you've been making throughout the last few years.
Two year old Kenji waddles into the kitchen and tugs on Satoru's sweatpants. His head whips around to look down at his little mini-me.
"Hey Kenji, what's up little guy?" He puts his attention back on the wok with noodles in it to make sure he doesn't burn dinner. As he's stirring the food around with chopsticks Kenji starts to form a sentence, "Um.. throw up."
Satoru freezes. "W-what?" He knows exactly what Kenji said but he's scared to turn around. Kenji whines a little bit, "Throw up. Kenji throw up." Usually Satoru would find his toddler's 3rd person speaking cute but right now he feels himself breaking out into a cold sweat.
"Oh... um.. It's okay? Where is it?" Kenji's little feet waddle away from the kitchen expecting his daddy to follow after him. Satoru turns the heat down to low so the food won't burn, and follows his little boy to the 'crime scene'.
Kenji sticks his thumb in his little mouth and points to the throw up on the carpet.
"O-oh god, I think I'm gonna-" He gags and runs into the bathroom. Nothing comes from his mouth so he shudders. He needs to calm down, it's just a little throw up from his own kin, he'll be alright. The faucet runs and he splashes some water on his face.
"I can do this. I can do this. I can-" He hears the telltale sign of someone throwing up. Kenji is definitely sick. The throw up is followed by loud crying. Satoru's dad instincts kick in and he runs back over to where his little boy is.
"Hey, hey, hey, little guy. It's gonna be okay. Let's get you a bath, then I'll call mommy, okay?" Kenji nods. It breaks Satoru's heart hearing those little sniffles that leave his baby boy.
Geto Suguru
"PAPAAAAA!!!! Hana threw up!!!" Suguru looks at you and you stare right back.
"Don't look at me, I cleaned Hana's vomit yesterday while you were working late." He fights the urge to roll his eyes at you, because you're being childish in his mind.
Suguru makes his way to the kitchen so he can get the carpet cleaning spray out of the cabinet. "Fucking hell." He mumbles without realizing his six year old daughter was near by.
She gasps dramatically before yelling, "OOOOOO PAPA SAID A BAD WORD!!!" He screws his eyes shut, agitation was slowly seeping in.
"I'll put a dollar in the jar, but please stop screaming, Kana. Your sister doesn't feel good and the screaming is hurting Papa's head." He has retrieved the spray and a damp rag to clean up the soiled spot on the carpet.
"Sorry Papa." Kana's voice is lowered drastically. Being a curious little thing she follows her father to go check up on her little twin sister.
"You alright, princess?" Suguru sits close to her little pink bed and poor little Hana shakes her head 'no'.
"I don't feel good, Papa." She whines quietly. Suguru can tell by the way her eyes water, the sweat beads grow on her forehead and the way she frowns deeply that she definitely is sick.
"Why don't you go brush your teeth for me, princess? Then Papa will get you some medicine." Suguru understands his daughter very well. He'd always get sick while eating curses, sometimes they were so bad he would vomit all over the place. LOLLL no curse au so he aint gotta suffer.
She nods hopping from her bed to go brush her teeth in the bathroom. Suguru gets to work cleaning up the carpet.
Kamo Choso
Ryuji's school had called you because your boy threw up in school, which he was very embarrassed about because elementary schoolers always know how to make a big deal out of something small. Many children were crowding your son where he threw up some gasped in horror others laughed. Luckily the teachers were able to get the students under control once more.
They sent him to the nurse and she dialed you, "I'm so sorry, baby. Mom's out of town, give the phone back to the nurse so I can give her dad's number, okay?" He utters a quiet response before handing the phone over.
You chat with the nurse for a little bit giving her the information she needed then you told your son goodbye and hung up.
The nurse is quick to dial Choso and he picks up after the fourth ring. "Good morning, Sir. I'm calling because your son Ryuji Kamo threw up and he isn't feeling too good. We called Mom but she said she won't be able to come pick him up. Do you think you could check him out or do you have another trusted family member who could pick him up?" She's got a pen and notepad ready to write down another number if Choso couldn't make it.
"Oh dear, yeah I'll be there in about twenty minutes. Is his stuff packed already or..." He trails phone pressed to his ear, he hadn't been doing anything too important since he'd already finished up his meeting.
"No Sir, we'll send him right up to pack up. He'll be waiting for you in the main office."
"Alright, thank you." Choso's starting to worry, does he need to take Ryuji to the doctor? Should he stop at the grocery store and get soup? Should he make soup? Do you have kids cold/flu medicine at home? Your husband can't remember the last time Ryuji had vomited and he's pretty sure you'd taken care of it anyway.
"Hey Siri, how do I take care of my sick son?" She responds with 'here's what I found' he quickly scans over an article and the main idea is comfort him, make him something light, make sure he's hydrated, and gets plenty of rest. He could do that. Choso's not the best at emotions but he'll do what he can for his boy.
Eventually the two make it home, and Choso is quick to act. "Change into your pjs and I'll get you some medicine. How do you feel?" He needs a basic idea of what he's dealing with.
"My stomach reallyyyyyyy hurts." He whines holding his abdomen area tightly.
"Like you need to go to the bathroom kind of hurt?" Choso thinks it might be a stomach bug because his so shakes his head 'no'.
"Nuh uh, feels like someone is stabbing me in the stomach." His brows knit and a frown covers his face. it hurts to see his son suffering.
"Alright, I've got you kiddo. I'll take care of you." He promises to his growing boy.
"Thanks dad."
Fushiguro Toji
"Dad come look! I threw up! It's so cool!" Four year old Yui says, which is odd, no normal little kid is happy after throwing up so Toji is suspicious.
"Tell your brother to clean it up." Yui crosses her little arms and pouts.
"I already told Megumi and Nami!! They told me to go tell you!!!" He doesn't want to clean it up. He already has his work cutting out for him changing his newborn's diapers, cleaning up vomit was not on his list of to dos.
He would have told her to go ask you to clean it up but it's sunday and you usually go out for brunch with your friends. So, unless he somehow coaxed his stubborn son, Megumi, he'd have to do it himself.
When he finally reaches the bathroom, he groans in annoyance at how she just barely missed the toilet had she run a little faster she would have made it. To make matters worse it looks like she tried to clean it up herself and just spread it all everywhere.
"Oh, Sprinkles threw up too! Cuz he ate some of mine."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" A deep unsettling groan rips from his throat. Yui finds the whole ordeal funny, she's giggling and cooing at her father.
Bonus: A few days later you're walking past Yui's room and you hear her yell, "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
You instantly stop, "Excuse you little girl, who did you hear say that?"
"Dad said it when he had to clean up my throw up!!" She smiles brightly at you. She's so innocent she doesn't fully understand the weight of what she's said.
"That's a bad word sweet girl. Don't say that anymore, got it?"
You're given a little nod to indicate she understands.
"TOJI WHERE ARE YOU?!" He's about to get an earful from you.
Nanami Kento:
"Hey guys, I came as soon as I could." You exhale deeply as you set your keys on the rack and slip off your shoes. Kento had picked up your son because the school called saying he'd thrown up.
Kento appears from the hallway with a finger on his lip telling you to "shh".
You lower your voice to a whisper, "Is Hiro alright?" Kento walks up to you and gives you a comforting hug which you really needed.
"Yeah he's resting right now. He threw up in the car. Twice. I was going to go clean it up right now. Emmie should be waking up from her nap soon, though." You're so grateful to have a husband you can rely on in a time of need.
When Hiro's school had called you, you were in the middle of a very important meeting so you couldn't leave. Nanami had left work early to go pick up your son.
His smile is so intoxicating. You pull him by his collar and make his lips meet yours. He immediately reciprocates by bringing his hands up to cup your cheeks and kiss you back.
"Thank you, baby." His eyes are so beautiful and if you didn't have to go make sure to be there for your baby girl you would have continued to stare at them.
"Of course my love. Parenting is a two person thing for a reason."
"I bet by next week we'll be sick too." You say chuckling dryly.
"Most likely, yeah." He says shaking his head. He begrudgingly walks out to his car to clean up the vomit in the backseat.
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astralis-ortus · 5 days
agent(s) of chaos
✱ boyfriend!bc x gn!reader
— there's a reason why you love game nights with your boyfriend's second family.
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w.count → 1.1k genre → fluff, a dash of comedy warning → mild cussing (i think? it's just hints), the chaos that is ot8 stray kids, one time jump, and reader is referred to as baby! no gender specific attributes mentioned aside from reader's hair being soft, heh a.n → based on this request! not gonna lie, i actually got a slight headache from imagining the chaos throughout the fic lol even in my head they're /that/ loudㅠ heh
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game nights with your boyfriend and his friends might not happen often; but once they all come together and get the event date set?
oh, a (good) chaos will definitely ensue.
“goddamit—chan hyung! get your eyes on the game!”
“yeah! go get it, seungmin!”
“felix you bronze—step on it! catch up!”
a collective of cheers and disappointed groans were imminent as soon as yoshi, seungmin’s character of the night, crosses the finish line; leaving dry bowser and baby mario—which respectively belongs to han and chan, in second and third place. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought the boys were just competing in some major mario kart competition.
“­wah chan hyung—you’re seriously so bad at this!” changbin loudly protests—to which you genuinely thank yourself for pushing through with the rented villa agenda—while throwing his head back against the sofa in desperation. lee know, their other unfortunate teammate on the other hand, is busy pretending to box against your cackling boyfriend, having a string of ‘sorry’s falling from his lips.
“argh!” switching his target in desperation, changbin immediately puts his hands together and faces you with his attempt of salvation. “please switch teams with me! i can’t do this any longer! he’s so bad!” he pleaded, nearly earning himself a thrown nintendo controller on the head from chan if it wasn’t for your swift hands, snatching the heavy plastic from your pouting boyfriend. Well, not that you mind though, considering how adorable your boyfriend looked while he sulks.
“yah yah yah—changbin hyung!” seungmin intercepted—and if you know something about the kim seungmin, then his iconic multiple-hit comment is about to pop off. “no one told you to be so bad with rock paper scissors anyway!” the younger pointed out, a smug grin etched across the span of his face, “that’s why you ended up with chan hyung!”
“hey!” your boyfriend was the first to react, pointing at the smug younger one—and of course, it’s not changbin if he didn’t follow suit.
“yah! you prick!” huffing and puffing, changbin was quick on his feet as soon as seungmin stuck out his tongue, further provoking the curly haired male while he ran away—only to fish more of changbin’s loud shouts after the younger. “yah kim seungmin! come back here!”
series of laughter follows the disappearance of the two; to which everyone know by heart now, is also the best time for the rest of the kids to take their water and bathroom break—and alongside that, also became the best time for chan to finally take a proper look at you.
“you’re still good, baby?” the switch in his demeanor made you giggle as you lean into chan’s warm touch on your cheek. despite having witnessed the shift countless of times, the way chan’s voice became very soft when he spoke with you never fails to make your heart flutter. “it’s almost 1 am, aren’t you sleepy yet?”
“i’m good,” a smile follows your simple answer whilst your arms found their home around your boyfriend’s waist, snuggling closer to his warmth while chan lifts your legs to cross over his lap. “can last at least 2 more games, i think. besides, i drank some of the coffee jeongin brewed earlier, remember?”
chan’s exaggerated sigh along with his usual disapproving head shake ignites another set of laugh within you, fishing another pout to appear on his plump lips. “knew i shouldn’t have trusted jeongin,” he dramatically piched his nose bridge, trying to look as disappointed as he could. “he’s part of the bad peaches club after all.”
“i heard that!”
jeongin’s resounding shout from the kitchen startles both you and chan—causing your laughter and chan’s to grow in volume. “not sorry!” chan’s reply simply earned a grunt from the younger, not wanting to further continue the discourse while he’s busy arguing with hyunjin about who can get their hands on the last can of beer in the fridge.
“but anyway,” chan’s gaze softened as they returned to you, running his fingers mindlessly in your soft hair, “tell me whenever you feel sleepy, okay? we’ll go to bed right away.”
“i know,” an exaggerated sigh left your lips as you immitate your boyfriend’s previous antics, “this isn’t my first rodeo, you know?” you snickered as you playfully stuck out your tongue—which in turn only further cause the adoration in his chest to bubble.
oh, how he wish you’re all alone right now. he’d immediately tackle you into a cuddle and plant several dozens of light kisses across your face and neck—but he must resist. after all, he wouldn’t want the kids to tease you over something like that.
“gosh, you’re so annoying,” he hummed, lips betraying him as it formed into a massive grin across his lightly flushed cheeks, “think you’ve been hanging around the kids too much. i should keep a schedule for your visits from now on.”
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4 round of games and 20 minutes later, another wave of commotion returns as the race for second place—since first place has again been coveted by the representative agent of chaos, the kim seungmin—ensues between lee know and han.
“han jisung! step on it step on it!”
“lee know hyung! shi—why are you getting as bad as chan hyung!”
“yah! baby, tell—“
chan’s words immediately died down in his throat as soon as his gaze landed on your peacefully sleeping face—plea to defend himself from his kids vaporized and replaced with a soft thump in his chest. You looked so peaceful with your head resting against his shoulder—a massive contrast to the chaos surrounding you—and chan could feel his heart swell. you looked so cute; especially with your fingers wrapped tightly around the controller seungmin had just handed you a few moments prior.
had you been fighting off the drowsiness all along?
carefully pulling you into his lap, chan smiled as he gently peeled the controller off of your hand before dropping it directly onto hyunjin’s unsuspecting lap, startling the younger.
“shut it,” chan hissed between gritted teeth, easily pulling hyunjin’s focus from the chaos happening on screen and to you—who immediately nodded his head knowingly when he realized what’s happening.
“yah lee min—ow! what was th—oh.”
chan’s next target was changbin—who immediately received a slap on the back instead of chan’s quiet warning. it’s rather effective, however, considering outside of the two current players, everyone now has their eyes on you.
“keep it quiet—if my baby wakes up because of any of you,” chan eyed every single one of his kids, not even caring how severe the teasing he’ll receive by the daylight will be for whatever he’ll be saying next,
“i’m not gonna let it slide.”
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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1800-page-not-found · 10 months
Hi! Glad to see an ORV writer. They seem to be a very rare breed. Like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Anyhow, as you might have guessed. I have an ORV request for you. I got sort of inspired by that vampire. How about having our reader being a phoenix? Ya know the mythical immortal firebird? With the related powers? Like how would KDJ and YHJ react to their “s/o” being one? Like say they seemingly ‘died’ but then ina red flash of flames they are instantly revived, completely healed.
School is starting soon which means my updates are gonna be even scarcer lol
Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk (seperate) x reader
Summary: You sacrificed yourself for them, but just before they can grieve, you come back to life?
Using the Disaster of Floods chapters when Shin Yoosung obliterated KDJ in the novel.
also, Yoo joonghyuk never dated Lee seolhwa bc plot
Kim Dokja knew you were a phoenix, as it said from the story and your character profile said so. What he didn't realize was the fact that you also shared the same abilities as one (your character was mentioned only a few times in TWSA). So when you died, Kim Dokja was terrified.
Kim Dokja's eyes widened at your body standing in front of him. Nononono! He-He was supposed to take the shot! Why did you do that?! You knew he could revive again!-why?
He dashed to catch your fallen body. "No, no, no! [name]! Y-you can't die! Shit! Why did you do that!?" But your body had already fell limp. Kim Dokja cried for his favorite side character, his lover, his idol.
He held you close, yet tears were unable to fall due to the fourth wall. "I can't even cry or mourn you...What kind of lover am I?" He could only close his eyes and curse fate for doing this to him.
You opened your eyes to darkness, until a screen popped up.
[You have died.]
[Revitalization count down has finished.]
[The skill, Phoenix:Revive, is taking effect.]
Kim Dokja's eyes opened, then widening as your body started to burn. He could only step back, and watch as your body lit on fire. Your clothes started to burn, besides the ones which were fire resistant. 'I couldn't even give you a proper goodbye and their taking me away from you?...' Kim Dokja thought bitterly. He looked down at the ground, clenching his fists in anger.
You opened your eyes, your body feeling warm as a flame engulfed you. 'Ah...how nice it is to be a phoenix...' You sighed in relief.
The sound of your sigh snapped Kim Dokja's head up to you. "[N-name]? H-how?" Oh, how he wanted to cry so much right then and there. Too bad for the fourth wall.
You stood up as the flames lessoned and cooled down, dusting off some ash. "Huh?...But I thought you knew? I'm a phoenix remember?" You tilted your head in confusion. Wasn't he the one to realize you were a phoenix the moment you met? Surely it wasn't a bluff right?
"A-ah right...how could I be so foolish..." He mumbled, blushing a bit as his heart rate cooled down from the shock. He ran up to you, hugging you tightly and not letting go, ignoring the sweat and high temperature that surrounded you. "Y-you can't do that again!.."
You stood still, a menacing aura coming from you. "What the hell do you mean 'I can't do that again?' Once the cool down is finished, I won't let you die. Hypocrite. You were gonna take the shot for that wretched man, so why can't I?" You seethed in anger.
"Right right sorry..." Kim Dokja scratched his head bashfully. You were right... "I won't stop you okay? Don't be mad..." (He lied he was going to make sure you never had the chance to sacrifice yourself again no matter what).
Just as Shin Yoosung fired the bright beam, your body instinctively moved. "Joonghyuk! Stop staring like a deer in headlights!-" You grabbed Yoo Joonghyuk by the collar, throwing him back behind you as you took the hit.
"Keugh!-" You fell on your knees, coughing up blood nonstop. "A-Ah..no...[name]?..." Yoo Joonghyuk took fast, trembling steps as he caught your falling body.
"Heuk...it hurts...Joonghyuk it hurt so much!..." You cried, your tears mixing with your blood as it dripped down to the side of your face. "P-please don't regress...These new companions, don't abandon them please. I'll be okay.." You begged, grasping onto Yoo Joonghyuk's clothes weakly, before dropping limp, dead.
"Haah, Haah..." Yoo Joonghyuk breathed deeply. Why did he have to see you die again? His only lover in each regression, who cherished him deeply and believed him when he told them he was a regressor, and stayed by his side no matter what. "Why?...Why did you die for me?" Tears dripped down onto your face. The single fear Yoo Joonghyuk had every regression...your death.
You opened your eyes to darkness. 'I wonder if he stayed?' You pondered. He, your lover, the man who saved you from your eternal cure of sleep as a phoenix.
[You have died.]
Ah right, you were a phoenix.
[Revitalization count down has finished.]
Thankfully, the countdown ended, so you could return to your lover.
[The skill, Phoenix:Revive, is taking effect.]
Yoo Joonghyuk felt a burning pain in his hands as you were set ablaze. "No!" Yoo Joonghyuk screamed, were the gods not even allowing him to bury you properly? Kim Dokja had to hold Yoo Joonghyuk back as he thrashed around, continuously hurting the man, trying to reach his lover.
"[NAME]!" He shouted, then eyes widening as he stepped back. "[name]?..." Your clothes were a bit burned besides the fire resistant ones.
"I wonder if he stayed?..." You mumbled, looking around. You really hoped he didn't regress.
"Y-you're alive...H-how?" Joonghyuk stood still.
"I'm a phoenix, remember? I can come back to life." You smiled, tears dripping down your face. "I'm so happy you didn't regress this time."
His eyes widened in horror and regret. Does that mean..Every time you died and he had regressed, you came back to life moments later? No...no...how-how much time had you spent alone? How could he leave you?
Guilt crept into him. He took a shaky step towards you. "E-every time...you came back?.." His eyes widened, hands shaking as he reached out to hug you.
You nodded solemnly. "I'm afraid so." A bitter chuckle came from you lips. He spoke, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave you, I-" You cut him off and hugged him as he sobbed into your shoulder.
"Its alright, my dear. Just don't do it again alright? Wait for me. I don't want to be alone."
"Alright." He whispered.
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tinyidle · 10 days
japan!hongjoong feeling a bit more domestic than usual
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nsfw;(aka pussyeating and lapfucking, wrap that sh!t folks); fem!reader; 671 wc; tagging @strayteezsimp
usually he's very wild.
at work, during practice, in bed, in his head-- so many things are happening at once and he somehow juggles it all. but somehow, in japan, hongjoong feels a bit freer than usual. you as his girlfriend saw the difference of a usually-on-the-go-joong turning into a more laid-back kim hongjoong.
during schedules, in-between breaks, even in his styling; he was smiling more and enjoying everything in the moment. maybe he was realizing that, as he's in a different country, he can slow down a bit. whatever it was, you for sure weren't complaining right now as his head pressed unto the globes of your ass, knees to chest as he went to town on your sweet center.
something hongjoong loved to do to distress while back in korea is have you near him in any way possible. at first it was fun and comforting to know that all he needed was a simple touch from you to make him feel back to earth, but of course you missed being doted on. so, to have your cheek pressed to the side while you front was pressed to the mattress, knees almost digging permanent holes on the bed as your boyfriend held onto your thigh and hip area while lapping at the entirety of your cunt was more than what you could ask for.
you were dripping so much, and he was catching almost every drop. whenever he would give his mouth a bit of a break (and his nose a breather), hongjoong would take his time to admire his work on you. "i missed how sweet your pussy tasted back home," he mused, eyes dilated as he kissed the back of each thigh, trailing up until he kissed your folds tenderly.
"fffuhh- shit, joongie," you shivered. he raised one of his hands to tap on your clit to see how you'd react. your body reacted on its own, attempting to close itself around your boyfriend's head. he was having none of that.
he made an audible 'nuh-uh' noise of disapproval, pushing your thighs apart again while he used your arousal as makeshift lubricant, pushing in two of his fingers before latching his lips onto your bud. you were now moaning uncontrollably as your leg from the knee area down went up and down like a dog's tail when they're excited.
and excited you were.
when he felt like you had enough, hongjoong let you go and sat down near the bedframe to the wall. "come here, love," he instructed you. you would gain some strength in your thighs to lazily crawl on your boyfriend's lap. he helped you sit on him properly, sheathing you down fully on his thick and needy length, holding onto you as if he's never hugged you before. you reciprocated the action.
"fuck, i missed this pussy," he breathed out, lifting you up and down on him in a very mild pace. you whimpered from the overstimulation from earlier, but you wouldn't have it any other way. you both hugged each other as hongjoong moved you both to the relaxed rhythm he set. yet, even with the controlled pace an extremely vanilla position you two were in, you still were about to have a heavy orgasm.
you kissed hongjoong's nose and forehead before pressing your cheek to his face, trying your best to be mindful of his nose. "hongjoong, you're gonna make me cum. fuck, your cock is making me cum!" your hips rolled unto his, inadvertently making your clit have the right amount of pressure on it for you to let go.
all he did was smirk as he felt you shiver and tighten around him, his smirk quickly turning into a loving smile as you gasped out praises towards him. "anything to make my girl feel loved," he whispered as his own orgasm hit him.
the air was thick with love and sex. so familiar yet so foreign. it wasn't even close to their home, yet they felt at home. very, domestic.
finally put my thoughts into words :D
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐗: 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
↬ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
↬ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬!𝐀𝐔, 𝐂𝐄𝐎!𝐉𝐚𝐲, 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
↬ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟒.𝟏𝐤
↬ 𝐜𝐰: 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐢𝟎𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝟎𝐝, 𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐛𝐯𝐬𝐞, 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚
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The sound of his best friend's voice pulls the young business man right out of his chaotic thoughts and with worry and anxiety gleaming in his usually so stern and cold eyes, he turns his head to meet Sunghoon's gaze.
"What's going on? Why did you just pick up Kim Jiwoong's phone call?"
"We gotta get to the headquarters as fast as possible", Jay replies and balls his hands into tight fists as the feeling of being useless suddenly overwhelms him, "Y/N's brothers are on their way to her and I'm pretty sure they're gonna pull a shitshow in front of the whole office just to humiliate her."
Jake's head quickly turns to look at his boss and best friend with confused eyes, right as Heeseung's gaze meets Hoon's concern filled one, yet none of them dare to say a single word.
"Come on, Seungie", Jongseong suddenly presses through gritted teeth, "drive a little faster, will you? I have no idea what they're going to do once they get to her nor do I have a fucking clue how she might react to their presence and their words, so please. Drive. Faster."
"Yes, Jong", is the only thing Seung days right before silence follows his response up until the four business man make it to the front of TPC's headquarters.
Jay doesn't know where your brothers are. He's lost their location weeks ago, when he found out that the men he had hired were actually working for Jiwoong. After the realisation had hit him like a ton of bricks, it was too late to actually find them again and not even his biggest rival could give him any information about their whereabouts.
His lack of knowledge and the worry about your actual safety has been driving him into insanity for the past twenty minutes and if it wasn't for the fact that he needs to stay strong and composed for you, Jay would have lost his shit by now already.
But he simply has no choice but to keep it down. For now.
He knows the upcoming days won't be easy for you, mentally and physically, which is exactly why he can't just give into the urge to go on a massive searching spree in hopes of finding those bastards and finally giving them what they deserve.
His time for your revenge will come, all he has to do is remain just a little bit more patient.
By the time Jongseong stares at his own reflection in the mirror of the elevator, he can feel his heart brutally smashing against his rib cage to the point where he feels like his lungs are about to hyperventilate.
He can feel his boys' eyes boring in his sides, but he doesn't scold them. Matter of fact, Jay doesn't say a single word, simply because he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by unloading his pent up anger and frustration about your brothers on the wrong people.
You're safe and protected.
Dokyeom as well as Mingyu are by your side and there's no way your brothers can just enter the main building without the security guards checking their IDs.
You're safe and protected.
Jay knows where you are and who you're with, he knows those two girls are your safe place. On top of that you're literally on the tenth floor with a dozen other employees having their lunch. Your brothers aren't that brave nor are they stupid enough to pull up at this time of the day.
You're safe and protected.
Yet no matter how many times he tells himself just that, Jongseong can't help but feel his chest tightening at the thought of your fear and panic filled eyes; the ones he's been trying so hard to heal and keep safe, the ones which are usually so soft and gentle.
"She's safe."
Jaeyun's words are the first thing his brain recognises in the past twenty minutes and with a thin veil of tears blurring his vision, Jongseong just throws his arms around his best friends shoulders and lets out a loud sigh of frustration.
"It's okay, brother", Jake sighs and tightens his hold around the young man, knowing he's usually not one to be so openly vulnerable and for some reason all three of his best friends find comfort in the intimacy of the moment.
"When will this be over?"
The words leave his lips before his brain can overthink them, something he never even dared to mumble to himself as he was too afraid of being too weak, too insecure and unable to protect you the way he promised you to.
It's not even because he's tired.
Jay would burn the world for your happiness and safety, went against his father and every single thought he had been implanted with throughout the years just for you.
Yet it's the thought of his power and everything he's done and tried not being enough. He just wants you to be happy and safe forever. So what if all of this is ruined, simply because he made one little mistake of foregoing a proper background check, resulting in your brothers walking around freely instead of being taken care of the way he's promised you to.
It's not that he's tired.
Jongseong is simply scared of disappointing you and failing to keep his promise.
"Soon", Hoon sighs and balls his hands to fists at the sight of his usually so strong and confident friend being so desperate and lost, "I'm going to make sure those fuckers never, ever see the outside of a cell again and I promise you that."
Jongseong tries his best to regain his composure, mostly because he feels like a child for breaking down in his best friend's arms, but also because he doesn't want to worry you even more than necessary.
He knows his brain is purposely painting the worst case scenarios, yet for the first time in what feels like forever, he simply can't find the strength to fight against it.
By the time the elevator doors open again, Jay has managed to calm down and impatiently makes his way down the hallway to Jimin's office, knowing the moment he holds you in his arms again, everything will be okay, even if it's just for a short moment.
You, on the other hand, try your best to listen to your friends as they try to distract you with silly little stories, despite the fact that you can read them like open books and are more than aware just how tense they both are.
For some reason, however, you can't help but feel sad and disappointed.
Sad and disappointed because your brothers have never loved or accepted you.
Sad and disappointed because your mother's ability to get into her sons heads has lead to your life being ruined and your soul left in stains of decade long abuse and hatred.
Sad and disappointed because your brothers never deemed you worthy enough to live a normal, average life.
Sad and mostly disappointed because you know your boyfriend might eventually grow tired of dealing with this constang back and forth, and you can't even blame him.
You're tired, mentally and physically exhausted.
All you want for this is to finally be over.
You never wanted much. But apparently you weren't worthy of anything you've ever wanted.
The sound of Jay's voice is the one to finally pull you back into reality and without giving it another thought, you throw away all the worries about people possibly seeing you two together and throw yourself into the comforting embrace of his arms.
With a soft sigh, you bury your face in the crook of his neck, his arms tightening around your waist as he inhales your scent and finally allows himself to calm down, now that you're in his arms. Safe and sound.
"What's happening, Jongie?"
Your question is filled with concern snd anxiety, panic wavering in your voice as you pull away with his face in your delicate hands and the fact Jongseong doesn't hesitate to take yours into his own right before he starts placing gentle kisses into your palms.
"We don't know where your brothers are and Jiwoong said he's sure they're close", Jay breathes and holds you close to his body, too aftaid to let go of you.
"Let's get you two to Seung's place, hm? They surely don't know where he lives and we'll make sure nobody follows us", Jake suggets calmly, his usually so energetic eyes gleaming with concern.
Jay doesn't say anything, just sighs before he shoots your two bodyguards a nod and then intertwines your fingers with his.
"We gotta get you somewhere safe, Baby", he whispers against your lips, his forehead pressed against yours as he tries to remain calm and collected, "I don't wanna make this a bigger deal than it is but I just – I don't – I don't know what else to do."
It's that little stumble over the words, which make you realise just how much Jongseong is panicking and without even missing a beat, you start caressing his cheek with the back of your hand and wait for him to meet your gaze.
"Everything's going to be okay, my love", you whisper and smile at him, "we'll figure it out together just how we always do, yeah?"
"Yes, Baby", he replies softly, his voice hoarse and drenched in exhaustion, "you're right. We've got this. Let's go."
And with those words you find yourself taking the elevator down to the lobby of TPC's main building, Jongseong's strong arm thrown over your shoulder to keep you as close to his body as physically possible and all of a sudden the only think you can think of is finally falling asleep in his arms.
Dokyeom and Mingyu are the first one to step out of the elevator to make sure everything is safe before the boys suddenly form a triangle around the two of you, making you feel even safer than you already did and with a soft smile you look up at Jake.
"Anything for TPC's official first lady", he jokes and shoots you a wink, easily calming your racing mind with a few words and you find yourself incredibly grateful about their presence. Not just in this particular moment but your and especially Jongseong's life. They really are the greatest set of best friends and you're so happy to know your love has such amazing people so close to him.
"There she is, everybody!"
Maybe it's the fact you didn't really expect to hear that voice ever again or maybe it's the high volume of his tone, maybe even his choice of words, yet regardlessly, nothing could have prepared you for the sight of your two older brothers standing right in front of you like it's the most normal thing in the world.
"Ming–", "Now now, Mr. Park", the older one says and cocks his head to the side, his shaved head and the tattoos covering the entirety of his neck shocking you, since you don't remember that combination to look as scary as it does right now.
Mingyu and Dokyeom are quick to interfere, doing what needs to be done and almost tackling both of your brothers enough to stop them from moving.
All you can do, however, is stare at them in utter shock.
You can't believe how much they've changed in the three years you hadn't seen them, as the younger one had followed the example of his older brothers and actuakly shaving his hair off and covering himself in dark ink. Your eyes anxiously roam their faces and all of a sudden you're hit with flashbacks from some of the worst nights in your childhood.
"Bring her to the car and take her to your place, Heeseung", Jay orders and tries to let go of your hand, yet fails since you've tightened your grip on him like your life depends on it.
"Come on, Y/N", Sunghoon's gentle voice echoes in your head but doesn't quite reach you.
It feels like the whole world has come to a halt in your body's desperate attempts to stay conscious. Your brain flooded with mental images of all the times they had made you beg for their mercy, for them to just please stop hurting you.
The fact their eyes are still filled with the same hatred and wrath doesn't help with the intensity of your reaction and before you can even mutter a single word, the oldest shoots you one of his evil smiles, knowing exactly what his presence has done to you.
"What a family reunione, huh, little one?" He spits and tries a little to move out of Mingyu's strong hold around his arms, only to fail miserably.
"Get them the fuck out of here, Dokyeom", Jay orders through gritted teeth, barely holding himself back at the sight of the men who have made your life living hell.
If it wasn't for you, Jongseong would have had them beat up right then and there. But he knows better than to traumatize you even further by ordering his men to do exactly what everyone involved has been dying to.
"Hold the fuck up, Big Boss", the younger one finally speaks up, somehow manages to pull you out of your frozen state and with tears burning in your eyes and the knot in your throat fgrowing in its size by the minute, you dare to look at the one man you've always found some kind of hope in.
At the end of the day he barely ever physically hurt you the way the other two did and despite opting to use his words to break you, he also just so happened to be the one to take care of your wounds whenever everyone went to sleep.
You still remember your last day at home, where you had begged him to move to Seoul with you in hopes of giving him the opportunity to escape the fate of your other two brothers, only to realise that his loyalty to them would always overshadow everything else.
"Dokyeom. Now."
"Have you told him about what you've done to ruin our lives or do we get the honor to do it?"
Your brother doesn't care about the man in his back, who could easily snap his neck without much force, spitting those words like they're venom on his tongue and with wide eyes you let go of Jongseong's arm once your brain manages to process his threat.
"No", you whisper and shake your head in disbelief, "please, don't. Not here. Not in front of everyone."
"Don't talk to him, Baby", Jay is quick to intervene in your first interaction with your brother in three years, knowing oh too well that there's no way for this to end in a good way, "just go to the car with Seung and Hoonie. Please, angel."
"Angel? You call that bitch an angel?"
For those words Mingyu pulls your older brother's arms a little further into his chest, eliciting a painful groan from the man you've always hoped to never face again.
"Your precious angel is the bastard daughter of a fucking felon and the reason why our father almost became a killer ten years ago", the younger one yells instead and it's then that a wave of shame and embarrassment drown you in their pain.
Jay physically can't hold himself back from asking as confusion overwhelms him and for a moment his brain actually considers listening to your abusers instead of doing what's need to be done.
"You all heard what I said", your brother yells loud enough for everyone around you, knowing exactly what to do and say to humiliate you with as many eyes on you as possible.
"TPC's new first lady is a fucking bastard and the daughter of a convicted criminal. She's a shame to our family and a fucking loser. She always has been and will be, no matter how many CEOs she fucks. Y/N is a worthless wh–"
You've told Jongseong a fair amount of stories about your brothers and what they had done to you, yet none of them could have prepared him for the actual reality of their evilness.
Jay still remembers the way you had broken down the first time he had decided to stay over at your place after the business trip and you had opened up about the abuse and everything they had put you through. From merciless beatings to constant verbal and mental harassment to the point where you spent the nights in the library of your university in hopes of escaping them for just a little longer.
And maybe it's the memory of your heavy sobs and painful cries or maybe because he's never, ever wanted to physically hurt someone as much as your brothers, but as those words echo in his head, Jongseong has finally had enough.
Before anyone can even think about interfering, your boyfriend has already made his way to your older brother and skillfully lands a hard punch right in his face.
Your voice is more of a gasp once you realise what the fuck had just happened but to your even bigger surprise, your boyfriend doesn't seem to be satisfied as he throws his fists into your brothers face with such vigor, you're left speechless.
You watch his eyes roll into the back of his head as his body goes limp and you realise that Jongseong actually knocked him out without flinching of pain at all.
"Let me fucking go–", your younger brother yells and tries to fight against Dokyeom's strong grip as soon as he watchesthe older one fall face first onto the floor, "you can beat us up as much as you want but it won't change the fact that your little trophy whore of a wife is a fucking homewrecker!"
Jay lets his gaze shift to the face the voice belongs to, a thick red veil of anger and wrath covering his consciousness as he lifts his fist to give your brother a piece of his actual mind, not giving a single fuck about who might be watching.
"Don't ever", Jay grunts as he lands punch after punch in the younger one's face until blood starts pouring from his nose, splattering all over your boyfriend's white dress shirt, "talk about her again or I'll fucking kill you. Did you hear me?"
Yet again, the whole world seems to stop as tense silence follows the young CEO's violent outburst.
It's so quiet, you can hear your heartbeat thrumming in your ears as adrenaline rushes through your veins and you don't even dare looking around you.
"Pathetic pieces of shit", Jongseong spits and lets go of your brother's collar before he lifts his head and looks straight into the lense of a camera, the realisation resulting in his brain to shut down completely.
But this time the boys are faster than Jongseong, as one of them stays by your side, while the orher two stop their best friend from attacking the journalist.
"Is that shit recording? Yeah? Then listen up because I have something to say for all the gossip media outlets out there who will try to make me the bad guy in this", Jongseong suddenly yells, his voice the loudest you've ever heard him and before you can even react, Jake pushes you to stand behind his back, hiding you from the noisy camera to protect you.
Never in his life has Jongseong talked to the press like that. For God's sake, he's barely ever attended press conferences because there's nothing as useless and stupid to him as the media, yet this time he won't give them the chance to twist and turn the story to their liking.
"Those two men are abusers, actual criminals. I'd be dammed if I ever let them talk about my future wife like that. So, yeah. I beat them up in public and I don't regret it. They deserved this and I'm going to do everything in my power to have them rot in prison for the rest of their pathetic lives. Go ahead, air this. I want the entirety of Seoul to know that I don't care about her past and whose daughter she is. At the end of the day she's the love of my life", Jongseong breathes heavily, not stuttering once as he defends you in front of the whole city like he's just been waiting for this particular moment all this time.
"In fact", he suddenly says right after he had decided to let go, "she's my only love. She's my pride, my happiness, my future and I'd give up everything I have, am and own just for her. That's all I have to say, now get the fuck off of my property or I'll have the police arrest you, too."
And once Jongseong finishes his speech, all he does is turn around to give his best friend a nod of approval and before you can even realise what's happening, Jake has already guided you out of the side entrance to one of Jongseong's car.
To your surprise, you don't immediately take off, but are rather sent to the safest space possible to wait.
It doesn't take the police long to arrive and finally arrest your brutally beat up brothers; the sight of them being pushed into the police cars with their hands cuffed to their backs and blood covered faces giving you a weird sense of satisfaction.
You attentively watch the huge mob of journalists and paparazzis growing bigger and bigger by the minute, all of them patiently waiting for your boyfriend to leave the main building as well, only for Sunghoon to step outside and actually talk to them.
But you don't get the opportunity to even guess what he's telling them as the car door swings open snd you're met with the sight of the love of your life.
The only man who has ever kept his promise.
For a moment, Jay hesitates to slide onto the backseat next to you, worried – scared even – of your possible reaction since you've never seen this side of him; the one he's tried to keep locked away for so long.
He never had the freedom of expressing himself, his thoughts and feelings, so usually violence and anger was the way he chose to cope woth it all, especially at a young age.
Once he had started going to therapy, things have definitely gotten easier and although he knows this was an absolute exception, Jay can't help but worry.
What if seeing him this violent, this brutally merciless, this angry becomes the reason for your fears and bad memories resurfacing, adding just more pain to your fresh wounds.
To his positive surprise, you turn your whole body to face him, tears and mascara staining cheeks and your swollen bottom lip firmly tugged between your teeth.
"Thank you", you whisper and subconsciously reach for his hand on the back of the passenger seat, "thank you so much, Jongseong."
It's words which fill his chest with the sweet feeling of relief and without missing another beat, he moves into the seat next to yours and pulls you onto his lap.
"They won't ever hurt you again, Baby", he whispers against your lips and caresses your cheeks, you both ignoring the heavy smell of blood as well as the stains on his shirt, "nobody is going to hurt my girl ever again. You're safe now, my love. Now and forever."
"I love you so, so much, Park Jongseong."
There's nothing else you could have said which could have possibly describe the warmth spreading in your chest when the realisation of his words has finally hit you.
No more fear. No more panic. No more looking over your shoulder. They're finally where they belong and you know Jongseong won't ever let them get close to you again.
"My sweetest angel", he sighs and places the softest kiss on your lips, "the love of my life. My everything."
Maybe you never actually wanted too much. Because as you find yourself slowly falling into the most peaceful sleep you've ever had, you know the waiting and patience has finally paid off. All those nights you had prayed and hoped to find someone who loves, appreciates, protects and cares for you have finally become reality and no matter how surreal it all feels, with each of Jongseong's movements in your bavk, you know it's not. This is now your life, the one you've waited for for so long.
You're finally home.
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← 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
(A/N: And here's what we've all been impatiently waiting for 🫣 i know the chaps kinda ends abruptly BUT to me it felt like the perfect ending bc smut wouldn't have been appropriate (though we all know they had a sweet cuddlefuck which lead to cockwarming) because of the heaviness in the chap and if you cant tell i prefer this length in written chapters to keep it exciting 🫣 regardless i hope you guys enjoyed it and can't wait to read y'all's thoughts! this marks rhe end of the angst wave and we're now officially counting down to the finale. thank you so much for everything babies, i love and appreciate you all so, so much. feedback's always appreciated!!!💞🧸)
TAGLIST CLOSED: @soonigiri @xrr-s4sha @kwiwin @heelcvr @deobitifull @kpoprhia @doodlelibrary @abrazosolorcereza @certifiedmoa @sleeping-demons @heerinnie @ohmy-moonlightx @heeswif3y @hoonieluv @fakeuwus @jongszn @cheybabey @ineedsomezzz @super-amberlynn @kshoshi @tinie03 @jseongies @mimikittysblog @primroselover @heebrry @jebetwo @donghyckl @07myonlylove @enhamysunshines @quemirasboboandapaya @lostwonderwall @seuomo @enhaz1 @teawithbucky @beomgyusonlywife @dammit-jjk @lhsvibez @azurez @boutyouwonu @finchyyy @ocyeanicc @jaylaxies @in-somnias-world @zerasari @spookyauthorspopmusictrash @capri-cuntz @fluerz @3amstarlight
333 notes · View notes
munivrse · 8 months
dude finally i'm getting to this. hopefully this helps you guys navigate a little bit better!
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Headcannons
bada + reader at the club
✮⋆˙ bada and reader go to the club, bada almost gets into a fight over her girlfriend
bada as your tall sexy dancer gf
✮⋆˙ here are some hcs of bada as your tall sexy dancer gf
bada + corruption kink!
✮⋆˙ gf! bada lee got a corruption kink fr and let me let yall ponder on this with me
experienced!bada + innocent reader
✮⋆˙ experienced bada tests the waters with you
˙whipped bada + oblivious reader
✮⋆˙ bada is your gf and you dont even know it
bada + idol reader
✮⋆˙ bada and her golden retriever, high energy, secret idol gf
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Text Series
texts with gf!bada
✮⋆ cw: really suggestive. bada just wants you to be a stay at home gf so please just quit your job for her
texts with gf!bada 2
✮⋆cw: its always gonna be suggestive idk what to tell yall tbh
˙texts with gf!bada part 3
✮⋆cw: mentions of baby making. drunk y/n...
texts with gf!bada part 4
✮⋆cw: not suggestive... actually theres some angst ☹️ but very very fluffy at the end :D
texts with gf!bada part 5
✮⋆cw: ....suggestive u know the deal. just crack texts idk really no like theme here. enjoy!
text pranks with gf!bada
✮⋆cw: slightly (and very slightly) suggestive i cant help it i want her to **** ** ***** * *** me so bad. enjoy
jealous bada lee texts!
✮⋆cw: jealous, possessive bada lee. she is so fine. i won't her 😍
reader reacts to bada's wkorea photoshoot
✮⋆ i cannot believe our tall sexy gf showed that much of herself to the world. i'm with reader on this one
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Full fics
Too close
✮⋆˙ c/w: angst. angry howl, homophobia, minor and very, very minor physical harm done to bada. closeted bada, out and proud reader. its alooooot of angst. some comfort at the end though so don't worry!
✮⋆˙ c/w: spoiled ass reader. down bad bada. suggestive. a little more than suggestive? not full on smut though. what does bada like more than checks? money!
My love is mine, all mine
✮⋆˙ c/w: severe anxiety/panic attack. bada comforts reader through an anxiety attack. bada best girl.
✮⋆˙ cw: bada accompanies you to your high school reunion. nothing too bad. actually, not suggestive! bada lee being fine as hell... y/n acting up per usual. really fluffy at the end. enjoy!
tell your friends
✮⋆˙ cw: requested! smut. full on. cunnilingus. strap/harness. possessive bada hitting it from the back 🧎‍♀️
takeout (on me)
✮⋆˙cw: pussy whipped bada lee taking you in several different positions. cannot get enough of the noises you make and how good she makes you feel. good god.
kissin' and hope they caught us
✮⋆˙ c/w: reader gets into their head alot, but bada is always there to reassure you.
✮⋆˙c/w: bath time with bada. aftercare bur bada is still h word on main. fingering, praise, and soft!dom bada.
Garden Kisses
✮⋆˙ cw: friends to lovers. a bit of angst in the beginning. cunnilingus. jealous bada. bada is bad at communicating feelings. some texts thrown in there. possessive bada. pussy drunk bada.
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who jerks off the most in zb1
Haobin x reader series
night routine with haobin waking up with haobin randon haobin + reader hc's zb1 being done with haobin + reader grossly domestic haobin + reader
Seok Matthew
matthew + doggy style soft dom matthew
Shen Ricky
eating you out after dinner what he's like during baby making
Zhang Hao
idol!reader accidentally turns him on riding hao's face
Sung Hanbin
angry hanbin
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enha as employees at my old coffee shop
Yang Jungwon
brat tamer jungwon
Lee Heeseung
Park Jongseong
Sim Jaeyun
quickie with jake certified munch makeup sex with jake 11:32pm certified munch #2
Park Sunghoon
making brownies with sunghoon sunghoon thinks you're pretty
Kim Sunoo
449 notes · View notes
monday, kim jiwoong — advanced drama
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⋆˙⟡ zbully1 smut series masterlist! hanbin, jiwoong, hao, matthew, and taerae included. game day (group) chapter here. all 7 endings here.
⋆˙⟡ wc: 2.8k ⋆˙⟡ reader: femme afab (listed first, she/her are used a couple times) // gender neutral (alternate version listed second, no pronouns used at all to describe reader— scroll down) ⋆˙⟡ series summary: five bullies. six days. it's gonna be a hell of a week, babe. stay hydrated. ⋆˙⟡ monday summary: it's monday, the first day of the school week. you're excited for your advanced drama class, but not too keen on the person you're always forced to run into there. suave, charismatic, repulsively arrogant: kim jiwoong lives to make your life just a bit harder. and lucky you: today he's your scene partner. ⋆˙⟡ warnings: explicit smut. 18+. minors do not interact. please read specific warnings under the cut! angst. lighttt dub-con. bullying. jiwoong plays romeo, that should be a warning for the faint of heart. the smut is fairly light in general. it's only monday guys, we have to survive six consecutive days so let's pace ourselves, ya know? ⋆˙⟡ bully scale: ★★★☆☆ (3)
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EXPLICIT SMUT 18+ WARNINGS: fingering/heavy petting (reader receiving), dub-con kind of sort of idk better safe than sorry, bullying, degrading sexual names.
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
“an exciting day today, as always,” professor lee announces from the center of your chair circle.  “we’ll be performing a series of famous two-character scenes in the second half of the class and you’ll have the first half to prepare with your scene partner.” 
all of your classmates begin to whisper loudly. several two-character scenes would undoubtedly include some romance. the thought made your head spin with anxiety.
your best friend mina softly kicks your foot with her’s. you turn to look at her, a stunning grin shining back at you. 
“i hope i get paired with jiwoong oppa,” she says, giggling quietly. 
you scowl. even knowing all the hell that kim jiwoong and his rat bastard friends have caused you this entire year, mina persistently eyes the inconveniently beautiful man with googly eyes through every class. 
curious as to how the man himself is reacting to today’s assignment, you steal a glance in his direction: a terrible mistake. jiwoong is leaned back in his chair, one shoe resting on the opposite knee in a cocky, relaxed position. his hair is pushed neatly behind his ears, fashionable brown slacks and a cream-colored sweater tucked into his belt— arms crossed over his chest. 
skin perfect and glowing under his black, wire-framed glasses. tongue poking at his cheek in an arrogant smile.
staring right at you.
you immediately look back down at your lap, trying your best to appear unbothered by the bait that jiwoong’s hooked for you.
“i’ll be picking names out of this jar to assign parts at random and, from there, we’ll just jump right in,” professor lee explains as the chatter comes to a halt. “there’s props and minimal costume pieces in the storage closet at your disposal as usual.”
mina bounces her leg happily beside you, fingers crossed behind her chair for good luck. you shake your head sadly. the thing she’s wishing for is the thing you dread most.
“the first scene will be from bonnie and clyde. caroline-sshi will be reading for bonnie,” professor lee calls as he pulls the first slip of paper out of the jar, followed by the second. “and ichan-sshi will read for clyde.”
there’s a chorus of teasing oooooh’s throughout the room, caroline and ichan shyly waving to each other until your professor holds up his hand for silence. 
“for our second scene, we have an excerpt from medea,” professor lee says, reaching into the glass jar. “the role of medea will be played by… mina-sshi. and the role of jason will be played by…”
mina’s eyes light up at both the meaty assignment and the anticipation of who her scene partner will be.
“yijin-sshi,” he finishes.
the class giggles at the two sweet girls playing such contentious ex-lovers. mina sighs disappointedly and returns her attention to her shoes.
“our third scene will be from romeo and juliet,” professor lee calls, two slips of paper between his fingers. “reading for romeo, we’ll have… jiwoong-sshi.”
nearly everyone gasps in awe at the casting. how fitting of an actor for such a part! how did jiwoong always manage to get assigned the best roles? who will get to read for juliet?
you dare to steal another glimpse at jiwoong. he’s sitting forward now, legs spread apart with his forearms resting on his thighs— focusing on his hands as he waits. you truly feel sorry for the chump that has to spend the next forty minutes alone with him.
“and the role of juliet will be played by… (y/n)-sshi.”
oh for f*ck’s sake. out of 19 possible partners, of course you’d end up having the terrible luck of being paired with kim jiwoong.
he licks his tongue lightly across his teeth like a predator taunting his prey. you were, for all intents and purposes, fucked.
“while the romantic blocking written in several of these scenes is technically optional,” professor lee says, holding up his hands as if to calm the nervous energy in the room. “it plays an important part in the emotional integrity of the character dynamics. only do what you’re comfortable with, but consider why a stage direction is written and do take it seriously.”
professor lee finishes announcing the rest of the pairings before dismissing you to get to work on your scenes.
“i’m so jealous,” mina whines, stamping her foot cutely as she stands up from her chair. “are you gonna kiss him? if it’s in the scene?”
“KISS HIM!?” you shout, driven by pure shock and disgust. nearly everyone in your class turns to look at you, but you’re too disturbed to care. it was a ridiculous question. there’s no way jiwoong would ever lower himself to kiss you. besides, he’ll be too busy using his mouth to insult you the whole time. 
but mina did raise a good question that you hadn’t fully considered yet. just how romantic would the scene you’re assigned be?
“thinking about me?”
the voice comes from behind you, so close in proximity that it makes you jump. you stumble backwards, your back tapping against a solid surface. 
looking over your shoulder, you recoil at the sight of kim jiwoong hovering over you,  a shaky denial leaving your lips, “i w-wasn’t...”
“explain to me again how you made it into advanced drama with those piss-poor acting skills?” jiwoong huffs, knocking into your shoulder with his as he brushes past you towards the door. when you don’t follow him, he turns around and glares at you expectantly. “did you forget how to walk or something?”
you shake your head silently and run after him out the door. a gap of at least a couple feet forms between you and jiwoong as you struggle to match his determined stride. “um, where are we going?”
“stage. duh,” jiwoong answers plainly, rounding the corner. “if we get there first, we get it all to ourselves and everyone else can fuck off.”
you gulp. you could barely survive jiwoong’s bullying in a crowded room. all alone with jiwoong— no witnesses to keep him at bay… you didn’t like the sound of it.
as you finally reach the side door to the auditorium, jiwoong opens it and lets it swing before you can step inside. it nearly slams into your nose until you catch it with your elbow at the very last second.
“look at you,” jiwoong says with a dark chuckle. “maybe you’re more coordinated than matthew lets on. should we keep testing that theory?”
you inhale deeply, trying your damnedest to not let him get to you yet. you still had thirty-nine long minutes to go. shaking your head in response, you follow him up the stairs and onto the stage. there’s some larger set pieces currently in use in preparation for the winter play; a corner tableau with walls occupies stage right.
jiwoong tosses your script (at your face) and it falls delicately to the ground in front of your feet. “aren’t you gonna pick that up?”
bending down carefully in your short skirt, you pick up your script and flip to the first page of dialogue. your hands are starting to tremble under the pressure of jiwoong’s piercing gaze.
“come here, we can do a cold read first,” he instructs, flipping open his own script. “follow stage directions, but we’ll iron them out later.”
you nod in complacency but stay exactly where you are beside the wall of the corner set— six safe feet away from kim jiwoong.
“seriously?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at you incredulously. “scared i’m gonna bite you?”
your lips part slightly at this remark. you hadn’t been scared of this before, but under the circumstances... 
“or maybe you’re scared you’ll bite me,” jiwoong hums smugly. “think you might fall for me during our love scene? that’s almost unbearably pathetic.”
“please just read the script,” you reply quietly, gaze returning to your script. i am unbothered. i am in control of my own destiny, your therapist’s stupid affirmations ring through your head.
jiwoong stares at you for a moment and then, much to your surprise, he obliges. 
you take advantage of this, reading through the script carefully and marking the blocking lightly from your fixed position on the stage. as you recite your lines, your ears burn red at what becomes clear to you: the scene is, for lack of a better word, sexy. juliet is a young virgin who is absolutely taken with the charismatic, handsome romeo. he desperately wants to kiss her and then some and juliet wants the same— though she has to feign that she doesn’t because of female fragility or some other bullshit, antiquated principle.
“if i profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss,” jiwoong reads, your heart dropping to your stomach. he makes an agonizingly convincing romeo: charming, witty... gorgeous.
why was this scene beginning to feel kind of... real?
“good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this; for saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch,” you read your next line softly, attempting to steady your nerves as your script shakes between your fingers. “and palm to palm is holy palmers’… k—... kiss.”
jiwoong feeds off of your hesitation, a dangerous smirk darkening his features. this scene is evoking a visible reaction out of you and he’s as aware of it as you are. setting his script down on the hardwood stage floor, jiwoong recites perfectly, “have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?”
“stop it,” you say through gritted teeth as he unsubtly eyes you up and down. you don’t care if he’s in character or not— he’s just trying to get under your skin. “stop doing that.”
he steps towards you, the air souring from the magnitude of his arrogance. “i don’t think that’s your line, now is it?”
“don’t come any closer,” you warn again, a little more conviction this time but still not enough to stop his perpetual motion. you try to move, but your feet are frozen to the floor. at least, you assume they are. that’s the reason you’re not moving, right?
it has to be.
jiwoong takes another step and then another, the distance between you diminishing rapidly. 
“if you come any closer, i’ll—… i’ll tell professor lee,” you threaten in panic. he’s just a few inches from you now and you can smell his sharp, spiced cologne. “i’ll tell him everything you’ve ever said to me, you absolute... TWAT ROCKET!”
“ooh, i like the creativity. but it’s still not your line,” he whispers, clucking his tongue in disappointment. “shouldn’t you be taking this a little more seriously, (y/n)-sshi? where’s my stick-up-her-ass, goody two-shoes when i need her, hm? do you want us to both fail today’s assignment or something?”
you did not want to fail today’s assignment. jiwoong bullying you through your whole rehearsal wasn’t exactly helping your chances, but there was hardly an available remedy for that. the only way forward was to just try to be the bigger, more professional actor. sighing resignedly, you read your next line: “ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.”
jiwoong somehow comes closer still, hovering over you like you’re a moth he plans to ensnare in his deadly flame. he raises his hand to your cheek and you flinch, expecting some sort of dull impact. you open your eyes when there is none. when your eyes meet his, jiwoong lifts his index finger— brushing it against your bottom lip as you stand there, unblinking in your shock. “o, then, dear saint... let lips do what hands do.”
he tugs your bottom lip down slightly, running the tip of his thumb gently across the soft, wet inside. you’re screaming inside your head, but not a single sound makes its way out of your mouth. jiwoong has called you names, pulled your hair, left red rashes from twisting the skin on your arms for two years now...
but this is easily the meanest thing he’s ever done.
“they pray, grant thou,” he continues his line, thumb trailing from your lips, past your chin and down your neck. you gasp when he stops at the collar of your shirt, not sure if you’re more disturbed by his audacity to do this or his audacity to suddenly stop. you curse the aching feeling that you now realize has been radiating from your heat since you stepped on this stage. how could your body betray you like this? 
jiwoong exhales a mean laugh as he searches your eyes and easily finds what you’re so poorly trying to hide. maybe you really didn’t belong in advanced drama after all. 
continuing his trail down the center of your chest and over the curve of your stomach, he breathes, “lest faith turn to despair.”
“jiwoongie,” you whisper, eyes locked on his hand just a couple inches from your clothed core. begging for him to stop; begging for him to start— it’s anyone’s guess. “you—... i—...”
“how thick is your skull that i have to keep reminding you to read your fucking line,” he hisses, the harsh insult sounds just like honey to you. his eyes appear almost black, daring you to disobey him.
you want to run away. you need to stay exactly where you are.
“saints—... saints do not move,” you manage to squeak. “though grant for prayers’ sake.”
“then move not,” jiwoong recites, his left hand finding your hip as he presses you up against the set piece behind you, “while my prayer’s effect i take.”
you don’t know how you’re still breathing as jiwoong’s middle and ring fingers find their way under your skirt and between your legs. a whimper escapes you as he finds the sensitive bud, bucking your hips slightly into his hand at the wave of arousal.
“that easy, baby? feel good?” jiwoong asks rhetorically, as if the growing volume of your mewls isn’t enough proof for him. “fuck, i’ve wanted to do this forever.”
“but—...y-you hate me,” you counter, grinding into his fingers again. jiwoong moans softly at your assertiveness, biting his bottom lip as he works you over.
“i don’t know what that has to do with wanting to fuck you,” he replies, attaching his lips to your collarbone as he shoves the damp fabric of your panties to the side. “really wanna fuck you.”
“jiwoongie,” you whine again, script falling from your hand and onto the floor. your arms wrap around his neck for support as your legs start to weaken. “i—… i think you were just supposed to kiss me.”
“huh. is that right?” he asks, grinning at your adorably innocent protest as he takes his hand off your hip and starts to fool with his belt buckle. “well, professor lee always says to lean into the scene. and you looked like you could use some leaning into.”
“i c-can’t believe i’m letting you do this,” you rasp, biting your bottom lip as the top button of jiwoong’s slacks comes undone.
“i can,” he grunts, flipping you around so that your chest is squished against the wall. his gruff hands push up your skirt and knead into your hips and ass as he admires your form. “fucking insufferable little angel. was hoping you’d secretly be a filthy slut. just for me though, right?”
though hearing jiwoong demean you would normally bring tears to your eyes, it’s intoxicating to you in this moment. it’s a scary, complicated feeling and the only truth you know falls from your lips: “i... hate you.”
“mm, whatever you say baby,” he coos mockingly, the sounds of your arousal growing louder and wetter against his fingers. he flips you back over to face him eagerly. “but you want my cock in you, yeah?”
your lips part as you stare at the bulge in his pants, mouth watering slightly. to your surprise and horror, you really do want it. if you let this happen, the consequences you’ll face could be detrimental.
but in this moment, watching a wavy lock of jiwoong’s hair fall across his forehead as his middle finger starts to prod at your entrance: you want him— need him inside you. your brain is clouded; vision lustful and hazy. how much does jiwoong’s past treatment of you really matter?
“(y/n)!” a voice rings out from the house of the auditorium. 
“come fucking on,” jiwoong groans in frustration, your eyes wide like a deer in headlights. somehow it hadn’t even crossed your mind that you might get caught in the act. you start to struggle in jiwoong’s grasp, looking everywhere for a quick exit. he throws a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet, shimmying your skirt back back down over your ass with the other. 
“jiwoong-sshi! (y/n)-sshi! time to get ready for performances!”
after running a smoothing hand through your hair for you, jiwoong suddenly pushes you out from behind the set piece you’re pressed up against. you stumble nervously onto center stage.
“oh my god, (y/n)!” mina calls excitedly, running over to you. “how did it go!? where’s jiwoong oppa? did he kiss you? was it amazing? does he taste like smoke and cinnamon? are his lips soft like clouds?”
“mina, that’s enough,” you shush awkwardly, knowing full well jiwoong can hear everything she’s saying— undoubtedly smirking like a wild hyena, that bastard. coming out of your spell of lust, you shudder as the reality of what just happened starts to sink in. how could you let an asshole like him put his hands all over you— almost put himself inside of you? the only answer to all of mina’s questions you can manage is a truthful one: “we didn’t kiss.”
“oh,” mina replies with a small smile, probably happy that there’s still hope for her. “that’s too bad.”
“what’s too bad?” jiwoong asks, stepping out on stage next to you. he hands you your script, tucking his own under his arm. you notice his belt is buckled again. “sorry, i was getting our scripts.”
“nothing!” mina answers much too enthusiastically. “everything’s so, so good actually. now that you’re here. i mean, because professor lee sent me here to find you. and i found you! so everything’s great. perfect, even.”
jiwoong chuckles, turning to you: a malicious glint in his eye. he bites his lip, one corner of his mouth upturning in a mocking smile. then, he turns back to mina before sitting down on the edge of the stage and hopping off. “you know, i really wish we could’ve worked together on this one, mona.”
“it’s mina,” you correct, tears prickling the corners of your eyes. yes, you could see very clearly now. this had all been a sick little game to jiwoong. and you’d fallen right into his trap. he knew you would.
“sure, whatever,” he says, dismissing you with a passive wave of his hand. throwing an arm around mina’s shoulder, jiwoong leads your best friend toward the side door of the auditorium that you’d entered through. “but, like i was saying... i think we’d have a lot of chemistry, muna. maybe you’d like to work more on developing that with me... outside of class?”
the door slams behind them, leaving you standing alone in the spotlight of center stage. your underwear is wet and uncomfortable; your heart races as you blink back tears. of course jiwoong would be cruel enough to use your best friend to deal the final blow.
and, though jiwoong had apparently studied this scene before, you hadn’t even memorized any of your lines. 
yes, you’d let your guard down. but how were you supposed to know that something like that would happen? though jiwoong and his friends often made disparaging sexual remarks towards you, he wasn’t someone you thought would want to act on them. the biggest fear crosses your mind now: would he tell his stupid fucking friends about how much of a desperate whore you’d been for him just now?
mondays, you think. at least jiwoong would be out of your sight for another week after today. you walk to the steps at the side of the stage, following jiwoong and mina’s exit route. 
at least you can hope that tuesday will be better.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
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gender neutral version below
EXPLICIT SMUT 18+ WARNINGS: heavy petting (reader receiving), dub-con kind of sort of idk better safe than sorry, bullying, degrading sexual names.
*also want to say that reader plays juliet in a RANDOMLY ASSIGNED scene during class. other people in the fic are assigned parts that are a different gender than they are. just wanted to mention this just in case it makes anyone uncomfy!!
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
“an exciting day today, as always,” professor lee announces from the center of your chair circle.  “we’ll be performing a series of famous two-character scenes in the second half of the class and you’ll have the first half to prepare with your scene partner.” 
all of your classmates begin to whisper loudly. several two-character scenes would undoubtedly include some romance. the thought made your head spin with anxiety.
your best friend mina softly kicks your foot with her’s. you turn to look at her, a stunning grin shining back at you. 
“i hope i get paired with jiwoong oppa,” she says, giggling quietly. 
you scowl. even knowing all the hell that kim jiwoong and his rat bastard friends have caused you this entire year, mina persistently eyes the inconveniently beautiful man with googly eyes through every class. 
curious as to how the man himself is reacting to today’s assignment, you steal a glance in his direction: a terrible mistake. jiwoong is leaned back in his chair, one shoe resting on the opposite knee in a cocky, relaxed position. his hair is pushed neatly behind his ears, fashionable brown slacks and a cream-colored sweater tucked into his belt— arms crossed over his chest. 
skin perfect and glowing under his black, wire-framed glasses. tongue poking at his cheek in an arrogant smile.
staring right at you.
you immediately look back down at your lap, trying your best to appear unbothered by the bait that jiwoong’s hooked for you.
“i’ll be picking names out of this jar to assign parts completely at random and, from there, we’ll just jump right in,” professor lee explains as the chatter comes to a halt. “there’s props and minimal costume pieces in the storage closet at your disposal as usual.”
mina bounces her leg happily beside you, fingers crossed behind her chair for good luck. you shake your head sadly. the thing she’s wishing for is the thing you dread most.
“the first scene will be from bonnie and clyde. caroline-sshi will be reading for bonnie,” professor lee calls as he pulls the first slip of paper out of the jar, followed by the second. “and ichan-sshi will read for clyde.”
there’s a chorus of teasing oooooh’s throughout the room, caroline and ichan shyly waving to each other until your professor holds up his hand for silence. 
“for our second scene, we have an excerpt from medea,” professor lee says, reaching into the glass jar. “the role of medea will be played by… mina-sshi. and the role of jason will be played by…”
mina’s eyes light up at both the meaty assignment and the anticipation of who her scene partner will be.
“yijin-sshi,” he finishes.
the class giggles at the two sweet girls playing such contentious ex-lovers. mina sighs disappointedly and returns her attention to her shoes.
“our third scene will be from romeo and juliet,” professor lee calls, two slips of paper between his fingers. “reading for romeo, we’ll have… jiwoong-sshi.”
nearly everyone gasps in awe at the casting. how fitting of an actor for such a part! how did jiwoong always manage to get assigned the best roles? who will get to read for juliet?
you dare to steal another glimpse at jiwoong. he’s sitting forward now, legs spread apart with his forearms resting on his thighs— focusing on his hands as he waits. you truly feel sorry for the chump that has to spend the next forty minutes alone with him.
“and the role of juliet will be played by… (y/n)-sshi.”
oh for f*ck’s sake. out of 19 possible partners, of course you’d end up having the terrible luck of being paired with kim jiwoong.
he licks his tongue lightly across his teeth like a predator taunting his prey. you were, for all intents and purposes, fucked.
“while the romantic blocking written in several of these scenes is technically optional,” professor lee says, holding up his hands as if to calm the nervous energy in the room. “it plays an important part in the emotional integrity of the character dynamics. only do what you’re comfortable with, but consider why a stage direction is written and do take it seriously.”
professor lee finishes announcing the rest of the pairings before dismissing you to get to work on your scenes.
“i’m so jealous,” mina whines, stamping her foot cutely as she stands up from her chair. “are you gonna kiss him? if it’s in the scene?”
“KISS HIM!?” you shout, driven by pure shock and disgust. nearly everyone in your class turns to look at you, but you’re too disturbed to care. it was a ridiculous question. there’s no way jiwoong would ever lower himself to kiss you. besides, he’ll be too busy using his mouth to insult you the whole time. 
but mina did raise a good question that you hadn’t fully considered yet. just how romantic would the scene you’re assigned be?
“thinking about me?”
the voice comes from behind you, so close in proximity that it makes you jump. you stumble backwards, your back tapping against a solid surface. 
looking over your shoulder, you recoil at the sight of kim jiwoong hovering over you,  a shaky denial leaving your lips, “i w-wasn’t...”
“explain to me again how you made it into advanced drama with those piss-poor acting skills?” jiwoong huffs, knocking into your shoulder with his as he brushes past you towards the door. when you don’t follow him, he turns around and glares at you expectantly. “did you forget how to walk or something?”
you shake your head silently and run after him out the door. a gap of at least a couple feet forms between you and jiwoong as you struggle to match his determined stride. “um, where are we going?”
“stage. duh,” jiwoong answers plainly, rounding the corner. “if we get there first, we get it all to ourselves and everyone else can fuck off.”
you gulp. you could barely survive jiwoong’s bullying in a crowded room. all alone with jiwoong— no witnesses to keep him at bay… you didn’t like the sound of it.
as you finally reach the side door to the auditorium, jiwoong opens it and lets it swing before you can step inside. it nearly slams into your nose until you catch it with your elbow at the very last second.
“look at you,” jiwoong says with a dark chuckle. “maybe you’re more coordinated than matthew lets on. should we keep testing that theory?”
you inhale deeply, trying your damnedest to not let him get to you yet. you still had thirty-nine long minutes to go. shaking your head in response, you follow him up the stairs and onto the stage. there’s some larger set pieces currently in use in preparation for the winter play; a corner tableau with walls occupies stage right.
jiwoong tosses your script (at your face) and it falls delicately to the ground in front of your feet. “aren’t you gonna pick that up?”
bending down carefully, you pick up your script and flip to the first page of dialogue. your hands are starting to tremble under the pressure of jiwoong’s piercing gaze.
“come here, we can do a cold read first,” he instructs, flipping open his own script. “follow stage directions, but we’ll iron them out later.”
you nod in complacency but stay exactly where you are beside the wall of the corner set— six safe feet away from kim jiwoong.
“seriously?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at you incredulously. “scared i’m gonna bite you?”
your lips part slightly at this remark. you hadn’t been scared of this before, but under the circumstances... 
“or maybe you’re scared you’ll bite me,” jiwoong hums smugly. “think you might fall for me during our love scene? that’s almost unbearably pathetic.”
“please just read the script,” you reply quietly, gaze returning to your script. i am unbothered. i am in control of my own destiny, your therapist’s stupid affirmations ring through your head.
jiwoong stares at you for a moment and then, much to your surprise, he obliges. 
you take advantage of this, reading through the script carefully and marking the blocking lightly from your fixed position on the stage. as you recite your lines, your ears burn red at what becomes clear to you: the scene is, for lack of a better word, sexy. juliet is a young virgin who is absolutely taken with the charismatic, handsome romeo. he desperately wants to kiss her and then some and juliet wants the same— though she has to feign that she doesn’t because of female fragility or some other bullshit, antiquated principle.
“if i profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss,” jiwoong reads, your heart dropping to your stomach. he makes an agonizingly convincing romeo: charming, witty... gorgeous.
why was this scene beginning to feel kind of... real?
“good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this; for saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch,” you read your next line softly, attempting to steady your nerves as your script shakes between your fingers. “and palm to palm is holy palmers’… k—... kiss.”
jiwoong feeds off of your hesitation, a dangerous smirk darkening his features. this scene is evoking a visible reaction out of you and he’s as aware of it as you are. setting his script down on the hardwood stage floor, jiwoong recites perfectly, “have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?”
“stop it,” you say through gritted teeth as he unsubtly eyes you up and down. you don’t care if he’s in character or not— he’s just trying to get under your skin. “stop doing that.”
he steps towards you, the air souring from the magnitude of his arrogance. “i don’t think that’s your line, now is it?”
“don’t come any closer,” you warn again, a little more conviction this time but still not enough to stop his perpetual motion. you try to move, but your feet are frozen to the floor. at least, you assume they are. that’s the reason you’re not moving, right?
it has to be.
jiwoong takes another step and then another, the distance between you diminishing rapidly. 
“if you come any closer, i’ll—… i’ll tell professor lee,” you threaten in panic. he’s just a few inches from you now and you can smell his sharp, spiced cologne. “i’ll tell him everything you’ve ever said to me, you absolute... TWAT ROCKET!”
“ooh, i like the creativity. but it’s still not your line,” he whispers, clucking his tongue in disappointment. “shouldn’t you be taking this a little more seriously, (y/n)-sshi? do you want us to both fail today’s assignment or something?”
you did not want to fail today’s assignment. jiwoong bullying you through your whole rehearsal wasn’t exactly helping your chances, but there was hardly an available remedy for that. the only way forward was to just try to be the bigger, more professional actor. sighing resignedly, you read your next line: “ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.”
jiwoong somehow comes closer still, hovering over you like you’re a moth he plans to ensnare in his deadly flame. he raises his hand to your cheek and you flinch, expecting some sort of dull impact. you open your eyes when there is none. when your eyes meet his, jiwoong lifts his index finger— brushing it against your bottom lip as you stand there, unblinking in your shock. “o, then, dear saint... let lips do what hands do.”
he tugs your bottom lip down slightly, running the tip of his thumb gently across the soft, wet inside. you’re screaming inside your head, but not a single sound makes its way out of your mouth. jiwoong has called you names, pulled your hair, left red rashes from twisting the skin on your arms for two years now...
but this is easily the meanest thing he’s ever done.
“they pray, grant thou,” he continues his line, thumb trailing from your lips, past your chin and down your neck. you gasp when he stops at the collar of your shirt, not sure if you’re more disturbed by his audacity to do this or his audacity to suddenly stop. you curse the aching feeling that you now realize has been radiating from your heat since you stepped on this stage. how could your body betray you like this? 
jiwoong exhales a mean laugh as he searches your eyes and easily finds what you’re so poorly trying to hide. maybe you really didn’t belong in advanced drama after all. 
continuing his trail down the center of your chest and over your stomach, he breathes, “lest faith turn to despair.”
“jiwoongie,” you whisper, eyes locked on his hand just a couple inches from your clothed core. begging for him to stop; begging for him to start— it’s anyone’s guess. “you—... i—...”
“how thick is your skull that i have to keep reminding you to read your fucking line,” he hisses, the harsh insult sounds just like honey to you. his eyes appear almost black, daring you to disobey him.
you want to run away. you need to stay exactly where you are.
“saints—... saints do not move,” you manage to squeak. “though grant for prayers’ sake.”
“then move not,” jiwoong recites, his left hand finding your hip as he presses you up against the set piece behind you, “while my prayer’s effect i take.”
you don’t know how you’re still breathing as jiwoong’s hand finds it’s way between your legs. a whimper escapes you as you buck your hips slightly into his palm at the wave of arousal.
“that easy, baby? feel good?” jiwoong asks rhetorically, as if the growing volume of your mewls isn’t enough proof for him. “fuck, i’ve wanted to do this forever.”
“but—...y-you hate me,” you counter, grinding against his fingers again. jiwoong moans softly at your assertiveness, biting his bottom lip as he works you over.
“i don’t know what that has to do with wanting to fuck you,” he replies, attaching his lips to your collarbone as he starts to tug at your waistband. “really wanna fuck you.”
“jiwoongie,” you whine again, script falling from your hand and onto the floor. your arms wrap around his neck for support as your legs start to weaken. “i—… i think you were just supposed to kiss me.”
“huh. is that right?” he asks, grinning at your adorably innocent protest as he brings his left hand to fool with his belt buckle. “well, professor lee always says to lean into the scene. and you looked like you could use some leaning into.”
“i c-can’t believe i’m letting you do this,” you rasp, biting your bottom lip as the top button of jiwoong’s slacks comes undone.
“i can,” he grunts, gruff fingers pulling down his zipper. “fucking insufferable angel. was hoping you’d secretly be filthy like this. just for me though, right?”
though hearing jiwoong demean you would normally bring tears to your eyes, it’s intoxicating to you in this moment. it’s a scary, complicated feeling and the only truth you know falls from your lips: “i... hate you.”
“mm, whatever you say baby,” he coos mockingly, the sound of your moaning growing less concealable. “but you want my cock in you, yeah?”
your lips part as you stare at the bulge in his pants, mouth watering slightly. to your surprise and horror, you really do want it. if you let this happen, the consequences you’ll face could be detrimental.
but in this moment, watching a wavy lock of jiwoong’s hair fall across his forehead as his middle finger starts to prod at your entrance: you want him— need him inside you. your brain is clouded; vision lustful and hazy. how much does jiwoong’s past treatment of you really matter?
“(y/n)!” a voice rings out from the house of the auditorium. 
“come fucking on,” jiwoong groans in frustration, your eyes wide like a deer in headlights. somehow it hadn’t even crossed your mind that you might get caught in the act. you start to struggle in jiwoong’s grasp, looking everywhere for a quick exit. he throws a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet.
“jiwoong-sshi! (y/n)-sshi! time to get ready for performances!”
after running a smoothing hand across the top of your head for you, jiwoong suddenly pushes you out from behind the set piece you’re pressed up against. you stumble nervously onto center stage.
“oh my god, (y/n)!” mina calls excitedly, running over to you. “how did it go!? where’s jiwoong oppa? did he kiss you? was it amazing? does he taste like smoke and cinnamon? are his lips soft like clouds?”
“mina, that’s enough,” you shush awkwardly, knowing full well jiwoong can hear everything she’s saying— undoubtedly smirking like a wild hyena, that bastard. coming out of your spell of lust, you shudder as the reality of what just happened starts to sink in. how could you let an asshole like him put his hands all over you— almost put himself inside of you? the only answer to all of mina’s questions you can manage is a truthful one: “we didn’t kiss.”
“oh,” mina replies with a small smile, probably happy that there’s still hope for her. “that’s too bad.”
“what’s too bad?” jiwoong asks, stepping out on stage next to you. he hands you your script, tucking his own under his arm. you notice his belt is buckled again. “sorry, i was getting our scripts.”
“nothing!” mina answers much too enthusiastically. “everything’s so, so good actually. now that you’re here. i mean, because professor lee sent me here to find you. and i found you! so everything’s great. perfect, even.”
jiwoong chuckles, turning to you: a malicious glint in his eye. he bites his lip, one corner of his mouth upturning in a mocking smile. then, he turns back to mina before sitting down on the edge of the stage and hopping off. “you know, i really wish we could’ve worked together on this one, mona.”
“it’s mina,” you correct, tears prickling the corners of your eyes. yes, you could see very clearly now. this had all been a sick little game to jiwoong. and you’d fallen right into his trap. he knew you would.
“sure, whatever,” he says, dismissing you with a passive wave of his hand. throwing an arm around mina’s shoulder, jiwoong leads your best friend toward the side door of the auditorium that you’d entered through. “but, like i was saying... i think we’d have a lot of chemistry, muna. maybe you’d like to work more on developing that with me... outside of class?”
the door slams behind them, leaving you standing alone in the spotlight of center stage. your underwear is wet and uncomfortable; your heart races as you blink back tears. of course jiwoong would be cruel enough to use your best friend to deal the final blow.
and, though jiwoong had apparently studied this scene before, you hadn’t even memorized any of your lines. 
yes, you’d let your guard down. but how were you supposed to know that something like that would happen? though jiwoong and his friends often made disparaging sexual remarks towards you, he wasn’t someone you thought would want to act on them. the biggest fear crosses your mind now: would he tell his stupid fucking friends about how much of a desperate whore you’d been for him just now?
mondays, you think. at least jiwoong would be out of your sight for another week after today. you walk to the steps at the side of the stage, following jiwoong and mina’s exit route. 
at least you can hope that tuesday will be better.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
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myseungsunglove · 6 months
I Wanna See You | Ksm
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Pairing: Seungmin x Reader
Warnings: Smut, language
Word count: 1k
𖠫Summary: No thoughts, just finding pleasure in your boyfriend Seungmin, spread out in front of the mirror in practice room E one random Tuesday evening after dance practice.
A/N: This Drabble is from my “Yeah, just like that” smut prompt list I posted Friday. A Nonnie Wonnie requested “open your legs for me baby, I wanna see you,” with the one and only Kim Seungmin. Whew. And of course I made the mistake of publishing this in the middle of the night so no one is even gonna see it. 🫠
◠ ◡ ◠᭚ιαᵕ̈
「© December 9, 2023 by myseungsungheart」
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Your breathing was heavy and your head was spinning. You weren’t sure how you ended up here, but with the current state of bliss encompassing your mind, you weren’t about to start over thinking it.
You lifted your head, looking into the mirror, Kim Seungmin’s eyes meeting yours from where he was seated behind you. You are situated between his legs, naked from the waist down while he is still, regretfully, fully clothed. He has your arms held tightly behind your back in his strong hold and the other hand between your legs, his fingers dancing along your most sensitive places, a deep blush on your face.
He kisses your neck tenderly, soft, wet kisses that make your head spin. You’re so lost in the way his lips feel on your skin, you forget about where his fingers are headed until two of them plunge into your aching core, his thumb pressed expertly against your clit as he pumps into you with purpose. You seek purchase in anything you can where he holds your arms behind you, managing to get a fistful of his shirt, tugging it toward you as your body arches desperately. You can’t help but squeeze your legs together, the sensation overwhelming as his hand moves against your cunt.
He immediately withdraws his hand from you, leaving you panting and desperate. You receive a swift slap to your leg as he knocks them away from each other, spreading you wide, his lustful stare landing on your bare cunt in the mirror.
“Ah ah, y/n-ah, what did I say, hmmm?” he rumbles, his breath hot against the shell of your ear. “Open your legs for me, baby. I wanna see you,” he growls, pulling you tighter against him, your hands pushed against his hard member as he holds you tightly to him. With the hand that had, only moments ago, been buried inside you, he grabs your chin and turns it to face him, your eyes locking on his. “You’re absolutely beautiful like this, jagiya,” he whispers, his lips ghosting yours between words. “Open and vulnerable,” he breathes, his lips meeting yours in a slow and tantalizing kiss. You can’t stop the moan that escapes your throat.
“Seungmin,” you manage as his fingers dance along your neck, holding you steady through the kiss. Grounding you to him. “Seungmin, please,” you beg. You’re not even sure what you’re begging for at this point, but you want him. All of him. Any part of him he’ll give you. You’re desperate and it’s evident in the way his name falls from your lips like a prayer.
“Let me hear you, y/n,” he whispers against your mouth, his hand wandering from your neck back down to where you need him the most, settling between your thighs. He wastes no time burying two fingers in you again, your body reacting immediately, a wonton cry falling from your lips. “That’s it,” he encourages, his thumb pressing deliciously against your clit as his fingers nail that soft spot deep inside you. His hands are a gift from the gods, you think as you feel that coil winding tighter, your skin on fire as your climax nears.
“So close,” you manage through the blissful haze of your mind, your eyes meeting his in the mirror once more. “Fuck,” you breathe once you see his blown out pupils, his gaze drifting down, fixating on your cunt and his fingers plunging inside you.
“Cum on my fingers baby and then I’ll give you what you really want,” he promises.
Your hands desperately search for just that behind you, finding his bulge and squeezing him, a feral moan escaping him.
The coil snaps at the sound of his pleasure, your walls clenching down on his fingers and trying to pull him in and push him out all at once. Your body shakes and your vision goes white as he holds you close to him. You swear for a holding 30 seconds you can’t hear anything but the ocean crashing against the shore as you ride out the pleasure.
“That’s it,” he praises. “Good girl,” adds with a soft kiss to your neck, his eyes falling once again to where his fingers are buried inside you.
He releases your arms he’s been holding behind your back and you slump against him, arms aching and spent from being held like that for so long and from coming down from the heights of pleasure he so expertly brought you to. However, his hard cock presses against your back reminding you of his promise. He removes his fingers from you, and holds them to your mouth. You open, your tongue sticking it out slightly as he slips them into your mouth, your tongue swirling around the two digits.
“Fuck,” he breathes, his chest heaving now.
“There’s more where that came from,” you promise when his fingers leave your mouth with a pop. “Let me show you just how good this pussy feels wrapped around that aching cock.”
You turn on him quickly, a renewed energy finding you as you push him to the floor and pull his sweats down to his thighs, his angry red cock springs free, leaking and begging for attention. His head thuds against the ground, his eyes squeezing shut as your hand wraps around him, pumping him slowly to full hardness before you’re climbing over him and aligning your dripping hole with his cock.
You sink down onto him easily, your arousal making him an easy fit despite his generous size. He moans in response when your hips meet his, his hands reaching out and squeezing your hips, rolling you forward on his cock.
“Come here,” you whisper, grabbing his shirt and pulling him to a sitting position. Your lips lock with his as you bounce on him in earnest, his mouth falling open in the middle of the kiss, short bursts of air falling onto your lips as you ride him harder.
“I’m gonna come,” he warns, his arms wrapping around your waist and holding you to him.
“What’s stopping you?” you tease, rolling your hips again before you pull off of him and slam down once more with renewed purpose.
“Shit,” he grits out, his fingers digging into your back, gripping your shirt tight, as he unloads into you, his cum filling you perfectly and triggering a surprise orgasm from you. “Fuck!” he all but wails as your walls squeeze him tight, milking him dry. “Jagiya,” he stutters, his lips finding yours once more, his hands having found their way back to your neck to hold you against him as he kisses you fervently.
You’re still not sure how the two of you ended up here, fucking on the floor of practice room E on a random Tuesday night, but fuck if you didn’t hope it was the cool down for every dance practice from this day forward.
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boyinatown · 10 months
Treat me like a slut with Goo Eli and Johan ?
Pairing: lookism men x f! Reader 💗 pt2
Warning: sexual theme and make out sesh 💋!
Summary: lookism men react to the song: treat me like a slut when you play your playlist !
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This sex maniac has the HIGHEST sex drive, so it’s no kidding that even just a brush against his crotch would have you bent over and fucked ruthless.
When this song played during a tik tok, goo immediately turned around to you wiggling his eyebrows. you brushed him off saying it’s just a song, but he’s already imagining things.
And there you were being fucked into the couch the popcorn of movie night falling down and decorating the floor. the movies sounds now being muted by your moans and protests against the blondie on top of you.
The scratches and bites were useless against him ,you made him hard and you were gonna pay for it. He puts you on your right side one leg in the air and his leg between your thighs. Cock pumping in and out of you, you try and smack his arm and scratch it. But he just grips your wrists and holds them down your chest just pounding away.
“No we’re not done yet, not until your spilling with my cum.” His voice deep and a few whimpers leave his mouth.
“G-ooah! It’s to much, it’s to muhhh!” Your babbling gets quickly shut up by his own lips connecting with yours. Tongue forcing inside your mouth his hips not even stopping for a second.
“I’ll show ya how a slut gets treated, cockwhore .”
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You often babysat yenna for Eli, all he asked you is to watch your language near her. Simple right? Wrong. you forgot you were around a child and sang the song anyways.
One minute you were watching yenna and the next you were thrown on a bed. Before it all got dark.
“Ah, ah ohh! Shitttt! Eli, Mmphm!-“
One harsh slap against your jiggling ass has you crying even louder wailing, but it drives you crazy causing you to move back against Eli’s cock that was drilling inside you.
“I told you watch that fucking filthy mouth, and what did you do? Disobey me.”
the spanking gets harder and harder till the point you can feel stinging, but still you move back against him smiling at him in pleasure.
Your face getting pushed more into the pillow and Eli yanking your hair back with one hand while the other keeps spanking you.
“Ah your smiling are you? Let’s change that, slut.”
“Keep up , because I’m gonna absolutely fuckin’ ruin you, that’ll teach you.”
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This poor guy just wanted to finish his day from white tiger job center, but when he came home to the sight of you just naked getting ready for bed you couldn’t prepare yourself for what was to come.
All you felt in the moment was his tie from his suit placed in your mouth forming a gag.
“What’s wrong? Come on speak up. tell me what you want baby.”
He laughs at your crying form, legs spread to your chest and each time he thrusts the bed shakes and your breasts slightly jiggle.
Holding onto his neck he increases his speed and roughness hitting that one spot that made you arch your back and toes curl. he kissed your cheeks and mocked your crying face.
“Oh? Oh? Oh? Your moans are pathetic do you know that? Like a real porn star, aren’t you just cute.”
“Just prepare yourself, we’ve got a long night ahead I’ll turn you into a real slut.”
The only time you punks ask for fics is when I’m on an vacation, but I love you little rebels so it’s fine.
💌 ask box continues to stay open, and for all the anonymous people that requested fics, they’ll be uploaded soon.
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wannaeatramyeon · 8 months
Yo! I'm in love with your writing 😍 I hope you have a nice day
Btw can we get how all of the lookism men (and htf if it okay) would react dating/crushing on reader with big 3? (Huge tits, thick thighs and big ass). Please I'm begging you 😭🙏
lmao. semi-related: lookism hc - boobs, ass, thighs or...? Sorry anon, this is probably a lot less spicy than you were hoping, or maybe I'm too delulu with how gentlemanly some of these idiots are.
Lookism/HTF crushing on 'Big 3'
Beauty is fine. But beauty fades and there needs to be something else there. You're never gonna turn their head with just a tight bod. They would notice something like your smile first, your wit and intelligence, your fighting prowess rather than your figure.
Zack Lee: Ride or die, loyal to a tee. Your body is just a tiny part of your overall package. In fact, feel free to lose your corporeal form. It doesn't make a difference to Zack, he will love you all the same.
DG/James Lee: He's one of the hottest, most sought after idols in South Korea. He has seen a lot of bodies. There needs to be something below the surface for his interest and attention to truly take hold.
Gun Park: Ok fine, but what can you actually do with that body? (Heh. Intepret that how you will...) If the body is just for show, then Gun is not going to be impressed. Follow it up with fighting skills and talent then this man is swooning. And also moves into the pure pest category.
Seong Taehoon: Classic friends to lover. As a friend he barely takes note of your figure. He's not blind. He knows you have a great body but this guy is a bit of a romantic, no matter how cringe he thinks that is. He'll be attracted to your personality traits, your loyalty, your kindness. Your body can be whatever. If he's fallen for you, then it's not going to make a huge difference to him.
+ Daniel Park, Jay Hong, Eli Jang, Warren Chae, Sinu Han, Xiaolong, Hudson Ahn, Kwak bros, Jason Yoon, Jerry Kwon, Baek Seongjun, Ji Yeonwoo, Seo Haesu
Doesn't even notice... at first.
"What do you mean 'huge tits, thicc thighs, big ass' on Y/N? Huh?" Once they notice, they cannot stop looking. Tries to go for a sneaky glance all the time. Puts up some pretence of being a gentleman but bro is too weak for the curves.
Jake Kim: Will absolutely notice the way your eyes light up first, how your smile warms his heart. Sure, sure. This man may play it cool(ish), but once he notices your body - it drives him wild. Finds it hard to concentrate with you around. Finds it even harder to concentrate without you around as his imagination runs wild. "Sorry Jerry, can you repeat that?"
Vasco Tabasco/Johan Seong: Thinks they are being subtle with their glances. They are not. Especially if you consider the way their face lights up bright red anytime they check you out. And if you catch them, then you can literally see them shrivel up and die before your eyes in real time.
+Jace Park, Lineman, Brad Lee, Han Wangguk, Kim Munseong
Pure pest
These guys will not keep their hands off you. Public decency be damned. The kind of bastard that will tell others to "GET A ROOM" even if they're the ones being completely inappropriate. Better keep a leash on them if you're not into being an exhibitionist.
Goo Kim: The body is a bonus. Nevertheless, it's a pretty big bonus. You will be spoiled to high heavens with clothing that this pervert likes to see you in. Figure skimming, curve hugging. Assuming you're comfortable with it. Don't be mistaken though, Goo likes seeing you in these clothes but he believes in dressing for yourself as much as for anyone else.
Samuel Seo: the most reserved out of these terrible four. He has appearances to keep up, and cares about propriety... to an extent. But will always keep a hand on your thigh or your ass. A way to claim what is his, if you will. Once he gets you on his own, his hands are roaming.
+Vin Jin, Ryuhei Kuroda
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tennypress · 11 months
How would Gun, Goo, Jake and Samuel would react if we sent them a nude during their work/fight?
sending them nudes while they’re working or fighting
minors dni
WARNING: nudes, cock pics, gender neutral reader
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Gun Park
If you sent him a nude while he’s working, then it would either be him leaving the meeting to text you or text you to punish you, or him just glancing at his phone and smirking
If he’s fighting he would bring a finger up to his opponent to pause and then look at it and smirk then continue the fight
Oof when he gets home you won’t be working or talking for the next 3 weeks
“You like it when you interrupt me y/n?” he says as he pummels into you
If you send it again, give him a heads up next time lol
Goo Kim
When he’d working he would look at the photo and would step out of the meeting to send you a duck pic in the bathroom
If he’s in the office alone he’d still send a duck pick but he’s in front of the mirror shirtless and cock out
When fighting he would knock out his opponent to stare at your nude
He’s gonna tease you when he gets home, and take you to the bedroom
If you send him another one he’s gonna laugh at it, and might eventually show Gun do he knows who his “prize” is and tease gun saying that he’s jealous he couldn’t get anyone like you. All gun did was punch goo in the face, leading it to a fight
One time, he’s sent you a cock pic, and you just sat up and giggled to yourself
Jake Kim
When he’s hanging out with Big deal or with Sinu he looked at his phone and immediatesly turns it off, bringing his hand to his face and blushing like a tomato
When fighting obviously he wouldn’t take out his phone during it. But after he’s done, and slightly injured he would look at the photo in awe
He would come home and kiss you while taking you to the bedroom
You send another one he’s gonna scold you when he gets home, but you didn’t care and still sent him them no matter what
Sammuel Seo
When he’s at a meeting he would look at the photo with a neutral face and turn off his phone, even though inside he’s feeling horny
When fighting, same as Jake he would wait until it’s over and then he sends you a cock pic in somewhere private. Like a bathroom or empty alleyway
At home he’ll tease you while your still naked, touching you everywhere but your hot spot
He’ll tease and praise you while kissing you and your neck
When you send him another one, he’ll tease and edge you during sex at home or in his office
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