beef-bakery · 2 years
i can’t fathom how so many people like eren ?? like romantically??? like i hate to be the bearer of bad news but that is an ARIES male 💀 and as an aries female i wish y’all luck. you’ll need it
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siriusblackloml · 2 years
Everytime ppl make celebration I'm so excited!! Congrats on 300< 💞 can I have mamma mia 🤍 my fav color is purple there's many actually , I'm a Sagittarius. With Fred Weasley, please? Thank you, lovely 🥰
hey my fave color is purple too :D thank you so much for the request!~ 
reminder: i’m responding to this request after my celebration closed! i am currently clearing out all the ones sitting in my inbox. please don’t send more!
not that you knew this before ever meeting fred, but if there was anything you two had in common was your split personalities
i don't mean that in the sense that you're like psycho or whatever (unless u are then u do u bae)
i mean it by the fact that during the week days you are one studious mf. you are always keeping your nose tucked away in the books to stay on top of your work
when it comes to the weekends though? you are a bit of a party animal 
you love to be around big groups of people swaying to your favorite songs 
thank god you had good music taste because you had somehow managed to convince your other friends to listen exactly what you hear all the time 
you weren’t one to dance often, but that didn’t stop you from busting out random moves every now and then 
and then the weekend is over. you’re back in classes early monday morning learning about the differences between two very similar spells and taking notes that will fill up what feels like should be ten scrolls 
one morning, however, you’d been in the library looking for a particular book about the history of charms 
you were absolutely lost in the maze of pages and were becoming quite frustrated (you’d barely been there five minutes and were growing impatient that you didn’t find the book right away like you had hoped)
so you start to learn back against a bookshelf, crossing your arms and huffing out a dramatic sigh
before you’d known it, a boy next to your whipped out his arm and held it above your head, your eyes glancing up to see that he had caught a book falling from the highest shelf 
he had prevented it from falling on you and it was quite literally the most flattering thing you’d ever seen 
the red head holds the book and chuckles, “nearly got a big ‘ole bump in your head, huh?”
you blush and say, “thank you...hey, could i see that book?”
he hands it to you with a cocky smile on his face, and you realize now as you read the title book (in large, purple, cursive letters of course) that the book that had fallen down was exactly what you had been searching for
you smile and take it from him, “oh my gosh, this is exactly what i need!”
the boy just smirks and shoves his hands into his pockets nonchalantly, “isn’t it fun how that works out?” 
you can’t help but think of that boy for days straight, nobody else had ever had such an effect on you
and then it was friday night, you were talking to a large group of friends as you started to exit a large set of doors to make your way out into the cool air of the night
the sun was just getting to the point of setting and you were letting out an exhale, but you were only excited for what the night was going to bring
your friend had mentioned that before going to hogsmeade, you would all be meeting up with another group of people
sure enough you guys meet outside and there stands that one mysterious red-head boy 
he sends you a cocky smirk and approaches you, “funny seein’ you here.” 
you smile and tell him, “oh yeah, it’s hilarious. you didn’t strike me as the party type of person.”
he chuckles and digs his hands into his pockets, walking alongside you on the gravel road
mumbling, he responds, “well clearly you don’t know me. name’s fred, yours?”
it’s safe to say that he didn’t leave your side for the rest of the night, straggling behind you like a lost puppy 
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