asexualbookbird · 1 month
its bad enough instagram is putting sjm content in my feed when i exclusively interact with art stuff and miku posting but to learn that people PRONOUNCE THE ACRONYM????? YALL ARE OUT THERE SAYING ACK-O-TAR WITH YOUR MOUTHS?????
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Due to popular demand. More ihnmaims shit post I drew for a friend. (Mostly sonic real time fandub quotes)
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Yes babe the sweater around my neck does stay on during sex
Part 1
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brother-emperors · 10 months
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scribonia and marcus licinius crassus frugi because I'm obsessed over how a descendant of pompey ended up marrying a man on crassus' family tree and they named two of their sons marcus licinius crassus frugi and gnaeus pompeius magnus and they were all so doomed. like. ohhhh my god. that's romance, baby!
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Two Names in the Historia Augusta, A.R. Birley
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Rediscovering the Licinian Tomb, Katherine M. Bentz
(the full illustration of that cropped preview is on twitter/pillowfort etc :p)
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Why do you dislike Hazbin so much? Is it just obnoxious that it's everywhere?
it's obnoxious and also i don't like it! hope that helps <3
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buckttommy · 8 months
married firstprince au set 10ish years in the future where alex is a victim of an assassination attempt while him and henry are apart and the absolutely heartstopping, bone crushing fear when henry gets the call........ bonus points if they were in the middle of a fight at the time............. hold on. i'm throwing up on myself....
#GOD. Everyone shut up okay just shut up#Henry just doing his thing minding his business#fighting the everlooming stress of the fact that it's been six days since he's seen his husband#and the last time he saw him they were hurling biting words and insults at each other#(something they agreed to never do since they got married)#and he's already not sleeping because he can't sleep without Alex#so he's a bit miserable.#But then Shaan comes to him one morning and he KNOWS#The minute he looks at his face he feels his heart fucking drop down to his stomach#and he's just like 'tell me he's not dead. tell me'#and Shaan is like 'he's not but it's bad. We need to go'#So the whole flight Henry's just sat there torturing himself over every horrible word he's ever said to ALEX#of all people. It's stupid. The whole fight was stupid and none of it matters because the love of his life might be fucking#dead by the time he gets to the hospital. Anyways. Alex is in surgery again when he gets there#and he has to wait another EIGHT hours just for a doctor to come out and tell him Alex is fine it was touch and go for a minute there#but he really doesn't hear anything beyond 'Alex is fine.'#Anyways when Henry sees his husband he crawls into bed beside him (careful not to hurt him of course) and just holds him#(and cries softly because he's just had the worst twenty-four hours of his life)#and he's still holding him when Alex wakes up and the first words out of his mouth are 'hey baby' and that's when Henry really loses it#Alex drifts back off to sleep (not without mumbling a sleepy apology and an I love you)#but when he wakes up#they talk and Alex is just like 'I was so fucking scared I would hurt you the way your dad did' and Henry is like#'what do you mean sweetheart?' and Alex is like 'i don't want you to know the pain of losing me i don't want to do that to you'#which nearly sends them BOTH over the edge and it's all very tender and sweet.#Anyways then they make out and fall asleep together in the hospital bed#and it's the best sleep Henry has had in days.#the end#future wips#fandom: rwrb
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biblionerd07 · 1 month
I tried watching some of the Ian/Mickey scenes from season 11 and it made me ill. These are IMPOSTERS. That is not Ian and Mickey!! Especially Mickey!!! Look at how they massacred my boy. But one of the most frustrating parts is that if you watch the deleted scenes it shows that someone in that writers’ room DID know how to write Ian and Mickey but the producers or whoever makes that decision were like “nah, no meaningful conversations that show how much they love and respect each other and are working on their relationship. These fans who’ve been watching the characters struggle for a decade want them to continuously argue and beat the shit out of each other and act like they hate each other!”
#John wells if I ever catch you#there were a very few small spots of goodness and I credit ONLY Noel and cam for that#they were doing their level best#some of the things they had coming out of Mickey’s mouth made me want to drive my head through a wall#in what world am I supposed to believe Mickey was getting blow jobs from other guys#and making a joke out of Ian’s bipolar????#like the one time they remembered they even wrote Ian as bipolar and it was for a shitty line where Mickey throws it in his face#it feels like every season is a whole new show and not connected at all to the others#and then it starts feeling like every EPISODE is a whole new show that’s not connected#why was there like a goofy soundtrack as Mickey’s literal Nazi abusive rapist father moved in next door#Noel was giving us everything and they made a joke out of it#and then they made a joke out of Mickey being conflicted and crying after terry died??????????#I want to kill them#Ian saying frank was worse than terry????? girl in what world??????#Mickey was NEVER insecure about bottoming and he was always adamant about how much he loved it but suddenly it’s an issue#from ‘liking what I like don’t make me a bitch’ back when he could barely LOOK at Ian to…this#also Ian used to be very sweet even when he was being stubborn and self-righteous and even violent#but they really lost his sweetness#and I know it wasn’t just cam growing up bc there were glimpses of it in the way he chose to have Ian move and hold onto Mickey#but the writers seemed hell bent on all of the characters being so horrible to each other#in the early seasons they could sometimes be cruel and selfish even to each other but underneath it all they loved each other#and it feels like when they decided to lean solely into goofy comedy that lost that#it’s just sad to see a show that started so good end so badly#I’ve seen people talking about a spinoff with Ian and Mickey and I don’t even fucking want it with these writers#maybe if cam and Noel were producers and got to choose the storylines#they’re the only ones I trust
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irradiatedsnakes · 2 months
<-he has picked up Another destructive skin picking habit
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sga-owns-my-soul · 3 months
who needs access to healthcare when you can distract yourself from your problems by going insane about the characters
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floralovebot · 10 months
listen,, i am Not defending all of sky's actions or his personality but he's genuinely just not as bad as the fandom makes him out to be.
a lot of y'all forget that sky is a prince with extremely overbearing and downright abusive parents that refuse to listen to him or treat him with any ounce of respect. and that the whole diaspro vs bloom situation was started directly because his parents forced an arranged marriage between diaspro and sky, constantly telling her parents that it would work out and never listening to sky the hundreds of times he tried to stop it. like again, he's not great, he's my least favorite specialist. but that situation was never in his favor. he was a 16 year old that dealt with strict, emotionally abusive parents his entire life and got forced into an arranged marriage with someone he never loved and was constantly told that it Needed to happen for the kingdom. trying to play it out like he's a serial cheater with some nefarious master plan is like,, really weird. again! not a great person he does a lot of shitty things. but blaming that specific situation on him, a teen with absolutely no say in his life who just met someone he genuinely likes and could love, instead of his parents is incredibly weird to me.
#i just think that entire situation was extremely unfair for everyone involved#and its really weird when people try to make it out like sky was some serial cheater mastermind#like dude no he's a child with horrible parents and no control over his personal life#and yeah absolutely he shouldnt have lied or led bloom on. but also remember that Technically he was in disguise because#Apparently assassins are constantly after him (ignoring that winx does a piss poor job at showing that)#like idk this little boy who never had a say in his life suddenly meeting this little firecracker of a girl that has A Lot To Say#and isn't afraid of running her mouth or expressing herself. And even encouraging him to do the same?#like? yeah id fall in love with bloom too tf#and i feel like people forget that sky told both his parents And diaspro that he didnt love her like. multiple times.#anyway. i still hate sky.#but i hate him for like. actual reasons instead of He Fell In Love With Bloom Despite Being In A Forced Engagement Oh No#like we could criticize him for not trusting bloom or for projecting all of his own faults onto other characters#but trying to say he was at blame for just being like. a teen in love is Extremely weird to me#like i dont think it would be fair to say that he should just. never fall in love with anyone and should just be happy marrying someone he-#-never loved or had any romantic feelings toward#like you guys Can understand aisha hating her arranged marriage and falling in love with 'ophir' despite it#but you Can't understand sky hating his arranged marriage and falling in love with bloom despite it#its so much easier to say you dont like sky please just say that
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lunearobservatory · 1 year
Wearing your boyfriend's hat vs. putting your boyfriend's name on your shirt 🥰
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pup-pee · 13 days
i have made a horrible mistake ((gave a suggestion))
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comixandco · 1 year
i think something people forget about pink diamond is that she had compassion for life long before she went to earth
the pebbles assume steven is pink not because of his gem or aura but just because he says ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ to them, a basic common courtesy that nobody else has given them in thousands of years
in steven’s pink visions, blue is yelling at pink about the little bugs she let loose on homeworld. when one of them is found in her cell, she is quick to check it’s okay before helping it out of the room. even before encountering humans she valued organic life.
even the garden, the setting of pink’s cruellest moment, is proof of her care for organic life. Unlike every other part of homeworld, the garden is teeming with plant-life, which was kept healthy enough that it continued to grow even after pink abandoned it. the only other homeworld structure that tends to organic life is the human zoo. who’s to say the garden wasn’t another attempt by the other diamonds to placate pink after she expressed concern for the life on one of their colonies? or maybe pink picked the plants herself from the many different colonies she visited and grew them there.
pink wasn’t perfect. she had a bad habit of acting on her emotions and impulses without considering the consequences of her actions, and she hurt a lot of people because of it. but she considered all life precious and worth protecting, it just wasn’t until she had a colony of her own that she fully understood that the expansion of homeworld was intrinsically linked to the destruction of life, and the moment she realised that is the moment she stood against it.
#steven universe#su pink diamond#this post is almost 5 years too late lol#like padparadscha by the time my thoughts have found their way from my brain to my mouth the moment is long gone#but a hot take is a hot take even if it’s been in a slow cooker#i just think people are sleeping on the pebbles and the scene with the little rainbow catipillar#there always seemed to be a sentiment that pink was an inherently cruel person and that she didn’t care about anything before earth?#and that her care for life was either superficial or out of left field#but something my brain keeps rotating round is that she was always like this she always cared for other life forms but never took them#seriously. she always cared about them but never really paid close attention to how they were. and it was something she learnt off of the#other diamonds who treated her exactly the same as she treated everybody else. they loved her but they didn’t understand her and they#never made an effort to change that. and they never thought about how their actions made her feel or whether she was responding to their#own outbursts and emotions. and she never considered how her actions would make other people feel.#she didn’t think how her screaming would hurt volleyball until it happened. she didn’t consider how all-encompassing her orders to spinel#and pearl and potentially garnet were. she didn’t think about how spinel would be hurt by being left behind and quite frankly i do think#she completely forgot spinel existed once she became preoccupied with saving earth which is horrible but also makes total sense for her#character who from creation was taught that other gems were worth less than her and that they existed only to serve her or her fellow#diamonds; and as somebody who was used to the concept of being left behind and abandoned whenever the people she cared about got bored#or annoyed with her. it hurts but it’s a part of life to her. what she didn’t consider js that her words are law and she left spinel with#no free-will. she left pearl physically unable to share important information and solve the problems she left behind.#and she doesn’t consider how her death will make others feel - she doesn’t think the diamonds will care that she dies but they do and they#murder all of her friends except for two. she thinks the crystal gems will be fine without her if she says goodbye to become steven but#they aren’t and a good portion of the show is about the gems grief and how it creates an unstable environment for steven to grow up in#consistently pink diamond was taught her feelings didn’t matter and was made to feel nobody cared about her if they weren’t compelled to#and that compiled with the privileged position she was formed into made her an insecure spoiled brat who had no comprehension that her#choices could hurt people around her#did she ever even consider that the diamonds were grieving her? or did she think it was just another action of violence to exert control?#i don’t think i’ll ever be over pink diamond#funnily enough steven has a similar problem e.g. sadie’s talent show and when connie was upset he gave himself up to homeworld#but that’s a discussion for when i’m not at tag limit lol
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cupuasu · 2 months
real question is it normal to feel bubbles at the back of your throat after eating persimmons.......
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yelenapines · 6 months
watched tbosas today. needless to say i am obsessed with the red uniform skirt and they should have been wearing those the whole movie. thank you.
#tbosas#much more to say about this movie but thats it for now#actually no lets TALK#they literally changed how the games end which is fine but like how is no one noticing#also um clemensia dropped in got bit and thats it?? bye bye? have fun?#also this annoying bitch in my grade said she hates sejanus in the movie but loves him in the book um please get his name out of your mouth#if you're gonna be speaking filth about my son#ugh#anyways um rachel ate#love how the movie can tell the whole story tho i *am* conflicted about my feelings on how fast paced it was#and then again not seeing his inner monologue is a problem but like it's a movie so idk#also ofc the vibe is different between parts 1 and 2 and part 3 idk why people dont like it i think its cool and like thats the point to se#his evolution#sejanus' death was horrible like i'm sorry the mockingjays reproducing his last cries for help are just.#anyhoo#i will not shut up ok let's keep going#ik that like ppl are simping for tom blyth and as u should tbh same but you COULD NOT CHANGE HIM OR FIX HIM IK ITS A JOKE BUT IT BOTHERS ME#SO MUCH#like ik it's being silly and goofy but it just rubs me the wrong way cause like its not true#also Tigris and Snow's story is so fucking sad kms#also TF WAS THAT MOMENT IN THE ARENA WHERE SEJANUS ALMOST KISSED CORYO WE ALL SAW IT OK#sejanus is not straight at all lmao he spent the whole movie batting eyelashes at coryo but ALSO i love the angst of the marcus x sejanus i#idea i made up#also coriolanus is so fucking goofy like bitch pls “mY oLd SeLf. I kIlLeD hIm To Be WiTh YoU” bestie sit down#ok rant over#yelenaposts#sejanus plinth
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robotsafari · 9 months
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this has to be a metaphor. for something
#robo ramble#im just going to read this as a thinly veiled metaphorical critique for the writing of the guild in xrd.#the writers made him faithful to the DQ blue raspberry misty float. all of his character development thrown in the trash completely#missing the point of the entire guild's story in favor of the dairy queen blue raspberry misty float coming back on the menu.#people liked the taste of the misty float but never got the point of its creation. it was only the taste they wanted. you could've easily#recreated this taste but they sought to return it in the worst way possible. without getting the point either.#that misty float ruined the lives of the people around him. and yet diary queen missed the point in favor of genre defining puppet characte#they wrote him back in and just made everyone around him feel like i guess everything is fine now??? its horrendous.#they made venom continue to be faithful to the dairy queen blue raspberry misty float. they tried to convince him that he had saved his#life all along or something??#like?????? the fuck. thats awful. horrible taste in my mouth-- LIKE THE HORRIBLE TASTE OF THE DAIRY QUEEN BLUE RASPBERRY MISTY FLOAT.#like if you wanted to make the dairy queen blue raspberry misty float playable again then just revive eddie and only eddie like tf?? you#could've come up with an excuse to make him live without a host. i mean you came up with bedman suddenly reprograming his bed in his final#moments what that doesnt make sense but ok..........#its better than diary queen blue raspberry misty float#i did it. these gifs have officially made me go insane. please dont read these tags.
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thethingything · 3 months
okay yeah the antihistamine helped so we are indeed allergic to something in the toothpaste, but like with our other allergies the antihistamine isn't enough to really get rid of the symptoms so we do still feel really sick and have bad stomach cramps and our tongue is still tingling. I feel like I've eaten a bunch of raw honey
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