thedumb1 · 5 months
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dduane · 1 year
“Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.”
“Over time, mistakes in generated data compound and ultimately force models that learn from generated data to misperceive reality even further,” wrote one of the paper’s leading authors, Ilia Shumailov, in an email to VentureBeat. “We were surprised to observe how quickly model collapse happens: Models can rapidly forget most of the original data from which they initially learned.”
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baldursyourgate · 6 months
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she's so silly I love herrrrrrrr
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WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @mellaithwen and @princessfbi and I was like hmm. I could be mean and share a snippet of the rarepair fic... ooooooor...
No, no, I'll be good, I'll give the people what they want.
“No, please, let me,” Eddie says, and—he’s said it a thousand times before, ever since he and Mel got their first big check. He likes taking care of his family, likes being able to pay the bill at the restaurant. It’s automatic. Except this isn’t a friend he’s meeting to catch up over coffee. This is his… His… Buck flushes a little. “Well. We can start now, if you want.” Eddie’s stomach does a funny little twist. “I do want.” Buck sits back in his seat, six feet three inches of lazy, loose confidence. “All right then.” Eddie puts his credit card on top of the bill, and ignores how his stomach flips when the server passes by again and grabs it.
Oh yeah boys, you're gonna keep this platonic. Suuuuuuuure.
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calygocat · 7 months
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silly drunk boys wip
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mothwingwritings · 5 months
Hi hi~ hope you are doing great today xD
Sooo First of all I love how you write and I have been binge reading yujiro stepfather serie(?) And absolutely love it; but stepdad yujirou + Baki and jack the yandere/siscon stepbrothers could you imagine like:
*Katsumi became her eternal friend but feels like he can't be with y/n, so ends up as her loyal/platonic companion or ends up as a teacher and friend and go on with life because yujirou is hell of strong and Sadie to pummel him again
*yujirou marries s/o and impregnate her, but y/n gives love to the child because she doesn't want him/her to suffer like her brothers
*yujirou wanted to rill up his son's and knowing their dark yandere side put the scenario on so the two end up taking her as well
*Baki and jack won't left her until she at least have s baby of each because hanma bloodline and a sense of twisted family
*and what would happen if pickle also gets interested? How would he reacts with y/n pregnant or with kids and with the scent of the hanma's? Would he tried to kill the kids like the lion in a new pride? Or just add them to the family and put his seed too? And the hanma's what would they do?
*oh and what happened with the ash tray
Sorry for the long feel free to ignore
I love your brain, darling~
Warnings: Stepcest, breeding kink, mentions of child rearing/being a mother, mentions of noncom, 18+ only please.
If the two Hanma brothers didn’t have any kind of breeding kink before, seeing their sweet little sister heavy with child is about to change that REAL quick.
Don’t get them wrong, it makes their blood boil to witness you carrying some other man’s child, let alone Yujiro’s spawn. Seeing you grow each day, swelling with the ogre’s unborn infant, is enough to make them go damn near feral. The whole situation unleashes a torrent of emotions -rage, disgust, pity, vexation, and sympathy, all swirling together within the two of them, vying for dominance. They don’t know whether they wanted to give this kid the world (it was your child after all, and it wasn’t that they weren’t sympathetic to its situation, they probably knew the tribulations and hardships that baby was to face more so than anyone else) or completely disregard it (they just couldn’t shake where it came from, what brutality was committed against you to conceive it).
On one hand, how dare Yujiro force himself inside of you, planting a seed that will bind you to him irrevocably? It was maddening knowing you were trapped by Yujiro’s side, saddled down caring for his offspring. The ogre had you right where he wanted you now, stuck between a rock and a hard place, trapped just beyond the brothers reach.
But on the other hand, two can play at that game.
It was easy enough to convince you to come to them. You loved Baki and Jack. You respected them and you trusted them, you had no reason not to come to them willingly.  You were always so eager to see them, so grateful for their companionship. The day they entrapped you, you approached the brothers with arms spread, heart bared, and eyes sparkling as you walked blindly into their trap.
The last thing they wanted was to hurt you, that was never their intention. But you just looked so beautiful when you were pregnant, full and round and glowing, like an angel had landed on earth. They were craving seeing you that way again, adamant that they would be the ones who would fill you with their seed, and you would be the one who would help them create a new life.
And you were such a good mother, doting on your baby with love and affection despite the circumstances of how they were conceived. Didn’t Jack and Baki deserve that too? Why did their monster of a father get the only honor? They certainly treated you better than he did, loved you far more than he ever could or would. And they would never treat their children the way the ogre had treated them growing up, disregarded, abused, or as petty amusements their whole lives. Yujiro was such a terror that the brothers tried to keep themselves from growing overly attached to the baby he had created with you, not only due to the mixed emotions they felt about the situation, but because they knew the likelihood of having an infant survive growing up around the Ogre was optimistic at best.
However Baki and Jack were not their father. Maybe they had to resort to underhanded methods to get to you, sinking down to Yujiro’s level to get you pregnant with their children, but the difference between themselves and that monster would always be the overwhelming affection they held for you. Even if you had trouble understanding what was going on, or couldn’t quite wrap your head around the fact that everything they did for you was for your own benefit and safety, they knew that the lives they were forging for you was what would ultimately make you the happiest and bring you the most joy, you just needed time to get used to it first to realize that. Seeing you waddle around fat with their baby’s is both brothers ultimate dream, and they will destroy anyone who tries to steal that from them, whether that be their father or otherwise. And unlike their father, any life they bring into this world with you will be cherished-the baby will essentially be half you, after all, how could they not adore it?
They know you will cry and feel betrayed and possibly even get a bit hurt should you try to deny them. But no matter what happens, they know you will forgive them because when it comes down to it, you love them just as much as they love you. They are ready and willing to give you all the time in the world to adjust, you are worth any amount of effort to keep happy.
(Also poor Katsumi, but I am glad he gets to be a homie at least lol. The eternal suffering that poor man receives through our prose…)
Now for our caveman situation…
Pickle knows there is something different about you, something that draws a family as strong as the Hanma’s to you. There’s a reason why they are all vying for your attention, eager to procreate with you, and your beguiling presence is not lost on him either. Should his interest become strong enough he’ll definitely snatch you away to create a brood of his own with you. He would become EXTREMELY overprotective of you while you were pregnant, monitoring you like a hawk to make sure you are comfortable and that there are no predators a foot to cause you any harm. When you are full of his children, he treats you more gently than you thought a beast like him possibly could. Were this a situation you were actually compliant in, you would almost call it charming how gently he handles you, or how quietly he tries to lumber his large body around you so as not to disturb you.
As for the other children you had previously… I feel like that is very dependent on the situation. He would not outright kill them by any means. Right now they are small, helpless, they don’t pose a threat to him and you care for them, he has no reason to take them from you nor does he really want to. Also, they have Hanma blood running through their veins and that intrigues him. What manner of person will they grow up to be, he wonders? The thought of watching such people grow, even have a hand in raising them or training them, was too interesting of a prospect to throw out the door.
THAT BEING SAID, his children with you will always take precedence over them. Should you find yourselves in a situation that requires him to choose who he needs to protect, you will always come first, followed by the children he sired with you, anyone else is nonconsequential. Though he has no true ill will towards the children, he certainly doesn’t harbor the love for them that he does his own offspring. He cares for the Hanma kids well enough, but base interest is about as far as it goes. If they starve, get hurt, or have to get sacrificed, so be it.
And Yujiro def still has that ashtray. For WHATEVER reason, even though it’s a shitty little trinket that was crudely made by the hands of your child self, he can’t seem to part from it. He even travels with it and uses it regularly. Weird, huh? I wonder why…
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loadinghellsing · 4 months
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1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8
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thiccchick · 9 months
most of my life i would lose my appetite whenever i was faced with stress, anxiety, depression, etc. and im happy to say ive reached a point now where i can allow myself to “eat my feelings” which is v exciting! stress eating was never a thing for me until recently and it feels so much better and ive definitely been packing on the pounds lately bc of it 🥰
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every-kakashi · 7 months
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A Fallen Crow
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It's time for our "on-camera" meeting
Is... is there someone in the room with you, maleficentmrsofallevil?
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Nope. Why do you ask?
*send help...*
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thedumb1 · 4 months
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charbon69 · 4 months
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I can't believe I've never drawn these two before!?!? Today feels like the perfect day to post em lmao 💕🦑🐙 :>
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bloodyellenlost · 1 month
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Drew my feline daughter (Tiya) with some moots since I'm 100% sure she'd love you guys. Also featuring a freckled Mikey because why shouldn't he keep the freckles. @mrabubu @leotheponderer @notjustdragonspages @souperwrites she'd definitely would throw something off of your desks to get your attention for cuddles(which you guys deserve)
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People reading the first threesome fic like: OH YOU HAVE TOMMY CALL BUCK 'KID' OH I LOVE THAT!
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betaruga · 2 years
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Made a gag sequel to that killer Hey Arnold college comic by spikermonster 
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