i-luvsang · 1 month
i hate being on the verge of tears in public !!! and it’s about fucking kpop i need to get a grip!!!!!!!$;73&38&2$.!’$/$3!/‘j$€{€!{£&jhhdjdhwijwgeieiehhejeiddggdneiwiwhuwjeieuebidnejskaowhhrbdieiruruidieieiehndozi&$:$£7:)3&k$$;$&jhdhiahJh
#only feeling a little bit upset tho!!!! RJUDJDK#HAHAHA I DONT EVEN CARE#I SHOULD HAVE DONE MORE RESEARCH BEFORE GETTING MY HOPES UP LIKE THIS#HONESTLY FUCK KQ SO MUCH#OBVIOUSLY THEY SUCK BC#DUH ALL KPOP COMPANIES DO#AND I HATE THE THINGS THEY DO MOST OF THE TIME#BUT GOD#IM STILK UPSET#why did i expect anything decent god#basically since last tour i’ve planned and saved up to get vip tix!#ofc to be closer to the stage since i was in nosebleeds last time#but also because vip had hi touch and maybe even meet and greet if those are different idk whatever#and i was so so set on getting hi touch next time they toured#and now their touring and there is no hi touch or meet and greet whatsoever#and the prices are like triple compared to last time#and presale is tomorrow and i don’t even know what to do for tickets anymore#obviously i’m so so excited and lucky and privileged to be able to see them at all#as long as presale doesn’t sell out before i get anything lol#but still#i’m just having trouble getting over this part of it right now :((#and every time i think about it too hard or look at them or listen to their music i get real close to crying!!#i’m just really disappointed and i’ll probably sob about it when i get home to start getting over it lmao#anyways i don’t have any feelings about it tho!!#again i recognize this is such a spoiled thing to complain about and im sorry if its annoying to read abt!!#i so get that#i used to think i’d never even get to go to concerts at all and ik some people can’t#some people can’t even buy albums and that kind of thing so i do apologize for complaining about having money basically#i just saved up for so long and got so excited :((
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kollapsar · 2 months
Name change: official
Trans dick: out
Yeah boyyy I'm legally not a fantasy heroine anymore 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
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medichamcham · 10 months
i love blocking people over trivial and petty shit i love blocking people who are even slightly annoying on my posts i love not giving people a second chance and blocking them immediately without a care in the world <3 <3 <3 10/10 would totally recommend
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13eyond13 · 2 months
one of the lesser talked about fun things about intentionally reading more books is finding new stuff to be a bit of a hater about tbh
#and i know sometimes im probably just not properly picking up whatever the writer is putting down but whatever it's still fun#to actually know what you think about stuff like the highly regarded classics and extremely popular hyped up things#here are a few writers im a bit of a hater about w my opinions now btw#neil gaiman: does not do it for me at alllll#have read the graveyard book and american gods and hated almost every minute of both#in american gods i just found the aesthetic ideas and characters completely unappealing and in the graveyard book#i thought it was dreary and not well described enough... kept feeling like it was too bare bones in some way to picture things properly#i was like 'hmm i wish this was one of his graphic novels instead bc i'd like to be able to see what's going on here a bit better...'#also his humour just never lands for me and i do not often get his references either#ray bradbury annoys me in a similar way to neil gaiman but also somewhat oppositely like where#the way they write characters and plots and ideas and the stuff they care about gets on my nerves in an almost identical way#that i don't know how to define except to say i had a bit of a 'same energy' experience reading Something Wicked This Way Comes#and some of neil gaiman's stuff#but unlike neil gaiman i think that ray bradbury attempts to describe things unusually so much and TOO much#to the point that it takes me out of the story in a different yet similar way#to how the lack of description in neil gaiman's stuff does#what else have i become a bit of a hater about or did not get the appeal of lately? hmmm#oh hp lovecraft hahahaha#least scary stories ever god everything he's scared of is so dumb#like even aside from his extremely racist takes and fear of the 'exotic other' his fears about being cosmically insignificant are just like#yeah and? whats so scary about that hahaha i literally just dont get it#also the amount he writes dialogue in heavy accents annoys the shit out of me#p
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doctorwormcore · 8 months
What i think i love the most about the live action is just how much love there is? Yeah its different from the anime, but honestly....kinda better. I love how kind they all are, the strawhats clearly just love each other already, their own little family
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jamlabs · 5 months
Being a GG fan in queer spaces is so exhausting sometimes bc every time I try to talk about it transfems always make some sort of joke about Bridget like. Okay I'm glad you like her and I WILL fight transphobes to the death for her but she isn't even in my top 15 gg characters?
Like can you guys maybe stop enjoying this media at a surface level and making the same jokes at me, a person who is known to be insane about their interests? Me talking about how much I love guilty gears music is not an invitation to ask "is the town inside you" like no. That's a super mid song. I am talking about the metal, the hard rock, and the fucking pipe organs . I was literally talking about how much I loved Necessary Discrepancy? And love letter to the future? HELLO?
Idk I'm just. So fucking tired of people engaging with GG on the most shallow level and then attempting to joke with me about it. Yeah haha brisket whatever
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kaoharu · 6 months
looks at charade maniacs lim edition. $130 . . .
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wriochilde · 7 months
shes so controlling its actually fucking crazy
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skinnymeanfaggot · 8 months
#im making huge huge changes in my life and i think the next logical step would be to cut off jamie. ive already been ghosting him but thats#just me avoiding the problem. i just like. it feels fucked to be like hey i told you i was ok with what you did but i Changed my mind#i just think like. i have next to no contact with him and i feel fucking fantastic. we talk like every couple months on the rare occurrence#he can text and then i answer in vague short sentences and ghost. and now that i finally have firm boundaries with him and havent engaged#with him sexually its like. i feel like basically all my ties are cut. and i feel like im ready to let go for the first time. like ive#always felt like i just wasnt ready but now i like i Am ready its just a matter of like. doing it. thats difficult. even though i know hell#accept it because hes matured. and like. idk. i think its fine like this#and idk i think its fine like this. being the absolute barest form of acquaintances. i cannot stress how little we interact and how little#affect he has on my life at this point outside of what happened in the past. like i am in a good place he is 99% cut off i just need to do#the last bit. but like also fuck. you know. its hard to kinda finish it off. and its also like ooh it would hurt his feelings but now i#fucking. dont care lol. after everything. with blue i realize every day just how much more respected i feel and less gross and shitty#even with being jamies friend which we never were because whenever i was single we were sexual. i just felt bad. i never wanted to fuck#either. and he would say he loved me and id be like hahaha yeahhhh and now that ive finally drawn that boundary and said he cant do that#anymore i feel so much lighter and i just feel so happy and safe with blue in a way ive never felt with jamie and its like. im almost there#i feel like i might be able to cut him off by the end of the year. and thats crazy to me. i just also have a lot of like shit to unpack#in general too also. with what he did. and i just have a lot. but i feel like im progressing
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theloveinc · 1 year
Thinking about being besties with Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. Sharing an apartment with them when they're pros (are you also a pro? I don't know, I'm suddenly thinking about being in your early/late 20s and being a college student so you're on opposite schedules) and just quietly existing together. You take him out on his rare days off to different nerd things (like your D&D campaign, or a midnight showing of a movie, etc.) or "underground" stuffs like concerts for new and upcoming bands or a graffiti art gallery and your "normal" friends are always whispering about how cool it is that you're friends with THE Jet Black Hero. He makes a show of being dark and mysterious with your friends, but YOU know that he cheats at Mario Kart and Dark Shadow likes scritches under their chin. Sure your apartment is decorated in dark and spooky decor, but he writes very lighthearted and hopeful poetry that he has you perform at the Open Mic Night at the coffee shop around the block. Hawks is your (second) favorite hero, so he's always grabbing you the new merch before it drops and taking you to the hero galas and charity fundraisers a) so he doesn't get harassed by the PR team for not having a date and b) so you can meet and hang out with Hawks.
I can't be normal about him but like in a platonic way
GAHHH HUMBLE KING!!! I just adore college student/hero dynamics!! And with Tokoyami too, what a surprise... he's so underrated imo</333
what a lovely scenario, though! becoming unlikely but really close friends. i've always imagined him as being slightly low-key in his relationships, and alongside his hero work, probably not too social, but not… introverted either, if that makes sense??? so this is perfect, esp getting along with all your friends and going with you places. can you imagine grocery shopping w/ him??
(even though you're not dating, i imagine he's way too polite to let you pay for anything, snacks or even tickets to concerts.)(i also think he kicks up kind of a fuss at first, not wanting to disrupt your friend group even if you say they wouldn't mind, he's so considerate about it!!)
he's so good natured, too, so this must come so naturally. he just wants to be supportive and open to any and everything u show him... esp when it comes to introducing you to other heroes. at the gala making sure you're properly introduced to his class as well as hawks and the other former big leagues.
i also feel like you're probably the one who encourages him to have friends over of his own. shoji and kiri and tsu for a nice dinner or movie night... and then tokoyami and dark shadow really brighten up, and can't thank u enough for helping him open up🖤🖤🖤
(also can u imagine he eventually introduces you to the hero you end up dating one day? Hawks or bakugo or even Deku?? who are so surprised to find out you're not a thing LMFAOO. and he gets a special seat at your wedding, too!!)
tokoyami is such a good, kind boy🥺
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majorbitchwillgraham · 10 months
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It's been 7 hours and 15 days
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
Saw @barbabetos's post doing this for her self insert so now I've done this for Dolasach hehe~
(Some Of) Dola's Aesthetic Inspo Board
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some of the cast's thoughts on her fashion under the cut >w<
Lucifer: As a member of the 'black is the best neutral’ club, he’s rather fond of her fashion choices, and couldn’t help but be relieved that she’s influenced Satan’s taste and not the other way around through the years. Some choices are very much still choices to him, however; her louder, more elaborate coats and dresses sometimes still baffle him, but he knows better than to tell her to tone it down. Would trust her to pick out clothes for him, and sometimes asks for her opinion of which expensive black turtleneck works better with his expensive black slacks. They probably get their staples from the same place.
Mammon: They probably shop at the same places, honestly, so he more than approves of her taste in fashion. He thinks she carries herself and her clothes well and is tempted from time to time to steal some of the clothes she’s made herself because he knows they’ll sell for a good buck. He likes hanging around her whenever she pulls out something showy, and sometimes tries to convince her to go modeling with him—which 9 times out of 10 end in a refusal. Unless it’s for a solid floral/knitwear collection.
Levi: Admittedly rather flip-floppy with how much he likes what she wears, depending on the day. He veers between thinking she dresses like a total normie (the snobbish artsy type that looks down on low brow art too) and thinking she radiates protagonist energy with how much she stands out from the crowd whenever she wears one of her fancy coats, but for the most part he does like acknowledge that she's fairly well polished. He likes it best when she’s dressed down though, because he’s learned to associate it with her hanging out with him.
Satan: He thinks she looks stunning in anything, really, and he just thinks she looks even better when she loves what she wears. He's actually started absorbing a little of how she dresses over the course of their relationship, whether he realizes it or not, and Asmo's slipped a few thank you's in Dola's direction because of it. Takes some of her larger clothes to wear himself, since a good many of them are in his size. And if she has any complaints, she hasn't made them—probably because they both know a decent chunk of her clothes are actually taken from his and Solomon's closets.
Asmo: They also probably shop at the same places, so he's another who more than approves of her taste in fashion—though part of him does wish that she'd show off more skin, especially since he thinks her tattoos are really pretty. "You should show them off more!" he says, and she replies with telling him that she does show them off whenever its a good day to wear something sleeveless. "But what about the tattoos on your legs?" Oh, well, she'll think about that one in a few years. He's also very thankful that Satan's urge to want to see her in his clothes made him update his wardrobe somewhat, and thinks it's cute that she and Solomon match half the time. Loves when she wears florals and color.
Beel: "I think she looks good." is his usual comment on the matter—he's not really one to pay too much attention to what people wear, but he does pay enough attention to be able to pick out clothes she'd like whenever they go shopping for athletic wear. There are times though when he worries if she's overheating or if she might accidentally trip over her own skirt. Sometimes he also can't help but think the more realistic designs on her clothes look delicious—it's okay Beel, they really do look delicious. Sometimes she gets him to wear her clothes to stretch them out on purpose.
Belphie: He wishes she'd let him borrow her sweaters, they look so soft and comfy. As do a lot of her clothes, actually, but he knows he doesn't have clothes-stealing privileges. He does think a few of her clothes seem like a lot, and has noticed that she stands out a lot whenever they go out into the human world. But it's whatever, so long as she isn't bothered, right? Sometimes he makes hints that he likes the fabric of whatever she's wearing (more like really obvious comments, really) which does get him some clothes made with the same thing, but he finds that it just doesn't feel the same if they're new.
Diavolo: Yet another who probably shops at the same places Dola does. Of course he finds her fashion really interesting and never fails to let her know, though his compliments are usually just met with a polite, impersonal smile, unlike the others. He's a bit amused by how much she manages to blend in visually with the humans he tends to spend the most time with because of his work with Hotel Corvo and Three-Legged Crow group, but never comments on it. He has the feeling that she wouldn't really respond well to any attempts to joke around with her about that.
Barbatos: He appreciates how much thought and polish goes into her outfits, both in styling herself and in the garments themselves. Any compliments from him about her appearance are actually genuine, and really that's as far as most of their conversations go. He'll sometimes ask where she got her clothes just to mentally log it for when Diavolo needs to gift her anything on special occasions, and he makes it a point to pay attention so that whatever they get her is something she likes too much to never wear.
Solomon: As another member of the 'black is the best neutral' club, he's very fond of her fashion. And unlike Lucifer, he's very fond of her more out there choices in clothes, especially since he himself has quite the eye catching signature coat and goes around the human world wearing a hard to ignore selection of talismans and other enchanted accessories. They tend to have days where they match, and they regularly send each other pictures of really cool coats and jewelry. He too sometimes takes her clothes as equal exchange for her taking some of his. Credits himself as the starter of her fondness for unique outerwear after he gifted her a hooded cloak that resembles his starry coat after she became an official (read: legal) sorcerer.
Simeon: Finds the way she dresses to be interesting because it stands out from most of the humans he's encountered. It sometimes makes him wonder if going through the trouble of buying a new wardrobe to blend in with humans was actually necessary, but then her catches how people stare at Dola and her usual company of at least one demon and one immortal sorcerer. He finds himself going to her for advice on human world fashion, which amuses her because she doesn't think it's really that different from the Devildom's. She tries to get him hip to oversized sweaters and knitted cardigans, and it does happen—much to the joy of the Angel's Halo regulars.
Luke: Absolutely enamored whenever he sees her wearing something other than her all-black ensembles. He can tell that there's something to how she dresses because he doesn't miss all the people who give her odd looks and the occasional person who gasps and in surprise. He can't help but want to touch the designs on her clothes, especially the floral ones that look so real, and she does let him. Like Beel, he worries sometimes that she might overheat or trip over her skirts, but for the most part is content to just think she looks nice.
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old-knightsvow · 1 year
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this applies to tom meta too. you don't have to change anything in the meme it's just implied. nit even particularly tom gender meta i just think tom in general
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
#diary#personal#disordered eating#hm. i really wonder why i partake in all these bad habits. Hah. i make it sound like im sampling fine wine and cheeses#hm hm hm. please pass me the merlot darling would you please? oh be a dear and pass the the 6 month munster. oh isnt this just to die for!#hahaha. but seriously though. a lot of the things i do arent quite easily explained.#self harm#drugs tw#like ill be the first to admit i likely am addicted to some extent to self harm. does that mean all these other behavior are that basically#or are they seprate things. tho that seems unlikely.#like. i want to starve myself yes. but it sorta seems frivolous in a way? like i like the idea in theory. but not so much in reality.#i do love food. but im picky. i want only certain things at certain times. and often im just tired of eating.#and idk. i like the idea of being thin. but that doesnt mean ill push it that far. im happy so long as i maintain really.#in the end i feel no need to exersise or even restrict that much. i cant be bothered tbh. im too lazy. for better or for worse really.#alcohol#even weed and alcohol. theyre not really an addiction. well. weed could become one ig?#but really its to making existing more bareable. idk. things get too much and weed really just. quiets everything down.#and by god does it ever help my fuckinh pain.#alcohol id probably partake in more if it wasnt for the stomach issues it causes me. thats the only reason i stopped.#and while id be theoretical into trying other things to bide my time. i just dont really care? cant be bothered to really.#idk. in the end all these behaviours always seem likeexpressions of other things to me.#thats why all in all im quite reluctant to claim theyre a disorder or an addiction or anything.#in the end theyre something i rely on when i cant deal with it anymore. and sometimes thats a bit too frequently#im just bored sometimes too ig. but that boredom just causes everything else to spiral too.#even me not eating. i dont like pain and the nausea that comes if you dont eat for too long. but by god does food disgust me sometimes#not much to do about it really. or at least im not sure what to do. all in all i think ive sorta given up on everything?#its sorta pitiful to say so but i really have. i just. dont wanna deal with any of this anymore so i gave up in the end.#not much to be done when you just cant do anything. haha. if i even knew where to start i probably would.#but all in all i just go around in circles. and ive sorta forgotten my values and any sense of self.#this has happened before. when i was younger. im used to it. and idk. thats sorta why im taking a laxidasical attitude.
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fatcowboys · 2 years
LIKE quentin being so self sacrifing of Course bc hes quentin and all of his friends coming up with a plan behind his back to not let him do that. bc eliot isnt going to let one of his best friends spend the rest of his life locked away. only to next season. let quentin do the self sacrificing thing this time its ok this season :)))) fuck this show lmao
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youngforeverdemo · 1 month
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dont even fucking joke lad
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