#Guy Laliberté
musicforthemassesus · 2 years
Il genere è ORGANIC HOUSE e il viaggio mistico/musicale è garantito
We ignite human connection by leveraging the power of music.
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micocteldemoda · 11 months
Las puertas de Cala Llentia
A unos metros del monumento “time & space” está el segundo capricho de Guy Laliberté, las puertas de Cala Llentia. Y aunque de la primera se sabe el autor, de esta obra se desconoce. En mitad del campo veréis una peculiar “habitación” cuadrada de 3 por 3 metros con dos puertas, mejor dicho, lo que queda de las puertas, las paredes son unas piedras apiladas y el suelo tiene unos dibujos. Las…
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peppypanda-com · 5 months
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jebloguemoinonplus · 2 years
New City Gas entame sa 10ème année avec une programmation du Grand Prix signée Red Bull Racing
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À l’aube de son 10ème anniversaire, le New City Gas annonce une programmation haute en couleur dans le cadre du Grand Prix de Formule 1 du Canada. Combinant art, musique, technologie et gastronomie, l’offre permettra à tous les publics de vivre une expérience unique sur le site historique situé en plein cœur du quartier Griffintown.   « Il y a 10 ans, c’est lors du Grand Prix de Formule 1 que le New City Gas a permis à Montréal d’entrer dans une nouvelle ère de divertissement et de culture. C’était important d’amorcer cette nouvelle décennie avec une programmation à l’image de notre évolution: diversifiée, rassembleuse et innovante », explique Alex K, propriétaire du New City Gas et de l’agence Produkt.
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Programmation musicale La collaboration avec l’écurie de Formule 1 en tête du championnat permettra le retour en sol montréalais d’icônes de la scène musicale internationale. Patrón, partenaire officiel du pilote Sergio Perez et du F1 Paddock Club, présentera vendredi le concert du duo Canadien Loud Luxury.   Samedi, Red Bull Racing présentera le DJ international Steve Aoki. Celui-ci deviendra le premier artiste à performer à 6 reprises au New City Gas, ses 5 derniers concerts ayant été à guichet fermé.   Fidèle à ses habitudes, Guy Laliberté sera aux platines pour les festivités du dimanche lors d’une soirée signée par la Maison de champagne Dom Pérignon.   En plus des têtes d’affiches, une foule d’artistes locaux viendront compléter la programmation afin de permettre aux talents d’ici de rayonner sur une scène de calibre internationale. Pour voir la programmation complète, rendez-vous sur le site web de New City Gas. Retour de Bazart et des jeudis 5 à 7 Fort du succès connu l’été dernier, la cuisine méditerranéenne de Bazart fait un grand retour dans les espaces extérieurs du New City Gas. Spécialisé en mezze et grillades sur charbon, le menu propose des produits locaux dans un environnement inspiré des restaurants de plage de Mykonos, Ibiza et Tulum.   Les lieux extérieurs ont à nouveau été transformés pour permettre à la clientèle de voyager au coeur d’une oasis urbaine aux couleurs épurées et à la végétation luxuriante. En plus de l’expérience culinaire en salle à manger, les jeudis 5 à 7 font également un retour, alors que l’intime cours intérieure permet aux visiteurs de savourer des cocktails rafraîchissants dans l’environnement signature de Bazart. Les réservations sont ouvertes dès maintenant (bazart.ca). Galerie NFT En partenariat avec 0x Society, le New City Gas accueille une toute nouvelle exposition d’art crypto intitulée Super Real Edition: Letters to the future. Située dans la toute première galerie de NFTs au Canada, l’exposition explore ce que l’avenir réserve aux créateurs numériques par l’entremise d’œuvres surréalistes. La galerie est accessible gratuitement du mercredi au dimanche et sur rendez-vous via le site web de 0x Society,  un organisme à but non lucratif qui a pour mission de démocratiser l’art crypto en offrant des expositions à la fois virtuelles et en personne.   Galerie d’art à ciel ouvert Accessible en tout temps, la galerie d’art à ciel ouvert soulignera les 10 ans du New City Gas avec une exposition combinant des œuvres colorées et des photos de certains des plus beaux moments des 10 dernières années. Cette galerie extérieure est ouverte à tous, en tout temps, et est accessible par la rue Ottawa.
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muznew · 6 months
Best New Tracks Organica Music 2023-11-23
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-11-23 Tracklist : Aguacero Sebjak.mp3 Alkebulan - David Mayer Remix ANT LaROCK, Roland Clark, David Mayer.mp3 Amanecer Yamil.mp3 ARCO DAVID AUGUST.mp3 Baccana - Original Mix Luis Radio, Pietro Nicosia.mp3 Bahar islandman.mp3 Bekaboo Sllash & Doppe.mp3 Calling - Made by Pete Remix Eleonora, UNDERHER, Made By Pete.mp3 Chaghaf Jad Halal, Cafe De Anatolia.mp3 Congüe Jose Solano.mp3 Copal Oliver Koletzki.mp3 El Aguante Acado, Vincent Marlice.mp3 Esha Rey&Kjavik.mp3 Eternal Road - Edit Rapossa, Cafe De Anatolia.mp3 Experiencing a Significant Gravitas Shortfall - TACHES Remix Commoner, TÂCHES.mp3 Feather - Iorie & Madmotormiquel Remix Nhii, Pippermint, Madmotormiquel, Iorie.mp3 Fola Essence of Time, Benjy.mp3 Fool's Embrace Moon's Voyager.mp3 Gandalf & Hobbits Talemates.mp3 Home Again Dandara.mp3 I am I Latteo.mp3 I Walk Acado.mp3 Into Your Tribe - Bedouin Remix Soul Of Zoo, Guy Laliberté, Dominique Fils-Aimé, Snow Owl, Bedouin.mp3 Izvor Tebra. Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 6 months
Best New Tracks Organica Music 2023-11-23
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-11-23 Tracklist : Aguacero Sebjak.mp3 Alkebulan - David Mayer Remix ANT LaROCK, Roland Clark, David Mayer.mp3 Amanecer Yamil.mp3 ARCO DAVID AUGUST.mp3 Baccana - Original Mix Luis Radio, Pietro Nicosia.mp3 Bahar islandman.mp3 Bekaboo Sllash & Doppe.mp3 Calling - Made by Pete Remix Eleonora, UNDERHER, Made By Pete.mp3 Chaghaf Jad Halal, Cafe De Anatolia.mp3 Congüe Jose Solano.mp3 Copal Oliver Koletzki.mp3 El Aguante Acado, Vincent Marlice.mp3 Esha Rey&Kjavik.mp3 Eternal Road - Edit Rapossa, Cafe De Anatolia.mp3 Experiencing a Significant Gravitas Shortfall - TACHES Remix Commoner, TÂCHES.mp3 Feather - Iorie & Madmotormiquel Remix Nhii, Pippermint, Madmotormiquel, Iorie.mp3 Fola Essence of Time, Benjy.mp3 Fool's Embrace Moon's Voyager.mp3 Gandalf & Hobbits Talemates.mp3 Home Again Dandara.mp3 I am I Latteo.mp3 I Walk Acado.mp3 Into Your Tribe - Bedouin Remix Soul Of Zoo, Guy Laliberté, Dominique Fils-Aimé, Snow Owl, Bedouin.mp3 Izvor Tebra. Read the full article
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t0pitium · 8 months
How to Achieve Success Like These 8 Billionaires
Success is not a matter of luck or chance. It is the result of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. But what are the habits and mindsets that set successful people apart from the rest? How can we learn from their stories and apply their lessons to our own lives?
In this article, we will explore the success secrets of eight billionaires who have made a mark in their respective fields. These are Elon Musk, Sara Blakely, Warren Buffett, Guy Laliberté, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Cuban, Jack Ma, and Zhou Qunfei. We will look at how they overcame challenges, took risks, gave back, invested wisely, embraced change and innovation, believed in themselves, valued money and resources, built resilience, and cultivated curiosity.
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Embrace Challenges and Take Risks: Elon Musk
Elon Musk is the founder and CEO of SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and The Boring Company. He is also the co-founder of PayPal and OpenAI. He is one of the most visionary and influential entrepreneurs of our time, with a net worth of over $200 billion.
Musk’s success is driven by his passion for solving some of the biggest problems facing humanity, such as climate change, interplanetary colonization, artificial intelligence, and brain-computer interfaces. He is not afraid to take on seemingly impossible challenges and pursue ambitious goals.
One of his most notable achievements is launching SpaceX in 2002 with the aim of making humans a multi-planetary species. He invested $100 million of his own money into the company, which faced many difficulties and failures in its early years. In 2008, after three unsuccessful rocket launches, SpaceX was on the verge of bankruptcy. However, Musk did not give up and managed to secure a $1.6 billion contract from NASA to deliver cargo to the International Space Station. Since then, SpaceX has made history by becoming the first private company to launch astronauts into orbit, land and reuse orbital rockets, and send a civilian crew into space.
Musk’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to follow their passion and not be deterred by the odds. He once said: “If something is important enough, you should try it even if the probable outcome is failure”. He also encourages people to take calculated risks and learn from their mistakes. He said: “Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough”.
Give Back: Sara Blakely
Sara Blakely is the founder and CEO of Spanx, a company that sells shapewear and apparel for women and men. She started the company in 1998 with $5,000 in savings and a simple idea: to create comfortable and flattering undergarments that would smooth out panty lines. She cut off the feet of her pantyhose and wore them under her white pants, creating the prototype for her first product.
Blakely faced many rejections and challenges along the way. She had no experience in fashion or business, and many manufacturers turned her down or tried to take advantage of her. She also had to deal with patent issues, trademark disputes, copycats, and lawsuits. However, she persisted and managed to grow her company into a global brand with over $400 million in annual revenue and more than 200 patents.
Blakely is also known for her philanthropy and social impact. She signed The Giving Pledge in 2013, committing to donate at least half of her wealth to charitable causes. She also founded The Sara Blakely Foundation in 2006, which supports women entrepreneurs through education, training, and funding. She has donated millions of dollars to various organizations that empower women and girls around the world.
Blakely’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to give back to society and make a positive difference. She once said: “Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else”. She also encourages people to embrace their flaws and failures as opportunities for growth. She said: “The more you can fail in life, the better chance you have at success”.
Invest Wisely: Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett is the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, a conglomerate that owns more than 60 companies in various industries such as insurance, energy, transportation, retail, technology, and media. He is also one of the most successful investors of all time, with a net worth of over $100 billion.
Buffett’s success is based on his value investing philosophy, which involves buying undervalued stocks and holding them for the long term. He started investing at the age of 11 and learned from his mentor, Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing. He also developed his own criteria for selecting companies, such as strong competitive advantages, consistent earnings growth, low debt, and high returns on equity.
Buffett’s advice for aspiring investors is to invest in what they know and understand. He once said: “Never invest in a business you cannot understand”. He also advises people to be patient and focus on the long-term performance of their investments. He said: “The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient”.
Embrace Change and Innovation: Guy Laliberté
Guy Laliberté is the co-founder and former CEO of Cirque du Soleil, a company that revolutionized the circus industry by combining acrobatics, music, theater, and art. He started his career as a street performer in Quebec, Canada, where he juggled, played the accordion, and breathed fire. He later joined a group of performers who toured across Canada and the US.
In 1984, Laliberté and his partners decided to create their own circus show with a $1.5 million loan from the Canadian government. They named it Cirque du Soleil, which means “Circus of the Sun” in French. They wanted to create a unique and innovative spectacle that would appeal to a wider audience than traditional circuses. They eliminated animal acts and focused on human skills and creativity.
Laliberté’s vision paid off, as Cirque du Soleil became a global phenomenon with more than 50 shows in over 300 cities and more than 200 million spectators. The company also expanded into other ventures such as film production, hospitality, and multimedia. Laliberté sold his majority stake in Cirque du Soleil in 2015 for $1.5 billion, but remains involved as a creative advisor.
Laliberté’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to embrace change and innovation. He once said: “Life is full of adventure. There’s no such thing as a clear pathway”. He also encourages people to step out of their comfort zone and pursue their dreams. He said: “You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen”.
Believe in Yourself: Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey is the founder and CEO of OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, a media company that produces and distributes television shows, movies, podcasts, books, and magazines. She is also one of the most influential and respected personalities in the world, with a net worth of over $2.6 billion.
Winfrey’s success is rooted in her personal story of overcoming adversity and achieving excellence. She was born into poverty in rural Mississippi and suffered from abuse, racism, and discrimination as a child. She moved to Nashville, Tennessee at the age of 14, where she excelled in school and won a scholarship to attend Tennessee State University.
Winfrey started her career as a radio and television reporter at the age of 19, becoming the youngest and first black female news anchor in Nashville. She later moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where she co-hosted a morning talk show called People Are Talking. In 1984, she moved to Chicago, Illinois, where she hosted her own talk show called The Oprah Winfrey Show. The show became a huge success, reaching millions of viewers across the US and around the world. Winfrey used her platform to inspire, educate, and empower people through various topics such as health, spirituality, social issues, literature, and entertainment.
Winfrey’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to believe in themselves and their potential. She once said: “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams”. She also urges people to follow their passion and purpose. She said: “You have to know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world”.
Value Money and Resources: Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban is the owner of the Dallas Mavericks NBA team, co-owner of 2929 Entertainment, and co-founder of AXS TV. He is also one of the main investors on the reality TV show Shark Tank, where he offers funding and advice to aspiring entrepreneurs. He has a net worth of over $4 billion.
Cuban’s success is based on his frugality and resourcefulness. He started his career as a salesman for a software company, where he earned $18,000 a year. He lived in a small apartment with five roommates and drove a beat-up car. He saved money by eating cheap food, clipping coupons, and sleeping on the floor.
Cuban’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to start his own software company called MicroSolutions in 1983 with $1,000 in savings. He sold the company in 1990 for $6 million, making his first fortune. He then invested in an online streaming service called Broadcast.com, which he sold to Yahoo in 1999 for $5.7 billion, making his second fortune.
Cuban’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to value money and resources and use them wisely. He once said: “It doesn’t matter how you live. It doesn’t matter what car you drive. It doesn’t matter what kind of clothes you wear. The more you stress over bills, the more difficult it is to focus on your goals”. He also encourages people to be creative and innovative with their ideas and solutions. He said: “What I’ve learned is that if you really want to be successful at something, you’ll find that you put the time in. You won’t just ask somebody if it’s a good idea, you’ll go figure out if it’s a good idea”.
Build Resilience: Jack Ma
Jack Ma is the co-founder and former executive chairman of Alibaba Group, a multinational e-commerce, retail, internet, and technology conglomerate. He is also the founder of Ant Group, a financial technology company that operates Alipay, one of the largest mobile payment platforms in the world. He has a net worth of over $50 billion.
Ma’s success is rooted in his mental toughness and resilience. He was born into a poor family in Hangzhou, China, where he struggled to get a good education. He failed his college entrance exam twice and was rejected from many jobs, including KFC and the police force. He also faced many difficulties and failures in his early entrepreneurial ventures.
Ma’s breakthrough came in 1999 when he founded Alibaba with 17 friends and $60,000 in capital. He wanted to create an online marketplace that would connect small businesses and consumers across China and the world. He faced fierce competition from established players such as eBay and Amazon, as well as regulatory hurdles and cyberattacks. However, he persevered and grew Alibaba into one of the largest and most valuable companies in the world, with over 800 million active users and over $1 trillion in annual revenue.
Ma’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to build resilience and learn from adversity. He once said: “Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine”. He also urges people to have a vision and a mission for their business. He said: “You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die”.
Cultivate Curiosity: Zhou Qunfei
Zhou Qunfei is the founder and CEO of Lens Technology, a company that manufactures touchscreens for smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices. She is also the richest self-made woman in the world, with a net worth of over $15 billion.
Zhou’s success is based on her curiosity and continuous learning. She was born into a poor family in rural China, where she had to drop out of school at the age of 16 to work as a migrant worker in a factory. She learned how to make watch lenses by observing and asking questions to her colleagues. She also taught herself how to read English manuals and operate machines.
Zhou’s entrepreneurial spirit led her to start her own company in 1993 with $3,000 in savings and 10 employees. She focused on producing high-quality glass screens for electronic devices, using her own inventions and patents. She secured contracts with major clients such as Apple, Samsung, Huawei, and Microsoft. She also expanded her business into other areas such as biotechnology, solar energy, and electric vehicles.
Zhou’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to cultivate curiosity and keep learning new skills and technologies. She once said: “There is no end to learning”. She also encourages people to be adaptable and flexible in changing markets and environments. She said: “You have to adapt quickly or you will be eliminated”.
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vimogra-art · 8 months
BUSKING Artistas Callejeros “banda de Música” en la Plaza de la Reina Co...
El espectáculo callejero, como su nombre lo indica, son las actuaciones que tienen lugar en la calle u otro espacio público para el entretenimiento de los transeúntes. En los países angloparlantes, esta clase de actos se conocen como busking, y a quienes los realizan como buskers. El término busk se originó en la década de 1860 en el Reino Unido, a partir del español “buscar”. Esto se debe a que la mayoría de los artistas callejeros que deambulaban por estos países eran gitanos provenientes de España. La mayoría de los buskers realizaban, y todavía realizan, sus actuaciones para ganar una moneda y el aplauso del público. Dentro de la literatura, estos personajes quedaron plasmados en la obra El Buscón. En cambio, en Francia se conocían a los músicos callejeros como trovadores o jongleurs; en Alemania como spielleute ominnesingers; y en Rusia como skomorokh. Mientras lo usual es que los espectáculos callejeros se realicen en las plazas, las vías y los parques en la mayoría de los industrializados; es usual que estos actos tengan lugar en los semáforos en la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos, como México, Colombia, Argentina, Perú, Chile, Brasil, Uruguay, Paraguay o Ecuador. Algunos de los principales espectáculos realizados en la vía pública son: acrobacias, trucos con animales, globoflexia, caricaturas, actos de payasos, contorsiones, escapismo, danza, canto, interpretación musical, circo de pulgas, actos con fuego, malabarismo, magia, actos de mimos, estatuas vivientes, actos con títeres, narración oral, recitales de poesía, pintura, traga espadas y ventriloquía, entre otros. Los artistas callejeros más famosos son: Abby the Spoon Lady, A Newton Faulkner, Adam Gussow y Sterling Magee, Alice Tan Ridley, Benjamin Franklin, Catfish the Bottleman, Colin Huggins, Edward McMichael, G4, George Michael, Guy Laliberté, Hayley Westenra, Josephine Baker, Joshua Bell, Ketch Secor, Krystina Myles, KT Tunstall, Lawrence, Loreena McKennitt, Mike Doughty, Natalia Paruz, Nik Turner, Paul Oscher, Peg Leg Sam, Peter Mulvey,  Rod Stewart, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Shannon Hoon, T. Rex, The Piccadilly Rats, Tracy Chapman,  Tuba Skinny, Violent Femmes y Yamunabai Waikar.
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radiorealnews · 8 months
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circusfans-italia · 11 months
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30 gennaio-5 febbraio 1992 GIURIA - Principe Ranieri III di Monaco, Presidente - Principessa Stephanie, Vice Presidente - Mary Chupperfield (Inghilterra) - Tibor Eotvos (Ungheria) - Norovin Batmunch (Mongolia) - Arlette Gruss (Francia) - Guy Laliberté (Canada) - Gerd Siemoneit (Germania) - Urs Pilz, coordinatore della giuria PALMARES DEL FESTIVAL CLOWN D'ORO NOUVELLE EXPERIENCE - CONTORSIONISTE TROUPE DI PYONGYANG - TRAPEZISTI VOLANTI CLOWN D'ARGENTO TROUPE DI SHENYANG - ELASTICI AEREI WENDEL HUBER - ELEFANTI TINO E TONI - MANO A MANO COMICO Il Circo torna alla corte del Principe. Riecco a Montecarlo la manifestazione che nel 1991 saltò per una doppia circostanza negativa: la paura di attacchi terroristici a seguito della guerra nel Golfo e il lutto per la scomparsa di Stefano Casiraghi, marito della Principessa Carolina, avvenuta nel mese di ottobre 1990. Per il secondo anno gli spettacoli di selezione sono due che replicano ciascuno due volte. Lo spettacolo di gala verrà replicato in due ulteriori repliche "Show des vainqueurs") per consentire a un maggior numero di persone di assistere allo spettacolo dei vincitori, a cui ovviamente non parteciperà nè la famiglia Reale nè la Giuria. Nella giuria troviamo Guy Lalibertè, cofondatore del Cirque du Soleil. In gara anche il quartetto di contorsioniste dello spettacolo Nouvelle Experience del Soleil che si aggiudicheranno uno dei due Ori. E' un Festival che premia le nuove influenze, i venti del cirque provenienti dal Canada, appunto, uno dei marchi di fabbrica del Roncalli, il mano a mano di Tino Fratellini e Toni Ferreira; un modo di presentare gli animali in forma ludico-giocosa come nel caso della pantomima degli elefantini africani di Wendell Huber; gli elastici dei cinesi di Shenyang, disciplina ancora poco vista fino a quel momento. Grande escluso dal palmarés l'icona del circo russo Sarvat Begboudi, che porta a Monte Carlo le prime tigri bianche e un numero di gocoliere a cavallo. Bella affermazione per i clown Rossyann, con il padre Pierre, che si fanno conoscere al mondo intero, come ottimi interpreti della tradizione del clown musicale europeo. ELENCO PARTECIPANTI
Sergio M. Loyal Probst Cavalleria Mike Sanger  Cani comici Troupe acrobatique di Shenyang Acrobazie aeree agli elastici Carter Brown Giocoliere Tino e Tony Mano a mano comico Emile Smith  Leopardi Smart Yasmine e Dany Cesar Alta scuola e cavalleria Les Rossyann Clowns Probst Rudy Orsi Troupe acrobatica di Pyongyang Trapezio volante Sarvat Begbudi  Giocoliere a cavallo - Tigri Team Rosa Charivari Oz Brothers Cascatori Mieke Probst  Animali della fattoria Ayak Brothers Quadro aereo Pepito Alvarez  Giocoliere Leoni di Shenyang Acrobati Nouvelle experience SOLEIL Contorsioniste Duo Pyongyang  Doppio trapezio Kravtsov Sbarrirsti Wendell Huber Elefanti e cani San Bernardo Dimitrovi Altalena
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I Rossyann
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Probst Maike
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Tino e Toni sul podio Credit della XVI edizione del Festival: - Patrick Hourdequin, Direttore artistico - Alain Frere, Consigliere artistico e relazioni con gli artisti - François Bronett, Consigliere tecnico - Regia degli spettacoli affidata al Circo Knie sotto la direzione di Franco Knie assistito da Robert Neeser e Patrick Rosseel Info: montecarlofestival.mc ALMANACCO DEL FESTIVAL DI MONTECARLO – 16° EDIZIONE 1992 Se questo articolo ti è piaciuto condividilo sui tuoi social utilizzando i bottoni che trovi qui sotto Read the full article
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latribune · 1 year
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denk-weisen · 1 year
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In meiner neuen Denken-CoachingGruppe geht es um "Außergewöhnliche Kreativität und extrem hohe Produktivität, mit mehr Sinn und spielerischer Freude" - für dein erfüllteres Leben und größeren BusinessErfolg.
Du wirst entdecken:
* Wie Du dir Leonardo da Vincis Kernfähigkeit auf deine Weise aneignest, um deinen Einfallsreichtum zu erhöhen * Was Du aus der humorvollen Kreativität des "Spaßdoktors" Patch Adams (dessen Lebensgeschichte mit Robin Williams in der Hauptrolle verfilmt wurde) lernen kannst, um mit Freude wirklich außergewöhnliche Ideen zu entwickeln * Was Du dir aus der Lern- und Arbeitsweise von Steve Jobs "leihen" kannst, um deine Kraft der kreativen Innovation zu erhöhen * Wie "Social Media Stars" Content produzieren und wie Du das auf deine eigenste Weise für deinen Social Media Output verwendest * Wie Du verläßliche kreative und produktive Gewohnheiten ausbildest, inspiriert von Benjamin Franklin * Wie Du deinem eigenen Schreiben und Reden eine unverwechselbare persönliche Note verleihst, auf den Spuren eines der bedeutendsten italienischen Schrifsteller, Italo Calvino * Wie Du auch in schwierigen Phasen kreativ den Sinn in deinem Tun im Blick behalten kannst, mit Anregungen von Viktor Frankl und Irvin Yalom * Wie Du in allen deinen Rollen in deinem Leben und Business maximal produktiv sein kannst, angelehnt an das Lebenswerk von Jean Cocteau * Wie Du siehst, was andere nicht sehen und Verbindungen erkennst, die andere nicht erkennen - auf Wegen von Albert Einstein und Platon * Wie High End Agenturen "Künstliche Intelligenz" nutzen, um einen kreativ-produktiven Vorsprung zu erzeugen - und welche Gefahren und Chancen für die Zukunft in KI stecken * Wie Du dich schnell in die bestmöglichen kreativ-produktiven Zustände bringen kannst - und was Du von Komponisten wie Johann Sebastian Bach oder Franz Liszt dazu lernen kannst * Wie Du in all deinem Tun mehr Sinn und Freude erleben kannst - auf den Pfaden des Dalai Lama und des "Cirque de Soleil"-Gründers Guy Laliberté * ... und natürlich viel, viel mehr!
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micocteldemoda · 2 years
Monumento Cala Llentia “Time & space”
Monumento Cala Llentia “Time & space”
La mayoría lo llama el reloj solar, otros el Stonehenge ibicenco y algunos dicen que es una brújula para ovnis, el capricho de Guy Laliberté, creador del circo del sol que después de viajar al espacio encargó la instalación de este monumento fuera de su mansión al artista Andrew Rogers. Inspirado en la sucesión numérica de Fibonacci, cada número es la suma de los dos anteriores y representa el…
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O melhor do Mundo: Cirque du Soleil - SP - Brazil Vamos a Wikipédia: Cirque du Soleil é uma companhia multinacional de entretenimento, sediada na cidade de Montreal, Canadá. Foi fundada em junho de 1984 na cidade de Baie-Saint-Paul pelos artistas de rua Guy Laliberté e Gilles Ste-Croix, sendo atualmente a maior companhia circense do mundo.  (em Cirque du Soleil BAZZAR) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_1pj9Lrf0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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muznew · 11 months
When We Dip Progressive House Best New Tracks 2023-06-21
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DATE CREATED: 2023-06-21 Tracklist : Alien Takeover - Weird Sounding Dude Remix - Callecat, Weird Sounding Dude .mp3 Anxiety - Leandro Murua .mp3 Arch of Light - Hicky & Kalo .mp3 Breathing - Paul (AR) .mp3 Butterfly - Hicky & Kalo Remix - Dmitry Molosh, Hicky & Kalo .mp3 Daydreamer - Brian Cid .mp3 De Machtige Trip - Alex O'Rion Remix - Roger Martinez, Alex O'Rion .mp3 Desert's Bane - Mike Griego .mp3 Drifter - Ric Niels Remix - Fabreeka, Ric Niels .mp3 Elara - Dabeat, Kamilo Sanclemente .mp3 Feel the Sunrise - Derek von Wurmb .mp3 Flux - Maze 28 .mp3 Frankie - Anthony Pappa & Jamie Stevens Remix - Soulfinder, Anthony Pappa, Jamie Stevens .mp3 Game of Chance - Hyunji-A .mp3 Gaya Revisited - Chihaka Remix - Norcal Junkie, Chihaka .mp3 Gaya Revisited - Pole Folder Remix - Norcal Junkie, Pole Folder .mp3 Interference - Ewan Rill Remix - Steven McCreery, Ewan Rill .mp3 Into Your Tribe - Hicky & Kalo Remix - Soul Of Zoo, Guy Laliberté, Hicky & Kalo .mp3 Kaiju Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 11 months
When We Dip Progressive House Best New Tracks 2023-06-21
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DATE CREATED: 2023-06-21 Tracklist : Alien Takeover - Weird Sounding Dude Remix - Callecat, Weird Sounding Dude .mp3 Anxiety - Leandro Murua .mp3 Arch of Light - Hicky & Kalo .mp3 Breathing - Paul (AR) .mp3 Butterfly - Hicky & Kalo Remix - Dmitry Molosh, Hicky & Kalo .mp3 Daydreamer - Brian Cid .mp3 De Machtige Trip - Alex O'Rion Remix - Roger Martinez, Alex O'Rion .mp3 Desert's Bane - Mike Griego .mp3 Drifter - Ric Niels Remix - Fabreeka, Ric Niels .mp3 Elara - Dabeat, Kamilo Sanclemente .mp3 Feel the Sunrise - Derek von Wurmb .mp3 Flux - Maze 28 .mp3 Frankie - Anthony Pappa & Jamie Stevens Remix - Soulfinder, Anthony Pappa, Jamie Stevens .mp3 Game of Chance - Hyunji-A .mp3 Gaya Revisited - Chihaka Remix - Norcal Junkie, Chihaka .mp3 Gaya Revisited - Pole Folder Remix - Norcal Junkie, Pole Folder .mp3 Interference - Ewan Rill Remix - Steven McCreery, Ewan Rill .mp3 Into Your Tribe - Hicky & Kalo Remix - Soul Of Zoo, Guy Laliberté, Hicky & Kalo .mp3 Kaiju Read the full article
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