#Great success!
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painted-bees · 7 months
You talked about how they gradually evolved from friends with benefits into a committed relationship but when did Raf and Magritte share their first kiss? How did they cross into becoming friends with benefits in the first place?
Jfks I wanna draw this one haha so I won't say much but the line is tripple jumped over when Raf, at one point, is like "hey, can I try something?" gives Magritte a lil' kiss, and then both decide immediately that a lil' kiss just isn't enough.
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novaloo · 7 months
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I made a little sketch of my man Wilson. Not the best but I tried.
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goldshadows · 6 months
just drove on the autobahn for the first time by myself
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birdmomblogs · 2 years
this makes me so happy! positive progress!
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nanlanmoarchived · 2 years
I took a big ass nap and wake up to all of the GOT writers back and a sweet ass reply from one of my partners??
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girlboysollux · 10 months
eating peach slices
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holy fuck The Ghost of You has TWO comments wow
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sarahmesstuff · 2 months
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Y’all Wanna taste this cakes
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ofswordsandpens · 10 days
I fear that "fire bending didn't come easy to zuko" and "zuko isn't a prodigy" (both true) has somehow snowballed into "zuko is a bad or at best average fire bender".... which simply isn't true, especially by the end of book 3
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nerdpoe · 8 months
Danny decides to open a haunted house for Halloween-in Gotham. For kicks. He reserves the opening night for the Bats and only the Bats. The Bats do not have a choice in this.
They all wake up in the haunted house.
Their rogues, who had big plans, also wake up in the haunted house-but they don't get the toned down spooky version Danny's working on for potential customers that he's doing a test-run with via Bat testers.
No, the Rogues are locked in the basement with the ghosts of everyone they've killed.
Danny's got Tucker running the cameras, Sam helping coordinate the Ghosts, and Danny himself is running the actual spooky bits.
In theory, it's the perfect haunted house.
The best way to test it though, he feels, is against heroes that face scary things every day.
Red Hood walking down a hallway, sees feet dangling from the ceiling. But there's a convenient beam blocking their view, so he strides up just as the feet vanish-and that's a solid wooden ceiling.
There's a note with a smiley face.
"Please rate your haunting experience on a scale of one to ten! :)"
Robin sees a shadow, and he chases it. And chases it. And chases it. And foolishly he somehow manages to let it lead him to a dead end-only when he turns around, the shadow is in the door.
And it's just a being made of pure shadow, with elongated limbs, breathing with a horrible wet rasp as it stares down at him.
Then it disappears.
In it's place, there's a note.
"Please rate your haunting experience on a scale of one to ten! :)"
Red Robin hears Batman call out for him to look something over, so he goes into the room.
Batman isn't there.
Batman's voice whispers in his ear from behind.
"Never thought you'd fall for that~"
The door slams shut.
Red Robin turns to open it, but it won't open. Not even if he picks the lock.
The floor creaks, and when he turns around he sees Batman standing right there-only for him to dissolve piece by piece.
In the puddle of weird green goo, there's a note.
"Please rate your haunting experience on a scale of one to ten! :)"
Bruce is in what looks like a child's room.
The temperature drops, and he braces for a supernatural event, because this is clearly what's going on.
The air stands still-and every single toy's head snaps to look at him.
They open their mouths and scream, green goo gargling up and spilling out of their lips.
The lights cut out, then they come back on; and the toys are all arranged around him in a peculiar pattern.
There's a note at his feet.
His lips quirk up against his will.
"Please rate your haunting experience on a scale of one to ten! :)"
Nightwing knows he's being fucked with.
He knows it.
He recognizes the room he's in-it was in the pamphlet for the new haunted house opening in Gotham. He'd really wanted to go, actually, but he was kinda sad he didn't have anyone with him.
He wanted it to be a family outing.
But from what it looks like, this is probably a test run. No ones emergency beacons have gone off, and there's only swearing in the comms cut through with mild amusement on Bruce's part.
Ugh, he doesn't want spoilers! He wants to go through it for the first time with everyone else!
"Hey, um, I was actually planning to come here with my family! I don't really want to be spoiled on anything, so can I skip this? And can I have anyone you haven't tested it on skip it too? Cuz they're probably friends or family and I want to be on the same knowledge level of what to expect."
The air itself seems to pause.
"Ah, shit, I'm sorry man. I didn't even think of that; I'll pull Spoiler and Signal before we start their runs."
Nightwing turns towards the intercom and waves cheerfully.
"I mean, we'd definitely be down to walk through the house tonight, but I want to do it in a group so we can laugh at each other."
"Oh, for sure, I just got too caught up in the 'creepy' part of the haunted house. The exit is hidden in the wall to your left, just pick up the rotary phone and it should pop out."
"Alright, I'll be waiting for them at the front!"
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visenyaism · 1 year
the thing about succession is that every other season has been in the shape of a circle. unbreakable cycle of abuse which no one learns or changes or grows from because it all comes back around to logan. but season 4 isn’t in the shape of a circle it is a SPIRAL like the cycles keep cycling but every time you think theyre back where they started repeating the same thing they’re actually falling lower and lower and lower until
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romansmartini · 1 year
shiv finally confronting tom about his relationship with greg and tom saying “we sometimes grab a drink, shiv” like he’s been rehearsing that line in the mirror every day for the past 2 years. meanwhile every day for the past 2 years tom and greg have been doing this
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whetstonefires · 1 year
more substantive thing about Glass Onion and then i think this is all my thoughts: i really liked something i feel was clearly shown in the flashbacks but not outright stated, which was that andi knew damn well miles bron was a dumb huckster.
that's what she wanted him for. she needed that ability to throw himself into his latest shill with total commitment, because of his need to believe in his own hype. the 'reality distortion' of his hard sell.
she knew that to get what she wanted out of life, she needed to harness that confidence of a mediocre white man we all talk about.
that it would open doors that would stay unmoved in the face of all her brilliance, and polish, and perfected rich bitch voice.
there's a lot of these guys out there, and she picked a dumb one because she planned for him to be the front man to her mastermind. (apologies to paul mccartney lol i don't mean to impugn your intelligence.) a smarter man would have had his own plans, would be harder to use as a mouthpiece for her better ones. she would have needed to find an actual partner and not a tool, and she didn't trust like that.
duke wasn't actually wrong to say they were all playing the same shitty game and andi lost. i mean, he was morally wrong but he wasn't incorrect.
like blanc says, she thought that because she was better than bron, because she was the genius and he was the cheap con artist, he wasn't dangerous. and in the end that was where it all fell apart.
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just-null-cult · 6 months
im so mad at u omg
how dare u make my noritoshi obsession 10 times worse
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Noritoshi spews his true feelings when you're upset with him. Similar to a very eager puppy trying to regain your favor by any means...... but realizes what he says and blames you for turning him into a fool. Another downside for him is that he won't take his words back in fear of you getting the wrong idea.
you're just a bully that he hopes will forget about the embarrassing words he blurted out.
hes simultaneously reeling and embarrassed. is this what happens when you make your love upset? does that imply he's your love?!
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shivroy · 5 months
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my friends
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