#Great British Bake Off Challenge
homoqueerjewhobbit · 2 years
If you're tired of Great British Bakeoff fuckery like Mexican Week but it left a friendly-reality-competition-sized hole in your heart, you can also watch the same format but with flowers 💐 (Full Bloom, The Big Flower Fight), jewelry 💍 (All That Glitters), pottery🍯 (Great Pottery Throw Down), glassblowing 🍾 (Blown Away) and woodworking 🪵 (Good With Wood aka Handmade, which even has Mel Giedroyc on it).
There are also like a dozen other bakeoffs in other countries. Canada and Australia are my faves (I haven't watched the non-English language ones yet bc I can't read subtitles during work).
[Don't watch the 1st season of Australia with Kerry Vincent it is a desecration of the Bake Off name worse than anything Paul Hollywood has ever done. Straya completely course corrects after that though. Do watch the first two seasons of Canada with Dan Levy hosting and channeling all his David Rose energy into it.]
If I'm forgetting any please let me know, I am a bottomless pit of content.
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Paul and Prue: <changes one of the hosts> Look we have listened to the peasants! We have fixed Bake Off!
The audience: What about--- enough time every challenge; clear instructions for the technical; reasonable requests for each challenge that are things the bakers have seen/eaten/baked before and/or in the realm of what is relevant to the average home baker; critique standards based on the life of an amateur baker and not a professional???
Paul and Prue: ....
Paul and Prue: We have fixed Bake Off! We are perfect! We are taking no further input from the peasants!
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Week 8 - Caterpillar cake
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bloodybellycomb · 2 years
Oh, you actually thought that the whole point of a technical challenge was to test the contestants overall baking skills??? You couldn't be more incorrect. Everyone knows that that a technical challenge is really just to test how well the bakers can read Paul and Prue's minds.
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scrambldmeg · 5 months
great british bake off technical challenges
adults: please bake a lemon merengue pie with vague instructions :))
kids: please sculpt a 1/10 replica of michelangelo’s david using a light genoise sponge and homemade strawberry jam rolled into the middle
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I would be so pissed if I went on Bake Off and one of the technical challenges was tacos
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beckymobley · 7 months
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prettybluepeople · 8 months
Wow what a disappointing episode of GBBO this week, the classic “no time given. Majority of contestants had timing issues. Bad vibes bad times” technical challenge
At least I have Nicky and Rowan to provide the good vibes good times that I need to power through the season
(Aside: Perhaps Rowan is so relatable for me because I have also recently completed a dissertation and understand the total apathy that washes over you after overcoming that amount of stress/pressure. Paul, step away from the boi. Stay off of the boi’s property.)
And it’s so difficult to try and do complicated things while in debilitating pain, so it was hard to watch Tasha in that position :( hoping that she was feeling better soon
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dieschwartzman · 2 years
we had to make an apple and cinnamon cake in year 7 food tech and i accidentally tipped the whole bag of cinnamon in one spot
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glowinginstarlight · 2 years
spring rolls??????
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serafaina · 1 year
I am LOVING the fucking chocolate guy’s netflix show! It’s FANTASTIC! Anf hold on to your fucking boots y’all cause it’s actually not what I was expecting at all!
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Do you miss the gentleness of the Great British Bake-Off? THIS SHOW IS SO KIND AND GENTLE! For fuck’s sake, NO ONE GETS KICKED OFF! No. No, Listen to this! When they lose the first challenge (a pastry one), the punishment is... They get private lessons with Amaury to help improve what brought their scores down instead of competing in the second chocolate challenge. 
When the one black lady contestant messed up the first challenge I was super bummed and like, OF COURSE. But NO. She got lessons! She struggled! she worked hard! and she won a later challenge! GROWTH MY DUDES! They are there TO LEARN and GROW and Maybe Win a Big Prize!
They ALL get to stay and keep doing their best! and at the end the one who did the best overall is the one who gets the money prize!
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Look at this lovely line up! they make COOL LOOKING FANCY THINGS! Amaury tells us how he does some of the fancy things he does! They OFFER TO HELP EACH OTHER WHEN THEY FINISH EARLY AND GET PROPS FOR THAT! (not taunted for not using their own time better). The set up even kinda makes the one who is like, I’m in it to win it, is the villain and doing bad. The rest who are like, I’m here to learn and grow and maybe make friends! AUGH YOU GUYS!
Amaury is soft spoken and kind, and has a pretty voice and a pretty smile and that’s nice to watch too. The chefs are talented and artistic and they actually give the THE TIME to make nice things! It’s not “Wham out some half-assed garbage in 2 hours so we can shotgun the production and laugh at your garbage” like most cooking shows nowadays. NO! 14 hour challenges! They’re still hard, but they get to actually make cool stuff! fancy stuff! Stuff I want to look at and cheer for them!
The episodes average 38 min and aren’t a huge time commitment, the first episode being the longest one, and there are only 8 total so it’s not like you have to really get in for the long haul. \
WATCH IT! Pump it! we need more cooking shows like this and less that are sad and mean!
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rocktavian · 3 months
in almost every episode of the Great British Bake Off ive watched, at the start of the technical challenge, paul hollywood will be describing the goal and say something like "on this one, we're looking for a perfect bake." which is about the most 'yeah, no shit' thing you can say about the goal of a baking challenge
just once i'd like to see him shake it up and say "this time we'd like to see it still kind of raw in the middle"
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It’s funny how Paul and Prue get so disappointed when the bakers don’t meet their impossible standards and match their expectations detail to detail (especially when given subpar instructions and basically told ~bake~).
As if the bakers’ qualifications as a human being and as a baker are suddenly questionable.
No they are not lesser bakers because of it you dingbats, it’s just that you asked them to sculpt Michelangelo’s David out of chocolate.
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Week 4: caramelised white chocolate cheesecake
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I hated making this. Caramelising the chocolate in the microwave took over an hour. I have no idea how any of the bakers finished in time on the show.
The toppings were a problem, as I couldn't get cream, jelly or blackcurrants. I ended up picking the currants out of a bag of frozen mixed fruit, cooking them with a little sugar, and straining to make a puree. I didn't even bother making the chocolate shards - I know I can't temper white chocolate and I don't feel the need to prove it.
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The biscuit base was also a pain to make, and next time I will be using hobnobs like usual.
So, it was frustrating when this turned out to be delicious. Totally worth all the pain. What a nightmare.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I just watched some chaotic moments from The Great British Bake Off and I desperately, desperately want a cooking competition AU where Bruce is just this little agent of adorable chaos
It still takes place during the pandemic, so the contestants must bake from their own kitchens. If course, formalities aside, this is national television and people still want to look their best.
Bruce? He shows up in his fancy little robe with a Nirvana shirt under, hair a bird's nest from taking a clinical nap, but somehow still fluffy, some smudged eyeliner still drying under his eyes. The very definition of a hot mess.
Alfred is clearly seen face-palming behind him and Bruce is very oblivious to it. He's just fighting for his life trying to smear frosting on his little cupcakes.
The cupcakes are literally melting in his hands and he's like " That's good enough, isn't it?"
" No, you fuckin' muppet--"
" Mr. Pennyworth, no swearing please"
" Oh I'm sorry. What's next, forbid me from breathing?"
Bruce is such a spoiled brat and everyone has such a good time watching him pout at Alfred to do the work for him. Sometimes the judges just fail him to watch him pout and throw a little tantrum
Of course, little Dick Grayson is there to help (read: Make things harder for Bruce) as much as he can.
Which includes napping on his dad's shoulder, occasionally waking up when Bruce needs a taste tester. Bruce makes the news all because his little sweetheart eating cake from his hand half asleep
Bruce and Alfred have a bigger challenge; Trying to hide Batman.
[Bat screeching from the cave]
Bruce, looking straight to the camera: Ignore that
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dear-ao3 · 6 months
Cannot describe my delight when i learned you are eastern european! Can you help me solve the linguistic debate with my friend and tell if you know what džezva is??
katya and i both live in the us and unfortunately there was no language passed down to us (for assimilation among other things) i know the names of a few foods and how to say “i don’t understand you” “yes” “thank you” “i don’t know” and “jesus christ has risen” (all very helpful lol). we just kind of struggle our way through the few random family recipes we have (that usually only have half of the ingredients or steps in them ala great british bake-off technical challenge, seriously why do grandparents do this) and have an unhealthy love for onions
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