#Grand Canyon honeymoon
don-lichterman · 2 years
Top 10 Best Places To Watch The Sunset Around The World
Top 10 Best Places To Watch The Sunset Around The World
Top 10 Best Places To Watch The Sunset Around The World SUBSCRIBE to ALUX: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjPtOCvMrKY5eLwr_-7eUg?sub_confirmation=1 10 Destinations To Drink Champagne On The Beach: https://youtu.be/T8PKjlt7AP4 In this Alux.com video we’ll try to answer the following questions: Where is the best place in the world to watch a sunset? Where is the most romantic place on…
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chiefdirector · 6 months
Searching | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
Part One
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Two Years Ago
Tim felt his blood run cold. 
The words all made sense out loud, he knew what he was being told. But he himself could not make any sense of it. How could he? How could he make sense of any of this? How could she have just vanished? It wasn't meant to go like this; Tim wasn’t meant to lose her.
His body tensed as his mind began to race. He was meant to protect her, he should've been there to make sure that she was safe. He should've been there with her. He should have done something. He had failed her.
Grey repeatedly told him that he couldn't have changed the outcome, as if that would convince the man. Deep down inside Tim knew that was true. There was no way that the LAPD would let him anywhere near this operation. The pair of them were already on thin ice considering that they were both stationed at the Mid-Wilshire precinct. But despite the knowledge that it wasn’t his fault, Tim could not help the guilty feeling creeping back. He was her husband, he had vowed to always keep her safe. Now she could be in mortal danger and he was incapable of helping her.
Grey had also tried to send Bradford home. He lost that battle very quickly. Tim wouldn’t just sit at home and let other people take over. He couldn't. He had to help; he had to find her, even if it was the last thing he would do.
Search parties and covert operations were authorised, Tim took point on anything that he 
could. Captain Anderson gave him a chance, she knew it was risky with how strongly Tim felt about this but she also knew that nobody would look as hard and as thoroughly as he would.
He lasted two days before he was removed from the taskforce. 
One Year Ago
Files were strewn across the coffee table. They had been for days, it was easier to keep them out than put them away every day. It was what he had spent the most of his free time doing, searching through files that he had already read back to front at least a hundred times. But maybe, just maybe, on the hundred-and-first time would he find something different, spot something that had been missed. Maybe in these pages he would find the answer he longed for.
But even at this point, Tim could feel the thought that this was all pointless, that (Y/N) would never be found, creeping in. He was a cop, he knew that the chances of finding a missing person after the first forty-eight hours plummeted drastically, and the chances of finding them alive was even less.
Still he picked up the file again, flipping to the beginning where he saw the initial missing persons report. They used two pictures, one was her portrait taken by the department, and the other was one taken by Tim. The two of them had gone away on a road trip for their honeymoon. At the time, (Y/N) had not yet cut her hair shorter, so the winds of the Grand Canyon were blowing it crazily in all directions. She smiled as wildly at the camera, eyes shining in joy. After Tim had taken that, another tourist offered to take the camera so the young couple could have a nice photo together. In that one, (Y/N) no longer faced the camera but her husband, and somehow her smile was even bigger.
That second photo was framed and carefully placed on Tim’s bedside table. It was his favourite photo and if she was never found, it was the way he wanted to remember her: happy, spirited, and free.
Tim didn't know what it was, whether it was the growing helplessness or the nostalgia of seeing his wife’s smile but he stood up, letting the paper fall to the ground, and meandered towards the bedroom. On the dresser stood her jewellery box, it hadn't been moved since she had left. He gently opened the lid and took out a simple chain. Next he slipped the ring from its place on his left hand and mounted it on the chain before attaching it around his neck.
Six Months Ago
Life went on.
He knew it would, it was expected but that it didn’t mean it wasn’t any less daunting. He learnt to handle the day-to-day. He went grocery shopping, he did laundry, chores, cleaning, errands. He went on, one day at a time, it was the only way he could survive. Weeks seemed like years, months like decades. So Tim counted every single one of them: 547 days since she had disappeared. 562 since he last saw her. 
But life went on nonetheless. No matter how he documented it, the seconds, hours, minutes all flew by. (Y/N) just became another face in the sea of LAPD cold cases, another name that people would vaguely recall. And as she disappeared from the memories of many of his coworkers, he became more and more ghost-like. He never regained that joy he had from when he had her by his side.
He became a hardass, a stickler for rules, vengeful, angry, lost.
He was lost, but that was okay. He was okay with being like that because that meant the memory of her was not. He would remain a ghost, stuck in the past. A being that would never move on from what was taken from it. It provided comfort in some sort of sick and twisted way. He could relish in the memory of her, he could close his eyes and pretend she was there beside him.
He could guide others, help them not become him. Help them be better. He would take on another rookie, he would mould them into a model officer, and he would have to hope and pray that their fate would be better than his.
Part One | Part Three
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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rustedhearts · 1 year
GQ: 12 Rounds with Steve Harrington
Aug. 14th, 2001
by Charlotte Cooper
Former middleweight boxing champion Steve Harrington sat down with GQ Magazine to dish on the reason behind his retirement, his bloody past in the ring, and his twelve year relationship with wife Libby.
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I arranged to meet the brooding boxer at a cafe in West Hollywood. The Harringtons settled into a quiet community in California after the birth of their daughter, Jane, in 1997. They're spotted by paparazzi running errands and attending events for fellow famous friends looking like a pair of models.
Today, Harrington cruises up to the cafe in a fiery orange Pontaic GTO (after the interview, I googled the car: a 1969...fat money, Harrington.) Donning his infamous black Ray-Bans, a white t-shirt, and a pair of loose jeans, he walks to our table on the patio like he used to walk into the ring: a confident stride, a professional pokerface.
CC: Steve, it's lovely to meet you.
SH: Yeah, you too.
CC: Are you a big coffee guy?
SH: Huge. I hate these hipster places, though—I don't want anything with a fancy name.
CC: Black coffee for you then?
SH: Yep.
He did, indeed, order a black coffee—iced, the largest size they offered—and, to my surprise, a blueberry muffin. He mumbled something about his wife scolding him for not having enough fiber in his diet as he picked at the sugared top.
CC: Mind if we get started then?
SH: Why not?
CC: I had a fun idea for us. I'm limiting myself to 12 questions. 12 rounds—12 questions.
SH: Clever.
CC: Thank you, I hoped you'd think so. Okay, to start, what's life looked like for you lately? What have you spent the summer doing?
SH: Uh...just hangin' out, really. Libby, my wife, and I have been spending a lot of time with our daughter outside. We've traveled a few places, seen some landmarks. Was that a 2-in-1 question or 2 questions?
CC: I think we can call it a 2-in-1. That sounds lovely, what landmarks have you seen?
SH: I think you're gonna use your 12 up pretty fast. Uh...we saw the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore—total waste of time, by the way. Couple a' stone heads. Bullsh*t.
CC: The Founding Fathers weren't your cup of tea?
SH: Nah. Just a couple of old a**holes on a mountain. Nothing special.
CC: What about Libby, any place she favored?
SH: God, anywhere with a f****in' library, and she's over the moon. Bookstores, too.
CC: That's right, she was a librarian, wasn't she?
SH: Still is, though she might not work in one. She's workin' on something special, I won't say too much about it.
CC: I look forward to hearing about it! Does she have a favorite library?
SH: We went to Scotland for our honeymoon, she spent the first afternoon in a musty library somewhere in the country. I lost her in a bunch of Shakespeare manuscripts.
CC: Wow. She's dedicated to her craft.
SH: Yeah, that's true. Shakespeare c**kblocked me, though.
CC: Damnit, Shakespeare.
That got Harrington to laugh. I think I'm the first person to get Steve Harrington to laugh in an interview. This is going on my headstone.
CC: Now, down to some serious matters, and why we're all here. Tell me about the retirement.
SH: Not much to say. Just somethin' I had to do.
CC: You had a pretty gruesome injury in the tenth round of the O'Malley fight in '99. Did this have anything to do with your retirement?
SH: Yeah. Pretty much everything to do with it.
CC: Tell me a bit about that.
SH: I mean...one minute I'm on my feet pounding a guy, the next the lights are off. It was just...noiseless. Totally silent...other than this ringin' in my ears.
CC: What do you remember next?
SH: Waking up in the hospital. Libby was just screaming. I've never heard her scream like that. I think she thought I was dead or something.
CC: To be fair, all of America thought you died in that ring.
Here, Harrington picked up his coffee and took a long sip. He looked off toward the busy road, the cars whizzing by.
SH: You seem to know a bit about it.
CC: My father's a big fan.
SH: Ah. Yeah...I guess. She doesn't like talking about it.
CC: That's valid. Do you?
Though Harrington hadn't been in the ring professionally in half a decade, he seemed as big and wide as ever. His shoulders were massive when he shrugged them.
SH: Not particularly, but...it's been easier to. I don't know, not fightin' anymore...my body feels different, I feel different.
CC: A good different?
SH: I guess.
CC: Do you miss it?
Again, a look off toward the road. I got another ghost of a smile.
SH: Sometimes. But...I don't regret retiring when I did.
CC: Some people in the sports industry claim that you faked the injury because you knew you were going to lose that fight. What do you have to say to that?
A real laugh this time. Two laughs in one interview? This was going down in the history books.
SH: I'd say I bet they'd never say that to my face.
CC: I, for one, saw that match, and can confidently say you weren't faking a thing.
SH: Think my brain bleed would say the same thing.
CC: How many concussions would you guess you had during your career?
SH: Psh...probably more than I even know. Some of those headaches were probably concussions and I just didn't know. I think our 12 round question thing’s done for.
CC: I think so, too. How did Libby feel about all that, the concussions?
SH: Back then? She was a nervous wreck all the time. I really...I really put her through the wringer.
CC: But she stuck by your side. You guys are very dedicated to each other.
SH: Yeah. She's the strongest woman I know.
CC: Did she ever try boxing for herself?
SH: Oh, absolutely not. I taught her the basics—right/left hook, jab, block—but she'd never step foot into the ring.
CC: Too much blood?
SH: Seeing what it did to me. What it did to our family.
CC: The O'Malley fight really altered the course of your life.
SH: I guess. But sitting in that hospital bed, I didn't even have retirement on my mind.
CC: What was on your mind then?
SH: Oh, I wanted to get back out there. I was ready to...maybe prove myself, I guess?
CC: You wanted revenge?
SH: Yeah, that's the word.
CC: For the injury?
SH: It wasn't so much that. I've got nothin' against O'Malley, by the way. He's a fair fighter, he did exactly what he was supposed to do.
CC: Then why the need for revenge?
SH: I guess because...the injury put me in a position where I couldn't take care of my family. I couldn't provide for them. And that pissed me off.
CC: I see. All the frustration, it was because you were immobilized.
SH: Yeah, I guess. And I had f****in' memory loss, so that pissed me off—forgetting sh*t you know that you know. My little girl was still a baby, too, so...it was hard.
CC: You take pride in being able to care for your family.
SH: Yeah. They're all I got.
CC: So when was the moment you decided to retire?
SH: I think...when I couldn't pick my daughter up. I couldn't lift anything heavy, and even though she was this tiny little thing...she was too heavy to move.
CC: That must've been heartbreaking.
SH: I wanted to see her grow up more than I wanted another championship belt.
CC: Yeah, you've got—what?—fifty of those?
SH: Eh, you stop keeping track.
CC: Before you go, I'd like to ask some lighter questions, reminisce about your glory days.
SH: Sure, go for it.
CC: Do you have a favorite match?
SH: Uh...not really? If I had to choose, probably the St.Jude's match with Munson. It was fun, just sparring around the ring with a buddy.
CC: You and Eddie Munson took the 90s by storm.
SH: We were just havin' fun.
CC: Still friends?
SH: Oh yeah.
CC: Lastly, what are your guilty pleasures right now?
SH: Well, I gave up smoking. A direct order from the missus. So, I eat a lot to replace it.
CC: Have a favorite snack?
SH: Honestly, I love Pringles. The pizza ones.
CC: That's a good choice. Well, thank you so much for meeting with me, Steve.
SH: Hey, thanks for makin' the time.
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emilybeemartin · 8 months
Inktober Days 13-15
Day 13: "Rise"
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Rangers sometimes talk about their “heart parks”—the intimately special ones that make us go dreamy-eyed and nostalgic. Grand Teton is my heart park. During undergrad, I was going through a rough patch, missing my backcountry work in New Mexico and feeling out of place at Clemson. I told my friend that I “just wanted to go somewhere.” He asked if I wanted to go for a walk. I told him no, I’d like to go to the Grand Tetons. I don’t know why I decided on that particular place in that moment—I’d never been there and had only ever seen photos of the famous mountain group. But my friend said sure, we could go to the Grand Tetons. He proceeded to lead me outside student housing, checked the cardinal directions in the sky, and struck off northwest. I followed him. We walked around campus for hours that night, talking about a hundred different things. It was the first time after returning from New Mexico that I’d felt really heard, really understood, really happy.
A few months later, that friend became my boyfriend, and a few years later, that boyfriend became my husband. There was no question about where we would honeymoon. We went to Grand Teton.
Day 14: "Castle"
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I’ve been struggling with what to say about Mesa Verde, because this site was so incredible to visit that I almost can’t put it to words. I experienced it while conducting my master’s research between stops in Navajo National Monument and Chaco Canyon. Visiting these cultural sites, tied together by sociopolitical events and natural disasters over the span of centuries, drove home how vast the network of humanity was in the Ancestral Puebloan era. These places were huge hubs of activity and massive feats of architecture—not castles, but communities humming with life, love, loss, struggle, wealth, and beauty.
Mesa Verde was also the only place I saw a ranger bring an audience to tears with the emotion in his program. I audited over two hundred interpretive programs that summer, but I remember lowering my clipboard during this particular tour of Cliff Palace, in awe of how powerfully the ranger was able to connect visitors with his own familial ties to the Ancestral Puebloans who had lived there so long ago. The goal of interpretation is to facilitate a meaningful connection between the visitor and the resource, but never have I ever seen anyone do it so profoundly as that ranger in Mesa Verde, 2011.
Day 15: "Dagger"
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White Sands preserves practically the entire span of human history, from fragments of ancient blades up to the space shuttle and missile launches. But it's the beginning of that timeline that draws me toward this gleaming gypsum dunefield.
I remember where I was when the news dropped—in the Apgar ranger office with a handful of other Glacier rangers. I was working on my hunting and gathering program, where I discussed old facts about projectile points and atlatls, but I stopped when another ranger swore in shock. An email had come through to our NPS accounts with new research out of White Sands. Human footprints preserved in the ancient sediment had been dated--- not to the 13-16 thousand years old we typically associated with the earliest humans in the Americas, but to 23 THOUSAND YEARS OLD. In one short email, our whole office's reckoning of human history almost doubled. Our minds were blown. We celebrated like a bunch of lads after a World Cup win. This world that we walk! Footsteps over footsteps over footsteps! What a privilege.
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
ask and you shall receive, @rottenseaweed my dear!!! julance drawing prompts for all my artist friends:
1. baby lance based on this image:
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2. lance trying to do the cool wall lean and smirk to flirt with someone except he misses the wall and falls
3. lance and pidge furious and snarling at each other, fully ready to kill each other, so shiro separates them and starts giving them shit and they look at each other and start laughing bc they are asshole younger siblings who can’t take getting yelled at seriously
4. lance, leaning on hunk’s back as he rambles, and hunk completely focused on his work but reaching back to pat him on the head occasionally
5. coran fucking LAUNCHING lance into the pool
6. lance, visibly wearing something sparkly and pink that is Not His, terrorized expression on his face as he sprints away from allura who has murder written all over his face and is chasing him at top speeds
7. lance very carefully making charm bracelets for everyone
8. lance smiling softly as he pulls a blanket up over a couch-sleeping shiro
9. lance standing in front of like an easel or something with garbage memes on them, face very prim and instructional, holding a pointer and very clearly lecturing about meme culture to a wide-eyed, frantically note-taking allura
10. lance climbing kitchen cabinets to get something while hunk shouts at him in panic
11. lance absolutely kicking ass with a bow in this way from this video, if you’re into animation
12. lance standing with his hands on his hips, lecturing somebody about something, while hunk stands behind him with a photo of mrs mcclain whom he is imitating exactly without realising
13. lance braiding keith’s hair with like a million cutesy barrettes and charms and shit and just blabbing and keith is like fire truck red like truly glowing and lance is just completely overjoyed to be “fixing his mullet” and the rest of the team is losing their mind laughing at them
14. lance giving finger guns and winking at rebel matt who raises an eyebrow in amusement and pidge is mortified on his behalf
15. lance zooming around a moon, full armour and everything, picking up a thousand rocks and bringing them for shiro to hold bc they’re on a recon mission and shiro is watching this nerd boy in amusement (he is also geeking out about the rocks he’s just embarrassed about it)
16. veronica judo flipping lance upon their reunion on earth
17. lance, tongue out in concentration, knitting tiny little mouse sweaters
18. lance giving hunk a big ol’ cheek smooch bc he’s obnoxious (hunk pretends to be annoyed but is clearly holding back a smile)
18. coran and lance, faces both streaked with tears, hugging each other really tightly
19. keith really excitedly showing lance all the caves he explored when he was following blue’s trail and lance just staring at him, totally and completely whipped
20. pidge holding lance in a chokehold as he bites her. there are hearts around them bc they are both having literally so much fun even though they won’t admit it under pain of death
21. lance in daisy dukes and a cowboy hat, leaning against kaltenecker
22. lance, armour scuffed back from a rescue mission, teaching a bunch of scared alien children how to make friendship bracelets
23. lance and keith, on their honeymoon, faces half-obscured by the glare of the sun, grinning at the camera in front of the grand canyon (like this pic of my parents):
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24. lance wearing a “i flexed so hard the sleeves ripped off” but the sleeves are very clearly still on. in fact the shirt is long-sleeved
25. preteen lance, beaming so wide his eyes squeeze shut, pink braces on his teeth
26. young lance, like maybe six or seven, missing four front teeth, giant satisfied smile on his face, at the beach (wearing shark swim trunks obviously) and holding a sea shell bigger than his entire head
27. tiny lance sitting on his brother’s shoulders, laughing, rest of his smiling family around him
28. a mirror of the food fight scene except it’s cake that the whole team (including the alteans!) are covered in, with a cake that says “happy birthday dorkbrain” absolutely destroyed with like clear imprints of people scooping up handfuls to throw
29. lance, in the backdrop of space, limp and unconscious, with both red and blue rushing towards him with protective snarls
30. lance hugging an alien scorpion the size of like a fucking horse, tears streaming down his face as if he’s looking at a particularly adorable kitten
31. the entire team except lance (he’s on a mission or smth) gathered in the common room, lounging on the couches. someone says “man i miss lance” and everyone is immediately like “oh my god me too i was waiting for someone to say it” “RIGHT ME TOO” “castle just isn’t the same without him” “seriously i’m so bored where is he when you need to bother him” etc etc
honestly i might do more of these dm me if u can come up with alliteration for a day of the week and i’ll post drawing prompts weekly
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happiness - S.H
evermore masterlist | no body no crime | dorothea
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Warnings: pregnancy, marriage, allusions to sex, kissing, children, babies, reader has hair, mentions of blood, ptsd, nightmares,
Pairing: Steve harrington x fem!reader
Summary: an overview of the brilliant life that you shared with Steve harrinfton
A/N: yes, I know the song is about breaking up with someone but I interpreted it as what happens at the end of the fic.
Wordcount: 1.8k
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You never expected to be married at 22 and definitely not have found the love of your life this early.
You had fallen in love with Steve harrington the moment you saw him in scoops ahoy, dumb sailor uniform and all. 
You loved him. Past the blood and the bruises from your shared brushes with death. Past the nightmares that would wake you up screaming. Past the haunted look in your eyes.
Now you were lying in bed on your honeymoon, both of you too tired to move as you basked in the comfort of each other. 
He pulled you close to him, one arm around your naked waist and the other on your cheek. 
"I've always wanted this big family, you know, five, six kids," he explained and you looked over at him. 
"Six kids?" You questioned. It sounded daunting but you wanted a large family too. 
"Yeah, six little nuggets. And every year me and the brood of harringtons would go out on a winnebago and see the sights, yellowstone, grand canyon. And it would end at the beach, like this one," he explained, looking out at the beach from the window of their honeymoon cabin. 
You smiled. You could already imagine him as this perfect father who loved his children more than anyone could imagine. 
"What do you think?" He asked, brow furrowed as your face remained emotionless. 
You smiled, "That sounds perfect Steve, why don't we get a head start now?" You suggested. 
He chuckled, pulling you in for a kiss, "You serious?" He mumbled against your lips. 
You nodded, batting your eyelashes at him and the next you knew, he was on top of you, pressing his lips along your neck. 
This was going to be a long week. 
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It had been a few tough years but now here you sat on the beach, watching the waves as they crashed on the shore. Your husband walked over, the twenty five year old standing there with a grin on his face. 
Steve looked down at you as you rocked your youngest in your arms. The baby girl was only six months old and he never thought he'd be this happy. 
As soon as he'd mentioned his dream to have a full brood of harringtons, you had agreed and he knew that you were the perfect girl for him. 
It was your first holiday with your baby girl and both of you were obviously worried about it all. 
You turned back to look at Steve and smiled, "Take a picture Steve, it'll last longer," you said, eyes gazing into his. 
You both hadn't had much alone time since your baby girl had been born but you still adored him and any time you could spend with him. 
He sat down next to you on the beach, the sand sticking to his denim jeans as he looked over at you. 
"I so want another one already," he said, half serious and half joking. 
You chuckled, your smile wide on your face and you never thought you'd feel this way about anyone. You never thought you could ever be as happy as you are right now. 
"Shut up Steve," you said, a blush rising up your neck as you looked down at your little girl. 
She waved her arms around slightly in your grasp, almost sensing that her dad was there. She may be only six months old but she was a total daddy's girl.
"I think she wants her daddy," you said and he sat down next to you as  passed the baby girl to him. 
He smiled to himself, holding her against his chest and she reached up, a wide smile that mirrored yours on her face as she gripped his hair with her tiny little hands, a giggle escaping her lips. 
You smiled at the scene, seeing how enamoured he was with this baby girl and you couldn't have imagined this life with anyone else. 
"God I love you Steve Harrington," you said almost subconsciously. 
He looked up at you, his smile reaching his ears, "I love you too baby girl," he said, "Now, about that other baby,"
You giggled as you hit his arm, "You are insatiable Stevie," you said and he smiled, leaning over to press a chaste kiss to your lips.
"Only for you sweetheart," he said.
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Five years later and you were both 30, sitting around a Christmas tree in Hawkins as you looked at your little family. 
Since then, you'd had two more kids, making the Harrington brood half complete. 
Your six year old daughter was a menace, your four year son was a total sweetheart and a mummy's boy and although your 18 month old daughter didn't talk much yet, you both knew she was going to be a mouthy and sarcastic kid, just like uncle Dustin. 
"What's the last present mama," your son asked, looking down at a box sitting under the tree. 
He was already playing with the purple toy racecar he had gotten, making small whooshing noises as he moved it around. 
You and Steve shared a knowing look. The last present was a surprise for the family, a new roller coaster ride that you were ready to go on. 
"It's not gonna be for you dingus," your eldest said as she sketched in the notebook she had gotten. 
You chuckled, "Sweetie, we don't say that word," you said, trying to scold her but the cute way she said it made it hard to. 
"Sorry mama, auntie Robin says it though," she said, tilting her head to the side as she looked up at her mother. 
Your eldest was the spitting image of you, the same bold eyes and cheekbones. She also seemed to have picked up one too many habits from Robin. 
Steve chuckled, "Maybe don't listen to everything Aunt Robin says," he suggested. 
Your son groaned, "What's in the box?" He asked again. 
He had so many characteristics from your husband. Specifically the way he looked when frustrated - like right now. His eyebrows crinkled up, a sharp line between them. 
You smiled, looking down at him and rubbing your thumb over his forehead, watching as he calmed down and looked up at you. 
"It's a surprise for the family honey," you said, "Steve, you wanna open it?"
He nodded, picking up the box and helping the two older kids open it. 
They pulled out a small onesie that said 'baby number 4 coming June 97'
They ran over, pulling you into a hug as they realised you were going to have another baby. 
"This one will be a boy right mama," your son said and you chuckled. 
"Maybe, maybe,'' you replied. 
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At 35 years old, your life was completely perfect. You sat on a makeshift seat outside of your winnebago, watching as Steve ran around the beach with five of your kids. 
You held the youngest, an eight month old baby boy, in your arms as you watched your family. 
On this trip, Nancy and Robin had tagged along with their four year old daughter who they'd adopted nearly three years ago. 
"You gonna come for a swim darling?" Steve called out, their two year old daughter sitting on his shoulders. 
You nodded. Nancy agreed to look after your baby boy and you changed into your swimming costume. 
Steve lit up when he saw you. No matter how many times he saw you in a bikini or how much your body had changed over the years, he never got tired of looking at you. 
Your eldest, now 11 years old, sat on the beach, making sandcastles with your two year old daughter and four year old son. 
Your eldest son, who was now 9 years old, was play-fighting with your 7 year old daughter. 
As you walked over to Steve, you realised that your family was complete, that there was nothing now that could change it. 
"I'm sorry baby," he said as you approached him in the water. 
You tilted your head in confusion and he grabbed you by the waist. 
"Harrington!" You exclaimed as he playfully threw you into the water, your children laughing from the sidelines at you. 
Your head popped out of the water and you glared at him, "Mrs Harrington," he said back with a smirk. 
"I'm so gonna kill you," you said as you walked back over, running your hand through your now wet hair. 
He pulled you in by your hips, pressing his forehead against yours, "I love you," he said, overcome by how perfect your little family was. 
"I love you too Steve," you replied, pressing a kiss to his lips 
He smiled, his happiness in this moment unparalleled, "Thank you for giving me all of this, for giving me this family," he said. 
You nodded before pulling him in for a passionate kiss, forgetting your children were there.
You didn't care that you looked awful with your hair soaked and he didn't either. He just knew that there would be no happiness without you. 
"Ew mum," your eldest said and you two pulled away. 
"Who wants a barbecue?" Steve asked and everyone chirped up, especially Robin. 
You walked back to the shore hand in hand and nothing could beat this moment, spent with everyone you loved. 
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Decades later, Dustin stood in the graveyard, tears in his eyes as he looked down. 
After so many years fighting monsters he was glad that the two of you had managed to settle down and have the life you had always wanted. 
He had died three days after you and they had said he'd died of a broken heart. Anyone that knew the both of you knew it was true. 
Dustin had sat by his friend's side as he grieved your death. He knew Steve was going to follow you soon after and he had been in the house when he had died. 
Dustin called the six kids you shared and had to tell them about their fathers death only days after your death and they knew it was going to happen but it still hurt. 
With six children, 18 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren and 2 small great great grandchildren, the two of you had shared a lot of joy in your lives. 
"92 years old," Dustin said with a chuckle, looking down at your side by side graves, "Never thought we'd make it to 21," 
He lay down the flowers before turning and walking away, leaving the two of you behind as he walked towards Suzie who stood by the side. 
The 87 year old knew that there was going to be happiness even after the death of two of his best friends, but it wasn't going to be the same. 
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sibylsleaves · 23 days
What kind of vacations do Buck and Eddie like to go on? Do they prefer the beach, mountains, or places where it snows? Also one more in terms of older established Buddie. Do they retire in LA or do they live and travel in a RV?
I think they do a lot of road trips!!!! Buck always drives. as a Californian I am biased but there are SO many beautiful and fun places to visit in California so yeah i think they do a bunch of road trips, including camping trips to Big Sur and Yosemite and Joshua Tree, go river rafting in the American River, a trip up to San Francisco (they let Chris hang out and get room service by himself in the hotel for one night to go to some gay bars), San Diego to go to the zoo, and they definitely find a great adaptive snowboarding place in Big Bear or Mammoth or Tahoe for Chris to try out (Eddie also has never skiied in his LIFE so he and Chris are just going down the bunny hill together while Buck cheers them on). They probably do venture out of California to do some of the national parks in Utah/the Grand Canyon/etc and they absolutely do at least one trip to Vegas just the two of them (Buck does NOT win it big at poker but Eddie loves him anyway).
I also picture them doing a big road trip up the coast of California for their honeymoon but again I'm biased because that's what my parents did for their honeymoon 🥰 They stay at the Madonna Inn and crack up at the over-the-top kitschiness, and they stay at a cute little B&B in Carmel-by-the-Sea.
And they definitely do many trips out to Texas to see the Diaz family, like at least twice a year.
For retired Buddie, I think they retire in LA but they travel pretty frequently and finally hit some of the international trips on their bucket lists (Buck for sure takes Eddie to Peru and shows him all the places he used to hang out when he lived there).
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confusedfoam · 11 months
Some dndads travel headcanons, because why not it's summer and it's traveling season for lots of us. only did s1 dads because they unfortunately still own my heart.
- He has left southern California like twice in his life, and both were just going up to northern California. once for his and Carol's honeymoon, and another time when grant was like 8ish to finally go visit Casey and see her brewery.
- Absolutely despised sleeping anywhere that's not his home. the few times he's had to stay at a hotel / families house he just can't sleep at all
- He has never been on an airplane and has absolutely no desire to do so. If he ever did go on an airplane he would be a disaster internally and externally that would come out as being extremely over prepared and way too early. also he would Suffer in airplane seats.
- Was dragged all up and down the west coast and some of the interior as a little kid before Willy got completely sick of traveling with his wife and kid and dumped them back in Stud's old house that he technically still owned but had been let sit for years.
- Good at short and long road trips, weirdly bad at anything in the 4-6 hour range. it's not long enough to him to really settle into the drive but is too long to be remotely casual.
- Deeply fond of sketchy dates motels and kitschy roadside attractions. Will absolutely buy cheesy tourist t-shirts if presented the opportunity.
- Also not really an airplane guy, never had much of an opportunity until he was grown and then had no one to travel with. But if he did fly he would be that guy who doesn't bring anything to do with him and just watches other people's movies over their shoulders. also he'd forget to take his belt off going through airport security.
- Never left the Oakvale area as a kid, so his first trip was a Big One
- Spent his early earth years road tripping around the US, hitting different national parks and such. Falling absolutely in love with the diversity of nature when you don't spend all your time in one patch of forest. He absolutely Lost His Mind at the Grand Canyon
- Continued to travel a lot as he and Mercedes got older and had the kids and everything, they loved taking the boys to different parks and camp sites and such.
- Also really enjoyed traveling internationally once he got his whole paperwork situation sorted.
- Was pretty freaked out about flying the first couple times, but now he's a pro. Unfortunately he is an incredibly chatty seat mate and also one of those people who wears sandals without socks on an airplane. so he puts his bare feet all over the floor at security
- Traveled a very average amount as a kid, just little family vacations. Tagged along with where ever Bill was going during summer breaks as a younger teen.
- Drove all over the freaking country as an older teen / young man seeing various shows and trying catch The Glenn Close Trios big break.
- Shares Ron's fondness for weird little tourist traps and questionable attractions / restaurants
- Extremely pro car camping, if only for all the hazy memories of doing so in his youth.
- Would make sure that somehow he could block out a week or so to take a road trip with Nick somewhere during summer break.
- Flew a few times as a kid and such. Absolutely hates flying as an adult, it brings out the conspiracy theories in him hardcore and he absolutely cannot do it sober.
- Hell does not have vacations
- Traveled many realms as a young and wild demon, having misadventures of the sort that get you trapped in a guitar
- as Jodie Foster the human cop and married man they only took incredibly basic family vacations to the stereotypical vacation spots like once a year.
- Has no feelings on airplanes in any particular direction, besides he would like more leg room.
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jenthebug · 11 months
Honeymoon update
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- Staying at The Mirage in one of the nicest rooms
- Seeing Cirque du Soleil Ka
- ATV tour of the desert
- Grand Canyon tour with scary-ass Skywalk because I am both fascinated with and scared of heights
- Arcade bar downtown
- On-site spa which I will be taking advantage of
So yeah. We’re about to have a fucking BLAST. Husband has gotten it in his head that we must go to a zoo or aquarium, so I’m searching for an AZA accredited facility now (want my money to go to a good place). I’m super stoked for all the non-debauchery activities we’ll be doing...and I’m super stoked for the debauchery, too. Let’s be real here.
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uncle-mojave · 8 months
Hey, looking tondraw some desert. Got any cool looking areas you'd care to share?
The short answer is I know of about 500 places within 150 miles radius of me that you'd love. But since I can't throw down that many pics I'll cover some dramatic ones.
Bryce Canyon - just outside the mojave boundaries, higher elevation that the others on the list. Absolutely insane geology where people have wandered in and never been found. Hell of a place to lose a cow.
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Zion canyon - the big one. Oh sure Grand canyon is larger but less dramatic. Zion has it all. World's deadliest hike at Angel's Landing where at one point you have about 2 1/2 feet of stone to walk on and sheer cliffs on either side of you. Then you have water carved tubes that regularly flood when it rains killing people inside. It's a crazy place.
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Too open? Well try Antelope Canyon in Arizona. A slot canyon you've seen before in movies like Indiana Jones and the last crusade. From the top looks like a crack in the rock. From below it's what happens when wind goes nuts over half a million years. When in looking up you barely see the sky.
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Need more space? Gooseberry Mesa is just south of Zion canyon and houses dramatic mesa views.
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Want sand? Well we got you covered. Sand Hollow is a group of dunes and water with Sand Mountain which is if course a mountain of sandstone worn into dunes and on the back side of Sand Mountain are a set if Jurassic era dinosaur footprints. Sand Hollow is the most popular recreation spot not only in the Mojave but in the south western us. It's incredibky easy to access. Sees thousands of people per day and has some of the best atv trails and fishing.
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Too much sand? Well you can dial it back at my backyard just under Pine Mountain called Silver Reef & Red Cliffs Reserve. Littered with a ton of abandoned mines plus boasting some of the highest concentrations of Mojave desert creatures it's easier going than some places but still rugged.
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But I'm at my photo limit so here are some other areas close to me.
Arizona I-15 gorge
Black Rock Mesa
Beaverdam wash
Kolob Canyon
Snow Canyon
Hurricane Mesa
Hurricane Cliffs
Honeymoon trail
Moki Cavern
Anything near Kanab Utah
Anything near Freedonia Arizona
Anything near St. George Utah
Sky Ridge
Fossil Ridge
Glitter Mountain
Mountain Meadows (yes. THAT mountain meadows)
Coral Pink Sand Dunes
The Virgin River
And about 480 more places
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butmakeitgayblog · 11 months
Buddy, I’m gonna need you to share my pain with everyone else. I cannot go through this alone 😭
Cue Taylor Swift.
For the record, you did this
You did.
By sending me TS's Soon You'll Get Better, which I had never even heard. And considering the honeymoon snippet you'd think you woulda seen it coming
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This baby girl right here?
Right here?
This is Lexa who has completely stopped running from it.
Her illness causes bruising. That's just a fact of Lexa's life. It's what she wakes up to every morning and what she sees in the mirror before bed every night. It's something she'd gotten so used to working to cover up that by the time Clarke started coming around, it kind of didn't occur to her what would happen when or if she eventually couldn't keep them hidden anymore.
Or if she'd even want to hide them from her at all.
The first time they sleep together is when Clarke sees the full extent of it and, oh, Lexa practically shakes with how nervous it makes her. Because yes, she knows Clarke is attracted to her, and yes, Clarke has always been nothing but gentle with her, treating her like she's something precious rather than something broken that could crumble if held too firmly in her grasp. But it's another thing entirely to be laid so bare. To have every one on every rib stand out against the paleness of her skin. To see Clarke's eyes trace the peppering of them across her shoulders, her hipbone. Across her breasts, belly, and the dips of her thighs.
But Clarke kisses them with unwavering reverence. Not as though Lexa's delicate for them, but as though she loves those broken parts of Lexa every bit as as she loves the supple, unmarred skin around them. As though they're nothing more than pieces of Lexa's perfectly beautiful whole.
That's something Lexa didn't even know she needed until she had it. That feeling of Clarke cupping her face and nuzzling close. Breathing her in. Kissing her temples and cheeks. Taking on Lexa's burden as her own. That feeling of Clarke accepting her exactly as she is in her illness. Not despite it.
And that never changes. Not once when they're close or being intimate does Clarke treat her as anything other than just Lexa, the woman she loves. Not physically, not emotionally.
Which is how Lexa prefers it.
She prefers it on the bad days, when she can't even stand the sight of food and keeping down water feels like a herculean feat. On the days when she barely recognizes herself in the mirror amid the splotches of purple, yellow, and faded blue, Clarke still looks at her like she's nothing less than precious. And on the days when Lexa can't do anything beyond laying in bed drifting in and out of sleep, she appreciates the fact that Clarke will just slip under the covers beside her and snuggle up like that was always what she'd had planned for the day.
Because it's in those moments that Lexa can pretend.
They'll lay in her bed, usually naked and practically wrapped around each other, Clarke obviously boiling under Lexa's 4 insulated comforters... but she never complains. She just lays on her back and coaxes Lexa's head onto her chest, running her fingers through Lexa's hair and reverently kissing every bruise within reach. Humming with every kiss she faithfully returns in kind across the full swell of Clarke's breasts. (Forever a boob girl.)
And they take turns talking about what they're gonna do together "when this is all over" and seal every one with a lie-sweetened kiss. They make plans to visit the grand canyon and camp under the stars and shout to wide open sky till their lungs burn. They plan summers in Europe just to kiss under the Eiffel Tower and argue about wintery holidays split between the tropics and begrudging trips back home. They make plans to find the hidden sanctuary of some long forgotten waterfall to make love under and swear to dip their toes into the shores of every ocean.
They plan a lifetime's worth of moments in that quiet safety they find in Lexa's bed. Plans for a future life filled with all their love and all the pieces of the world they're gonna conquer together, someday.
Just as soon as Lexa gets better....
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colourme-feral · 2 years
You may have seen my original KinnPorsche locations IRL masterlist.
If you wanted a masterlist sorted by their actual locations, then this alternate KinnPorsche locations IRL masterlist is for you!
Banyan Tree Bangkok’s dinner cruise boat
- The boat where Kinn asks Porsche to be his bodyguard and Porsche jumps off instead
- The finale scene on the boat with visual call backs
The Rama VIII Bridge Bhumibol Bridge that crosses the Chao Praya River
- The we’ve-got-company bridge
Iron Balls Parlour & Saloon
- Hum Bar (Yok’s Bar)
- Kinn and Porsche celebrate their relationship + Kim protects Chay who is in his unhinged era
Gigi - Dining Hall & Bar
- Kinn running for his life before getting to Hum Bar (Yok’s Bar) and asking Porsche for help
Sing Sing Theater
- The undercover casino scene
- Post-shoot out party at Vegas' home
- The back of Hum Bar (KP's first meeting & declaration of love + VP's meeting after Pete's escape)
- Their "mutual masturbation" scene
Wat Arun
- Ferry pier first kisses
- Ending their first date at their first kiss spot + Kinn's first love makes his unwanted appearance
Chan Ta Then Waterfall
- Kinn and Porsche on their honeymoon in the jungle
Grand Canyon Chonburi
- The quarry part of Kinn and Porsche's honeymoon (and probably the truck and not-Not Me jump)
Sri Hua Lamphong Hotel
- Entrance to the minor Theerapanyakul family's home
- The minor family's torture chamber
Near Bang Rak Market
- Vegas tries to go on a date with Porsche but gets cockblocked
Camelots Studio
- The Theerapanyakul horny jail
- Arm's work room, aka Team Porsche's HQ
Hotel Muse Bangkok Langsuan - MGallery Collection
- Porsche and Tawan talk about... milk
- The first bathroom Kinn and Porsche make memories in, together with Kinn's assassin
- Kimlock Holmes' home
-That first sex scene
- That auction
- Room where the main family strategises + the mafia prince declares his love for a certain bodyguard
- Kinn and Porsche play footsie
PTT Station (Suwinthawong Outbound)
- "Jom" takes Kinn's watch
Hilton Sukhumvit Bangkok
- The hospital, where Tankhun is iconic and dramatic, Kinn and Porsche are loving and Vegas, Pete and Macau have a group hug
Underpass tunnel beside Nonsi Witthaya School
- The underpass tunnel that Kinn and Big run to while being pursued
Studio 28
- Kim's personal rehearsal room
Portobello & Désiré | Home : Garden : Café
- Porsche's instagram boyfriend era + Kinn and Porsche's cafe date
The Manor Studio
- Mes' house + Kinn makes an animal friend
- Vegas and Pete's poolside scene
- Kinn goes to meet the loansharks, who were making Porsche pay back his (fake) uncle’s loans
Kasem Bundit University Romklao Campus
- Scenes at the fictional Ananthamekha University
- Porsche’s Mulan training sequence with Team Porsche + Kinn and Porsche’s underwater kiss
Wat Kalayanamit Woramahawihan
- Kinn and Pete watch Porsche and Vegas zoom away on Vegas' bike
- Have no fear, Kimlock Holmes / Detective Wikachu is on the temple case!
- Either Pete needs more lessons on how to follow or Vegas and Macau just have great observational skills
- Kinn and Porsche make merit together but are interrupted by a not so dead Tawan
 Baan Ramkhamhaeng 118 Studio house
- Porsche and Porschay's home
Shooting Range Wangkanon Suppression Division
- The shooting range where Kinn made Porsche put an apple on his head to shoot at
Radisson Blu Plaza Bangkok
- Mr. Don makes gelato talk with “People say I’m more like my mum” Kinn
- The iconic scene where Tankhun hits Vegas with a tray
Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park
- Tawan's room
- Porsche and Pete's bedroom
- Porsche and Pete's room minus their bedroom
- Porsche catches up on sleep during his training with Chan
- Porsche's orientation and introduction to the main Theerapanyakul's other bodyguards
The House on Sathorn, W Hotel
- Vegas' clothing-optional office
- The minor Theerapanyakul family's home
Red Brick Kitchen by Chef Aue
- The red brick portion of the main Theerapanyakul house
- The room where Namphueng was kept (featuring the players on the chessboard)
Perfect Strangers
- Jeff Satur's Why Don't You Stay music video
The Atheenee Hotel
(- Minor building cameo: the Atheenee Hotel, which is beside The Deutsche Bank building)
- A quick wrap up for the locations that were not included
Not my posts, but highly relevant
- Rosewood Bangkok (notably for its exterior, but many scenes were also filmed within) by @prdsd4na
- Deutsche Bank? Deutsche Bank! (The building that watched over Kinn and Porsche) by @biwichapas
My original KinnPorsche locations IRL masterlist
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Positive Vibes: I just got married (on our ten year anniversary) and am on my gay ass honeymoon with my amazing wife! We’re taking a road trip down the west coast to the Grand Canyon and I couldn’t ask for a better partner, we’ve been having an amazing time :)
She’s allo and I’m ace but we make it work with tons of healthy communication ❤️
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Wahoo!! Love wins! Ugh I'm so happy for you two and I hope each gay ass day with you and your wife is better than the last! 🥳
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magic-belodie · 11 months
MCLLL Episode 17 Eric
I finished Eric’s route of MCLLL episode 17. It cost me 810 AP. I got Eric’s illustration. Here is the link to his illustration because of NSFW: https://magicbelodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/1428-4556acbf67189c8f1688631577.jpg Here is the summary:
You start this episode on a plane. You are just waking up. Eric is sitting next to you on the plane. Eric kisses you and you two look out the window. You two could see a group of lush islands. Eric and you are going to spend here 15 days. The flight lands, you pick up your luggage, and a limo brings you two to the hotel. The hotel you two are staying is the same from episode 5 alternate life Kentin. Darma welcomes you two and brings you both to the honeymoon suit. At the last minute, Eric and you changed plans to go here instead of the Grand Canyon. Your Aunt told you about her trip and stay here. It just sounded like the place to go. Eric and you are very happy with the room. This room is so big, you need a map to find each other. But Eric first wants to inspect the shower. You go in the shower after him. After getting out, Eric suggests going for a walk. You agree, going on it. Eric and you follow a small marked path to a beach. You were the only two people on the beach. Eric and you walk back hand in hand. He suddenly lets go off your hand. You ask if something was wrong. But nothing is wrong. He just wants to etch the moment in his memory. He is so lucky to have met you and never felt so happy before. And to think that this is only the start of your honeymoon. You two walk further back to your room and go to sleep. The next day starts after a perfect night of sleeping. You two go downstairs for breakfast. While you are eating, you see Darma. He asks if you two are enjoying your stay. You two are, everything is perfect. He also reminds you two that the hike to the Volcano leaves in an hour. You both finish your breakfast and go back upstairs to get ready. There you get to choose your outfit. There is only one outfit to pick. Then, you also decide to bring your sunhat with you. Eric and you go downstairs. There you notice that you forgot your phone. But you have no time to go back upstairs. Eric and you go on the bus. It takes you both to the start of the hike. There, a guide welcomes you with instructions. Then you two start the walk. While you two are walking, the guide talks about the surroundings. You get to take a break when you can see the volcano. It is beautiful. Eric and you are holding hands. You two wish to be alone. Eric sees a path and you two start walking it. You both find your own little paradise. Eric and you are hugging under some trees. You enjoy this moment a lot, but it is better to get back to the group. You two try to find your way back. But when you are back, the group has already left. You don't hear their voices anymore. Eric takes out his phone. He has no network. But you have to find the group and start walking. You two have to continue the direction you took. Then you suddenly hear a voice. You both think it is the guide. Turns out it were parrots. You think you need to find a safe place. But it is too early for that, maybe you can still find the group. Eric and you walk further. You have come to this place for the fourth time. Conclusion, you two are lost. It is already four o'clock. Three hours left until the sun starts to go down. Eric thinks you can only rely on yourself. He tries to come up with a plan. But for that you need an overview of the place. You two decide to go back to the place with the beautiful view. There you see the volcano again. It is better to go there than to stay in the jungle. You are going to use the phone as a compass. Eric and you are walking, but he is going too fast for you. You are trouble keeping up. He lets you take a break while he climbs up a tree to get some coconuts. When he throws the coconuts on the ground, you see a snake behind Eric. It has blocked Eric's way down. It is up to you to safe him. You start throwing coconut shells at the snake. It makes the snake come towards you. Eric gets out of the three and stands in front of you with a stick. The snake goes back up into the tree. Eric and you take the coconuts lying on the ground, and start walking away. You find some water. There you take a little break. Then you find your way to the volcano. At volcano, you find a cave you two can stay in. You two drink water from your sunhat. Then you two need to make a fire. You are going to collect some wood. You walk to some trees and take the lowest branches. It took you awhile to get some, but you found enough for a fire. Now you need to get the fire on. You decide to rub two stones against each other. It works, but it goes out pretty soon again. You decide to rip one of your sleeves. And use that to light with the stones. Then it keeps on burning and you have fire. You are proud of yourself. The night starts to fall. Eric and you need to eat something. You look at the coconuts you took with you. A monkey comes towards you, and you share the coconut with it. The monkey leaves. And Eric and you go sit in each other's arms. You could have fallen asleep like this, but something keeps you awake. You go sit back, up again. The calm right now is almost disturbing, after the day you two had. That snake was scary. But it wasn't the scariest moment of Eric's life. His first police teammate is scaring. He was a legend in the police station. Eric knew him by reputation, and he was very proud that he got chosen by him. He is an old school cop, but not from the best area. He didn't care about the truth and wrapped things up in record time. But after 15 minutes with him, everyone would confess. The first time Eric saw him in action, Eric couldn't sleep for days. You ask Eric if he gave his teammate in. He did, but they didn't listen to Eric. Eric starts to dive deeper into the case. All the people that his teammate arrested were from the same area. He was cleaning up the competitors, and not for free. Eric was building up a case while they were caught up together. Eric could explain everything and was in the clean. But before Eric was cleaned, his teammate and him were put in a cell. His teammate started a fight with Eric and was much stronger. When his colleagues came to safe him, Eric had some injuries. He never saw his teammate again. And his colleagues never forgave Eric for bringing down their Idol. That is how Eric got transferred to Amoris. You kind of want to thank his teammate. Otherwise, you would never have met Eric. You two kiss each other in the light of the fire. Eric and you must have fallen a sleep. The light of the sun wakes you up. The view of the sunrise is incredible. You were probably the first ones to seen it for a while. You stay hugging each other for a few minutes while enjoying the view. What should you do now. Eric still has some battery left on his phone. He walks up to the volcano to get some signal and opens up a map to make a path back. You could lose signal again. But it is better than nothing. You start following the path. You two found the waterfall from yesterday. These means you are on the right track. Then you hear a sound. It is the sound of a motor from a car. You two run towards it and find a jeep with the guide in it. They were looking for you. You were not the only ones who were worried yesterday. The guide brings you back to the hotel. Darma is there waiting for you. He is so happy that you two are back. Because of what you went through, you don't have to pay for your stay and the extras you want to take. That was the least he could do. Darma brings you two back to the room. Eric and you are talking about how happy you both are to be back. You could really use a bath after a day like this. Eric suggests joining you. You make some room for him. Eric goes to sit behind you and starts kissing your neck. You curled up against him. Your hands start to feel his body everywhere, while he feels yours. You turn your head towards him to kiss Eric on the lips. You get the illustration. Eric's desires grows. You wrap your arms around him and without thinking you spread your legs. His hand slides down towards it. You let out a moan of pleasure. He knows exactly how you like it. Eric pulls you towards him. You feel him enter you and let out another moan. Then you force your rhythm on to him. You take your time, and Eric enjoys it. Eric starts to kiss you. You feel the desire and speed up the rhythm. Eric and you come undone. You fall into his arms. Eric loves you, and is not letting you go. And you don't want to leave, the episode ends.
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cassyapper · 6 months
are there any holidays/trips u think jotaro n kakyoin would go on together?
hm good q
i have a whole spiel about where i think their honeymoon is when they finally tie that knot but cant risk…hm…spoiling….some things i have planned for a project so i wont go in depth. but i do think it’s a destination honeymoon
as for general trips i do think they go to see the temples and such in thailand. and also the wildlife in iceland particularly the orcas near there cause they have unique hunting and i can see jotaro being into it. they might go to antarctica for jotaro’s research once but kakyoin is absolutely Miserable lmfao. he is determined to stay tho despite jotaro almost begging him to just go home. he always needs to have star platinum out as a sort of emotional support dog for kakyoin LOL. as for the usa i can see them taking a cross country road trip and getting ticketed cause neither of them can drive very well imo. kakyoin of course uses hierophant’s mind control to make the cop forget and not write it but lol. star platinum does most of the driving. they visit niagara falls, yellowstone, the grand canyon, etc. just big us culture stuff. when they reach the pacific they both feel a very strong homesickness so they take a trip to japan not long after and visit holly and josuke and co. of course they both return to india at some point likely with pol and avdol. they take many trips to africa as conferences for kakyoin’s work (i imagine him as an anthropologist with a specialty in northern african cultures for those who dont know). hmmm. yeah they just kinda go all over the place. might visit italy too for obvious reasons also tonio friendship. mm. yeah :)
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turtle-steverogers · 2 years
I have a sort of wholesome headcanon that I hope makes you smile. 🙂
Bucky’s family is really into baseball. Like really into baseball. As in the way Bucky learned letters and numbers was from watching baseball games. Not only that, but even now he thinks of states and cities in terms of baseball teams. When the Dodgers moved to LA, Bucky’s family moved with them. Bucky’s headstone inscription includes the words “second baseman” because that was his position in little league. While Steve didn’t learn letters and numbers and stares and cities from baseball, he still has that same love of the game.
That being said, Steve and Bucky are incapable of simply “enjoying” a baseball game. They have to go all out, and they’re quite superstitious. The other Avengers went to a game with Steve one time, and unanimously agreed that Baseball Steve is a terrifying wackadoo that they would rather never meet again.
this DID make me smile very wide!!! I've always had this thought, too-- that when Bucky comes in from the cold it brings out a side of Steve that the others have literally never seen before, including his deeprooted Brooklyn accent and his apparent, intense undying love for baseball.
And truly, the boys go all out for the games. Jerseys and season passes. All the food they like from every game. They get so into the game, they're the ones standing and cheering and reacting like true fanatics. And when they finally get married, their honeymoon is spent traveling around the US and hitting all 30 MLB stadiums... and the Grand Canyon.
As they should
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