#Grachi 3
velezmp4 · 1 year
Axel velez Screencaps
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axellqq · 1 year
Axel velez icons
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aliskent · 6 months
Amaya Velez
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tmpttion · 2 years
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yeonjun - to do ep. 65  ༘♡ ⋆。 
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10 serie TV che adoro:
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1) Once Upon a Time, 2) Hotel 13, 3) H2O, 4) Grachi, 5) SuperTorpe, 6) Melevisione, 7) NPS, 8) The Band, 9) Incorreggibili, 10) Un Ciclone in Convento
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unreadpoppy · 2 years
I used to watch a telenovela for kids called Grachi on nickelodeon and one of the biggest plot twists I ever experienced was discovering one of the characters was a robot. Like bitch, it was like a 3-4 episode arc, and I cried so much because of it
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maryeditss · 3 months
Who I like more Grachi vs Every witch way:
Emma > Grachi
I think Grachi is a sweet person, but she lacks personality. She is sometimes quite irritating because she's so good, not to mention that sometimes she's either stupid or self-righteous, and I also hate what she did to Matilda (Maddie) in the first The season is already with Emma, she is very temperamental and intelligent, she can solve problems that Grachi would take episodes of quickly in minutes, I also like the fact that Emma has a lot more personality she is bold and sassy and I definitely love that.
Maddie = Matilda
I have pros and cons for both of them, I don't really like Maddie, from 3-4 I feel like she didn't make much of a difference in the show, Matilda is a very notable character in the seasons she's present (she left in season 2 That's about 120 chapters ) I think they are both bad friends, but Maddie was a good friend with Sophie, Between the two, I prefer Matilda because I think she's much more charismatic than Maddie, Don't get me wrong maddie was a sweetheart.
Daniel Miller > Daniel Esquivel
I'm not Daniel's biggest fan, they are both good friends, and good sons/brothers, most definitely Daniel Miller is a WAY better boyfriend than Daniel Esquivel, I would NEVER date someone like Daniel Esquivel in real life, Daniel Miller if it weren't for the magic thing and everything, maybe I would date Daniel from Grachi was a jerk with both Matilda and Grachi, in the 1st season he WAS DATING during the first 10 episodes with Matilda and he was simply in love with Grachi and flirting and not breaking up with Matilda, and when Mia appeared he did the same , he even CHEATED on Grachi and she NEVER knew, I just can't stand this boy and I also can't stand the way he gets irritated with Grachi because she has more male friends, but he has a best friend (Mia) who is always causing problems for him he simply defends her even though he knows about the spider thing, even though she TRYING TO KILL the grachi, in short he is one of the worst boyfriends on a children's show I've ever seen.
Mia Black = Mia Novoa
A lot of people don't like the fact that mia is a kanay in every witch way, but I just LOVED this idea, In the original she was just obsessed with being Daniel's girlfriend and being willing to kill Grachi, in eww she was a kanay (and not a witch like in grachi) this gave her a better story of a girl who lost her parents very early, and had to grow up running away from witches to protect herself this made her grow up without feeling opening up to anyone, daniel was genuinely the first person she opened up to, so she started to fall in love with him, I think this is much better than love at first sight, like mia(grachi) and daniel, The problem is that they didn't know how to develop the character in season 4, like you could do so many cool things with Mia, like she could be the Chosen One of the kanays, that would explain why she's been a very powerful kanay since she was 7 years old.
Diego Rueda < Diego forlán
I find Diego's character annoying in Every Witch Way, it's as if he didn't have any history after he started dating Maddie, don't get me wrong I LOVE MIEGO but they basically made him just Maddie's puppy, in Grachi he has more personality and doesn't spend all his time with Matilda, he has more plot and is better developed.
Andi > Mecha
Both are loyal and good friends, but Andi is MUCH better as a guardian than mecha, but any guardian of every witch way wins for those of grachi, I like Andi's personality much more than Mecha, Mecha in 1-2 basically only humiliated herself to men, in 3 she really changed and that was good.
Jax = Axel
They basically have the same personality, but Jax used magic to cheat, Axel doesn't like cheating and the only time he did it was out of pressure to please his father. I just love them both, which makes the difference between the ending and Jax giving up on the plan with And, Axel didn't do that. something very noticeable is the fact that Jax doesn't seem to care about what his father wants, as if he followed his father's plan but didn't seem to care about his father, equally Jake didn't care about him before Jessie appeared in Eww . In Grachi, it's as if Axel needed his father's approval to live as an emotional dependency, but I find this compressible considering that even though he lived under the same roof, his father didn't care about him, and always despised him and demanded more from him and the At the same time he was praising, being kind and understanding towards his sister Amaya, like imagine you growing up with your sister/brother being favorite and you being despised, honestly to this day I wonder how Axel didn't feel angry at Amaya or his father, I just couldn't stand them, to be honest I know Jax grew up alone and all, but everything got better after Jessie, but in Grachi, I just hate their one-sided relationship, like Axel was a great brother to her(amaya), but she was bad with him.
Jessie > Amaya
They have totally different stories because Jessie is an 11 year old child and Amaya is only 1 year younger than Axel (teenager) I simply prefer Jessie for 2 reasons: 1 she was a good sister, 2 - I like her whole plot in wits academy
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romy350-romyakari · 3 years
Matilda and Grachi are just talking ahhhh-
That is a nice detail ; w ; 💦💙
they may not get along but they kinda talking rn
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atte-piscis · 2 years
¿Leen cartas astrales o algo por el estilo?
Y qué creen que son los signos para la persona, ¿algún tipo de cualidades genéricas?
¡Hola! Así es, actualmente implementamos una nueva dinámica de ask los días viernes para poder responder a todos en un menor tiempo. ✨✨
Los signos del zodiaco son una clasificación de energías, aquellas que obtenemos de los planetas. Son independientes a las constelaciones que llevan los nombres de los signos y sí, tienen cualidades genéricas, pero todos tenemos una carta astral única e irrepetible que es como un "mapa" de nuestra personalidad. 😃 Es por esto que, no todas las personas con el Sol en el mismo signo son iguales, esto solo define una parte de sus cualidades.
Espero esta respuesta te sea de utilidad. 💙
Por: Géminis (ferferyfer)
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magickalsapphic · 4 years
˚* reasons I've always been/ wanted to be a witch without having known what they meant*.
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now that i have researched a lot about witchcraft and witchy beliefs i noticed there were so many things that I've always believed in or done since i was little that are main factors/ included in the practice/ beliefs. So here are a few of them:
sorry for the long post + total rant!!!
1. I have ALWAYS been interested in witchy things, from the first witchy movie i ever watched. After that which was probably harry potter, i was obsessed with it. Merlin, grachi (latam show), nowhere boys, fucking hocus pocus and any tv show/ movie that had anything to do with witches, I've watched so many of them. *i also always dressed up as a witch in halloween like the few times i have dressed up (cus it's not a tradition where i live) so yeah lol there's that, even at parties when i was older.
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2. I've always been interested in the elements! Since I found out what they were when I was little I always found a great peace in them. One of my favorite shows of all time is Avatar: TLA (a show about the elements!!), i also loved the nowhere boys and other things. And just felt a connection with them ⛤
3. Since I was little I've always collected rocks/ stones, and things I found that I felt attracted to. These included any pretty little rocks, sticks, I found an old key once and some lost earrings maybe or stuff like that. I have a little chest where I keep my favorites.
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4. I've seriously always wanted to be a witch. Like from all those movies I obviously wanted to have magic, who wouldn't. But it was more than just that, I didn't mind that it wasn't like harry potter, I saw stuff about the history of witches, and how they were killed and felt personally affected in a way, or just sad. And it's exactly that that I wanted too, like doing spells, rituals, protection, connecting with the energy of the universe.
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5. I actually wanted to be a witch so bad, that just with my imagination (at least that's what I thought) I tried to do so. What I mean is that with my collection of things in that little chest, I used to take out the rocks/stones, and other things (including dice, an old key, and a lot of school pictures of me for some reason, etc..) I put them out and tried to somehow meditate with them or pretend that I did (picture me being 7-10 maybe) and try to make wishes and stuff. So as now I know everything is about intention, who knows, maybe I really did do something..
6. This is kind of a long one, but it's really the biggest one. You know how everyone tries to see if they have telepathy/teleckinesis, or super powers when they're little? Well I obviously did too. But even though I may have not been Matilda, I tried so so hard to actually see if I had anything (idk why child me was so optimistic lol). So well I started seeing if I could actually make things happen. I focused very hard and tried to do a weird thing with my hand, like a pattern, and being like "make the tv work"(IN MY HEAD BTW), or "make the traffic stop"/"i want to go to this restaurant soon", along with other sorta small things.
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So I kept it a secret, aka told some friends and my sister about it a few times, didn't believe me but let it go, so I just acted like it was a game/ joke in a way. I still do tbh. But I kept doing it idk why, I just wanted something to happen and turned my hand like 3 times or something, and waited. And it might've worked like 30-40% of the time, probably less, but it was good enough for me.
So yes, I was probably just a crazy and weird kid, but the thing is that, even if you don't believe me, they actually worked a lot of times, not everytime though. But they did. So I pretended to have a little super power, and thought to myself, "well if I'm the protagonist of a movie I can't just tell people or it will stop working (matilda again ✨) or they'll just say I'm crazy" second one being very much true.
So do I still do that all the time? Yes!
Am I probably just crazy and it all has a logical explanation but I try to kid myself into thinking it's real because a part of me just wants to fucking be in harry potter? Yes.
So yeah everyone in my family actually legit say "ana, do your magic thingy this won't work"/"okay then try to do this" or other things everyday, and still get surprised when it works.
But do I have proof that it's happened? Well no. Not exactly at least, but since I do it so often sometimes I just pretend I'm doing magic like exaggerating around ny friends/family and then boom! the pizza finally got here, the tv started working again, the wifi came back, we didn't have the test today, i fixed whatever was wrong with my brothers phone/anything with just doing the same thing he did, and many other things.
So again it could all just be a very recurring coincidence, or it couldn't..
All I know is I won't stop doing it because it also brings me peace to know that it might work, even if it doesn't every time.
7. Me being psychic! Ever since I can remember, I've always had this feeling that something was gonna happen before it did. It's hard to explain because a lot of the times, after it happens I say to myself, I knew this was gonna happen, for some reason, because I felt like it would even if I didn't know what it was or recognized the feeling at all.
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However, over time I've found it so much easier to recognize it and it's way more explicit, like I get a feeling of knowing what's gonna happen, or what could Never happen. If someone were to tell me "so there's a 50/50 chance person A ends up doing thing A or thing B" and i just immediately feel it and even if I don't always say it I just know "actually option B will never happen, it's just not going to happen". And most of the times I'm right.
I found out about the term "claircognizance" about 2 weeks ago and found that from many lists of signs you have it, i have most if not all of the signs each time. So yeah, I've just always had this thing in me, and everyone around me always says it's not possible and that I'm crazy, but now that I saw other people have it too, it's honestly a relief.
However, as cool as it is, it also gives me so much anxiety. I'm generally a very anxious and irrational person, so for example everytime I get in the car or a friend/ family member is late to something, my mind goes wow I'm gonna die, they're in a horrible accident, etc...
So if i know that a lot of the times the things that go through my mind will actually happen, it just makes it worse. However, I have over time found it easier to recognize what could be real and what couldn't. So yeah, there's that.
8. I've never been very religious, yet I've always believed in the Universe and its energy. I know witches come from many religions, but I still think that believing in the balance and energy of the Universe is a big part for a lot of witches if not all? And that's something that has always been inside me. I tried to follow Catholicism at school, and I couldn't put myself to believe in everything. After a lot of years, I came to the realization that I wasn't really fully an atheist, but I believed in a higher power, and really wanted to believe in an afterlife. But most important, I believed that there was balance in the Universe, and that there was energy everywhere. I believe in karma a lot and well a lot of witchy things, before I even knew it was close to paganism/ witchcraft.
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9. I've also always loved astrology and believed in the zodiac signs and everything. Everyone around me doesn't so when I talked about it they went "oh, you couldn't possibly believe those things right?" and as with all of the above I had to keep a low profile and say it's just for fun or whatever. But apart from that, I just always loved astrology, the stars and the moon, even if I've never studied it fully (I really want to).
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10. I've always been really drawn to greek mythology. And tbh any kind of mythology. I don't work with deities, at least not yet, but I've always loved everything about mythology. Everytime we talked and learned about it in class I was really passionate and again in movies and books (like Percy Jackson). So I guess in a way it also relates to witchcraft/ paganism?
11. I'm pretty sure I've always wanted a familiar? Well, I only learned what a familiar was a short while ago but when I did I realized I kind of always wanted one. Like when I was little, I of course really wanted a pet (a puppy mostly) but it was more than just that, I wanted one that would be just mine and like with me All The Time. I didn't get it btw. But well this was also because of this movie "The Golden Compass", where people have dæmon (which by definition was the physical manifestation of a human soul in that world, taking form as an animal that was literally like half the soul of the human who had it, and it never left one's side). So I really wanted something like this for some reason, I even asked for my birthday/ christmas for at least 2 years after I didn't get a dog (when I was maybe 8-9) to not have a pet, but have *something that would be like a partner (?) that I would have by my side most of the time* /whatever definition I gave to was really a familiar i wanted in a way. (I got a puppet! like an actual wooden string puppet haha, to be fair I probably confused my mom a lot)
Anyway, I just find it funny that when I was so little I wanted to have a familiar, and now that I know what it is, I want one more than ever.
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➸ Well I'm sorry for the unnecessarily long post about just some random signs (in my opinion) that I've always been/ wanted to be a witch.
These are just a few I can think of that I feel are just interesting that I've always been drawn to these things and everything.
I'm 17 now, and now that I'm researching and trying to implement witchcraft/ paganism in my life, I really feel so relieved and more excited about my everyday life than I ever have before. Even if no one irl besides my little sister really supports it very much, I really like and want to be part of this community with all I've got:)
Please tell me your opinions/ comments in all/ any of the things I mentioned, I would love to hear what you have to say, and specially if some people relate! Also I'm still pretty new to everything so if anyone wants to dm me/ be friends/ just be mutuals on tumblr let me know!
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Thank you for listening.
Blessed be.
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spicy-desserrrrt · 3 years
Siiii buenaaaas
¿Qué es Alétheia para ti?
Por cierto, mera ternura e idilio el 90% de tu blog.
"aquello que no está oculto, lo que es evidente y verdadero". Medio profundo, no? Habláme y te cuento.
Que lindo, grachi <3
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axellqq · 2 years
Axel velez icons
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agrcnicons · 4 years
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Grachi icons
Si usas da créditos <3
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san7yblr · 4 years
Hmmmm veamos: 6, 7, 19, 22, 34, 37 y 65 😬
Venga, un millón de preguntas para empezar, para que tarde poco en responder jajajaja
Allá voy;
06: How do you want to die?
Pues supongo que como todo el mundo: Indoloramente, dentro de muchísimo tiempo y sin ningún proceso de enfermedad largo de por medio
07: What did you last eat?
Ensaladilla rusa xD
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Si es por tema cambiar algo nah, en todo caso repetir algún momento bueno y eso
... Ehm bueno, si es para saber qué número de lotería comprar, saberme las preguntas de todos los exámenes etc etc etc entonces si 😂😂😂
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
Ya sabes la respuesta, de momento ni en pintura😂
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
Casi nunca me acuerdo de lo que sueño salvo que me despierte a media noche de golpe, así que ni idea, la verdad. Pero estoy seguro de que tuvo cero sentido, como siempre jajajaja
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Pues no sé, pero imagino que olvidar, más que nada porque puedes olvidar sin haber perdonado realmente
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Pues concretamente me pasó una vez y fue contigo y lo que hice es empezar a salir contigo 😂😂😂😂😂
Grachie por las preguntas ❤❤
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club57source · 4 years
MIAMI, 22 of January 2020. –Viacom International Studios (VIS) and The Mediapro Studio announced that Bogotá, Colombia will be the new setting for the second season of Club 57 (60 x 1 hour), Nickelodeon Latin America's hit musical series. After a successful first season, which culminated with an impressive live-tour uniting more than 10 thousand fans in Buenos Aires in November, Club 57 returns to the screen. The co-production with The Mediapro Studio will begin filming in the second quarter of this year.
In this second season, Eva and Rubén split their time between 1957 and 1987, where the "Chaos Guardians" have JJ hidden. However, now, they are not the only ones traveling through time. Tiago, a brilliant but rebellious classmate, developed his own technology for time travel. Even though she dislikes Tiago, Eva needs him to find a way to stay with JJ, without breaking the space-time dimension and cause chaos in the universe… again.
Club 57 returns with an outstanding pan-regional cast lead by Venezuelan actress Evaluna Montaner, in the role of Eva, Italian actor Riccardo Frascari as JJ, Colombians Sebastian Silva playing Rubén and Andres Mercado portraying Manuel, Chilean Carolina Mestrovic in the role of Vero and the Venezuelan Fefi Oliveira as Mercedes. This new season will also feature new actors, soon to be announced.
Award-winning Argentinian-Venezuelan singer-songwriter Ricardo Montaner, music producers Mau and Ricky, and Colombian singer-songwriter, Camilo Echeverri will once again be in charge of the soundtrack for this second season.
The first season of Club 57, viewed by more than 19M[1] people in the region, was the #1 show during its timeslot with girls 7-14 in Argentina and Mexico; and girls 4-11 in Argentina[2]. At the same time, Club 57 was the #1 show during Argentine FTA broadcaster Telefe's children's programming block on the weekends. The series garnered more than 69M video views[3] throughout all platforms and was the #1 property on Nick Play during its premieres[4].
Club 57 also had several musical hits throughout its first season run, including "El Tiempo Corre Al Reves", the theme song for the series, performed by Evaluna Montaner, reaching 3.9 million video views on YouTube and "Ladrona" surpassing 14 million video views to date.
Club 57 is the work of screenwriter Catharina Ledoboer, who has written multiple smash hits for Nickelodeon Latin America, including Every Witch Way (four seasons), WITS Academy, and Talia in the Kitchen for Nickelodeon USA, and three successful seasons of Grachi, Nickelodeon Latin America's youth series.
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sombraoscura15 · 5 years
Feliz cumpleaños Espero que la paces bien :3
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