#Germany against the Virus
afeelgoodblog · 2 months
The Best News of Last Week
1. A branch of the flu family tree has died and won't be included in future US vaccines
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A type of flu virus that used to sicken people every year hasn't been spotted anywhere on Earth since March 2020. As such, experts have advised that the apparently extinct viruses be removed from next year's flu vaccines.
The now-extinct viruses were a branch of the influenza B family tree known as the Yamagata lineage. Scientists first reported the apparent disappearance of Yamagata viruses in 2021.
2. Hospitals must obtain written consent for pelvic and similar exams, the federal government says
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Hospitals must obtain written informed consent from patients before subjecting them to pelvic exams and exams of other sensitive areas — especially if an exam will be done while the patient is unconscious, the federal government said Monday.
New guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services now requires consent for breast, pelvic, prostate and rectal exams for “educational and training purposes” performed by medical students, nurse practitioners or physician assistants.
3. Germany approves new law that will allow adults to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis for their own consumption and store up to 50 grams at home.
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Germany's upper house, the Bundesrat, cleared the way to partially legalize cannabis on Friday. Adults aged 18 and over will be allowed to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis for their own consumption.
4. Tick-killing pill shows promising results in human trial | Should it pan out, the pill would be a new weapon against Lyme disease.
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Tarsus Pharmaceuticals is developing a pill for humans that could provide protection against the tick-borne disease for several weeks at a time. In February, the Irvine, California–based biotech company announced results from a small, early-stage trial showing that 24 hours after taking the drug, it can kill ticks on people, with the effects lasting for up to 30 days.
5. Thailand moves to legalise same-sex marriage
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Thailand has taken a historic step closer to marriage equality after the lower house passed a bill giving legal recognition to same-sex marriage.
It still needs approval from the Senate and royal endorsement to become law but it is widely expected to happen by the end of 2024, making Thailand the only South East Asian country to recognise same-sex unions.
6. French Revolution: Cyclists Now Outnumber Motorists In Paris
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Official measurements have found that Paris is rapidly becoming a city of transportation cyclists. In the suburbs, where public transit is less dense, transport by car was found to be the main form of mobility. But for journeys from the outskirts of Paris to the center, the number of cyclists now far exceeds the number of motorists, a huge change from just five years ago.
7. 'Miracle' operation reverses blindness in three-year-old girl giving her 'promising' future
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A three year old with a genetic condition that causes blindness is doing incredibly well after unique pioneering operation to restore her sight.
The UK is the only country performing keyhole eye surgery to inject healthy copies of a gene into sufferers’ eyes. It is being used to reverse blindness in children born with a rare condition which means they can only distinguish between light and dark. And it has given little Khadijah Chaudhry, born with Leber congenital amaurosis-4, a chance at seeing properly again.
That's it for this week :)
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
"Five people have gone into remission thanks to advancements in medicine — and a sixth patient may also now be free of HIV.
One of the biggest breakthroughs in HIV/AIDS prevention in recent years is the widespread use of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis). 
This drug therapy, approved by the Federal Drug Administration in 2012, has been a key player in preventing HIV transmission through sex or injection drug use. Antiretroviral drugs, such as PrEP, also slow the replication of the virus and prevent it from progressing to AIDS.
Although PrEP has become a more accessible treatment for the virus, scientists have been hurriedly working towards cures for HIV for decades — and we’re finally seeing some results.
In February of this year, scientists in Germany confirmed a fifth-ever patient had been cured of HIV after receiving stem cell transplants that include genetic mutations that carry a resistance to HIV. 
But it looks like a sixth patient may soon be able to join this very exclusive club. 
The man, referred to as the “Geneva patient,” underwent a stem cell transplant after cancer treatment, though these cells did not include the HIV-resistant genetic mutation. 
Still, he went off antiretroviral therapy for HIV in November 2021, and his viral load remains undetectable. 
Instead, doctors are researching whether a drug called ruxolitinib may be partially responsible for his recovery. 
Ruxolitinib decreases inflammation associated with HIV by blocking two proteins, JAK1 and JAK2. This helps kill off “reservoir cells” that lay dormant in the body and have a potential to cause rebounds in patients with HIV.
Experts say the AIDS crisis can end by 2030 across the globe — as long as leaders prioritize this goal. 
A new report from UNAIDS shows a clear, optimistic path to ending the AIDS crisis. (This looks like a 90% reduction in cases by 2030.)
The organization’s report includes data and case studies that show that ending AIDS is a political and financial choice — and that governments that have prioritized a path towards progress are seeing extraordinary results.
By following the data, science, and evidence; tackling inequality; and ensuring sufficient and sustainable funding across communities, the global community could wipe out the AIDS pandemic by the end of the decade.
The report demonstrates that progress has been strongest in the countries and regions that have the most financial investments, like eastern and southern Africa, where new HIV infections have been reduced by 57% since 2010. 
Investments in treatments, education, and access to care have also led to a 58% reduction in new HIV infections among children from 2010 to 2022 — the lowest number since the 1980’s.
Plus, the number of people on antiretroviral treatment around the globe has risen from 7.7 million in 2010 to 29.8 million in 2022.
The moral of the story? This goal can be achieved, if world leaders put their minds — and wallets — to it. 
A region in Australia might be the first place in the world to reach the United Nations targets for ending HIV transmission. 
Researchers believe that the central district of Sydney, Australia is close to becoming the first locality in the world to reach the UN’s target for ending transmission of HIV. 
Specifically, new infections among gay men have fallen by 88% between 2010 and 2022. In fact, there were only 11 new HIV cases recorded in central Sydney last year, and almost all HIV-positive Australians are on antiretroviral drugs. 
... "These numbers show us that virtual elimination of HIV transmissions is possible. Now, we need to look closely at what has worked in Sydney, and adapt it for other cities and regions across Australia.”
Namibia is ahead of schedule in UN targets to end HIV/AIDS. 
Although the virus is still the leading cause of death in Namibia, the country is well on track to hit 95-95-95 UNAIDS targets before its 2030 deadline. 
In Namibia, 92% of people know their HIV status, 99% of people living with HIV are on treatment, and 94% of people living with HIV who are on treatment are virally suppressed.
In addition to these exciting statistics, new infections have plummeted. The estimated rate of new HIV infections in Namibia is five times lower than it was in 2002, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
These encouraging numbers are thanks to the investment and strategic response of PEPFAR, but also to the willingness of local governmental agencies and organizations to adhere to the UN’s Fast-Track approach.
Breakthroughs are being made in HIV vaccine therapies.
Long before we were all asking each other “Pfizer or Moderna?” about our COVID-19 vaccines, scientists have been researching the potential of mRNA vaccines in treating some of the world’s deadliest diseases — like HIV.
And with the success of our mainstream mRNA vaccines, an HIV inoculation remains a goal for researchers across the globe.
Last year, the National Institutes of Health launched a clinical trial of three mRNA vaccines for HIV, and similar studies are being conducted in Rwanda and South Africa, as well. 
CAR T-cell clinical trials are underway to potentially cure HIV.
This spring, UC Davis Health researchers have dosed the second participant in their clinical trial, which poses the use of CAR T-cell therapy as a potential cure for HIV.
The study involves taking a participant’s own white blood cells (called T-cells), and modifying them so they can identify and target HIV cells, ultimately controlling the virus without medication. 
The first participant in the study was dosed with anti-HIV T-cells last August, and the trial is the first of its kind to utilize this technology to potentially treat HIV. 
Of course, the trials have a long way to go, and the lab is still preparing to dose a third participant for the study, but CAR T-cell treatments have been successful for lupus and forms of cancer in the past...
“So far, there have been no adverse events observed that were related to the treatment, and the two participants are doing fine.”
Guidance on how to reduce stigma and discrimination due to HIV/AIDS is reaching people around the globe.
While the stigma surrounding HIV and AIDS has significantly decreased — especially towards the LGBTQ+ community — with advancements in treatment and prevention, discrimination is certainly not gone. 
While most people now understand HIV/AIDS better than they did decades ago, those most impacted by the virus (like gay men and low-income women and children) still face ongoing barriers to care and economic security. 
It is vital to maintain awareness and education interventions. 
After all, experts suggest that eliminating discrimination and stigma are key factors in reducing disease.  And not eliminating stigma impedes HIV services, argues UNAIDS, “limiting access to and acceptance of prevention services, engagement in care, and adherence to antiretroviral therapy.” 
Luckily, UNAIDS provides guidance on how to reduce stigma and discrimination in the community, workplace, education, health care, justice, and emergency settings. 
The goal is to, of course, decrease stigma in order to decrease disease, but also to provide folks with the culturally significant support they need to live safe, integrated lives — with or without disease. 
For instance, a 2022 study conducted in Northern Uganda showed that local cultural knowledge passed through Elders was a successful intervention in reducing HIV-related stigma among young people.
“Research in school settings has shown that the use of local cultural stories, songs, myths, riddles, and proverbs increases resilient coping responses among students and strengthens positive and socially accepted morals and values,” the study’s discussion reads. 
So, while an uptick in acceptance gives us hope, it also gives us a directive: Keep telling the accurate, full, and human stories behind HIV/AIDS, and we’ll all be better for it. "
-via GoodGoodGood, August 3, 2023
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jewishbarbies · 6 months
i am so sick and heartbroken over the antisemitism and violence directed at Jewish people we're seeing every day. on this site it keeps getting worse and worse. it's like they all have a virus and they're spreading it. they want us eliminated and they think that's the moral stance.
it’s been very clear to me that they just needed an excuse. there’s been small things (in comparison) over the years from the left like banning magen davids on pride flags at pride fests and allowing antisemites to run the women’s march, but these people needed a reason they could use to justify full on nazi rhetoric because that’s what they wanted the entire time. there’s a lot of stupid people being stupid, but there’s also a lot of people being so deliberate. there’s no way it’s not on purpose. they wanted to be able to hate jews as publicly as they pleased without being condemned by their leftist peers and for that they needed something bigger to unite them against us. just like hitler blamed the jews for all of germany’s problems, the left and the right blame jews for all of theirs. i think the leftists who so boldly taut the “those who don’t learn from history” quote need to start learning from their history.
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mortalityplays · 4 months
"Wowow Ukrainians are white people with blue eyes just like us" is only a surprising and newsworthy concept because you racist anglo fucks are used to thinking everyone east of germany is some kind of gorilla living in a communist shithole, and it surprises your small shivelled brains that my people live just like you. You're so fucking used to talking "about" us rather than "with" us that you see no fucking problem using us as one end of your political argument against your "imperial core" governments. "Ooh look, they treat Ukrainians as people but Palestinians as subhuman". Literally go fuck yourselves for using my bombed-to-shit neighbors and friends as an illustration for your cute leftist virue signalling post. Ukraine isn't your crutch to attack your political enemies in the safe, cushy Western country you live in. You think you're any different?
who do you think you're arguing with here. do you think that guardian article was posted with approval? I'm genuinely confused what you think the point of that post was if not the ghoulish xenophobia of that commentary
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NHS hospitals refused intensive care treatment to disabled people with COVID "« Do Not Resuscitate » notices were placed on the medical files of many people with Down’s syndrome, autism & other learning disabilities who were otherwise healthy before contracting the virus" "Six out of 10 people who died from Covid between March and July 2020 were disabled, according to the ONS" inews co uk/news/politics/thousands-of-disabled-people-died-after-covid-treatment-withheld-inquiry-to-probe-2970333
Now, someone who is physically disabled/immunocompromized please chime in so that there is a full picture, I can only talk from my perspective of a mentally ill autistic but (mostly, if you count the rather extreme side effects of my psych medication) able bodied person.
Its just so horrific, and I hate how mainstream media refuses to talk about it, or treats this as something necessary.
Yes, I get it, triage and hard decisions and stuff... but this is still pure eugenics and should be called out as such. Its not even that a neurodivergent person is inherently more likely to have complications or die from Covid, which still would be fucking disgusting and ableist and eugenics but at least somewhat, for the lack of better words, and I hate using this word, understandable. Not justified, but understandable in a disturbing way.
I am not surprised at all that this happened, and I am not surprised at all that NHS now, as families against their expectations rally against them, deleted at least some of the documents from the internet. This rethoric that disabled people are disposable and do not deserve saving/medical intervention was already there before the pandemic. The pandemic just highlighted it in a utterly horrific way.
I think that was what fucked me up the most about the pandemic. Not the lockdowns, the lack of structure, the fear, the uncertainty. But not just having this vague hint my abled neurotypical family denied that I am disposable, that I am not seen as worth living, but the absolute certainty that at least for these kind of doctors, I am.
Abled neurotypicals will never understand what that does to a person. Just how painful that is.
It also found that there were “serious concerns that individuals’ human rights – to be involved in DNACPR decisions about themselves or their families – were potentially being breached in more than 500 cases across the adult social care services”, which would have been a breach of the Equality Act.
No shit Sherlock. But that hits the mark. We're not human for these kind of people. Yes, it is an extreme situation, but it still showed that.
I remember some exchange rather at the beginning of the pandemic, somewhen in the first lockdown, that really messed me up. I was posting about this exact situation, and how painful it was to me as a disabled person, and some person claiming to being an essential worker attacked me that I don't understand the kind of hard choices doctors have to make and that I am selfish and disgusting for complaining about it.
So disabled people wanting to live is selfish. Denying them necessary medical care is just the logical extreme of this.
It also reminds me at the darkest part of Germanys history. "Nicht lebenswertes Leben" ("live unworthy of life") being applied to disabled people so that they could either be denied medical care or outright killed. Of course there wasn't the same intention behind this, but definitely the same kind of reasoning.
Haven't heard about this kind of policies being used here in Germany, but I wouldn't be surprised at all. If anyone knows more information of how this was handled in other countries, please comment.
Now, I bet there will be some abled neurotypicals lecturing me of how I just don't understand triage and how dire the situation was, and how selfish I am, but honestly, I am tired.
And mind you, I am "just" mentally ill and autistic, I don't even have any condition that makes a Covid infection more risky. There's been so many posts about how utterly society failed immunocompromized and chronically ill people during the pandemic and still fails them today. What they suffered is not even comparable to me. So yeah, please add your perspective if the latter describes you.
-Mod Tallys
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cupcake-torture · 1 month
Things people (and canon) seem to forget about Captain America (Steve Rogers) (an old ass man)
• Dude was born in 1918
• Time alive (not including ice bucket challenge) = 1918-1943 [INSERT 68 YEAR GAP] 2011-2023
What he missed
• The atom bomb
• The cold war
• Civil rights movement
• Anything space travel
• Women's rights
• Lgbt rights
• Really anything to do with a computer and the internet
• Rise of neo-nazis
Based on this. He is like your grandfather's father. Imagine teaching that old bugger the new world WITHOUT him seeing its evolution.
Based on the list above he would (at least for a good long while after being out of the ice.)
Be racist
• Black and coloured people did not have rights when he was iced. Them having rights would at the VERY LEAST confuse the fuck outta him
• The N-word was commonly used before the civil rights movement. It was not known to be a bad thing to say. It was more a statement of fact.
• Also black people were not seen to really be PEOPLE during the time so take that as you will.
Be sexist
• Women didn't have rights at this time. Sure they had more than black people but at the time when Steve got iced they were still fighting for the right to vote.
• It would be almost natural for Steve to not take women seriously. (Although I imagine Peggy took some of this out of him, but we're being realistic).
• He would also probably be very Victorian man being shown an ankle about how women can dress today. (God imagine him seeing a bikini for the first time)
• He also wasn't around for the lobotomy so I like to imagine him being fucking repulsed about the medical negligence and endangerment of American lobotomies (shokingly European ones weren't as bad. I REPEAT: WERENT *AS BAD*)
be homophobic
gay people didn't really 'exist' at this point in time so I doubt steve would be all the knowledgeable in all of it
that is to say, he is Christian, being gay is quite openly a sin in most Christian interpretations, and my boy wants to do right by God.
he also wouldn't get all this gender stuff. it was never a thing for him. at least 'queer' was a word when he was around.
be fucking useless with technology
I can clearly envision steve giving tony multiple aneurysms as he shows him his inevitably virus-filled computer ("HOW? HOW DO YOU HAVE MORE VIRUSES THAN ACTUAL PROGRAMS???" "but this man said he needed to fix my email...")
the most this man used was a typewriter (so he would be infinitely better at typing on a computer than a phone)
he also was iced before modern calculators, so he would have used an adding machine at most
yet again this man is 100 and missed most of technology being made. this is not his fault, but it will still happen.
not be all that book smart
so this guy would've been... *counts on fingers* 11 when the great depression hit. so maybe 5-6 years of schooling before he would have dropped out to work because great depression
also anything he learnt in school would probably be false by now (even maths has changed since then)
I am NOT saying he's not smart. i know he's smart with military stuff and all that, but he's more a wisdom guy than an intelligence guy y'know?
would not swear
swearing wasn't really a thing in the '20s - '30s so yeah...
he would have some weird ass slang tho, and I do not doubt that tony would give him all the shit for it
(from knowledge acquired by reading the great gatsby) he would use the words probably, but more literal (like 'bitch' for female dog)
honestly be shamed for america allowing nazis to continue to exist
half of dude's life in the military was punching hitler. i think this would be pretty self-explanatory.
i think he would like how germany goes about having it all be against the law tho. he'd support that 100%.
I WANT TO SAY THIS JUST IN CASE ANYONE MISUNDERSTOOD ME. i do not believe that steve would be a bad person on purpose. he is simply a product of his time. i thoroughly believe that when pointed out, he would do his best to become better, to learn more, and to be accepting. what I am saying is that it will take time, and many trip ups, and honestly, I think that would have been a really cool thing to bring up about how much culture has changes in less than 100 years. the MCU really only brought up the technological differences and I think it would have been cool to explore this. (I am aware some things can't happen because slurs are age restricted, but still, cool concept.)
anyways, if you got this far, thanks for reading this unintentional essay. have a nice day.
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lepartidelamort · 2 days
Macron Says “Everyone is Completely Fucked”
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I’m getting pretty darn tired of people saying something is going to happen while nothing ever happens.
He didn’t actually say “completely fucked.” He said “Le Fucked Absoluto.”
I don’t totally read his meaning, though I do understand the framing.
The EU is facing a record number of “external and internal enemies,” who pose an existential threat to the bloc, French President Emmanuel Macron has said, doubling down on a warning he’d given earlier, that “our Europe” could end up dying.
Macron made the remarks while speaking alongside Germany’s head of state, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on the first of his three-day state visit. The two attended the Festival of Democracy, held in Berlin’s government quarter, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the country’s constitution. “I think that we are experiencing a moment in our Europe which is existential because I really believe that our Europe can die,” Macron stated, referring to a keynote speech he’d delivered in April.
Let’s hope so.
I hope everyone dies.
The French president urged a vote for pro-EU forces in the upcoming European elections, warning the bloc has “never had so many enemies inside and outside” as it has now. The purported internal enemies are apparently European nationalists, with their rise raising questions about democracy itself, Macron asserted. “There is a form of fascination with authoritarianism which is born in our own democracies … which also feeds nationalism and other extremes on our continent,” he claimed.
Who are the internal enemies?
Talking about rooting out internal enemies is hardcore, Joe Biden style shit.
He was in Germany, so he could have been talking about AfD. He might also be talking about Le Pen. Frankly, some kind of massive purge attempt by the analists would be hilarious, as it’s going to result in half the European population begging Putin to come liberate them.
Macron painted a grim picture of “nationalists” entering government, alleging that they would have failed to tackle Covid-19 and shown “no capacity to respond to migration challenges,” climate change issues, and so on.
I’m glad we’re all clear on the fact that the right-wing is not in support of virus and weather hoaxes.
It’s funny to claim that this is the threat they present.
People say Macron needs to go back to clown school, but he seems to have graduated with honors.
“We would have abandoned backing Ukraine against Russia, which all the nationalists in our countries support. And, therefore, history would have not been the same,” the president alleged. “For all these reasons, it is important to vote in the Europeans,” he concluded.
Yeah, I agree we should vote in the Europeans instead of the Pakis and niggers.
But he’s right.
The real ones are against the hoaxes, they are pro-Russia.
Basically, we want a Europe dominated by Russia instead of Germany.
It would have been really cool if Hitler had dominated Europe, but that moment passed. Now we want a Russian Europe. Russians are the last Europeans, and we want them to be the dominant player. They are also the ones with the links to China and therefore the $$$$$$$$$$$.
That’s what we need. We don’t need more fucking windmills and genetic death shots. We want trade, we want money, we want skinny bitches and sports and highly refined tequilas and frigging, like, robots and shit.
We’ve all had enough niggers and windmills to last an eternity. You think about the course of a lifetime, and the human experiences, and like, I’ve had more than enough niggers and windmills.
I want robots and hardcore you know, racism and sexism and like, homos getting thrown off roofs.
I’m not the minority anymore.
The world has seen what virus hoaxes and “ultra nigger mania” does to a nation.
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bpod-bpod · 7 months
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Clearing the Cache
While HIV infection is successfully controlled by antiretroviral drugs, the virus can persist at low levels in lymph nodes. Using a mouse model with Friend virus this study shows that treatment with an antibody directed against the protein CD137 induces clearance of the viral reservoir by a type of cytotoxic T cell
Read the published research paper here
Image still from a video from work by Anna Malyshkina and colleagues
Institute for Virology, University Hospital Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in PLOS Pathogens, October 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
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Ok, another "biggie" - this time on German Jewish life from the Enlightenment to the rise of Nazi rule.
The German Enlightenment began around 1650 when Germany was a group of absolutist kingdoms (Prussia, Hamburg, Bradenburg, Pomerania, etc.) 
The rulers of these kingdoms realized it was not economically feasible to constantly expel their Jews, who had proven to be a valuable “commodity” wherever they were tolerated.
So, the expulsions slowed, but anti-Jewish attacks remained.
One infamous German mob attack took place in 1699 against the Jewish Quarter of Bamberg. As the mob attacked, one Jew poured a basket of ripe plums on top of them. For some reason, this caused panic among the rioters, who fled. This bizarre event is still commemorated every 29th of Nisan as the Zwetschgen-Ta’anit (“Prune-Fest”).
The 1700s in Germany saw the “reforms” of Frederick II, the king of Prussia (who Hitler would later call a “heroic genius”). 
Frederick II felt his kingdom had “too many Jews.” But rather than expel them, he wanted them to essentially “make themselves useful” on the Polish border engaging in trade. 
Beginning in 1750, Frederick II issued various anti-Jewish edicts aimed at keeping the Jewish population to an absolute, fixed minimum. He named a small number of “protected” Jewish families who could stay in specific cities provided they abstain from future marriages lest they "transform it into complete Jerusalem."
In the 1760s, Frederick II also issued edicts precluding Jews from various occupations. Then came the oppressive taxation. Frederick II would not permit Jews to fight in the Seven Years War – instead, he required Jews to pay extraordinary sums to fund his war while keeping the Jewish community poor.
Decades after Frederick II, however, in 1812, Prussia became the first German state to grant citizenship to its Jews. 
However, the problem of the European “Enlightenment” was that “full rights” for Jews came with the condition that they discard all that made them Jewish. In other words, you could be accepted as a German citizen or you could choose to remain a Jew. You couldn’t be both.
Of note, 1812 was also the year the Brothers Grimm published Rumpelstiltskin. This treasured fairy tale along with various others by the Brothers Grimm, including Little Red Riding Hood and Hansel and Gretel are loaded with thinly-veiled antisemitism. Other works by the Brothers Grimm were not so subtle. Antisemitism was the express theme of their stories The Jew in the Brambles, The Jew Among the Thorns, and The Good Bargain.
In fact, in Nazi Germany, all German households were required to own a copy of the “sacred” Brothers Grimm tales, and schools were required to use their antisemitic stories as educational literature.
1817 saw the rise of the Reform Judaism movement, which was intended both to "modernize" Judaism and make it palatable to German Christians. 
Some German Christians, however, were not impressed by these assimilation attempts.
Have you ever said the words, “hep hep hooray?” Well, I’m sorry to tell you that phrase has antisemitic origins. 
During the series of “Hep Hep” riots in 1819, violent anti-Jewish mobs used “Hep Hep” as their rallying cry. The term had a double meaning. It was an acronym for the Latin phrase “Hierosolyma est perdita” meaning “Jerusalem is lost” and said to taunt Prussian Jews. It was also what German sheep-herders yelped to their sheep to keep them in order. Basically, the phrase came naturally to Prussians who hated Jews, and it was even used more than 100 years later by Hitler’s stormtroopers when they went on the prowl for Jews.
Despite widespread antisemitism, the bilateral efforts of German Enlightenment thinkers and Jewish assimilationists led ultimately to the Revolution of 1848, when all German states proclaimed Jewish emancipation.
Again, however, any gains by the German Jewish community were always met with antisemitic backlash.
One of Germany’s most famous composers, Richard Wagner, was a virulent antisemite and one of Hitler's inspirations. 
In 1850, Wagner began speaking out against what he called “Jewish decadence” and influence in music. Wagner was one of the original faces of racist antisemitism in Germany such that “Jewish blood” was all that mattered for that person to be worthy of scorn and to be considered "dangerous" to "pure" German blood. 
Wagner would later write, “I hold the Jewish race to be the born enemy of pure humanity and everything noble in it. It is certain that it is running us Germans to the ground.”
On November 1, 1867, all remaining restrictions on Jews’ right of residence, real estate purchase, and choice of profession were abolished in the North German Confederation.
A gain for the Jewish community? Yup. So, now the backlash.
Also in 1867, the German journalist Wilhelm Marr coined the phrase “antisemitism” for the purpose of being able to discuss Jew-hatred in “polite society.”
Then, in 1871, a German constitution was passed that granted Jews full equality.
Three cheers for … wait a minute.
Violent backlash against German Jews took-off again in 1881. First, a petition calling for the removal of all Jews from public life, containing 250,000 signatures, was delivered to the Reichstag (German parliament).
Then, the pan-German Austrian leader and virulent antisemite Georg Ritter von Schönerer developed a following where (tell me if this sounds familiar) he was referred to as "Führer," and he and his followers used the greeting "Heil!"
April and May of 1881 saw popular antisemitic riots against Jewish homes in Berlin.
While German antisemitism persisted, the 1890s and early 1900s gave way to Jews finally being able to actualize some of the promises of emancipation.
Germans looked down at the “barbaric” Ukranian pogroms that were occurring and thought themselves above such things now.
In fact, by 1912, 12 of the 100 members of the Reichstag were Jews.
On the eve of World War I (1914), antisemitism was all but a fringe political force. Though there remained antisemitic parties, they never received more than 4-5% of the vote. And more than 100,000 German Jews fought for their country during the Great War (12% higher than their population ratio).
At the war’s end on November 11, 1918, there were 20 million dead.
The Treaty of Versailles that ended the war placed all blame for the war on Germany and required Germany pay reparations to the Allies. This led to the collapse of the German economy, hyperinflation, depression, and mass discontent.
Hitler and his Nazi Party attempted to take advantage of the discontent via an unsuccessful coup attempt known as the Beer Hall Putsch on November 9, 1923. Hitler was arrested, but his prominence and popularity only increased, and in 1925 he published his raving antisemitic manifesto entitled Mein Kampf (My Struggle).
Meanwhile, the United States stepped in to try to save the German economy beginning with the Dawes Plan. Essentially, the United States agreed to provide Germany with loans with which it could pay reparations to France and Britain. Suddenly, the Germany economy thrived. The "roaring twenties" began to roar for Germany as well.
But, when the Great Depression hit in 1929, America was no longer willing or able to provide any aide to Germany. The payments stopped, and Germany took the most devastating hit of all from the Depression.
In this time of turmoil, the brash German nationalist Hitler, who could rouse crowds big and small and bend them to his will, began to gain wider public support. His blaming of the Jews as a singular "boogeyman" for all of Germany’s problems became a simple explanation for Germans to accept, and his vague promises to remake the great German empire brought him a wildly devoted fanbase.
German elections on September 30, 1930, saw the Nazis become the second-largest party in the Reichstag with 18% of the vote.
Another election took place on July 31, 1932, where the Nazis won more than 37% of the vote and became the largest political party in Germany (but still not a majority).
So, in early 1933, Hitler called for more elections and launched into an intensive and violent campaign pushing Nazism and pushing Hitler as a messianic figure who would "save" Germany.
Then, on February 27, 1933, the Reichstag was set on fire and burned down. Confusion, panic, and terror spread among the German public. The Nazis used the hysteria to their advantage.
Elections took place only days later on March 5, 1933, with an extremely high turnout of 89%. The Nazis remained the largest party in the Reichstag and made major gains after securing 44% of the vote. Meanwhile, another extreme right-wing, nationalist party allied with the Nazis (the DNVP) won 8% of the vote, in effect giving Hitler his majority.
On March 23, 1933, the German government passed the Enabling Act by a landslide, which granted the government dictatorial powers. Hitler now had the power to govern by decree.
Yet another election on November 12, 1933, sealed the deal with the Nazis receiving 92% of the vote. Germany was now Hitler’s country.
Captain Allen
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pricescigar · 1 year
The Young Rookie
Summary: Elvira Wolff finally joined S.T.A.R.S after giving the opportunity she cannot refuse, after showing remarkable movements and fighting skills. It caught the interest of the Captain, wanting to know more about her past due to a deep familiarity about her.
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"Nein! Bitte no more-! I don't want to go in there! " Elvira's screams grew louder, the pain was unbearable. She was kicking trying to get out of the scientist's arms, the man grunted a few times holding onto the small girl.
"Shut up already!" The man yelled at the girl, he held her in his arms tighter before bringing her into a room. Tying her into a chair, tying both of her arms and legs. The Scientist got the syringe that was resting up on the tray, grabbing a small vile that had the T-virus inside of it.  
"We must further your mutation, girl." The Scientist mused, he didn't care if Elvira didn't listen or took into account how scared she was. He pressed the sharp needle against and pressed down watching the virus go inside of her body.
Patient is showing exceptional progress… SuperHuman strength, Super agility, and Super Healing /Immortality as of now… Patient ow shows full immunity to the T-Virus. Further Viruses will be used in the future.
Date: 2nd of May 1980 
Signed: Dietrich Wolff 
. . .
1st January 1997 , 9:00am.
Raccoon City, Arklay County.
RPD Police Station. 
S.T.A.R.S office.
Elvira's first day as a S.T.A.R.S officer, arrived quicker than she imagined. It'd been only a couple weeks since she was scouted by S.T.A.R.S, temporarily she'd been in the army to get out of the Orphanage in Berlin, Germany. Just at the shy age of nineteen… That was before S.T.A.R.S pulled her out of the Army, after seeing the great potential she had. Seeing that she had better potential elsewhere. She quickly got put into the Alpha Team, which was led by none other than Albert Wesker. Elvira arrived at the Police Station early in the morning, and found her way to the S.T.A.R.S office which wasn't too hard to find on her own. When she knocked on the door, the door suddenly opened and Wesker was standing there.
"You just be Elvira Wolff, welcome to S.T.A.R.S. Come in." Wesker opened the door for her, Elvira quietly thanked him and she walked into the office.
Already Elvira could feel her cheeks heating up a little, out of shyness, and also because of the man standing right in front of her. Wesker.
"How was the flight? I hope it wasn't too bad." Wesker asked, trying to make small talk in hopes it would make her less nervous and skittish. To make her feel a little more comfortable, Wesker couldn't help but stare at her. There was something familiar about her.
"Oh the flight was gut, danke… A little bit jet lagged but I'll be fine." Elvira reassured him a little, the red blush was still on her cheeks. She couldn't help but admire how attractive he was, minus the cold exterior.
Wesker simply nodded and began to show Elvira around the office; She got introduced to Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Rebecca Chambers, Kevin Dooley, Edward Dewey, Forest Speyer, Joseph Frost, Kenneth J. Sullivan, Richard Aiken, Enrico Marini and of course Wesker himself. A lot of names to remember but Elvira took note and tried to remember their faces.
After the small tour since their office wasn't too big Elvira got given her uniform, and she headed to the changing room to get changed into her S.T.A.R.S uniform. It felt a little surreal to her but she still couldn't believe that she made it. Elvira still felt the anxiety in her stomach, she didn't want to disappoint everyone around her. Which is why she'd prove herself to be the best person to rely on.
Elvira walked back into the office, people began to work on a couple of things already. All the while Elvira had gone through the basic procedures by Wesker, do's and don't ect. She also got given her pistol which she put into her Holster for now.
"Does everything make sense Miss Wolff? I'm usually not the type of man to repeat myself." Wesker asked in a serious tone, staring at her intently.
"Nein I got everything, danke…" Elvira replied softly, Wesker did intimate her a little. Not by a long shot but for now she wanted to remain cautious of him.
The day seemed to be going smoothly. Chris was training Elvira since Wesker had a lot on his plate for the moment, and sadly couldn't take part in the other forms of training. And other means… Had interested him instead. Wesker was in his office just going through the documents that Elvira had given him to help with her identity, and all of the necessary details. There was barely any information about her, which made Wesker curious but also suspicious at the same time.
Elvira showed remarkable skills in the shooting range, her reflexes were quite quick and good. A little too good, Chris and the others watched in admiration. Training their young rookie, to be the best that she can.
All the information he could find out about Elvira, as the fact she'd been in the Orphanage since she was five years old due to her father losing Custody and had been in the Orphanage ever since. Wesker did some digging and found that her father was an Umbrella scientist. He died due to being killed whilst in Prison.
Not to mention Elvira was extremely intelligent as well which was a plus, he looked through her medical records which most were Redacted. But that didn't stop him before, there was something about this girl that intrigued him. He needed to do some more digging about her… There was so much that he didn't know about her, he was determined… Determined to know more.
The many questions ran through his mind; 
How does she move so quickly? 
How much strength/willpower does she actually have? 
Was there something he didn't know for once? 
He needed to know more.
Wesker however had other means to attend to; he was cooped away in his office, making phone calls on a secure line. Risky, but this call was far too important.
"Come on, give me her file. I need this." Wesker spoke coldly to the other person on the line, he was beginning to run out of the little patience he barely had.
"Alright … Alright…" The person's voice was muffled and very much discreet, from the other line he could hear the person shuffling looking for the files hearing a few papers creasing. "You're lucky that these files are still here. I'll send them to you." 
"Appreciated." Wesker ended the call there, and disconnected the secure line. It was quite rare when he did these calls but the name, Wolff. Rung a bell. 
The Doctor Dietrich Wolff was part of Umbrella in the 60's, he made a name for himself in the European Division and American division. He regularly worked with Albert Wesker, William Birkin and James Marcus in the past. Maybe that's why the surname sounded so familiar to Wesker? His offspring. His wife, Mia Wolff, gave birth to a baby daughter in the early 70's. But the wife sadly passed due to birth complications, the baby being Elvira. Though it was revealed that Dietrich had injected himself with the T-Virus in order to make the perfect baby. The perfect product of Umbrella. It was presumed he had died due to the Golgotha virus not accepting his body, such a cruel fate. Especially in Prison. From the age of Five that's when all information about Elvira seemed to have disappeared.
After the training Elvira was sitting down watching the others train, she watched their movements; How they parried, attacked, how they defended themselves. She took mental note of all of their movements. Chris soon sat down beside her giving her a kind smile. 
"Good work out there Rookie, I've never seen someone fight like that before." Chris complimented her. "Looks like the Military experience puts you to good use in the end."
"Well I'm always willing to learn other things as well." Elvira added to Chris' reply, she smiled shyly.
"Well if there's any problems, don't hesitate to ask one of us. Or even if you need help, alright?" Chris placed a hand on her shoulder.
Elvira nodded to his words. "Danke, I deeply appreciate it." She replied, she was overwhelmed by all the kindness she was given. In a good way of course, she had never felt like this before. Maybe moving to Raccoon City would be a good thing after all.
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homeosloven · 1 year
wait wait why was the ex pope bad. i’m not into christianity so i have no clue are people celebrating his death just bc he was a priest in power or did he do some shit
being a catholic already makes you a bad person, if you're a catholic priest you're worse, a bishop is worse than a priest, an archbishop is worse than a bishop, a cardinal is way worse than an archbishop and in the end of course there's the main bitch of them all, His Holiness the Pope, arguably the worst catholic on earth. Now, Mr Ratzinger here was a religious fundamentalist, opposed any and all attempts at modernizing the Church, he fought hard against anti-aids/anti-hiv campaigns that promoted safe sex/contraception (because the virus is god's punishment for promiscuity and homosexuality), he was militantly against same sex marriage and used all institutional and lobbying power in his hand to stop progressive legislation around the world, but mainly in Italy, where the Vatican is most welcome in governmental palaces.
His biggest scandals were by far the cover-up of various child abuses by priests, cardinals, bishops etc all over the world (most notably in Germany and the US). All this obviously accompanied by corruption, financial speculation, bribing of national officials around Europe etc. He was the staunch conservator of a rotting institution, and he did everything in his power to move it and everyone around it back to the middle ages.
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darlenicy · 1 year
Let's watch: Winx Nickelodeon Special I
Okay, I made the step and watched the nickelodeon Winx Special. And OMG it’s so bad lmao. But today I am not alone reviewing – my best friend H-chan succored me and I swear, her comments are comedy gold. Just like I she knows Winx from her childhood but is no fan of it anymore so I am even more glad, that she agreed to watch it with me! Okay, let’s start. (H is her and L is me)
H: What's this for a really stupid new opening? I want "Heller als Licht*"!!! *the original German opening song for s1 and s2
H: Gardenia looks like in a bad computer game, the trees are floating 😂
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H: she goes to bed with her clothes on
L: At least she takes off her shoes
H: other outfits? that's totally confusing (everyone wearing their s3 outfits)
H: And Bloom rides her bike without a helmet. A very bad example again for the children
H: what??? Stella doesn't even have her real scepter!! It used to look like a hubcap. now it looks like a virus
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.....i mean she's not wrong
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L: Icy has a new voice actress in this one....wait! it's the same voice as Mai from ATLA!
H: Die Bloom, die!
L: also why does knut look so scary?? Wtf
H: At least it's not Katara from ATLA
[Bloom+family+Stella attacked by Knut and Troll] L: Why doesn't Stella transform? 😂
[the specialists arrive] L: Oh right, Sky is Sky in this one.
H: But then the whole conflict is gone. nothing will happen anymore. then what reason does Bloom have to be mad at him???
H: I always thought they had cool laser swords, but they can't do anything
H: Oh yes, I will fight against it, that will certainly help 🙄
[Faragonda appears] H: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 😬
[Bloom steps on Floras plant] H: Yes Bloom, the first thing you do is killing your roommate's plant 🙄
H: NOOO Flora has a new voice too 😖 (actually her new one from s3 ongoing)
H I always thought her [Flora's] outfit was super cool
L: this or the old one?
H: no, this one, the top of the old one looked like lettuce
jdjflksjfdsfkkdsfö I almost died laughing. I actually liked the old one a lot and never saw a lettuce in it xD)
[Transformation and everyone shouting their things, like FLORA FAIRY OF NATURE ] H: Okay but if Flora is the fairy of nature, that should contain water too. So everything left for Layla is being the fairy of jelly
H: Yes, AlFEA the school for FAIRIES. Someone was very creative on this one (in Germany it's even more obvious because fairy means Fee)
H: Why does Griselda want to punish them now? For eating pizza or for being almost killed by three sexy witches?
L: For the plot I suppose. So they put one of the most boring episodes in (Friends in Need)
[Musa: We would be done sooner if you know who helped us] H: As if Voldemort would help you
L: Riven be like NOPE
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L: Stormy has the same voice like Katara I think!
H: We know that when she says something with hope 🤣
H: Timmy has no laser sword. He has a flashlight 🤣
[Driven appears on screen]
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Also they completely left the part with the Prince of Darkness out because not even Rainbow knew what it was about xD
L: And of course BLOOM hat the idea. 🙄
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H: like the scrap drummers 🤣🤣
H: They could have died for not transforming so as not to break the rules, but they break into the office simply because bloom wants to
H: riven only turned on the light so the trix could see the others😌
[Faragonda hopes that Griffin will punish the Trix] H: yes of course, noo! she'd totally celebrate it. Besides, they're bad witches and then they do something bad and it's not right either???
Daphne: Bloom, do you recognise my voice? H: No, it's different from the one in the show
[In the simulation room ]H: Why is there no snow on Domino??? (that always fucked me up too in the show ahahah)
L: Why do the Trix already guess that Bloom has the dragon flame? Where do they know it from?
H: Because they're mega smart 😌
[Paladium: We have to get her back] H: yeh, you could have done that sooner
H: oh those are supposed to be wings when she makes that finger movement? I always thought she just couldn't do a heart
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ottokallenhonkai3rd · 7 months
⚜𝒪𝓉𝓉𝑜𝓈 𝒸𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓈 𝒱𝒮 𝒦𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓃𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝒻𝓈⚜
I always come up with arguments that contrast Kallen's goodness with Otto's actions. These arguments usually go like this: Kallen would hate for what Otto has done to revive her. Otto revived Kallen against her own will. Otto went with his actions against Kallens beliefs. I would like to use this post, to go into this in more detail and refute these arguments. I have already taken up these arguments in other posts of mine. But because these arguments are still being made and sold as legitimate, I wanted to dedicate a separate post to the whole thing. ~*~ Kallen would hate for what Otto has done to revive her: There's a saying in Germany that goes, "WAs du nicht weißt, macht dich nicht heiß." ("What you don't know doesn't make you hot.") Neither Otto nor Kallen know what Otto from another timeline did to prevent Kallen from dying. And to explain this a little better... Imagine if Otto had a Word file. The conversation shortly before Kallen's execution would be saved in this Word file. So this one: See link. He continues to edit this file and it no longer works. Kallen is dead. But then Otto realizes that he made a backup before using the file. And the way the story of Gun Girls Z works is that Dr. MEI the virus is that this Word file always breaks, no matter how many backups Otto has of the file. To make it short. The Otto from the timeline where Kallen's death is prevented, cannot know about the crimes he will commit to save Kallen. Because he hasn't committed it yet. So why should Kallen know about it, when even Otto doesn't know? That doesn't make any sense. He didn't bring her to life. So basically the destroyed file was repaired. Rather, he prevented her death in another timeline. So made a backup. Otto revived Kallen against her own will: If the content of "St. Freya High" is anything to go by, then yes.
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But I have already compared the content of "St. Freya High" with other international webcomics and the game content. You can read about it here: See link. Especially because the webcomic "Divine Key" and the "Honkai Cronicles - Otto Apocalypse" video are not based on "St. Freya High", but on "Dark Sakura Tales". I have already made a post about this: See link. And that scene doesn't appear there.
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Instead, a scene was chosen that fits the game content. So Kallen never had a death wish, as you can see in the game and that's why this argument doesn't make any sense.
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Above all, I find it laughable to argue with a webcomic whose content has been almost completely removed. Especially the pages on which this argument is based. Otto went with his actions against Kallens beliefs: What does Kallen believe in?
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Maybe in Otto's kindness? In principle, Kallen never turned away from Otto.
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Not after she found out about the experiments on dying patients and not after she knew about the experiment on the black box. Kallen has a strong sense of justice that helps her keep her Kaslana vow. Who said that every human life is valuable and should be protected by her. But Kallen is also someone who believes in the goodness of people.
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Even in Sakuras. So what belief is Otto going against? Please explain it to me. ~*~ You cannot create conflict where there is none.
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Local Action
Vaccines are typically injected into an arm muscle, including those recently developed against SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. Yet coronaviruses first infect the mucous membranes in our respiratory tract, in the nose, mouth, throat and lungs. Administering vaccines intranasally, to target those frontline areas, could allow us to respond to infection faster. Nasal vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have already been developed in India and China, but researchers are now testing a new intranasal live-attenuated vaccine, containing a modified virus. Tests in hamsters found it highly effective: very few SARS-CoV-2 particles (in brown) penetrated their nasal mucous membranes after double vaccination with the intranasal vaccine (top left) or even a combination of one intranasal dose with an existing mRNA vaccine (bottom left), compared to poor results after intramuscular vaccination only (right-hand panels). Following up these encouraging results with safety and efficacy trials in humans could provide new options for future vaccination.
Written by Emmanuelle Briolat
Image adapted from work by Geraldine Nouailles and Julia M. Adler, and colleagues
Department of Infectious Diseases, Respiratory Medicine and Critical Care, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Immunology, April 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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nation-of-bros · 8 months
mRNA vaccines
Spikeopathy and excess mortality: A sinister suspicion
The spike protein of the corona virus is not only responsible for the destruction of lung tissue, it can trigger or promote a variety of other serious illnesses. This applies to the infection spike, but even more so to the vaccination spike. A scientific group of authors is concerned.
In Germany, a total of around 100,000 more people died in 2021 and 2022 than was statistically expected. Numerous newspapers reported on this  as early as spring 2023. But there was no satisfactory explanation for this. Til today. But we have an idea. 
We think: The reason for the excess mortality is not simply the coronavirus, as was recently propagated based on a study by the Barmer Institute for Health Research . Rather, a protein in the virus is primarily to blame: the so-called “spike protein”. These “spikes” form the corona (Latin for “crown” or “wreath”), from which the family of viruses to which SARS-CoV-2 belongs takes its name. 
The spike protein is dangerous if it enters the body through a natural SARS-CoV-2 infection. But it is even more dangerous when our bodies produce the spike proteins themselves after using the novel COVID vaccines.
The even more dangerous vaccination spike
Regardless of whether the spike protein comes from the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or is formed by the vaccinated person's own cells after administration of mRNA or DNA ("vector") vaccines: the molecular biological and immunological mechanisms that cause damage or trigger diseases are the same .  
However, the degree of health risk depends on how much spike protein is produced and how long it takes for it to form. And this is exactly where there is an important difference between a corona infection and the COVID vaccination. 
The fact that vaccinations trigger the disease against which they are actually intended to protect and that in the end the question arises as to whether the vaccination made any sense at all is nothing new. Doctors have invented words like “vaccine measles” as an excuse. The mRNA vaccines just take it to a new level of perversion.
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nathanielconnors · 2 years
Book One in the EA200 Series
“Oh, trust me,” Allen says, leaning to sit, “these old bones felt every tremor running through those joints.” Flopping on his ass, he adds, “Which leaves me to question the stability of our pre-designated shelter.”
“It’s brick and steel versus flesh and bone,” Denise exclaims. “It’ll hold -“
“- until an earthquake brings it down . . . And, my dear Denise, the ground is already shaking.”
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Sunday, May 22nd, 2022.
This is the day the horseman’s plague escaped its internment. Not by the devil’s hand but by mine, and by those who aided us in our expedition. The contagion spread from a tomb in Rome into Germany, and within weeks consumed all of Europe’s mainland, leading to a global military effort to contain the outbreak. But the virus survived, and the pharmaceutical company that procured the strand, too powerful to infiltrate. It only took a few months before the infected emerged along the Eastern Shoreline of the United States. Coastal Quarantine Zones were established, but they were not prepared. No one was. No one had been. And no one was intended to be. But as I sit here in a familiar home, embarking on a new expedition, trying to right my wrongs, I realize my chance of survival is slim against a virus that has evolved into something more instinctual, more sophisticated, than the mindless undead that rose from the tomb they were condemned to.
Dr. Katherine Nelson September 6th, 2022
Available at Amazon.com
Paperback: $11.99
EBook: $2.99 (Free to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers)
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