#GIRL THE ''you weren't able to fix me after all'' AS HIS EYES TURN 100% EMPTY AND DEAD. THERE IS NOTHING BUT HATRED IN THERE
boliv-jenta · 2 years
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The House Became a Home
Part of Wardrobe.
Dieter Bravo x f!reader
Smut, addiction, talk of abuse and rape. It gets dark for a while.🔞
"I've tried. She's blocked me....Well I want answers..." Dieter's heart broke further as he glanced at you, sitting stock sit on the bed where he'd made love to you an hour before.
"And I want to sue every paper that's printing this shit." Hanging up he whipped his cell at the wall in a burst of rage. You barely blinked as pieces of it pinged off in all directions. "Baby..?" he winced as the endearment slipped from his tongue. "Angel? You know this is all bullshit right? I can't have kids." He was on his knees in front of you now, not that you were looking at him.
"Vasectomies aren't 100% effective." Your voice was hollow. Your glazed eyes fixed on one spot on the carpet.
"But it can't be mine."
"She. She's a girl not an it."
"You know what I mean." He pushed up off the bed. The movement rocked you side to side, you didn't care enough to steady yourself. He paced for a moment. "If she is mine. What do we do?" He whispered too scared to look at you.
"I...I'm going to take a bath." Your feet barely touched the floor as you ran to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind you, you sunk to you knees in front of the toilet. The fruit Dieter had fed you, turned sour in your stomach, purging yourself of it, you stood to draw a bath. 'What do we do?' As you slipped into the water part of you wanted to run out, take Dieter in you arms to protect him from yet another blow. The rest of you? The rest of you remembers the yearning and longing. Getting your hopes up to have them dashed. The old wounds you thought had healed opened anew.
Three days late, a reasonable amount of time to get your hopes up. Sitting in the bathroom you waited for the results. The tiny read out read 'Not pregnant'. It was early days, maybe too early for a test. Another three days passed, another test, another negative result. The next day your period came hard and heavy. Adding insult to injury. It wasn't that you and Michael were actively trying but after being married for so long, it felt right to start a family. Michael agreed too but he just had to do a few more things. The next project. The next premier. The next contract. You were young, you had time so you didn't push it. He'd worked hard to get where he was. You couldn't ask him to take time out of his career. Times like this made you hopeful for a happy accident. Those times became more frequent. Your period would be days late. Short. Stop and start. Finally, you went to see a doctor. 'May never get pregnant','Miscarriage risks','birth defects','pregnancy complications','death'. The words went round and round your head for days before you were able to tell Michael. The doctor had also said that given time and the right treatment there was a chance you could carry a healthy baby to term. Like you, Michael had focused on the negative. Soon he had 'helped you realise' that tubal ligation was your best option. "I don't want to risk losing you Buttercup."
After you became engaged to Dieter you had a routine appointment. Curiosity got the better of you and you had asked about your chances of conceiving if you had a reversal. The news was surprisingly positive. Your condition was managed well with daily medication, it's impact on your fertility and health on a baby would be minimal. The only problem would be the effects of the tubal ligation. Adam and his gaslighting had cost you again. He'd talked you into a procedure to protect you, when in reality he was protecting himself. Too much of a coward to tell the truth, that he didn't want kids.
Dieter didn't want children and you had accepted that they weren't on the cards for you. Some people got to have kids, some people got to have a loving partner, a lucky few get to have both at the same time. You get to have Dieter. The love and light he brought to you life was more than most people get in their lifetime.
The water was cold by the time your tears had stopped falling. The shadows under the door told you that Dieter had hovered there half a dozen times. Sitting there wallowing wasn't going to do anything. Too tired to pull yourself out of the weight of the water, you pulled the plug. Watched as the water drained, as it dwindled down to a fast moving spiral. It mirrored how you felt. Calm until a point, then spinning out of control. Focus on the calm, for Dieter. Getting dry you wrapped yourself in a robe. Looking in the mirror you put your best supportive face on. Your feelings could be handled, should be handled, you have a right to have them acknowledged. Right now though, Dieter needed you. You needed to plan before things got out of control. Firstly, he needed to talk to Isabela. You could take the rest from there. With one last calming breath, you opened the bathroom door. Dieter stood still for a moment, reading you, before crashing into you. Holding you so close as if he was scared to let go. As if you couldn't leave and your relationship couldn't be broken if he held you. "Am so sorry. So sorry. Please. I can fix it. Please. Please don't leave me." Any sadness you felt for yourself rolled back replaced with heartache for Dieter. Dieter who never felt good enough. Never thought anyone would truly want him. Love him. Stay with him.
"Am not going anywhere." Your voice was steady and sure.
At that he slumped to his knees, wrapped his arms around you legs, pressed his head into your stomach. Shaking against you he cried freely, letting all his frustration, guilt, sadness ebb out. Your fingers delicately stroked his curls until he was done.
After a long while you made your way to the bed. Dieter sat against the headboard with you in his lap.
"I know we didn't fully talk about this. Maybe we should have, I just figured it was too painful. Why didn't you want kids?"
"I wanted kids so badly when I was younger but I had medical issues. It didn't seem worth all the risk involved. I chose to have a procedure to prevent me from conceiving."
It never occurred to him that it was your choice not to have kids. When you had spoken about birth control in the past you always just said you couldn't have kids. Like it was out of your control completely.
"Choosing that must have been hard. Am sorry."
"It's ok. Now, I might be able to..." he drew in a sharp breath. "...and am not sure I want them, that time has passed for me now. Part of me that is a dreamer still wishes I could have them. The realist part of me has made peace that it wasn't meant to be. My parents had me when the were not much older than me. They both died when I was relatively young. I can't do that to a child. The risks might be minimal but I still have things I don't want to pass on. This.." you gripped his hand tightly. "This, is enough for me. You are enough for me. My love, my family."
Dieter's personal cell interrupted. An unknown number came up on his ID. "Hello? Isabela! What the hell is going on?!"
Moving to straddle his hips, you caged him in against the headboard. Trying to ground him before his temper took over. Isabela's muffled voice spoke quickly. Dieter tensed against your body. "OK. I'll be there at one."
"She wants to meet at her hotel. I better get ready." He awkwardly slide from underneath you. Standing up you began to dress. Dieter eyed you quizzically.
"I'm coming with you."
Tears pricked his eyes again. "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Entering Isabela's hotel room was harder than you imagined. The scent of baby lotion hit you first. Moving further in you saw her tiny clothes laid out for the day.
Isabela and Dieter had a conversation. You had no idea what they said. The baby standing in her playpen had all you attention. Big brown eyes, tiny loose curls, pouty lips. She could have got that from Dieter. Equally, she could have got them from Isabela. She was a innocent little thing in all of this. That's all you tried to focus on. You felt like a monster for having to push down resentment. She didn't asked to be born, it wasn't her fault, she didn't ask to be a big slap in the face. Dieter had gone rigid next to you. Isabela repeated the last thing she said. "Do you want to hold her?"
"I..er...OK." Isabela picked the excited baby up, swinging her high in the air before placing her, giggling in his arms. Dieter visibly melted as the little one reached up to touch his cheek. The sight stabbed at your heart. That should be your baby. A perfect mix of you and Dieter. Politely you excused yourself to get some air. Five minutes later Dieter came to find you.
"Am sorry..." him clutching you to his chest cut off your words.
"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for. Thank you for coming with me. I know it must have been hard."
"No. It's fine."
"It was hard for me. That poor little girl, she hasn't done anything but I couldn't help but think how wrong this all it. You should be her mom. My kids should he with you."
Some how that made you feel better. Like you weren't the only monster. No, not a monster, human. Flawed, selfish at times, messed up, utterly human.
"She's agreed to a DNA test. She even said she'd pay for it and have the results delivered to us. A quick one can be back in four days, once I give my sample."
The next four day passed in a haze. Neither of you left the hotel room. You tried your best not to think of the life changing news you were waiting on. Part of you had even convinced yourself that Isabela was wrong. Dieter had told you they only slept together a few times. Twice he still wore a condom. He wasn't looking to catch an STD. He knew she was fucking the guy she would eventually marry and god knows who he was fucking. The third time he had heard you and Adam were getting closer. He was so out of his mind, he needed to lose himself. He'd taken Isabela to his bed, forgoing a condom in his rush but wasn't even able to finish. His thoughts of her not being you killing his erection. You knew it only took one time but the chances were low. You went through the motions of a normal day. Eating, sleeping, bathing, watching TV. Neither of you spoke about what could be coming next. Conversations were shallow, fleeting.
The only time you connected was in bed. Sex had always been your love language. Dieter showed you were his affections lay. Stoking your hair as he slowly rolled his hips while buried inside you. Left bruised, proof of his grasp, on you hips as he ground you while pistoning into you. You had made him sob your name as you gripped his weeping cock, your own silicone one buried inside him to regain some control over your life. Once you let him come, you had hushed him, soothed him with the press of your pussy to his mouth.
Day four came, so did the results. Dieter opened them shakily. His expression unreadable as he took in the results. When he didn't share them with you, you looked at them yourself. His DNA was a match. He was Alexia's father. The gut punch you felt was only tapered by the lost look on Dieter's face. He didn't want children. He didn't want to risk turning out like his father or them turning out like him. He didn't want to risk passing on some of his more difficult traits.
"I can't do this." Dieter dropped the letter to the floor. Before you could speak he was out of the door.
At first, you decide to give him some space. After an hour you started calling him. Every call he let go to voicemail added to your concern. After speaking to his lawyer and his agent, who hadn't heard a word from him either, you went looking for him.
After checking everywhere else you could think of in the hotel, you went to the last place you wanted to find him, the bar.
Scanning the room you hoped that that this was going to be another dead end, then you saw him, slumped at the bar. Nervously, you walked over to him. When you got closer you saw he was busy scribbling away on a napkin.
"Babe, am so sorry." He wrapped his arms around you. You stiffened at first, eyes darting to the glass beside him. As he pulled back he noticed. "Lime and soda. I though about it. Came here to drown my sorrows. Then I actually thought at it all. I know this isn't something I ever planned on but Alexia didn't ask for this and if I don't step up I'll be exactly what I didn't want to be. I don't want to lose you but I understand if you want to leave. I won't fight a divorce." His voice cracked on the last word.
"Am not going anywhere. I'm so proud of you." His arms found their way back around you, holding you close. The tension melted from him under your touch. "What are writing?"
He looked bashfully at the napkin. "A To Do list, a shopping list too."
"A new house in a good school distance." You read out. "You are adorable. You're going to be such a good dad."
The next hour you sat at the bar going over everything. Dieter was considerate of everything. He asked if you wanted to be involved. He understood if it was too much for you to be around Alexia.
By the end of it you both felt much more prepared. Nothing could have prepared you for the letter that was hand delivered from Isabela's lawyer. It outlined a case for removing Dieter's visitation right based on his past drug convictions. It was another hit that left Dieter reeling.
Part of him had just begun to accept being a father. If he were honest he was actually beginning to be happy about it. He decided not to have children before he met you. That man wasn't able to be a father. The man he was since being with you? The person you had helped him become? He had a shot a being an OK one. The person he had become, with you at his side? He had a shot a being a pretty damn good one. He thought about the love he had for his own parents, even after everything they put him through. The love the children he acted beside showed their parents between takes. It might be a little selfish but he wanted that. To be looked at like he hung the moon. That little voice, the one that tried to keep him down, the one that grew quieter every day you loved him, piped up. It told that maybe Alexia was better off without him. It was silenced by your hand caressing his face. "We can fight this."
Dieter's lawyer started court proceedings the next day.
Weeks went by, Dieter became more stressed by each passing day. The whole situation from not seeing his daughter to how it was affecting his career to, most importantly, how it was affecting you, weighed on him. The people that he worked with were supportive. They assured him they had his back, that he wouldn't lose work. Even the press were sympathetic. To everyone it looked like Isabela was clutching at straws, throwing up any little thing she could. Things that the public had long forgiving Dieter for.
There were still people who took her side. Pro-life and anti-LBGTQ groups grabbed onto the story. Managed to twist it to their agenda. Praised Isabela for keeping her child away from a bisexual man, one who paid a former lover to get an abortion. It didn't matter to them that it never happened. They were the ones that attacked you online, approached you in the street.
Out shopping one day, a man approached you, he began to shout abuse at you, he laid his hands on you before security dragged him away. As they did he dug his fingers into your bare arms. His nails left scratches in their wake. Dieter was beside himself when you got home.
"This is all my fault. Am so sorry honey."
"You can't control how these people act."
"Maybe I should just drop this."
"No. I'm fine. Just a couple of scratches. All cleaned up. All better. See."
Holding your arm up Dieter too it in his large, soft hands. Running his finger tips over the skin before lightly kissing all the way up you arm. He didn't stop at you arm. His kissed every bare inch of you. Before stripping you down to kiss the rest of you.
Hours later, you woke from a blissfully deep sleep. Your muscles ached slightly, from Dieter keeping you on the edge of orgasm, while he showed you how sorry he was. Stretching out you found his side of the bed empty. Walking through the house, you noticed the lamp was on low in Dieter's offices. Opening the door you found him at his desk.
"Di?" He didn't answer. He just took another sip of whiskey. "Dieter!" Crossing the room you snatched the bottle out of his hand on the desk. "Why?!"
"Why not? This is who I am. A loser, a fuck up. I can't even see my kid, let alone be a good dad." He rose from his chair, unsteadily made his way to you, standing in front of his desk. "Maybe I am just like my dad. I tried so hard not to be like him. Maybe I should just act like him." In a violent flash, he struck the bottle from your hand, it smashed into the wall beside you. Startled you moved away, before you got out of his reach, his hand gripped your throat, tighter than he ever had. "You'd still love me, right, even if I hurt you?" His other hand dug into you hip pinning you to the desk. You had never seen him like this, tears welled in your eyes. "You stayed with you ex for less. If you love me like I love you, you'd put up with a lot before you leave." The hand on your throat moved up to your face, his fingers held your jaw, keeping you facing him. "What would I have to do? Betray you? Hurt you?" His hand gripped your thigh. It hurt but you didn't let it show. His eyes searched yours. You didn't know what he was looking for, it didn't seem like he found it as held your gaze. "No, maybe you like it too rough too much." You didn't answer, just keep your eyes on his. Whatever this was you were here for him, you wouldn't back down. His hand travelled up your thigh to the bottom of your night shirt. His face pressed into your cheek, his whiskey laced breath hit you as he whispered "Maybe if I violated you?".
Panic rose in you as he lifted you night shirt, hooking his thumb into your panties. "Stop! Dieter, stop."
"Make me." He growled grabbing your hair. He'd moved away a little now, giving you room to break away from him. Seizing the opening, you made it to the other side of the room before it dawned on you. "That's what this is. You want me to leave you?"
Just like that, the violent drunk persona slipped to reveal your broken, exhausted husband. "Why don't you just leave?" He sobbed. "I keep putting you through so much. You're worth so much more." The second his knees hit the floor you had him in your arms. "Am not leaving because none of this is your fault." He cried heavy curled into your lap. "I love you and will support you but if you ever pull any manipulative bullshit like that again. If you ever talk about...harming me like that again." Your whole body shook with rage. "I swear I will leave you so fucking fast." You meant every word. As much as you loved him, as much as you accepted his struggles, there was no way on earth you would put up with simply being treated badly.
"Never. I promise I won't. Am sorry, sweetheart. I screwed up again and I didn't want you to get hurt further because of me. Am so, so sorry." His head was buried into your stomach, his arms tightly wrapped around your waist, clinging onto you for all he was worth. Eventually you managed to calm him enough to get him to sleep.
The next morning, you headed out. Leaving Dieter to his hangover, watched over by your security team. Isabela was still living in the hotel you had met her in. Since you arrived at checking out time, it didn't take much for you to sneak up to her room. The lobby was too busy for you to be noticed. In the elevator ride up, you tried to work out what to say to her. Creating a life, loving them more than life itself and then having to share them with a stranger must to so hard. You had some sympathy for her. On the other hand, Dieter had rights too. Isabela had even paid for the DNA test. How could she then turn around and denied him the right to see his child? A child that he didn't want but was now actively fighting for. A child that he had set up a college fund for. That he was reading books and studying YouTube videos to learn how to care for. He'd giving up vaping and started exercising so he could be in shape to run around and play with her. By the time he doors slide open, you had no idea what to say but you were angry as hell.
The door to her room opened after your second knock. The woman before you was a far cry from the glamorous model in the photos you had seen. She looked worn out. Her eyes were tired. She was thinner than when you had seen her last too. You wondered if Alexia was teething or something. She seemed like a very contented baby when you had seen her, not likely to cause her mom this much stress. Was this the result of the custody battle? Did she really think Dieter would be that bad a dad that she had to stress herself out, to the point of ill health, to keep him at bay?
"What the hell are you doing here?! Get out!" Isabela tried to shut the door but you barged inside.
"I just...I needed to talk to you. Please?"
"You think you're going to say something the lawyers haven't already?!"
"Dieter is the sweetest man I have ever known. He would be an incredible father. If I could give him children, I would." As much as that sentence stung you, it got Isabela's attention.
"Just because his wife can't have kids doesn't mean he can take mine!"
"You can't keep his child from him!"
"She's not his child!"
"I..mean I birthed her, I've raised her she's mine."
"No, that's not what you mean is it?"
Without realising you had stepped closer, Isabela folded in on herself. "What did you mean?"
"I don't want him to take my baby!" She all but wailed.
"Dieter's not..."
"Not Dieter, Victor. I thought if I said she was Dieter's. Victor wouldn't have a claim to her."
"You changed the DNA test results? Why would you do that? Why not let him see her if this is all a cover?"
"I didn't think he'd care. I thought he'd just write me some checks. I thought I'd be able to keep her safe."
"Victor is controlling, he hurt me." Her voice broke as she wrapped her arms around herself.
"IF he hurt you, you have my sympathy but you've lied before..."
"I have proof." The photos she showed you turned your stomach.
"You should show the police."
"He is too powerful. He has too many powerful friends. He'll take my baby." Isabela was near hysterical now. Wrapping your own arms around her, you held her close. "No, he won't."
Nine months later.
Crying rang out through the house. "Your turn."
"Am kind of busy here." He grunted into your shoulder, thrusting quicker.
"Sorry. The kids come first. Even before you. If they keep crying they'll...oh fuck...wake the neighbours."
"Shit. I can feel you're close. Just a little bit longer."
Another cry.
"Okay!" Panting he pulled out and pulled on some sweatpants. "I'll take care of the kids then I'll be back to take care of you."
"Not if I take care of myself first."
"Fuck, don't! Not until I get back anyway."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Wanna come help me? You know how they get. I don't want to get bitten again."
"Fine. The quicker we get them sorted, you quicker you can sort me out." Throwing on a robe you made your way downstairs after Dieter. When you got there he already had a kid in his arms, feeding them from a bottle. He looked so adorable caring for the little one held lovingly to his chest.
A fuzzy little head bumped into your calf. "Hi, Dot!" you bent down to pick up one of your bundles of joy. She bleeted happily in your arms. Another bleet, this one from by your feet. "Hi, Wacko. Your turn next."
"How long do these feedings go on for again?" Dieter rolled his neck, the baby goat feeling heavier the longer he held it.
"A couple more weeks. Tired Daddy?"
The scowl he gave you was tinged with arousal at the word daddy. "Welcome to parenthood."
"It's hard." He whined. "But worth it." He added placing a kiss on Yacko's head.
At the moment, Dieter's career was insane. He was so sort after he could have his pick of roles. He decided to stay local for a while, get back to his roots and do a stage run.
Passing a farm one day you had seen some baby goats being sold. The poor things looked malnourished. The farmer didn't seem to care. The authorities found he was treating all his livestock poorly. They shut him down, rehomed the animals. You and Dieter had taken the two goats. Spent weeks nursing them until they were healthy enough to find a permanent home. Rescuing animals became something you did regularly, when Dieter was home. Wacko, Yacko and Dot were the latest, you already had a permanent home lined up for them. For now they lived in the yard of your new home.
At first the new house had been a been purchased as a family home, for you to welcome Dieter's 'daughter'. The press ate it up. No one questioned Alexia's parentage any further. Victor never bothered Isabela again. Isabela and Alexia visited now and then. Alexia loved the animals. Isabela stepped away from the limelight. It made it easier to keep the secret. Alexia didn't think of Dieter as her father. Isabela referred to you as her 'Fairy Godparents'. She treated you like extended family. Eventually, Isabela would go on to remarry. Her new husband was a good man. He adopted Alexia. He went on to be an amazing father to her and her siblings.
The house now had room for your family and friends to stay in. You had reconnected with one of your brothers. He had never treated you badly, life had just got in the way. He kids were grown two of them had kids of their own. The house was always filled with a buzz when they were there.
Dieter found that as well as being an all round asshole at home, his father had cheated on his mother. Repeatedly. One affair had resulted in two children. His half brother and sister turned out to be lovely. Their mother had hated how she had let them be brought into the world. To a father that would never be a part of their lives, too selfish to put himself out, she had worked on herself. Strived for a better life for them. They grew up loved and cared for. It showed in the way they accepted their new brother.
Dieter finally accepted himself too. He let his softeness shine through. No longer worried that it would be seen as weakness. That it would be punished, like his father had always done. He made friends wherever he went.
Without someone holding you back, with Dieters love and support you had grown more confidence that people actually wanted to spend time with you. You put yourself out there house, made closer friendships. All these other relationships build up around you. Around the strongest, most important relationship you had, the one between the two of you. The house became a home.
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy
This is the last of the series. I will definitely be revisiting them but just for one shots. This ran away with me again and now I don't get to read other people's work as much as I'd like to. Thank you for reading.💕
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natalia-rosas98 · 4 years
Ok I decided share this little thing that I occurred me after reading something that Joan Rivers shared about Lenny Bruce so I wait that everyone likes and if this little thing likes, well, maybe I could share more of my private works. This is a Lenny x Reader; I had already shared but I don't know what the hell I did and I deleted it but whatever, here it’s again so I wish that you like it:
The note
It’s 1958...
You are ready to go on stage, you look in the little mirror of your compact checking that everything is in order. You are distracted fixing your fringe when you hear the guys at the bar talking about you, they say that you are not funny and that the people just laugh of your act because you are "pretty" and that you probably make some little "favors" to get you concerts. You slam the mirror shut and go over to confront them.
-Excuse me, but, what were saying about me?-You stand in front of them with your forehead raised and your hands on your waist, they all stay still- so, the “men” can only say things at my back and not to my face, right?-you raise an eyebrow and cross your arms.
-We were saying that you are not funny and that the people laugh of your act just because you are “pretty"-said Paul standing up and approaching you-and that you probably make certain little favors to get concerts-he said with a smile.
-Oh sure!-you took a step forward-is that women can't be funny because they don't have a penis to talk about or a pathetic group of friends to make fun of or a wife who is supposed to be too much "rigid"-you started to move slowly at him-let me tell you something Paul, you are not funny when you talk about your little penis and you are not funny when you attack them and definitely you are not funny when you talk about your wife who believe me you should feel very lucky because there was someone who still knowing how pathetic and idiot you are decided to marry you, a man who is complete shit-you pushed him pointing-I think you are the most depressing and pathetic man that the world has ever seen.
Paul stumbled against the bench where he had been sitting before completely petrified, the others fell silent and looked away.
-Everyone thinks that making me less for being a woman makes them superior but no, it makes a complete idiots-you smoothed your skirt and got ready to leave-and by the way everybody are wrong, people don't laugh at my act just because I’m "pretty", people don't hire me because I make "favors"-you took a small step forward-people laugh at my act and hire me because I'm good and I know where to take my comedy without the need to talk more than I should, no matter what, I’m always capable of putting on a good show something that you certainly rarely can do-you turned around and headed for the stage. Nobody noticed that there was someone listening and watching the scene attentively, completely captivated for the woman who had been able to put everyone in their place.
Even though that situation made you tense, you were able to give good jokes and interact with some people in the audience without incident, something that a certain person admired. When you went to your place at the bar the bartender gave you a Cosmo.
-Excuse me but I didn't ask for this -you pushed the drink a bit but he put it back in front of you.
-Someone left it you along with this-he placed a little paper on the bar and walked away. The note smelled cologne mixed with tobacco, on it it had written:
“You are right, they are wrong. Lenny"
Your heart began to beat faster when you realized that who Lenny had left the note; Lenny Bruce not only had seen your act he had also seen your little confrontation. You put the hand that held the note on your chest and began to examine the whole place looking for him quickly in the hope that he was still there, for luck you found him sitting at a table near the entrance, he looked up from his drink and looked you.
You couldn't help the bright smile that formed on your face, you raised your drink and he did the same giving you the most perfect smile you have ever seen in your life. You decided to go with him.
-Hi, can I? -You said pointing to the seat next to him.
-You can-he said, taking his cigarette to his mouth-was I right with the drink?
-Yes, thank you-you gave him a little smile, suddenly you started to feel a bit shy.
-I thought you could use a drink after such a performance-you let out a small laugh knowing what he meant, which made him smile-you handled it really well, I must admit that even I felt intimidated-he joked.
-Well, let me tell you Mr. Bruce that you shouldn't feel that way -you turned a bit to face each other- you're not an idiot like them, at least I think so for the moment -you looked at him with your eyes half closed, him laugh and you swore that there was no laugh as perfect as his.
-I'm an idiot but not that type-he shrugged and you laughed-I know that women can be so funny as men-he stare at you-you're good better than any of them-he made a vague gesture towards the bar where all the idiots were-trust me you have a bright future in this profession abandoned by God, miss y/n.
Hearing this made you a bit sentimental since until now no one close to you had supported you so much, your parents pretend to agree with it but they were not really happy with this profession, your friends claimed to give you their full support but they weren't really well with it because they believed you would take and embarrass them on stage. And finally, your ex-boyfriend with whom you had started to talk about marriage left you 5 months ago saying that he had realized that he could not have a life where his wife was not 100% with him having a night life and making jokes about him with drunken strangers. The fact that someone as great and important as him told you that you had a future in this profession that despite being horrible you cannot help love, it was wonderful and touching.
-Thank you-was all you said taking his hand and smiling, he gave you a little squeeze and smiled back.
-Would you like another drink?-He offered.
-Yes, of course-he got up and went to the bar.
Honestly, if someone had told you a year ago that you would meet your idol and he would believe that you were good and that you had a future in this, you would have told that person who was crazy and that maybe could take medication. Spent the rest of the night talking, drinking and making jokes, you found it extremely wonderful how easy the both fall for a jokes of the other, you wished that this night would never end. Lenny in person was a magnificent and unique man, he was like an unicorn.
Lenny looked his watch which made you since panic, you had promised your parents that when you finished you would leave quickly to arrive early.
-Damn! I promised my parents that I would arrive early, they are going to kill me-you said taking your bag and getting up, he did the same.
-Come on, I'll take you to take a taxi-he put some of money on the table and took his coat, put his hand on the on your back and guided you to the exit, he opened the door and gestured at you for to come out first.
The street was alone probably was like 3 am, Lenny stood in front of you for find you a taxi. He was handsome, really handsome, him had a dark charm that had you fascinated and he was also funny and from what you could appreciate so far he was also a gentleman, would it be too much give him your number and see what happen later? No, it wouldn't be much. You took out your little notebook and wrote your number, a taxi approached and he stopped it, apparently the night had come to the end.
-Miss-he said, opening the door for you. You walked to him, before entering you stood in front of him.
-Thanks for the good time.
-I say the same-he smile.
-Take-you handed him the little paper with your number-would be good to see us again.
-Yes, it would be- you stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the cheek, you got into the taxi and he closed the door.
-See you soon Lenny.
-See you soon y/n.
Lenny stood there watching your taxi drive away, "it will definitely be soon" he thought. He started walk away from the bar with a shiny smile in his face thinking in the beautiful girl that he just met.
I hope that you liked ☺️
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btsrmono · 4 years
Trial & Error | chapter 1.
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A/N: hey guys ik this is really random for my page but i got bored lol pls enjoy?? 
Main Pairing: (jimin): student/idol x (main): foreign student
Side Pairs: main x taehyung,, main x (nct) jaehyun 
"I still can't believe you're moving."
 You sighed, leaning your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. "Don't remind me."
 It had been a month since your parents had told you about the big move and school would be starting the next week, which is when you'd be moving.
  Ryan lied his hand on your thigh as he squeezed it a bit. "I was thinking, you know," he started, "since you're moving and all... y/n, don't you think it'd be better if we--"
  You already knew where this was going. "Break up?" you finished for him. He didn't say anything, causing you to chuckle a bit. "It's alright," you told him. "I've been thinking the same thing."
 "You have?"
  You took your head off of his shoulder, looking him in the eyes. "Yeah. I mean, it only makes sense, right? What would be the purpose of staying together?" You gave him a small smile of which he returned. You and Ryan had only been together for 5 months, not really making it a big deal.
"You know I care about you, right?"
"Yes," you confirmed. "Same goes here. Just because we're 'ending this', doesn't mean we're ending us. I'll still keep in contact with you and check up here and there."
 Smiling at you, he stuck his pinky finger out. "Promise?"
 You quickly interlocked your pinky with his. "Promise."
  Turns out, saying your goodbyes to your friends wasn't the hard part. You already knew this was going to be a problem but you had been in Korea for over two hours and still had yet to find someone that spoke English. You guys began to settle in your apartment with the help of moving guys, and you had decided that you wanted to take a look around, maybe buy a snack.
  Little to no avail, you couldn't find many American snacks like you were expecting to, and when you did, they surely didn't taste the same. Anyway, you was trying to make your way back to your new home when you realized you didn't know where you were going. Google Maps was acting up, and you were too afraid to attempt the Korean you actually did know with local natives. Therefore, you tried to ask, using as much broken English as you could to make it simple on them. However, they weren't very helpful but at least they all seemed nice. You thought maybe if you made one more attempt, you could have hit the jackpot. "Uh, excuse me sir."
The older man stopped in his tracks and stared at you. "Uh... Yes?" He asked, sounding quite nervous.
Right then and there, just from his tone, you knew he wasn't going to be much useful. You politely smiled. "Never mind." You bowed and he went on with his day. Ugh, why were you so scared to speak Korean. You were actually pretty good at it at some point due to your childhood best friend, Shi Ah. Practically her sister, you two were around each other all the time and you easily picked up the language. It was fun because you guys would always say things about people with them right there without them knowing what you two were speaking about.
 But, unfortunately, Shi Ah had to move to China Freshman year due to a job opportunity for her journalist parents. The goodbye was extremely hard but you both eventually moved on, you becoming best friends with Mariana and Riley, her doing God knows what. You even fell out of touch so you had no idea what she’d been up to the past few years. It was sad but it quickly became your new normal.
 Anyway, you knew, eventually you were going to have to get over your fear of speaking Korean but until then, you sighed and took in the scenery surrounding you to see if anything looked familiar, but nope. You stood there, deciding that maybe it was time to call a parent. As you went to dial your moms number, you suddenly become very distracted.
"Lost?" you heard a voice say.
You looked up from your phone to the girl that now stood in front of you. "You speak English?" you stupidly asked. The girl laughed. "I'm sorry," you apologized, realizing how rude you probably sounded.
"Don't be, it's understandable. What can I help you with though?" The girl was really pretty. She had perfect skin with long blonde hair and bangs that made her wide eyes stand out.
You let out a breath, looking down at your phone. "I need help getting back home."
She giggled. "Already? Come on." She then proceed to walk ahead of you as you, confusingly, followed.
"But wait, you haven't even asked where I live."
"Its alright, we're in the same neighborhood. I saw you earlier," she explained. It then made sense. However, you had not seen her. The girl was gorgeous, you must admit, so you would have remembered seeing her.
"So we're neighbors," you stated.
"What's your name?"
Still walking, she looked back at you and smiled. "Jinsoul. But my English speaking friends call me Zoè. Say which ever you'd like."
You nodded, repeating her name in your head a few times. A habit you picked up in order to remember people’s names. 
"And you?" she asked.
"That’s pretty," she complemented you. “It’ll be hard to forget.”
Only a short block later, you guys were back into the neighborhood. "Thank you so much," you said as you began to reach your doorstep. "I owe you." 
 After exchanging numbers, she informed you that she only lived a corner away from you and that if you ever needed anything, you could just ask.
 The next day, you were starting school. You walked around the corner and saw your mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast. You knew that your Dad didn't leave the house until 9 am. "Morning, Mom," you greeted her.
She turned away from the pancakes she was in the middle of making and smiled at you. "Y/n! Morning baby, are you excited for school?"
 You shrugged your shoulders while smirking as you placed your back pack on the kitchen island table. "I guess. I don't really know what to expect though."
"Well if there's any advice I can give you, it's : Don't stress. Seriously, it'll make everything go wrong."
Instead of a reply, you sighed, still feeling sleepy. "Why are you up so early?" you asked her.
She then proceeded back to making the pancakes. "For you."
"Oh no, you didn't need to do that, Mom. I'm about to leave out."
She looked at you with a confused expression on her face. "Well then what are you going to eat?"
"There's a store around the block, I was just gonna grab a quick snack and head to the school early."
"Early?" she wondered.
You shook your head. "Yup. Want to get my schedule 100 percent accurate and get a mini tour of the building before it gets too crowded." Your mom kind of smirked, looking at you from the side of her eyes. You giggled. "What?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing, it's just nice seeing you be responsible and positive on the first day. I know you didn't exactly picture your senior year to go this way but I just want you to make the best of it and I think you're off to a good start so far, sweetie."
You smiled. She was right, you guess. You did feel very out of place but not in a bad way exactly. You'd rather be home but you weren’t. You were in Seoul, South Korea and what would you be able to do about it? Nothing. So why not do what you can and make it a good experience rather than a negative?
She then turned the stove off and fully looked at you. "Get going. Have a nice day of school!"
As soon as you left the apartment building, you saw the girl from the day before walking in your direction. She beamed widely at your appearance. "Y/n!" she yelled.
You gave her a gentle smile, waiting for her to catch up with you. Once she did, you both continued walking together. "You look nice for your first day."
"Thanks, you look nice too!"
You started to think that she was also going to the store. So you both walked in silence for a little bit until you arrived there. The bell dinged on the door as she opened it. The older cashier man looked at you strangely. She noticed this. "Don't mind him," she said. "He does this to everyone."
You shook your head understandingly. "Okay."
She went over to the fridge section and grabbed banana milk, as did you, then a pack of peanuts and you went up to pay for your stuff while she was still looking. Once she was done, you two stepped back out into the hot heat. Only a few moments later, a group of three good looking guys showed up, talking amongst themselves as they headed to school as well in their uniforms. This made you believe you were getting closer to the bus stop.
On the side of you, you heard Jinsoul let out a slight laugh, making you turn to her. She was looking at the boys. Next thing you knew, they were looking back at her and walking over towards you guys. "A-are they coming over here?" you stuttered.
"Looks like it," she replied cooley, a small smirk glued to her face.
You quickly gave your hair a little fix as you both suddenly stopped walking, waiting for the boys to join.
"Yah, Jinsoul!", one of them said. He continued to speak in Korean as you zoned out, worried about if they would try to speak to you too. Sooner or later, you heard your name being said by Jinsoul and the boys all kind of glanced your way, throwing you off track. 
They eventually turned their attention back to Jinsoul, continuing their conversation. All except the one boy, whom was the most adorable of them all. He blankly stared at you, his eyes even squinting a bit.
You shifted one foot to the other as you looked down at the pavement, slightly uncomfortable with this. You then heard him laugh and when you looked back up, he was smiling at you. You nervously smiled back before he finally went back to paying attention to Jinsoul. They spoke in some more Korean.
After a good minute or two passed, you heard them saying goodbye, the cutest one being the only one to wave at you. Once they were out of ear shot, you turned to Jinsoul. "Uh, Jinsoul?"
"Hm?" she wondered, nonchalantly.
"Who were they?"
She laughed loudly before covering her mouth quickly. "Really?" she asked. "You really don't know who they are?"
Of course you didn't know who they were, why was she expecting you to? You tilted your head slightly. "I mean, I'm not from here," you explained.
"True." She began to walk again, you following. "They're all idols."
"Idols?" you wondered. "As in?"
"As in 'famous', y/n."
 You slightly hesitated, letting this new profound information soak into your brain. "Famous as in?"
"They sing. Dance. Rap. They're idols. K-pop idols."
You knew of K-pop, you looked it up upon arriving to Seoul but were no expert at it and of course the only people you ever even slightly heard of were Psy, Exo and Got7. Other than that, you were completely ignorant to the Korean pop industry. "Are they all in the same group?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "Two of them are. The other one, aka, my friend, is still a trainee, which means he hasn't debuted yet but he's training to."
"Interesting." You walked a few more seconds in silence until you absolutely had to ask their names. Specifically for the one guy.
She deviously smiled, already knowing what was up your sleeve. "I see what you're doing," she stated. "But if you insist. My friend's name is Bae Joon Young. We call him Jacob. The other one is Kim Taehyung and the one that you seem interested in is Park Jimin."
"Jimin," you repeated. "But wait. If they're all famous, why were they in uniform to go to school?"
"Because they have to," she told you. "They all made an agreement that if they ever dropped out of school, they are eligible to be dropped from their company. Plus Taehyung and Jimin just debuted so they have to listen to their company right now. It's a pretty logical idea if I do say so myself."
You guys finally arrived at the bus stop and she explained to you what you would do after being released at the first stop. You both went to different schools. While you went to a Foreign school, she attended a performing arts school with a ton of other inspiring and/or famous people.
Of course you saw the boys again at the bus stop but they did not bother you guys this time, instead, they met up with their other friends that were also at the bus stop. The bus eventually pulled up around 7:30am and everyone got on board. Since both schools were basically right across from each other, all students got off at the same spot too. The only difference is that you and about two other students had to walk an extra block before actually getting to the International school. Once you finally arrived there, you took a deep breath and headed inside.
A/N: Bruh, I’m sorry this chapter was so BORING but it was the 1st. It should get a lil more interesting moving forward since we got most introductions out of the way. More Jimin to come next chapter! 
ALSO: I’ll be putting a gif of a main character each chapter at the end! For this chapter, we have Jinsoul, the friendly neighbor and school bus buddy! 
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cocastyle · 4 years
Pairing - Steve Harrington x platonic!reader
Word Count - 5,997
Warning - none
A/N - this is my first request and I couldn’t be more excited about writing it! if anyone would like to request something, I write for so many different fandoms that can all be found under my master list! some that I write for haven’t even been added yet so always feel free to ask! for this request I have decided to explore a Steve and Y/N brother/sister bond much like the one seen in my In-Between series (this is in no way connected to the series though and will showcase a little Dustin Henderson x reader) anyways, I really hope everyone likes this!
Request - I love the fact that Steve and Y/N have a brother sister relationship in the In-Between and I was wondering if you could do something on that like him being protective of the reader during the tunnels scene in ST2 @nerdy-collector-festival
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Steve Harrington and Y/N L/N didn't have the best parents in the world. With neither one of their parents ever home and an empty house most of the time, the two were often left to fend for themselves and it had been like that from a young age.
The only source of comfort either of them had was each other. Y/N and Steve's parents had been best friends since college, so since the day Y/N was born Steve was always by her side. Neither of them even minded the five year age gap between them and still considered the other to be their best friend and the person they hung out the most with.
Or that was how it used to be before the events of 1983 where the two witnessed some horrific events that were sure to be in their nightmares for the rest of their lives. It was that night when Y/N was fighting to save one of her other best friends Will Byers and Steve was trying to protect Y/N from a demogorgon that the two realized just how much the other meant to them.
And that realization was almost too much for either of them to handle. After having practically no family for their whole lives and then realizing that their best friend, the person who they cared about most in the world, was their family was enough to make them both take a step back and away from each other.
They didn't know how to handle this new realization and neither wanted to harm their friendship, even if by the two pulling away it meant exactly that.
So the year after the events of 1983 was tough for the two. It's not that they never hung out with each other cause they did, but their normal hangouts just weren't as frequent, the two finding new people to hang around more often. For Steve that was Nancy Wheeler, his girlfriend who he put all of his time and love into. For Y/N that was the members of the Party or more specifically Dustin Henderson who she had grown to develop a small crush on over the past year.
But then Halloween in 1984 hit and the two were thrust back into each other's lives, both of them realizing how stupid and ignorant they had been over the past year but still knowing that nothing had changed. Steve was still the protective brother — or mom as Y/N liked to say — that he was and Y/N was still just as loving and protective as any other sister.
However, the year they spent semi-away from each other made Y/N realize just how much she had depended on Steve. She had expected him to keep her steady when she needed it most, to protect her from everything bad, and to cheer her up whenever she felt down. It annoyed her when she thought about it and she felt guilty and ashamed for having put such a big responsibility on Steve for all of these years, wondering if all he had ever seen her as was just that—a responsibility.
So when the Party had all decided to head to the tunnels that connected to the Mind Flayer, the latest antagonist who currently had control of Will and who Eleven was trying to defeat, Y/N knew that Steve was only tagging along to make sure that she was safe and to keep her out of trouble. This was enough to make her frustrated and even upset, especially when she saw Steve get beat up by Billy Hargrove just because of her.
"Guys," Steve's voice rang through her ears causing the young girl to snap out of her thoughts as she continued to get supplies out of the back of the car, the others all roaming around her as they too got ready to enter the tunnels down below. "Oh, no. Guys."
"Hey, where do you think you're going? What are you, deaf? Hello? We are not going down there right now," Steve yelled almost deliriously as he looked around at the kids. His eyes flickered over to Y/N and Dustin who were busy putting goggles on and bandanas over their faces. He gave them a pointed look and said, "I made myself clear."
Y/N rolled her eyes and continued to struggle putting her goggles on while Steve babbled on beside them, slowly coming more and more to his senses as he managed to pull himself up onto his feet.
"Hey, there's no chance we're going to that hole, all right? This ends right now!" Steve yelled in frustration, but everyone continued to ignore him.
Dustin told his eyes at the boy and turned to Y/N, gently grabbing her goggles and fixing them on her face as he looked back at Steve.
"Steve, you're upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance," Dustin said, not noticing the small blush on Y/N's face as he finished fixing her goggles and gave her a small smile.
Y/N quickly cleared her throat and looked to the older boy who furrowed his eyebrows slightly at the two before shaking his head and locking eyes with her. "Listen, Harrington, I know you promised Nance that you would keep us safe," Y/N said as she grabbed a backpack that had Steve's bat poking out of it. She shoved it into his hands a little roughly before saying, "So man the fuck up and do your job."
She then gave the boy a sickly sweet smile and pulled her bandana over half of her face and grabbed a crowbar and a container of fuel before walking away without another word. Dustin smiled after her before noticing Steve looking at him. "She's amazing," Dustin said almost dreamily before he hurried along after the girl leaving Steve frowning and mumbling to himself.
Y/N didn't hesitate to jump down into the tunnel, the others surrounding her as they looked down the dirt tunnel that had floating pieces of decay in the air. The young girl grimaced before someone landing beside her had her turning to see Steve standing there. His head moved towards her and they both stared at each other for a moment before she nodded her head at him, the boy returning it almost instantly.
Steve then looked away before letting his eyes flicker over the scenery around him. "Holy shit," he breathed out, the fact that the decaying place they were in was supposed to be the ground underneath a pumpkin farm seeming totally wrong.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way," Mike called out as he glanced up from the map he was looking at, an X marking the spot that they had determined to be the best place to set up their trap.
"You're pretty sure, or you're certain?" Dustin called out from where he was looking just a little ways away.
"I'm 100% sure!" Mike replied. "Just follow me and you'll know."
Y/N glanced at Dustin and the two shrugged before beginning to walk after Mike who had started down one of the paths. Steve looked at them as if they were crazy, which was hard for them to see because of the mask, and he quickly stopped Mike before saying, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't think so."
"What?" Y/N asked annoyed as she turned to look at the boy.
"Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame," Steve explained. "Got it, dipshit? From here on out, I'm leading the way. L/N, you stick by my side, okay? Come on, let's go."
Steve began to walk forward, but didn't go far because Y/N wasn't by his side. He threw his head back in her direction as if to give her a pointed look and Y/N huffed before reluctantly leaving Dustin's side to go walk beside Steve.
It was only when she was by his side that the boy began to walk forward, knowing that if she was by his side he would be able to see if anything was going to happen to her. Steve glanced back at the others and gestured in front of him as if to tell them to hurry up.
"Come on. Hey, a little hustle."
- - -
The further the group got into the back of the tunnels, the grosser it became. Y/N felt as if she were going to puke by the time they reached these decaying flower looking things, the way they moved and the sound it made making her stomach churn.
"God," she muttered as she held a hand to her stomach.
Steve instantly glanced over at her. "You okay? Do you need us to head back?" he asked worriedly, the action making Y/N groan inwardly as she was once again reminded by how much of a burden and responsibility she was.
"I'm fine," she grumbled, but that seemed to be enough for Steve who looked back ahead as he led the group forward.
"What is this place?" Max questioned, her nose crinkling up underneath her bandana.
Steve ignored the girl seeing as he didn't know the answer to her question and just said, "Guys, come on. Keep moving."
The kids all shared a look before following after the older boy, none of them noticing Dustin who had paused to look up at one of the pulsing flower buds above him. "What the hell?" he muttered, but the words had barely left his mouth before the thing was suddenly shooting something through the air at him, the decay and dust hitting Dustin right in the face and causing the boy to scream.
Y/N was the first to hear Dustin scream and she instantly perked up before turning and realizing that the boy was no longer with them. "Dustin!" she cried out before running back in the direction they came.
"Y/N!" Steve yelled as he tried to grab her, but the girl was already gone.
"Shit! Help! Help! Help!" Dustin yelled as Y/N turned a corner to find the boy stumbling in her direction. His body collided with hers almost instantly and he gripped onto her arms while she tried to steady him.
"Dustin," she breathed out as her eyes scanned him for any injuries, but it was hard for her to tell when he was moving around frantically  and still screaming slightly out of terror.
"Shit!" Dustin screamed.
"Dustin!" Lucas, Max, Mike, and Steve exclaimed as they came running back over to them.
"What happened?" Y/N asked worriedly as she gripped onto the boy.
Dustin whimpered slightly before saying, "It's in my mouth! Some got on my mouth! Shit!" The boy pulled away from Y/N to have a coughing attack all while the five of them stared at him worriedly. Y/N backed into Steve slightly in fright, the older boy placing a hand on her shoulder to tell her that he was there.
Dustin continued to cough for a bit longer and even pulled his bandana down before he suddenly went quiet, his body freezing before he turned his head to them and said in a totally normal voice, "I'm okay."
"You serious?" Max asked as the group all relaxed, Dustin just staring up at them through his goggles as he gave them a nervous smile.
"Very funny, man. Nice. Very nice," Steve muttered before he turned and began to walk away. "Jesus, what an idiot."
Everyone began to walk away except for Y/N who just stared at Dustin with her arms crossed in front of her body. Dustin stared at her in silence before whispering out a questioning, "I'm sorry?"
Y/N couldn't stop herself from chuckling softly as she went over and held a hand out for the boy. Dustin quickly took it and she helped him up onto his feet, the boy stumbling slightly into her so that they stood face to face.
"You idiot," she muttered as she stared at her, her eyes flickering over his face while he just gave her a small smile. "I thought you were about to die before my eyes or something."
"I would never," Dustin replied making Y/N chuckle before she pulled her bandana down and leaned forward to press a small kiss to his cheek.
Dustin's smile instantly fell, his whole face being covered by an expression of shock while Y/N put her bandana back over her face. "Good," she said all while Dustin looked to her and let a goofy grin appear on his face.
"Y/N L/N, why is there any empty spot by my side?" Steve's voice echoed through the tunnels making Y/N groan and lean her head against Dustin's shoulder for a moment.
"I'm coming! Don't get your panties in a twist," Y/N yelled back before she chuckled and held a hand out for Dustin, the boy smiling at her and taking her hand before the two ran to catch up with the others.
- - -
"Alright, Wheeler," Steve said as he looked at the room around them that had multiple tunnels attaching to it, "I think we found your hub."
"Let's drench it," Mike announced as he looked to the Party, the kids all nodding in response. Y/N picked up her container of fuel and was about to start dumping out its contents when Steve stopped her.
"Yeah, you and flammable liquid? Not a good idea," Steve muttered as he took the container from the girl's hand and shoved it towards Max who took it, but not without giving Y/N an apologetic look.
"Steve," Y/N sighed in frustration, her eyes flickering up to the boy who she knew was just trying to protect her. "I can help."
"I'm just trying to keep you safe. That's why I'm here, isn't it?" Steve questioned as he glanced at the girl. He noticed Y/N's shoulders slump and sighed before squeezing her shoulder. "I know you can help, squirt. But right now, it's my responsibility to make sure you're safe."
Then the boy walked away to make sure the other kids weren't being idiots, leaving Y/N staring after him practically shaking in anger.
A presence beside her had the girl turning to see Dustin standing there with his head tilted to the side. "You okay?" he asked, his voice soft and laced with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just frustrated is all," Y/N replied as she glanced back over at Steve. "I'm not just some responsibility of his, you know?"
"Y/N, Steve doesn't think of you as just some responsibility. You're-" Dustin began, but the girl shook her head.
"Sorry, Dustin. I just. . .I need to be alone for a couple of minutes," she muttered before walking away, obviously still upset and frustrated much to Dustin's dismay.
Dustin sighed and went back to drenching the area around him, the others all working silently as they could practically feel the tension radiating off of Y/N towards the unsuspecting Steve.
They drenched every inch of that place while Y/N watched from the side, her scowl hidden by the bandana over her face. It was only when the place was covered that they joined the girl at the edge of the tunnel they had come down a couple of minutes before.
Y/N shook off her anger and reached into her pocket for the small lighter, a smile beginning to grow on her face as she realized maybe she wasn't going to be completely helpless.
"You ready?" Steve asked, his eyes staring at the place before him, still not having noticed Y/N holding the lighter.
Dustin glanced at Y/N and gave her a small nod before saying, "Light her up."
Y/N smirked under her mask before opening her lighter, a flame instantly becoming visible and finally drawing Steve's attention. The boy's eyes widened and he was quick to reach out and try and stop the girl.
"Yeah, no. Someone else is doing this, not you," Steve demanded as he tried to grab for the lighter, but Y/N was quick and held her hand away, making the others back away from the flame in her hand.
"What? Why?" Y/N asked in a panicked voice.
"Cause I don't want you getting hurt, you got that?" Steve muttered angrily as he tried to reach for the lighter again. "Y/N."
"Can you stop worrying about me for one second and let me help out?" Y/N asked a tad bit aggressively. "Since we've gotten down here all you've done is baby me! I can take care of myself, thank you very much."
Steve's eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows even though no one could tell. They did see him cross his arms, however, and heard him say, "See, this is where you're wrong. All I'm trying to do is protect you."
Y/N scoffed and Steve tried to reach for the lighter again. "I'm trying to keep your ass from getting hurt, got that? I've been taking care of you since day one, L/N! You've gotten into so much shit that I can't even count it anymore!" Steve groaned in frustration.
Y/N froze slightly before turning to the boy in anger, her eyes blazing with a fire more intense than the one in her hand. "Well, quit taking care of me! If I'm such a burden then why don't you just leave me the hell alone, huh? You didn't even have to come here, asshole!" she yelled.
Steve sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You know I did," he said.
"No, you didn't. I'm not your fucking responsibility! So quit acting like that's all I am," Y/N hissed, her eyes pricking with tears and making Steve freeze.
A silence fell among the group and Steve was frozen for a second longer before he glanced at the others who had all looked away. It was then that he realized that Y/N actually did believe she was nothing more than a responsibility to him. This made the boy frown and he went to place a hand on her shoulder as he whispered, "Y/N, you're not-"
Y/N was quick to shove the boy away, a determined look on her face as she turned back to the tunnel. "Not right now, Harrington. It's time to light this motherfucker up," she muttered before tossing the lighter into the pit.
The room instantly went up in flames and their eyes widened before Y/N began to whack Mike and Dustin who were closest to her. "Go, go, go!" she yelled as a loud shrieking sound filled the air, the ground popping up and flailing around them, finally exposing the parts of the Mind Flayer.
Y/N stumbled slightly as she tried to get up, but Steve didn't hesitate to grab ahold of her jacket and pull her onto her feet. Y/N glanced back at him, but he wouldn't meet her eyes as he shoved her forward and in front of him, the fire beginning to make its way towards them as he yelled, "Let's go, let's go!"
Y/N felt a feeling of guilt wash over her and she frowned slightly as she realized that she might have been a little harsh on Steve. However, the boy didn't give her time to do or say anything before he was shoving her again and yelling, "Move, Y/N!"
The girl nodded and began to rush forward along with the others, Steve right behind them. All Y/N could hear as they ran was the shrieking coming from the small cave and Dustin beside her yelling, "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"
It was only when they were a little over halfway of the way back to where they had come in that something grabbed ahold of Y/N's foot, instantly yanking the girl to the ground while the others all ran forward.
A scream escaped her lips, her arms outstretched as she yelled, "Help! Help!" Steve was the first to react and it was like his instincts kicked in making him run faster than he ever had before. Steve was back by the girl's side within seconds, his bat raised in the air before he began hitting the slimy tentacle that was wrapped around Y/N's leg.
"Steve!" Y/N cried out in a panic as the thing began to drag her, but then Mike and Lucas were behind her and pulling her back while Steve continued to whack the tentacle.
It took a few more hits before the tentacle thing broke in half, instantly letting go of the girl. Y/N was screaming at this point, the part still attached to her leg squeezing her ankle so hard it felt like it was cutting off the circulation. Steve had the thing off of her leg in a matter of seconds before he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her up onto her feet.
Y/N gripped onto the boy's arm frantically while he stared at her with wide eyes. "Are you okay? Y/N, are you okay?" he asked as he tried to calm the shaking girl down. All Y/N could do was bury her face into the boy's side while Steve just held her tightly.
"Guys, we gotta go! We gotta go now!" Dustin exclaimed as he tried to shove the group forward, but a growl suddenly had the group freezing in place.
Standing behind them, in the direction that they needed to go was a demodog. However, this one seemed to be a little different than the others.
"Dart," Dustin breathed out as he took a step towards the creature, an action that had Y/N quickly reaching out for the boy and patching onto his arm before pulling him back to her.
"Dustin, get back!" Y/N exclaimed as she held the boy close to her, her body leaning against Steve for support while the group all looked at the boy like he was crazy.
The demodog made some sort of noise that sounded like chatter and Dustin stared at him for a minute before glancing at Y/N. "It's okay, Y/N. Trust me," he whispered. Y/N was wide eyed as she stared at Dustin, but she eventually let her hold on him drop as she put all of her trust into the boy.
Dustin nodded slightly at Y/N as if to say thanks and to assure her that he would be fine before he turned and took a step closer to the demodog. "Hey. It's me, it's me. It's just your friend, it's Dustin. It's Dustin, all right?" he said as he pulled the goggles up onto his forehead and the bandana down from his face. He smiled softly at the creature before kneeling down in front of it. "You remember me? Will you let us pass?"
Dart suddenly snarled in Dustin's face, its own face opening up like a flower to showcase its teeth making the group all jump back and Y/N gasp in fright. Dustin didn't seem fazed and just sighed, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?"
The group watched as Dustin began to take his backpack off with the intention of pulling food out of it for the demodog. Lucas raised his eyebrows and muttered, "He's insane."
"Shut up," Y/N and Steve hissed at the boy making Lucas hold his hands up in surrender.
"I've got our favorite," Dustin announced as he pulled a small candy bar out of his backpack. "See? Nougat." Dart grunted in reply and Dustin took that as a good sign before breaking off a piece and tossing it onto the ground. Dart leaned forward and sniffed the candy before slowly beginning to eat it which made Dustin smile.
"Look at that. Yummy. Here, all right? Eat up, buddy," Dustin said before tossing the rest of the candy onto the ground. He then stood up and glanced back at his friends before nodding at them to go ahead.
"Come on. Come on," Steve whispered as he began to walk forward, his hand intertwined with Y/N who wouldn't let go. "Let's go."
The group slowly snuck by Dart and watched as Dustin smiled at the creature, "There's plenty. I've got more." Dustin threw one more bar onto the ground before staring down at the demodog. He smiled sadly before whispering, "Goodbye, buddy."
He then turned and his eyes locked with Y/N who merely held a hand out for him. Dustin took it and the group began to move forward again, leaving Dart behind to eat his nougat while Steve's voice echoed in the air.
"Let's go, let's go!"
- - -
The group hadn't been walking for long before they soon realized that the demodogs were after them, the roaring behind them being enough evidence to prove the fact. Steve was pulling Y/N along at this point, the other kids all stumbling behind them as they ran through the tunnel.
"Run! Run! Let's go! Let's go!"
"There!" Y/N yelled as she pointed a little ways ahead of them where the rope they had used to get down into the tunnels could be seen hanging in the hole.
The group picked up their speed and made it to the rope where Max instantly began to climb up with the help of Steve. Lucas went next and then Mike before Dustin quickly followed.
That left Steve and Y/N, the later shoving the boy towards the rope and saying, "It's easier if you go up and then pull me up from there! Now move!" Steve didn't have time to yell back because the growling was only getting closer and the kids were all yelling at him to hurry up.
"Come on! Let's go. Go, go, go! Let's go! Come on! Come on!" Lucas and Mike yelled as they struggled to help the boy up. Y/N felt herself relax once she saw that Steve made it, but as soon as he had turned to help pull her up, the growling had reached them and Y/N could see the demodogs barreling towards her.
It was like everything moved in slow motion at that point, her head moving so that her eyes locked with Steve's, a panicked look on her face as she screamed out, "Steve!"
"No!" Steve yelled, but it was too late, the demodogs were there. Y/N gripped onto the rope and squeezed her eyes shut, wanting nothing more than a peaceful and quick death, but before she knew what was happening, there was a soft thud in front of her before two arms wrapped around her.
Y/N blinked her eyes open before gasping at the sight of Steve holding her protectively as he held his body like a shield for the girl. Y/N knew it wouldn't do much to keep the demodogs away, but she didn't think too much of it as she just gripped onto the boy and dug her face into his side.
The demodogs pounced at them, but to their surprise, they only seemed to move around them, their destination being something behind them. The two pulled away from each other to watch the demodogs rush by, both of them confused as to what was going on before they heard Mike whisper from above, "Eleven."
It was when the demodogs were gone that Y/N finally allowed herself to look to Steve, her eyes wide with surprise at the fact that he had just tossed himself in front of her to protect her. Steve was breathing heavy and he pulled the bandana off of his face before tossing the goggles off and letting his eyes lock with the girl.
A heavy silence fell among the two and all Steve could do was stare at the girl who was staring back at him with teary eyes filled with confusion.
"You're not just my responsibility," Steve finally said, his eyes flickering over the girl's face as he watched her inhale sharply. "I've known you since you were just a baby, L/N. I care about you more than I care about anyone else in this shitty town."
He paused for a moment before whispering, "You're my family, Y/N." The words were enough to make her breath catch in her throat, a few tears rolling down her cheeks as she just stared at the boy in surprise.
Steve gulped and ran a hand through his hair as he gave her a nervous smile, "And it's my responsibility to keep my family safe."
Y/N's mouth fell open slightly as if she were about to say something, but nothing came out. Luckily for her, she was saved by Max yelling out, "Guys, come on!"
Steve nodded and quickly picked Y/N up before pushing her up so that she could grab onto the hands of her friends. She was instantly pulled into Dustin's arms, the boy gripping onto her tightly as the others all joined in on hugging the girl who they thought had been a goner only moments before.
While this happened, Steve managed to climb his way out of the hole, letting out a small grunt as he pulled himself up onto his feet. He took in a deep breath before turning his head, his eyes instantly locking with Y/N who gave him a small smile.
Steve couldn't help but smile back before he nodded at the girl and began walking back towards the car. And all Y/N could do was stare after him with unspoken words on the tip of her tongue.
You're my family too.
- - -
"Holy shit, aren't you looking gorgeous tonight," Steve teased as he leaned against his car, his eyes on Y/N who was walking towards his car in a navy dress, her hair back in a messy braid while her navy converse squeaked against the ground.
Y/N blushed and tugged at her dress slightly, feeling a bit uncomfortable and wanting nothing more than to be in her favorite pair of sweatpants right at that moment. "Shut up," she muttered, her cheeks heating up even more when Steve let out a small laugh.
"Oh, come on. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I can't compliment you?" Steve questioned, his eyebrows raising as he stared at the girl with a small sparkle in his eyes, his smile so wide that his cheeks had begun to hurt.
He couldn't help but feel like a proud older brother in that moment as he stared at the girl before him. It felt like only yesterday she was still learning to tie her shoes and now here she was all dressed up and about to attend the big dance at school with a boy.
"No, I just. . .I don't know. I feel weird," Y/N muttered as she stared down at her feet.
"Don't be. You look beautiful and I'm sure Dustin is going to love it," Steve teased, the girl blushing even more at the mention of the boy who had asked her to the Snowball dance only a couple days prior. It had taken him two weeks to build up the courage to ask her and, with the help of Steve, the two were now going to be attending the dance together with Steve being their chauffeur.
"Speaking of Dustin, we need to go pick him up," Steve muttered as he glanced at the time on his watch. He pushed himself off of his car before opening up the door for the girl and smiling at her. "Come on, Princess. Let's go pick up your Prince Charming."
"Steve!" Y/N complained, but all the boy could do was chuckle in response as the girl hopped into the car.
The two sang along to their favorite songs all the way to Dustin's house, but by the time they reached the place and were waiting on said boy to come out, a silence had fallen among the two that made them both shift uncomfortably in their seats.
The two hadn't spoken about what Steve had said that day in the tunnels, neither of them knowing how to address it or what to even say. Their friendship was finally back on track, now with the exception of Y/N spending some more time with her other friends and allowing the two to have the necessary space away from each other that they needed in order for their relationship to grow.
But something was different and it mostly had to do with what had happened in the tunnels. Y/N knew she needed to address the situation, but she was still unsure on how to bring it up. Luckily for her, her nerves from having to see Dustin in a couple of minutes had her blurting out her feelings on the spot, making her predicament a whole lot easier.
"I think of you as family too, you know."
The words falling from her lips were enough to make both Steve and Y/N freeze almost instantly. Steve was the first to move and he let his eyes flicker over to the girl who blushed and looked down at her hands as she shrugged.
"You're all I've ever had since day one," she whispered as if it were obvious. "You're the only family I really know. I don't even care that we aren't blood related. You're more of a family to me than my own parents and sometimes I don't always show it. And I just. . ." Y/N paused before looking to the boy. "I really am thankful for you, you know?"
Steve was silent as he stared at her and Y/N couldn't help but feel like time was ticking by at an excruciatingly slow pace as she awaited some sort of response. But finally, a smile appeared on the boy's face and he softened slightly as he looked at her before he whispered, "I'm thankful for you too, squirt. I love you."
Y/N smiled almost instantly and whispered, "I love you too."
Steve chuckled and reached out to ruffle the girl's hair. "Hey!" Y/N cried in protest and she quickly tried to fix her hair, however, that was the moment that Dustin decided to walk out and she let out a small scream before smoothing out her hair the best she could. This only seemed to make Steve laugh louder and Y/N glared playfully at the boy before she quickly got out of the car to go and meet Dustin.
Steve sat there for a moment with a smile on his face before finally letting himself watch Y/N as she walked over to Dustin who had paused in his front yard, his eyes locked on the girl who was walking towards him as a look of shock crossed his face.
Steve couldn't help but smile as he watched the girl, his heart swelling with pride for the person who was his sister even if not by blood. And when she began to wall back to the car with her hand intertwined with Dustin, her eyes locked with his and she gave him a small smile.
It was in that moment that the two both realized just how blessed they were to have each other. They really were like family. They were the brother and sister that the other never had.
Steve and Y/N may not have the best parents in the world, but with each other as family, they couldn't have been luckier.
* * *
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
(Chapter 7: Veterans Centre)
Word Count: 1339
Starting from this chapter we will be starting to welcome a lot of familiar Resistance members. In this chapter we have Eli Palmer, Nick Rye and Wheaty. Also special mentions to Sharks Boshaw and Hurk Jr. as well as John and Joseph Seed
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Jacob stood in front of the closed gate of his old Veterans Centre, examining every inch of it. He had missed this place. It was like his home but now this dearest place was going to keep the girl he loves, safe from those evil people that want to hurt her.
Jacob looked back at the Sheriff and smirked, "Thanks Sheriff".
"You're welcome Jacob. Let's go and have a look around. See what needs fixing" the Sheriff said, taking the keys out and unlocking the gates.
"I'm certain the cages are going to need some fixing up and I'll have to go up to check my office out" Jacob said walking through the gates.
"We are going to need a lot of security around here"
"Where are we going to get those security from? There were only peggies around here" Jacob said.
"Jacob, all those people that you hurt, want to help you. Nick Rye, Sharky Boshaw, Hurk Jr, Jerome and even Eli Palmer" Sheriff Whitehorse suggested a few names. "We can get them to take turns to keep an eye on the prisoners, when you're not around. Even Pratt and I will do it too".
"I don't know Sheriff. All those people you've mention, they've gone through so much because of me"
"The past stays in the past Jacob Seed" a voice came from behind.
Jacob turned around and saw Eli, Nick and Wheaty, standing at the entrance of the courtyard, with friendly smiles on their faces.
"So, who are we after?" Eli asked, approaching the sheriff and Jacob.
"My girlfriends ex-fiancé and her parents. They've hurt her a lot in the past and I'm 100% certain they've come back for more" Jacob explained.
"The ex-fiancé came a while back and he has already physically abused my Deputy. If it wasn't for Jacob, he could have killed her" the Sheriff added.
"So we have an abusive ex to deal with? What's the plan?" Nick asked.
"I want to put him and her parents through hell. Teach them a lesson and show that Isabella isn't alone anymore. They came to Hope County thinking they'll get away with it again but not on my watch. It's time someone did something about this" Jacob explained to the four men. "No lady should ever go through something like this. As for her parents, I'm going to make them realise that money doesn't bring happiness".
"What do you have planned for them?" The Sheriff asked.
"From What Bella has told me, her parents were happy for her to get beaten up because at the end of the day, they were getting money from the guy. I'm going to show them that money doesn't bring happiness. I'm going to make Bella the happiest girl on this planet, just to prove to them that she is happier without them and Mark" Jacob explained. "They've lost their daughter and don't have any idea about it. But they'll learn once they start missing out on Isabella's happy days".
"Make them feel guilty?" Eli asked. "I like the plan. What about the ex-fiancé?".
"Well Bella did say she was beaten up by this guy, day and night. I'm going to do the same thing to him" Jacob said, a smirk forming on his face. "I'm going to put him through the same exact pain, he put Bella through. See how he likes it when the tides turn".
"We get to help with the beating up too? Right?" Nick asked. "I've got a wife and kid. I wouldn't let anyone hurt them like that".
"And by the sounds of things, you really love this girl" Eli added.
"She's my whole life. I don't want to lose her or even see her live with fear. I want these people to be afraid of Isabella now" Jacob said and turned around to look at the huge building.
"Well don't you worry Jacob. You've got the whole Hope County behind you and Isabella. We will help you both" Eli said, putting a hand on Jacob's shoulder. "It'll be like the good old times. The only difference is, this time we are on your side pal".
Jacob turned around and looked at Eli, he put his hand on his shoulder and nodded. "Thanks....pal".
“Let's get cleaning" the Sheriff said and all the men followed him into the courtyard.
Meanwhile, Isabella was left at home with Deputy Hudson and Deputy Pratt, while Jacob was out. She had no idea where Jacob was but she trusted him. She also knew the Sheriff was with him but they were up to something and Bella was curious to know.
"So the Sheriff hasn't told you both anything?" Bella asked the two Deputies?.
"Not a single thing" Pratt said and looked at Hudson.
"I'm going to call Jacob. He said he would be home before dinner. It's almost 7pm and he hasn't come" Bella said, grabbing her phone and walking into the bedroom.
"Hello" Jacob answered.
"Jacob! Where are you? Do you realise what the time is?"
"Bella calm down. I'm on my way home now" Jacob said, calming her down.
"Can you hurry up please. I need you here"
"I'm ten minutes away. Is Hudson and Pratt still with you?" Jacob asked.
"Yeah but they are getting very tired. That's why you need to come home so these people can go home and get some rest"
"Ten minutes. I promise".
“Okay. See you soon"
"I love you"
Bella smiled and blushed at the same time. "I love you too Jacob".
Like Jacob promised, ten minutes after the phone call, he and sheriff arrived home. Isabella opened the door and ran straight into Jacob's arms.
"God, you took your time" Bella said against his chest. She turned her head, putting her ear against his chest and listening to his heart beats but something in the distance frightened her. She started shaking in Jacob's embrace and pulled away from him. Tears already flowing out of her eyes.
"Bella? What's wrong?" Jacob became worried almost immediately.
"It's him" she whispered. "It's Mark. He's over there watching us".
Sheriff Whitehorse, Jacob and the two Deputies all looked in the direction of where Isabella was staring and sure enough, there he was watching all of them behind a tree.
"Hudson, Bella get inside right now" the Sheriff ordered and the two girls complied.
Jacob didn't waste any time and started running towards Mark. The moment he saw Jacob coming, Mark turned around and started running himself. Deputy Pratt and the Sheriff weren't too far off from Jacob.
As the men chased Mark down the street, Bella was back at home having a panic attack. Hudson rushed through the house, looking for something that could help Bella breath. Eventually she found a brown paper bag and rushed back next to Isabella.
"Here Rook. This will help you breath" she said and handed the paper bag over.
Bella immediately started using the bag, until her breathing was back under control. A few breaths later, Bella was able to calm her breathing down but this time, started to cry hysterically.
"He's going to kill me. I know it"
"No he won't Bella. Jacob will kill him first" Hudson said, hugging her friend. "I'm going to call John. He should be here". Hudson took her phone out and dialled her husband's number. "John".
"Dear, where are you?" John asked.
"John, you need to come to Jacob's house right now. It's really bad here and Jacob could do with some support from his baby brother" Hudson suggested.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" John asked.
"Isabella's ex-fiancé is causing really bad problems for Bella. She's terrified. We just saw him spying on us. Jacob, the sheriff and Pratt are chasing him down right now. Bella's having a panic attack. I need you John".
"I've just jumped in the car. Don't leave the house. Lock the doors until Jacob comes back. Do you hear me?"
"Yes. Please hurry John".
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