#From Single to Fabulous
pransy123 · 9 months
From Single to Fabulous: The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Your Life!
Are you tired of being single and ready to take charge of your life? Look no further! In this exclusive article, we bring you the ultimate guide to transforming your life from single to fabulous. Whether you’re looking for love, seeking personal growth, or simply want to reignite your zest for life, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to unleash your inner fabulousness and embark on a journey of…
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treely-ruly · 1 month
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I had a little lamp under this crate with a piece of fabric draped over the light, with the idea that it would filter through the plants, but instead it was just simultaneously blinding as well as too dim... So I just yesterday cut out some fabric panels to tape to the crate itself, and it has a sort of panelled lantern look imo. V renter chic haha
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satellite-runner · 2 years
My show pony design :]]]]] (click for better quality)
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I hate how I look most of the times but I do have to credit myself on how hot my wet hair look is. Unmatched rizz.
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considernature · 2 months
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That's right! It's International Bat Appreciation Day! We share our planet with over 1400 species of bat, making the second most abundant mammal order, and they perform a wide variety of ecological roles, from dispersing seeds to pollinating flowers to eating thousands of insects in a single night! Over 200 bat species are listed as Threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature--that is over 14 percent of all bats!
YOU can help endangered bats today by donating to Pennsylvania Bat Rescue at this link. This PA-based organization rehabilitates sick or injured bats and helps educate people like you and me in how we can create more bat-friendly environments.
If you want to learn about particularly-cool bat species native to New Zealand, check out this Consider Nature article on the Pekapeka, the bat that walks:
For the rest of the day, Consider Nature will be bat-bombing Tumblr with some of our favorite bat species to share them with the world!
Alt text: a small brown bat stretching its wings with the kind of fabulous flourish that would impress Ryan Evans.
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rubys-domain · 10 months
what the fuck. what the absolute heck
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emphistic · 2 months
Pucker Up, Buttercup
"Ugh, this is so humiliating," Sukuna remarked, as you continued to do various stupid and silly poses for the camera.
You nudged him with your elbow, "C'mon, old man. Lighten up! It's a photo booth, now smile for the camera!" You used both of your index fingers to force Sukuna's lips into a smile — it ended up just making him look more menacing, as his canines stuck out.
For this next one, you moved impossibly closer to Sukuna. You gripped his jaw in your palm and pressed your lips on his cheek. Sukuna immediately flushed, and fortunately for you, the camera caught that.
Swiftly, you pulled away. "Last one, 'Kuna. Make this worthwhile and actually pose," you couldn't deny the fact you were annoyed by Sukuna's behavior right now. This photo booth did not charge nicely and Sukuna wasn't even bothering to pose or even smile.
You prepared to just flash a simple smile at the camera, but Sukuna had other plans in mind. He grabbed your face — a little roughly, but it's Sukuna, so what do you expect — and captured your lips in his, taking your breath away. For a moment, you remained stunned, before melting into the kiss. Your lashes fluttered just as the camera shuttered once more.
Sukuna tasted of the cherry flavored snow-cone he had had before entering the photo booth with you. His hand met the back of your neck and tangled itself in your hair.
The both of you remained like that, even after the last picture was taken. Neither of you moved away, until a worker had to stick their head in the booth and kick you guys out. You blushed sheepishly; but Sukuna just shrugged, pushing aside the curtain and heading out. You followed suit.
Sukuna collected the photos from the worker before you exited after him, and stuffed them in his hoodie pocket. The wind was strong outside. Consequently, you brushed a strand of hair away from your face.
Sukuna stood with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, mindlessly kicking rocks and pebbles, before he looked up and met your gaze.
"The fair's closing in a few minutes. We should get going."
"Right," you agreed. So was he just going to act like nothing ever happened in that booth?
As you two walked on the cement, the silence grew loud. So loud. . . Until Sukuna couldn't take it any longer, "I told you wearing that outfit wouldn't do you any good. Look at you, your whole body's shaking."
"Hmph, well — at least I look fabulous. A jacket would just ruin the look, y'know?"
"No, I don't know, actually." Sukuna pulled his sweater over his head and helped you put it on.
When you finally stopped shivering, you attached yourself to Sukuna's arm. What the hell? How was he still warm after he gave you his jacket?
"What's wrong with your body?" You laughed.
Sukuna rolled his eyes.
"Anyways," he started, out of the blue, "someone needs to teach you how to kiss, you're terrible. But — don't worry, I'll help you learn. Every single day."
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee
"Oh my God!" You swatted at his chest, "You're actually insufferable." Sukuna's booming laughter reverberated.
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fangswbenefits · 6 months
The Arrangement (7) - Tension
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Chapter summary: Astarion needs to feed and things get out of hand... again.
Pairing: Astarion x female!Tav
Warnings: 18+. Dry humping. Masturbation, Precum, Innuendo. Astarion briefly talking you through it. Sexual tension. Sexual frustration.
Word count: 5.4k
Series Masterlist
Astarion needed to feed.
That undeniable fact had come to light in various forms.
You were quite sure that, to the others, it was a blessing in disguise, as Astarion's snarky remarks were now sparse.
But you knew better.
You knew him better.
He hadn't even made a single comment when Gale brought home some horrendous tapestry that he promptly hung on the wall.
That was when you knew he was due a proper feeding.
You glanced at him over your shoulder as you diced some fruit to start the day off.
Astarion was seemingly deep in thought as he masterfully threaded a needle along the edge of the collar of his shirt.
Your heart fluttered briefly as you recalled his enjoyment in embroidery. He had once revealed it helped him hone his dexterity while looking fabulous at it.
A faint smile tugged at your lips, and you returned your attention to the cutting board.
The morning had started off slow and quiet and, for the first time in a long time, you had gotten a proper night's rest.
You couldn't tell if your conversation with Astarion was the sole reason for that, considering you did try the lavender extract Shadowheart had given you. Regardless, there was this pleasant and warm feeling brewing within you.
The joys of communication laced with a touch of intimacy truly left you feeling at peace.
But then…
Your face tensed up as your thought drifted back to Ava.
All pleasant feelings morphed into dread at the conjured image of Astarion offering her his blood.
Whatever interest she had in it had to be rooted in something nefarious. You refused to believe otherwise. Besides, how could she even accept such an exchange when dealing with his vulnerability?
That wasn't right. 
You were so caught up in the haunting visual projection of her bleeding him dry, that you didn't realise someone was pressing against you from behind.
“I, for one, am glad we are not back in the wilderness, darling.”
You jolted in surprise as his chin came to rest on your shoulder, his hand drifting down your arm to grip the knife you were holding.
“Anyone with ill-intentions would have you gutted by now.” His voice was low with the faintest hint of a tease.
He was absolutely correct.
Your distraction could have landed you in a bit of a predicament not long ago.
But your gaze was now set on how his hand examined the blade.
“This knife needs polishing,” he said, shifting his lips closer to your neck. “And the edge needs sharpening.”
Oh, he really needed to feed. 
And he wasn't even being subtle about it at this point as his lips ghosted your skin.
“I'll get to it later.”
You were trying your hardest to keep your composure, feeling the palms of your hands sweat when he pressed further against you.
A low chuckle rumbled through his chest and your back. “Honestly, I'm surprised you can cut through anything but butter with this.”
He had to know.
He had to know how your pulse had quickened so easily because of him.
But your mind had blanked for a second, your body reacting instinctively to his.
His hand was closed around yours, thumb rubbing circles on your heated skin as he pressed his cold lips to the throbbing artery that ran along your neck.
“You need to feed.”
He paused briefly. “It's quite adorable how you can tell whenever I'm craving your blood.”
You would have dropped the knife had he not been making sure you kept a firm grip on the handle.
“You aren't being particularly subtle.”
He let out a dramatic gasp. “I'm merely offering  help with this sad blunt knife, my darling.”
Well, his idea of ‘help’ now involved him pressing his thumb against yours to have it tracing circles along the handle. 
“I reckon your grip isn't adequate either,” he whispered in your ear this time. “You must grip it tighter .”
He was too good at courtship.
The innuendo wasn't lost on you, and you nearly rolled your eyes at his bluntness.
“I do know how to grip a knife, Astarion.”
He chuckled once again. “Yes, I remember your fierce grip whe–”
But before he could finish his sentence, a scoff was heard next to you and you immediately jolted back in panic, slamming into Astarion's lower half.
“Gods! ” he wailed in pain.
Chaos ensued as fruit went flying off the table and rolling along the floor, the knife landing at your feet and the jarring sound of metal clattering around.
“Is everything alright?” Gale's alarmed voice was heard.
Lae'zel merely stood with arms crossed and looking as unfazed as ever.
“Could you two keep your mating rituals out of the kitchen?”
Your eyes widened at her accusation, crouching to clean up the mess. “Oh! No – no! We were not – Astarion was just… just talking about polishing this knife.” You immediately held the blade in your hand for Lae'zel to see.
She raised a brow instead. “Yes. I am quite sure Astarion wouldn't mind you polishing his knife.”
Your jaw dropped.
Astarion was still hunched over the table, clutching his crotch and spilling profanities.
You must have hit him really hard.
Lae'zel threw a final scoff heavy with disapproval at both of you before pacing away.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean it…” You started off, wincing as Astarion massaged the soreness away.
He waved a hand dismissively. “You're a menace even when you don't mean to.”
As he straightened up with a low growl, you noticed the colossal height difference.
Kneeling on the floor, you gathered the scattered fruit and utensils as you looked up at Astarion.
A playful smirk tugged at his lips when he met your gaze. “Not even going to kiss it better, darling?”
You were now at eye-level with his crotch and, for a moment, you thought he had rendered you speechless.
But two could play this game.
You placed a hand dramatically over your mouth. “Right here? In front of everyone? Astarion! ”
You hadn't bothered keeping your voice down and as you rose back to your feet again, you saw a couple of heads turn your way.
Gale looked utterly confused while Lae'zel rolled her eyes, returning her attention to the sword in her hands.
Astarion's smile only deepened. “Oh, you vicious little tease – that was good.”
You patted your clothes straight with a proud smirk before leaning in closer to his face.
“I learned from the best.”
And you quickly pressed a fleeting kiss to his cheek.
He stirred briefly under your touch and you offered him a kind smile as you walked away, casually taking a bite off a pear.
“You should do that more often if it means we are greeted with his silence.” Lae'zel complimented as you sat by her side.
Astarion looked as though you had just slammed a frying pan on his head, but his eyes following your every move.
It wasn't every day that once could take pride in leaving Astarion speechless.
He could hand out the most intricate of innuendos laced with sexual tension, but show him small acts of affection, and he will be disarmed in an instant. 
You still remembered that first hug you ever gave him in Moonrise Towers and how he was stunned at first.
“Are you malfunctioning, Astarion?” Shadowheart suddenly quipped as she trailed down the flight of stairs.
You giggled softly at how adorable he looked, even when he finally came to his senses and shook his head, frowning slightly.
“They were engaging in some bizarre pre-mating ritual,” Lae'zel spoke up, inspecting her sword up close. “Seems like she won. Not that I'm surprised.”
Shadowheart winced, disgust splattered all over her face. 
Gale chose the wrong time to sip his camomile tea and nearly choked, and you rushed to his side to pat him on the back.
“You do have a way with words, no doubt,” he drawled out, clearing his throat.
Even as used to her bluntness as you were, you still felt heat rush to your cheeks. “We were not doing such a thing.”
She merely shrugged.
Having snapped out of his previous stunned state, Astarion cleared his throat. “You sound jealous, Lae'zel. Should we invite you over?”
You gave him a murderous look, which only served to fuel his boldness.
“Jealous of what, Astarion? Getting kicked in the balls?”
He scoffed.
A soft knock on the door was heard and Shadowheart swiftly moved to open it.
Your stomach flipped momentarily, hoping it wasn't an undesired visit yet again.
But your worries were laid to rest as Wyll strolled in, accompanied by a Fist.
You bolted from the sofa, pulling him into a hug, which he promptly returned.
“I would normally welcome your visit, but the look on your face tells me you don't come bearing good words.” Gale said, tension heavy in his voice.
Wyll parted from you and his silence was truly revealing.
You shuddered and felt panic rising inside you. “What is it? What happened?”
He forced a warm smile. “Shall we take a seat?”
“Or…” Astarion said with a deep scowl. “... you could simply spit out whatever ill-news you're about to drop on us without the unnecessary foreplay.”
Wyll sighed as you motioned for him to take a seat, as everyone else followed suit. The Fist stopped by his side, an unreadable face turned to Astarion.
“Can I get you something?” you asked.
He shook his head vehemently. “I am not staying long. Just offering an update on the murder case.”
You heaved a deep breath, eyeing him expectantly.
“Well? Get on with it,” Astarion goaded impatiently with a click of his tongue.
Shadowheart seemed quite tense all of a sudden and Lae'zel kept a hand on her sword handle.
“It seems that Astarion is no longer a suspect.”
You watched as he rose from his seat with a smile. “Finally. Glad this is all settled!”
“Not so fast,” Wyll said, his face heavy. “Have a seat.”
He sank back into the chair with a deep scowl and crossed arms as a child who had just been told to finish their vegetables. 
“After talking to some of the passers-by from that night, the general consensus is that you were the only one they spotted,” Wyll said, turning his head to you. “No one recalls a second person being there, let alone that person being Astarion.”
Your heart dropped before speeding up again.
“What… does that mean?” you said in a whisper.
There was a brief silence and you could feel the tension in the room becoming increasingly more palpable.
“For all intents and purposes, you are regarded as the only offender.”
A cold layer of sweat took over your body all at once.
“Nonsense,” Astarion scoffed in disbelief. “I was there with her. I got captured.”
This time, the Fist was the one to speak, “You offered to get captured, spawn .”
“I wasn't talking to you, Fist .”
You felt Gale's arm around your shoulder protectively. “Wyll, this is ludicrous. No one here murdered anyone.”
He nodded. “I agree. I do believe this to be a grave misunderstanding. However, upon closer inspection of the body, there were some interesting findings.”
You were too stunned to utter a single word, thankful that your companions were doing the talking instead.
Lae'zel's grip on the sword intensified, her stare glued to the plate-armoured Fist. “Such as?”
“Necrotic magic reminiscent of that found in the Szarr palace.”
You watched as Astarion stilled all of a sudden, lips pressed together.
“Which we cannot further compare since someone burned down the entire place,” the Fist said, eyes shifting to Astarion.
The grand manor had gone up in flames not long ago, and you did know Astarion had had a hand in it, but with no proof of his crime, there was no effective way to pin him to it.
But it had been enough to strain his relationship with The Flaming Fist with only Wyll being able to keep them at bay.
“Accusing me of arson now? My, my, add it to my tab, dear,” he said with a roll of his eyes. 
But Wyll's patience was wearing thin. “None of this makes any sense. If the two of you are not to be blamed for this – which I definitely stand by – then who could benefit from tangling you into this mess?”
Your mind immediately jumped to her.
You had no idea what purpose that could serve, but your instinct seldom failed you.
Even so, you remained silent.
“We are to continue the investigations, naturally,” Wyll went on with a nod. “Necromancy is grounds for imprisonment. Whoever did this, needs to be found and brought to justice.”
Astarion tumbled his fingers on the table. “Well, if you are so sure we are innocent, then let us go.”
“Justice should be blind. I know it is not always the case, but as a former magistrate, I am sure you can agree on the principle.”
Astarion waved dismissively. “It's a sound principle on paper, but its application is tainted and unjust. No one expects the lordlings of Baldur's Gate to answer for any crime.”
Wyll's face twisted into a faint frown. “As true as that might be, I am not keen on upholding such practice. Friend or foe, everyone must face the consequences of their actions.”
A mysterious smile settled on Astarion's lips, but he didn't retort.
Shadowheart cleared her throat. “I could lend my expertise in the matter, Wyll. I could examine the body myself. I have some contacts in the city that could aid me, but I shall need a sample.”
He seemed to hesitate at first, but then slowly nodded. “Very well.”
“So what now?” you finally found your voice again, eager for any glimmer of hope.
Wyll gave you a kind smile. “My friend, do not fret. I am keeping you both here as safekeeping for now. The Council of Four remains sceptical, but if someone did try to frame you, then it is best to stay out of sight.”
You gave him a reluctant nod, realising that time was the only thing on your side for now.
“We've increased the security outside,” the Fist said flatly. “We've added detection spells and mage slayers on rotation.”
You looked up, startled. “ Mage slayers? ”
Gale shared your indignation, the arm around you tensing up. “That is quite extreme.”
“Is it?” Wyll asked. “You two are quite powerful at magic, my friends – but there is always a bigger fish.”
“No wonder my magic has been wavering this morning,” Gale said, rubbing at his chest before pacing towards the window and taking a peek behind the black curtains. “ Two? Wyll, this is–”
“Necessary. For now.”
You swallowed hard, burying your face in your hands in sheer frustration. 
“On a lighter note” Wyll began once again. “I was informed that you are to go to Waterdeep to meet with your contact.”
Gale returned to his seat, looking livid. “Yes. We are expecting some proper information on the Wish spell.”
“Good news, then, Astarion,” he said with a soft smile.
He threw a poisonous glare at him instead. “Seeing is believing, or so they say. I will not be celebrating until I am strolling down the sunlight streets of this city without having my ashes being swept off the pavement and into an ashtray..”
Wyll gave him a light-hearted laugh before rising to his feet, adjusting his cloak. “Fair enough. Though my offer still stands, should things go awry.”
That immediately piqued your interest. “What offer?”
Astarion shrugged. “Oh, dear Wyll made me an offer after becoming duke.”
“Which you refused.”
He nodded with a frown. “I am not a dog to order around.”
Your gaze kept switching between the two of them, feeling lost.
“That was never the implication of my offer, friend. You know the nightlife of Baldur's Gate better than anyone. Your intel would be of great value,” Wyll said in exasperation. 
“And you are an adequate rogue,” the Fist said.
Astarion immediately scoffed. “ Adequate? I could have you pinned to that wall at the tip of my dagger faster than you can say ‘Baldur's Gate’,” he said with a laugh, but his words held no humour.
“I'd like to see you try, spawn."
Astarion drew his dagger from its sheath, twirling it playfully between his fingers.
Wyll quickly intervened. “It's not one or the other, Astarion. You could have both. We would keep searching for a way to cure your vampirism, while you'd take to the streets to help us fight wrongdoers.”
It did sound like a solid proposal.
“I would still need to feed.”
“We would bring you fresh carcasses at your demand.” 
Astarion was now inspecting his nails. “What about thinking creatures?”
Wyll tensed up immediately. “No.”
Astarion smiled playfully. “Then I'm better off with my current arrangement. The blood of carrion can only do so much for my body and mind.”
He exchanged a look with you.
“I don't mind helping you out,” you said firmly.
Wyll sighed heavily. “Well, I do not like that arrangement one bit, but it's your blood, so it's your choice.”
As he paced towards the door after bidding his goodbyes, you hurried after him.
“I have a favour to ask.”
He arched an inquisitive brow. “What is it?”
You took a deep breath, glancing around to make sure no one could listen. 
“I need to go to The Blushing Mermaid.”
Wyll's eyes widened. “The Blushing Mermaid? Why?”
“I need to talk to someone there,” you said in a whisper. “And maybe you should come, too.”
He chuckled. “My days sneaking into that tavern are long gone, my friend. It would not be suitable for the Duke of Ravengard to visit such a place.”
You shook your head, grasping his hand in a plea. “ Please . There's this woman. Astarion's… acquaintance . Ava. She is – or used to be – a monster hunter and she has been taking blood from him.”
You blurted out the words in one breath, hoping he wouldn't ask you to repeat yourself.
If there was anyone who might be able to help you with this issue, it would be Wyll. After all, his experience as a monster slayer and as the Blade of Frontiers had to account for something. 
He looked positively flabbergasted. “A monster hunter… bedding a… vampire spawn?” he drawled out as if trying to make sense of your words. 
That effectively struck a nerve in you. “She is not bedding him… but there is something off about her.”
“Ava you say? That name doesn't ring a bell.”
You mustered all your courage. “Please let me go talk to her… I have a feeling she might be involved in this entire mess.”
That caught his attention. “You think she's behind this? No respectable monster hunter would resort to Necromancy.”
“She's meddling with Alchemy now.”
He seemed… alarmed.
“Very well. I cannot accompany you today, but tomorrow we shall go there.”
You expected more resistance from him, and his sudden availability made you feel very wary all of a sudden.
“How bad do you think this is?”
The Fist appeared from behind Wyll, startling you. “My Lord, we ought to go. We have a council meeting to attend.”
Wyll nodded and gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Maybe it's nothing at all.”
Maybe it's nothing, but it could be anything…
As he moved out and the door closed behind him, Astarion hurried to join your side, clearing his throat.
“You two have gotten quite close.”
You scoffed at him, not in the mood for indulging in his banter.
“Well, being pleasant to others has its perks.”
Astarion smirked widely, his fangs peeking through. “I can be pleasant, darling.”
You rolled your eyes.
But it seemed that Astarion was bent on having your attention on him.
“So… sweet and righteous Wyll?”
You squinted, realising where this was headed. “Are you jealous, Astarion?”
As expected, he didn't bend easily to your taunt as he was a master at it and an equally skilled dodger.
So, he merely held his smirk, seeing through your intent. 
“Can I feed on you tonight?”
Your heart skipped a beat. 
He still needed to feed.
His bluntness caught you slightly off guard. “Uh… of course.”
You watched as his smile only grew wider before he leaned in to plant a quick kiss to your cheek.
Your eyes widened as the coldness of his lips parted from your skin and your mouth fell agape.
And he swiftly went back to his embroidery duties, humming some camp songs as if he hadn't just made your heart almost implode.
Across the room, you spotted Lae'zel rolling her eyes.
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Astarion came to you in the dead of night.
The door to your room clicked shut behind him and you immediately felt your body react to his presence.
With only candlelight and the muted glow from the moon spilling through the uncovered windows, you realised he looked more beautiful than ever.
Your heartbeat nearly doubled as you rose from your bed, waiting for him to close the distance.
And he did.
With sure and slow steps, he came to you.
His black shirt held a new embroidery near the collar.
Exquisite needlework.
He held a faint smile as you traced the flowery lining with one finger.
“This is beautiful.”
“My fingers can make or break,” he whispered softly, his crimson eyes set on you. “Depending on what the situation requires, that is.”
You swallowed hard as his words seeped through your mind, reminding you that the man before you had experience and knowledge in matters you could only dream of achieving.
He held your chin, gently tilting your head, and your eyes fluttered shut as you waited for a kiss.
And he did kiss you.
Just not where you expected.
Or wanted.
His lips lingered on the swell of your cheek, your body already accustomed to the difference in temperature.
“I was thinking…”
He hummed, tilting your head slightly to the left, so he could mirror the kiss on the other cheek.
“You can feed on me more often, if you'd like…”
Astarion pulled back slowly, an elegant eyebrow arched. “More often?”
“Yes. If you want to, of course.”
He eyed you in disbelief, the thumb on your chin rubbing gently circles. “If I want to? Darling, if I had it my way, I would feed on you every single day.”
His words hit hard and not because the prospect of that scenario scared you.
But because you wished he would do it.
The moments when he fed on you belonged to the two of you alone. 
No one could interfere in the intimacy of it.
He would not feed on anyone else but you.
And that sort of craving was easy to get addicted to.
You wanted him to want you.
To feel comfortable enough with you that he wouldn't seek anyone else.
“Maybe we can do it every other day, then?” you suggested, nearly gasping as his thumb moved up to trace your lower lip.
Astarion glared at you in silence for a moment, caressing your flesh and occasionally teasing further by pushing past your lips.
“Do you have enough scrolls of Lesser Restoration for that?”
You nodded, feeling his thumb being pushed inside.
“So, I can feed more often…” he said, eyes dropping to your mouth.
He sounded absolutely delighted and you closed your lips around him, earning a low growl of approval.
Then you let go and he moved to your lower lip once again.
“More often, but less quantity.”
He nodded with a smile. “Seems fair.”
The room was already heavy with sexual tension, and you needed to disperse it before things escalated too quickly.
“Are you still tender down there?” you asked sweetly.
“Well, there is only one way to test out if you haven't caused irreparable damage.”
Of course.
You felt a wave of heat flush to your face at his words.
Because Astarion would get an erection eventually.
It was expected and, at this point, more than welcome.
“Go on. Make yourself comfortable,” he said, pointing to your bed. 
You stared at him in confusion. He usually fed on you while standing. It was more practical and less intimate.
But then it dawned on you that maybe that was what he was aiming for.
“This one might be a long feed.”
Your expectations shattered at once and you gave him a hesitant stare, remaining rooted in place.
“Honestly, after all the times I fed on you, you still worry I might take it too far?”
“Can you blame me?”
He chuckled, placing both hands on your shoulder before planting a kiss to the back of your head.
“I suppose not, but you are free to press a stake to my chest just in case,” he said teasingly.
You picked a scroll from inside the bedside table, placing it carefully atop as it waited for the inevitable moment.
Slowly, he let go of you so you could settle back on your back, feeling the soft mattress envelop your body.
Your legs were firmly pressed together and you laced your hands in each other and on your stomach, waiting for his move.
Astarion hunched over you before shifting until his face met yours.
You felt the mattress dip under you as he got on top.
At this point, your heart was drumming so loudly in your ears, that it drowned out any other noise.
Unexpectedly, you felt his lips on yours, but before you could react, he had lowered himself until you felt his tongue swiping along the skin of your neck.
Just like clockwork, you felt a jolt of pleasure coursing through your body and lingering between your legs. You tensed up and clutched your hands together more fiercely, bracing yourself for what was to come.
The initial sting made you jolt lightly as he pushed his fangs further into you, before his lips closed around the wound and he began to suck.
The first gasp didn't take long to spill from your lips from the sound of his faint moans.
The throb between your legs continued to intensity with each passing second, and you prayed to any god above to spare you from succumbing to the lurking lust.
You felt him untangle your hands and pinning both your wrists together and above your head as he lowered himself even further.
And much to your embarrassment, your legs instinctively parted to accommodate him as he pressed further into you.
Gods… no, no, no….
This was not good at all.
Even through the fabric of your trousers, you could feel his growing erection nudging against you.
Astarion's chest rumbled in a growl of approval and you couldn't keep your hips from rolling, seeking that delicious friction.
You balled your fists as your back arched when his hips began to match yours.
No… no…
The throb in your head was nearly blinding from the blood being drained whilst the one in between your legs only intensified.
“Astarion…” you moaned through gritted teeth.
He slowed down ever so slightly, but you quickly realise it was even more torturous as you could now feel the clothed underside of his thick cock teasing between your folds.
Oh, you were not going to last long like this…
You were too hungry for him to deny yourself from reaching your peak as he fed on you.
Even as your body became weaker, you could still feel yourself walking dangerously fast to the precipice, yearning that sweet release.
“I'm going… I'm going to…” you mumbled, feeling wetness drip from you as your body readied itself for him to be inside you.
Your breathing quickened and your gasps began to merge together as his cock dug harder against you with each roll.
And just as your eyes closed shut and your mouth parted to welcome the pinnacle of your pleasure, you felt him pull back with a guttural growl.
Blood trailed down his lips and chin and neck and you nearly cried tears of overwhelming frustration as you were denied your release.
He moved to grip the scroll and shoved it into your hand.
“Say it.”
Astarion knelt in between your legs, fumbling with the lacing of his trousers, his bulge strained against the fabric and you spotted the familiar stains of precum.
“Say it…” he urged you with a growl.
But you could only stare, mesmerised at the beautiful sight of relief he let out once he managed to ease pressure that had built up.
It made your mouth water and you suddenly felt the urge to touch yourself.
“Say. It .”
As if he had just snapped you from a dream, you quickly mumbled the incantation as the scroll vanished into thin air.
Your heart was hit with newfound vigour as warmth spread throughout your body on rhythmic waves.
Astarion slid off the bed, adjusting himself through his clothes with a whine. 
He looked so beautiful… ears flushed pink and a tint of a blush on his face as your blood coursed through him.
The swell and throb didn't fade and you allowed your fingers to dip slightly under the waistband, wanting nothing but release.
He eventually locked eyes with you, licking the remnants of your blood from his lips, pacing closer to you.
With a gasp, you felt him tug at the strings of your own trousers, eyes dark and pupils fully blown.
“Do what you must.”
He had loosened them just enough for your hand to slide inside, and you couldn't contain the moan that erupted from within you once the pads of your fingers brushed against the throbbing swell between your legs.
Instinctively, you began to roll your hips, feeling just how ridiculously soaked you were for him.
Your half-hooded eyes landed on his lower half, taking in the sight of the precum that had seeped through the fabric and wishing you could see his cock.
Astarion's cock always looked the prettiest after he had fed on you: all flushed pink, bulging veins snaking around his length, precum dribbling down…
But it seemed that he had no intention of granting you your wish, and you felt guilty for craving it in the first place, knowing he probably just wanted to take his time.
So you stopped your ministrations, which earned a disapproving growl from him.
“Keep going. I can hear how wet you are for me and it's music to my ears,” he whispered, before kneeling at your side. “Be a good girl… please .”
Your hips bucked at the caress from his words.
His face was so close, but his eyes were fixed on your hand that moved under your trousers, your own fingers teasing your entrance.
“You just slid one inside, didn't you?”
You bit down on your lip, nodding with a whimper as you clenched around yourself.
“Gods… you can take another one, can't you?”
Your back arched and your eyes fluttered shut. “Astarion…”
His lips ghosted yours. “Add another one…”
His voice was dripping with lust and it was all the incentive you needed to push a second one inside.
You tried to remember how his cock felt inside you. How full you always felt and how much cum he spilled inside you.
Your fingers were no match for him.
He felt so much better…
How you wished he would replace your fingers with his, going knuckle-deep and drawing out the most desperate moans and pleas from you.
He finally pressed his now warm lips against yours and you eagerly deepened the kiss, tasting your blood on his tongue.
You kept riding your own fingers and you nearly whimpered as his hand came to rest on your forearm, thumb caressing your heated skin.
He broke the kiss not long after and your eyes snapped open as you were about to voice a complaint.
Astarion was on his feet again, fingers expertly tying the front of his trousers once again, drawing a pained hiss as his hard cock was once again strained. 
You whimpered in response, rolling your hips desperately as your fingers edged you closer and closer.
“It's frustrating, isn't it?” he asked as he finished working on the lacing, crushing your hopes of seeing his cock leaking precum for you.
“Now you know how it feels..." he said, a devious smile crossing his face. "Besides, I still wonder if this is what friends do."
Your jaw slacked open as a gasp mixed with a whine escaped your lips from his taunting words.
No. No. No...
"See, you never gave me an answer, darling."
You removed your fingers from deep within you with a long and pained whine on the verge of tears.
"I'll leave you to figure it out, then."
Before you could voice a protest, he slipped out of the room quickly, and you vaguely wondered if he had been there at all if not more the ache between your legs and the fresh puncture wounds in your neck.
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series masterlist . ao3
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My Chemical Romance - Sing 2010
"Sing" is the third single from My Chemical Romance's fourth studio album, Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (2010). The song was the second-best selling rock song of 2011 in the UK, behind Foo Fighters' "Rope". It debuted on BBC Radio 1 and subsequently on the band's MySpace, iTunes and several other radio stations on November 3, 2010. The music video was directed by Gerard Way and Paul Brown. It picks up after the events of the "Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)" music video, with My Chemical Romance as their alter-egos The Fabulous Killjoys. It recieved a total of 67,6% yes votes!
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faexoxoxoxo · 2 months
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PAIRING: dark! coriolanus snow x capitol citizen! reader
SUMMARY: coriolanus has always loved you finally after years of paining and planning he finally has you . . .
TW: 18+, obsessive behaviour, smut, baby trapping . . .
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You were an only child, a sole heiress to one of the oldest, and most affluent families in the capitol.
Given the position, it had always been expected you would find a husband of equal, if not higher standing. much to the delight of your parents, you'd found one; more specifically, he, the newly appointed president of Panem, had proposed to you .
It was during new years . . .
Over the years, your family had made a habit of hosting a large banquet to celebrate the holidays. Everyone received invitations, from academy faculty to business tycoons.
Of course, President Snow had been there too, talking to your father, clad in a black suit, his lips curled into the fakest smile you'd ever seen . . .
You could feel his cold, icy eyes following your every move throughout the evening, sending a shiver down your spine, as if at any moment a beast would pounce on you.
Any other time you could have feigned some sort of sickness and retired back to your room, but this was a special night, and as such, keeping public appearances and mingling with guests was a necessity, so you did what you always did: put on a fake smile and braved through.
Then something unexpected happened.
He proposed.
The fucking bastard proposed to you.
Just as the clock struck twelve, Coriolanus Snow got down on his knees in front of you, surrounded by the hundreds of guests, and he uttered the two cursed words.
“Marry me.”
Your cheeks felt hot, no doubt to onlookers; it seemed as if you were perhaps flattered. Who wouldn't be in the face of a man like Coriolanus Snow asking them to marry him?
No, you weren't flattered you were angry . . .
He'd cornered you he knew you couldn't reject him, not in front of all there people, not in front of your parents.
Few moments passed before the three letter word came out of you, and your new fiance slipped the ring on to your fingers, it was pretty you would've admired it if not for who it was from.
There was no joy in your heart a strange feeling of numbness settling in when people cheered and came to congratulate you.
“Cheers! To the president and his lovely bride-to-be!”
“My my what fabulous pair!”
“Your children will be absolutely adorable!”
Their comments didn't help; no doubt, if not for the smirking Coriolanus holding you close to himself, your legs would've given out, leaving you a crumpling mess on the floor.
In contrast to your gloom, Coriolanus felt zealous; his smile for the first time in forever became genuine, softer even.
It was no secret. He had always fancied you from afar, ever since he saw you dancing at a gathering for the upper-class society of Panem.
You were beautiful—a purebred, a rose in full bloom.
No one deserved you—not the lowlife with his hand around your waist guiding your movements with the music, not the scum suitors your father planned to introduce you to—no one could have you except Coriolanus Snow.
He swore he'd restore his family name, swore he'd become the president, and then make you his wife.
Now, he finally, finally, had you.
It was worth it, every single drop of blood he'd spilled, to get to this point was worth it.
He knew you hated him, saw the fear in your eyes when he sought you out after his rise to power.
You had rejected him then, knowing full well that under all of his charming smiles there was something dark and twisted. It was true. Coriolanus was a monster, a monster with no intention of giving up. You would become Mrs. Snow, even if he had to force it on you.
What better way than a public display of affection . . .
His plan was a success; even if you weren't happy, Coriolanus was convinced that with time, he'd win you over. You couldn't hate him forever, not when he'd be your husband and the father of your children.
Your fiancé was a charismatic man, no doubt; he'd easily charmed your family. So much so that neither of your parents noticed your strained smile and reluctance when faced with your intended.
No one did, not your father, who'd been thrilled; he would be the president's father-in-law, which came with privileges, while your mother boasted endlessly to her friends of how you'd effortlessly captured the heart of President Snow.
Trapped, you were absolutely fucking trapped.
The wedding was planned to be a grand affair, not that you'd cared much what flower arrangements the venue had or if they used silver or gold plates; it was all the same to you.
“Nothing but the best for my bride.”
Coriolanus, or Coryo as he insisted you call him, had told the wedding planners you never thought he'd be so invested in the wedding details, but he was, specifically in your dress. He had you try on at least fifty pieces before picking one.
“Can't wait to rip it off you,” he whispered into your ear, right before the staff guided you to the changing room.
After that, you avoided him at all costs.
Until your wedding day.
You cried during the ceremony.
Reporters titled it as “tears of joy” and “happy bride.” If only they'd known . . .
“You may now kiss your bride”
You froze when Coriolanus's pulled up your veil, tear-stained eyes, meeting his blue one.
Then his lips met yours. It wasn't soft or sweet; it was hungry and possessive, like he wanted to show everyone how he owned you, and he did your fiance-no, your husband would never let you leave him, never.
Coriolanus Snow was a man of his word.
He did, in fact, rip your dress off. The sound of tiny pearl buttons hitting the marble floor made you flinch, gasping softly as the cold air surrounded you.
Not giving you a chance to flee, he kissed you again, his hands wandered around your bare body.
Your husband had been insatiable during that night, not giving you a moment of rest as he made you take his cock over and over again, whispering sweet nothings and praises into your ears.
“You're so fucking tight, my good girl,” his hands gripped at your hips as he pushed himself into you, ignoring whatever tears or silent pleas you'd whimper out. “Who knew you'd be such a whore for my cock...” his face buried in the crook of your neck, leaving bites and marks.
At this rate, you'd have to wear a scarf tomorrow.
“Coryo- slow d-” His brutal pace doesn't stop, not even when your nails dig into his flesh, drawing blood that only seemed to spur him on.
“Gonna fuck you full of me until it takes...”
That makes you cry harder. “Nooo, Cory pull-out...” it was one thing to marry him, but children? you weren't ready... but he doesn't stop, not until he's cum as many times as possible deep inside your weeping pussy.
“It's necessary,” he tells you the morning after, when you're lying in bed, limbs tangled together, as he rubs circles on your naked back.
You stay silent, knowing what he meant. Coryo wanted you to get pregnant, not just out of love and desire to have an heir, someone of his blood, to carry the Snow name; his true purpose was to eliminate any room for escape you might have.
A child, a child, meant you'd forever be bound to him.
When you found out about your pregnancy, you secretly hoped it'd be a means to dim Coryo's interest in you.
“Husbands tend to cheat when their wives are pregnant ,” one of the ladies told you during a gathering. She'd meant it as a friendly warning to keep an eye on your husband and keep him interested.
But as it turned out, Coryo wasn't like other Capitol husbands. If anything, your pregnancy had made him more feral, constantly finding ways to bend you over any surface in your home, telling you how good you looked swollen with his baby.
“My pretty wife -fuck, so damn adorable with that little bump of yours - all mine—fuck, I did that”
It wouldn't end. Even after your daughter was born, Coryo told you he wanted more.
“She wants a sibling, don't you, Adeline?” he'd smirk, watching your face go pale, holding your daughter in his arms as she blabbered something and giggled, unaware of her father's plans or your unwillingness to indulge him.
Try as you might, your husband will always get his way, a fact that never changed over the years.
After all, everyone knows, “Snow lands on top.”
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rewriting and reposting all my old works.
likes, comments and rebloggs are very appreciated ♡
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notquitecanon · 6 months
Insufferably Admirable // Astarion x Reader
Summary: After a restful day turns into a bloody night, your unspoken yet painfully obvious dedication to Astarion has put you in what should be a harder choice. Once Astarion realizes just how far you'd go for him, he has to begin to confront the feelings and realizations he's been ignoring for a while. OR that time You figured out the most effective way to heal a vampire and Astarion got emotional about it
Set at the end of Act 1, but not quite act two. Pre-confession but it's obvious they have some sort of feelings for each other
TW: canon typical violence, blood & blood drinking(obvi this is an Astarion fic), no use of Tav or (Y/N), one use of technical self harm (c*tting) but not in a self mutilation way??, mentions of manipulation obvi, reader might be a little too willing to help (totally not be projecting what???)
this is my first time writing anything for Astarion after hyper fixating on him for a month so please be gentle. I know it's a bit all over the place. (yes I could have completely left out the first half, but there isn't much actual dialogue in the second half and I like to put this guy in situations)
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"Remind me again why you insisted on coming with me? I figured you’d be ripe for a day to lay around camp and let us do all the heavy lifting." You grumbled, scanning the crowded streets for a merchant. The goal was simple: get to the nearest village, sell off the extra weight, use the gold to stock the necessary supplies, and whatever the gold couldn’t buy… well, acquire it by any means necessary. No matter your path, through the shadows or the Underdark, you'd need to be prepared.
Gale had gone to pilfer for useful scrolls and maybe an enchanted item to snack on. Lae’zel and Shadowheart to a blacksmith for specialty arrows, useful armor, and any other weapons that caught their eyes. Karlach had carried the two trunks and barrel of items you had collected from your adventure thus far, finding you a wheelbarrow before heading back to camp to help Wyll with his preparations. Halsin… had taken his wild form and disappeared into the forest. Originally, you had intended to do your tasks alone, until- 
"My dear, I’m always ripe for a lay." Astarion twisted your words with a smirk, easily dodging the hand that reached to swat his chest. With a short laugh, he answered your question, his theatrics only increasing to more you argued, "To begin with, Someone- my fabulous self- had to make sure you didn’t get the whole group wrapped up in another laundry list of side quests- who knows what trouble you could have found if you were left all by your lonesome? A gnoll den? A kraken in the pond?  an old woman’s wagon with a broken wheel? a kitten up a tree? An orphanage with a leaky roof? Another cult for us to dismantle? Another temple to drop on me? Where would it end? You’re incapable of turning people away, it’s one of your insufferably admirable qualities."
"It’s called being kind, you dramatic elf." You grumbled, not prepared for the in depth analysis of your character. Trying not to focus so much on the fact he’d called something about you admirable.
"Second, knowing you, you’d sell all this off and still manage to come back to camp with them full. Honestly, pet, how have you managed to collect this much junk? You don’t even have a bag of holding." Astarion scoffed, using a single pale finger to peek under the lid of the barrel. It was just barely containing the countless daggers, goblin bows, pairs of leather armors, and dusty sandals. Your cheeks burned hot- maybe you had a habit of being overzealous in how eagerly you pilfered through all the crates you came across, checking bodies for anything valuable, and demanding the vampire to pick every locked chest the party uncovered. Hells only knew the thrill you got when you would find a buried chest.
"You never know when you might need something!" You reasoned, but swatted him away to hastily shut the barrel before the contents could spill out. It had taken you the better part of the night to pack it full of all the things your companions had convinced you to get rid of. The pale elf rolled his eyes, brushing past you so gracefully you didn’t feel his fingers in your pocket. 
"Really, my sweet? When, pray tell, might we need the collection of rusty necklaces you’ve amassed." Astarion held the bronze and silver necklaces up to the light, the red and blue stones sparkling despite the rust. His voice always like velvet, ruby eyes alight with teasing, "Far be it from me to criminalize accessorizing, but that darling neck of yours is tempting enough already." 
"Astarion!" You cringed, hearing your voice almost whine. Damn him for having that effect, so you cleared your throat as you snatched the jewelry back, "They are useful when we can sell them for gold." 
Astarion, having gotten the reaction he wanted, let you shove the necklaces back in a pocket before glaring at him, though it didn’t hold much actual malice, "Well, come on then, let’s sell the sandals for all the riches the village has to offer us." 
An afternoon later, you were smiling smugly as you watched Astarion grumble. Between all the goods and six different merchants, you were leaving with an additional 9,000 in gold, not to mention the additional 3,000 Astarion had managed to pickpocket while you bartered, and the items the two of you had managed to swipe. You felt particularly vindicated as he complained about the weight of the coins in his pack. 
"I’ll buy you something pretty in Baldur’s Gate." You cooed teasingly, to ‘appease’ him. Astarion spared you a deadpan glance before standing to leave, only making you giggle all the more, "Let’s get back to camp."
Astarion caught your eyes once more, scowl softening out at the sight of your bright smile. He was just about to say something sickeningly sweet and perhaps more than a touch vulgar when his eyes flitted up to something, pointed ears twitching at something you couldn’t quite hear. Until you could. 
The door of the jeweler you had swindled burst open, a strangled voice shrieking, "THIEVES! SOMEONE CATCH THEM!" 
Astarion must have been rubbing off on you, because for a moment you tried to feign confusion, looking around for the ‘culprits’ as if the dwarf wasn’t pointing directly at you.  Not that it did much good as several passerbys began to circle around the two of you. 
"Everyone’s so touchy about their personal belongings these days." The rogue scoffed.  Astarion grabbed your wrist and tugged you to him, so that your back was pressed to his and no one could sneak up on you. In his other hand, a dagger had already appeared. 
You sighed in defeat, taking your bow off your back, "No killing." 
"No promises." 
Compared to the goblin camp or fighting through the githyanki creche, disarming and incapacitating untrained townspeople and barely trained guards  was barely a warm up. Still, Astarion never left your side, an increasingly common occurrence when you found yourself in tight situations. Together, it didn’t take long to put distance between yourselves and your attackers, managing to get far enough to escape to the fight. Deflecting one last blow as the two of you passed by an open tavern, you incapacitated a rather pitiful guard with a blunt thunk from the pommel of your dagger. Taking one relieved breath, you tried not to focus too much of the trail of bleeding, unconscious bodies you and the rogue had left behind in your escape attempt. 
"Best we stick to the shadows before we attract more attention." Astarion mused with a cruel smirk, grabbing your sleeve and using it to wipe the blood off the corner of his mouth, his fangs glinting in the afternoon sun. The rogue only chuckled at your curses, giving some inane quip about the crime of dirtying his ensemble and how blood someone always looked better on you, "Now, believe what I said about you finding trouble? Back to camp before you find more." 
Before you could wrench your arm back or remind him that he was the only who got caught stealing, he pulled you off the main road into the alley adjacent- unaware of the attention that had already been attracted from inside the tavern. 
Ambushed in the night.  
A whole hunting party of Gur hunters. Willing to purge your party as they slept. 
And they were calling Astarion the monster. Fortunately, Scratch was an excellent guard dog. Waking the entire camp when the hunters tried to creep where you slept. Just as fortunately, there wasn’t a soul in camp that didn’t sleep without at least a dagger under their pillow. 
Your camp had become a bloodbath in the dim glow of the campfire. You had used the book you had fallen asleep reading as an improvised weapon, throwing it so hard it broke the first hunter’s nose. Lae’zel was single handedly mowing through three hunter with her long sword. Spells and incantations sent flashes of light from Gale and Shadowheart’s part of camp, and fire and brimstone lit up Karlach’s. There was yelling and cursing echoing in the cool night air, orders to take the vampire spawn alive and to kill the rest. 
And Astarion? Their target? 
He was where he always was during a fight these days. Right beside you, like a pale, snarky shadow. He had been the one to press your sword into your hand so you’d have more than just your dagger.  With him, you slashed and sliced anything that came near. Until the bastard appeared out of no where, squeezing in between you and the rogue. You would have applauded (more likely cursed) the near perfect use of an invisibility charm- had it not been for the poison-dipped stake raised against Astarion. 
This hunter was different, you could see it in his eyes. They were somehow devoid of life and yet also simmering with rage as they trained on your snow haired companion. This hunter didn’t plan to take Astarion back to Baldur’s Gate, not alive at least. He didn’t care about whatever orders they had, or what consequences would come for disobeying them. He only cared about driving the stake into Astarion’s heart. 
Astarion’s eyes went wide as well at the sight of the stake, realizing as you did that this was no longer just a kidnapping, it would be an assassination. Your thundering heart stuttered, blood going supernova in your veins before freezing to ice as your mind whirled through a hundred different possibilities and also went blank. Your own opponent, along with years of learned strategy, were instantly forgotten as blind instinct took over.  Every ounce of strength and speed you had was directed into a desperate lunge. In your desperation, you really weren’t sure if your goal was to tackle the hunter, grab his arm, tackle Astarion, or maybe even take the stake to your chest instead- you decided to choose along the way, as long as it ended with Astarion alive(ish) and well.
You managed to close the distance, one hand planted firmly to Astarion’s chest shoving him further and the other clamping onto the leather of the hunter’s gauntlet, the same arm poising the stake. With a feral sounding shriek, you pushed his arm so his aim was off. At the same time, your original opponent, frustrated at being forgotten, cast a wave of thunder that sent all three of you flying. 
Astarion, the Gur, and you flew backwards a good fifteen feet, the thunder shaking you to your very bones and splitting your ears. The breath was knocked out of you so hard you thought your poor lungs might collapse and you weren’t able to tell if it was the spell or the impact that did it. You didn’t have time to contemplate, the moment you were able, you scrambled onto your knees. With the same feral tenacity from earlier, you grabbed the hunter by the front of his leather armor, nails leaving scarily deep tracks as you hauled him off your vampiric companion.  With your new opponent, you rolled both your bodies until you were on top of him, knee to his chest. Seeing the look in your eyes, the rage left his own, pure survival instinct taking over. You didn’t even feel the sting of the slicing blow across your shoulder, too consumed with a singular mission. It was Astarion’s dagger you had snatched from the ground on the way that delivered the quick death blow. Halsin, in bear form, had appeared out of the tree line and took care of your other thunderous hunter, taking a defensive position around you and Astarion with a goading roar. You expected to hear something from Astarion- a snarky comment about your lack of technique, a snide remark about his assailant, or even just a stream of petty curses- but he was silent. You turned back to him, only to have dread flood every cell in your body. 
Nothing else mattered anymore, not the fight, not your injuries, and especially not your forgotten original hunter. Halsin, in bear form, had appeared out of the tree line and took care of your other thunderous hunter, taking a defensive position around you and Astarion with a goading roar. You barely noticed.
The moment you’d disposed of Astarion’s assailant, you were scrambling back towards the rogue, who was laying all too still. At first, you hesitated to even touch him as if that might make it worse. You called his name once, and then again when you were able to gingerly lay hands on him- one hand to his chest and the other pushing some curls out of his eyes. The stake, what should have been an almost useless weapon against anyone else, was still buried in his chest, piercing his favorite frilled collar shirt. 
"No… Astarion-" Your voice was breaking, thick and raw. Your eyes couldn’t rip away from the stake, protruding from his chest, the poison staining the white linen of his shirt a sickly green. The hand on his chest balled into a fist, bunching the unsoiled fabric in your grip, but something caught your attention. The tiniest candle light of hope in the rapidly encroaching darkness of grief. 
Your hand was directly over his undead heart. Anytime you touched him, your hand always fell directly over his heart. When you teasingly swatted at his chest, when you needed to steady yourself against him, when you needed to catch you balance… you always sought out his heart- subconsciously, instinctually, always his heart. Your hand was over his heart, and that gods-damned stake was four inches to the right. A tiny light, but a light none the less. It was then you realized you were calling the wrong name. 
None of your companions had ever heard your voice that desperate, that scared.  All their heads snapped to where they had last seen you, finding Astarion pulled to your chest as you wrenched the stake out of the spawn. Astarion stirred only long enough the let our a gurgling shout that fizzled into a groan at the pain, and you could only hope he heard your soft apologies before you started barraging the vampire with healing cantrips. You didn’t stop until the words held no more magic, your supply of magic tapped for the night. 
The night air had changed, no longer fueled by adrenaline and challenge, now it was thick with urgency and fear. Each of your companions starting fighting towards the two of you, and when you locked watery eyes with Shadowheart you found her clearing her path with her spear. She had stopped using magic to fight, saving it all for Astarion.
"I’m coming! Hold on!" She promised as Karlach fell in beside her, battle axe taking over and sending two hunters to the grave together. Scratch and the owlbear cub had taking a lesson from Halsin and formed up beside you, growling into the night with hackles raised and feathers ruffled. 
"Just hold on, Astarion." You relayed to the vampire, who was completely limp against you his back to your chest, head tilted back against your shoulder which bared his neck to you, showing the fang marks on his pale skin. If you were capable of humor, you would have laughed about the reversal of roles, it was usually you baring your veins to him. But at the moment, his lack of movement wasn’t particularly amusing, so instead you laced his fingers through yours, hoping the warmth would bring him some comfort.  You pressed your cheek against his white curls, using your other hand to brandish his dagger just incase anyone got too close, and whispered all the reasons he was going to be okay. And that’s how you stayed until camp quietened and Shadowheart slid to a stop in front of you. 
Hours later, Shadowheart had used every healing and restoration spell she knew, not stopping even when she began to sway and sweat. Halsin had offered his magic and healing herbs, Karlach made sure there was always a bucket of hot water and a stack of clean rags available, and you hadn’t missed Gale trying to hide the scroll of reviving from you as he slipped it to Shadowheart.  Everyone in camp had been quick to gather all the healing potions, depositing them at the entrance of Astarion’s tent. Wyll and Lae’zell had slipped into the tree line to make sure the ambush was well and truly taken care of.  
And you? Their appointed ‘fearless’ leader? You had gone uncharacteristically silent. Your heart hadn’t left your throat, clenching painfully every time they jostled the rogue. Your hands were shaking too much, both from fear and white hot rage, to really help the two more experienced healers of the group. And the thought of being too far from Astarion made your stomach turn, so you kept rooted like a tree. But, you were grateful, truly, for all of them. Even if in the moment, all you could do was sit beside Astarion and pray to any God or Devil that would listen. You felt like a wild animal in a cage and a helpless child at the same time, your insides very well might vibrate out of the body if you didn’t melt into the soil first. 
The vampire needed all the help he could get. Aside from the occasional heartbreaking groan of pain or agony driven writhing, Astarion was eerily still. Barely breathing, less so than usual. His already pale, chilled skin had taken on a stony complexion, almost gray. And despite the inability to run a fever, there was a sheen of sweat over his face, clammy and uncomfortable. You hadn’t allowed them to undress him all the way, but part his shirt had been cut away to reveal the stab wound. It was deep, weeping Astarion’s already dark blood, and stretching out from the injury were black, twisting varicose veins that afforded you the cruel visual of the poison spreading. You wanted to take Gale’s revival scroll, use it on the hunter, and revoke the kindness of your mercifully quick death.  
"It’s like the effect of our magic is being dampened." Shadowheart huffed, hands glowing as she cast another restoration spell. The sweat on Astarion’s brow subsided briefly before returning. Halsin nodded beside her, taking a deep sniff of the stake. 
"His lack of blood isn’t moving the potions or antidote through his body fast enough, and this poison isn’t doing any favors." The druid thought aloud, taking some of his herbs to make a paste, "It doesn’t matter how many we pour down his throat if his body can’t absorb them." 
Shadowheart’s worried gaze flickered to you for a moment, before settling back on Halsin, "We’ll figure something out." 
You knew she was saying that more for your benefit, but you couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge the pity. Instead, your grip tightened on Astarion’s hand as you swiped a clean rag to dab at his face. There was one more round of healing incantations and one more bottle of healing potion nursed into Astarion’s mouth. Your jaw twitched, watching most of it fall from the corner of his mouth. The same trail your own blood usually made after he fed. 
"I’m tapped." Shadowheart sighed almost ruefully, the glow around her flickering and then fading, falling back on her heels. Halsin stood, stooped slightly in the low ceiling of the tent, turning to you. 
"We’ve done everything we can do. We’ll try again with fresh minds in the morning. For now the best he, and we, can do is rest." His voice was calming, as if he thought you might start screaming again, but you just nodded, muttering something along the lines of thanks for trying, and not meeting either of their eyes as they ducked out of the tent.  
Since you had belligerently refused any of their magical attempts to heal your shoulder, Gale had done a rather pitiful job of wrapping it, taking some pointers from Karlach along the way. The wizard offered you a tight smile and a gentle hand on your uninjured shoulder before pressing a bottle of healing potion into your hand, "This one is for you. You’re no good to him if you bleed out all over the floor of his tent. We all know how Astarion feels about waste." 
"Yeah- fancy boy will be starving when he wakes up." Karlach’s chipper voice was still laced with a sting of concern. The tiefling didn’t touch you for fear of burning you, but did leave you with some roasted meat and a carafe of water from earlier in the night, "And it wouldn’t hurt for you to eat something either, soldier." 
Then you were left alone with your thoughts, hunched next to Astarion’s side, tired eyes examining the bottle after confirming the rise and fall of his chest. In your hand, the potion glowed slightly with the subtlest warmth, the scarlet liquid seeming to have a mind of its own as it swirled in glittering patterns behind the glass. Your injuries were meager, this little bottle of healing would have you as good as new. Bitterly, you flicked your eyes to the numerous empty potion bottles in the corner that had barely slowed Astarion’s bleeding. Your hand closed around it as you cast another look to the Vampire spawn beside you. His breaths were shaky and shallow even after Shadowheart and Halsin had exhausted every last bit of magic they'd had. Now in the quietest parts of the night, or maybe the darkest hours of the morning, your thoughts swirled, desperate for any sort of plan to latch onto. You had to do something. 
For you, Gale had said, No good to him if you bled out… He’d be starving, Karlach had been joking, His lack of blood wasn’t moving the potions enough to be effective, that had been Halsin’s hypothesis.
Blood. He needed blood.
The revelation was like being dropped into a freezing lake, determination razing the fearful lethargy out of your soul. With your teeth, you pried the cork out and downed the first circular bottle, the overly sweet taste a stark contrast to the somber mood of the night. For good measure, you did the same with a potion of superior healing and two bottles of general poison antidote, slamming them down so fast you had to ignore the churning in your stomach. You’d loot twenty more goblin caves to make up for the dent in supplies if you had to, in that moment you just didn’t care. You waited a moment, begging the powers that be for your ragtag plan to work, not so patiently watching the bruises on your wrist until they started to fade.
You felt it, the moment that you had been completely healed and there was no where else for that magic to go. And then, you wrapped your arms under Astarion’s, heaving him against your chest. You bared your neck, letting gravity gently swing Astarion's nose to meet your pulse point, his silvery lashes tickling your jaw. He stirred slightly, groaning at the movement, pressing himself into your warmth before stilling again. Was he too far gone to realize what was being offered? 
Realizing you’d need to play into his vampiric insticts, you huffed, shattering one of the empty vials against a stone, struggling to do so and keep his deadweight in place. Taking a shard, it wasn’t hesitation but a moment of stilling your shaking hand before you pressed a shallow cut to your neck, right above where his lips rested.
You hissed at the haphazard sting, not as gentle as the pinprick of his fangs were in the night, feeling the blood instantly pool at the seam, a single red ribbon dripping before the potion healed the scratch, "C’mon, Astarion-" 
The moment his name left your lips, or maybe it was the moment a drop of your blood hit his, regardless you could feel his instinct, that sanguine hunger, take over. The soft lips at your neck were replaced with dagger sharp fangs digging into where the small cut had been. The sound you let out was somewhere between a gasp of pain and sob of relief as you barred him against yourself, fists clutching into the back of his shirt like it would keep both of you rooted to each other. Somewhere, in the back on your mind, you thought about the irony of the position, being so afraid to let him slip away, like a rabbit latching onto a snake for fear of the serpent starving. Even if it meant being consumed. 
In that moment, you were so relieved he’d started feeding that you didn’t care that his fangs dug in deeper than they ever had before, much more animalistic than his usual polite nibble. You didn’t dare flinch or wince, in case that might break the spell. Instead, you focussed keeping the both of you upright, one of your arms wrapped under his own, your fingers splayed across his ribs, and your other hand cupping the nape of his neck. The angle had his silvery curls dusting your fingertips and your thumb caressing the sharpest part of his jaw. Never had you been so happy to feel that throbbing numbness in your neck. Astarion’s chin prodded further into your neck, deepening the hold he had, and with his own shaky breath, he swallowed the first mouthful of your blood. 
The hand at his ribs clenched, pulling him impossibly closer and twisting his shirt into your grip again as your pulse began to speed up. The increase of your heart rate only seemed to encourage the vampire, teeth sinking ever deeper to draw more blood flow. Clenching your jaw, you forced your muscles not to tense, it would only make it hurt more. This mouthful was quicker, Astarion seemed to be actively drawing it out of you instead of just waiting for it. He swallowed again, gaining the strength to snake his arms around you. It wasn’t a strong hold at first, but one arm snaked around your waist while the other cradled the back of your head, those long fingers finding their usual place in the locks of your hair. You couldn’t help the short laugh that escaped, relishing the cool touch. Your voice stoked another fire in him, provoking another instinct, your blood provided the strength for his grip to harden, becoming more cage like. As if he needed to worry about you trying to escape. 
He swallowed again, and the numbness spread, not just in your neck but into your cheeks and across your chest. Blood was racing, coursing through you and into him, and with it all the magic of the healing potions. You could feel him getting his legs underneath him, untangling himself from you. At the same time, it was getting harder to hold your arm up, the numbness had reached your fingertips leaving them fumbling at his curls before falling to his shoulder. Another long drink and you found your eyes starting to flutter, everything was starting to feel cold as a shiver shook your body. Astarion, against two centuries of vampiric instinct, started to pull back, and you didn’t stop him, but didn’t let him go far either. He was mostly supporting himself now, which was a relief because a fair bit of focus was freshly delegated to preventing yourself from swaying. 
"Take all you need, ’Stari-" You meant for your voice to be assuring and strong, but it came out breathy and slightly slurred. Astarion pulled away, the movement bringing you mostly out of your stupor. His ruby eyes were as sharp as ever once again, even if the shadows under his eyes were still too dark for your liking, and they stared into your own half lidded eyes. Other than the deep purple shadows, the ashen complex had started to even out, the sweat on his brow had faded away, and when you dropped your gaze, you noticed the twisting black veins were starting to recede and fade. Hells, you could get up and dance (very briefly before you passed out).
Even, with a foot in the grave, more dead than usual, and covered in both of your bloods he was unfairly beautiful. His eyes narrowed on your dopey smile, as if he your relief was a symptom of too much blood loss. If that was the effect of four swallows, just a little more would flush out the poison completely, "I can take it, love, just please let me help you." 
Astarion never considered himself to be someone that had to be coaxed into receiving a gift, and you were offering him one so sweetly, practically begging him. After 200 years of rats and spiders, you had put literal magic in your veins for him. Magic that was bringing him back from death to his usual state of undead. He could feel it bringing his strength back, allowing all the magic the cleric and druid had poured into him to finally take some affect. Your blood, his first thinking blood, was always delicious- sweet and metallic, a delicate blend of all the good tastes, something so intrinsically you. With the potions infused, though, if Astarion was to hazard guess what sunlight tasted like- this would be it. How could he refuse? 
Before he went back in, he placed a reverent kiss to the marks he had left in your neck, gingerly lapping at the wounds before sinking his fangs back into your tender flesh. This time, it wasn’t a gasp or sob, but a mewl, your frigid fingers once again digging into the flounced collar his shirt. If you both lived until morning, you were sure he’d gripe for hours about all the wrinkles you’d put in his favorite (only) shirt. Probably throw a proper fit about the stake hole.
Now, as the potions effects dwindled in your own body, you could properly feel the drain. The coldness crept up from your extremities but didn’t counteract the burn in your muscles, making it harder and harder to suppress the shivers. Your breathing was quick almost a pant, but you still felt like you weren't getting any oxygen. If you were thinking rationally, if you hadn’t gone through the brief grief of thinking you’d lost him, you would have realized you need to push him away, that you were approaching your limit. But you weren’t thinking rationally, no. You still were too busy grinning- as your hand had fallen from his collar, it grazed across the wound, now fully closed. Just a little more, you promised yourself. You felt him swallow more, he held himself up completely on his own allowing you to lean into him. 
Astarion was okay, more than just on the mend, he was alive and strong, the potions and magic were working, were the thoughts that were reverberating through your head as things started to feel farther away. Your desperation had melted away, leaving a grateful smile in its wake. It wasn’t completely on purpose, but you let Astarion take on more and more of your weight, barely aware of his fangs in your neck anymore, not quite hearing Scratch and the cub whining outside, the shivering even began to subside as it seemed to take too much energy. 
Earlier, you had drug him to you and held him against your chest almost crying. But, as more of your blood flowed through him, it had become juxtaposed. Astarion held you in place, leaning over you for the best angle at your neck. It was his arms that kept you from falling over, his firm hand that kept your head from lolling too far back. His bite became less fervent, his grip less cage like and more affectionate. His survival instincts started to give way to civility and charm. You barely noticed as he twisted himself so he could slowly, gently lay you down onto the bedroll that had moments ago been his sickbed. He laid you on your back, onto the generous stack of pillows he kept in his tent. He tangled his fingers into yours, just as you had done for him, his knees holding him in a predatory crawl over you, all without breaking from your neck. 
Barely registering the softness, it was the thud of your other hand against the floor that roused you, just a bit. It was also what drew Astarion’s attention, it took everything in him to withdraw his fangs. He gave each puncture would a diligent cleaning with his tongue before pulling away completely, lest he lose control and dive right back in. (Really, how could one person be that tempting?)
But, you had arguably saved his life, it’d be terribly impolite of him to kill you. When Astarion’s eyes met yours, your gaze was more than half lidded as you watched him- what little of your eyes he could see were glossy and fighting to stay focused, he could hear your heartbeat markedly fainter than he was comfortable with. 
You were watching him as intently as you could. In the dim lantern light of his tent, surrounded by potion bottles and bloody rags, Astarion was up and moving and breathing again. Revived and strong, his eyes practically glowing scarlet, and, if you really focussed, you could make out the tips of his ears becoming pink. Something that only happened when he was freshly well fed, nothing was left of his stab wound but the hole in his shirt, the frayed edges dyed from the poison and his blood. He could have looked like a angel, complete with the fire’s reflection creating a halo effect on his snowy curls, had it not been for the sheen of sticky blood drenching his chin and neck. Your blood- the blood that gave him enough strength to heal. How could you not smile? 
Astarion tried to come up with a snarky comment, but for once, nothing came to mind. Instead, he kept glancing between your intertwined fingers, glassy eyes, and that idiotic little smile. Your giddiness was beginning to unnerve him, had you been charmed or perhaps taken a hit to the head? With the parasite, he reached out briefly into your mind. His brow twitched when he was only met with waves of relief and gratitude, you were too tired for structured thought, but too relieved to give into the exhaustion. How could someone on the verge on exsanguination look so happy? And why in the nine hells did it seem to be directed towards his well being? 
The vampire was stricken, taking count of everything you’d truly done that night alone: fought beside him, tried to take the death blow in his place, comforted him, held his hand, cleaned him up, hadn’t let the others undress him anymore than necessary, stayed with him, circumvented his vampirism to find a way to heal him, and had genuinely tried to bleed yourself dry for him. Hell, you’d cut your own neck for him- not even metaphorically, but literally cut your throat for him. He could feel your warmth, your kindness and everything good about you settling into his very marrow. Something uncomfortably… gooey… stirred in his chest, something more and more worrying common as of late, when it came to you. Had his manipulation really worked so well? A feeling too close to sharp guilt gnawed at that warm gooey feeling. Was it really manipulation anymore? Gods, your morality was infecting him.  
“This is that Insufferabe admirability I was talking about ." He muttered into the tent, shaking his head as he watched your chest rise and fall, using his free hand tame some of the hair at your crown. It was then Astarion realized your eyes had slipped shut, your fingers, now just as cold as his, going limp against his. Weeks ago, he would have polished off the last of your blood and left you behind. But at present, he felt the sickening need to return even half the care you’d shown him. He’d have to dissect his emotions later. The rogue was glad the other companions had left supplies within arms reach, as it meant he could gather them without dropping your hand. 
"Ah, ah, ah," He called quietly, gently pulling you back to the real world, pleased to watch your scrunch your nose in the exertion of waking back up. Finally, that contented little smile on your face slipped into a frown, a protest against his interruption of your sleep. Astarion’s smile was almost apologetic as he helped you into a slightly more upright position, "Not quite yet, little love. It’s your turn. No sharing this time."
Another healing potion was pressed into your hand and opened for you, and you allowed Astarion to guide it to your lips, his pale hand guiding your own. This time, the warmth of the elixir was welcome, a comfort instead of a taunt, assurance instead of a plea. Astarion carefully watched you as you swallowed the potion down, noting how you shivered less and a bit of color returned to your face. When the potion bottle was empty, he traded it for a small cup of water, keeping a guiding hand on the silver chalice he’d nicked from a tradesmen weeks ago until you had enough strength to hold it. 
Though still exhausted and dizzy, you had the energy to throw him an obstinate look. Astarion feigned a dramatic sigh but kept a firm enough grip on you that you couldn’t lay back down, "All this for me, yet you won’t even let me give you water?"
Ignoring how it made the dizziness worse, you rolled your eyes, taking a few sips of the water at a time even if it was mostly just so he’d let you lay back down. Astarion was in one piece and you were exhausted, you couldn’t bring yourself to think about anything else. But, Astarion seemed very pleased with himself, squeezing your hand once again, "Good girl." 
If you weren’t on the verge of blood loss, you could have choked on the water. Still, there was a part of you that whispered in relief he must be better if he’s back to teasing you. Astarion watched you take a few more sips before you sagged back against the pillows. Your eyes closed again, but your breathing was deeper now and the hand he held didn’t feel as cold. Outside, Scratch and the cub seemed appeased at your improvement as they stopped their pacing and whining to settle at the tent flap.
This time, he didn’t pull you back up, instead muttering to himself as he gently tilted your head to the side, exposing his bite marks. No wonder you seemed so tired, they were much messier than usual. Vicious, was the better word. Not only had his two fangs pierced your delicate skin, but his bottom canine teeth had punctured through as well, and he could see the outline of his other teeth in the deep bruising grooves they had left behind. In unfortunate addition, it seemed in the height of his blood lust he’d made more than one bite, leaving your neck littered in marks. Astarion grimaced, it really was more of a mauling, “Apologies, darling, I’m not typically so brutish. Forgive me?" 
Astarion pointedly ignored how his heart lifted at the slightest nod you gave him, instead focussing on cleaning you up as gently as possible. The potion had stopped the bleeding, and he watched as the wounds themselves were slowly closing. Each swipe of the rag was feather light, almost not even there. The elf noticed you give back into sleep, this time not bothering to wake you again. Instead he kept working and fussing until the only sign of his feeding was the stained neckline of your shirt. Then, he gently ran a clean, wet rag over your face and hands, taking away the evidence of your tears and worry. Finally, he threw a cloak over you like a blanket, to hopefully ward off the last of the shivers from the warmth he’d stolen from you. 
Not stolen, he reminded himself, though the truth somehow felt more dangerous, it was freely given to him. The vampire settled in, laying across from you, the only part of you he could touch was the hand still holding his. Though, already in your sleep you had shifted towards him. Astarion frowned, eyebrows furrowed, the more he came to know you, the more he knew that you would give and give and give. Truly, he knew that he didn’t need to manipulate you anymore, maybe he never needed to, and for the first time in centuries, he didn’t want to just keep taking. He didn’t want to bleed you dry and loot you for all you were worth. Astarion was surprised to find he wanted give something back to you. He just needed to figure out what.
The nights events caught up to him once again as his eyes closed, listening to the evermore familiar sound of your heartbeat as it became steadier and the even sounds of your breathing as you slept, letting it guide him towards meditation. 
Gods damn you and your insufferable admirability.
Part Two Here!
Again this was my first time writing for Astarion. I also tried to balance things into being equal parts in each persons perspective. I just love when two lovestruck idiots have to confront their own feelings about being in love.
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faggyv4mpire · 28 days
how i say hi to a person:
hi nice to meet you...
My Chemical Romance (commonly abbreviated to MCR or My Chem) is an American rock band from Newark, New Jersey. The band's current lineup consists of lead vocalist Gerard Way, lead guitarist Ray Toro, rhythm guitarist Frank Iero, and bassist Mikey Way. They are considered one of the most influential rock groups of the 2000s and a major act in the pop-punk and emo genres, despite the band rejecting the latter label.
Founded in September 2001 by Gerard, Mikey, Toro, and drummer Matt Pelissier (and later joined by Iero), the band signed with Eyeball Records and released their debut album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, in 2002. They signed with Reprise Records the next year and released their major-label debut, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, in 2004. Shortly after the album's release, Pelissier was replaced by Bob Bryar. The album was a commercial success, attaining platinum status over a year later.
The success of the band's previous albums was eclipsed by that of their 2006 rock opera concept album, The Black Parade. A major commercial success, its lead single "Welcome to the Black Parade" topped the UK singles chart. The album solidified the band's following, despite negative coverage in the Daily Mail generating controversy. The band's fourth studio album, Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, was released in 2010. Bryar departed the band prior to the release of the album, and in 2012, they added touring keyboardist James Dewees. In 2012 and 2013, the band released a series of singles they had recorded in 2009 under the collective title Conventional Weapons. My Chemical Romance announced its breakup on March 22, 2013. In 2014, a greatest hits album titled May Death Never Stop You was released and a tenth-anniversary reissue of The Black Parade was released in 2016.
On October 31, 2019, the band announced a reunion show, which took place in Los Angeles on December 20, 2019. In January 2020, they announced additional shows and a Reunion Tour, which commenced in 2022 after a two-year postponement due to the COVID-19 pandemic and concluded in early 2023.
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Charles Leclerc x Sainz!Reader - Instagram AU
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Liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 265,384 others
y/nsainz red for ferrari (and to hide the blood stains if their strategists screw over my boys again)
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charles_leclerc you would commit murder for me? je t’aime ❤️
y/nsainz as the six merry murderesses once said: they had it coming, they had it coming, they only had themselves to blame. if you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, i betcha you would have done the same
trulytifosi i think i speak for all ferrari fans when i say that we will gladly help you hide the bodies
f1wagupdates i did not have y/n sainz adding would-be assassin to her resume on my 2023 season bingo card
y/nsainz the things we do for love
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Liked by carlossainz55, f1wagupdates, and 291,685 others
y/nsainz charles said i wasn’t allowed to laugh at him so this is me not laughing at him 🤭
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carlossainz55 charles presley
pierregasly elvis leclerc
y/nsainz chalvis lesley
landonorris elarles preclerc
charles_leclerc i’m blocking all of you
charles_leclerc at least i looked fabulous
y/nsainz it’s an improvement over your usual taste in fashion
charles_leclerc you love my fashion sense
y/nsainz i love you but you don’t know how to dress yourself outside of ferrari branded clothing
charles_leclerc 😐
bananaleclerc not everyone bullying charles 😭
y/nsainz we bully him because we care
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Liked by y/nsainz, landonorris, and 572,938 others
carlossainz55 throwback to when charles tried to hide from me in the closet after i learned that he was dating my sister
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charles_leclerc i wasn’t hiding, i just happened to find the closet very comfortable
carlossainz55 is that why you screamed “please don’t kill me, i really love her” when i opened the doors and found you?
y/nsainz i’m really glad you didn’t kill him
charles_leclerc thank you?
leclercupdates the pure fear in his eyes 💀
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Liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 287,492 others
y/nsainz “team bonding” aka third wheeling with my own boyfriend and brother
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scuderiaferrari our favorite third wheel
y/nsainz someone had to make sure they didn’t burn the building down
charles_leclerc you said you would stop bringing that up
y/nsainz you almost set fire to the apartment making an omelette
charles_leclerc but i didn’t
y/nsainz because i sacrificed our towels to put it out before it spread beyond the stove. they still have scorch marks!
charlosfanclub sometimes i swear they share a single brain cell
fearlessferrari but it’s a very cute single brain cell
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Liked by y/nsainz, f1wagupdates, and 952,678 others
charles_leclerc are you a ferrari? because i’d like to take you for a ride
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y/nsainz vroom vroom 🏎️
carlossainz55 your hotel room is right next to mine. don’t even think about it unless you want to traumatize me for life
charles_leclerc maybe that’s my genius plan to get rid of the competition
f1wagupdates i never thought i would say this but we might have finally found someone who looks better in ferrari gear than both charles and carlos
charles_leclerc it’s true
f1wagupdates simp first, driver second
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: i was in the mood for some fluff all weekend so this is what i came up with at last.
SUMMARY: You're getting ready for a girls' night out and Harry joins you in the bathroom in the process, mesmerized with everything you do.
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Stepping out of the steamy shower you wrap a soft, fluffy towel around your body and walk over to the double vanity. The mirror has fogged up, so you wipe off a section with your hand before deciding to open the door so the room could cool down faster.
While waiting for the steam to escape the bathroom you’re rummaging through your makeup collection, trying to decide what look you should go for tonight. It’s a girls’ night, you’ve planned it out weeks ahead, because it’s always impossible to get four girls under one roof with such hectic schedules. You’re gonna have some drinks, maybe some tapas and gossip for hours, discuss everything that’s happened since the last time you saw each other, which was after Christmas, so there’s a lot to share.
You hear the familiar sound of a pair of feet wandering into the room before you see the person they belong to. Harry comes into your view, leaning against the vanity as you shut the makeup drawer once you’ve collected everything from it. He is wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a simple, white t-shirt that’s slightly see through, so you catch sight of the outline of his tattoos here and there when you look at him. He looks so cozy, his hair a bit messy from lounging in bed all afternoon with you, his face looks relaxed, a slight stubble forming from not shaving in the past couple of days.
“If you need to use the bathroom go to the one downstairs, it’s my turn in here,” you tease him, but he just shakes his head with a smile.
“Just wanna watch you get ready. Can I?”
“Sure,” you chuckle softly.
He hops onto the counter and watches you curiously as you start applying your skincare product before the makeup.
“What’s that?”
“Why are you doing that?”
“What is that doing?”
He keeps asking and you explain everything to him while your eyes keep moving between your reflection in the mirror and his handsome face.
“Wanna try some?” you ask, when you’re applying your moisturizer and when he nods you pump some more into your hands, rub them together and stepping closer to him you start massaging it into his face. He closes his eyes, humming gently as you work your fingers over every crease, freckle and corner of his face.
“There, you look all dewy and moist,” you smirk at him when you’re done. He turns around and inspects himself in the mirror.
You start doing your makeup then and Harry keeps examining every step as if he would have to write a test about it later.
“What?” you ask, when he hasn’t said a word in a long time.
“Nothing,” he shrugs. “You look beautiful.”
“I’m not done yet,” you smile shyly, heat crawling up your neck. Even after three years of dating you’re still not immune to his compliments he keeps dropping every single day.
“Doesn’t matter, you still look beautiful.”
Chuckling shortly you just keep on working on your eyeshadow while he starts looking through the products scattered over the counter. When it’s time to curl your eyelashes he watches you intently, as if it was something sent straight from the aliens.
“Doesn’t that hurt?” he asks, eyebrows pulled together in a worried look.
“Looks like it hurts.”
“It doesn’t. Wanna try?”
“Hell no, I like being not blind.”
You laugh at his resistance and move on with applying mascara that he finds more fascinating than the curler.
“Can I do that for you?”
“Just please don’t make me look like a panda,” you smirk as you hand the wand over to him.
He grabs your hip with his free hand and pulls you over so you’re standing between his legs. He gently angles your head and then very slowly and carefully he starts applying it to your lashes. The serious look on his face almost makes you laugh, he looks like as if he was performing surgery. You place your hands to his thighs and follow his instructions when he tells you to look up or down. He is taking a bit longer than you usually do, but at last he is finally finished and you’re surprised to see he did an amazing job as you check yourself out in the mirror.
“You did good, babe.” Leaning closer you kiss his lips shortly before moving on with your makeup.
He asks to do your blush as well and he sprays your face with setting spray at the end. He stays around while you do your hair as well and follows you into the closet as well, helping you with finding a dress to wear.
Once you’re dressed, he chose a simple, but elegant black dress for you, you’re putting on your heels when you notice a pout on his face.
“What’s wrong?” you ask as you step closer and run a hand down the side of his face.
“Do you really need to go?”
“H, we planned this weeks ahead, I can’t just cancel on them.”
“But I will miss you.”
To this day you can’t understand how he can turn into this squishy, sweet little thing and then be an absolute beast other times, of course, only when it’s the right time for that. The look on his face almost makes you drop a text in the group chat that you can’t make it, but you would be the worst friend if you did that and you know Harry is just acting clingy.
“I won’t stay long, okay?” You take his hands between yours and move them to your waist until they move on their own and pull you into his embrace. You let your arms rest on his shoulders, locking your hands behind his head as you melt against his front.
“I’ll be waiting for you,” he mumbles, still acting like a sad baby.
“You don’t have to.”
“I do, I can’t sleep when you’re out without me. And text me when you arrive to the place, okay?”
“Okay,” you smile at his protectiveness before kissing his lips softly, careful not to mess up your lipstick, though he has other plans, because he doesn’t let you pull back, instead he deepens the kiss so when you finally pull away his lips are a dark shade of pink.
“Now I have to touch my lipstick up,” you chuckle, wiping it off of his lips.
“I’ll do it for you,” he volunteers, so you grab the lipstick from your purse and hand it over him, letting him reapply it with so much precision, it looks like just before he kissed it all off.
He walks you out when the Uber arrives and you know he is silently checking if the driver looks like a creep.
“Have fun,” he says as he leans into the car, kissing you shortly one last time before shutting the door. He stands on the pavement and watches you disappear down the street before heading back inside.
You arrive home just a few minutes after midnight, slightly dizzy from the cocktails, but definitely not drunk. When you open the front door you find Harry in front of the TV downstairs, his head shoots up right away when you walk in and by the time you’ve kicked your shoes off he is right there beside you.
“Hey, how was it?” he asks and happily wraps his arms around you when you hug his neck and pull him down for a kiss that tastes sweet from all the cocktails you’ve drunk tonight.
“Great, we had a good time,” you smile at him sleepily. “But I’m really tired,” you sigh, melting into his embrace.
“Then let’s get you to bed,” he chuckles and smacks your butt playfully, which makes you giggle.
“Carry me upstairs?” you give him puppy eyes, knowing well he can’t say no to you.
“Jump,” he simply says and obeying you make a small jump and he catches the back of your thighs, heading upstairs with you.
“Just put me to bed,” you mumble groggily, holding onto his neck, but he shakes his head and entering the master bedroom he goes straight into the bathroom. “No!” you whine. “I’m too tired, I’ll shower in the morning!”
“Don’t have to shower, but let’s at least wash your makeup off.”
He sits you onto the counter, just like he sat earlier in the evening when you were getting ready. Parting your legs he stands between them as he grabs a cotton pad and some micellar water, dabbing it onto the pad he starts to gently rub your makeup off while you just sit there with your eyes closed, letting him do whatever he wants. When he’s done, he takes the pins out of your hair and gently massages your scalp which makes you hum in satisfaction.
Then he stops and when you open your eyes you see him walking out of the bathroom, so you call for him, but he doesn’t answer, just returns a few moments later with a pair of clean panties and one of his old shirts you like to sleep in. He undresses you like you’re a baby and then puts you into the clean clothes before lifting you off the counter and taking you to bed.
“You’re the best,” you mumble, eyes closed as you snuggle to his chest in bed. He gladly pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
“You deserve the best, my love,” he softly murmurs against your hair and you hear him say “I love you” just as you drift off to sleep.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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Title: Unexpected View
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word count: 5,900 (genuinely not sure how that happened)
Warnings: none!
A/N: Inspired by a post on @hotchnerssmile blog, originally from @greg-montgomery As always, enjoy!
“You’re staring again,” Emily whispered and nudged you.”
“What? Huh?” You cleared your throat and shifted in your seat on the plane. “Oh..come on..stop.” Emily had been picking on you for weeks about your crush on Hotch. You’d let it slip during a girls night and they wouldn’t let it go.
“Careful,” she teased. “Eventually he’s going to know. He can spot an unsub a mile away, but a woman getting lost in her thoughts staring at him? You’d need to straddle him to make him notice.”
You looked over to him, suddenly the idea of crossing the plane, pushing his papers away, and lowering yourself into his lap was the only thing you could think of.
“Oh I know that look,” JJ said as she walked to the table. “What’s the fantasy this time?”
“Straddling.” Emily laughed and looked down at her files. JJ joined the laughter and caught Reid’s attention.
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” the three of you said in unison.
Emily was right, Hotch was pretty oblivious to women hitting on him. You’d seen it happen on cases a time or two. But in your case, you were grateful he never noticed.
On the flight home you sat alone on the couch, curled up under a blanket.
“Something on your mind?”
You jumped slightly as Hotch sat next to you, leaning back and letting his legs fall open slightly. It took everything in you to keep your eyes on his face and not wander.
“Um, nothing anymore,” you laughed. “We got our guy and don’t have another case right now. My brain has some room to finally relax. Sort of.”
You adjusted your position so you were sitting upright next to him. Hotch’s eyes studied your face. After a very long moment he seemed to snap out of his thoughts.
“Well,” he rested his hand on your thigh. “Find something to focus on that will hold your attention. Unfocused minds are a dangerous thing.”
Emily called over her shoulder, her chair facing the opposite direction, “she’ll be fine finding something to focus on.”
Hotch has turned his head to listen to her and thankfully missed the mortified look on your face. When he turned back to you, you gave him a weak smile. “I’ll be fine, I promise.”
He studied your face again before giving your thigh a slight squeeze before standing up.
About 20 minutes later JJ ended the phone call she was on. “Well, we got another one.”
“You’re joking,” said Morgan.
“Nope. Sorry. I’ll get things together and send it to your tablets.”
While you started to read the information, Hotch turned around, leaning over the side of his seat. “Going to join us, Y/N?”
You walked over, and rested your arm on the headrest of his seat. As you looked down at his lap, your heart started to race.
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The thoughts of straddling him came rushing back, and you knew it wasn’t just the gathering of his pants that made it clear he was more than equipped to please a woman.
Garcia’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. “Hello my favorite crime fighters, your fabulous source of all knowledge has arrived.”
As Garcia began sharing what she had found, Hotch looked up at you over his shoulder. He took in the sight of you standing over him. Almost looking commanding and like you could make him give up control in a single glance. He adjusted his posture to lean forward slightly and cover his lap with his torso.
Emily and JJ were having a silent conversation with their eyes that screamed, “holy shit he just noticed her!”
Once the case had wrapped up, the team decided to split up and take a few days off. Reid went to Vegas with Rossi so he could see his mom and Rossi could hit the casino. Morgan went to the Bahamas to unwind in the sun. Emily and JJ decided on a girls trip to Hawaii. It was just you and Hotch for the plane ride home.
You chose the couch again so you could lay out. Hotch chose a chair facing you so he could occasionally look up and see you. He watched your face scrunch up as you scrolled through your phone and then quickly turned to raising your hand to your mouth to stifle a laugh.
“What’s got your focus?”
“Group chat with the girls. It’s…chaotic. I think that’s the best word for it.”
Hotch’s phone buzzed and saw a text from JJ. “Have fun focusing on the ride home ;)”
Hotch immediately looked to you to see if you had also received a message. Your face was expressionless so he texted JJ back.
“It’s hard to focus with such a captivating distraction…”
JJ was one of the few he confided in like this. You shifted in your seat as the group chat notifications came through.
Emily said, “girl do it!”
JJ added, “he wants it!”
Garcia was the last to respond, “mile high club honey, mile high club.”
Hotch’s phone went off again and this time you looked up to try and read his face. You could swear he was smiling, but trying to hide it, and he shifted in his seat.
“What’s got your focus?” You teased.
Hotch hesitated. “A new group chat. Something about ‘she wants you to do it.’ ‘She wants it.’ And ‘mile high honey.’ Any ideas on the references?”
Taking a deep breath you pushed your blanket to the side, set your phone down, and stood up, slowly crossing to him.
“From what I understand, by trusted sources,” you laughed. “We both want it. I should do it. And we should join a new club.”
His eyes got lost trailing up and down your body. When you were finally within arms length his eyes were focused on your chest. Using one finger you rested it under his chin, tilting his head up to look up at your face.
“Eyes on me…sir.” You paused and slid your hand to cradle his face. “I do like this angle, looking down at you.”
Without a word Hotch grabbed your hips, guiding you towards him to finally straddle him. As you let him bring you down onto his lap, his grip tightened on your hips and you could feel him between your legs.
“I knew it wasn’t just the fabric gathering.”
“These pants are already getting tight.”
“I should help you with that…plus I’ve always wanted to see what the view looks like with you standing over me.”
“Then drop to your knees.”
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exhaslo · 11 days
Hiya! I see you like CEO/Mafia Miguel trope. And honey you do them so FABULOUS 🌹💐✨
So I got a little Mafia request for you!
How about: Mafia Miguel is rising in the ranks and money. He catches the word of a Mafia princess. Who she is or how she looks like is shrouded in mystery. And Miguel is determined to catch this 'princess' and maybe be her knight or greedy dragon.
Thank you ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thank you~ I'm glad you enjoy my stories!!
Ohoho, a Mafia Princess? I think I have an idea on what to do. Hehe.
Warning: Fluff, language, violence, blood, mentions of murder
Much like there are two sides to every coin, there are two sides of the city of Nueva York.
One side was the bright and lively city that never sleeps, the side that 90% of people knew. The other? That was the side were you reside in. The dark and bloody side where territory was all the matters and family.
Nueva York was split between different groups of mafia families. Each having their own specialty. There was an unspoken rule to not interfere with another family unless a war was to break out. Another rule, was to never interlope with another family.
Which was why you tried you best to break that rule. You were known as the Spider Mafia's Princess. Your father currently ran the family and kept your existence a secret. It frustrated you to every extent. You were not allowed to do anything.
Just be a pretty doll locked in your room.
You knew all about what your father did. The people he has killed. The drugs he let onto the streets. Everything about how your father ran the mafia sicken you. You were a Princess in name, but no one knew where you were to free you.
It was just another day for Miguel. After collecting the money for his boss, Miguel proceeded to go above and beyond. From the moment Miguel entered the Spider Mafia, he knew that he wanted to rise as high up as he could get.
Miguel had already rose pretty far from when he first started, but he could get higher.
As he went to deliver the money, Miguel stopped in front of one of the main entry doors.
"Did you hear about the Princess?"
"Dude, you're going to fall for that rumor? Everyone knows that there isn't such thing as a Mafia Princess here."
Such comments were not the first time Miguel has heard of them. The more Miguel heard about this 'Mafia Princess' the more he wanted to find out about her. He just hoped that it wasn't going to be a baseless rumor.
Once the money was dropped off, Miguel was free to do this own thing until called upon. Deciding to follow the rumor, Miguel made sure to cover his tracks. After all, if this rumor was true, Miguel wouldn't want to get in trouble.
Now was the perfect time to sneak out. Your father was in the middle of a meeting and your bodyguards were falling asleep. Quickly making a run for it, you dashed by the bodyguards and made your way down the private elevator.
You NEEDED freedom.
Once you were down on the ground floor, your booked it towards the exit. As you did, you had bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry!" You apologized and glanced towards the man, "Oh-"
Miguel helped you up, wondering what had you in such a hurry. To his surprise, you were beautiful. Clearing his throat since he was staring for you long, Miguel let you go, but tensed as you grabbed onto his jacket.
"Please! Help me get away from here!" You begged.
"Long story, just help me get away from this building!"
Miguel was confused but soon heard distant yelling. He glanced down at you once more, unable to avoid those gorgeous pleading eyes. With a heavy sigh, Miguel held your hand tightly as he led you away from this place.
So much for his hunt for the 'Mafia Princess'.
Once the two of you were far enough away, Miguel had you sit on a nearby bench. He crossed his arms and gave you a slight glare. He had so many questions for a beauty such as yourself. One of them being if you were single.
"Thank you. It's kind of a long story, but my father basically refuses to ever let me leave the condo. I'm trapped in there all the time and I just needed to leave." You briefly summarized.
"You sick?" Miguel asked, wanting to make sure he didn't make a huge mistake.
"Haha, no, no. I would tell you, but I don't think you'd be ready to hear such a thing." You gave him a bright smile.
"Dunno. You did trust a stranger to get you outta there. I could have just kidnapped you and proved your father right." Miguel said bluntly.
"Then you'd really be asking for death," You said with a chuckle, "My dear father is a scary boss."
"My boss doesn't even frighten me," Miguel smirked as he took the seat beside you, "You should be more afraid of me if anything."
"Oh? Such a handsome face has a secret?" You stood, looking around the park, "Can't be that horrible. Hey, why don't you show me around the city. I'd love to know where to get some good pizza."
"You really have no fear...or you're just a fool,"
Miguel glanced at your body, licking his lips slightly. While you maybe a fool, perhaps Miguel could still have some fun. You did ruin his little hunt, so you had to make up for it.
"Can't have that much fear when your dad runs the biggest mafia in the city," You said with a sigh.
Miguel's ears perked up. His eyes widen as he grabbed your wrist,
"Wait...You're the Mafia Princess?"
Oh, this was perfect.
"Of course you work for my dad. Let me guess, he let me escape then!" You stomped your foot, wanting to yell.
Miguel just resisted a chuckle as he watched you. A sheltered princess with no knowledge of the city. That, and you were rebellious. Perhaps this was working in Miguel's favor. Pulling you back into his embrace, Miguel just chuckled.
"This was just fate. Listen, I'll take you where ever you want to go-"
"But I want to know more about you." Miguel thought for a moment, "And I would like to avoid any punishment for helping you escape."
"Ugh, my stupid father and his punishments! If only someone would take over-" You smiled towards Miguel, "Why don't we make ourselves a deal?"
Now you caught his interest even more.
"You let me stay with you and I will help you take down my father, what do you say?"
Miguel just smiled towards your offer. He held your chin and sealed the deal with a kiss. You were gripping his jacket, but soon let go and wrapped your arms around his neck.
A foolish, but beautiful Princess.
"It's a deal," Miguel said with a hum, watching your dazed expression.
"G-Good....N-Now about that pizza," You stuttered, trying to hide your blush.
Miguel chuckled as he wrapped his arm around your waist. You were going to be his princess now. Call it greedy, but Miguel wanted to make sure that you were going to be his and his alone. What better than taking over the mafia by fucking the princess?
"By the way, what's your name?" Miguel whispered in your ear. You shuddered,
I can totally see a part 2 smut for this, but that will have to be after my Hiatus.
Hope you enjoyed~~
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