#Friedrich Stowasser
dotmo · 1 year
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portraituresque · 1 year
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Hundertwasser - Self portrait
Friedrich Stowasser (15 December 1928 – 19 February 2000), better known by his pseudonym Friedensreich Hundertwasser, was an Austrian visual artist and architect who also worked in the field of environmental protection.
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philaretey · 1 month
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IDEAL CITIES Friedensreich Hundertwasser, born Friedrich Stowasser (15 December 1928 – 19 February 2000), was an Austrian visual artist and architect who also worked in the field of environmental protection. Hundertwasser stood out as an opponent of "straight lines" and any standardization, expressing this concept most powerfully in the field of building design. His best known work is the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna, which has become a notable place of interest in the Austrian capital, characterised by imaginative vitality and uniqueness. Hundertwasser's original and unruly artistic vision expressed itself in pictorial art, environmentalism, philosophy, and the design of facades, postage stamps, flags, and clothing (among other areas). The common themes in his work utilised bright colours, organic forms, a reconciliation of humans with nature, and a strong individualism, rejecting straight lines.
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nicholasbayly · 1 year
Today I went to the Hundertswasser museum in Whangarae.
Friedrich Stowasser (15 December 1928 – 19 February 2000), better known by his pseudonym Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser was an Austrian visual artist and architect who also worked in the field of environmental protection.
This is some seriously crazy stuff. Here is his toilet he designed in Hunterville that I pissed in.
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Next we went to his museum.
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And finally here are some of my favorite prints he made and a quote about how he wanted to be buried which I find beautiful. Some for posters to be placed around to support Green Peace.
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Much love ❤️
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myarchitectphil · 1 month
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IDEAL CITIES Friedensreich Hundertwasser, born Friedrich Stowasser (15 December 1928 – 19 February 2000), was an Austrian visual artist and architect who also worked in the field of environmental protection. Hundertwasser stood out as an opponent of "straight lines" and any standardization, expressing this concept most powerfully in the field of building design. His best known work is the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna, which has become a notable place of interest in the Austrian capital, characterised by imaginative vitality and uniqueness. Hundertwasser's original and unruly artistic vision expressed itself in pictorial art, environmentalism, philosophy, and the design of facades, postage stamps, flags, and clothing (among other areas). The common themes in his work utilised bright colours, organic forms, a reconciliation of humans with nature, and a strong individualism, rejecting straight lines.
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Friedensreich Hundertwasser Friedrich Stowasser
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150 Barco de vapor cantante en Ultramarine IIIFriedensreich Hundertwasser, 1959. Transautomatismo,  pintura figurativa.
Friedrich Stowasser (15 de diciembre de 1928 en Viena - 19 de febrero de 2000), más conocido como Friedensreich Hundertwasser (en una creación suya se autodenomina "Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser") fue un artista austriaco multifacético. Nieto del conocido filólogo Joseph Maria de Stowasser, se desempeñó en diversas áreas, nacido Viena el 15 de Diciembre de 1928.Con la llegada del nazismo su madre decidió bautizarlo para salvarlo y lo alistó en las juventudes hitlerianas.
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marciamattos · 7 months
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Friedrich Stowasser, aka Hundertwasser (1928-2000)
Hundertwasser pintou deitado. Texto de Jean-Jacques Lévêque.
Muitas vezes, grandes coisas começam do nada. Nasceu na inocência de um momento de esquecimento. A arte é filha tanto de uma distração quanto de um sonho. É com um lápis errante que alguns conduzem o seu sonho aos horizontes distantes da obra realizada.
Aqui está Hundertwasser, agachado no chão, inalando esta vasta folha de papel sobre a qual espalhará a cor como o sol espalha as riquezas vegetais no tranquilo desdobramento dos campos oferecidos para as suas celebrações.
Ele leva seu tempo. Delicia-se no silêncio. Ele se expande como águas profundas. O que lhe dá uma aparência perdida e esquiva quando anda. Ele ainda está em seus territórios, projetado entre nós. O olhar inseguro, acreditamos que seja falso, apenas está ausente.
Com suas velhas roupas de faquir, ele parece um mendigo hindu. Na rua, os transeuntes se viram e comentam maldosamente sua estranheza. Dei alguns passos com ele, Boulevard Saint Germain. Não é fácil comunicar-se com uma espécie de fantasma. Encontramo-lo melhor, tranquilo, sorridente, no seu desenho entretanto mais embelezado. Seu crescimento é semelhante ao da planta que se move suavemente pelo chão, ocupando-o e desenhando ali seus sonhos interiores. Sonhos das profundezas da terra.
E se a forma da árvore que faz dançar os seus ramos ao vento mais leve, e se esta invasão silenciosa da hera fossem apenas imagens surgindo de uma vida rica nas profundezas da terra. A exibição dos seus cálidos crescimentos subterrâneos, escondidos dos olhos dos distraídos, e que só se dirigem aos pensativos, a quem sabe parar diante de uma pedra, de um torrão de terra, de um arbusto, e afundar, através pensei, nas profundezas deste assunto aparentemente ingrato. Sua riqueza está bem escondida. Só descobre quem merece.
Hundertwasser é o jardineiro dos seus sonhos. Ele traz suas andanças sonhadoras de volta ao papel. Colocando, aqui e ali, toques brilhantes como flores em um canteiro tão bem nomeado.
Aos poucos, para espanto dos próprios olhos, a mão é rápida em desvendar as surpresas do desenho, uma construção complexa que evoca a progressão da amarelinha. Como se fecha na sua própria audácia, oferecendo-a, no final, como um itinerário sagrado.
Do desenho ao espaço há apenas o passo de outro sonho, o de dar um horizonte de vida a quem está cansado dos rigores funcionais das casas produzidas em massa, das banalidades do quotidiano.
Assim, Hundertwasser desenhou casas que se assemelham às suas pinturas, são o crescimento mágico delas; uma forma de desenvolver nichos para essas aves perdidas que são pobres humanos desalojados da sua vida quotidiana.
Casas que parecem ninhos fabulosos, como palácios quiméricos para olhos gulosos, ávidos de prazeres rústicos. Entre na intimidade do solo, de uma natureza que tem seu calor repentino, seus esplendores ocultos, suas surpresas para agradar os personagens de Alice que ali se sentiriam em casa, além dos espelhos rapidamente atravessados quando o tédio prevalece. Porque as casas de Hundertwasser são tão íntimas do terreno que as acomoda que parecem prolongar os seus relevos, as suas fantasias.
Desenha meio deitado, no limiar do sono que é o domínio de todas as liberdades. Suas casas lembram isso, têm esse aspecto singular das ambientações dos nossos livros infantis, a bunda na cabeça, o jardim no telhado a correr até o céu.
Somente aqueles que saem da floresta podem morar nessas moradias. A madeira dos seus sonhos finalmente se tornou realidade.
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humoringthegoddess · 2 years
Sunday Evening Art Gallery -- Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Friedensreich Hundertwasser  (1928 –2000) was an Austrian artist and architect who spent his whole career championing the curve of organic nature against the straight line. Children’s Day-Care Centre Heddernheim, Frankfurt, Germany   Born Friedrich Stowasser in 1928, the Viennese artist most commonly known as Friedensreich Hundertwasser (or ‘Kingdom-of-Peace Hundred-Water’) started his artistic…
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wamubotapilo · 2 years
Doku handbuch gymnasium plochingen hundertwasser
           Doku handbuch gymnasium plochingen hundertwasser · Constructa viva 1000 bedienungsanleitung · Lg flatron m228wa-bz bedienungsanleitung hp Friedensreich Hundertwasser Regentag Dunkelbunt (bürgerlich: Friedrich Stowasser, * 15. Regenturm Plochingen am Neckar, 1991–1994; Luther-Melanchthon-Gymnasium Klassenpflegschaftsabende Gymnasium Plochingen Hundertwasser´s Ideen für eine bessere Welt“, so der Titel bung, Durchführung und Dokumentation. Das Abendgymnasium bietet auch einen Wochenendkurs an, den erfolgreichen Besuch der Hauptschule doku- In Plochingen steht der Hundertwas- ser-Turm.FRIEDENSREICH HUNDERTWASSER BIOGRAPHIE (EINE AUSWAHL) 1928 Am 15. Tokyo Broadcasting System wird eine TV-Doku-mentation über Hundertwassers Architektur Friedensreich Hundertwasser (*1928 †2000) - Biographie, Liste der ausgeführten Bauwerke und Bauten, Bibliografie, Literaturhinweise, Links und andere
https://xuqivukilu.tumblr.com/post/693266879407587328/medion-p69042-bedienungsanleitung-philips, https://xuqivukilu.tumblr.com/post/693266879407587328/medion-p69042-bedienungsanleitung-philips, https://fefiqijatar.tumblr.com/post/693266830452817920/alpine-cde-112ri-bedienungsanleitung-target, https://sexefitamij.tumblr.com/post/693266865453219840/vorlage-betriebshandbuch-server-software, https://xuqivukilu.tumblr.com/post/693266879407587328/medion-p69042-bedienungsanleitung-philips.
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moma-a-day · 5 years
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Memory of a Painting which was the Memory of an Epoch which was the Memory of Something Personal, Friedrich Stowasser, 1960
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Rain of Blood is Falling into the Garden, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, 1972 (published 1973), Minneapolis Institute of Art: Prints and Drawings
abstract image; central blue rectangle with darker blue stripes with radiating blue and red lines; pink and blue freehand rectangles around center rectangle; silver, red, and green fence picket-like elements around edges; some yellow and green inside picket forms; blue at edges, with some red dots; two red seals in URC, one red seal in LRC; Japanese inscription in silver, URC; received matted Friedensreich Hundertwasser (born Friedrich Stowasser) was an acclaimed Austrian painter, printmaker, architect, and designer whose work was strongly informed by the example of Gustav Klimt and other artists of the Vienna Secession, a modernist art movement that rejected traditional academic art and instead promoted aesthetic innovation in contemporary art and design. Like the secessionists, Hundertwasser expressed a passion for asymmetry, labyrinthine spirals, and arabesque lines, assailing the modern industrial “straight line” world that he called “the rotten foundation of our doomed civilization.” For both his visual art and architectural projects, Hundertwasser incorporated asymmetrical designs, intense color, elaborate ornamentation, and organic forms as a prominent features. Size: 15 1/2 × 19 1/2 in. (39.37 × 49.53 cm) (image) 16 13/16 × 21 7/8 in. (42.7 × 55.56 cm) (sheet) Medium: Color woodcut
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“Rationalism and doctrinairism are the disease of our time; they pretend to have all the answers.”
~ Carl Gustav Jung
[The Tower of Babel Pierces the Sun, 1959 - Friedensreich Hundertwasser]
• The late Swiss psychologist Carl Jung is much vaunted today. At least on self-improvement Twitter. In academia and in the psychological sciences however, he is still out-of-bounds, his reputation having been revived, but not reprieved, by Jordan Peterson’s writing and online lectures. But does Carl Jung’s philosophy hold any value for us today? I would say yes. More: https://alastairmordey.com/carl-jungs-theory-of-archetypes/
• The work of Friedensreich Hundertwasser (born Friedrich Stowasser in Vienna) is one of the most important contributions in the art history of post-war modernism. As an important member of the international avant-garde in Paris in the 1950s, he developed his unique visual language. More: https://hundertwasser.com/en
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portraituresque · 1 year
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Hundertwasser - Self portrait
Friedrich Stowasser (15 December 1928 – 19 February 2000), better known by his pseudonym Friedensreich Hundertwasser, was an Austrian visual artist and architect who also worked in the field of environmental protection.
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Ernst Fuchs, Arik Brauer, Friedensreich Hundertwasser Vienna, 1968, photo by Gert Chesi. Ernst Fuchs (13 February 1930 – 9 November 2015) Arik (Erich) Brauer (4 January 1929 – 24 January 2021) Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser (Friedrich Stowasser) (15 December 1928 – 19 February 2000)
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ferrerocubo · 3 years
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Friedrich Stowasser, más conocido como Friedensreich Hundertwasser fue un artista austriaco multifacético. Nieto del conocido filólogo Joseph Maria de Stowasser, se desempeñó en diversas áreas de conocimiento como la pintura y la escultura haciendo algunos diseños de edificios.
Nació en 1928 en Viena, Austria y falleció en el año 2000 en Australia.
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IMAGEN 1 - Eyebalance Number Five, from: Rainy Day, 1971, Original Stamp Signed and Numbered Silkscreen in 26 Colours with Metallic Embossing on Wove Paper, 19 7/10 × 26 2/5 in, 50 × 67 cm
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IMAGEN 2 - Good Morning City, Initial edition, 1969-1970, Silkscreen in 10 colors with metal imprints in 8 colors, 33 1/2 × 21 9/10 in, 85 × 55.5 cm, Editions 6, 391 of 10,000
IMAGEN 3 - Homage to Schroeder-Sonnenstern, 1972, Silkscreen with Foil Embossing, 39 1/2 × 27 in, 100.3 × 68.6 cm
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IMAGEN 4 - Blumenhaus, 1983, Rosenthal porcelain object with gold, silver and platinum overlay, 9 3/10 × 7 1/10 × 7 1/10 in, 23.5 × 18 × 18 cm, Edition 36/500
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kunstszene-blog · 5 years
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Friedensreich Hundertwasser, (Friedrich Stowasser), österreichischer #Künstler und #Architekt (geboren am 15. Dezember 1928 in #Wien gest. Am 19. Februar 2000 an Bord der Queen Elizabeth II auf See), ersetzte Asymmetrie, Wellenwirbel und Labyrinthspiralen Die geraden vertikalen und horizontalen Linien, von denen er behauptete, dass sie "das verrottete Fundament unserer untergegangenen #Zivilisation waren, setzte er in seine #Kunstwerke und seine Gebäude, insbesondere das #Hundertwasserhaus ,helle, kontrastreiche #Farben aufwendige #Ornamente asymmetrische, organische Formen und natürliche #Vegetation ein , ein Wohnblock in Wien, der 1986 eröffnet wurde. #Hundertwasser der seine unkonventionellen Ansichten im "Mouldiness Manifesto" von 1958 zum Ausdruck brachte, wurde 1951 in den #Kunstclub Wien aufgenommen und erhielt 1980 den österreichischen #Staatspreis #newzealand #malerei #ölmalerei #kunstszene #folgensiederkunst (hier: Vienna, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtyaH1qigkH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l9tzfe0e68yk
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