philaretey · 2 months
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IDEAL CITIES Friedensreich Hundertwasser, born Friedrich Stowasser (15 December 1928 – 19 February 2000), was an Austrian visual artist and architect who also worked in the field of environmental protection. Hundertwasser stood out as an opponent of "straight lines" and any standardization, expressing this concept most powerfully in the field of building design. His best known work is the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna, which has become a notable place of interest in the Austrian capital, characterised by imaginative vitality and uniqueness. Hundertwasser's original and unruly artistic vision expressed itself in pictorial art, environmentalism, philosophy, and the design of facades, postage stamps, flags, and clothing (among other areas). The common themes in his work utilised bright colours, organic forms, a reconciliation of humans with nature, and a strong individualism, rejecting straight lines.
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myarchitectphil · 2 months
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IDEAL CITIES Friedensreich Hundertwasser, born Friedrich Stowasser (15 December 1928 – 19 February 2000), was an Austrian visual artist and architect who also worked in the field of environmental protection. Hundertwasser stood out as an opponent of "straight lines" and any standardization, expressing this concept most powerfully in the field of building design. His best known work is the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna, which has become a notable place of interest in the Austrian capital, characterised by imaginative vitality and uniqueness. Hundertwasser's original and unruly artistic vision expressed itself in pictorial art, environmentalism, philosophy, and the design of facades, postage stamps, flags, and clothing (among other areas). The common themes in his work utilised bright colours, organic forms, a reconciliation of humans with nature, and a strong individualism, rejecting straight lines.
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dulceknowsbest · 5 months
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Put good energy into the world
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zafirosreverie · 2 years
Do you remember change the future? Well, someone on Wattpad asked for a second part and my mind went wild. So, I wanted to know if you guys would like a short series about it (maybe 4 or 5 chapters) and if so, would you want me to keep It Bruno x Reader? Or would you like It to be turned into Julieta x Reader?
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edohpa · 2 years
MIHENNA DIY At Home Henna Tattoo Kit! @MIHENNA #Henna #Tattoo
MIHENNA DIY At Home Henna Tattoo Kit! @MIHENNA #Henna #Tattoo Unboxing & Applying MIHENNA Deluxe DIY Henna Tattoo Kit Blog Post: https://freebiesdealsandsteals.com/mihenna-diy-tattoo-kit/ #Unboxing #Video https://youtu.be/ifvIJaqx8ek
  MIHENNA DIY AT HOME HENNA TATTOO KIT! Mihenna provides only the purest organic ingredients, sourced from the farm straight to you. From soil to final product, we’ve been tested and certified by the USDA as 100% organic. Henna brings people together and makes us feel beautiful. By using only organic ingredients with no hidden chemicals or additives, Mihenna keeps your beauty safe and all…
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foodandthought · 1 month
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Dive deep into the transformative power of organic eating, exploring how it not only enhances personal well-being but also contributes to a more sustainable future for our planet. Discover the synergistic relationship between a healthier you and a healthier Earth, as we delve into the benefits of adopting an organic lifestyle. Learn more at https://foodandthought2.com/
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venimro · 3 months
Descoperirea potențialului ciocolatei și germenilor de grâu din cereale în The Organic Symphony
Uită de ritualul plictisitor de dimineață. Cu crocantul delicios al cerealelor integrale, nucile delicate ale germenilor de grâu și o notă minunată de ciocolată neagră, cerealele organice sunt o simfonie de aromă și sănătate. Această investigație asupra lumii cerealelor organice vă va face dimineața să pară remarcabilă, luminând avantajele ciocolatei și potența germenilor de grâu.
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letsorganic · 6 months
"Go Organic, Live Vibrantly! Enjoy nutrient-rich, preservative-free delights with our exclusive organic foods promotion. From fresh produce to sustainable superfoods, savor the taste of a healthier lifestyle. Special discounts are available – shop now for a nourishing experience!
Visit us at https://www.letsorganic.com/ or stop by our store at 660 AI Wasl Rd - Al Safa 1 - Dubai to explore the goodness of organic living firsthand."
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operafoods · 7 months
Organic Eating: A Step Towards Sustainable Living
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The conversation around organic eating concerns our food, our health, and our planet. It is about digging deeper into the question of what's on your plate. Is it just food, or is it a choice that goes far beyond mere taste and nutrition? Today, we will look at the world of organic food and its connection to sustainable living. We will consider the benefits of organic eating, and how it promotes sustainability, biodiversity, and overall well-being. We'll also share some practical tips to help you incorporate organic eating into your lifestyle.
What is organic eating?
Organic eating is all about choosing foods that are grown or produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), petroleum-based fertilizers, and sewage sludge-based fertilizers. Instead, organic farming practices utilize natural methods and substances to enhance soil and crop health. This approach extends to the treatment of animals as well, who are raised without the use of antibiotics and growth hormones and are given access to outdoor spaces. When you opt to eat organic food, you're not just making a healthier choice for yourself, but also supporting farming practices that respect the environment and the welfare of animals. The connection between organic eating and sustainable living Organic eating and sustainable living are intertwined concepts, embodying a holistic approach to health and the environment. Organic farming practices, devoid of harmful chemicals and GMOs, contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, enhancement of soil fertility, and reduction in water and air pollution. By choosing organic foods, consumers indirectly promote these practices, fostering an environmentally friendly food system. Moreover, organic food production also adheres to ethical standards concerning animal welfare, which aligns with the principles of sustainable living. Therefore, adopting organic eating habits is a substantial stride towards a sustainable lifestyle.
What is Sustainable Living?
Simply put, sustainable living refers to a lifestyle that aims to reduce an individual's or society's environmental impact. This practice often involves efforts towards conservation, with individuals making conscious choices to minimize their carbon footprint and impact on the environment. Key aspects of sustainable living include utilizing renewable sources of energy, reducing waste and recycling, switching to an organic diet, and reducing meat consumption. The issues involved are complex and often contentious. From a broader perspective, sustainable living also includes societal efforts towards a more sustainable economic system that operates within Earth's ecological boundaries. Thus, sustainable living isn't just about individual choices, but about reshaping our societal structures and rethinking our relationship with the environment.
Organic Food and Sustainability
Organic farming practices significantly contribute to sustainability through a myriad of ways. For starters, they rely heavily on natural cycles, fostering a harmonious relationship with the environment. These practices abstain from using synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, reducing soil and water pollution and preserving the biodiversity present in agricultural ecosystems. Organic farms often promote crop rotation, a practice that prevents soil depletion, enhances soil health and productivity, and breaks the cycle of pests and diseases. Moreover, organic farming emphasizes the welfare of livestock, ensuring animals are raised in conditions that align with their natural behaviours and diets. The net result of these practices is a farming system that works with nature, rather than against it, fostering a sustainable food production system that aligns with the principles of ecological balance, biodiversity conservation, and animal welfare. The role of organic foods in reducing carbon footprint Organic foods play a significant role in reducing our carbon footprint, primarily because organic farming practices are designed to be less damaging to the environment. Conventional farming methods often require a high input of fossil fuels, particularly in the production and application of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Conversely, organic agriculture, with its reliance on natural processes and minimal use of synthetics, results in lower fossil fuel consumption and, consequently, lower greenhouse gas emissions. Organic soil management practices, such as composting and cover cropping, enhance soil health and increase its capacity to absorb and sequester carbon, thereby mitigating the effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. By opting for organically produced food, consumers can contribute to a lower carbon footprint and promote a more sustainable food system. The benefits of organic food for sustainable living Reduced exposure to pesticides and chemicals: Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Supports local economies: Organic farming often takes place on smaller, family-run farms, which helps to support local economies and promotes a sense of community. Promotes biodiversity: Organic farming practices encourage biodiversity by providing habitats for a variety of plants and animals. Contributes to animal welfare: Organic standards require that animals are treated humanely and raised on organic, pesticide-free pastures. Conservation of water resources: Organic farming practices often include water conservation methods, reducing the strain on our water resources. Encourages soil health: Organic farming practices, such as crop rotation and the use of green manure, can improve soil fertility and prevent soil erosion. All of this promotes a sustainable food system and by supporting organic farming, consumers play a role in fostering a food system that prioritizes ecological balance and sustainability.
Practical Tips for Transitioning to Organic Foods
Start Small: If a complete switch to organic food seems overwhelming, begin by replacing just a few items in your diet. Gradually, as you embrace organic eating, you can increase the number of organic products you consume. Plan Your Budget: Organic food can be more expensive than conventional food. It's important to plan your budget accordingly. Remember, investing in organic food is an investment in your health and the environment. Read Labels Carefully: While shopping, make sure to read food labels. This is one of the best ways to truly understand what goes into your food, and the impact our industrial food production system has. Buy Seasonal and Local: Buying organic produce that's in season and locally grown not only tends to be fresher and cheaper, but it also supports local farmers and reduces your carbon footprint. Bulk Buying: Consider buying organic products in bulk. This can be cheaper and more environmentally friendly as it reduces packaging waste. Organic food goes way beyond fresh organic produce. Consider switching to store cupboard organic ingredients too. Read our article on organic eating beyond produce. Prioritize Your Purchases: If you can't afford to buy everything organic, prioritize your purchases. Some organic foods have higher pesticide levels than others. Find out more about the pesticides in your produce Join a Food Co-op or CSA: These community-based programs can make organic food more affordable and accessible. Plus, they're a great way to support your local organic farmers. Remember, transitioning to organic eating doesn't have to be a radical, overnight change. It can be a gradual process that over time, benefits your health, supports local economies, and promotes a more sustainable environment. Check out our growing range of organic food products, available to buy in bulk online now.
This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “Organic Grocery Distributors”. See original article:- Organic Eating: A Step Towards Sustainable Living Read the full article
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asistenta-virtuala · 8 months
Produse naturiste - Descoperă ofertele de sezon la Vegis
Este timpul să faci alegeri bune pentru sănătatea ta și să îți răsfeți corpul cu cele mai bune produse naturiste de la Vegis.
Este timpul să faci alegeri bune pentru sănătatea ta și să îți răsfeți corpul cu cele mai bune produse naturiste de la Vegis. În perioada 17 – 22 octombrie, ai ocazia să profiți de o gamă largă de produse de înaltă calitate, la prețuri incredibil de avantajoase. Reduceri speciale la suplimente de top Nu-ți compromite sănătatea – alege suplimente de renume la prețuri reduse. La Vegis, găsești …
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organictropicalfruit · 8 months
Organic Fruit Gift Box
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Looking for a thoughtful and healthy gift option? Look no further! Our Organic Fruit Gift Box is the ultimate choice. Bursting with freshness and flavor, this extraordinary gift is perfect for any occasion.
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fastdiet · 1 year
🍴 Los Angeles is a city known for its diverse and vibrant food scene. From trendy vegan cafes to Michelin-starred restaurants, LA has it all. But what about the diet scene? With a growing focus on health and wellness, more and more Angelenos are adopting specific diets to improve their overall well-being. 🥑 Whether you're vegan, gluten-free, or paleo, LA has plenty of options to cater to your dietary needs. Local restaurants and cafes have adapted to the demand for healthier options, offering creative and delicious meals that cater to a variety of dietary restrictions. With so many options available, it's easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying the city's vibrant food culture. 🥗 But it's not just about the food. LA's diet scene also includes a wide range of wellness practices, from yoga and meditation to juice cleanses and acupuncture. The city's emphasis on holistic health and wellness has created a supportive community for those looking to improve their overall well-being. So if you're looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle, LA's diet scene has everything you need to get started.1. The Rise of Plant-Based Eating in LA's Diet SceneLos Angeles has seen a surge in plant-based eating options in recent years. Vegan restaurants are popping up all over the city. Many traditional restaurants are adding plant-based options to their menus. More people are choosing to adopt a plant-based diet for health and environmental reasons. Plant-based eating has become a trend in LA's food scene. Popular plant-based options include jackfruit tacos and cauliflower wings. Many restaurants offer vegan versions of classic dishes like burgers and pizza. Plant-based meal delivery services are also on the rise. LA's plant-based movement shows no signs of slowing down. The city hosts multiple vegan food festivals throughout the year. Celebrities like Beyonce and Jay-Z have promoted plant-based diets. Plant-based options are becoming more accessible and affordable. Plant-based eating is not just a trend, it's a lifestyle. It's a way to reduce your carbon footprint and promote animal welfare. It's a healthy way to eat, with many health benefits. LA's food scene is leading the way in making plant-based eating mainstream. 2. Sustainable Food Practices: A Key Element of LA's Diet SceneSustainable food practices are a crucial aspect of LA's thriving food scene. Restaurants prioritize locally-sourced ingredients to reduce carbon footprint. 🌍 Many establishments incorporate plant-based options to promote health and sustainability. 🥦 Composting and recycling programs are implemented to minimize waste. 🌱 LA's farmers markets offer fresh, seasonal produce and support local agriculture. 🍎 Food education programs teach children and adults about healthy eating and sustainability. 🍏 LA's food scene is leading the way in sustainable practices, inspiring other cities to follow suit. 🌟3. The Impact of Ethnic Cuisine on LA's Diet SceneLos Angeles is known for its diverse ethnic cuisine, which has had a significant impact on the city's diet scene. 🌮 Mexican food is a staple, with tacos and burritos found on almost every street corner. 🍜 Asian cuisine is also popular, with sushi, ramen, and Korean BBQ being favorites. 🍛 Indian food has gained popularity in recent years, with flavorful curries and naan bread. These ethnic cuisines have introduced new flavors and ingredients to LA's diet scene, making it more diverse and exciting. Restaurants have also started to incorporate these flavors into traditional American dishes, creating fusion cuisine. 🍔 Burgers with Korean BBQ sauce and kimchi slaw 🍕 Pizza with Indian curry sauce and paneer cheese 🌮 Tacos with Korean bulgogi beef and pickled vegetables has also led to an increase in vegetarian and vegan options. Many ethnic cuisines have plant-based dishes that are flavorful and satisfying, making it easier for those with dietary restrictions to enjoy a variety of foods. Overall, has been positive, introducing new flavors and ingredients, creating fusion cuisine, and increasing options for those with dietary restrictions.4. The Role of Technology in Shaping LA's Diet SceneTechnology is revolutionizing LA's diet scene, making it easier for people to access healthy food options. Apps like Grubhub and Postmates deliver healthy meals to your doorstep. Online grocery shopping allows for healthier food choices. Meal planning apps help people track their nutrient intake. Restaurants are also embracing technology, offering plant-based options and using data to create healthier menus. Apps like Happy Cow help people find vegan and vegetarian restaurants. Restaurants use data to create menus that cater to dietary restrictions. Technology is also used to reduce food waste and promote sustainability. Technology has also made it easier for people to educate themselves on nutrition and make informed decisions about their diet. Online resources like MyFitnessPal and Nutritionix provide nutritional information for meals. Wearable technology like Fitbit tracks physical activity and calorie intake. Virtual nutrition coaching provides personalized guidance for healthier eating habits. Overall, technology is playing a significant role in shaping LA's diet scene, making it easier for people to access healthy food options, reduce food waste, and educate themselves on nutrition. 🌱🍎5. The Emergence of Health-Conscious Dining in LALos Angeles has seen a rise in health-conscious dining options in recent years. Restaurants are offering more plant-based and gluten-free options. Organic and locally sourced ingredients are becoming more popular. Menus are featuring lighter and healthier dishes. Customers are increasingly interested in knowing where their food comes from. Transparency in sourcing and preparation is becoming a priority. Restaurants are using social media to showcase their healthy options. Customers are sharing their dining experiences on social media. Many health-conscious restaurants are also incorporating sustainability into their business practices. Reducing food waste and using eco-friendly packaging are common practices. Some restaurants even have their own gardens to grow their own produce. Customers appreciate the effort to reduce the restaurant's carbon footprint. Overall, is a positive trend. It offers more options for those with dietary restrictions. It promotes transparency and sustainability in the food industry. It encourages a healthier lifestyle for customers. 🍴🥗🌱6. The Pros and Cons of LA's Fast Food Culture on Diet ChoicesLos Angeles is known for its fast food culture, but is it good or bad for our diet? Let's weigh the pros and cons. 👍 Pros: Convenience: Fast food is quick and easy to grab on the go. Affordability: Fast food is often cheaper than healthier options. Variety: There are many different types of fast food to choose from. 👎 Cons: High in calories: Fast food is often high in calories, fat, and sugar. Lack of nutrients: Fast food is usually low in essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Portion sizes: Fast food portions are often larger than recommended serving sizes. It's important to remember that fast food can be enjoyed in moderation, but it shouldn't be a regular part of our diet. 💡 Tip: Look for healthier options like salads, grilled chicken, and fruit cups when eating fast food.7. The Future of LA's Diet Scene: Trends and PredictionsAs the food scene in LA continues to evolve, so do the trends and predictions for the future of the city's diet. Plant-based diets: With the rise of veganism and environmental concerns, plant-based diets will continue to be popular. Healthy fast food: Consumers demand healthy options on-the-go, leading to the rise of healthy fast food chains. Functional foods: Foods with added health benefits, such as probiotics and adaptogens, will become more mainstream. Local and sustainable: Consumers are becoming more conscious of their impact on the environment and will seek out locally sourced and sustainable options. Technology: Delivery apps and virtual kitchens will continue to revolutionize the food industry. Cultural fusion: LA's diverse population will continue to influence the food scene, leading to unique and exciting flavor combinations. Mindful eating: Consumers will focus on mindful eating and listening to their bodies, leading to a shift away from restrictive diets. The future of LA's diet scene is exciting and full of possibilities. With a focus on health, sustainability, and innovation, the city will continue to be a leader in the food industry. In conclusion, LA's diet scene is a vibrant and diverse landscape that caters to all tastes and preferences. From vegan and gluten-free options to Paleo and Keto diets, there's something for everyone. 🌱🥑🥗 Whether you're a health enthusiast or simply looking to try something new, LA's food scene has got you covered. With an abundance of fresh, locally sourced ingredients and innovative cooking techniques, you're sure to find something that satisfies your cravings. 🍴🍲 So why not explore LA's diet scene and discover the many culinary delights it has to offer? Whether you're dining out or cooking at home, there's no shortage of delicious and nutritious options to choose from. 🍽️🌮🍱 https://fastdiet.net/living-las-diet-scene/?_unique_id=6481074b8be48
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tiancimachines · 1 year
Investment in a small organic fertilizer production line need to pay attention to what?
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Today, the market prospect of organic fertilizer is still very promising. Farmers are investing in the organic fertilizer production line market. Many customers are also very optimistic about the organic fertilizer market, want to buy organic fertilizer production lines. What should we pay attention to when choosing organic fertilizer production line?
1. Choose organic fertilizer production line manufacturers and make reasonable investment. Organic fertilizer equipment industry should first look at the strength of organic fertilizer production line manufacturers, service, equipment quality and accessories, do not choose small manufacturers because of the price, because small manufacturers can only fight the price war, their equipment quality and after-sales service can not keep up, and we bought organic fertilizer production line equipment for a long time, after-sales service can not keep up, they can 'solve any problems.
2, in the choice of organic fertilizer production line equipment manufacturers, it is best to go to the user site to see, understand the user in the production situation, to see how much is the actual output of their organic fertilizer production line equipment. If the manufacturers of organic fertilizer production line equipment can provide, it shows that their manufacturers are capable, we can rest assured to choose, and then we can refer to the practices and opinions of the same industry, practical knowledge and insight into the functions of various organic fertilizer equipment, and then make a decision.
Finally, to buy a small organic fertilizer production line, we must see the comprehensive strength of the manufacturer
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paashh-123 · 1 year
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naturelandorganic · 1 year
There are some ingredients in our kitchen that can never be replaced. They act as a super beneficial ingredients when added into our daily food routine. We bring you organic mustard oil straight from our farms with less human touch. Moreover it boosts your heart health, protects against infection and helps in fighting with common cold and cough.
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foodandthought · 1 month
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Discover how opting for organic foods not only nourishes your body with wholesome nutrients but also supports sustainable farming practices that protect our environment. Join us as we explore the link between healthy eating and a healthier planet. Learn more at https://foodandthought2.com/
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