#Franchise Investment
lovesexplore · 7 months
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Best healthcare franchise opportunities in India
Taskar - India's 1st healthcare mall offers a plethora of franchise opportunities, with the best focusing on cutting-edge technology and advanced treatments. Franchises specializing in telemedicine and home healthcare services are gaining momentum, providing convenient and accessible care.
franchise India
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Acing Franchise Research: 5 Types Of Questions To Ask Franchisee Partners
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Franchises in the US leverage tried-and-tested business models to drive value for customers. The franchising industry enables aspiring business owners to start their ventures with profitable blueprints. If you plan to start a business, buying a franchise can be an excellent option. But before you make a franchise investment, you must spend some time on due diligence and franchise research. You must understand a franchise offering in detail before finalizing your buying decision. One aspect of the due diligence process is interviewing other franchises. You can speak to the existing franchise owners to understand their experiences. This process can help you assess the franchisor and make an informed decision. Let’s break down the five types of questions to aid your analysis! 
#1 Ask them about their working relationship with the franchisor.
The franchisor’s support and guidance are of paramount importance while running a franchise business. Hence, it is imperative to assess how well the franchisor maintains working relationships with the different franchisee partners. Here are some questions you can ask to evaluate this aspect: 
●       What type of support does the franchisor provide? Do you get the level of support you were promised during induction?
●       Have you ever had any disputes with the franchisor? If yes, how did they resolve it?
●       Does the franchisor accept feedback from franchisees and make necessary changes?
●       Is it easy to work with this franchisor? 
#2 Ask questions about the training programs.
The best franchise opportunities in the USA come with comprehensive training facilities. Potential franchisees must assess the training facilities before investing in the business. Some questions you can ask to evaluate this aspect are:
●       Did the franchisor provide adequate training to help you set up the operations?
●       Does the franchisor provide ongoing training support to deal with the dynamic business environment?
●       How much would you rate the franchisor’s training program on a scale of 1-10? 
#3 Ask questions about business finances.
One of the core objectives of buying a franchise is to build a profitable venture. You must examine the financial performance of the franchise system before investing your money. The following questions can help you judge this aspect:
●       Did the franchisor provide an accurate estimate of start-up costs and working capital requirements when you joined? Were there any hidden fees?
●       Did the franchisor accurately forecast the profit potential of the franchise units?
●       Is your franchise unit profitable? How long did it take you to break even and start earning profits?
●       What are the cash flow issues in this business? 
#4 Ask questions about the business operations.
Understanding the business operations will help you make a balanced judgment about the franchise investment. The following questions can help you evaluate it better:
●       Are the SOPs effective and adequate to cover all the operational aspects?
●       Does the franchisor regularly update the operational manuals?
●       Have you faced any risks or hazards while running the operations? 
#5 Ask questions about the sales and marketing process.
Sales and marketing campaigns drive revenue generation and profitability for franchises.
●       Does the franchisor provide regional or national marketing support?
●       How much do you spend on marketing and advertising campaigns every month?
●       Are you satisfied with the franchisor’s assistance with your marketing efforts?
●       What is your return on marketing investments? 
These questions can help you gauge the franchise’s potential and make a reasonable decision. For more tips and information about franchises to buy, keep reading Franchising Magazine USA! 
Source: https://franchisingmagzineusa.blogspot.com/2023/03/acing-franchise-research-5-types-of.html
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franbusiness1 · 1 year
A Consumer’s Guide to Buying a Franchise
If you're thinking of starting a business, buying a franchise could be an attractive option. A franchise business allows you to use a well-established brand name, proven business model, and ongoing support from the franchisor. However, it's essential to do your due diligence before buying a franchise to avoid costly mistakes.
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Here's a consumer's guide to buying a franchise:
1.   Do Your Research
The first step in buying a franchise is to do your research. Start by researching different franchise businesses that interest you. Look at the franchise cost, franchise fees, and franchise business model. You can use online resources like franchise directories, franchise associations, and franchise expos to find potential franchise opportunities.
2.   Assess Your Finances
Before you start looking for a franchise to buy, you need to assess your finances. Consider your budget, personal savings, and available financing options. Most franchises require a significant upfront investment, so it's crucial to have a realistic understanding of your financial situation.
3.   Understand the Franchise Cost
The franchise cost is the total amount you need to pay to start a franchise. It includes the initial franchise fee, ongoing royalties, and other fees. The franchise cost varies depending on the franchise business model, brand, and location. In India, the franchise cost can range from a few lakhs to several crores.
4.   Evaluate the Franchise Business Model
Before buying a franchise, evaluate the franchise business model. Look at the franchisor's track record, the training and support provided, and the franchisor's marketing and advertising strategies. Ensure that the franchise business model aligns with your goals, values, and expertise.
5.   Talk to Other Franchisees
Talking to other franchisees can give you valuable insights into the franchise business. Contact existing franchisees and ask them about their experience, profitability, and satisfaction with the franchisor. Ask them if they faced any challenges and how the franchisor supported them.
6.   Review the Franchise Agreement
Once you've identified a potential franchise opportunity, review the franchise agreement carefully. The franchise agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the franchise, including the franchise fees, royalties, training, and support. It's advisable to seek legal advice before signing the agreement.
7.   Prepare a Business Plan
Preparing a business plan is essential before buying a franchise. A business plan outlines your goals, target market, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational plan. It helps you understand the feasibility of the franchise business and how you can achieve profitability.
Buying a franchise business can be a rewarding and profitable experience. However, it's crucial to do your due diligence, assess your finances, and evaluate the franchise business model before making a decision. With the right franchise, you can achieve financial independence and build a successful business.
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yujateaandpi · 1 year
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Thank you to @somerandomdudelmao for giving us PEAK heart wrenching storytelling this year
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thetasteofcloud · 2 years
Best Small Investment Franchise Business Ideas Online and offers the Best Returns
The Taste Of Cloud offers the FOCO model franchise business with a small investment with the best returns and allows becoming a franchise and making a passive income.
Best FOCO model franchise option to own with NEW DELHI NCR (DELHI, GURUGRAM, JAIPUR).
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yuri-ambassador · 2 months
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Cw blood
She is kinda cute…
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one of the things that really bothers me about modern franchises, and in particular over the last 5 years or so, is their refusal to commit. what i mean here when i say this is that it's not uncommon for a major franchise to make a decision, whether about the plot or the characters, that should have had huge, world-changing consequences... and then just never address that again or worse, immediately go back and undo it. and i'm gonna pick on star wars and the mcu here because those are the two big franchises i'm into at the moment (and i think they're kind of the worst at this), but i don't want you to walk away from this thinking that this is solely a disney thing. i've seen this happen with game of thrones and supernatural and plenty of other non-disney franchises. spoilers ahead, you've been warned:
in ant-man & the wasp quantumania, scott and hope make the life-altering decision to stay behind in the quantum realm and defeat kang instead of going through the portal to return to their world. this should have been a huge meta decision for the mcu, and when i first saw it in theaters, my immediate thought was wow, what is this going to mean for the mcu going forward? are we going to get a movie/miniseries about scott and hope helping to rebuild the quantum realm? how are cassie, janet, and hank going to react to the losses of their loved ones (in some cases, for the second time)? is cassie going to become the "first" young avenger because she has to take her father's place among the team lineup (and i only say first because as of this moment, none of the other young avengers introduced to the franchise are official avengers yet)? except nope, because less than 2 minutes later, cassie had fixed the portal that had broken way back at the beginning of the movie and brought scott and hope back.
and it felt like such a cheat. i was so disappointed in that theater, not as someone who was invested in these characters on a personal level (because yay, cassie gets her dad back!), but as someone who has spent years investing themselves in the story of the mcu. what was the point of wasting screentime on scott and hope accepting their new lives in the quantum realm if it was just going to immediately be undone? the entire scene could have been cut to scott and hope making it back bare seconds before the portal closed and it would have had the same emotional impact. there was nothing added by making scott and hope (and us) think that there was no way back only to rip the rug out from under us and go "gotcha! you really thought we were gonna give this movie a sad ending? haha! you're so dumb!"
and this isn't the first time the mcu has done this. one of the biggest complaints about endgame was the decision to set it five years in the future with no consideration for how that would actually change the setting of the mcu. characters were brought back to the exact place they disappeared from with no consideration for how things might have changed in the interim five years (like planes that weren't in the air anymore, buildings no longer standing, even just something as simple as a chair being unoccupied). and then the mcu didn't even really have the courage to address how this would have shaped the world other than a few jokes and making the bad guys in the falcon and the winter soldier people who cared about how the world had screwed them over during the blip.
and things like this happen over and over and over again. the accords are put into place in civil war, but by the time we get to she-hulk, they're gone with no explanation because, as best as i can tell, the writers didn't want to have to deal with the worldbuilding that went into the accords. gamora is killed in infinity war, but heaven forbid quill not have an emotional investment in a film he appears for maybe 10 minutes in so now she's back in endgame. steve got to go live in the past with his ex-girlfriend (which is in itself a refusal to commit after the mcu both gave her a different husband and had the woman herself tell him to move on) but we need to establish that messing with timelines is bad because that's what the entire next phase hinges on so actually his ending was predestined and it's only everyone else who can't change time. whoever took this entire town and also wanda hostage and forced them to live out a sitcom fantasy is bad and needs to be stopped but wait, it's actually wanda and she can't be the bad guy yet, we need her for doctor strange 2, so actually everyone's going to defend her now and say that no one else could ever possibly understand her grief. thor has decided to accept responsibility as king of asgard, but we can't use him for any more movies if he's stuck in asgard, so actually he's decided to pass it on to someone whose entire leadership capability is developed offscreen. i could list more examples but this is making me angry, so let's move on to star wars instead.
with star wars, i look at first the oft-quoted meme, "somehow palpatine has returned." yeah, i shouldn't really need to go into detail on how that counts as a refusal to commit but. the last jedi was a study in how johnson refused to commit to anything that abrams had laid down in the force awakens, but rise of skywalker was almost like abrams had looked at the franchise and said "screw you for taking it away from me, i'm going to come up with the most bullshit stuff just to spite you for doing that in the first place. and i'm going to start by undoing the most important plot point of the first trilogy: the emperor dies." and yeah, disney's kind of tried to salvage this by dropping hints into the bad batch and the mandalorian about cloning, but that only really works if you're watching the franchise chronologically and not considering that both of those series came out after rise of skywalker.
and then there's the mandalorian, my sweet summer child, who is, in my opinion, the worst at backtracking their plot points. i'm not entirely convinced that any of the higher ups for this show really knew what they were doing when they started working on it and i'm not convinced that they know what they're doing now. yeah, there's the tie-in to the last season of clone wars, but the mandalorian has managed to walk back pretty much every single major plot point it's had. din is this legendary warrior who can't be beat, but no one will watch this show if he defeats everyone too early, so he's constantly getting beat up (tbf, sometimes some of the fights he loses makes sense like the krayt dragon and the mudhorn, but a lot of them don't. at all). moff gideon is dead, no wait no he's not, now he's imprisoned, no wait no he's not, now he's definitely dead, you can totally believe us this time guys. grogu can use the force and must be placed with the jedi, but wait, the only person still actively teaching the way of the jedi is luke and all of his students will be brutally murdered ten years from now, and we can't have that, everyone will be mad at us for killing off such a cute character and no one will buy baby yoda dolls (and also we have to set up luke's character degradation from hopeful, believes-in-love cinnamon roll to "i'm going to kill my nephew") so in between seasons let's have grogu decide to go back to din (and don't even get me started on how frustrating it is that a casual mandalorian watcher also had to watch book of boba fett to understand why grogu is back). din has the darksaber now which makes him king of mandalore, that's totally going to be important and what the entire series has been building up to, right? wrong! he might have spent the first two seasons making connections, learning about the world outside his sheltered upbringing, and demonstrating the various qualities that would make for a good leader, but the entire third season will be about din realizing that actually he's super unworthy and the darksaber should actually go to someone who... saw an animal in the water.
and it's really, really frustrating as a viewer! because how am i supposed to get invested in any of these plot decisions when they almost always get reversed? why should i care that mj and ned have forgotten peter when ant-man 3 has shown me that they'll remember him the next time they're all on screen together? why should i care that tech is dead when half of the last season of clone wars was about how echo was actually alive? if none of these decisions have any permanence, then where are the emotional stakes? why should i watch your movie if all you're going to tell me is that nothing matters?
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stupidhany · 1 year
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I love this little meow meow!!!🥹🥹
Alt vers
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forecast0ctopus · 5 months
Sorry, it's really funny to me that we're watching your Star Trek obsession unfold. It's a great franchise. I love it, and ur artwork is great!
THANKS lmao it was inevitable……… i do think its funny that you say obsession though ive posted it Twice here like. you are not wrong but i think i managed to spare most of you by relegating my Thoughts to my close friends story
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theres too much star trek media though i fear ive condemned myself
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edenminx · 1 month
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Mark Hoffman what happened to u🤣🤣
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ganondoodle · 1 year
there are multiple posts about there being made a deal with .. illumination ... to make a ....zelda movie..... over on twitter and i tweeted about me not being happy about it and hoping its not a thing (given how successful the mario one was ..... well, its gained alot more probabillity) and that yes i am 100% sure it will be bad and it WILL impact how i feel about the franchise bc i do care about it and dont want it to be bad-
it blew up over night and people got extremely upset about my opinion that i posted on my account so much so they either started insulting me over it, calling the zelda fandom toxic and insane (bc apparently i am the CEO of zelda fandom on twitter and am also toxic and insane) or start 20+ reply threads arguing with people while not untagging me on any of them
idk why it keeps happening that my random opinion posts blow up over there but maybe i finally reached a following size where i am in immediate danger of my harmless personal opinions to get passed around like i have some sort of authority over reality and i need to be rectified for it, but man its getting exhausting
so, hey tumblr!! thanks for not treating me like that for the most part! here goes my actually unfiltered opinion twitter would not be able to handle
i absolutely HATE the idea of a zelda movie, and i think it CANNOT be good unless you somehow get hayao miyazaki to do what he wants with it but we all know that aint happening and i also hate the thought of having to wade through and endless amount of screenshots of it bc it will make me see it, yes this time i actually do have a seething hatred for it, can you imagine crisp rat link????? i took psychic damage just wrtiting that and no its not even worth to have it just to make fun of it bc this isnt a funney ye olden times CDI crap but a modern billion dollar movie thats inevitably gonna be seen by millions of people and i will have to live with the knowledge most people will think of that first when i dare even mention liking zelda, i cannot express the shame i would feel i wish i actually had authority over reality to stop it from happening aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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scarlet-bee · 1 year
I don't particularly ship Luigi x Bowser, but I've seen so much fan art of it that my brain now registers it as a canon ship. I'll see it, and react the same way I would react to Mario x Peach art. Like, of course they're in love, they're Luigi and Bowser. That's just how it is.
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How to Make the Opening of Your Franchise a Grand Success
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The inauguration of a franchise is a crucial moment in the brand's journey. It sets the tone for the future success of the franchise, creating a lasting impression in the minds of customers and the community. The opening is a big event that requires careful planning and coordination, especially because it’s the fruition of your franchise investment, the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey. In this blog, we will help you with some handy tips to make the opening of your franchise outlet a grand success in your community. 
Planning the Opening of a Franchise
Most successful franchises in the USA hold on to their popularity through stellar marketing strategies. What better way to nail that than planning a grand opening for a franchise? If you are yet to plan or are confused with the preparations, here are some handy tips that will give you some insight and help you plan a successful opening. 
Build Anticipation
Building anticipation before the grand opening is the key to creating a buzz and attracting customers. Use social media, email marketing, and other marketing channels to create excitement about the franchise. You can also organize pre-opening events and offer special promotions to generate interest and encourage early adoption. It generates good PR for the brand.  
Consider press coverage
Press coverage is another way you can build anticipation. You can contact the local media outlets to see if they would be interested in covering the grand opening. You can even buy ad slots to run teasers about the grand opening. It will create a buzz in the community, and you will open doors to a queue lining up to visit your franchise outlet. It can help generate additional exposure for your franchise. 
Offer Special Promotions and Incentives
Offering special promotions and incentives can help drive traffic to your franchise and encourage customers to try your products and services. You can also plan giveaways for the opening to drive the crowd to your doors. Consider offering discounts, free samples, or other promotions to incentivize customers to visit your franchise and experience what you have to offer. 
Create a Compelling Brand Experience
Creating a compelling brand experience is critical to the success of your franchise. It means creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, using signage and décor that accurately reflects your brand, and providing a seamless customer experience that aligns with your brand promise. By doing so, you can create a memorable and positive experience for customers that will keep them coming back. It should happen from the very moment you open your doors and even before that, in the initial days of your franchise opening promotions. 
Foster Relationships with the Community
An opening is a perfect occasion to foster relationships with the local community. It is the key to the long-term success of the best franchises to buy. Create a welcoming ambiance and make your customers feel at ease. You can create positive associations with your franchise and build a loyal customer base that supports your business for years to come. 
Wrapping Up!
A successful franchise opening helps to create a strong impression with customers and the local community, establishing it as a reputable and trustworthy business. It can help build buzz and create positive word-of-mouth marketing for the outlet. Hopefully, we were able to give you some pointers on your grand opening. For more insightful stories on the best franchise opportunities in the USA and industry news updates, subscribe to https://franchisingmagazineusa.com/. 
Source: https://franchisingmagazineusa.blogspot.com/2023/02/how-to-make-opening-of-your-franchise.html
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jinglyjangly · 3 months
Hollywood keeps making more and more live actions of games/animated stuff and it’s like… if they aren’t faithful to the original then it’s not made for the fans of said thing. So…then if they try to adapt it to be more “appealing” to a new crowd… well the problem is they can’t bring any new or fresh ideas because it’s established so its just regurgitated bland storytelling.
I’ve seen posts say they saw the pilot of fallout prime and it said “fallout fans need to keep an open mind and realize it’s an live action adaptation” and also with the producers saying it’s for casual fans… ehhh. I’m just expecting it’s going to be stale and boring. It just feels like it’s going to be an extra long advertisement to sell more garbage with vault boy on it.
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taliashires · 11 months
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Rocky I (1976) dir. John G. Avildsen
Rocky II (1979) dir. Sylvester Stallone
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thetasteofcloud · 2 years
THE TASTE OF CLOUD is a Franchise provider organization. We do work on a cloud kitchen foco model franchise where you do not need any space for an outlet, no monthly expense, so here you only invest for the franchise and the company handles all the operations and here you get the best opportunity for investing and gives opportunity to become a restauranteur. we Give 6-month marketing free, more benefits and you can start foco model franchise investment at a low cost of the amount.
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