dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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Fireworks vs Supermoon: On July 4, an almost Full Moon rose in planet Earth's evening skies. Also known as a Buck Moon, the full lunar phase (full on July 3 at 11:39 UTC) was near perigee, the closest point in the Moon's almost monthly orbit around planet Earth. That qualified this July's Full Moon as a supermoon, the first of four supermoons in 2023. Seen from Cocoa Beach along Florida's Space Coast on July 4, any big, bright, beautiful Full Moon would still have to compete for attention though. July's super-moonrise was captured here against a super-colorful fireworks display. Image Credit & Copyright: Michael Seeley :: [h/t Robert Scott Horton]
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Unison Benediction by May Sarton
Return to the most human, nothing less will nourish the torn spirit, the bewildered heart, the angry mind: and from the ultimate duress, pierced with the breath of anguish, speak of love.
Return, return to the deep sources, nothing less will teach the stiff hands a new way to serve, to carve into our lives the forms of tenderness and still that ancient necessary pain preserve.
Return to the most human, nothing less will teach the angry spirit, the bewildered heart; the torn mind, to accept the whole of its duress, and pierced with anguish… at last, act for love.
[Thanks to Roger Housden] Poetry Chaikhana
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jiabeewrites · 11 months
the fireworks outside sound like gunshots :(
so a reminder: if you're setting off fireworks during the fourth of july, just remember that some people don't really deal with that shit well. i don't give a fuck how patriotic you are, and while i agree that they can be pretty sometimes, they're not the best thing that you can use to celebrate the holiday.
this is coming from someone who has no sensory issues, and it's bothering me a lot. so imagine how it would affect someone who does.
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littmankrooks · 11 months
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Everyone at Littman Krooks wishes you and your family a Happy Independence Day. We also wish a Happy 247th Birthday to our great country. We hope you have a chance to enjoy family, friends, fun and freedom as four great reasons to celebrate The Fourth of July. 
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hearts401 · 1 month
damn for a guy who squeals and runs up to hanako everytime he sees him it sure doesnt seem like tsukasa liked doing literally anything with him
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windmill-ghost · 1 year
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More Batter outfits + Lulas.
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pitymisskitty · 7 months
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This package would be hand-delivered, but on the off-chance they aren’t home, Mason would’ve left it by the door. It’s a gift box that contains: candles, sweets and savoury snacks that their family made to celebrate Diwali. In addition to that, Kitty is special, so she gets a fireworks box too. 
Note reads:↪ KitKat! Got a special treat just for you! Not only did you get the Mum Approved ™ goodie box, but Diwali is the festival of lights so got a special treat just for ya! 😜 Light ‘em dude! 
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iamjapanese · 11 months
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Marina Marcolin(Italian, b.1975)
from  A Green Beauty” & “Firewords Quarterly   2015   Watercolor on paper   via
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icelandic-slenderman · 2 months
Hey mod quick question
How does Icelandic look body shape wise as a human??
Is he lanky or??
[[Oo, I've lowkey been waiting for this question! I imagine him actually having a bit of a wrestler build of which he hides under a sweater. If you want a build reference search up Jon Moxley, he's a pro wrestler. So, ye! Icelandic has a wrestler build as a human. And considering he lives in the snowy wilderness half the time its kind of expected cause ya need fire to keep warm, and cutting down trees is how ya get fireword. He's not as muscley though, he's a bit softer.]]
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bitegore · 1 year
Random question, but what do you think SG Stunticons would be like?
So obligatory "i'm bad at SG in general" warning.
I prefer when SG characters all have the same base personalities, just different methods of interaction and socialization. So Motormaster is still an authoritarian type who likes to be listened to; Drag Strip is still rather approval-hungry; Wildrider still likes fun in all forms and will chase it and gets bored easily; Dead End is still introspective and prone to thinking about the future rather than the present; and Breakdown is still very aware of other people and how they relate to him and his. But they're socialized better and very differently.
Motormaster is a "kind but firm" leader. He's probably got a lot in common with regular!IDW Ratchet, being a bit of a buzzkill and not exactly sugar-sweet but he cares and he makes it obvious that he cares through his actions rather than his words. Because it's SG he's probably nicer than Ratchet though, verbally speaking. He still has very high expectations for his team, but he also makes it clear when he feels like they've met those expectations and is encouraging when he feels like they've fallen short. He's still not great at leading, probably, though - a little bit of a bumbling dumbass who at least has the good grace to admit when he's the one who fucked up.
Dead End really depends on the world, but I really struggle to imagine him not intensely morbid and miserably depressed no matter the situation. It's hard not to be when you're constantly thinking about the future and how you're on the losing side of a war, and in everything I've ever seen that's SG, the Decepticons are losing. He's probably less pretentious about it though - less of a classic lit guy and more of a. I don't know. Insert that one "Millenial Depression vs Gen Z depression" meme, he's probably a sparklecore nihilist instead of a miserable cynic. Prone to exclamations during bad moments of "It's okay, it could be worse!" "HOW could it be worse?" "We could all be dead!" or some shit like that.
Drag Strip runs around scrounging for compliments the same as ever, except this time he can just ask with his mouth so he just pulls that "aw, I didn't really do a good job, did I?" routine about everything all the time to force you to reassure that no, actually, he DID do good, and you're impressed with him. If regular!Drag Strip pulled that shit the regular!Stunticons would just be like "no dumbass you suck lmfao. anyway" so it wouldn't work for him, but in SG it would. As a result he's probably just as annoying but way less competitive, a hell of a lot more cooperative instead. Happy to work on a team and great at picking up skills because that means he has more things to go rooting for compliments on.
Wildrider is exactly the same except that he doesn't kill people. That's it. Oh he's probably also not paranoid about things when he's left alone but he's still easily bored and he still would rather be doing things. He does stuff all the time and he's still a firewords and explosions guy, he has fun. He'd get along with his regular counterpart- possibly the only sg character to ever LMAO
And Breakdown has no reason to be shy- instead he's just constantly thinking about other people and their emotional states... he's probably a terrrrrrible busybody. Hyperaware of gossip and the giver of the best gifts on the planet. If you have a problem, SG!Breakdown knows about it before you do. He's probably besties with Reflector and Soundwave instead of petrified of them. Maybe this is the universe where Breaky gets to be in Intel like he deserves.
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seeingstarks · 2 years
Wonderfully Worried || JW: Dominion Fluff
summary : You and Ian Malcolm have been together for a few months now and despite actually being there with him physically, the thought of no longer having him by your side at all causes a lot of worry. pairing : old! (but still hot) ian malcolm x afab!reader cw : slight mentions/talk of de*th (a), shock, fear, bugs, car crash, fireWord Count : 1,098 words a/n : . Jurassic World: Dominion spoilers through entire post . After watching the film, I just had to write this! <3 It's kind of obvious what scene inspired this, heh. Reblogs are very much appreciated! No stealing my work! tag list : @josiewrites
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You were helping Ian press buttons on the panel, hoping that the correct combination of numbers would do the trick in order for Ellie, Alan, and Maisie to reach safety. Luckily, all of that button mashing seemed to work out just fine.
Afterwards, you and the group got in a car together only to realize there were oversized locusts falling from the sky, on fire. You sat in the passenger seat of the vehicle across from Ian who was sitting in the drivers seat. Ellie and Alan sat in the back with Maisie in the middle.
Ian looked quite panicked at the situation happening quite before his eyes, "That's Bananas."
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You yelped as the falling locusts caused the vehicle to crash as it teetered you took a few deep breaths while Maisie seemed like the only one with anything helpful to say. The car flipped upside down as she started to cry.
Your vision was a bit blurry as you glanced over at Malcolm, reaching your hand out toward his as the two of you linked your hands together.
A gentle chuckle escaped your lips when looking over at Ian's confused expression as he stepped out of the wrecked vehicle along with the others. He seemed surprised to see his old pals along with some new faces.
Loud stomping from a dinosaur was heard from afar as Alan and Owen both said, "Don't move." You accidentally stepped on a branch while hiding behind Ian, scared that the dinosaur would somehow see you before the rest of the group. The dinosaur looked like a T-Rex but it's frame was much larger. Alan explained to the group that the species is called an Gigantosaurus.
A gasp nearly escaped from your lips as your mouth opened wide but before you could make any noise, Ian pressed his lips against yours while both of your hearts beated rapidly against each other. Your chest pressed up against his, the moment becoming more heated by the second but unfortunately more pressing matters were at play.
"Go to safety." He told you before you ran off with the rest of the group and up the ladder. Ian stayed behind and hid in the flipped over car, the foot of the Gigantosaurus mere inches away from crushing him.
A thud was heard as the Gigantosaurus gnawed through the metal ladder like it was nothing, Kayla encouraged Maisie to keep climbing as the others soon followed.
The Gigantosaurus roared in all of there faces, including yours. Fear took over your body, unable to move as you stood still and watched Ian risk his life for a second time in a row. You didn't want to see the love of your life die.
He threw the fire locust on a stick into the dinosaurs mouth and it seemed to get the job done. Ian slipped while going up the ladder and luckily Alan was still there to save him because you were in pure shock, still inert until he finally made it up the ladder safely.
After a bunch of stunning blows to the dinosaur from the group, it finally left you and the others alone.
You took this opportunity to catch a few breaths.
The group chatted for a bit as Ian stood beside Kayla on one side of a white table and you on the other, he began to unbutton his shirt while Kayla shook her head no at Ian. Your cheeks grew warm at the sight of Malcolm, you wanted to tear the shirt off of Ian right then and there but it wasn't exactly the best time or place.
"Y/N, you feeling alright?" That all too familiar voice asked you in a cocky tone. You were staring at him unknowingly and gnawing at your lower lip so hard that it left an indent on the bottom. Ian had already buttoned his shirt up which was disappointing to say the least.
"Yeah, I'm feeling alright... thanks for calming me down out there." You winked gently over at him although your heart was still beating fast.
You and Ian Malcolm had met a few years back and wanted to work together on taking Biosyn down. Being younger than him has never phased the two of you.
Kayla walked over toward Ian as you walked toward Owen, making small talk. Ian stared at you and admired all of your features, getting lost in your beauty. Kayla grinned just a bit, "Wish I had a woman that looked at me like that, true love right there."
Tears began to run down your face as the emotions from recent events finally hit you. Ian had been through so many near death experiences and most of them were just stories to you, experiencing them first hand brought a whole new feeling and not a good one at that.
Owen frowned, you had helped him train the raptors in the past and he didn't want to see one of his friends in pain. He pulled you into a side hug, "I'm always gonna be here for you, Y/N. I promise. Take care now and if that Rambo dude ever treats you wrong... let's just see how much he likes a raptor bite to the ass."
Shaking your head, you chuckled at Owen's comment. He always knew how to put a smile on your face even on the darkest of days. "Thanks for helping me feel better, I'll catch up with you all in a few." He nodded and waited for Kayla to finish her conversation with Ian.
As soon as Ian noticed the tear stains on your cheeks, he rushed over and pulled you in for a huge bear hug.
You hid your face in the crook of Ian's neck while he rubbed your back gently with one of his hands to hopefully help you keep calm. After a few more deep breaths and being held in his arms, your heart started to beat at a normal rate and the only butterflies in your stomach were caused by your love and admiration for Ian.
You worried about Ian, wondering if he was going to die tonight but luckily he was still safe and sound in your arms. "I was worried about you..." You uttered to Ian softly while looking up at his hazel eyes.
"Don't worry about me my love, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me no matter how many gray hairs I grow."
You rolled your eyes at him jokingly with a chuckle, "I love you no matter what, silly."
"I love you too, Y/N."
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cagcdlxve · 3 hours
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⋆˙⟡ Sooooo even if Lilith is a sad gorl rn, she's still going to participate in the festival here. She's probably going to hang with Tae for most of it esp since she's a little bit more anxious in public than she used to be but she'll still be oot and aboot
Like this for a little starter from Lilith! capping at 2 with castmates exempt. Below is a little guide, so if you have ideas let me knooooow
Lilith Guide to Sunflower Festival
The Solstice Ball
This one would need some persuasion to get Lilith to come out to. But I lowkey think after some time she'd for sure come back out of her shell and see the wonder of the ball and of the stars. She can't help herself
bonus points if you get her to talk about her past experiences with balls ;)
Charms of the Garden
This would probably be a fairly straightforward activity for her. She'd make a ton of bracelets for all of her friends and want to give them out. She'd get so lost in the whole thing.
Nighttime Shimmers and Glows
Upon being persuaded she'd love the firewords shows too - though the loud noises would probably freak her out a bit at first, but only because she wouldn't be expecting it. She'd love the whole display ( but stay very close to whoever she was with )
The Golden Harvests/Sunflower Feast
This would be the easiest to get her to go out and do, especially while she has the ability to grow plants. Honestly, anything that has to do with nature is going to be a go-to for her. She'd likely be found doing this activity the most.
She'd also be very interested in trying the new foods, or rather learning to cook and understand how it works to great things that taste good.
Keepers of the Lands, Skies, and Seas
Since she already works at the Padedue temple, she would definitely be doing this activity a lot. Like a lot a lot LOL she's just like that, though she'd definitely be keeping to the bigger groups of people. Also what better way to get your mind off of the trauma you just went through than community service!
Gateway Flea Market 
She could be brought out to this location, but also she'd be kind of useless at finding anything LOL she's more than likely gonna get scammed, but honestly, she'd probably have a pretty good time depending on who she's with.
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mybeingthere · 11 months
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Marina Marcolin(Italian, b.1975) from A Green Beauty” & “Firewords Quarterly 2015
Watercolor on paper.
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bondsmagii · 2 years
creepy story time! Just attended a wedding Utah for a dear friend. There wasn’t room in their house so me and some other pals stayed in a tent in zion national park on like the ponderosa ranch. Seemed normal enough even though i’m always on edge about skin walkers and what have you.
anyway! We leave the reception everyone’s in great spirits driving back to the tent grounds. We were talking about that movie Deliverance (great 70s swamp movie if you haven’t seen it) and my friend (we’ll call him Todd) goes “how scared would you be if we just heard whistling right now?” (big thing in the movie)
we all yell at todd to shut up etc etc. Get back to camp, i’m in the tent with my buddy we’re getting ready to walk to the bathrooms when suddenly we just hear whistling outside our tent flap. Not the same song from deliverance but something else. Didn’t recognize it. super clear and bright. I yelled SHUT UP TODD and the whistling just stopped. My friend and i waited to hear him laugh or run away but nothing moved. The whistling just stopped. Not even a single leaf crunched.
anyway! Flash forward a couple days and todd and our other friend right hand to god swear it wasn’t him. Todd was drunk and passed out face down the second we got back. Friend was getting undressed also and didn’t hear anything.
So! Just mildly creepy. Fucking Utah.
I had three thoughts regarding this:
holy fucking shit??
this reminds me of the one story where these people went camping and as they went to gather fireword, they could hear their friends calling to them from further in the trees. they got really bad vibes and went back to camp and wanted to leave, but the others didn't want to, so the two of them were like fuck it, you guys die then, and left for a nearby motel. a few hours later they get a phone call from one of their friends at the campsite, and everyone is like "OK, you made your point, knock it off now." and the two girls are like ?? what do you mean? and their friends accuse them of hiding in the woods and calling their names, trying to creep them out. the two girls tell them they're at a motel several miles away, and when their friends don't believe them, they turn on the TV, turn the volume up, and hold the phone to the TV. their friends hang up immediately and show up at the motel ten minutes later.
reddit's The Whistler story and accompanying video
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askortho · 6 months
To all Orthos. It’s your brother Idia’s birthday today. What you gonna do with him in terms of plans, plus a birthday party for him?
Definitely had to answer this one today!
Post Chapter 6:
Force him to make a cake with me. If he's good with his hands, he can decorate a cake. (he absolutely can't)
Otherwise, I got him some merch from Moirai and promised him he could teach me the dances in the school courtyard late tonight
Pre Chapter 6:
There's just too much to do! Though I doubt he'll want to do everything I have planned :(
First, I'll make his favorite breakfast! Then we'll go on a morning long anime marathon, go to the dorm's party, go to an amusement park, and finish the day up with a game marathon!
I tried to make him a stuffed animal but it's a little wonky... I hope he likes it...
Oh? It's that time of year already?
Visit his grave and renew the promise I made him to bring him back. Perhaps eat a cupcake in his honor.
I have about 50 firewords set up on Ignihyde's lawn. Gonna set them off at midnight :)
I made him a puzzle cube. It's a joke between us where we make these dangerous puzzle cubes and we have to diffuse the different weapons before the timer's up. I definitely didn't put a smoke bomb in it this year.
I'll give him a call later (probably like 10 at night, I don't think he wakes up before then.) and wish him a happy birthday. I'm going to hang out with him this weekend, probably let him pick what we do.
I got him a shirt with cat memes on them. I don't really understand it, but he's always sending me them so why not?
Pre Incident:
I got him a figurine!
Dorm Leader:
He's a little busy with work currently (I know, it surprises me too) but we'll hang out with him and our parents soon. We usually get food at some fast food place dressed in whatever cosplay Idia has and go sit in public. Might go to an arcade too.
Designed a game in one of my classes, you know, the one we joked about before our overblot? If he's not gonna do it I am.
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rangers-are-cool-moved · 10 months
Ami Firesword
This is for her Naruto verse
    ~|| Basic Info ||~
Name: Ami Firesword
Kanji: 丹冊工 乍工尺ヨ己山回尺句
Meaning: -
Alias/Nicknames: Nee-chan, Princess, Kid, Ice Princess
Species: Human - Jinchuuriki
Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual aka straight
Birthday: 21 Dec
Age: 13 but depends on roleplay
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
    ~|| Characteristics ||~
Blood type: A
Height: 5’2
Eyes: Silver - due to the dragon demon/main colour. Silvery blue – dojutsu in use
Hair: Silver straight long hair – often tied back into either a braid or into a ponytail
Skin: Tanned
Unusual features: Calluses on hands from swords, scar going diagonal from above left eye to right side of waist – gained when her Genin Team where killed, seal on right shoulder where her weapons are kept.
    ~|| Personal Traits ||~
Good traits: Dependable, loyal (if you gain her trust), kind to the children, is there if someone needs help, won't take sides
Bad traits: Cold, prefers being alone, self sacrificing (if there's no other way out), hesitant to trust
Likes: -foods and drinks: Ramen (not often though), dango, bentos, flavoured tea, water -colours: Forest green -favourite animal: Wolf -what he/she likes to do in his/her free time: Working alongside Iruka with the Academy students, visiting the Nara forest, helping the Inuzuka clan, going to see her grandfather in Suna
Dislikes: - foods and drinks: Miso based with extra chasu, or pork (Result of keeping an eye on Naruto), any alcohol - colours: Pink (Sakura's hair doesn't count) - less favourite animal: Snakes - this has more to do with Orochimaru then snakes themselves. She's friendly with Manda, the boss snake summon, much to his amusement - being forced to take the Chuunin Exams at her father's 'request', going to Suna in a team, bandits
Hobbies: assisting around the orphanage, keeping a eye on Naruto for the Hokage, can sometime be found helping the various Genin teams, poking fun at Kankuro
Fears: Losing those she cares about.
Ambition: To be a Kenjutsu specialist   ~|| Relationships ||~
Parents: Father – Hiroshi Firesword; Mother - Jo Tsuya.
Sibling: 1 brother called Akio, who’s younger than her.
Relative(s): Grandfather on mother’s side living in Sunagakure; rest of clan live in the Clan compound.
Friends: Hayate Gekko, Genma Shiranui, Tsume Inuzuka, Shisui Uchiha, Inoichi Yamanaka, Choza Akimichi, Shikaku Nara
Penpals: Tsunade, Shizune.
Best friend: Loner. Has never gotten close to anyone apart from Akio after her teammates died
Crush: Not at the moment
Rival: No
Genin Team: Hari Hideki – Sensei, Rinji Nura and Rai Satoshi
Teachers: Hayate Gekko – Kenjutsu, Tsunade Senju – Medical Ninjutsu
    ~|| Background & history ||~
Childhood: Describe her days before and in the academy please.
Genin days: How was her days like a genin?
    ~|| Ninja information ||~
Affiliation: Konohagakure/Sunagakure
Current rank: -Genin: 6 -Chuunin: 13 - Chuunin games -Jounin: 17
Occupation: Clan Head, Medical ninja
Status: Active
Ninja-ID: 07011231
Team: Currently has no team. Lost her Genin team-mates and sensei at 9 when they ran into a trap on a C-ranked mission
Kekkei Genkai: Genso Kesshō dou-jutsu – Elemental Crystal eyes
Chakra nature: Wind and Fire.
Nin-jutsu range: long-ranged is easier for her but can do short and mid ranged
Defensive/Offensive type: Balanced
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Weapons: Dual swords which she can channel any elements through, knives, shuriken and senbon. All but her blades are sealed in the seal on her shoulder
Summons: - Name: Ryū - Species: Dragons - Abilities: Fighting, healing, communication - Trivia: Not all of the dragons have fire as their element
Missions completed:
D-rank: 6
C-rank: 1
B-rank: 0
A-rank: 1
S-rank: 0 Total: 8 (Before her Genin team died)
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cursed-saphire-hart · 11 months
Happy fourth of July desi I made some more art to show you I hope you like it.
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Ooooh that looks so good! The firewords are so pretty!
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