#Feminist Lies
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If you make your political ideas a fundamental part of who you are, it makes them so much harder to change.
When your beliefs are built into your community, your work, your lifestyle, and how you identify; when you’ve quite literally bought and worn the t-shirt, changing such opinions is much like changing your skin.
It’s difficult.
One of these stubborn ideas is the antiquated notion of domestic violence being a “gendered crime”, and that ‘the vast majority of victims are women’; with male survivors a mere rounding error.
Such an idea is not reflected in the data – which continually proves that women and men are equally violent in relationships.
Straus, Dutton, Gelles, Desmarais, Steinmetz, Whitaker, Fiebert… the world’s leading researchers line up to show us the reality of domestic violence, and we wave them away. Why? Because our sassy mug, garish t-shirt, or that savage tweet says differently.
Paper after paper, survey after survey; each is slid across the table, to show equal rates of abuse, and each is rejected like a petulant child splitting out their vegetables.
Dozens, hundreds, thousands of studies, each showing gender symmetry, have been ignored, erased or denied for decades; so as to protect the egos and livelihood of the misinformed and the malicious.
And so the truth of the domestic violence industry becomes clear…
The mission is not really to protect abuse victims, it is to protect a divisive and outdated feminist ideology, and to save face, at the cost of lives.
So how high does the mountain of evidence have to grow before we accept the uncomfortable truths it unveils?
How many sources, studies and surveys do you need?
How many lives will such people sacrifice for their own pride?
How many times will the toddler stamp its feet, whinge and whine, before quietly chewing upon what the data tells us?
The ugly but uncontroversial truth – that women can do anything a man can, and that includes being abusive.
Partner Abuse State of Knowledge (PASK) Project: https://domesticviolenceresearch.org
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As we already know, evidence can help correct a misinterpretation, a misunderstanding, a misconception.
But there is no amount of evidence that will address a belief based on faith and ideology, because they did not come to the belief based on evidence.
Faith is not a virtue. Neither is dishonesty.
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blk-chauvinist · 6 months
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"Women don't need men?" Too bad women don't think beyond their beliefs to see the Big Picture. Let's look at how much men "aren't needed...."
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
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mariejordans · 7 months
jordan being like hmmm who should i punch first and then picking the girl who betrayed emma’s trust and made her a laughingstock………..hot.
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mzminola · 5 months
This is not a perfect analogy but I am making it anyway to try to convey what being online has been like for me lately.
Seeing people say "Oh, Jews are fine, I just hate zionists!" is like seeing "Oh, women are fine, I just hate feminists!"
Zionism and feminism are both very broad socio-political movements that have changed focus over time, that ostensibly have some very basic core tenets but you really need to ask the specific person you're talking to how they personally define it to be sure.
Both have been subject to legitimate criticism, and hostile reactionary bullshit. Had waves, sub-movements, splinters, people with damn near opposite views sharing the term and people with seemingly identical views rejecting it.
You can give working, broad definitions like these:
Feminism is the belief that all people should be treated equally regardless of gender, with a focus on women's rights due to systemic oppression.
Zionism is the belief that all peoples have the right to self determination and safety, with a focus on Jewish people finding it in Israel.
You can also give different definitions! Many people give different definitions! Many people also hold these beliefs but use different names for them for various reasons.
There are self-described zionists who are jingoistic, racist, etc, and who attribute those attitudes to their zionism. Just as there are feminists who are misandrist, bio-essentialist, transphobic, homophobic, and so on, who attribute those attitudes to their feminism.
There are also incredibly selfless, compassionate activists working for positive change in the world who consider themselves zionists and feminists.
It has been very jarring to see people, who I respect, uncritically reblogging posts or headlines that use "zionists" as a stand in for "bad people", just as jarring as it would be to see them sharing things that use "feminists" that way. Especially when those posts contain easily debunked conspiracy theories that I know you'd have seen right through if the OP said "Jews" but because they said "zionists" you swallowed it whole.
I am not asking anyone to stop sharing important information, petitions, news articles, resources, and so on. I am asking you to slow down and stop spreading inflammatory language that paints a broad socio-political movement for Jewish self-determination as inherently bad. The same way I would ask you not to spread inflammatory language that paints gender equality & women's liberation as inherently bad.
If the information is important, please look for other, more neutrally worded posts. Or verify the links yourself and make a fresh post! There is no situation online in which the only way to share information must be to spread such language.
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radicalmommyxx · 1 year
Idk man…I’ve literally never heard of men shaving bc their leg hair is ‘itchy’ or the hairy feeling is ‘uncomfortable’. Somehow I doubt that it’s a feeling only affects females.
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 months
Rewatching succession it really is wild to see Kendall and Shiv convince themselves over and over again that they can "fix ATN/Waystar from the inside" only to completely abandon their morals the minute it gives them a strategic advantage.
When they're on the outside it's an endless diatribe about how evil and rotten the company is to its core, but the second they get the slightest whiff of power they suddenly decide the problems are actually really manageable and that with the right leadership it could be a force for good, and like...the saddest part is that they genuinely seem to believe that.
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communistkenobi · 4 months
whenever you open an academic article about gender and the author only uses the word queer and never mentions trans people specifically it’s gonna be a shit fucking article
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Unsurprisingly, I see a lot of conversation about the infamous ‘gender pay gap’.
A lot of opinions, and strongly held believes, and plenty of information that is not accurate, or at least… not anymore.
For the nature and shape of the pay gap has changed. And so out of the outrage, garbled conjecture, and political agendas; must come a new conversation that once again asks, ‘why are women paid less?’
Because the truth is, it’s not ‘women’ who are getting paid less, but rather ‘women with children’.
Mothers who are out of work, either full or part time, whose lower income drags the average down - they are a large piece of the conversation, too often missing.
No. Women are not paid less than men, and such slogans belong in the museum, not upon the placards of today.
Now it’s time to talk about parenthood.
To honestly discuss why mothers are paid less than fathers, and ask if this is a result of societal expectations… or women’s own free choices?
Do women want to be part time parents?
Do men? Who wants to work full time at a job they don’t even like anyway?
Do you?
We rightly talk about the price of motherhood on women; but what is the price of barely seeing your child at all?
What is the price of the late nights at work, or early morning shifts; or the second job, to make ends meet?
Also if mothers are to get equal pay, are they willing to share their parental leave with fathers in order to get it?
These are better questions.
And one’s I don’t see asked.
Instead I find the pay gap conversation to be a broken record; that redirects energy from logic and reason, into outrage and anger instead.
Yet another stick to hit ‘men’ with, another patriarchal poster child, and sermon preached from the pulpit.
It is a gap that is never closed, because it is never truly discussed.
So tell me, what’s in the gap?
The Economist, Motherhood Penalty: https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2019/01/28/how-big-is-the-wage-penalty-for-mothers
US Census Bureau: https://towardsdatascience.com/is-the-difference-in-work-hours-the-real-reason-for-the-gender-wage-gap-interactive-infographic-6051dff3a041?gi=2dc24b441466
Denmark Study: https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/app.20180010
The Pay Gap Explained, full video: https://youtu.be/hP8dLUxBfsU
What's in the gap is different choices and different priorities. It's sexist to act like men's choices are the default, correct ones, and if men and women make different choices and get different outcomes, there's a problem that needs to be solved.
Abstract Previous research suggested that sex differences in personality traits are larger in prosperous, healthy, and egalitarian cultures in which women have more opportunities equal with those of men. In this article, the authors report cross-cultural findings in which this unintuitive result was replicated across samples from 55 nations (N = 17,637). On responses to the Big Five Inventory, women reported higher levels of neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness than did men across most nations. These findings converge with previous studies in which different Big Five measures and more limited samples of nations were used. Overall, higher levels of human development--including long and healthy life, equal access to knowledge and education, and economic wealth--were the main nation-level predictors of larger sex differences in personality. Changes in men's personality traits appeared to be the primary cause of sex difference variation across cultures. It is proposed that heightened levels of sexual dimorphism result from personality traits of men and women being less constrained and more able to naturally diverge in developed nations. In less fortunate social and economic conditions, innate personality differences between men and women may be attenuated.
Abstract Men's and women's personalities appear to differ in several respects. Social role theories of development assume gender differences result primarily from perceived gender roles, gender socialization and sociostructural power differentials. As a consequence, social role theorists expect gender differences in personality to be smaller in cultures with more gender egalitarianism. Several large cross-cultural studies have generated sufficient data for evaluating these global personality predictions. Empirically, evidence suggests gender differences in most aspects of personality-Big Five traits, Dark Triad traits, self-esteem, subjective well-being, depression and values-are conspicuously larger in cultures with more egalitarian gender roles, gender socialization and sociopolitical gender equity. Similar patterns are evident when examining objectively measured attributes such as tested cognitive abilities and physical traits such as height and blood pressure. Social role theory appears inadequate for explaining some of the observed cultural variations in men's and women's personalities. Evolutionary theories regarding ecologically-evoked gender differences are described that may prove more useful in explaining global variation in human personality.
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blk-chauvinist · 1 year
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Reality Check for Single Women...
Men are responsible for our understanding of most ideas, discoveries, and inventions you benefit from, including mathematics, philosophy, government, most scientific principles, most mechanical and/or technology, exploration...even the birth control you refuse to use.
What makes you think men don’t know what best for you?
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intersectionalpraxis · 3 months
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The IOF lies. It's inherently part of their zionist settler-colonial agenda -literally. They are not to be trusted -everything they say is meant to distort and distract people from what is really going on. This is just another example of this.
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zishuge · 2 months
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The Spirealm 致命游戏 (2024) | Ep. 26
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uter-us · 19 days
radfem help !!
2 of my little cousins (14yrs and 15yrs) are both girls dating boys right now, and together we are coming up with a "dealbreaker list" of things they will never put up with from their bfs! and also we are including positives, like so they aren't just looking for the absence of bad things, but actual positive things
what do yall think are the most important things to add? (i put extra info in tags)
Thank you so much!!!
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blackpilljesus · 2 years
Males accuse women showing emotion to be manipulative but it's males who do this. Despite what many believe, males have no problem with being emotional; they just know being emotional with the wrong people leaves one vulnerable to being exploited but when moids want to manipulate women, part of their manipulation is being emotional i.e. speaking about troubles they face in life to get sympathy laid/justify bad behaviour or claiming their mental health is bad and will suicide bait. Moids aren't victims they know exactly what they're doing.
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ghstwoods · 2 years
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Sons should not suffer the sins of their fathers... What a foolish thing to say. Everyone knows it is the wives who are punished first.
killing of a sacred deer (2017) / big little lies / rebecca (1940) / the godfather (1972) / the story of pasiphae / l'enfer (1994) / fear x (2003) / widows (2018)
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alphacrone · 3 months
angry mean competent bossy female characters 😍😍😍😍😘😘🥰😍❤️😍👍🏻 you agree
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