#Fanfic writer asks
walkawaytall · 7 months
I am very stressed about a thing that I can’t discuss right now that I have literally no control over, so here’s some
fanfic writer asks
that I came up with all on my own. Ask ‘em, share ‘em, do whatever.
Have you pulled inspiration from media sources other than the property your fic is related to (a plot point from a TV show that has nothing to do with the characters/setting of the fic, a line from a book, etc.)? If so, for which story? Why did you find that media source compelling?
What is your favorite paragraph from (insert story title you want to know about here, or leave it blank for writer’s choice)? Is there a reason it’s your favorite?
What is the most amount of research you’ve done for the smallest detail? What was the detail and how much time/effort went into researching it?
Share a headcanon about (character name) in (story title)!
Is there a tiny detail in one of your fics that you feel goes tragically unnoticed?
What is your favorite type of feedback to receive (favorites/kudos, comments, DMs, complete and utter silence in the pursuit of remaining unperceived?)? If comments or DMs or anything else involving a reader writing, do you have a particular type of feedback that excites you more than other types?
Share a line or paragraph you’ve written that you don’t think will ever actually be posted in anything! (Or, if you don’t hoard cut sentences and passages like I do, share anything you want that has yet to see the light of day!)
Is there a story idea you have that you would love if it could appear fully realized but that you do not think you’ll ever write yourself?
Do you prefer to read angst or fluff? Which do you prefer to write?
If you could banish a single trope to live at the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again by any human eyes (or at least your own), which trope would that be?
Conversely, if you had to pick a single trope to read for the next seven-and-half years, which trope would that be?
What are your thoughts on slow burn romances?
Are you secretly Tara Gilesbie aka XXXbloodyrists666XXX aka author of infamous Harry Potter fanfiction serial My Immortal? (you can trust me; I won’t tell anyone, pinky promise)
Has anyone ever created anything (art, a podfic, another fic, etc.) inspired by your work? Which work? How did you feel about that?
Is there any genre, trope, or style that you find particularly challenging to write? Do you enjoy the challenge or prefer to avoid it?
Is there a commonly held misconception about one of your stories that you’d like to correct for the masses?
What does your editing process look like?
Share a headcanon relating to (insert desired theme here)!
What was the very first fanwork you ever created? (I’m talking like maybe you made a little book out of construction paper and staples with your favorite Disney characters drawn in it when you were five years old or you drew a comic about a movie you saw when you were a preteen. That sort of thing.)
Is there anything about any one of your fics that you have been dying to discuss but haven’t had the chance to?
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wynnyfryd · 6 months
👻 🌻
Kissin u kissin u kissin u
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Claudia Henderson has a massive fantasize-but-never-bother crush on Mr. Clarke. He’s got a funky little mustache? He’s nice to her son??? She’s swoonin’ a little for sure
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
Depends! If I’m writing them I like to reread the last 500-1000 words of the previous section before writing the next part so I can brush up on the plot/tone/details, etc. If it’s published then I don’t really look at them until someone leaves a super detailed comment and I go “awww. wait what tf are they talking about?” 😂
fanfic writer ask game
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breannasfluff · 2 months
For the ask game: 💕🏷️🤖
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oh man that's hard; there's so many now....Eldritch Drinks was a lot of fun.
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
Platonic affection. Humor. I don't specifically look for Slow Burn, but there's enough of them in my bookmarks that I think I have a type haha. And I've probably read just about every one that has Feral Behavior. Acting on instincts is just, unf, so good. That said, the premise really needs to sell me on why.
🤖 Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
Yep! I write too much for it not to come up in conversation.
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stellanslashgeode · 2 months
💕🎨🦋🦈🚦📚💥 for the writer ask game ☺️
Thanks for the ask, @jedimasterbailey ! I’ll see if I can not be long winded because this is a lot!
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I think my best is Sundari Lament. I put a lot of polishing to make that a satisfying story and the narrative took on a life of its own. It made itself better almost despite myself.
But I think my favorite is From Uncanny to Concordance. It’s short but I loved writing it and it came out saying exactly what I wanted to express. I also have a lot of fondness for Jedi: Dropout.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I am very happy with the art I commissioned for Sundari Lament and fan art I received for Let’s Call It Love. The one moment I would love to get fanart for that I haven’t yet is this one quick scene in Lavender and Chartreuse involving a bathrobe drawstring. I think it’s one of the most sensual things I’ve written.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Barriss is my muse so she’s up there. I also love writing for Satine Kryze. She’s so inspiring. I also love writing Anakin and Padmé, which is weird because you’d think it would be so hard since Star Wars can’t seem to sell it well. I love writing undervalued characters like Raffa and Trace Martez and Tepoh.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
One I haven’t yet written for: Luthen Rael. I have a scene in my head and a lot of the dialogue. But Andor is so well written I am intimidated. How can I do better that the “I have made my mind a sunless place” speech?
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
I kind of like ambiguous endings best. Who knows what happens after The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Barriss Offee? Even some of my happy endings can expand. I’m sure things remain rocky after Heart of Kyber, for instance.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
I know so many good writers! There’s @jedimasterbailey @airlockfailure @kalevalakryze @machinerismsx @greenflower21 @archduke42 @kaaragen and @frogblast-the-ventcore is just starting out. As far as fics Across the Frozen Sea is very sweet and influenced my work a lot, especially Jedi: Dropout. the moments when we smile and those in between is maybe my favorite fic so far. Tum Durare Solum/ How the Earth Began to Harden is very good and I want to read where it goes. And of course @bluedeedeedoop ‘s fabric store Barrisoka AU Me and you and awkward silence...
I quietly have a thing for Foxiyo and Playing in the Perception Pool and Invictus are my favorites in that department. Invictus really inspired my fic Inferno. I know I’m leeaving writers and good works out rn, too! Coming Home to You is so good as is Body and Soul by @morose-magnetrix
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Look, I’m a simple fan. I just want to know what happened to Barriss. If she was executed right after The Wrong Jedi ended I’ll say that sucks and move on but at least I’ll know. I’m glad Dave changed the original ending where she blew herself up. That would have been too far with the character assassination. And would have made even more mess in the Legends canon since she already had an established death in 2013. If there’s not going to be any more Barriss content just tell us and we’ll write it. I just want closure.
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johaerys-writes · 5 months
19 and 23? very interested to see what you've been maybe planning for the future.
[Writing asks]
19.any new fics to start next year
So my plans for the next year are as follows: after I finish you're a walking disaster and yet--, my main WIP right now, I'm planning to focus on As Fate Would Have It. After that I'd really like to finish High-Flying Birds in 2024, and then??? I'm not quite sure 😅 I do have some more AUs and one shots in mind, but I don't want to jinx myself because every time I say I'll write this or that AU I almost never do so I'll wait and see where inspiration takes me haha. Howeverrrr...
23.fics you wanted to write but didn’t
...there are a couple fics I wanted to write this year and didn't get to, so I might work on those in the new year! The first one was a pleasure slave!Patroclus AU, where Patroclus was sent to Lyrnessus instead of Phthia when he was exiled, and grew up with Briseis instead of Achilles, and when Lyrnessus is taken he's given to Achilles as a pleasure slave instead of her 👀 And another AU I've talked about here is a Western/cowboy AU, where Achilles is the son of wealthy land and cattle owner Peleus, and Patroclus is the hot ranch hand with a dark past 👀👀 These have been kicking around in my head for literal ages so I know it'll be a treat when I finally get to them lol.
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iammistressofmyfate · 6 months
Thanks @lizpaige and @mychemicalrachel for the tag! Sorry it took me so long to do this. I've been busy and tired lol
How many works do you have on ao3? 159
What’s your total ao3 word count? 1,219,557
What fandoms do you write for? Game Changers (Hollanov), The Raven Cycle (Pynch) but this is subject to change
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Kintsugi (Matchablossom), Stealing My Clothes (Matchablossom), Make You Mine (Pynch), Diamond in the Rough (Pynch), Let Me Hit (A Home Run) (Pynch)
Do you respond to comments? Yes!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't think any of my fics have an angsty ending...
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them? lol I exclusively write HEA
Do you get hate on fics? Not really
Do you write smut? YES
Do you write crossovers? Nope, not my bag
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of
Have you ever co written a fic? Yes!
What’s your all time favorite ship? That's a tough one. Probably a tie between Pynch and Royai
What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - EPA!Adam AU
What are your writing strengths? Sweet and sexy smut, fluff, happily ever afters
What are your writing weaknesses? Angst, plot driven fics, dialogue
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don't mind it
First fandom you wrote for? Fullmetal Alchemist
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? A tie between Diamond in the Rough and Make You Mine.
If you see this cross your dash and you weren't tagged, feel free to consider yourself tagged by me! 💕
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shadesofdeviant · 1 month
For the fanfic asks … all of them? 😁
HAHAHA Ginger! I mean...you said you'd ask for all of them XD So...I guess I'll answer them all XD.
🍄How do you come up with ideas for your stories?
A variety of ways, sometimes I get inspired to write an AU based on an episode of a show, or a novel etc. Or sometimes my brain just pops ideas into my head.
🍉Are you a pantser or a plotter?
I am very much a plotter. It's also why I don't often get much written because I need SO much to be planned before I can write.
🍒What genres/tropes do you find yourself using most often?
Fluff, 5+1, Domestic Slice of Life, AU's - I am an absolute sucker for AU's.
🥝Who are your literary influences, and have they shaped your own writing?
As much of a problematic person as they were, Anne Rice's first 3 vampire chronicles books were the books that got me thinking...oh I really wanna do this kind of thing. J R R Tolkien's descriptions very much shaped my own (i used to write horrifically long paragraphs). Neil Gaiman inspired my shorter style, quirky dialogue with inside jokes aimed at the reader.
🥕What's your favorite fic you've written, and why?
My favourite fic is a toss up between "Your Arms Are Like Corset Strings" (9-1-1, Buddie) and "Rainbow Coloured Monstrosity" (9-1-1: Lone Star, Tarlos).
The rest I'm gonna put under a cut haha or this post is gonna get SUPER long.
🥨How do you overcome writer's block?
When I work it out I'll tell you haha. I don't think I've ever managed beyond just pushing through and hate-smashing at the keyboard, or just waiting for the inspiration to come back by itself.
🍕What's your favorite comment you've received on a fic?
Honestly as cliche as it might sound, all comments I get are my favourites. I couldn't pick any specific ones, I enjoy comments so much.
🌭Do you have any writing rituals to help 'get in the zone'?
I use a lot of notebooks, I also get really sad and make powerpoint presentations of planning. Then I either listen to music, or put on some series that Ive seen enough times that it can be background noise.
🍔What's a headcanon that hasn't made it into a published fic yet?
I HC a few things for different people but they're not exactly huge things, but have a few examples. I headcanon that Alec Hardy is a huge fantasy novel fan. I headcanon that Eddie Diaz has chronic pain in his shoulders. I headcanon that Aziraphale hates the scent of pine.
🍭What's been your most challenging story to write, and why?
I'm writing a huge multi-part reincarnated soulmates AU, in which the soulmates meet each other throughout history and have different names etc. and it's...taking me soooo long. And honestly it's just because it so long and has so many historical points I need to research hahaha.
🍬What's a genre/trope you've never written, but might in future?
I'm...not sure tbh. Theres a lot of genre's/tropes I don't like or I'm not comfortable with so won't ever touch. But the ones I do like, I've attempted or I am in the process of attempting.
🍩What advice would you give to aspiring fic writers?
Just go for it. Find something you really, really want to see written and write it, because at the end of the day you write for yourself first and foremost. If you try to write to please everyone you'll stress yourself out too much.
🌶How dependent are you on feedback, good or bad?
Bad feedback is never warranted. I do not write for profit so therefore do not need amazon style reviews. Nor do I ask for constructive criticism. I appreciate if someone wants to tell me they like what I wrote though.
🥑What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on a bunch of things: Doctor Who x Good Omens crossover - The events of "The Giggle" with Crowley tagging along. Broadchurch Whump - 2 entries, poor Alec is getting tormented. Broadchurch x Good Omens x Rab C Nesbitt crossover - Alec, Crowley and Davina are identical triplets. Shenanigans ensue. Buddie birthday gift for someone dear to me. Buddie soulmates AU.
🍹How do you decide a story is ready to post?
I finish writing it haha. I let it come to a natural stopping point and then try not to over think it.
🍊What's a story that changed significantly from its initial idea to the final draft?
My reincarnated soulmates AU. I've changed so many historical points and condensed some and completely scrapped a whole half of it haha.
🥠What's your approach to world-building?
Powerpoints. Powerpoints and mind maps haha. If I'm going AU I will plan it like I'm Tolkien creating middle earth haha XD.
🍎How do you prioritize which stories to work on when you have multiple ideas?
I don't. My brain goes brrr and tries to plan all of them at once to the point I can't work on ANY of them haha.
🌮How do you balance the desire to write for yourself versus the desire to write for an audience?
I have been writing on and off since I was 13, and I used to write entirely for the audience and it stressed me out. Whilst I enjoy audience responses and like to receive comments confirming that they enjoyed what I wrote, if I don't like it, I won't post it, but if I enjoyed what I wrote I will love it regardless.
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lavellenchanted · 1 month
Fanfic ask game - 21, 40 and 45
21. pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
Ooooh, what a question. I really don't know! Maybe Leigh Bardugo, I'll make her sit and write a book about Nina finding a way to resurrect Matthias so they can have their happy ending and I can re-read Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom without wanting to cry.
Or @jedbartlet and I can finally write the four-book modern romance series we've plotted out with our OCs.
40. best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
My favourite comment someone's ever made on one of my fics was that it was like finding "a striped unicorn in a flock of donkeys", which was flattering and hilarious at the same time.
To be honest the best feedback for me is when people say that they feel I've got the characters' voices right and they can hear them, that's always really encouraging.
45. name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
Well, I mean. I have so many ridiculously talented writer mutuals (including yourself) that I just want to name all of them but I will give special shout outs to @theawkwardterrier, @scabopolis and @roboticonography whose writing is always top-notch and delightful to read.
fanfic writer asks
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fawn-eyed-girl · 4 months
✨ and 🛒 for the emoji asks!
Dawn, thank you so very much for the ask!
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it.
🫣🫣 This one is SO hard, because I'm not feeling the best about my work atm. But I guess I try really hard to lean into the senses when I write? It's not just about the narrative, but filling in those details that make a reader feel as though they're in the scene. That's something I work really hard at, and I think that sometimes I can do this well?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Oooh, related question! See above! But one thing I've been really interested in of late is thinking about fics as fleshing out the canon universe. So incorporating characters' thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, etc., as they support what's in canon, as they give additional meaning to canon. It's a fun take for me, as it sends me back to the original text to think about what I can do, how I can add to it, offer my take.
I also want fics to feel as realistic as I can, so I spend way too much time researching. It's the academic in me, but it's also my OCD. Stories need to be just so; a scene must be painted in a way that demonstrates realism, no matter how fantastic the setting. I want readers to feel immersed, and so I like to add in things that maximize that experience.
Thank you again for these! I appreciate them, and you 🥹
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17 and 29 for the fanfic writer ask 💖
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
Well, quite a few things actually. I research a lot of expensive booze because I have some wealthy fuckers I write quite a bit, but also in the process, I've learned how cognac is brewed and the difference between cognac and brandy (similar reason to champagne and sparkling wine), the differences between whiskey, scotch, and bourbon, and pairings of vodka with caviar (and the differences between types of caviar).
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
From the aforementioned "All American Barbecue" (where AvX meets the Wicker Man), and a little warning, it's a bit long:
Tony reached over into the stack of mail that Clint had brought in about an hour earlier and rummaged around until he found one in particular.  “Speaking of the X-Men, this came addressed to you.  Don’t know who sent it...just that it’s from Utopia.”  He shook it as if he could hear something rattling, which he couldn’t, then he handed it up into Steve’s waiting hand. 
“Doesn’t look official,” Steve commented, glad that he could focus on something other than his goofy singing that was still playing on the laptop and the big screen.  He tore open the envelope and tugged out a letter that had been typed, and inside it was a picture of a redhead in her mid-to-late teens. 
“It’s not even in e-mail.  Who the hell sends letters like that anymore?” Tony groused, his nose wrinkled over his goatee, which he scratched three fingers through before flopping back against the couch.  “Even Erik’s gotten with the technological age...and he’s in your geriatric group.” 
Steve arched a perfect blond eyebrow at his teammate and responded to the jab with only a sneer.  Then he dropped his eyes to the letter. 
Captain Rogers,
Things are so different here on Utopia than they were in Westchester, and I’m not entirely sure where to begin in telling you about my concerns.  The worst of which involves the young woman in the photo I’ve sent with this letter.  You see, this girl, Hope, has gone missing.  No one has seen her in weeks, and she’s not quite old enough to leave the island by herself, even though everyone knows she’s been receiving piloting lessons since she became of age.  None of the island’s jets have left, however.  All are accounted for.  Everything is accounted for, actually, except the girl herself. 
This is most distressing, Captain Rogers.  Hope is a sweet girl and very responsible.  She wouldn’t have just up and disappeared on her own, so I suspect that something has gone terribly wrong.  I hope you can and are willing to come here to get to the bottom of this yourself.  I hesitate to say that this is so extreme that it requires the whole of the Avengers, but you are a respected figure here, and at the very least, if you were to show up yourself, I have no doubt that this matter would be straightened out right away. 
A Concerned Citizen of Utopia
“So what do the good citizens of mutant-world want, Steve?  Don’t tell me.  Logan’s hosting a bake-sale and wants you to put in an appearance so he can jack up the prices of his beer-cakes,” Tony quipped.  Already, he’d moved on from watching Steve humiliate himself in the elevator to searching the internet for a donut shop that would deliver. 
Steve snorted.  “No.  Nothing so amusing this time.  It seems as if the mutants are having trouble policing their...well, trouble.  I didn’t think they could make things work on that island without problems. Then again, look at them.  They’re hedonistic...so many of them always were, but since they’ve stopped pretending to live in normal society, they’ve just gotten worse.” 
Tony looked up at Steve with a ‘what the fuck’ look stamped on his features.  He squirmed on the couch until his ass was firmly in a ‘ready to listen to Steve go on a tirade’ position.  He typed something on his laptop and just waited.  And waited.  And when he glanced up at Steve again, he could see the Boy Scout’s nostrils flaring as if he already pictured some grave injustice being done on that island across country.  Other than the mutants who still made their home in the city or wherever they did, most of them were well-out of the way and not worth worrying about.  Even Erik wasn’t causing problems anymore.  Why was Steve so bothered? 
Because he was Steve. 
“So, I take it you’re going out there to check it out?  Need back-up?” Tony asked.  His tone said he didn’t want to go.  “I mean, after all, you’re not exactly used to such rampant hedonism.”  Tony rolled his eyes.  He was more hedonistic than most of the mutants on Utopia combined – save one or two, but Steve had become so accustomed to his antics that he’d reduced his comments about Tony’s lifestyle down to dirty looks or grunts of annoyance. 
“The person who wrote didn’t think it was a big enough deal yet to involve all of the Avengers, so I’ll probably go by myself,” Steve replied and scanned over the letter again before folding it up and returning it to the envelope. 
Tony scoffed.  “You?  Alone on Utopia?  Where all that...mutant debauchery goes on?  I just can’t picture it.” 
Steve rolled his eyes.  Again.  It made him more determined to prove to his teammate that taking a trip out to Utopia by himself wouldn’t be a problem.  “Are you volunteering to go, Tony?”
“No.  Not really.  As much as I would love to see my old girlfriend...”
“Which one?” Steve snarked.
Tony just kept talking.  “...I don’t think that would yield the results I’d want, especially since she’s ‘happily’ involved with Summers.”  It was his turn to roll his eyes. 
Steve walked around the back of the couch to go to his bedroom to change.  “Alright then.  I’m heading out in an hour, and I’ll see you when I get back.” 
Watching Steve’s back become more distant in the hall, Tony called out, “What?  Don’t I even get a kiss goodbye?” 
Thanks for the asks!
Fanfic Ask Meme.
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comphy-and-cozy · 24 days
4, 16, and 28 for the writer asks! -senditcolton
@senditcolton 😘
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet my WIP queue is ever-growing thanks to @smileysvech and @pyotrkochetkov but I still really want to do a NFL au with brady skjei...
16. favorite place to write my couch or my bed, but I seem to edit best at my desk
28. your least favorite part of the writing process this fortunately isn't part of every writing process, but the kind of writer's block where you desperately want to write but nothing will come out and you just stare at the blank page waiting for something to happen 🫠
send me fanfic writer asks!
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walkawaytall · 5 months
#3 and #25 for the “end of the year” asks?
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
Ohhh...this is difficult to pick. One of my very favorite scenes (I'm not sure if I have one favorite tbh) is the first part of Chapter 8 of Collateral, and one of my favorite lines is actually from the chapter right before it
She lifted the lid and saw a helmet, a blur of motion. The boot that cracked her cheekbone was the color of sand.
But I also really like this from Brief Shadow:
“You sure you’re adopted?” he asks when she finishes telling him about her father’s cunning strategizing and his undying love for his family, about her mother’s quick wit and stubborn kindness. “They sound just like you.”
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
Another difficult one, and I feel like I should probably make an entire post dedicated to recs, but here are a very large handful that I either reread a few times or kept thinking about, in no particular order (and I do usually bookmark stuff I recommend on AO3 fwiw):
but the 'verse is sweet by @smallblueandloud
How to Say I Love You: A Guide by Han Solo by @smugglerofsass
If we survived the great war by @lajulie24
Indestructible by @madame-alexandra
The Rogue Incident of the Streaker in the Nighttime by @diplomaticprincess
A journey of a thousand miles by greyathena
Observations by @yoyomarules (spinninginfinity on AO3)
Marriage License by WL_Swarts
Bittersweet by @corellianangel
Captain Tarzan and General Jane by @organanation
Carved in your name with my pocketknife by @otterandterrierwrites
everywhere, you've been with me all along by theragingstorm
Thank you for asking!
fanfic end of year asks
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wynnyfryd · 6 months
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
ooh, this one’s kinda tough! i really love a lot of my fics. probably Monsoon Season for the pure crack factor, but i think i’m most proud of i don’t know, you figure it out
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
subba you know the real answer is “any book cover design you feel like making for me” lol, i loved the one you sent me the other day for ‘i don’t know, you figure it out’ 🩷
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
there are so MANY i recommend, but i couldn’t possibly list them all so the abridged answer is:
i’m currently catching up on better by you, better than me by @palmviolet (the most thorough eddie pov canon rewrite of all time. i’ve been following along with it for most of the year and it’s truly incredible how consistent the writing quality is and how in-depth she goes with the world building of eddie’s life)
i have like 300+ steddie fics on my ao3 bookmarks and i also rec fics a lot on my blog with the tags #steddie fic recs or #st fic recs
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breannasfluff · 2 months
For ask game
❤️ 👻🌻
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
It's a couple lines but:
There’s blood on the rocks, blood in the sand, and Legend’s walls are crashing down. He’s in a storm again, drowning in water and electricity. He’s saving the windfish at the cost of Marin. He’s losing everything and still being asked to give more. The beads shine in the sand. There is no miracle.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Legend isn't a mean grouch, Ravio cares for things other than rupees, and Legend's hair is full pink. Wild wants to cut his hair short, but now it's a "defining trait" in the group.
Oh and Twilight should lead the group, not Time.
Sunflower answered here!
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 1 month
A, M and T for the ask game 💜
Hi my friend! I hope your week is off to a good start.
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
Of my old Shadowhunters fanfic, I'd have to say this one. I felt like it was the first fic where I had kind of come into my own as a writer, it was the first one I finished, and it managed to resonate with so many readers who were adopted, and there's no better feeling than being told your work touched someone in such a specific way. Plus, it was also the catalyst for my decision to forego biological children and to adopt/foster to adopt instead.
Of my FirstPrince fanfic, I think the one I'm writing for the RBB is going to be my favorite because I love stories that let characters be human and imperfect, to have imperfect relationships, and to decide that something is worth fighting for. I can't wait for you to be able to read it when it's complete and revealed sometime in June. 💙
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
I don't have any weird AUs per se, but here are the ones I have on my list:
Titanic AU (idk what else you'd expect from a gal that saw it in the theaters 13 times in 97 alone, and watches it literally every time it's on cable)
Greatest Showman AU
DIrty Dancing AU (this one will get written at some point, probably after the big bang)
Age gap AU (i know not everyone is cool with these, but i grew up with a ton of age gaps in my family so i don't even bat an eye at them)
10 Things I Hate About You AU
Art AU
Will all of those get written? Probably not. Some of those are also holdovers from my time in the Malec fandom. Yes, that list will get added to lol.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
I don't know if these are tropes per se, but I don't like angst for the sake of angst or glamorizing certain traumatic experiences for shock value. If it serves the narrative, great. If there's resolution in the end? Perfect. Sad for the sake of being sad, or glamorizing certain things like illnesses or other traumatic events for shock value? That's a no for me.
Otherwise, I'm willing to read just about anything once. I read my first Omegaverse fic a couple weeks ago and loved it. So I don't mind any trope if it's done well.
Thanks for the ask!
Fanfic Writer Asks
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celientjeee · 29 days
Celine!! 🤍
How about no. 10 “Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?” for the fanfic writers asks? 🫶🏼👀
Fanfic Writer Asks
Hi darling 💕
Hmmm, I think that would be Kiss It Goodbye (Your Little Panic Attack)
I don't know why exactly.. It's one of my own favorites, but I just didn't think people would love it this much? The response blew me away.
I also didn't think it was that fluffy or sweet, yet everyone tells me it is (so yay haha 🥰). Maybe I figured the panic attacks would scare people off?
Anyways, thank you for making me think about this! (Ironic with my anxiety atm lol, but it did help!!) 🧡
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