#Fanartka art
fanartka · 2 months
Happy Sinister Day!
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lonicera-edulis · 8 days
The audacity of people posting ai generated stuff and tagging it as 'my art'.
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writingwife-83 · 3 months
Man, I remember when the biggest thing we had to worry about accidentally reblogging was reposted art. Now we have to spend time investigating to figure out whether it’s AI art. 😒
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So heads up for bagginshield fans but @ fanartka is an art thief currently flooding the tags and using the repulsive plagiarism generator to steal from artists. As if that's not enough they have the gall to try to sell all the stolen stuff. Do not reblog anything from them. I hate that this vile thing is encroaching our fandom, but we should not let it and stamp it the fuck out while we can.
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slasher-art · 4 months
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The collab is a gift for @nekojetto . :3
The author of this cunning playful beautiful Sin is @fanartka , and next to Neko's Strangesona is Primo and my Strangesona (Defendersona) is an imp, which I'm going to tell you about very soon. :))
We just decided to give Primo a little love and a new ridiculous, but very sweet and loving friend. :)
And also taking this opportunity, I want to invite all artists and not only to our channel in discord, we communicate there, draw our Strangesonas and discuss something related to the Strange fandom, we just feel free in art, which we share and have a good time. Join us. ;)
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"I trust you with it because you have no thumbs."
Doctor Strange & Bats the Ghost Dog
Doctor Strange: Damnation
Publication: February 21st, 2018 - April 17th, 2018
Writers: Donny Cates & Nick Spencer
Art By: Rod Reis
@sobeautifullyobsessed @fanartka @strangelockd @sinisterstrange616 @icytrickster17 @sassenach-on-the-rocks @darsynia @bakerstreethound
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The Meeting
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"I'm trying but I keep falling down, I cry out but nothing comes now. I'm giving my all and I know peace will come, I never wanted to need someone." - Helium (Sia)
Part 2: Line Art This line art has been an adventure. Let me tell you that when I started drawing those trees, I did not realize that I was a masochist. But I guarantee you that I do now, hah! I figured by the time I got done with the design on Tony's shirt (which is a Metallica RDJ did actually wear at some point) that I would be fed up with tiny lines. But oh, now wrong I was. I didn't realize I would be so annoyed with CROOKED LINES more than I was tiny ones. I told @cirocity and @strangelockd that I'll never draw trees again. But I know that I will because that's what we artists do. We thrive on the suffering of our brains, eyes and wrists. I feel no shame in saying that this is definitely one of the best backgrounds that I have done even without the color. I don't usually go to extremes to make sure people can see "oh there's actual branches in that tree!" in the final product. But Tony doesn't ever leave me in peace if I don't do the details correctly. And considering he's in this picture, I figured listening to the boss was probably the best options to keep me from being "grounded". Funily enough, when I first sketched this picture, I had his hair more stylized, but @darsynia was getting vibes that she wasn't feeling too good about, so I changed it to a more natural look. I kind of think that I like it better like this, so I may have to consider it in my future pictures of him unless I'm drawing him in a tuxedo or something. I kinda wanna draw him with bed-head now. Maybe that will be my next project. Hmm.
@sobeautifullyobsessed @fanartka @icytrickster17 @harlekin6 @ktrew @foxssketching @sassenach-on-the-rocks @greg-house-gay-diagnostician
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I posted 6,975 times in 2022
That's 1,720 more posts than 2021!
937 posts created (13%)
6,038 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,332 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#stephen strange - 925 posts
#strangebatch - 699 posts
#benedict cumberbatch - 694 posts
#doctor strange - 679 posts
#doctor strange in the multiverse of madness - 627 posts
#fanart appreciation - 532 posts
#trials & tribulations of a writer - 288 posts
#defender strange - 275 posts
#beautifullystrange - 256 posts
#loml - 244 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#at the end if the summer they used to give out tee shirts with that summer's theme on them to kids & adults alike - if you filled your sheet
My Top Posts in 2022:
She Wore Gardenias In Her Hair - chapter one
a Stephen Strange x Female Reader fan fic
summary: It's an historic day for Stephen Strange, and those that know him best. His wedding day. It must've taken a very special woman to capture the heart of this Master of the Mystic Arts--let's see if the day turns out as romantic as his fiancee is hoping for. And if this once very confirmed bachelor finds the sort of happiness he'd never dared to dream could someday be his.
characters: Stephen Strange, Female Reader/Y/N, Wong, Cloak of Levitation, more to follow in future chapters
genre: pure, unadulterated romance
rating: general...for now 😉
word count: 2.6k
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Stephen hadn’t gotten quite the full night’s rest that he’d been hoping for. Well before midnight, he’d seen you to the door of the suite your parents and sisters had taken for the holiday weekend and had lingered as long as he could before kissing you goodnight--tasting your sweetness one last time before the vows to come, which would change both your lives forever. Then he had opted to walk several blocks downtown towards Bleecker Street, just to take the time to reflect upon the momentous step he was about to take. One which Stephen had never imagined actually taking place, either in his old or new life. But one he knew now was as wonderfully inevitable as the fate that had brought him to Kamar-Taj--a broken man who, by virtue of his once unbearable misfortune, had discovered that his true vocation was unselfish service to humanity. Well worth the price of the loss of both his hands’ utility as a surgeon par excellence—as well as the loss of most of his petty vanities.
When convenient, he’d ducked into an unlit alley and portaled the rest of the way back to the Sanctum. Cloak, along with Wong-- who took his responsibilities as Best Man with dedicated relish-- had been waiting up for Stephen in the small study attached to the Sanctum Master’s rooms. In lieu of a bachelor party—the groom had flatly rejected the idea of such an event at the very first mention of such—but knowing Stephen’s educated taste for bourbon, Wong had managed to purchase a seven-year old bottle of Maker’s Mark Weller Special Reserve (certainly with the proceeds from his Shanghai fight club wins, Strange assumed). “A toast to the bride, my friend,” his fellow master told him, cracking the seal on the bottle and pouring out into two antique crystal tumblers that had been part of a gift to the New York Sanctum from Benjamin Franklin--whom history failed to report, had dabbled in a bit of magic himself from time to time. 
“How you ever stumbled upon such a smart, gentle woman with a heart soft enough to tolerate your ego and overlook your usual rash behavior, remains a continual wonder to me,” he announced, and then chuckled warmly, slapping Stephen’s back for good measure, “But I’m damn glad you had wisdom enough to not look the Universe’s gift dumbly in the mouth, and took her up for all that she is worth!”
His glass still raised, Stephen nodded his head in unstinting accord. “I’ve never agreed with you more, Wong. As the most undeserving of men, I can only think I must have done something very right in my…” he framed his next few words in a one-handed air quote, “…‘in my youth or childhood’ to be given the mercy of her love. And I plan to give her every reason to stay by my side, every chance that I’m allotted.” He took a long quaff of the rich, amber fluid, enjoying the good burn as it went down.
“See that you do,” Wong grunted, before swallowing down his own.
Soon enough, Wong capped the bottle, telling Stephen he had promised you to make sure your fiancée’s sleep went uninterrupted; except for the most dire of emergencies, Wong would be taking up the mantle of Sanctum Master until the newlyweds returned from their too-brief honeymoon. Thus, he had practically ordered Strange off to bed, although Stephen was happy to oblige. He had already planned on meditating, hoping it would ease him into a night with dreams filled with only the best of things. With only you.
It wasn’t wedding jitters or a case of cold feet that had denied him his full rest. ‘Twas sweet anticipation of what had longtime been unthinkable for Stephen—pledging his heart in a lifetime commitment to a wonderful soul who understood him as no one in his past ever had and loved him without reservation despite the wealth of flaws he’d been working to overcome since he had had dedicated himself to protect and defend Earth as an initiate of the Mystic Arts. This night, his mind had wandered back to the lucky day he’d first seen you in Metropolitan General’s ER.
Stephen had been there to visit with Christine Palmer—their first face-to-face meeting since he had Blipped back into existence. Both their schedules had been hectic and overfilled. His with attending to shoring up the cascade of fissures in, and allaying the disruptions to, this reality’s stability, in the wake of his necessary tampering with the integrity of Space and Time to resurrect countless lives across the Universe. She with an overwhelming host of medical emergencies brought on by the sudden return of patients that had disappeared five years ago, mid need, and new ones created when those Lost tried to piece together their old lives in a world that had long since moved on. Watching Christine in action, confident, commanding, and compelling in her unique way, had left Stephen aching in places he hadn’t had time to even consider since his return. That old ache, which could never be satisfied, to be a doctor once again, and jump into the fray at her side. And the quiet ache of knowing that he had missed his chance to love her properly—as they both had deserved of him—and build themselves a life together.
Still, Stephen had hung back a while, envying the vital purpose of the doctors and nurses all around him. There were so many new faces since his tenure there had ended, some much younger and more fresh-faced then he ever remembered being throughout his internship and residency. A pretty, dark-haired nurse attending to a crying preschooler caught his eye. The little girl seemed to be lost, having apparently wandered in off the street. He found himself moved by how gently the woman took the child in hand and calmed her down, eventually making her giggles bubble forth amidst the hectic ER. There’s a special kind of magic in that, he remembered thinking; one I never mastered, nor even attempted. But this one makes it look effortless. Stephen had assumed correctly, that you had a background in pediatrics—and was doubly impressed when he went on to discover you were a board-certified midwife as well.
The next time he’d seen you, he’d stopped by the hospital cafeteria to grab a quick cup of coffee with Christine. Touching base only, for she had made sure that Stephen understood she was seriously involved with someone. She’d already been seated when he got there, with a large cup of coffee waiting for him, just the way she remembered he preferred—and was deep in conversation with the pretty nurse from that day in the ER. He ended up sitting opposite you, with his old flame making introductions, but having to dash off a few minutes later at the behest of her pager.
Left alone, the two of you had settled into a comfortable conversation, which went on longer than it felt—a good half hour until you had to excuse yourself to meet a laboring mother-to-be in Admissions. Before that, Stephen eventually mentioned having seen you with the crying child that afternoon—and you dared to ask if he was the Doctor Strange from the Avengers. The hero who had traveled through time to find the solution to set the world to rights. He’d been quite taken by two things at that first meeting: the honest respect in your eyes—not hero worship, but a smart appreciation for the work he did and the painful sacrifices you had intuited he had made in that arduous quest…and the pretty shape of your mouth. The easiness of your smile and the tender looking fullness of your lips. Lips that any man might speculate had been made especially for kissing. Even then, he’d been willing to wager your kisses would be as magical as your bedside manner with that young girl. So that as you rose to say goodbye, he couldn’t not ask for your number—eagerly hoping that you’d agree to see him again, and sometime soon.
Nineteen months later, you were practically living together, as well ensconced in his Sanctum quarters as in his life—and Stephen had never looked back. Not once. Your relationship had grown so naturally, and you had quickly acclimated to the magical aspects of life as a world-famous Sorcerer’s girlfriend, with your feet planted firmly in your work, and your arms ever ready to welcome him home from his extra dimensional travels and supernatural battles. You’d filled his heart with a happiness he had never anticipated could be his, and his bed with the warmth of being well and truly loved—and a passion that brought back the vigor of his youth. Forcing him to set warding spells to soundproof every room of his quarters; you might appear decorous to your patients and co-workers, but you sure knew how to let him know how much you loved him—and how very well he satisfied you.
For Stephen, your relationship was the one good thing that came out of The Blip. If not for those five years, you’d never have met—as you would still have been in training for your dual career. And likely with your age difference, he wouldn’t have given you a second look. The twelve-year gap was a helluva lot better than seventeen. You were mature enough to know what you wanted, without needing to compromise to get it. While being young enough to remind him that life didn’t come to one, hat in hand—one must pursue happiness with the gusto of youth, even with silver at one’s temples. As he had pursued you; as you had pursued one another.
Yes, the two of you were naturals together alright; your softness and compassion, your sly sense of humor and loving heart, the perfect fit with his sometimes snarky and tunnel-visioned angles and edges—and that the deep heart, which he had only come to realize was his since discovering the mystic arts, was most fulfilled when he was doing the right thing. No matter the personal cost.
It was your second Christmas Eve together when Stephen slipped a modest diamond ring upon your finger. By New Year’s Day, you’d set the date, and now it was here. Memorial Day weekend, late spring in New York City, a long weekend that would enable your far-flung family and friends to attend. Stephen’s guests were far fewer in number. Except for an estranged brother, he had no immediate family. He had never had the time or inclination to cultivate a coterie of friends in his old life, although those he’d made among his fellow Masters were loyal and true. He was glad to tailor the wedding plans to your needs, for your happiness had now become his own. Besides, Stephen firmly believed that he was getting the better end of the deal.
His trip down memory lane had soothed him enough to override the low-level beat at the back of his brain, which had grown more and more insistent in the past week. I’ve never been husband material…I’m too cocky and self-absorbed, too impulsive and sardonic, to be the life partner you deserve. And my life’s work now—it’s not at all conducive to domestic bliss. Not when I can’t say with any certainty where in the world, or worlds or dimensions, I’ll be at any given time—let alone the ordinary…tomorrow. Plus, he just couldn’t shake the overall feeling that he simply wasn’t good enough for you. Stephen knew very well how you would answer each of these justly arrived at estimations of himself, with a loving wisdom that dispelled his doubts and reservations as though there were as insubstantial as the ghosts of his past. Seeing himself through your eyes was the sole remedy that made him feel worthy of the love you offered him.
And so, sleep at last overtook him, and when Stephen awoke by habit, just a few minutes before his alarm, he couldn’t remember nodding off, but knew it was thoughts of you alone that had ushered him into his rest. Unlike habit, Cloak was hovering bedside, and even without the physical connection usually required for him to read its emotional state, Stephen could feel that its nerves were near as frayed—for his sake--as a typical groom’s on his wedding morn. “Everything’s going to be fine—I promise,” he chuckled as he swung his legs over the opposite side of the bed, “You know that. Besides, you’ll be with me the whole time, and no one besides Y/N and Wong will even have a clue.” Cloak approximated a nod, and then zipped over to the wardrobe, where Stephen’s suit hung waiting. “It’s hours until the ceremony—relax, please. Keep this up and you’re gonna make me nervous.” Cloak’s shoulders drooped a bit, and it floated over to the window, nudging aside the draperies to let in the sunshine and keep watch until Stephen would be suiting up for ceremony.
A knock upon his sitting room door spurred Stephen to grab his robe before padding over to answer it. He opened the door to find Adept Miriamme with a loaded breakfast tray. A vegetarian omelet, with sides of bacon and sausage, buttered toast, orange juice, and fresh coffee. He could smell the added chicory rising above the rest of the aromas, and his stomach rumbled. “Master Wong wanted to be sure you had a good breakfast, Doctor Strange,” the timid Miriamme squeaked, and Stephen had to refrain from chuckling again. The new initiates seemed to be getting younger and younger these days—or was he simply getting older?
“Thank you, Adept,” he told her, motioning her to put the tray on the end table beside the two-cushion sofa.
She nodded, looking very much in awe of finding herself in the Sanctum Master’s rooms, set it down and quietly headed to the door, before turning back. “Best wishes on the day, Sir.”
He grinned, “Thank you, Miriamme. It’s kind of you to say so.” She smiled back, looking a mite relieved her chore was done, and then left him to his breakfast.
Stephen was surprised at the hardiness of his appetite, grateful for Wong’s wise provision, and ate nearly every morsel--while realizing that the next meal he sat down to would be as a married man. So many firsts to come, so much to look forward to. And he planned to experience each of them to the fullest. Before his life in the mystic arts, he had sleepwalked his way through the simple joys and pleasures of life, always in pursuit of more spectacular things; of fame and accolades, and the considerable fortune that came with them. His vocation in the Mystic Arts had proven to him that a humble life of real service had so much more to offer than that of his medical career. While you had taught him that love—real, honest, head-over-heels, unselfish love—was the key to the exact happiness that had eluded him since he’d set out on his journey as an adult.
Enrapt in these pleasant musings, feeling the sweet butterflies of anticipation for all that he was gaining today, Stephen checked the time before jumping in the shower. He smiled to himself as steam filled up his bathroom, knowing that his wedding gift to you would be delivered soon. Imaging the beautiful smile that would light your lovely face once you finally opened it.
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215 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
MCU Stephen Strange as a Dad:
with Peter Parker/a son: 
He’s sometimes gonna be a hardass because he knows how much potential Peter has, and he wants to nurture that for when he’s not around to look after him--but most of the time Stephen tries to calmly reason with him. He admires Peter’s big heart, especially because it couldn’t have been easy having lost his parents so young, and then his father figure, Uncle Ben, and his mentor, Tony Stark. 
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And when The Kid does the right thing, all on his own (which Stephen quickly realizes is as natural to the young man as his brown eyes and fair skin)--and even more when he surpasses Stephen’s expectations--Dad!Strange is so flipping proud of his boy, to the point where he’ll get all choked up and instructs his son ‘just don’t tell Wong about this, he’ll never let me live it down’.
with America Chavez/a daughter: 
Stephen would start out all ‘okay young lady..’ and ‘you’re gonna get a stomach ache’ and ‘didn’t I try to warn you not to...’, but pretty soon he’d be all soft and doting and want to spoil her because she’s had a rough life, and he can see she’s much braver and stronger than she gives herself credit for. He’d be the Dad that waits up for her when she’s out late with her friends/gf, but pretends to be asleep in his chair when she comes home a few minutes past curfew, letting her believe she got away with it, while he’s just happy she’s home safe and tried her best to respect his wishes. He’d love to accompany her to the Father-Daughter dance, but only if she asks without any prompting, because to suggest it himself would be very uncool. 
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247 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
Here is a Stephen strange prompt for you that I wrote down for my one shots thought it would be cool to see your writing for it. "Broken Cup" reader or character a coffee shop worker sees Stephen with his shaky hands struggling with the cup and he drops it breaking it. Or could be them two alone at home when she hears the cup break.
Hope you have fun dear!
I wrote this part before I got really sick--though it doesn't contain an actual broken cup, the spirit of it's there. Since I'm not sure when I'll feel up to finishing it, I figured I'd share what I already came up with. Hope you enjoy it @ravencatart xx
pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader
rating: wee bit of angst, mostly fluff
word count: 1.2k (so far)
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His tremors were pretty bad today. She couldn’t help but notice-–and given the precipitous fall in temperature the past couple of days and the scent of the coming snowstorm in the air, she really wasn’t surprised. Because she’d been feeling it too. In the bones of both ankles, broken years ago and patched up with metal plates and multiple screws. And in scars of her own, which she painstakingly hid from the world, as they symbolized the weakest and most desperate time in her life.
Since mid-November, when the first serious frosts had settled over the Village, he had taken to wearing gloves with the fingers cut off at the second knuckle. She had guessed he chose to keep the ends of his fingers exposed to allow him better control in gripping things; it made sense that he would want direct contact with his skin to be certain he had objects well in hand. But even those gloves couldn’t hide the painful looking scars that ran the length of his fingers, and in the months since he’d been coming into the coffee shop (usually two or three times a week, and sometimes even four) whenever she got close enough, she made sure not to stare. It was more than common courtesy—her own scars, which she went to painstaking lengths to conceal, had taught her just how it felt to get the curious, and worse, pitying looks they summoned from strangers.
Silver Fox—that’s what she had named him, based not only on the white streaks of hair at his temples, but because he struck her as the embodiment of the word distinguished…and because he was the finest looking man she’d ever seen.
Looks that had a movie star quality about them. Cheekbones fine enough to out-pretty most super models. An endearingly crooked sort of smile, that started on the left corner of his mouth and—if he had reason to smile broadly--spread gloriously to fill his handsome face, like sunshine filling the sky after a sudden spring downpour. Plush lips, full and tender looking, like they were made for kissing, surrounded by a well-trimmed moustache and goatee. She often wondered how he managed that, with the way his hands trembled at times. Maybe he had a significant other who helped him with that; she knew he probably wasn’t married, as he wore no wedding ring.
And his eyes. Breathtaking, really. Pale, crystalline blue in the vivid sunlight that came through the plate glass window of the store front, though at times she could swear there were swirls of green and even gold in their depths. He seemed a keen observer of the world, like his exotic, mesmerizing eyes didn’t miss a trick. Sometimes she caught him watching her, and she always blushed, wondering if he discerned that she’d developed a wicked crush on him.
Today, Silver Fox had ordered a chocolate croissant (one of his favorites; he clearly had a sweet tooth) and instead of his usual black coffee laced with chickory, hot chocolate with a double shot of salted caramel. Elise—the new girl—had served it to him in a ceramic mug. She didn’t know any better, and apparently he hadn’t thought to ask for a disposable cup instead, as she herself would’ve known to fill out his order.
He had placed both palms around the mug, probably enjoying the heat of the beverage upon his damaged hands, and his eyes were closed, as though he was concentrating hard. She watched him take a deep breath and exhale hard, like he was bracing himself for a difficult task. And her heart went out to him as he lifted the mug barely an inch, lowering his mouth to the shaking beverage to take a single sip. That was never going to do. She just had to help him, somehow.
Without a moment’s hesitation, she set the slice of white cheddar-topped apple pie in front of another regular patron and turned without a word to grab one of the thick, cardboard to-go cups and filled it to the brim with the sweet chocolate, hit it with two shots of salted caramel, and then topped it with a generous spray of whipped topping, the finishing touch a drizzle of caramel over the cream.
See the full post
253 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
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Can someone please explain to me why my heart does a little lurch when I see him this way? I mean, I don’t even know 838 Stephen, and yet I love him and wanna protect and cuddle him. 
What is this power that Stephen and so many of his Variants have over me? Is it the witchcraft of Benedict Cumberbatch? Or perhaps because my love for Stephen Strange has taken on a life of it’s own?
259 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
For the Stephen Strange x Female Reader prompt: how about a cute fluffy little thingie where the question comes up whether Cloakie ever needs to get into the washing machine?
I hope you find this cute & fluffy, Nonny. Thank you for the prompt, it feels good to stretch my writing muscles, and I'm hoping it helps get me in the writing groove again!
pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader, established relationship
characters: Stephen Strange, Reader/Y/N (also a practitioner of the Mystic Arts), Cloak of Levitation
rating: general audience, fluff with undertones of mutual longing
word count: 1.5K
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You had left Stephen to sleep in this morning. As happy as you were to have him safely home at last (and having proved both your relief and delight to him three times in all, throughout the very delicious, velvet dark of night) you had awakened to watch him sleeping peacefully (his battle wounds already on the mend from the healing spells you’d cast when he finally stumbled through the portal from Crete), and had resolved to make him take some much deserved downtime for at least a day or two.
And so, you had silently slipped from his bed, loathe to leave his warmth behind, but fully intent upon spoiling him rotten in even the most mundane ways. Sorcerer Supreme he may be and a heroic, selfless servant to humanity, but he was still a flesh and blood man, and he deserved every ounce of the love and attention you planned to lavish upon him. You soon had his favorite, non-magical, breakfast foods prepared and left warming in the oven for once he was awake.
Next, you had gathered his discarded, slightly bloodied but heavily battle-singed tunic and leggings from the bathroom floor (where they’d fallen when you’d peeled them off of him the night before) for a thorough laundering, and once they were clean and dry, you worked the restoration spell yourself, instilling each magical stitch with protective charms and all the love that bloomed anew within your heart each day you were blessed enough to call yourself his woman. Though Cloak was in obvious need of a good washing too, it had flitted off the very moment that Stephen had let himself sag into your arms, and you hadn’t seen a flash of it since. You decided to track it down later, determined to relieve its Master of that chore as well.
Tiptoeing into his bed chamber, you found that Stephen had flipped onto his stomach, his arms tucked beneath his pillow and the sheet nestled around his waist—so that you went all soft inside, biting your lip against a longing sigh at the sight of his warm, inviting flesh. His broad shoulders that carried so many thankless responsibilities. His perfectly toned expanse of back, marked here and there with battle scars, which ever drew your loving attention, as though you would give him the sweetest, most gentle gratitude, which an unknowing world owed him for the protection he provided it. Aye me, you thought; the lover’s sigh of Juliet often came to mind when you looked upon his beautiful form, amazed in knowing that his heart belonged to you as much as yours did to him.
“I can feel you watching me,” he mumbled into his pillow, his sleepy voice so rich and deep that a thrill ran through you and settled in your solar plexus. You had to tighten your grip on the laundry basket, defying the sudden urge to jump his bones.
“I wasn’t sure if you were awake yet,” you tried to reason, blushing as much from the fib as from the spark of desire he had conjured without even trying. “I didn’t want to disturb you, darling…”
Stephen gave a sinful sounding groan, and with some effort and a wince or two, turned onto his back. Obviously, he was still feeling the effects of his struggle to cast a trio of immature Lamias back into the Shadow dimension from whence they had escaped; likely he needed another rubdown with the charmed salve you had treated his muscles with last night. “I was hoping you had every intention of disturbing me, honey,” he replied, smirking wickedly and patting the mattress beside him.
“Stephen,” you tutted, setting the basket with his clean robes on the foot of the bed. “You needed your rest, and…well…” you shrugged, looking away from the warmth of his gaze, trying to maintain a semblance of decorum, “…so I decided to…putter…”
His smirk grew into his trademark, shit-eating grin. “Putter?” he chuckled, “Pray tell, my saucy sorceress, how exactly did you putter?”
When he looked at you this way, it got harder and harder to concentrate on whatever task was at hand, let alone expressing yourself cogently. You knew for a fact that Stephen enjoyed how flustered you got when he turned on the charm, and how easily you turned to putty in his hands. You squared your shoulders, trying your best to keep your cool. “I’ve got breakfast keeping warm in the oven, and…I took care of your laundry…”
“You didn’t need to do that, honey,” he replied softly, sitting up and patting the bed again, looking touched by that modest tender of your affection. “I don’t expect you to take care of me that way, sweetheart.” Stephen reached his hand out to you, the heat of the moment quietly banking, as a sort of wonder filled his gentle blue eyes.
Of course, that was enough for you to take a seat and slip your hand into his. “I know you don’t, but…but I like taking care of you, darling. It makes me happy. And since I can’t be with you when you go into those…dangerous situations…” Tears prickled your eyes, but you blinked them back, remaining as resolute as ever to keep him from seeing how much you worried about him when you couldn’t be there to protect him even a little. “Since I can’t help you fight your battles, the least I can do is make your life…comfortable, and…well, worry free.”
He raised your hand to kiss your knuckles. “You already make coming home the best part of any day, honey. Which is the surest motivation for me to give whatever enemy I’ve gotta face, a swift and mighty kick in the ass.”
Though you rolled your eyes, you allowed yourself to take his loving assertion to heart, then leaned in to brush your lips to his, lingering as you asked, “So, um…you ready for some brunch?”
“Not until you’ve given me a proper good morning kiss,” he husked, and cupped your jawline in his free hand. At his prompting, you parted your lips, allowing Stephen to deepen your connection, well beyond what anyone would consider ‘proper’. You hummed contently when he finally released you, and then opened your eyes to catch him grinning as he teased you, “Yup- I’m definitely…famished…now.”
You gave a little shiver at the innuendo, considering it a promise of later satisfactions, and stood up to hang his sorcerer’s kit in the closet and put away the rest of his clean clothing. Stephen slid out of bed, clad in his comfiest pajama bottoms, and pulled a well-worn, gray cotton tee over his head. You caught a flash of red out of the corner of your eye, as Cloak ducked its collar just inside the doorway. Noting your attention, it zipped away, leaving only a swirl of air in it’s wake, while you called after it, “Hey! I was looking for you this morning. You’re due for a good wash up before you leave the Sanctum again.”
Stephen came up behind you and planted a kiss just beneath your ear, while sliding both arms around you. “Yeah, not a good idea, sweetheart,” rocking you gently, “Unless you’ve got a degree in cat-herding I don’t know about…”
“I’m sorry- what?”
His breath tickled the sensitive skin of your neck as he chuckled, and you felt his amusement in the soothing vibrations of his chest against your back. “I discovered early on that Cloak prefers to see to its own…maintenance. Except when it’s experienced some kind of physical damage that requires magic—or a tailor—to repair…”
“Seriously?” You wondered for a moment if your boyfriend was teasing you again.
“Absolutely,” he assured you, “For some reason I haven’t been able to decipher—since it’s an open book about everything else—Cloak is a creature of privacy when it comes to…bathing.”
You had to giggle at that. “And I suppose it prefers to shower when you’re not around?”
“God, no,” he laughed, urging you into the hallway and on the way to the third-floor kitchen, where brunch awaited, “Once we’re out of the way, Cloak is gonna indulge in a good, long soak in my bathtub. So, we need to steer clear of my chambers for, um…about an hour…”
You smacked his shoulder lightly, “Now you are teasing me!”
See the full post
654 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
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fanartka · 2 months
...Sometimes I can draw like this
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Huh, and my favorite one :^)
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I love this scene, it's so pity it was deleted. Stephen is so kind and vulnerable there.
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The Mirror's Gonna Fog Tonight
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"Squeeze hard, hold that pose, You know I like it, do it. Sweetheart, I'm the boss. And when you get close to it..." - Mirrors (Natalia Kills)
Part 2: Sketch
This piece is a monster. I was sure when I started the sketch that it wouldn't be the big of a deal. Oh my god, I could not have been more wrong. This line art alone has taken me 4 HOURS from start to finish and my wrist feels like it's made of glass. But look at these beautiful variants all together and my god, this is some of my best work to date! I am very proud of it. However, have any of you ever heard five versions of this man trying to talk to you at the same time? I have been listening to three of these variants bicker for the last week - that being 616, Midnight and 838 - while Defender just tries to keep the peace between all of them and Supreme stands in the background, sighing in wizard. Seriously, these men have been the most entertaining but distracting group of voices I have heard in quite some time and appeasing all of them to make this beautiful boy come to life was not an easy feat. The only one who was compliant and willing to talk quietly was Supreme. Defender was a doll, but he was admittedly picky about his belt and the folds in his robes in some places. The other three were just their usual obnoxious, adorable and sarcastic selves the entire time. They were all a delight to work with though.
One moment when I was working on Midnight is worth noting: 616: You're going to kill their wrist with the pattern on your vambraces. Midnight: Says the one who originally hurt their wrist with his belts. 616: At least mine was widespread and not confined like yours. 838: That doesn't make it better, that makes it worse. Defender: Could you all be quiet please? They're trying to concentrate. Supreme: *Sighs.*
@sobeautifullyobsessed @fanartka @icytrickster17 @harlekin6 @strangelockd @stewardofningishzida @bakerstreethound @sassenach-on-the-rocks @arkytior-snowwraith1870 @siriusly--gay @foxssketching
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A Sweet Intoxication
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"I dream of rain, I dream of gardens in the desert sands. I wake in vain, I dream of love as time runs through my hands." - Desert Rose (Sting)
Part 1: Sketch Oh, my heart… How I miss this woman as much as I missed Tony. For a long time, I had thought of drawing The Ancient One with Damon, but I could never find a scenario that suited them. A few weeks back I stumbled across Desert Rose by Sting, and I immediately was taken back to when I met her - I call her Caoihme - back in 2017. I was awestruck by her beauty and her strength, captivated by her wisdom and barely above a whisper in her voice. I knew upon seeing her that she would forever be a part of myself and of Damon. My girlfriend suggested the courtyard with them walking side by side as a background and I was suddenly taken with inspiration. I wanted to draw them in the spring, their relationship just beginning to blossom as they keep in step to show their synchronicity. Through their longevity, they would become tantric in every way. The Ancient One got me through a very hard time in my life, and for that I will forever be thankful to this variant of her. As I sketched this, I was overwhelmed by the smell of cactus rose and I wept for the woman whom so many lost. But as I drew her, I was surrounded by warmth and a feeling of pure love radiated from the lines. I have no doubt that she is with me, even though she has finally chosen to rest. But I wish I could thank her one more time. I know that someday, whether it be through my own energies, through the blessings of God and he universe, or simply by grand design, I will meet her again. And so too, will Damon, who loved her for a century and longer.
✨This is a blog transfer! You've been tagged because you liked this on my main blog! I apologize for the inconvenience. ✨
@aces-and-arrowz @illustep @icytrickster17 @fanartka @mizuki-t-a--art @strangelockd @stewardofningishzida @cirocity @sobeautifullyobsessed
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fanartka · 3 months
I love so many different ships with Strange and each relationship develops so differently. I like Clea Strange because she is always Strange's equal, she is not a damsel in distress, but in the same way studies magic and fighting and can take on the responsibilities of protecting her world or Earth.
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I don’t know in which country what the habits are, but here in Ukraine, on March 8th, men usually congratulate women something like “you are such gentle and beautiful flowers, thank you for decorating our lives so much, inspiring us so much, take care of us. We wish you to always remain so beautiful, we wish you to find true female happiness (this means finding a man and getting married successfully), etc. " Then they give us a frying pan or some household item, as if this is exactly the one thing that every woman dreams of, flower and sometimes husbands take the responsibility of cooking on this day. Wow.
Of course, this is not done out of malice. None of them, or almost no one, I’m sure, wants to somehow offend a woman with such behavior, but just think about this.
March 8 is the day of women’s solidarity in the struggle for equal rights, for the right to be not only a muse and “hearth keeper,” but also for the right to simply be human. for the right that women, those who literally create and raise humanity, throughout the history of mankind, did not have, except for small historical moments of relaxation in some societies, and then very weak ones. And in many countries they still don’t. And it’s incredibly wild and painful.
This is the right to be not only a flower and decoration of a man’s life, but also to decide your own destiny. And all we hear in this day is "be kind as spring, be gentle as flower, here's a pan, isn't it everything you wish?"
I am so happy to live in a time when I can live my own life and earn my own living. My father could not marry me off against my will, and, knowing his character, he would have done so if he had the opportunity. I have the right to manage my property and have received an education. Such simple joys of a free person that many women did not even dare to dream about a hundred years ago.
I would like to thank all the women who made this possible for us, suffragettes, feminists, who demanded equal pay, demanded to reduce the working day from 16 to 10 hours, demanded voting rights. They were beaten and thrown into prison, barbarically force-fed when they went on hunger strike. Society hounded and mocked them, just google the caricatures of those years.
The most offensive thing is that women themselves were part of the bullying society, those who were taught to be obedient and comfortable and who taught this to their daughters, spreading from century to century the ideology of second-classness, which is very destructive for women. And even now in many countries, when terrible stories happen like a father and his sons trying to kill their daughter because she married whoever she wanted, the mother supports the killers, and not her own child, because the shame is on the woman. Always on the woman, no matter what they do to her. Being raped is a shame, being childless is a shame, giving birth out of wedlock is a shame. She left her husband who beats her - it’s a shame. She wore pants instead of a dress with a corset - well, you get the idea.
So many unfortunate broken flowers throughout history.
And just imagine how much faster humanity could develop if not only one half of humanity were allowed to create and learn! Look at the fandom artists and writers, most of them are girls. Now remove all the girls from the list of all fandom artists, leaving only the guys, and you will understand what humanity has been deprived of for thousands of years. Guys, your work is also wonderful, I have nothing against you. But I just see how many artists there are women, it’s just 70 or 80 percent, at least of those whose work I see on social networks or on Pinterest. We had frightening losses that we did not even notice, and many beautiful drawings and many wonderful stories withered and decayed in home notebooks and albums in attics, because women were not published. Only children's books, that's all you're good for.
I like living in this time.
I like to see how younger couples around me are gradually getting used to the fact that household responsibilities are not only the woman’s business, but also the man’s. And really, how weird it was. When a man worked at work and a woman at home, this could still be dealt with. But when both work, to think that after work a woman should bring groceries, cook food, clean, do homework with the children while the man rests after work - this is nonsense! But our women have lived like this for almost a hundred years, and many still live by this ingrained habit and teach their daughters this, “otherwise the husband will leave for another, a better and more comfortable housewife.” When will this end?!
I see many film studios, including Marvel, trying to be on trend and in line with the spirit of the times, but doing it so ineptly and without the slightest understanding that it causes more frustration than gratitude.
It’s the same as if you asked for bread in a store, but they covered it with cream and glitter, wrapped it in pink packaging and didn’t let you carry it yourself, otherwise it would suddenly be too heavy and you wouldn’t be able to handle it. And we just need simple, honestly earned bread.
Often in films they try to show a strong female character as some kind of Mary-Sue, an imba, a standard Superman, but in a skirt. And to emphasize this, such heroines are shown as almost super-cool, emotionless robots against the backdrop of stupid, weak men.
But this is not what we would like to see, not what women and humanity need.
I can't speak for all women, but I think we don't want to be the strongest males. We want to be able to become as strong as our character will allow, if we want to. We don't want to be stronger than anyone, we don't need to surround ourselves with weaklings to feel strong. We want an equal partner who will never say something like "I'm a man, so I'm in charge. You're a woman, so submit and don't talk back."
It's scary to think how many women still live in a world where they are forbidden to live their lives the way they want; where they are tortured and no one, not family, not the state, will protect them, because this is “the norm and traditions.”
So on the holiday of March 8, I wish all women that they live in a world where their equal rights with men will become such a common thing that they will never think that it could be otherwise. and men, knowing that a woman can divorce and leave him if he offends her, will become less aggressive and more understanding. I’m not saying that all men are like this, but, unfortunately, very often practice shows that as soon as a woman becomes dependent on a man, for example, while caring for a baby, husbands begin to take advantage of this and behave... as they should not there would be.
So, congratulations with March 8, girls. Remember the millennia that we lived without rights. Appreciate the rights we have now. Help those who still don’t have them. And be happy living your life the way you want.
P.S. I may make mistakes in English, I will be grateful if you point them out to me if you notice them.
Also feel free to write anything, share a thought or story if you wish.
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fanartka · 2 months
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I just want to draw some fluff and romantic! But Sinister... it's all his fault!
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fanartka · 11 months
Dear Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch, Happy Birthday to you! 🎂🎉
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With your hard work and talent, you have created so many interesting characters and I wish you many great, interesting roles, the very best you can wish for. You have a wonderful family, and it always warms my heart when I see so much love and care between all members of your family, so I would like to wish long and happy years to each of those who are dear to you. I wish you everything that you would dream of for yourself and, of course, the best health and much, much joy and success! Happy birthday!
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P.s. And thank you from all my heart for supporting Ukraine.
We will never forget your kindness in our worst times.
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fanartka · 9 months
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Another one drawing with Dragon Sinister for Dragon Strange AU
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fanartka · 9 months
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I'm not very satisfied with the quality of this sketch, I just recently installed Krita and still learning how to use it (the program is wonderful, I fell in love with it), but I like the idea that my two favorite Stranges, locked in their destroyed universes, managed to use their Darkholds to dig into neighbors' cells in their prisons.
Oh, just imagine how happy Supreme will be with any piece of debris after spending years in the middle of nowhere, and how interested Sinister will be in all his incredible magic and knowledge that Supreme has studied for hundreds, or even thousands of years.
And how happy both of them will be in the company of a living human being, their counterpart with the same interests after years of loneliness. And how they will grieve and mourn their Christines until the pain goes away, leaving only happy memories, because no one will understand their grief the way they can understand each other.
Oh, they will definitely be able to get out of that trap.
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