#Facebook. 10 eBooks
loggiepj · 1 year
Hey there! ❤
I'm that person you saw the other day!
1. I can turn a person into literature
2. I enjoy making fanfics (mostly about Wanda, although I also wrote some fanfics about Hermione, Wayhaught, Rooney and Cara, which were posted only on Wattpad)
3. Bi and proud 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️🌈
4. I'm also an awkward introverted person, so I'm not really good with conversations.
5. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more silly posts and boring updates about my life 😅
Email me @ [email protected] 🙃🙃🙃
If you guys also want to support me, my ebook Blind Date Gone Wrong is now available for download on Beebly PH app.
Also, my book Her Brother's Murderer is now available for pre-order. Please see my post for more details. Thank you! 😊
As most of you can tell, I've only started using Tumblr this year to read more fanfics about Wanda, so I'm still struggling on how to properly post a story here. Bear with me 😅
Finally, here is the long-awaited
Wanda Maximoff
Untitled - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Drabble # 1
My First Love
Drabble #2
You're Not My Type
Blades and Bullets
I Was Your Favorite
she broke her own heart
one day
illicit affairs
Forbidden - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
If you want to read more, I also have published stories on the following writing platflorms:
Good day to you all! 😘
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then San Francisco (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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#15yrsago Chinese gold farming https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2009/mar/05/virtual-world-china
#10yrsago Comment-spammers threaten to sabotage their victims through Google Disavow if the evidence of their vandalism isn’t removed https://ellis.fyi/blog/gordon-sands-threatens-seattle-bubble-google-disavow-comment-spam/
#10yrsago Obama whirls the copyright lobbyist/government official revolving door https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/03/obama-nominates-former-sopa-lobbyist-help-lead-tpp-negotiations
#10yrsago CIA spied on Senate committee writing damning torture report and Obama knew about it https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/05/obama-cia-senate-intelligence-committee-torture
#5yrsago Jibo the social robot announces that its VC overlords have remote-killswitched it, makes pathetic farewell address and dances a final step https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2019/3/4/18250104/jibo-social-robot-server-shutdown-offline-dead
#5yrsago Bowing to public pressure, Coinbase announces it will “transition out” the ex-Hacking Team cybermercenaries whose company it just bought https://www.vice.com/en/article/qvyndw/coinbase-says-ex-hacking-team-members-will-transition-out-after-users-protest
#5yrsago The NSA has reportedly stopped data-mining Americans’ phone and SMS records https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/04/us/politics/nsa-phone-records-program-shut-down.html
#5yrsago Facebook forces you to expose your phone number to the whole world in order to turn on two-factor authentication https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/03/facebook-doubles-down-misusing-your-phone-number
#5yrsago America is not “polarized”: it’s a land where a small minority tyrannize the supermajority https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/05/opinion/oppression-majority.html
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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ashen-crest · 1 year
a stats report on the rk ashwick books (as of April 2023)
some folks responded positively to the idea of seeing data on how my books have done (for indie author research and benchmark purposes), so here you go!
I'll put everything under the cut:
📚 What do I write?
Cozy fantasy romance under the pen name R.K. Ashwick.
📚 Why do I write?
Because I love it. I have a full-time job that isn't related to writing, so I write in my spare time. I should also note that I do not have dependents, am not a caregiver, and I do have anxiety and ADHD. I am not certain that I want to be a full-time writer, given the financial instability and the joy it could take away from writing. However, I want my books to be and perform the best they can, so I try to be professional about my product and methods.
(To me, this is all important context to be up-front about. Finances, family size, and health all have a huge impact on an author's goals and strategies.)
📚 How many books do I have out?
The Stray Spirit: released August 2022. First in a planned trilogy.
A Rival Most Vial: released March 2023. First in a planned trilogy.
📚 Online Visibility
Here's what I have going on:
Website (requires $ for hosting)
BookFunnel for newsletter promos, sales promos, and ARC distribution (site requires $ to join)
Newsletter (currently managing on free version of Mailerlite, since I'm under 1000 followers)
Facebook page (not consistently maintained, mostly for SEO)
Instagram, posting 5x/wk
TikTok, posting 5k/wk
Tumblr- hi!
using things like LibraryThing, GoodReads forums, Reddit, and FB pages to find more ARC readers
I was doing Amazon ads, but recently nixed them, as I didn't feel they were really getting me anything. I'll likely return to them once I have more books out.
A Note on Follower Count: I have, like 10 FB followers, 400-ish Insta followers, 1500 TikTok folders, and almost 1600 Tumblr followers. I've been on Tumblr the longest and TikTok second longest. TikTok had the fastest growth, Insta the slowest. However, general advice is that engagement rate is more important than follower count. I'll be real, I'm not doing that hot on that front. I'll consistently get around 20 likes on Insta posts and TikTok often caps my video views at around 200 or 300. The videos that do the best on TT often aren't the ones related to my books. Fun times.
A Note on Newsletter Stats: I have a pretty consistent open rate of 25-30%, which I think is okay. I'd like for it to be closer to 40%. (It's also hard to actually track open rates, so that number isn't entirely reliable.)
A Note on ARC Reader Stats: I got 100 readers for TSS and almost 200 for ARMV. This resulted in a ballpark count of 20 reviews for TSS and 30 reviews for ARMV around release time.
📚 Other Marketing Strategies
What you see above under Visibility is my ongoing work. I also do more limited-run strategies, like:
occasional free book giveaways on social media
pre-order gifts for my book
I sent out around 20 pre-order gift envelopes for TSS and 45 for ARMV. I operate the pre-order gifts at a loss, but I really enjoy doing it, so I'm okay with it. I also have lots of leftover stickers and bookmarks that I can bundle with giveaways.
📚 Distribution
I distribute wide through:
Amazon: both ebook and paperback
IngramSpark: paperback only
Draft2Digital: ebook only
📚 Orders & Royalties
So, what did all this work and shennanery get me?
From July 2022-April 2023 (10 months):
Books Sold: 575
Total Royalties, paid and unpaid: $1543.49 ($2.68 per book)
📚 Is that good or bad?
I have no idea!! And I think in the end, it all depends on your goals.
If my goal was to make a living: welp, it's def not enough.
If my goal was to break even: between website set up, DBA set up, cover cost, editing cost, illustrator cost: nah. I'd have to make about $4,000 more to safely say I've broken even.
If my goal was to get strangers, and not just family and friends, to read my books: oh hey, I did that!!
I hope this information helps you set a goal, so you're not mentally wandering around like I am.
📚 Other Notes
A big factor in having a financially successful indie book is fitting genre conventions in your chosen subgenre, or 'writing to market.' I will say that A Rival Most Vial is more written to market than The Stray Spirit is. The Stray Spirit sort of straddles cozy, historical, and academic fantasy without actually leaning in to any of those things, so it's a little harder to market.
I also spent a lot on cover, editing, and illustration. That makes it harder to be a financially viable business, but it's what I wanted to do to have a strong finished product. I am lucky in that my full-time job can cover these expenses.
I'm not very good at social media. I've never had anything go viral on any of the sites.
The most rewarding part of all this is seeing how people react to the book: reviews, videos where they're almost crying over the book, podcast invitations, and [something a bit bigger than I'll announce in the summer.] At the end of the day, if I have a small group of buyers who are vocal in engaging with my books, that's far more rewarding than a large group of buyers who don't engage.
📚 Parting Thoughts
I'm happy to talk about any and all aspects of my self-publishing experience. If you have more questions or want more details, feel free to reply, send an ask, or DM me!
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questwithambition · 1 year
Digital Minimalism - some thoughts
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(I took zero photos of me reading the book so here a couple of the library). Back in January I picked up Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, and as I read it I decided to implement some of the changes for at least a month to see what impact they would had. And oh my, has it been positive! A few takeaways:
I took an entire month off all social media, including Tumblr and Pinterest. I already didn’t have the Instagram and Facebook apps on my phone, but here I wasn’t able to access them on my laptop / browser either. This was a great break, as it really encouraged me to reconsider every time I picked up my phone. Since there was nothing to do on my phone I ended up reading more and doing other activities like painting and calling friends etc. It freed up not only time but the nagging compulsion to pick up my phone.
One of the biggest changes was spending time doing nothing, and also taking walks without headphones. I used to always listen to music / a podcast on my walk to and from uni / elsewhere but following the book recommendation, I stopped doing so. I was sceptic at first but I have so much space in my brain? These walks give my brain time to work through issues and worries, appreciate the world around me, or even just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. This calm has spread to other areas of my life: I was waiting at the dentist this morning for 10 minutes, and instead of reading or looking at my phone I just basked in the sunlight coming through the window, listening with half an ear to the receptionists chatting in the background and enjoyed a serene moment. If I could recommend a change it would be this one: on part of a commute, remove the headphones. Try sitting or walking in silence.
A final change was reducing notifications and availability: I implemented a “personal” mode on my phone where between the hours of 8:30pm and 9am only my family and a best friend will pop up in my notifications which immensely reduces the pressure to reply / think about it in the evening, and gives me a solid couple of hours work in the morning. I’ve taken it further and have removed notifications from a lot of apps such as snapchat and messenger etc: the people who need to urgently contact me have my number, and I’ll check the other socials throughout the day when I have time and space.
So would definitely recommend giving the book a read (I borrowed it from my library because libraries are amazing and so many of them have audiobooks / ebooks so please look them up! Also excellent places to read as pictured above). You obviously have to adapt what is said to your lifestyle, and some sections can drag on a bit, but I appreciated all the examples of how different people implemented steps in their lives.
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prettyquickpoetry · 2 years
I saw your AMA post. Do you have any tips/resources on self-publishing, or ideas of where to start looking for info?
Tips and Resources for Self-Publishing
Self publishing is amazing because you get to be in charge of literally every aspect of your book, your book’s publication, and your book’s distribution. But it’s a LOT to learn.
I'm going to put the rest of this under the break because it's a lot, but hopefully this helps anyone looking for tips and where to start!
First, I joined “Self Publishing Support Group” on Facebook where I asked way too many questions, and I also devoured YT videos by writers like: Bethany Atazadeh, Mandi Lynn, and Katie Wismer (Katesbookdate). For writing itself, I watched a ton of Abbie Emmons, Jenna Moreci, and Alexa Donne.
What you need to focus on:
The story itself. You HAVE to have a fantastic final product if you’re going to make it. The good news is you’re definitely 100% capable, but it takes diving in headfirst and absorbing everything you can. I watched a ton of videos from the above list, and read books like “Story Genius” by Lisa Cron, “Romancing the Beat” by Gwen Hayes, and “Plot & Structure” by James Scott Bell. (If you’d like more description about these books and others, please let me know!)
Editing. I’m a freelance editor, but I’m not going to lie and say you HAVE to have one to succeed. I didn’t. If you go the editorless route though, you do need to do multiple rounds of beta readers. You need other eyes on your work. If you do decide to work with an editor, consider working with me!
Formatting. Bethany Atazadeh has great videos on this. It has to look right and follow industry standards, or you’ll stick out as self-published. You’ll need to format not only the pages of your book, but also make decisions about the trim size, whether you’re doing ebook, paperback, hard cover, or a combination, as well as other options like page color and cover coating/finish, etc.
Cover design. The downfall of most self-published books in my opinion is an unprofessional cover that doesn’t follow genre expectations. If you aren’t also an artist and you aren’t confident in your skills, you should outsource this. Mandi Lynn is a cover designer and has some videos about it.
Publishing services. You need to decide what you’ll use. Amazon KDP, Ingramspark, Lulu, Book Baby, Draft2Digital, Barnes & Noble, etc. They are all different, and different ones are right for everyone. (I personally used Ingramspark, Amazon KDP, and Draft2Digital, but in the future I am only going to use Amazon KDP. I can talk about my experiences with these services more if you’d like.)
Creating an imprint. Most publishing services will offer you a free ISBN, but what they don’t tell you is that THEY’LL be listed as the publisher, not you. You can buy a pack of 10 ISBNs from Bowker.com (official distributor, ONLY for the US) for $295, and list yourself as the publisher, or create an imprint like I did. I publish with Suncat Publishing, which is named after my kitty. To shops and buyers though, it looks way more professional and doesn’t cause self-publishing suspicion.
The launch. This is huge! Set a launch date (industry standard is a Tuesday), decide how/if you’re going to use ARC readers, decide if you’ll do preorders, maybe do a cover reveal, add your book to Goodreads, plan your party… The list goes on! Thankfully most of the YouTubers I listed above talk about their launch tips and experiences.
Never pay anyone to publish your book. They’re scammers. (Paying upload fees to sites such as Ingramspark is different.)
You probably won’t get into physical retail bookstores. Don’t get too down about it. You can still reach out directly to indie bookstores. They’ll likely do a consignment deal, but they may buy up front for a 40-55% discount.
Do as much research as you can about everything that you can. Knowledge is power, and if you research everything obsessively for months, you’ll be able to write a post like this one, which is hopefully helpful!
Publishing can get expensive. Skip whatever you want, and splurge for the things you think are important. Theoretically, you could publish on Amazon 100% free.
"Why would I want to hide that I'm self-published?" I know some of my tips make it seem like you want to appear traditionally published at all costs, but that's not true! It can just give you a better shot at being taken seriously if people can't tell your book apart from a traditional one. It's nothing to be ashamed of, though! Indie publishing is magical!
Do what you want! This is your book, and you get to do it your way. Don’t let me or anyone else tell you what to do if you don’t want to do it that way!
Please ask any other questions you have, and let me know if you'd like me to expand on any of these points!
Happy publishing!
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44gamez · 3 months
Gravity Rush 2 Remastered May Launch Soon For PC and PS5
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In accordance with a seemingly dependable leaker Orangee, who beforehand leaked a Gravity Rush film, Gravity Rush 2 Remastered is coming to PlayStation 5 and PC. Nonetheless, the PlayStation 5 model will launch first with the PC model to observe after. The leaker additionally claims that Sony will announce the remaster in Might, and that it's at present in playtesting. These claims had been made within the Workforce Alua Gravity Rush Discord server. Its price noting none of those claims have been confirmed by Sony. Gravity Rush 2 first launched on 18 January, 2017. It's at present solely out there on PlayStation 4. The sport’s particulars by way of Sony: One other mind-bending journey awaits gravity queen Kat as a brand new hazard emerges to threaten the material of the universe itself. Nonetheless trying to find clues behind the thriller of her origin, and with the highly effective Raven at her aspect, Kat should grasp three distinctive gravity assault kinds as she takes on enemies and big bosses. Gravity-Based mostly Motion –The franchise’s well-known gravity-based motion mechanics have developed with two extra kinds, every with their very own distinctive assaults. Huge Open World – Enter a shiny and bustling floating metropolis, bursting with life. Manipulate gravity with the movement sensors of the DUALSHOCK®4 wi-fi controller to soar and traverse an unlimited and detailed open world. Signature Artwork Type – French “bande dessinée” comedian ebook aesthetic is artfully blended with Japanese manga and anime influences to create a singular and exquisite environment, with cityscapes and characters and dropped at life in gorgeous element on PlayStation 4. The web server shutdown for Gravity Rush 2, beforehand scheduled for January 18, 2018, has been rescheduled to happen on Thursday, July nineteenth, 2018 at 10:00 PM PT. Solely on-line performance will probably be affected there will probably be no affect on offline gameplay. Upon server shutdown, the next options will now not be accessible: - Sending/receiving challenges - Entry to rankings - Receiving/posting treasure hints - Receiving/posting/reviewing photograph ghosts - Buying Dusty Tokens and rewards Keep tuned at Gaming Instincts by way of Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook for extra gaming information. Source link Read the full article
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mtorne8 · 1 year
ChatGPT 😮 - 9 INSTRUCCIONES potentes que acelerarán tu aprendizaje (+ ebook 🎁)
ChatGPT es increíblemente potente para aprender y enseñar. Pero la mayoría de profesores y estudiantes no saben cómo usarlo ni si imaginan su potencial. Es por eso que he creado una guía gratuita con las mejores instrucciones "prompts" para #chatgpt en educación. 📘 Descarga esta guía gratuita y ten a mano todas estas instrucciones y 10 más para usarlas con tan sólo copiar y pegar: https://www.totemguard.com/aulatotem/ebook-chatgpt-prompts-instrucciones-aprender/ 0:00 Intro: Dos consejos antes de empezar 1:27 Prompt #1: Crea un mapa mental e importa el resultado a Mindomo o FreeMind 2:35 Prompt #2: Haz que ChatGPT actúe como un tutor personal o personaje 3:58 Prompt #3: Crea un plan de estudio con un desglose de fechas y horas 4:45 Prompt #4: Crea una tabla sobre un tema con una estructura específica 5:22 Prompt #5: Crea una hoja de cálculo con fórmulas de Excel 6:09 Prompt #6: Crea preguntas tipo test e importa los resultados a Moodle 7:37 Prompt #7: Crea «flashcards» para el recuerdo activo 8:57 Prompt #8: Genera frases con espacios en blanco 9:53 Prompt #9: Califica y ofrece retroalimentación detallada HERRAMIENTAS MENCIONADAS EN EL VÍDEO: - Chat GPT: https://chat.openai.com/ - Mindomo: https://www.mindomo.com/es/ - Moodle: https://moodle.org/?lang=es - Anki: https://apps.ankiweb.net/ - Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/es MÁS VÍDEOS DE IA: https://youtu.be/erkou0F9FW4 https://youtube.com/shorts/Oc7TXd8JZqY REDES SOCIALES =============================== 👥 - FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/totemguard 🐦 - TWITTER: https://twitter.com/totemguard 📸 - IG: https://www.instagram.com/totemguard — SUSCRÍBETE al blog de la Academy TotemGuard: https://www.totemguard.com/aulatotem/ ********** CURSOS ONLINE en COMPETENCIAS DIGITALES: https://www.totemguard.com/aulatotem/cursos-tic-competencias-digitales/
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0ssianic · 1 year
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Results of a frenzied afternoon after I wondered what it would cost to own every NatsuYuu volume (WIP)
Blue circles = raw data points from Amazon, ebay, abebooks, and a couple misc sites. Cost (USD) = listed price + shipping estimate while browsing (Some listed prices were also "or best offer")
Red asterisk = average Cost
Black asterisk = median Cost
dashed black line = $10, the listed price of new NatsuYuu volumes currently coming out (volumes are available as ebooks for ~$6.50)
-The extreme prices are likely sellers who are never ever going to sell for that high. Volumes listed for $50-$100 often had "rare" in the title (and were places like like animecorner)
-Some volumes do generally seem to trend higher then others, but I don't know if it's from particularly high demand or a relatively limited run
-Vols 1 & 2, despite being the oldest, are fairly low & close to what a new volume coming out now would cost. Not sure, but more copies of those have prob been printed (it would be interesting to see the copyright data on various copies)
-my initial impression that the secondhand market for natsume is absurd has been both reinforced and not, depending on the volume (like, vol 6 and 14 for whatever reason trend more expensive)
-I was hoping that copies would be cheaper than $10, but it would be v unlikely to see it for sale for that much. Exceptions might be facebook or other in-person secondhand sales
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billconrad · 1 year
Bill’s Guide to Book Marketing
    I am a self-published author and have attempted to market my books, but the results have been less than successful. So why read a book marketing guide by somebody like me? The principles I will describe still apply, and I have made many mistakes that you will know how to avoid. Remember, you learn more from failure than from success. Does that mean I have learned a lot in my life? Hmm.
    At this point, you have written a book, had it professionally edited, a professional cover designed, an ISBN, an Amazon AISN, it’s formatted for ebook and print on demand. It is for sale on Amazon, Kubo, Apple Play, Google reads, Smashwords, Barns, and Nobel. Wow, quite an accomplishment! The problem is that 200+ people a month also released their first book. (Plus, established books are re-released as “new.” So annoying!) Many new books belong to authors with multiple books, and their readers are eager to read more. YOUR GOAL is to convince people to click “buy it now,” and here are the basic book marketing steps (not necessarily in the proper order):
To get attention, you must attack this problem on several fronts. Let’s start with the most important one. YOU NEED AMAZON REVIEWS! LOTS OF THEM! The first part of the plan is to send a copy of your work to every friend you have. Then, two months later, pester them for a review. This initial foundation of positive reviews is critical to your success.
Put your book info on Goodreads and any other site hosting information about your work.
Get a disposable email account like Yahoo. Search for free book promotion sites and put your book there. They will need a bio, picture, ISBN, amazon link, AISN number, Kubo, Apple Play, Google Reads, Smashwords, and Barns Nobel link. Important tip. I have one file with all this information, including all the links. Note that these free sites will spam the email account you provide to death. Here are a few areas to check out:
Sneaky tip. Go to Barns and Nobel every week and load your book onto all their Nook readers. Perhaps write a five-star review… Perhaps one on each tablet… Perhaps if you are on vacation… Perhaps if you have friends or relatives in other cities…
Should you buy book reviews? I found one site (I will not provide the link because it looks shady) where you can buy Amazon reviews. $300 gets up to 10 (why not an exact number?) badly written reviews. Should you do this?
    I do not recommend buying reviews unless you use a professional review service ($1K) that Amazon will allow a “review transfer.” Also, Amazon will likely find and sue these shady sites. Then Amazon will ban all the authors. Or they could try to shake you down. “Hey, you paid us for a review. Now pay us $$, or we will tattle to Amazon!”
If you read and followed my previous blog, you have written at least 200 book reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. Consider posting these reviews to Barns and Nobel, and Kubo. Your new goal is to get more reviews, and there is a group of motivated people who will do a review exchange. Authors!
    How to find willing (desperate) authors? First, look for new books on Amazon with a few reviews. Then, comb through them to see if they have a website or some other external way (Facebook) of contacting the author. Email/message them and ask them to do a review exchange. This means you offer to buy their book/ebook on Amazon, read their book, and write a review on Amazon and Goodreads. The other (potential) author will look at your 200 reviews and feel they are getting a good deal.
    Is this ethical? Yes, because you are only doing a review exchange. No money is changing hands. Both people paid for the book and are writing an honest review. But, do not contact authors through Goodreads or Amazon because both sites monitor their internal communications for review exchanges.
Look for Facebook review exchange groups.
Keep a log of all your reviews. Keep in yearly contact with your old review exchange authors. That way, you can contact them again when you come out with a new book.
Develop a dedicated website for your work. On it will be your books, your extended biography, a way to contact you, sample pages of your book, updates, and your blog. Many great website hosting companies have great online free website building programs—for example, Godaddy.
    Of course, I chose not to use a free online website builder. Why? I am old school and wanted to make a site on my computer that I could endlessly edit offline. My other motivation was that if the hosting company did not work out (like upping their cost), I could move my = domain to any other web hosting company. Yes, I am a control freak.
    So, my quest began. My first stop was to buy a copy of the gold standard for website development, Microsoft Front Page. To my utter surprise, it is no longer supported. What the heck? Well, I still had the silver standard Corel website creator. Wow, it has become awful. So, I went through every program from Adobe, Google, and many others. Pure junk. (How do companies make their sites? I do not know.) Fortuitously, I found a free program called Rocketcake. It was easy to use, fast, and produced excellent results. The downside is the lack of power. (It did not support splashy features. Only basic website stuff.) But there was an exciting upside. It generates tiny webpages that display lightning fast.
    There was another benefit to Rocketcake that no other website builder had. It (accurately) showed how my website looked on mobile devices, and I could tweak the pages to look good on all platforms. Godaddy and other online-generated web pages look awful on small devices. Do people browse the web on their phones? Hmm. Perhaps there was some logic to my crazy decision.
    Then I needed a hosting company and found WHP. Incidentally, WHP is the least expensive, and their service is decent. Coincidence?
Get a Facebook personal account and then make a separate page for your author’s activities. Make it look professional by examining what other authors have made their page look like.
Generate buzz on popular social sites groups like Twitter and Instagram. How does this work? I do not know. Twitter and Instagram are not my scene, but I know there are promoting guides on these sites.
Send out free books/ebooks. Several sites let you post your work for free to generate buzz. KDP select allows you to do this, but in my case, fifteen people downloaded my book and… Nothing.
There are a few (odd) free sites. The deal is that if you post an Amazon review, you get to read more free books. The problem is that all reviews read “…good book… I posted this review to claim the free book on XXX site, and this review is of my own volition.” What the heck? Stay away from those sites. Amazon will eventually take down all those phony reviews and punish the author.
Hire a publicist. I have investigated several and failed to find a good one. Why? When you hire somebody, you need a measure of their success. “You are a housepainter? Can you give me the address of a recently painted house so I can look at it?” Makes sense. “You are a publicist. Can you show me a book that somebody paid you $100 to promote, and they got $1000 in sales? You can’t?” Hmm.
    I find publicists are glorified spammers. They take your $ and send out spam, Twitter spam, Instagram spam, text spam, website banners, or other spammy muck. There is no way they can directly show how our hard-earned $$ leads to reader interest or sales. Plus, spam angers potential customers.
    I read stories of miracle publicists on the Facebook group Writers Helping Writers. After inquiring with the author about them and contacting the publicist, I learned they were riding on the coattails of a successful book.
    Side note. There is a business here, but I have yet to crack the nut that will lead to successful promotion.
Start a blog on your website, Facebook, Goodreads, and any other site you can find. Keep your blog fresh, post at least once a week, and mention your book often. Your topics should be books, writing, life, and light topical subjects—no heavy stuff like politics.
Make a YouTube promotion video of your book. Or beg your famous YouTube friend who knows the trade. The problem is that ~10K videos come out weekly, making it hard to stand out.
There are Facebook groups for authors and books. For example, Writers Helping Writers. Post as often as you can, but don’t be a pest, and do not directly plug your book, or you will be booted off.
There are online reading groups. Tread lightly when you make your plug so they don’t kick you off.
Pay for an advertising campaign on Amazon to up your search ranking. Paying them seems counterintuitive. Amazon is supposed to do this for free because they are the retailer. If they promote new books and authors, they will sell more books.
    Alas, no. Amazon makes you fork over money to up your search rankings. I have not tried paying Amazon because I want 100 reviews first. Nobody will buy an unreviewed book, no matter how often it appears in searches.
Do an advertising campaign on Barns and Nobel or Kubo. They seem to be much better at promoting books.
Keep a record of all your advertising efforts for taxes and understanding what works and what does not.
Last but not least, write more books. The more you have, the more you can market on the same dime. It only takes one success! “Hey, I loved Bill’s book Interviewing Immortality. Why not read his other book, Pushed to the Edge of Success or Cable Ties.” See what I did there? I snuck in a plug. Plug, plug, plug! Everywhere you can! This is a numbers game!
    Unfortunately, that’s all I have about book promotion, and I feel your anger. “There have to be more options. When I search on ‘book promoting,’ I get a hundred hits.”
    Let’s explore what these sites offer. 90% do two things. First, they spam. Do you read spam? Do you want your brilliant book to be associated with that kind of “gray” marketing? Second, they “tweet to 10,000 followers.” How does this help you? Having 10,000 nobody’s Tweet to 10,000 nobody’s. Do these people even speak English? Are computers tweeting to computers? Where is the proof they did what they claim? A computer printout? An angry letter from Twitter telling them to stop spamming?
    When paying for advertising or promoting, understand the Return On Investment. This is the relationship for advertisement payments and your profit. All established marketing companies 100% understand this question, and 40% can competently answer it. If they cannot, you are wasting your money.
    You may find a website that offers to promote your book on their “heavily visited site.” When you pay, you will see your book on their front page. Here is the issue. The only place readers go to find out about what books to read is Goodreads or Smashwords. (Umm, perhaps Amazon.) They do not care about other sites. Those “heavily visited sites” only exist to extract money from authors. If you look, you will see they all look the same, and I suspect one company runs them.
    Many sites offer package deals. A combination of the Tweet/spam/put your book on their worthless site. Or they “manage” your Amazon advertising campaign. Or they “promote you on Google.” You can pay Google and Amazon directly to up your rank and do not need help.
    Side note. If you have a unique title like Interviewing Immortality (see, I plugged my book again), then it will usually pop up first. Having your book for sale on many sites greatly helps. For example, I pay nothing, and my book is the first hit when I google “Interviewing Immortality.” See, I plugged my book a third time. This is a numbers game!!
    I was Facebook messaged today by a guy who wanted to “up my brand awareness.” Here is his run-on sentence pitch:
    I will do a strategic awareness your brand on some high-score social media platforms to increase awareness of your brand, generate real, active, and organic traffic from any country of your choice (USA, UK, Germany, Spain), and so on targeting those who will be particularly interested in the genre of book of your book . You will also gain a wide range of other effective results through my work.
     “High-score social media platforms” = SPAM And the mathematically backed return on investment report is… Did you spot the extra space before the period?
    What about book bloggers? They certainly can promote your work. The problem is that they require $$ without guaranteeing they will even read your book. Plus, they are arrogant and will give you a rotten review even after you pay. If you read/watch one of their negative reviews, you will see their sense of pride as they tear a book apart. Study their online content first, and be careful!
    What about getting your book on a list of “100 outstanding books you have to read.” Hard to say, but it is worth investigating. Make sure you are not paying for this option. Your work should stand on its own.
    In 2021 somebody reached out to interview me on the radio! Of course, I was interested!!! Turns out… For only $60, they would turn my book cover into a 3D animation that loops on a YouTube video. The audio (read by a computer) was me answering (over email) six questions I asked myself.
    I searched YouTube and found several videos posted by the person who messaged me. She uploaded the first in 2015. Guess how many views it got by 2021? Two! This person’s most popular video (an odd religious rant in English and Italian) received eight views. (It was eight because I accidentally clicked on it twice.) The lesson is to be careful. Many people want to separate you from your cash.
    Wait, I know what you are thinking. “Bill probably does not know a thing about internet marketing because his sales are in the toilet.” Well, I am not bragging, but I do.
    The entire purpose of those patents was to define, clarify, justify, quantify, and improve one number. Return On Investment (ROI) And, if my boneheaded partner did not have a mental breakdown because he feared success, I would be a multi-billionaire. Yes, this is 100% true. Did I mention he was a BONEHEAD!!!!! I want to repeat it. John, you are a complete BONEHEAD!!!!! Hey blog readers, thanks for letting me vent.
    I know, not inspiring you. Book promoting is a tough road. More challenging than selling a product or service. I started this journey with the idea that I would instantly get popular (because I wrote a fantastic book), and the checks would roll in. I now understand how profound this fantasy was. Yet, things are not as bad as they seem. You now know the pitfalls, the questions to ask, where to market, and how much effort is required.
You’re the best -Bill
April 08, 2023
 Hey book lovers, I published three! Please check them out.
 Interviewing Immortality is a psychological thriller about a 500-year-old woman who forces a disgraced author to interview her.
 Pushed to the Edge of Survival is a drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
 Cable Ties is a classic spy novel about two hunters discovering that government communications are being recorded and the ensuing FBI investigation.
 These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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becomingkatie · 1 year
Are you willing to share more about your outlining, writing, and editing processes?
Sure! I'll also start by saying that this process has evolved a little over the course of my three books and I'm sure it will continue to evolve as I become a more seasoned writer and my needs change.
I tend to do a very thorough outline. I call it my prototype draft because it's really something more than an outline but not quite a complete draft. This is approximately 10-20k words and I use Randy Ingermanson's snowflake method for the most part to get there. I start with a paragraph-level summary and grow it from there. Writing short synopses from the points of view of most of the main characters helps me to add depth and refine my synopsis, and then I move into a scene-level breakdown.
At the scene level, I pull out my copy of Save The Cat Writes a Novel. I usually really struggle with the portion of the story between the midpoint and the ~80% mark, but I make myself get it right at this stage instead of just diving into writing. I've tried the "I'll just start writing and figure it out when I get there" approach, and it didn't work for me.
I use Plottr and/or Google Sheets to make a list of major characters, locations, and plot points, and mark which ones are in each scene. Then I have a little visual that helps me see how often a character or subplot is brought up, and whether it's too much all at once or too sparse. This also helps me make sure I wrap up all the subplots and don't forget about them.
At this point, I've got anywhere from a sentence to two paragraphs per scene. Something like: "Opens at Virginia's birthday. Marney and Lawrence are there, and she's screening calls from her children. Forgets the cake in the oven and her kids show up just as Lawrence puts out the fire. Jack tells Virginia she should consider moving into a retirement home (gives her a binder of options he's researched) and uses the fire as evidence in his favor. Virginia kicks them out, but when she shuts the door behind them she finds a foreclosure notice on the door."
The above is a condensed version of the opening scene of my first book. When I have this for all of my scenes, I print it out and read through it. This is my prototype: it's a complete telling of the whole story, but without the prose or dialogue. I can work out problems with the story here, cutting scenes that aren't moving things forward, or adding or moving scenes where needed. I usually do two or three passes of reading and making notes/changes to my prototype.
Then I write it.
The writing is just a matter of butt-in-seat, which is really frickin' hard to make myself do, but at least when I sit down to write I know what I'm writing. I also use asterisks in my manuscript that I can ctrl+f and come back later, so if I can't think of a word or if something feels awkward, I don't have to disrupt my writing flow to address it in the moment. The worst thing for me to try to figure out later is a timeline, and yet I never remember to do this first. But thinks like, what day of the week is it, how many days has it been since whatever previous scene, etc... I always end up with notes to go back and figure this out in edits.
My edits include finding and fixing places where I put asterisks in the draft, addressing anything else I wrote in a "notes" doc to myself during the draft, running it through proWritingAid, then sending to my editor. I found my editor through a facebook group of authors. I only do one pass with her. After I send it to her, she turns around comments and corrections in under two weeks, and then I go through and make changes as needed. Sometimes it's big (she's a former police dispatcher and her comments on one scene led to a near-complete re-write of that scene), but most of her comments usually aren't.
And then I format my books for ebook and print using Vellum.
I hope this massive info-dump was helpful!
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101now · 1 year
Pin by E/じ on 黒木メイサ Beautiful Japanese women, Who are the most beautiful Japanese women on earth 101now. Dating ASIA
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Young Beautiful Japanese Women Called Maiko Wear A Traditional Dress Called Kimono At Gion, Kyoto, Japan Stock Photo - Alamy Alamy Called Maiko Wear A Traditional Dress ... Read the full article
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This day in history
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Next TUESDAY (May 14), I'm on a livecast about AI AND ENSHITTIFICATION with TIM O'REILLY; on WEDNESDAY (May 15), I'm in NORTH HOLLYWOOD with HARRY SHEARER for a screening of STEPHANIE KELTON'S FINDING THE MONEY; FRIDAY (May 17), I'm at the INTERNET ARCHIVE in SAN FRANCISCO to keynote the 10th anniversary of the AUTHORS ALLIANCE.
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bestmarketer23 · 2 years
Top 10 Marketing Tips for 2022
Any industry that relies heavily on technology has major changes year after year. Marketing is one of those landscapes that changes so quickly, it’s challenging to keep up with the best practices. Here are 10 marketing tips to optimize your strategy this year, based on the latest trends:
1. Look for Opportunities to Diversify
Most marketing budgets today don’t allow businesses to pursue every distribution channel at once. You need to carefully select channels that are most likely to bring strong returns from your investment. So look for opportunities to diversify your strategy by first researching your audience. Identify niche sub-channels where you’re able to cut through the marketing noise, such as on YouTube, social media groups, etc. Then you can diversify your strategy knowing the payoff will be worth the investment.
2. Embrace Paid Social
86% of social marketers already use Facebook ads, and the platform’s advertising revenue continues to grow. Meanwhile paid advertising options have come up on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and elsewhere. Social media platforms are tweaking their algorithms, making it clear to brands that paid promotion is a must if you want to get visibility. If you want your social strategy to maintain or gain momentum, then embracing paid social is a must.
3. Focus On Your Existing Content
Most marketers today understand they need to produce large volumes of content to build a traffic base. They often focus on creating new content, overlooking the value in their existing assets. Pro marketing tip: if you want to keep up with today’s competitive markets, it’s important to use your current content to its fullest potential.
For example, you can:
Identify your most popular content and use these insights to inform future content you create.
Update old content with new data, visuals, or perspective then republish for more reach.
Repurpose old content as an infographic, video, slide deck, etc. You can also turn a series of blog posts into an ebook guide or report.
4. Nurture Brand Advocates
People look for recommendations from their peers to make purchase decisions. Your own customers are a powerful resource to help you reach new audiences and drive conversions. To make the most of your brand advocates, create campaigns to incentivize them to spread your message. Create an online community or offer rewards for referrals, for example. You can also create a branded hashtag and encourage audiences to use it.
Audi once took advantage of a hashtag a fan created on Twitter called #WantanR8. They surprised the Twitter user by letting her drive an R8 for a day, then used the hashtag to promote the vehicle and offer more free rides to Twitter fans.
5. Constantly Optimize User Experience
Creating a message that speaks to your target audience is only the first step to success in online marketing. It doesn’t matter how great your content is, it won’t drive conversions without excellent website user experience (UX) to go with it.
So make sure you’re constantly testing and optimizing UX to drive marketing goals. This includes improving site speed and navigation, ensuring your content is easy to consume on mobile devices, and more.
6. Connect Online and Offline Strategies
Creating a consistent customer experience online and off is an important aspect of memorable marketing in 2021. More and more businesses are using virtual and in-person events to influence audiences and drive sales, but they often think of them as isolated from online marketing initiatives. To get the most out of virtual and in-person marketing, first, identify what steps you want your audience to take after the event (e.g. engage with your emails, sign up for a free product demo, etc). Then create a virtual or in-person experience that nurtures them on this journey. Read more about omni-channel marketing strategy…
7. Prioritize Authenticity
This one is one of our most important marketing tips. Consumers today are well aware that the content businesses create is agenda-driven. They’re not likely to respond positively to salesy content, so brands need to develop better strategies to build authentic relationships with their audiences. One of the best ways to prioritize authenticity with your marketing is by creating live content. Host a live podcast, stream Facebook Live videos, etc. Make mistakes and go with the flow — you’d be surprised how positively your audience will respond to it all.
8. Create a Memorable Message
There are only so many ways to directly promote your products and services through marketing. Sometimes it’s worthwhile to stray away from your main marketing agenda to tell stories that make your brand more memorable and likeable. The more creative you get with storytelling, the more likely you’ll stand out and improve your brand image.
A great example of a marketing campaign with this focus comes from the diaper brand Huggies. They found research showing the positive impact of hugs on babies — hugs help build their immune systems, stabilize vital signs, improve brain development, etc. This inspired the brand’s “No Baby Unhugged” campaign aimed at educating parents about the benefits of skin-to-skin contact, and providing volunteers in hospitals for babies in need of hugs:
9. Build Partnerships
Advertising is a great way to broaden your reach on social media and the web. But it doesn’t compare to the power of a strong recommendation from knowledgeable influencers. Collaborate with other major players in your industry to reach a new audience and gain some social proof for your business. You can also enlist the help of micro-influencers to serve as your brand advocates on social media and the blogosphere.
10. Make Performance Analysis an Ongoing Strategy
Any seasoned marketer knows the importance of performance analytics to optimize their strategy. But waiting until the end of a marketing campaign to analyze and adjust seriously limits the potential benefits of performance analysis.
Top marketers don’t rely on past performance to inform future efforts — they make adjustments to their campaigns in real time based on the latest insights. Your marketing automation platform should offer you tons of ways to analyze the performance of your marketing efforts.
The King of Marketing Tips: Keep Up With the Trends
Having a strong marketing strategy requires more than adjusting your priorities year after year. You have to be constantly on the lookout for technologies and opportunities to stand out from the crowd. Follow the latest tech and marketing tips to keep up on the important trends and changes you should be taking advantage of. To learn more about the SharpSpring All-In-One Revenue Growth Platform, contact us today.
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10 Reasons to Hire a Professional Copywriter
Professional copywriting isn't generally so easy as you would naturally suspect it is - it's a skill, requiring an upsized piece of concentration, talent and persuasive technique. The old 'words slapped on a page will do' attitude will get you nowhere. Not when your competition know the secret to online success lies in a great copywriter.
A professional copywriter is important to your business for 10 reasons:
#1 SEO duplicate
Have a ton of insight into onsite optimization? Professional copywriters know how important optimized duplicate is and they employ it in their duplicate. Keywords are imperative and you need someone who knows how to balance them in any content rich project. Need a high ranking business website, ecommerce page or blog? Hire a professional copywriter.
#2 The Right Business Message
You have a dream for your business, however you don't have the training required to transform that vision into an online message. A professional copywriter can take your vision and integrate it with SEO duplicate, permitting the right message to be seen and heard.
#3 Idea Machines
Run out of ideas for your website, eBook or blog? You'll continuously track down fresh ideas from a professional copywriter. They know how to engage an audience with unique and engaging text - and the best ones will be loaded with ideas about your online content.
#4 The Art of Persuasion
Business website getting traffic however not sales? Professional copywriters are trained in the craft of persuasion. They explore fresh angles of approach, and use friendly persuasive reasoning to get your guests to click, join or purchase.
#5 Professional Content
Professional copywriters have been trained to develop content that is engaging, interesting and worth reading. They additionally have the editing skills to make sure that the work they're dealing with isn't anything less than perfect. There's nothing worse than language, spelling or incorrect data on your website. A great copywriter is objective and carefully clear when posting your web content, eBook or blog.
#6 The Entertainment Factor
How entertaining is your composition? Will people need to read it? Tone is everything on the web and duplicate that is friendly, informative and compelling holds peoples attention, many pages. That is the reason you need someone who never runs out of ideas, mind or entertaining words.
#7 Social Media
Anyone can write, yet not everybody needs to read what is written. Composing for virtual entertainment, something that your business ought to be serious about, needs to make the reader need to follow up on what they've read. Professional copywriters can write for any virtual entertainment stage, posting sites, setting up interesting Twitter feeds and Facebook messages.
#8 Target Market
Composing for one gathering is completely different to composing for another. Knowing how to target a specific market is imperative to the endurance of your online content. A professional copywriter has studied tone in all structures and knows how to make their composing relevant and interesting to your chosen target demographic.
#9 Time is Always a Factor
Composing is time consuming. When you need to write a blog entry daily, all your web content and an eBook - when do you suppose you'll carve out the opportunity for it between the wide range of various stuff you have to do? A professional copywriter will get it done by your specified date. There's no faster route to online success.
#10 Competition
Perhaps the biggest and most important variable is your competition. Assuming there are 16 other websites like yours out there - and there will be - and they all have professional duplicate - where do you feel that leaves you? To get ahead online you need a professional writer in your corner to get things done.
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mujer-alfa · 3 hours
Tu Tóxica Interna 😱: La Responsable de tus Creencias Limitantes 🧠🚫 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Academia Mujer Alfa 💅💃💪 👉 https://www.mujeralfa.love/cursos ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ¡Visita el artículo completo aquí! 👉 https://www.mujeralfa.love/blog/como-identificar-y-cambiar-tus-creencias-limitantes 📖✨ Descubre cómo identificar y transformar las creencias que te limitan. 🔍💭 ¡Haz clic en el enlace y comienza tu camino hacia el empoderamiento! 💪🌟 🔔 Suscríbete al canal para no perderte ningún nuevo video y únete a la comunidad de Mujeres Alfa. 👉 Consigue mi ebook📖 "Desintoxica tu Corazón❤️‍🩹 en 28 días", disponible en Amazon aquí: https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/B0CNWDFGMG 👉 Tu Tóxica Interna: La responsable de tus Creencias Limitantes 📌 Índice: 00:00 Comienzo 00:16 La Vocecita que te sabotea 01:28 ¿Por qué tu Tóxica Interna te sabotea? 03:16 ¿En dónde está lo que estás buscando? 03:27 Cómo responder a tu tóxica interna 💌 ¿De qué te gustaría que hable en los próximos videos? Déjame un comentario abajo, ¡me encanta leerte y responderte! 🌈 Sígueme en otras redes sociales: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElCoachDeLaMujerAlfa Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ElCoachDeLaMujerAlfa/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elcoachdelamujeralfa ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez por qué no puedes lograr ciertos objetivos o por qué te autosaboteas constantemente? 🤔 En este video, vamos a explorar cómo identificar y superar esas creencias limitantes creadas por tu "tóxica interna". 🌟 ¿Qué es la "Tóxica Interna"? 🌫️ La "tóxica interna" es esa vocecita en tu mente que te dice que no puedes hacer algo, que no vale la pena intentarlo, o que no eres lo suficientemente buena. 🗣️ Frases como "No vas a poder hacerlo", "No tiene caso", o "No pasa nada si rompes la dieta" son ejemplos de cómo tu tóxica interna te mantiene en tu zona de confort, evitando que tomes riesgos y avances hacia tus metas. 🛑 ¿Por qué Existe la "Tóxica Interna"? 🧠 Aunque pueda parecer que tu tóxica interna tiene malas intenciones, en realidad, su objetivo es protegerte. 🛡️ Quiere mantenerte a salvo en tu zona de confort porque lo desconocido puede ser aterrador. Esta voz interna se basa en experiencias pasadas y en la necesidad de evitar el dolor y el fracaso. 🌪️ Por ejemplo, si has tenido problemas para bajar de peso, tu tóxica interna te dirá que no lo intentes porque teme el fracaso y el dolor de no lograrlo. Lo mismo ocurre con el éxito en el trabajo, las relaciones amorosas y otras áreas de la vida. 🚶‍♀️ ¿Cómo Identificar a tu "Tóxica Interna"? 🔍 Es fácil identificar a tu tóxica interna cuando escuchas esas frases limitantes en tu mente. 🎧 Te hablas a ti misma entre 10 y 14 horas al día, así que presta atención a los pensamientos que te limitan. ¿Qué tipo de cosas te estás diciendo? ¿Estás permitiendo que tu tóxica interna tome el control y te autosabotee? 🚫 Estrategias para Superar a tu "Tóxica Interna" 🛠️ Para superar a tu tóxica interna, necesitas estar consciente de su existencia y aprender a manejarla. Aquí tienes algunas estrategias efectivas: Reconoce y Agradece 🙏: Cuando escuches a tu tóxica interna, reconoce su presencia y agradécele por intentar protegerte. Dile: "Gracias, pero no gracias". Acepta que su intención es buena, pero decide no dejarte influenciar por sus limitaciones. Sal de tu Zona de Confort 🚀: Lo que realmente deseas está fuera de tu zona de confort. Acepta que habrá incertidumbre y miedo, pero decide tomar acción de todos modos. Usa tu miedo como un aliado y da ese paso hacia lo desconocido. 🛤️ Cambia tu Diálogo Interno 🗣️: Comienza a reemplazar las frases limitantes con afirmaciones positivas. En lugar de decir "No puedo hacerlo", di "Estoy en proceso de lograrlo". Cambia "No tiene caso" por "Vale la pena intentarlo". 📝 Busca Apoyo Profesional 🩺: Si las creencias limitantes están afectando significativamente tu vida, considera buscar ayuda de un psicólogo o coach. Un profesional puede brindarte herramientas y estrategias para superar tus bloqueos y avanzar hacia tus metas. 👩‍⚕️ 🔰💙 voz interna toxica 🔰💜 autosabotaje 🔰💙 autosabotaje emocional 🔰💜 creencias limitantes 🔰💙 creencias limitantes como cambiarlas 🔰💜 cambiar creencias limitantes 🔰💙 eliminar creencias limitantes 🔰💜 cómo cambiar tus creencias limitantes 🔰💙 CAMBIA TUS CREENCIAS LIMITANTES Y RESETEA TU MENTE SUBCONSCIENTE 🔰💜 Reprogramación Mental 🔰💙 Cómo cambiar creencias 🔰💜 Cómo Identificar y Cambiar Tus CREENCIAS LIMITANTES 🔰💙 El sistema de Creencias 📩 Contacto para colaboraciones: [email protected] #creenciaslimitantes #TóxicaInterna #desarrollopersonal #coaching #psicologia #psicología #ZonaDeConfort #Autosabotaje #MujerAlfa #BienestarEmocional #Motivación #ÉxitoPersonal Watch Video
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skillsupdigi · 6 days
Digital marketing, also called online marketing, is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication
digital marketing refers to the promotion of products, brands, or services using digital channels such as:
1. search engines (seo,sem) 2. social media platforms (facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin, etc.) 3. email marketing 4. mobile devices (sms, mms, mobile apps) 5. content marketing (blog posts, videos, podcasts, ebooks) 6. influencer marketing 7. affiliate marketing 8. video marketing (youtube, vimeo, etc.) 9. podcast marketing 10. online advertising (display ads, native ads, etc.)
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