#Everlark in D13
promptseverlark · 1 year
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Final List - Participants!
I will give you access to the collection so you can post until deadline 25th June.
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geeky-writes · 11 months
“You love him,” Finnick told Katniss down in that bunker. “Anyone paying attention could see it.”
Anyone, apparently, except Katniss.
Until it was too late.
Written for the @promptseverlark Everlark in D13 event! 🧡
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endlessnightlock · 1 year
hi!! 💞 I LOVED your district 13 drabble!!! I was wondering if it’d be possible to request a prompt with everlark (either hijacked peeta, or non hijacked peeta where he escaped quell with katniss lol) sneaking away during Finnick and Annie’s wedding to a hiding place bc their sexual tension hits a peak👀??
12 Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
17 Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.
50 A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck.
Here's a link to the first two parts of this story on Ao3.
Everlark In-Panem Canon Divergent A/U.
District 13.
An interesting couple of weeks have passed since Peeta woke from a weeks-long coma. The doctors kept him in the hospital for most of that time, running scans, drawing blood, and doing tests to assess what sort of damage was done to his mind and body. Between Capitol torture and his more recently-acquired injury, a hard knock to his head on the floor when soldiers stopped him from choking me the night of his rescue, there is much to watch out for.
His aggressiveness seems over, other than some irritability, and frankly I can't blame him. I don't spend much of my day with him to know, so what I learn is gleaned in pieces. Considering everything he's been through, he's not doing too bad. I just don't know what to say to him now.
With Peeta safe and out of immediate danger, needing a distraction from my thoughts, I've fallen back into the scheduled life of a soldier in training. Directions are printed on our arms every morning here. Wake up, have breakfast, train, rest, lunch, afternoon class, afternoon training, etc. In between, I try not to think about the death and destruction unleashed around us. The mental and physical acrobatics leave me with little time on my hands, which is exactly what I need right now. Spare time is a bad thing when you're trying your best to keep your sanity.
Evenings are reserved for visiting Peeta. Others come to see him too. Johanna, Annie and Finnick, Prim, Haymitch, my mother. Even Gale. Oh, and Delly Cartwright. I think she's the one who told him about his family. She lost hers in the bombing as well. I'm glad I didn't have to tell him myself.
Life in Thirteen, while relatively safe since the night of the air raids, has fallen into drudgery. Grey walls, grey uniforms, grey food, grey moods. But tonight, we underground moles have something to break up the monotony. Finnick and Annie are getting married. I sit in the crowded cafeteria with my mother and Prim, watching the happy couple recite vows to respect, love, and cherish each other for the rest of their lives.
In the corner of the room, there's a designated celebration area. A woman from back home managed to save her family fiddle from the bombing, so there's to be dancing after the ceremony is over. The crowning jewel amid the sparse decorations a place like Thirteen could offer is a beautiful cake Peeta decorated for Finnick and Annie..
"What do you think of it?" Peeta asks, appearing at my side out of nowhere as I study the turquoise waves, dolphins, and copper-headed mermen. He catches me off guard but I'm so in awe of his artistry that I don't have to consider what to say.
"It's wonderful," I tell him sincerely, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Gorgeous," I add for good measure, gesturing to the seashell cluster on the top layer.
"I worked on it most of the week, and I'm still not completely happy with it," Peeta admits, turning toward me. He looks the healthiest I've seen since his rescue. His hair has grown out enough that it's curling again, and the purple streaks beneath his eyes have faded away, leaving the brightness of his blue eyes and smile to draw my attention.
"Don't say that. It's perfect."
I swallow nervously when his gaze locks on mine, and I realize I've been staring at him while my mind wanders. He is so close to the old Peeta tonight that my heart aches for what we had in the Quarter Quell arena before everything went to hell. The way I kissed him, the way I knew I'd give up on living if he was taken away from me.
He's looking at me intently. When one corner of his mouth turns up in a questioning smile, a swelling warmth trickles out from my heart and careens through my veins to each of my extremities until every nerve hums. Peeta is here, alive. While neither one of us is screwed together exactly right anymore, and neither of us may live to see the end of the war, for now, we're here together. We made it out, and that has to mean something.
I reach for his hand and thread my fingers through his. He frowns, perplexed, until I tug on his hand and walk away, leading him out of the room. "Where are we going?" he asks, his voice low.
"I don't know. Not here," I say, ignoring the glances people give us. Gale is nowhere to be found, not that he would stop me now. I don't want to hurt him, but I can't pretend there's any chance of me ever wanting him the way I want Peeta.
"Away from the audience," Peeta murmurs. He sounds a little in awe. "Is this real? If not, please don't wake me up."
That's the old him I love morphed into the person he is now. Older, wiser.
We stop at the end of the hallway, where one of the overhead lights is burnt out, leaving a shadowed corner perfect for two. We're alone, but I want to take no chances.
I take his other hand in my free one. "It's real," I admit.
"We've never---"
"I know." My voice shakes at the end of my admission. "I wanted to be alone with you. Everyone, they've seen enough, judged enough. I want this to be ours."
"Want what to be ours?"
"I don't know exactly, but I really want you to kiss me right now."
He smiles widely and laughs, his eyes crinkling up in the corners. I don't know if he's in disbelief or excited or what, but I return it. He doesn't keep me waiting. My lids have already dropped before he presses the softest kiss on my lips. His arms wrap around my waist as I lean into him, two hearts bent on the same quest---to be closer, as close as we can get. When my hand inches beneath his shirt to feel the warmth of his body, he gasps at the first touch of my fingers. "Where have you been all night, in an icebox?"
Instead of denying my whereabouts, I pull him closer, kissing him deeply, then pulling away to trail more down the cord of his neck. I brush my nose against his skin, taking in that Peeta smell that makes me feel like I'm home.
Whatever happens in the upcoming days, whether we're thrown into the middle of another fight or not, at least we have tonight.
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geekymoviemom · 10 months
What do you think would have happened if Peeta was rescued from the 74th arena along with Katniss?
Do you think it would have changed the timeline of the rebellion?
Any fic with this premise?
Thank you :)
Hey, thank you so much for the ask! 🧡
I absolutely do think that the timeline of the rebellion would be different had Peeta been rescued along with Katniss, but I honestly go back and forth on whether it would have shortened it or made it longer. Peeta is the one that Coin specifically wanted as her figurehead for her side, and when that didn’t happen, she was forced to improvise (the horror! 😆) with Katniss. And we all know how that turned out…
However, if D13 had managed to rescue them both, then it could have gone either of two ways. Either Katniss and Peeta would have cooperated fully with Coin and Plutarch in order to limit the effects of the war on the districts (with Peeta doing most of the figure-heading), or Katniss and Peeta would have flat-out refused to be any part of any sort of propaganda and ran away from it all, leaving D13 with nothing.
While I do believe that the second option is slightly less plausible due to the fact that D12 was destroyed and Katniss’s family was all in D13, I still think that eventually she would have become so fed up with everything that she would have wanted to leave. And of course, Peeta would have gone with her ♥️
I know for a fact that there are fics out there that depict the first scenario, @everlarkficquestions has an entire master list of them. I’m also pretty sure that there’s some that depict something similar to the second scenario out there too.
Thank you so much for the ask! 🧡
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wistfulweaverwoman · 11 months
The Other Side of the War
My lil one shot for the D13 TWHHA challenge. Should I continue this story??
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claireclaymore · 15 days
"A pang of jealously hits me. Not for eithe Finnick or Annie but for their certainty. No one seeing them could doubt their love"
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periwinckles · 1 year
Finally wrote the epilogue for my district thirteen story. Now I just need to write the chapters in between and figure out how I get there.😂
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Never Hijacked!Peeta Fics Masterlist
Created: April 25th, 2024
A Cool Kiss-endlessnightlock (ao3)
Summary: When Peeta is rescued from the Capitol and brought to D13, he’s forgotten everything related to Katniss. The Capitol has erased his memories: no Valley Song, no bread, no games, nothing. It’s the perfect opportunity for Katniss to let it go. It’s what everyone tells her, but she still kisses his pearl goodnight.
A Fading Bruise-VanillaCottonCandy (ao3)
Summary: "We shouldn't be here," he suddenly states, as if we're not in a room surrounded by doctors and workers of District 13. And Haymitch. When my expression contorts to confusion, he clarifies. "I don't think we're safe here, Katniss." Alternate Universe in which Peeta was never hijacked in Mockingjay.
Accepting What's Real-Anna_Dandelion (ao3) Summary: Peeta gets rescued from the capitol, he is not hijacked. I am bad at summaries, not sure where I am going with it. Peeta's POV. If I could hold you for a minute-wendywobbles2016 (ao3) Summary: Little what-if piece. What if the Capitol hijacking didn’t go as planned?
Kingdom Come-bellablue27 (ao3)
Summary: I throw myself into his arms with so much force I’m surprised it doesn’t knock us both over. Luckily, Peeta has always been strong and stable, so he grips onto me with equal intensity, holding me steady. I look up at him, and find him glancing down at me, blue eyes swimming with tears. “Are you real?” he asks. “I’m real." Canon-adjacent Mockingjay AU where Peeta was never hijacked.
no cameras-orangecranscones (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta reunite in District 13, and she realizes a thing or two.
Reunion-Mollywog (ao3)
Summary: A kidnapped but not hijacked District 13 Everlark reunion
The Only One-thesweetnessofspring (ao3)
Summary: A non-hijacked Peeta is rescued, but he's not being affectionate with Katniss like she wants. He thinks she's now dating Gale. She thinks he doesn't want her. They're both desperate for each other.
Underground-oh_wellau (ao3) Summary: No hijacking. No chocking her to death. But Peeta doesn't need to wear a 'Mentally disoriented' bracelet on his wrist for her to know that they match. we’ll fill our mouths with cinnamon-petruchio (ao3) Summary: Mockingjay AU. A non-hijacked Peeta is brought back to Thirteen from the Capitol.
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promptseverlark · 1 year
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I will grant access to the collection this week. If your AO3 account is different to your Tumblr account name please send it to me so I can grant you access for you to post
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waywardangel-wilds · 1 year
The biggest injustice committed against Peeta Mellark.
I was talking with some other everlarkers on tiktok and I noticed that a lot of people hadn't thought about this yet so I thought I'd share. Not only was the hijaking a horrible thing that stole Peeta's identity and fulfilled, his biggest fear, losing who he was / being changed by the Capitol, but his treatment itself afterwards (in D13 because idk what happened in the Capitol) was also an injustice. Not only are they healing only because they want to use him for the revolution, but they're treating him in a way that will be most beneficial to the star crossed lovers story. They only ever focus on getting him to not immediately murder Katniss on sight, but not once, do you ever see any doctor (or at least Katniss never hears of one) concerned about Peeta's sense of identity beyond her. We know that he lost more than just Katniss-related memories because he forgot his own favorite colour. They destroyed him. And even when he was with the 'good guys' he was still just a piece in their game (which is part of the point, right, because Coin is just the other side / flip of the coin from President Snow).
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thesweetnessofspring · 3 months
If D13 happened before the quell but gale was still whipped, do you think Katniss would've stuck to her 'choice' which is him? And do you think Peeta could've moved on if Katniss didn't pick him in any universe?
Katniss herself says "this would have happened anyway." Also the morning after her big revelation when she "chose" Gale was quickly followed by regret, asking about Peeta, and then doing absolutely nothing about her supposedly choosing Gale. In a hypothetical where all three end up in D13 pre-Quell, I think Katniss would have remained too flooded with the war to figure out who she wanted to be with. In the meantime, ethical questions about war would have come up and I think the stress would have broken Katniss and Gale as it did in MJ, while she and Peeta would have grown stronger together. Gale was never destined to last as a romantic prospect.
As for Peeta moving on past Katniss, I think it would depend. No-Games Peeta probably could, since he could tell himself he didn't really know her but he'd always have a little crush and he'd feel guilty about that. A post-THG Peeta in this situation is so hard for me to imagine because Katniss loves Peeta just as much as he loves her. Imagine asking if Katniss would move on if Peeta decided he didn't want her. It's so inconceivable that Peeta wouldn't want Katniss, and I feel the same about Katniss not picking Peeta. Just because she takes longer to sort out her heart doesn't mean she feels the love for Peeta any less deeply. I truly don't think he would ever have to move on because she would always come back to him.
Non you got me all in my Everlark feels about this! 😭
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endlessnightlock · 1 year
Can you do Number 13 or 30 for the fluff prompts? Pretty please?
30. "i can hear your heartbeat- why is it going so fast all of a sudden?"
This is part two of a story you can read here.
My chair is still clattering against the floor when Peeta leans across his hospital bed and captures my arm in a surprisingly strong grip, preventing any chance I had of making a quick escape from his room.
For someone who’s been in a coma, he moves fast. Perhaps my grief has made me stupidly slow. Either way, he has me trapped.
Neither of us speaks. Instead, we warily assess each other. I wonder how many of the things I said when I thought he was unconscious he heard. At least he doesn’t look frightened or crazy, I realize. He’s breathing hard, eyes boring into mine like he’s trying to penetrate my mind. Confused, I’d say. Not homicidal. That’s a start.
Uncomfortable with his frank gaze, with no clue as to what he’s thinking, I try to shake his grip. I'm too close. It's too much contact. Though he resists at first, he finally releases my arm. I tell myself not to rub the spot where his fingers dug into my skin. Everything feels like it’s burning---my face, my stomach. My heart is on fire.
“Why did you run?”
"The doctor needs to see you---"
"Katniss," he says tiredly.
I really don't want to go into all of this with him right now, but he won't stop looking at me, and I don't feel like I can leave now. "The last time you were awake, you tried to choke me," I whisper. "The night you and Johanna, and Annie were rescued."
He frowns. "I don't remember that."
"I do. I was there for the whole thing. Hard to forget."
Things are awkward as Peeta settles back on his pillows gingerly. He's just now aware of all the machines he's hooked up to. "Are they alright?"
"Jo and Annie?"
He nods. His fingers are curled lightly into his hands, and I wonder if it's intentional if he's trying to keep from looking at his hands and thinking about what he doesn't remember trying to do to me. "Yeah. Jo is bunking with me, actually. We have a lot in common---she hates me too."
"You're always so dramatic," he sighs, shifting on the bed.
I frown at him. I am not dramatic. "Yeah, yeah. Annie is with Finnick. As in, she won't go anywhere without him. They're pretty much attached at the hip."
For a minute, I'm wistful, jealous of Annie and Finnick and their love. Anyone looking at them can see it. No one asks their angle; no one assumes it's all for show.
We fall silent again until he sighs loudly. "Sit down, would you? You're making me nervous glowering over there, ready to run. I'm not going to eat you alive."
For some reason, I do what he asks. Maybe because I feel like this has to happen eventually with him. I can't avoid him forever. Maybe it's stubbornness, and I'm too spiteful to show him any fear. It's probably not the smartest thing I've ever done, but when he scoots to the side of the hospital bed, I sit beside him. If he hadn't lost so much weight, we both wouldn't fit without me sitting in his lap.
We sit hip to hip, staring straight ahead, neither of us acknowledging the other at first. Peeta is so different now. He used to know exactly what to say or not say in any situation. Slowly I begin to acclimate to his proximity, and it's not awful. I'm nervous thinking about his first reaction to our reunion.
"I'm starting to remember what happened that night," Peeta admits. In his lap, he clenches and unclenches his fists.
"You're not going to do it again, are you?" I ask, only kidding a little.
He relaxes his hands and turns his gaze to me, eyes roaming my face. "No. I don't want to choke you," he reassures me.
"Well, that's a start."
He laughs weakly. "Yeah. I guess so. I was afraid that night. Of you. That's why I did it. You were you, but not really. You were shiny. Shimmering, like none of the lines of your face would stay in place. I thought you were going to kill me."
"'What about now?"
He shakes his head. "I'm not afraid of you now."
I don't say the same. I wish I could.
Peeta slumps against the bed like talking to me took all of his energy. I find myself turning to his side and laying my head on his chest. We lay quietly, too tired and raw to talk.
Eventually, our breathing evens out, and he runs a hand down my braid comfortingly. Beneath my ear, his steady heartbeat picks up.
"I can hear your heartbeat- why is it going so fast all of a sudden?" I want to ask Peeta, but right now, I'm not sure I can deal with his answer.
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arthdoesart · 2 months
Open Season (AU)
I've been itching to write an AU where District 13 is part of the Hunger Games (but mostly for some Hayffie and HeavensCoin drama) where the Third Quarter Quell is different, with only one Tribute per district, and somehow hilariously spin it where Haymitch and Coin have to *pretend* to be in love for the Cameras to honor Katniss and Peeta's love following their games (with it being extra since they come from different districts), and Plutarch and Effie making sure to sell it (being Head Gamemaker & part-mentor, since I see Effie guiding Everlark in Haymitch's absence) while also being hella jealous when the two show chemistry on-screen 🙈 ofc it's strictly Hayffie/Heavenscoin with some Almitch trauma bromatism developing in the side.
Would also like to write Coin and D13's relationship with the other victors since they're (somewhat) on the same page but also not at the same time (?) District 13 is being treated differently by the Capitol and may or may not be exempted to those horrible prostitutions...(just a lot of loaded ideas lately that needs organizing 😔)
Also some mentor Everlark, and some annoying Snow nephew OC that's bothering them and Peeta Mellark stepping up his game and remind everyone that Katniss is HIS.
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starrrbakerrr · 3 months
Just reread the books as an adult and I must say as an adult it’s actually really hard to be nice about Gale. As a kid I was trying to be balanced and nice about the love triangle but as a grown adult woman I’m like “I don’t agree with your politics and also if any guy treated any of my friends the way you treat Katniss, I would stage an intervention”. And also Katniss never smiles around him 😞
I'm also doing a reread right now because I finally got hard copies of the books! It's going very slowly though lol
I really don't remember my exact feelings about Gale when I first read the books (I was in 6th-7th grade), but I don't think I ever liked him. I also remember hating how the movies emphasized the love triangle when reading the books it was obviously always Peeta.
I reread the books last March and as an adult I picked up so much about him. I think when I was young I was mostly anti-Gale because I loved Peeta/Everlark so much, but rereading as an adult I'm really able to specify what I dislike about Gale. He's just so... annoying.
On his politics, I'm actually a teeny bit sympathetic towards Gale because I don't think all the responsibility for Prim's death should be wholly on him. The severing of Katniss/Gale's relationship is so much deeper than him killing her sister. It's a plot point and dialogue that's been misinterpreted because of the movies. I think the way they presented it cheapens the story and it cheapens why Katniss ultimately chose Peeta.
Regardless, I can't help but dislike Gale. It is how he approaches his relationship with Katniss for me, and as you said how he treats Katniss. Whenever he speaks I'm annoyed. What bugs me is the entitlement he feels he has to Katniss. And some things he says give me the ick.
Knowing there’s people legitimately ship Everthorne is wild to me like 😭
Thanks for the ask!
(below is a tangent on the anti-Gale rhetoric. It’s a defense of one moment I think his hate is a bit too unreasonable so read with caution i guess)
I saw someone say on Twitter that Gale should be vilified for saying that killing people isn't much different than killing animals, and I think that person missed the point of that part in the book. And as some who likes literary analysis outside of my personal feelings for characters and ships, I kinda love that Suzanne wrote this. The dialogue:
“Katniss, it’s just hunting. You’re the best hunter I know,” says Gale. “It’s not just hunting. They’re armed. They think,” I say. “So do you. And you’ve had more practice. Real practice,” he says. “You know how to kill.” “Not people,” I say. “How different can it be, really?” says Gale grimly. The awful thing is that if I can forget they’re people, it will be no different at all.
In the movie, the line sounds brutal and violent and I think part of it could be delivery. In the book, to me, Gale doesn’t say that with confidence or with the belief that humans are dispensable, but “grimly.” And in the movie we don’t get Katniss’s inner thought that even though what Gale said was callous it’s valid because this is the world they're living in - a world that is violent and where Capitol citizens don’t see children as anything other then prey. These characters are extremely desensitized to violence and death. In Catching Fire, Peeta and Katniss curl up on the couch with a mug of warm milk to watch Haymitch's games like it’s a movie.
I think there are a lot of moments to dislike or have distaste for Gale, because I have many. But some of his hate goes overboard and people mostly on twitter and tiktok bc they see the movies as canon solely put the blame on an 18 y/o with immense trauma instead of the adult leaders who have never experienced life like him - Coin is from D13, Plutarch and Snow are from the Capitol.
And to call Gale worse than Snow and to excuse a lot of Snow’s actions, even making shit up about Snow like he cared and gave genuine condolences to Katniss about Prim, or say he didn’t murder Lucy Gray as a defense against Billy Taupe like the murder attempt isn’t just as bad, is seriously gross. I’m kinda glad tbosas and hunger games hype has died down on Twitter because the takes were increasingly getting worse and more illogical.
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spatialwave · 6 months
So in the hunger games au, who do you think gets turned into the mockingjay??
this is a great question and i spent so much time thinking about it! i’ve narrowed down a bit of backstory for them already and the more i look over what i have jotted down the more i realize they both embody certain characteristics of katniss/peeta, while being fully their own… and with this knowledge the title of mockingjay is complicated.
marie has that energy that’s more like peeta, she’s sassy, able to read a crowd, personable and relatable — and the biggest is her kind, loving heart. whereas, jordan is more guarded, stubborn and has less people-person skills — and is okay with doing things completely for their own benefit.
what makes it complicated is that marie was the first one to catch the attention of the capitol because she volunteered in place of annabeth and made such a big impact on panem far before the games started, however, jordan is the one who sparked the real possibility of a rebellion because they’re the one who falls hard for marie and realizes that by the end of the games neither of them can give in and what better way to rub it in the face of the capitol than with two mouthfuls of nightlock.
so, in my very humble opinion and based on my headcanons — i think jordan would be the initial face of the mockingjay… fierce and visibly disgruntled by the capitol. whichever character takes over plutarch wants jordan to be in d13 and lead the rebellion, but marie is the only one they can save (likely because jordan would be forced to scatter/fight the careers in book two and would then be captured by the capitol).
so, just like how katniss begged haymitch to make sure peeta lives during the quarter quell (and subsequently only saves katniss). jordan asks the same of their mentor, billy butcher, and butcher always stands by his word.
d13 is pleasantly surprised by marie’s ability to invoke spirit through camera. however, marie is hardly pleased to know that the one she loves is being held captive by the capitol…
my favourite part about limoreau in the hunger games is that marie and jordan aren’t carbon copies of everlark. they are their own individuals who just happen to have overlapping characteristics of each. this provides me with so much introspection on what they mean to the story — but i stand by jordan being captured by the capitol!
very reminiscent of jordan dropping rank while marie rises…
that’s my piece. i hope these ramblings do justice for our favourite lovers. 🤍
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toastbaby · 11 months
Just finished watching MJ pt 2 (I don't think I've seen it since it came out in 2015). Having just read the book, I would have a /lot/ to say about this movie, from the way they skipped the training in d13 entirely to the epilogue scene&how Everlark was handled towards the end, but I'm going to focus on what they did with Katniss post Prim's death.
In the books Katniss spends several months in the training center, stuck in her room without anyone visiting her. While she's there, she is planning her suicide (which doesn't succeed because they've stripped the room bare of everything she could harm herself with), even going as far as almost starving herself to death. Even when she's back in D12 she doesn't really know what to do with herself, and it isn't until after Peeta's back and she breaks down when Buttercup shows up that she seems to get a grip of herself. The movie makes it seem like Haymitch picks her up mere moments after Katniss has been closed in (I know that watching Katniss struggle for an entire hour would not make a good movie but still, the movie really just brushes off the entire time she spends in the training center, not allowing us to see how much she really is struggling with depression and PTSD), and when she's back in d12, she goes hunting before Peeta's even back. To me that is a weird change because in the books it's clear she gets the energy to do that from seeing Peeta plant the primroses.
The movies were never going to get Katniss' voice down 100% because that's pretty much impossible in this format, but with a small changes I feel like they could have done a better job. Show that time has passed between the shots, show what she was doing (or not doing) while she was stuck there, even if briefly. There are so many nuances missing from this movie/these movies I'm not sure I'd find it/them enjoyable at all if I wasn't a fan of the books.
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