#Eric Sohn x Lee Felix
depressedhouseplant · 4 months
🔞 Cops & Robbers 🔞
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Chapter 8
Tags: Smut, mentions of torture, murder, & prostitution, significant age difference (roughly 20 yrs) between Eric & Felix
A/N: Here’s the much anticipated Eric / Felix crossover! Also I gave y’all a hint about The Mad King in one of the JFW posts. Think you can find it? 😈
“Felix what the fuck?” Eric stormed into the office and slammed the door behind him.
“Good morning to you, too,” the blond looked up at him.
“You tortured Younghoon and killed Chanhee? Are you nuts?” He demanded.
“Technically Jisung and Changbin killed Chanhee,” Felix replied. “But you are correct that I was party to torturing the cop.”
“Juyeon’s got Changbin locked in his basement right now and he won’t let him leave there in one piece,” Eric told him. “If he finds out that you ordered it then you’ll be dead before you hit the ground.”
“What makes you think I ordered it and I wasn’t carrying out someone else’s request?” Felix leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms.
“Since when do you take orders from anyone?” Eric asked.
“Was that a rhetorical question or do you want the actual answer?” The other man questioned.
“Don’t lie to me,” Eric glared.
“You have no idea who runs this city. Juyeon might think he’s in charge, but he’s not. There’s a layer to this that none of you realize. You think we popped up out of nowhere? We started making ourselves known because we were told to. You’ve known me long enough to know that,” Felix replied.
“That’s not an answer,” the younger man snapped.
“Sit down and I’ll tell you what I know. However, you’ll put a target on your own back in the process,” Felix told him. Eric sat and stared at the blond.
“Jisung got himself killed because he fucked up. Changbin is in Juyeon’s basement because he fucked up. I’m walking around freely and breathing because I can follow simple instructions. They were told to leave both of them alive and ignored a direct order. However, by killing Chanhee they gave us leverage against Younghoon. A person is far more inclined to talk when they’ve got a dead body in the room. I suspected he didn’t know anything, but since I like my head still attached to my neck, I did what I was told. We let him go and he went straight to Juyeon like we thought he would. Though I have to say I didn’t anticipate Juyeon being as loyal to Younghoon as he is,” Felix told him.
“Who the hell is ‘we’? You got a mouse in your pocket?” Eric demanded.
“Have they told you about The Mad King yet?” Felix leaned forward.
“He’s a story,” Eric replied.
“He’s very real and very powerful. He’s only seen when he wants to be seen,” the other man said.
“If he’s real, he has to be old,” Eric was skeptical.
“I don’t know his exact age, but he’s definitely in his 50s. If you make it to that age living the life we live, you’re either very lucky or very good. He’s very, very good,” Felix shrugged.
“Let’s say I believe that he’s real. Why?” Eric asked.
“What do you mean why?” Felix repeated.
“Why are you working for him? How did you meet him? What the hell is going on here?” Eric expounded.
“He approached me several years ago. I thought the same thing you did. It was a bunch of bullshit and he was some old guy cosplaying as a story that’s been around since most of us were toddlers. I wasn’t going to agree to work for him until he proved that he was who he said he was. I know you weren’t working for Juyeon at the time, but he was able to disrupt his business like I’d never seen before. He was able to evade Sunwoo’s searches for days, if not weeks. Juyeon only calls Sunwoo when his normal methods don’t work. I thought Sunwoo was unbeatable, but he proved me wrong. It was in my best interest as a small fish in a big pond to accept his offer. Once he decided he could trust us is when he started causing trouble for Juyeon again. You ended up in jail because that’s where he wanted you,” Felix explained.
“So why kidnap Younghoon and Chanhee?” Eric asked.
“That I don’t know. All I know is he wanted us to kidnap them and figure out what they knew through any means necessary. As I said, he only knows what he wants you to know and only sees what he wants you to see,” the blond answered.
“I should tell Juyeon all of this,” Eric said.
“And if you do then you’re not only risking your life, but their lives. Let him do what he wants to Changbin and keep your head down,” Felix advised.
“And if he asks?” The younger man continued.
“It’s up to you whether or not you tell him,” he replied.
“Are you really going to let him kill Changbin?” Eric asked.
“I doubt he will, but if he does then that’s on him,” Felix cocked his head.
“You really don’t give a shit about anyone, do you?” Eric scoffed.
“I give a shit about you. If I didn’t then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You wouldn’t have even gotten through the door,” Felix told him.
“Would you save me if The Mad King tried to kill me?” Felix was silent. “That’s all I needed to know.”
Eric got up to leave and Felix reached out to grab his wrist.
“Let go,” he tried to jerk his arm away, but the other man only tightened his grip as he moved around the desk.
“I’ll protect you until I can’t,” he said.
“Yeah, sure,” Eric snorted.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Eric,” Felix pulled him closer and kissed him. Eric returned the kiss. Felix let go of Eric’s wrist, putting his hands on the younger man’s face. “You’re such a fucking idiot sometimes.”
“If I’m such an idiot why are you kissing me?” Eric breathed, pushing Felix into the chair and climbing into his lap.
“Because I’m an idiot,” Felix retorted. Eric ground his ass against Felix’s cock, eliciting a moan from the older man.
“You like that? When Juyeon’s pretty little errand boy makes you hard?” Eric’s lips brushed against Felix’s ear. His grip tightened on Eric’s waist.
“I like when Juyeon’s little errand boy does what he’s told,” Felix turned his head to look at Eric. His eyes were almost black with desire. It was how Eric liked him best - horny, angry, and completely his.
“What makes you think I’ll listen?” he asked, leaning back to unbutton Felix’s shirt.
“Because you want my dick,” the older man replied as he pulled Eric’s shirt over his head.
“And you want me on your cock so I guess we agree on that,” Eric smirked. He pinched one of Felix’s nipples hard causing his hips to buck.
“Goddammit Eric,” he huffed.
“Tell me how much you want me,” the younger man said.
“And if I don’t?” Felix weaved his fingers in Eric’s hair.
“I’ll leave,” he shrugged. Felix yanked his hair, snapping Eric’s head back so his throat was completely exposed.
“No, you won’t,” he bit down where Eric’s neck curved into his shoulder. Eric grunted, unable to scream because of the angle of his neck.
“Say it,” he gasped.
“Say what? You’re my vice? My competition’s pretty little errand boy is my forbidden pleasure? That I think of you when I’m fucking someone else?” Felix replied, releasing Eric’s hair. The two men watched each other for a moment - half clothed, hair askew, lips swollen - taking in Felix’s admission.
“You…think about me when you’re with someone else?” Eric swallowed hard.
“Ever since that first night,” Felix confirmed.
“That’s almost 3 years,” Eric said.
“Two years, ten months, and five days if you want to be specific,” the older man smirked.
“How much?” the younger man asked.
“I have to keep up appearances, but a lot less than I used to,” Eric didn’t like that Felix was being intentionally vague. “They’re both professionals before you assume I just stick my dick anywhere.”
“You think about me when you’re with a hooker?” Eric questioned.
“I think about you more than I care to admit,” Felix purposely dodged the question. Eric hated when he did that.
“I think about you a lot too,” Eric agreed. For the first time since Eric stormed in, Felix smiled a genuine smile. “I know I shouldn’t be here.”
“No, you shouldn’t,” Felix confirmed.
“And I shouldn’t be doing this,” Eric kissed him.
“No, you shouldn’t,” the older man breathed. “I shouldn’t want to fuck you so good that I’ll ruin you for anyone else.”
“No, you shouldn’t,” Eric ran his hands down Felix’s chest, tracing the outlines of his abs.
“Yet here we are,” Felix stated.
“Ruin me,” the words spilled out before Eric could stop them. Felix’s eyes darkened, if that was even possible, and smirked.
“Gladly,” he replied. “Up.”
Eric stood up, pulling Felix up with him.
“Take off your pants,” Felix breathed against Eric’s mouth as he kissed him again.
“Why don’t you do it yourself?” Eric nipped at Felix’s lower lip. The other man reached down between them, unbuttoning and unzipping Eric’s jeans. He pushed his underwear down, releasing Eric’s cock.
“Hard already for me I see,” he purred, stroking the younger man’s dick.
“Like you aren’t,” Eric squeezed Felix through his pants.
“The better to fuck you with, my dear,” the older man smirked. He nodded Eric over to the couch on the far side of the room. Eric kicked off his jeans and underwear as Felix fetched a bottle of lube from his desk.
“Has anyone figured out you keep that in there?” Eric asked.
“No one’s allowed in here without an invitation,” Felix replied as he removed the rest of his clothes.
“I came in without an invitation,” Eric pointed out.
“And look where that got you,” Felix pinned Eric’s hip against the couch, starting to work him open.
“You say that like I don’t want to be in this position,” the younger man wiggled his hips trying to get more of Felix’s fingers inside him.
“Why are you always so impatient?” Felix teased. He brushed against Eric’s prostate, eliciting a loud moan.
“Just my nature I guess,” Eric replied.
“Maybe I need to teach you some patience at some point,” Felix was four fingers deep in him, teasing his most sensitive spots every few strokes. Eric arched his back and whined. “But I like you like this too much. Needy, whiny, and wet.”
“I’m not -,” Eric protested. Felix pressed his finger in the slit and Eric’s cock oozed precome. “Okay, fine.”
“Of course I’m right,” Felix grinned. He withdrew his fingers, watching as Eric’s hole fluttered around nothing. “So pretty like this.”
“Hurry up,” the younger man grunted.
“I spoil you,” Felix kissed him as he finished stripping and lubed up his cock.
“I thought you were going to ruin me?” Eric looked up at him.
“Ruining you and spoiling you aren’t mutually exclusive,” Felix told him as he pushed into Eric. Eric reached over his head and held on to the arm of the couch. Felix planted one foot on the floor and began fucking into the younger man. “You’re mine.”
“Yours,” Eric whimpered.
“Will you say my name? When you’re being fucked by someone else? Will you think of me when someone else has their dick in you?” He taunted.
“No, only you. I belong to you,” Felix Lee was the last person Eric should be promising himself to. His duties as the courier allowed him to come and go with almost no supervision. No one would question why he was gone for protracted periods. No one questioned his loyalty either. He worked for Juyeon, but Felix owned him. The older man owned every part of him. Eric hated that about himself.
“Stop thinking,” Felix ordered. Eric snapped his attention back to the present.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
“Don’t apologize, just focus on me,” Felix snapped his hips faster, creating an obscene slapping sound when they met Eric’s ass.
“Can they…” Eric began.
“No one can hear us right now,” Felix replied. “Why don’t you make some noise?”
He reached down and grabbed Eric’s cock, pressing hard against the slit. Eric grunted and tightened his grip on the couch.
“Louder,” the older man told him.
“Felix, please,” Eric moaned.
“Please what?” He looked down at the younger man.
“Please let me come,” he whined.
“What did I say? Needy, whiny, and wet,” Felix stopped the motion of his hips and swirled the precome around the tip of Eric’s cock. Eric was almost in tears as Felix played with him. With a well timed thrust, Felix sent Eric over the edge. He smiled as Eric thrashed and arched under him.
“Felix,” Eric reached up to touch the other man’s face when he finished.
“I know,” he replied, fucking into Eric as hard as the position would allow. He painted Eric’s insides white, emptying everything he had into his body. Felix fell on top of Eric when he finished. “Ruined?”
“Ruined,” Eric confirmed. They rested like that for a few minutes.
“I’m getting sticky,” Felix observed. He got up and wiped them both off. Come leaked out of Eric’s ass onto his thighs and the couch. “Guess I’ll need to get that cleaned.”
“You mean you don’t want your come all over the couch?” Eric teased as he got dressed.
“Not at the moment, no,” Felix replied. Then there was a loud knock on the door. Felix and Eric looked at each other.
“Under the desk,” Felix instructed. Eric nodded and practically dove under it.
“Come in,” Felix called as he sat back down.
“Mr Lee,” Eric thought he recognized the voice.
“Felix, please. You’re the cops?” Felix replied. Eric remembered hearing Younghoon and Juyeon talking about other cops.
“Yes, I’m Jeong Yunho and this is Choi Jongho,” he introduced.
“Have a seat,” Felix shifted in the chair. Eric pressed his back against the side of the desk and willed himself to stop sweating. Felix adjusted his legs, spreading them so Eric could see him getting hard again. A meeting with a pair of dirty cops couldn’t be making him horny again.
“I apologize for making you wait. I had an earlier appointment that went longer than expected,” Eric heard Felix above him.
Yeah, impromptu dick appointment, Eric thought.
“That’s fine. I know you’ve got two of your men missing,” it was a different voice this time.
“Is that why you’re here?” Felix asked. He adjusted his legs again, spreading them even wider. Eric reached up and carefully undid his belt and unzipped his pants. Did zippers always sound this loud? He bit his lip to stay quiet and managed to push Felix’s underwear down far enough to release his cock.
“I don’t suppose you know anything about that,” Felix said, his voice not betraying what was going on under the desk. Eric got on his knees and took the tip of Felix’s dick in his mouth. He’d never actually had Felix’s cock in his mouth before. He tasted better than Eric imagined. He wasn’t sure what exactly he’d imagined, but he was going to have a very hard time not sucking him off like it was his last dying act.
“We got a report of a body that might fit the description of one of them,” Yuhno said. Felix reached down and put his hand on the back of Eric’s head urging him to go further. Just as casually, Felix brought his hand back up knowing he’d given Eric the direction he needed.
“I heard the same thing, however I haven’t been able to confirm anything. Were you?” he replied. Eric steadied himself on Felix’s knees then swallowed him down completely. Felix didn’t react which under any other circumstance would have been insulting. Eric was determined to get him to react. He hollowed out his cheeks and began sucking on cock before pulling back to roll the tip around in his mouth. Felix shifted, but nothing that would be seen as unusual.
“We’ve been supervising a river search for the past few days, but we’re going to the morgue later today,” Jongho told him. Eric swallowed Felix down again and this time pressed his finger against Felix’s taint. His cock twitched in Eric’s mouth.
Eric pressed harder as he focused on the spot below the head. Felix’s thighs clenched under his grip. Eric tried to get his finger back to Felix’s hole, but couldn’t quite reach it with the way Felix was sitting. Sensing Eric’s frustration, Felix shifted again to allow Eric to press the pad of his finger against his entrance. Precome pooled in Eric’s mouth. He pushed the very tip of his finger into Felix’s hole. His thighs tensed again and his cock jerked in Eric’s mouth. Felix brushed his hand over the top of Eric’s head.
“A river search?” He repeated.
“For one of the missing police employees,” Yunho added.
“Did you find anything?” Felix asked. By this point, Eric was rutting his own hips against nothing as he pushed Felix toward his orgasm. With one final push of the first knuckle into Felix’s body, he came down Eric’s throat. Eric forced himself not to gag as come kept pouring into his mouth. He swallowed it until Felix finally finished and gently pushed Eric’s head onto his thigh. Eric tucked him back in and opened his own pants. He began fisting his own cock desperately.
“We did. We found Choi Chanhee,” Jongho told him.
“And Kim Younghoon?” Felix asked. Eric was biting his lip so hard he thought he might bleed. He desperately needed to come.
“We have reason to believe he’s still alive,” Yunho replied. Finally, Eric felt his balls start to tighten. He bit down hard on Felix’s thigh as he came all over the floor and his hand. Felix didn’t so much as twitch when Eric’s teeth sunk into his leg.
“I assume our mutual employer is aware of that?” Felix said.
“He is,” Jongho replied.
“Excellent. Anything else?” He asked.
“No,” they replied.
“Thank you for coming to visit personally. I appreciate it,” Felix told them. The silence went on a little too long.
“Right, yes, we’ll let you know when we find something,” Jongho said. Eric heard them get up and the door close. Felix rolled back the chair to look down at Eric.
“You are a menace,” he said.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy me sucking you off while you’re trying to hold a conversation,” Eric grinned up at him.
“Touché,” Felix sighed. “I meant what I said earlier. I’ll protect you until I can’t anymore,” Felix stroked Eric’s cheek with his thumb.
“How long is that?” Eric asked.
“As long as I’m alive,” Felix replied. Eric had definitely not expected that answer.
“Thank you,” Eric rested his head on Felix’s knee.
“Always,” the older man replied.
23 notes · View notes
sorikkung · 1 year
what goes on in neverland. ⇝ ch. 5: attitude? right back at you!
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word count: 9.2k
pairings: transmasc!reader x Everyone, everyone x everyone (its literally too convoluted for me to try type them out here anymore just see the masterlist for full pairings LOL)
genre: e2l, f2l, smut, fluff and lots of assorted shenanigans. hijinks, if you will
au: battle of the bands!au but make it gay and horny
warnings: lots of manhandling, bondage, mild cnc, edging, overstimulation, usage of vibrators, lots of powerplay (brat taming)
a/n: gonna start putting a/ns at the bottom now so the posts don't get too long!
tags: @honeybyunnies @syunderful @absentcaryatid @mingirn (lmk if you want to be added/removed!)
prev | masterlist | next | character checkpoint!
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“Oh, there you ar-“ 
The anger slashed all across Chan’s face dims slightly just at seeing Felix again, and it reminds you of the very same face Eric gives him – hell, even Changbin. It’s no wonder he acts like an entitled brat when it comes down to it, if he’s so used to everyone tripping over their feet to fawn all over his pretty face and stupid freckles, but he’s in for an ice-cold awakening to the fact that not everyone will fall for his charms so easily. No, leaving him high and dry isn’t enough – you need to rub salt in the wound and piss on it. 
Chan only gets to look at you with a split-second of surprise before you’re grabbing him by the collar of his half-unbuttoned shirt and yanking him away from his argument with Eric, who says something that sounds mildly appalled but you pay it no mind, instead hyperaware of the daggers Felix glares into your skin from the side. He’s clearly waiting for you to try something, and so is Chan, body fully tense and sizing you up, trying to stand taller to give him more of an angle to look down at you from. 
Frankly, you did not think this far ahead. 
“What, that eager?” he scoffs, and it’s almost shocking how cocky he sounds so naturally, compared to the non-confrontational flounder he had when you first met and the desperate attempts to be at least relatively civil since, but evidently, he has had enough of holding back. The prospect would be a lot more exciting if you had any sort of game plan, or if you were still toying with him like that first night instead of being as genuinely bothered as you are now. 
Though as far as a last-minute game plan goes, pissing Felix off and using his best friend to do it is a pretty damn good one. As good as it’s gonna get, anyway. 
“Yeah, actually,” you admit, doing your damn best to make it sound less like an admittance and more of a sarcastic taunt as you buy time to think of a clever enough response, backing him up without much resistance to the nearest wall, shoving his back against it. The way he seems to have absolutely no complaint with being manhandled around and pliantly letting you do so, has something inside you burning up at the seams. “About as eager as you were in that chair at the Prism, blushing and hard for me. Tell me, Chris, do you like being watched?” 
Testing the waters, you grab his chin and roughly turn it in Felix’s direction, casting a glance over your shoulder to challenge him before turning back to Chan, who still makes no move against you. He doesn’t even lift a hand to push you off or step away. You lean in right next to his ear, his jaw still firmly in your grasp, “Do you like the thought of him watching you? Is that why you’re letting me touch you like this?” 
“No, I just think it’s funny,” he snickers, and you pointedly do not like how smug he sounds when he’s supposed to be easy to fluster. His ears still get tinged with red, but he does a spectacular job acting unbothered and its awfully convincing. “That once again, you’re trying to tease me for being eager when you’re the one who invited me to the show, then up on stage, now this… so, who exactly is the eager one, again?” 
If it wasn’t so infuriating, maybe the giggles that followed would be arguably cute, but you’re more focused on the fact that your metaphorical hold on him is very rapidly slipping. Musicality may be one thing, but you’ll be damned if his meek ass beats you in sheer dominant sex appeal, too. You know he’s at least somewhat into you, surely, as he admitted he liked what he saw from the start and willingly showed up at the Prism, so it can’t just be that. 
Good god, Bang Christopher Chan might have actually just gone and grown a backbone. 
“I don’t know, Chris, I sure haven’t had anyone less than eager be so pliant for me like this, so you tell me.” 
“Why do you want me to act up so badly, huh?” He deliberately swerves your obvious provocation of his English name to keep digging at you. “Did you enjoy getting smacked up by Changbin that much? It’s like you’re just dying to be put in your place.” 
“Oh, you really think you could do that?” 
He shrugs, cocking his head to the side. 
“I could fuck around and find out.” 
There is not a second of hesitation. The conviction in his voice is as clear as it is stupidly, effortlessly hot – he’s clearly ready to put his money where his mouth is, not just that he could but he would. 
You should have given yourself more credit. While it initially seemed like Bang Chan was a difficult man to truly get a rise out of – at least, one that he doesn’t hold back for the sake of being polite – you’re simply just too good at it. Either that, or he isn’t as much of a sweetheart as he appears, which, frankly, would only make things far more entertaining. After all, a provocative asshole repeatedly fighting a backless people pleaser is basically just bullying, but a provocative asshole fighting a provocative asshole? Now that’s a brawl. Meaning you could afford to get a whole lot messier, not limited to the physical kind, and that’s something you haven’t had the chance to do justifiably in a damn long time. 
How exciting. 
“You could. I think the ‘find out’ part will be a lot more fun for me than for you, though. See, why I’m doing this is obvious and simple – I like playing with my food.” You tilt his head this way and that, just to emphasise his place; your plaything. He can’t forget. Not him too. “I’ve always been the type. Getting under your skin, driving you mad, making things hard for you on purpose – in both meanings of the word, that’s my thing – but you? What does letting me have my way with you, gain you, hm?” 
He’s surprisingly quick on the uptake, and you’re starting to realise you may have underestimated him and his wit and will to step up to the challenge in terms of your silly little mind games. He doesn’t take the bait and deny that he is in fact, letting you toy with him – you have half the mind to think he enjoys it, being toyed with. It’s always the leader types who crave to submit – but nothing could have prepared you for the gall of his answer. 
“To see how bad you want me.” 
Felix and Chan have more in common than you initially thought, you notice. Both try so, so hard to avoid conflict, but when you push them far enough, they show a shocking boldness where they don’t pull their punches. Or maybe – and your work might be cut out for you if it is – maybe they are pulling their punches still, and you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg. It’s positively maddening, and you don’t even know if he knows just how much, only that you need to take him down a notch. 
Pettily, you surge forward like you’re about to kiss him, but right as your lips are about to meet and you feel him crane forward, you pull back, leaving him uselessly floundering in the air for a split second before opening his eyes in confusion. 
“To see how bad I want you, hm? Please, you should see how badly I wanted Felix just before. He sure seems thrilled about it, doesn’t he? What did I just tell you about how I like playing with my food, sweetheart?” 
“I do have a pretty sweet heart, don’t I?” he muses, his honey voice even sweeter, “Not you, though. You’re too good at bringing out the worst in people.” 
When he takes a glance past you back at Felix, though, and sees Felix’s steely gaze staring right back at him while both of your bandmates bicker endlessly around him, your initial suspicion becomes all the more obvious. That last part sounded far too genuine, far less teasing, and you get the feeling he isn’t entirely or even mostly talking about Felix. 
He just can’t keep up the nice guy act around you. 
“You want to make freckles jealous. Isn’t that right?” His face falters instantly, something that doesn’t slip past you when holding him so close, tells you all you need to know. Putting the pieces together, it makes even more sense in hindsight – what made the Prism so different to that first bumbling encounter he had with you? Felix. It always comes back down to the golden boy, apparently, because Chan would do anything to seem like he’s got his shit together in front of him, and you think that sneaking off with him earlier made Chan more jealous than he’d want to acknowledge. “You’re letting me because he’s watching, and you’re still watching him to see if he gets just as jealous as you do whenever me or Eric pull him away from you, right?” 
“God, do you ever shut the fuck u–“ 
You first feel his hand grab the back of your neck, and then it’s his supple lips crashing into yours, capturing them, taking your breath away. You meet his fervour with just as much in turn, grabbing a fistful of his hair that’s almost crusty with hair spray to style it out of his face, yanking it in a way that’s just too hard to be more pleasurable than painful. It’s all just teeth and tongue and him growling just loud enough for you to hear as he pulls you strongly against him. 
The kiss tastes like victory and being right. 
Truthfully, you did not think he had it in him to go for it in such a public area like this, but maybe you really do bring out the worst in him. Would he regret this after? How amusingly humiliating it would be for him if he did, though if he didn’t, things would sure get a lot more interesting. You make sure to do what you do best and put on a show, hooking your leg around him and pushing up his poor excuse for a shirt to touch and grab and dig your nails into any flesh that was offered to you, hoping Felix was still watching and soaking in every single detail. 
In the end, you aren’t much better than Chan for wanting to make Felix jealous, as you are doing almost the exact same thing, albeit for different reasons. For you, it’s about winning. You want to gloat, add insult to the injury, and make him so hard in the process he’s left taking out his frustration on his own fist. If he comes crawling back, sure you’ll take him, but you definitely will not be gentle about it.  
For Chan, he was just a poor fool in love with his best friend, and is probably hoping he’ll want a turn after getting a taste from a distance. Hoping that he’ll realise what he’s missing right before his eyes, and decide he wants it for himself, and Chan will willingly give it to him – he’s probably a boring missionary with the lights off kinda guy and thinks it’s romantic, or something. Were you not with two hands in his hair trying to stick your tongue down his throat, you would’ve chuckled at the thought. 
“Are you serious right now?” 
While you did expect an interruption, you expected it more from one of them than your own drummer, visibly seething. You break the lip-lock to glare at him back in sheer confusion, but Chan doesn’t stop, glaring at Eric as well while his mouth moves down to your neck. The situation is all too familiar, and you wonder how much detail Felix shared about your last encounter with the others. 
“Why wouldn’t I be, Eric? I’m not touching your ex, so what’s the problem?” 
“You were just a hot minute ago,” Eric counters, though it’s not like you tried to hide it anyway. You shrug, tugging on Chan’s hair again as he cautiously slows down to encourage him to keep going despite the interference. 
“And? If you wanted me to follow the bro code, maybe you shouldn’t’ve suggested we tag team him at the Prism.” 
Your bandmate rolls his eyes so hard he probably got a glimpse of his brain. “It’s not about being my ex, they just insulted our band and everything we stand for! Are you seriously going to just stand there and take that cause they’re hot?!” 
“Take that? Oh, I’m not the one taking anything, just ask freckles over there,” you snicker, nodding toward him. “This boytoy is about to fuck around and find out.” 
The band’s opinions might as well be the only opinions that matter to you at this point, but in this moment you find yourself easily discarding them. Yes, you originally started antagonizing them for Eric’s sake – and it still is a large part that, but especially after the stunt at the Prism, he has no right to tell you who you can or can’t fuck as your friend. Evidently now your competitors have gone from competitors and a bitter ex to straight up enemies in his eyes, and perhaps at least with Felix, yours as well – but there’s no arrangement saying enemies are off-limits, either. In fact, you recall your band agreeing that no one cares who else you sleep with, so long as none of you catch and spread anything. 
“Maybe you can fuck around and find out yourself,” Chan pitches in boldly, surprising both of you. He looks forward at Eric through his eyebrows as he hovers over your shoulder still, but you can’t help get the feeling that he is hiding behind you like a shield. 
Eric’s eyes nearly pop out of his damn head. He has never liked Chan, not since he dated Felix and certainly not now. He was always very clingy with Felix, which isn’t really a problem on its own, but even you could tell from the way he looks at him that Eric was not exaggerating when he said he was whipped. You recall him ranting about a time where Chan had called Felix his soulmate, which activated just about every possessive bone in Eric’s body, and you couldn’t exactly blame him. 
To hear Chan come on to Eric for a change threw you both for a loop. 
“Is that an invitation?” 
“You wanna get the freckles treatment that bad, huh?” you poke, lightly smacking Chan’s thigh, “Fine by me. I wonder how long you’ll last.” 
“No, I’m not doing this,” Eric mutters bitterly, turning around and heading off with a childish wave. He must be thoroughly pissed off to not take him up on the chance to – whatever it is you call what you two did to Felix that made him feel in control again. To prove himself, you suppose. Or even just to tease Chan until he breaks. “Have fun sucking off our nemesis, just don’t expect to come home and have me finish you off when he can’t please you!” 
Cheap and immature – but Chan tightens his grip on you at that, bringing his lips next to your ear, asking slowly, cautiously, even – but undoubtedly brimming with anticipation.  
“Is that... a challenge?” 
“It sure is, hotshot, and you better not disappoint.” 
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Despite how well Chan has been keeping his cool so far, he lets it slip on the drive home that he was his roommates’ ride back home, yet here he is, driving home without them. He insists they’ll be fine, public transport running all night with a stop right by their house. 
Not apartment. House. 
It’s a nice house too, and you would’ve thought it belonged to a young family of five at first glance if he hadn’t already revealed he lives there with only ‘the rachas’, who you have deduced from your stalking– or, research, are the two other band members who produce most of their music. You nearly trip over a dozen pairs of shoes in the doorway, the casual reminder that ah, yes, these are very much still men, but cliché as it is, Chan catches and steadies you. 
“Whoops. Sorry ‘bout the mess, wasn’t expecting guests- uh, you can take your shoes off if you want.” 
Ever the gentleman, you suppose. 
“Wow. Smooth,” you deadpan, blinking at him in awe before awkwardly removing your boots and stepping out just that much shorter without them, which Chan definitely notices, so you don’t give him time for a response. “You this charming to all of your hook-ups?” 
“Oh shut up,” he grumbles, chucking his shoes off and ushering you towards what’s presumably his bedroom, complete with coloured wall lights setting the room in a homey purple glow, and nerdy anime figurines on his shelves. Cute. “I was giving you a chance to back out in case you were getting second thoughts.” 
“Sure you were,” you drawl, unconvinced. Oldest trick in the book, and hardly impressive at that. “Now, are you really going to fuck around and find out, or admit you were all talk and get your ass out for me?” 
Now that makes him blush and grin at the same time, finally sauntering over to you and unbuckling his belt. “I don’t get my ass out for just anyone, tough guy, I’m typically more of a top, so I do hope you were ready to find out when you let me fuck around.” 
Now that’s a challenge if you ever heard one, and all of a sudden you aren’t sure who exactly is fucking around and finding out anymore. The thrill is exhilarating – little does he know or possibly realise, is that either way, you win. Because he can try put you in your place all he wants; even if he fucks the attitude out of you for a night, you’ll bite back harder as soon as you bounce back, and he can try again, but it’s not really punishment if you enjoy it so much. 
He was doomed to fail the moment he brought you home with him. 
“You think I need to top you to make you beg, pretty boy? Pff. You know what, I’ll even play nice. I won’t even try to take control for the first... five or so minutes. But I won’t give it to you either, so you’re going to have to take it yourself... or try.” 
“You and your games,” he hums, straightening his belt in his hands and turning it over almost in contemplation. You don’t think he’ll actually use it, but you entertain the thought. “You gonna put a timer on me too?” 
“Do you want me to? Cause it seems to me like you’re stalling again. Come on, big boy, give it your worst. I imagine you have a lot of anger to take out on me, no?” 
Your confident smile stays on your face when he lazily shoves you towards the bed, the back of your legs bumping the mattress, but you don’t even so much as sit on it, giving him a taunting look. Does he really think you are that easy? Does he really think you actually have any plans to cave for him? 
“Wow, that was pretty weak.” 
“If you want me to be rough with you, tough guy, we’re gonna need a safe word.” 
Ooh. Now you like the sound of that. 
“Red. Red light, if you prefer something more specific. I’ll say yellow if I’m reaching my limit. Likewise you can say the same, and I sure hope you do – because once I get started, I’m not stopping until you do.” 
He bites his lip at the warning; you can just feel the excitement emanating from him in waves. It’s almost more cute than it is threatening, and you already know you’re going to have fun with him. 
Ahh, nothing quite like the thrill of a charged rivalry. 
“Red light to stop, got it,” he confirms, nodding. “And... nothing else?” 
“Nothing else?” 
“Like...” he looks down at his belt again, running his hands across it, “just to be totally clear. When you say you’re not stopping until I do say it, does that mean we don’t stop if we say ‘stop,’ only when we say red light?” 
You’re sure your face must have just lit up like a goddamn Christmas tree, but you cannot help it. “CNC, huh? Didn’t think you had it in you, but yes, only red light. Though if you think I’m going to whine and plead for you to stop to get your dick hard, you’re going to be quite very disappointed.” 
“You really need to learn to shut the fuck up for once.” 
Music to your ears, as far as you are concerned. Not just is it a tantalizing promise, but it’s oddly satisfying to hear him say something so directly hostile – you have certainly succeeded in your mission to push his buttons, and now you’re just looking for even more to press. 
He pushes you back with more force this time, and when you hold firm, he simply picks you up like you don’t weigh anything and tosses you onto the bed like a ragdoll, climbing over you and pinning you there. You try to grab him to flip the two of you over, but he’s much stronger than Felix was – you can feel it in his grip, his weight, and how easily he manhandles your wrists to either side of your head and keeps them there despite your struggle, and boy, do you struggle. 
“Great job shutting me up,” you spit sarcastically, but he just keeps grinning down at you like he’s so thoroughly endeared by whatever he’s seeing. Not angry. Endeared. 
Something about that feels so much worse. 
“You’re trying so hard right now,” he giggles, fucking giggles at you, “but you can’t overpower me, can’t you?” 
That motherfucker is getting off to this. 
You relax your muscles then try to surge up with all your strength at once, just like how you overpowered Felix in a similar position, but unlike him, Chan doesn’t budge, arms flexing as they keep you firmly held down. Completely physically at his mercy.  
You seriously need to hit the gym. 
God, he likes it way too much, you can see the power trip written all over his face, and you can’t let him have it that easy. The show of strength is attractive, sure, but he’ll have to try harder than that to get anything else out of you, and he’s far too pacifistic to really tame you.  
“Maybe not physically,” you huff through gritted teeth and a half-smirk, “but that doesn’t mean you’ve won.” 
“That’s right, you want me to fuck the attitude out of you too, don’t you?” 
If you had been drinking something, you would’ve spat it out all over his face at that – it’s so damn jarring to hear something so crude coming out of his mouth, so confidently, even after all the tension tonight. He’s always stepped up to your challenge, but even when he shed his shyness, there was still a level of politeness to him – or was that restraint? 
“I want you to try, hotshot.” 
“I’ll give it my best shot, then.”  
He finally lets you push him off you, but when you’re both upright in a sitting position, he moves with startling quickness, grabbing both your arms again and pulling them behind your back and twisting you around to face away from him. You thrash about, but he simply shoves your face down into the mattress, grabs his belt again and loops it around one wrist to pull it to the other. You don’t make it easy for him, but eventually he manages to get both wrists tied in his belt, and when you try to slip free, you realise these are no improvised cuffs – he's definitely used his belt like this before. 
“You’re a real freak on the inside, aren’t you?” you chuckle, testing the belt cuffs again. They hold steady, chafing against your skin. “It’s always the sweet ones, isn’t it?” 
He scoffs, but he hardly seems offended. “That’d imply you’re anything of the sort. You may be a freak but you’re hardly sweet.” 
“Oh, but I can be. You simply haven’t earned the privilege, sweetheart.” 
And you really can be, the band would attest to that; your mean streak is coupled with the inclination to reward good behaviour when suitable, and you’re sure if you just dangle it in front of him like a carrot on a stick, he’ll walk on hot coals to earn his validation. The ones who pine so hopelessly are always the same like that. 
“I don’t think I need it.”  
He holds the cuffs in one hand so you can’t escape while the other starts divesting you of your pants, and you’re effectively lost for words. Just how long does he think he can keep this act up? He could barely contain himself back at the venue, all over you as soon as you started provoking him, letting you shove him around like a pathetic little thing. 
His grin doesn’t seem so polite anymore. 
“I usually feel a little bad when people want me to be rough with them. I don’t want to hurt anyone unless they're really into that, that’s not really how I get my kicks. I’m more of a giver. But you? You make it so easy to just take.” 
He doesn’t even fully pull your pants and underwear off, shoving them down only to your knees, then shoves two long fingers inside you, earning him a hiss. Chills go down your spine; he’s serious. You thought he would be too soft for you, but with him manhandling you now, the sinking feeling creeps up on you that your initial judgements of him may in fact be wrong. 
“Cause you just love it, don’t you? This is exactly what you wanted from me.” You do. It’s exactly what you wanted but the last thing you expected, and it has you positively reeling. “You’re so fucking wet... I knew you wanted to be put in your place.” 
You cast him a glance over your shoulder, raising an eyebrow at him and giving him the most neutral expression you can muster. “You think this is all you? You have no idea what I got up to with your precious little freckled boytoy in the back corridor, do you?” 
That hardens his features, pumping his fingers into you with more vigour, but with the angle, the method, and your sheer determination to not give him the satisfaction, it doesn’t do a whole lot. “Go on then, fuck the attitude out of me, if you think you can really do that.” 
Something seems to click. He pauses. 
“Hm... I don’t think I will.” 
You’re washed over with a wave of déjà vu to not that much earlier that night with Felix in that corridor. There’s no way he knew exactly what happened – you may have hinted at it, but there’s no way he knows specifically. There’s no way he’s about to do the exact same thing to you. There’s just no way. 
He pulls back, taking his hands off you completely and sitting back on his knees. Observing you. Amused. Endeared.  
“You want it so badly. Why should I give it to you? You don’t deserve it.” 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
Backed into a corner, you’re left with two options – give him what he wants, or edge yourself a second time in one night just to keep your pride, which, doesn’t really feel like is still intact when he’s not just using your own trick against you, but also, he just seems far too smug. If you say no now and walk out just like you did with his bandmate, after going with him all the way home and into his bed, you know it’ll reflect more on you than on him, and he knows that. 
"You wouldn’t have brought me back here if you didn’t want it badly enough too, smartass, so try again.” It’s a last-ditch attempt at saving face, but it has truth to it – not that you think he will cave in so easily. 
As it turns out, you are right. 
“You’re a brat,” he deadpans, crossing his arms and giving you a smirk that only tells you that he thinks he’s won. The odds of him thinking correctly are not exactly skewed in your favour. “You want to be put in your place more than I want to do it for you.” 
“You know what? Your five minutes are over.” 
It’s the only trump card you have, so you turn around and kick your bottoms off completely, climbing into his lap and grinding down on him, feeling just how hard he’s gotten from all the night’s teasing. It’s harder to get the upper hand on him when your hands are tied behind your back, but while you try to slip free of them, he simply laughs at you, grabs your wrist and pulls you off him with such ease it’s humiliating. 
“You’re so cute.” 
Cute? You’ve never been more enraged at praise before, feeling a red hot rush of anger and god knows what else all at once. Any other day and you’d be teasing him right back, but anything you could possibly say back to that dies on your tongue. The dawning fear that you may have finally bitten off more than you can chew sinks in like a pit in your stomach, directly betrayed by the heat it sends down south at the thought of sweet, pathetic Chan, having his way with you. At the thought of what he’d do to you if you finally caved. 
But you don’t need to. You have six other bandmates at home who know your body inside and out, who can probably please you far better than him – if you wanted someone to overpower you and break you, you could always go to Mingi. If you wanted a power struggle and a brat to tame, you could go to Wooyoung. If you wanted a power struggle to lose, you could always go to San or Sunwoo. If you wanted someone who could match your every move and go all night, you could go to Er– 
Or... maybe not. Not tonight. 
“I’m not cute,” is all you manage to say back, albeit rather weakly, and Chan just coos and ruffles your hair. Perhaps messing with the nice ones wasn’t your smartest move, as each act of affection he shows you seems even more potently menacing and deliberate than the last. 
“Cutest thing I’ve ever heard.” 
You were so fucking wrong about him. 
“Fuck you.” 
“Say please?” 
You want to kick and scream. He’s positively fucking infuriating, and you want – no, you need him to shut up and get you off before you spontaneously catch fire, but that’s exactly where he wants you and you hate it. But the thought of release, here and now without waiting to get home and deal with Eric’s pissy mood or having to handle it with only the help of your trusty vibrator, is looking more and more appealing with each passing second you spend glaring at his sickeningly pointed smirk. 
“I’m going to kill you for this.” 
With only the cruellest of gentleness, he brushes stray strands of hair out of your face, gracing you with only that touch and nothing else, his smirk growing into a wide, saccharine smile. 
“You can try.” 
Your own words, effectively chewed up and spat right back in your face. Fuck. 
Humiliating is the only way you can describe it, deeply and thoroughly humiliating, searing at your skin and all your senses, and yet, you still want him. Wooyoung’s humiliation kink suddenly seems to click in that moment, the way that white-hot shame is only making you even more flustered and worked up, but it’s more how frustratingly in-control Chan looks, kneeling in front of you and observing you like this. It’s a good look on him – too good of a look, you think, wanting to wipe it right off his face, but you don’t know how, so you do the only thing you have left. 
“What was that?” He leans in closer, smug as can be, cupping a hand around his ear as if he really couldn’t hear you in the complete silence of his room. Bastard. 
“I’m not saying it again,” you spit in one last act of defiance, legs wobbling like jelly with the sheer embarrassment of it all. You’ve been provoking him this whole time, and now he gets to tease you? You’re taking this shame with you to the goddamn grave. “Either fuck me like you’ve been wanting to do this whole time, or don’t. I don’t care.” 
It’s a lie and you both know it, because if he doesn’t you know you’ll be so pent up that not even your vibrator could save you, but it’s easier to say that than to let him get any smugger than he already is. If your big mouth just sealed your fate, so be it, because there is no going back now. 
“I think we both know,” he begins slowly, “that you do care. But it’s okay, I’m not as blatantly mean as you are.” 
Mercy? Is he really showing you an act of mercy after so determinedly trying to make you crack? It doesn’t make sense – well, not until you consider that he has been edging himself just as long as he’s been edging you, so you suppose he’s taking the most subtle way he can of caving in. That’s enough for you, you think. You’ll take it. 
He pushes you back onto your back, arms somewhat uncomfortably stuck beneath you, but you hardly have it in you to care when he finally touches you, running his hands along your thighs and spreading them open with the firm instruction for you to keep them there. For once, you don’t actually feel like disobeying. 
He gets up, taking his time to walk around to his bedside table, and rummage through the drawers. After his expertise in repurposing his belt, you don’t know what to expect him to pull out from there, and based on the way he strokes his chin and stares periodically as he shuffles around, you get the idea he’s not sure yet either. That, or he’s deliberately making you wait, which is probably just as likely. 
“Are you more of an external or internal stimulation kinda guy?” he asks thoughtfully, tilting his head at his drawer, and your eyes widen at the question. 
“Now why should I tell you that?” 
“Uh, to come,” he scoffs back bluntly, “But that’s fine if you want to be stubborn still. Can’t go wrong with both.” 
He pulls out a blue rabbit vibrator and some lube, which you’re not sure why he bothers with when you’re already soaking a wet spot onto his sheets, but when he pops the cap open and your nostrils are hit with the scent of vanilla, you have a decent guess. 
“You don’t want to fuck me yourself?” You aren’t trying to taunt him this time, genuinely just surprised he’s doing all this without touching himself even once this whole time or even so much as taking off his clothes – you're starting to really believe him when he said he was a giver earlier. 
He simply smiles at you, pushing the lubed-up dildo to your hole gently. “What did I say about you not deserving it?” 
You shrug the best you can with your bound arms trapped between you and the mattress, at last relaxing to just enjoy the ride. If he wants to deny himself further, you’re not going to work yourself up into a fit over it – at this point, you just want to get off, so as far as you’re concerned, it’s his loss.  
“Fine by me. Toys usually feel far better than anything your dick could do, anyway.” 
He doesn’t seem to take the bait this time either, and truthfully, you don’t mind – not when it wasn’t even a lie, not really. When he switches it on, immediately turning it up three settings, your body jolts at the vibrations on your clit and inside you, mouth falling open in a silent cry. 
“That’s better. Feel good?” 
You nod wordlessly as he pushes it in and out of you, the combined sensations rendering you breathless for a long moment while you get used to the onslaught of pleasure enough to form words again. You’d be more embarrassed if you were not so wound up already, but it also helps that it’s just a toy rather than anything he could really brag about. You could probably use that against him later. At least, you hope so. 
“Use your words when I talk to you, baby.” 
He sounds like a siren, the way he makes that sound like the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard, body shuddering and eyes rolling back as he turns the toy up one notch more. 
“F-Fuck- it feels good! So good,” you gasp, trying to catch your breath while it seems like it’s trying to sprint away from you. It’s so much all at once, and with all the teasing you already endured, you don’t think you will last very long. 
He leans over you, swiftly but not hastily kissing down your neck, unbuttoning your shirt to continue kissing down your chest, stopping at the gnarly scar across the underside of your pectorals. You brace yourself for one of the many comments you’ve heard, grabbing your wits about you and sharpening your tongue in preparation, then he breaths out– 
Pretty? Your words get caught in your throat, his lips coming down to leave feather-light kisses on the scar from one end to the other, and each tiny point of contact feels like electricity crackling through you. Pretty. He just saw the dark, wide scar that speaks loudly of the battles you’ve won, your pride and your pain and your story all in one, and he kisses it and calls it pretty. Like it isn’t horrifying, or grizzly, or even badass or cool, but pretty, as if it’s something delicate, something to be revered. 
When he’s supposed to be mad at you. 
Each drive of the toy into you accompanied with the gentle worship of his lips has your back arching off the bed, tears springing to the corners of your eyes as he picks up the pace and the high you’ve been craving all night crawls up on you with overwhelming quickness, so close you can taste it on your tongue. 
“Oh fuck, I-I’m close–” 
Then he stops. 
Any cry of protest you were going to make dies on your lips, and instead, the tears of overwhelm that built up in your eyes finally spill over and down your cheeks, your hips instinctively twitching to try and get any sort of feeling once he pulls the toy away from you completely, still buzzing. 
“You- You said-” 
“I said I’m not as blatantly mean as you are,” he coos, stroking your hair again, his smile down at you with nothing but trouble written all over it. You swallow thickly. “I can be subtler about it, and much, much meaner.” 
“You haven’t even seen how mean I can get yet, hotshot,” you jeer, but you’re sure it doesn’t hold much weight with tears on your face and the edge of whininess to your voice. 
He doesn’t seem very intimidated, nor does he even grace that with a response, simply pressing the tip of the toy directly at your sensitive clit, but only for a moment before pulling back again, giggling cutely at how your hips keen up for more. 
“Fuck you!” 
He repeats the teasing motion again, his harmonic giggles filling your ears, and you don’t remember the last time you’ve been this riled up before, that with each touch of the buzzing toy you almost, almost tip over the edge, but you know you don’t want to. You know that if you do, it’ll stop, and you’ll be riding out your orgasm on nothing but air. 
Please. You know that’s what he wants to hear. You know that’s all you need to say. And yet, there’s a part of you that still doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction, even though you’re sure he’s already had plenty just stringing you along this far and getting you to say it once, but your pride is too stubborn to say it like you mean it. 
“Maybe Eric was right, I might need to get him to make me come after all since you can’t seem to- ah!” 
He takes your bait this time, but not in the way you wanted to, pressing the toy hard against your over-sensitive nerve endings, just long enough to watch your body writhe and squirm and try to choke back a cry before he pulls back, but it’s too late. He brought you over the edge and let you fall, whining and shoving your hips up into nothing as your ruined orgasm pulses through you. 
“Can’t make you come, huh?” 
You haven’t caved in yet. Not fully. You don’t have to, you think, you can endure it and get him to go again and if you concentrate really hard, you can come without him realising, surely– 
“What’s your colour?” 
You blink quickly, still reeling, then process his question. You didn’t go this far just to call it quits now, not when you haven’t even touched him yet, not when you haven’t even got the chance to see his resolve crumble. You need it, you need to break him, whatever it takes. 
“Good boy,” he chuckles darkly, petting your hair again, and now you register it as what it is – a warning. “Because I’m not done with you yet.” 
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How many times has it been? 
You can’t count. You’re not sure if you can even tell up from down. The world is spinning, you’re just caught in its orbit, and just as you try to tense your body to not shake when your high creeps up on you again, it shakes anyway, and Chan pulls back once more. 
“You’re so fucking mean!” you scream, thrashing your legs about, but like every other time so far, he just laughs at you, then licks along the shaft of the toy, tasting your essence for himself. 
“I can do this all night, you know. The rachas might be back soon, though, and this rabbit only has so much charge, sooo... well, I can’t force you to do anything, no?” 
But he can, and you’re both aware of it, that’s precisely what you wanted to see him do, precisely the reason why you clarified the extents of your safe word system, but he’s doing it on purpose. He doesn’t want to take what he wants from you, because that’s exactly what you want him to do. He, just like Felix did, wants to see you beg, and unlike the former, he might just get it. 
You’re at your wits end. More tears trail down your cheeks, to which he softly brushes off with the pad of his thumb, then sucks clean. He’s sick, licking your tears, but he looks fucking godly, the kind of powerful that mortals will clamber over each other tooth and nail just to feel for a day. It defies every preconceived notion you had of the man, but damn if you haven’t always had a thing for a defiant streak and his is giving you a taste of what madness truly feels like. 
“So, what’s it gonna be, tough guy?” 
The condescending nickname only makes you want to act out even more, but you’re almost spent and he hasn’t even taken his pants off yet, and you cannot leave his bed without having made a dent in him whatsoever. You refuse. 
And so, you beg. 
“I can’t hear you–” 
“Please!” You cry out, voice ragged from all the strain, “Please, Chan, just let me come already for fuck’s sake you’re such an asshole, just let me cum or I swear I’ll-” 
“Um? You were off to a good start baby, but that doesn’t sound like using your manners anymore...” 
That cruel, cruel, smile, will follow you into both your wet dreams and your nightmares. You’ve seen what lies behind that polite demeanour now, and were you any less headstrong, you’d decide not to test him again – but you can’t have suffered this for nothing. You can count your losses now, and come at him more prepared next time, because right now, you would do whatever he asks so long as he just. Lets. You. Come. 
“Please! Please, please, please let me come! I’m already begging I don’t know what else you want from me, please, Chan!” 
He sets the toy aside and you’re almost about to start whining and pleading again or even call yellow when he leans over to his bedside drawer again and this time, grabs a magic wand. Your eyes widen when he plugs it into the wall, realising that if this wand needs a three-prong outlet to power it, you might not feel your legs by the end of this. 
“Good boys get rewarded,” he reminds you, undoing his fly and shoving his briefs down just far enough to get it out of the way, finally revealing himself to you in all his glory, hard and leaking for you no doubt from how long he’s been holding himself off for this. He still takes his time fishing a condom out of his pocket, and you just wish he’d hurry up. 
“Forget that,” you huff, trying to nudge it away with your knee, “I get tested frequently and got the scoop already, just let me feel you, please.” 
“How do you know I don’t have anything?” he teases, stilling his movements, and you groan at how your attempt to hurry him along just dragged it out even longer. “I mean, I don’t, but that’s not really the safest of habits–” 
Were you not bound and begging him to fuck you, you’d have socked him in the face already. “Are you going to keep lecturing me or are you going to fuck me already?”  
He laughs, tossing the condom aside and moving closer between your legs, collecting your wetness on his tip and hissing at the feeling – you have no doubt he’s beyond sensitive with how worked up he must be, depriving himself all night, and you just cannot wait to see him break loose. 
“You’re cute when you’re desperate.” 
He sheathes himself fully inside you all at once, filling you up just that much more than the toy did, and the groan that he lets out at you clenching around him is the most euphoric thing you’ve heard all night, even more so than the screams of the crowd at the contest. Loud was not the first word that came to mind when you imagined what Chan would be like as a dominant in bed – not that you’d imagined it prior, or, at least, not for too long, anyway – but it turns out he is full of surprises. He doesn’t hold back the breathy grunts that spill from his lips as he starts to move, and neither do you. 
Your arms ache, wrists moist with the sweat trapped between the belt and your skin, but you don’t have it in you to speak up about it, as if he stops or slows down now you think you just might kill him for real. Just as you try to wriggle and slip your hands free to touch yourself, you are forcefully reminded of the toy he grabbed earlier – almost more fitting to call it a tool with the strength of the vibrations suddenly pulsing against you, so intensely it pulls out a moan so loud it borders on a scream. 
“Fuck– Chan– too much–!” you gasp, tears welling up in your eyes, but when you blink them away and see Chan just give you a questioning tilt of his head, you know what you have to say to make him slow down. 
The word never leaves your lips. 
“Too much, huh?” he taunts, snapping his hips even faster and making your toes curl. There’s a gravelly tone to his voice now, no doubt him finally losing his composure now that he is finally having you himself. “Weren’t you begging for this just a moment ago? Don’t you– hah– Don’t you want to come? Fuck, you’re clenching around me so tight like this, baby...” 
He’s gone already, you realise, though not like you’re one to talk – you wonder if this is part of why he waited so damn long, but by now you’re not that far behind him, barely hanging on. It’s only when you realise that you are still trying to hold on when he’s already given you permission to come do you finally let go, calling out his name as possibly the most intense orgasm you have ever experienced wracks your body in waves. 
“That’s it baby, just like that, fuck, come for me, come.” 
You don’t remember the last time you cried this much in bed, but it’s so overwhelming that the tears just keep on falling and your body keeps on writhing, almost trying to pull away, but your wrists are still tightly bound, and Chan does not let up, even for a moment. His groans grow louder, his face beautifully scrunched up in ecstasy, and his grip on your hip tightens with each thrust. 
The vibrations on your clit don’t let up either, Chan still holding the wand firmly in place, but you can’t string together a sentence to stop him. You don’t know if you want him to, all you know is that it hurts, but it’s hard to tell where pain ends and pleasure begins, just stars spinning behind your eyelids. 
“Ch-Chan,” you whine, physically reeling, “T-Too much...!” 
Yellow. It sits on your tongue, simmering, the same way you can almost feel heatwaves emanating from both you and Chan’s bodies, trembling like a leaf, but it doesn’t reach a boiling point, just an inch too shy. You can take it. You can take more. You want it. You need it. 
“If it were anyone else,” Chan rasps, leaning down and propping up his free arm next to your head so his face hovers closely over yours, “Anyone else and I’d feel really bad about this.” 
Chan proves to be one of the most confusing men you have ever met, because him saying that fills you with equal parts dread, excitement, and the most twisted sense of pride at being the only one to be able to draw out this side of him. To have that much of an effect over him. Either you tell yourself that to cope, or maybe you didn’t completely lose this test of will after all. 
All the sweat manages to be enough for you to finally slip your hands free from belt one at a time, grabbing at his broad shoulders to brace yourself– 
And then he sets the wand to max. 
Your nails meet toned muscle as you dig into his back hard enough to feel the skin breaking, clawing all the way down his back for dear life. Part of you is glad the tool itself is so blaringly loud, because while it doesn’t actually drown you out at all, it at least gives you something else to hear other than your own voice when you make a sound almost foreign to your own ears. You can barely focus on how enticing Chan sounds now, gasping and groaning and hissing at how you feel and releasing inside you, trying to concentrate on the image of him the closest you’ve seen to ruined through the tears that keep welling up in your eyes. 
When it finally stops, you feel like you’re falling back down through the atmosphere, picking up speed as you plummet back down to earth, but your landing is cushioned by Chan’s gentle hands and gentle voice, cooing at you softly and scooping you into his arms. He strokes your hair rhythmically, and this time, it’s not a warning – you haven’t processed a single word he has said to you, but you can feel it enough that it’s not a warning. 
You feel like you might just break. 
“Yellow,” you mumble out loud, at least, but Chan just tuts and cups your face. 
“It’s done now, you’re done, it’s okay,” he whispers, kissing your nose, then your forehead, then tucking your head under his chin and just holding you there. Why? “You don’t have to take anymore, okay? You did good, baby. You did good.” 
You did good.  
You don’t know why hearing that from him makes you dizzy, but you cling to him right back, trying to get a grip on your breathing by syncing it up with the soothing strokes of his palm down your back. It’s such a stark contrast to the man who was just admitting to not feeling bad about pushing you so close to your limit, so different to the Chan who told you that he doesn’t feel like he has to be a giver with you. The Chan that holds you takes nothing and doesn’t let go until you loosen your grip on him first, from damn near falling asleep. 
How long you spent there just stuck to him like glue is beyond you, but it feels like hours. He asks before pulling away, if you’re okay, then tells you he’s going to clean you up and returns with wet wipes and a towel to wipe you off. You drowsily let him wipe you down until you hear the front door opening in the distance and flinch, but Chan just hushes you and smooths his hands over your sides until you calm down. 
“Don’t worry about them,” he reassures you, “they’ll be going straight to bed, and they sleep like the dead. You’re fine with me.” 
You’re not present enough to process how that makes you feel, or to say anything back. Sleep calls, louder this time, and you answer in kind. 
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a/n: annnd thats a wrap for this eventful night! if you all are enjoying, it'd mean the world to me if you let me know by answering some questions on this (completely anonymous!) google form so i can work on making the series more enjoyable :) but also feel free to go crazy in the tags/reblogs/comments or even hit up my ask box, i'd love to hear any reactions or opinions or even questions you might have about the series. i appreciate u all endlessly regardless 💘 thank u for reading my pride n joy~
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destiny-fics · 1 year
Santa Baby
[Eric Sohn x Lee Felix x Fem!reader]
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Pairing: Eric Sohn x Lee Felix x Fem!reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff
Summary: You and your roommate Felix both get jobs as elves at your local Santa's Village for the Christmas season. While trying to deal with entitled parents and their equally entitled children isn't how the two of you would love to spend your holiday season the pay isn't half bad and it's incredibly close to the Holly-Ivy. When Bang Chan, the regular Santa actor, leaves to go spend Christmas with his girlfriend's family, you and Felix are left with no Santa. Until the new hire comes along.
Warnings: smut, threesome (M x M x F), bisexual Felix, bisexual Eric, sub Eric and Felix, dom reader, swearing, alcohol consumption, polyamory, friends with benefits, established relationships, the song Santa Baby, Eric gets called 'hot Santa,' Felix gets called 'Lix and Lixie,' anal sex, fingering (m receiving), swearing,Felix and the reader grind on each other over Eric's dick, unprotected sex, please wrap before you tap
General Taglist: @hiseu @yeosayang @avyskai @whatudowhennooneseesyou @foxdaisy @lickslixie @maskedmochii
Part of the Holly Jolly Christmas Series
Series Masterlist
Smut under the cut. Minors DNI
“Don’t look now, but Hot Santa is looking at you.”
You sighed as you turned towards your roommate Felix, catching sight of the aforementioned ‘hot Santa’ as you did.
“I don’t know Lix, I think he’s looking at you.”
And you definitely couldn’t blame hot Santa for looking. While most of your other coworkers, yourself included, looked silly all dressed up in the red and green costumes with pointy elf ears and hats, Felix seemed to almost look natural in the costume. It wouldn’t even be a stretch to say he looked pretty, in fact, he managed to make a tacky Christmas Elf costume look gorgeous.
Neither you nor Felix had been thrilled to have to put on the costumes every time the Christmas season rolled around, but a job was a job and both of you liked working with the regular Santa, Chan, who happened to live a couple of floors above you and Felix’s apartment with his girlfriend.
This year however, Chan wouldn’t be around for the holiday period, so a new Santa had been hired, hot Santa.
Hot Santa was a guy around your age named Eric Sohn. Eric had bleach blonde hair which was perpetually messy and boundless energy which kind of made him perfect for the Santa role. Both you and Felix had been smitten with him from the start, but reserving your drooling over him for the safety of your apartment. He was gorgeous and sweet and genuinely really enjoyed both his job and the Christmas season. Anyone who could put up with entitled children and their even more entitled parents all day and still come back into work the next day with a smile as bright as Eric’s was like a god in your books.
Oh, and it definitely didn’t hurt that Eric was fucking ripped.
Felix would swear up and down that walking in on Eric changing had been a complete accident, but you knew your best friend better than that, especially when you had been wearing the exact jacket of Felix’s he claimed to have “lost” when he went back into the change room just after Eric had.
“You should have seen his abs y/n,” Felix had gushed to you over a glass of wine when the two of you had gotten home for the night. “Total washboard, you could do your fucking laundry on those things.”
You laughed at the memory now, pinching Felix’s cheeks gently as the man blushed. “Nah, he’s definitely looking at you y/n.”
“How about this,” you hummed softly, eyes flicking back over to Eric. Whatever you were going to say died on your tongue as you caught the hungry gaze Eric had fixed both you and Felix with. This wasn’t the same energetic guy you were both used to, he looked like he wanted to eat you. “He’s looking at both of us.”
Felix, in his usual unsubtle fashion, gasped, turning around to see whether Eric really was looking at the both of you. But Eric, upon realising he had been caught, turned away from you and Felix, a pink blush dusting his cheeks.
“Lix!” You hissed, turning him back to face you “could you get any more unsubtle?”
“I probably could actually,” Felix grinned. “It’s part of my charm.”
You couldn’t even find it in yourself to be annoyed with him, laughing even as you rolled your eyes. "As much as I'd love to see that. I don't think Eric would appreciate you doing that in the middle of work."
"You're probably right," Felix sighed softly. "Guess I'll just have to stick to flirting with you at work then."
You laughed again, patting Felix on the cheek "you can flirt with me plenty at home Lix, how about while we're at work, you actually do your job?"
"Boo, you're no fun," He pouted, giving you a kiss on the cheek before bounding over to help Eric get the little Santa's workshop set ready for when the store opened.
"Santa Baby, slip a sable under the tree, for me." Felix hummed softly as he fixed the placement of Eric's white beard and perfecting the finishing touches on his Santa look. "I've been an awful good boy, Santa Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight."
Eric chuckled softly at Felix's choice of song, resting his hands lightly on the other man's waist.
"You know I think y/n hates that song. She always looks like she's in pain when it plays in the store."
"Oh she hates it," Felix grinned. "And really that only makes me want to sing it more."
"What's going on between the two of you anyway? You guys are��awfully close."
Felix raised an eyebrow before smiling so wide that his eyes creased up on the sides and he let out a short, little laugh.
"Is that your way of asking if we're together?"
"Are you together?"
Felix laughed again, shaking his head "No…not really."
"Not really? Felix, how can you not really be together?"
"Well, we live together, we know practically everything about each other. And like, you know we kiss and fuck and stuff."
Eric choked on the air and Felix paused, raising an eyebrow before continuing. "But we've never put a label on it."
"But you want to?"
"Is it that obvious?" Eric's sheepish smile was all Felix needed to confirm that yes, it was that obvious. "Yeah I'd like to put a label on it, but if she's happy with what we have I'm not going to push her into a relationship. So I won't stop you from pursuing her if you want to."
"Would you stop me if I wanted to pursue the both of you?"
Felix’s breath hitched at the question and at Eric's fingers beginning to massage soft circles into his waist.
"No, I wouldn't stop you. But I'll have to warn you, she's not one for labeling things."
"That's alright," Eric chuckled softly, "I've got a plan."
Eric's plan, it so happened, was made to take place at the store's holiday party. He had almost choked on his drink when you and Felix had approached him. The neckline of your dress was cut so low on anyone else it would look entirely inappropriate, but on you it managed to look elegant, like all dresses should be that low or cut that way. There were small peekaboo cut-outs along the dress' torso which gave Eric flashes of the skin of your waist and the entire outfit was tied together with dainty silver bracelets and sparkly shoes. The entire outfit was such a far cry from the Santa's elf costume you wore daily. So much so that it had Eric's head spinning and he almost forgot his entire plan. Looking at Felix didn't have him faring much better either. He had forgone any makeup, instead letting his freckles shine, dotted across his face like pretty constellations. His deep red shirt which, Eric noted, was the same deep tone as your dress and had been tucked into a pair of black dress pants. Eric also noted a silver bracelet adorning Felix’s wrist, the exact same as yours. But the thing that really made Eric choke on his Champagne? "You dyed your hair?"
Felix laughed as you both approached Eric, running his fingers through his now black locks. "Yeah, I thought it was time for a change."
"He looks good doesn't he?" You grinned, pressing a kiss to Felix’s cheek. "My pretty boyfriend."
Felix’s champagne almost slipped out of his hand at your words while Eric choked on his own drink. Eric raised an eyebrow at Felix who looked equally as shocked.
"Oh? When did that happen?"
"Last night," you hummed softly, making direct eye contact with Eric as you pressed a soft kiss to Felix’s neck. "Don't you remember Lixie?"
Felix, to his credit, did not pass out at the kisses you were now placing against his neck and Eric grinned a little bit, seeing what you were doing. He should have known better than to clue Felix in on his plan to be with you both, of course the man would have folded at the first brush of your lips against his.
Not that Eric was upset by it, in fact quite the opposite. And he was happy for you and Felix, incredibly happy.
"Yeah," Felix hummed softly, smiling at Eric. "I remember."
Your smile was fond and genuine and you pressed another kiss to Felix’s cheek before looking at Eric. "And…a little birdie told me of a plan you two had for tonight."
"What can I say?" Eric grinned at you over the lip of his champagne glass. "When I want something I go after it. And what I want is you two pretty elves."
Felix giggled at the endearment, looking between you and Eric with sparkling, expecting eyes.
"Hmm," you let go of Felix to get closer to Eric, running your fingers through his hair, before beginning to sing. "Santa Baby, slip a Sable under the tree, for me, I've been an awful good girl. Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight."
"I thought you hated that song."
"I do," you smiled, slipping Eric's hand in yours while Felix did the same to his other one. "But Felix likes it. And I like him." You began to lead Eric out of the party, and when he turned to send a questioning look to Felix, the other man simply laughed, leaning up to whisper in Eric's ear.
"She likes you too."
Eric would have to say he loved watching you and Felix together.
You both looked so beautiful, kissing and licking into each other's mouths, moans being passed between you as you grinded together. Even more wonderful was the fact that you were grinding together, on top of him, his cock pressed between your bodies making him moan and pant as he watched you both.
You had taken barely any time to undress Eric once you had arrived back to you and Felix's apartment, both you and Felix placing hot, wet kisses over any part of his body that you could reach. He didn't quite know what you and Felix were going to do with him and he hadn't quite expected it to be the two of you, completely naked and grinding over his cock. But he wasn't complaining, not at all, in fact if this was all you and Felix were going to give him that was something he could live with.
"Listen to him Lix," you hummed softly, detaching your lips from your boyfriend to look at Eric. "He sounds so desperate."
"Yeah he does," Felix grinned. "Want him to fuck me."
Eric swallowed hard, nodding quickly. You giggled at his enthusiasm, and pressed a sweet kiss to Felix’s cheek. "I think he wants that too. You wanna fuck Felix while he fucks me?"
It took Eric a while to recognise that you were speaking to him, but when he did, he nodded again, voice breaking around a plea. "Yes y/n, please. Wanna fuck him, wanna fuck him while he fucks you."
You and Felix shared twin grins before Felix was hovering over Eric to give him a bruising kiss and you began to get to work on propping Felix to take Eric.
The prep felt tortuously long for Felix, but even more so for Eric who had to watch the gorgeous man above him fall apart as your fingers stretched him out. And then finally you and Felix were switching positions so that Eric was behind Felix, him hovering above you. Both men let out satisfied moans as Eric pushed into the tight heat of Felix's ass and Felix groaned once more when he pushed inside of you. You stroked your thumb over Felix's cheek, mapping out the freckles which laid across his face.
"You guys can move now," you hummed softly "Fuck us Eric, please."
Eric didn't need any more permission than that, thrusting into Felix so hard that he didn't even need to push himself into you, Eric doing practically all the work for him. The sound of skin colliding with skin filled your small bedroom, accompanied by a melody of pretty moans from each of you. Eric's hands were grabbing tight at Felix's hips as he pistoned into him, pushing loud moans out of the other man. Felix's own hands were intertwined with yours, squeezing gently when everything got too much.
"You're both doing so well," you whispered, crying out as a particularly hard thrust from Eric sent Felix's cock even deeper inside of you. "Fucking me so well, my gorgeous boys."
"Your boys," Felix mumbled into your neck, squeezing your hand again. You could tell he was getting close and Eric could too, speeding up his thrusts, hips smacking against Felix's ass.
"Exactly," you smiled, whining when Felix removed one of his hands from yours to circle your clit. "Gonna make me cum pretty boys."
"Please," Eric moaned, feeling himself getting close to the edge too, "please c for me, both of you."
If Eric thought you and Felix looked beautiful before, it was nothing to how you looked when you were both cumming.
And even less to how the two of your looked in your afterglow, sweaty and panting as you allowed Eric to clean you both up before pulling him into the bed to cuddle with you. Your bed wasn't exactly made for three people, but neither you nor Felix seemed to mind, practically throwing yourselves on top of Eric to cuddle.
Eric let you, kissing both of your heads before he settled down for the night.
None of you had wanted to get up the next morning, even as the sunrise began to fall into early morning and eventually late morning sun. Eric was more than content to share soft kisses with both you and Felix as you lay together though, basking in the peaceful, loving, mid-morning environment you and Felix had created for him.
That was until.
"Santa Bab-Ow! Y/n! What the fuck was that for?" You didn't respond, instead rolling over Eric so you could properly attack your boyfriend with tickles, Felix squealing and kicking at you through giggles. Eric laughed as he watched you both, the fondness on his face absolutely reflected into your own expressions.
He was really glad he had taken that job.
And he couldn't wait for next Christmas.
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vactiontown · 6 months
dong-hae minkyu (lee sangyeon | 28 years old | herdeiro de uma rede hoteleira)
ele assume muita coisa no hotel porque quer deixar o pai orgulhoso, é completamente workaholic. perdeu a esposa em um acidente e tem um filho pequeno. pai muito coruja, chega a ser chato. url: @ddonghaee
felix irving (kim taehyung | 25 years old | jogador de futebol)
felix recentemente aceitou sua sexualidade, ainda não tornou pública. ele tem o problema de carreira x vida pessoal pois sabe que seria um empecilho ser assumidamente gay no futebol. está em uma fase difícil por não saber o que fazer. url: @feirving
jaehyn lee (younghoon | 27 years old | guarda noturno)
trabalha no período da noite, então é bem introspectivo por participar muito das coisas. é bem querido e responsável. url: @jaehynlee
jaesung kim (han jisung | 24 years old | estagiário)
é bem sociável, faz piada ruim quando desconfortável. tenta não pensar muito nas coisas, mas quando para pra refletir não consegue mais parar. gosta de festas. trabalha fora da cidade e abusam bastante da boa vontade dele no escritório. url: @jaesungkim
jinwoo seo (kim soohyun | 33 years old | bombeiro)
é bombeiro, bem metódico e sério. tem uma filha pequena. @jinwooseo
jiyeon baek (sunwoo | 24 years old | artista)
só quer amar e ser amado, mas tem muito azar na área. é pessimista ao extremo. as vezes ajuda o pai que lhe ensinou como ser carpinteiro, mas vive querendo transformar as coisas em arte e estraga tudo. quer viver de arte, principalmente digital. url: @jiyeongbaek
kwang seo (kang tae oh | 29 years old | programador e desenvolvedor de games)
muito amorzinho! é gamer, fica em casa bastante e tenta desenvolver seus próprios jogos, mas sempre desiste. url: @kwangseeo
mia campbell (yuqi | 27 years old | herdeira)
menina rica sem noção da realidade. ela é bem inocente e genuinamente boa, mas é manipulada pelo pai que a cria como uma princesa. url: @miaseon
peyton suwan (minnie | 27 years old | cabelereira e manicure)
fofoqueira e extrovertida. é bem confiante. vive no salão e adora que esteja cheio pra ficar conversando. não leva desaforo pra casa. url: @psuwan
sang-jun gojo (juyeon | 28 years old | professor)
professor de educação física e de artes marciais, é muito bom em tudo que se propõe fazer, mas nem sempre tá afim. atualmente em um relacionamento. url: @sangjungojo
seok-min baek (eric sohn | 23 years old | marceneiro)
trabalha na marcenaria do pai e tem muito talento pra profissão, entretanto não gosta de contar pros outros por não querer se sentir inferior financeiramente. é confiante e extrovertido. url: @seokminbaek
soojin min (soyeon | 27 years old | curadora no museu)
é nerdzinha. raramente sai do museu durante o dia e não é de socializar muito. url: @sooojinmin
taeho yoon (seungmin | 23 years old | estudante)
estudante de medicina pilhado, sofre muita pressão do pai para seguir a profissão. está sempre estudando, quanto mais esgotado, mais grosso é com os outros. quando tá assim, nem ele se aguenta. url: @taehoyooon
taesoo kown (hyunjae | 27 years old | guarda florestal)
uma pessoa muito em paz com ele mesmo e com o mundo. ama a natureza e é formado em biologia, atua como guarda florestal por gostar muito. atualmente em um relacionamento sério. url: @taesookown
takashi kato (mackenyu | 27 years old | dono de livraria)
muito sério e fechado. voltou para a vila para cuidar da livraria dos pais, mas como sofreu bullying na adolescência nutre certo ódio da cidade. é difícil de lidar. url: @takashikato
yuri itadori (kim jiwoong | 23 years old | estudante e atleta)
muito doce, querido e extrovertido. é do time de atletismo da faculdade, mas ainda não sabe se é isso que deseja pra vida. url: @itadoriyuri
donghoon seon (changbin | 25 years old | entregador)
tem uma vida bem simples. trabalha como entregador e termina a noite tomando cerveja. sem maiores ambições. url: @donghoonseon
haejin lee (jacob bae | 26 years old | streamer)
vive no quarto fazendo live. é famosinho na internet, então consegue ganhar a vida como streamer já que vive no teto do pai. cai em catfish fácil fácil. url: @haejinlee
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t3kandson · 1 year
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Player Might Be Me
Word count; 14, 283
Fandom; The Boyz & Stray Kids Featuring a bit of Itzy
Pairing; Reader X Lee Juyeon, Reader X Seo Changbin, Reader X Bang Chan aka Christopher, Bang Chan X Seo Changbin, Lee Minho aka Lee Know X Shin Ryujin & Bae Jacob X Choi Jisoo aka Lia.
Characters; Lee Juyeon, Seo Changbin, Bang Chan, Moon Kevin, Ju Haknyeon, Lee Hyunjae, Lee Sangyeon, Bae Jacob, Sohn Eric, Kim Sunwoo, Lee Minho, Shin Ryujin, Choi Jisoo, Kim Younghoon, Choi Chanhee, Hur Hyunjun aka Hwall, Ji Changmin, Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin.
Warning; Angst, Cover story relationship, Talk of arranged marriages Polyamory, Jealousy, Degrading, Pregnancy & Labour, Talk of abortions, Children hospitalisation, fights, fingering, Maiesiophilia & Threesomes.
Notes; Part Three of Player/Player at the wedding
Happy Birthday Juyeon 😘❤️
Taglist; @ilovechanhee
The door bell hollowed through the house, annoyance deliberately targeting you. Making your way through the empty house you moved towards the front door. Heart freezing when you recognised the two figures that seemingly looked ready to break the door down.
“Y/N we know your in there, don’t be dramatic and answer the door,” Kevin shouted through the glass panel. You should have known that Kevin and Haknyeon would not have let you leave town so easily.
Opening the door like a scolded child Kevin narrowed his eyes your way with his arms crossed. Haknyeon even in his smiling gaze looked irked at your behaviour. “Please forget me,” Kevin growled shoving your note in your face. “Do you think your so little to us that we would just be happy with this silly note,” he added throwing the paper to the floor. “Just because you can forget us don’t mean it’s the same emotions that we own,” he said hurt as your eyes looked to the written apology. “Y/N,” please say something,” Haknyeon pleaded bringing your eye contact back. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stay, not like that, not round him,” you choked as Haknyeons eyes softened. “We understand that, more then anything,” Haknyeon said stepping towards you. “But why did you run from us?” he added grabbing your hands warmly. “Because I need a fresh start away from everything Juyeon, I don’t want to be that person he was making me,” you said with tears pricking your eyes. “Since when did we represent Juyeon, you know we both can not stand him. We didn’t even like him when you was dating, what makes you think we would like him now,” Kevin said more softer. “Y/N you could never be like him,” Haknyeon added tightening his grip.
“We’re family Y/N, you don’t walk away from family,” Kevin said placing his hand on your shoulder as tears began to slide. “Right I’ve scolded you, let’s leave that here but you are never going to walk away from us again right?” He glared in your eyes that caused you to tearfully nod. “Come here Silly,” he said pulling you into his hold, Haknyeon’s hands slipping from the crush between yours and Kevin’s body as tears began to fall.
With your friendship with Kevin and Haknyeon reassumed, they both visited regularly, many nights comforting you and slowly building you back your life. But the second you had started to rebuild your life again once more, life threw you back into the hell you had clawed from.
“Shit,” Haknyeon said holding the test for dear life in his hands as he looked his way to you. Your mind froze as it swirled through all sort of thoughts, one’s that you couldn’t even focus on because your world was going black once more. “It’s ok Y/N listen it’s ok, we will sort this I promise you,” Kevin echoed around you as he placed his hands on your shoulders. But even his words of comfort and reassurance couldn’t take away the fear deep in the Pitt of your stomach. You was pregnant and the only person you had slept with was Lee Juyeon just a couple months prior. It didn’t matter that you wanted a fresh start, the universe was finding a way to derail you.
“No child will change him Y/N, Haknyeon said with sorrowful eyes when you suggested going back to Seoul to return to him. “You don’t know that,” you cried as you tried to hold on to the family picture your mind had given you. “Y/N, he’s been sleeping with those girls since you left, that’s how much he cares,” Kevin growled with annoyance. “But that’s different there relationships, this is a child,” you cry pleading as if they could fix your ideal dream future. You knew being unmarried your father would scorn you once hearing of your predicament. “Fine ring him, but he will only hurt you and this time a tiny child too,” Kevin scoffed passing you his phone. You looked at Juyeon’s number in fear like it was set to burn you before taking your eyes back to his.
“Test him,” Haknyeon said into the silence as you both looked his way. “What?“ you scoffed looking confused at him. “He slept with a friend of mine just last month, she owes me a favour. I’ll make a comment that I think she’s pregnant let’s see his reaction,” he said looking at you seriously. Kevin looks at you and you see it’s a plan he approved as you nod your head at him.
Being back in Haknyeon’s apartment is weird, it’s your comfort, many great nights was spent there. But you remember Juyeon’s sleeping body laid like a ghost on the sofa. Your muscles twitched as you remember the way his fingers dug in to devour you the very last night of your relationship. “You can change your mind right,” Kevin said worried with your sudden display of emotions. “No I need to know,” you added holding your tears at bay. Slipping into the bedroom when the door buzzed, fingers intwined willing for Juyeon to show a sign of excitement, a sign of responsibility.
But that’s not what followed when Haknyeon spun his line. “Why are you telling me?” Juyeon growled. “Because you’ve already fucked up one of my friends lives, Mirae deserves better, she needs you to step up,” Haknyeon said with a raised tone. “Mirae is just as much as a dirty dog as me, that kid probably wouldn’t be mine,” he said sounding so uninterested. “And If it is,” Haknyeon pushed further. “Mate I haven’t got time for this Bullshit, Mirae’s problems are her own and not mine so go play games with someone else. You like fixing my mess you deal with it,” Juyeon said sounding so cold. “Right mature levels that I expected, but you know what I expected even fatherhood might inspire you with some form of need to grow up,” Haknyeon lectured as your heart began to burn. “No one tells me when it’s my time to grow up, if she is there’s always the option for an abortion,” he growled as the Pitt of your stomach churned. “Your an asshole Lee Juyeon,” Haknyeon matched his tone. “You know what, even if it’s not mine I’ll pay for the abortion, who wants to be lumbered with a crying shitting machine anyway,” he add, as if he was deliberately setting to hurt you further more. “You know what, I don’t know why I had faith in you,” Haknyeon said, his tone setting close to anger. “Well I didn’t ask you to,” he said snarky as if he was amused at the disappointment he was showing. “Get out,” Haknyeon shouted like the anger he was holding on was about to be out leashed. “With pleasure,” Juyeon said sounding pleased at the commotion he left behind.
The second the door shut the tears you held at bay poured as Kevin pulled you into his warm embrace. Haknyeon’s hands pressing on your back as you sobbed, to show his support as he dashed to the room. Quietness stilled as they both comforted you, the words of ‘I told you so’ that you expected to come didn’t.
“What am I going to do? What am I going to tell my father?” You cried looking up at Kevin. He pursed his lips deep in thought as you looked up at him with tear stained eyes. “I’ll fix it I promise, I’ll find someone to take care of you both,” he said slightly smiling in an attempt to reassure you.
When you imagined all the ways that Kevin would fix the mess you had gotten into you never thought Hyunjae would be the answer. “What?” Hyunjae replied paling with slight confusion. “You like her, she liked you, she’s pregnant she needs you,” Kevin explained as if you and the baby was some form of business deal. “Kevin did you fall and hurt yourself, like badly brain damaging hurt yourself,” Hyunjae scoffed at his friend. “No she needs help,” Kevin pleaded as silence fell. “And you thought of me, like it’s already crazy that your finding some sort of husband for your befallen friend, no offence,” he paused smiling at you briefly. “But me, why me? do I look father material?” Hyunjae added. “Firstly I thought she was our friend and secondly you love kids. Your lost in a world as soon as you see a baby,” Kevin explained. “Y/N you know I love you and will always fight for you,” Hyunjae smiled your way as you mirrored. “I love babies there cute so tiny and so squishy, but not my own actual baby to bring up, even if it’s one that’s not from my loin, not now anyway,” he replied. “Plus this is wrong I know the man’s a jerk but still, it’s his baby,” he added pulling his hand through his hair.
“He wants an abortion,” you choke out the words having never left your mind since he spoke them. Hyunjae breathed in deeply before making his way to you, wrapping his arms around your wearily body as he pulled you in. “Y/N I wish I could help but this is too much,” he said softly as you nodded understanding. “I know, I’m sorry we shouldn’t have even asked you,” you said feeling numb. “You know nothing would please me to be the person who has you weak for me every night I come home to you, but being a father to a child I didn’t make right now when we are so young, I can’t do it,” he adds cupping your face. “It’s a stupid idea,” you said letting tears slip.
The whole situation was crazy and was zapping any energy into your life right that moment.
Pressing a kiss to your nose he pulled you in tightly. “It’s not a stupid idea, it’s just I’m not equipped for what you need from me right now,” he said kissing your crown. “I’ll help though, you know being him or her favourite uncle,” he said as you chuckled. “I’m sure there be someone that I can help find what you need though,” he added reassuringly.
Like he had promised he fixed the situation. You was sat facing two strangers who had offered to save your situation. The comfort of Hyunjae’s apartment around you, you looked at the pair blushing. “This is Christopher,” Hyunjae Introduced as he was grinning so widely, but yet also very warmly. “This is Changbin,” he added as you nodded once more to Christopher’s Boyfriend. His smile not reaching his eyes as if he was daring into your soul making you gulp slightly. “And this is our beautiful lady in distress,” Hyunjae teased as you shot him a glare earning a chuckle.
“Can I be honest and straight to the point with you Y/N,” Changbin asked as if he was trying to work you out. You nodded trying to warm him with a smile that failed. “What If the real father comes back on the scenes?” he asked as you blinked surprised by his outright question. “Binnie,” Christopher scorned softly trying to smile even brighter at you, as If he was counteracting the slight tension Changbin was emitting. “Chris I need to know, I don’t want to fall in a trap that goes south,” he said softly, yet to the point before looking your way. “The baby’s father wanted me to have an abortion he isn’t coming back,” you replied. “But you love him?” Changbin asked as you nodded watching Christopher’s smile slightly drop. “What’s to stop us giving you and that baby what you need, to then throw us away If the dad comes back,” he asked with wary concern behind his eyes.
Pulling in your bottom lip he had a good point. You had wanted a family with Juyeon and so his change of mind would be all you needed and everything you wanted. “See she can’t answer that,” he said looking at His partner. “Chris you can’t keep saving people, not when they can’t be honest,” he said, his tone showing he didn’t trust you.
“I can answer,” you said as they looked your way. “I could say what you want, tell you you can trust me, this baby will be brought up by just us three alone, a family hiding your secrets yet comforting as one strong unit,” you smiled as Christopher could see content in the picture you painted. “I could also tell you what you clearly want to hear, that I’m so badly in love with the guy who’s dna is in my child and that I’m just saving my self. Then your right, this idea is bad and you should run,” you added looking at Changbin as he’s eyes smalled slightly. “But if I’m honest I can’t tell you to trust me, I can’t tell you this is safe,” you added biting your lip. “I love this baby’s real dad very much, you don’t know how I’ve tried so much not to, but I can’t help it I really do,” you said looking at Changbin with watery eyes. “He isn’t just not father material but he also doesn’t want to be a father, his chosen route in his words,” you pause taking a breath. “Even if it wasn’t his he’ll pay for the abortion because who wants to be lumbered with a child,” you added as tears slipped.
“Y/N,” Christopher chokes looking saddened to view your tears and hear those words. “Does that sound like a man coming to claim his family?” You asked looking at Changbin as his view soften. “I can’t give you any promises, but I can be honest I need saving,” you added brutally as Hyunjae’s hands found yours under the table. “But can any of us guarantee that this will work?” You asked them. “What do you mean? how are we going to break your heart? you will always be that baby’s mum,” Changbin scoffed. “Can you promise each other that you won’t feel some sort of emotion for me when I become your family, I know your both bisexual,” you said making Christopher blush. “What if Me and Christopher fall in love and run away,” you said as Changbin started laughing heavily.
“Oh thanks, feel the love,” Christopher scoffed as Changbin calmed down holding his hand. “You really telling me your going to fall in love and run away leaving me behind,” he says with full confidence. “I could do,” Christopher said playfully that made you smile at there cute display of there relationship. “One week and you would be back,” Changbin winked as you felt the heat of your cheeks blush. “That would be because you need me to stop you setting fire to the kitchen,” Christopher scoffed. The way they interacted together was contenting to view.
You knew the deal to be there cover for there relationship in offer for a family, that your unborn child would be better off with them then Juyeon.
“You made a good point I’m thankful for your honesty,” Changbin said after taking you into his view once more. “What’s that, one of you could fall for my charm and run away with me,” you teased as Christopher smirked. “Oh you have so met your match,” he said nudging Changbin.
That was the start of your relationship with them both. It was meant to be just a cover story, You was Christopher’s girlfriend to the world, but behind the door when your hand slipped Changbin took over. You had ear pods to help close the hearing from the thin walls of there own relationship, but you was content. While Christopher mothered over you, Changbin who at first was still wary, started warming up with help from Christopher’s coaxing. However, you both became a bad influence and often joining forces against your cover partner.
As for your pregnancy the golden rule of not mentioning anything to do with Juyeon was the ultimate deal. They didn’t even want to know his name, Kevin, Haknyeon & Hyunjae forced to be tight lipped. It was as if in your mind your dreams was replaced with Christopher In Juyeon’s place.
Christopher was the doting expecting father. However, often suffocating you with nutrition meal plans even down to the music you heard. He wanted his child to hear there voices as there melody. Which explained the routine parts of the day as Christopher held your stomach playing the mixtapes him and Changbin made.
Changbin on the other hand sneaked in your cravings, you had a unhealthy addiction for everything that wasn’t healthy, that Christopher wanted you to eat. In particular greasy burgers, it had become your Thursday treat when Christopher had his work meetings with the management line. Changbin would collect you as soon as he finished and would drive you to the nearest Lotteria for a Bulgogi burger. As your bump grew he would swap his Burger with your fries, smiling with smitten features as you devoured his food. He secretly confessed that you eating something that was his and the regular eating date, made him feel like he was connected to the baby. It wasn’t long before he was confessing his fears. Christopher would be daddy but he was just an uncle. Though he didn’t want a family he agreed for Christopher, he had become very fond of you. The thought of losing you equally terrified him then an attachment to a child that wasn’t his.
Your platonic relationship between you and them changed almost over night. It was like you all felt chemistry, but in fear of complicating your home life further you kept your distance when things got too much, like it was a fuse away from exploding. As always your unborn child being the explosion in the situation.
“What’s wrong with that idea?” Changbin scoffed when you told him the doctors suggestions to push your labour along. “Are you seriously suggesting we add another person in to encourage our child out,” Christopher scoffed his way, after hearing Changbin’s response to the doctors joke. She had merrily joked that semen from sex helped overdue mothers, one that emitted a blush from you both.
“No she has us for that,” Changbin said his eyes widening towards his partner. “Your thinking crazy right now,” Christopher replied getting off the sofa to make his way towards the kitchen. “No I’m thinking like a dad, which is what your meant to be doing,” Changbin growled.
Christopher looked at him hurt in his eyes. You was use to squabbles, Changbin often blowing up with his emotions but to attack Christopher as a parent felt a low attack. “Please explain how making our already confusing situation any more fucked up then it already is, is better for our child,” Christopher said growling with more anger then you witnessed before.
“Do you want them to be over due? Do you realise how uncomfortable it is for Y/N, or have you forgotten her in this whole damn thing. She’s this baby’s mum not a surrogate,” Changbin ranted. Christopher eyes brushed to you as you pulled your knees towards you in pure uncomfortableness with the whole argument. “Have you even asked Y/N instead of being her spokesman?” Christopher asked almost calmer. Changbin instantly looked to you, his eyes darkened slightly more then usual, but silence upon his features. “Can we just not argue I don’t like it,” you whispered making them both rush to you with guilt.
“Sorry Y/N,” Changbin said pulling your shoulder so you tumbled into him, letting your knees fall on his thighs. “Yes I’m sorry too, I’m sure we can find a way to help you,” Christopher said smiling. “I’m sure Hyunjae would help,” he added as Changbin looked in horror. “Chris how can we be a family, this child is yours but I’m just the uncle, by Hyunjae helping that means he has a much more claim then me,” Changbin said re getting irked once more. “So your telling me by you fucking her it means your feel closer,” Christopher scoffed towards him once more as you felt the brief respite disappear.
“No if we do it together then it’s something I’m included in,” Changbin bit out. “Do you know how hard it is watching you two go to scans, hospital appointments, picking out names, leaving me in the corner feeling as if I’m just the person who satisfies your sexual needs but nothing more,” he cried showing the pain that till now he hid from his lover. “But isn’t that what you wanted, you didn’t want this, you didn’t want to be a dad. You only did this to please me,” Christopher shouted back. “Well things changed, I’ve held that little one as they kicked my hands, held Y/N’s hair why she’s been sick, made her giggle when she’s been sad,” he paused looking at you with a brief break of warmth in his features. “I’ve dreamt just like you, her future, our future, our family of four,” he said more soften closing his eyes as he willed the dream to hold him once more.
“How long have you felt like this?” Christopher asks looking shocked by his admission. “Since I felt her kick my hand when I fed her mother my burger,” he wiped a tear but looked content in the memory that you didn’t even realise. “I’m sorry I didn’t realise I pushed you into the cold,” Christopher said closing his eyes. He turned his back on you both turning around to look you with a different unknown view in his eyes.
“Y/N what’s your take on this?” he asked closing his eyes briefly once more. “What on how I’ve equally pushed him out, I already knew it and set time for him,” you said looking guilty. “That’s sweet but i didn’t mean that, I wasn’t blind to your unhealthy dinner dates,” he said raising an eye at you as you looked guilty at him. “I meant your take in Changbin’s suggestion, about you know,” he said blushing a deep set of red. “Oh,” you said pausing as you bit on your lip briefly that earnt a gulp from Changbin’s breath, that caught both your attention.
Had you thought sexually of them both? yes you sure had. There moans was often what pushed you over the edge as your knuckles went white pleasuring yourself. “Well her silence tells us what we need to know,” Christopher said pushing his lips and widening his eyes at Changbin’s which had fallen. “It’s because I’m trying to find the words that don’t sound like I’m some sort of cock whore,” you blushed looking to the floor. “Wait so you want to, you know,” , “have sex with us both,” Changbin added smirking at Christopher’s deep blushes. You nodded blushed almost as red as Christopher’s as Changbin fell to the sofa nudging you. “Oh Y/N your such a cute little thing blushing like a what did you call it, cock whore,” he winked.
You couldn’t remember the path between that phase and suddenly being dragged by Changbin to your bed room. Heavily amount of kisses passed you had been sure of that. You had been sex starved for over nine months and desperately needing the release from more then your fingers. Desperate to hear there moans as they drove themselves mad on you.
Christopher’s eyes at your naked body was pure doe eyed at your fully naked pregnant appearance. “Changbin don’t hate me, but that’s such a turn on that I never imagined I’d have,” He scoffed. “You and me both,” Changbin choked as you took his eyes, dark with lust filled hunger. “Well we ride together we die together,” he added as his hands rummaged your breasts. Which made Christopher belt out into hysterics, Changbin eyes narrowing on him which you had to admit looked hot. “Sorry I was just laughing because we aren’t riding together, she’ll be riding us,” he smirked blushing like crazy.
“Sorry, one second,” Changbin said holding a finger before he made his way to his lover. “Your so cute when you say something so sexy, but I love you like it, never change,” he complimented looking in his eyes as his lips attacked him.
Like earlier in the living room, your thighs clenched viewing the depth of there relationship. Changbin’s eyes finding yours almost salivated at there display, that he smirked at you with pure devilish view in his eyes. Turning you into him he let his clothed bulged press against your ass, his hands holding your belly. Kisses along your neck you feel Christopher spraying his hands over your bump. Like his partner they both was finding themselves turned on by your glowing pregnant view. “Do you know how beautiful you are carrying our baby,” he said deeply that your thighs dampened. “Yes our baby,” Changbin whispered into your ear that had you almost choke.
Once you had got used to Christopher’s emotion’s for your voluptuous view you was hovering over his cock. “Baby, don’t hold back,” he smiled looking lost in your eyes. His fingers reassuringly brushing over your thighs as sudden nervousness attacked. Whimpering you slid yourself down on him as you closed your eyes, biting your lips as you got use to being filled once more. Changbin behind you, held your breasts as he knead them while you set your rhythm on Christopher. “You feel so tight, shit,” Christopher whined himself as his hands gripped on to your hips. Changbin presses his hands to your face to lean your lips towards his, tongue sucking down the moans spilling from your lips. Fingers finding your clit Christopher rubbed circles into your throbbing nub.
Walls clamping on his cock had his own deeper groans making your release creep up. “Y/N, oh my god, shit,” he cry’s, fingers digging into your flesh as his pace becomes sluggish on there attack. He spills himself deep in you and the warmth of his hot seed, scrunched face, and choking sounds throws you off the edge. Lips falling from Changbin, you lean on to your arms, palms resting on Christopher’s hard muscular chest, panting as you struggle to breathe through your intense orgasm. “You ok baby?” Christopher coos lifting your face to view him. “Yeah that was just, yeah, it’s been a while,” you pant as he stifles a chuckle. “Well you haven’t had me fuck you up yet,” you hear Changbin threaten behind you.
“It’s ok sweetie, i won’t make you do all the work,” Changbin says dragging his finger down your spine making you moan as you arch. “When your ready, all fours,” he said pressing kisses to your shoulder as he hovers over you, before placing a kiss to Christopher.
Fingers falling to your cum soaked pussy, Changbin enjoys slowly fucking into you. His digits forgetting your delicate condition, but despite the slight discomfort of his frenzy attacking of his fingers, your juices are flowing. Removing he replaces himself with a slam of his cock, cry’s piercing the air. “Remember the baby,” Christopher scorns him still underneath. “We’re here to encourage it out,” Changbin chuckles before he prepares to set his rhythm. Ignoring Christopher’s request he set a harsh pace against you. Your walls clamping around him helping to fill the most sexy groans deep in your ear. You can feel Christopher hardening beneath you that he’s also weak hearing them too. Christopher’s biting his lips in your eyes lost in his Changbin view, is adding to your once more creeping orgasm. You can hear him struggle to hold his high back as your walls tighten around him. “Y/N,” he growls and the way he runs your voice from his tongue is enough to have your core burn. A second chant of your name is all your core needs to snap as you feel the muscles in your core choke around him. “Fuck,” Changbin growls shaking as he rides his high that you threw into him out. Your body feels over sensitive as he continues to slowly fuck into you, filling you with so much of his seed that you feel it slide down your thighs, spilling on Christopher.
“Well I think that definitely has you fully cum filled,” Changbin said releasing himself. Throwing himself beside you he pats the space between them, Christopher’s beaming grin inviting you to lay with them. As soon as you lay down, Changbin rolls to face you brushing the sweetest kiss to your lips. “We’re not coming back from this are we,” you ask him as he smirks. “Well this is our family now,” Christopher whispers confirming your relationship with them both was sexual now too.
You suddenly woke up clinching your stomach in pain as water gushed your bed. Christopher’s panicked eyes being the only evidence he wasn’t as calm as his reassuring words. Changbin on the other hand was a nervous wreck. His paled face as his cluttered words spilling in his attempt to reassure you as Christopher drove you to the hospital.
His lost expression when he failed to move into the labour suite confused you further. “Changbin,” you whined looking his way. “I’m not the dad,” he said with watery eyes. “Says who?” You question as he tilts his head. “We’re a family remember, please don’t leave us incomplete,” you plead opening your hand to him as he smiled taking it. “What will we say?” he asked Christopher, who looked at peace more then you witnessed. “We’re figure it later, but for now it’s just, owwwwww,” you cried buckling as they both carried you.
The both of them held your hands, supporting you switching roles as Christopher became more panicky having given into his locked emotions. While Changbin, since the conversation outside, took the stronger role, reaching out to bring your focus when you struggled.
When they lifted the tiny bundle into your wearily eyes you smiled at there doe eyed view, tears stains on both there cheeks. You closed your eyes embracing your new family till you viewed your daughter in your arms. Your features there in her nose and dimples, but you was suddenly taken back to reality. She was the spitting image of Juyeon.
You kept his features in the child they was besotted with from them. You knew Christopher was intrigued by the comments he made on features he knew was yours. But Changbin didn’t care, it was like he fell in love with the precious child that he never really wanted, past caring what his lover needed.
Christopher adored the view in Changbin’s eyes and he did the most selfless thing by suggesting a new move. Somewhere that no one knew them.
That instead of Christopher being the family man, that it be Changbin. Though your daughter was registered as Bang Jubin, it was Changbin that slipped into the daddy path, the fiancée.
Everything was perfect till the transfer for Christopher’s job was back in Seoul. Your worried face spilled as you dashed to ring Haknyeon, pleading to find out if Juyeon was still in the area. The huge relief hitting when he confirmed Juyeon had long moved away in an equally similar relationship with Eric, Elle & Lulu. Hearing that he hadn’t changed his ways reminded the tiniest guilt in you, that your relationship with Christopher & Changbin was better suited for Jubin.
Being back in Seoul was great. You was on the outskirts at Seongnam, Still a distance from being too intwined in Christopher’s work life, Changbin’s too as he joined the company, But not too deep in to your former life. It also meant you was more closer for Kevin, Haknyeon and Hyungjae to visit. Hyunjae even encouraging you to return to the club once a month. Meeting with Chanhee, Younghoon and Hwall was what you needed to get your life back. They was all in new relationships and they was all in your little circle of your new life with Changbin and Christopher. Family BBQ’s and many drinks enjoyed at your home where you felt complete.
You had even bumped into Sangyeon who had told you his brother Eric had married Elle, that he seemed to have grown up a little. However, Sunwoo was very much close and up to trouble, encouraging Juyeon’s many nights in other women that wasn’t Lulu. Though it was painful to hear how he continued to mess his relationships, you was glad that he wasn’t in your life no more.
You had met with Jacob and Changmin as well, you didn’t trust that they would run to Juyeon, so kept Jubin and the Christopher and Changbin situation from him. Jacob was happily married to Lia who you had met a couple of times when you had met them for lunch.
Life was perfect as you settled in your new routines in your new life. Watching Jubin and her fathers relationship grow was the most beautiful to witness. Changbin would be the crazy one, letting her get away with anything she wanted. Often rolling around the floor acting as if he matched her age.
Christopher was more the mother hen, making sure she was well fed, scorning you and Changbin both when you fed her too many sweets. He would be the one spending nights reading her story’s, helping to educate her.
As for your own relationship you had a room that was your master bedroom, it was the room that you mostly slept in with them both. Then there was your own and there’s for when they wanted there time. You knew very well you was the secondary relationship and you was fine with that. You adored them but your relationship with them wasn’t as fiery as there own for each other.
Every thing was perfect till the second it wasn’t. Your only worry was being the cover for the weekend on the arms of Changbin, where Christopher was also lurking, at there works colleagues wedding.
However, as your eyes brushed over Christopher in the room looking dashing in his suit your eyes saw him. You felt it without seeing him but you prayed for your mind losing itself. “Yeah he takes my breath away too,” Changbin moaned clearly being taken by his lovers view as well as earning your chuckle. The familiar body spinning to your attention a moment when you realised that it was most definitely who you thought it was, Lee Juyeon.
A small whimper escaping as you froze alerting Changbin to your distress. “Y/N,” he questioned looking worried. “What’s up? who is that? Is that him?” Changbin said as if he knew the answers from the one second yours and Juyeon’s eyes clashed. But you knew he could see his daughters features looking at him. Dashing from the hotel you ran out, you needed to ring Kevin to come collect you. You couldn’t be here, not around him, not when everything you ran from could blow up.
“Y/N please don’t run,” Changbin pleaded when you reached the cold air. “I can’t, I can’t do this,” you said as he calmed your shaking hands. “He’s who I think he is isn’t he?” He asked as you nodded confirming everything. “Fuck,” he cursed looking furious. “Sorry,” you whispered as he look startled rushing to pull you into his chest. “Y/N I’m not cross with you, I’m cross with myself, he knows I have a daughter, he’ll know it, he’ll work it out,” Changbin panicked. You looked up at him smiling at the fear he once had threatening him.
“He won’t, he’s not that clever, he would have forgotten any detail you said if it didn’t interest him.” You smiled trying to reassure him. “Y/N he’s so, you know he’s shagged the stripper the other night,” he said which earnt a laughter. You wasn’t surprised but how could he fear this man was anything in his league. “We keep Jubin away this weekend act like normal, show him we’re a couple not to be messed with,” you said reassuring him. “This should be me with you,” he pouted. “Well Chris’s stuck in there so I have to be him,” you said as he pulled you back in to his chest. “As if this wasn’t hard enough on him this weekend as it was,” you said in to his warm hold.
Your body stiffening when you noticed him. He look so dapper in his suit that it was easy to get lost in him if it wasn’t for his fuck boy ways. “Look I don’t want to cause any trouble I just wanted you to know that,” he said stepping closer. “I‘ll skip tonight if that makes you both more comfortable,” he added as Changbin looked at him, trying to smile when you could feel the tension in his body. “It’s ok,” You said to Changbin as he nodded almost realising it was time to show and paint the perfect unit you both shared. You watched as Changbin left to what you was sure was Christopher to seek his advice.
“Wow, I never imagined I’d see you here,” he joked earning a smile in return. “You look good,” he added, being his usual flirty self, he so hasn’t changed. “You too,” you replied, watching his eyes lift in pure delight. “So your engaged?” he whispered in almost pain especially when you confirm. “He’s a really decent guy, I like him,” he added. You was confused, he use to be as jealous and childish when it came to other men. Maybe there was a chance he had changed somewhat, especially his emotions towards you. Maybe this wouldn’t be hard, Lulu had to be here somewhere to take his interest elsewhere. Though you know seeing her face would be painful and burn there way through you, that you wasn’t looking forward to seeing her or Elle.
“Thanks,” you smiled to his compliment. “But your good right? Healthy?” He asked concerned. It was quite comical him asking on your well-being as if you was friends. “I’m healthy,” you reassured him, “and you?” You asked. “I’m good, even better now I’ve seen you,” he said smiling that usual flirty smile. Any doubt you had was blown away, it was clear he was hoping for something from you. “Any wife?” You asked to see if he would confess what you already knew. “No,” he replied, proving to you he hadn’t changed in any way. You thought you would be angry, but it was all you needed to confirm you had made the better choice for not just Jubin, but yourself.
“So no partner?” You asked again, to see if he would confess his fiancée in any light. “Not really,” he responded, his face showing his features when lying. You wondered if there was ever more then Lulu and Elle, recognising that look in his eyes. “That’s a shame,” you said softly lost in your thoughts. “Why did you just leave?” He blurted out, eyes blinking at his ability to throw that out so soon, deep down you was pissed. He knew full well why you upped and left. “I think we both know that our relationship was never coming back from that,” you said pursing your lips needing away from the slip of conversation thrown.
“Lee Juyeon what the fuck,” you heard Elle’s voice shriek behind you, watching him roll his eye slightly irked. Seeing her in the moment brought every memory you closed off back as you thought to battle to lock them back up. “Don’t you think you should be calming the hell down instead of screaming your head off,” he snarled at her with venom. “Don’t you dare use my condition at me,” she Seethed. What condition you wondered, she looked fine, blossoming infact. “Sorry I didn’t mean to keep him,” you said not wanting to be witness of what ever was going on. “Well he’s not yours to bother no more,” Elle snapped your way with pure hatred on her tongue as she claimed him. Of course you remembered Haknyeon telling you they had been in some four way relationship.
“Elle, it’s not what you think,” he tried to pacify her. “She can’t come back and start where she left,” Elle growled. “Think of the baby,” he whispered. Your world collided once more, she was pregnant, was that his child, that made it Jubin’s sibling. Your blood run cold, he was dead against abortions did he throw that at her too. But then she caught his eye then, even with you gone of course she trumped you now.
“I really wasn’t,” You paused to catch your breath that was slightly shaken. “I’m here with my own fiancée,” you added trying to smile warmly at her. “I should find him, nice seeing you again, both of you,” you said in a dash to escape so you could break down your emotions. “Congratulations by the way,” you added throwing over your shoulder to avoid giving eye contact.
Your spun hearing amusement in Juyeon as he chuckled. “You think, sorry me and her,” he chuckled in deep laughter, as Elle’s eyes narrowed in his direction. “She’s Eric’s wife that’s there baby,” he chuckled as Elle punched his arm. “Ask Eric yourself,” he added as Eric appeared not looking pleased. “You better not be stressing her out,” Eric growled walking there way. “No she’s doing that all by her self,” he said rolling his eyes. You took one last look and dashed away from them, there commotion and him.
“You ok?” Christopher’s eyes took yours as you made your way in to the hotel as they both stood there waiting for you. Shaking your head a few tears slipped as he pulled you into his safe hold. “If only we knew that was him,” Christopher said clearly in pain himself. “Can I ask, Ju wasn’t for Haknyeon was it?” He asked looking pained as you shook your head, watching pain assault him.
“Right we need to get it together, show him you two are perfect and tonight were talk more ok,” Christopher snapped out of it, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Pushing you into Changbin you felt the fear in his slightly tightened hold. “I hate him so much,” he growled into the kiss he gave on your crown. “Me too, he hasn’t changed,” you said to reassure him. “Can I punch him,” he chuckled and beneath the laughter you know there’s seriousness in his tone. “If it makes you feel better go for it,” you said despite deep down not wanting that. “Y/N you dark horse,” Jacob said snatching your attention. “Even Sangyeon knew, I’m hurt,” he said playfully.
You had just left Sangyeon, Jacob, Lia, Changbin and Christopher to make a trip to the rest room. On your way back you found Juyeon’s head leaning back towards the wall, eyes closed looking like he had a million things on his mind. You knew you should have left him to it, but you found yourself walking towards him instead.
“You ok?” You asked when his eyes opened to view you looking surprised at your appearance. “Yeah girl trouble,” he said more honest then you ever expected from him which took you by surprise. “Oh not a pregnant one then?” You teased with a wink testing to see if his view had changed. “No, no children thank god,” he scoffed, once more cutting your heart with a knife. It’s like you had to keep finding more confirmation that you did what was best for Jubin. “There not that bad, it’s a grown up thing,” you giggled to cover your slight anger cursing through you. “You saying I’m not grown up?” He teased filtering back to his flirtatious ways. “Don’t know ask me later,” you replied beneath the annoyance
“Y/N I need to tell you something,” he said looking serious for the first time that evening. “Hey baby,” Changbin said behind you as guilt attacked, he was already insecure as it was. “Hi,” you replied as Changbin pressed his lips to you momentarily before kissing you fiercely. You knew in that moment it was a show to reconfirm your relationship.
“You ok mate?” Changbin asked him with a clear smirk on his face. “Sunwoo and Minho’s looking for you,” He added on the hope to remove him. “Well I better go find them then,” he said before dashing off.
“What you up to Y/N?” He questioned you. “You said you hate him but yet your making excuses to see him,” Changbin accused making your eyes widen. “I was coming from the toilet, I made no excuses. I wish I could ignore him but we can’t.” You added pressing your hands down his sleeve on his shirt jacket. “It would be weird if we suddenly acted all coy,” you said brushing small kisses up his jaw letting it relax under your lips. “Y/N nows not the time for this,” Changbin choked. “We could always grab Christopher and have some fun,” you winked feeling his bulge grow between you. “Y/N don’t make this so much more harder,” he growled pushing you away to just lace his hand with yours. A clear line between you till he calmed himself down.
“Do you want a drink?” Juyeon asked appearing when you found yourself alone. “No but thanks for the offer,” you replied looking for Changbin in fear of another jealous moment. When he wasn’t In your view, Christopher neither, you knew they had slipped for there time. “What did you want to say anyway?” You asked him as he frowned.
He was just getting the courage to spill when your stomach clenched, the view in yours was Lulu. She hadn’t changed in the five years you was apart. Beautiful with some high sense of entitlement and clear define was trouble. “Lulu,” he gasped paling as he took his fiancée in. “Oh you remember who I am then?” She spat out. “You know your actual girlfriend,” she growled. Hearing the word slip from her mouth confirming there relationship oddly stung. “But bet you kept that detail from this whore,” Lulu sneered. Obviously he had, but her tone and name calling pushed your buttons. “Beg me pardon,” You replied putting a finger to silence Juyeon who was about to comment.
“Firstly there are no sex tapes of me on the web in some sordid threesome, I have better values in my life to have sex with a camera filming me. Secondly I’m not interested in your man, that’s why I left town. I’m here for my actual fiancée,” you added as Changbin approached making you strangely reassured. “Who well let’s say knows how to avoid a stripper or two,” you spat out looking at him in disgust watching his face fall. “So if you don’t mind getting out my way so I can go to my man,” you scoffed standing up to scoot past Lulu’s legs to meet Changbin, who was standing there, his hands open to you.
His features warm having read the room. “You ok?” He whispered, “not really I’m done with him and his silly floozy,” you said as he pulled you in to press a reassuring kiss to you. “Please don’t leave me alone around him again,” you pleaded having had enough from his company.
“Do you still have feelings for him?” Changbin asked when you curled up between him and Christopher who sneaked into your room. “Sometimes I have confusing emotions yes,” you said honestly as tiredness hit you. “But it’s ok I see him the way he was, the person that he became that hasn’t changed, I’m filled with hatred. So much more hatred then I actually thought I would,” you said as Changbin smirked pressing a kiss to your lips momentarily.
“Y/N don’t take our family away,” Christopher pleaded behind you.
Turning to face him you saw his pain, tears sliding down his face. “Don’t take her away from us,” he added as your eyes searched his in clear despair. “Oh baby what makes you think I would,” you reassured him hugging into him so tightly. “You love him, you don’t love us, but we’ve been there with Jubin through everything, we’re her dads,” he said almost crushing you with his strength. “Lee Juyeon could never be you two, you have nothing to worry about I promise you,” you said kissing his chest. Laying you onto your back his lips searching for you, for comfort. His fingers gentle as ever reaching for your skin as if he needed your body to prove to him. Changbin’s lips found there way to Christopher’s back pressing kisses as you three made love In a slow sexual need of togetherness.
You was admiring the blemishes from Changbin and Christopher over your body in the bathroom as you heard them having there moment in the bedroom. Though it was complicated, you cherished your relationship with them both.
Your phone flashing stole your thoughts as you picked up to Hyunjae. “Really we comfortable in our relationship for naked body’s,” Hyunjae said playfully closing his eyes. “Oh shhhh Lee Hyunjae I’m covered,” you said rolling your eyes. “Those bites need covering though, who came for tea,” he chuckled as you dead panned him.
“I’ll tell you who’s here though,” you said more seriously. “Lee Juyeon,” you added as his eyes widened. “You wait till Kevin hears he’ll snap you away, wow how’s the guys taking it?” He asked worried for his friends sanity. “Not too well there scared,” you said pouting. “Well we knew this day would come, I’m sure they wasn’t blind to think they could run forever. But even still just reassure them ok, Unless you,” he paused as you returned back to your dead pan expression.
Your features relaxed when you heard your daughter in the background. “Oh look who I got Bang Bin,” he coo’s her nickname. “Picking her up to look in the camera your way, his face looked at her with slight concern as you started communicating with her. His hands on her head told you there was reason to worry. “Every thing ok Hyunjae?” you asked as he smiled slightly your way. “Yeah I think she’s just got a cold coming, but she’ll be ok. I’ll ring Kevin and ask him to bring some Calpol when he comes for her later,” he said in an attempt to reassure you. “Y/N I promise you I’ll look after her ok, please don’t fret,” he said watching your worried glance. Having to watch him hang off after her crying did nothing to settle you.
“Why you hiding in here?” Christopher scoffed emerging into the bathroom. “Everything ok?” he asked. “Yeah, I just didn’t want to invade your time,” you smiled not wanting to let him worry about Jubin too. His eyes dropped as he rushed to you, “baby you know we’re a family unit, you can interfere in our time when ever you want,” he said pulling you in. His embrace much more tighter then usual as if he was scared that if he let you go you would disappear.
“So how do you really feel about Juyeon?” Christopher asked over breakfast. You looked around to see if you could find him not wanting him to overhear. “Weird if I’m honest, yes I have some emotions,” you said placing your food into your mouth as both there faces dropped. “But it’s not love, it’s like holding on to memories ones that sometimes was really good,” you added as Christopher eyes took to yours nodding as if he understood. “One minute I can get lost in the memories and then the next he reminds me why I ran from them, from him,” you said taking a sip of your coffee. “Please stop worrying, I love you both, your my family,” you reassured them by holding your hand out to Changbin winking at Christopher.
“So what do we do?” Changbin asked looking at you both. “Act like normal, not make him suspicious, not have him question anything,” Christopher said as you smiled his way. “As soon as this wedding finished we run and never look back,” he smiles grinning at peace with the end result in his mind. “I love that plan,” you smiled at them both. Anyone witnessed to the eyes you was brushing towards each other, would have had easily guessed your close relationship to Christopher as much as Changbin.
Elle’s voice however as she walked up to your table stole your attention. “Who do you think you are?” She shrieked as Eric caught up behind her as he tried to calm her. “I’m Y/N nice to meet you,” you smiled sipping your coffee as your eyes zoomed in on Changbin’s, ignoring her. “Why are you even here?” she snarled, “or is it revenge,” she added with venom in her voice as Eric tried to calmly call her name. “Elle I will be polite because your pregnant, but you must be dumb to not realise why I’m here,” you said looking sweetly at her. “I’m hungry it’s breakfast, I’m having mine with my fiancée,” you said stabbing your sausage showing the anger you was trying to contain. “Hey Y/N’s fiancée here,” Changbin said standing to hold his hand out to her.
She took one look at him turning her face in disgust as she looked down to you still avoiding eye contact. “She will leave you, if she had to run from love then she can run back towards it, mark my words,” Elle spat out as you felt Changbin shudder to her words. “Thanks for your insight but I think I trust the girl who didn’t enlist in infidelity relationships,” Changbin snarled as Christopher placed his hand on his arm.
“Who the fuck do you think you are talking to my wife like that?” Eric growled getting between them. “The partner of the person she thinks she can talk to with equal venom,” Changbin seethed widening his eyes to dare the irritated boyfriend. “Eric what the fuck man,” Sangyeon scolded as his hands rested heavy on his shoulder. “This is Minho and Ryujin’s wedding, this is not the place, stand the fuck down before I put you down,” he growled warning his younger brother. Turning he slipped off with Elle, while hearing her spill out uncivilised words under her breath. “You ok?” Sangyeon asked with concern as you nodded. “Nothing I couldn’t handle,” you smiled back. “If any of my brothers give you trouble just let me know, them I can slap,” he smirks. “It’s this wife that needs the slap, Elle’s lucky she’s pregnant,” you smirk as he emits a chuckle shaking his head.
“It’s that whore turning up with her new man and head fucking him,” Sunwoo growled in the corridor outside the rest room. “I don’t think it is you know. I think him seeing her is making him grow up,” Eric replied as you hid from there view. “He’s dumping one of the most beautiful woman ever for Y/N of all people,” Sunwoo said with spite in his voice. “He’s not, I’ve just told you that, he’s realised he doesn’t love her and is giving her a chance to find love elsewhere,” Eric said as Sunwoo chuckled. “Your so naive, you watch, he will dump Lulu and be in Y/N’s bed in no time,” Sunwoo said in amusement. “Your wrong, he’s happy for her new relationship, he just wants her to be happy,” Eric argued back. “This is Y/N Eric, the Love of his life, the reason why he won’t have children with anyone because he wants Y/N to be the mother of them,” Sunwoo scoffed.
Your heart thundering really fast, he wanted kids with you. “Do you really think he’s father worthy? not that it matters, he’ll leave this weekend and leave Y/N and Changbin be because he’s maturing, I suggest you catch up and do the same,” Eric said to his hyung. “Yes he’s brilliant with kids how can you say that about him, one day he’ll make a good father. But mark my words that’s where him and Y/N will end up, because dumping Lulu leads him to Y/N,” Sunwoo said confidently as if he saw a side that no one else did. “Your wrong hyung,” Eric snorted as he walked away.
You rested your head against the bathroom wall. Sunwoo had painted his love for you being the most powerful thing, he had imagined children but only with you. Had you made a mistake? If he knew that it was you pregnant and not Haknyeons friend would his response been different? Had you deprived your daughter of her dad to find out that actually the family you dreamed about could have happened. Closing your eyes Changbin and Christopher flashes in your mind. They had been perfect and amazing and had such a strong loving role with her, but Juyeon was her blood, her dna.
“You ok?” Ryujin asked slipping into the restroom. “Yes just,” , “The Juyeon and Lulu situation,” she smiled cutting you off. “Sorry, I hate it’s over shadowing your day,” you said with sorrowful eyes. “It’s ok it’s been quite interesting actually,” she smiled as she slipped to the cubical. “What do you mean?” you asked into the room. “Well at first, I always thought he was an ass who could never change, but you know I saw a side to him today that I think is him changing,” she said almost in admiration. “Lee Juyeon change, you have high hopes don’t you,” you stifled a laugh as she emerged to walk to wash her hands. “Y/N I heard what happened, why you have every reason to hate him. I’ve seen the many girls he hurt when he would visit,” she paused looking through the mirror to walk to the other side of the room.
“But I believe deep down he loves you and has never let you go,” she said turning to face your way. “Minho use to say you was his ideal family unit and without you he never wanted a future. He believes that’s why he put up with Lulu, deep down he hates her for making him lose you,” she finished smiling her usual angelic features. “So why change now when I’m with someone else,” you asked intrigued. “Only Juyeon can answer that, but me, my belief is he can see how your happy, how the dream is just that, a dream. I think he’s finally ready for reality and will clasp his own true love. But deep down he knows that can never be with a woman who he blames took you from him. Because like you know, he likes to not take his own responsibility,” she added smiling, pressing her hand on your shoulder. “So yes it did slightly over shadow this weekend, but we both know that come tomorrow it will be as peaceful as ever and will go beautifully,” she smiled warmly.
You was sat peacefully on the bench outside the hotel with Ryujin when Juyeon pulled up, his face red from clearly sobbing. You was startled when Elle stormed towards him face full of thunder as she slapped him. It was like he was defeated and expected it, closing his eyes as he slowly opened it to view the angry friend of who you presumed was now his ex.
“Your scum Lee Juyeon, a dirty piece of scum,” she seethed as she continued with her tirade of abuse his way as he stood there dishevelled and defeated. “You better take me to her,” she said turning to Eric. “Hello wedding,” He replied pointing at Ryujin, his eyes widened with slight annoyance. “I don’t give a fuck this is my best friend, no offence,” she said between Eric and Ryujin. “None taken,” Ryujin replied with her usual smile as Eric relently followed.
He refused eye contact with you as you past which filled you with the sudden desire to hold him tight. Seeing him so lost, hurt you more then you liked to admit.
“It was worth the years waiting to see that face, he’s had this totally coming,” Sangyeon smirked pleased with witnessing Juyeon’s pain. “It definitely sounds like he’s finally got his Karma,” Christopher added. “Oh yes he’s more dirty then a dirty dog,” he smiled into his whisky. You couldn’t explain it but you was pissed at Sangyeon’s mocking of Juyeon’s situation.
“For someone that’s married you are not half enjoying yourself for something in the past,” you spat out as they all looked at you with widened eyes. “You telling me that you didn’t enjoy that, after what they did to us,” Sangyeon asked looking at you with eyes he expected you would agree with. “No not one bit, he may have deserved it, but he didn’t deserve the public humiliation,” you said looking at him sternly. “Public humiliation, they fucked for the whole world to see,” Sangyeon scoffed. “Yes the tape you uploaded,” you growled being fed up with the whole topic. “Ok maybe timeout,” Christopher said with a nervous laughter. “I’m tired I need a lay down,” you scoffed getting off your seat as Sangyeon watched in silence.
“Y/N, hold up,” Changbin said wrapping his hands warmly around you smiling at you, which you mirrored. You remained in silence till you reached your hotel room as he pulled you in pressing kisses to your crown. “I’m worried you don’t seem ok?” He asked looking down at you. “It just wasn’t a good feeling seeing his pain,” you said pursing your lips. “Your still in love with him aren’t you?” He asked with pain in his eyes. “No, no just I feel for him, you know pity,” you replied. “Y/N I’m not asking as Jubin’s father, or your fiancée, I’m now asking as a friend,” he said not believing you. “I promise you I’m not in love with him,” you smiled pressing up to kiss him on the lips. “Just promise me, that if your feelings for him changes, your tell me. Because I know deep down him and Jubin was your dream family,” Changbin said with pain. “Changbin you, Christopher and Jubin are my dream family,” you said holding him tight letting yourself engulf in his comfort.
“However, can you let me do something?” You asked watching panic fill his face when you glimpsed up. “I don’t like the sound of it already, he chuckled slightly. “Ryujin said he might need guidance with his best man speech,” you paused as his features slightly relaxed. “Can I go to his room and help him. It also gives me a chance to check he’s ok,” you asked as he closed his eyes. “We can do it together if you promise to play nice,” you suggest as he opens his eyes to smile down at you. “No I trust you, plus I’m sure Christopher can entertain me,” he smirked breathing in deeply.
Watching Juyeon’s surprised face was amusing when he found you stood there with a bottle of wine and two glasses in your hand. “Thought you could do with cheering up,” you smiled as you walked into the room that was silent. “That and Ryujin was worried about your speech,” you confessed chuckling. “Thanks I’d appreciate that but won’t Changbin mind?” He asked. “No he’s cool about it,” you smiled as you perched yourself on his bed. You looked around the room, before taking his eyes into your view once more as he looked deep in thought.
“I heard about Lulu,” you said watching him purse his lips. “Bet you think how evil I am?” He asked looking Ashamed yet also depressed looking. “No I think that your growing up, I heard what you said to Eric, how you didn’t want to hurt her anymore when you didn’t love her,” you said. “How did you hear that?” He asked. “I heard Eric tell Sunwoo, I see things haven’t changed between those two gossiping,” you asked. “Sunwoo thought it was because of me but Eric reassured him it wasn’t, is that true?” You asked a little anxious for his reply. “Y/N if your asking me do I love you still, then sorry yes I do. But if your asking do I want you then no I don’t, I’ve hurt you too many times already. As you said once there’s cheating there’s no coming back,” he said his eyes focused on you. You could see the pain in his eyes, the love he clearly held for you still.
Your memories flashing in your mind. The happier times with you both, to know he still felt something like you use to share, built a warmth in your core. In a sharp second you pictured what you knew you shouldn’t.
His face of beaming happiness telling him you was pregnant. Holding your hand pressing kisses to your forehead as you delivered him his daughter. The way he would dote on his child, the very child that existed outside the memories you had faked in your mind. Silence filled the air as you leaned towards him like you couldn’t stop yourself. Your lips just inches from his, you wanted to kiss him so badly and have that tongue on yours.
But he placed his hand on your shoulder to keep you distanced from him, with fear in his eyes that stung. “Y/N don’t, don’t be me, don’t do this to Changbin, he’s a good man,” he said looking to the floor. Your heart breaking not just because he had rejected you, but because you was reminded of Changbin & Christopher. There pain hitting you that they would feel, especially after Changbin trusted you here.
Deep down however, despite knowing he was in love with you you was surprised at his restraint. “I was trying to remove the fluff in your hair,” you lied finding a piece randomly there. Feeling guilty for your lies you reached for it to show him struggling to hide your blush. “But it’s good to see you putting someone else’s feelings before your own, nice to see a grown up Juyeon, it suits you,” you smirked impressed. “Thanks, I think,” Juyeon smiled back.
You spent the evening discussing yours and Changbin’s relationship fitting to the story that you told most people, missing Jubin’s existence. Juyeon mentioned about his own, hearing his admission to his own negative behaviour. You got lost between the giggles, catch up and drinking of the wine that you brought. You found yourself looking at him like you once did the first time you drank with him. When you realised how you liked him when he showed his non fuck boy side. You was only reminded of the life you did have now when the door knocked.
You knew instantly it was Changbin and the guilt attacked as you moved to the table, pen in hand helping to finish his speech.
“Is she still here?,” he asked as your heart thundered feeling guilty as if you had done something wrong. “Thank you for letting her help me I appreciate it,” you heard him say as you dashed to finish the speech. “Please look after her, she’s special, no one should hurt her like I did,” you heard him admit, that made your heart ping in emotions you couldn’t explain.
He was in love with you, avoided your advances and now was begging one of the guys who had done nothing but look after you to take care of you. “I promise,” Changbin said walking up to kiss your crown. You looked up to the face of pure love for you in his eyes and despite the shame of letting your feelings open for Juyeon, you couldn’t help but be lost in his eyes. You could do this for Changbin, hold on till the wedding. Out of sight out of mind you had to try.
“So how was it?” Changbin asked on his way to the hotel room. “I think he’s realised that the way he behaves isn’t acceptable anymore,” you smiled. “What does that mean for you, for us?” He asked not completely too sure of the emotions you must have not managed to hold tight. “What’s it to do with us?” you asked looking at him as he didn’t know how to take your comment. “No feelings?” He asked almost pleadingly that filled you with guilt. “Pity and I suppose respect for trying to change his ways, that’s really it,” you smiled plastering a smile that you knew didn’t fit.
To be honest you didn’t know how you felt about it. But you knew if Juyeon’s fuck boy mentality was slightly there, you would have fucked him and ruined everything that you had built the last five years.
The wedding had gone amazing. Minho and Ryujin looked seriously loved up. You spent most the time clinging to Changbin but your eyes often wandering towards Juyeon. You smiled at the way Juyeon looked, he seemed care free and being amusing to his friends, sometimes with your help. Even Elle laughed at one of his jokes, sternly changing her expression when his eyes fixed with hers. You suspected deep down there was more emotion there, but you didn’t care to even contemplate because you had your own family. Dancing with Changbin most the night had been fun, Christopher sliding in a few times while you was all changing partners making it look so innocent.
“Your beautiful you know that right?” Christopher complimented smiling heavenly your way. “Why didn’t you tell me Jubin was poorly?” he said smiling despite the tone in his voice laced with pain. “I didn’t want to worry you,” you breathed in deeply. “She’s my daughter too I’m entitled to worry,” he said looking hurt. “I’m sorry, i was just,” , “busy with her real father,” Christopher added clearing having held his annoyance all day. “No Christopher no, that’s not what it is,” you said looking into his lost eyes. “I swear I didn’t want you to worry I thought it was my time to be the strong one, she’s ok it’s just a cold,” you tried to reassure him, but his eyes was breaking like he was seeing through you.
“Y/N the way you two look at each other that is love, I know it’s the way Changbin looks at me, and you,” he says spinning you to go with the flow of the music. “I,” , “Please don’t promise no more, because I feel it in my bones that there’s a chance you can’t keep it,” Christopher said biting his lip almost in pain. “Just don’t take Jubin away from me and Binnie,” he pleads as his hands slip. You watch him smile behind you as you turn to face Juyeon.
“Can I have this dance?” He asked as you turned to look back at Christopher who was walking away. Split between wanting to fix what ever situation was occurring with you and Christopher but the warmth Juyeon was offering. Shamelessly you chose the latter enjoying the way he felt in your Arms. Even when Changbin stole you back in, he handed you back to him. “I like this,” Juyeon said pulling you in for a slower dance as you rested your head into his chest. His heart beating under your ears reminding you of the many nights you’d lay listening to him sleep. “Like what,” you asked on the hope he would clarify. “Us being like this, despite our own relationships, being friends I suppose,” he said pressing his head towards yours for more warmth. “Well we are friends aren’t we?” You chuckled as he swayed you. “Yes but we have a past one I’m ashamed at but sadly can’t change. Seeing you loved up with Changbin makes me glad that it worked out well for you,” he choked.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket you suspected it was Christopher who you still couldn’t find in the wedding room, so you left it. You would have to deal with the Christopher melt down tomorrow, there would only be a few hours left. Deep down you didn’t want to be parted from Juyeon yet. “I should pass you back to Changbin I need to see Eric anyway,” he smiled pushing you off him by his arms. His eyes was watery showing that he also was struggling with the upcoming goodbye.
You watched as he left the room, “knew I was right about you,” Sunwoo snarled breaking your attention. “You can’t help yourself ruining his life once more,” he growled as you looked at the anger in his voice. “Sunwoo you need to back the fuck down, me and Juyeon are just friends,” you bit out. “What like you and Christopher are,” he smirks as your face falls. “Or that kid your hiding back home,” he adds as you pale stepping back in fear. How had he worked it out?
Your stomach clenching as you felt your throat almost close up, the phone ringing in your back pocket now just faded as you go numb. “You see I’ve done some digging of my own, how clever am I, and i worked out something fantastic,” he smirked with tethering anger. “Your just the cover,” he gloated pressing into your hearing. “For there relationship and for the daughter that is actually Juyeon’s,” he growls into your ear.
“What the fuck Sunwoo are you on something,” you choke out, your body shaking in fear. Juyeon was in the same building you couldn’t escape even if you wanted to. “The kids mine, so think you need to get your own facts clearer,” Christopher said joining you both, his hands hold you in as you barely can stand. “Of course she is,” he smirks, “but I tell you what if you leave, go, let him be, I won’t tell him. You can live what ever fucked up play girl shit you got going on,” he snarled.
Before you could comment a fist swung, compacting with his jaw knocking him to the floor. Your eyes widened as Changbin growled over him alerting everyone’s attention. “Play your games all you like but hold your nasty disrespecting mouth closed,” Changbin growled as Felix and Hyunjin came to hold him back. You looked at the wedding that seemingly got chaotic as you fought back tears. Minho & Ryujin giving looks in disgust did nothing to help you as Christopher held most of your weight. “Y/N breathe, it’ll be ok,” Christopher reassured you. Sangyeon pulled his brother up looking angry in his view. “When will you stop taking in that man’s wars,” he growled in his youngers face. “When she stops running with Juyeons daughter,” Sunwoo shouted above the music that had been silenced slightly.
You saw everyone’s face look to you, Jacob, Sangyeon, Eric, the horror in there face at your betrayal. Not even Felix and Hyunjin could stop Changbin’s anger as he threw himself at Sunwoo. Jisung, Jeongin and Seungmin dashing to there work colleague to drag him off the battered bruised Sunwoo, who was laughing with amusement at your world ending, despite his battered condition.
Christopher’s grip never leaving as tears fell down your eyes. How long was it before the news reached Juyeon? “We need to go now, leave before he hears,” you spun to Christopher pleading. You both began to leave, Changbin following when Sunwoo continued his tirade.
“What’s up your cover about to break Christopher,” he cursed, “time to hand the stolen child back,” Sunwoo continued as Sangyeon shook him fiercely trying to stop him. Instead of Changbin it was Christopher this time who flew at him, it didn’t matter who got between them he pushed them away. “Changbin please stop him,” you pleaded looking at him when his own face froze at the person standing behind you.
Fearing it was Juyeon you spun to see instead it was Haknyeon. You breathed a sign of relief till you took his worried face. “Where’s Jubin?” You asked, the commotion behind disappearing as Changbin held you tight. “She’s in the car, she’s really not well, she needs a hospital,” Haknyeon said with fear in his eyes. You looked back at Christopher who was still spinning words with Sunwoo, parted by loads of party goers.
“It’s fine you two go, I’ll bring Christopher once he’s calmed,” Jacob said, you looked at him smiling as he smiled his warmly ones at yours. You dashed out the hall, Changbin’s hands laced with yours behind Haknyeon. But you came face to face with the worst scenario ever, by the car was Juyeon just feets away from His own daughter. Has he heard already? Did he know?
“Your a mum?” He gasped. His choice of words told you he didn’t know yet but time was against you. You nodded looking to Kevin who looked really concerned. “She’s got a really bad temperature she needs a hospital,” Juyeon said looking at you with worry. If he didn’t know he was hers, the fact he showed concern warmed your heart. “Thanks mate we appreciate that,” Changbin said clasping him to get him away from the car as you slipped in.
“Hello baby, oh mummy’s missed you so much,” you said kissing her, surprised at the burn to your lips from her hot temperature. “Wow it really is hot,” you said crying to Kevin as Haknyeon slipped behind you. “Was nice meeting you,” Changbin said before stepping into the car. “Is Jubin ok?” He added, his concerned eyes taking yours as Kevin drove in speed. “She’s really hot Binnie,” you cried. “Ring Christopher please,” you said needing the comfort of the one person who usually holds the fort. The fear of Juyeon finding out at any moment disappeared because in that moment your daughter was your biggest concern.
It wasn’t long when Christopher arrived, his eyes red swollen and starting to blacken as you wrapped your arms around him. “Where is she?” He asked struggling with the tears. “She’s with Binnie having tests,” you started sobbing as he held you tight. “It’ll be ok, she’ll be ok, she’s a tough little fighter, just like her dad,” he said as you chuckled into him. “Take it you really beat Sunwoo’s ass,” you sniggered a little glad someone put him in his place.
“Well yeah that too,” he said awkwardly. His words clicking in as you looked at him in fear. “Juyeon did that didn’t he?” You said touching the darkening skin that was forming around the swelling. “He knows now don’t he?” you cried as you felt like you could faint at any moment. Nodding he remained silent as the tears returned, your world was crashing once more.
You didn’t talk about Juyeon, not being able to handle his knowledge in Jubins existence as well as Jubins illness. Your hands brushing your sleeping child’s hair as the words between Christopher and Changbin sounded like echos. She looked so poorly with the drip in her arms, her wearily expressions. Why didn’t you take Hyunjae’s words in? why didn’t you answer the phone that rang while you danced with Juyeon? You had royally fucked up as a mother and would do anything to see her smile and play with her toys once more.
You stood when the doctor entered, Christopher’s arms finding there way back to hold you, forever your strength when he equally was scared. “What’s up Doc?” Changbin said with worried features matching yours and Christopher’s. “Jubin’s got a nasty infection, it’s nothing we can’t cure without antibiotics,” he said as you all breathed in a sign of relief. Droping when you took the doctors still serious face in yours. “What is it?” Changbin pressed.
“Her iron levels are dangerously low,” he said with pure worry. “How? Why? Because just the infection?” Christopher said panicking. “We believe we’ve ruled out anything else causing the iron low levels, it’s just the infection,” he said slightly smiling.
“But,” Changbin added for him to continue. “She needs a blood transfusion, Jubin is AB negative it’s a rare blood group, normally we would be stocked but we’re not,” he added. “That’s fixable then one of us can give her blood,” Changbin said confused at the fuss. “Y/N isn’t AB, Jubin’s birth records shows a different blood group, so only the paternal blood line,” he paused looking at them in fear of there reaction to his next words. “I noted in your notes that you wasn’t the biological fathers,” the doctor said as all your faces fell.
“She needs Juyeon,” Christopher choked looking at you as you look at him in fear once more. “Y/N he knows now, we can’t keep running, he can save her,” Christopher said. “We’re sort it,” you smiled at the doctor nodding. “It needs sorting fast,” he said looking between Changbin & Christopher. “I’m on it,” Christopher said leaving to follow the doctor. “Chris,” you cried, “we’re still a family right?” you pleaded as he smiled your way. “Juyeon could never stop me loving her, but this I can’t fix I wish I could, I hate this but we need him,” Christopher said holding his tears at bay before dashing from the room.
Changbin silently stroking Jubin’s hair pressing kisses to her crown, Incase Juyeon’s appearance would make him less her dad to her. “Say something,” you said looking at him tears falling. “What do you want me to say, Christopher’s right we can play dad all we want, but we don’t have the same blood to save her,” he said tears slipping from his eyes. “That doesn’t make you less then her dad, you’ve given her love, your heart, that sometimes counts for way much more,” you smiled at him as he sniffled. “Even if I have to stop being her father, I’m glad for every second I was one,” he smiled.
“Well it’s good I’m not asking you to step down,” Juyeon said startling you as he stood next to Christopher. “How? that was Quick?,” you questioned. “Do you think I would have let you run that fast from me again without answers?,” he smiles. “I was doing a hospital sweep, Christopher found me in reception,” He smiled but looks slightly worn with emotions. “But there’s time to talk later, let’s save this beautiful princess’s life,” he smiled. “Lets find this doctor,” he added.
“Where do we go from here?” You asked Juyeon who was stood in the corner of the room as you watched your sleeping daughter start her treatment. Juyeon’s blood filling her with the iron she needed to get better alongside the antibiotics. “I will be what ever and who ever you need me to be. But answer me this, was you the friend Haknyeon was speaking about years back?” He asked as you nodded. “Oh Y/N I know what I said to him wasn’t nice, but if I thought that was you I would have been there in a heartbeat. That word that made you continue to run wouldn’t have been said,” he explained. “Even in my most immature moment,” he added as your eyes took to Jubin. “Kevin said Changbin & Christopher dote on her in a way I could never match,” Juyeon said as you nodded. “They’ve been amazing they love her with there everything,” you explained as he closed his eyes tight.
Bang Ju Bin sounds perfect for a child with three dads,” he smiled. “But in the real world it’s confusing as it is so how about I stay as an uncle,” he suggested. “A better one then those three muppets out there,” he scoffed. “If your talking about Hyunjae, Kevin and Haknyeon they’ve been my rock too, I can’t thank them enough,” you said sternly as he put his ego back in a box.
“Can we come in?” Christopher asked slightly opening the door from there drink run. “She’s your daughter, you don’t need to ask my permission, I’m just her crazy dysfunctional uncle,” he smiled there way as they tilted there heads. “Three men and a little lady, I think that’s our new title,” Juyeon smirked as Jubin stirred.
“I better go before she wakes, for now I’m a stranger, but when she’s home let me know, I’ll come over, but I’m not taking her from you, I promise,” Juyeon said pressing his hand to there shoulders. “Thanks,” Christopher choked out, tears slipping down his face.
“Daddy,” Jubin croaked out as Changbin dashed to her side holding her hand tightly, Christopher following. “Have you got some sweets?” She cried out weakly as you giggled looking at Christopher. “Oh go on, just this once go be the bad dad sugaring our daughter up,” Christopher said rolling his eyes to Changbin. Your eyes fell on Juyeon still hovering at the door, he smiled nodding before leaving, tears slipping down his face.
You knew what ever the future held it was going to be equally chaotic, especially watching Juyeon learn to be a dad, hidden beneath the uncle shawl he clearly wanted to wear.
But worse you knew you was in major risk of falling in love with him again. You struggled this whole weekend, you knew having him forever in your life was going to be your downfall.
Your promises falling one by one at the two men who had saved you, even willingly stepping aside for Juyeon to save the girl they cherished so much. But though you knew your relationship was secondary to there’s, you knew that your own with them both was equally strong.
Maybe you needed to grow up too and start being honest with yourself.
Master list
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saymynamekrp · 8 months
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Pending applications are italicized in red. Reservations are italicized in blue. Say My Name strives to keep an accurate and up-to-date VIP list.
THE BOYZ ❏ SOHN YOUNGAE ( ERIC ) / hiatus 11/29
GOT7 ❏
MONSTA X ❏ IM CHANGKYUN ( I.M. ) / hiatus 11/29
NCT 127 ❏ ❏
TXT ❏ ❏ ❏
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otmkrp · 16 days
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these muses went a little too far over the moon. if you are interested in joining us, please send us a reservation through our askbox in 24 hours or apply here now.
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Kim Minjeong (Winter) of Aespa
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀kim Hanbin (B.I) of Solo
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Lee Minho (Lee Know) of Stray Kids
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Christopher Bang (Bang Chan) of Stray Kids
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Yugyeom of GOT7
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Jiwoong of Zerobaseone
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Eric Sohn of The Boyz
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Sana Minatozaki of Twice
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Park Sunghoon of Enhypen
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Kang Seulgi of Red Velvet
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Hwang Hyunjin of Stray Kids
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Seunghun (Marc) of Cix
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Ten Lee of Wayv
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Choi Beomgyu of TXT
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Jeong Yunho of Ateez
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Bae Joohyun (Irene) of Red Velvet
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Lee byounggon (BX) of Cix
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Yu Jimin (Karina) of Aespa
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Seok Matthew of Zerobaseone
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Sun Hanbin of Zerobaseone
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Kang Yeosang of Ateez
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Choi Yerim (Choerry) of Artms
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Zhang Hao of Zerobaseone
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Song Yuqi of (G)I-DLE
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Jennie (Jennie) of Blackpink
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Donghan of WEi
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Jeon Heejin of Artms
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Dongyoung (Doyoung) of NCT
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Lee Yongbok (Felix) of Stray Kids
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Hwang Yeji of Itzy
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Yang Jungwon of Enhypen
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Choi Soobin of TXT
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Lee Juyeon of The Boyz
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Na Jeamin of NCT
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kazuha Nakamura of Le sserafim
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Im Changkyun (I.M) of Monsta X
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Bambam of GOT7
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kang Taehyun of TXT
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Park Wonbin of RIIZE
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Taeyeon of SNSD
0 notes
juyeonszn · 11 months
HELLOOOO like my other blog, i decided to include a wip list bc i have a lot of things i’ve been working on!! <3
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pairing ୧ eric sohn x f!reader (smau)
genres ୧ fluff, slice of life, some angst, crack
summary ୧ your friends always poked fun of your rivalry with eric sohn despite never really holding a substantial conversation with him. unfortunately for you, the two of you happened to take the same biology class for the summer semester. your other problem? he really needs to pass the class and you’re the only one who can tutor him.
featuring ୧ the rest of tbz, yeonjun from txt, yunjin from le sserafim, ningning from aespa + other idol appearances
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pairing ୧ lee sangyeon x f!reader (smau)
genres ୧ fluff, angst?, crack, slice of life
summary ୧ you’ve had the biggest crush on lee sangyeon for as long as you can remember. finally, you’ve gathered the courage to tell him how you feel— only for it to go horribly wrong. but somehow, someway the stars align and your failed confession becomes the best mistake you’ve ever made.
featuring ୧ the rest of tbz, taeil + doyoung + ten from nct, wendy from red velvet, jun and hoshi from seventeen + jeongyeon and momo from twice
pairing ୧ lee sangyeon x f!reader (fic)
୧ estimated wc: 5-7k ~ currently: 1k
genres ୧ fluff, angst????, crack
summary ୧ being selected as the maid of honor for your best friend’s wedding in italy is exciting, if you ignore the fact that you’re single and lonely. mix in some self pitying and a few too many drinks on the 12 hour flight over there plus knocking out on your handsome seatmate and you’re all good to go! however, the universe does not take kindly to you winning, so you soon learn that said handsome seatmate is actually the best man and now you need to do everything in your power to get away from him.
warnings ୧ um none yet bc i’m only like 1/5 done
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pairing ୧ kim sunwoo x f!reader (smau)
genres ୧ fluff, crack, slice of life
summary ୧ being the manager of the baby/kids department of a retail store has its ups and downs, one of those ups being the cute young dad who comes in almost every day with his daughter. which is funny considering the fact that you’re the reason why he does it.
featuring ୧ sangyeon, younghoon, hyunjae, juyeon, kevin, haknyeon, and eric from tbz, hyunjin and felix from skz, yeji and lia from itzy, nayeon from twice + mentions of other idols
pairing ୧ lee hyunjae x f!reader (fic)
୧ estimated wc: 10-15k maybe more ~ currently: 700
genres ୧ fluff, angst, smut? maybe?
summary ୧ after nearly dying from a terminal illness, you awake in the hospital following a life saving heart transplant surgery. the first thing you notice is a young man outside of your room crying and very visibly upset about something. wondering who he is and why you feel so connected to him, you ask your nurse. she explains that he’s grieving the death of his girlfriend who passed away in a car accident— and her heart is the one you received.
pairing ୧ eric sohn x f!reader (fic)
୧ estimated wc: around 10k-ish? ~ currently: 1k
genres ୧ fluff, crack, maybe some angst (i just wanted an excuse to write a silly little fic with my silly guy)
summary ୧ the one time your friend manages to convince you to go to a baseball game happens to also be the first time you meet eric sohn, though under… unfortunate… circumstances.
pairing ୧ kim sunwoo x f!reader (fic)
୧ estimated wc: 10k-15k-ish ~ currently: 700
genres ୧ angst-ish, smut, other things idk how to describe
summary ୧ the semester is drawing to a close and you still have no idea what your final project for your photography course is gonna be. the topic is stepping out of your comfort zone, but that’s the only thing you’ve never done. when your brother invites you to one of his races, you discover that there’s a whole world of exhilaration just beyond your limits. both literally and figuratively.
pairing ୧ ju haknyeon x f!reader (smau)
genres ୧ fluff, crack, slice of life
summary ୧ when changmin got him a job at the coffee shop his friends worked at, haknyeon wasn’t sure what to expect, he just knew falling in love with his manager certainly wasn’t on that list. you falling in love with him also wasn’t a possibility either, but here we are.
featuring ୧ the rest of tbz, joy + yeri from red velvet, mark from nct, yunho from ateez + other idol appearances
ok these are things i have the ideas for, but just haven’t actually started working on. eventually they will be moved up to the wip list, but for now they are just in the planning stage
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pairing ୧ choi chanhee x f!reader (smau)
summary ୧ you and chanhee have been camp counselors at camp cedar creek for years now. you’ve always been competitive, putting your groups up against each other in challenges much like you used to when you were younger. you both confused this competitiveness for hatred, so what are you supposed to do when it’s your last summer as counselors and all these unresolved feelings surface?
pairing ୧ lee hyunjae x f!reader
summary ୧ you’ve been best friends with hyunjae all throughout university, sticking through thick and thin together. but now you’re ready to settle down and you want him to set you up with some of his single friends. but for some reason, each date ended worse than the last. the cause of that? hyunjae’s massive crush on you. (part of the taste of love cinematic universe)
pairing ୧ kim younghoon x f!reader
summary ୧ younghoon has been in love with you since what feels like the dawn of time. he’s watched you fall for the wrong guys over and over again, too much of a coward to do anything about it. but uni graduation is approaching and he’s finally ready to let you know. he just hopes you feel the same.
pairing ୧ jacob bae x f!reader
summary ୧ to put it simply, you like to keep your circle close. as a dog walker, it was kind of hard for anything to capture your attention if it didn’t bark and have fur. however, your new client and his cute dog just might change that.
pairing ୧ kevin moon x f!reader
summary ୧ isn’t it kind of meta for a series about tumblr mutuals falling in love to be posted on tumblr?
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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sandboxrp · 1 year
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Your application has been accepted and written on the sand! Please create your account. All requests will be accepted once we reach our opening application goal! We are excited to share our magical world with you!
stray kids' lee felix as lee juno.
stray kids' hwang hyunjin as kim haneul.
txt's choi beongyu as nam byeol.
le sserafim's miyawaki sakura as kobayashi mika.
kep1er's choi yujin as park eunbyul.
blackpink's kim jennie as bae nali.
bts' kim taehyung as kim jaehyun.
txt's choi yeonjun as choi savant.
nct's jeong jaehyun as lee calum.
le sserafim's kim chaewon as kim seo yeon.
fromis_9's baek jiheon as jeong bora.
woo!ah!'s kwon nayeon (nana) as bae hana.
blackpink's kim jisoo as shin doah.
bts' min yoongi as park mingyu.
ateez's jeong yunho as choi hyunki.
monsta x's lee jooheon as lee jooheon.
bts' jeon jungkook as jeon jaewon.
the boyz's kim sunwoo as lee siyun.
the boyz's choi chanhee (new) as san suyou.
ciipher's moon hyunbin as kim sujin.
aespa's yoo jimin (karina) as choi katarina.
txt's kang taehyun as kang ismael.
the boyz’s sohn youngjae (eric) as shylo moon.
0 notes
xxatinyminionxx · 3 years
my lust for yangyang is skyrocketing even more than usual! long time coming but time to admit that I think 00 liners are my type. my biases in skz are the 00 liners, even though that just started out as hyunsung, I always had a soft spot for seungmin and without lixie I wouldnt be a stay: theres txts giant bunny soobin who im always crazy for, yangyang ive also loved since day one, and along with him I also call Eric from tbz sexiest 4th gen maknae who is another 00 liner!
Yep, might as well recognize 00 liners as your ideal type haha ~ Your lineup of biases is perfect though!
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mng-shilsoo · 3 years
these are just the groups i will write abt (mainly;but i will occasionally write abt others—these are just my ult groups), they will each have their own list.... i will update this list MONTHLY, and each individual one WEEKLY
- Stray Kids
- The Boyz
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hyyunjinn · 6 years
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make way for the ult friendship
2K notes · View notes
sorikkung · 2 years
what goes on in neverland. ⇝ ch. 4: brooding, beefing, and a not-quite-bluff
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word count: 7.6k
pairings: transmasc!reader x Everyone, everyone x everyone (its literally too convoluted for me to try type them out here anymore just see the masterlist for full pairings LOL)
genre: e2l, f2l, smut, fluff and lots of assorted shenanigans. hijinks, if you will
au: battle of the bands!au but make it gay and horny
warnings: instantly-regretted slut shaming (including sti shaming?), brief physical violence, public/risky sexual activity, lowkey under-negotiated kink but nothing extreme, power struggle between switches, brief spitplay
a/n: half a year to update then two within a month n then almost half a year again uh. sorry? HDFKS id probably write more often if i knew more people were reading like fellas if you're reading pls lmk!! what are you enjoying what are you not, are you siding with any characters in this conflict? are you curious about any characters or anything? what do you think about everything so far? a reblog goes a long way, even longer if these kinds of things or any sort of feedback are included in the tags/additions/comments like that's the shit that keeps me going 😩
tags: @honeybyunnies @syunderful @absentcaryatid @mingirn (lmk if you want to be added/removed!)
prev | masterlist | next
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You just know Stray Kids's new hit song is about you.
It’s not like you keep up with their music out of genuine interest, at least, that’s what you like to tell yourself, but merely to closely track the movements of your rival so you can strike accordingly. You can’t use that same excuse as to why you can’t stop fucking listening to it, but you’re not beyond separating the art from the artist, even if you just know the artist involved you in this directly.
The song is a fucking banger, unfortunately, and the lyrics tease and provoke nameless haters that jab at their skill and specifically their dancing, so the target is very obvious – but it’s a clapback more than it’s a provocation, so you can’t exactly have a go at them for it. Especially when their lyricism is too goddamn good.
Their lyrics gloat and brag in all the ways you highly doubt they would have the guts to say to your face, hiding behind their beats like cowards, all while rubbing salt in the wound.
They won.
The first round of the competition was exactly as you thought – none of the other bands came close to you nor them, but they managed to pull ahead over you and take first place for the introductory round by a shockingly large amount. People ate up the novelty of something new, wanting to root for the underdogs over the previous champions, and that sets a fire under your ass like no other. the renegades have to really show up in ways they haven’t before, and while you appreciate the challenge, you’ve already explored so many genres, styles and performances, switched up instruments and vocal techniques and Wooyoung brought dancing to the bands’ stages before Stray Kids did. You’re going to need to do something real controversial to take the spotlight back now.
Luckily, if there’s one thing the runaway renegades are damn good at, it’s controversy.
It gives you something to think about, and that much you’re grateful for. Lord knows your conversation with Sunwoo has been hawking over you for days, and every glance he gives you throughout the day seems noticeably more pointed, but he doesn’t address it. You don’t either at first, waiting for him to bring it up himself, but days pass and he doesn’t say a damn word.
The longer it lingers in the air, the more unbearable it gets, so when he’s staring at you particularly hard during a break in band practice, you almost throw your mic down to the ground.
“For the love of god, Sunwoo, if you need to discuss something with me you can just say so instead of boring holes into my head,” you hiss at him, making sure to keep your voice low so your other bandmates would refrain from paying attention in favour of the lazy riffs Mingi was plucking on his bass while everyone else snacked loudly and chatted among themselves.
Sunwoo, irritatingly enough, shrugs his shoulders. “There’s nothing left to discuss. I’m just looking.”
“There’s nothing left to discuss? What did you mean by you think that told you my answer or something like you very clearly have more to say that you’re not saying-“
“It was a yes or no question. You either have an answer for me, or you don’t.”
“What answer you want to hear so bad?” you press, his sudden change in behaviour since that conversation making you question everything. Questioning things like, did he put you on the spot like that because he thought you liked them, or because he likes you?
It’s impossible to tell, with him – you’ve seen him in relationships before, but he was never truly heart-eyed or smitten over any of those partners the same way Wooyoung and Mingi are, and none of them lasted very long, probably not helped by you and Eric, and for those who came later, the rest of the band as well.
Sunwoo snorts. “That you want to focus on band practice.”
“You can’t just dodge the question like that!” you whine, feeling every bit like a child stomping their foot, but Sunwoo is a very particular brand of frustrating when he wants to be. You figure that’s why you get along so well, but right now you want to throttle him.
“Oh, like you’ve given me a yes or no yet?”
He’s calm and challenging in his tone, casually knocking his head back to gulp down water from his bottle, unintentionally – or perhaps intentionally? – showing off his jawline while he does it, and lets out an over-exaggerated ahh once he’s done just to let you know exactly how unbothered he is by this topic. Asshole.
“Pick up that microphone right now or so god help me.”
He’s not going to give you more than that, by the looks of it, and now is not the best time to press – as much as it frustrates you to admit, you do need to focus on band practice now; you were not the only ones who picked up on Stray Kids’ arguably-subtle clapback, and the online presence of the competition has been louder this year than ever before, expecting big things from the runaways after winning last year’s battle. Your audiences aren’t very big, but they are loud, and you know they’re all waiting for you to meet your rival’s challenge.
You have to beat them. You have to.
Picking your mic back up, you heave a sigh and crack your neck, doing a few lip trills to warm up while you gather your wits about you to pry more.
“You’re not as subtle as you think, Sunwoo.”
He only shrugs again, genuinely uncaring as can be, or at least visibly so; despite your attempts, it doesn’t tell you anything at all.
“Guess I’m not.”
And what the ever-loving fuck is that meant to mean, you think, but you don’t have time to voice it when Eric hits his drumsticks together to get your attention and call a practice session again.
You win this time, Kim Sunwoo, but once we wipe the floor with the stray cats, you’re not getting out of this one.
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You did not, in fact, wipe the floor with Stray Kids.
Their next performance isn’t of their new song, but it’s even more batshit than the last, just as flashy outfits and makeup and props and stunts – and naturally, the song is stupid good as well. Not just addictive to listen to, but masterfully composed and written, and as a lyricist and sometimes-composer it actually makes you furious at how good their music is.
That being said, they still couldn’t play that music live, because it seems they’re useless without their sound production software.
“Uh-oh, here come the loophole patrol,” Eric scowls bitterly, spotting your rival band over his shoulder as they head towards where you had gathered. “I can’t believe they got away with that twice. If they’re really continuing with that, it’s gotta be favouritism.”
It’s the very feline face of the man in your messages that pauses on his walk past, swivelling around at Eric’s words. “You know, if you talk shit so loudly, people might just hear you.”
“Uh, yeah, I’d sure hope they do,” Eric flashes back, “Everyone else is probably thinking the same thing anyway.”
He opens his mouth to utter a retort, but Chris is quick to grab his wrist and yank him back, giving him a warning look as if to try and keep him in check. Cute.
You snort.
“Lino? You actually call him that? Don’t tell me you call that one I.N guy that too…” There’s not enough time to think about whether you deliberately wanted to provoke them further, or if that was merely a knee-jerk reaction to hearing them use their stage names with each other so casually. The way they all exchange slightly guilty-looking glances, though, just gives you the ammunition to keep going. “Oh my god. You do, don’t you? Look at you wannabe superstars…”
The leader takes a deep breath, sticking his arm out in front of the others just as they take a step forward to meet your challenge. The way they all halt and close their mouths at the simple gesture speaks volumes of their respect for Chris’s leadership – that, or they’re all just well-trained dogs who will eat out of the palm of your hand if you so much as throw them a bone. Based on your interactions with them so far, you’re more inclined to think the latter – all barring Lino, of course, as they seem to call him, he definitely seemed far more like a cat who isn’t afraid to bite the hand that feeds.
“Can we just skip the song and dance this time? You’ve already accused us of being rigged to win, you got your kicks at the club, do we have to go through this again?”
You admire the visible restraint Minho is taking to keep his mouth shut, lips flattened into a tight line that almost resembles a smile. Either he’s just another dog after all, or he knows how to pick his battles.
“No of course not,” you begin, pausing for both dramatic effect but also for time to think of a clever enough response – it’s only then when you realise that you are, in fact, deliberately trying to provoke them again. They seem to expect this, feet still glued to the floor while they stare at you a few seconds longer, waiting for the ball to drop.
Well, you’ve always been more of a snake, yourself.
“We don’t have to do anything. I’m merely just making harmless observations here, like how names can often imply ego…”
“Oh, you’re one to talk,” he snaps back, blinking a second too long that you know he was definitely rolling his eyes at you on instinct. “Does your ever-changing band name have anything to deal with your ego that rivals this venue in size?”
The remaining members break out in obnoxious “oooh”s that you far prefer being on the giving end than receiving end of, making the hair on your skin stand on an end.
“Hm, maybe!” You shrug nonchalantly, thrilled at how easily they took the bait. “Having a big ego is good for the soul, I think. If you find that insulting, that’s not a me problem. Harmless observations, as I said.”
“Harmless observations my ass,” Lino scoffs, narrowing his eyes at you, but he’s smirking, and it’s a little too genuine to be one purely defensive in nature. “You’re a troublemaker on purpose, that much is obvious, I’m just trying to figure out why you feel the need to fight us so badly. Is it your little lovers quarrel, perhaps?”
He eyes Eric and Felix in turn, the two of them straightening up and face hardening at suddenly being thrust into the spotlight. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think Minho, too, was instigating on purpose.
You look back at his smug little grin, and start to think maybe you don’t know better after all.
“We’re not lovers,” Felix spits, glaring directly at his ex, “At least, not anymore. I thought we were maybe friends, but that would imply not actively trying to make an enemy of me. You’re jealous, we know, just get over it. Redirect your energy into beating us next round.”
“Jealous?” Eric guffaws, but envy drips from each syllable, and you know he played right into Minho’s hands, if not Felix’s as well. (The latter doesn’t seem as deliberately sneaky.) “Jealous of what, your flashy dancing? Newsflash dumbass, we do that too! We were in a dance crew together for fuck’s sake, you can ditch Force for your buddies here but you can’t tell me you forgot that.”
He grimaces, visibly shrinking at the mention of Force. “I didn’t forget. Can we just... not? Or are you going to provoke me until I get pissed off again?”
“You look pretty pissed off right now,” Sunwoo pipes up unhelpfully, to which Eric smacks him in the arm. He’s seeing red now, and you wrack your brain for how you can run damage control without admitting defeat and bruising Eric – and the rest of the band’s, for that matter – ego even more.
Then it clicks, the exact thing Minho was doing a moment ago – deflection.
“And here I thought you’d grown a backbone, freckles,” you sigh over-dramatically before Eric could get a word in. “Suppose that depends, if we piss you off again do we get a round two?”
“You sleazy fuckboys!” Changbin roars, shouldering in front of Felix almost protectively. “Go stick your dicks somewhere else and leave us the fuck alone, we don’t want whatever STI’s you’re probably riddled with.”
“That's not what your man said in my DM’s,” you snort, cracking up into laughter when you see his face contort into a look of horror toward you then Minho. “Pack it up tough guy, freckles doesn’t need a knight in shining armour, he can speak for himself.”
“Is that not exactly what you’re doing for Eric, tough guy?” Chris challenges, and by now, Felix and Eric had broken off into their own argument while he narrows down onto you. Just like Changbin, it’s protective, from his challenge down to his body language, almost like they’re trying to block you off from Felix entirely. Like he’s their perfect little princess who can do no wrong, while you and Eric are the dragon trying to burn down his castle. Tch. Monarchists and their rose-tinted lenses they see their pretty royals through, letting them get away with anything. At least you’re letting Eric fight his own battles and stepping in only because he asked you to, but you suppose they don’t know that. Hm.
“Is it? I was merely teasing to see if I could get another chance at making freckles come so hard he can’t feel his legs, but I’d get it if you’re a little defensive, Chris. Catch more flies with honey than vinegar, right? Butter him up so you can have your chance with strings attached?”
“That’s Chan to you,” he snaps back, something about not knowing him back then being drowned out by Changbin’s loud protests. If anyone understands the importance of a chosen name, it’s you, but you consider continuing to call him Chris anyway, just to piss him off. Unless he comes out as transgender, it’s not like he can get you disqualified for a hate crime. Just for being a dick on purpose.
“We’re not all sex-crazy like you, asshole! Minho may tease, but he doesn’t sleep around with everything that moves just for the hell of it.”
Though, maybe they can be reported for slut-shaming?
“Aw. Why ever not?” San chimes in, leaning an arm on your shoulder, but you can feel the stiffness under the nonchalance he’s trying to portray. His soft heart gets hurt in fights a lot more easily than he’d like to admit. “That’s real rich, you know, considering your bandmate puts his cock and hole on the internet for a check.”
Hyunjin, who had been sassily piping into Eric and Felix’s argument, whips around without so much as a mention of his name – if it was meant to be some sort of secret, he certainly just revealed himself just now. “Are you slut-shaming me? Aren’t you literally strippers?”
“Ohoho no, we’re not slut-shaming you, your bandmate is!” you cackle, watching as Changbin continued to dig his hole even deeper with his members. He flashes a quick, apologetic glance at the sex worker in question. Hyunjin’s brow furrowed slightly, but you get the feeling that any other reaction he could’ve had was deliberately bit back to save you the satisfaction.
“That’s different—”
“Yeah? How so?” you pry further, “That he’s doing it for money and we’re doing it for fun? God forbid we enjoy sex in this good, purist household! Pfft. Shove it up your ass, Changbin, I’d be glad to do it for you. Real good at it, too.”
“You wish!” he huffs, but that only draws Wooyoung to your argument, curling himself around San’s side with one arm while his other hand stays very blatantly in Mingi’s back pocket.
“Sure do! Didn’t think you’d be such a prude after I gave you the best suck of your life, but suppose I might’ve sucked the sense out of you, too. It’s okay, I can put it back, and just wait till you see what Mingi can do—”
“Oh, are you mad just because I didn’t beat you up last time, too? I still remember how much you like pain—!”
Fists are flying in an instant, Mingi’s much longer arms and larger frame connecting with Changbin’s face before his punch could land on his boyfriend, and just as Chris – no, Chan pulls back to swing, you lunge forward to stop him; only to find yourself yanked back against a warm, flat chest. The arms around your waist keep yours bound to your side, but other than that, it’s a lot more akin to a desperate hug than a grapple.
“Please don’t fight.”
It’s a lot deeper of a voice than you were expecting to hear that accompanies the warm breath on your neck, and that’s when you realise the one holding you back is not your bandmate, but Felix. You wriggle and slip your arms free to elbow him in the ribs, but his grip doesn’t budge, instead trying to tug you backwards. “Don’t! All of you, stop fighting!”
His attempts are futile, none of the others listening to him and you resisting with all your might, too – you’ve overpowered him once before, surely you can again. You land a other well-aimed jab with your elbow that loosens his grip enough for you to break free, but within seconds he manages to hook his foot around your legs and sweep them from under you in a movement far too swift to not be practiced.
Right as you’ve accepted the fate of your skull’s second date with the ground, he catches your arm and prevents your full weight colliding with the floor, which is almost somehow even more humiliating than if he just let you eat shit.
“I don’t want to fight you, so don’t make me. I have a black belt in taekwondo and you do not want to see me use it.”
His threat sends chills down your spine. Hearing it come from someone as pathetically pacifistic as Felix – and you can tell from his tone that he’s dead serious about it too – after he just handed your own ass to you on a silver platter, is positively haunting. You almost want to test him on it, and maybe you and Wooyoung have more in common than you thought because the idea of Felix rocking your shit is rather alluring, but especially with the audience, your pride gets in the way. You can handle them thinking you’re a cheap whore, but getting routinely beat up in fights you started would just make you look weak.
“Fine then, loverboy,” you huff, quickly scrambling back to your feet and glaring at him. Before you continue drilling into him in the area more within your expertise – words – you look up and realise the fighting had finished as soon as it started, with Minho barring Changbin’s powerful arms back and Wooyoung with a decisive grip around Mingi’s wrist, Chan and Eric bickering at each other to the side about being the bigger man. (“I’m five foot seven and a twink, you be the bigger man!” “We’re the same height, genius, but I suppose since you’re so clearly lacking the inches, sure I can be the bigger man!” You’re honestly surprised Eric doesn’t try swinging again.)
“You and your nicknames, huh? What was the last one, halfer?”
You freeze, trying to examine his face for any sort of clue that reveals whether Minho opened his big mouth or not, but you wouldn’t put it past him to make it seem like he would just to grant you the humiliation of doing it yourself.
He notices your hesitation and smirks in disbelief. “What, cat got your tongue? I’ve never seen you short on words without your mouth literally stuffed, but... I like it.”
“Do you now? Will you do it yourself, then?” you tease, itching to see just how far his newfound confidence goes. Excitement bubbles up at an alarming speed given how just a moment ago you were seething, but you find yourself blurring the line between anger and arousal a little too frequently whenever pretty boys are involved. Got to get your kicks somehow, after all – does that make you a narcissist? Maybe you are, because you can’t bring yourself to care, not in cases like this where they so desperately need to be taken down a peg or two.
Get into their head, under their skin, and you’re sure to win. They may be talented and rigged to win, but this is your scene, and you know the ins and outs of it like they never will – namely, that good music is only half the battle, and stage presence is the other. They have both right now, but the latter (which you do better, anyway – definitely rigged.) relies on bravado and ego – if you can wound it enough, their performance will suffer. Stress does plenty to nuke a performance too.
You’re going to have your fun and give them hell while you’re at it.
“Gladly,” Felix retorts, tension rising as he steps back into your personal space again. “Though this time, Eric won’t be there to stop time for you, so how about we try for a record timing, huh two-minutes?”
A surge of humiliation rushes through you, but you grit your teeth and power through it to not so much as shrink under his heavy gaze. “Tch. For the record, he didn’t tell me till afterward, either – though I still don’t think you can compare a bit of bump-n-grind to straight-up giving head. Though, wait a second,” you laugh, and it at least feels like you’re saving face. “What happened to no fighting, huh? Want me so bad it’s clouding your judgement? My, freckles, I’m flattered.”
He rolls his eyes, and for a moment you think he sees right through your last-ditch attempt at deflection, but to your surprise, he instead grabs your wrist and starts pulling you away down a random corridor with startling haste.
“My judgement isn’t clouded, I much prefer this over fighting – it’s more fun, and no one gets hurt.”
His answer is characteristically pure, despite the many impure things you want to do to him that you’re sure he’s probably thinking about too; despite it all, he’s still at his core, so good. Maybe the real reason he left Eric is because Eric is a self-driven asshole who isn’t afraid to speak with his fists, doesn’t pay for half the things he brings home and never takes no for an answer once his mind is set on something.
To you though, those flaws are precisely the things you love about him as well. That same stubbornness that makes him unbearable is also his undying loyalty; you know for a fact he would go to the ends of the earth for you and the band, and previously Felix as well. The fact that he managed to break that trust? Only proves that no-one’s truly an angel after all.
You smirk. “Not unless they ask nicely.”
“Oh?” He tugs you around a corner you’re honestly not sure you’re even meant to be in, but something about that is just as thrilling as the delighted sparkle in his grin at your comment. “You gonna ask nicely then? Gonna say pretty please with a cherry on top?”
“In your dreams.”
“I could be dreaming right now.” He cages you against the wall, leaning over you and hovering his face just inches away from yours, dark eyes drinking in all of your features up close, not an ounce of shame or hesitation in them at all. Hell, with the way he smiles at you, without context it could even look romantic. “Guess we’ll have to find out?”
“Right here? How daring. Didn’t think you had it in you, freckles,” you hum, sliding your hands along his hips and digging your thumbs past the waistband of his pants. He runs a hand through your hair, slowly, gently – then closes it around your locks and pulls, just hard enough for a pleasant sting, but no more. The action is oddly intimate in its softness, and you can’t tell if he’s just that much of a gentle-hearted lover or if he really does want to hear you ask for it.
He takes his time, tilting your head this way and that, exposing your neck to him. It’s riddled with bruises of varying shades from the rest of your band, which seems to fascinate him – he trails a tiny finger along the marks, pressing down on the particularly dark ones and flicking his gaze back up to your face to catch the way your lips part slightly to sharply inhale.
“You like it rough, don’t you?” he says suddenly, deep baritone cutting through the tension the momentary silence was building. You huff at him.
“No, I’m more of a gentle and meaningful lovemaking under the moonlight kinda guy,” you drawl, sarcasm thick on your tongue, but he just smiles again, a small one.
“I thought so.”
For a moment you think he’s playing along with your sarcasm, but the way he kisses down your neck is so chaste it’s almost ticklish, contrasted only by the way he knee roughly wedges your ledges apart and lodges itself between them, pressing up against you. He’s slow with his mouth’s descent, making you pull him by your hold on his pants closer to you, but he pays your rush no mind.
“You know, freckles, I was being sarcastic,” you inform him, starting to think he genuinely got the wrong message somehow. “No shit I like it rough, our last tryst was a borderline wrestling match.”
“I know.” He doesn’t even so much as look up at you, but his kisses do turn open-mouthed as he finds some unmarked skin around your collarbone, deciding to fill in the blanks – and somehow, it’s the softest hickey anyone has ever given you. You’re certain it’s on purpose now, and his next words confirm it. “I like it when people ask nicely, though.”
Motherfucker. “I’m sure you do,” you grumble, blatantly shoving him off you, much to his alarm. He only stumbles back half a step before you’re tugging him back in by the back of his neck, lips clashing together in a fervent haste.
His body stiffens for a moment and you’re about to pull back before you physically feel his resolve crumble, surging back against your mouth with a poorly concealed hunger for more. He flits frantically between firmly grasping your face with both of his little hands as he licks into your mouth and sucks on your tongue, and grabbing at your hips, your ass, your thighs, wherever he could reach, closing that distance as much as possible. It’s like he’s in a frenzy, drunk off the taste of your tongue and the warmth of your body and you can only think that you could get damn used to this.
“I’ve been thinking about this ever since that night in the Prism,” Felix confesses, and the fluttering feeling the praise gives you only lasts a moment before your next train of thought stomps it out completely; Eric was there at the Prism too. His ex. His supposed first love, who he left so carelessly, but is supposedly still in love with and just not doing anything about it even though Eric practically threw himself at him using you as a meat shield. Yet here he is, blabbering about how much he was thinking about you.
He really meant nothing to him, didn’t he?
He’s brimming with excitement, unable to resist capturing your lips in more heated kisses between his words, “I should be more angry at you. You’re a bit– You’re a lot of an asshole.” He kisses you again. “And I know you try to get on our nerves on purpose.” He kisses you again, not giving you a chance to reply, and his lips are too addicting for you to want to stop him. “And frankly, you deserved to get punched.” He kisses you again, longer this time, teeth grazing your lower lip.
“But?” you breathe out, snorting at how Felix places both hands on your butt at that, beaming cheekily at the silent pun.
“Oh, there is no but. You’re a dick, that’s it. I just want you around mine anyway.”
He’s so genuine and honest, even now, and you’re caught between liking it and being bothered by it, likely since around him you are anything but. You bluff and you lie as easily as breathing air, as frequently as a coffee order, and if he knows this, he isn’t calling you out for it anymore. Given the way he seems to wear his heart on his sleeve, though, it’s more believable to think he naively buys what you’re selling, and you wonder if he really trusted your pinkie promise that night in good faith.
Like a fool.
He’s so fucking good. You’d even go as far as to say wholesome were it not for him practically trying to shove his tongue down your throat, but even the way he does that seems so inherently good somehow. Like he’s happy to be here, making out against a wall with his ex-boyfriend’s asshole best friend who effectively is trying to bully him for their own ego and enjoyment.
You really don’t understand Lee Felix at all.
“If you think I’m an asshole now, you do not wanna see me if you hurt Eric again,” you mutter, and the way he stills again makes you wonder if you’ve crossed the line this time before he’s laughing in your face.
It’s not a loud nor boisterous laugh, more dry and callous, though there’s an edge of humour to it. Perhaps a hint of something else, but you can’t place it.
“If I...” he caresses your face, pressing your foreheads together, almost drunkenly swaying to whatever song was being performed in the background, “...hurt Eric again...” he kisses you, again, and were you any less violently turned on you may have even found it disturbing, but instead of speaking more when he stops to breathe, he merely hesitates a second and goes back in for more.
You hate how stupidly good of a kisser he is, and how bloody pleased you are to just keep going; you want him so bad, you want him all over you in the way he wouldn’t do with Eric around, you want to ruin him until he breaks – but part of you is happy enough just to kiss him like this for hours. He kisses you like he cares. Not like a lover, it’s not romantic. His actions may seem so, but you know it’s not the weight behind it, it doesn’t make sense nor does it feel like it. He kisses you like he cares about something, and while you don’t know what, or maybe who, but you know he cares a lot. You’re merely an outlet – it reminds you vaguely of how Sunwoo kisses you when he’s frustrated at something else, or how Eric kisses you when he just wants to forget. How Mingi kisses you when he wants to pretend. How San kisses you like he doesn’t know how to stop.
It’s not like you mind being an outlet. Arguably, you’re doing the same to him. You just hope he isn’t imagining Eric when he closes his eyes and breathes you in – not like you are right now.
“If I hurt Eric again,” he tries once more, forehead pressed back against yours, and all you see are his pretty freckles. Is this is way of avoiding eye contact? You zero in on his presence, his presence, not the absence of your roommate nagging at the back of your mind. Him in all his overwhelming intensity yet deceptively soft when he touches you – gentleness that feels like a threat.
“Then you can do whatever you want with me.”
You expected a threat – hell, you maybe even wanted a threat, god knows you’d find it hot especially with that voice of his, but that? You hook two fingers into his mouth before he can close the distance between you again, pressing down on his tongue and feeling shivers at how he doesn’t even flinch or hesitate, simply wrapping those perfect lips around them and sucking on them all while holding your stare with half-lidded eyes.
“No, you can’t just use those pretty lips as a get-out-of-jail-free card, what do you mean I can do whatever I want with you? What if you’ve already hurt him again? Does that mean I can make you ruin your band’s performance on purpose or drop out of the contest or–“
He spits your fingers out and grips your chin in one hand, the other diving down to unbutton his pants. “Actually, I think I definitely prefer you with your mouth stuffed.”
“Hey, you can’t just say that then take it back–“
“We only came down here because I already said I like your mouth stuffed. And I believe you were asking me to do it for you.” He’s already shoving you down by your shoulders, unzipping his fly, the change of mood giving you whiplash. You hold your ground, crossing your arms defiantly.
“And I believe you just told me I can do whatever I want with you. So what I want is for you to either elaborate on what you meant, or shut up, get your ass up, and bend over.”
He outright giggles at you. “Cute, I know you want to fuck me. Go on then, ask nicely and use your manners and I’ll even say yes. Which I think is more than you deserve with how you repeatedly try to drag my team to make yourself feel better about yourself and get involved in other people’s business, but I can be generous.”
“You dreaming while awake now, are you?” You scoff flicking his chest. “I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. Face to the wall, ass out, now.”
You have an advantage here, you think. Eric has always been quite the oversharer, especially about his bedroom escapades, and while you definitely forgot a lot of it, there is one thing that sticks out in your memory – his submissive lean. How the two of them would switch often, but it would only take a bit of bossiness to make Felix weak in the knees, and your night at the Prism only seemed to confirm that. He just loves confidence and assertiveness, he eats it up and comes back for seconds, and damn if you don’t want to see it for yourself.
“I don’t take orders from you, small fry. On your knees.”
Suppose you’re not Eric, after all.
“What makes you think I’d listen to you then, halfer? I don’t care if it was technically two minutes, I still made you come in your pants like a horny teenager and you were whining for more. The fuck you calling small fry? I’m like, eye-level with that aggro, loud-ass guard dog of yours. You should put a muzzle on him, by the way, and his boyfriend too for that matter–“
“Pfft, you mean Changbin? Sure, maybe in those boots you are, but he could snap you like a twig. Heard he almost did before Lino showed up.”
“You know, I like that Lino fucker. He’s got a flair for the dramatics, and being a hypocritical shit-stirrer, even to his team and his boyfriend. You know he was purposely trying to get a rise out of you and Eric back there, right?”
He was getting more worked up now, not that the bulge in his pants needed to be any more obvious than earlier, but now his giddy excitement fizzles into something far more potent, raw, and hot to touch, increasing your excitement tenfold. As soon as he loses his cool, you win, you realise, so you make sure he couldn’t cool down if he tried, finally going along with his hand on your shoulder and sinking down to the floor and pulling his length free from his boxers.
“Hmm, too bad you’re keener than he is, I would’ve loved to take him and his boyfriend for a spin – though to be fair, they were pretty keen still,” you go on as you stroke him slowly, but squeezing him tight enough to see his jaw clench. “That leader of yours though, now he’s a piece of work. Has the whole lot of you so well-trained like pets, huh? You guys like that? It’s so pathetic it’s almost adorable.”
“How about you keep my cock in your mouth and my band the fuck out of it?”
You laugh at him, sardonic and demeaning. “I don’t take orders from you either, halfer.”
He tongues the inside of his cheek, huffing indignantly before grabbing your chin again to force you to look him in the eyes, and something seems to click behind them. He huffs again, a smirk spreading across his face as he lets his grip on yours go, patting your cheek condescendingly. “Open your mouth.”
He doesn’t leave any room for argument – not that you couldn’t make room if you wanted to, but teasing him within an inch of his life is a lot easier with him in your mouth, so just this once, you obey.
What you don’t expect is for him to spit directly into your mouth, with surprising accuracy given the difference in elevation. His hand comes up beneath your chin before you can react, pushing your jaw shut.
You hate how you already did on instinct when he closed your mouth, and you hate even more how it makes you press your thighs together in arousal.
“Good boy.” He grins at you, wider this time, then combs his fingers through your hair and tugs again, pulling your head closer to him. “Now suck.”
You want to sass him back, tease him some more, leave him hanging just a little longer, but when he speaks to you like that, even lower than the usual bass of his speaking voice, all sultry and commanding – so unexpected from him, so fucking hot, you don’t have it in you to wait any longer. You need to hear that voice of his again, those pretty, pretty sounds he makes when you give him exactly what he wants; you bet it’ll sound even prettier when you take it away from him.
You take him into your mouth, not wasting any time relaxing your throat and taking him all the way in, to his surprise – he lets out a startled yelp that cuts off as he shuts his mouth at the same time as he screws his eyes shut, teeth digging into his lower lip. Were you not deep-throating him, you would’ve smiled. It’s not a pleasant feeling, in all honesty – you’re not like Wooyoung or San, who just love having their mouths full, but you do enjoy the effect it has enough for you to be well-practiced, and once you could fit most of Mingi down your throat, anyone else was a piece of cake.
“Fuck,” Felix hisses out, gripping your hair tighter, but he doesn’t try to make you move, nor does he try to move, but you don’t miss the way he keeps tensing up at how your throat contracts around him. “God— heh, I really do like you better with your mouth stuffed. So fucking good.”
With every noise you pull from those sinful lips at each movement of your mouth along him, the temptation to have him for real grows stronger. You work him closer and closer to the edge without wasting any time teasing him, ignoring the dull ache in your jaw and digging your nails into his quivering thighs. The quicker you can edge him, the less you have to fight against your self-control – after all, you can have your needs taken care of once you get home, anyway.
He stops you before you can get there though, his grip in your hair pulling you off him and prompting you back up on your feet so he can kiss you again roughly.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” he asks breathlessly against your lips, “I’ll do it right here, right here in this hallway.”
Yes, god, please yes. Your resolve thins. “Not such a good boy after all, huh? What if we get caught, hmm?”
Every lick of logic and rationale you have in you is telling you to not, because there’s no point getting Felix disqualified from the competition if you bring the band down with him, but you haven’t heard anyone coming down this way yet, since you’re pretty sure it was staff-only and the staff should be busy with the other contestants right now, but that doesn’t mean you’re safe.
“Guess we better not get caught, then.”
Throwing all caution to wind in your lust-filled haze, you hook an arm around his neck and pull him to you, your other hand undoing your pants and shimmying them down, already dripping wet and throbbing for him. He chuckles darkly at your haste, teasing your clit with the tip of his dick, chuckling again at how your body twitches at the sensitivity from each slight touch.
“Eager, huh?”
“Just put it in already.”
He chuckles again, deep and husky and mind-numbingly attractive, but doesn’t make any move to give it to you.
“Then beg.”
Your eyes fly open, staring at him in disbelief as a surge of outrage pulses through you. “Excuse me?”
He stares right back with an unbridled intensity, those sharp eyes boring into you.
“Beg for it, and I’ll give it to you.”
You scoff.
He teases at your entrance, watching your face for any sign of restraint, but you stay steady. If he thinks you’re going to sink so low as to beg for his dick in a ratty corridor, he’s dead wrong. You may be a degenerate, but for him? There’s no way you’re giving him the satisfaction.
“You want me bad enough to let me fuck you right here in public, you can beg for it just once,” he reasons, but he should know better than to think someone like you could be so easily reasoned with. The fact that he ever thought he could get away with it just proves you need to remind him of his place – beneath you. A boy toy to play with at your whims, because you hold the control, not him.
“I don’t think I can,” you coo with faux disappointment, giving him one last chance to quit while he’s ahead. “If you want to fuck me, Felix, you’re going to have to do it yourself.”
He senses your challenge, and knows that if he does give in, you win – and lord knows you’re still hanging your previous victory over his head. Deciding he’s not going to give you what you want so easily, he pushes himself off the wall, shrugging with feigned nonchalance. “Nice try. You’re going to beg, or you’re getting nothing.”
“Suit yourself.”
He can’t hide the flash of surprise across his face as you slip away from him, swiftly pulling your pants back up and re-doing the button, walking off without a word.
“You’re bluffing. Get back here.”
He called your bluff last time, but this time you are dead serious. You don’t need him, or his dick, or even his pretty lips and sexy voice. You want him, sure, you make no secret of that – but in the end, he’s still Eric’s shitty ex trying to take your bands crown with a shoddy excuse of a band, and just because you’re a stripper doesn’t mean you’re easy.
You’ll have him on your terms, or you won’t have him at all.
“You sure like to call bluff. Too bad I’m not bluffing, halfer – I got better dicks to ride. You’re not special.”
You don’t even so much as spare him a glance over your shoulder as you strut off, and he takes a second to recover before tucking himself back into his pants and storming after you.
“That wasn’t what you were saying when you were all over me just then, or back at the Prism—”
“I basically did,” you snort, pivoting around on your heel to jeer at him. “Why do you think Eric won our little contest? Get over yourself, you’re hot but you’re nothing more than a plaything to me. And what happens to playthings when their owner gets bored?”
“I’m not yours to play with,” Felix growls, anger bubbling over where arousal once was – or maybe directly alongside it. “You don’t own me, or anyone – are you seriously that up yourself? Wow. I’m sure Eric is so lucky to have a friend like you.”
The glare you give him at that is fucking scalding – how dare he question your relationship to Eric? How dare he ecen bring him up now? He’s the one who abandoned him. Seems like he’s just like most other cis men you know – all sweet until you don’t put out. How typical.
“At least I’m not the one who left,” you spit in his face, whirling back around and pacing off without any intent of turning back.
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halaboyz · 2 years
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another milestone event only for my loveliest followers, for reaching eight hundred. nothing more makes me happy if a fic speaks to your soul— so this is dedicated to you. as a thank you. nothing more said, but my grateful heart is all yours. i wouldn't even think about reaching this far, but here we are. and it's all because of your support.
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you know who we all love? taylor swift. whether you're a fan or a casual listener, we can't deny that there is a single song of taylor's that we have in mind right now. yes, that song was in your mind while reading this. so i'm going to have TAYLOR SWIFT songs— to be particular, heartbreak songs, as the main theme.
all angst, no fluff. because who doesn't love angst? okay, maybe i'll sprinkle some fluff, but no one deserves a happy ending.
whatever song is in your mind right now, drop it in my inbox with the idol— whether it's from ateez, the boyz, enhypen, tomorrow x together, nct dream, or soloist woodz.
no idols will be repeated, and whoever is taken will be put below. as with the idols, no taylor swift heartbreak song will also be repeated. come on, taylor swift has tons of heartbreaking songs out there. whatever you resonate with, you can put it in my inbox!
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1. whoever requested first, will be given the slot. song AND idol. again, slots will be written below. ( ex. hongjoong & all too well ) 1-a. if your member/song is taken, you're always free to send another ask! 1-b. all fics will be in gender-neutral reader, unless i feel like a female reader will be fit for the fic.
2. fics will approximately be 1k-5k words, depending on the idea. i will do every request, and with that, to be able to provide you a good fic, i will take my time with every fic— patience will be appreciated.
3. requests will be ongoing until every slot is taken. since every member may not be taken.
4. if you want to be put on a certain group's taglist, or simply to the whole event's taglist, tell me through my ask box/dms!
5. enjoy!
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KIM HONGJOONG :: NEW ROMANTICS, req. by @.th84u PARK SEONGHWA :: I DON'T WANT TO LIVE FOREVER, req. by @.mavericsohn JEONG YUNHO :: LAST KISS, req. by @.woahhwa CHOI SAN :: WE ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER, req. by @.mygco SONG MINGI :: BETTY, req. by @.yeoandmoon JUNG WOOYOUNG :: AUGUST, req. by @.woobly CHOI JONGHO :: THE STORY OF US, req. by @.talkbykhalid
LEE SANGYEON :: ILLICIT AFFAIRS, req. by anon JACOB BAE :: STYLE, req. by @.bawdyboyz KIM YOUNGHOON :: OUR SONG, req. by nini LEE HYUNJAE :: CORNELIA STREET, req by @.gracefulweather JI CHANGMIN :: BLANK SPACE, req. by @.calliopegoist LEE JUYEON :: COME BACK... BE HERE, req. by @.onlyticket-home KIM SUNWOO :: RED, req. by @.morauvmi ERIC SOHN :: I KNEW YOU WERE TROUBLE, req. by @.stealanity
LEE HEESEUNG :: BACK TO DECEMBER, req. by @.softforqiankun PARK JONGSEONG :: TEARDROPS ON MY GUITAR, req. by anon KIM SUNOO :: AFTERGLOW, req. by anon
CHOI YEONJUN :: EXILE, req. by anon CHOI SOOBIN :: BEGIN AGAIN, req. by anon
MARK LEE :: BREATHE, req. by @.justalildumpling LEE JENO :: ALL TOO WELL, req. by anon LEE DONGHYUCK :: ENCHANTED, req. by mika NA JAEMIN :: CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS, req. by @.kurosism ZHONG CHENLE :: WHITE HORSE, req. by @.moonieric
WOODZ :: RIGHT WHERE YOU LEFT ME, req. by @.is4b3ll3s
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tagging some of my closest mutuals in case any of you are interested! <3
@hvae @moonieric @dulceamar @deputyjuyeon @mihyu-ckie @yunkiwii @woobly @lee--felix @hwarora @enivivs @talkbykhalid @yourjaylaks @softforqiankun @sunlightwoo @flrtwoo @gracefulweather @junjungsunwoo @cloudykyu @mavericsohn @mingi-banana @twentysixofmays @kurosism @stealanity @mygco @justalildumpling
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© halaboyz 2022.
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yootaesowlwrites · 4 years
Navigation | Regulations | Updates
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What you will find here: Updates for upcoming works, links, blog updates, regulations.
Links: ⌈Masterlist⌋ ⌈Prompts & Scenarios⌋ 
Posting time: 16:00SAST
7th Jun:
Lee Seoho Birthday Fic
30th Jun:
Cha Hakyeon Birthday Fic
18th Jul:
Lee Taemin Birthday Fic
19th Jul:
Birthday Present: Hwang Hyunjin
28th Aug
Hwang Hyunjin: AU.
6th Sept:
Kim Taehyung: Fantasy AU
30th Dec:
Kim Taehyung: Birthday Fic
⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎MAIN QUESTS⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎
Lee Taemin: Prompt
Hwang Hyunjin: Prompt
Kim Taehyung: Prompt
Baek Zuho: Professor AU.
Baek Zuho: Agent AU.
Baek Zuho: CEO Smut Part 2 for this.
Yoo Taeyang: Android AU
Lee Seoho: Wrestler AU
⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎REQUEST QUESTS⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎
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⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎WHO I WRITE FOR⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎
Lee Dong Wook
Rowoon / Kim Seokwoo
Lee Sangyeon
Jacob Bae
Kim Younghoon
Hyunjae / Lee Jaehyun
Lee Juyeon
Kevin Moon
New / Choi Chanhee
Q / Ji Changmin
Ju Haknyeon
Kim Sunwoo
Eric / Sohn Youngjae
Kim Seokjin
Min yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Lee Seoho
Leedo / Kim Geonhak
Lee Keonhee
Yeo Hwanwoong
Xion / Son Donju
Kim Youngbin
Kim Inseong
Lee Jaeyoon
Dawon / Lee Sanghyuk
Zuho / Baek Juho
Yoo Taeyang
Hwiyoung / Kim Youngkyun
Chani / Kang Chanhee
Onew / Lee Jinki
Key / Kim Kibum
Choi Minho
Lee Taemin
Bang Chan
Lee Know / Lee Minho
Seo Changbin
Hwang Hyunjin
Han Jisung
Felix Lee.
Kim Seungmin
Yang Jeongin
Cha Hakyeon / N
Leo / Jung Taekwon
Ken / Lee Jaehwan
Hyuk / Han Sanghyuk
Lee Hongbin
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⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎BLOG UPDATES⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎
Currently thinking of opening requests for a short amount of time.
Working on Revamping masterlists and this masterpost.
Looking for a new desktop theme.
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About The Posts / Writing:
— As of May 21 2021 I will be writing in 2nd POV.
— I’ve recently seen gif creators not liking that writers use their gifs in their writings, so as of 2021 I will not be adding gifs, I will be adding self-made banners to it or requesting banners from atinyfantasytothemoon. (Make sure to follow her and send requests to her for gifs/edits/moodboards)
— I use google translate and/or translation.babylon-software.com to translate sentences if needed, so If anything is wrong.. please don’t blame me, although as of September 2020, I no longer translate things and use italics if I want the person to talk in another language. — English is not my first language, neither is Italian, German or any other language besides Afrikaans, however, sometimes My English is better than my Afrikaans but Afrikaans is the language I speak at home with family.
— My blog does contain mature content, if you do not like the idea of reading smut/nsfw content, then my blog is not for you.
— If you are rude, I will block you, any anon hate received will be deleted and blocked, and if you do send it on anon, it says more about you as a person.
— As for smuts, most of the time, if not all of the time, it will be written as unprotected, unless stated otherwise, from my writing P.O.V, the reader will always be on the pill.
— I have tried in the past to write my fics as G/N reader, but I do struggle with it, so most of the fluffs or angsts will be g/n, but the smuts will be female reader. Please note that I am almost not assigning any gender rolls here as I’m writing from a female perspective, and that is the gender I imagine while writing, But this does not mean that you can’t read them if Female is not your gender, I just won’t recommend the smuts then. Please note my fics also wont always be X Reader, since I do add some detail to it about hair and such, which is why I never tag my work with X reader.
— Please make sure to go through the list below to see what I’m comfortable with writing and what not before sending in an ask or a suggestion.
Absolutely NOT:
— Rape. — Suicide. — Self-harm. — Abuse. — Miscarriage. — Cancer. — Incest. — “He cleans you after sex because he thinks of you as a little sister.” — Daddy Kink. — Piss Kinks. — Degrading Kinks. — Non-Con. — Vomit Kink. — BDSM. — Needle Play. — Anal. — Anal play. — Humiliation Kink. — Scat, or any other body fluids that can be used.
Things I’m uncomfortable with and will not write about as of 2022:
— Writing about pregnancies. — Writing About Children. — Writing About Babies.
Q & A:
Q. I thought you said that you don’t write about depression/suicide?
A. I don’t write about suicide, I do however am comfortable enough to mention it in some fics, if I am comfortable enough to write it. I will add trigger warnings and a ‘keep reading’ link, I am not very comfortable with going into detailed depression, and any sort of mental illness.
Q. Do you write threesomes?
A. As of June 24 2021, I do.
Q. Why do you only write SFW for certain people and not NSFW?
A. I just don’t feel comfortable enough to write NSFW with certain people, I don’t write smuts for minors, anyone born after the 2000′s is a BIG no from me, and I won’t consider writing NSFW for anyone born after 2000.
Q. Why are you uncomfortable writing about pregnancies?
A. Because pregnancies make me uncomfortable, I’ve made the decision to never become pregnant, the topic makes me uncomfortable.
Q. Why are you uncomfortable writing about children?
A. Any kind of talk or topic about children makes me uncomfortable, as I don’t want children of my own, and I don’t understand the concept of cooing over a small human, but that is just me.
I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read my fics that contain NSFW/SMUT content, but if you’re under the age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. do NOT take it as educational, it is  fiction!
Thirst asks are welcome, but please do not objectify any idol or person you want to come thirst over, bring your confessions all you want, your sinful thoughts, your soft thoughts, all welcome here.
I’m a little anti-social, but if you want to drop an ask, go ahead, I love seeing them in my inbox, if you want a snippet from any of my works, then please ask, I won’t mind showing a snippet, if you want a hint on what I’m working on, feel free to ask, basically, ask what you want, as long as you don’t come off as rude or as long as you don’t send in hate.
Please do not copy my work and post on any other website without my consent, I don’t take it lightly when my work has been stolen and credit wasn’t given to me, I work hours and hours, sometimes months on my fics and if anyone thinks it’s kind for someone to steal someone else’s hard work and claim as their own, you’re an asshole.
If anyone sees my work on any other site aside from tumblr, please let me know and report it as being stolen as well.
my work is protected by this license.
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Because at first I didn’t see the need to put this here and thought it would be a little obvious that I DO NOT take constructive criticism, but it was not, so here it is.
I do not take it, mostly because everyone has their own direction of stuff, and I’m not gonna please everyone with what I do, my work will never be everyone’s cup of drink, and I’d rather not say something rude if you drop your comment in my inbox.
This stays my blog and I will do on it what I want.
In most recent months, since January 2022, the blog has mostly become a self-indulge blog where I post fantasies, thoughts, dreams and Ideas I had or a friend had, and in between I write things for my friends.
As of 2024, I have decided to open requests every now and then, so keep a look out for when I open them.
Formula 1❅ Formula 2 ❅ Formula E ❅ Lucifer ❅ Teen Wolf ❅ The Originals ❅ The Vampire Diaries ❅ Twilight ❅ WWE ❅ NCT ❅ ATEEZ/Kim Hongjoong ❅
126 notes · View notes
mingi-bubu · 4 years
Catboy List  >^.^<
kyukyuhunnie’s official list of c/j/k-pop catboys, with audience participation
if you see someone here you don’t agree with, shoot me an ask or dm me!  we can discuss on it
if you don’t see someone here you think belongs here, let me know and i’ll put them on  >^.^<
Park Seonghwa - Ateez
Yao Mingming/Bonan - (formerly of) Unine
Wen Junhui/Jun - Seventeen
Han Seungwoo - Victon
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul/Ten - WayV/SuperM
Cai Xukun/Kun - (formerly of) Nine Percent/Soloist
Lim Jaebeom - Got7/JJ Project
Nakamoto Yuta - NCT 127
Jeong Jaehyun - NCT 127
Qian Kun - WayV
Wong Kunhang/Hendery - WayV
Kim Youngkyun/Hwiyoung - SF9
Johnny Suh - NCT 127
Na Jaemin - NCT Dream
Lee Juyeon - The Boyz
Kim Hongjoong - Ateez
Park Junhee/Jun - A.C.E
Kim Byeongkwan - A.C.E
Kang Yuchan/Chan - A.C.E
Choi San - Ateez
Kim Jonghoon/Yesung - Super Junior/Super Junior KRY/Soloist
Yoo Taeyang - SF9
Ding Zeren - NEX7/Soloist
Kim Dongyoung/Doyoung - NCT 127
Kim Minseok/Xiumin - EXO/EXO CBX
Kim Junmyeon/Suho - EXO/Soloist
Zhoumi - Super Junior/Soloist
Lian Huaiwei - Soloist
Lee Donghun - A.C.E
Kang Yeosang - Ateez
Bi Wenjun - NEX7
Lee Minho/Lee Know - Stray Kids
Jeong Taekwoon/Leo - VIXX
Xiao Zhan - X NINE
Song Mingi - Ateez
Kim Sehyoon/Wow - A.C.E
Moon Bin/Moonbin - Astro/Astro Moonbin & Sanha
Kim Myungjun/MJ - Astro
Oh Sehun - EXO/EXO SC
Jeong Wooyoung - Ateez
Kevin Moon - The Boyz
Ji Changmin/Q - The Boyz
Felix Lee - Stray Kids
Hwang Hyunjin - Stray Kids
Eric Sohn - The Boyz
Lee Taeyong - NCT 127/SuperM
Osaki Shotaro - NCT 2020
Henry Lau - (formerly of) Super Junior/Soloist
Baek Juho/Zuho - SF9
Lee Donghyuck/Haechan - NCT 127/NCT Dream
Lee Hyukjae/Eunhyuk - Super Junior/Super Junior D&E
Kim Ryeowook - Super Junior/Super Junior KRY/Soloist
Kim Inseong - SF9
Lee Dongmin/Cha Eunwoo - Astro
Park Jinyoung - Got7/JJ Project
Son Dongju/Xion - Oneus
Kim Hyojin - ONF
Yoon Sanha - Astro/Astro Moonbin & Sanha
Lee Jinwoo - 1Team
Choi Chanhee/New - The Boyz
Komiyama Naoto - lol
Kang Seungsik - Victon
Heo Chan - Victon
Lim Sejun - Victon
Do Hanse - Victon
Choi Byungchan - Victon
Jeong Subin - Victon
Jiao Maiqi - Soloist
Updated 201220
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