#Eri and Mirio make a brief appearance
ihatetaxes99 · 1 year
 Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is I, everyone's favourite favourite part-Irish, part-English, part-Welsh twat with yet more demented rambles to indulge in. I wish to talk about a problem I have felt with Boku No Hero for quite some time, one that I feel above all else has tarnished the series in regards to its quality of writing. So, here I am, jotting down my thoughts lest my head combust with it all. I shall try my hardest to keep the vociferous language to a minimum, if not outright eliminated, for I don't have much interest in hyperbole tonight. A basic little rundown of what I think may well have been the nails in BNHA's sacred palms.
 Spoilers below the cut. But I'm sure you knew that already.
 I would argue that this particular issue has been present in the manga persistently since Bakugo's non-sacrifice in Jaku. However, it only became truly evident to me in Chapter 295. The return of Mirio Togata. And hence, I introduce the problem.
 Horikoshi has taken to writing scenes based on their emotional appeal- or 'cool factor'- first, and logic second. Yes, BNHA is a superhero shonen set in a far-future Japan, but that does not excuse it from following its own logical consistency. Every fictional world has its own logic, and that can be as different from ours as it could desire, but it must stick to that logic. In BNHA's case, Quirks have had relatively little impact on society as a whole aside from the obvious, it's still very much a world that can be compared to our own twenty-first century experience. This is all to say that yes, prioritising grandiose set pieces over common sense is not something that can be hand waved away, as this is not a series such as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which is built on an inherent silliness.
 To better explain my point, I want to take a look at a few scenes that in particular highlight my frustrations. First of all, Togata's return. It's cool, he's kicking ass and taking names (not that poor Sako has any ass to kick at that point), and it's a huge moment for fans of his character. However, upon relatively brief inspection, it falls apart. Togata recovers his Quirk by having Eri rewind his body, a rather ethically questionable act that can further the already-established questions into the morality of UA and the Japanese government that this arc did serve to push. However, the act itself is never shown, nor are any potential consequences. Eri, a girl who is far too traumatised to use her Quirk, is never shown actually overcoming that fear. Neither character seems to struggle in any way with what happened. Furthermore, Togata just appears on the battlefield from nowhere, conveniently at the best possible time. What compelled UA to make such a choice? It's implied that Aizawa is now her legal guardian and with him on the front lines, who gave consent for Eri to undergo this process, in spite of the dangers to both herself and Togata? All of this to send one extra soldier into the war, a soldier who, for all his flash, only served to arrest a man who most likely would have died had he not been captured and hospitalised. Mirio Togata looks cool, his Quirk is cool and seeing him in action again is no doubt intoxicating for his fans; But the simple fact of the matter is that the terms of his return make absolutely zero sense. This is also without mentioning the fact that him reattaining his Quirk spits in the face of BNHA's main themes of taking life's harshness and making the most out of a bad situation, even when you've lost everything. Togata faced a tangible loss in the Hassaikai Arc, a loss that could have haunted him for the rest of his life. But he was content, and he refused to indulge in self-pity. He made the most out of his bad situation. Now, none of that matters anymore. And he hasn't even done anything of any relevance since then. 
 Exhibit B, Kaina Tsutsumi's death. I am aware that she technically is not dead (somehow; Clearly Horikoshi never realised that giving everybody absurd plot armour doesn't do anything to reduce the distraction of the protagonist's), but let's face it, she won't be returning again, so she may as well be. Tsutsumi is a character I rather enjoyed while she was around. A former government agent, the same breed as Hawks, who realised the depraved depths of her indoctrination and fought back against the system, only to be tossed into Tartarus for it. It's a fascinating idea, one that capitalises upon my love for gritty, grounded government conspiracy plotlines. What becomes of it, then? Well, Tsutsumi is blown up by All for One for disobeying his orders. How does she disobey them? After making clear her distaste for the blind optimism in the hero system displayed by indoctrinated youth, she is swayed to the side of 'righteousness' by Midoirya's blind optimism in the hero system. It is well established that Midoriya is the exact kind of person Tsutsumi despises, with his blind faith in what has been preached to him as justice and his somewhat self-absorbed hero complex, so for him to convince her, a hardened nihilist who had spent the last decade in one of the worst prisons in the country, of the light in the world by demonstrating exactly that is… Well, there are words to describe it that I'm not willing to say right now, so let's just settle on frustrating, shall we? A falling, burning Tsutsumi, caught by Hawks, the shot of her rain-swept face smiling warmly as her head blows apart is a catching visual, and that visual is what the whole scene is built on, once again sacrificing any actual internal or external logic, as well as what has been established for the characters involved. 
 For the final example, I want to illuminate the events of Chapter 377, the most recent to be leaked. I shan't be sharing any direct spoilers for this chapter here, but I wish to bring it in, for it perfectly embodies my point. A certain character reappears, a character with a relatively loyal fanbase, who has not appeared in many years. This character's return is no doubt cause for jubilation for some, but once again, the shock and awe of a beloved character coming back to the story is a mask for the lack of underlying logic for their return. This character's return was not in any way foreshadowed before the final few pages of the chapter. Considering that they are seen next to Tsukauchi, one would think that he would have bothered to at least hint at this at some point in the setup for the current war (even just a vague line like "We've got a few bargaining chips we can use, some strings to pull…" would be preferable to nothing). The fact of the matter is that their return has one purpose; The story's writing explicitly failed in that it made Skeptic too powerful of a threat. He is far away from any of the battlefields, has complete control over UA's systems and is clearly insane enough to kill everyone inside if given the chance. This is not something the story can allow, so it pulls out this character to correct how Horikoshi wrote himself into a corner. Of course, one should also note that, while they were shown to be fairly tech literate, to suggest that they are on par with Skeptic is utterly absurd. Once again, the wow factor is given more care than the quality of writing and internal consistency.
 There are many more examples I could call upon. Bakugo's death and subsequent revival, the explosion of the Creature Rejection Clan mansion, anything involving All for One lately, the Stars And Stripes fight, I could go on. It's sloppy and it's lazy and it's killing the series that once stood at the top of the world. BNHA, like so many other shonen manga, is going out with a depressing whimper. It's almost as bad as Beastars. I said it. While it was never a perfect series, it did once have strong writing and consistency and that is why I still cherish a lot of the manga prior to the Jaku/Gunga Raid Arc. 
 For that reason, I wish to give an example of how in the past, Horikoshi avoided these pitfalls. The My Villain Academia Arc is heralded by many as the peak of the manga, and I am inclined to agree. Although not perfect, it has the strongest characterisation, world building and emotional draw of the series. So, I would like to take a moment to discuss how it ends. A powerful image. The great Re-Destro, always well-dressed, always immaculate, reduced to a naked, exhausted old man, bowing down to an angel of death, Tomura Shigaraki, the being he towered over mere minutes prior. It's a powerful image, one of my favourites in the series. In spite of that, Horikoshi does not use this image as a substitute for substance. Everything behind it is logical. It is well established that Yotsubashi's two key loves are for his ideology and human life, so in ceding control to Shigaraki, he is, in his mind, preventing further deaths and handing his future to who he sees as a fully liberated individual. As we soon see, this was a fatal mistake, for Shigaraki used the MLA as another tool in his path and ultimately discarded them once he was done, but it is clear to see why Yotsubashi saw it as the best option. The internal logic is consistent and sound. It's an example, one that wow factor does not have to be a substitute for satisfying storytelling, and that Horikoshi is far better than his recent output suggests. The man is ill, he's exhausted and he no doubt wants this Godforsaken series to end so that he can start writing something that he has passion for once again. I cannot blame him one bit. The reason I have written this is not to point and laugh at Horikoshi's failings; It is put into writing the heights that BNHA as a manga has fallen from, to its current point of mediocrity. No matter what, it will always be a series with moments that I shall hold dear. It was once something special, under that façade of bland shonen garbage and as much as that façade becomes the true face in the current state of the manga, I shall never forget how much it has helped me in the past.
 Thank you very much for reading and I wish you a pleasant day. If you disagree, please don't hesitate to share why; Healthy discussion on opposing viewpoints is how media thrives.
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all-might-blog · 4 years
Back in kindergarten
Things don't go as planned and soon the students of Class 1A are back in kindergarden... and guess who are the people who have to take care of them...?!
This is gonna be fun to write! Technically, this fanfic was inspired by a funny fanart I came across today. Technically, all the students are (drumroll please!) kindergardeners! The teachers (in the fanart, it's only All Might and Eraserhead, but here I am also gonna add in Present Mic) are wearing pink aprons. Oh, and it's made in the form of a comic strip. In the first panel, Eraserhead is holding an apple and saying: "You have five apples and your friend asks for three apples. How many do you have left?" In the second panel, it shows All Might, Todoroki and Izuku in the background (All Might is holding a tray of baked goods and the other two are looking up at them) and Bakugou is sitting at a table. He says "Five.". Guess why? XD In the next panel, we see Eraserhead looking very annoyed. He sighs and says "... You have five apples and your friend asks BY FORCE for three apples. How many do you have left now?" The next panel is by far the funniest. Why? "Fives apple and a corpse." Bakugou says. In the background, the other three are looking very surprised and shocked to hear this. So... I am gonna write something including this scene, but I am also gonna add in other bits with the rest of the students :D Enjoyyyyy!
This is the picture: 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
“This is bad.” Eraserhead said, looking at his class. Or what had been his class. The group of laughing, screaming kindergarteners he had had to tie up with his scarf were not his students. Or at least, they had been…? It was all confusing.
“The effects should wear off in an hour or so, according to the villain…” All Might said next to him, looking down at the kids with a thoughtful expression.
“According to the villain.” Eraserhead repeated. “We don’t actually know if what he told us was true. At least none of us were affected.”
“What should we do?” Mic asked.
“Well… until the effects wear off…” All Might said.
“Wait… are we gonna be nannies for them or something?”
“I am afraid that that’s what’s going to happen.” Eraserhead said, already dreading what was to come.
“Aw, come on, you guys! I am sure it won’t be that hard.” All Might said, looking down at the kids. Mic and Eraserhead exchanged doubtful glances.
“Whatever you say. What should we do? We have to find a way to entertain the lot of them.” Mic said.
10:09 pm
"You have five apples and your friend asks for three apples. How many do you have left?" Eraserhead held up the red apple for Bakugou to see. He was dressed in his usual clothes- with a pink apron over it, since they had just been doing a short baking session. He, Bakugou, Iida, Kouda, Jirou and Ashido were seated at a small table that the teachers had set up. All Might was holding a pan lined with freshly baked muffins and a smile on his face, with Kaminari, Izuku, Todoroki, Satou, Kirishima, Hagakure, Asui and Ojiro crowded at his feet, asking for muffins in their squeaky voices. Mic was entertaining the rest of the class in the other room by tuning his voice and singing.
“Five.” Bakugou said. Eraserhead sighed.
“You have five apples and your friend asks by force for three apples. How many apples do you have left now?”
“Five apples and a corpse.” Bakugou said with a grin on his face. There was a long silence in which the kids at the table stared at their classmate with horrified faces. The others had also fallen quiet, staring at Bakugou with similar expressions.
“What?” Bakugou said, crossing his arms. “Everyone knows that no one should take stuff from me.”
10:18 pm
“Carry me too!” Sero said, jumping up and down excitedly. All Might stood in his flesh form, more than half of the kids sitting on his shoulders, head and arms.
“Sero, my boy, I don’t think I will be able to,” All Might said. Not because they were too heavy, but because it was hard not to accidentally drop them with how much they were squirming.
“Pleaseeeeeee?” Uraraka begged, pulling at his pant’s legs.
“I can’t-”
“ PLEASEEEEEEEEEE?! ” the two children begged as one. All Might sighed.
“All Right. Denki, Kirishima, would you be kind and let your class-”
“NO!” the two boys shouted in his ears. All Might let out a long suffering sigh.
“I shouldn’t have fed you guys muffins…”
10:26 pm
“Aizawa?!” Mic shouted.
“I am teaching the kids the difference between villains and superheroes right now, Mic. I’m busy.”
“Yeah, but Mineta might get torn apart by the girls.”
“He tried to look under Momo’s skirt. I told him not to- NO! MOMO, I TOLD YOU NOT TO THROW KNIVES! PUT. THEM. DOWN !!!”
10:37 pm
“I take back what I said about this being easy,” All Might said, collapsing down on a chair.
“Since when could little children get so… hyper after feeding them a tiny muffin?”
“That is a mystery unknown to us adults.” Mic patted his shoulders before going back to tying Momo, Denki and Mina with a piece of Eraserhead’s scarf.
“Mineta did it again. I had to do something , right?”
10:38 pm
“No, Bakugou, just because they have cool quirks, it does not mean they are heroes.” Eraserhead said.
“So are you a villain?” Shouji asked.
“Wha- what makes you think that?”
“See, you are dressed in black.” Shouji said.
“And you are grumpy.”
“And boring. Boring too!”
“And not a little bit of shine!” Aoyama added, flicking a strand of hair from his head.
Eraserhead exhaled a shaky breath, trying very hard not to slap them into tomorrow.
Patience, he thought, they are just kids.
“And this class is boring. Can we play or do something else?” Fumikage said.
“All right then.” Eraserhead towered over them.
“Yep, he definitely reminds me of a villain,” Hagakure said as they all shrunk back.
“Mr. Eraserhead?” Midoriya squeaked.
“Let’s play a game. Let’s see who can stay quiet for the longest time. Winner gets a muffin. Got it?”
“YES!” they all shouted.
10:46 pm
“How the hell did you manage to keep them all quiet?” All Might whispered with awe, looking around at the peaceful kids that had been absolutely hyper not long ago.
“I bribed them. And we have ten minutes to go before the hour finishes.” Eraserhead replied.
“Did any of you get any pictures of them?” Mic asked.
“I might have snapped just a few…” All Might admitted.
“Same.” Mic held up his phone and showed them a pretty cute picture of Todoroki, Tsuyu, Mezou, Momo, Midoriya and Bakugou all sitting on All Might’s lap when the ex-hero had been in his flesh form. He then showed them a picture of Jirou plucking at the strings of a guitar she had found.
“Yeah, you have to admit they are kinda cute when they are not… is it right to call them little monsters?” All Might asked with a nervous smile (this got him furious glares from Kirishima and Bakugou, the latter giving him a kick in the shins).
The door opened and Eri came in, followed by Mirio.
“Well, what happened here?” Mirio asked, looking around at the quiet kids. They all looked up at him with curiosity, but not one of them opened their mouths to say a thing.
“It’s… a long story.” Mic said.
“Yeah… I can see that.” Mirio said.
“Wait, is that Mister Deku?” Eri pointed at Midoriya, who was drawing a scribbly All Might on a paper with a few crayons, lying on his stomach and tongue sticking out with concentration.
“Like Mic said, long story.” All Might said, looking at the picture and considering asking Midoriya if he could keep it or to just take it with the account that his successor wouldn’t get mad.
“Then… I won’t ask.” Eri said.
10:53 pm
“Wow, none of them have said a word.” Mic mused. “Looks like we will have to bake a new batch of muffins.” All Might said.
“That depends on if any of them will actually make a sound.” Eraserhead said, crossing his arms.
“But… what if one of them does and he or she is the one getting left out?” Mic asked.
“Logical rouse.” was Eraserhead’s only reply.
10:57 pm
“Okay, the lot of you were really quiet.” Eraserhead said, standing up. They all looked at him, the question in their big eyes. “Yeah, you can speak now.”
A billion questions related to the promised muffins were suddenly shot at him. He silenced them with a single look.
“You will all get your promised prizes, but first we are gonna have to bake them.” he said.
“Wha-?” Ojiro suddenly clamped his hands over his mouth, tail curling around his legs. He was growing green.
“He’s gonna pu-”
Ojiro suddenly let out all his lunch on the carpeted ground.
“-ke.” Mic finished. Ojiro coughed.
“I don’t feel so good.” he mumbled. Then he suddenly began to change, growing larger and different until he was back to being his old self.
“Wait- they are all gonna go through the same!” All Might cried, jumping to his feet. “Kids, follow me! And be quick about it!” he ran to the toilets, the rest of the class trotting after him. Many of them already looked sick as they clamped their small hands over their mouths. One by one, their students returned from the toilets, looking tired, sick and worn out.
“I feel like I could sleep for days on end,” Ashido said, collapsing on the couch with a groan. “What the hell…?”
“I feel you, sempai.” Sero said, collapsing next to her with a sigh. Soon their class was back to normal. All Might returned with a mop and a bucket and Midoriya and Ojiro (who felt guilty about it) helped him scrub Ojiro’s lunch from the floor, noses scrunched at the smell.
“That was a nightmare. I was stuck as a five year old…” Kirishima said.
“The nightmare was for us ,” Mic said, arms crossed, “you kids must have worn your parents out as children.”
“Do we still get the muffins you promised?” Satou asked.
Eraserhead sighed. “A promise is a promise, isn’t it?"
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gentrychild · 4 years
am i the only one here extremely very disappointed in mirio’s appearance in ch292? for a whole slew of reasons, but i dont want to go off lol
This was sent to me before chapter 292 but I still want to talk about it. From a brief walk into the bnha 292 tag, I can tell you that you’re far from the only one.
A lot of crazy things happened in this arc, be it the Dabi reveal, Best Jeanist, and really, everything about Shigaraki before that. Since we’re reading chapters one week at a time, it’s impossible for us to stay hyped unless the stakes keep rising (and even then, it’s easy to get out of breath). So the appearance of Mirio feels extremely random, especially as it seems to come out of nowhere and to bring nothing more to the plot.
Seems is the key word.
I understand that the Mirio fans will be disappointed because this is not Mirio’s epic return. This is actually a very bad thing for the heroes. Because I think I can say that all of us expected Eri to undo some of the damages the heroes went through. 
But now, I suppose that everyone has realized than during the timeskip, Eri’s horn shrunk. That means that Mirio was healed around that time... and that she won’t be able to rewind people for several months, at the very least.
That means Izuku’s arms, Aizawa’s leg, Endeavor’s burnt lungs, none of it will get magically fixed.
So make no mistake, Mirio’s appearance is less about this arc and more about how bleak the next one will be.
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serological · 3 years
Serological - ‘The Final Word’
It ends, how it began.
Izuku Midoriya, Quirkless, is watching a television. On the screen is a Hero, defying the odds as a wicked and deranged Villain spouts some nonsense speech.
However, things have changed. 
Midoriya has tasted the power that Quirks can bring- he’s stepped into the Pro-Hero world, and hopefully changed it for the better. He had finally, permanently defeated the villain that almost killed his idol All-Might. All-For-One was beaten and powerless, and so was Midoriya. Even as he sits in his hospital bed, covered in bandages and stitches, Izuku isn’t sad that One-For-All is destroyed. It gave him the chance that he never would have ‘had- for a brief, glorious moment, Izuku was the Number-One Hero. It makes sense- the metaphorical scales have been balanced, and Quirks of that potential are far too dangerous and chaotic for society to have access to.
The villain on the screen, however, is Tomura Shigaraki. His League of Villains has dissolved. The PLF was utterly routed and ‘crushed between the defenders of U.A, and the Pro-Heroes led by Endeavour. Tomura’s own mentor is now as Quirkless as Midoriya himself now-is, and all of his dreams of overthrowing modern society lies in tatters. He might have lost the All-For-One Quirk (as a consequence of his mentor’s defeat), but Shigaraki incredible control over his innate Decay still made him a terrifying threat.
On the television, broadcasting all across Japan, Shigaraki is making one final gamble. In his arms, so close to disintegration, he holds the trembling form of Eri. Scared, helpless, and vulnerable. No Mirio to save her, no Aizawa to protect her. She’s back to the way she was, with Overhaul, and something resembling unbridled rage ‘stirs in Izuku’s battered body. 
“If Izuku Midoriya does not present himself to my agents, I’ll-” “-You’ll what?”
The cameraman ‘swung-around to the sudden sound of the intruder’s voice, and to the horror of the onlookers from Class 1-A, stands Hanta Sero, helmet-less. His gaze is firmly set upon Tomura, and it doesn’t shift; like a Wild-West gunslinger spying his rival, it’s like seeing Hanta’s entire world become focussed to the ‘eye of a needle. Midoriya knows that look well- he felt the same ‘way, when he faced All-For-One.
Tomura narrows his eyes, and tosses Eri away. The villain looks the hero up-and-down, and chews at the cracked skin of his lip.
“...You aren’t Izuku Midoriya. How did you find this location?” “You spot an unmarked van without a license plate ‘snatch a little girl away from her guardian? You give-chase.” Shigaraki steps down from his makeshift stage, and moves in-front of Sero, about a few ‘feet away from . “You’re that tape guy, right? I expected Bakugo, or All-Might, or Eraserhead might try and stop me. I don’t even know who you are.” Sero smirks, and spreads his hands wide. He’s feigning cockiness, trying to get under the villain’s skin. “Disappointed?” Shigaraki’s eyes ‘flash with irritation. “...You bringing any other Pro-Hero’s, tape guy? You wouldn’t be stupid enough to face me alone, surely. You know what I’m capable of.”
Sero knows, Midoriya thinks. They all did. They knew all about his hate, his malice, his cunning, his power. Shigaraki might not have All-For-One’s experience, but he had the fury and destructive potential to back it ‘up.
Shigaraki’s face twists into a psychotic grin, as he tear’s away the hand covering his face. “I mean, seriously?! Of all the Heroes that this wasted, crumbling, toothless society has-left, they send a mere NOBODY to deal with the greatest Villain to-?!”
Suddenly, a laugh interrupts Tomura’s speech. The camera moves back, and sure enough, Hanta Sero is laughing like a child on live national television. This moment of horror, of tension, and of fear, is totally overshadowed by this sudden outburst of hilarity from the ‘Hero’ of this strange broadcast.
“Are you kidding me?! Pfffft, hahaha! Oh, you must be some kind of comedian, man-!” Tomura blinks, and stops smiling. “...W-What are you talking about? Stop that. Stop laughing- what-?” Hanta’s familiar, broad-tooth grin returns, at-last, and points at Shigaraki as he continues to laugh like a ‘fool.
“Ha-Ha! Do you really think, that YOU are the greatest Villain of all-time?!”
Shigaraki’s confusion is replaced by rage, and the villain grits his teeth as Sero continues to laugh his ‘ass off, before turning his joy to the camera.
“Hey, guys at home- can you believe this guy? He should try standup or something-!” “Stop it... what are you-” “Nah, I think that Stain guy was the scariest, don’t you? Man, that guy was crazy, but he sure-was a great villain, huh? Ha, hey, do you all at home remember that ‘Dabi’ character? Y’know, I think he had the makings of a REAL villain...!”
Something instantly clicks in Izuku’s mind, even as his confused classmates look with concern at the televison.  Sero knows he can’t beat Shigaraki in a one-on-one fight. If they fought on equal footing, he’d lose to the villain. No... this whole ‘mocking’ gambit is an act. The one ‘thing that nobody ever did to Shigaraki’s face, is the one thing that’s working on both confusing and dislodging him. After all, Tomura thinks that he’s the one on the top. The destined villain, bred to destroy the society raised by All-Might’s earliest work.
A smile breaks-out across Izuku’s bruised face, remembered how entranced he was as a kid whenever he saw All-Might smiling on the television. A Hero’s smile can go a long-way for the scared masses watching at home... and if there’s one thing that Sero has over everyone else in 1-A, it’s that he’s always smiling about something.
Shigaraki finally sees that he’s being upstaged on his own twisted television show, and lunges towards Sero, but the student just ‘dances out of the way. The cameraman struggles to follow this strange dance around the room: Tomura lunges, Hanta dodges. Tomura dives forward, and Hanta flips backwards. 
Eventually, Sero spies a pattern through these wild and aimless lunges, and begins to put on a show for the struggling cameraman: a ballerina’s prancing-pirouette ‘here, or a series of backflips ‘there. In one instance, he manages to slap some ultra-smooth tape on the soles of his feet, and proceeds to skate around the room like a figure-skater.
“Man, come on, Shiggie, I thought you were meant to be good at chasing Heroes!”  “COME BACK HERE AND LET ME KILL YOU!” “Oh, that’s not very sporting! The audience at home would be heartbroken if I made things easier for you~” “GAHHH, BE QUIET YOU WORTHLESS INSECT-!” “Man, for someone who’s appearing on national TV, your scriptwriter is so generic. I’ve heard better ‘lines from Dynamight! Here, let me help you out-!”
Suddenly, a line of tape launches up towards the ceiling, and Sero begins to swing around the large warehouse, with the same level of ‘showmanship he had shown beforehand. He then ‘arcs in middair, increases his speed, and slams both of his feet ‘downwards into Shigaraki’s face. Tomura lets out a gasp of pain, and tries to grab for Sero’s ankles, but the hero is too-fast, already swinging back into the air!
“Anyway, Shigaraki, I have to be honest with you...”
Hanta swings down towards the ground, and onto the raised dais that previously served as the villain’s makeshift ‘stage’ for his televised address. A  broad arm wraps around Eri’s midsection, scooping the girl up before he soars back-up into the ‘rafters. Shigaraki grits his teeth, glaring-up at Sero’s still-smiling face as the hero holds Eri against his chest.  With his spare hand, Sero reaches into his back-pocket, and pulls out his mobile phone.
“...You aren’t the ‘Number One Villain’, anymore. Heh, if anything, I think this little fight of ours have proven one-thing: that the fear you once projected, is now only an act. You’re no more terrifying than a mugger, or a common crook. After all, if a ‘nobody’ like me can mock you, outmanoeuvre you, save your hostage and ruin your broadcast-”
One of the warehouse walls explodes, and Izuku smiles as he sees the battle-worn but imposing figures of Eraserhead, Endeavour, Snipe and Thirteen standing in the smouldering hole.
“-Imagine what they can do to you?” Hanta finishes. He fires a line of tape at the camera, dragging it’s focus away from the enraged Shigaraki and the advancing Pro-Heroes. Sero then stares into the camera-lense for a moment, and his gaze shifts over the floor for a moment, as Eri shivers against his shoulder.
Izuku holds his breath, and the pause is unbearable.
Then, the young man on the screen gives another toothy grin to the watching audience, and a sly, oh-so-familiar ‘wink.
“Have No Fear.”
The feed then cuts-out, and is reduced to static. Normal programming resumes, as the newscaster scrambles to retain some facet of professionalism on-air.
But Izuku had seen enough. He leans back into his hospital bed, closes his eyes, and finally allows himself to take a breath.
Eri is safe, Shigaraki will be placed into Tartarus, and Sero saved the day. Down the hall, the cheers of the doctors and nurses could be heard, but Izuku only sighed with relief, and rolls his head back against the cushion.
His mind wanders-back, to when he was never ‘Deku’, but the Quirkless and shunned Izuku Midoriya. He remembers one of the first questions he ever asked All-Might. At the time, he couldn’t even imagine how much it would change his fate.
‘Can someone without a Quirk, become a Hero?’
It ends, how it began.
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Complete Butterfly Outline
Howdy friends.  The following is the complete chapter by chapter outline for Butterfly.  Now that the fic is finished and some people want to see it, I figured there was no harm in sharing.  Maybe this will help some of you better your own outline process.  Note that not everything that appears here made it into the fic, and some things that did don’t appear in this outline.  Some events are also in different order due to me changing my mind during the actual writing.  Feel free to ask me questions about those discrepancies or anything else.  Please enjoy!
The first over-night trip off campus since the training camp is supposed to be a break from anxiety.  But between concerns of history repeating itself, a major research project, and a bleak introduction to chaos theory, Izuku has too much on his mind to properly enjoy the fresh air.  But those worries are a light breeze compared to the thunderstorm that accompanies what he finds on the outskirts of town.  Or rather, what finds him.
1. Chaos Theory -thankful -comic book assignments -sound of thunder -butterfly effect -field trip
2. Yakku -bus ride -small town hero work -interject about butterfly -Cheat-A demonstration -talk with all might
3. Small time -community engagement -reports of stolen food -first day tour and fun, photos with fans -heat lightning -second day early morning patrols -groups: Sero, Toruu, Deku with hero -different route than normal -bullies, can’t threaten with quirk, but has his body -investigate diner -dead bodies
4. Let’s Talk About Anything Else -deku falls back on a table -kitchen covered in blood and black feathers -body: slash across stomach and eyes, other exposed shoulder blades -three form a perimeter while hero investigates -backup arrives, kids dismissed -hug -might have gotten there sooner had they taken a different road -statements and debriefs -return to hotel, can’t eat -hang out in room, read to pass time -talk about comic projects -nightfall’s, others return -Momo makes plushies -animal jokes -can’t sleep
5. The First Rung of the Spiral -third day, more patrols -stolen food in the night -seminar “That was... definitely higher than in practice.”  “Oh good, it wasn’t just me.” -feels like a warm hug, full body feeling of when all might ruffles his hair -“this is mine.  This is me.” -izuku gets through but get sick afterwards from anxiety -secret lake, something in the distance, canceled -watahashi - cross bridge -hibiki - echo -takuya - open also -dead deer -sleep on bus by All might, anxiety subsides
6. Nothing is Okay -week passes -Tsuyu dreams of drowning, talks to Deku -anxiety returns with a vengeance -occasional intense back pain -counseling with hound dog, recommends something from home -pissed that they didn’t receive immediate grief counseling -speak with recovery girl about pain, nothing physically wrong -prescribes a sleep aid, anxiety meds left open -return to dorm to find his leftovers missing
7. Part of the Job -training: escort -dread and erased quirk -deku’s team loses fake civilian -takes it hard -stays later to talk to Aizawa -more complaints about missing food -Mineta brings thank you gift, gourmet popcorn -pain hasn’t stopped -return for movie night: Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths -brief talk with iida -if we were to meet ourselves, we wouldn’t recognize ourselves -“saying the same thing over and over isn’t exactly helping either.” -deku can’t sleep, returns to his own bed
8. Yakku’s Finest -small town investigation inconclusive, murderer remains at large but reports of stolen food have stopped -diner money left untouched but larder picked clean -blood set, attacked in the night -quirk discussion, vague, strained relationship, -teleported in from somewhere, teleported away -DNA testing to be done on feathers “Did you ever go to investigate the houses with stolen food?  When was the last instance reported?”  “Four days after the murder.”  “How far back can your quirk see?”  “One day.”  “How many days has it been?”
9. Dread -awake from pain -reading news updates -school forum rumors about stolen food
10. The Mind Killer -earthquake rescue training -keep notes on others to make up credit -dread not as bad -still has brace, sleepy and sick from concussion -pretends to be better -argument after almost throwing up -getting late -all might was never able to find his all star Superman trade reading online -picnic table with mirio, suneater, and eri -babysitters -talk about projects, mirio did shadow cat and suneater did animal man -brings up Superman’s suneater -all might approaches, chastises him for staring at a screen while he has a concussion, offers Superman trade instead -discuss the fall -what’s one more scar? -“why didn’t you tell me?” -“I don’t know” -“you could have been killed.” -dread tells him he only cares for one for all -phone call -mom going out of town -izuku lies -banging down the hall -getting closer -deku hides behind door -thing hesitates in his room, goes to door -wing claw and eye reveal -calls for help, thing vanishes -no evidence -“I felt it breathe on me.” -most don’t believe him
11. Ache -hospital -nothing wrong -can’t enjoy getting the brace off -another little scar -recoverygirl argues with nurse -all might arrives with stuff -tells izuku to call his mom -confesses to illness -schedule specialist appointment -nothing on cameras -explain Midoriyas condition -compare notes with Jakku -all might calls Gran Torino about izuku’s symptoms -aoyama thinks about Midoriya during earthquake simulation -others ask about the seizure but he doesn’t have answers -put together a card and nice dinner to welcome him back -try to make food himself -update from Aizawa : Midoriya coming back, tired, don’t bother him -izuku breezes past everyone, uraraka follows -has an attack on the stairs -never happened before -retreats to room, leaving uraraka behind
12. From the Outside -bakugo dreams of the sludge villain -sees deku in the crowd, yelling sorry -wakes up, goes to bathroom -finds a black feather, thinks it’s a prank -realizes he would have done the same thing back in middle school -destroys it (invisibitch) -thinks he’s being merciful -izuku keeps thinking he sees the creature out of the corner of his eyes -pain comes randomly -can’t sleep -anticipation of pain keeps him awake -rubbing against ribs -move up appointment -talk with midnight -fanmail activity -“I am the American father waiting on the porch with a shotgun for whatever pathetic excuse for a date is gonna try and take my little angels to the prom.” -wants to hug him, he hates hugs -“I can only do so much” “so much is better than nothing” -rumors of people suddenly unable to use their quirks -might be an illness or one for all hurting him -gives in to anxiety medication -needs to get in contact with a specialist for nerve damage -takes up hound dogs suggestion of something from home
13. Nostalgia For The Future -deku goes home for a plushie, brings todoroki -mom isn’t home -todoroki likes his house, feels small but full -nothing about his dad -“would being his son make his obsession more or less weird?” -declares intent to become a hoarder -confesses to dream about losing his quirk and father hurting him for it -Despite recent trauma, deku hasn’t dreamt at all -swaps a book from all might for one of mom’s -nerve specialist, dendrite -rash -“as a fan I was impressed, but the doctor in me couldn’t help but cringe”. “See?  He gets it.” -neurotoxin as anesthetic (but why) -all might watches procedure -“the scene brings to mind ritual sacrifices from old movies” -maybe attacked during procedure, mess with vitals and life support -chemical evidence that izuku’s brain is firing off pain response -common fixation in young empaths, recreate perceived trauma in themselves -“was there?”  “...I could see bones poking out...” -basic testing comes up negative -“When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras”. Here we have a zebra -someone is using an empathy quirk on him -someone ate his leftovers -old all might plushie pats bunny -he was so done.  So done, that as he laid down to make a futile effort at sleep, it crossed his mind that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to never wake up. -izuku did wake up; to see Mini-him standing on the ground with a hole in his chest and a slash across his eyes. -wake up to bunny plushy with tears that mirror original victims
14. The Rolling Thing With Wings -Aoyama saw it this time -“Midoriya’s villain is real”, -something is for sure on campus -Aizawa and other teachers immediately go out and search -cold rain -lights catch black feathered mass that rolls away -Aizawa can’t get a good look -thing tries to flee but keeps getting cut off -uses dread quirk, flattens teachers -finally sees it, it cancels his quirk before he can -vanishes -hound dog smells izuku -back to dorm, all might and students comforting izuku -plushie remains the same but camera footage shows nothing -Aizawa and izuku compare dread effects -realizes it may go after his mom
15. Bittersweet Release -Inko arrives at mustafu train station early in the morning -phone call from Aizawa telling her not to go home -wait to be escorted by heroes -calls izuku, he confesses to what’s been going on -doesn’t want to risk putting her in the line of fire -kids spend the nights in the dorm shelter -“The villain was able to hover right over Midoriya’s bed while he slept.  Any one of those nights he could have killed him.  And since we didn’t have any evidence, we assumed he was having nightmares like everyone else.  Do you understand the gravity of what your inaction could have brought on?” -discussion of feelings with hound dog -apologies for doubt -rejoin students -news, villain warning issued -connections to missing food -anyone paying attention could figure out victim is izuku -harsh criticism of UA -izuku elects to take responsibility -hound dog leaves for meeting
16. Table Scraps -hound dog comes in late, cloth tied around mouth in place of muzzle -villain smelled like Midoriya, that close -teachers check security, limited evidence, suggest a quirk that can reverse/move outside of time -connection to missing food -Noumu theory is proposed due to multiple quirks and black appearance -all for one still in prison, twice? -similar to Yakku, get in contact -pathfinder shows map of trails -only found perimeter -entered town to chase the bus -villain seemed to stop existing -one missing quirk: night vision -meanwhile, pro heroes patrolling near apartment -“oh please.  All mights had a kid at UA since my parents were in school.” -spot a figure go up the stairs and enter with a key/silhouette in the window -nobody from the family is supposed to be nearby -go inside and confront the middle school-aged boy, mass under shirt -find him wandering the house, ignoring them -introduce themselves -he goes to sit on the main bed, eating, heroes angry -“waiting” “for who?” “My family” -“my house” -“NO”
17. Voight-Kompff -stitches out -out running for the first time in weeks -one for all makes him feel whole, pictures the previous users welcoming him back into their embrace -breath deeper -“this is mine.  This is me.” -“izuku wasn’t a spiteful person.  Not at all.  He got angry at villains for hurting people, yes, but he couldn’t recall at time where it felt personal.  So it came as a bit of a shock when he found himself pondering if the villain’s wings were hollow, like in birds.  They would break easier that way.” -“hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that.  But knowing his luck, he’d treat it like an inevitable.” -full cowl practice interrupted -“once it’s gone I can be with mom.” -medical exam with officers present -increase in students asking for sleep aids -izuku called back again, this time with teachers -karma for complaining about uraraka -gives back minihim -2 heroes murdered in his apartment the previous evening -it isn’t the artificial dread, it’s real -Like before: no security footage, food stolen, wiped search history, this time it seems clothes and personals were also stolen -“quirkless virus” show similar symptoms as victims of all for one -some have different quirks than before, usually minor -most are regular civilians, no hero, cop, or medical staff until murders -murder of diner owners still unclear -pattern, no pain on nights food is stolen -stealth quirks, likely to make another attack -DNA of feathers came back -same as izuku
18. Powder Keg -toga told to investigate league contact -warehouse trashed, dead everywhere -“Oh, yeah, no, they’re dead.  And whoever did it was super sloppy.” “Hang on, Dabs, I’m getting another call.” -answers dead guy’s phone -“how did I ever survive without the preserve jars?” -rumors of someone who broke into UA by themselves, after Izuku -elects to investigate -Superman presentation -outside heroes on campus -Outfield, izuku debates talking to him -unsure if they know the dna connection -calls mom, asks about family -we didn’t want you to feel like you were being replaced -class exercise, warned not to push it -izuku does something during exercise that spooks outfield -sleep in shelter past three nights -villain warning issued -other students don’t know about Izuku’s DNA -sleep in shifts -all might stays close -tries to text mom good night, signal can’t get through the concrete -eri is there, tries to cheer him up “Zawa said there’s a bad guy after you.” “She’s your biggest fan.”  “She might have to fight Kota for that.” -tells her she should go somewhere else since the bad guy is targeting him -she’s having none of it -later, eri and all might asleep on either side of him -keeps an eye on the door -hears sato’s phone buzz, he waves him off to signal his shift is over -lays back, tries to relax -sudden tightness in chest, opens eyes to see the other one standing on the ceiling directly above him
19. Fish in a Barrel -Aizawa realizes its a set up -the other one tries to stab him with the wing spike, eyes glowing red to erase his quick -rolls to cover eri and calls to the others -hits him in the head, disabling quirk -takes out lights -everyone tries to go for him, easily thrown back -slashed across multiple chests -the other tries to go for the door, todoroki freezes it -the other burns and breaks it down, vanishes -chase with bakugo, find toga -“my dad could breath fire” -teacher question how it could have gotten in with so many standing guard -it must have come in with them -mislead the heroes -comfort eri -wounds tended to -Tooru seriously hurt, crying, outlined by blood -idea floated to move izuku somewhere else -toga found wounded at the edge of campus
20. Walk Without Rhythm -“you’re sending me away?” -talk about moving izuku to protect the others -say goodbye outside, the want to lure it -switch trains last minute -dread fades -Aizawa says goodbye -appearance change -tooru wake up in hospital with parents -They met all might, other kids here and awake -tiger comes in with brace, izuku broke his shoulder -all might went back to help -discuss, don’t think the nomu was intentionally hurting them -tell that to midoriya -what are they doing with him -encounters old bullies who act like fans -Aizawa back with the others, discuss -public place.  Hundreds of people. Broad. Fucking. Daylight. -pathfinder there, nomu was inside for hours, quirk that displaces itself -nomu is intelligent, understands aizawa -only superfans and former students know him -izuku mentioned his father was as much of a fan -toga unresponsive -maybe move him to another safe house, evidence that the other is locating quirks through police records, he’s gotten through most defenses -victims have minor records -mom moved around too, discouraged from contacting her -better to hide, all might’s house -end of the day, tired and sweaty -brush appearance change out of his hair, hug -it’s the first time all day he’s felt like a person -“I’m sorry I left you behind”
21. All in All -izuku stays up late to call his dad -argue about timing -“sorry I didn’t call.  I wasn’t sure of your schedule in this mess and I didn’t want to bug you. “Sure” -mostly unaware of what’s happening, mom told them to talk -changes the subject to the Jakku seminar, tries to relate to quirk hurting him -thinks his dad only likes him for his quirk -“you can’t keep crying like this every time you’re stressed.  Youre sixteen, way to old to be crying like this.  You’re a hero.  Villains aren’t going to wait for you to get yourself together.” -“look, if you’re not gonna be invested in the conversation, maybe you should hang up, and we can talk later, ‘Kay?” -Skype call with Toga -managed to talk to it briefly, voice changer -the villain didn’t like her, in denial -said he would fix it -crusty and gross, waste of a healing factor -deku-kun is here, isn’t he? -tells jokes to distract from Dad -all might’s in specialty housing for tall quirks, modestly decorated with comic merch and newspapers -device to hide his life signs -fanart from Young Izuku on the fridge, bought the magnets just to put it up -old classmates posting about him online, he’s a cool hero -forum trolls, could probably take them -“I thought you were supposed to be discouraging me from picking fights with villain’s every other month.” “Oh hey look at that, you made a quip” -talk about feelings ⁃ is my rambling annoying, endearing -“it’s okay to still be upset, you know.  You don’t have to move on right away.” -year newspaper -butterfly returns to U.A., breaks window, noises, squeezes through naked -students pretend to sleep, half in costume -it passes over them
22. Idle Imprisonment -day 2, report comes in, three critically wounded policemen not far from u.a. -izuku does class work ⁃ all Might pins points on a map, far off -day 3, more reports of missing and mismatched quirks: tracking and radar -day four: 4 civilians and 1 hero murdered, several others injured -feathers through the eyes -mt lady back in action -izuku can’t take it, wants to go out and confront butterfly -massive argument with all might, hides in room again -“cabin fever!?” -all might figures he’ll try to sneak out, overhears him struggle, his windows don’t open
23. It Matters -later that night, all might offers dinner, goes to watch tv -izuku slinks out and eats with him on the couch -“think I don’t know how it feels?  To be stuck inside safe while the thing that hurt you is running free to do more harm?” -“I miss it sometimes, but I get to spend more time with you” “I’m not worth it.” -“if it hadn’t hurt me, I might not have met you.  Either my time limit didn’t force me to hear you out or I might not have come back to mustafu at all.” -back and forth about izuku’s worth, “are you trying to convince me to be happy or regretful” -“ok, lets try this: what do you hate about me?” -“I hate that you don’t trust me.”  “And you constantly treat me like a little kid!  Hate that too!”  “You are a kid!” -“I want you to tell me one thing you don’t like about me.  As a person.”  “Why?”  “If I have to be honest about how I feel so do you.  You only ever say nice things.  You act like there’s nothing wrong with me but there is.  If you don’t tell me, I’ll have to keep guessing.”  “...  back in the shelter, after the villain attack...  that was the only time I’ve ever heard you truly laugh.” “...  that’s it?” -“I, I’m not a fan of how you talk about that video of my debut.” “But, But It was a great rescue-“  “It was awful,” he snapped.  Midoriya recoiled.  Good.  “It was so awful.  Hundreds of people died.  Most of the people I pulled to safety didn’t pull through.  I hear them screaming still in my dreams.  I hated every second of that night.  And I hate that you love it.”   -“That shot one shot, the one people plaster everywhere, of me coming over the ridge carrying a dozen people?  Half of them were already dead.” -“How did you even see that anyway?”  “Mom said the news was running a special for the twenty-five year anniversary...  I watched it with my dad...”  “and you would have been what?  Two, three?” -talk about debut -tells him about Nana and his childhood -hid from villain’s like this “I loved her like my mother.” “Did she love you as a son.” -“it doesn’t matter.” It does. -talks about how izuku is great -never initiated a hug before, what else could he do besides pull him closer? -“I hate yelling at you.  You’ve had too much of that in your life.  I just want you to be happy.” -“and I’m going to keep you here until you realize how much you matter” -caught between child and adult, wonder what he’d be like had he never influenced him -will the scars on his arm grow with him? -he wanted to just keep holding him, to make up for all the times he should have but didn’t. -carries him to bed -“I can walk.” “I want to carry you.” -he’s going to be okay.  He’ll grow up.  Conquer the world with his smile.  Be the unshakable pillar the world needs, all Might had no doubt.  But not tonight.  Someday, but not tonight.  Tonight, he is a small terrified child, separated from his family, and on the run from an unknown horror.  Tonight, he deserves a moment to be scared and sad, and be comforted. -life sign hider gone -prays he stays just this small forever -he’s like a son to him -he stays for a while after he falls asleep, just to be sure
24. The Other One -all might dreams of his death at the hands of all for one/wolfram -wakes up to alarm, needs to eat -izuku inspired him to keep living, gets up to check on him -remembers the dream theory, goes to check his fridge -closes it, butterfly is right there -smells him before he sees him -running down a list of ways to get a hit in, major blood vessel in the temple -“Hello” silence, “are you all might?” Ask about fighting the ‘same’ villain Beat him with the help of his student Butterfly gets angry, the other one -“he’s almost shocked to here a human voice come out of it...  a young voice.” Other what -comes into the light, more scar than skin -talks him down, reaches out to touch him -doesnt believe -same shoes, faded and frayed and falling apart, but the same -never one to talk down hostage/suicide -says his name -butterfly stunned, cries at the kind touch -hug -same eyes -he’s izuku again
Reveal post - https://lckhr.tumblr.com/post/175255988293/okay-villaindeku-is-so-popular-right-now-but
I want to add to this real quick because I just dug up my original notes I wrote at 2 am last summer when I first thought of this fic and it reminded me of some stuff. The world of My Hero Academia is set up in such a way that whatever bullshit power you can think of will probably fit.  A lot of superhero universes have that, but something about MHA makes it so much more pronounced.  Combine that with the idea of All for One, a quirk that lets the user wield an unknown number of powers, and there is some serious potential to absolutely abuse the setting. The idea was to create a lone villain that could perfectly counter everything thrown at it, to the point where it feels like a supernatural monster.  Security?  Quirk that prevents cameras and sensors from recording its image.  Evidence?  Quirk that rewinds time on displaced objects.  Witnesses?  Quirk that prevents people who are already asleep from waking up.
25. Butterfly: Origin -“as hard as he tried throughout his life, Toshinori knew he could never be Superman.” -“He wants to hurt your boy/ but he is my boy” -all might feeds him, too thin, still heavy -talks him into taking a bath while he makes him a warm meal -Texts his izuku to be silent and contact Naomasa -stolen possessions with his clothes, folding quirk, , flattening, sticker quirk -cries at the red shoes -butterfly comes back out, reveals wings -all might makes him a cutout shirt and sling for vestigial wings -its a cold night,hairdryer, hopefully izuku sees the opportunity -“he’s so gentle.  The boys arms are thinner than his.  It’s wrong.  He feels like any pressure greater than a brush will shatter bones.  He could break his fingers with a pinch.  But maybe he should.  This is a villain.  It tried to kill my boy.  But he is my boy.” -“did you ever fly?” “Once” -“it’s okay, you didn’t know.” -getting scolded for hurting himself is universal -so is being a chatterbox -considers Christmas present in the closet -tells him to lay down on the couch and watch tv -butterfly asks about one for all, consent -admits to killing Mirio -all might asks about all for one, vague backstory -noticed something was wrong after usj -“he said there was a time where there wasn’t a single child in Japan born without his permission.” “It was a mercy killing at that point.” -more time in a day, imprisoned for seemingly twice as long -drawn to yakku by picture of lodge that looks like apartments -“I heard someone say my name” -lie, offered to trade quirk, got in a drunken fight -has both parents quirks, implied to have killed Dad -wanted to scare his izuku into going home, no one was there, took it out -has mom’s quirk, “someone else lives there now.” -tried to find mom, “once he’s gone, I can be with mom.” -“I’m only hurting me. I’m not worth it -inter-dimensional quirk, -Inching closer to all might -you didn’t say that, the other you did -all might confronts him on his crimes, defense is that they started it -“you’re not right” -puts head in all might’s lap and moves his hand to his head -found izuku, jealous of his life, not sure what to do -realizes that izuku has one for all -“WHY” -describes the sludge villain incident -compare outcomes -butterfly gets upset, prepares to strike -all might says sorry
26. Bizarro -izuku listening in the whole time -attacks butterfly as he’s about to strike -wounds all might in the chest -butterfly screams accusations -brutal fight, bitten ear -izuku stands up to dread -ripped vestigial wings clean off -fight, flees at approach of heroes -wind and rain enter through broken window, mess up all mights hero shrine -izuku still feels like he has grime on his hands from the wing -its me -hospital, all might severely injured but stable -sneaks into room -stabbed where his lung used to be -“Did I ever apologize for saying you couldn’t be a hero?” -apologizes through tears for saying izuku can’t be a hero -sad hugs -tells nurse that he’s his son
27. Same -thinks butterfly is holding him -Aizawa says nurses told him all might was with his son, calls it inappropriate -hesitant to leave all might -please don’t take him from me -all might holds onto him for as long as he can -Aizawa wants to call them over dramatic, but this feels warranted -it’s me, i know -news from kids perspective -Sero -escorted everywhere, never alone -no way to tell what’s going on -wake up, check the news -need to confront butterfly -meeting in a moving vehicle -Pathfinder there, special sunglasses -how many were killed, lie -Butterfly’s notes, crinkled and overfilled, izuku can read them -addresses, quirks? -safe places, food,  Trying to find home -plan A, swan dive -he was trying to get me to kill myself -plan b, kidnap to other dimension and kill, pose as the same one having been tortured -what’s plan c? -more missing quirks and murders, offensive capabilities -pathfinder attacked, quirk stolen -team of heroes go over what they know about him -analysis of wing he ripped off -rapid nerve death, theorize that his healing quirk is killing him -why hasn’t it? Quirk preventing organ failure -once the body runs out of fat, it goes for muscle -after muscle, it goes for cardiac muscles -that’s what the dread is, empathy -perpetually on the brink of a heart attack -means they might be able to go all out against him -uses inter dimensional quirk to conceal movement -ask izuku what he could mean by the right quirk -memory alteration, body swap -all might Skyped in “You’ve been trying to clean up the mess the other you made, let me do the same.” -you didn’t fail, the other you did -how to restrict movement, only ever does it outside -shelters never built in his world -set a trap, need a place that doesn’t exist in butterfly’s world
28. The Net -go through the tunnels to the main shelter under the school -can’t discuss the plan Bakugou tries to ignore him and unpack his stuff Izuku flinches from contact -says goodbye to classmates I love you all, thanks for being my friend...  you have no idea what it’s meant to me -don’t talk like that, it makes it sound like you’re not coming back! -hugs -midnight cries -talk with Bakugou -shapeshifter butterfly -it’s a forced smile.  “Forced” is the only way to describe it yet if feels like it isn’t enough. -new bunker at UA -limited air conditioning -pathfinder walks him through messing with his quirk -i got your letter -did you know them?  They were good people -didn’t mean to be so harsh, people get hurt when you aren’t good enough -step outside briefly, the world is so much more vibrant without his quirk in the way -“it’s a tomb” “yeah.  Let’s make sure it’s not yours” -obvious trap, he won’t be enough -need bait -all might about to be discharged -agrees to stay as the casualties of the trap will be sent to the same location -inko enters, told to wait for her son there -got stolen stuff back -izukus first all might toy -talk with all might, maybe izuku’s Dad, left around the time he was quirkless -I want to push him forward, but also want to shield him from the world -welcome to parenthood -asked for blood drawn
29. You Shoot It -dream of deer in the woods, all turn to look at him together, one missing a face -toga disguised as izuku’s mom, distract him long enough to ceil the doors -no sign of butterfly -concern -butterfly enters by bending the door, an army of bugs -Izuku watches from another room, he’s a last resort -toga tries to convince him to stop fighting, can’t -something off -tries to stab him, nothing -turn around -cut to Aizawa -Bakugou seizing, that’s not Deku -“suit up” -strangled -fight -Cementoss seals the door -upgraded -pain sharing, metal feathers, ribbon skin, black bone, fero blood, wing spears, teeth bombs, throw feathers, telekinesis, fire breath -attacks do nothing -it’s an illusion -turn around, butterfly strikes while looking at him reveals partially healed form, antlers Flee out the room, fighters overrun by cockroaches Erasure is his most powerful quirk Izuku flanks him and kicks him in the skull, blocked by antlers -antlers become bendy and grab him Butterfly tries to go for izuku’s eyes using mom’s quirk -other heroes quickly tossed aside -chase down izuku through the maze -fold hole in the wall -punch in the jaw, teeth explode -izuku nearly overpowered -held down completely -strangled
-Aizawa and the class rush to the entrance, blocked off -must be a fail safe, butterfly was meant to break in -break down the doors -what if butterfly manages to escape -mina’s acid, strong punching, laser, explosions Aoyama asks for braces or someone to hold him while he blasts the ground -anger he doesn’t have the right quirk -knows his is the only one that can disable butterfly -they have to take the risk
-held down completely, erasure flickers -Pathfinder hits him with a baton and tries to choke him, distracting him -only one eye -izuku breaks free with 100% -smashes Butterfly’s eyesocket with his knuckle -blood splashes in his face as he flees -scream behind him -arm strained, can’t tell if it’s broken -pathfinder’s fate unknown -brief visions, body swap quirk Realize butterfly has been holding back because he wants a healthy body Test how much
-aizawa run through the maze -find pathfinder -hear screaming
-leap though illusion and snap off one of butterfly’s wings -tear membrane with own feather, cut between broken bones -it tries to crawl back to him -illusion breaks, revealing deer skull -flee, openly crying, bleeding tears -lock hands, izuku breaks others fingers, -wings burst from his back, heroes hold back wings -powers through pain and dread Leaps up and smashes the floor to pieces -butterfly screaming at him Jump at each other -Spears izuku in the back Break through the ceiling -Aizawa erases his quirks -restored appearance fades, more decayed than ever -izuku kicks and breaks his neck
30. YU SHOOT ITT -izuku was fading -a round face, a thin face, green eyes both -something shiny bobbing in and out of sight -butterfly stream of conscious -reuse lines from before -senses izuku in the other room -force shared pain and empathy as he’s dying -izuku screams in agony -felt his stomach split again.  A candle to a forest fire.  Pathetic. “This is mine.  This is me.” -shared perspective -why do you deserve to be happy and i don’t -you kill people, tired to get me to kill myself -but before, i didn’t do anything wrong -why did it all go so bad? -gets up, floats with his quirk -barely copies normal movement -Floats to the door -Aizawa stops him -hard to breath -feels his mom and all might comforting him -that’s really mom -force the connection harder -stop screaming i wanna hear what mom’s saying Aizawa cuts him off again, he cries Feels his bones sink -“do you think if I die in this world, I can still be with my mom?” -goes down struggling -“it’s not fair”
31. At Rest, At Last -izuku flatlines but is revived -undo the latches on his costume Taken back for surgery Sit in the hall and cry for hours -a defibrillator is for a different kind of heart attack -so that’s what it was?  A heart attack? Doctor rushes by with an ice box Explain to aizawa that izuku flatlined -butterfly is dead, new despair -took his stomach for izuku -inko and all might go to see butterfly -inko wants to see him, takes a moment to recognize him -that’s her baby -screams -hugs and apologies -all might would have gone to stay with him -they both despair but are thankful for their son -“he was barely five years old, and he was ready to accept that his family didn’t want him.” -goes back to izuku -his hand is bigger than hers, when did that happen?
-final casualty count, pathfinder dead (?) along with several police officers -doctor recounts the autopsy -butterfly was dead on his feet, practically killed him -barely enough muscle to hold his own head up, let alone stand -“in my unprofessional opinion, this was a mercy killing.” -Aizawa looks at the body, that’s midoriya -Aizawa wants to try and bring him back with eri, Might not work, Might traumatize her -argue, all Might says he was too far gone, they wouldn’t be able to shield him from criminal charges, record like his would net him the death penalty anyway, stuck in a cage again, all that hate and fear in his heart left to fester in a padded cell for the rest of his life -thinks he would come after izuku again, what do you think that screaming was?  He was trying to take him down with him. -not hurting anyone else, not hurting himself -“He said he wanted, more than anything, to rest/stop fighting/for the pain to stop, and now, he has.” -“Aizawa-kun. ..  Please let him rest.” -Aizawa leaves before he can break down
-toshi looks over butterfly -“an innocent butterfly, drowned in mud and crushed under the boot of the world.” -not innocent, but he felt someone should be there to see him off -Apologizes -runs hand through his hair, shushes him even though he’ll be silent for quite a while -hesitant to leave him -that’s my boy...  That could have been my boy -bodyswap lingers in his mind -kisses his hairline, touch of cold lingers -goes to wash his hands and face before returning to izuku -wakes up later -“he’s dead” “I know.”
32. All Those Moments -
-aizawa drives back to ua with midnight -she tries to joke with aoyama about makeup, he’s not having it -won’t go into details about butterfly -mic greats them at the gate, hug -comes back to dorms to welcome party “Midoriya’s villain is dead.” -they cheer -Bakugou pulls him aside to try and get answers -people who’s job it is to save lives should never celebrate the death of another human being, be relieved, be thankful, but do not celebrate -don’t cheer for death -cries while holding eri -mic and midnight ask him what’s wrong -he was just a Kid
-do you want to be buried or cremated, inko can’t stop thinking about that phrase -3 services in three days -mass wake for officers -izuku makes rounds, “your child/spouse/parent” saved my life -inko almost couldn’t get out of the car -izuku said he had to come -pathfinder funeral, mention the teens and neji -he saved my life, i want to be worthy -crematorium, limited service in his home town -service in jakku -speak briefly to stripes -ask to speak at the wake, doesn’t have the best luck with speeches -mom asks why, he didn’t really know him -Jakku heroes offer him a job, we’ll save you a spot says he never wants to come back here -pass a boarded up diner -I’m his mother, i should be here -never spoke with butterfly, never in the same room when he was alive -cold gripping horror at burying her own son -service ends in slow motion -no words exchanged -silent for the whole long drive home -dotes on izuku at home -not home, couldn’t bare the thought of sleeping where someone died -all might rented a place/or all might’s apartment -he carries around his all might and blankie -makes him food, watches tv -cuddle in her bed like when he was small -her sweet baby boy grew up to face unfathomable horror -wants to promise no one will hurt him again, they both know she can’t
-villain graveyard -“Izuku Midoriya, 16 years old, at rest at last tailored clothes around his wings, buried is his shoes -izuku goes to butterfly, stares His bones wouldn’t burn He suffered 16 years old, seventeen in a few months, he’ll grow.  Live. Make sure he keeps living ⁃ Took midoriya to view the body before it was buried.  Stared, said nothing -all might dusts of the grave, leaves a few flowers and food -still conflicted, butterfly was worse case scenario, uses it as motivation to protect his boy -he longs for some sign.  Waits for some great vision that the boy is well in the end.  A butterfly wing broken wings that still flies.  One on the tombstone.  It’s the dead of winter.  Him coming to him in a dream, face full and bright and back bare of those fowl wings that shackled him to the earth, and promising him that he’s not in pain anymore.  But it never comes.  Butterfly died in agony, after years of torture, alone. -“Toshinori wasn’t a religious man, but he still hoped that, if something did become of young butterfly in the en`d, that he at least got to rest.” -he might be moving into the same new building as the Midoriyas -picks up Izuku from first therapy session, not much to say -you’re my boy aren’t you? -don’t want to say anything that makes him spiral further Do you remember what happened before this all started? -we talked about Superman, you said your name was inspired by all Star Superman -and... -rumors about being his son, “I don’t mind” -cry, hug and a kiss on top of his head -sixteen years old, he’s my son -return home -izuku stares out the window Take him to the tokoyaki stand Sit on the beach wall -cuddle like they did the night before butterfly attacked -izuku crawls up his sleeve and presses his forehead -yeah.  Yeah you’re mine.
⁃ When Butterfly was around, he never had nightmares.  Now that he’s dead, Izuku has nothing but. -izuku can’t sleep, -home doesn’t feel like home anymore -people died here, in this world, and the other one -has nightmares when he’s awake too, they’re memories -likes All Might’s thin arms, likes to be carried, better than those too big that held him like a pet while the bones in his back pulled away from the rest of his body. -checking himself in the mirror, scars on his chest fading fast, no evidence if he covers it up -asked the doctors to remove his scars when he went back to get his stitches out, just the ones from Butterfly, back to what he was before -regrets it -looked butterfly in the face, up close, in the eyes, and though: that’s not me.  It can’t be -looks at himself now, his own face in the mirror, and thinks: that’s not me.  It can’t be -too thick, skin to smooth, hand in his hair to search for antlers -I’m me, aren’t I? -text from friends, excited to have him back -compulsion to go outside, he does -it’s cold out without a shirt, starting to snow -I could just go -wants to run, from what? -doesn’t want to face the others How can he just go back to normal? -if i don’t say something now, i never will -wake up mom, I’m ready to talk about it now -sees all might in the kitchen again, mom too -visions of the other ones life
-Bakugou s body, swollen and broken -desperation to find a school that will take him -walk past the gates -sell blood -luxury apartment -All for one, first quirk are the cherub wings, small, but his -not the only one, testing multiple quirks, isn’t sure when he becomes the favorite -wings are painful coming in, all for one holds him -gave in eventually -can’t see all of the wings in the mirror, shine green in the light -lakies make fun of his failure, requests quirk to stop crying -creates copy of all for one -usj, something wrong, gets erasure -flees out the window, can’t get home, returns willingly -tested on with mutation quirks as punishment, cries when he discovers minor telekinesis -isn’t there for Kamino allegory, acts desperate to save Sensei, erases immortality quirk -tries to go home again, authorities mistake him for villain, programmed to attack -he finds Dad.  Dad, who hadn’t so much as touched him in a decade, picks him up and holds him like its nothing.  He kisses his head and calls him baby and tells him everything is going to be alright because he’s here now.  And it was for a while.  He fed him and bathed him.  He sleeps tucked close to his chest like when he was little, even if the wings took up a lot of space.  He has to comfort his father when he cries for mom, since he can’t cry anymore.  He and takes him to the doctor.  They don’t know how to help him.  He says he wants everything but moms quirk to go.  Dad doesn’t understand why he has it.  He doesn’t listen.  He never does.   At least you aren’t quirkless anymore Steals dad’s quirk to teach him a lesson about being quirkless Dad only came back for mom.  He said so.  He was missing for over a year and only came back after mom went missing.  He blames him.  He burns off the tips of his wings. -they think he’s a villain -Kills mirio -trades quirks for money, later just food -chase anything related to mom -wanders to Jakku, ua goes there around this time of year and he saw an ad for a lodge that looked kind of like home -hears his own name -demands the bridge quirk guy trade him, had enough -kills.  Jumps.  Sees himself, up on a stage in a hero costume from his dreams, smiling among deafening cheers.  And he shares his dread. -sees both of himself, locking eyes in the ambulance, round face, thin face, green eyes both, watching and feeling each other die
-run back inside -wake up mom and all might -i don’t think I’m me anymore -stuck with all this anger and hatred and fear -can’t tell the difference -all might says he feels guiltily instead of angry -but i am angry -writes as he talks -it’s like one glass of water being poured into another glass of water -hard to tell where the first ends and the second begins and you can’t separate them -did he take something from you -don’t know -“after all that, do you still think you made the right choice?”  “Never came into question.” -has his whole life ahead of him -going to die eventually -takes out notebook -“Butterfly” crosses it out, rights his own name -lies between the two people who love him most -all might’s hand on his chest, holding him -other arm curling mini him to his chest -mom has his blankie -izuku has his all might plushie -tomorrow, he goes back to all his friends at the best hero school in the country -people like him, he has fans -almost too good to be true -this is all butterfly wanted -all i ever wanted -more than i could have ever asked for No one stalking me, no one chasing me -I’m home -do i deserve it though? -have to make decisions, could spiral -have to go back out into the world and keep living -for now, he let himself feel happy -the two sides agree to feel happy -“this is mine.  This is me.  And there’s nothing I can do about it.” -and for now, I’ll let it make me happy -this is mine, this is me -deep under guilty happiness, lies dread he knew could only come from himself. -this dread could only be his own.  Maybe it was always. -it’s mine.  It’s me. -whoever i am, I’m alive -no matter what i do, whoever i am, I’m me.  I’m me.
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The Story of How Midoriya Izuku Asserted His Dominance
The Story of How Midoriya Izuku Asserted His Dominance (And Traumatized Japan) by JABcat3
The Sports Festival was supposed to be a break from stress. Shouta should have known there is no such thing as a break with his class.
Words: 4131, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Nedzu, Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kendou Itsuka, Kuroiro Shihai, Bondo Kojirou, Kouda Kouji, Hagakure Tooru, Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow, Honenuki Juuzou, Tsuburaba Kousei, Kirishima Eijirou, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Awase Yousetsu, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aoyama Yuuga, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Toogata Mirio, Eri, Izumi Kouta, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Iida Tenya, Ojiro Mashirao, Sero Hanta, Asui Tsuyu, Sensei | All For One, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King
Relationships: None, except for like friendship and stuff, but even that's practically nonexistent here, just kids going feral
Additional Tags: I just tagged everyone that briefly makes an appearance here, or is referenced, There's a lot, I mean, There's a few people not tagged, because the reference is so brief, like endeavour isn't tagged, muscular isn't tagged, and overhaul isn't tagged, but they are mentioned in passing, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, the heroes as villains, but not really, Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru, anyway, People are traumatized, shrubs become public enemy number one, Also there's a bit about bugs, that I've been told is horrifying, SO, yeah - Freeform, they're his buds, also Koda likes bugs now
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25921060
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ladysunamireads · 4 years
The Story of How Midoriya Izuku Asserted His Dominance
The Story of How Midoriya Izuku Asserted His Dominance (And Traumatized Japan) by JABcat3
The Sports Festival was supposed to be a break from stress. Shouta should have known there is no such thing as a break with his class.
Words: 4131, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Nedzu, Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kendou Itsuka, Kuroiro Shihai, Bondo Kojirou, Kouda Kouji, Hagakure Tooru, Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow, Honenuki Juuzou, Tsuburaba Kousei, Kirishima Eijirou, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Awase Yousetsu, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aoyama Yuuga, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Toogata Mirio, Eri, Izumi Kouta, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Iida Tenya, Ojiro Mashirao, Sero Hanta, Asui Tsuyu, Sensei | All For One, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King
Relationships: None, except for like friendship and stuff, but even that's practically nonexistent here, just kids going feral
Additional Tags: I just tagged everyone that briefly makes an appearance here, or is referenced, There's a lot, I mean, There's a few people not tagged, because the reference is so brief, like endeavour isn't tagged, muscular isn't tagged, and overhaul isn't tagged, but they are mentioned in passing, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, the heroes as villains, but not really, Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru, anyway, People are traumatized, shrubs become public enemy number one, Also there's a bit about bugs, that I've been told is horrifying, SO, yeah - Freeform, they're his buds, also Koda likes bugs now
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25921060
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
Top 10 Reveals I’m Excited for in My Hero Academia
Now first let me clarify what I mean by reveals: There are basically two types of reveals in the story, the Mystery and the internal reveal. Internal reveals are when a character learns something the audience already knows. There is a lot of hidden information I want the characters to learn about, as well as mysteries even the fans don’t know yet.
Also spoilers up until the most recent manga chapter!
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The fandom has written approximately 20,000 different meta on the question of just what Lord Explosion Murder’s real hero name will eventually be. Recently, Katsuki confirmed that he does indeed have one and has “someone he needs to tell”. Whozat? What is the name, dammit? The answer to this one is probably coming pretty soon, since it’s been brought up in-universe, but we’re all getting pretty impatient to finally learn what it is.
My theory: A play on Bakusatsuo/Ground Zero, or a play on Kacchan that connects the latter to his future goals. The person he wants to tell is...Jeanist! (sorry, Bakugou).
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This one’s an internal reveal. Namely, the League has Overhaul’s bullets, the Meta Liberation Army, Gigantomachia and an army of high-end Nomus....but no one knows about this besides the PLF. The kids at UA don’t know. The Pro heroes and cops don’t seem to know, the public as a whole has no idea what a nightmare is brewing behind the scenes for them as the League plots and plans. It’s about time they all learned just what a powerful, dangerous force they’re truly up against in spectacular, horrifying fashion.
My Theory: The League will use their resources (the bullets) to wipe out the Top 10 Pros by erasing their quirks in fights with all their warriors, but the UA kids interning with the Pros will hold their own, showing some hope for the future of heroism.
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Another internal reveal, though mixed with a few audience reveals. Namely, did Hawks actually kill Best Jeanist or is this some kind of a bluff? Hawks’ status as a triple agent is something that can serve for some pretty dramatic revelations later on in the narrative - mostly for Endeavor, Tokoyami, and Dabi, learning about his various statuses and having a big “You? No, it couldn’t be!” moment. This one will probably also come soon; he’s been teetering on the edge for way too long. 
My Theory: Hawks’ reveal will come during the aforementioned LoV attack arc, and this will initiate the reveal of Kacchan’s hero name. Basically, the first 3 all tie together into a potential future arc that may be coming up sooner than we think. And tie into the next one...
#7. DABI=?
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This one is a big mystery, and one that pretty much the entire fanbase has a solid theory on the answer to. Basically, if Dabi is not somehow Toya Todoroki then we’ve all got nothing. The most prominent LoV member to have received no backstory flashbacks in the MLA arc and no real name during the Hideout Raid, the mysterious firebender is a giant enigma...and yet everything about him dovetails nicely with the theory of him being a re-animated version of the allegedly dead Todoroki sibling. He even looks like Toya, so odds on this one are pretty high.
My Theory: The Toya reveal could come out in this very next arc, given all the Nomu/long lost friend drama of the recent chapters and the Todoroki angst arc of the previous ones. Otherwise, it’ll probably wait for a while to finally be unveiled. And the impact on Endeavor and Shoto will be devastating.
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Unlike the Avatar state where we know all the powers ahead of time, Midoriya’s future quirks inside of OFA are a complete mystery. Aside from Super Strength and Black Whip, what are the other 5 wielders’ powers? The fact that we have no answers on this one at all yet is really baffling to me, because DIDN’T ALL MIGHT AND GRAN TORINO KNOW NANA’S QUIRK?!!?! Why hasn’t All Might told Deku what quirk he’ll be getting from her yet? We need this information, dude! Also why does one of the silouhettes look like Bakugo? Are you an immortal timelord Kacchan?
My Theory: I think Nana’s quirk must be related to Tomura’s (Maybe a reversal of decay, like a healing power?). As to the other 4, those are complete mysteries. Maybe super senses, some kind of shield, an elemental power, and a wildcard quirk?
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This is a great big internal reveal that I’m really impatient for more information on. Namely: 1. All Might needs to tell Deku that Tomura is Nana’s grandson. 2. Tomura needs to find out that his grandmother was All MIght’s Master, and 3. to find out that her spirit exists within Midoriya. All of this needs to go down, because that big fight between Tomura and Deku we have to get eventually is going to need some more personal stakes, and anyway why doesn’t Deku know this yet already? Tell him All Might! He needs to know!
My Theory: All Might will tell Deku, who will let this info slip at a crucial moment when fighting Tomura, calling him “Tenko” maybe at some point; this reveal, which Deku will cop to, will send Tomura into a self-searching spiral.
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It’s pretty much grand Shonen tradition for the protagonist to have a completely absent dad, whose identity becomes a major reveal later on in the story. Deku’s dad is perhaps the most absent father in all of fiction, as we have almost zero information about the guy and Deku never even thinks about or mentions him. There are many, many prominent fan theories about who he is, and technically just a brief picture, appearance and characterization would do the trick, but most fans are convinced he must be someone important.
My Theory: Dad for One theorist here. Plenty of evidence/potential reasons it could be true to work with. All for One has some kinda plan that relates to Deku and OFA, and the reveal will come then. 
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One of the biggest reasons I’m a Dad for One theorist is because of AFO’s doctor being Deku’s doctor from Chapter 1. Ujiko, the mad scientst of the League, is Dr. Tsubasa. He took his relative, Kacchan’s childhood friend, and turned him into the winged Nomu that kidnapped Deku during the Hero Killer Arc. Right now he’s turning Tomura into a butterfly or something. Deku and Kacchan need to learn about this connection, and dole out some sweet justice to this guy. (BTW is it my FMA eyes or does he look a lot like the gold-toothed doctor?)
My Theory: Dad for One hired him to supervise Midoriya, and deliberately picked Tsubasa as an experimentation subject to punish him for picking on Deku (which is also why he’s so cool with going after Bakugo), and Deku and Kacchan will find out by seeing him during a future LoV confrontation.
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The golden question, indeed? Who, exactly, is the UA traitor? Is there a traitor? How did the league find them if not? Is it confirmed there is a traitor, most likely? And if so, who is it? There are so many prominent theories as to who it could be and how this would impact the story; I’ve read decent arguments from all over the board for every single possible candidate, and while there are plenty that have some solid evidence, only one really appeals to me from a characterization standpoint.
My theory: I’m down with the Uraraka traitor theory, because I love the idea of what it could do with her character, the ways it could affect her relationship with Deku, and the possibilities of the Toga/Ochaco parallels. Of course, I’ll be happy as long as it makes sense and crafts some good drama.
Hon Mentions: Eri will learn Nighteye died (she still doesn’t know); Other characters learn Todoroki’s backstory; Kirishima learns he and Mina fought Gigantomachia; Just freaking tell him you like him already Uraraka
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This seems like a strange thing to list as a “Reveal”, since Deku got OFA in Chapter 1. But when I say this, I mean Other characters learn about it. Obviously, Kacchan already learned and that was great. So think of the possibilities of other characters finding out! In order of who needs to know: 1. Inko, 2. Tomura, 3. Mirio, 4. Todoroki and his family, 5. Uraraka, Oddly enough, the series could probably progress with nobody but Tomura out of that list learning the truth, but still, the possibilities of the drama worth exploiting from the 9th wielder reveal are almost endless. It’s a bomb under the table waiting to go off to craft neat conflict in the future.
My Theory: Tomura and Ujiko know about OFa. They’ll tell PLF and go on a hunt for the 9th wielder among the likely candidates at UA; the first years and Lemillion, Nighteye’s intern. In the process they’ll figure out it’s Deku and the truth will be revealed to all pertinent characters, making Deku the target of PLF trying to harvest OFA for their own control.
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rainosa · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Toogata Mirio, Eri & Toogata Mirio, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Toogata Mirio, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Toogata Mirio, Midoriya Izuku, Eri (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shinsou Hitoshi, Hadou Nejire, Ishiyama Ken | Cementoss, Sir Nighteye (Mentioned) Additional Tags: Quirkless Toogata Mirio, Quirkless Discrimination (My Hero Academia), Internalized Quirkless Discrimination, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Character Study, maybe?? i just want to see how mirio feels about being quirkless, Post-Overhaul Arc (My Hero Academia), i know mirio said he's okay with everything but, no hes not, also all might thinks he is being helpful but hes completely clueless, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Eri, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Nezu makes a brief appearance Summary:
“Of course I want to be a hero,” he is able to grind out, and he finds he is gripping the fabric of his pants with white knuckles, unable to let go. All Might nods, gently and without judgement, “Then why, exactly, did you decide to stop going to your classes?” “Because I can’t,” Mirio hisses, grip tightening. Once again, he can’t look All Might in the eye. “Don’t you get that? I want to, but I can’t without my–... my quirk. I’m a civilian now.” “So you believe that without a quirk, one cannot be a hero?” -------- Mirio is waiting patiently for his quirk to come back so he can continue his hero training, but with every day that goes by, that future seems to drift further and further out of reach. Still, he looks after Eri everyday, and accepts that his life is going to be terrible until Sir Nighteye's prediction can come true. The people around him just can't seem to understand that.
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tsukoyomi-fumikage · 4 years
Manifest (MiriTama)
Mirio X Amajiki
Prompt - Amajiki’s quirk is manifest... Do you think if he ate someone, he could use their quirk? That’s what Overhaul was wondering too... (CONTAINS DARK STUFF)
Tamaki's breaths picked up at the footsteps coming down the corridor - slow, harsh and the only sound apart from the anxiety attack he was suffering through. It was ricocheting off of the walls and clean floors, sounding louder than they really were.
"Manifest is an amazing quirk you know."
He was here, at the door, peaking his face through the bars, mask protruding into the room. Amajiki tried to shuffle backwards, but the chains didn't allow it. His hands were bound together and had a metal clasp on, and his legs were in the same boat, just not tied together. SunEater couldn't even see his fingers at this point. He figured early on that it was so he couldn't use his quirk - so why was OverHaul so immersed by it now?
"It would be a shame if we didn't test it's full potential, isn't that right SunEater?"
Biting his lip to avoid crying out in fear, he looked away from the door, towards one of the walls, focusing on a large dent in the plaster. The metal hinges creaked with age as the hatch was taken off and the door opened a bit, allowing the leader of the clan to step inside. OverHaul wasted no time slamming the door behind him, making the indigo-haired boy jump in shock.
"I really wish you'd speak to me." He almost purred, walking up to the student, crouching down at his level, gazing into his eyes. "You should also try looking at me. Avoiding eye contact is a bad sign of being a guest." He teased.
Indigo eyes met gold orbs, and SunEater couldn't help the terrifying squeak let out at the dead look he was being given. A hand slapped his face harshly, jolting the head and moving it with the force of the hit. Amajiki hid the whimper, quickly correcting himself and sitting straight once more. "Speak God-Dammit!" OverHaul snarled, grabbing a fistful of his hair, tugging on it so their faces met - though the mask proved some difficulty being even closer, the villain didn't mind, slamming his head backwards into the wall behind him, making a large dent in the plaster. "You're not fucking mute are you?"
Now he understood why the room was littered with cracks. "N-No."
The hand released - he let out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear." The brunette was probably smiling under the bird mask. "Sit tight, my little elf." A tug on the ear made him flinch awkwardly - his ears, believe it or not, were actually really sensitive. "I'll be back with something to eat for you - can't have you going hungry, no?"
Tamaki had barely been in this retched place for ten seconds, and now he was being fed? Surely they realized once he ate, he could use said food to fight out of his restraints and escape? Something sticky was running down the back of his neck, making him shiver and stop thinking momentarily. He rubbed his neck against the wall, turning his head to see what it was in the dim lighting.
It was blood - of course.
Mirio growled in frustration, banging his fists angrily on the table in front of him until his hands phased through. His body was shaking in horror of what had happened to his best friend.
Midoriya was next to him, standing quietly, not judging him in the slightest whatsoever. "We'll find him." He assured the older teen, brushing back some of his green hair behind his ear. "We won't stop till we do."
"You don't get it, Izuku." Togata's voice was raw with pain. "This is my fault - if I hadn't run up ahead and stayed with the group, we could have avoided all of this."
The first year student sighed, shaking his head as if to object. "It isn't." He said quietly. "If anything, it's our faults." Taking the blame onto himself was something Midoriya did quite well - this time he really felt as if it was his fault however. His lip quivered. "Amajiki-San told us to go on, but we should have realized the villains quirks were the opposites of his from the de-briefing. Besides-" Izuku looked into his eyes deeply. "-you saved Eri. Amajiki-San would be proud."
LeMillion gave a small chuckle. "How about we say we all messed up?" He tried, blue eyes clouding up with unshed tears that he refused to let fall. Midoriya smiled shakily.
Resting his eyes for even a second was a bad decision. The door practically broke being thrown open, and a cheery-looking villain came waltzing in, carrying something that definitely smelt uncooked and disgusting before he even looked at it. "Bon appetite." He giggled, placing a plate down on the floor.
Amajiki must have been here longer than he thought - he could no longer use his quirk since all the food he'd eaten earlier had passed through his system. The guard had no worried look upon him as he undid the restraints before jogging out the room, laughing like a maniac.  
Crawling sluggishly over to the plate, he glanced down on whatever they'd decided to feed him. It looked to be some form of meat - raw though. Luckily, eating raw food was better than eating cooked when it came to his quirk. SunEater didn't normally go raw however, but this was an exception.
He picked up a slab - it still had blood on it, making him feel queasy. Rather than retching up stomach acid and making his throat sore, he quickly took a bite, and the taste was... indescribable. Gagging, he pushed on, taking another small bite before coughing violently, putting the food back, getting on his hands and knees, trying to control the heaves.
"Does it taste nice, SunEater?" OverHaul was back, peaking through the bars, not willing to open the door this time. "I wonder what it tastes like." He pondered, totally unfazed at the near-vomiting teen. "I've never eaten human flesh before."
Amajiki died a little in those few moments. "W-W..." His voice left him, he raised a hand to his mouth, willing the 'food' to come back out. "Why?" He cried out in horror.  
"I wanted to test a theory." The door was opening again, but Amajiki didn't look up, trying to focus on not throwing up - it would be a sign of weakness, one he couldn't afford. The feet were moving towards him. "The man you ate had a quirk. I just wonder if you can use it now?"
It was sick - disgusting - what OverHaul had done to him. Tamaki fought his building rage at the violation of his own quirk. Standing up shakily, he tried to defend himself this time, but the nausea in his stomach made him clench his gut instead. "You're cruel." He sobbed out in agony, widening his eyes as the villain charged forward, bringing up a fist to punch at his already sore stomach.
Feeling the hand connect with his stomach was enough to make him winded, and he reached out a hand, begging, just begging, for the humans quirk to appear, for this to end, to be left alone. Nothing came out of his fingertips or arms. OverHaul slammed his knee into his stomach, and SunEater couldn't hold it in, keeling over and vomiting on the floor violently.
The man left him there, untied and curled in the fetal position, too weak to get up anymore; SunEater allowed himself to break in the dim room, facing away from the door, shaking in fear and utter terror.
"You've got an idea of where he is?" Mirio couldn't help but break out in a happy smile, looking at Nighteye, his mentor, with a more relaxed gaze than he had at all in the past few days.
The Pro-Hero glanced at the blond man. "Yes." He said slowly, pushing up his glasses. "But only an idea. You are more than welcome to tag along."
The student nodded vigorously. "Anything for Tamaki." He almost stated. "I'll help Bubble Girl gather some people immediately."
A tutting noise awoke Tamaki from his dreamless sleep filled with an anxious mind and pain-filled body. His eyes shot open, and he shakily lifted himself up by his elbows, prepared to fight, to try and stop the punches firing down on him.
However no punches came, no shouts, no yells and no pain. A hand grabbed his wrists simply attaching the cuffs back on them, moving to his legs and shackling them too. Tamaki thought that was it, but his eyes widened when a muzzle was placed over his head, like he was some animal. "N-no!" He whimpered, but he could do nothing more than jerk his head around. A hand tugging on his hair stilled him.  
"You don't get to choose anything, SunEater."
The door slammed shut again, and Tamaki brought his cold hands up to his face. The metal rubbed against his skin, and he pressed his face against the cold object, sighing shakily. "Mirio." He whispered out, voice broken and cracked. "Please help me."
OverHaul was taken care of, being hauled out of the room beaten and bloodied by Aizawa and his scarf, the Pro-Hero's eyes a deep red, angered, yet calm with his fluid movements. "I'll wait outside, go find SunEater."
Mirio couldn't contain his anger at the savages in front of him, but he breathed deeply, using his quirk to pass through corridor after corridor, room after room, finding villains running away, finding dead bodies littered around the place, finding nothing until finally.
A door, in the corner of the long corridor - he'd almost missed it, and that tore at his gut. he might not have found his best friend because of his stupidity. Stopping the use of his quirk, he walked down the rest of the way, finding the door had some bars on it, and he peaked inside.
His eyes widened. "N-No more." Came the voice from the inside. "Please..."
"Hey, hey." He said softly, braking through the door, kneeling down to his friends slumped body. There was blood everywhere, and a pile of vomit in the corner. A plate of something foul sat nearby. His throat tightened at the colour of the object - it was the same as the body of one young man he'd passed, whom was missing a slab of his ribs. "It's Mirio, Tamaki, it's me."
There was a muzzle on his friends face, and his hands and feet were bound tightly. Amajiki was shaking violently against the shackles. Using a knife he'd brought that was made specifically for his quirk, he picked at the locks as quickly as he could with one hand, the other taking the muzzle off and stroking the blood-stained hair softly. The teen flinched under his hand, and his heart shattered. "I've got you now." He spoke ever so quietly, finally getting through the restraints, lifting the skinny boy easily into his arms. "It's going to be okay."
The walk back through the halls was painfully slow - every moment took a toll on Tamaki's body, and he was sobbing with terror. "You have to take me back." He pleaded. "He'll kill me if he finds me here."
"No he won't. EraserHead has him in custody, it's okay."
"A-Are you sure?" His voice was tiny and almost childlike.
"Positive." Mirio smiled, but his mind was screaming at how wrong everything was, and how much healing his friend would have to go through. "I helped him take him down myself."
Togata sighed, placing down some apple slices on the coffee table, looking to his left at the teen curled up on the sofa, stomach and the back of his head wrapped in bandages. "Are you sure you don't want some? It's only apple." He promised.
Mirio's eye felt wet when a deep sob was drawn from his friend. "He made me eat someone, Miri'." He shook his head violently, curling up and pressing his chin to his knees. "I was so disgusted, but I couldn't throw up and I couldn't do anything!"
LeMillion came over, softly approaching his friend, sitting down besides him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly until the boy unlatched from the fetal position, burying himself into the crook of his neck. "I know." He said simply. "This'll be a hill for us both to climb." He confessed quietly, smoothing over tension in Amajiki's back. "But I'll match you step by step. We'll get over this eventually."
"I wish it never happened." Tamaki sobbed.
"I do too." Hearing his friends choked sobs brought tears to his own eyes, and he felt them running down his face. He didn't wipe them away however - he needed Tamaki to understand that he would be with him, in tears and in spirit. "However, this is what we've got instead." He tried not to be harsh with his wording, but he probably could have done better. "Let's do this. The sooner you're healed, the sooner you can meet Eri. She's bound to put a smile on your face."
SunEater inhaled shakily. "I can imagine." He whispered tightly, hand grasping his best friends shirt, fingers wound in the fabric like it would keep him safe if he held on. "I'd l-like to try and ea-eat something now..."
Mirio ended up having to cut the skin off the red apple, the crimson colour too much for the recovering hero-in-training. But he ate, and all was silent and well as they watched an old cartoon from their childhoods. Amajiki was falling asleep on his shoulder, relaxed and at peace at last. It really did put a smile on Togata's face, to have his sunshine back and all together. Or well, mostly.
He would heal, Mirio was certain. If he didn't though, the student couldn't blame him, and would learn to love the new Manifest-quirk user that was his best friend.
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atlasenduring · 4 years
What's the worst thing you've ever done to your muse? Also hello~!
「ali speaks」– accepting
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to your muse?
I haven’t done it yet, per say – but Toshinori is probably not going to live to see himself turn sixty, or if he does it won’t be to long before he dies. 
His remaining lung isn’t in the best of conditions, his body is only functioning by a combination of heavy medicine and his newfound refusal to die, and something’s inevitably going to give within the next five or so years. 
I have an entire thing written about this! Toshinori knows he’s going to die, and his character arc culminates in him accepting that fact, and deciding to make the absolute best of however many years he’s going to be allotted. He signs ownership of the Might Agency over to Midoriya after he graduates, making him All Might’s sucessor in more ways than just One for All, and absconds himself to a retirement home near the beach.
I actually! Have an excerpt about exactly this, so if you’d allow me to break some hearts.
Shōta looks around the room, again.
He sees, then, what he didn’t before. The gaggle of people in black and white — are all the same people who spent any available free time at the retirement home, in his tiny little room with a view of the gardens, brimming with mementos. 
Pro Hero Deku bowed over with fat tears rolling down his cheeks, huge, scarred hands drawing in the air between him and the Pro Heroes Creati, Froppy and Pinky as he half-mumbles, half-shouts a story about Yagi-sama tricking him into eating his hair, the underground hero he took as sidekick, Shinso, shaking his head like he’s heard the story a thousand times by now. They, too, all have tears in their eyes, but they’re laughing. 
Ingenium, Red Riot and Shōto huddled together with Uravity and Charge Bolt, Kirishima standing on the pew with one fist raised high above his head, proclaiming how he’d never felt so scared in his life as he felt in Kamino, and how he’d never felt so safe, either, when All Might appeared for his last battle. The cacophony of agreement that rises is nearly deafening.
The heavily guarded American man sitting on the back, one arm around the young woman he came in with, free hand holding up a cellphone, showing whatever is there to Tsukauchi, Bakugou, and Hizashi. Shōta watches when the police chief laughs, wipes the tears from his face, and mouths ‘this fucking idiot’, as the American swipes across the screen, and Hizashi breaks out cackling.
Shōta looks forward again. Mirio with Eri on her arms, the young child nearly a teen, still too short to reach the coffin on her own. He bounces her on his hip, smiles with shining eyes, and she kisses her own palm, pressing it on Toshinori’s cold face. They walk away, Mirio whispering something to her, maybe a story, maybe a memory. Nemuri walking up next, a flute of something on her fingers that she raises high in the air, a bubbling toast he can’t hear, downs nearly the whole thing in a sip. Leaves the flute with a lipstick mark on the rim and a bottom full of the drink besides Toshinori.
There’s even more people — some Shōta knows well, some he’s only seen in passing. They’re not mourning, not in the usual way people do. There’s no wailing, no somber silence to betray their grief. The air isn’t stale with the taste of death, it’s filled with the sound of laughter and cheering and someone (probably Hizashi if only by the volume, likely that whole portion of the funeral, plus Midoriya) belching out that god-awful All Might theme song that used to play ad nauseum to promote his Golden Age merchandise. 
Aside from Nedzu, there are no long, stricken eulogies, and even the Principal’s was more a retelling of a student named Yagi Toshinori learning how to become who he wanted to be under the tutelage of his ambiguously furry homeroom teacher.
It’s not that I want to die, Shōta, he suddenly remembers Toshinori say, I am going to. Why not make it as painless as possible?
He understands now. It was never about making it painless to Toshinori — funerals are never for the dead anyway, grieving is not for who leaves. It’s for the people left behind. It was never going to be entirely painless, but how can it not be a moment of celebration of the life and deeds of the retired Symbol of Peace when he died as he wanted the world to feel, in peace.
There’s no looming threat of a unkilled enemy, no shadows cast that could possibly touch the sun that still emanates from his presence. Toshinori carefully chose the plot of land he’d be buried in, and he cultivated a world of flowers across the grounds so people could look and think of him while he lived and breathed, could be reminded that his light is never going to be extinguished, even when he is.
Shōta cries, partly to spite him, but mostly because he feels like a fool for not seeing it sooner.
Outside, with the closed casket and the flower arrangements sent by a thousand and more fans, with the media circus arranged under a tent in a way Shōta would normally hilariously ironic, the Number 14 Pro Hero Deku stands on a podium. Someone has given him his costume, somewhere in the time between they all leaving the private funeral to here, a couple dozen microphones pointed at his face.
His dark-green cape flutters in the wind, teary eyes exposed by the way he pushes the visor up to rest atop his head, entire face opening in a smile.
Midoriya pulls an envelope from a pouch, smooths it on the podium. “All Might-sama — he knew this was going to happen. Not the dying part, per say, but that I’d be asked to speak and that I wouldn’t be able to think, and that’s his words verbatim, ’because I would be too busy blabbering like a crybaby’.”
That gets a roaring laughter from the crowd, and Midoriya’s smile widens. Shōta can see on that smile how the tabloids could go off on their theories of love children and nepotism.
Midoriya clears his throat, holds the envelope up. “So, he wrote what he wanted me to say. I haven’t read this yet, so — apologies in advance for all the weeping.”
Rubbing the heel of one hand on his eyes, he rips the envelope open. Shōta can see, from where he’s seated, the ink bleeding through to the back of the page, Toshinori’s large, bold handwriting, black ink blotted where he pressed down too hard. It makes his throat lock up, reminded of the dozens of times he’d chided the older man for it. 
Midoriya clears his throat again, louder, closer to the mics.
“Young Midoriya,” the fact that the young man chokes up at that is telling that it really was for the best this was written for him, “I do hope you’re not — you’re not crying enough to have soaked through your suit’s sleeve. That would be unbecoming of my — my — my inheritor.”
He pauses, sniffles, and raises his free arm. The sleeve is, in fact, sporting a large, wet stain. He rubs his face into it, muttering that ‘it’s a moot point now’, before continuing: “I want to be brief, for I am not a man of words, I lived by and through my actions every day of my life, and I hope those are the things the world will remember me by.
“Remember me for the legacy of peace I attempted to establish. Remember me for my kindness, my patience, my temperance. Remember me for the people I saved, but remember me for the ones I failed to as well. Remember me for my faults, for my failures, lest they be repeated, for the things I changed and those I could not. Remember me in my prime, and remember me in my fall, let my story be one of glory and the warning of what that might bring.
"To the ones who criticised me — thank you. One who lives surrounded by only yes-men is bound to forget that he’s flawed and human,” Midoriya chokes on the next sentence, wrinkling the paper between his fingers. His eyes find Shōta’s, he takes a deep breath, continues: “To the ones who loved me, thank you. I cannot offer comfort for your pain, but know that I have lived and died as I wanted to, w…with a brave smile, and I want you to do the same." 
Shōta can barely register how much that feels like a sucker punch, because Midoriya is on a roll now, gripping the podium hard enough for the wood to creak in his hand. 
"To the ones who wanted me gone, those who hated me for what I stood, I hope you find no comfort in my death. My legacy is not one that will die with me — I am gone, but the generation I saw being raised to the ranks, and surely those to come, will uphold the lessons learned from my mistakes, and peace will rise even stronger.
"To the ones who are afraid — fear not. I can no longer say that I am here, but — but they are.”
The podium creaks and cracks under Midoriya’s hand as he bows his head forward, the paper now crumbled in his fist. The only sound for a long beat is the pitter-patter of his tears falling on the wood like rain.
When he looks up, there’s a fire in his eyes.
“I — I was raised watching All Might rescuing a hundred by himself,” he declares, level and fierce. “I know I can’t be him, not one person can. The hole he’s left is too big, too all-encompassing. But—!" 
Shōta watches, dazed, as Midoriya motions and twenty, forty people rise, gather around him. Almost in slow motion, his entire year — their children, in a way — join him behind the casket, them and Kan’s kids and some more they’d gathered along the way. Heroes in formal clothing and tearstained, smiling faces. 
Midoriya grasps the podium with both hands now, leaning into the mics, "I am his legacy. We are his legacy. We learned from him, from the things he didn’t want us to do like him as much as the ones he did. And no one will have to live in fear of the space his death left…”
Shōta looks, eyes going from face to face. They’re not —
“And you know why?” Midoriya bellows. 
As if on cue, as if this was rehearsed, forty-some young pro heroes and sidekicks raise their fists into the air, a choir rising from their ranks, a single voice yelling, “Because we are here,” into the skies, and Shōta has never felt quite so proud, nor quite so sad.
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ichigopanhpff · 5 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 11
Read Ch. 10 | Masterlist
SPOILER: We sinking our teeth into the meat of the Hassaikai Arc now. This one’s gonna be a long one.
You’ve been warned!
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Nighteye’s agency revealed Eri was at their headquarters all along.
Much to the annoyance of some heroes, specifically Rocklock, the tall spectacled man assured they managed to get new information with the investigation; he saw one of the members of the Hassaikai purchase a popular girl’s toy and decided to interact with the man about it. With a touch of his hand on his shoulder, he activated Foresight to track his movement.
Thanks to the effort the stakeout teams and a warrant from the police, it was time to act.
The students suited up quickly and made their way to the enemy’s base early morning. The pro heroes were briefing the police of the current situation while the junior heroes were on stand-by. Blink leaned against the far wall, looking on in silent penance. Lemillion popped up next her, having already memorized the layout of the base.
“You okay?”
“If you’re wondering if I’ll be able to keep my rage in check…” she callously remarked with disinterest.
“I said something unnecessary and took my frustrations out on you,” the tall blond boy lamented and adjusted his left glove. “I’m sorry.”
The short girl let out a short breath from her nose.
“Apology accepted. And I thought you knew me better than that.”
Lemillion let out a short chuckle and rubbed the tip of his nose.
“You’re absolutely right. You are one of the people we’re looking at in taking over the Big Three title, after all,” he lightheartedly remarked.
“Again with that.” She huffed out in disbelief and gave him a look. “There’s better candidates than me.”
“Blink, I’m serious.”
His tone of voice made her look up to meet his determined blue eyes.
“So am I.”
“You’re more than enough. You’re strong,” Lemillion reaffirmed and placed his hand on her right shoulder, feeling the weight of his limb. She closed her eyes and sighed.
“If you say so…”
Blink got off of the wall and suddenly stopped in place.
“When this is over…” she blurted out. “I’ll tell them everything.” Her eyes gestured over to those in 1-A, with Lemillion agreeing in the form of a nod. “They have a right to know.”
He watched her frame slowly move away, proud of how far she’s come from her former self. The timid and insecure girl he once saw was beginning to bloom into a courageous, full-fledged hero.
But she’s still incomplete.
There was one more piece missing in order for him to fully acknowledge her as the one to pass down the title and will of the Big Three to…
With everyone briefed, they were once again reminded by the police if they see any sort of suspicious behavior or resistance, permission was given to deal with it as quickly as they can.
The entrance to the house was quiet; too quiet. It set Blink on edge.
From what she could remember from her personal investigation, the Hassaikai wasn’t a group to get a jump on. In fact, it’s the opposite.
Instinctively, she tapped her bangles together to summon the clubs to put together into a staff and prepared to fight their way in. As the officer prepared to press the doorbell, a giant man wearing a bird’s mask rushed out and knocked two officers up in the air with his fist, screaming, “What do you want?”
Deku and Eraser Head jumped up and caught the flying victims on time.
The giant man charged against the group, asking the same question again. The resolve of the police force could be seen dissipating, some of which blurted out in disbelief they caught wind of their sting operation. Ryuukyuu immediately transformed into her dragon form, catching the man’s fist with one claw.
“The Ryuukyuu Team will deal with this one,” she firmly stated. “Everyone else continue onward.”
“Get in there!” Fat Gum shouted and pushed Red Riot along. Blink had already jumped a few steps ahead.
As the police announced why they were raiding, the grunts prepared to attack. She immediately beamed forward and reappeared behind the three thugs. Swinging her staff across the back of their heads in full force, she effectively knocked them all out in one fell swoop.
“You’re faster than usual,” Suneater complimented as they ran past her.
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” she casually boasted and teleported to her senior’s side to run alongside him. “You’re the one who trained me in speed, after all.”
“Go for the objective!” FatGum shouted as they charged toward the main entrance and burst the doors open.
Scanning the narrow hallway, things seemed to be going swimmingly for the raid team.
“I got a bad feelin’ ‘bout this!” Lockrock shouted. “But we can’t go back now.”
“I wonder if they got information leaked somehow…” Suneater wondered aloud.
“I’m with you on that,” Blink added. “This place feels off.”
“By joining the family, you pledge loyalty to those at the top,” Aizawa explained. “The way they see solidarity is the same as it was back then. Even with all the noise we’ve been making, neither Chisaki or any of the higher-ups have yet to appear. They’re most likely hiding underground and preparing to escape.”
“How unmanly of them!” Red Riot angrily shouted. “Having your followers take responsibility for your actions… What the hell kinda “loyalty” is that?!”
The group slowly came to a halt and found a wall with an ikebana vase. Nighteye carefully removed the vase and said, “There’s a mechanism here that opens up a hidden path.” He proceeded to press the wooden floor following a specific sequence.
With the sound of a click, the hidden door revealed itself, revealing three more thugs ready to attack. Bubble Girl immediately jumped into action and punched one of them using her quirk.
“Go on without me! I’ll catch up!” she shouted as the rest of the group filed down the stairs. Turning a corner, they came up at a dead end. As Rocklock and the police officer started complaining about the bad intel, Lemillion phased through the wall, saying he’d go on ahead to check things out. Red Riot and Deku jumped into action and smashed the makeshift wall to bits.
“Damn… not bad,” Rocklock complimented.
Their celebration was cut short as they saw the path beginning to distort into twists and turns.
“This isn’t Chisaki’s… it’s someone else!” the chief panicked. “It’s gotta be Irinaka, one of the directors!”
“ His quirk is called Mimicry, allowing him to control objects from the inside! But... it isn’t supposed to be this powerful,” FatGum analyzed. “Unless he gave himself a boost. He must’ve gained control of the entire basement to turn it into this!”
“This is gonna be troublesome,” Blink uttered out, trying to figure out a way to get past the living wall.
“Eraser, can you cancel it out?” FatGum asked the goggled man.
“Not unless there’s a body...”
“We’ll never get to our target at this rate,” Suneater quivered out, feeling despair sinking into his heart. “How can we think about saving a girl when we can’t even figure out our next move here?!”
“Tamaki!” Lemillion’s voice called out, breaking his train of thought from spiraling down. He managed to phase back to the group. “This isn’t like you. You’re Suneater! We can get through this! This twisting path doesn’t matter as long as we know where the target is. I can make it!”
“Lemillion, wait!” Blink shouted.
“It’s a race against the clock to buy them time,” he deduced as he phased through the wall again and disappeared. “I’ll see you on the other side!”
Suneater, having been affected by Lemillion’s words, immediately changed his stance.
“You heard him loud and clear, right Suneater?” Blink scanned the walls to find a weak point. “Time’s of the essence.”
Before he could respond, the ground below them suddenly caved, sending them down one story. Eraser Head and Blink saw the opening for a brief moment, only to have the chance slip away. The group analyzed their surroundings, finding themselves in a room.
“We’re gettin’ farther away from the target!” Rocklock shouted. “They got us good!”
“Thanks for stating the obvious, genius,” Blink deadpanned and dusted herself off.
“Look who we got here. Government idiots droppin’ from the ceiling,” a voice emerged from the fog at the far end of the room. As it cleared, three people wearing plague masks emerged. As Fat Gum was preparing to fight, Suneater stopped him.
“Your powers are important to the mission. They’re just trying to slow us down...” he firmly stated. “I can take them on myself!”
“What the hell, dude?!” Red Riot complained. “We’ll do this together!”
“I’ll be your back-up,” Blink stated with determination.
One person wearing a small plague mask stared menacingly and agreed.
“More of you to slaughter. Sure. Come at us in a group.”
“Nobody draw your weapons!” the chief announced. “That’s Setsuno!”
“Oh I guess you know ‘bout me! No matter.” Setsuno drew his blade and initiated his attack. “It makes it easier to go crazy on you!”
Eraser Head quickly jumped into the fray, rendering Setsuno’s quirk useless for the time being. The second thug wearing a regular face mask drew his gun, only to be deflected by Fat Gum’s spinning jump attack, followed by Suneater’s octopus tentacles restraining them.
‘Larceny’.. Setsuno. ‘Crystallize’ … Hojo. ‘Food’… Tabe,” the hooded hero listed out. “Your fight’s with me!”
“Suneater, don’t be stupid–” Blink started.
“We stay here any longer, we’re playing into their hands!” he defied. “There’s not a moment to spare! Eraser needs to lead the way and the pro’s quirks need to be conserved. The police have their guns and you already have the power to smash through those changing walls. So go! I can keep these three occupied!”
Feeling the strong sense of resolve from Suneater’s words, the party hesitantly made their way to the door at the far end. It’s not the ideal situation, but it needed to be done.
As they separated, Suneater and Blink thought at the same time: Mirio’s going to take things too far and will need to be saved.
“Fat! Are you sure we should leave Suneater there?!” Red Riot asked out of worry.
“He’s one of yours, so it’s your call,” Rocklock replied. “I think it may be a bad idea.”
“He can do it,” Blink turned to the three and firmly responded. “Don’t underestimate Suneater.”
“He’s more capable than any of us here,” Fat Gum agreed. “He’s just lacks spirit from the pressure he puts on himself. So when he says he’ll deal with it, I believe him.”
Rushing through the corridors, the two U.A. students couldn’t help but worry about Suneater’s fight, to which Fat Gum had to re-instill his trust in his sidekick in them.
“When a guy says he’s got your back, you trust him like a real man!” he shouted.  
“Senpai’s the type of person whose actions speak louder than words,” Blink added. “He wouldn’t want us worrying over nothing.”
“But wait, something’s odd...” Deku looked around. “The walls aren’t shifting around anymore.”
“It must mean he doesn’t have full awareness of the basement if he’s letting us through like this,” Eraser Head concluded and saw the stairs. “The officers are up above and Suneater’s behind us… Maybe our villain’s attention is diverted.”
“So that means his real body’s nearby when he does shift the room,” Blink elaborated. “And he has to stick some part of his body to observe the situation, like his eyes.”
“Something still feels off.” The short green haired boy wiped some sweat from his chin with his gloved hand. “It’s too quiet.”
“You’re not wrong. This area would be the best place for a pincer ambush,” the hooded heroine pointed out.
In almost an instant, the wall immediately moved, separating Eraser Head from the rest of the party. The rolling hero dove right in and grabbed the tail end of his Capture Weapon, swinging him back to safety. Blink saw Fat Gum and Red Riot go through the hole, leaving her with the main group.
“Shit!” she hissed through gritted teeth. “At the rate we’re being separated…”
“They’ll be fine, Blink,” Eraser Head calmly responded. “We have other things to worry about.”
The walls around them were closing in quick. She did what she could with her staff and tried to pry apart two areas of shifting wall, only to have it rebound her weapon.
“Lockrock!” Nighteye called.
“Now you’re acting like a leader from your mismanagement?!�� he complained as he activated his quirk, Lockdown. “This way! I’ve locked this side off so it won’t shift anymore.”
As the group slowly shifted down an unknown path, Lockrock was using his ability to its maximum output, part of the living wall lunged out to attack the group. Deku’s kick and Blink’s staff quickly smashed it to pieces. The remaining police force could only stand idly by, unable to do anything but survive.
“If Fat Gum was still here, we coulda made our way through more smoothly!” the locking hero angrily shouted at Eraser Head.
“Less talking, more locking!” Blink shot back and broke through another wall attacking them with Deku.
“We’re getting no where!” the boy panted out in frustration and the walls suddenly opened up. A sudden commotion from above made Eraser Head instinctively react by pulling both students out of harm’s way. In doing so, they were separated from Nighteye, Rocklock and the cops by a wall.
“Hey are you guys okay?!” an officer asked from the other side of the wall, his voice crystal clear.
“The walls aren’t very thick, after all,” Nighteye realized.
Before they could respond, a sudden commotion of scuffling and bodies falling could be heard. Deku immediately acted and kicked the wall down, revealing two Rocklocks.
“An impostor appeared outta nowhere and attacked me!” the locking hero said. “Be careful. There’s new enemies.”
Eraser Head ran up to the other Rocklock and noticed a knife wound from on his hand.
“Midoriya, are you okay over there?”
“Yes, but we’ve gotta hurry—”
Catching onto Eraser’s reaction, all Blink could do was shout, “Deku, get away from him!”
As the fake Rocklock was about to stab Deku, Eraser activated his quirk, nullifying the impostor’s ability and revealed a high school girl with messy pig-tailed buns. He then wrapped his Capturing Weapon around her to restrain her movements.
“Toga Himiko?!” Deku shouted in shock.
“You remembered me!” she shouted with joy. Her lips broke into a deranged wide smile and blushed. “I’m so happy, Deku darling!”
“This is the end for you, Toga Himiko!” Eraser Head shouted, only to be glared at by the girl.
With her free arm, she flipped herself upward by balancing her palm on his weapon and stabbed him on his shoulder before retreating into the living wall from the momentum of her body.
“I’m all right! Don’t come any closer!” he heeded and held onto his wound.
“Who the hell was she?” Blink huffed out and ran up to Eraser to tend to his shoulder wound.
“Toga Himiko… she’s part of the League of Villains,” Deku answered. “Her quirk allows her to turn herself into other people somehow.”
“So our assumptions about the League’s relationship with them were wrong…” Eraser uttered out.
“Pick up the knife,” Eraser instructed. “Toga uses blood somehow with her quirk… And we need to tend to Rocklock’s bleeding.”
“I’m on it,” Blink confirmed and ran to the other hero’s side. Rocklock honestly rubbed her the wrong way, but he’s still a hero nonetheless. She reached into her bag and quickly triaged his wounds.
“Damn…it,” the locking hero coughed out.
“Save your energy. You’re gonna make it worse if you move now.”
“You’re healing me?” He let out with a defeated breath.
“If you rather die, I can stop,” she replied with a straight face while disinfecting the knife wound. He let out a light hiss of pain from the mild burning sensation. Blink held a piece of bandaged gauze on it before wrapping it up with the cloth bandages.
“I know you don’t like me…” Rocklock huffed out.
“You don’t say.”
“But thank you.”
His sudden change in demeanor made Blink freeze, her eyes widened to reflect the reaction. She turned and looked away with pouting lips. 
“Sorry…” she shyly mumbled out. “‘Bout my attitude in the meeting. I was just agitated.”
Rocklock huffed a sigh of relief with a smirk, laying his head back down for a momentary rest. Everything suddenly started shaking around them much more violently than last time.
“Someone’s getting angry,” Blink huffed out, watching rocky debris cascading down the cave and heard an indistinct voice within the walls screaming, “Kill! Kill! Kill!”
“Did you hear that?!” Eraser suddenly shouted, helping Blink with moving Rocklock.
The anger in the voice intensified, with Blink and Deku both immediately locating its source.
“Above us!” Blink shouted as Deku was already mid-action in kicking the ceiling wall, revealing Irinaka with just enough time for Eraser to use his quirk on him. Unable to use his ability now, the man found himself free falling down and turned to his left, screaming “You bastards!” to someone. Deku managed to catch him on time.
“It seems… we’ve been used,” Nighteye calmly said. “But thanks to that, we’re free of the labyrinth.”
While the cops were interrogating Irinaka, Deku and Eraser were concerned about the League of Villains appearance. Rocklock couldn’t stand this.
“Have you forgotten our top priority?!” he angrily shouted. “Leave the League to the cops. We’ve come this far! Think of everyone who’s bought us time to get to this point! Just go!”
The remaining heroes looked at each other and nodded, making their way down the now clear path. Deku stopped in his steps and turned back to Rocklock, shouting, “I’ll save her no matter what, Rocklock!” before rejoining Eraser Head, Nighteye and Blink.
As the group continued to carry out the mission, a sudden dull ache racked Blink’s body, stopping her in her steps. She could hear her heartbeat in her head all of a sudden, her breath jagged.
“Blink, are you okay?!” Deku asked with worry and placed his hand on her back.
She let out a shaky exhale and looked up at the green haired boy with crocodile tears threatening to leak out.
“Lemillion…” she uttered out and looked up with broken eyes. “We have to hurry to where he is.”
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 173: Campus Tour
Previously on BnHA: Class A hashed out everyone’s roles for the upcoming band performance/dance party. Momo wound up on keyboard, Jirou is doing vocals in addition to bass, and Kaminari and Tokoyami will be playing guitar. A staging team was also assembled, consisting of Aoyama, Sero, Kirishima, Kouda, and Shouto. And the rest of class A (as well as Aoyama again, for some reason) will be on the dance team. The next day Deku went to meet with All Might. He explained that he could only maintain 20% OFA for a short while and that it wasn’t enough to beat Overhaul and he needed some sort of long distance attack. All Might was all “then LET’S TAKE THIS OUTSIDE, SON”, and they went out to the forest and he had Deku activate 20% OFA and do a cool wind attack and fuck up some trees! And long story short, basically Deku has to learn how to utilize 20% OFA in just his hands rather than in full cowl, so that way he can whip out the wind attack whenever he wants without putting too much strain on himself. Having settled that, we then fast-forwarded one month later to the day of the cultural fest, (ETA: nope) with Mirio bringing Eri to U.A.
Today on BnHA: Mirio and Deku take Eri on a fun tour of U.A. to help her get a little more familiar with the place before the chaos and commotion of the festival. During the course of their wanderings they first come across the members of class B who are constructing the set and props for the fantasy play they’ll be doing in the festival. They then stop by to greet Hadou (who’s running for Miss Con which is basically a beauty pageant thing) and Tamaki before heading down to the support department, where they ooh and ahh at Mei’s cool giant robot. Finally they take a breather in the cafeteria and ask Eri what she thinks. She says she’s not sure, but since everyone is trying their hardest, she wants to see how it will turn out. The kids take that as a win, and Rat Principal -- who is sitting at a table nearby -- says that he’s excited too. We have a brief flashback to a meeting he had with the Commissioner General, who wanted U.A. to cancel the event. Rat Principal begged him to reconsider, saying that he felt it was necessary for the students. In the end they got the okay, on the stipulation that if the security is breached or the alarm goes off for any reason, the event will immediately be called off and evacuated. Back in the present, Deku bids Eri farewell, and one week later Mina abruptly boots him off of the dance team.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 199 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
did these motherfuckers really just spell Kacchan as Ka-chan
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(ETA: the Jaimini’s Box translations have had a lot of issues lately so I’ve mostly been sticking to Mangastream now)
also [whips out nerd glasses] according to the U.A. class schedule from the databook, the kids in fact do not have Saturdays off, typically. though maybe they have this specific Saturday off? since they said the temporary license course group also had a break
anyways, these guys are lucky that I’m in a super good mood and don’t feel like nitpicking too much BECAUSE!
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I’m going to create a new folder on my PC right now just for pictures of Iida dancing. once it is full I will post them all, and then whenever I am sad all I’ll have to do is go back and look at that post
(ETA: oh yeah I still need to do that at some point lol. when the going gets tough, remember Dancing Iida)
also it appears that Aoyama has fully jumped ship to the dance team, because the staging team is just Shouto, Sero, Kiri, and Kouda now
meanwhile Mirio is hiding in the bushes plotting some sort of hilarious entrance!
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also! I figured that since Eri was there, it must be the day of the festival! but I guess it isn’t! which means he’s brought Eri to hang out with all of her class A sibs early! WHICH MEANS THIS IS GOING TO BE MY FAVORITE CHAPTER OF ALL TIME, ISN’T IT
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I’m crying sob help
lmao Ojiro is all IS THAT SENPAI’S KID?? as though that’s somehow the ONLY POSSIBLE EXPLANATION. not his little sister, not his cousin, not even Aizawa’s kid despite him also being right there. nope. this must be Toogata Mirio’s illegitimate child
(ETA: Mangastream version just says “is that his kid” which makes me think he is in fact referring to Aizawa, which makes a lot more sense but is less hilarious though.)
Ochako and Tsuyu are immediately complimenting Eri’s fucking adorable outfit, which is 100% the correct reaction. FOR FUCK’S SAKE. HER FIRST TIME WEARING SHOES AND THEY GOT HER THE CUTEST FUCKING BOOTS IN THE WORLD. and the little kid purse that matches her outfit. I can’t
Mirio is now hauling himself out from the bushes dejectedly while Aizawa explains that they got permission from the principal to let her visit
apparently the principal quite rightly said that Eri should visit on a quieter day first so she could get used to being around people since she’s been cut off from society until now and they don’t want her to get overwhelmed
and she is indeed shyly running back to Mirio and taking his hand
so now Iida’s coming up to introduce himself
...and Mineta is officially being the MOST cancelled he’s ever been, holy fucking shit. usually I just ignore his crap, but jesus. “I’m looking forward to meeting you again in ten years!” he says. to a six-year-old. how the fuck is that funny. can’t Aizawa just fucking expel his ass already. can we just delete him already please. god
(ETA: it’s even worse coming right off of 172 where he was much more tolerable than usual. one step forward, ten million steps back. took so many fucking steps backward he went and tumbled off a fucking cliff good grief)
ugh. anyway, so Mirio’s asking Deku if he wants to come with them
they’re going to walk around U.A. with Eri and give her the tour I guess
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I was just thinking to myself, it didn’t seem right that all of the other interns got to say hi and not him!
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now they should go take her to watch the band practice because I want her to meet Bakugou. I just do. it could go very good or very bad but either way, I’m all in
(ETA: am I the only one who wants this?? I agree with the anon who said a while back that we have been robbed of Shouto+Eri interactions, but also! Bakugou Katsuki, who recently leveled up and got his babysitting certification! Bakugou, who would be so awkward around her, but supposing there was ever a crisis situation though? he would be super gruff and he’d tell her not to worry and that he won’t let anything happen to her and that if any villains try to start some shit he’ll kick their ass. Bakugou who wouldn’t be at all intimidated by her quirk and would think it’s badass. Bakugou who also knows what it’s like to be held prisoner by villains, even if it was only for a short while and under very different circumstances. idk you guys I just think there’s a lot of potential there and I’d love to see it. my list of people who I want to see interacting with Eri is getting fairly long by this point. and for that matter, Aizawa himself is on that fucking list too because even though he’s been acting as her guardian, it’s usually Mirio and Deku who interact with her directly.)
why are these weirdos putting their uniforms back on
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is there some rule that you have to be in uniform whenever you’re at school or what
(ETA: actually this is probably the case since everyone else also has either their regular or gym uniforms on)
anyway, they’re running across some third years from the business department, and they seem to know Mirio and they’re saying hi
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why is everyone on this damn campus jumping to this conclusion lmao
(ETA: and this time the MS translation is making the same joke. I think)
they’re handing out program fliers to him and Deku and telling them to come visit during the festival
oh dang
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holy shit. they’re really going all out. even for something like a culture festival, U.A. don’t play
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I love that Monoma appears to be standing up on tiptoes to peek at them excitedly. “FUCK YEAH TIME TO INDULGE IN MY FAVORITE PASTIME”
Deku’s asking Eri if she’s okay as though he’s not the one who nearly had a heart attack just now
she says she thought it was the “falling lady”, referring to Ryuukyuu. oh my god. so fucking cute I’m gonna die
(ETA: the notion that Eri’s lasting impression of Ryuukyuu is as the giant dragon that came busting through the roof just tickles me so fucking much you guys)
Monoma is declaring war as usual
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oh my god
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“completely original”
this is the best joke ever if this translation is accurate. please be accurate. class B you are giving me life right now
(ETA: you bet it’s accurate. and since this is the future, THIS SHIT IS ALL IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN NOW, Y’ALL. so put those lawyers away and prepare yourselves for the fantasy epic of a lifetime)
Awase is knocking him out and apologizing because Kendou wasn’t there so “he went unchecked”
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(ETA: yet another mistranslation from Jaimini but CAN YOU IMAGINE THOUGH. but yeah, obviously what he’s actually saying is that Kendou is running)
Deku’s still shocked and says Aizawa didn’t say a single word to them about Miss Con. probably because he wasn’t able to mention it to you all at a time when Mineta was conveniently out of the room
(ETA: and also because it’s the least rational thing in the world and he will be DAMNED if his kids get caught up in that nonsense when they have more important things to be doing)
Mirio is apologizing to Eri for “suddenly showing you U.A.’s bad side” lmao
look at his face though
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“I’m sorry Eri. Monoma was acting like a cotton-headed ninny muggins”
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she’s got it in the bag this year for sure
she’s floating over to say hi!
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Deku is so flustered he can’t even make eye contact. U.A.’s very own awkward bi icon
Hadou’s saying that she’s never won and that there’s a girl in the class G support team who beats her every year
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in a world of quirks, it occurs to me that even lashes like this might legitimately be “maybe she’s born with it” and not automatically “maybe it’s maybelline”
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Hadou is smiling and saying that this year she’ll definitely win
I’m amazed and pleased that she hasn’t started asking Eri inappropriate questions. even she can respect boundaries when it’s important! UNLIKE SOME CANCELLED PURPLE FUCKS
ohhh snap now they’re stopping by the development studio
okay now this looks more like what I was expecting the last time we saw this place
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Mirio says they’re preparing for the technology exhibition that they hold every year. apparently it gets a lot of media attention
oh here we go
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so she’s showing off her latest giant robot, and they’re acting appropriately impressed. everyone loves giant robots
she says that for the hero department, the sports festival is where they garner attention. but now their department gets to be the main attraction
although, given the type of attention the sports festival garnered, you might want to reconsider being so pleased about that
also, didn’t Aizawa say that this year’s festival would be more lowkey due to all the shit that’s gone down recently? I mean, that’s the plan, anyway. apparently we’re going to be invaded by a gentlevillain so we’ll see how that actually goes
oh shit, Mei’s robot just blew the fuck up
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(ETA: you guys I’m so excited I finally got to the part of the manga where Shinsou Does Stuff Again. you don’t even know)
so now they’re at the cafeteria and Eri’s sitting down with some juice
they’re asking what she thought and whether she thinks she’ll be comfortable at the festival
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she is so good so pure I love her please protect her always!!!
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Rat Principal says he’s also excited for the culture festival and that the students always do their best to create a good time for everyone
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I’m so curious to hear more about U.A.’s behind the scenes struggles. dammit. Rat Principal always gotta keep a tight lid on gossip
now he’s walking off and telling them to enjoy the festival to their heart’s content
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well now we finally know who this guy is. this is the second time we’ve seen him; the first was right after All Might’s retirement
he’s not wrong. U.A. has been a magnet for trouble lately, and they have several students who are known targets of the League. not to mention a weakened All Might. basically another attack is probably inevitable at some point, and they don’t want to test fate, because if there is an attack and anything goes wrong, that’s probably it for the school and that’s the last thing they need. they desperately need this place to stay open
Rat Principal acknowledges that he’s right, but he says that he considers this event to be necessary for the kids
and that’s true also! they really need the morale boost right about now. they’ve had one hell of a year
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Rat Principal, you’re really not so bad for a totally evil guy
so they apparently worked out an agreement, and have fortified security yet again, and if by any chance an alarm sounds -- even if it’s false -- they will immediately suspend activities and evacuate
back in the cafeteria, Midnight says that talk of class A’s program has even made it to the staff room, and she’s telling them to work hard
well of course class A was discussed in the staff room. I imagine they’re the number one subject of gossip most of the time no matter what
Eri’s asking what Deku’s class is doing, and he’s explaining that it’s going to be a dance party
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this chapter cleared my skin and watered my crops you guys and it’s just the best
and now we’re cutting to one week later
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ah well. at least he has an adorable little munchkin of a sibling whom he can now spend the day wandering the school with again, maybe. and beating back gentlevillains with his new finger cowl wind move
there is a bonus page but I’m short on time today to include it, so I’ll just throw it in there tomorrow instead! plus ultra!
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This is All Temporary
This Is All Temporary by Rainosa
“Of course I want to be a hero,” he is able to grind out, and he finds he is gripping the fabric of his pants with white knuckles, unable to let go. All Might nods, gently and without judgement, “Then why, exactly, did you decide to stop going to your classes?” “Because I can't,” Mirio hisses, grip tightening. Once again, he can't look All Might in the eye. “Don't you get that? I want to, but I can't without my–... my quirk. I'm a civilian now.” “So you believe that without a quirk, one cannot be a hero?” -------- Mirio is waiting patiently for his quirk to come back so he can continue his hero training, but with every day that goes by, that future seems to drift further and further out of reach. Still, he looks after Eri everyday, and accepts that his life is going to be terrible until Sir Nighteye's prediction can come true. The people around him just can't seem to understand that.
Words: 15152, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Toogata Mirio, Midoriya Izuku, Eri, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shinsou Hitoshi, Hadou Nejire, Ishiyama Ken | Cementoss, Sir Nighteye (Mentioned)
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Toogata Mirio, Eri & Toogata Mirio, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Toogata Mirio, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Quirkless Toogata Mirio, Quirkless Discrimination, Internalized Quirkless Discrimination, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Character Study, maybe?? i just want to see how mirio feels about being quirkless, Post-Overhaul Arc, i know mirio said he's okay with everything but, no hes not, also all might thinks he is being helpful but hes completely clueless, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Eri, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Nezu makes a brief appearance
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26709409
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alterlifes-a · 6 years
i love u and the psd u have for mirio is beautiful!!! can u rec some bnha blogs? or maybe anime blogs in general, thank u!
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you want blog recs ?! i got blog recs ! also , i did have another anon a few months ago asking for blog recs , so i’ll only be recommending b.nha blogs , since i can do non - b.nha blogs another day ! ALSO , thank you so much for your input on my psd for mirio  !!  i’m so proud of it , as well tbh !  ❤︎ i’m putting this under a read more so i can gush and not clog up peoples’ dashes !! also these are in order of my following list rn , so it’s in no specific order .
@dualbred  /  @soarsun  /  @eletriq  /  sunny’s other blogs  ❤︎  sunny is someone whose name describes what they are perfectly : he’s a ray of sunshine in your day ! he’s very charming, creative, and sweet, and he’s the perfect person to go to if you want to plot and walk out of the conversation just . screaming . whether that’s good or bad , depends .@frogblep  ❤︎  idk if birdie is okay with a lot of people following since they’re really private + super mutuals-exclusive, but they’re so cute and have such a great personality ! 10/10 would chirp .@ichorsun  ❤︎  wow i love hide the canon character . but for real , rye has such a well - crafted oc , and this blog deserves all the attention it can get !@dprssin  /  @quirkgifter  /  @mcka  ❤︎  listen i know nanners is on hiatus cause the fandom sucks ( which is why i also linked his d . va ) , but that doesn’t erase the fact that he’s got one of the best [ and only , from what i’ve seen hsdkfjs ] nanas out there . also , we support n adore his native american mixed aizawa , thank you . @toughfist​  /  @torncape  /  @tailsfur  ❤︎  nora is so so kind and honestly just a huge burst of sunshine in your day ! also sakkun is such a cute oc tbh . it’s obvious she puts a lot of love into her muses , so go check out her blogs !!@knowthem​  /  @inneall​  ❤︎  i haven’t interacted much with jade yet , but honestly if you write iida i already trust you … sfkjs but honestly speaking , jade is a welcome and warm presence on the dash . just having them around is grounds for a good time !@pyrrhe​  /  @spireheart​  ❤︎  ram my love … my buddy in great music taste … she’s your local lesbian who’s here to kick butt and write amazing replies and guess what … she’s all out of butts to kick .@sepiternal​  /  @amariodal​  /  @hwitzr​  /  @solsace​ ( shut up , will’s an anime — )   ❤︎  rory literally made a mirio because i wanted one , what more could you ask out of a son … but really , he’s one of my longest standing friends and no matter rain or shine , i know i can count on them to be vivacious and original @lacquarms​  /  @jetlegs​  ❤︎  if anything happened to theus i will personally manifest in every tumblr user’s room and delete all of their blogs and destroy the entire website myself . but tbh , theus is so amazing and charismatic !! 100% recommendation from me@whiphero​  ❤︎  hansie is just one of those people who , like , you see a new blog followed you and you go to check it out , then you see hansie’s name on there and it’s just an instant follow tbh .@palmfed​  /  @wuvlite​  /  @dphium​  ❤︎  punpun is always very funny and super multifaceted in his skills … he has so much creative energy , but also he’s the друг friend so like . tread carefully . oh . he’s already there . clicking the follow button . you’re on your own now . godspeed .@amerismash​​  ❤︎  FOSTEEEER [ i yell so loud i break the sound barrier ] follow foster , just trust me on this . you won’t regret it .@tikkvn​  /  @montlady​​  ❤︎  cass radiates big lesbian energy by merely existing and if that’s not the kind of presence you aim to be … but for real , befriending cass is going to be nothing but fun times and a nonstop waterfall of support . they’re so lovely and super valid and just the kind of person you naturally want as a friend !@ohaul​​  ❤︎  i’ve yet to interact much with veggie , but honestly ? i already trust them . sfhjdks but seriously , they seem real cool ! doctors say you need veggies everyday so here’s a perfect chance for you to get your daily dose !@c0py​​  ❤︎  bruno this icon of yours radiates so much chaotic feeling … but honestly , bruno is great and you gotta check out their monoma 10 / 10 say critics ( me )@natsutodoroki​​  /  @ksri​  /  @negativeat​  ❤︎  i’m not over the fact that you managed to get such canon urls but hskfjds clarrie is honestly such a kind and charismatic person , and the way she writes her muses makes it evident they put a lot of thought into how the character is portrayed in canon itself . also natsuo is clarrie’s oc i don’t make the rules .@heartmindcd​​  ❤︎  okay first of all , can i just say : vincent’s art ? [ fans myself … ] but honestly as a fellow artist in the rpc , i love seeing other muns’ art on my dash and vincent is no exception . he has such a distinct style , and this also translates into how he portrays shinsou ! he obviously has a good handle on how shinsou works as a character , and seeing him in my notes or on the dash is always grounds to make me smile !@yunihon​​  ❤︎  endy is the best , eri is the best … but seriously , endy’s eri ( that sounds like a tongue twister ) is amazing . 5/5 best daughter , would adopt and protect from all harm ( please protect eri from all harm )@charistatic​  /  @ofiignition​​  ❤︎  i have so many feelings for gina and tbqh they are all positive . we kind of brushed shoulders with one another in a previous fandom , but now that i’ve gotten to better know her , i can say for sure that i will personally destroy you with both my hands if you make gina upset in any way . but for real , she’s caring and so fun to be around . also we scream about promised neverland together , i mean , what’s not great about that ?!@riteous​​  ❤︎  eulalie has a b.nha verse on this blog so i’m putting them here .  ok ok but thanos is singlehandedly one of my most favourite oc’s in the world . whenever eulalie posts about them i’m just : eyes : : ok_hand : : 100 : … also they look … stunning . seriously , if you’re going to follow eulalie for like the most bare bone reason , follow because their muse is the prettiest but stay because the mun is a wonderful person .@faceplain​​  ❤︎  kit’s sero is iconic … you should check out their blog !! and if not it’s okay , i’m activating my own tape quirk to slingshot you over there right now as i type .@trapsminds​​  ❤︎  i literally look at sunne’s icon on my dash and i immediately light up into a smile , and if that isn’t any indication that this is a shinsou worth following then idk what ever will be .@bgku​  /  @kwurk​​  ❤︎  CLOOOOOOO —- [ i continue this for 3 hours straight until you click clo’s blog ] ok but really i love clo’s headcanons for bakugou so much … even the smallest , two word post will leave me going :D !!@raijima​  /  @slipstep​​  ❤︎  ryou has a b.nha verse so i’m putting him on here too but also vanur is such an imaginative person and i love every single idea that pops out from his head . he writes such amazing and divine original characters , they feel like they’re real and palpable .@tapeties​  /  @exposensei​​  ❤︎  REID I GIVE YOU ALL MY LOVE RIGHT NOW !!! tbh when i think of aizawa , i just think of reid in general … his penmanship with any character is * chef - kisses my fingers *@chargebolted​  /  @noquirk​​  ❤︎  if you’re not following prince i’m going to come into your house and steal all of your left shoes . ok but really , prince is not only inventive and innovative , he puts a unique and loving touch on every single character he writes . literally ! what more can you ask for ?! i actually mix myself up because i’m so accustomed to writing about / with his deck that i forget he isn’t canon , which . hello , hori ? do it . now . puppeteer and analyzer spin off WHEN !?@trickry​​  ❤︎  you’re lucky i’m putting you on here because i literally hovered over your blog just to double check things like i did with everyone else’s and i got met with that stupid header oh my go — ( but follow hunni actually )@thuskindlyiscatter​​  ❤︎  what do you mean ruby isn’t a canon bnha character ( august just ended but i’m extending it . today is august 37th . so you have to follow august during this month . )@rdriots​​  ❤︎  you know how sometimes you just associate a mun or muse with one another ? like , if you thought of the name tooru , a lot of people would think of me ? i think of kiri and one of the first blogs that comes into mind is this one , because leo’s kiri is just that iconic .@viperot​​  ❤︎  don’t follow if you don’t want madoka to release 10 , 000 snakes into your muse’s house . actually it doesn’t matter , they’re going to do it anyway . i hear their reviews on yelp are awful , though :(  in all seriousness , lemon is one of the best muns i know out there . they’re naturally just a great person . #geminisolidarity@scartar​​  ❤︎  i would kill for zander . like . literally . i would kill for zander . seeing zander on my dash brings me so much unbridled joy … also they’re the person who likes every single one of your posts , get THAT kind of support in your life tbh .@quirkedit​  /  @heartslight​​  ❤︎  sparky log onto your monoma . sparky log onto your monoma . log onto your monoma , sparky . sp@ondespair​​  /  @onfaith​  ❤︎  who is this man i don’t know him he just randomly appeared on this blog rec and definitely does not have a super well - thought out and developed oc .@killslove​​  ❤︎  rose logged onto his himiko yesterday and i am still screaming about it more than 24 hours later … but honestly , rose puts SOOOOOO SO SO SO SO much thought into how himiko works as a character , and that makes me happy because i also wrote / psychoanalyzed her for a brief moment and tbh rose ? articulates all of that research into a well fleshed out and believable interpretation of her .@creatied​​  ❤︎  i went to type in the url but then just typed in ‘ maddy ’ like an idiot . but yeah . maddy . she’s beauty she’s grace she loves momo so much and you can very much tell . she isn’t super active rn and that’s understandable but whenever she does post i am heart eyes !@implosiveexplosive​​  ❤︎  HONESTLY JUST LOOK AT JAY’S WRITING AND TELL ME YOU WOULDN’T FOLLOW OH MY GOD IT’S GORGEOUS@boydazzle​​  ❤︎  egg est un auteur magnifique ! aussi … voulez-vous du fromage ? :)@keiuu​​  ❤︎  QUEENIE IS LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE ON THIS WEBSITE this isn’t even my opinion it’s literally a FACT  thank you goodBYE@aerve​​  ❤︎  can you tell i’m writing so much i’m running out of things to say without just repeating 20239 times that everyone is amazing ( which they are ) anyway coral is one of said people who i can use a billion adjectives to describe positively and yet my brain is churning out none . but coral ? valid . so valid . also gr8 art amazing beautiful wondrous@halfher​​  ❤︎  i think out of everyone here , kaien is the person who has known me the longest … honestly kaien has the skill to be a full - fledged published author at this point and you can’t convince me otherwise . i’ve seen them improve and grow in the 3 or so years between when we first interacted and now … i’m so proud of them tbh !@juuheart​​  ❤︎  i love notay the canon bleach character bUT ALSO NIQUE STOP HURTING HER !! >:((( but also follow nique so you can become attached to notay and yell every time nique hurts her — KJSFFNSDJK@negatiiv​​  ❤︎  hands down one of the most well - done / well - executed oc’s on here . there’s so much development that’s gone on with emi , it’s unbelievable . but also [ naruto vc ] believe it@anquished​​  ❤︎  jihoon is my son and izuku is tooru’s son need i say more i mean really … but also jihoon writes such a unique take on izuku and i love his portrayal so much @faulterd  ❤︎   rOWAN’S MOMO IS SO AMAZING IT’S LIKE I’M READING EVERY INTERACTION STRAIGHT FROM THE MANGA ITSELF !!!@quirkthief  ❤︎  oh my god i’m posting all of these blogs in the reverse order that i followed them from and i literally had to go through 700 followers to finally find connor all the way in the first few hundred i followed after making the blog … how long … is that … how lONG HAVE I KNOWN CONNOR ?! but existential crisis aside , connor’s afo is like … the one canon afo for me lmao . i could write a huge tangent on how much i appreciate him but honestly if you follow him and talk to him you’ll know already . but also be warned cause you’re basically already going to be placed in the afo cult and there’s no escaping please help me i—@greaterhero  /  @conhnhaketon  ❤︎   i literally had to find an excuse to put ro on this because they’re not even an anime blog and they hate the b.nha fandom ( hecking valid if you ask me ) but i want to put them here anyway because you need to follow ro … how are you following me but not them … okay but for real , they’re smart n kind n super fun to talk to ! love forever … and also huge respect tbh …@mightyfrail  ❤︎   a wonderful wonderful all might honestly hsdfjs i’ve been following this blog for soooo long it’s literally … illegal that we’ve yet to interact what the heckie … but yeah , all might is a trans icon there is nothing you can do to convince me otherwise 
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man-i-dont-know · 6 years
BNHA Chapter 183-185: Thoughts and Spoilers
Aiight I’ll be honest, i had to go back and see how many chapters behind I was, summer got me in a funk. So if I did three whole chapters I would bore myself to death so I’ll be selective about what I talk about. With that said, let’s get into it.
The festival turned out great and while Deku was scolded it was only minor, which I am happy about because it shows that Deku made some of the best choices he could and the pros recognize that. Eri had a lot of fun (which is all that matters), the upperclassmen apologized, and the beauty pageant was won by Nejire (she was phenomenal, flying around like a fairy confirmed her victory). On top of all that, Deku somehow found time to make candied apples for Eri since the school wasn’t selling them. Anything with Eri is heartwarming.
Gentle and La Brava are being questioned, but is seems that the police officer that is interrogating Gentle is actually quiet understanding and hasn’t full condemned him as a criminal. Well like he obviously is a criminal but the officer is... sympathetic. Or at least not as hard as he could be. I really like this touch for a handful of reasons. A lot of series that deal with villains don’t exactly deal with them legally (a.k.a., beating the tar outta them), but when it is done, the outcome is essentially predetermined. What I’m getting at is that justice systems in action comics of any type are painfully rigid and or simplified so that the villain having been beat is a guarantee that they will be in prison forever and simply isn’t an issue anymore. I would give One Piece as an example for a rigid/simple justice system, but the only prison we have really seen has been broken into and out of so that doesn’t really apply. I suppose that the “jury” works for my example, meaning One Piece courts are really straight forward, just not really the actual containing of prisoners. So seeing Hero Academia put effort into  making the system seem much deeper and much more real is greatly appreciated (though I could argue that since there is more emphasis on it, the likelihood of something going wrong is much higher, like prison break theories that have floated around since when Stain was arrested).
Next chapter starts with the surprise announcement that Eri will be living at UA (dreams do come true). It is for public safety reasons but I will take it. Amajiki suggests that it is actually possible that with time, Mirio could make a return to the heroing world, but I think that statement will just get our hopes up so I am not listening to it at the moment. The Wild Wild Pussycats, plus Kouta, makes a surprise appearance and a handful of nice things occur. Tiger apologizes to Bakugou for not being able to prevent his kidnapping (Bakugou shrugs it off); Kouta is embarrassed but is already buying Deku merch (rockin’ red shoes); Ragdoll is still without a quirk, but will be taking a desk job to provide support; and the Pussycats are thrilled with how high their Billboard Hero chart ranking is and want to continue to work for their fans. Their is an ominous monologue that All for One gives in his prison cell, about wanting to get out to “give back” the quirks he stole (honestly, villain dialogue has so much potential when they can offer something nice and it still come off as a threat). Then we see the Top Ten Heroes. Almost all the familiar faces have some kinda costume upgrade which makes me wonder if that changing costumes just happens all the time or if it is a response to All Might retiring, though almost anything could be a result of All Might retiring. Dragon lady Ryukyu is there, Old Man Samurai has a rad design, there is a washing machine, Kamui Woods is 7th which surprised me, I didn’t realize he was that popular, there’s an aggressive rabbit lady, Edge Shot, Best Jeanist, Hawks and Endeavor.
The next chapter begins with a brief speech and each of the top ten are suppose to give their remarks. Hawks seems to be the restless type and is whispering to Endeavor before the introduction is over. Seeing he won’t get a response for the fire man, Hawks zips his lips shut (that motion struck me cause I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else do that in a comic, besides the CP9 guy in One Piece but that is an extreme). The first handful of heroes give pretty generic speeches, with the exception of the Rabbit Girl who calls out all villains and that she is ready to beat the crap outta them. Hawks, now thoroughly bored/irritated, cuts off (unzips his lips cause they were still zipped from when he tried to talk to Endeavor) Edge Shot who is talking about conserving the peace, saying “Who cares?” Edge Shot isn’t surprised by this and the Rabbit Girl respects his guts to do that, Hawks then snatches the microphone and gives his own speech.
This speech kinda threw me for a loop and I had to think about it for a while, and my interpretation may be quite different from yours so bear with me. He starts off by saying that the most important thing right now is the approval ranking, which is only one of the factors that goes into this ranking system. He says we can no longer stick to the status quo, we can’t do things as we have before now that they are missing their symbol. He calls out the other heroes for not changing during this major transition period, he wants the heroes to act their part and talk like heroes. My interpretation from this is that the current hero system only worked because of All Might, and now that he ‘s gone, it can’t continue like this. That tied in with the fact that he favors approval ratings above all else, what I am guessing his goal is to change the public’s opinion of heroes in general and gain their support. He is already suggesting to do what the principal at UA is trying to accomplish, mass produce heroes in the absence of their symbol. Hawks goes a step beyond saying that the only way to win is if we have the approval rating of All Might among all of our heroes. He goes on later to say to Endeavor that he doesn’t want to be All Might nor does he want to be a leader, so the idea of trying to make a whole slew of heroes the symbol would make sense since if there is only one symbol, one hero falling brings all the peace with it. So that’s what I think he was getting at, we need the people to trust us again, but the current heroes aren’t doing anything to actually fill that gap (at the end of his speech the narrator comments that Hawks is 22 and rose to the top ten when he was only 18, which by then he had his own agency, the kid is a damn powerhouse and is funny but is arrogant as well).
Hawks hands the microphone over to a genuinely pissed Endeavor, who says that despite trying to stir up trouble, Hawks kinda had a point, and that all he has to say is “Just Watch Me.” But how he said it is filled with power and confidence and shook an audience who had been shook by a loud mouth bird man. Off stage Endeavor is pissed off and trying to get answers from Hawks, who laughingly said that he did what was necessary, shook things up, and set the stage for Endeavor. Hawks was actually quite impressed with how Endeavor handled the situation, and then asked a serious question. Hawks is having Nomu activity in his part of town and he wants Endeavor to team up and help out. The next scene is someone from the League of Villains talking to a Nomu named “High End” who is not only bigger and with a much more badass design, but is also intelligent and capable of understanding and replicating speech and taking orders. High End gets me so hyped up but also strikes fear into me because we know how powerful Nomus are, and this one is obviously much, much more dangerous. And that how the chapter ends.
I am purposefully leaving out discussion about the relation between Hawks and Icarus because by now you’ve probably seen it. This analysis really watered down Hawk’s character, but I do like him quite a bit, if he shows some genuine niceness, then he will become a fast favorite, I just worry his arrogance will be too much (again, Icarus). I would pay to see Tokoyami’s internship with Hawks cause I think Hawks would be chill with whatever edgy thing Tokoyami said but still have no real clue what he actually said. One last thing: I spoke with a friend about how some of the heroes don’t really seem to belong in the top ten (mainly the washing machine), but I look at it this way, ostracizing people in this universe doesn’t really occur because your quirk is “weird.” My case is that both of Tsuyu’s parents are straight up frogs, her friend is a snake with hair, trash grape boy is a trash grape boy and every hates him cause he’s a pervert and not because he is three foot flat with odd hair and a diaper, Sero has tape in his elbows, just to name a few. Our weird doesn’t really work in Hero Academia, so a washing machine in the top ten wouldn’t be strange if he has the credentials (I also said that Mister Clean is probably more famous than some sport stars, and that was the argument that convinced her so I’m not sure if my other one needs more work).
So that is it. Thank you for sticking to the end and reading all, some, or just parts of it, I write these just to get ideas out there and start conversations. Take what you want from my opinions and ideas if that will start a discussion. Again, thank you fro reading, and I hope you have a great day.
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