#El’s very sweet
nerdieforpedro · 3 months
El, you spoil me. 🥹 Also don’t worry I am wearing both pants and knickers today. (a fun joke you may not remember but I do 🤣🤣🤣)
I am cute. 🥰 Thank you. You’re cute too and I will gladly chat about any and all songs we both may think are on Marcus Pike’s cassette tapes. I know he has slow jams, crime solving mix, contemplating life mix, songs with dope bass so he can refresh his guitar skills and white noise to sleep.
Does he have more El?
What your followers think of you?
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fauvester · 19 days
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clays 11.. a professional robber organizes a ragtag team of thiefs to steal a fortune and his ex-fed ex-husband from his frenemy casino magnate martin van buren
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re: your steve kisses everybody post, hear me out: Eddie is like, "I know this is new for you..." and Steve goes, "Well, I mean, me and the basketball team used to mess around but it wasn't, like, REAL." and Eddie goes, "...what?" Steve says, "Well like, we would make out and sometimes touch but not in a REAL way." And Eddie gets a little panicked and is like "what? What?? you-- the team-- that's not-- what?" And Steve goes, "I mean, just normal messing around." "That's not normal!" Eddie says and Steve is like "No it totally is." and Eddie goes to Lucas to try and convince Steve and I know one joke is Lucas going um no?? but imho it's funnier if Lucas goes, "I mean yeah, when we were hyped up or having fun, it's not a big deal. I've gone further roleplaying with the Party." Steve gets all smug and Eddie has a breakdown picturing the locker room being one of those girls-at-a-slumber-party-gone-sexual-fantasies
i hadn't considered where the party stood on the 'is making out with your friends a fun bonding activity' debate bc they register as infant children to me, but given that they're entering high school and will likely be beginning to experiment with that it is hilarious to think about where they fall on that
el is 100% team fun bonding activity i think. given the opportunity i think she would give everyone in her friend group a lil smooch bc she loves affection in all its forms and loves to give it to and receive it from the people she cares about
lucas and max are kind of on the fence bc they're together, but i think they are inherently both team fun bonding activity but refrain for each other's sake. until they realise it's fine and then they're congratulating each other on good kisses
dustin is team what the fuck are you talking about. his lips are for suzie and suzie only and the fact that lumax and el are chill about it baffles him
mike is also team what the fuck are you talking about but this is bc a) he has no game and b) the one time he tried to kiss a friend and have it be chill he chose will as his kissee and felt weird about it, so he assumes it's just impossible to kiss someone without feeling weird about it
will is originally team what the fuck are you talking about but that's the repression talking. after he's more comfortable in himself he's like actually yknow what!! yeah!! i can just have a lil fun!! just a sweet lil kiss!!!! and he kisses lucas 100% purely for fun while max and el cheer and mike continues to feel weird
steve and eddie hear about the general consensus towards friend-kissing in the party and after being like ew no it's actually illegal for high school freshmen/ now sophomores to be kissing each other (blatant hypocrisy on steve's part) steve takes this as a monumental win for the friend-kissers
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izayoichan · 7 months
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A librarians marriage. 🎶
(Poses by @simmireen )
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i-mybrunettelady · 6 months
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hurray, hurray, its arsonday!
or, in other news, mr elandrin over here is now three years old in game! it feels like a decade, honestly. in the three years he's been around, and last year alone, he's garnered not only a fully fledged au outside of guild wars, but also the realization that he is the blueprint of all my male asshole characters. he may be tiny, but he casts long ass shadows. he's very meaningful to me for a lot of reasons, and though his headspace is uncomfortable to be in sometimes, such is anger itself. in other news, he's the angry spiritual dad to a whole host of angry spiritual sons.
and i love him immensely, he's very neat i'd say (and you HAVE to agree or else you're ash or something.) here's to many more years of arson, kiddo <3
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age-of-moonknight · 7 months
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“Vengeance Never Dies,” Moon Knight: City of the Dead (Vol. 1/2023), #5.
Writer: David Pepose; Penciler: Marcelo Ferreira; Inker: Jay Leisten; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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lizzibennet · 1 year
omg my friend from middle school with whom i had one of Those Homoerotic Friendships™️ every gay has had is engaged to a girl!!!!!!!!!! WHAT
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I honestly don't know why I decided to scroll through the Mike hate tag
I knew it would piss me off
I was just curious as to what they were saying about my boy
But, you know, it's all dumb shit
Saw a lot of people encouraging Jonathan to literally beat up Mike in season 5
Like okay, good to know you want Jon to go to jail and Will and Nancy and pretty much everybody to be absolutely pissed at him
I don't wanna rant too much but,,,
What's the point of so many byler shippers hating on Mike??? Like, "Oh my gosh, Mike is a complete oblivious asshole, he should go die in a hole but I really hope him and Will finally get together next season, HAHA" like what??? How does that make any sense to anybody??
Also a lot of people being like, "Oh, Mike and El are gonna breakup and then El's gonna see the "real" Mike for the first time because she no longer has him on a pedestal and she's gonna see how badly he treats Will and then she's gonna be totally pissed at him and hate him so much, lmao" like are you guys serious???
OH and some of my favorites are the ones saying that in season 5, they want literally everyone (yes, everyone. Even Joyce and Nancy and Will and El. Literally the entire main cast) to turn against Mike because they all "realize he's a major asshole who does and says nothing right and treats them all like shit" so therefore he apparently deserves no love from anyone ever
Oh, and don't even get me started on the amount of people claiming they want season 2 Mike back because "he was the best" and "he was the happiest" and "he treated everyone way better" and "he was so much nicer to Will", etc., etc.
If I see one more person claiming that season 2 was Mike's best/happiest season, I will not apologize for my resulting actions
So, anyways, that's the end of my little rant. In conclusion, I should really stop peeking at the Mike hate tags because they always do nothing but piss me off, so yeah, there's that
Have a good day all of my lovely followers and mutuals that I very much love and appreciate, hope you're doing great!!!! 💜💜💜
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manichewitz · 3 months
just got hit on in spanish by an employee at dominos. this is what learning a second language is all about
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graciousdragon · 5 months
"And should I be shocked now, by the last thing you said?
Before I pull this trigger, your eyes vacant and stained
And in saying you loved me made things harder, at best..."
in other words: fuck it we ball, i drew my AU version of Showtime Dawko with a palette colorpicked from the album cover of My Chemical Romance's "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" because the brainrot is real 👍
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am i super proud of this? eh. but i also haven't drawn digitally in literal months (thanks college) and if i'm gonna get back to it then i gotta start somewhere and i never post art anywhere so uh. i might as well now!
i still love Glitching Fates so much don't worry it is still on my mind 24/7 but unfortunately i almost never have time to dedicate to talking about it and also i am. Very Bad at putting my thoughts into words lmao
this is actually kinda lore tho. btw. lol. :]
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thefabelmans2022 · 1 year
i kinda think of the canon stranger things ships only lucas and max would actually stay together after high school.
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dropthedemiurge · 1 year
Ehehehe. Who knew I'd write GramBlack dangerously drinking together today, but I did. And you're all very welcome to read it!:D
Pairing: Black/Gram (Not Me TV 2021)
Warnings: Blood, Alcohol, Knives (but not in a bad kind of way!)
Summary: Gram + alcohol + weapons + hopeless crush = BAD.
Words: 2 077
Written for One Year of Not Me Week: Day 3 [Favourite ship + Blood + Drunken shenanigans]
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earthbaby-angelboy · 7 months
part 4 of el being affectionate! (some of these are people being affectionate with him, but y’all get my point🥰)
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sadboyhrs · 1 year
is wip wednesday still a thing
During the winter months, when an extended darkness shortened the day, she used to scamper into Will’s room, huddling under his mountain of blankets. Her own room was bare, a few decorations and pictures scattered around – but nothing at all like Will’s. The sunny yellow walls exuded a palpable sense of warmth and intimacy, comforting her whenever she came in. The walls had been adorned with posters of bands and movies she couldn’t care less about, and a collection of well-loved toys had taken up any free surface. The room had a lived-in quality, a place where memories were made and cherished – a softness to the space that enveloped anyone who entered it with a sense of safety and comfort. It was as though the room had the power to embrace her, a comforting hug that felt like her brother.
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eluminium · 7 months
El, have you ever considered that Skizz and Doc?
i have not. but now i do. they would be terrifying. insano even. they'd make the blowing up of bread bridge look like a funny haha prank. they'd seduce rendog by just existing. it would be glorious.
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mate-y-viajecito · 8 months
There was an event in my nephew's kindergarten where family members preferably not the parents were invited to participate. I went to support him but I didn't expect him to acknowledge me, he is autistic and he has his own way of interacting with people and things and I respect that, we get along great when I babysit because I don't force him to engage with me, I just steer his play somewhere else if he's doing something he's not supposed to be doing. But when he saw me in his class and I said hi he started jumping up and down and smiling, he sat with me on the floor when we had to sing and when it was time to leave he held my hand because he didn't want me to go. Idk, I just love him so much.
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