#Dr Silas
half-life-stellar · 7 months
Blog Start!
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(you spot Dr Silas on the tram, reading a newspaper)
(what do you do?)
|| blog run by @transpuppetboy / @chumtoads-r-cool ||
|| askers can be interns, scientists, or security guards at the moment. blog starts pre-ResCas ||
|| you can interact in character with an OC, but I will be picky ||
|| I will sometimes post OOC art & such. that will be referred to as "break time" ||
|| and most important, have fun! I certainly will be ||
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Nandys sits in an office across from his (and by association, Apollo's) therapist, Dr. Silas. However, Nandys will not acknowledge Silas as such, for he claims that no insect, especially a Witch, could ever hope to understand him. He was dragged here by Apollo, who suspects Nandys has unresolved feelings-- Not only for their mutual love, Henrieta, but from something else in Nandys' past.
Silas smiles. "It's not every day I get a Dragon for a patient."
Nandys grimaces. "That is because we don't need your fucking help."
Silas looks down at his lap where his pad and pen are, which are laid comfortably on the surface of his smooth, long, black skirt. He is doing his best to choose his next words carefully. He looks back up at Nandys.
"I get that you don't think much of me. I can't really blame you. But I do think highly of you. That's why I want to help you, Nandys. In fact, there are a lot of us out there that see you as worthy of dignity and respect, as a figure who inspired our way of life. We wanted to protect your legacy, and now that you've returned I want you to believe in us, just as we've believed in you."
Nandys continues to glare at the tiny young man. Silas starts to get nervous, but does his best to keep making his case.
"I can tell you don't believe me. Truth is, I know more about you than you think I do. But I don't want to tell you what I know. I want to hear things from your perspective first, so I can maybe understand better. Is that okay with you?"
Nandys raises his left eyebrow for a moment, and then his expression turns into a scowl. "No. If you know so much about me, I want to know what you happened to learn first-- not that you humans know how to keep accurate records of anything due to your pitifully short lives and penchant for pettiness and bias. I doubt that even half your 'information' is correct."
Silas nods slowly, pressing and rubbing his glossed lips together as he gives Nandys' words some consideration. "Is that so... Well, I didn't want to bring this up until we made some headway, but you aren't leaving me much choice. Nandys, I know about the love you shared with a Witch named Artem. I've been working on recovering and preserving her work. From what I've found, you meant a lot to her. Am I wrong so far?"
Nandys begins to bare his teeth, letting out a low growl. "What could you possibly know about her-- about us?"
Silas gets out of his chair without a word, going into the study connected to his office. After a few moments, he comes out with a document safe. He gently places it on the table between his and Nandys' seats and enters the code to open it. He files through, pulling out a few tough plastic slips from the safe. The papers inside the slips were brown, and the edges were eaten away. It looked like a letter or series of letters, though the contents were difficult to ascertain from a distance. Silas hands the slips to Nandys.
"What is this?"
"I think you know exactly whose handwriting is on those papers."
Nandys squints at the decrepit pieces of paper. After a few seconds of silence his eyes return to Silas, who has sat back down in his chair with his hands clasped together and in his lap.
"Why don't you read the whole thing?"
"I don't see how this will help me. It's only going to be excuses for treachery."
"I know for a fact Artem would have wanted you to read this. Take your time."
"Fine." Nandys begins to read the contents of the letter quietly.
"To whom this may concern,
I am writing this farewell letter to tell the truth of what came to pass and my feelings. I will not stand to have lies spread about me in death.
By the time you read this I will have been whisked away to see my beloved Nandys. I drank the same toxin I helped administer to him, as it seemed only fair to die the same exact way he had.
Do you know what it is like being called a hero for killing your only true companion? I was utterly alone. I felt no that living creature could understand what it was like to be me. Not even my sister Mara, even though we grew up as the first humans in the village to ever wield true magic as we know it.
Mara became a pillar for our people while I was shunned for being 'too concerned with unnecessary research'. I have many regrets, but my life's work is not among them. It will not only benefit me, but our children and our children's children.
Of course, the only one who thought anything of my work was a Dragon named Nandys, whom I thought would normally kill us! Not that his approval or anyone else's was necessary for me, but it was nice to have anyone take such an interest. Even if he was considered an evil Wyrm by most.
He was very inquisitive, noting that he had never seen any one human work so hard to better their own and others' lives. I told him that there were plenty of us around, and that he just needed to look harder. To which he replied "I see. Then perhaps I will."
He returned to me some years later, confirming what I said. He seemed to have a change of heart about us humans being weak and needing excessive protection. He confessed that he has tried to make up for his sins against our high ancestors, and wished to live with us. However, he was only ever met with scorn. I told him I would help him start building a bridge with my people.
We ended up being chased out. Mara later admonished me for bringing him to our home. Then she goes to attempt to fornicate with him!
I am not brainless, Mara. I know how you affected him. You took advantage of his newfound trust in others. He flinched from my touch for years afterwards because of you.
It would not be long until my people branded me a traitor. I could not blame them. What was unforgivable however, was when Mara decided that if she could not 'have' Nandys, then no one would. She riled the people up in such a way that they harassed me every day to do something about him 'encroaching on their liberty and lands'. So I fled.
I would have run as long as I needed. Nandys was with me through all of it, so I cared not where I laid my head down. Of course, if I had been left a fugitive, I would not be writing this. I was taken in the night and beaten. I was held prisoner and kept under watch as I was forced to create the very poison I have imbibed. I did my best to make it smell like his favorite flower, the lily.
I watched as Mara sprinkled it on one of our recently deceased. This was the village's 'peace offering' to Nandys. I was forced to lie to my beloved, telling him I came home by my own will. I watched him devour the corpse, seeming content afterwards and ready to nap. I slipped away from my captors as soon as I could, and found Nandys writhing in agony. I witnessed his final moments there. I apologized and begged for forgiveness as he cursed us humans.
It has been a year since that horrific day. I cannot live with myself. I could not go back to being alone. I am a hero, and yet I am even more alone than when I was shunned. To Hell with heroism.
Nandys, my dear. I am so sorry. Every part of my body hurts, but it will cease and I will be with you anon, where Mara will not reach us. I love you."
Nandys looked up at Silas once more, this time teary-eyed. His lip and voice tremble as he attempts to speak. He hands the papers back to Silas, and is given a handkerchief in return.
Silas starts to put the letter back into the document safe. "What surprised you the most about her letter?"
"S-she... she... loved me...to the end. To her end. For so long I thought she hated me and lied to me just to kill me. That's why..."
Nandys trails off, staring at the wall behind Silas. Then he erupts.
"I didn't believe her final words to me! Artem... Artem..!"
He collapsed into himself, his sobbing turning into unintelligible screaming. Neither Silas nor Apollo dared to interrupt him. Nandys screamed and cried for two hours straight, when he finally lost the ability to speak. When he fell asleep in his chair, Silas leaves to fetch him a blanket.
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arsont-t · 2 months
Hear me out, the bioshock cast but they are all working in a corporation (Andrew's) and it's a "the office" like romcom/sitcom.
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derseprinceoftbd · 4 months
Harrow the Ninth predictions:
Gideon comes back in a body, travels back in time, meets the Emperor, gets a note wrote about her, and maybe meets her mom.
Her mom is someone we've met.
Crux is dead by chapter 4, possibly offscreen.
We meet "John", who is, I wanna say, Gideon's father?
Iantne manages to not die, infuriating me.
Silas leaves behind a Blink-esque tape detailing several major plot twists, and in it, manages to call exactly every single person who views it, while they are doing so, a massive twat, because Silas Is A Giant Git Who Is Right About Everything should be a universal constant.
Judith, or Marta, not 100% on who might have lived, manages to screw everyone over before dying for good.
The emperor makes very very clear that he could not possibly be beaten by less than four Lictors together.
We meet every other living Lictor in the present day.
Re; the head-sharing, a Piccolo joke is made. It will be shockingly subtle.
Someone will say "none houses with left grief". It will be The Worst.
We actually get Harrow's perspective on her parents' suicide. It is undercut after both die by a single, incredibly funny line.
The book ends on a cliffhanger with the opening of the Locked Tomb.
Dreirbe or however you spell it is revealed to be Pluto.
Edit: John is the Emperor, apparently, and has an Ayn Rand name. Oddly, not a spoiler, despite the obvious pun potential of "Who Is John Gaius". Not ruling out the idea of hin as father, actually; or, considering the roads I've gone down before, mother.
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chaoticsorceressztc · 4 months
People and Transformers
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affectionatecorpse · 27 days
Me: Oh hey, I actually really like this thing!
Me: Sounds good! A new hyperfixation will mix things up a bit! Plus the main character is complicated enough to expand upon--
Autism: NO
Me: ?
Me: But--
Me: But they have no fan content
Me: ... I'll make my own--
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sindrakart · 5 months
Can you tell us a bit more about Silas??? :D Your oc seems really cool and I wish to know more!
WELL silas is (probably temporarily till more canon stuff comes out) a time traveler! he and his assistant, monroe, travel through time and study anomalies. they also cause the anomalies. for science! so thanks to them are tons and tons of differing timelines bc silas is obsessed and monroe is just kind of voluntarily along for the ride out of curiosity and moral dubiousness :) here are some doodles ive done plus monroes first sketch!
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kluskinoodles · 2 months
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Doodle page!
Close ups under the cut!
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cuppajj · 2 years
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hippiejunk · 1 month
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Horsies my little horsies
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blackthewolf17 · 2 years
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There's a scene in Scott Pilgrim vs the World that just cracks me up every time I watch it... so I ended up doing this. this is the specific scene
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chumtoads-r-cool · 7 months
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is this anything
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
SG Earthspark: Maybe human villains from other continuities could cameo as Ascenticon allies during the war? Either seen in flashbacks or just mentioned by name? I don't really know any human villains outside Aligned, but there definitely are some.
Most of them were propably executed as traitors to humanity when the Ascenticons lost (most didn't have important scientific knowledge like Meridian, and maybe some who did couldn't stay useful to G.H.O.S.T for 15 years?).
That would be very interesting! I know that Mandroid and Arkeville are similar, but hey there's a thing to be had there
sg Silas and MECH would be interesting to reference because you can argue they used to be part of GHOST
I actually might recommend dipping into rescue bots for human villains as earthspark is somewhat influenced by it and there are some significant figures there like Dr Morocco, Madeline Pynch, and not human but not Cybertronian intelligence Vigil (sg Vigil possibly being an incredibly helpful ai figure?) Perfect for small references here and there
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elitadream · 2 years
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I made a little epilogue for y’all. :3
I felt it was rather necessary for two reasons. 1) To let you know that Nefario is alive and well, and 2) To give the story a better closure before fully moving on to other ideas.
I’ve decided to include young Silas Ramsbottom for this one because I wanted Nefario to receive some well deserved praise from another character, as both reassurance and full confirmation that he’s indeed quite special. 💙 Though little does Silas know, Gru is very much to thank as well.^^ 
Also, that little reference to Nefario and Gru’s very first encounter was too good an opportunity to pass up. Now things have come full circle. 🥰
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 8 months
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this is a bad joke but
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doctorslippery · 5 months
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