#Dick (dope + sick)
ncteez · 1 year
Give & Take (l.s)
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It’s not weird that you and your roommate do certain things that others would consider, um, strange. It’s not weird because you don’t make it weird, and he certainly doesn’t go out of his way to make a big deal either. 
or the one where you and your roommate masturbate together casually until it becomes not so casual, and maybe neither of you can do it at this point without wanting more.
ao3 | m.list | reblog to give seokmin a boner 
minors dni!! 
PAIRING― seokmin x afab reader 
CONTENT― roommate au, roommates to lovers
NOTE― This is dedicated to @onlyseokmins and that’s all I have to say about this. (i’m a liar i actually want this man so bad so here’s my need for him in fic form and also a direct attack on elv.) not proof read.
smut tags under cut:: 
smut tags― big dick seokmin, mutual masturbation, pining, desperate stuff i guess, pretending he’s fucking you instead of his hand,  just the tip moment, unprotected sex, he pulls out bc he’s polite. ~
Moving in with Seokmin was a no-brainer. Both of you were freshly graduated from the same college and starting new jobs in the same city hours away from home. Seeing a familiar face in a city of bustling businesses and loud streets was a welcome comfort for you, living with that familiar face only made it easier. 
It wouldn’t be a lie to say that back during the college days, you and Seokmin weren’t close. Not until your senior year together that the two of you somehow met in the middle with a single class despite the drastically different majors. He took it as an elective, yours was the last “easy” class to get through before graduation, because maybe your advisor fucked up and never told you it was necessary to take, and maybe you were a little mad about it. 
You became less mad as you helped Seokmin through his struggles. An elective for him was a career for you, so it was easy to walk him through it. You grew close within the stress of senior year so of course, when you found out he was moving to the same city that you’re moving to, you instantly jumped into action in trying to convince him to save money by living together with you. 
It’s a big city, and while you both had jobs lined up, it’s not like the pay was enough for one person to afford an apartment in the heart of the city. Thankfully, he didn’t need to be swayed and it only took a few weeks for the two of you to head out and explore the apartments offered, landing on one that leaves an equal distance both of you would need to travel to work. One that only costs some seven hundred and fifty dollars a month each (a hefty amount for just one person.) 
By now, it’s been about six months since the two of you settled here in the heart of a great city. Work has been going smoothly despite the tired nights when the two of you meet up outside (because somehow you both clock out at the same time too) and decide on whether you want to walk to a shop for dinner or fight over who is gonna put the nuggets in the oven this time. 
Things were normal for the most part, you think, regarding roommates anyway. There is one thing that’s changed though. Not your fondness of him, not even the way you look at him when he’s being annoying and loud while singing in the shower. 
It started about two months into living in this space with him. He must have lost track of the time that day because he knew your schedule then and still knows it now like the back of his hand. He took the day off, feigning sickness after a long Sunday of doing absolutely nothing and wanting to extend it just a bit longer through the following Monday. You worked that day, of course, you did. You came home on time as you always did too, except this time you didn’t come home to him in his room or cooking dinner. 
It was a weird kind of rush, wondering how the fuck this could be happening as you stood at your doorway to find him exposing more of himself than you ever expected or wanted to see at the time. There, on the couch was your dope of a roommate, legs spread wide and length in hand. On the tv played nothing, but his phone was propped on his thigh as he stared down at it with deep sighs. 
You were frozen at that moment, watching him and feeling your cheeks warm up. You didn’t know if you should turn to leave, make a noise so he stops, or just watch. Somehow, you found yourself not wanting to disturb him. Was it because you liked what you saw? At the time, you would have said absolutely not. But seeing how it is now, it’s more common than not to see him orgasm, it’s kind of laughable.
On that day, he must have felt someone watching him because mid-stroke he looked up at you and fumbled his pants back over his length. Muffling apologies with raspy whispers, skin glistening on his forehead indicating he must’ve been at it for a while, and you were just standing there silent. 
That night, you laid in your bed wondering why you couldn’t get that image out of your head. Seeing him like that wasn’t something you ever thought about despite how handsome he is. He’s your friend, he’s your roommate. You can’t stop thinking now though, about how big he is in all of his entirety. From his height to his– yeah. 
It went on like that for about two weeks. You, not able to get that image out of your head and him, acting as normal as ever as if it never happened. It wasn’t until the end of that two-week time span that you realized you enjoyed it. Like you would have liked to have seen him finish. 
It swam in your brain for a while, wondering if you should bring it up or if you should push past it and find some guy to meet up with just to work out the horny energy, after all, it’s not like you know anyone in this city well enough to have an intimate relationship with. No one besides Seokmin anyway. Dilemmas, dilemmas. 
Not so much a dilemma though, to your pleasure. It’s brought up one night on a Saturday as the two of you say at the kitchen table complaining about work. Minutes passed, then an hour passed and he suggested having a drink to wind down. You accepted, sipping the alcohol he so proudly made for you. 
It felt warm in the apartment by that point, but you didn’t mind as you found your brain falling back to that image of him. You thought he might be wearing the same shirt that we was wearing that day, which is kind of detrimental for your fogging brain. But, he brings it up. 
“You know, you’ve been kind of weird since that day.” He commented, running his fingers along the rim of his glass. “I really did lose track of time, and I can’t stop feeling embarrassed by it.”
You could see a softer side of him at that moment. Out of how long you’ve known him by now, never once have you seen him embarrassed. 
“About that,” You started, not able to look him in the eye. “I was shocked but–” 
The way he looked at you at that moment was difficult to process. It was new ground for both of you. 
“I think I liked it?”
The tip-toeing around each other didn’t last as long as you expected it to. After the talk you had with him on that Saturday night, somehow the two of you ended up doing the very thing that had you in a rut in the first place.
You got to watch him in full, working himself up until he suggested you join, that maybe he’d be into it too. Saying that he felt weird being the only one, though he didn’t mind that you were watching. You don’t know what got into you that night, maybe it was the alcohol, but you did join him. A full five feet away from each other but shamelessly watching hand movements until orgasm. You noted him holding off too, until you got there. It was an interesting dynamic, truly. 
And now, six months into living with him, it’s become a normal occurrence. After every hard day at work, “wanna get off with me?”, after every long movie session or board game loss, “wanna watch each other come?”, to the point that now it’s nearing every day. Any self-fuck session became a shared one. 
Sometimes he even texts you from his room late at night. It’s like you know his jerk-off schedule more than your own work schedule by now. Sometimes, you don’t even touch yourself but instead, enjoy watching him get there with a little help from you, taking off your shirt or spreading your legs. It’s become a thing. And somehow, it’s not as weird as it should be. 
“You got plans this weekend?” Seokmin bellows through a yawn from his room after hearing your alarm go off. 
“Since when do I ever have plans?” You say through your own yawn after pulling yourself out of the bed. You tiptoe the few feet from your door to his, leaning against it and scratching the back of your neck. “Why?”
He stretches loud and obnoxiously before rolling over and planting his face into his pillows. 
“Wanna skip out on work today?” 
You step into his room, throwing yourself on top of him with a tired groan. 
“Yeah,” You sigh out, closing your eyes and fully aware that you could go back to sleep right now despite this uncomfortable position over your roommate. “but why?”
His voice is muffled more by the pillows when he answers you, mostly because your body weight is pressing him further down. He fights to turn his head away from the pillow, takes in a deep breath from the brief smothering, and smiles. 
“I dunno, we haven’t really had a chance to go out and explore the city much outside of furniture and grocery shopping.” 
You realize that he’s right. You’ve heard talk of the malls in this area, of the theme parks, the museums. There’s so much to do here, and neither of you have really attempted to do any of it. 
“Starting today, because we are going to skip work,” He narrows his eyes as he lifts his body up and forces you to roll off of him. “You are going to skip, right?”
You nod, waiting for him to continue what he was originally going to say. 
“We should go out and explore. Rent is paid already, fridge is full, I saved up a bit so we could go do some stuff.”
It flies right past your head. You don’t even stop to think that he saved up to do this with you, and instead you simply nod with a smile before hopping off of him and rolling off of the bed to your feet.
“Guess I should call my boss.” You shrug, starting to leave the room. 
“Wanna sleep a little more first? Kind of dumb to skip out on work and not sleep in.”
You nod again, yawning and looking down at your phone to search for your workplace number. Thankfully, after calling, there was no issue with you skipping work today. After all, you haven’t really missed a single day since you started (unlike some people: seokmin.)
Friday was eventful, the two of you walked to all of the shops closest to your apartment, stepping into a cafe and having some coffee, then went to a pristine shopping district and scoffed together at the price of a pair of socks. 
By the time you got home, you were just as tired as you would have been coming home from work, and he was still bouncing on his feet. Drinks, dinner, sleep. 
No casual masturbation that day.
On Saturday, it started much the same except this time the two of you went to a mall. Why he kept insisting on buying you cute panties and matching bras? You know the answer. You’re kind of part of his porn collection now, and he is part of yours too. Maybe he considered it a little too hard when you also suggested he get a cute pair of panties to wear. He didn’t though, and instead bought you like six too-expensive sets of lingerie. Each color to match whatever horny brain he’s in, you assume. 
That night, the two of you ate at a restaurant and took a taxi back home. Sitting beside him on the couch, a question started floating in your brain and by now you knew better than to keep these kinds of things to yourself given the dynamic you have with him.
“You know, you’re buying me all of this sexy stuff–” 
“I am, yeah.” He smiles proudly, eyes crinkling as his eyes shoot to the bag on the kitchen table. 
“Why aren’t you just going out to meet someone instead of settling with jerking off all the time?”
He doesn’t even hesitate.
“That’s a lot of work, why would I do that when you’re right here?”
Why would he do that if you’re here? 
“Why, you getting bored of me?” He jokes, leaning against you and nudging your shoulder. “Should I have bought those panties to spice it up a bit?”
God, it’s so weird how normal this is. No touching each other, only looking. Desperate looking at that, searing eyes, extremely hot orgasms, wobbling legs, and then sleeping alone. Would it really be so strange at this point to want to touch him? To want to spice it up not with panties, but with the act of actually feeling how warm he is? 
“Oh no.” He pauses, eyes widening. “You actually wanted me to wear those?”
“No!” You laugh, though it would’ve maybe awoken something in you, you’re not sure. “I just figured you know, it’s not like you wouldn’t be able to go get laid.”
He stares are you before throwing out another joke. 
“I know that.” He laughs, turning to face you. “It’s not like it would be hard for you either. Why aren’t you out and about instead of sitting in front of me and touching yourself?”
You freeze at his words, realizing that so many times it’s been silent sessions together save for moaning. He’s never actually said those words to you, never dirty talked, never crossed an invisible line while it happened. 
“Would you prefer I go find someone else?” You avoid the feeling in your gut right now only briefly, staring him down.
“No, I’d honestly prefer you touch yourself for me and only me.” 
Oh. Oh fucking no. 
“That’s all you need to be satisfied?” 
He smiles proudly again, eyes flicking back over to the bag and you shake your head at him. 
“We need to wash those before I wear them so you’re gonna have to deal with the boring panties I wore today, I guess.”
He nods, already following suit on the regular list of things he does when this happens. 
It’s always so quiet, and never did it bother you until now. Watching him do nothing but grab his length and squeeze it until it starts to harden. Eyes on you as you do your own version of working yourself up, hand down your waist band and simply touching and rubbing until you feel the first sensation of your gut flipping.
“Seokmin.” You start, looking at him through narrow eyes. This is enough for you, but…is it?
“Hm?” He responds, eyes focused on the movement under your shorts. 
“Can you talk a little bit this time?” 
He smiles, chuckling a bit at you for the question.
“Oh, you’re into that?” He says almost in a mocking tone, but it sends a little wave of heat through his body to have you asking for more of him in some way. “I can’t promise I won’t say something stupid though.”
You shake your head, running your fingers up your folds and stopping at your clit.
“I don’t care what you say, I just really like your voice right now.”
Another pause from him as you watch him adjust his almost fully erect length under his pants. 
“Only right now?” He asks, trailing his fingers gently along the underside of his length and turning his body back to where his back is against the couch cushions. 
“No, I mean, I like your voice all the time but you never say much when we do this–” You admit, watching him intently like you always do, feeling the clock tick up to the point you know he’s going to pull it out and start sighing. 
“Alright, does this mean I can ask for something too?”
You quirk a brow at that but quickly nod in anticipation because finally, this is going somewhere past just watching. 
“Can we like, um–” He blushes mid-question, turning his face to look at you with all of his shame showing plainly. “Can we do it in an actual position for once?”
You can’t tell if your mind is playing tricks on you or if he’s actually wanting to pretend he’s fucking you by suggesting that. Immediately you fumble with the button on your shorts to get them off. 
“Yeah, Oh–” You stop yourself from sounding too excited. “I mean, like, what position?”
“Can I be on top?” He blurts, pulling his hand away from his length and once again looking at you and the way your fingers remain on the hem of your shorts, preparing to take them off. 
The image alone in your head of that is enough to want exactly what he wants, if not more. The illusion of him fucking you while you fuck yourself? You really couldn’t ask for more than that at this moment, though that could be argued if you think too hard about it.
The second you say that word, he’s jumping up and practically tearing his pants off of him. His eagerness is as loud and obnoxious as always, you can even hear a small “fuck yeah” whispered to himself when he does it. All is well and good until he’s tugging your shorts down for you.
Never has he taken your clothes off for you. The intimacy is flowing through you, but you’re not sure if he is feeling the same way about it. He’s probably just eager to try something new tonight rather than the usual. 
Your shorts are off faster than you’d normally take them off and you’re kind of chuckling about his blatant desperation until he hovers over you and positions himself where he wants to be. 
Now…now he’s intimidating. With both knees on the couch, your legs bent at the knees and resting on his hips. That doesn’t even matter to you right now, because you haven’t seen his face this close before. You haven’t felt his hips against your legs before, outside of when you flop down on each other during a tired morning to wake the other up. You’ve never felt your stomach flip like this over him.
And when his eyes leave that spot between your legs to meet your own with his same dopey smile, it’s like you melt into a puddle instantly and you’re wanting so much more than just this. You hold back though, finally pulling your eyes from his and looking between his legs.
You knew his cock was big but you’ve also never seen it this close to your body. It’s like, big big. Thick too, and never did you notice just how huge it is because his hands are equally huge, and wrap around it perfectly. To him, it’s a perfectly accurate cock for a man so tall and broad, but damn. 
It’s a bit embarrassing that all it took was for him to hover over you with his cock out to have you forgetting that you asked for him to talk through it. You’re in danger. Extreme danger with him like this and eager to talk this time. It starts so fast, so casually, and you’re still spinning internally just to grasp what you’re feeling right now. 
That all he fucking says to start, settling into his position fully and grasping himself. Honestly, his cock is only a few inches above your core and you can feel the heat from it.
You nod, curling in on yourself a bit and he takes note of it because you’re never fucking shy. 
“Too much?” He asks, watching you shake your head in response. “God, thank fuck. Because you look so good right now.”
“You can let go of me now though, I can see how wet you are already.” He continues, chuckling at the way your arms grip his shoulders.
You didn’t even fucking notice that you instantly started clinging to him. Especially with the fact that you didn’t expect him to talk to you like this. The two of you haven’t even started yet and he’s already got you on the verge of insanity. 
You’re quick to pull your arms back and lift your shirt up over your chest before slowly trailing your hand down. 
“Match my pace, okay? It’ll feel better.” He instructs, blatantly making a point so it does look and feel like he’s actually fucking you, all movements matching, sounds matching, lust matching.
You nod again, silently, eyes now focusing on his cock because if you look at his face right now you might just buckle and start crying over how insanely hot he is. 
He lets out a short chuckle at your silence, he’s used to that and didn’t take issue with it at all until you asked him to talk. He hopes you talk back at some point, but for now he leaves it alone as he starts stroking.
Precum is leaking already just from seeing you beneath him like this, bra covering your chest, panties covering your pussy– but it’s enough to get him going. He would feel selfish to ask for more unless you offer it first. He’s got you where he’s always wanted you since this whole thing started. 
You watch his hands, slipping your fingers under your panties and sliding them through your folds at the same pace, shivering only slightly at the feeling at you watch him. 
This pace works for a few minutes, but you note his grip grows tighter on himself and you hear his breath stutter in a sigh when he does it. You wonder what that feels like for him, and you wonder what he’s thinking about as he does it. You move your fingers to your clit at that point, pressing in and releasing your own sigh of relief.
He watches you, eyes shooting to your face and studying the way you close your eyes to really feel it. 
“Look at you,” he coos, trying to talk like you asked him to. “feels better when I’m here, right?”
You half open your eyes with a crooked smile, because of course it feels better when he’s with you. Even if he’s not touching you, even if he’s not the one doing it. 
“So pretty when you do this, you know–” He continues, praising you and falling into the words easier than he expected. “I think I fell in love with watching you from the second you spread your legs for me.”
You can’t. You can’t look at him when he’s talking to you, it’s a lot. It does something, it does a lot of something to you, so you focus on his cock and the way he starts pressing his hips into the circle his fingers create rather than pumping himself. He’s slow with it, lazily moving his hips back, forward, then back again. 
At that moment, you slide your fingers down and tease at your entrance, dipping a finger in easily and releasing a sigh. You can’t imagine this one finger will mimic what he could do to you, but you settle. 
“That’s it,” he says as he watches, hanging his head and knowing exactly what you’re doing with your fingers. “Can I see?”
You don’t respond and instead use your other hand to hook your panties to the side, revealing your finger sliding into you at the pace he’s sliding into his palm. 
The sigh he lets out begins to form into a moan at the end as he watches, wetting his lips and furrowing his brows. He keeps his hips steady despite obsessing over the fact that you’re fucking yourself at the same pace for illusion’s sake. 
“Put in another.” He instructs, watching you do just that and release another sigh. He’s becoming frustrated with the situation though, knowing for a fact that he could do better for you. Knowing that if you’d just suggest it, he would instantly be giving in. “Is that even enough for you?”
Your eyes shoot open and go straight to his face, which is staring down intently at the way your fingers fuck you open. 
“Not always.” You admit, shooting your gaze back down to his cock and the way his grip tightens around it. “Is that enough for you?” You follow up, pointing to his hand with your head.
“Not always…” he mimics you, and then it’s silent as the two of you accept the fact that this has to be enough right now.
And it stays like that for a while. To the point that his hips are relentlessly fucking into his palm, causing his knuckles to bump your clit every few seconds, and you’ve buried in a third finger trying your best to pretend it’s him. 
It’s both too much and not enough. Too much in the fact that he’s all over you, and too little in the fact that he’s right there and not in you. Your fingers aren’t enough when his cock is right there, his words aren’t enough when he’s not muffling that voice with your lips, and you can’t imagine he’s not feeling frustrated with the situation. All of the puzzle pieces are in front of you and neither of you are putting in the effort other than organizing them. You’re not snapping them together, you’re just on the fucking edge of the situation you want. 
Does he want it? Is it too much to ask? Is it–Oh. 
“Can I–” he starts, cutting himself off with a sharp breath because of the way you clearly are trying to reach deeper inside of yourself in pace with his long thrusts. 
“Yes.” You don’t even know what he’s asking, and to be fair you don’t think you give a shit. Whatever he wants to do, please, just do it. 
And he does without a second thought, releasing his grip and pulling at your wrist to slip your fingers out of yourself. Then, he presses his cock directly between your holds, holding it down as he picks up the pace again and thrusts up.
It’s not what you were expecting, but then again you should have known he wasn’t asking to fuck you. This is good though, feeling his cock sliding between your lips, head bumping your clit. The warmth, the heaviness, the way his length is so thick that all you can do is try to not feel empty while it’s sliding through your arousal.
He’s more focused now than he was before, nearly letting out a sob rather than a moan at the feeling of your pussy against the underside of his cock. It's like he’s getting everything he needs and nothing at the same time, but the image of your eyes staring down at it too was enough for him to know you like it too. You like it enough. 
When you let out a moan, trailing your hands up to your chest and releasing your tits from the bra, he only grinds faster against you, pressing down harder on his cock to create a tight space between your pussy and his palm. He stares at your tits, and then at your lips, and then back down at the way your pussy lips spread around his cock as he slides through them. 
Another hidden sob pretending to be a moan, and then he’s leaning closer to your face. 
“If I kiss you, would you be mad?”
You instantly strain your neck to connect your lips with his, and he falls into it all too easily. You can feel him speed up his thrusts, and you can feel his desperate tongue. It takes you a moment to realize this is your first kiss, and it’s while his cock is getting off against you. 
Its more than you could have asked for, honestly, but you’re going to ask for more because as you kiss him, well, all you can think of is how this looks outside of your position. It definitely looks like he’s fucking you. The image that you can’t even see in full is arousing you beyond belief as you kiss him, and when he pulls back for a breath, you take that short moment to spill your thoughts.
“Just a little.” You groan blankly, squeezing your breast in your hand and using your other hand to push his cock away from you. “Just–”
He stops, out of breath, trying and failing to comprehend what you’re trying to say. 
“Just what?” He groans, grabbing his cock and pumping it much like he normally would. 
“A little, just put it in a little bit.”
His face is on fire as his hand halts on his leaking cock. Did he hear you wrong? He’s watching your hands squeeze against your chest, he sees your eyes avoiding him, he can still taste your lips on his, and your pussy is just below his cock, pulsing around nothing. Is he reading you wrong?
“Just a little bit…” he repeats what you ask for, looking down at you and placing a hand on your thigh, spreading his fingers out wide. “You’re asking me to fuck you, just a little bit?”
God, the words. So few words but also so many words.
He leans down inches from your face and you can feel his cock fall back to your folds at the moment, you shiver unintentionally.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to do that and then you end up regretting it.”
He told himself time and time again during these sessions with you that he would instantly jump for the opportunity to fuck you, but now that he’s faced with it– he doesn’t know what the fuck to do with himself aside from asking for confirmation as many times as he can until he believes you really want it. 
“Just,” You still avoid his eyes and the way they’re staring through you. “Please.”
He nods in an unsure way at first before pulling back and holding his length in his hand again. 
“Just a little bit, right?” He tries to confirm, and you nod.
With a deep breath, pounding heart, and spinning thoughts, he aligns himself with you and doesn’t know how to comprehend the feeling of slipping into you. So he simply…doesn’t.
You can feel the intense stretch instantly, the feeling you’ve been searching for making you shiver and nearly writhe beneath him. Just an inch, it’s all you need, he doesn’t have to do any more than that. You don’t need more, you have self-control, right?
“Oh, fuck,” he groans as your pussy envelops the head of his cock. He can feel the pulsing inside of you massage against it, he can feel the wetness, the fucking warmth. “Fuck, fuck.” 
It’s all he can say, honestly, speechless at your silence of the act. The way your mouth falls open in a silent moan only urges him to give you short, single inch thrusts despite the wetness you offer making it difficult to not accidentally slide further in.
“So thick,” You whine out in a broken and desperate voice. 
It causes him to have to take in a deep breath and hold it. Good lord, he’s fighting so many demons right now not to plunge into you and take whatever he can get. 
“A little more,” you urge him, wiggling your hips and sucking him in against his own movements. He doesn’t mind it, nor does he mind the embarrassing sound he lets out at the feeling. 
Now, he can thrust another inch in, stretching you open a little more, shocked that the three fingers you used before didn’t seem to come close to preparing you for this. He can feel how tight your walls are around him, and again, the demons. 
He lets out another embarrassing sound when he looks down, seeing only a quarter of his cock inside of you. He, once again, holds himself back from pushing in more. He could go so deep, but he can’t. 
“Little more?” He asks meekly, reaching a hand out to your cheek in the hope that you’d let him. He won’t ask again. Just, if he can get half of his cock in you, it would be plenty. It would be enough, he would be satisfied. 
“Or,” you groan at the adjustment around him, knowing full well that by asking him to put the tip in that you’d want so much more. It’s fun thinking you can control yourself, but it’s more fun losing that control with another person. You’re both controlling the need to fuck and be fucked solely because you don’t know if the other wants it. But god, he’s already inside of you, isn’t it fucking obvious?! 
“You could just fuck me.”
Say no more, with those words it’s like his hips act of their own will and he’s slowly sliding into you in full. Relishing in the way your pussy spread out to make room, cooing over the feeling of himself going deeper, deeper, and fucking deeper into you. 
“Finally.” He breathes out in relief when he bottoms out, leaning forward yet again to lay his lips against your forehead. “Felt like I’ve waited so long.”
You’re silent as you adjust to what you can consider the biggest cock you’ve ever taken. The searing pain isn’t much compared to the arousal of his admittance of wanting this only after getting inside of you. 
All you can offer him is a moan when you try to respond with your own witty sex talk, but he sends him spiraling somehow further than he already had gone. His hips stuttering in their planted spot as he lets you adjust, moaning in response to your moan. His lips kissing all over your face now, feeling in this moment that you’re his, and this feeling is shared, and that only your pussy could massage him this way simply because he’s inside of you. It’s overwhelming, all of the feelings hitting at once.
From physical feelings to emotional ones, it comes with such a harsh hit to him that all he can do is flutter those kisses to as much skin his lips can reach. Feeling your eyelashes on his cheek when he kisses the corner of your mouth, to feeling that corner of your mouth open in a yelp when he finally starts to move his hips back. Sliding out of you only a little bit before pressing back in again, deep and lazy.
“Good?” He asks, much like he did before. “So good.” He answers for both of you immediately after, keeping that lazy pace as he leans on his elbows on either side of your head. 
“Wrap your legs around me?” He follows up, already so comfortable speaking through your silence that it feels natural, especially when you do just as he asks.
In wrapping your legs around him, he’s able to adjust his body from the position he’s been stuck in this whole time. Now, he can be on his knees with you curled under him, clinging to him like a koala as he uses the back of the couch to support his balance. 
There, he’s able to pick up pace, there he’s able to see what you look like when you’re being fucked. There, he can see what you look like when he’s the one doing it. And he might be spiraling, but he feels more sane than he ever has in this moment, watching your lips and feeling you squeeze around him.
It’s no wonder he felt no interest in finding someone else. He was more satisfied jerking on in front of you than he had ever been actually inside of another person. Now though, it’s insane to think he was satisfied because he’s changed his mind. Why would he find someone else when you act like this? 
Why would he put himself through the possibility of you going out and doing the same thing with someone else? 
For you, there are no thoughts, just Seokmin. You’d laugh right now if it weren’t for the fact that each thrust forces a desperate and wet sound out of your throat. You’d laugh harder if it weren’t for the fact that you don’t even need to rub your clit to get yourself there.
He easily hits that soft spot inside of you, time and time again as his lips travel over repeated areas until landing on your mouth.
You kiss him harder than before, now trying to move your hips despite the difficulty of being under him. You try to meet him halfway now that he’s sliding nearly his entire cock out before slamming back into you. Emptying you and filling you up time and time again as if to remind you of the few moments before when you felt him for the first time. 
Repeatedly you think you’re about to come, and repeatedly you hold off until he whispers.
“I know that face, you’re holding back.”
It’s so fucking surreal knowing that he knows this without ever actually fucking you before now. He knows what you look like when you come, he knows how you like to be touched after watching you so many times. He knows where you sleep, knows what your favorite foods are, and showers in the same bathroom as you. 
You let go, thinking of only him and this moment you’re sharing. You don’t worry if it’ll ever happen again, because you know it will if he lets it. You’re not in control of this anymore, nor of yourself. 
“Pretty, like always.” He compliments when you make that familiar face of release, pumping into you faster now just to feel the gush of wet he’s seen leave your body time and time again. “Prettier now, though.” He corrects himself, feeling just what he was expecting as your body releases the tension all at once. 
The wet sounds somehow become wetter as he thrusts, still fluttering those kisses across your face to the point that you’re either numbed to it or tingling because of it. And only after he knows you’re finished does he pull out, fucking against his hand so aggressively that you’re more aware now than before that he always lets you finish first if not at the same time.
Except now, if he were to finish at the same time, he’d be filling you up so that there’s no question about the worry that comes after it. Despite knowing you’re on birth control, despite knowing you’re both clean because neither of you have fucked another person in half a year–
You watch with drowsy eyes as he releases strings of thick, white seed against both your pussy and stomach. Your panties, ruined and forgotten as they strain at the crease of your thigh. You whimper at the sight, so in love with the way it feels hitting you for some reason. So endeared with the way he pulled out despite knowing in his head that it would have been fine if he stayed. 
When he flops down over you, ignoring the mess between your bodies, you’ve never felt so close to him. You don’t think you ever want to feel further from him, actually. 
It’s the start of something else now, you’re not sure what, but it’s a given.
The start of something new came in the form of his room turning into a guest room for a new roommate. 
That roommate has yet to be found, but it’s an excuse to sleep next to him every night. No titles have been claimed but they’re definitely been given. Just a day after that happened, you caught him slipping and calling you his girlfriend. He figured that since you didn’t correct him, it must be true.
Yeah, it must be. 
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x-heesy · 3 months
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Rockstar, rebound
Bitch you know we ballin'
Always at my phone to find another hoe was callin'
I'm on the team, I'ma shoot for three
Breakin' new means
Then I release
Hittin' that buzza beater (Ugh)
Winnin' the game, I'm winnin' (Ugh)
I let my brother beat 'em (Ugh)
I couldn't lose if Lucifer made me a loser
I jump from the fuckin' bleachers
Rockstar, rebound
Bitch you know we ballin'
Always at my phone to find another hoe was callin'
Why she callin' my phone?
I don't know
I couldn't answer 'cause I'm on a boat
Got the remote 'cause you know I control
All the waves that you ride like I told ya
This that super fly drop kick shit
All these motherfuckers jumpin' in the moshpit quick
If you got a big booty, better pop that shit
I've been lookin' for a biddy that will rock my dick
Need a new flow, then I'll top this shit
Me and Swvde be the team
Always comin' with the hits
Everybody love it when we drop them shits
I'ma spit it 'til I hit it then I got my fix
I don't even look like I should rap but yo I kill this shit
Workin' 'til his perfect fingers hurtin'
Know you feel this shit (Ugh)
I spit a couple of bars at a time
Off of the dope but I'm coming out fine
Trippy been droppin' full bottles of wine
Now that bitch over we ready to grind
I'm a goof and that's just the way I am
Don't follow the rules and I don't stick to the plan
Okay you know me, that don't mean that you're my friend
So all that shit you was talkin' you say it was all just pretend
(Hold up, hold up, wait up, hold up)
Gotta change it up a little bit like she gon' be with me
Got the boba fett up in the blunt
We high as we can be
Out in Colorado for a while
I'm in the 303
Sendin' my vocals to Dutchman we gon' be like
Leedle Leedle Lee
Hit the sto' for weed
I'm TrippthaKid, I get the tree for free
Pass the blunt to him so he get lifted
Never seein' me
Higher than the universe
You know you wanna be a G
TrippythaKid the G.O.A.T
Y'all already know
You never beatin' me
Hit the sto' for weed
I'm TrippthaKid, I get the tree for free
Pass the blunt to him so he get lifted
Never seein' me
Higher than the universe
You know you wanna be a G
TrippythaKid the G.O.A.T
Y'all already know
You never beatin' me
Shoutout to Swvde
Shoutout to Dutchman
Shoutout to TrippythaKid
You guys are so sick
You work so hard at your craaaaft
Oh my God
Leedle Leedle Lee by TrippyThaKid v4
@bethanythestrange @luna---zylum @bigbonzo @seanisnothing
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viviennelamb · 5 months
In The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Saint Anne Catherine Emmerich, what stands out is that the accusers said Jesus was lying about being the Son of God and started whipping him, kicking him, stomping on him, pushing a crown of thorns into his head, crucifying him in the end... they had to keep drinking wine to remain in their sadistically cruel mindset which reflected as their bone-chillingly sick actions in the material world.
I have zero sympathy for the weak which are those who succumb to their lower nature. Those who allow their minds to be compromised by filthy vibrations think they're superior for being doped up and mind-numbingly ignorant.
This information will only work for the totally sober and innocent:
Find a spiritual bodyguard. People who are on any type of drug will find any reason to go against you, especially if you tell the truth and are helping individuals who are actually the most oppressed in this hellhole (hint: it's not heterosexual women who suck dick and create the patriarchy - that is a conspiracy they are literally conspiring in).
Druggies only believe in the hell they have created for themselves and want to fan their anti-chaste, anti-lesbian, anti-God flames onto those who are beautiful. It's up to you to choose to believe truth or lies but know that the accusers pretended they were the victims of Jesus while nailing him to the cross... People who work day and night to implant fear in others have an agenda while those who direct you to Truth display nothing but Divine Radiance.
Drug and sex addicts purposefully incite emotionality within themselves by destroying their brains, inducing states of psychosis to justify their mistreatment of the genuine. I've noticed that people who do drugs are drawn to each other and listen to each other's crackpot theories and create conspiracy theory maps that don't make any sense when life is simple: the more pure you are of mind, body and soul, the closer to God you are. Individuals intoxicated with negative energy are not worth any value other than a painful lesson that will only be destroyed.
Once you read their drivel, you are accepting that into your consciousness. God help you if you get high then read their bullshit and then wonder why you're paranoid and want to commit self-annihilation. Inner and outer calmness through purity (i.e. being completely and totally You without any additions or subtractions) is key to improving one's health, not the belief in useless philosophies. Depending on a drug won't get you anywhere except a one-way, ticket to Satan Consciousness while satanic drivel is incomprehensible to a clean mind...
If you want a spiritual bodyguard, I recommend the Immaculate Living Saint Olivia who will protect you when you think of her, especially if you're an actual lesbian (and not a predator feminist pretending to be one). If my posts make you feel better and help you clear your mind of the doped-up delusions of the masses keep reading, but choose somebody who is fully God-Realized and resonates with you and meditate on their blissful message.
My inspiration comes from God, Guru and all Saints, but please remain vigilant of distractions that make you feel wrong for choosing love over fear. Drug addicts are fickle, going back and forth between these two frequencies and it's not worth involving yourself in their superstition. Although I'm not like other false spiritualists who value lust, one thing I will never do is implant fear (or the path to fright through lust) into your mind. Individuals who incite fear into you are not on your side, they are projecting so they have company in misery.
Only accept information from people who make you feel protected and that aura will follow you around protecting you. If you feel Satanists can protect you, so be it. The more conspiracies you read, the more fearful you become, it will manifest in your life and the more you will want to use drugs and other forms of self-abuse to escape it. If you're done with pointless masochism let go of everything that makes you weak and begin exercising your spiritual hardiness so you become spiritually immovable!
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 439 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
God, I was looking forward to doing this chapter review today but then my day really started off not as good as I hope for. But it’s ok. I just hope that this review will be uplifting for me while it’s being made. Anyways, CH. 439 EVERYBODY!! WOOOOOOOO!!! I LOVED READING THIS CHAPTER. SO, LET’S GET INTO IT.
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Um... Jichang? Try him. 😀
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Wow. So it really has come to this, huh? I didn't wanna do a Master vs. Student comparison because Daniel was trained by Gun, not James. Although James didn't personally train him, Daniel did get some of his moves from him so he's clearly a beast... Damn.
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Daniel Park, a model? 👀 I can't believe I made a clothing brand flyer out of these panels. 💀💀💀
Tbh the Allied shirt that Daniel is wearing looks so fucking dope. 🔥 If PTJ ever drops the actual merch for Allied, I really wanna purchase one so badly. The design is so sick, and you already know Imma stunt on them hoes if I ever get my hands on a shirt. 🤪
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He's really just playing around with them, huh? Especially Daniel. 😭
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I swear, Hudson and Jay are only in this chapter to provide reactions to the fight. They really do be representing the crowd. 🔥 THE CROWD SAYS :O
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This shot of Jichang is so cool ngl... and hot. 💀💀
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Bruh he really do be thinking this.
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Jichang looking all sinister, like he about to end Daniel with the most deadliest Karate chop of the century. BUT OH GOD, DANIEL NOOOOOOOOO!!! 😭😭😭😭
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*inhales* Bro... you guys had no idea how much I was jumping at that first panel right here. Jumping and running around and shit. My reaction was literally, "No... Noooo wayyyy... Nooooo FUCKING WAAAAYYYYYYYYY... PTJ, YOU'RE LYING!!!!!! IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING????? OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! UI DANIEL IS BAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!" 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
And not me anticipating a Gun Park memory because it always happens whenever Daniel is in UI... (or at least, Gun is mentioned whenever he's in the zone... Auto Zone. 😩 If you get the reference, ily.)
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S GUNNNNNNN!!!! I KNEW IT, WE'RE GONNA GET ANOTHER SCENE WITH THIS HOT ASS MESS OF A MAN. 😩😩🔥🔥🔥🔥 UGGGHHHH IMMA CREAM ON HIM I SWEEEAAAARRRRRRRRR. HE CAN EAT ME UPPPPP AND BEAT THIS COOCH UP ANYDAY. GOT ME QUIVERING SHIIIIIII 😩😩😩💢💢💢💢💢 Also, is he NAKED??? 😳 Bruh. He's naked around Daniel, but he isn't naked around his previous successors. Hmmm... do I sense... favoritism? And why is Daniel kneeling down in front of him. Don't tell me they "fought". 👁👁 Or he gave Gun a good suck. Pero come on Daniel, tell us that his dick is huge. GINORMOUS. MASSIVE. LENGTHY. THICK. HEAVY??? LMFAAAOOOOOOOO OK, I'LL STOP.
Hehehe, if you aren't familiar with this by now-
*N S F W M E M E W A R N I N G*
(If you're not comfortable with inappropriate memes, then just scroll past them.)
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This really is my mind 24/7. You should know me by now and how I want this man soooooooo badlyyyyyy. God, I want this man to ram me so goddamn good. Legs shaking, loud moaning, ass smacking, hair pulling, back blowing... AEUUUUGGGGHHHHH. 😩😩😩💗💗💗💗 I just wanna keep it real. I'm not ashamed or sorry. 🤷🏽‍♀️ If you don't want me to simp so badly, then you shouldn't have followed a Gun simp in the first place. 😤
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Ok I'm done. *sighs*
*E N D O F N S F W M E M E S*
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Man... I love psychotic men. Men who go crazy insane with power. Men who are overpowered. Men who can silence anyone. Men who can dominate others. Men who can beat the shit out of anything and anyone. MEN WHO CAN RUIN OTHER PEOPLE'S SELF-ESTEEM. MEN WHO CAN TAKE AWAY THEIR WILL TO FIGHT. MEN WHO CAN SLAUGHTER ALL OF THEIR ENEMIES ONE BY ONE WITHOUT CARING. MEN WHO- ok I'll shut up about my taste in men.
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Oh my lord, look at UI Daniel fight so diligently and so swiftly too. AND DAAAANNNGGG DUDE, LOOK AT THE IMPACT HE HAD ON JICHANG'S BACK!!! He for sure is a menace, no doubt about it.
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I KNEW ITTTTT BRO. IT'S THE SEOUL GRANDPA. Also, I'd like to point out how interesting it is that UI Daniel suddenly faded away as if he doesn't exist anymore, when Daniel suddenly retreated from subconsciousness. I almost forgot that it took UI Daniel a while to cease due to the drugs that Daniel's other body was on in that room full of shrooms, back in that arc with Vivi's Club.
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YEAH BRO, YOU BETTER RESPECT DANIEL NOW. And how did Jichang not notice that he looked like Jinyoung Park? Like... everybody did except for him. Come on sir, get with the program. 🧍🏽‍♀️
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OMG...??? GAPRYONG KIM'S DRIVER??? 🤭🤭🤭 DAMN, EVERYONE WHO WAS A PART OF GAPRYONG'S FIST CAN BEAT ANYONE UP. EVEN HIS DRIVER CAN KICK ASS. 😧 Also... bro. Wtf. Does that mean that they fought for no reason? They got THEIR ASSES BEAT FOR NO REASON??? MAAAAAANNNN WHAT DID I FUCKIN TELL YOU, JICHANG AND DANIEL??? IN THE PREV REVIEW, I SAID THAT YOU COULD'VE SETTLED THIS THE CIVILIZED WAY, BUT WHAT DID Y'ALL DO? Y'ALL THREW HANDS. And poor Jay and Hudson. They fought their asses off against some people of Chungcheong and FOR WHAT??? 😭😭😭 WELL, I GET IT. IT'S FOR DANIEL. BUT COME ON MAN, THEY BEEN THROUGH SOME TRASH-TALKING AND SOME INJURIES FOR NOTHINGGGGG. Idk, that just pissed me off. But, the purpose of those fights was to show how much they improved. I admit though, they did improve A LOT and I'm proud of the both of them. Even Daniel too, who just fought with a First Generation King to the point that Jichang had to get into serious FIGHTING MODE. Here kings, your crowns. 👑👑👑 I keep saying this repeatedly, but we better get the full explanation of Jinyoung's backstory or else. Imma go over to PTJ, grab him by the collar, and- 😤😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 /j
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Not kidding. Oops-
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cinamun · 1 month
#4/28 Lingering Questions for Cina So.. I noticed that Bishop has been using filler words with Mercy lately like "Um & Uh" is he feeling a little wary or nervous around the demure Mercy he knows (or knew?) Or... is doing his sociopath thing and backing down a bit on purpose to show a "soft" side to try and break down her walls + pent up memories so he can goad & gaslight and control her by talking grown talk to her like a "friend" instead of just being a rough sx buddy? Noted also, how he seemed to like when Mercy told him to kick rocks with her full chest in the past. What is he trying to accomplish by digging into the deets of her past? Is he trying to get her pumped up to do damage?
#Plot twist: Bishop might really like Charley er... Mercy - which version of her does he really like? #Plot twist #2 : He might get plugged by Mercy Baltimore. LOL Which leads me to: #Is Mercy the TFA-RRR 2024 new school version of Charly Baltimore?? # NOT the rapper, but the OG Geena Davis's character. # Because really there is only 1 Charlene "Charly" Baltimore... and it's Geena Davis. *Inserts gif of Samantha Caine becoming Charly Baltimore in the hotel room*
Good morning nonny! Remember how pissed off Mercy was when she came home from her super dope sushi date and this felonious mf was just posted up on her couch?
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Oh that absolutely got his dick hard. Because he's sick like that.
But you stay tuned friend because I think we might be bouta get some answers and developments when this new chapter drops in about an hour or so....
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moonshinemagpie · 11 months
thoughts on beautiful sick bodies
i have some kind of joint disease that is yet to be diagnosed. im in and out of the rheumatology department of my hospital all the time now, and sometimes i get scared, or angry, or resentful, because i dont like that im 25 and might end up disabled or in a wheelchair or whatever
and i know that happens to a lot of folks, but im scared of losing my strength, and my youth, and my grace, and my dignity, and my independence, and my and my and—
but today my rheumatologist’s waiting room was completely packed, and about 90% of the patients were women, probably reflecting how these autoimmune diseases tend to dwell in our bodies more frequently. and there were all these women using a wider variety of canes and walkers and wheelchairs than i ever realized existed. 
i saw one woman walking with a cane that wrapped around her forearm, so she was able to control it with her arm instead of having to press down on her wrist. and my whole body is so tired and sore, my wrists especially, and the moment i saw her cane i wanted one for myself. and then suddenly my whole perspective shifted in a way im not sure i can articulate:
she was cool. she had this dope cane and she could get around without exacerbating her pain. she outsmarted a disease. she was a fiery, beautiful genius.
and then all at once all the ladies in the waiting room seemed so cool, so unutterably beautiful. 
i had crushes on all of them. the two friends maybe in their 60s who were yakking at each other, their canes occasionally clinking together as they shifted their heads together in talk i couldn’t keep up with. the woman who was sleeping across three chairs like she didnt give a fuck, took up the space her body needed her to take up, because chronic fatigue is a dick. 
i heard a cane clinking down the hallway quite quickly and rhythmically. i closed my eyes and vividly imagined it belonged to someone tall, handsome, dangerous—kaz brekker came to mind, all strong and resilient and sexily masculine, because the cane clinked with such speed that it announced a certain confidence in its user.
and then the cane user turned the corner, and i saw it was a little old woman in her 80s. she was completely stooped over, her spine entirely curved, just as mine very well could be some day. and she was all the grace and beauty and cool ive ever wanted to be. kaz brekker wishes he were she. she moved so beautifully, and all at once i wasnt afraid of reaching her level of disability, not if i could move through the world like her.
I know this is really dramatic. A few weeks ago I had no idea my body was this sick. A few weeks ago I had no idea what knee pain might feel like, which seems like a joke now. But since learning that I’m sick in this way i’ve discovered how much ableism i’ve internalized. somehow being surrounded by disabled women today healed this nasty little voice that’s been eating at me psychologically while the disease gnawed at my bones.
like, hot damn. people are fucking beautiful.
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thoughtsby · 2 years
You Belie
The respect you chase
When You Be Lie
U-Me vs
with a quickness lose face
Mocking our Us
No surprise no more grace
We both had a pass
And for you i lit up the town
While you lied on the daily
About fuckin these clowns
Goddamn. That's her dad
There go Marcus' face
beLie five more times
All the trust
zero trace
Her choices all seem
Not stacked with tens, but fives
She doesn't quite feel
That we're both still alive
Fuckin stall?
Zero game
Minor league
Zero shame
In and out like a boy
7 minutes he came
Whatchou gonna do with the next 53?
Good question
Like clockwork, she starts looking for me
Bout to call me daddy
But i get a b p
Not the oil, not the dad
Poems talking bout me
But just as I feared
She's shifts all of the blame
into three higher gears
Buying time I suppose
Till her fiction appears
Dodging again
The ironic-est twist
Of detail left out
Adding bitch to my list
For each one of my calls
The others have six
They're omissions not lies
She doesn't think much
Again she dons the guise, disrespecting
The man that I am
She won't even try
Tho my back is up straight
And my head is held high
Realizing too late
That she drowned me with lies
So many days
i put your needs before mine
Your complacency framing
My low self esteem
Once secure in its place
I forgot I was dope
Till all of your friends
Reached out to help cope
And as good as that feels,
You'll need to arm yourself
Rip off your pants,
imma fuck your sister,
your mom
And even your aunts.
So get your ducks in a row,
And name the lead Plot
Jump them over the holes
Omissions and Nots
The thing I need most
Is to back me up G
Forget about He
Cuz it's all about me,
No way you don't see
The lie to yourself
Pussy on notice
And false perceived wealth,
That i never meant much
A year or three late
it was really just you
Spreading lies and the hate
Set flame to our pattern
Did I rank below Lou?
Or noch, Mike, and Josh?
It was more than a few
Fake stay in your lane
Inflict maximum pain
Scurry home to the desert
Prognosis the same
So fuckin lame
Wasting time
playing games
You throw us away
Every day that you say
Secrets no more
Now you're basically gay?
Except that's a lie,
Finger banged by some guy
Or bareback five strangers
Let concern for me fly
My safety, my health, my kids,
You don't try
But I see you now
I see through your guise
And I'm wanting to grow
Tho call me your man
While he's sharing your sheets
In the fire from pan
Come crying to me
From a 9 to a 2
Motherfucker he can't conjugate
No one's sorry for you
If i follow again,
You're the last of your kind
Fit Benny on doubt
Cuz I'm outta my mind
And partially blind
The advantage got taken
Am I a sucker?
Or kind?
Just spread super thin
So confused
Where you been?
You'll live in my house
Buy some clothes,
Buy some shoes
Buy a phone
With fuck yous
All neatly included for free
At no cost
If you ignore the few months
I was totally lost
I'm a man not a mouse
I brought you here, sure,
But your logic is flawed
Nobody keeps a ride score
But If they did and saw you
They'd say you were trash,
And I'd correct them
For you.
But they're right, in fact
When you act like you do
So no crutch for me
I wrote this poem for you
Like warm sidewalk gum that'll stick to your shoe
Turn your black
Into blue
Till you find someone new
And by lunch there's no doubt
You'll have at least two,
Command no respect
Till my unseen support
Sends a pattern in short
While your 4 outta 10 starts to court
I'm sick to my stomach
Once again you're a ghost
Walking with trash
Strange gets all your most
You'll tell a few lies
Maybe work in a toast
At my expense sure
You'll have your own roast
Fresh after your mention
Of your elsewhere-dick-session
I'm a glutton you'll find
For stories that kill
This one is the Besst
But I've had just my fill
I won't even know
Seed dried on your chest
You'll kiss me so hard
And say I'm the best
You'll grab a fresh shard
And in caves my chest
But when i find out,
And I always do, Boo
Cuz all of your friends
Like me better than you
Well... shit,
I just might
Turn the tide
In one night
Hit em all
With one ball
Say goodbye
And don't call
Have you wondering out loud
How YOU had the gall
Your loyalty
Impossibly small
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“Mr Bruce what are you lurking here for”
Sally Marr takes a puff off of her cigarette and glances up at her son. "Just staying out of the way."
Lenny sits next to her, taking the offered cigarette and taking a drag. "So?"
"You once told me you never wanted to get married again, you know," she remarks. "That things with Honey blew up too hard for you to want to try again. That the only thing good about that marriage was getting Kitty out of it."
Lenny blows out a puff of smoke. "Yes. I did say those things."
Sally nods. "But Midge is different." She takes the cigarette back from him and takes a drag. "You sure you're not just thinking with your dick?"
He stays quiet for a long moment before he responds. "I love her. And it is different. It's not like meeting someone and just - jumping in. Midge and I have known each other for years. It's not like I proposed to someone I barely know, Ma."
"You seen her with her make-up off?" Sally asks. "Girls lke her, they don't let anyone see them with their make-up off."
"Every night we spend together," Lenny confirms. "I even know what brand of face cream she uses before bed."
"Write it down for me, she's got great skin," Sally orders.
He huffs out a soft laugh. "Yeah..."
"And she doesn't want to fuck around the way Honey did?" Sally asks.
"She is not interested in fucking around," Lenny tells her. "God knows why, but she just wants me."
"You've got a good face," Sally assures him, reaching out to pat his jaw gently. "Kitty likes her."
"And Midge adores Kitty," Lenny nods. "They gang up on me sometimes. It's kind of nice."
Sally sighs and turns to him. "Let's talk dope."
"I've been clean for eight months," Lenny assures her. "I can't keep Kitty if I fall off the wagon, and if I wanted to keep Midge, I'd have to climb right back on it, and fast."
"I hope you're serious about that," Sally warns him. "Midge is not going to let you drag her into that hole if you fall back down it. She's going to drag your sorry ass out, and you're going to hate it, and hate her."
"No," Lenny says firmly.
"Maybe when I'm dope sick or going through withdrawal, I might think I hate her," Lenny explains. "But I don't. Not really. How could I when she loves me enough to see me through the last eight months of being clean? Has always cared from the night we met? I can't, Ma. I could never."
Sally sighs softly and pats his knee gently. "Okay. Okay, Leonard. You've convinced me. I'm on board."
"Thank you."
"But I am not going to play nice with her ex, he is a piece of shit," Sally mutters and hands the cigarette back to him for the last puff.
Lenny laughs softly as he takes a drag and then drops the butt on the ground, crushing it under his shoe. "Okay, Ma."
"I mean it. Shirley and Moishe, fine, I can handle, but that Joel? I cannot believe she married him. Midge is far too pretty for that idiot."
"Good thing I've got good face," Lenny quips.
"My baby has great face," Sally grins. "Come on. I'm sure Midge is wringing her hands over whether I approve of all of this."
They stand, and head back inside.
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dde719 · 3 months
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A/N: ❤️ Hope everyone enjoyed it. As stated in my bio. I am not a writer at all but have random ideas come to me. This was my very first story and it just came to me when I was sick. I wrote this right before bed. I enjoy writing, even though I'm not the best. Thank you for reading, I will have more to publish soon.
WC: 800
Long distance relationship
Love and fluff
Doggy style
After a long day at work. You decided to work out in your bedroom in your underwear, boy shorts, and a bra. You turn on some Future and start the interval training video. The music is loud as you start doing the warm-up as you hear. Real dope dealers for real!
Haha! Hahaha. While you're doing calf stretches, you feel 2 big hands wrap around your waist. You turn around to see your long-distance boyfriend Jungkook. You jump and scream, "what the fuck are you doing here?" He looks at you and says, "I missed you and had some free time. I wanted to surprise you." You hug him admitting that you missed him too. He slaps your ass and asks, "Why the underwear." You tell him, "it's comfier." He leans in to touch your face and pulls you in for a kiss.
You giggle as he kisses you, "Jk, you could have given me a warning. So I would have dressed prettier for you." He runs his hands down your body, caressing your curves, before cupping your ass, "You're already perfect baby." You scrunch your nose at him, "I know, but I like to look nice... I haven't heard from you in a few days. How has work been?" He leads you to the bed to sit down, "I quit." You gasp, "Shut up... Really? WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO? YOU CAN'T JU-" He can't keep a straight face and cuts you off, laughing. "I didn't leave my job Calm down, I love it there."
You give him a gentle shove, "I don't like you anymore. Are you doing ok though?" He smiles, "I'm better now that I'm here with you." You give him a tight hug and kiss his soft lips. You pull away to stare into his big eyes, "So what do you want to do while you're here?" He grabs your face and leans in again, "I wish I could stay here forever, I need you." He's kissing you harder now and pulls your bra down under your breasts. You start to melt with his touch. His tongue finds yours and they press together as he moves your back onto the mattress. The blood starts to rush through your body and you get warmer as he leans down to swirl his tongue around your nipples and you start to moan. You stop for a second to say... "Hey... I was working out." Your underwear starts to stick and there is a visible wet spot. He says, "You won't need these," as he takes off your underwear. He wastes no time at all and removes his sweats and boxers. His beige huge dick is already dripping, you chuckle, "Damn, all we did was kiss a little." He tells you, "Shut up, I said I missed you besides you were soaking wet too." You open up as he lines his sculpted body up with yours, chain dangling in your face. He puts just the tip in and out of your soaking pussy. He goes slow at first, loving to see your mouth gape open in pleasure. He moans y/n and grabs your thighs and starts to ram into you. You feel his member gliding inside your walls and you moan and grind with his pace. You start to rub your clit as he's fucking you. You start screaming his name and he moans, "you feel so good.." Your legs start to shake and he flips you over on the bed, pushes your face down, and holds onto your ass, as his hips are snapping faster and faster into you. All you hear is the sound of wet skin, pounding. You feel yourself clench and his moans become shorter and higher. You know he is getting close. You grip the sheets and begin to bounce your ass back on his dick and a few minutes later, you hear a deep growl, "ahhhh" as you feel his warm cum dripping down your spine.
You collapse onto the bed and he gets a towel to wipe your back. He says, " Thank you, I said it earlier but I really needed this." You smile and say, "I needed you too. We should go shower." He nods and follows you to the bathroom. You turn the hot water on and whisper, "I love you, babe. " He grabs your waist, "I love you more." After the shower, you both cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms.
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blenderchildren · 5 months
Trying to mentally program me to think about cartoons and comic books instead of the reality in front of me.
How broken is your brain, nigger.
What was the probable cause to legitimize your privacy raping nigger?
Did you think I was conspiring with Edward Snowden, nigger?
Photos and physical documents and eyewitness accounts, with names and faces, nigger.
Dope dealers. The last time you saw me talking to one of them. Before or after 1994, nigger?
Human trafficking. The last time I was seen in association with those types of people nigger.
International travel, passports, or personal associations with them, online or in reality, nigger.
Digital media piracy - pirate bay. It's your fault they are still up and active. You allow it. It's not a roach motel, WITH POISONED BAIT. uploaders who enable the digital media to give out freely in unlimited amounts are not punished. noone is punished for downloading what somebody else made free to access. You cannot punish uploaders or Downloader of digital media when the actual artists, actors, or creators aren't filing a formal complaint with the Law. Where's the uploads to any online server to make things accessible for public distribution and download, nigger?
Do I need to rewrite the law for you fucktards? Who the fuck are you? Some black dickhead on the African cint8nent trying to build a third-world country's government? Or some UK piece of shit being destructive to everything, thinking they're going to be the first ones there to stake a claim, nigger.
Based on what fact's? nigger.
Sick of you thinking you can go anywhere the fuck you want and rape boundaries and privacy, acting lawlessly, committing crimes and breaking laws, justified by some bullshit holy crusade over religious morals that are not the Law.
All you have to do is look at what the UK prioritizes in their own "empire" and the territories they invaded and occupy.
Gossip, they need stuff to talk shit about and throw stones, to make themselves feel like they are better than those in the spotlight.
Oh, you caught the United States President in women's lingerie sucking a dick?
Was there anything illegal happening, or just your criminal faggot nosiness?
That's all they care about, nigger.
They need to "out" you. But they'll never "come out" themselves. As if a public announcement of any individual's sexual preference is going to change the balance of society or how it affects the rest of the world's populace, nigger.
What the fuck is it to you? How does MY sexual orientation affect YOUR fucking decision making?
Do you fantasize about the president? Does his orientation make you think that you might have a chance to get laid when you make unsolicited sexual advances? Does making a public spectacle make you feel less inferior or alienated about your own sins or "secrets" nigger? Everybody's a fag and everybody needs to hear about it, just don't expect me to come out about my own habits, huh, nigger.
All they care about is getting up in people's shit as if they're trying to know all your intimate details, whether you are break8ng the law or not.
Your cia fly on the wall "clandestine" bullshit does not protect anybodys inner circle or their families, just the powertripping piece of shit monarch at the top of the pyramid.
The false promise, self deceit, and pipe dream of an orgasm is never going to make me change my principles regarding the law, nigger.
I don't care who you worship. All you care about is your deity and your self deification. Fuck your deity. Fuck your religion. You cant even fit into a pair of shoes if i dont make room for your faggot imaginary friend. I'm not interested in being friends with you.
Think about it nigger. Why the fuck would I even care about belonging to a social circle of people that have been lying to me for decades? Joining your club isn't going to give me a pay raise, it isn't going to give me rank over my enemies it isn't going to give me power over anyone. You don't even know how to communicate or express yourself on the internet. You don't know how to be normal.
You're a fuck8ng cliche'.
This imaginary bullshit about selling out to "the man", that never comes.
Fasle hopes, false promises.
Your deliberately spellcheck fuckups along the way.
As if go8ng back to correct them is going to get you in the nightclub door. or my fucking bed.
Dangled carrots to buy time on your bullshit that has to come to an end at some point. Like telling your dog that everything is going to be alright, as your driving him to the vet to be euthanized and killed, NIGGER.
Was lying about promises you will never honor, and trying to buy my forgiveness or acceptance with some rich assholes money, was any of it going to fix things that money can't buy nigger?
We're you going to buy me a new heart, nigger? Were you going to give me my parents or grandparents back nigger? Was it go8ng to miraculously undo all the shit that makes me who I am today, nigger? Was it going to make me stop treating you with distrust? Was it going to make m3 not give a fuck about your dishonesty, your lies or your deceit? Was it supposed to make me blind and stupid to your illegal concaine and methamphetamine trafficking, illegal gambling, or your organized crime?
Was my family going to be relieved? What about my own, nigger?
Knowing that I suffered a lot of shit in life, knowing that you were never punished for it. Knowing that you got away with all of it, and live free to abuse me in the future, n8gger.
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What about Ed, nigger.
How many times do I need to correct your A.I./artificial intelligence bullshit, nigger.
You're a "buy-on".
Buy your way in the door.
Buy your power.
Buy your "friendships" or business associates.
Buy your "loyalties".
Buy your social networks.
You never actually do anything "good" or praiseworthy.
You just "buy" people.
Buy people out. Buy out stock. Buy management and tell them who their suppliers are allowed to be, and who to pull off the shelves. To further undermine the otherwise would-be supporter's, support in your business, nigger.
Because you need to use them as a warzone and put them in the crossfire of your immaturity because you have a grudge with one nobody in society.
Remember the rocket gas station that went out of busines? Nigger?
Who suffered for that middle f8nger in my face, nigger? I didn't. But you're still a fucking faggot with a point to prove nigger.
Who suffered?
Was it a "sacrificial" gas station or monopoly game piece?
Did the business owner lose anything?
Did the employees lose anything other than their jobs and all their livelihood?
Fuck8ng nigger.
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iron-sides · 5 months
its really important to me that tim drake is a massive loser so as follows is a list of 90s skater slang i can imagine him saying <- i have not read robin 93 yet and im not gonna put off writing this until ive finished impulse and read that and superboy and titans bc the list would never end so like. idk if he actually says any of this shit. anyway.
"tim talks very formally? like he Tries to present as very straightforward, no-nonsense but he devolves into 90s skater slang (all that, bodacious, bogus, chedder, chill out, crib, the bomb, dickweed (this is his nickname of choice for dick), dude, dope, eat my shorts, looking fine, fly, fresh, gnarly, haul ass, hella, home skillet (he started saying this ironically and now he cant stop), hows it hangin, lets bounce, blah blah… not!, OG, off the chain, oh snap, open up a can of whoop-ass (ironically), poser, props, sike, puh-lease, radical, righteous, sick, slammin, sweet, chill pill, talk to the hand (as a joke/ironically), tight, tmi, tubular, wack, whats the 411, your mom)"
^^ from my dialogue notes
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viviennelamb · 3 months
Feels good to say the Truth: Purity makes living in this shithole worth it. All the pointless psychology, personality typing, and horoscopes I learned for the world's sake is fake- I can't get along with debauched people. Doesn't matter how much we superficially have in common, there's nothing to say to people who have worms for brains. All their medical theories are wrong as well. I've attributed the headaches, nausea, restlessness of the heart and mind my body got around ordinary people as a personal problem, turns out those are symptoms of being fucking disgusted. I don't have to be around yeasty beasties talking about their deplorable conditions being "normal sexual health problems" anymore. Proud about their rank pussies & dicks being heterosexually active while growing 1 billion cultures in their body. Makes sense why I feel best when I'm alone while they feel calmer around me.
I wanted to be problem so I could fix myself which I tried for at least 10 years, but no, most people make me sick. I've only felt good around one person in my life. I told her I thought she was perfect and I couldn't put my finger on exactly why. She humbly denied it, of course, but now I know: her heart was pure. The poor girl was exhausted, drained and smiled weakly around her so-called friends who would use and discard her every chance they got. I would get glimpses into what she really thought cause she knew I wasn't heartless like everybody else and her covert expressions of disgust were hilarious. She would get the socially anxious label when she definitely was not that. Sex-addicts don't know the difference between a person who is insecure and somebody who knows your fragile yet aggressive anger-issue-having asses can't handle a proton of honesty. It's not shyness, it's not wanting our gorgeous minds to get raped by your foul opinions.
Speaking of opinions, I was always called stuck up. When I used to try to help trolls in person they got angry when I implied that they should give cleanliness a try before they run to get put on dope by anti-health white-coated soul-butchers. People like the idea of a spotless mind but when you actually apply it to your life they're ready to diagnose you with one of their delusions. I've always been sane and sound of mind: I don't want to objectify women, I don't want to "loosen up" and I don't want to forget God. I'm more relaxed than anybody I know: I've never worried about not having enough sex, whether I'm attractive enough for the billions of degenerates nor have I ever worried about amazing a stupid psychopath.
I stopped talking for a few years altogether (which were some of the best years of my life, looking back...) because everything I said was wrong or dismissed but of course, they could spew their psychic sewage in my presence without a single fuck about how I felt. I'm sick of bigoted blokes bullying people for their race, gender, sexual orientation when they all engage in the same noxious filth and hate purity just the same. I'm not self-immolating for whores anymore. The 20 minutes of depression afterwards isn't worth it and I've heard it all anyways. Sexophiles lament about the dangers of being in echo chambers yet they can't see how they all repeat the same shit like clockwork. They're all so fucking impressed with themselves too.
I've reached my capacity for depravity: no, lapping up discharge isn't the fountain of life and guzzling semen doesn't repair DNA, shiteaters. I thought this level of immaturity would change as I got older, but it's just fucking ridiculous how many lazy pieces of shit make up theories to brainwash themselves into thinking eating pussy and sucking dick is the point of life. And what really gets me is they think eating the "correct" race of dick makes them superior. Why the fuck do they talk so much anyways? They should be too busy choking on it. I thought I would at least be able to laugh at them at this point but they're boring, unfunny, psychotic losers who can't even wipe their asses properly because of their BBLs and acrylic nails. I'm not a tolerant person and glad I can finally admit that. Stay sick.
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tache-noire · 1 year
I Want Your Violence
Rating: 18+ (explicit sexual content)
Pair: Eddie Kingston/Jon Moxley
Content: Rough sex, fighting, biting, scratching, choking, degradation, unexpected romance????
Warnings: Violence, bloodshed. All consensual, though.
Summary: Fuck "the business." Fuck character work. Fuck stories. Fuck the song and dance and theater and sequins and backflips. There's only one thing keeping Eddie from self-destructing and getting himself kicked out of this company-- somebody who craves plain old violence just as much as he does. (Title from 'Violence' by Dope. Listen to it.)
Ao3 Link
This. This is the kind of shit Eddie wants. Mox's teeth in the meat of his shoulder. His nails digging into his back. Not just the little scrapes and open mouth miming that makes good TV without sending his opponent to the medic for iodine and bandages. He needs this real violence, so that he doesn't get written up for breaking Tony's favorite toys in the ring. He needs somebody that knows his demons and can take what he dishes out and give him a real damn fight.
It's not like Moxley doesn't need it too. He's just better at playing nice when he has to. He puts up with The Business better. On one hand, Eddie's jealous as hell of that. He's getting too told and too sick of all this board room bickering and PTA meeting shit where they talk about what to do about the problem kid that plays a little too rough (like he didn't have enough of that when he was an actual kid). On the other hand, there ain't a single thing he'd trade for what he's got right here, right now. As much as the company's a pain in the ass, it keeps him and his favorite "stress relief" partner close. All so they can hook up after the cameras are off, and act like all they wanna do is put each other in the ground.
Eddie's got bruises on his belly, on his legs, where he's been punched and kicked. Splashes of pink across his chest and face from chops that echoed off the walls like gunshots. Angry red lines on either side of his spine like bloody wings. One of Jon Moxley's heels digs into the small of his back while he's fucked relentlessly into the scratchy hotel room carpet. He releases Eddie's shoulder from his teeth, and Eddie pins his shoulders and sits up before he can clamp them back down again. Mox bares his teeth and cracks him across the face again with an open palm, and Eddie returns it instantly. He tastes fresh blood, the inside of his cheek cut open on his teeth. He's got the advantage of leverage over Moxley, more force behind his blows. The man's dazed by it, his body going limp for a brief moment. And yet at the same time, his rock-hard dick twitches and spits a few more drops of precum against his stomach. Adding to the little puddle pooling in his navel.
"Oh, that's cute," Eddie sneers. "Real fuckin' cute, Moxie."
Jon snarls again at the teasing and nickname, but Eddie leans over and drives into him deep, and it turns into a ragged moan.
"Yeah, you shut the fuck up. You got nothin' to say unless it's 'more and 'harder'."
Mox gets his other leg around his waist, and squeezes around him. Pulling him closer.
"Then fuck me harder already, you fat piece of shit."
For that, he earns himself a brutal backhand, rocking him out of his head again for a moment. Eddie's quick. Before he can get his bearings back and struggle out of his grasp, he's got him flipped flat on his stomach. He rakes his nails down Moxley's rug-burned back, from his shoulders down to his ass, before spreading him open and dropping his hips and slamming his cock right back in where it belongs. Mox arches his back and claws at the carpet with a hoarse groan. Eddie flattens against him, looping an arm around his neck and squeezing just hard enough to make him dizzy.
"Yeah, that good, baby? That hard enough for you, you greedy little bitch?"
Every thrust grinds his dick back and forth on the rough, unforgiving floor. His throat is nestled right in the crook of Eddie's elbow, every flex constricting his windpipe. His breath is hot against his cheek as he and grunts like a beast. Moxley's breaths are punched out of him every time Eddie's pelvis hits his ass with a sweaty, resounding slap. He can barely get enough air back in each time. And yet, he keeps rocking back into him, wedging a hand between his cock to alleviate the harsh rubbing. He's fucking broken, not bothering to fight back anymore, just wheezing these husky, shameless moans with his whole chest. Like they're back in his own nice soundproofed luxury suite and not Eddie's shitty mid-carder room with paper walls and god knows who on the other side.
Could be somebody they know.
Eddie almost hopes it is.
He hopes somebody can hear Moxley, can recognize his voice, knows what they're doing and most of all that he's asking for it.
"Ed--die... N-need, fuck--"
Eddie rests his forehead against the back of Moxley's head. He can feel his orgasm creeping up, only aided by his partner's wrecked, fucked-out voice.
"Whatchu need? Tell me, Moxie."
He has to slow down to a shallow grind, deep and dirty. Holding himself back while tormenting Mox, who scrabbles at his arm half-heartedly.
"Nn-neck, teeth--" he gasps. "F-fuckin'-- bite me, Ed--!"
Eddie releases his chokehold, and Moxley sucks in air like it's the last chance he'll ever get. He holds himself up on one elbow, the other hand finally free enough to properly wrap around his dick. He tilts his head, bares his already-bruised neck for Eddie, practically whines for him like a dog. Eddie kisses his nape first-- the only tender gesture of this whole night so far-- and takes the invitation. His teeth break skin at the juncture of Moxley's neck and shoulder. Moxley clenches around his cock with a ragged wail-- so close he can taste it clearer than the blood on his tongue. It only takes a handful of punishing thrusts before Mox shoots his load onto the carpet, and Eddie follows close after, filling him to the brim.
Eddie has the decency and presence of mind to roll off of Moxley, but Mox just flops down flat on the floor, in his own mess. Panting heavily, leaking cum from his well-used hole. Sweat rolls off both their bodies, stinging their various scratches and bites. The pain only really sets in after all's said and done. Now Eddie feels the soreness in his gut, the spasms in his back, as he sits up straight against the foot of the bed. He nudges Moxley, who grunts wordlessly in response.
"Get up. You're not sleepin' naked on the floor."
Another grunt. "Maybe I am."
Eddie scoffs, drags him by the wrist until he gets up to his knees. "No the fuck you ain't, get your ass in bed."
"No shower?"
They're already getting under the over-starched covers.
"You wanna stand up right now?"
"Nah, not really."
"That's what I thought. C'mere and shut up."
They're sweaty, stuck together, sore, but not as sore as they'll be in the morning, when they have to wait for the painkillers to kick in before they can even get out of bed. There's gonna be a hell of a cleaning bill. Mox will offer to cover it. Eddie will refuse. 'Date night expenses,' he calls it, because it makes them both snicker just to think about if they were the types to go out to Olive Garden on fridays. Not a fuckin' chance. It's always gonna be room service and teeth and nails. And it's always gonna be exactly what they need.
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xx-ghost-rat-xx · 10 months
yeah well, your mom said my dick was DOPE and SICK NASTYY LIKE MAD yeah bro your mom said my dick was DA BOMB . yeah bro your moms pussy is like a puzzle piece and my dick is like the puzzle piece that fits into that puzzle piece (your moms pussy)
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x-heesy · 2 years
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𝗫 𝗠𝗬 𝝠𝗦𝗦 👉🏾🖕🏽👈🏽
Wiggity wiggity
The Christmas monster in me wakes up once every decade
I know, I know, homie, it's rare, I hear you complaining
So in the herd better, I'm not alone here today
It's Elephant, D.O.D., you bitch, freak out like Kurdistan
Fuck you in borscht, the ax flies straight into your mouth
A choir of aborted children sings Christmas carols from the toilet
You shine all over Chernobyl, for fuck you a Christmas tree
Take a break, take it easy, Bill Cosby will grab a drink
It's a sick Christmas atmosphere, it won't be the first star
Your kid is driving into the crystal like snowdrifts
It's great, you see if Santa has already arrived
In the sky instead of him, the three-headed King Ghidorah
A werewolf in an Elf costume for your sister at night
First he breaks off, then makes a vagina out of the head
This EP is going to fuck you up, so be lucky
There will be no surprises like Bruce Jenner on Father's Day
"You can't do that during Christmas" - I can fucking do anything
Rudolph overdosed, snout foam, disco sick
Hey girl, I know you like dinosaurs so
Your father is going to fuck the AIDS pterodactyl today
What bad luck, let the mold eat your teeth
And the whole planet was covered in cold darkness
I wish you would bleed out through your genitals
The Elephant wishes you a happy apocalypse, and a
No, no, no hope
Earth, earth, earth will stand today
This is, this is a sick Christmas
Centipede crawls out of his mouth again
No, no, no hope
Earth, earth, earth will stand today
This is, this is a sick Christmas
Centipede crawls out of his mouth again
Ay yo, what is this? Dope D.O.D. and Słoń
Black Christmas, Santa Claus wanna mack on all suspicious
Tippy-toe in yo 'booth like a lizard
Niggas can't hear me, can't see me, can't even come close
Sniffin 'all the snow, Santa Claus, never cope
Livin 'on the dope, as the story unfolds
Bitch get my coat, it's' bout time to unload
No fucking presents
All you see is blood raining down from heaven
Government pet like Eleven I'm a felon
Boy you better tell 'em I'mma fuck' em up like Slevin
Lucky number seven, when it's Christmas - I'm Kevin
You can hear the bells ring when we step in
Chainsaw revvin 'when we comin' for your parents
Red nose in the red snow, drinking red rum
Bitch sucking on my mistletoe
No, no, no hope
Earth, earth, earth will stand today
This is, this is a sick Christmas
Centipede crawls out of his mouth again
No, no, no hope
Earth, earth, earth will stand today
This is, this is a sick Christmas
Centipede crawls out of his mouth again
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Your bitch jiggles balls, and she takes it all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride my dick on Christmas day
Crashing through the snowman, Santa's on the way
I push it down the cliff, on the one horse open sleigh
Blood is gonna rain, dear bodily decay
Ho ho, oh no, Brain Dead Elephant
The Dope and the logo, ghost in the photo
I walk around with breath like a hobo
Big white beard and a bright red polo
It's father Christmas, fuck you wishless
I pour Guinness and leave your chimney with a corpse in it
Coarse blizzards, you'll sure shiver the gore spitters
No worries, cause your innards are worn with us
And we going all winter with this one
Drip, drip, drip - that's a skull when we split one
Big fun
(No no no hope)
(Earth, earth, earth will stand today)
(These are, these are sick Christmas)
(Centipede crawls out of his mouth again)
Xmas 2019 by Słoń, Dope D.O.D. 🖕🏽
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all-or-nothing-baby · 2 years
Every night you dream that you talk to a genie, when you wake up you can't remember what you wished for. One morning you wake up with a giant crab pincer replacing your right arm. What do you do?
I call Kafka on his mobile and ask how best to proceed. Only Kafka doesn't answer, the shit. He never answers.
So. I phone in sick to the garage—thanking Mexican baby Jesus and Philip K. Dick for the invention of the speaker phone because, you know, only one hand—and try to get dressed without hacking off any skin with the new serrated limb. But then it hits me: why on earth am I getting dressed? Am I really going to leave the house like this? No, I realise, I most certainly am not.
Instead, I call up my good buddy Cate Blanchett, because she gets the best dope. Cate is filming but I ask her assistant if they can drop me off some Salvia, pronto, which they do; I have to get high af if I'm to figure out what to do next.
Smoking with a pincer is actually easier and cooler than you might imagine.
While off by tits and talking to a chair, I realise that I'm talking to a chair, and it then tells me to get my damn shit together. Thinking really, really hard (honestly it almost hurts in this state), the solution to the issue of WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK DO I DO NOW?! hits me: dreamwalking. Obviously.
Humming like George Harrison playing a sitar, I manage to drift off...
"Nanu-Nanu!" says Mork of Mork & Mindy fame when I open my eyes.
I smile and answer, "Wrong Robin Williams character! Sorry, Dream Robin Williams!" and swim away through the dream to the next realm...
"Oh captain! My captain!"...
"To Live would be an awfully big adventure!"...
"Make your life spectacular!"...
Floating, floating.
Until, finally, "To be my own master..."
"Genie! It's me, Crab Dream boy!"
The genie sighs, deep and audible. How very out of character, you think.
"Oh, yay. You're back. What do you want this time, hmm? Knees of an ant? A snake's chin?" He laughs to himself, a little cruelly.
Something is very wrong.
"I don't remember how I remember but somehow, I know this: you tricked me into asking for the pincer, didn't you?"
"Why, watever do you mean, child?"
A sick feeling washes over me. "You're not him, are you? " but it's not really a question, and the so-called genie, they know it.
And it's at that moment that Thor, the God of Thunder (MCU version) arrives on the bifrost, wielding Stormbreaker which, yeah, is cool af and everything, but in all honesty you'd be lying through your perfectly straight teeth if you said you weren't just a little disappointed it isn't Mjolnir.
He looks at me. Looks at my pincer-hand. Looks at the 'genie'.
Then, like a lightning bolt slicing through the atmosphere, it clicks.
The genie tricked me. The genie is mean. The genie is blue (and yeah, okay, that last bit tracks but still).
"Loki!" both Thor and I exclaim simultaneously.
... and that's where I wake, the sound of maniacal yet loveable laughter already fading like the sound of ocean the crab pincer came from swooshing in an invisible seashell.
A dream within a dream. How very Inception of me.
Blinking furiously, the laptop comes into still blurry view.
"Back in the walking world I see, Parrish."
"Barely. Ego had mirabilem somnia..."
Ro looks at me like I'm a clown.
"You had the strangest of dreams. Really."
Ronan had up dreamed live crabs only last month, filled my dorm room with them. Along with my new motorbike. Being the boyfriend of a dreamer who actually brings back the objects he drabs shit does have its advantages, as well as the opposite.
"Do you think it's possible my dreams feel more real when I sleep next to you?"
Ronan scoffs. "If they are, that has to be the least weird thing about us, Adam."
I smile. "The least weird thing about us, Ronan Lynch, is the combined amount of time you spend on Tumblr while in a magical farm yard, and how many times I can half-consume the Marvel movies while studying for never ending tests and at the same time manage to low-key vibe with local leylines," I tell him.
As Ronan texts Gansey, Blue and Henry, I attempt to get back to my trifecta of unrelated tasks, trying my very best not to fall asleep again.
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