#Date ideas Edmonton
angry-geno-is-score · 3 months
RATE YOUR WORLDBUILDING HIGHER THAN 5/10 ITS SOOO GOOD literally so immersive and tangible!!! also reading through your answers to your ask game and i just want to say i love all your ideas and potential fics and wips that i’ve never seen they’re just so good! will be thinking about abused skittish alpha vince <3
ahh, thank you so much anon, you have no idea how much that means. Also, because you were so kind, I figured I should give you at least a snippet of the unfinished WIP?
The first thing Vince says to Adam when they come back from the offseason is, “I can’t wait to show you this new drill I’ve been working on.” His pretty eyes are so wide and earnest, so full of light. Adam is struck for a moment by just how beautiful he is, cheeks flushed lightly pink from jogging to not be late to the first day of training camp, hair a tousled mess, hands clutching the strap of his gear bag like a little boy instead of the grown Alpha he is. Adam long ago learned that admiring other Alphas like he’s doing right now isn’t something to be ashamed of—Leon trained that out of him in Edmonton. Now, all he really feels is a faint bit of despair, because if Vince is afraid of Alphas he most certainly wouldn’t want to date one. “I’d love to see it,” Adam says out loud, calm and put-together as always. “I heard from Turbo that you’ve been working hard this past summer. I’m proud of you.” And oh, oh, is he glad that he let himself look at Vince for just a second longer. If he hadn’t allowed himself that small indulgence, he would have missed the way Vince’s eyelashes flutter, the way his cheeks gently flush, the way he ducks his head to hide the pleased, shy curve of his lips. “Ha, thanks,” he says bashfully to the locker room floor. “I, um… I wanna be good enough to keep playing with you.”
...and then while reading the stuff I had, I figured maybe I could revisit this fic sometime in the future. I'll add it to my "WIPs I'm attempting to keep UNDER 10,000 FUCKING WORDS" folder. ;) Thanks, anon!
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lightleckrereins · 9 months
If we are getting a separate Canadian Six tour, do you have any idea why it’s listed on the site that the Bolyen tour is going to Ottawa next summer?
I can only guess the reason. But I think it is a combination of: different producers (one being the canada production one, the other the Ottawa theater owner), the Toronto run not being planned as a tour (it was always promoted as a Toronto production only until the Edmonton dates were announced) and the Toronto production being open ended (they have a last date tickets are being sold for at the moment but the cast has year long contracts and its not weird for theaters to only sell tickets 2-3 months in advance).
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bbrissonn · 2 years
was on twitter again, and found this french article about bordy, so i translated for you guys :)
EDMONTON - Thomas Bordeleau and Noah Delémont had been waiting a long time to find themselves on the same ice again as in the good old days.
After a few missed dates, the two friends finally crossed swords at the World Junior Championship when the United States of Bordeleau beat the Swiss of Delémont 7-1 on Thursday. Something to remind them of good memories of their youth in Switzerland.
“It goes back a long time ago,” recalled the striker with Canadian-American citizenship. “I must have been 6 or 7 years old and my father (Sébastien) played in Bern. We fell into the same team, and I think it started when his dad took me to practice.
“It just clicked, we both spoke French so it was easier. We were at each other's house all the time, in the same teams and the same tournaments. He was my best friend in Switzerland. »
Their paths separated when Thomas' father ended his career and the Bordeleaus returned home to Quebec to settle there. Despite the distance, they keep in touch virtually by writing to each other a few times a year and have also seen each other on a few occasions.
"The last time was in Switzerland, four or five years ago," said Delémont, who plays in the Swiss National League. “It's been a while, so it was nice to have him back in Edmonton. At least, with social networks, we always have the impression of seeing each other."
One thing is certain, it is that they still share the same passion for hockey, this passion which is at the very origin of their friendship. And Delémont is delighted at the idea of ​​seeing his old accomplice reach the NHL, with the San Jose Sharks, after all these years of hard work.
"I'm really happy for him," said the 20-year-old defender. We talked about it, he is enjoying every moment and I wish him the best. When we see how he dominates this tournament, he doesn't have to worry too much about the coming seasons. San Jose is lucky to have him. »
And for Delémont, it's not a bad thing to count on a friend with a residence in California.
“He is welcome, laughed Bordeleau. He can come anytime! »
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ts1989fanatic · 11 months
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In Dear Diary, the National Post satirically re-imagines a week in the life of a newsmaker. This week, Tyler Dawson takes a journey inside the thoughts of singer Taylor Swift.
This is pretty exciting! The new tour is going well. Fans are enthusiastic. I get to go to sleep every night atop a mattress padded out with dollar bills.
Swifties are the best fans around, and I can’t wait to tell everyone where I’ll be performing next on the Eras Tour. It’s a good life, travelling around, performing before adoring crowds.
I know I sing in Anti-Hero that I’m the problem, but, really, all I do is make people happy.
I just announced where I’m headed. Twenty-six new cities.
Everyone’s going to love it, I’m sure. It occurs to me now that there would’ve been some nice poetry if it had been 22 cities, instead of 26. Although at age 33, sometimes I feel weird singing that particular song.
Now, to sit back and bask in the enthusiasm of my fans and everyone who wants to see me. It’ll be nice to see the world again and visit Germany and Ireland and Scotland.
Huh, weird, I just saw on Twitter the Australians seem to be getting cranky. Ah well, I’ll check on that in the morning.
Oh no. The people of Perth are angry because I’m not stopping by to play a show. I do have other dates in Australia, though. What’s their problem?
You’d think at this point I wouldn’t care if people were mad at me. But I’ve written innumerable songs about how people have jilted me in the past. I wrote a 10-minute version of a song that had my fans demanding Jake Gyllenhaal return my red scarf.
I may be famous, but that doesn’t mean I’ve got an iron shell around me. It still hurts.
But I guess I don’t really want to have bad blood with Australia. It may be full of horrifying poisonous animals, but the people are nice enough.
I just got off the phone with my manager.
It turns out the Canadians are upset, too. So upset that some upstart member of Parliament has officially complained to the House of Commons that I’ve snubbed Canada.
Ungrateful ingrates! I’ve been all over the U.S. Don’t they know that’s a short plane ride away from pretty much any Canadian city?
It’s not like I’ve even spent much time there before, beyond Toronto and Vancouver and Edmonton.
What’s wrong with these people? Everyone always says Canadians are so chill. As if a national hissy fit is going to convince me to come visit.
As I was falling asleep last night, I came up with a great idea for a song — one about just how much Canada sucks and how much they’re ruining my life.
That’ll be my revenge!
Ugh. I just did a Google search to make sure I wouldn’t be infringing on copyright or something. Turns out South Park did this ages ago. Maybe I’ll just sing Blame Canada at one of my shows.
ts1989fanatic: I know this is satire but that sh*t is not funny at all, not everyone can afford to travel to the USA to go too a concert.
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yegarts · 2 years
What’s Coming up in Public Art
Over the next few years, we’re thrilled to be welcoming several new public artworks to Edmonton’s Public Art Collection. Along with previously announced pieces by Sanaz Mazinani for the new downtown greenspace Warehouse Park (in development) and by Michelle Sound for the TELUS Transit stop, Edmonton will soon be home to new works by some fascinating local and national artists, including Jordan Bennett, Sans façon, Shaheer Zazai, Ruth Cuthand, Morgan Melenka, and Michelle Campos Castillo – all in connection with the new Valley Line West LRT expansion. Also in the works is a new public art commission by artist Becca Taylor for the TELUS World of Science – Edmonton.
The artists are all putting the Edmonton Arts Council’s (EAC) new approach to public art into action from start to finish. The re-envisioned approach is guided by the City of Edmonton policy, "Public Art to Enhance Edmonton’s Public Realm”, and its principles concerning public visibility and accessibility, diversity and inclusion, public art appreciation, and city-wide impact. The shift began with the EAC's work on the Indigenous Art Park, ᐄᓃᐤ (ÎNÎW) River Lot 11 ∞, shares Public Art Director David Turnbull: “with it, we changed the way we work, to think beyond contract management and to really question what our responsibility is to the citizens of Edmonton and to the growth and development of the public art collection.”
These new commissions will have strong ties to the communities they occupy. Artists are no longer selected based on their preconceived ideas for a project, Turnbull says, “we now ask artists to begin projects by outlining their creative processes and their approach to research and engagement with community stakeholders.” The EAC's work to build strong relationships in the community is critical, says Turnbull, “by the time an artist comes into a project, they should be entering a receptive community that is expecting them.”
The new responsive processes are helping to build a high-quality public art collection that is relevant and representative of Edmonton’s diverse communities. These purposeful steps work to address the collection's under-representation of Indigenous artists, as well as artists from diverse genders and cultural backgrounds. The new processes will also help to address systemic barriers faced by artists from marginalized, racialized and equity-seeking groups which prevent them from becoming involved in public art.
Read on to learn more about the artists behind several exciting new public art commissions coming to Edmonton.
Jordan Bennett: Valley Line West - West Edmonton Mall Station
Selected artist: Jordan Bennett Public art project site: Valley Line West-West Edmonton Mall Station, 175 Street & 87 Avenue  Anticipated project install date: 2024
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Mawpile'n by Jordan Bennett, 2017. Materials: Acrylic Paint on Aluminum. Installation View: Exterior of Great West Life Building-Broadway, Winnipeg. Photo credit: Synonym Art Collective. Collaboration with Dee Barsy through Synonym Art Collective and WAG.
For the Valley Line West LRT - West Edmonton Mall Station, Jordan Bennett will be creating artwork using the mediums of ceramic frit on glass (windows) and painting on a large metal solar screen. The LRT expansion to the city’s west side is the second stage of the Valley Line that will operate between Mill Woods in southeast Edmonton and Lewis Farms in west Edmonton.
Jordan Bennett is a Mi’kmaq visual artist from Stephenville Crossing, Ktaqamkuk, Newfoundland. Jordan's ongoing practice utilizes painting, sculpture, video, installation, and sound to explore land, language, the act of visiting, familial histories and challenging colonial perceptions of Indigenous histories and presence with a focus on exploring Mi’kmaq and Beothuk visual culture of Ktaqamkuk.
In the past 10 years Bennett has participated in over 90 group and solo exhibitions nationally and internationally in venues such as the Smithsonian-National Museum of the American Indian, NYC; MAC-VAL, Paris; The Museum of Art and Design, NYC, NY; Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, Santa Fe, NM; Project Space Gallery, RMIT, Melbourne, AUS; and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.
He has been the recipient of several awards and honours, notably, he was shortlisted for the 2018 Sobey Art Award and presented with the 2014 Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Councils Artist of the Year. Bennett holds a BFA from Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Memorial University, and an MFA from The University of British Columbia, Okanagan.
Sans façon: Valley Line West - Misericordia Station 
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Limelight: Saturday night by Sans façon. 2010-ongoing. Photo credit Sans façon. Selected artist collective: Sans façon Public art project site: Valley Line West - Misericordia Station, 169 Street & 87 Avenue  Anticipated project install date: 2024
Sans façon is creating three works for the Valley Line West - Misericordia Station. “It is our intention that notions of compassion run, in different and complementary ways, through all of the components of the work", says Sans façon, "the art itself is the conduit for public encounters with the notion of compassion. Three expressions will take form: two will be permanent and tangible and the third expression will lay the social and contextual foundation for the permanent works through storytelling.
Sans façon works internationally on projects ranging from large scale permanent artworks and temporary installations in public spaces to collaborating with design teams on major infrastructure projects or developing and implementing city-wide strategies involving artists in discourse with a city. Much of their work tempts interaction with the surroundings and is developed in close collaboration with communities, corporations, and individuals including city councils, scholars, architects, engineers, and designers.
Over the last two decades, Sans façon has established a model of integrating art and artists as part of a holistic approach for projects of all scales, allowing art to work in concert with the vision of the wider project, engaging people and animating the specific character and quality of each place they work with.
The busy Calgary-based duo has current projects throughout North America and internationally including Art in Parks, a permanent installation with Steve Gurysh in Pittsburgh; Al Masar, five permanent and temporary works, and art planning with el dorado architects in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Monument to Rain, a permanent installation, exploring our relationship to the dynamic environment in Georgetown, Seattle.
Note: On November 24, 2022, as part of the Art Gallery of Alberta's monthly free night, Sans façon is providing a guided scent tour from 5 - 6 pm.
Michelle Campos Castillo: Valley Line West - 87 Avenue Guideway Ramps at 164 Street 
Selected artist: Michelle Campos Castillo Public art project site: Valley Line West - 87 Avenue Guideway Ramps at 164 Street  Anticipated project install date: 2024
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Rendering of Michelle Campos Castillo’s project Agua.
Local artist Michelle Campos Castillo has been commissioned to create a design for the Valley Line West - 87 Avenue guideway ramps at 164 Street.
“As a guest on Treaty 6 territory, I’m most concerned in honouring the land and its inhabitants,” says Campos Castillo. “My approach to developing concepts always carries the spirit of migrants and refugees with me, while appreciating the beautiful landscape of Indigenous territory. I challenged myself to think beyond my own Salvadorean culture and embody the journey of all migrants. I thought of the distances we all travelled to land in Amiskwaciwahikan; some of us crossed oceans. At the same time, I think of my favourite place in the city, the river valley, and the way the river runs across the city and the way this body of water unites us locally.”
Michelle Campos Castillo is a Salvadoran visual artist living in Edmonton. She has been the recipient of several public art commissions from the City of Edmonton, including Platanos, a set of three sculptures on permanent display at Belvedere Transit Centre, and Dream, a recently finalized artwork for the Stadium LRT station (along with fellow local artists Tiffany Shaw, Becca Taylor, Shawn Tse and Christina Battle). Her most recent exhibits are a solo show, Terremoto, presented in the summer of 2022 at grunt gallery in Vancouver, BC and as part of Imborrable at the National Gallery in San Salvador, El Salvador. She is currently working on a graphic novel memoir titled Colonia, based on her life in El Salvador during the country’s civil war.
Morgan Melenka: Valley Line West - Aldergrove Park Elevated Guideway Ramp 
Selected artist: Morgan Melenka  Public art project site: 87 Avenue Guideway Ramp at Aldergrove Park and 182 Street Anticipated project install date: 2024
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Rendering of Morgan Melanka's project. 3D render by Jordan Polanski. 
Morgan Melenka has a close connection with the site that she has been commissioned to design artwork. Melenka’s designs for the Valley Line West guideway ramp at 87 Avenue and 182 Street are informed by the architecture of Aldergrove, the neighborhood she grew up in. The imagery, Melenka says “is a collage of building materials and styles from the area, including brick arches, vinyl siding, and mansard roofs. The geometry of this work results in a strong visual pattern, akin to the experience of moving through Aldergrove, and reflects familiar forms and shapes that informed my understanding of space as a child.”
Morgan Melenka is a visual artist based in Mohkinstsis (Calgary) who grew up in Treaty 6. She engages with sculpture and printmaking as she reproduces, modifies, and misuses familiar architectural forms and materials to engage with the world of architecture. She holds an MFA from NSCAD University and has exhibited in Canada and the US including New York, Nebraska, and Tennessee. Her recent exhibitions include: Nonsuch at SNAP Gallery; the Scene at the Art Gallery of Alberta; The Works Art & Design Festival, moveObjects On at the Plumb, Toronto; and There are no walls, only shimmering membranes as part of SAAG Art Library Project.
Shaheer Zazai: Gerry Wright Operations and Maintenance Facility Public Art Project
Selected artist: Shaheer Zazai Public art project site: The Gerry Wright Facility is east of 75th Street adjacent to Whitemud Drive  Anticipated project install date: 2024/25
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Untitled - Carpet 2 / 2017 by Shaheer Zazai. Digital Print on Watercolour Paper. Produced in Microsoft Word. Edition of 3. 25.5” X 42”.
Shaheer Zazai, an Afghan-Canadian artist based in Toronto, has been selected for the public art project for the Gerry Wright Facility. The maintenance facility, garage, and operations centre for Valley Line is east of 75th Street, on the north side of Whitemud Drive. Zazai will develop and execute a site-specific artwork that may span two exterior walls on the southeast side of the building. An important part of Zazai’s process will be community engagement. Stay tuned for information about public engagement opportunities in the coming months.
Zazai’s current studio practice is both in painting and digital media. His practice focuses on exploring and attempting to investigate the development of cultural identity in the present geopolitical climate and diaspora. Zazai received a BFA from OCAD University in 2011 and was an artist in residence at OCAD University as part of the Digital Painting Atelier in 2015. He has upcoming exhibitions at the Aga Khan Museum and the Power Plant in Toronto, the Owens Art Gallery in New Brunswick, and a public artwork in progress at Emily Carr University. Recent exhibitions include a solo exhibition of new works, A Call Home at Patel Brown Gallery, Toronto, and New Acquisitions Exhibition at Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby, BC.
Ruth Cuthand: Lewis Farms Storage Facility Public Art Project 
Selected artist: Ruth Cuthand Public art project site:  Lewis Farms Facility, west of Anthony Henday Drive, adjacent to Lewis Farms Transit Centre  Anticipated project install date: 2024/25 
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RCH78, Depression by Ruth Cuthand. 2022, Glass beads, thread, backing, 11 1/4" x 11 1/4". Copyright: Ruth Cuthand. Photo credit: The Gallery/Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, SK
Artist Ruth Cuthand has been commissioned for the Lewis Farms Facility public art project. The facility is west of Anthony Henday Drive, adjacent to the existing Lewis Farms Transit Centre. Cuthand will develop and execute a site-specific artwork that may span ten locations along the west façade of the building.
Ruth Cuthand was born in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, of Plains Cree, Scottish and Irish ancestry. She grew up in Cardston, Alberta near the Blood Reserve and resides in Saskatoon where she completed her BFA and MFA. An early fascination with disease, First Nations living conditions, and settler/Native relationships informed by childhood experiences have become key elements in her creative practice. Ruth has exhibited extensively across Canada and the United States since the late 1980s with artworks in major collections, such as the National Gallery of Canada. Her awards and recognition include the Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts, the University of Saskatchewan Alumni of Influence Award, and the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Arts Award.
Becca Taylor: TELUS World of Science - Edmonton 
Selected artist: Becca Taylor Public art project site: Entry Plaza, TELUS World of Science Edmonton, 11211 - 142 Street, Edmonton    Anticipated project install date: spring 2023  
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Investigations - Untitled, wâpanewask (Yarrow) explorations by Becca Taylor. 2022. Dyed Cotton, beds and dried yarrow.  Photo credit: Darryn Doull, KWAG 
Artist Becca Taylor has been commissioned to create a site-specific artwork in the entrance plaza of TELUS World of Science – Edmonton that is part of a modernization project at the facility. The extensive update has involved renovations of existing exhibits and the addition of 20,000 square feet of new gallery space and visitor amenities.
Becca Taylor is an artist, curator, and writer, of Cree and Métis descent. Her practice involves investigations of Indigenous community building, through food sovereignty, gathering, deep listening, conversation and making. Contributing to all stages of this project, she brings her experience in working on collaborative-based projects, research, and public engagement. Taylor also has experience curating and organizing community and site-specific interventions in urban and rural landscapes. Notably, in 2015 she organized a series of youth-led public artworks in Winnipeg’s North end, and in 2018 she co-led a land-based residency, Common Opulence, in Northern Alberta. Becca is the Executive Director (currently on a leave of absence) of Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre in Amiskwacîwâskahikan.
Learn more about the City of Edmonton Public Art Collection and discover other fantastic public art projects in progress at edmontonpublicart.ca.
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ocean-anchored · 9 days
What am I even feeling. It’s like I feel extremes on both sides. One day I’m all in & im excited and just want to marry him. The next day I’m picking things apart wondering if I’m being misled or question if I’m hearing from God. Question if I’m moving too fast. Question if I’m making the wrong choices out of emotion.
Why do I act so petty? Like I’ve just been the one sacrificing coming out there the last 3 weeks? Which is fine, but then idk. What did I expect? I should be appreciating that he’s making an effort to come out tmrw night for Sunday. But it was meaning a lot if he would come meet Melissa. & now saying that it might be calling for showers tmrw so he won’t seed which means he can work on his yard which ok makes sense I know he’s got a lot to do. But he still says he thinks he won’t leave till 6 or 7pm? Like I understand the yard work stuff but it makes me sad that maybe the priority doesn’t come through… like I get one day with you.. and I hate to say that I’m pretty darn sure he’s not waking up early to do this. He’ll probably start at like 11 or 12 maybe & even then like idk, to me it’s like why could you not think to get up early to get the main stuff done so you can leave at 4 or 5 to make a point in meeting my sister… knowing that’s important to me. & like his idea that this summer he’ll “be out around Calgary” so he can spend time out here… like great how much time are we actually getting? You leave after work to come in the night before, to golf the whole day so I might get Saturday night even though you’ll be exhausted, & then get half of Sunday with you before you go back home? So I get a day & a half? Meanwhile I’m the one that makes the point to come out for a week? Ugh. Idk. Maybe I’m just being petty & unrealistic but man that really blows. Here I’ve invested so much time into getting to know his family & yes I really appreciate that he’s coming in to spend Amanda’s birthday, but like it’s hard to see that he wants to invest in my family back. I know calgarys not your home but here I am again going to come out next weekend to spend Sunday with your family at the gender reveal & probably come back because if I go to Edmonton with Ed. Like I just really wonder & question a bit of the priorities. Lawn care vs meeting my sister, my best friend who’s important to me for you to get to know… idk. I really don’t know. Here I was again feeling pretty confident again that things are right, that I want to invest in this because of his character etc & why I feel like I’m investing more? Making more of the planning? Like he probably was going to do most of those golf tourneys around Calvary regardless of dating me. There’s what, two? Mickleson and strathmore? Jasper is a getaway & cranbrook we haven’t even talked about if I’m going with him. I’m just really scared that I want more of the intentional commitment. He feels nonchalant or leaves things till later which is what scares me. Like pre marital counselling? You said it initially but I haven’t heard talk about it since. Planning a trip this summer, we briefly talked about NFLD but then nothing. It’s almost June… like there’s no more sitting around for time anymore if these are things we want to plan… I hate last minute planning. Idk. Is this small enough stuff that we can just work through? That can just be communicated? That’s not going to impact me or us enough that leaves me questioning? I honestly don’t know. Maybe I really should wait and find a place to live for a year…
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mitchbeck · 6 months
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zoraconstruction · 7 months
Transforming Your Space: The Magic of Home Renovations
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Embarking on a home renovation journey is a thrilling endeavor that allows homeowners to breathe new life into their living spaces. Whether you're looking to modernize your kitchen, create a serene oasis in your bathroom, or add functional space to accommodate a growing family, home renovations offer the opportunity to tailor your residence to your evolving lifestyle.
Planning Your Home Renovation:
The foundation of a successful home renovation lies in meticulous planning. Identify the areas of your home that require improvement and define your goals. Create a realistic budget, taking into account both material costs and labor expenses. Establish a timeline to guide the project and ensure a smooth workflow.
Setting Realistic Budgets:
Be realistic about your financial capacity and allocate funds based on priority. Consider setting aside a contingency fund to account for unexpected expenses that may arise during the renovation process.
DIY vs. Professional Services:
While some homeowners may opt for a do-it-yourself approach to cut costs, certain projects require professional expertise. Evaluate the complexity of the renovation, your skill set, and the potential risks involved before deciding whether to hire Zora Constructions professionals or take on the project yourself.
Trends and Inspiration:
Staying up-to-date with current home renovation trends can inspire and guide your renovation decisions. Explore design magazines, online platforms, and social media channels to gather ideas and inspiration. Popular trends include sustainable and eco-friendly materials, minimalist designs, smart home technology, and transitional or timeless aesthetics. However, remember that trends come and go, and it's important to prioritize designs and features that will stand the test of time.
Kitchen and Bathroom Transformations:
Kitchens and bathrooms are focal points of a home, and renovating these spaces can significantly elevate its overall appeal. Consider modernizing kitchen appliances, installing stylish cabinets, or revamping bathroom fixtures to create a more luxurious and efficient environment. Garage Buildings in Edmonton are an opportunity to breathe new life into your living spaces, creating a home that reflects your personality, enhances functionality, and increases property value. By carefully planning, budgeting, and considering your specific goals, you can embark on a transformational journey that brings your vision to life. Whether you choose to DIY or hire professionals, embrace the magic of home renovations and witness the incredible transformation of your space.
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The Art and Science of Vehicle Wraps in Edmonton: Transforming Your Ride into a Moving Canvas
In the bustling city of Edmonton, where vehicles weave through traffic like colorful threads in a vibrant tapestry, the concept of vehicle wraps has emerged as a powerful means of self-expression and advertising. More than just a protective layer for your vehicle's exterior, a well-designed wrap can turn your car into a moving masterpiece, capturing attention and leaving a lasting impression. In this article, we delve into the art and science of vehicle wraps in Edmonton, exploring their benefits, the design process, and the impact they can have on businesses and individuals alike.
The Evolution of Vehicle Wraps:
The use of vehicle wraps dates back to the early 20th century when businesses started using hand-painted advertisements on their vehicles. However, with advancements in technology, the process has evolved into a sophisticated art form. In today's Edmonton, vinyl wraps have become the go-to choice for transforming the appearance of cars, trucks, and even buses. The material offers durability, flexibility, and an extensive range of colors and finishes, allowing for limitless design possibilities.
Benefits of vehicle wraps Edmonton :
Advertising on the Move: Edmonton's busy streets provide a prime canvas for mobile advertising. Vehicle wraps turn your daily commute into a marketing opportunity, exposing your brand to a diverse audience. Businesses can capitalize on the constant flow of traffic, reaching potential customers wherever their vehicles go.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional advertising methods, such as billboards or print media, vehicle wraps offer a cost-effective solution with long-term visibility. Once installed, a well-maintained wrap can last for several years, providing a continuous return on investment.
Protection and Resale Value: Beyond aesthetics, vehicle wraps act as a protective layer, shielding your vehicle's original paint from scratches, stone chips, and UV rays. This not only preserves the resale value but also allows for an easy restoration to the vehicle's original appearance when needed.
The Design Process:
Conceptualization: Before the creative process begins, it's crucial to define the purpose of the vehicle wrap. Whether it's brand promotion, individual expression, or a combination of both, a clear concept lays the foundation for an impactful design.
Graphic Design and Branding: Collaborating with skilled graphic designers is essential for translating ideas into visually appealing concepts. For businesses, incorporating branding elements, such as logos and color schemes, ensures consistency with overall marketing strategies.
Printing and Installation: Once the design is finalized, the next step involves printing the graphics onto high-quality vinyl. Skilled installers meticulously apply the wrap to the vehicle's surface, ensuring a seamless and professional finish. The installation process requires precision and expertise to avoid imperfections and bubbles.
Impact on Businesses and Individuals:
Brand Recognition: For businesses, vehicle wraps offer a mobile billboard that significantly enhances brand visibility. Consistent exposure to a branded vehicle builds recognition and fosters trust among potential customers.
Personal Expression: On an individual level, vehicle wraps provide a unique opportunity for self-expression. Car enthusiasts, artists, and individuals seeking a distinctive look for their vehicles can turn their ideas into reality, standing out in the crowd.
In the dynamic landscape of Edmonton's streets, vehicle wraps have emerged as a powerful blend of art and advertising. From transforming businesses into mobile billboards to allowing individuals to express their creativity, the impact of vehicle wraps is undeniable. As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for innovative and eye-catching designs are limitless, making vehicle wraps a driving force in Edmonton's visual landscape.
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hauerpowerelectrical · 10 months
Edmonton Electrical Panel Upgrade: Improving Safety
Older electrical infrastructure in Edmonton may struggle to keep up with the load as technology and the demand for electricity in homes and businesses increases. A breaker box, distribution board, or electrical panel is an integral part of any building's electrical infrastructure. The aging and under-capacity of electrical panels poses risks to both safety and efficiency. This article will discuss why it's important to upgrade your electrical panel in Edmonton, what it will do for you, and how electricians can help you make the switch to a safer, more efficient one.
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Realizing the Value of a New Electrical Panel in Edmonton
The electrical panel is the nerve center of a home or building, from which electricity is distributed to the many circuits located there. Modern electrical technology has resulted in both more efficient and higher power consumption appliances and gadgets. There could be a number of complications if older electrical panels are unable to handle these higher electrical loads.
Telltale Indicators That You Need a New Electrical Panel in Edmonton
Circuit breakers that trip regularly may be a warning that your electrical panel is overburdened and can't supply your home's needs for electricity. Better load balancing and less downtime are also possible after an upgrade.
Older electrical panels may have a lower amperage capacity, reducing the number of electrical devices and appliances that can be used concurrently.
Increasing the panel's capacity will allow for greater power and better electrical flow.
Lack of Newer Safety Features and Improvements Newer electrical panels have that older ones don't. Your electrical system will be safer when an upgrade brings it up to date with current regulations.
The Value of Replacing Your Electrical Panel in Edmonton
Improved Electrical Security: The security of electrical systems is of paramount importance. Your home or business will be safer against electrical fires, shocks, and short circuits if you upgrade your electrical panel.
Modern electrical panels typically have a higher amperage capacity, allowing you to keep up with the power needs of your home or business as it expands. As a result, the efficiency of the electrical system as a whole is enhanced and overloads are avoided.
Newer electrical panels typically have energy-efficient features that can minimize energy use and utility costs. Investing in a new panel can help you save money in the long run while also being good for the planet.
The Importance of Electricians in a New Electrical Panel in Edmonton
Expert Opinion:Edmonton electrical contractors should be consulted for advice on whether or not to upgrade an existing electrical system. They'll do an in-depth evaluation, taking into account the property's specific electrical needs, before making recommendations on panel size and type.
Upgrading an electrical panel is a complex process that must be performed by an experienced professional to ensure the safety of the installation. The new panel may be installed securely by an electrician, who will make sure all the wires are connected correctly and that everything is up to code.
Upgrades to electrical panels necessitate compliance with local construction rules and the acquisition of appropriate permits. Electrical contractors are accustomed to meeting these standards and will take care of the paperwork required to do so.
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In conclusion, if you want to improve the security, efficiency, and performance of your electrical system, investing in a new electrical panel in Edmonton is a good idea. The best way for homeowners and businesses to ensure their safety and the continuity of their power supply is to be aware of the warning signs that indicate the need for an upgrade and to be aware of the benefits that upgrading delivers. Working with qualified electricians is crucial to the success of any upgrade project. Their knowledge and skill will ensure a trouble-free upgrade to a more durable electrical panel, making the building safer for everyone inside.
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mojodesignca · 11 months
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Edmonton Elegance: Transforming Homes with Interior Design
Edmonton Home Interior Design Hacks on a Budget: Cheap Upgrades for Your Room
Are you hoping to make your Edmonton house a chic and welcoming place without going over budget? Look nowhere else! We'll look at inexpensive interior design tips in this blog post to help you update your space without breaking the bank. From classic interiors to budget-friendly design options, we have you covered. These advice and tricks can motivate you to design a stunning home that showcases your individual style, whether you're getting ready for new construction or organizing a remodel. So let's get started and see how Edmonton Home Renovations may help you get spectacular results on any budget!
Interiors that are timeless: Creating a style that endures.
The secret to successful interior design is to create a timeless look. While fashions may come and go, a well-designed environment that endures will always feel up to date and welcoming. So how do you go about doing this? Start by putting your attention on timeless classics.
Think about choosing color schemes that are neutral. Any design or subject can be set against a backdrop of colors like white, beige, or gray. Additionally, they promote tranquillity and let other design components take center stage.
Invest in high-quality furniture with streamlined silhouettes. Years from now, these classic styles will still appear fashionable. Look for materials that are tough and can resist regular wear and tear without losing their appeal.
Next, pay attention to small things like hardware and lighting fixtures. Select lighting fixtures with timeless designs to accentuate the sophistication and elegance of your room. Remember the impact of strategically positioned mirrors as well; they not only add brightness but also give the appearance of additional space.
Make use of natural features in your design strategy. Wood, stone, or even indoor plants may provide warmth and texture to your house while also bringing the beauty of nature inside.
You'll appreciate a design that endures over time if you use these suggestions to create timeless decor in your Edmonton house.
Budget-friendly design tricks: Simple methods to improve your surroundings
Want to improve your space without going over budget? Look no further than DIY crafts and resale shops! Hidden treasures like old furniture and distinctive furnishings may frequently be found in thrift stores. You may make elegant additions to your home from these items with a little imagination and paint or cloth. DIY projects also enable you to save money while adding your own style to your area. There are innumerable inexpensive ideas online that can improve the appearance of any area, whether it is through the reuse of old materials or the creation of new artwork.
A new coat of paint is one of the most economical ways to freshen any area. A space can be given fresh life and a completely different feel by painting the walls a different hue. Paint has a lot of power; it's almost magical. Try experimenting with various finishes and colors that go well with your current design, or try an accent wall for more visual appeal. You'll be astounded at how this small adjustment can have such a significant effect on the aesthetics of your house as a whole.
As they give a room charm and character, accessories are important in interior design. The good news is that purchasing accessories doesn't have to be expensive! Choose inexpensive alternatives like secondhand findings or even natural components like plants or shells gathered on beach outings rather than splashing out on pricey decorative goods. Strategically combine textures, patterns, and colors to provide visual interest without spending a lot of money.
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Interior design full service: Providing all design services
Are you looking for expert advice to make your house a fashionable and useful space? We offer full-service Residential Interior Design, so look no further! We take pride in offering thorough design services that meet all of your needs.
Your vision, preferences, and budget will be thoroughly understood by our team of skilled designers through direct collaboration with you. We can help you whether you want to redesign a single space or give your entire house a unified look. Every stage of the process, from concept development to final installation, will be handled by us.
With our full-service interior design package, you can count on individualized attention and professional guidance throughout the entire process. Our designers are knowledgeable about the most recent design ideas and methods, so your area will not only be aesthetically gorgeous but also very useful.
We take delight in producing designs that capture the distinct personality and lifestyle of each client. Our experts will modify the design to reflect your preferences while maximizing the potential of your space, whether you want contemporary minimalism or eclectic charm. We'll assist in bringing out the best in each area of your house with our knowledge and meticulous attention to detail.
Therefore, why compromise when it comes to remodeling your living spaces? For a stress-free experience and amazing results that go above and beyond your expectations, rely on our full-service interior design solution. Set up a meeting with us right now, and let's start on this thrilling trip!
Design solutions for various projects in both new building and remodeling
Our full-service interior design team is available to assist you whether you're constructing a new home or giving your existing space a much-needed facelift. Since we have a wealth of experience in both new construction and remodel design, we can make sure that every project is customized to your specific requirements and vision.
Our skilled designers will collaborate directly with you to comprehend your objectives, preferences, and financial restrictions. Then, working within your budget, we'll develop a unique design strategy that makes the most of your area.
For brand-new buildings, we can help with anything from choosing the ideal finishes to arranging the space for maximum functionality. We'll build a place that not only complies with current regulations but also endures the test of time using our knowledge of Edmonton house interior design trends and classic aesthetics.
If you're planning to remodel a room in your house, our staff can provide creative ideas to update any space. We have the knowledge and tools required to realize your vision, whether it is upgrading antiquated fixtures or redesigning a complete floor plan.
Along with providing thorough design services, we also have access to a network of reliable suppliers and contractors that can guarantee the highest level of craftsmanship throughout the entire process. Because we handle all the technicalities, you don't have to bother about organizing several vendors and can instead relax while your home is being renovated.
With our specialized approach and cost-effective interior design tips, updating your Edmonton home has never been simpler or more economical. When you can have trendy spaces that represent your personality without going over budget, don't settle for boring décor.
To arrange a session with one of our skilled designers, get in touch with us right away. Together, let's make your area into something genuinely exceptional.
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peterbmasonrealestate · 11 months
Significance of Hiring Real Estate Lawyers
The real estate sector is a vast one where dealing with critical issues is difficult. Most importantly, keeping up with real estate rules and regulations is challenging as there is always a new update every now and then. People often make a mistake by trying to resolve these related issues on their own which is absolutely a vague idea. Rather, find a trustworthy real estate lawyer in Edmonton to help you deal with all crucial real estate issues.
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What Is the Role of a Real Estate Lawyer?
Whether you are willing to sell off your property or to buy one, every aspect of real estate proceedings calls for legal knowledge. From documentation to checking the authenticity of the property, it involves a huge procedure. Sometimes, even the realtors fail to assist you in this regard. This is when the expert legal experts come into action. They are up-to-date with the laws surrounding real estate and will help you get over the entire process seamlessly. It is very important to keep a check on agreements and contracts so that you can avoid unexpected inconvenience in future.
Would Peter B Mason Real Estate Lawyers Be a Good Choice?
Trust their team of best real estate lawyers in Edmonton. With through experience in the industry, they have mastered their expertise in the field of:
Home purchases & sales
Mortgage financing & details
Construction agreements
Residential real estate disputes
Trust their instinct for they will give their best to flight for you. So, do not delay further. Get in touch today to get an estimate now!
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raftrentals · 1 year
The Paddle Station is a hassle free mobile kayak and raft rental company in Calgary, and Edmonton. In Calgary it is situated strategically at 2 locations along the Bow River (Shouldice Park, and St Patricks Island, near the zoo). While in Edmonton, it is situated at Hawrelak Park. Looking for a fun group activity or date idea? We've got you covered. Book at Paddle Station website, onsite and choose which station you would like to start and end at. Enjoy the summer, you river is waiting!
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The Paddle Station is a hassle free mobile kayak and raft rental company in Calgary, and Edmonton. In Calgary it is situated strategically at 2 locations along the Bow River (Shouldice Park, and St Patricks Island, near the zoo). While in Edmonton, it is situated at Hawrelak Park. Looking for a fun group activity or date idea? We've got you covered. Book at Paddle Station website, onsite and choose which station you would like to start and end at. Enjoy the summer, you river is waiting!
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hauptrealty · 1 year
Townhomes for Sale Edmonton can Help You Find a Proper Home for Your Small Family!
Edmonton is surely one of the best places in London to live. It’s very safe and lifestyle here can be very amazing. This is a reason why so many people want to buy a property here so that they can live their further and can give their families a better and happening life. If you are also planning to live in Edmonton, then first you need to know about the real estate at this part of the world. The real estate market in Edmonton seems to be quite promising. However, the property prices have slashed in the recent years at this place and that is also a big reason why now home buyers can get their desired properties in cheap here. Life can be very cool and amazing here. It’s a shopping center and till date it is considered as the most prominent shopping venue in London.
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Townhomes For Sale Edmonton
Best shelter for small families
As this place is located close to London, people can access the capital city from here easily. Transportation links for Edmonton is amazing. Now you can see the list for townhomes for sale Edmonton online. This list will provide you a good idea about the townhomes which are on sale. You can choose one and can even buy one to stay their further with your small family. Townhomes are surely the best shelters for those who have small family to live.
Have a very comfortable living
When you are looking for a more luxurious living, investing with the condos can be a great option for you. Condos are very comfortable to stay and the condos for sale Edmonton are now drawing great attention from buyers due to this reason.
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Here are three photos I screenshot'd from Kiiara's music video "I Still Do" and edited in Samsung Gallery and then used a different app to create her name on each photo. It took forever to get her biting her lip and I didn't use other shots because they could be seen as too sexual and while I wanted to show her beauty and sexiness but I didn't want that to be the focal point of the photo's. I wanted to show her raw power and the emotional aspect of her music in them.
I have schizophrenia and I was in psychosis when I had a breakthrough in my hidden emotions for my ex girlfriend Monica.
And it was when covid-19 was rearing its ugly head and I was really worried about her because she used to have asthma and might still, I didn't kno. It culminated in me talking to her voice in my head and working out the emotional issues I had about her with the personality imprint I had of her in my head.
She was absolutely fucking pissed off with me and I just talked it out with her. Every 12 hours she reset and was angry with me again but less so and I made her happy until she actually was happy then I asked her out again and asked her to marry me like I originally wanted to do back in 2005.
I created two extra months in my mind to do this. I have no idea how much time actually passed but the calendar says one night but fucking with my sense of time by staying up on meth caused that to happen.
It all started with me just giving up on life and I was laying in my room for 5 days surrounded by darkness stopping breathing in my sleep ready to die and she showed up to laugh at me and I realized that she was still mad at me and like it was said in the movie "Dirty Work" that a woman has to care in order to be mad at you. So I revived instantly and I got up off of the bed and stood up and suddenly I saw the light of daylight and it was like 2:00 pm and I had the chance to win her over since she was there.
So I did 50 first dates in calming her down and making her happy before she finally giggled in happiness from the start. "50 First Dates" was very important to me because we tried to watch that movie like 50 times but made love instead and then one night I said "let's not have sex and actually watch the movie" and it was an incredibly romantic night and we made love after it was over with incredible passion. I told her that I'd do that if I had to, that I'd win her over every fucking day if that's what it meant to be with her.
So I fulfilled that promise at that time. It could have been her spirit coming to me because of what was happening in the world and I took the chance to fix things between us even if it wasn't the real Monica it felt like it and I started my "I still love Monica" media campaign on my Instagram with the full knowledge that I would most likely be rejected and laughed at but it was too important to me to send that message out to her so I proceeded with reckless abandon. I made like 50 pictures out of one of us together, one of two pictures of us because I didn't want my picture being taken as a teenager.
Then it progressed to an over 7 hour long Spotify playlist of songs that detailed my life the year before I met her until the year I made the playlist with total honesty in the songs I included even if it made me look bad.
I detailed my life with her then what happened after and I included songs that represented the women I was with after her and the emotional turmoil I experienced and my drug addiction including my overdose and when I ended up in my own version of "Snuff" by Slipknot when I was wearing an exact copy of the pants she wore when I was with her in clothes that she would steal from me. Those pants made the women in Edmonton almost crash their cars as they drove by checking me out!
My covid-19 became about my love for this woman I had not spoken to as friends and lovers since 2005 and trying to make her happy. All because I really listened to "Feels" by Kiiara and it changed my whole psychosis around away from being about gangsters tryna draft me into their militia into how I wanted to marry the biggest love of my life but I fucked it all up and lost everything and how I just haven't been happy ever since then.
It was one huge emotional rollercoaster that I'm still not quite done with.
I really hope that Kiiara felt something from this and that Monica knos how I feel even if she just laughs at my stupidity.
It was what I needed to experience.
Thank You Kiiara for this. Thank You Kiiara for making your music, it's powerful.
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