#Dakota Winchester
somewillwin · 6 months
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Kofi request of Dakota x Mc ♥️♥️
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Just have to rant right now...so hear me out.
There are books in choices that are hard coded to female MCs. While for some books it seems reasonable (like Bachelorette Party, The Royal Romance), there are some books like Bloodbound for which the reason for it is soo silly, or female gender coding was done unnecessarily.
Take for example, With Every Heartbeat. Don't get me wrong, I loved the book and it gave The Fault in our Stars vibe, but I feel the option to have a Male MC should have been there. I mean if they can make Dakota gender customizable, why can't MC be too?
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bstvst · 2 months
would anyone be interested in a fic that's a continuation of With Every Heart Beat, but it turns into an AU of Red Carpet Diaries, like, we became an actress because of Dakota? I'd write it if even 1 person would read it because I'm self-indulgent lol.
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aworldoffandoms · 8 months
I read With Every Heartbeat again....and I'm sobbing.
Still such an amazing story with well-rounded and relatable characters as well as beautiful, emotive writing.
I loved it then and I love it still.
Dakota Winchester is an inspiration.
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callmeteach · 2 years
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LITTLE MISS/MR chronicles: Choices edition
(because I’m obsessed with this trend🤣)
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playchoicesconfessions · 11 months
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Sent by anonymous
‘I’m so sad about Dakota Winchester :(’
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marcewlla · 5 months
the fact that im spending my diamonds on ethan instead of dakota is crazy 💀😭
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peonyblossom · 1 year
i wish they’d made Dakota’s favorite director be Thomas Hunt 😔 (i will take any excuse to see him)
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I’m sick of the MC vs Single LI dynamic PB has been pushing on us. Most of the time the MC and the single LI are at odds for most of the story and “develop chemistry” in the most artificial way ever like three or four chapters in.
Here are all the single love interest stories (so far):
Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
The Nanny Affair
With Every Heartbeat
A Very Scandalous Proposal
Ms. Match
Crimes of Passion
The Cursed Heart
The Phantom Agent
Kiss of Death
And out of all those stories, only With Every Heartbeat and The Nanny Affair had MCs and love interests who weren’t constantly adversarial or stubborn or always arguing. With Every Heartbeat was gold. The Nanny Affair was one of my least favorites, if not, THE least favorite. And the rest of them (aside from KoD, which I haven’t played) I was super neutral about or simply disliked.
The main character vs. love interest thing is so overdone it’s not even funny. We get a firebrand main character who’s a flirt and a (usually) reluctant love interest who’s also simultaneously a flirt, AND cocky. They both proceed to annoy the living shit out of each other and still somehow fall in love almost immediately regardless of how unappealing their romance actually is.
I want more dynamics like the WEH MC and Dakota Winchester, when they were both attracted to each other from the get go but tried to keep it purely platonic for a while before they ended up going “fuck it, I have a huge crush on you and our friendship is only deepening it”. I want more genuine progression and everyday moments like when the MC helped Dakota learn to ride a bike, or when they went to the fall festival, or when they worked on Dakota’s film together.
It’s moments like these, the average, the mundane, the ordinary, that make the relationship more human between main character and love interest. They foster a genuine connection rather than constant bickering and fighting. A blossoming relationship built on a foundation of laughter, of trust, of mutual support, of kindness, rather than sarcasm, cockiness, and petty arguments.
The audience needs to root for the main character and their love interest, which is less likely to happen if they’re constantly at each other’s throats. Some people like enemies to lovers, or rivals to lovers, hell, even reluctant allies to lovers. I like all that too when it’s done well.
In a lot of the books above, one of four things happens.
1. The main character is an annoying little shit at best or an asshole at worst.
2. The love interest is an annoying little shit at best or an asshole at worst.
3. Both are annoying at best or assholes at worst.
4. Both are wishy washy as hell and have no real substance other than some petty bickering and sudden realizations of love despite knowing each other for like a week.
That does not make these MC and love interest dynamics appealing. Quite the opposite, actually. How these characters can somehow stomach each other with how consistently petty and annoying they are and how little natural relationship progression they get, I’ll never know.
All I know is, PB is trying over and over and over to fling a bowl of spaghetti at the wall and make it stick, but all it does is splat onto the floor.
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noitsbecky127 · 1 year
does the playchoices fandom still exist on here? bc i accidentally reactivated my hyperfixation and now i’m getting sad over dakota winchester
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The only 2 single LI books with good dynamic between the characters were Crimes of Passion and With Every Heartbeat.
Reblog if you agree 😁😁
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bstvst · 1 month
A Life Worth Watching (Pt 1/?)
With Every Heartbeat x Red Carpet Diaries
F!Dakota Winchester x reader (past), Victoria Fontaine x reader (eventual)
Word count: 736
A/N: This first chapter is basically a summary of events from WEHB and the beginning of RCD.
A(nother)/A/N: Really this is WEHB as past and context and RCD characters doing whatever I want because I'm too lazy to go back and replay all of RCD lol. So here's this AU I guess, I will try to follow the storyline of the first RCD book, but eventually I'm gonna do what I want lmao. But I'm saying reader/you/"sage" moved to Boston from Iowa, so the Iowa nickname is still usable. I apologize this took so long, but writing intros is hard for me, hopefully now that this is out it'll be easier to write.
Go live a life worth watching.
Those words still stay with you after all these years.
Those words from your first love, Dakota Winchester.
You had a love story for the ages. That's what she would say about you two. You both fell hard and fast in your senior year of high school. She was the outgoing, bubbly popular girl and aspiring director while you were the new transfer student. There was something that gravitated both of you together, staying just friends was never an option.
When you learned of Dakota's cancer, you never saw her other than this amazing, lively, wonderful person. You even helped her make a short film that got her an award at her dream school in California. That after party was where she told you she loved you for the first time.
When her cancer came back, you still stayed by her side, knowing that you needed to be with her throughout her second fight against her leukemia. It was hard watching someone you love go through something so hard, her bad days were bad, and she tried pushing you away as her way of "protecting" you, which didn't work. You stayed and reassured her that you wouldn't be going anywhere. To show her you really meant it, you shaved your head after helping shave hers. You even threw her a special prom at the hospital with her friends since she wasn't cleared to leave yet. This girl had to know that she was never going to get rid of you, not unless....
After she passed, it felt like you were just going through the motions of life. Nothing but a numb feeling as you moved through your monotonous daily routines.
Graduation came and you received a video of her recounting your past year. How your love story really was for the ages, and how you have to live a life that'll be exciting for her to watch.
So you accepted your offer from California's Grantmore University with a major in acting. Not only were you going to live a life worth watching, you were going to live in a way that honoured her legacy as a future feature-film director.
Your time in university would allow you to become more adept at acting and you truly fell in love with it, all because Dakota Winchester got you to act in a short film in your senior year of high school.
Even though Dakota made you promise to try and find love and be happy after she passed, you never really dated in university. It wasn't that you weren't being asked, you were just focused on school, and thinking about Dakota still hurt made your heartache just a little.
In your last year, you found out that one of your old classmates from Iowa, Chazz, was working for a talent agency and offered to represent you once you graduated.
Post graduation, your mom helped you out with signing for a small apartment on the edge of Los Angeles, and your attempts at trying to get cast were officially underway.
After many unsuccessful and downright weird auditions, you get a call from a new friend, Teja, who is an assistant director on the new Markus von Groot film, telling you that you should audition for one of their lead parts. When you went to the audition, Matt Rodriguez, one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood was there to be your scene partner and test the chemistry between the two of you. The audition process seemed alright, and while Markus seemed like a weirdo, this role would be huge for your career.
That leads you to tonight, the Friday of that same week, Chazz gave you a call and told you the amazing news that you were chosen to star opposite Matt Rodriguez in the Markus von Groot film that was sure to be the summer blockbuster.
You started freaking out, you were going to star in your first feature film, and with an established cast and crew at that. You just closed your eyes and looked up towards the sky, thinking about how Dakota would be so happy for you in this moment. You let the moment pass and begin calling your mom and your friends Amy, Mateo, and Lennox to tell them the good news.
Your life was really going to start, and you hoped Dakota had popcorn wherever she was.
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storyofmychoices · 2 years
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SpreadJoy #585: spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote in edit by Unknown
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I've been thinking about writing again, I now have a lot of free time since I'm about to graduate. Anyone has any requests or couples they like to see content of? I prefer Choices related characters, send me a text if you have a non Choices related couple you want to see!
Also, are there any Wanda Maximoff stans over here? 👀 Been thinking about writing for her as well.
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Sent by anonymous
'As someone who's only interested in men, I find it incredibly frustrating that literally none of the male LI appearance options in the single LI stories look attractive to me. They all look overly airbrushed, or like someone who went too far with plastic surgery. And then you don't get an option to stay single in those stories either!'
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marcewlla · 5 months
just started "with every heartbeat" i am ready to destroy my heart and bawl my eyes out
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