#Crystal is the sporty one
authentic-bee · 3 months
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Precious, Crystal and Kenya - Uni Girlies
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bunnymajo · 10 months
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Did an update design for Tiara B. She's definitely a sporty & adventurous character but I wanted to avoid workout clothes like Tangle's, I so I went for a jumper and did a scrunchie instead of a bow since I think Fiona pretty much owns big yellow bows imo. I also kept the wand because I like it, and decided to make more of a backstory for the giant rock on it & give it a name and explain I guess what she would be doing.
I broke it down into 3 parts & put it under a cut
1 - Harmony Diamond- Treasure of the Boobowski royal family. Only the royal family are able to wield it and the power level varies depending on it’s users state of mind (ie - if depressed or low on energy it’s not as powerful as when they’re determined & confident) It’s main ability is it’s able to heal or restore what’s broken. Including healing the sick. In combat it can absorb & nullify attacks, basically it becomes an OP shield. It’s encased in a scepter that can also be used as a blunt weapon. (I also kind of want it to look like a gymnastics ribbon while in motion. Like a beam of light that whips around whenever the wand moves) Tiara, as the last remaining member of the Boobowski family, is the only one left to wield it.
As a child her father told her to keep its power a secret because he didn’t want others coming for her, despite her protests that it could really help people in need. Gazebo starts to consider finding a way to duplicate the diamond. The real one to keep and the duplicate to try and use more publicly & possibly distribute throughout the world if duplication is successful. In his experiments of trying to convert a chaos emerald into another harmony diamond, this causes an unforeseen reaction and Gazebo suddenly vanishes without any remains. The diamond and emerald are repelled to the opposite sides of the room. Tiara witnesses the incident in horror. She disposes of the emerald and starts carrying the Harmony Diamond and Gazebo’s notes with her at all times in her quest to find him and answers on what exactly happened.
Notes: -Based on the “rings of order” concept from Sonic Xtreme of being opposites of the chaos emeralds. Shiny rocks are just more interesting than rings.
also inspired by the Silver Crystal from Sailor Moon (which culturally are the opposite of Dragon Balls, the inspiration for Chaos Emeralds)
also also tying in some of the original game drafts where Gazebo was trying to make a cure for a disease that Sonic had to transport(?)
2- The Boobowski Royal family & the Castle of Light - located in a northern region (in between Holoska & Spagonia) the Boobowski family had been its ruler for centuries, but in recent history the kingdom’s population & general well being declined. The King at the time had been more frugal with the Diamond’s use and kept its powers secret, when the people revolted to form a democracy, the royal family was cast out and lived among its citizens. The castle became public property as well but it suffered heavy damage from the revolt.
Gazebo is from the 3rd generation after the revolt. Even with the political change the population still dwindled, almost as if it was cursed. The royal family’s history remained a faint memory, and he & Tiara lived in the mountains (like the Mobian Alps) mostly staying outside of the world of politics, Gazebo as a local doctor. Tiara is a “princess” in family heritage only. Gazebo sometimes wonders what it would be like to restore the Castle of Light to its former glory. This is also what motivates him to duplicate the Harmony Diamond, so that he can get a boost of power to heal the castle & the surrounding area. Tiara has no interest in politics or being a pampered princess, but she did enjoy working alongside her father with patients and helping people.
Notes: -Castle of Light has been documented as Sonic Extreme’s hubworld & where Tiara was from so I wanted to utilize it.
Wanted to make the history distinct enough from Satam’s Acorn Kingdom (since Tiara looking for her father is already pretty similar to Sally’s story) and have its conflicts come from internal struggles vs. outside forces like Eggman attacks or whatever the heck was happening in Soleanna.
3 - Tiara’s character- Since Gazebo’s disappearance Tiara has been traveling alone. In her home village she was always wandering off on her own so she’s used to being independent. She puts on a determined face & positive attitude through this whole ordeal but doesn’t let anyone get too close & won't ever admit to anyone that she’s felt lonely & scared. She’s pretty confident in her physical abilities so sometimes she can seem hot-headed, impatient or even arrogant on a bad day. She has short patience for people picking fights in particular (so like, Rough & Tumble she would absolutely yell at & fight them without hesitation)
At the end of the day she won't give up until she finds an answer as to what happened & where her dad went. She doesn’t mind if she has to sacrifice personal relationships for herself to get there. She’s put out missing persons reports in every town she’s visited. She usually stays in town for a week to a month, working odd jobs or helping citizens from badniks. She goes to the gym a lot (into gymnastics, aerobics, rock climbing) and likes following the local sports scene. Big jock energy.
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lvpislvzuli · 1 year
The Ultimate List of Modern AU Headcanons for the Sully Kids (and Spider)
— her favourite colour is green
— wears knit cardigans and floral converse shoes
— had a frozen yogurt phase
— collects rocks and crystals
— presses flowers in notebooks
— paints her toenails ten different colours
— cuts her own hair, DIY bangs
— always has headphones on. listens to Florence and Lana religiously
— has a crush on her childhood best friend and fellow orphan, Miles “Spider” Socorro
— but she is taking that secret to the grave
— visits the botanical gardens on weekends. Spider always goes with her
— eats toast with strawberry jam for breakfast every morning
— makes her own rings, bracelets, and anklets
— hates crowds and will actively avoid them
— not a strict vegetarian but she prefers to not eat meat
— she never takes off Grace’s necklace and always asks Norm for stories about her when he visits
— she also keeps all of Grace’s published books on botany on her bedside table
— has a part time job at the local produce shop
— not sporty but she loves roller skating
— is attempting to teach Lo’ak to roller skate but it’s going poorly
— babysits Tuk for Jake and Neytiri on their date nights
— Tuk insists they do makeovers and Kiri agrees even though she hates wearing makeup
— she is very quiet at school but is the brightest student in her year
— the other kids used to bully her until she and Tsireya became friends, but they still think she is weird
— her favourite subject is art but she wishes there was a botany class
— climate activist
— never posts on social media but she does scroll
— always likes her siblings’ and Spider’s Instagram posts
— retweets Greta Thunberg
— orders a strawberry shake from McDonald’s
— loves anything strawberry flavoured
— still has sleepovers with Spider even though they are probably getting a bit old for that
— loves watching Studio Ghibli movies and her favourite is Princess Mononoke
— can play some piano but cannot sing to save her life
— her bedroom is filled with plants and she hangs wind chimes beside her window
— which just so happens to line up perfectly with Spider’s bedroom window next door
— she’s a morning person and is always the first one awake in the Sully house
— her favorite season is spring
— hates overhead lights and prefers lamps
— binge read the entire Rainbow Magic series in middle school and wished there was a fairy named for her
— a “YOLO!” kid
— he met Spider when they were seven and nine during the first week of school
— they had both been sent to the principal’s office for disrupting their classes
— it turned out that they lived next door to each other but had never met before
— so he introduced Spider to Kiri and Neteyam, and the rest is history
— picks up casual shifts at Domino’s Pizza
— will tell anyone who orders pineapple on their pizza that there is something wrong with them
— middle child syndrome
— vehemently defends his belief that vanilla is the best flavour
— on the school swim team but is always late for training
— eats cereal out of the box
— his favourite colour is orange
— looks identical to a teenage Jake
— always in detention for talking back to his teachers
— he brought home a stray dog and tried to smuggle it into his bedroom but Neytiri caught him immediately
— convinced his parents to let him keep the dog
— he named him Payakan
— is attempting to read Dune by Frank Herbert but gets distracted whenever he picks it up
— tripped over his own feet the first time he saw Tsireya
— she tutored him for an English exam—the only exam he’s ever gotten an A on
— when he finally asked her out he was shocked that she said yes
— it took him a while to warm to Tsireya’s family who thought he was trouble at first
— his phone is always, mysteriously, at 13% battery
— orders a Big Mac, a large fries, and a vanilla shake from McDonald’s
— plays the drums and is actually good
— formed a band called The Outcasts with Spider and they practice in the garage on Friday nights. Kiri sits and listens to them
— he lives on energy drinks and Doritos
— loves jet skiing and surfing. all water sports
— often tries to sneak out but Tuk always catches him in the act
— bad at making friends but great at making enemies
— posts selfies on Instagram but they’re always blurry
— will accidentally burn his toast but still eat it, plain.
— feels misunderstood by his parents
— “I’m just a kid” by Simple Plan
— secretly admires Neteyam but will never admit it
— on weekends he takes Tsireya shopping at the mall and holds all of her bags
— his favourite movie is The Karate Kid
— insists that she put the star on top of the tree at Christmas
— loves pink lemonade and bubble gum ice cream
— spends her pocket money on temporary tattoos
— has recently started playing club netball. Neytiri and Jake attend every game
— she will stay up to catch the tooth fairy but always ends up falling asleep
— prefers waffles over pancakes and chocolate syrup instead of maple syrup
— her favourite colour is rainbow
— Lo’ak tells her that rainbow is not a colour
— Tuk tells him that vanilla is not a flavour
— they argue a lot
— she is friends with everyone at her elementary school and always has a birthday party to attend
— but her best friend is Popiti who lives down the street
— she and Jake watch Saturday morning cartoons together
— orders a Happy Meal from McDonald’s
— rides a bike with a basket and handlebar streamers
— always asks Neteyam to read her a bedtime story, but she will wake Kiri up if she has a nightmare
— Neytiri has to find creative ways of sneaking vegetables into her meals
— she is terrified of needles
— Halloween is her favourite holiday and she was once sick from eating too much candy
— she has a pink glitter lamp in her bedroom and her bed is covered in plushies
— Tsireya introduced her to Taylor Swift’s music and now she is obsessed
— writes with glitter pens
— has a pet bunny named Bugs because she is a huge fan of Looney Tunes
— loves spending time with her grandmother who teaches her how to embroider
— wants a unicorn ice cream cake for her eighth birthday party
— has to wear contacts because his eyesight is actually pretty bad
— no one knows where that gene came from
— but he still has excellent hand-eye coordination
— and is a pro at tennis
— straight A student
— all the teachers love him
— is impeccably dressed at all times, except on weekends when he comes downstairs to breakfast in his pyjamas
— loves to read and always carries a paperback with him
— doesn’t like McDonald’s
— once travelled to Vietnam on a school trip and came back “cultured”
— the peacekeeper sibling
— hated sitting at the kids’ table at parties and always wanted to sit with the grownups
— he will discreetly check up on his siblings at school
— Jake takes him fishing on the weekends
— Neytiri likes to brag about how clever and kind he is when he is within earshot, which embarrasses him
— always chosen to be team captain in gym class
— is friendly to everyone he meets and always thinks the best of people, but is ready to throw hands the second someone insults his family
— sticks to a daily routine and feels unsettled whenever it’s disrupted
— very neat. maybe a little OCD
— he was a well behaved child and has never thrown a tantrum
— always tells the truth and can tell when someone is lying
— his favourite colour is purple
— has a pair of glasses for when his contacts bother him but he only wears them at home
— he is naturally smart and doesn’t have to study to get good grades
— had a hardcore photography phase and still uses his camera
— loves eating spicy food, which is one of the few things he has in common with Spider
— always wins at Monopoly
— prone to rolling off his bed during the night
— lives with the McCosker family next door to the Sullys
— but he might as well live with the Sullys because he spends all of his time with them
— will sneak out of his house through his bedroom window, jump the fence between their houses, and climb through Kiri’s bedroom window while she keeps watch
— he once got a subtle mullet on a dare but he hated it
— was a barefoot kid
— plays the guitar and sings
— (everyone was shocked when they realised Spider could sing really well)
— skateboards
— his favourite colour is blue
— orders chicken nuggets, fries and a Coke from McDonald’s
— doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth
— has a part time job at a local mechanics garage helping to fix cars
— never does homework but still gets decent grades
— doodles on every page of his textbooks
— a Star Wars kid. had lightsaber fights with Kiri and Lo’ak in their backyard
— will wash the dishes for Neytiri whenever he stays for dinner
— is saving up his money to buy a truck
— watched Tarzan on repeat as a young kid and it still shows
— his hair is long and always a mess
— wears sweatpants and owns three shirts
— posts memes on Instagram that no one but Kiri and Lo’ak understand
— he once punched a guy at school for harassing Kiri and was suspended for a week
— his adoptive father grounded him for a month
— “Teenagers” by My Chemical Romance
— loves rock climbing. Kiri always tags along to spot for him
— doesn’t like celebrating his birthday, but Kiri always writes him a heartfelt letter which he saves and often rereads
— he can’t sit still for more than five minutes
— and he bounces a knee whenever he is sitting
— there is a faded scar above his eyebrow from the stitches he needed after falling from the monkey bars in middle school
— he once started a food fight in the school cafeteria
— loves roller coasters
— and is a bit of an adrenaline junkie
— would eat nachos at every meal if he could
— picks up interesting rocks he finds that he thinks Kiri will like for her collection
— he once went camping at the beach with the Sullys and it was the best weekend he’s ever had
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Annie Leonhart Relationship, Vibe & Various
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As we all know, Annie is a withdrawn and cold individual. But if you manage to carve your way into the ice-cold exterior, something warm and fuzzy may just surprise you.
Even in a modern AU Annie is a pretty sporty lady; she loves playing sports, MMA, fencing and the like. She and Mikasa actually get on pretty well once they're a little older, often doing these activities together.
Has a secret soft spot for scented candles. Her place is littered with them - won't light them though because it "only ruins them" I don't make the rules, she does.
Not huge on PDA.
Makes an effort on special occasions like birthdays etc but not overly affectionate on normal days. She enjoys a quiet cuddle with you while watching a movie but she's not going to be smooching you in the street.
Ideal dates
Annie does not enjoy being fawned over and the centre of attention, so she would prefer somewhere quiet where people you know won't bump into her and make a big deal out of the fact you're on a date.
Oh, take her to an old and forgotten thrift store or one of those weird shops every town seems to have, where they sell crystals, incense and grinders. She'd love it. Probably pick up some candles while she's there.
She's innocent though when it comes to drugs, so she'll think a grinder is a yo-yo at first.
Hiking. Rock Climbing. Camping. All of these things she adores, so huge bonus points to you if you enjoy them too and take her away for a weekend to do this.
Modern Au
Since she's a big sporty spice and a bit of a tom-boy at times, she likes a good drink in a sports bar with the boys. (And Mikasa)
When Annie is drunk she just talks a little more and has a flushed nose bridge/ tops of cheeks. She's never really been known to make an ass of herself due to alcohol. Hornier though, but we'll get to that.
Like Mikasa, will need to be dated for a little while before she'll allow you to be intimate with her.
Drives a big white car. I can just envision it.
Has a thing for Italian food and restaurants. Loves spaghetti Bolognese and parmesan.
So first off, kitty likes to scratch. I've cannoned a few times that she has long fingernails and tens to dig those claws into your back/arms/thighs. Even when giving you oral she gets so turned on those nails will sink into your skin. If it bothers you, she'll avoid doing it unless she's orgasming - all control is gone then, sorry.
Her erogenous zone is her ass. Spank, slap, grab, massage... all will get her feral.
Annie is mostly a dom/top but she can switch and allow you to take control if she's feeling particularly soft that day.
Once she's comfortable with you, she isn't shy about letting you know she wants sex. Sometimes just rubs herself against you like a cat in heat or even grabs the top of your trousers and pulls you to the bedroom.
Her genitals are small, neat and pink. Tastes like marshmallows.
Adores riding your face.
Annie, when single, masturbates quite often. She has a lot of Cortisol built up from all of the sports / fighting she does, and it's a great way to replace that with some dopamine.
Hair pulling. She'll tug at yours a lot. And if she's feeling submissive, loves it when you pull her hair.
Oral sex. To her, nothing beats the feeling of your warm, textured tongue encasing her most intimate area. And she gets a huge thrill out of having her lips wrapped around your sex too.
If you're wanting to have her in a softer mood, praise her. Treat her like the queen she is; compliments galore. She'll blush and shrug them off at first, saying you're being dumb; but continue while you're getting her warmed up for a good pudding pounding, then she'll be a crimson mess and allow you to ravish her to your heart's delight.
If you take this praising route, her orgasm will be earth shattering.
After a particularly stressful / hard day, loves nothing more than just hopping on your dick / strap and riding you into glory.
Deep Penetration. When she's particularly feral, loves nothing more than having her toes up by her head as you dip into her and crashing into her cervix. She'll cum multiple times doing this.
If she's cut you up pretty bad with those nails, she'll apologise and offer to clean them up for you - she doesn't want your pleasure wounds becoming infected.
A lot of the time she's a no-go after she's orgasmed. If you're a female who can orgasm or a man who knows what it can be like after you've satisfied a woman, then she's like that. Blank staring, ears ringing, and floating on a cloud for a few minutes after. She won't be able to walk for a little while.
Dates 10/10
Thoughtfulness 6/10
Affection 4/10
Sex 10/10
Aftercare 6/10
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eggyrocks · 4 hours
hi eggy<3 i would like 2 request a match-up of 3 hq charas pls! i’m bi-romantic so guys/gorls is okay!
mbti: infp-t,,, super shy but talkative once we’re 1-1
astrology: aries sun, pisces moon, leo rising<3
hobbies: fashion!!! reading, traveling, making art/music, astrology, anime, k-drama, listening 2 podcasts, collecting cameras + photography, witchcraft lmao (tarot & crystals), collecting plushies, k-pop, ballet as of dis month, bullet journalling in my toto puzzles, tbh i weave in & out of hobbies as i pls n i lov 2 try new things! recently embroidered kageyama’s ics sweater saur i could wear it 2 da hq movie premier in 2 days & root 4 him<3 not sporty but i do stretches & mobility class & lift weights 2 strengthen my body bc im cLUMSY n get injured easily:( fav sport im acc gud at is rock-climbing dhshsdh also i’m a mom of 2 bunnies🥺
likes in d8s/relationships: nature, artsy fartsy spaces, thrifting, going 2 cafes & for ice cream!! amusement parks + rollercoasters!!!! taking photos. i lov ppl who can tease me n we can go back & forth. someone who is super smart & knows a lil bit abt everything & who can teach me new tings is who i tend to go for. quick whit is also a plus! gives me nicknames. tells me abt their day n is secretly sentimental. someone who i can tell all my hyper fixation of da day/wk/month to & won’t judge:,) someone who keeps their promises & tries to make it up 2 me when they fuck up. someone who is >:( at first glance but is acc rly sweet once u get to kno dem! my lov lang is words of affirmation & acts of service but i also lov 2 give ppl gifts esp when i travel! not big on physical touch but head pats make me weak🥺
dislikes: unwanted physical touches w sexual undertones/sexual innuendos directed towards me bc i’m ace, loud noises unless it’s at a gig, ppl w no manners, ppl who talk all abt them n never ask anything abt others, broken promises, someone who gen makes fun of things i like or doesn’t show interest in the tings i’m interested in, inconsistency, ppl who dun support therapy, homelessness, women’s rights, gay rights, mental health, etc. & da biggest red flag for me is racism!
tysm u big cutie!!!<3 forever supporting ur works & ur indulging in ur spotify playlists🤍🎀☁️🩰
thank you so much for your donation <3 get your own matchup here
match up number one: tsukishima kei
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the epitome of >:( on the outside but secretly sweet
and i mean very secretly
but tsukki would be quietly obsessed w/ you in way that he thinks is not obvious but it actually is extremely obvious
like would be thinking of you all the time
like if he was out in public and saw smth that reminded him of you he would take a picture of it not even to send to you just to keep it on his phone bc he likes things that remind him of you
and literally any single time that man sees a plushie he thinks you would like he's getting it for you (his love language is absolutely gift giving) the collection would actually start to get out of hand a point
i imagine it going something like this:
"i got you another plushie"
"i don't have enough room for anymore"
"...i will get you a shelf for them"
he's so tall would love to pat you on the top of the head it would give him such smug satisfaction
tsukki would lightly tease you but would do it with such stars in his eyes that it could not even remotely be misinterpreted
like he'd say something like "you're such a dummy" but he'd have such an adoring look of love in his eyes you know that basically translate to "i am madly in love with you"
would be the very protective type and would verbally decimate anyone who made you uncomfortable
like you wouldn't even have to tell him he would just be able to tell from your body language and know immediately
in general pays very close attention you and would notice those little things abt u
the type of boyfriend that might, at first, struggle with communication but would put in an honest effort to improve
extremely respectful of any and all boundaries you have & would find it very easy to express affection in way that ur comfortable w/ because tbh he's not very big on physical touch either
very understanding even if he doesn't outright say it
a very show don't tell bf like you know he would do anything for u even if he doesn't say it frequently bc he just does it all the time
match up number two: shimizu kiyoko
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would be the sweetest gf of all time :(((
also can be very shy but would be very comfortable around you
she would love nothing more than to participate in your hobbies with you
asks for tarot card readings and what books you're reading and would proudly wear any and all embroidery done by you and asks you to teach her ballet
her instagram would be filled with pics of you and your hobbies
def a words of affirmation gf; she might be shy at first but into the relationship would spare no detail in expressing her love & admiration
extremely well adjusted and emotionally mature so communication with her would be so easy, any (rare) mistake she made would be immediately owned up to and would do everything she could to make it up to you
knows that there are people who have crushes on her but is very clear abt her dedication and would never even consider doing anything to hurt ur feelings
very clear in her loyalty to u
would love to plan trips with you <3 would write out a whole itinerary of all of your favorite activities and does her research beforehand to make sure everything runs smoothly
would wear coordinating outfits with u on trips (best dressed partners on vacation tbh)
when ur comfortable with it would love to show affection in small ways like squeezing your hand or patting your head but primarily shows affection through genuine and thought out compliments
lots of little sweet dates getting little treats and coffee and ice cream; would love to try new things with you
being with you would make her feel emboldened to try new things and be a little different <3
match up number three: kita shinsuke
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polite king tbh
most respectful man alive
would honest to god make you feel like you are royalty genuinely the most dedicated partner of all time
loves to watch your favorite shows with you and would listen to you talk about your hyperfixations eagerly
would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on everything and loves how much you love things
like you never have to worry about him making fun of you for the things that you like because he genuinely cares and loves to learn about the things u care abt
like if you were ranting abt something you love and got worried/insecure for whatever reason he would say "please keep going i want to hear more" and you'd just know he means it 100%
me tearing up bc i luv kita & he'd be such a good bf
does everything in his power to make you feel safe and comfortable at all times
very doting and loving
would let you take the lead in the relationship and would frequently ask you how you're feeling and what you need and is happy to adjust the way he would show affection to meet your comfort level
a little bit crazy like he's like oh you like plushies? let me learn how to make them for you
like he would absolutely learn how to crochet to handmake you gifts
every gift you would ever get him is like a priceless item and he either proudly displays them or he keeps them on him at all times
like if you got him a postcard from somewhere you travelled he would keep it in his wallet all the time
supports you in any and everything you do
bonus match up: akaashi keiji <3
hope you enjoyed !!!!
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lovesickbrat · 10 months
My Top Starter Perfumes: Freshies/Aquatics
If you're new to perfume its very overwhelming to sort through all of the designers and scent categories, but you want to graduate from body mists from B&BW/VS (although those will always have a place in anyones collection)
These are my top picks for people who just want one perfume for everyday whether its on a birthday/holiday wish list or as a treat for yourself. All of these will be in a relatively affordable price point
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Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche is perfect for those who want a luxe, designer fragrance but not anything super heavy. It's fresh and lemony and can be worn year round imo as its an easy reach that would be refreshing and easy to wear without worrying about a headace.
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Tommy Girl by Tommy Hilfiger is one of the original tomboy fragrances and its a fresh floral almost citrusy scent, it doesn't have the intimidating cool girl factor of Calvin Klein this is perfectly unisex despite the marketing and is perfect for the boy/girl next door whos a bit more sporty and wants to upgrade from spray deodorant
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Britney Spears Curious is the celeb perfume that started it all: celeb perfumes as a girls first fragrance and the modern fresh aquatic. A bit of a hyperbole but this is a must have for anyone, its fresh and slightly sweet with good longevity and is actually pretty potent.
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CK One is the original cool girl fragrance and one of the first fragrances marketed as unisex, def Tommy Girl's cooler older sibling. Its herbal and citrus smelling and would be perfect for someone who's edgier in their personal tastes but doesn't want all the frills. The definition of an everyday scent
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Versace Bright Crystal is a floral freshie that i think id perfect for people who are girlier and more feminine but still prefer a fresh, bright fragrance over something extremely sweet. This is like stepping straight out the shower and is an easy blind buy so perfect as a gift. Also great for layering.
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A Scent by Issey Miyake is def unisex despite the marketing, its green and dewy and citrusy, between luxe spa experience and dew drops on grass. citrusy. Very minimalist and clean, perfect for those who don't want to smell like they're wearing perfume.
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lazyrants · 12 days
New Superhero: Part 1 (prod 120)
BoredJedi (youtube.com/user/LazyBlueHaze) gave me an .iso of the “Superhero” Australian DVD from 2008. To finally put the .iso to use, I decided to take all the screenshots in this episode myself. I also watched it using VLC.
Original airdate: August 15, 2005
Story by Magnus Scheving
Written by Noah Zachary, Cole Louie, Magnus Scheving
Directed by Magnus Scheving, Jonathan Judge
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Ronald Binion, Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess
Since Tumblr only lets me add 30 images in one post and New Superhero is double-length, both parts get their own review! Plus, this is the shortest LazyTown episode clocking in at 21 minutes and not the regular 24. Oh, and last note before we start, this episode was directed by Magnus, so I guess he is a movie director.
The episode begins with a new cold open where... Wait, what? A NEW cold open that isn't recycled? WHATTTTT!!!?? Anyways, the episode begins with Sportacus flipping in the ship, then he opens the door and sees Milford holding a cake, but there's a skateboard and he is about to walk into it.
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So he gets the same rope he used in Laziest Town, but by the time he jumped down Milford'd have tripped over the skateboard. He places a golf ball in the ground, unties his feet from the rope and he whacks the ball with a golf club. I'd like to see a LazyTown golf episode. Anyways, after bouncing on a few things it finally hits the skateboard.
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I know if this show was a Nickelodeon sitcom with slapstick, it'd hit Milford in the head, he falls down and lands on the cake because comedy. After that entire thingy, Milford is making breakfast and Stephanie is writing in her diary about how Sportacus always helps everyone. She wishes she could do something for him (uh, hello? the entire 'screw-gifts-me-want-friendship' thingy last episode..?).
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While he is finishing 200 pushups (That is amazing, I would love to be like this guy!), Stephanie runs out the door until Milford stops her to eat breakfast, and like last episode she has ONE sip of her juice and leaves. Not even a thank you! Anyways, she goes outside to ask to workout with him, and they do with a pretty cool sequence.
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This sequence proves that Stephanie is the kid who takes Sporty's advice the most, and that while she is not active enough to be exactly like him she is pretty close. The writers wrote everyone perfectly. So, anyways, for the finale, they jump (well, Steph climbs up onto it) onto a wall! But Stephanie falls and Sportacus catches her.
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She asks if he gets tired and he says that he exercises, sleeps well and eats good food. Stephanie tells him she didn't eat her breakfast today, so Sportacus tells her to go under a tree, close her eyes and hold out her hands. Once she does, Sportacus throws a ball in the air and does an astonishing flying kick.
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The ball hits the tree and Stephanie has an apple in her hands. Before he goes back to the ship (Why didn't he just exercise there..?) he tells Stephanie to keep practicing. Robbie is watching, annoyed about how Sportacus thinks he's the best. Which is true. He calls himself a slightly above average superhero, but we know he thinks he is the best hero ever. And he is.
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He pushes the eavesdropper up, but it comes falling down, so he kicks a bucket in anger, and it lands on his head because comedy. Trixie is sitting in a wheelbarrow, sliding down like in Play Day and Sportacus hasn't even gotten in the airship and the crystal beeps. Sportacus stops the wheelbarrow.
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Meanwhile, Ziggy has thrown a lollipop into a tree which was a terrible idea and even he thinks so. But, we'll get into that later. Stephanie, Stingy and Trixie are talking about how they got saved (Stingy is mad he didn't get saved, but I find that good!) and how they wish they could do something for him. Since they can't get any ideas, they decide to just try their best to not get in trouble. Then Ziggy gets in trouble. (XD! The writing of this show is amazing. So much effort put into a kids show. Dora The Explorer could never.)
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So Sportacus gets a skateboard lying down somewhere, lays down on it and catches Ziggy as he falls. He offers Sportacus a lick of the lollipop (it fell down and he caught it) but Sportacus declines. Meanwhile, Robbie is in the lair, trying to plot something but he has no good disguises.
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Anyways, Ziggy goes up to the kids and tells them about the saving, and Stingy is annoyed he hasn't gotten a saving yet. While he's waving his hands in anger, he almost falls off.. and gets a saving. Stephanie asks if he's exhausted and he says he is never tired when saving people. Robbie mocks him in the lair. A few hours or minutes later, the kids have set up a vacation spot for Sportacus.
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But he doesn't know how to have a vacation (Magnus: LazyTown is all about balance..). So Stingy demonstrates with Ziggy. Lay back on a chair, exhale, don't think of anything (Ziggy insults himself by saying he never thinks). By the final step, let everything go, Ziggy is asleep. XD!! Stingy has to whack his stick against the table to get him to wake up. Then Sportacus tells them he has never had a vacation in his entire life. So Stephanie tells him to follow her, and sit down in a blue chair for the whole day. But as expected he doesn't like the idea.
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So they sing a reprise of 'Get it Together' called 'Take a Vacation' which is ultimately better then it's predecessor. Now all we need is a 'Sit Down & Relax' remix. After the song (which discusses Stephanie being the superhero for a day), Stephanie does the signature move and goes to run somewhere, and Sportacus follows her until she stops him. Then, she asks for the crystal because he won't need it if he's on vacation.
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Reluctantly, he gives her the crystal and starts his vacation. After she leaves, Trixie hands him a stack of comic books (that'd keep ME occupied!) and Sportacus advises her not to get into any trouble. Trixie says she won't (she uses the word trouble in her sentence) and Robbie gets an idea.
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The kids shortly realize that without him, nobody'll take care of the town (Steph just sang about this!). Then Stephanie offers to do it because she has been practicing with Sportacus, and she can do the splits. Everyone is laughing at her and calling her Sportastephanie. Once she leaves to go back and eat breakfast they start doubting her.
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Milford asks why she's eating so much and she says that she is gonna be LazyTown's new superhero. Milford asks about the costume and while she's gone he finds a toy in the cereal. XD. Stephanie tries out 3 costumes - a clown costume, a tutu, & Sportastephanie!
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If I was a girl I'd be rocking that outfit everyday! Props to whoever makes the Sportacus and Stephanie clothes. Milford asks Stephanie where Sportacus is, and she tells him he's enjoying his vacation. Meanwhile, he's cheering on a clock for passing on another minute.
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This is hilarious. Anyways, since nobody can see him, he decides to do some pushups until Stephanie sees him. After that, Stephanie starts doing a workout of her own while Sportacus tries his best to not move every five seconds. Stephanie wants to get an apple to finish her workout. So she throws a ball into the air, but it misses the tree.
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So she decides to use a ladder, but she nearly falls off. (How do you even..) She says that if she gets scared, she won't be able to save anyone, so she gets the apple. And here comes another bored Sportacus scene, where he works out because nobody sees him until Stephanie sees him.
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The episode ends with a shot of Robbie's lair.
So while this was a part ONE to the episode, not much sweet events happened. This is kind of a stepping stone to the action, and it's a pretty good one. But I wish it was a BIT longer.
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kirric-the-fan · 4 months
Giving Big Band Precure a post to itself bc I put a lot more info for it in the oc cure season collection than I had originally. +this also adds some of the ep ideas I now have for it.
Big Band Precure:
“One! Two! Three! Four! Big-Band Pre-cure!” (Big Band Cures play in their own transformations and use music or music themes for all their attacks).
Series summary: Aoi comes to Kanon town to investigate the apparent disappearance of the Suite team. She discovers a new enemy, Discord, and a powerful dissonance that weakens her transformation and traps her within the town, only to be saved by a new precure. Aoi has to uncover the identities of the new Big Band Precure and help train them to take down Discord, and save the Suite team.
The Band have music-themed band nicknames, as well as their names and cure names.
Setsuko/Fret/Cure Tune- Blue cure, lots of rock chick vibes, lots of influence from wild azure. Guitar attacks. Lion (from Aoi’s crystal animal) guitar pick. Pocket extendable guitar handle head that extends a neck to become a guitar to strum, and the body magically appears when you strum it. Good with all guitar-like instruments. Big fan of Wild Azure.
Toshiko/Fury/Cure Rock- Black and silver punk rocker cure. Drum attacks. Item: Tambourine bracelet (Bracelet turns to tambourine and/or drum to drumkit, and sometimes other percussion). Pen and pencil drumsticks. Can play pretty much anything percussion, or that needs rhythm.
Tsuyomi/Forte/Cure Classic(al)- Burgundy, velvet cure. Smart jacket, like an orchestra performer. Item: Fan to piano attacks (The fan has a piano key pattern on and separates to make the keyboard, with the side slats becoming the stand). Often takes the more classical instruments. Violin, piano, trumpet in a pinch.
Shiori/Fandango/Cure Pop- pink+blonde cure. Sporty dancer vibes. Headphones mic dj deck and vocal attacks. Item: Compact halves that turn into headphones or microphone. Clashes a bit with Tune over who has lead vocals. Eventually learns to harmonise, and earns Tunes’ approval to sing lead. Best dancer of the squad. Tends to take lead vocals, or mixing. Sometimes keyboard. Also flute, to everyone's surprise.
Timbre: Fairy from the song kingdom hiding out on Earth. Blue fairy with a quaver quiff. Uses her limited amounts of power to help the big band cures, and needs to rest a lot in between. Turns into a keyless music box when asleep. (also has a very delicate but in tune snore). The cures later learn they have to sing the right note to unlock the music box and wake her up again. Turns out that she was the fairy companion of Ballad before he went bad, and she is trying to stop him destroying everything.
Discord- BBEG, chaotic power capable of disrupting people's heart songs.
Aoi/Cure Gelato as stuck/ mentor (Adult)
Banshee, Howler and Screech (Ellen/Siren, Hummy and Noise respectively.) (As corrupted bbeg monsters)
Ballad/Discord- BBEG. Jealous Prince of the song kingdom (Jealous of Major Land and its music). Created the dissonance and seeks discord.
Feedback, Static, Flat, Sharp, and Mute- generals created from the other five corrupted Fairy tones (Others at: one caught with Melody and Rhythm each, and the single uncorrupted one with Muse)
The Duet of Despair- corrupted Melody and Rhythm (potential)
(Later on Discord causes a time travel break which allows Aoi to go back and find out what happened, only to learn that the corruption of the fairy tones was corrupting the treble clefs, and Gelato is forced to become the one that seals the team away to be saved in the future.)
Eps and ep ideas so far:
Ep1: Aoi's arrival, Discord, and a new tune.
Aoi Tategami, renowned rockstar and lead singer of Wild Azure, comes to Kanon town for a concert. Secretly there to check in on some missing friends and co-precures, she runs into a new enemy, Discord, bent on sowing discord, and stealing the world's music. With her lion power-up missing and unable to find her friends, Cure Gelato is caught in a one-on-one showdown where she is quickly overpowered and detransformed, in dire peril until she's saved by the appearance of a new cure, Cure Tune. But the cure disappears before she can find out who she is.
Ep2: Heart thief. Setsuko and the lion.
The newly minted Cure Tune comes to terms with her powers, and the fairy form of the crystal lion. She struggles with ethics of having 'borrowed' the lion, but after another fairy, Timbre from the song kingdom, appears and thanks her for her help, she knows she can't give it back while precure are needed. Timbre explains that Discord has conquered the Song kingdom, isolated Major Land, and has turned its eyes on Earth to destroy the music there. And they need to stop it. Timbre wants Setsuko's help in creating more cures so that they can. Timbre tries to turn a bracelet into a transformation device for the next cure, but it doesn't have enough power yet, and it falls apart, with Timbre falling into an exhausted slumber after using up her powers. Setsuko's a little put out because the bracelet was a gift for the fairy. But nevermind. She recycles the pieces she can, including a small drum charm. It's more difficult than expected explaining the situation to her friends: the rule-abiding Tsuyomi, and the hard-headed Toshiko, And matters become complicated when Aoi Tategami-san joins their school as a music teacher, planning on organising the class into bands. (Setsuko and co introduction) Setsuko saves the class from discord. The lion crystal indicates it wants to stay with Cure Tune.
Ep3: She's eccentric, isn't she?
The classes with Aoi are weird. She talks about cooking more than about playing, but is still insistent on the class forming bands. Setsuko struggles to convince her friends to join her in a band, and eventually is forced to transform in front of them to save them from one of the discordant creatures. It looks like Tune is about to be overpowered, when Tsuyomi and Toshiko get on their instruments and help her.
Something wakes in Toshiko's drums, and her drumsticks become different. She can't do anything more with them, but there's a hint she might become Precure.
Ep4: Dis-concerted
The trio catch up on what they know, and while she doesn't say it, Tsuyomi is disappointed she didn't get a transformation item. Meanwhile Toshiko's item isn't working to let her transform. Setsuko says maybe it takes time to power up- she had her guitar for a few days before she could use it. They look for another fairy, or lion crystal to help.
Tsuyomi misses out on tickets to the Wild Azure concert, despite being a big fan. Her and Toshiko clash. During the big fight, Tsuyomi is thrown into Toshiko's drum set, breaking one of the drums and silencing her music. Toshiko doesn't care, revealed to be more worried about Tsuyomi despite Tsuyomi's worries. Toshiko drum improvisation support allows Tune to beat the bad guy and protect her friends. After, Tsuyomi makes Toshiko a bracelet by way of apology, with lots of jangly bits she can play with. Toshiko loves it, and offers Tsuyomi her spare ticket to see the concert. Tsuyomi thought she'd already promised it to Setsuko. Turns out Setsuko baked Aoi a cake to try and sweet-talk her into getting into the concert, and tutoring their band. Which worked.
Ep5: Blue Azure concert.
Enemy attack. Aoi solo. Cure Tune joins her. Is nearly defeated. Aoi captured when she tries to sing still. Tune tries to sing. Toshiko tries to play the drums, but the drum set is smashed. As is the piano Tsuyomi is playing at. She is down. Toshiko declares something about the dissonance being unable to stop the beating of her heart, and drums up a storm of magic, becoming cure rock, and giving everyone the ability to get up again. They play, and the roar of the crowd knock the enemy away. They disappear before anyone realises who they are.
Timbre has regained enough energy to wake. She welcomes Cure Rock, and takes the fan Tsuyomi has, and puts magical energy into it, encouraging them to keep playing.
Ep6: Tsuyomi has a piano recital, but seems to have slipped out of her groove, especially because her teacher is being a bit hard on her. She is one of the few students still getting lessons from Hibiki's dad, but he's a bit distracted too. New enemy appears, and prevents Tune from singing. Rock is also stuck. Piano cuts through the noise, distracting the enemy long enough for the others to defeat it. When the enemy attacks her, the fan is able to knock it away, even though she doesn't transform. They defeat it.
"You know you were probably able to transform right?"
"Next time. I don't think these creatures are done with us yet."
Ep7: Recital
Tsuyomi's recital goes well as she changes tune and has fun with it, but ends up scoring badly. She gets a crowd favorite award, and says she values that more. She is in with the band 100% now, and the team go all in on their practice until Aoi tells them they're missing something. They try to find it, going all out in the next battle, all transforming together, and getting a new group attack. They're pumped up, and go back to Aoi to try and impress her but she just reiterates that they're missing something.
Ep: Aoi tells the band they need to pick a fourth member to qualify for the battle of the bands. They struggle to find someone, and even ask Aoi to join them. She turns them down, even though they work so well as a team. Setsuko heart and voice conflict. Doesn't know which way to go.
Aoi brings Shiori in to join the team. Ep: Setsuko hates Shiori, and the two immediately clash. (Shiori was kicked out of her other band by a coup because she was too single-minded). Shiori is seen as the popular kid, and a bit obnoxious. Setsuko learns how Shiori is just genuinely passionate about music, and Shiori coming to see how Setsuko is the same, but from a different angle. Setsuko also senses that Shiori has a transformation item, and that it hasn't activated yet.
Ep: She has to decide whether to give her the nudge to become Precure too. She doesn't, and Tsuyomi and Toshiko get hurt in a fight.
Ep: Setsuko decides to tell Shiori about the precure stuff. Even if it sounds crazy. Shiori is thrown. Wants to bail, but then Setsuko ends up in trouble, and Shiori saves her as Cure Pop.
Ep: They decide they could stand to listen to Aoi more and train hard for their first performance together, only for it to be crashed by Discord.
Ep: Aoi steals her lion back. Setsuko can't transform, until Shiori gives her the heart from her hairclip that turns out to be her lucky pick. Tune arrives, and the team get an upgraded joint attack. They discover Aoi is a precure.
Ep: Toshiko seems very black and white aggressive rock sorta person, but she shows a softer side by singing a ballad in a talent competition. Sings about how everyone expects her to be a certain way, and she's more than that.
Ep: One of the enemy creatures finds and attacks Toshiko whilst she's showering at home. She manages to fight it off, but the cacophony makes her parents suspicious, and she has to cover by claiming she came up with a new song for the band, and bluffs that they're looking at moving into heavy metal. Annnd her parents can't wait to hear them perform it. She has to rope the rest of the squad into making an out of character song, but they struggle to connect with it. They do their best, get to the performance, and end up flunking until one of the creatures attacks again. They have to fight the creature, and defeat it, but the audience seem to enjoy it, assuming it's just the song and the effects from all that. Toshiko reveals her parents are big metal fans. But she does say to them that she thinks they aren't going to go down that route. They're just happy they tried it out.
Ep: Tsuyomi has to teach a younger kid the piano, but he isn't interested, preferring to play computer games. She ends up playing the computer games, and trying to use them to interest the kid, even cutting the music out to show him what it would be like without. She then enlists Shiori's help to introduce him to music mixing, and that sort of thing, where they can rig up game controllers to make music. Piano is just a slightly more direct controller. Just when he's starting to get interested in playing, discord disrupts it my making the notes he plays off. They have to fight it, and give the kid the encouragement to keep trying.
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roseswhim · 7 months
The Crystal Legacy Challenge!
By @roseswhim !!
Are you looking to play around with aspects of the sims 4 game that you haven't used before? Is the sims starting to bore you? Or maybe you have just started playing and are looking for a way to start your first family?
Welcome to the Crystal Legacy Challenge! A sims 4 challenge that any simmer will enjoy.
Each legacy will be assigned a crystal that is found in game, it will be fun to try match the generations clothes , hair , ect to the colour of the assigned crystal but not compulsory.
You could also try collect that crystal in game, but again this is not compulsory!
I also love giving subtle hints to the colour through their name
eg. Red gen = Sienna, Rosie, Scarlett
I will try to make a base game version but NOT promising anything. If this challenge gets popular I will but if not then I probably won't.
This challenge doesn't use every pack since I don't have every pack, but it does use a few!
Basic rules:
. No money cheats AT ALL unless it is stated in the legacy rules
. Each generation must complete all the rules, or else you fail the challenge!
. You may use custom content and mods, I think they make the sims alot more fun. I recommend the better schools mod, it gives teens skills while at school.
. Remember, this is just a game so if you aren't enjoying a certain generations you can absolutely change it or skip them!
Generation 1 - Rose
(Pink gen)
You grew up never knowing your parents, you and your younger brother were raised by your older brother. Due to your parents not being around as a child, your dream has always been to be the perfect parent to your children.
tip - you don't have to add the older and younger brother, but I think it'd be a cute touch since your sim is a family person!
Goals -
. Max parenting skill
. Level 4 cooking skill
. Level 3+ teacher career
. Complete super parent aspiration
. Have the gen 2 heir with a sim that has the athletic trait
. Have photos of you and your family around your house
. Have atleast 3 kids, adopt one
Aspiration - big happy family
Traits - unflirty, family orientated, bookworm
Career - teacher
Generation 2 - Emerald
(Green gen)
Growing up, you were always closer with your father/mother (depending on which wasnt the legacy heir for gen 1). This is because they were always sporty and going out on runs, which you quickly took an interest in.
. Have athlete career (dont have to max)
. Max fitness skill
. Level 6 or above charisma
. Max fitness aspiration
. Your partner must achieve level 5 cooking skill
. Only have 1 pregnancy (if it results in twins or more then you can keep all of them)
Aspiration - bodybuilder
Traits - active, vegetarian, self-assured
Career - athlete
Generation 3- Sapphire
(Blue gen)
You spent most of your days as a child playing the violin, quickly realising that wasn't your thing as a teen you decided to pick up guitar. You realised you were much better at it and decided that was what you wanted to do, spending most your days alone sat outside playing your guitar.
. Only be close with grandparent from gen 1 until they die
. Max guitar skill
. Level 5+ violin skill as a teen/child
. Complete musical genius aspiration
. Live in Brindleton Bay
. Entertainer career - choose musician once at level 5
. Be a single parent - never get married and never have a partner move in
Aspiration - musical genius
Traits - music lover, gloomy, loner
Career - entertainer - choose musician at level 5
Generation 4 - Rainborz
(Red gen)
You and your mother/father were always close. Growing up you loved sitting and admiring the flowers while listening to them play. Being outside so much made you realise how much you loved flowers and plants. You also found a love for painting + drawing the wildlife around you.
. Max gardening skill
. Level 7+ painting
. Move away from Brindleton Bay a couple days before again up to young adult ( still teen )
. Move anywhere with lots of wildlife - Henford On Bagley, Sulani, Oasis Springs, Evergreen Harbour, ect.
. Gardening career level 6+
. Complete freelance botanist aspiration
Aspiration - freelance botanist
Traits - loves outdoors, art lover, neat
Career - gardener
Generation 5 - Amethyst
(Purple gen)
As a child you were always defiant, never listening to your parent and never completing any of your homework. All you wanted to do was go out and be a pirate. Once you became a teen, you realised pirates were childish and decided you wanted to be a criminal.
. Max mischief skill
. Level 6+ charisma skill
. Have twins but only those 2 children (you can cheat)
. Live in an apartment for your whole life in San Myshuno
. Tell your kids you work in business
. Have partner working in criminal career aswell
. Max public enemy aspiration
Aspiration - public enemy
Traits - mean, hot-headed, ambitious
Career - criminal
Generation 6 - Hematite
(Black gen)
Neither of your parents were around growing up, so you often found yourself taking care of you and your twin. Cleaning was the thing you despised, but you always loved the cooking.
. Max cooking skill
. Level 5+ gourmet cooking
. Have a roast every Sunday with your family - you cook it
. Move out of the city as a teen (you can bring your twin with you or leave them)
. Level 5+ chef career
. Complete master chef aspiration
. Have partner achieve level 5 violin
Aspiration - master chef
Traits - foodie, loner, childish
Career - culinary - pick chef
Generation 7 - Jonquilyst
(Yellow generation)
As a child, you found that you were good at everything. Anything you tried, you liked and we're good at. Because of this, you never had a main goal in life.
. As a child, play violin and use the science table often
. As a teen, get an after school job as a babysitter for half of teenhood, and fast food worker for the other half.
. Don't get married until you're an elder
. Level 5 cooking
. Level 4 violin
. Level 4 fitness
. Level 5 logic
. Get to level 4 in any 2 careers ( not counting teen careers )
. Have an affair which results in a child ( your partner cannot find out )
Aspiration - renaissance sim
Traits - genius, noncommittal, perfectionist
Career - multiple, listed in goals
Generation 8 - Alabaster
(White/blue/purple gen)
Your mother/father was always working on their various projects, so you were often left to your own devices which lead you to your love of writing.
. Max writing skill
. Level 6 logic
. Max author career
. Complete best selling author aspiration
. You and your partner must star/cloud gaze atleast once a week
. Write atleast 5 excellent quality books
Aspiration - best selling author
Traits - bookworm, romantic, geek
Career - author
Generation 9 - Fire Opal
(Orange gen)
Seeing as your mother/father was an author, you liked to read some of their books. They often inspired you and you decided to start drawing sciences from them. This led you to your talent of painting.
. Max painting skill
. As a child, max creative skill and have creative aspiration
. Complete painter extraordinaire aspiration
. Have a creative studio in your house
. Paint pictures of all your children
. Complete painter career
Aspiration - painter extraordinaire
Traits - creative, art lover, good
Career - painter
Generation 10 - Shinolite
(Grey gen)
It had always been your dream to be an astronaut, even since you were a toddler. It was probably your mother/fathers paintings that gave you this dream the most, or the stories your father/mother would tell you about aliens.
. Build a rocketship
. Max handiness skill
. Level 6 fitness skill
. Have 2 children ( only those 2, can be twins or seperate )
. Complete nerd brain aspiration
. Complete astronaut career
Aspiration - nerd brain
Traits - clumsy, active, vegetarian
Career - astronaut
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diovstheworld · 2 years
Random La Squadra HCs (#1?)
just some things that come to mind about the guys that don’t fit into any other post 😭 sorry prosciutto and formaggio have so much more than the others omg. i would keep typing these but this has literally been in my drafts for months and i’m sick of looking at it 💀 i keep adding and if i don’t post now i never will (minor mentions of drugs and alcohol and slight swearing)
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑
loves rain, specifically the sound of rain on the roof. he loves to just sit in silence (which is a rare occurrence) and listen to the sweet sounds of the rain pattering against the slate above
after a long day of hard work, risotto loves nothing more than relaxing with a cup of hot chocolate, headphones on, maybe even reading a book or the days newspaper
this guy has a shit ton of piercings and definitely has a few tattoos too
his guilty pleasure is watching soap operas. normally watches them with prosciutto while doing a face mask (prosciutto forced him into it but risotto loves it)
loves nutella on his toast. literally the only thing he will have on his toast. he absolutely loves the stuff
honestly i think he actually would just have a really big sweet tooth
big fan of iced coffee. don’t know where this headcanon came from but it’s stuck in my brain now
massive gamer. also into comic books and figurines and stuff like I mentioned in a previous post
probably had braces when he was younger
if he does want a hot drink, he enjoys a nice cup of warm milk
huge astrology bitch. literally won’t shut up about it. i can definitely see him saying things like ‘that’s such a scorpio thing to do’, ‘you’re acting like such a virgo’, ‘let me guess, you’re a pisces?’. he will analyse the crap out of you once he learns your star sign etc.
loves crystals too. has a massive collection of them (i’ve kind of mentioned this headcanon before but i love it too much). often keeps a crystal in his pocket and it also often changes. normally brings a crystal that is good for luck and is 100% convinced this crystal is what makes him so good at what he does. he probably messed up once on a job when he didn’t have the crystal on him (which was totally just a coincidence) and now he doesn’t leave without one in his pocket.
also i think he deep down has a lot of insecurities and anxieties which he masks with the cocky attitude
loves cosy things like soft blankets and fluffy pyjamas <3
really good at drawing and painting
also really good at singing and playing guitar tbh
i think he would smoke (i’m a big fan of this headcanon honestly) but not just cigarettes. i could definitely see him smoking weed and having been a bit of a stoner kid back in his younger days.
mum friend of the group. honestly i think i didn’t have to say this one because i feel like a lot of people think this. constantly giving advice and pep talks even though no one asked for it lmao
favourite alcoholic drinks are red wine, espresso martinis and whiskey
favourite non-alcoholic drink is coffee for sure. the man is convinced he can’t function without a cigarette and a coffee in the morning
favourite fashion brands are gucci and prada! though he just is a big fan of fashion in general
i gave ghiaccio a breakfast preference and i have one for prosciutto too lmao. i think he would eat the thickest porridge. no one in the team can understand why he enjoys it this way and he never elaborates
i said this in a previous post but he’s definitely a big vinyl lover. loves the little crackling noise in between each track. it brings him a sense of comfort
a clean freak and a perfectionist. this applies to all parts of his life including his room and his looks
i think i’ve also said this but he definitely runs a fashion blog in his free time lmao
another one who i definitely does drugs (definitely would do more than just weed in my opinion lmao)
i feel like he would be a pretty sporty guy and would like playing stuff like football and basketball (i’ve said this before whoops)
the joker of the group for sure. probably the kind of guy who can’t read the room and doesn’t know when a joke is appropriate or not
also the kind of guy who wishes he wasn’t always just seen as the silly goofy friend. my guy wants a break every now and then from the joker personality!
another guy who enjoys video games. and is actually very good at them
i know he shoved his cat in a bottle and all but i think he actually loves his cat a lot. probably prefers his cat over people half the time lmao
also, he would totally have freckles
this guy would do anything if you dare him to lmao
also loves telling dirty jokes
the king of dirty jokes tbh. i feel like ghiaccio would get so annoyed lmao. but illuso and formaggio would crack up at them, they find them hilarious
a massive gamer! loves video games and loves playing them with ghiaccio
also a big movie enjoyer. invite him along to see any movie and he’ll be down!
and also a big fan of musicals. he loves to sing along to all the songs
speaking of which, he would also be a good singer just like illuso. and he would be the kind of person who knows the words to a song after listening to it once lmao
got the whole gang into ru paul’s drag race and they always watch it together. melone and illuso are normally critiquing all the contestants lmao
i think he would have quite a few food allergies (not dairy though, my boy loves his milk). but i think the other guys would be very considerate of this (probably because prosciutto warned them within an inch of their life to do so) and they always make food he can eat. on the odd occasion they don’t, they make sure there’s no cross contamination!
scared of thunderstorms. if there’s ever a thunderstorm, you better be protecting this boy. he hates the loud noises of the thunder so he’s normally seen wearing headphones or something to block out the noise
massive animal lover! big fan of formaggio’s cat, can normally be seen giving the cat some sneaky treats here and there
another warm milk enjoyer
slime videos are his guilty pleasure
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evelhak · 1 year
For the pick a character thing, I'm going to ask with numbers! 11, 16, 19, 20, 25, and 32. I hope those aren't too many. ^^;;
Since you added I could do it for KnB, I'm gonna assume you'd prefer it, so I will do that. :D And no, it's not too many, it's probably never too many.
11. I don't see the hype with them, but I like them: Kasamatsu, maybe? It might be just a minority that hypes him, but I just feel sort of neutral about him. There's nothing I dislike about him especially, but I also don't really feel anything much about him. He's just fine.
16. Deserves more screentime: Murasakibara, honestly. His character doesn't connect to the overall plot the same way as the other GOM both because he is introduced later in the story and because of his location, so I would have really liked to see more of his interaction with the others. He feels slightly like "the last thing we just have to get over with before the main antagonist". His character arc has good ingredients, but it feels a bit simplified because there isn't room.
19. Wish there was more merch for them: Hmm difficult question, because I don't live in an area where it's easy to get any merch. On the other hand, I don't like overt kind of merch that much? I'm more into buying things that remind me of the story, but no one else will know that unless I explain it. Like, I have this T-shirt:
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It says "Dream big", has a sporty style and is dark blue, so it's my homage to Aomine. Because he said boobs are full of dreams, and it's better to have as many as possible. I have basically Momoi-sized myself, so it's a funny joke to me. I have a lot of T-shirts with hidden KnB jokes. I just prefer to express my obsessions in subtle ways that are kind of like riddles. I just find that more stimulating for my brain, it's fun to come up with that stuff even if it's just for myself (and it usually is, because there aren't any KnB fans around in my daily life). If one day I met someone who would instantly think of KnB because of what I was wearing and would tell that to me, that would blow my mind. Soo... I guess if I wished there was more merch of any kind, I would wish there was more subtle and complex merch you'd have to think about a little to decode? Sorry, I don't care about merch enough to know who I would want to be more included.
20. Wish the fandom treats them better: Momoi, Momoi, a thousand times Momoi. I've run into fics where she doesn't even seem to exist because someone wanted Aokise to happen without complications or something. I think there was one about a KagaKuro wedding where all of their friends were there except for Momoi???????? And then I've seen fics where her only role is to get the guys together, whether it's Kagami and Kuroko, Kagami and Aomine, or Aomine and Kise or whoever... it's mind-numbing to me. It makes me SO angry. No, I would never question those fics' right to exist, they have a place since they are what someone needed. But it makes me mad for sure, and I will always do my best to write against that trend. (I'm sure my fics make someone mad for some reason too, and that's cool.)
25. I would fight them. For fun: Does this mean like a physical fight? I don't think I would ever get into an actual physical fight where you're meant to hurt the other person, for fun. On the other hand, if any kind of fight counts, then I would enjoy beating Hanamiya's ass for sure. I think as a method of the fight, I would choose some kind of visual pattern spotting game. No one I know has still beaten me in Monumento or Crystal Code. I'm also pretty good at those games where you have to find pairs fast and the differences are subtle. I think my most impressive win to date was when I was the only one playing who was drunk (and not just a little bit) but I still won. By a lot. :D Wait, I think I would want to beat Hanamiya a bit too seriously though, so does that count as for fun? I think in this case, for fun might mean "without an agenda". So... maybe Aomine or Kise? I'm sure I would lose because they're just too fast at everything, but it would be fun to see how much I would lose. Or I guess it could be fun to pick Kuroko because I think we have similar strengths and ways of thinking, but we mostly do different things in life, so it might be fun to see what would happen. I'm sorry, I've muddled this question too much.
32. I would be roommates with them: My brain is starting to work against me because I hate putting myself in the story and the last question was apparently already a bit too much, since my brain is so averse to picturing myself living in the same reality as these characters, that it seems my mind is trying to sign off now, but I'll try to push through and think. Uh, well, Momoi is an easy choice. She resembles a lot of people I feel comfortable with, so through that lens that's the first obvious choice, so I'll stick with that. I like people who are overtly friendly and more extroverted than me, because otherwise nothing's ever gonna happen. I might take the initiative to get to know someone, but I also don't have the energy to keep the interaction going if the other person makes less effort than me, or isn't reactive enough, so it's smoother with people who have a bit more social energy than me and are more expressive.
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dogmomwrites · 8 months
15 Questions, oc edition
This tag came a while ago from @autumnalwalker, so thanks for including me in this game!
Passing it on with soft tags to @pixelw0rds, @eponymoussquared, @indecentpause, @songsofsomnia, and @writernopal, as well as leaving it an open tag! Rules—just answer the questions in bold for one of your OCs and tag however many people as you’d like to. Empty template is under the cut
These answers are for Arial of my Castle series
Are you named after anyone?  My grandmother. My parents didn’t want to just take her name though, so they changed it a little. My gran’s name was Ariadne 
When was the last time you cried?  A couple days ago, but I had good reason to!  (author’s note: she watched a baby bird learning to fly) 
Do you have kids?  Oh gosh, no! I’m only eighteen! ...but I kinda want a couple when I’m older. Maybe two or three? 
Do you use sarcasm a lot?  Not as often as some people I know 
What’s the first thing you notice about people?  Um, that kinda depends on the situation 
What’s your eye color?  Brown. Or black. Hold on, my interviewer has to go check the document...they’re brown 
Scary movies or happy endings?  Happy endings all the way! Scary movies are, well...scary. And I don’t much like being scared 
Any special talents?  Not really. I can bake a few different things, and everyone says I’m really good at it 
Where were you born?  In the Infirmary in Telenar 
What are your hobbies?  I like making crafts; my mom taught me how to do a lot with just flowers, rope, and a few twigs, and we get bones, claws, feathers, antlers, hooves, and scraps of hide from the hunters and butchers. My favorite to work with are crystals though! 
Have you any pets?  I have three birds! A baby blue budgie named Pretty Boy, a green and yellow budgie named Sunny, and Pebble, a crow I sneaked into the house when it was young and actually got to keep 
What sports do you play/have played?  I was never very sporty, but I played kickball and netball when I was younger. I’m better at small golf, which figures because I think it’s kinda boring 
How tall are you?  Five foot, one inch (155cm) 
Favorite subject in school?  When we were younger, we had arts and crafts classes—those were always fun! 
Dream job?  I haven’t thought that far ahead...there’s so many options, how do I choose? Where do I even start? I like making my crafts, but I always thought it would be really neat to be an explorer, but I also really like tending to gardens and animals, but I always wanted to do something that would get me an invitation to the annual ball, but I always wanted to be a member of a guild or something because that would just be neat, I think, but—
empty template
Are you named after anyone? 
When was the last time you cried? 
Do you have kids? 
Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
What’s the first thing you notice about people? 
What’s your eye color? 
Scary movies or happy endings? 
Any special talents? 
Where were you born? 
What are your hobbies? 
Have you any pets? 
What sports do you play/have played? 
How tall are you? 
Favorite subject in school? 
Dream job?
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cntrl15 · 11 months
“Apothecary” - Bellamione, Assorted Others.
100 Words, Rated T. For the July 2nd prompt: "Polyjuice", from @sapphicmicrofics.
“It’s my specialty, you know. I can make it any flavor.”
Granger’s hands dance among the bottles, but Bella’s eyes are on her lips, her Cheshire grin. “French-vanilla blonde? I wear it well. Or here, strawberry-cherry? She’s a sporty bit of fun.” Granger steps close and looks her up and down, head to toe. “Maybe chocolate, dark and bitter, just like you? ”, and that would be enough for most, but Bella knows to wait.
Then a madness from that mouth, and then a vial, crystal, from a cabinet: one single hair, half black as night, half bleached to silver bone.
Link to AO3
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styleofdiamandis · 1 year
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Marina unveiled the music video for “Orange Trees” on March 22, 2019 and it positively radiates with summer sunshine. Shot in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, the feel-good clip was directed by Sophie Muller and features Marina dancing on the beach with friends and exploring stunning vistas while serving an array of citrus-hued looks that match the song’s title.
Styling by Mercedes Natalia and Fernanda Clark. Hair by Derek Yuen and glam by Katelin Gan.
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The first look shows the Welsh beauty in a look from Galvan’s Spring/Summer 2019 collection. This is the Oasis apple-green sequin-embellished midi dress which features a mock neck, open back and bell sleeves.
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New York-based designer Roxanne Assoulin created Marina’s baby Hip Hop But Not crystal earrings in mood-lifting purple and green ($75.00 - sold out). You might remember her rocking a different colorway of these for her desert concert last year!
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We’re joining Marina by the pool where she sports this Gottex Ribbons white textured one-piece swimsuit! It boasts a ruched full-coverage silhouette and diagonal stripes.
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Another New York-based jeweller is Daniella Kronfle who seeked inspiration in ancestral mosaic artworks for her Mosaico Di Luce II purple amethyst circle earrings ($11,500.00).
Daniella Kronfle “Mosaico Di Luce II” Earrings ($11,500.00)
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The perfect swimming ensemble was finished with a vintage Emilio Pucci abstract printed silk scarf, which M tied around her waist,...
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...and these Topshop Downtown croc two-strap heeled mules ($48.00) in pastel lilac. Unfortunately, they are no longer available.
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A perfect summer staple is a bright day dress. Marina chose the Lacoste sporty yet chic soft petit cotton piqué polo dress in yellow. The dress can be self-tied and even has the signature embroidered crocodile logo!
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Marina's beach look included the La Robe Dolcedo orange sheer longline cardigan dress from the Jacquemus Spring/Summer 2019 collection titled "La Riviera"!
Underneath, a basic tank scoop neck maillot in white by Solid & Striped.
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Our girl has some of the best earrings out there. And these BECK Jewels jade shoulder dusters are definitely no exception ($220.00 - sold out).
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The last look of the "Orange Trees" music video shows Marina exploring Puerto Vallarta in the STAUD Vertigo black & white bow detailed bustier mini dress.
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Blink and you’ll miss them! We can spot the Miu Miu 50QS green oversized round gradient lens sunglasses on Marina.
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Another stunning pair of earrings provided by BECK Jewels are these Evil Eye Totem mismatched freshwater pearl earrings made with 14k gold-filled wires.
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Finally, her sneakers. These are the timeless and original Champion lace-up sneakers made from white canvas by cult brand Keds.
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crowdvscritic · 11 months
round up // JUNE 23
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The best things come in pairs in this Round Up. A few repeat offenders this June: 
Jason Schwartzman
Harrison Ford
Brad Pitt
Archeological digs
Sports stories
1943 musicals
Tap dancing
‘80s pop-rock records
Two Tales of Cities
And, as always, Crowd and Critic are best when they’re in tandem. These are my top picks for June 2023 in the order I experienced them:
June Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Shooting Stars (2023)
As a sports dilettante, I knew nothing about LeBron James’s pre-NBA life. (Full disclosure: I don’t know much about his post-NBA life either.) This sports drama probably sands off some edges (James produced this movie based on a book he wrote), but it hits its marks. It’s inspirational but not schmaltzy, and thanks to great performances (including an always stellar Caleb McLaughlin and I’m-always-glad-when-he-pops-up Dermot Mulroney), this story of five basketball-obsessed kids growing up is much better than you’d expect for a direct-to-Peacock movie. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10
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2. Elemental (2023)
Pixar is back to basics with Elemental. In the best way, that means Pixar is up to their old shenanigans, but in another sense, it means this movie is, well, basic. Read my full review at ZekeFilm or watch my segment on KMOV to give you an idea on whether Pixar’s latest is for you. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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3. Flamin’ Hot (2023)
What Flamin’ Hot lacks in heat it makes up for in heart. With its relatable stakes and the comedy it finds in skewering corporate culture, this kind-of-true story of the creation of the Flamin’ Hot Cheeto (yes, really) is about as good as it could be. Read my full review at ZekeFilm. Crowd: 8/0 // Critic: 7/10
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4. Coco (2017)
Finally watched after being one of my top “oops, I haven’t seen this yet” titles for years. Yes, Pixar did make me sob again. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 9/10
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5. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)
Do you love to feel nostalgia or to be surprised? Do you like old school action or newfangled special effects? Do you enjoy historical adventures or stories about modern issues? Then the fifth Indiana Jones episode is for you! Literally the only thing this needed to achieve was to surpass the quality of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but why settle for that when you can make an action-packed adventure better than most summer blockbuster fare? Given that Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade are two of the best adventure movies (or perhaps, just movies) of the 20th century, it’s no insult to say The Dial of Destiny ranks third for me in Indy’s canon with Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull following in distant fourth and fifth places. Crowd: 10/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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6. Bananarama-thon + Bangle-mania + Go-Go-palooza
What says “summer” more than 1980s girl pop-rock bands? (Or really, 1980s pop-rock period?) Bananarama, The Bangles, and The Go-Go’s made excellent summer soundtracks with their respective albums Deep Sea Skiving (1983), Bananarama (1984), and True Confessions (1986); All Over the Place (1984), Different Light (1986), and Everything (1988); and Beauty and the Beat (1981), Vacation (1982), and Talk Show (1984). Also, does Bananarama’s debut album have the greatest cover art of all time?
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7. Sports Night (1998-2000)
My binge of short-lived behind-the-scenes shows continues! Clearly Aaron Sorkin and pals like Tommy Schlamme were still learning the ropes of TV, and they were not helped by the fact that premiering in the ‘90s mandated a laugh track in the first season. But the bones of Sorkin’s future are there: Josh Charles and Peter Krause’s bromance feels like laying the track for some of the best of The West Wing, and Felicity Huffman is one of his iconic strong female leads. Robert Guillaume’s elder statesmen of TV (both in front and behind of the camera) is the glue that holds the show together, and the show’s love for sports is so infectious it draws in non-sporty girlies like me.
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8. Legal Eagles (1986)
A legal dramedy starring Robert Redford directed with the light touch of Ivan Reitman? This art heist murder mystery co-starring Debra Winger and Daryl Hannah is a hidden gem of the ‘80s...and also an addition to my Favorite Tap Dances list on Letterboxd? Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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9. The Stone Roses by The Stone Roses (1989)
A Rolling Stone article I shared last month got me curious about this band (whom I know nothing about beyond that article), and this album has been scratching The Smiths itch that lives in me.
June Critic Picks
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1. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
It’s a visual wonder with stellar voice work, especially Jason Schwartzman’s clever villain, and once we get to the Nueva York universe, everything flies. But boy, does it take a while to get there. I normally reserve my Round Ups for praise, but since Across the Spider-Verse’s nearly universal acclaim won’t be tarnished by my critique, the spirit of transparency compels me to complain this film is at least 30 minutes too long. When you’re trying to be both a Gwen Stacy movie and a Miles Morales movie, the somber first hour slows down even more and delays revisiting the stuff we loved most in the first film. The kids next to me were antsy well before this was over, my dad fell asleep in the middle (which he never does), and then it rivals Lord of the Rings for fake out endings. Here's hoping Spider-Ham and Spider-Man Noir get to make up for their lost time in part 3! Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 8/10
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2. Ninotchka (1939)
When Soviet Greta Garbo travels to Paris on Communist Party business, can she resist the city’s charms? She and her fellow comrades find themselves succumbing to the amenities, champagne, and romance they can’t find in Mother Russia. An Ernst Lubitsch-directed rom-com co-written by Billy Wilder can’t miss! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9/10
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3. Little Women (2017)
Another Round Up, another version of Little Women. I immediately pushed this PBS miniseries to the top of my watchlist when I dug into Little Mermaid star Jonah Hauer-King’s past filmography and discovered he performed alongside Angela Lansbury (!!!). Though I expect the budget was smaller than a big screen feature’s, the extended runtime allows for moments we haven’t seen depicted on film before. The cast of ringers includes Lansbury as a delightfully cranky Aunt March and Hauer-King as a lovelorn Laurie, as well Maya Hawke as Jo, Kathryn Newton as Amy, and Michael Gambon as Mr. Laurence in an 1860s Concord as bucolic as ever. Like a warm, encouraging hug!
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4. Past Lives (2023)
This bittersweet romantic drama makes me want to call up my boyfriend who moved away the summer after 7th grade and the guy I never dated in college who studied abroad and then transferred and that boy I met at a party a few years ago who said he was moving next week to sail boats in Delaware and then be disappointed none of them are as I remember or imagined who they would become. The best film of the year so far? Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
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5. Double Feature - Silly 1943 Musicals About Marrying for Money: Du Barry Was a Lady + Higher and Higher
Movies today should try being as weird as ‘40s musicals. In Higher and Higher (Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), a one-time millionaire tries to marry off his maid to a wealthy bachelor, though she may prefer to romance Frank Sinatra (playing himself!) instead. In Du Barry Was a Lady (7.5/10 // 8/10), Lucille Ball is trying to snag herself a rich guy, though she may prefer to romance Gene Kelly instead. (This is a much more obvious addition to my Favorite Tap Dances list on Letterboxd.) Both are silly, but when you’ve got Sinatra singing or Kelly dancing to Cole Porter songs, you’ve still got wow moments. More movies today should detour into 18th century dream sequences!
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6. Valley of the Kings (1954)
Robert Taylor and Eleanor Parker go on a high-stakes archaeological dig in the early 1900s set in front of gorgeous photography in Egypt. A fun prototype for Indiana Jones and The Mummy! Crowd: 7/10 // Critic: 8/10
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7. Asteroid City (2023)
Something Wes Anderson does not get enough credit for: The man has never made a film longer than two hours. This spring’s trend of Wes Anderson-inspired social media may have brought attention to the previously unacquainted, but it took only a few of those superficially xanthic posts to exhaust my Instagram feed. Most social filmmaking is ugly and chaotic, but Anderson’s attention to detail when blocking his troupe of players in the golden ratio, designing perfectly-shaped mushroom clouds, and using color theory to select his palette doesn’t just hold up on a big screen—it deserves it. Read my full review at ZekeFilm. Crowd: 7/10 // Critic: 10/10
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8. Double Feature - ‘90s Brad Pitt: Legends of the Fall (1994) + The Devil’s Own (1997)
In Legends of the Fall (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 8.5/10), Brad Pitt’s nonconformist Tristan upends the lives of his family members (including Anthony Hopkins and Julia Ormond) as they strive to keep their Montana estate through World War I, Prohibition, and the Great Depression. In The Devil’s Own (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 9/10), Pitt’s IRA terrorist Rory upends the life of the family who takes him in (including Harrison Ford) when he escapes to America. One is a soapy historical epic, one is a gritty police thriller, but both show the promise of Pitt’s career.
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9. A Tale of Two Cities (1935)
A pretty good adaptation of one of my favorite high school English class reads. Though the nuance and depth of the Mr. Charles “I Get Paid by the Word” Dickens novel can’t be captured in just two hours and the portrayal of Lucie is, well, a lot, Ronald Colman’s Sydney and Blanche Yurka’s Madame De Farge are pitch-perfect, and it’s as moving as its source material. Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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10. Good Reads
The incessant onslaught of more-TV-than-can-possibly-be-watched is reaching critical mass: 
“The Idol and Our Backlash Times,” NYTimes.com (2023)
“‘The End of Peak Television:’ Has the Era of Prestige TV Just Ground to a Halt?” TheGuardian.com (2023)
“Peak TV Is Over. Welcome to Trough TV,” slate.com (2023)
“From Warrior Nun to Three Women, TV Shows are Being Cancelled. Yet Somehow Emily in Paris Lives On,” TheGuardian.com (2023)
“Media's Succession Obsession,” axios.com (2023)
Thoughts on our moment in diversity in TV and movies: 
“Box Office: Early Summer Tentpoles Cash In, Fueled by Diverse Stars,” HollywoodReporter.com (2023) 
“‘Why is Bridgerton’s Race Twisting Acceptable?’ The Real Problem With the Show’s Black Fantasy,” TheGuardian.com (2023)
The Hollywood Reporter continues its impressive breadth of Writer’s Strike coverage: 
“Tom Hanks, Baby Jessica and Lessons from a Three Strike Writer,” HollywoodReport.com (2023)
“Guest Column: If Writers Lose the Standoff With Studios, It Hurts All Filmmakers,” HollywoodReporter.com (2023)
And a grab bag of pieces on baseball, basketball, and Beyoncé: 
“The Team Trying Very, Very Hard to Be the Worst in Baseball History,” slate.com (2023)
“Beyoncé Caused Sweden Inflation Bump, Expert Says,” politico.eu (2023)
“The 100 Most Significant Political Films of All Time,” NewRepublic.com (2023)
“The Flash Was Never Going to Run Away From Its Problems,” TheRinger.com (2023)
“Employee of the Month Rewarded With More Work,” vice.com (2023)
Also in June…
I’m processing a lot of emotions about what’s going on at Turner Classic Movies, and I’ve yet to figure out how to put them into words. Until I get there, I’m constantly adding to my list of movies I’ve watched thanks to the people who work there, and you can see the almost-350 of them on Letterboxd. 
Until the end of July, you can see what I’m watching in real time on Letterboxd. Yes, I’ve seen Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One; no I can’t talk about it until after the review embargo lifts on July 5th. 
Pending Twitter doesn’t self-implode before you read this, you can also find me there.
Photo credits: Bananarama, The Stone Roses, Good Reads. All others IMDb.com.
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lazyrants · 16 days
Sportacus Who? (prod 123)
Original airdate: August 2, 2005
Story by Magnus Scheving
Written by Noah Zachary, Cole Louie, Magnus Scheving
Directed by Jonathan Judge, Magnus Scheving
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Ronald Binion, Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess
Sportacus who who? I don't have much memories of watching this episode..
The episode begins with a new not recycled cold open (shocker!!) where Sportacus writes a letter. Once he sends it via airmail, he realizes he made a mistake. So he runs into his door, yelling.. DOOR.
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But the door doesn't open so he has to turn the knob next to it a bit. XD! Once it finally opens, Sportacus connects his feet to a rope like he did in the Laziest Town and catches the letter. By this time the letter would've already been in someone's goddamn hair. It turns out he forgot to sign his name.. THEN he throws the letter away again. The letter flies into Pixel's house and Stephanie reads it out loud - 'Dear Pixel, you wanted me to remind you to remember to remind yourself to remember something.' It turns out the thing is to make a backup copy of his hard drive files, but the computer starts smoking once he tries to restore a restart point. Sportacus' crystal beeps and he runs into the house and unplugs the wire out of the seven there are and he looks confused when only one wire turns off one device.
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He eventually unplugs them all, but Pixel's computers are gone. He manages to save one device but it has melted. Whatever it was, it probably needed some battery or computer to run, so I wouldn't be as sad as Pixel.
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Now Pixel's devices, games, photos and Stephanie shrines are all memories as he says.. while Robbie is eavesdropping. He wishes Sportacus himself could have a memory meltdown so he didn't save anyone. Then he makes his own wish come true, setting up a trap. His plan is for Sportacus to jump over the hurdles and land straight into the Memory Sucker 3000, knowing he can't resist. A smart plan, and (spoiler alert), it somehow is foiled in the end. Plot armor! So, Sportacus jumps over the hurdles and straight into the sucker.
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Now Sportacus doesn't remember what he was doing, or who he is. The memory sucker should've sucked every single thing he knew out of his brain like a similar gadget did in 'Henry Danger', and this time I can't say 'eh, Nickelodeon' because both shows were produced by Nickelodeon. Then Robbie jumps in and says he was Sportacus' best friend.
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He advises Sportacus to listen to him and to never ever save anyone and Sportacus wasn't planning to. Meanwhile, the kids are talking about how Pixel's computer lost all it's memory and with no memory there's no you. Now, Sportacus is an ice-cream man. Ironic, heh? So, when he offers the two ice-cream, Ziggy is super happy, and Stephanie is super confused. So Sportacus scoops up a pentable-scooped (five) ice cream cone. No matter HOW hot it is, I am not eating that.
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It turns out that all the convincing Robbie did with the 'stop-saving' nonsense actually didn't work very well. As you might guess, Ziggy can't hold a five-scooped ice cream very well (why'd he even order that??) so he nearly trips, then Sportacus dives on the floor with his ice-cream cone. So now Ziggy has a cone on the top and the bottom! Lucky duck. Anyways, Stephanie the smartie skirt knows that something is up, but Ziggy is too blinded by the multi-coloured cone he's holding to realize it - the superhero who recommends eating Sportscandy and has meltdowns when he eats any type of sugar is serving one of the sweetest deserts ever.
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It turns out Sporty hasn't completely had his memory sucked, because he's working out on the bench near, doing pushups. Robbie goes up and down trying to talk to him while he moves. Fast for the laziest guy in town.
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It's a pretty funny sequence. XD!! Eventually, Robbie gives up and allows him to exercise as long as he doesn't save anyone. Meanwhile, Pixel is trying to get his computer to work and Stephanie talks about how weird Sportacus is being. He is still serving ice-cream and Pixel realises something is off while Ziggy wants more. XD! They go to say hi to him but Ziggy gets hyper when Sportacus offers him more until Stephanie stops him. XD! This show is kinda funny. Stephanie tells him to stop serving ice-cream because he's a superhero and Ziggy asks if he remembers that he is one and he says he doesn't remember anything. DUN DUN DAAAAHHHH!!
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They make up a plan to remind him of everything by making him play sports and performing a reprise of 'Have You Never'. At the end he claims to have almost remembered remembering until he just didn't. All that good stuff might've not been the good stuff he wanted to eat. Then Stephanie the stupid skirt tells Pixel to put up a bunch of videos and photos of Sportacus on his dead computer. So they go back to his house to try and get it to work. Sportacus talks about how nice those kids are while sitting on a bench, and Robbie pops up out of nowhere FNAF style. XD. He scares the superhero who lives thousands of feet in the air so much that he somersaults of the bench.
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Robbie tells him a bunch of lies about how mean they are to him. And they keep on standing up and sitting down over and over and it's hilarious!! Robbie wants to tell him the worst nickname of them all, but it's too funny- uh, I mean, too awful for him to spit it out until Sportacus grabs his shirt.
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He tells him to write it down, but he doesn't know how to spell it! That's surprising considering in Dear Diary he wrote an entire page. But he decides to whisper it to him. He says they call him 'The Blue Elf' which is a throwback to the 1990s Icelandic plays when Sportacus' name translated to the Sports Elf. And he advises Sportacus to go.. home!
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He points to the airship and says to go up there he needs to do some moves (the signature move), and he needs to say a word that starts with L. His first guess? Lettuce. XD! Second? Letters. Third is a charm! Ladder! Robbie tells him to go up and do what he does best.
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Knitting. XD!! So, meanwhile, Pixel is trying to launch a new circuit pathway on his Linux distro computer, and it works. Now he copies some Sportacus movie files (better be MP4 or wmv files.) to his laptop, while Robbie is scheming something. He plans to pop the airship like a balloon to Sportacus never finds his way back to town. I think that's overkill. Just in time, the kids come back.
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He comes up with a pretty smart trap for them so that they can't get away. Ziggy spots a lollipop on the floor, and when he tries to pick it up, a magic jail cell falls from the air and traps the three. HOW DID THAT GET THERE???
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Robbie uses his very low level of strength to push his cannon on wheels (or for the Jacky Chan/Samo Hung/Bio Yuen fans, wheels on cannons) that we see again in the last episode of Season 2 and in the first episode of Season 3. That cannon has been a part of LazyTown for years. If we're lucky it's in the museum.
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Robbie says it looks like a lovely day to do some flying. Meanwhile, in the flying airship, Sportacus has knitted the longest blue-and-white scarf I think anyone has ever seen in their lives. XD!!
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Robbie puts on his helmet (looks like something a magician'd wear) and climbs into the cannon. While the kids are still in the cell (Ziggy has pressed his face against the free space, lol!) the cannon fires while Robbie is in it, which should've burnt him.
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Robbie's shoe falls off. Meanwhile, Milford is having a nice meal with five cakes (that ain't sports candy) in the nice weather, and then Robbie's shoe lands on the spoon that is holding a cupcake and it goes flying onto Milford's bald head.
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How doesn't any of the frosting or the cake move when he shakes his head?? Something to think about. Milford picks up Robbie's shoe and is very confused about what's happening. It's raining shoes, from outta the sky. XD! Sportacus puts the scarf back in his bed cupboard, then the crystal beeps. Cue that epic moment where he remembers everything.
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Is that how powerful this crystal is? Wow-ee. Meanwhile, Robbie's helmet (has a spike in the top) pokes the airship with such force it starts shaking and turning like in Rottenstein. Cue classic cartoon moment where character in air looks down then falls. Sportacus flips into the skutla and looks down. Robbie is falling, and for some reason he has an umbrella out of nowhere that he uses as a parachute. Where did he get that from?.. Maybe I don't wanna know..
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Like TWO EPISODES AGO (Play Day) he uses his scarf to rescue him, grasping it and jumping out the ship. Like I said in my last review - THIS AIN'T WHAT THEY MEANT BY REDUCING, REUSING, OR RECYCLING!! Hopefully, now Magnus owns the show again, if he does make a new movie or season that he doesn't reuse a bunch of shots and songs. While Sportacus is swinging, the kids say his name in happiness and he stops on a wall and asks 'Who?'. The kids are sad that he doesn't have his memory back, then he winks and smiles at them.
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I know somewhere, somehow, sometime, there was a woman in her 40s blushing at this scene. Mark. My. Words. Robbie loses his hold of the umbrella, and Sportacus swings in to help him. He falls onto a tree and lands on his groin. I never found that funny.
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So, the helmet falls off his head and Sportacus comes to the rescue. Robbie asks him to help but Sportacus reminds him what he said - never never never save anyone, but Robbie says he meant everyone except him. XD!! The tree branch becomes weak, and Robbie falls down (reused shot from Super Hero for a Day).
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Sportacus offers to still be friends with him, but he says with friends like Sportacus he doesn't need any. Then he realizes his shoe is missing and walks off the screen, calling it's name like it has ears. XD! He gets the kids out of the cell and he tells them now he remembers what he likes doing best - doing random backflips. They perform Bing Bang. During the dance Ziggy wraps himself in the scarf. I love the humor in this show.
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Robbie goes back in the cannon to look for the shoe, and Milford comes to tell him he's found it. He tries telling Milford he is in the cannon but he pulls the lever and Robbie goes flying again. Funny scene after funny scene!
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Pretty good episode. Decent plot and amazing execution of jokes. 8/10
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