#Coro Coro Comics
sweeteacrummble · 11 months
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I drew in this style before but now I can make it official. Introducing Ratchet and Clank Comic Ver. inspired by Coro Coro comics made in Japan. And yes, I gave Clank a gun. (My headcanon won't leave me be if I don't do it lol)
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koppashiren · 8 months
Happy National Comic Book Day Here are my 4 favorite mangas: Kirby Manga Mania, Chocobo Mysterious Story, Kaze no Klonoa 4Koma Manga Gekijou, and Soreike!! Bomberman Jetters.
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just found out that there was a third crash manga
and uh uh uh uh uh it’s the best thing ever
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by the way if anyone would be willing to translate these or point me to an english translation that would be great! I can give you some full scans
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stovetoast · 1 year
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lifes hard when youre soft
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splatteryacid · 6 months
G0ggles x rider except it's in a grooming type way 😇💕
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babacomic · 7 months
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career options
Career options for Babbers
Pomologist Jiji: Some day, I'll be able to fit that last fruit in that box. Not today, but one day...
Stable manager A large jaw: I yearn for a feast! Fofo, riding a horse: Do I have a deal for YOU!
Astronaut Paige: Why am I in space? I am just paper with a face.
Submariner Submarine operator 1: Vi-ke to Cor-ke. Your cord is twisting. Should I let go? ... Ha! I'm only kidding! Submarine operator 2: Ugh...
Spelunker Weiun: Where is that darn portal? Right behind Weiun is a portal, partially covered in gravel.
Diplomat Belbel: Madam! I sincerely request the finest cheese you have to offer. bab: no can do belbel: oh ok then
Animator Bebe: Okay guys, here's my new design for Ckymlls Nunu: Make it look exactly like Jsdhguos Bebe: Why
Linguist Me: What's Liba mean? Wawa: Ligma balls. Me: Who is Gmalls???
Punchline Keke: When food cold out, eat food the cold, in not out oven hot. So, when hot in oven food, you out hot food eat, and of cold out food. Whereby, food hot is.
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kaitou-archive · 8 months
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Joker makes a collaboration appearance in the November 2023 issue of CoroCoro Comic, in promotion of the Coro Coro edition of Kuukiyomi: Consider It!
This issue is available for both physical and digital purchase (you are likely to need a Japanese payment method or workaround)
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mechaseraph · 7 months
Did you hear cardfight vanguard is getting a manga in corocoro comics starting next year👀👀
Yep, I saw it in coro right away (I buy magazine digitally straight as it comes out), sure was a flashbang I hope it be fun, as od anime seasons are...the bar is so low
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clannfearrunt · 1 year
i know that “i dont want to pay money to read duel masters :(” proabbly sounds silly to people who know how much i dropped on the yugioh comics and aren’t used to the idea of stealing but the main difference is that I Like Yugioh and I cannot say the same for duel masters because I have only read fragments of it while flipping through the rest of the coro coro magazine to find that month’s Kirby manga chapter
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Beyblade stuff from an old Coro Coro comic I have
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greenyvertekins · 1 year
Is there a serious manga for sonic? Im not talking about how its done in coro comics and spin dash. Im talking about manga with arcs or an actual story.
Unfortunately, no. But what I'd give for manga adapts that translate the games onto paper and add to them in a good way...
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ljaesch · 2 years
Splatoon Manga Resumes
The official website for Shogakukan’s Monthly Coro Coro Comics magazine has announced that Sankichi Hinodeya’s Splatoon manga resumed in the magazine’s October 2022 issue on September 15, 2022 under the title Splatoon Bankara!. The manga temporarily ended in the December 2021 issue of the magazine in November 2021, where it teased that the manga would soon feature content related to Splatoon…
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View On WordPress
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tabeojacafe · 2 years
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Double sided Tabe-O-Ja poster from Coro Coro Comic April 2021.
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just gonna leave this here
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soloquiero-jugar · 20 days
Tag de @nuriakendo
Do you get along with animals?
Me suelo llevar bien con los perros, será porque tenemos mucho en común! Los gatos suelen detectar mi alergia y se acercan para destruirme, sin éxito de momento. Ojalá los pájaros demostraran hacia mi el mismo interés que tengo yo hacia ellos.
Do you like to read comic books or manga?
Ambos, aunque estoy inclinado más hacia el cómic (americano/europeo)
Do you consider yourself a people person?
No mucho, y aunque hay mucha gente a la que quiero y aprecio, necesito de un espacio comfortable para soltarme y suelo acabar agotando mi pila social cuando estoy en compañía de gente extraña o no tan conocida durante un rato. Con eso y todo me resulta interesante conocer gente, más si es gente peculiar.
Name 3 things to do for fun Me gusta jugar! El ocio lúdico forma una parte importante de mis pasatiempos. Ya sean videojuegos, juegos de mesa, juegos de rol (normalmente en mesa también). Dibujar. Dibujo desde muy pequeño y es una parte fundamental de mi mismo. Si no pudiera dibujar me tiraría por un barranco. (tengo muchos dibus subidos en la tag de drawings o soloquiero-jugar) Música! Me gusta tocar instrumentos, aunque no soy demasiado bueno en ninguno. Toco el piano, la armónica (diatónica - de blues) y ultimamente le estoy dando mucha caña al ukelele. Soy el claro ejemplo de que no hay que cantar muy bien para estar en el coro, aunque mi vida de fama por los escenarios terminó (de momento ¿?¿?)
What's your favorite colour? Morado
What type of movies do you like to watch? Drama filosófico quizás? Creo que no me siento arrastrado por ningún género en concreto.
What do you prefer, boxing, MMA or neither? Boxeo? No estoy demasiado interesado en ninguno de los dos, pero me gustaría hacer boxeo alguna vez.
Do you have a favorite book? Mi despertar literario fue con El Hobbit, y le guardo un cariño muy especial. Pero no puedo dejar lado El Segador.
Have you experienced something supernatural? Una vez, cuando era pequeño (unos 10-11 años), estaba en el campo de un amigo de noche y mirando el cielo vi como dos puntitos brillantes (estrellas? cometas? asteroides??) chocaban (uno no se movía y otro sí) en un resplandor muy pequeño. En las noticias nunca dijeron nada de un fenómeno astronómico así que ya no sé si vi lo que vi o tenía una imaginación muy vívida. Tampoco sé si cuenta para la pregunta.
Name 3 of your cherised songs that u identify with that could also describe you Sólstafir - Fjara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6j7mUxGz20 Radiohead - No Surprises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5CVsCnxyXg The Distillers - Gypsy Rose Lee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DrTDuKDgtU
Gracias por el tag @nuriakendo!!
Ahora yo tageo aaaa.... @adoremosalhipnosapo, @k3lit, @elgatorojodekazakhstan, @mapachitoseverywhere yyyy quien lo quiera hacer!
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babacomic · 3 months
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Nodes: Rock → You
Coro: A new form of rule! Incredible! Let me get this down on paper! (Coro begins writing.) Coro: Huh. All it says is "nodes". I wonder what that means.
Nodes: Coro → Forget → Node
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