#Conservation Practices
reasonsforhope · 4 months
The population of giant pandas in the wild has nearly doubled as China steps up its conservation efforts.
China’s National Forestry and Grassland Administration said on Jan 25 there are now around 1,900 pandas in the wild from some 1,100 in the 1980s.
This has been due to China’s efforts to protect the species, considered a national treasure, said Mr Zhang Yue, an official with the administration.
The Giant Panda National Park was established in October 2021, covering a total area of over 22,000 sq km and providing a home to around 72 per cent of the wild giant panda population.
Protected areas for giant pandas have grown from 1.39 million ha to 2.58 million ha since 2012.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature has adjusted the status of giant pandas from “endangered” to “vulnerable”.
“This indicates that China’s giant panda conservation efforts have been recognised by the international wildlife conservation community,” Mr Zhang said.
The global captive population of giant pandas, meanwhile, has now reached 728, with 46 pandas successfully bred in captivity in 2023.
The genetic diversity of captive giant pandas has also improved. The current captive population of giant pandas can maintain 90 per cent genetic diversity for up to 200 years.
As for giant pandas living abroad, Mr Zhang said China has organised field inspections and assessments of 23 overseas cooperation institutions in 19 countries since 2023.
“The cooperation institutions generally meet the requirements in terms of venue construction, feeding and nursing, and disease prevention and control measures,” Mr Zhang said, adding that pandas living abroad are generally “in good health”.
He said China will further improve the international cooperation management mechanism for giant pandas, carry out regular daily health monitoring and field inspection and assessment, and continue to strengthen cooperation with international partners for the protection of endangered species and biodiversity.
-via The Straits Times, January 25, 2024
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Preserving Diversity
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ggacworldwide · 7 months
Sustainable Farming: NPowerFarmers Guide to Environmental Stewardship
Greetings, NPowerFarmers! As we progress through the NPowerFarmers Guide, our focus turns to a crucial aspect of responsible farming: environmental stewardship. Sustainable farming practices not only contribute to the health of your farm but also play a vital role in preserving our planet. Let’s explore key considerations for embracing environmental stewardship in agriculture. Sustainable…
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ears-like-eyes · 2 years
Hey Tumblr, weird place to put this. But I'm nervous. I'm going to apply for the Forester position that just opened. This is my cover letter (parts of it are cropped or scribbled out because the Internet doesn't need to know my address, name, or phone number, ha).
But, uh? Does this seem like a good letter or no? I've actually never had to write a cover letter for a job before.
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there-are-4-lights · 9 months
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from here
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ollie-draws-things · 12 days
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@muralconservator [places this gently in your hand and runs away]
Redraw of a portrait, original under the cut!
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cooki3face · 2 months
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Community does not need this!! But they’re loud in the comments about how harmful this could be for the community and divination and other spiritual practices and traditions! Thankfully!! I was just talking about spiritual psychosis on my close friends on Instagram yesterday and then I see things like this and post just went viral of some woman absolutely losing it, snot running out her nose and everything over the eclipse.
The fear mongering and demonization of spiritual teachings, astrology, tarot and spiritual practices and traditions is about to start becoming very big. It was already a really prominent thing oppressors have used for ages especially against poc who practice forms of witchcraft or deity worship they brought with them from home. I was just watching a docu-series yesterday that highlighted how the native population on mt. Shasta were forced to leave and practiced ritual and held ceremonies in the caves of mount Shasta and those who colonized would go into those caves after they left and preform mockeries of their ceremonies and rituals as entertainment.
We’re about to step into a reality and time where spiritual people, practitioners and others within the community will be replacing celebrities and individuals of high rank or people who hold a lot of power in this world and I said before that the oppressor has a very specific recipe for oppression and trying to keep people (especially in the west) as unaware and as stuck in perpetual karmic cycles and systems as much as possible. And this is just yet another technique they use to discredit individuals with gifts. They use psychics and astrologers and others themselves to help them predict and interpret what’s coming.
They use these types of stories or ideas to fuel radical religious beliefs and ideas that are built upon fear mongering and hatred, they use religious institutions and manipulated versions of their Bible and beliefs and create division within the west. Vast majority of republicans are statistically uneducated and are conservative who hold onto heavy religious beliefs and views to back up, support and justify their actions and beliefs. Heavily similar to antebellum America and the justification of slavery and the mistreatment of African American people.
To add onto that, this movie about tarot does not accurately portray what tarot really is and how it works whatsoever but guess who’ll believe it and perpetuate it. Half the negative ideas that are swirling around about metaphysical, Wiccan or spiritual practices are due to pop culture and horror movies and the individuals who sit at their desks in the dark scribbling away these plots and releasing these movies.
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zinger-begonia · 2 years
How to collect & use kitchen grey water to conserve water and water your garden all at once!
1. Soap* up/scrub your dishes:
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2. Put a big pot in your sink:
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3. Start rinsing your dishes:
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4. Mmmm, dirty dish water**:
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5. Let cool a bit if you used very hot water, then water plants of your choice***:
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Do look up the grey water regulations in your area, at least so you know them. Read up a bit more on greywater systems. This may or may not be legal in your area, but understanding why it is or isn't can help you decide how to safely incorporate water reuse into your life.
One of the common big ones is that your not allowed to just let the water sit there, or pool on the ground. A common tactic is to divert the water below the surface of the soil, which can be accomplished easily. Some people don't want you to use kitchen grey water because of concerns around bacterial contamination from raw meat, etc, so consider how you're going to deal with that.
* don't use chlorine or borax (I don't know anyone who does for dishes, but you can't be sure on the internet). If you're quite concerned about your soap, get one that's labeled environmentally friendly or whatever.
** I'm a vegan so I don't have to worry about this, but if you're not, make sure you don't use waste water from dishes that had contact with raw meat or eggs. Because of potential bacterial contamination.
*** soap is basic, so don't water acid-loving plants with this. Never allow the water to pool for any length of time. Here you can see that I'm watering a cucurbit, which are thirsty plants that appreciate extra nutrients.
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compacflt · 6 months
hi! im learning so much from your blog and its endlessly fascinating to me, im not american so i knew next to nothing about the us military before getting into tg (still dont know that much but. more than before), i never cared about or defined myself by us political terms but now i really want to know and understand the tg characters and its fascinating to me how much politics is a part of that, so thank you for sharing your views on that on here, id be lost without them!
(i havent read your fic yet because idk if im emotianally ready for it yet but when i do. im sure its gonna be great)
haha I do sort of worry that I’ve made top gun too political. I think I’ve always just been trying to come to terms with the fact that… top gun wasn’t really made for me.
I saw Top Gun: Maverick for the first time in a movie theatre in rural southern Oregon…. Which, if you’re not American/didn’t know, is a part of the country characterized by Jesus-loving gun-toting “patriots.” The theatre was a full house. Everyone loved TGM. It’s NOT an apolitical movie. It pushes a WWII-era narrative about the “American underdog” military that appeals to a certain subset of the population: the military deserves more resources because our heroes are disadvantaged on the battlefield (F-18 vs SU-57), though of course in real life no more than a dozen SU-57s have actually been produced, and American fighters… don’t engage in dogfights anymore. Cain was right, no matter how much TGM wants to sensationalize the adventurism of real life pilots: drone warfare is making extinct manned fighter jets. TGM is geopolitically out of date. —And whether we like it or not, it is straight-up recruiting propaganda. The main emotional thrust of the movie is that we (audience) are supposed to sympathize with Bradley, who wants nothing more than to Join The Navy. We are supposed to be mad at Maverick (and later, conveniently, our scapegoat Carole) for preventing Bradley from Joining The Navy. The story of TGM does not make sense if the Navy isn’t the most desirable place to be. Top Gun: Maverick isn’t just recruitment MATERIAL; fundamentally it is a recruitment STORY. I feel like that’s an important metatextual aspect to engage with & acknowledge.
I’ve said elsewhere on my blog, the target audience for TGM is Republican dads of teenage boys: men who were teenagers when the first Top Gun came out, and have that nostalgia for a more dangerous/more exciting military, and are in the position to influence their sons to join up. The Navy would not have let Tom Cruise et al rent their $20,000-an-hour-operating-cost airplanes if that weren’t the case. Top Gun wasn’t really made for people like me.
Obviously how people in fandom engage with the source text is their decision. But engaging with Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick is to engage with the Reagan-era reactionary, hawkish Cold War foreign policy that inspired Top Gun (the 1981 Gulf of Sidra incident really springs to mind—it would’ve been in the minds of many people watching Top Gun in 1986), and then the subsequent NOSTALGIA for that time period that inspired Top Gun: Maverick. They’re not apolitical movies at all; they have an agenda. It’s good to take their agendas seriously.
I hope if you read my fics you enjoy them 😊
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menlove · 6 months
it's just very interesting how the term "woman" has become something very loose and malleable. and the same has not happened to "man." many people who can accept the idea of womanhood as fluid and that someone calling themself a woman may not necessarily be a woman, cannot do the same with "man" which is automatically in their mind the antithesis to queerness and femininity and exists as a very binary term. like we just hold onto these staunch ideas of "man" and "manhood" with little wiggle room, while allowing "woman" to become anything and everything. which is fine, but only when it applies both ways, and it often doesn't. and would you know? I'd be willing to bet my left asscheek that it comes back to misogyny
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pom277 · 5 months
Finally putting three years of moth data into a spreadsheet and I simultaneously fucking hate and fucking love it
moths (in general and also learning more about them too)
satisfying when done
preparing for submission and possible future research and publication
represents hours of practical ecology
beginning to show correlations we’ve suspected for a while
(theoretical) ecology
numbers is frustrating to use
don’t own a micro book
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Protecting Saskatoon's Elm Trees: A Community Call to Action
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fandomflux33 · 3 months
Hear me out:
The natural (positive) conclusion to Batman’s character arch is him retiring peacefully at 65 and opening a bat rescue clinic.
I’m telling you, wrapping orphan baby bats up like tiny burritos would be SO therapeutic for him.
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ears-like-eyes · 2 years
If you want to know what working in conservation is like.
He popped out like right in front of me, we had a stare off for like 5 minutes trying to figure out what either of us were going to do. Then he took off towards my work truck and hung out there for awhile.
Like my dude. I just wanted to go home and clock out for the day, ha. It was like 9pm and I just got done walking the mile back to my truck after planting a half mile of trees.
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outatmako · 5 months
anyways we all know Lewis is gonna get a doctorate in marine biology or something. but Cleo can also be a doctor. as a treat. they can be a hot scientist power couple.
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
An old lady at work sent me chocolate this morning bc I helped fix a book of hers yesterday (not my job, but we have bookbinding tape, and despite my mediocre conservation skills, this was just a popular book she wanted fixed up for use, not a historically significant artefact)
I'm just 🥺😭💕
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