shanikhome · 8 months
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Coffee
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Coffee is what wakes us up in the morning and what keeps us going through the day, thanks to the magic of caffeine. But did you know that coffee was banned in the 16th century or that it most probably was discovered by mistake? Below you can find 5 things you probably didn’t know about you favorite morning drink.
There are two main species of the coffee plant: coffee arabica and coffea robusta. Arabica trees, which were discovered in the Middle East, produce the best coffee in terms of quality and are the most widely cultivated (3/4 of the entire world’s coffee). Robusta, which was discovered in Congo, produces hardier beans which contain 40-50% more caffeine and is mainly used for instant coffee.
In America, for many years, tea was a lot more popular than coffee, until King George the III’s increased the taxes on tea imports for Americans.This resulted in the famous historical event known as the Boston Tea Party, a rebellion during which the rebels dumped the British tea cargs into the Boston harbor. After this event, coffee became the most important drink in America, being also emotionally linked with the revolution.
During WWII, American soldiers also known as the G.I. Joes were used to drink high amounts of coffee. As a result, coffee soon earned the nickname of “a cup of Joe”.
Coffee wasn’t always popular, and it even got banned in more than one place around the world. Frederick the Great banned coffee in Germany in the year of 1677 because he thought that people were spending too much money on this drink.Coffee was almost banned in Italy as well, when the catholic clergymen labeled it as Satanic and pressed Pope Clement VIII to ban the drink.After he tasted this new and controversial drink, the Pope declared it delicious and quipped that it should be baptized. As a result of this papal blessing, coffeehouses began to spread across Europe.
If you think your local coffee shop charges you too much for a cup of espresso, then you should consider the fact that the most expensive coffee in the world costs $50 a cup, or $600 a pound of beans.
This coffee is called Kopi Luwak (or civet coffee) and it can be found in Indonesia. What makes this coffee so special?
Well, it’s special because it’s made from coffee beans that have been eaten, digested and then excreted by a local animal called the Asian pal civet.
Source Link: Things You Didn’t Know About Coffee
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kids-worldfun · 11 months
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15 Most Interesting Facts About Coffee You Must Need To Know Regardless of the country that you visit, everyone is familiar with coffee. This article will discuss the 15 most interesting facts about coffee, including its health benefits.
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mycoffeeflavor · 1 year
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factsride · 1 year
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Who knows this to be true? We can at least make our coffee the way we like it so that it understand our needs.....that need for that caffeine boost! #quotesaboutlife #coffeefirst #foryou #foryoupage #dailyquotes #love #olderandwiser #CoffeeShop #women #espressocoffee #coffeestyle #thankful #quotestoliveby #coffeefacts #flavoredcoffee #smallbusinessownerlife #thankfulness #merchandise #gourmetcoffee #Goodmorning #morningcoffeetime #coffeedaily https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZ9ka8tIEX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kape-hara · 2 years
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teacoffee99com · 2 years
10 Fun & Interesting Facts About Coffee Drinkers
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Coffee drinkers are some of the most productive, anxious people alive.If you’re one of us, you’ll surely enjoy to learn some facts about us. By Marcelo.
#1 We like coffee for breakfast
When do people drink coffee?Two out of three coffee drinkers report that they drink coffee for breakfast - much more than with any other meal.Some of us might even enjoy coffee itself as a breakfast, which is fine from time to time, but be sure to accompany it with some real food, too!
#2 Only a third of coffee drinkers prefer black coffee
Black coffee drinkers are the darkest souls around. It’s really not a contest of who can endure the most bitterness, you know?Only about 35% of coffee drinkers say they prefer black coffee to other types of coffee.As for the rest of us, we like milk and sugar too much!
#3 Women are outnumbered
If only by a few numbers - only 62% of women report drinking coffee everyday, in contrast to 68% of men.In the US, that’s about 1.82 cups a day for women vs. 1.93 cups a day for men.Slightly higher, but probably not enough of a difference for some people.This is particular to America, however, and might not be the same in all countries.In general, the numbers are quite even around the world when it comes to men and women coffee drinkers.What can we say? We love coffee, no matter our sex.
#4 Millenials love coffee
That’s right! Millennials, you win.You drink way more coffee than all of us - even more than baby boomers.Although “millennials” tends to be associated with a certain type of subculture in America, it turns out that this trend is true of many other countries.Millennials all around the world have an affinity for coffee that other generations just can’t match.Maybe it’s the fact that we’ve lived through several economic collapses, or the internet, or all that mercury in the fish we eat.Whatever the reason, we just love coffee.
#5 15% of the world population drinks coffee regularly
…Which might sound a little underwhelming to some.I mean, some of us have identities that almost completely revolve around coffee!Don’t worry, though: that number varies greatly from place to place.And although only about 15% of world citizens can be considered true coffee drinkers, the number of people that drink coffee varies from 30% to 40% of the population any given day.So maybe they’re not drinking coffee every single day - but I’d still consider them coffee drinkers.
#6 Europe is home to the most coffee drinkers
Almost 70% of Europeans drink coffee on a daily basis. That’s crazy! The number is even higher in some particular countries, like Germany and Finland.They drink more coffee than Americans, who are already notorious coffee drinkers.This may have to do with tradition - coffee did arrive in Europe earlier than it did in America.It wasn’t until quite late that Americans started to favor coffee over tea, which was the drink of choice for a long time.
#7 Americans drink 3 cups of coffee a day
…on average.You probably read that and thought “hold my coffee”, but that’s on average.In reality, most self-proclaimed coffee drinkers drink way more than that a day - even though doctors recommend around four cups a day!To put that into context, coffee drinkers over in Finland drink an average of nine cups a day.That is three times more than Americans, so next time you want to brag about how much coffee you drink, think about Finnish people.
#8 We like to make coffee at home
That’s right.Why go to a coffee shop when you can make better coffee at home, that’s suited to your taste?And for free?!It’s estimated that about 79% of Americans own some sort of coffee maker at home, while 12% say they have an espresso machine at home. An espresso machine is the real deal. And even if you don’t have one, coffee is coffee.To a true coffee drinker, form doesn’t matter - it’s all about the coffee.
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#9 Americans love Colombian coffee
Sure Colombian coffee is objectively great and anyone would love a cup of it - but we Americans drink more of it than anyone else!Most of the coffee grown in Colombia ends up in America, because there’s so much demand for it.It may have something to do with the fact that Colombian coffee has been famous in America since the 50’s, so we as a nation are very aware of how good it is.Or maybe we don’t really know many other good producers like Colombia - whatever the reason, we drink a lot of it.
#10 There are 1 billion coffee drinkers around the world
That’s 1 in 7 people. But what is a coffee drinker?We mentioned before that a coffee drinker is someone who drinks coffee every day.That’s what constitutes a coffee drinker: someone who can’t, won’t, go without coffee even for a single day.And if you count all the people who drink coffee often but not every day, the number goes up a lot.Almost half the world population could be called coffee lovers!Which may sound a little disappointing - how aren’t there more coffee drinkers in the world?!Well, you have to remember that tea is still the preferred traditional drink in many Asian countries.China, in particular, even though it is home to many coffee lovers, most of the population doesn’t drink coffee. At all.Photos by Vadim Pitz and ge yonk. Read the full article
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bluetonguehomes · 2 years
Five exciting coffee facts
Do you love the smell of roasting coffee in your new BlueTongue Home? Here are five exciting coffee facts that will have you at the coffee machine in no time.
 1. Coffee was said to have been discovered in the 9th century by an Ethiopian goat herder. The goat herder noticed that his goats became more energetic after eating berries from a specific tree. After reporting his findings to the abbot of his local monastery, the first pot of coffee was brewed!
 2. Finland is the country that consumes the most coffee on a per-person basis. The average Finn consumes four cups a day! The drink became so popular that two 10-minute coffee breaks are legally mandated for Finnish workers.
 3. Brazil produces 40% of the world’s coffee supply, which is by far the most of any country. There are over 220,000 coffee plantations, covering a massive 27,000km2 of Brazilian land.
 4. Coffee is actually a fruit! Coffee beans are the pit of a berry that grows on the Coffea arabica bush. These bushes take 2-3 years to produce harvestable beans.
 5. There are two primary types of coffee. Robusta coffee has a strong flavour and is more acidic with a higher caffeine level, while Arabica coffee is known for its smooth flavour and lower acidity.
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Source: thoughtco.com
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thecoffeeguru · 3 years
Coffee has many amazing health benefits, but did you know that there are a few benefits that are more beneficial to men? Learn about the amazing coffee benefits for men today! 
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coffeewhisperer · 4 years
Coffee fact #3
Did you know that adding cream to your coffee keeps it warmer for a longer period of time! This is because cream adds viscosity, slowing the evaporation of the coffee; resulting in slower heat loss!
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alingbheybi · 4 years
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Do you think you know your coffee?
Wake up to these coffee facts!
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shanikhome · 8 months
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bourgeoislatte · 4 years
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Good morning! ☕️Isn’t it amazing how the world begins to change through the eyes of a great cup of coffee. ☕️👌🏽🎶 #stationhead #thesnatchedpodcast #livelaughcoffee #coffeefacts #latteart #gooddays #goodmorningquotes #coffeequotes #atlascoffeeclub #coffeesnob #coffeeart #coffeebeans #starbucks #dunkindonuts https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NTzhrpDLC/?igshid=1nwazetm0vgno
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☕ A extração do nosso amado espresso normalmente é realizada em uma temperatura fixa, num espectro que pode ir de 85 até 95°C. . Duas pesquisadoras da Universidade de Girona (Espanha) realizaram um estudo com cafés no qual a temperatura da água durante a extração oscilava 😲! Isso para poder avaliar as mudanças (se existentes) nas características físico-químicas e sensoriais da bebida extraída. . Foram utilizados três modos de temperatura: fixa (90°C), crescente (88-93°C) e decrescente (93-88°C), com três grãos diferentes - robusta, Arábica por processamento natural e Arábica por processamento úmido (já vimos sobre processamentos aqui 😉). . Os resultados comprovam que o uso de temperatura oscilante durante a extração permite o aumento ou a redução de alguns compostos químicos extraídos dos grãos de café, ou seja, utilizando um gradiente de temperatura correto é possível enaltecer as notas agradáveis e reduzir as notas desagradáveis da bebida extraída! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 . . . . . #Espresso  #CaféBlumenau     #CafeteriaBlumenau  #Capuccino #CafesEspeciais #Blumenau #coffeelife #coffeenerd #coffeefacts (em Perfect Cup Coffee House) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAq4cNFUCp/?igshid=1naouhskfs9sx
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So be honest.....you probably wanted to say this at some point in your life right? We thought it would be funny to post this for you to use if you wanted to say it but just couldn't do it verbally. #coffeefacts #flavoredcoffee #CoffeeShop #Goodmorning #thankful #love #foryoupage #smallbusinessownerlife #thankfulness #olderandwiser #sweatshirt #hoodies #coffeemugs #coffeeshirt #funnyquotes #tshirts #espressobar #funfactsdaily #FunFactFriday #morningcoffeetime #coffeedaily #coffeeobsession #coffeeloversonly #coffeeobsessed https://www.instagram.com/p/CofARqlNc_s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kape-hara · 2 years
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