#Christopher Britton
kenpiercemedia · 1 month
Now Streaming: Marvel Animation "X-Men '97" on Disney+ (3/20/2024)
You’ve waited a very, very, very long time for the return of the X-Men on television and now my friends I can say to hold on tight as the continuation from the original “X-Men: The Animated Series” continues along with Marvel Animation’s “X-Men ’97”. Needless to say we are super excited about this and especially looking forward to the day when the live-action X-Men will be keeping us on the edge…
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lovecatnip · 2 months
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Promising Young Woman
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came ? 1970
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cinemaslife · 2 months
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#44 Una Joven Prometedora (2020)
Aviso para navegantes: Me he comprado la versión en DVD, tenía que verla de nuevo (sarna con gusto, no pica).
Cassandra (Carey Mulligan) está en un bar borracha, tirada en un sofá, bastante perjudicada, mientras un grupo de hombres comentan su estado, y lo fácil que sería llevársela a casa. Jerry (Adam Brody), uno de los chicos, se acerca y parece preocupado por ella y le plantea llevarla a casa, a lo que ella acepta, y tambaleándose bajan las escaleras.
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Pese a su estado, la invita a tomar la última copa en su casa y allí se aproxima a ella con intención de besarla y sobrepasarse, aprovechando su estado, ella le pide tumbarse por estar mareada y él la lleva a la cama para colocarse encima de ella y besarla mientras ella le repite "¿qué estás haciendo?" Y le demuestra que no quiere continuar. Él continúa besándola y le quita la ropa interior cuando ella, ya seria y serena, le vuelve a preguntar "¿qué estás haciendo?", a lo que él se asusta.
Así empieza una joven prometedora, con Cassandra en su casa, añadiendo otro palito a su libreta.
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Así nos enteramos de que Cassandra va en busca de hombres a los bares donde finge estar en malas condiciones para que cuando ellos intenten sobrepasarse con ella, darles una lección. Algunos la invitan a copas para que se emborrache más, algunos a sustancias para que se desinhiba, pero, por desgracia, todos quieren el mismo final. Los discursos de algunos de ellos son de hombres deconstruidos, pero lo cierto es que la mayoría simplemente quiere usarla para su satisfacción personal.
Y todo lo hace por Nina.
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Ryan (Bo Burnham) un antiguo compañero de clase de Cassandra, coincide con ella, en la cafetería donde trabaja, después de muchos años, y la invita a salir, mientras ella sigue con su plan de completar la libreta.
Cassie, vive con sus padres, pero no quiere una vida convencional, tiene un trabajo que se considera de estudiante, y no quiere una casa con porche, niños, etc. Sabe que sería totalmente capaz de conseguirlo, pero está convencida que no quiere.
Ella va a buscarle al hospital donde él trabaja porque quiere volver a verle, y le pide empezar una relación poco a poco y sin prisas, y él acepta. Una tarde hablando de la universidad, Ryan habla de Madison que ha tenido gemelos, de Al Monroe que se va a casar, de Nina...
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Cassie y Nina eran amigas desde la infancia, y fueron juntas a la universidad de medicina donde se hicieron muy amigas de Madison, después de las palabras de Ryan, Cassie decide quedar con Madison para comer y ponerse al día, Cassandra finge que se alegra de verla, y mientras ella se controla bebiendo a Madison se le va de las manos y se pone demasiado "contenta", allí justifica su discurso machista, y Cassie aprovecha para sacar el tema de porque dejó la universidad, y si recuerda lo que pasó. Madison confiesa que casi no lo recuerda, y Cassandra le plantea la situación hipotética de que una amiga fuera a su casa a contarle que creen que han abusado de ella, ¿qué haría? Justifica que nadie se creyó el abuso, que estaba tachada de fresca, y que si una mujer se emborracha se arriesga a que abusen de ella.
Cassandra se levanta y se alegra de que Madison no haya cambiado en nada, por lo que se va y le da las llaves y dinero en un sobre a un hombre de la barra que le pregunta que si está segura de lo que va a hacer.
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Madison la llama hasta 13 veces, dejándole mensajes de voz donde le cuenta que cree que un hombre abusó de ella después de que se fuera y Cassandra decide no responderle.
Más adelante se hace pasar por maquilladora de un grupo muy famoso y le pregunta a una adolescente por una cafetería, la chica se vuelve loca de emoción por ver al grupo, y le ofrece su móvil para que vea que no colgara nada en redes. Esta chica es la hija de la Decana Walker (Connie Britton) cosa que Cassie sabe muy bien.
Finge que necesita una reunión con la Decana para volver a sus estudios, en esa reunión la Decana no recuerda a Nina, pero sí a Alexandre Monroe, y las acusaciones que se hicieron sobre él, donde emborrachó y abusó de Nina delante de sus amigos, pero la Decana no le dio credibilidad a la acusación. Diciendo que fue culpa de Nina por ponerse en una mala situación, dándole el beneficio de la duda a Al. La Decana Walker le pregunta si Nina está bien, y que Cassi le dice que no, pero que tiene claro que eso no es lo importante, que lo importante es que Al Monroe tiene éxito y se va a casar con una supermodelo.
Antes de irse, Cassie le confiesa a la Decana que ha recogido a su hija y la ha dejado en una habitación llena de chicos, como le pasó a Nina, y que espera que al menos ellos la respeten, no como Al y sus amigos hicieron con Nina. La Decana llama a su hija, pero Cassie le da el teléfono, la Decana pierde los papeles y se pone a gritar sin que Cassie se inmute. "¿A qué ha sido fácil? Solo tenía que verlo de otra manera, supongo que se piensa diferente cuando es alguien a quien quieres".
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Cassie está agotada de la vida, estancada en el pasado, no puede avanzar, pese a que no usa la violencia en sus actos, no está lejos de perder el juicio y lo demuestra rompiéndole los faros a un tipo impertinente que la insulta en un cruce. Llevar a cabo su venganza la está consumiendo, el recuerdo de Nina la abruma, y le cuesta continuar, tanto que se le olvida su cita con Ryan, y le dice que se va a dormir, cuando en realidad, va a volver a fingir que está borracha para darle una lección a otro hombre. Pero esa noche se cruza con Ryan, que se siente decepcionado al verla salir de un bar tambaleándose del brazo de otro hombre.
El siguiente paso de Cassie es ir a ver al abogado (Alfred Molina) que defendió a Al Monroe y como presionó a Nina para qué retirará la denuncia, el abogado se encuentra en un estado lamentable, consumido por la culpa, y la locura. Le confiesa que era un abogado agresivo que perseguía a las víctimas para conseguir pluses... pero ahora ya no puede dormir, está agotado y admite que nunca se perdonará por nada de lo que hizo, pidiéndole perdón a Cassie de rodillas. Esto no es lo que ella esperaba, y cuando sale habla con un hombre que le dice que aunque no haga el trabajo le tiene que pagar. Por lo que entendemos que parte de darle una lección a este abogado era agredirlo. Desconcertada, va a casa de Nina a hablar con su madre, para poder recordarla juntas.
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La madre de Nina le pide que deje de ir a verla, porque no es bueno para ella, ni para Nina, ni para Cassie, esta le pide perdón por dejar a su hija sola, pero la madre de Nina le dice que debe superarlo, porque no hay nada que ninguna de las dos hubieran podido hacer.
Cassie se plantea si su venganza está siendo razonable, si quizás el amor que sentía por Nina le está nublando el juicio y si piensa que haciendo todo eso ella va a volver, por lo que tira la libreta y decide acabar con esa parte de mi vida.
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Hace las paces con Ryan y afianzan su relación como pareja, comparten muchas cosas juntos, el mismo sentido del humor, se van enamorando lentamente, lo pasan bien, viajan, y parece que Cassie puede dejar sus planes iniciales atrás sin mirar hacia atrás. Incluso le presenta a Ryan a sus padres. Disfruta de la vida por primera vez en 7 años.
Madison va a buscarla a casa de sus padres, está totalmente desmejorada, nerviosa, pero Cassie le dice que no se preocupe que no pasó nada con aquel chico, lo que hace que Madison se tranquilice. La nueva Cassie se disculpa con ella y lamenta lo ocurrido y Madison le dice que tiene algo para ella.
Madison le confiesa que después de su comida no ha podido dejar de pensar en Nina y en lo que pasó, y recuerda que había una grabación del abuso sexual de Nina, que se trató como un cotilleo, entre los compañeros de universidad se pasaron el vídeo. Y Madison le trae su antiguo móvil, para que pueda ver el vídeo, donde se muestra incrédula de que nadie dijera ni hiciera nada y les pareciera gracioso presenciar una violación. Al final le pide a Cassie que no se vuelva a poner en contacto con ella jamás.
Cassie no sabe si hacerlo, pero decide ver el vídeo, es como asomarse a un pozo profundo que le obsesiona. Lo que más impresiona a Cassie de ese horrible vídeo es que Ryan aparece en la grabación, mirando como Alexandre Monroe agrede sexualmente a Nina. Lo que hace que se sienta traicionada y sobrepasada por toda esa información.
Va a buscar a Ryan al trabajo y le dice que tienen que hablar, le enseña el vídeo y él le confiesa que no recordaba nada, le chantajea con pasarle el vídeo a todo el mundo si no le dice donde va a ser la despedida de soltero de Alexandre Monroe. Ryan le da la dirección y se disculpa, además de admitir que la quiere, pero lo que realmente le preocupa es que se lo cuente a todo el mundo. Antes de que ella se vaya y no le perdone, Ryan le dice que si pretende que no sea médico como ella y acabe siendo un fracasado.
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Cassandra se presenta en la despedida de Alexandre Monroe, vestida de enfermera "caliente" dispuesta a su acto final y de colocar a todos esos hombres en su sitio, pero sobre todo, desea poner en su sitio a Al.
Va directa a la habitación con él y lo ataca con esposas a la cama, y le pide explicaciones de lo que sucedió con Nina, Al sabe que Nina está muerta, Cassi sabe que es muy común echarle droga en la bebida a las chicas, por lo que sabe que drogaron a Nina. Le confronta cuando él dice que fue consentido. Le cuenta como las dos dejaron dejaron la carrera pese a que eran de las mejores, y le cuenta que ser médica siempre fue su ilusión. Y saca un kit donde hay bisturis y tijeras donde poder vengarse. Pero, Al acaba ahogando a Cassandra con la almohada y entre él y su amigo Joe deciden hacerla desaparecer.
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Ante la desaparición de Cassandra y ante lo inestable que estaba muchos consideran que es posible que se suicidara y Ryan apoya esta teoria para no tener que dar explicaciones. Él día de la boda de Alexandre Monroe, en el banquete, Ryan recibe un mensaje de Cassandra que está programado. Mientras las sirenas de policía se aproximan a donde están.
A la vez Cassandra le envía al abogado arrepentido, el móvil con el vídeo y la carta donde explica donde va a estar. Descubren el cuerpo incinerado de Cassandra cerca de la casa donde se celebró la despedida de soltero. Mientras Al y Joe intentan huir corriendo.
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"La pelicula me gusta mucho, me flipa el papel de justiciera y como reparte esa justicia sin violencia, sino, dándoles otro punto de vista a los que no quisieron ver la situación de Nina, me gusta como se trata el abuso de Nina y como dejan entre ver que no pudo más y que se suicidó. Me gusta el personaje de Cassie y como acepta su final como el único posible después de su decepción con Ryan y de no poder perdonale lo que permitió que pasara. Me resulta injusto que cuando al fin logra estar interesada y presente en su vida se tuerza su camino, dejándole, solo, volver a su desquiciada venganza como única solución y sobre todo, odio el final, no me parece un final digno para Cassie, debía de haber podido completar su venganza, pero si algo nos enseña esta pelicula es que la vida no es justa."
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buckevantommy · 4 days
unpopular opinion? i like connie britton but i don't love how abby feels like the main character. i'm looking forward to her being gone (and eddie and christopher coming in, and maddie, but that's besides the point). she's narrating every(?) ep and it's just.. not the vibes i'm after and not the vibes i'm familiar with from s7 i guess.
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thealmightyemprex · 1 month
Top 10 X Men the animated Series villains
Now before we go forward Im gonna say something controvercial:Magneto is NOT on the list cause I dont consider him a villain outside of his first two appearences
10.Lady Deathstrike:Former lover of Wolverine who has gotten cybernetic enhancements to avenge her father .I wish she was in more then one two parter
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9.Cortez-A mutant acolyte of Magneto who attempts to kill Magneto and frame the X Men for not going far enough .I just love how deranged this guy is
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8.Omega Red -A living killing machine made by the Soviets and enemy of Wolverine.Overshadowed by another Wolverine foe but hes still very intimidating
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7.Mystique:A shapeshifter and leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants.Very much an opurtunistic character ,and is fascinating due to being the mothers of Rogue ,Nightcrawler and Graydon Creed
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6.Mr Sinister -A basically immortal mad scientist ,Mr Sinister is the second biggest villain of the show.....And confession time,initially I didnt like him,finding his arc in season 2 so so,but a mixture of Christopher Brittons cold performance ,his unique design and his appearences in season 4 and 5 (Which showcase him working with Apocalypse ,aiding the heroes and showcasing his orgins ) have warmed me up to him and am excited to see what he has in store for the upcoming X Men 97
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5.Juggernaut -Charles Xaviers bullying step brother who through magic has become a unstoppable super strong brute .His motives are simple he wants Xavier to pay for precieved slights against him,when in actuality both were victims of his cruel exploitive father
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4.Shadow King-A powerful telepath whose mind was imprisioned by Xavier and now seeks a new body.The villain so powerful and evil he lead to Xaviers efforst to found the X Men .I find him an existentially terrifying villan and sad he only appeared twice
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3.Graydon Creed -Head of the Mutant hate group Friends of humanity and son of Sabretooth and Mystique .Of the non powered villains he is the one who stands out for just being a vile realistic bigot
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2.Sabretooth -Wolverines nemesis ,a sadistic and cunning villain,whose own son Graydon is terrified of him.Very menacing and I really like the performance of Don Francks
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1.Apocalypse -The closest thing the series has to a big bad , a centuries old power mad mutant .This guy is just entertaining ,bombastic and a wonderful performance by veteren scene chewer John Colicos
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@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @piterelizabethdevries @filmcityworld1
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brokehorrorfan · 9 months
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Promising Young Woman will be released on 4K Ultra HD (with Blu-ray and Digital) on August 22 via Universal. Actress Emerald Fennell (The Crown) makes her feature writing and directorial debut on the 2020 revenge film .
Carey Mulligan, Bo Burnham, Alison Brie, Clancy Brown, Jennifer Coolidge, Laverne Cox, and Connie Britton star. Adam Brody, Max Greenfield, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Sam Richardson, Alfred Molina, and Molly Shannon also appear. Margot Robbie produces.
Promising Young Woman is presented in 4K with HDR10 and Dolby Atmos audio. Existing special features, listed below, are included.
Special features:
Audio commentary by writer-director Emerald Fennell
A Promising Vision – Writer/director Emerald Fennell discusses her inspirations for the film
Two-Sided Transformation – A look at how casting, wardrobe, hair, and makeup were used to express the balance between light and dark
Balancing Act – Cast members discuss their reactions to the film’s balance of levity and tragedy
Everyone said Cassie (Carey Mulligan) was a promising young woman…until a mysterious event abruptly derailed her future. But nothing in Cassie’s life is what it appears to be: she’s wickedly smart, tantalizingly cunning, and she’s living a secret double life by night. Now, an unexpected encounter is about to give Cassie a chance to right the wrongs of the past in this thrilling and wildly entertaining story.
Pre-order Promising Young Woman.
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badguysgalore · 1 month
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madlori · 2 years
A primer on 9-1-1 and Buddie (Updated!)
I’ve heard from a couple of readers asking if they could read my fic without seeing the show, lemme help you with that!
The Show: “9-1-1″ is a pretty mainstream major-network procedural about first responders. The show centers around Firehouse 118 in Los Angeles. There’s also one LAPD character and also 9-1-1 dispatchers. Most of the seasons begin with a major disaster of some kind that spans several episodes. Generally the episodes feature several short vignetttes of emergencies, some wacky, some heartbreaking, along with through-lines of character plots. The lives of the characters are a big part of the show. It’s not like, revolutionary television, but it’s above-average in quality and the writing and acting are generally good. Also the music supervision is *chef’s kiss.*
The Characters: Here’s your besties. 
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From left to right:
Eddie Diaz (Ryan Guzman), firefighter, former Army medic. Didn’t join the show till season two. Has a currently 13 year old son, Christopher. who he is devoted to. He was a single dad when he joined the show; his wife had left the family to care for her sick mother and didn’t return. She eventually did but then died in a car crash right after asking Eddie for a divorce. That’s rough, buddy. Has PTSD from two tours in Afghanistan. Is super hot. Has nearly died twice. More on that later. Also had a period where he was working out his rage in an underground cage-fighting ring (Ryan Guzman is a former MMA fighter and I guess they couldn’t resist).
Hen Wilson (Aisha Hinds), paramedic, also went to medical school but chose to stay with the LAFD. Hen is married to Karen, a literal rocket scientist, they have a son, Denny, who was actually born to Hen’s ex-girlfriend who is a drug addict and in prison a lot. Hen and Karen are also foster parents. Hen is snarky and deeply committed to her job as a medical care provider. She once accidentally killed a civilian in a car crash while driving the ambulance and a traffic signal malfunctioned; she was traumatized (so was I, tbh)
Bobby Nash (Peter Krause), captain of the 118. Bobby has ghosts. Recovering alcoholic and pill addict, he blames himself for the deaths of his wife and two children along with over 100 people in their apartment building when he snuck away to drink, left a space heater running, passed out, and the building burned down. Was suicidal for most of the first season - he was waiting to save the same number of people who died in the fire before he could go. In recovery and seems pretty stable now, especially after meeting Athena, who he is now married to. Bobby is also a fabulous chef and father figure.
Athena Grant (Angela Bassett), LAPD sargeant. Yes, that’s Angela Bassett. Sometimes people are surprised. Athena started the show with her husband informing her that he’s gay; through the first season they amicably split. They have two kids, May and Harry, May’s in college and Harry’s a teenager. Athena and Bobby started dating at the end of season one and married in season two and now enjoy a pretty cool blended family situation along with Michael and his partner, although those last two have now left the show, probably for good. Athena is a badass.
Maddie Buckley (Jennifer Love Hewitt). 9-1-1 dispatcher. Joined the show in season two mostly to replace Connie Britton, who was only on for one season. Maddie is Buck’s older sister (much older). She was in a very violently abusive relationship for years while working as a nurse; when she joined the show she was fleeing her marriage and came to her little brother’s apartment. Her husband later found her, kidnapped her, and she ended up stabbing him to death. She had been starting to date Chimney at the time; he was also nearly killed by her ex. She and Chimney have a daughter together. Maddie had terrible PPD after giving birth and fled for a time (real reason: JLH’s maternity leave) and Chimney went to find her. He did, and they returned, but broke up but reconciled and are set to get married mid-season 7. Maddie is very devoted to Buck. More on that in a minute.
Howard “Chimney” Han (Kenneth Choi). Firefighter/paramedic. Chim is the senior paramedic in the house. He suffered terrible rejection by his father back in Korea and tried various way to make his way in LA before becoming a firefighter. Started the show with a bit of romantic desperation and inferiority complex but has grown in confidence considerably. Had a memorable storyline in season one when he was in a car crash that drove a rebar straight through his head; he recovered. Chimney is sometimes referred to as comic relief which isn’t really accurate although he is definitey a little shit. Nearly killed by Maddie’s ex-husband when he was attacked literally on his way to their first date. He and Maddie have a daughter, Jee-Yun. We do not know why he is called “Chimney” and every time it’s referenced, it’s that the story is not suitable for polite company.
Evan “Buck” Buckley (Oliver Stark). Firefighter. This is an ensemble show but you could make the case that Buck is the main character. Buck started out as the cocky hot-guy no-rules player but quickly evolved past it, starting with a serious S1 relationship where he fell in love with then basically got ghosted by Connie Britton. Buck is very dedicated to his job and considers the firehouse his family; Bobby is a surrogate dad to him in many ways. He and Maddie were very close as kids (well, Maddie was a teenager and Buck was a kid) but his parents never paid him much attention. He learned in S4 the family secret: Buck is a savior baby. His parents had him to be a marrow donor for his brother Daniel, who had leukemia. He was a match but Daniel died anyway, and his parents more or less wrote him off, causing him to take crazy risks to the point of getting hurt to get attention. Was struck by lightning and dead for 3 minutes 17 seconds (according to Eddie) and spent an episode in a come before waking up. Buck is one of those characers who’s a sweetheart and you wanna hug him but you also wanna strangle him. Sidenote: Oliver Stark is actually British, and if you’re noticing a red mark on his brow, that’s a birthmark Oliver has IRL.
The Ship: Buck & Eddie (Buddie)
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So I’ve sailed a lot of ships, canon and non-canon, and this is maybe the most canonical non-canon ship I’ve sailed. I’ve had people send me Asks saying they’re gonna start watching and when do the two hot firefighters get together?
Answer: they haven’t. But the fact that people think they have just from the tumbls gifs and photosets is...a thing.
When Eddie joined the firehouse he was presented (in literal slow-mo with “Whatta Man” playing) as a Threat to Buck’s “young hot firefighter” supremacy. But he soon proved himself super competent and also really nice so by the end of his first episode, he and Buck were pretty much already besties. They’ve only become more so as the show’s gone on.
A big factor in this is Eddie’s son, Christopher. He has cerebral palsy, and Buck has been helping Eddie parent him for awhile now. Buck saved Christopher from a tsunami (although he thought at one point he’d lost him and it was horrible) and Eddie flat-out told him that there’s nobody he trusts more with Chris than Buck. In fact, in season four, Eddie revealed that he’d changed his will so that if something happened to him, Buck becomes Christopher’s legal guardian (and not, say, Eddie’s parents, who had cared for him in the past when Eddie was overseas). Buck adores Christopher, and the three of them are often treated like a family unit on the show. Blatantly and textually.
Buck has had to watch Eddie almost die twice. Once, Eddie was down a well saving a child and the shaft collapsed on top of him. Buck literally threw himself on the ground, clawing at the mud, screaming his name. The other occasion was when Eddie was shot by a sniper while they were standing on the street (the sniper was targeting firefighters). Buck risked his own life to haul Eddie into a firetruck so they could escape, later told Christopher what had happened, and broke down into sobs when he got the message that Eddie would survive.
Buck’s leg was crushed near the end of season two, and at the beginning of the next season he’s still recovering and Eddie is generally viewed as being in charge of Buck’s recovery. Buck later sues the department and their captain in particular to get his job back and Eddie is PISSED, but not because Buck is suing - it’s becase the suit means they can’t talk to each other and Christopher misses him. When Buck was struck by lightning, Eddie was the one shouting HIS name, and he’s the one who got his heart started again and was later seen weeping in Buck’s hospital room when he brought Chris to visit.
There’s no textual indication that either are not straight. ETA: This is no longer the case! Early in season 7 Buck had his first bisexual experience, a kiss with a fellow firefighter (not Eddie). As of 7x04 Buck is canonically bisexual; we’ll see how this plays out. Eddie’s never shown much interest in dating or hooking up (a lot of fic authors read him as demisexual, myself included). He slept with his wife a few times when she showed up but then she died. He had another girlfriend who he was, frankly, very lukewarm about - he had actual panic attacks when anyone mentioned her being around for his future. Eddie currently (as of 7x04) has a girlfriend who has been a virtual non-presence on the show so we’ll see how that goes, and if Buck is trending towards a boyfriend, that’s interesting.
I go back and forth as to whether the showrunners actually mean to go there. I can’t decide if Buck’s bisexuality makes it more or less likely to happen (you can make the argument either way). Even if they don’t, the way they write this very close, emotional friendship between two men is pretty great. It’s hard to know how much of what we see is colored by shipper goggles, but it’s honestly pretty close to the surface. Most of the time I’m very doubtful this will ever happen. I’d love to be pleasantly surprised. The 9-1-1 franchise (there are two shows) does not shy away from queer characters. Aside from the main cast, there are frequently incidental or guest star queer characters on both this show and Lone Star (which has a gay couple, a bisexual woman, and a trans man in the main cast).
But it’s fun to write about. 
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kwebtv · 5 months
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Jackie Ethel Joan: The Women of Camelot - NBC - March 4-5, 2001
Biographical Drama (2 episodes)
Running Time: 163 Minutes Total
Jill Hennessy as Jackie Bouvier Kennedy
Lauren Holly as Ethel Skakel Kennedy
Leslie Stefanson as Joan Bennett Kennedy
Daniel Hugh Kelly as John F. Kennedy
Robert Knepper as Robert F. Kennedy
Matt Letscher as Ted Kennedy
Harve Presnell as Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.
Charmion King as Rose Kennedy
Wayne Best as George Smathers
Walker Boone as Steve Clark
Christopher Britton as Ted's Doctor
Catherine Bruce as Sister Mary Leo
Adam Cabral as John F. Kennedy Jr.
Thom Christopher as Aristotle Onassis
William Colgate as Richard Nixon
Beau Dunker as Ted Kennedy Jr.
David Eisner as Schiff
Greg Ellwand as Peter Wilson
Madison Fitzpatrick as Caroline Kennedy
Richard Fitzpatrick as Frank Peters
Linda Goranson as Lady Bird Johnson
Paul Thomas Gordon as Peter Lawford
Kate Hemblen as Joan's Nanny
Shannon Hile as Elaine Mitchell
Tom Howard as Lyndon B. Johnson
Jeno Huber as Prince Stanisław Albrecht Radziwiłł
Jamie Johnston as Young Patrick Kennedy
Geoff Kahnert as Sargent Shriver
Ray Kahnert Bobby's Priest
Tamsin Kelsey as Eunice Kennedy Shriver
Anne L'Espérance as Cathy
Sarah Lafleur as Marilyn Monroe
Shawn Lawrence as Alex Carter
Gene Mack as Rosey Grier
Louisa Martin as Maude Shaw
Kaya McGregor as Pat Kennedy
Nicole Michaux as Jean Ann Smith
Julia Pagel as Kathleen Kennedy
Rosemary Pate as Kara
Karl Pruner as Clinton Hill
Matt Sadowski as Joseph P. Kennedy II
Jeffrey Smith as Jim Ketchum
Joy Tanner as Lee Bouvier
Bruce Vavrina as Roger Mudd
Jonathan Whittaker as Lem Billings
Brad Wietersen as Stephen Edward Smith
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kenpiercemedia · 3 months
Marvel Studios: "X-Men '97" Official Trailer
Marvel Studios: "X-Men '97" Official Trailer
It’s been a very long time since the folks at Marvel were about to do anything regarding the X-Men on film or on television but now as 100% owners of 20th Century Studios, the rights have returned to them and the plans are in motion. While the live-action stuff is sorted out, Marvel Studios will be continuing the popular “X-Men: The Animated Series” that ran for a few years and ended in 1992.…
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Title: Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
Rating: R
Director: Angela Robinson
Cast: Luke Evans, Rebecca Hall, Bella Heathcote, Connie Britton, J.J. Feild, Oliver Platt, Monica Giordano, Maggie Castle, Alexa Havins, Allie Gallerani, Christopher Jon Gombos
Release year: 2017
Genres: drama, romance, history
Blurb: Harvard psychologist and inventor Dr. William Marston helps invent the modern lie detector and creates Wonder Woman in 1941.
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umbrellaacademyfun · 1 year
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So I went to LA Comic-Con this weekend, and it was my first convention with an Umbrella Academy element.
The panel was wonderful (I have some video if you want to see!)
But a highlight for me was when Jordan Claire Robbins announced she would be signing! I used all of my cash for it with zero regrets. She is beautiful and kind and I highly recommend meeting her if you have the chance.
Then, on my way out of the signing room, I ran into Jason Neese, Cameron Britton, and Justin Cornwell! They were so nice and and friendly and kind, and they all took time with me and compliment my Christopher :)
I've been on cloud 9 since. ☁️ 🌤
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outtagum · 2 years
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Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Jason Bateman (OZARK)
Lee Jung-jae (SQUID GAME)
Adam Scott (SEVERANCE)
Jeremy Strong (SUCCESSION)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Jodie Comer (KILLING EVE)
Laura Linney (OZARK)
Melanie Lynskey (YELLOWJACKETS)
Reese Witherspoon (THE MORNING SHOW)
Zendaya (EUPHORIA)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Nicholas Braun (SUCCESSION)
Kieran Culkin (SUCCESSION)
Park Hae-soo (SQUID GAME)
Matthew Macfadyen (SUCCESSION)
John Turturro (SEVERANCE)
Christopher Walken (SEVERANCE)
Oh Yeong-soo (SQUID GAME)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series 
Patricia Arquette (SEVERANCE)
Julia Garner (OZARK)
Jung Ho-yeon (SQUID GAME)
Christina Ricci (YELLOWJACKETS)
J. Smith-Cameron (SUCCESSION)
Sarah Snook (SUCCESSION)
Sydney Sweeney (EUPHORIA)
Outstanding Drama Series
OZARK (Netflix)
SQUID GAME (Netflix)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Donald Glover (ATLANTA)
Bill Hader (BARRY)
Nicholas Hoult (THE GREAT)
Jason Sudeikis (TED LASSO)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Elle Fanning (THE GREAT)
Jean Smart (HACKS)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Anthony Carrigan (BARRY)
Brett Goldstein (TED LASSO)
Toheeb Jimoh (TED LASSO)
Nick Mohammed (TED LASSO)
Tyler James Williams (ABBOTT ELEMENTARY)
Henry Winkler (BARRY)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Hannah Einbinder (HACKS)
Sarah Niles (TED LASSO)
Juno Temple (TED LASSO)
Hannah Waddingham (TED LASSO)
Outstanding Comedy Series
Outstanding Actor in a Limited Series, Movie or Anthology
Michael Keaton (DOPESICK)
Sebastian Stan (PAM & TOMMY)
Outstanding Actress in a Limited Series, Movie or Anthology
Toni Collette (THE STAIRCASE)
Lily James (PAM & TOMMY)
Margaret Qualley (MAID)
Amanda Seyfried (THE DROPOUT)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series, Movie or Anthology
Murray Bartlett (THE WHITE LOTUS)
Will Poulter (DOPESICK)
Seth Rogen (PAM & TOMMY)
Peter Sarsgaard (DOPESICK)
Michael Stuhlbarg (DOPESICK)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series, Movie or Anthology
Connie Britton (THE WHITE LOTUS)
Jennifer Coolidge (THE WHITE LOTUS)
Alexandra Daddario (THE WHITE LOTUS)
Kaitlyn Dever (DOPESICK)
Natasha Rothwell (THE WHITE LOTUS)
Sydney Sweeney (THE WHITE LOTUS)
Mare Winningham (DOPESICK)
Outstanding Limited or Anthology Series
PAM & TOMMY (Hulu)
Outstanding Variety Talk Series
Outstanding Reality Competition Program
NAILED IT! (Netflix)
TOP CHEF (Bravo)
See the full list here
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vintage1981 · 9 months
X-Men '97: 5 Things We Learned at Comic-Con 2023
Marvel Studios mostly sat out this year’s Comic-Con, doing little more than releasing a new trailer for The Marvels during the show. But there was one upcoming Marvel project that made a surprise appearance at the convention. 
Fans lucky enough to attend the "Designing the X-Men: A This Week in Marvel Special Event" panel were treated to updates on the animated series X-Men ‘97, straight from producers Beau DeMayo, Jake Castorena and Larry Houston. There was even new footage shown of this hotly anticipated X-Men revival.
That footage isn't being released online, but fear not. IGN is here to break down what was shown and what we learned about X-Men '97 at Comic-Con.
X-Men '97 features the voices of Cal Dodd, Lenore Zann, George Buza, Catherine Disher, Chris Potter, Alison Sealy-Smith, Adrian Hough, Christopher Britton and Alyson Court. The series will stream exclusively on Disney+.
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etcemais · 11 months
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Com a estreia de X-men '97 cada vez mais próxima, a Disney+ revelou uma nova arte oficial mostrando qual será o time oficial de heróis da animação.
Uma das capas da HQ X-Men: Hellfire Gala #1 foi ilustrada por Dan Veesenmeyer, artista da clássica série animada da década de 1990. Na capa podemos ver que a série apresentará uma equipe formada por Tempestade, Ciclope, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Magneto, Vampira, Gambit, Fera, Jubileu, Bishop, Morfo, e Sunspot.
O enredo vai continuar a história do programa exibido nos anos 90, após o mundo ter visto Henry Peter Gyrich atirar no Professor X durante uma Cúpula de Relações Mutantes/Humanas, Xavier e Lilandra partem para Shi’Ar a fim de encontrar uma cura. Enquanto isso, o apoio global aos mutantes cresce. O roteirista Beau DeMayo confirmou que o Sr. Sinistro, o alter-ego de Nathaniel Essex nos quadrinhos, será o grande vilão de X-Men ‘97.
Durante o evento virtual X-Men: 60 Uncanny Years, ele anunciou que o personagem será novamente dublado por Christopher Britton, da mesma forma que no desenho original. Segundo o roteirista, o Sr. Sinistro "terá um plano infalível para destruir os X-Men de uma vez por todas".
O Sr. Sinistro foi apresentado nos quadrinhos nos anos 1980, e é um dos vilões mais conhecidos das histórias dos X-Men. Nathaniel Essex é um médico bem sucedido, que se mostrou muito obcecado pela evolução humana, especialmente como controlá-la. Embora o personagem não seja dotado de sentimentos graças ao Apocalipse, o início da sua jornada científica começou na tentativa de salvar sua esposa, que estava gravemente doente.
O elenco conta com Lenore Zann, George Buza, Adrian Hough, Christopher Britton, Catherine Disher, Cal Dodd, Chris Potter, Alison Sealy-Smith e Alyson Court, entre outros.
Vale lembrar que Cal Dodd, que dará voz a Logan/Wolverine, já avisou em um tweet (que já foi apagado) que a animação terá duas temporadas confirmadas.
A animação original foi exibida de 1992 a 1996, com 5 temporadas e 76 episódios. X-Men ‘97 ainda não tem data de estreia, mas é previsto para estrear ainda em 2023 exclusivamente no Disney+.
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