#Chris Cottam
picspammer · 1 year
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You're vulnerable, you're vulnerable You are not a robot You're lovable, so lovable But you're just troubled
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movienized-com · 22 hours
The Problem with People
The Problem with People (2024) #ChrisCottam #PaulReiser #ColmMeaney #JaneLevy #LucianneMcEvoy #DesKeogh Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2024 (Oktober) Genre: Comedy Regie: Chris Cottam Hauptrollen: Paul Reiser, Colm Meaney, Jane Levy, Lucianne McEvoy, Des Keogh … Filmbeschreibung: Zwei entfernte Cousins, die sich nie getroffen haben – der eine in New York, der andere in der kleinsten Stadt Irlands – tun sich zusammen, um endlich einen generationslangen Familienstreit beizulegen. Doch die Versöhnung verläuft alles andere…
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themnmovieman · 4 months
Movie Review ~ The Problem with People
The Problem with People takes us on a quirky journey across the Atlantic to Ireland, where familial ties, cultural clashes, and generations-long feuds converge in a comedy that’s efficiently paced and built with a sturdy hand.
The Problem with People Synopsis: Two distant cousins who’ve never met – one in NYC, the other in the smallest town there is in Ireland – come together to finally put an end to a generations-long family feud. It doesn’t go well.Stars: Paul Reiser, Colm Meaney, Jane Levy, Lucianne McEvoy, Des KeoghDirector: Chris CottamRated: NRRunning Length: 101 minutes Review: It’s one of the most recognizable…
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chrisframeofficial · 1 year
Carpathia - Titanic's Rescue Ship
Cunard's ocean liner Carpathia became famous when she made a late night dash to rescue the survivors of the ill-fated Titanic.
When Titanic's Captain, E. J. Smith, realised his ship would sink, he ordered the international distress signal C.Q.D (all stations - distress) to be sent on the wireless radio.
During the night, Titanic’s radio operators sent the C.Q.D call but also opted to send a newer distress code, S.O.S. It was this code that was picked up by Carpathia.
At the same time, Carpathia’s wireless operator, Harold Cottam, was off duty! But as he was getting ready for bed, he decided to listen in to messages being sent to Titanic from Cape Cod, where a Marconi wireless station was located.
Noticing that Titanic was not responding to the messages from Cape Cod, Cottam decided to try and alert Titanic to this backlog of messages.
Cottam sent Titanic a message stating: “I say old man, do you know there is a lot of traffic for you at Cape Cod?”.
The response from Titanic was clear and chilling: 
“We are sinking, come at once, this is C.Q.D, old man”.
Cottam immediately alerted Captain Rostron (Captain of Carpathia) of the Titanic’s plight. Captain Rostron immediately set a course to Titanic’s reported position, over 60 miles away.
Travelling at maximum speed, Carpathia made a heroic dash to save the Titanic survivors.
Captain Rostron ordered all available steam to be diverted to the ship’s engines. Lighting and heating were reduced throughout the ship to free up steam that would have been used for hotel services, and redirect it to boost the speed of the engines.
At around 4:00am on 15 April 1912, Carpathia arrived near the scene and identified the Titanic’s lifeboats in the water. 
To learn more about Carpathia, check out my history page about the ship at Chris' Cunard Page:
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filmsnobreviews · 5 months
Review: The Problem With People
Title: The Problem With People MPA Rating: Not Yet Rated Director: Chris Cottam Starring: Jane Levy, Paul Reiser, Colm Meaney Runtime: 1 hr 41 mins Continue reading Untitled
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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milliondollarbaby87 · 2 years
A Christmas Number One (2021) Review
A Christmas Number One (2021) Review
Nina Cutter wants nothing more than for her uncle Blake Cutter to be happy and find love. He writes a Christmas song for her which just happens to be a possibility to make it to Christmas number one! ⭐️⭐️ (more…)
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As The Snowflakes Fall
Part 6
Pairing: Chris Evans x Sarah (ofc)
Word Count: 2,567
Warnings: rpf, language, arguing, the fluffiest fluff
Summary: After spending the night with Sarah, Chris awakes to an unexpected surprise.
A/N: This is it. I hope you enjoyed the ride. If you did, since it's Christmas, you might consider sharing your thoughts on my story by dropping a comment. It would mean the world.
Song to go with this chapter: Found Love by Jon Buster Cottam
I guess we all know that I don't hold the copyright for this picture. 😉
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
If you like my story, you are very welcome to like, comment or reblog. Please don’t copy, repost or share my work on other platforms.
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Christmas Day, 2020
Looking back, it might have been a good idea to ring the doorbell, but when Scott arrived at his brother’s house that Christmas morning, he had no idea of the chain of events he would set loose when he turned the spare key in the lock. The sky had just turned a light shade of orange and blue and he was sure Chris was still sound asleep. And given he had told their mom the truth and he really was ill, who was he to disturb the deep healing sleep of the sick?
Donning his face mask just in case, Scott stepped inside without making the slightest noise. But of course he couldn’t deceive the sensitive ears of his brother’s best friend, and so he wasn’t surprised in the least when Dodger rounded the corner only seconds later.
“Hey, buddy,” he greeted the excited ball of fur that sprang around his legs. “Is Chris up already as well?”
And as if the universe was granting him an answer on Dodger’s behalf, the soft splashing of the shower started to fill the silence.
“Oh, I see,” Scott smirked down at the expectant dog that sat to his feet now as an evil plan started to form in his mind. Sick or not, this was the perfect opportunity to finally get back at his brother for scaring the shit out of him with his last prank attack. It wouldn’t hurt to get his pump running a bit, he thought. And besides that, as a fellow actor, he would probably appreciate the little tribute to a Hitchcock classic, wouldn’t he? Well, maybe not in the moment itself, but after the shock had settled it would surely go down as the most creative battle in the history of their prank wars.
“Sh.” A finger pressed to his lips, he signalled Dodger to stay put before he tiptoed through the hallway. In slow motion, his hand pressed down the handle of the bathroom door and slid it open inch by inch. It seemed, his brother hadn’t noticed a thing as the shower kept running. He could already taste the sweet flavour of victory on his tongue when he finally jumped into the steam-filled room and yelled his brother’s name at the top of his lungs.
Chris woke with an unexpected feeling of contentment inside of him. He had felt a similar kind of satisfaction on other occasions before, but never in the intensity and purity it held this morning. And then he remembered.
With a sigh he turned, expecting to find the newly discovered warmth of her body in the spot right next to him, but all that was left of her presence was the faint note of her cinnamon scent and the lukewarm outline of her form on the mattress. A little concerned, he sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes to take in the room. A wave of relieve washed over him when, despite the dim light, he made out her clothes still lying in front of the cold fireplace.
With a thud, he fell back onto his pillow, grinning like an idiot at the prospect of resuming what they had started last night as soon as she would find her way back to bed. A swarm of butterflies was swirling through his belly when he recalled the feeling of her smooth skin underneath his fingertips, the way she was so responsive to his touch and kisses. Oh, those honeyed kisses. He would steal loads and loads of those during and in between their lovemaking, for which, luckily, they had a whole day of undisturbed togetherness on their hands.
He had just closed his eyes again upon the delicious prospect, when an earthshaking scream disrupted his musings with force. In an instant he was up on his feet, still a little wobbly after just waking up, but determined as never before to get to her. The hot rush of adrenaline pumping through his veins, he followed her panicked voiced as he stumbled towards the bathroom. And what he found there drained all blood from his head in an instant.
Over by the shower stood Sarah, a towel pressed to her very naked and very wet body while a masked man who looked an awful lot like his idiot brother covered his eyes and stumbled backwards towards the door, a litany of apologies falling frantically from his mouth.
“Scott?” he yelled in disbelief as he hurried to get over to her and shield her from his brother’s view. “What the shit are you doing here?”
“Chris?” Scott lowered his hand and he couldn’t hide the small hint of relief that broke through his guilt-ridden expression for a split-second upon seeing his older brother. “Oh God, I’m so sorry. We were worried about you.”
“And so you decided to break into my house?”
“I have a key, remember?” He dangled the silvery object in the air. “So it’s technically not breaking in. Plus, none of this would have happened if you had just picked up your bloody phone yesterday.”
“Oh, so it’s my fault now that you scared the shit out of my girl?”
“I’m sorry for that. I truly am.” He looked over at Sarah’s horrified face behind Chris’ shoulder before he turned his attention back to the furious and irritatingly naked man in front of her. “But how was I supposed to know there was someone with you? It’s not the usual thing you’d expect when someone says he has, I quote, ‘suspicious symptoms’.”
How dare he bring that up in front of Sarah? After all, she was never supposed to find out that he lied to his family to be with her on Christmas.
Chris winced upon the immediate hurt the single word that had fallen from her lips held, but instead of staying silent, his brother was eager to push the dagger in deeper.
“He called two days ago, cancelling his Christmas visit because he allegedly had Covid symptoms.”
“You did what now?”
Inhaling deeply, Chris’ eyes fell shut for a second.
“Scott, a little privacy would be very much appreciated right now.”
“Sure, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.”
Softly the door closed behind him and they were alone.
“Are you okay?” Chris spun around, grabbing her shoulders and searching her eyes intently.
“What sort of a question is that? Of course I’m not okay. Leaving aside that your brother just saw me naked, you lied not only to me but to your family.”
“I know and I’m sorry, but I just didn’t have the heart to let you spend Christmas alone.”
He knew as soon as the words had left his mouth that he had gotten himself even deeper into trouble. “So this is my fault then?” she spat, her initial confusion slowly turning into anger.
“No. No! That’s not what I wanted to say.” “Then what did you want to say? That you pitied me, your poor, emotionally unstable neighbour, and sacrificed the family Christmas you were probably very much looking forward to to fulfil your Christian duty of charity?”
“No, that’s not— I didn’t feel sorry for you.” She shot him a furious look that left no doubt about the fact that she saw right through his bullshit. “Well, maybe I did, a little. But—”
“Fuck you, Chris.”
In a fit of rage she slapped his hands away and stomped past him into the bedroom. He hurried after her, panic rising in his chest again and drawing the air from his lungs as he found her gathering up her clothes.
“Pity is the last thing I need. Not even if it comes in the form of a pity fuck as mind-blowing as the one last night.”
Turning her back on him, her towel pooled around her ankles as she began to slip on her underwear.
“Hey! Will you please stop and listen?”
But his words had no effect whatsoever. Still not sparing him a single look, shaky fingers were pulling up the straps of her bra and he knew he was about to lose her if he wouldn’t find the courage to be honest with her soon. And before he knew what was going on, he had walked over to her and found his fingers closing around her wrists.
“Stop! Please.”
And when she finally did and looked up at him, the tears that were welling up in her eyes broke his heart.
“I didn’t give up Christmas with my family for you. At least not because I pitied you.” He took a deep breath as he collected himself to muster the strength he would need to tell her the truth. “I did it because I wanted to be with you.”
“Call it whatever you want.” Her voice was quiet and vulnerable now, the furious rage gone completely. “Pity is still pity. Even if you change the point of view.”
“It’s NOT pity.” Chris sighed in frustration. Why didn’t she want to understand? “Sarah, what I’m trying to tell you is that I wanted to be with you on Christmas because…because I’m in love with you.”
Silence settled over the room, and he could feel the weight of the uncertainty of its meaning constricting his chest.
“You’re…” she stammered the beginning of a question he was more than eager to answer.
“In love with you, yes. Madly and irrevocably.”
Again she pulled out of his grip, but this time she didn’t flee his presence. Instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a stormy kiss. He could taste the salty bitterness of her tears that had been threatening to fall during their argument, but soon they mixed with something else, something so sweet that it washed away the panic he had felt in an instant and made him whole again.
“That’s not fair,” she whined against his lips. “How am I supposed to stay mad at you when you say something like that?”
He leaned back a little to get a better look at her.
“Oh, you were mad? I almost couldn’t tell through all the yelling and cursing.”
With a whimper her head dove down into the crook of his neck to hide her flushed cheeks.
“I’m sorry.”
The sheer cuteness of her muffled apology made him chuckle.
“Don’t be.” Tenderly his hands found her heated cheeks to make her look at him again. “When being mad at me always leads to a kiss like that, I’m sure I will think of a way to make you mad again in the near future.”
Gently, he pulled her face against his until their lips met again, softer this time, but just as breathtaking as before.
“I really wish my brother wasn’t waiting for us in the kitchen right now,” he gasped between two breaths.
“Really? And why is that?”
Another delighted chuckled rumbled through his chest upon her mischievous tone and he couldn’t help but press a featherlight kiss to the tip of her nose.
“Because,” he paused as his fingers set out to caress the silky spot underneath her left breast, “I haven’t had a chance to say a proper good morning to Winnie the Pooh yet.”
She giggled upon his naughty insinuation, making his heart jump with joy and he knew that this year, it would be a merry Christmas indeed.
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Christmas Day, 2021
A cheeky ray of sunlight tickled her nose as it used the tiny gap between the curtains to wake her from her slumber. It was cozy and warm in their little nest, pressed up against his body by a fuzzy arm that was clutched around her middle, determined to keep her close by. He was still fast asleep judging from the soft snores that came from behind her back and the steady rise and fall of his chest.
On any other morning, nothing could have made her leave his side. But this just wasn’t any ordinary morning. It was Christmas morning and there was something she had to see with her own eyes. So, as carefully as she could, she wound out of the safety of his embrace and pushed the sheets off her bare form. A violent shiver shook her body, goosebumps pebbling her skin as the crisp morning air engulfed her.
The urge to abandon her mission and curl herself up in the heat of his body was strong, and yet she stood up, setting one foot in front of the other on the plush carpet to make her way over to the window. Slowly she pushed one of the curtains aside just a tad and she almost squealed in excitement when she found a thick blanket of snow covering the meadow and glistening in the early morning sun.
After days and days of grey skies and never-ending snowfall, the clouds had finally disappeared. And as much as she loved watching the thick snowflakes tumble silently from the sky, she had hoped they would stop, so Chris could finally make do on his promise to build a snowman in the meadow with her. A new shiver ran across her body as a thrill of anticipation took hold of her.
“Honey, come back to bed,” a raspy morning voice broke her moment of bliss. “It’s freezing. Pooh will catch a cold.”
As always, his dorky remark worked its magic and she found herself walking back to him with a placid smile on her lips.
“And we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”
His deep chuckle was stifled immediately when she lifted the covers and slid against his body.
“Jesus, Elsa, you’re colder than an icicle.”
She giggled as she let him pull her back against his chest.
“Yeah, speaking of Elsa, it has finally stopped snowing. And you know what that means.”
“No,” he whined, “don’t say it. Don’t you dare say it.”
Technically, she wouldn’t really say it and since he hadn’t said anything about singing…
“Do you wanna build a snowman?”
“Alright, alright,” he surrendered. “As long as you’ll stop singing and let me warm up Pooh a little longer.”
She could feel his hand move along her stomach until it found her breast. Tenderly, his large hand cupped the ample globe and gave it a light squeeze.
“You know Pooh is a little further down, right?”
“Are you sure?” he feigned innocence. “I could’ve sworn he was up here.”
Good thing he was cute, she thought, and so she let his hand rest in the spot he had chosen for it and continued watching the pristine snow shimmering like a million diamonds in the rising sun. And just when she thought the morning couldn’t get any better, he pulled her closer, his lips softly pressing against her ear.
“I love you.”
And there it was again, the same warm and comforting feeling she had felt in his arms for the first time almost exactly a year ago. It had never left her since that night, but in moments like these, it flowed freely from her heart until it had filled her to the brim. And it was here, in the warmth of his loving embrace, that she was blessed with the overwhelming realisation that running away from her old life had actually been running towards the life that had always been waiting for her.
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latexeyelid · 5 years
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Kelis, Acapella music video (2010)
directed by John "Rankin" Waddell, Chris Cottam, Nicole Ehrlich
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of Peter Banks who died March 7, 2013 in London, England
Peter William Brockbanks (15 July 1947 – 7 March 2013), known professionally as Peter Banks, was an English guitarist, vocalist, songwriter and producer. He was best known as the original guitarist in the rock bands the Syn, Yes, Flash, and Empire. Former Sniffin' Glue and NME journalist Danny Baker described Banks as "the architect of progressive music".
Banks started with the Nighthawks in 1963, and played his first concert at the New Barnet Pop Festival before leaving that band to join the Devil's Disciples in 1964. The band consisted of Banks on guitar, John Tite on vocals, Ray Alford on bass and Malcolm "Pinnie" Raye on drums. They recorded two songs on an acetate, Arthur Alexander's "You Better Move On" and Graham Gouldman's "For Your Love" which would be a hit record for the Yardbirds one year later. These two songs can be found on Banks' archival album Can I Play You Something. According to Chris Welch, The Devil's Disciples used to play the Rolling Stones' first album in its entirety, just for the sake of it. About a year later, Banks joined The Syndicats, replacing their guitarist Ray Fenwick, who himself had replaced Steve Howe, who would later replace Banks in Yes.
Banks then formed a new band with ex-the Selfs bassist Chris Squire, this band being the Syn. They were joined by keyboardist Andrew Pryce Jackman, Steve Nardelli on vocals as well as Gunnar Jökull Hákonarson on drums. They recorded two singles, "Created by Clive"/"Grounded" and "Flowerman"/"14 Hour Technicolour Dream" both in 1967 before calling it a day a year later. Squire meanwhile joined friends Clive Bayley (rhythm guitar) and Bob Hagger (drums) in Mabel Greer's Toyshop, and Banks came to join that band. He briefly left the band, which was subsequently joined by singer Jon Anderson and then drummer Bill Bruford replacing Hagger. During that short period of time, Banks played with the band Neat Change, recording one single, "I Lied to Aunty May" with Squire on tambourine and chorus. Banks then returned to Mabel Greer's Toyshop, and with the loss of Bayley and the addition of organist/pianist Tony Kaye, they started to write new music together, adding to a repertoire already including two songs already written, "Beyond and Before" by Squire and Bayley and "Sweetness" by Anderson, Bayley and Squire.
The members searched for an appropriate name, Anderson would suggest Life and Squire would propose World but all would agree on Banks' proposition of Yes. Atlantic Records took notice of the band and, in 1969, got them into a studio to record their first album, Yes. The next year another album was in progress (Time and a Word) but Anderson and Squire decided they wanted an orchestra backing the five musicians. The idea was not well received by Banks, and things got worse when the orchestral arrangements left the guitarist, as well as Tony Kaye, with little to do (strings replaced their parts almost note-for-note). Once the album was released, a tour ensued; Banks was asked to leave the group, playing his last concert with Yes on 18 April 1970 at The Luton College of Technology. He was replaced by Steve Howe.
During Yes' 1991 Union tour, Kaye invited Banks to play during the encore at 15 May show at the Great Western Forum in Inglewood, California, United States. Banks accepted the invitation and went to the show, but says he was told by Kaye that Howe did not want him to play.
In August 1994, Banks was a featured guest at a Yes fan festival called Yestival. In 1995, he performed "Astral Traveller" on the Yes tribute album Tales from Yesterday. In 1997, he coordinated the release of a Yes compilation titled Something's Coming: The BBC Recordings 1969–1970. His liner notes described his early days with the band. Banks was also present at Yestival in July 1998. In 2006, he was interviewed for the Yes documentary Classic Artists: Yes. Several music videos featuring him with Yes during their early days can be seen in The Lost Broadcasts DVD released in 2009.
Work in the second half of the 1970s included a number of session appearances, on separate albums by Lonnie Donegan and Jakob Frímann Magnússon. Banks made an appearance on Romeo Unchained, a 1986 album by Tonio K. He also worked with Ian Wallace in The Teabags, including Jackie Lomax on vocals and Kim Gardner on bass, the two played before with Tony Kaye's Badger, David Mansfield on guitar and Mel Collins on sax and flute. No recordings came out of that.
In 1993, Banks released Instinct, a solo album of instrumental tracks with him playing all the parts. Only a keyboard player, Gerald Goff, joined him for his next album, Self Contained (1995). In 1997, Banks was mainly responsible for the release of a double live Yes album, Something's Coming: The BBC Recordings 1969–1970 (renamed Beyond and Before in the US), a collection of appearances at the BBC during 1969 and 1970, featuring the original line-up in all tracks and with a booklet containing the guitarist's account of those early days.
Another archival release was Psychosync, a live Flash recording made in 1973 for the King Biscuit Flower Hour and finally released in 1998. Also, between 1995 and 1997 all three Empire albums were released (one per year). Banks also collaborated in 1995's Tales from Yesterday (a Yes tribute album) performing a version of the song "Astral Traveller" with Robert Berry; appeared on the album Big Beats in 1997; and played on 1999's Encores, Legends and Paradox, an Emerson, Lake & Palmer tribute album. He contributed to 1999's Come Together People of Funk by Funky Monkey (including keyboardist Gerard Johnson who helped on a number of Banks' projects in the 1990s and who also worked with Banks' old bandmate Chris Squire).
Those collaborations filled the gap in his own recording career, until 1999, when the album Reduction was issued. In 2000, Banks put out a collection of his oldest recordings (many previously unreleased) called Can I Play You Something?. The front sleeve of this last record showed an eight-year-old Banks posing with his first guitar. The track listing includes some early recordings by The Syn, Mabel Greer's Toyshop, and Yes, including an early rendition of the song "Beyond and Before".
A short track in the latter collection was called "Lima Loop". This is because Lima, Peru, became a special place for Banks in recent years. Cecilia Quino, a Peruvian girl who was a Yes fan, met and later wed Banks. They married in Lima, where the bride's parents lived. They later divorced.
Following an appearance by Banks and Geoff Downes together at the 1998 edition of Yestival (a Yes fan festival), the pair played some sessions and the possibility of Banks joining Asia was mooted. However, these sessions did not lead anywhere.
Banks appeared in small concerts by new young local bands, including the Yes tribute band Fragile. Later recorded appearances by Banks included Jabberwocky (2000) and Hound of the Baskervilles (2002), a pair of albums recorded by Oliver Wakeman (Rick Wakeman's son) and Clive Nolan. Rick Wakeman also narrates on the Jabberwocky album. Peter Banks also guested further on the Funky Monkey project.
Banks was initially involved in a reunion of The Syn in 2004 but left the band. After early talks in 2004, he was also not included in the current Flash reunion, which made their debut return at the Prog Day Festival 2010 with Flash bassist Ray Bennett taking over on lead guitar.
In late 2004, Banks formed a new improvising band, Harmony in Diversity, with Andrew Booker and Nick Cottam (who had been working together as duo Pulse Engine). They played a short UK tour in March 2006, and released an album called Trying. Booker left the band soon after. He was replaced by David Speight and the band continued to play further dates in the UK and Hungary in 2007. Banks was also planning a related project with keyboardist Gonzalo Carrera.
In Gibson Guitar's Lifestyle e-magazine of 3 February 2009, Banks is listed as one of the "10 Great Prog Rock Guitarists". According to the article, "Before there was Steve Howe, there was Peter Banks. Artistic differences between Banks and singer Jon Anderson prompted Banks's departure from Yes in 1970, but in his little-known '70s band, Flash, Banks used an ES-335 to create several should-have-been prog rock classics. "Lifetime", from Flash's In the Can album, is his tour-de-force."
Banks died of heart failure on 7 March 2013 at his home in Barnet, London. He was reportedly found after failing to turn up for a scheduled recording session. He was 65.
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Peter Doig
Peter Doig (Scottish, born April 12, 1959) is a painter renowned for his landscapes, inspired by his itinerant lifestyle, and by the physical progressions of modern society. Born in Edinburgh, Doig lived in Trinidad, London, and Canada in his youth. While studying painting at Central Saint Martins and the Chelsea School of Art in London, he developed his unique approach; in works evoking the tradition of romantic landscape painting, Doig drew attention to the act of applying paint to the canvas by combining abstracted elements with the ordinary subject matter.
Doig paints from photographic sources, such as his pictures of landscapes, film stills, and images from newspapers and magazines. He does not seek to replicate these images in his paintings, instead, he uses them as a tool to create works that draw from both individual and collective memories of place. In 1994, Doig was nominated for the prestigious Turner Prize, launching him to fame in the international art community. His works, which depict scenes ranging from urban, rural, and wooded landscapes to artists’ studios and lone figures in fishing boats, concentrate on the illusionistic properties of paint. In his most recent works featuring scenes of Trinidad, Doig revisits one of his childhood homes; the artist now has a studio in Trinidad, and also teaches painting at the School of Art in Düsseldorf, Germany.
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Title: Canoe - Island, 2000
Medium: Silkscreen Print
Edition: Edition of 300
Size: 74 x 100 cm. (29.1 x 39.4 in.)
Price: 6,000 EUR ?  (7,282 USD)
Markings: Signed, dated and numbered
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Title: Fisherman, 2014
Medium: Prints and multiples, Digital pigment print in colours
Edition: 500
Size: 88 x 69 cm. (34.6 x 27.2 in.)
Price: Price on Request
Movement: Contemporary Art
Markings: Hand-signed, numbered and dated
Early Life-
Peter Doig was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. In 1962 he moved with his family to Trinidad, where his father worked with a shipping and trading company, and then in 1966 to Canada. He moved to London to study at the Wimbledon School of Art in 1979–1980, Saint Martin's School of Art from 1980 to 1983, and Chelsea School of Art, in 1989–1990, where he received an MA. In 1989, the artist held a part-time job as a dresser at the English National Opera with his friend Haydn Cottam.
Doig was invited to return to Trinidad in 2000, to take up an artist's residency with his friend and fellow painter Chris Ofili. In 2002, Doig moved back to the island, where he set up a studio at the Caribbean Contemporary Arts Centre near Port of Spain. He also became a professor at the Fine Arts Academy in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Artistic Practice-
Many of Doig's paintings are landscapes, somewhat abstract, with a number harking back to the snowy scenes of his childhood in Canada. He draws inspiration for his figurative work from photographs, newspaper clippings, movie scenes, record album covers and the work of earlier artists like Edvard Munch. His landscapes are layered formally and conceptually, and draw on assorted art historical artists, including Munch, H. C. Westermann, Friedrich, Monet and Klimt. While his works are frequently based on found photographs (and sometimes on his own) they are not painted in a photorealist style. Doig instead uses the photographs simply for reference. In a 2008 interview, Doig referred to his use of photographs and postcards as painting "by proxy" and noted that his paintings "did not attempt to reflect setting".
Shortly after Doig graduated from the Chelsea College of Arts, he was awarded the prestigious Whitechapel Artist Prize culminating in a solo exhibition at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in 1991. Included in the Whitechapel exhibition were major works including Swamped (1990), Iron Hill (1991), and The Architect's Home in the Ravine (1991). The Architect's Home in the Ravine (1991) shows Eberhard Zeidler's modernist home in Rosedale at the heart of the Toronto ravine.
Doig created a series of paintings of Le Corbusier's modernist communal living apartments known as l’Unité d’Habitation located at Briey-en-Forêt, in France. In the early 1990s, Doig was involved with a group of architects and artists who operated from the building. The modern urban structures are partially revealed and hidden by the forest that surrounds them. As Doig explains: "When you walk through an urban environment, you take the strangeness of the architecture for granted."
Created in the late 1990s, a series of paintings – including works such as Country-Rock (Wing Mirror) (1999) – depicts a tunnel, a familiar landmark for Toronto residents since an anonymous artist painted a rainbow over it, at the northbound Don Valley Parkway, in 1972. The rainbow has been repainted more than 40 times over two decades, despite authorities’ attempts to remove it. His 1997 painting Canoe-Lake was inspired by the 1980 slasher film Friday the 13th.
In 2003, Doig started a weekly film club called StudioFilmClub in his studio together with Trinidadian artist Che Lovelace. Doig not only selects and screens the films; he also paints the poster advertising the week's film. He told an interviewer that he finds this ongoing project liberating because it is "much more immediate" than his usual work. In 2005, he was one of the artists exhibited in part 1 of The Triumph of Painting at the Saatchi Gallery in London.
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sophiesxffelle · 4 years
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John Rankin Waddell, also known under his working name Rankin, is a British portrait and fashion photographer as well as director. Between 2002 and 2009, Rankin co-directed commercials, music videos and short films with Chris Cottam, including their debut feature film, The Lives of Saints. In 2011 Rankin founded RANKIN FILM as a production company to represent him as a solo director of bespoke content for a multitude of platforms. Through RANKIN FILM, Rankin has directed dynamic and contemporary film projects for brands such as Nike, Neutrogena, L’Oreal, The British Fashion Council, Coco de Mer, and music videos for stars like Tinie Tempah, Rita Ora, and Kelis.
In recent years, Rankin has developed a strong sensorial style that has led him to move beyond fashion and beauty and into the genres of automotive, dance, and even confectionary content. This includes high profile brands such as Aston Martin, Mercedes, and Godiva.
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woodenovercoats · 7 years
The mini-series scripts are being given a final polish before recording. In a few weeks, we will launch our Season 3 Kickstarter! If you've donated before you'll know that we release a new mini-series episode every £2,000. There are five in total. We've been batting names back and forward and are now fizzing to tell you that this year's will be called Funn Fragments!
We’re delighted to bring back Chris Hogg from Wooden Overcoats Season 1 as a Funn Fragments writer, and also to welcome Radio 4 writers Alex Lynch and Ben Cottam, The Bright Sessions’ @thelaurenshippen and Wolf 359′s Gabriel Urbina!
Read more: http://www.woodenovercoats.com/blog/2017/8/12/the-name-of-the-kickstarter-mini-series
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Rankin es un fotógrafo británico,nacido en 1966. Que realiza con gran éxito fotografía de retrato y de moda y publicidad. Las lentes de Rankin capturan, crean y desvelan iconos,donde nadie vemos una buena imagen, Rankin la hace posible.
Ha fotografiado a Britney Spears, Kate Moss, Kylie Minogue, Spice Girls, Madonna, David Bowie, Björk, Juliette Binoche, Lily Allen, Kevin Spacey, The Rolling Stones, Vivienne Westwood, Cate Blanchett, Damien Hirst, la reina Isabel II, Tony Blair y MIA. Al mismo tiempo contribuye con campañas de publicidad para organizaciones benéficas como Women’s Aid y otras.
Ha realizado campañas de publicidad para marcas como Nike, Umbro, Reebok, Marks and Spencer, Rimmel, L'Oreal, Hugo Boss, Levi, Chen Shiatzy, Thomas Wylde, Longchamp, Aussi, Madonna for H&M, Dove, BMW y Coca Cola. También ha realiza anuncios televisivos con Chris Cottam, para la gama de productos Dove y cosméticos Rimmel. Ambos también hicieron la película de gánsters ambientada en Londres The Lives of the Saints y videos promocionales para Kelis “Acapella’’, Nelly Furtado “Say It Right’’, Marina and the Diamonds “'I Am Not a Robot’’, Robyn “Cobrastyle’’, Sky Ferreira “One”, The Noisettes “Ever Fallen in Love” y The Enemy “No Time For Tears’’.
De momento se encuentra presentando documentales como America in Pictures - The Story of Life Magazine, los cuales la fotografia hace un recorrido por su estilo.
Andrea Rodríguez Rodríguez María Ramos Juanma Cantón Daniel García Fernández
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stradarecords · 7 years
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DANA RUH / THIS JOURNEY EP : JUST JACK (12")  Buzzin' FlyやCocoon、Ostgut Ton、Perspectiv、Underground Quality等からリリースしているベルリンの実力派女性アーティストDana Ruhが、Mr.GやAmir Alexanderっがラインナップに名を連ねるJust Jack Recordings‎から12インチをリリース!ドープなビートダウン・ハウスのA1からしてノックアウトされてしまうこの1枚、深海系~フローティングなディープ・ハウスのA2、シカゴの人気アーティストSteven Tangがミックスを手掛けたデトロイティッシュなB1等、いずれもかなりクオリティー高し!Franck Roger、Satoshi Tomiie、Jacques Renault、Cottam、Italojohnson、Chris Carrierら幅広いジャンルのDJらもこぞってプレイしてますので黒いサウンド~ディープ・ハウス好きからはもちろんテクノ系DJも要チェックです!  http://www.stradarecords.com/shop/item/18622/index.php #danaruh #justjackrecordings #steventang  #detroithouse  #beatdown #floatinghouse #detroit #berlin #deephouse #housemusic  #moody #dj #turntable #record #vinyl #vinyljunkies #analog #stradarecords #recordshop #recordshops #recordstore (Strada Records)
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http://straightouttatshirt.com/straight-outta-slidell-cool-t-shirt Straight Outta Slidell – Cool T-Shirt !!! – STRAIGHT OUTTA T-SHIRTS HOODIES
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