#Challenges I'm participating in
flow-of-forces · 9 months
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MOON KNIGHT for @mcuchallenge
— He was taking advantage of you. — Or it was just a way for me to keep being what I've always been. A killer.
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currently-haunted · 2 years
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not so fun being fully dead huh
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marshmallowgoop · 2 months
To have failed in killing Shinichi Kudo . . . he's made a huge oversight.
My video for SLICE (Short Little Iron Chef Edits), at BentoVid! The goal was to create at least a 90-second AMV within 100 hours, using a song from a list of songs only revealed at the start of the challenge. Given my slow editing, I can't believe I did it, but I did!
The song can be found here, and my video is also available on YouTube here, in full 1080p and with subtitles that can be toggled on and off.
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mobius-m-mobius · 9 months
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Lokius + being romantic foils
- @mcuchallenge - the Final: LOKI vs. Moon Knight
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mel-loly · 5 months
-Doing this↓ again but there is no character limit (that is, there won't just be 6 characters, each person can choose up to one or even two characters), and... It can't be Genshin Impact characters or very detailed characters.
(Sorry guys who like Genshin, but for me it's very difficult to draw the characters and it's very tiring for me to finish..)
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I hope I can count on you! :DD
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actual-arrrchie · 10 months
NEW FNAF FANART GAME Hey! So yesterday at 4am I had a vision and scribbled a messy sketch on my phone but it gave me an idea!
You can draw your own version/interpretation of this sketch! If you decide to do so, make sure to @ me so I can reblog your art!
More info below
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For some context, maybe it'll be helpful, maybe not:
The sketch is inspired by the song "still feel." by half•alive
It's scooped Michael suddenly waking up with Ennard's wires visibly coming out of his chest
There aren't really any rules and there's NO DEADLINE
You can do whatever you want with this sketch.
You can do a quick sketch or a fully rendered piece, you can use some funky colors, change the pose a little, change the composition, whatever you feel like will work best!
The only important thing is that you REMEMBER TO @ ME to ensure I can see and rb your work!
If for some reason I don't see it, PLEASE @ ME AGAIN - don't be afraid to do it!
Hope you have fun with it if anyone decides to try it out <3
I'll do my own version as well and I'm really excited to see how other people can interpret this silly lil sketch
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❄️Back to December Challenge❄️
Day 1
We're finally on the first day of the Back to December challenge ❄️🥳. The second poll for today's prompts can be found here.
You can also find the general poll master post here and the prompt calendar for the challenge here 🩵
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kokodrawings · 2 years
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Artober day 1: Hades AU
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krystal280791 · 3 months
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Funguary 2024 - Week 4: Blue Coprinopsis
Available on Redbubble: HERE
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sakurapika · 4 months
Supermarket Bouquet
A short story for Azurido Week
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Theme: Roses
Word Count: 971 words
Summary: A certain octopus, who is both a businessman and a helpless romantic, takes a quick trip to the supermarket.
Please enjoy :)
No unnecessary purchases.
This was the ground rule Azul had set when he and the twins had first stepped into the supermarket. They were only there to buy a few emergency ingredients for tonight’s dinner rush. It was supposed to be short: in and out. Still, although he emphasized their goal multiple times on the commute there, he couldn’t guarantee that the Leech brothers remembered the original objective. 
He steered his shopping cart towards the spice aisle, catching a glimpse of Floyd filling his own with sugar cookies and macarons. Azul stopped to give him a disapproving glare.
“I just wanted--”
“But they’re on sale--”
“Whatever, man! I’m gonna pay for this with my own money, and I’m not gonna share.”
Azul simply let him be, wondering if his stress was getting to his head. Under normal circumstances, Azul would’ve been ecstatic that tonight was Valentine’s Day. Students would come flocking to the Mostro Lounge, begging to be squeezed in for reservations. Even better, they brought their significant others--fewer solo diners meant more available tables, and twice the customers! But word had gotten out that the Mostro Lounge was fully booked for the 14th of February, and so people had started booking for the weekends surrounding the holiday. As a result, there was already a shortage of spices, fruits, and seafood--and not enough time to order more from their usual suppliers. 
Therefore, just a few hours before the dinner opening hour, the three of them had set out off campus to buy their last-minute necessities.
Azul approached the spices and herbs, quickly gathering the best-looking peppers, rosemary, and bay leaves he could find. Everything on his list was accounted for. Knowing that Floyd was a helpless case, he moved on to find Jade. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the bouquets. 
Growing up in the Coral Sea, Azul had read about the landfolks’ traditions, including giving flowers to your beloved. He didn’t understand the appeal back then. His own home was in a considerably deep part of the sea, where sunlight scarcely reached the floor. Sure, when he swam up to the reefs to go to school, he did see beautiful plants, coral and sponges around, but they were just there. They were unremarkable.
And when he came to the land, he certainly was caught off-guard by the plants that grew up on the surface. The grass was greener. There were massive trees taller than whales. There were blossoms in every season in colors that were so crisp, so striking, they should’ve been forbidden. No wonder the landfolk liked to give their loved ones flowers on Valentine’s day. It was a reminder of how beautiful it was to be part of this world.
Azul lingered in the floral aisle, the sweet fragrance overwhelming his senses. After his transition to life on land, he had gotten used to flowers--or so he thought. He had eventually convinced himself of the reality: people didn’t really buy flowers on any occasions aside from birthdays, graduations, recitals, and Valentine’s Day. Other than that, it was no big deal. But now was the season, and suddenly everyone was scrambling to buy them. Of course, the supermarket would make this common commodity cost three times as much as usual. It was how the basic principle of supply and demand worked.
But, how beautiful they are! Azul gushed to himself, admiring the petals of the tulips, brushed in a soft blush, as well as the rich, regal purple of the orchids. I can’t justify buying this for myself, though. If only there was someone who loved flowers as much as I do…
Then he realized that this supermarket sold roses.
And suddenly, Azul was grinning like a madman, even laughing to himself, as he lifted the bouquets one by one, checking to see which roses had the reddest petals. He couldn’t stop thinking about it: What is he going to think? He would never expect this. He'd be so happy if I bought these for him out of the blue. Oh, I’m so generous, I’m so benevolent. I’m going to cast a spell on these flowers so he can look at them forever--
“I’m done,” Jade said, appearing with his cart of seafood, fruits, and an inconspicuous bag of shiitake mushrooms (which, for the record, weren’t on the list).
Azul scooped up the bouquet he was eyeing, the very best one. “Very well. Get your brother, and let’s get out of here.”
“Guys!” Floyd called from the checkout line, “I’m already here! Move it!”
They hurried to combine their groceries to be scanned, and Azul whipped out his credit card to pay for everything. 
Floyd pointed to the bouquet. “Um, that wasn’t on the list.”
“No. It wasn’t,” Azul remarked candidly, swiping his card.
Jade said, “Doesn’t that mean it’s an unnecessary purchase?”
“Oh, I assure you, everything I do is deliberate.”
He glanced at his watch--four o’clock already?! One more hour before the dinner time rush, and it took thirty minutes to get back on campus. The trio threw their groceries into their shopping bags, except for the roses, which Azul clutched to his chest to keep them from getting crushed. Even though they had to run to catch the bus, and there was so much to do before opening, he couldn’t stop thinking about Riddle. 
It didn’t matter that Riddle had grown up surrounded by roses--they grew around his childhood home, around his new school dorm, everywhere. He kept roses on his desk and pinned to his jacket. But he never failed to smile when he saw those bright petals or smelled its sweet fragrance. Riddle was in love with the ordinary, and Azul was in love with him. For Azul to see that everyday smile again, well, it was absolutely necessary. 
The End
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
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AFTERMARE WEEK: Day 7- the end of a beginning/ the beginning of the end
make me believe and raise my hopes up one last time, then haunt my dreams for the rest of my life
aftermare week is hosted by @bluepallilworld
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dollhouseassets · 15 days
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Freak-ify Britney CAS Challenge ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
by @puppycheesecake. Thank you for making the challenge, it was pretty fun! There's some trivia and a little bonus under the cut.
I couldn't decide which idea I liked the most, so I did both 😌 Now on to presenting the Britneys:
🤡🍬 Haunted Doll
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Just a very cute and dainty little clown ball-jointed doll. She likes pink and pompoms, and dislikes people that try taking a peek into the broken, dark crevice located on her stomach.
Treat her good, and she'll be good to you as well.
There are some absurd rumors that this doll became haunted thanks to the hatred she harbored towards the girl that broke her. As a dedicated collector, you know there's no such thing; people only make this kind of stuff up to secure rare dolls to themselves.
The newspapers that covered Britney Beigeleigh's death did prove it was suicide, after all.
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😈💘 Minion of Lilith
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Unwelcome criticism is everywhere and those who take it to heart shall lose themselves.
Britney was tired. It was as if there was a fault even if the way she breathed. If only she could find a way to prove there was more to her if people would just make an effort to go past the surface...
Her troubles fell on listening ears. But little did she know, the occult have a different point of view on certain things. And now, whatever remains of her soul is now forever bound to the deal she made on that night.
Can't say she didn't get exactly what she wanted, though. Now everyone can't seem to get enough of her.
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♡ Succubus!Britney is buck naked so I thought it was better to censor her nips and 🐈‍⬛ just to be safe. And it's not like I couldn't put any clothes on her; they just kinda ruined the vibe for some reason? She does have an outfit though!
♡ The texture on Succubus!Britney's collar was overlapping onto the wings, but that actually made them look cooler so I kept it that way! The collar and womb tattoo are indicative of her deal with the demoness whom she made a deal with so I didn't want to take it off. The metallic part looks silly, but the rest makes it look like she has moth-like patterns on her bat wings.
♡ The saddest thing is that Doll!Britney doesn't look as clown-esque as I wanted her to because the texture on ruffle collar I wanted to put on her was overlapping with the one on her dress... 🥲
♡ I feel like they're looking rather simple but I wanted to put a ton more CC on them and things were either overlapping with one another or there were simply not enough slots to have everything all at once *head in hands*
♡ I did change their traits though! Doll!Britney is a Loner, is Proper and Evil; Succubus!Britney Hates Children, is a Cat Lover and Evil.
♡ These two Britneys may or may not be accomplices and girlfriends...
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I may keep them as my OCs, I've gotten attached already 😹
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elvenbeard · 8 months
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I need an honest opinion XD which of these do you think is the coolest? XD
Like, I feel the first one is the "coolest" in terms of angle and the dof turned out really cool, as well as the gunshot XD but I also rarely use any of the stickers in Photomode and it was a lot of fun to play around with some and then the max amount plus a frame xD
Also... it took over an hour to just set this shot up cause the Bhargest are so bad at chasing Vince on his bike apparently XDD or at least in that part of Dogtown.
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cakesmelons · 9 months
I wish I could do draw weeks and shit 😔 cause the star sans poly week EUEUEG UGH. I LOVE THAT SHIT.
I have an idea for the last day though so I'll draw that when that comes around
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insertsomthinawesome · 11 months
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okay ontoooOOOOOO
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wereh0gz · 5 months
I wish all sontails shippers go to hell no matter what
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