#Carlotta Skyrim
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Farkas: They're all so cute, but I don't know if I can take one away from its mother and siblings.
Carlotta Valentia, selling pumpkins: Okay.
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umbracirrus · 20 days
I have a question which I want to ask, purely out of curiosity - what are people's favourite in-game books in Skyrim? Whether it's a journal with a single entry, or one which starts one of your favourite quests, or simply makes you feel something - what are they?
Personally, I quite like the shadowmarks book - it's one of the few which I'll sometimes go out of the way to carry around with me during playthroughs, and has come in use on occasion when I've spotted the shadowmarks about!
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lillxart · 23 days
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We need to bully Mikael more.
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skyrim-said-that · 1 year
Mikael: she’s the girl of my dreams!
Jon Battle-Born: you say every girl is the girl of your dreams
Mikael: I have many dreams!
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aeterna---amantes · 3 months
Me, clicking through all the dialogues just to give Tally a fresh apple? More likely than you'd think. 🥰
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kagedbird · 6 months
TESSDE AU (+ Lucia :]) (Lucien part 2)
Lucien: *nervously holding Lucia's hand while out shopping, going over the list in his other hand* Hmm... what do you think, Lucia? Should we gather some food first, or some general supplies?
Lucia: *feels a little bad for not appreciating her new papa very much and making him feel sad, holding onto his hand and keeping close to his side* Um... food?
Lucien: All right! Shall we go see Carlotta then?
Lucia: *nods and follows after him dutifully*
Carolotta: *smiles brightly at the sight of them* Hello you two! Come for some shopping?
Lucien: Ah, yes, hello! Allora has a list specifically for this- would you mind seeing what you have in stock? *passes over the journal*
Carlotta: *chuckles and takes it, looking it over* My, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were Lucia's birth father.
Lucien: *flushes brightly, squeaky voice* Pardon?
Carlotta: *smiles, looking down at Lucia clinging to her father* You two look so similar! And Allora as well. It's very cute!
Lucia and Lucien: *look at each other*
Carlotta: And your names being so close as well! It's like it was meant to be. *laughs* I'll get these supplies in a basket for you, one moment!
Lucien: *nervously glancing at Lucia*
Lucia: *staring up at Lucien, before smiling* Hehe. I do look like you, papa.
Lucien: *pleasantly surprised, smiling down at her* Well... yes! I do see the similarities. And our names being so close is quite interesting.
Lucia: *nodding assuredly* Papa was meant to be my papa.
Lucien: *heart melting, tearing up* Oh... that's so sweet!
Lucia: Can papa teach me stuff while we're out here? *falters for a moment, not wanting to be caught having listened in on Allora and his conversation* M-Mama said you were... good at it...
Lucien: *too elated to even think about it* But of course! What is it you were wanting to learn about? There's plenty of things to teach you- oh, but Allora did say to not overwhelm you. How about we start with some basics? Since we're out shopping, I'll teach you about commerce!
Carlotta: *shaking her head, watching Lucia gain a slightly strained expression as Lucien rambles off information about economics* He's got a lot to learn... but his heart is in the right place.
~Hours later~
Lucia: *absolutely dead on her feet, walks over and clings to Allora's leg in the kitchen*
Allora: *picks her up easily, kissing her head* Hey pumpkin, have a good day?
Lucia: *buries her face into Allora's neck and huffs a sigh*
Lucien: *worriedly watching from the doorway*
Allora: *notices but doesn't look at him* Long day? Wanna talk about it?
Lucia: I can't understand Lucien-papa... I'm sorry mama... I'm really trying, but...
Allora: Shh, hey, it's okay. You two don't need to be the best of friends. Lucien-papa isn't well experienced with kids, you know? He's learning and you're his first experience. It's kinda scary!
Lucia: *wrinkles her nose* I'm not scary...
Allora: *chuckles and shakes her head, swaying Lucia carefully* No sweetheart, you're my little ray of sunshine. What's scary is that it's a lot of work to take care of a kid. You suddenly have to think of everything, all the time, to make sure they're happy and safe and healthy. That they're learning about the world in a safe environment. It's a lot, but to no fault of your own. Okay? *kisses Lucia's temple* You're doing great by giving him a chance. He really does care about you. He's pretty scared about messing it up.
Lucia: *thinks about him looking nervous all the time* ...Oh... I understand.
Allora: Yeah?
Lucia: Mhm. Thanks mama. You're the best.
Allora: *smiles at Lucien, giving Lucia a squeeze* Happy to help, love.
Lucien: *flustered, shyly leaves the doorway as quietly as he can*
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gothimothi · 2 years
Sometimes a family is you (dragonborn), your three butch housecarls, your wife, your three daughters, your newly cultist son, and your ex cultist boyfriend
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can u marry that one bard that carlotta askes you to beat up? i think it would be funny if she’s like “ah this dude just won’t leave me alone!” and then u beat him up and marry him about it
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thalwhore · 10 months
Bethesda needs to release tes6 because we've now reached the stage of Skyrims life where such ships as Carlotta/Ysolda and Enthir/Urag are being made. Soon we'll start shipping named bandit bosses. Todd please save us from this madness, I don't think I can stay sane if they begin shipping the Dragon Priests.
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curvedswords · 1 year
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I never understood why The Battle-Borns treat The Grey-Manes as if they are poor
I know they're rivals and all but here's the thing
The Grey-Manes much like The Battle-Borns live in The Wind District which is basically where the upper class live save for Amren's family and Carlotta plus The Grey-Manes run the most notorious forge in the country Eorlund is considered the best blacksmith in Skyrim Eorlund makes weapons and armor for The Companions Fralia sells jewelry made by Eorlund Olfina works at The Bannered Mare the only ones who don't have jobs is Avulstein, Thorald and Vignar
Yeah The Battle-Borns run a farm but you can't expect me to believe that a farm makes more money than the most notorious blacksmith in the country who is literally talked about by every single blacksmith in the country even Whiterun's other blacksmith speaks of Eorlund and The Skyforge you really expect me to believe Olfrid's little farm who has so much competition in the hold with Nazeem, Severio Palegia, Sigurd's farm in Riverwood, Vantus Lorius down the road and Rorikstead which is said to be the most thriving farming community in the hold? I know there's like two other blacksmiths in the hold but you can't expect me to believe that Adrienne and Alvor make more money than Eorlund
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Arcadia: Do you have any gourds?
Carlotta Valentia: Yes, right here.
Arcadia: How much?
Carlotta: Four septims a pound.
Arcadia: It's usually two septims.
Carlotta: Yes, in the summer.
Arcadia: *pauses* *grabs two gourds*
Arcadia: I'll put it in a soup.
Carlotta: Oh nice, what kind are you making?
Arcadia: You will not fantasize about my soup.
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skyrim prompts: 25 for the oc of your choice :]
25. Tracking animals on the plains of Whiterun
They shrunk into the amber grass, forcing their pale, thick furred tail to lay still, resisting the urge to swish it side to side. Dark brown tufted ears perked, listening for any signs of trouble, should there come any. The white diamonds that marked their ears glowed from the sunlight. Hunger knawed at their belly. Dah’ni hadn’t eaten all day, having forgotten to stock up from Carlotta’s food stall in the Whiterun market before heading out, and the sight of a plump deer was too good an opportunity to pass up.
Despite wearing armor of the Dark Brotherhood to aid in their sneaking, Dah’ni was careful in their muffled steps. Creeping closer, their whiskers brushing against a breeze told them that they were downwind. The khajiit stalked their prey, which grazed on the tall grass, unaware of its pursuer.
Dah’ni reached for their bow, and as soon as they had a firm grip on it, they vanished. It was a lucky find, this bow that could turn its wielder invisible. Taking a dwarven arrow from its quiver, the golden head vanished alongside Dah’ni as they drew back their bow.
With a held breath, Dah’ni loosed the arrow. It struck into the flank of the deer, startling it. It bellowed out a painful cry before turning tail and sprinting off.
Putting their bow away, Dah’ni reappeared before giving chase. The stag stumbled as its hooves crashed into a rock face, and it slipped onto its side, driving the arrow deeper into its flesh. With their prey downed, Dah’ni quickly ran up to it, giving it a quick death with a slice of its throat using an ebony dagger.
Before the khajiit had time to rapture in their spoils, low rumbling sounded from just behind a lone hill. Tail bristling, Dah’ni whipped around as three wolves erupted from the underbrush. They hissed and drew themself tall, intent on defending their kill.
If Dah’ni took out their bow, them disappearing would bait the wolves to their kill, which the cat did not want. However, if they drew out their ebony war axe, it would be a close quarters fight with wild animals that could carry all sorts of diseases, and Dah’ni had no potions to spare. Drawing back their lips into a snarl, they hit upon a better idea.
Dah’ni took in a breath, their mind full of concentration. Time seemed to slow as they let their dragon blood flow through them. “Fus… Ro Dah!” A thundering yowl burst from their mouth, a buffeting wind sent two wolves flying.
Dah’ni blinked. Where had the third gone? They gripped their bow tightly, vanishing in case the wolf decided to leap out and clamp its jaws around them. “Laas… Yah..!” Looking around, Dah’ni found a glowing red aura in the shape of a quadruped as it tugged at the felled deer. Drawing their bow, Dah’ni quickly took it out with one shot.
As they approached the deer and now dead wolf, they could smell rockjoint in the beast’s saliva. As well, a mangled bite mark told Dah’ni that the wolf had managed to get a blow in on the deer. It wasn’t worth the risk carving up the meat now, and the khajiit hissed in annoyance.
Stomach growling, Dah’ni looked to the sky, seeing the sun sinking over the orange horizon. Twitching their tail as hunger gripped their thoughts, they wondered if they could make it back to Whiterun in time to ask Hulda at The Bannered Mare for some venison stew.
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sylvienerevarine · 5 months
Who Did That Quest? (Sylvieverse Skyrim edition)
I was having fun figuring out which of my OCs did various Skyrim quests and wanted to share my findings with you.
Azura's Quest: Olaf the Janitor Mage, as the shrine was convenient to his workplace.
Clavicus Vile's Quest: Lydia and Mjoll, when Sophrine was on her honeymoon and they were bored.
Missing in Action: Amaal and her pal Ria rescue good old Thorald from the Thalmor.
Carlotta and Mikael: Soph did this one, and Mikael was so pissed he hired the Dark Brotherhood to get revenge.
Finding Neloth’s New Steward: This one was Great-Uncle Rirns Llervu, who was trying to turn his town-drunk reputation around.
Peryite's Quest: Muireen, and she deeply regretted it.
The Bards' College Quests: Malarkh gra-Dushnikh, a character I have not yet introduced to you all.
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this-should-do · 6 months
holy shit, so ive been going one by one on every skyrim npc to have a reference for when im picking what replacer i wanna use for each and dear god, carlotta doesnt seem to get at least 8 hours of sleep, of the 10 hours she spends resting in her home before leaving for work at 8 am, only "some" of them are sleeping,,, girlie pop, u need ur rest if u wanna raise ur daughter well pleas ei beg <knows exactly why she would spend so much time awake when she has so much responsibility during the day and cannot blame her, only worry for her health, stay strong queen <3
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