#Carlo Goldoni
labeelart · 7 months
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La Locandiera (The Mistress of the Inn) - Goldoni
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girlboccaccio · 1 year
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I started this at October 2022 and left to rot on a folder until now - but now I have photoshop that stopped functioning and I finished it with paint - the low effort is real.
Btw: italian literature authors matrix - from medieval to early modern || 20th century authors coming soon
edit: a little explanation for anyone who isn’t an expert of italian literature
bitch row: Dante Alighieri, Alessandro Manzoni, Giambattista Marino, Vittorio Alfieri
thot row: Giovanni Boccaccio, Torquato Tasso, Ugo Foscolo, Pietro Aretino
bastard row: Pietro Bembo, Giovanni Verga, Giosuè Carducci, Carlo Goldoni
baby row: Francesco Petrarch, Giacomo Leopardi, Ludovico Ariosto, Angelo Poliziano
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Sunglasses made of Murano glass, 18th-century AD, Venice, Italy.
Goldoni-type sunglasses with Mocenigo Coat of Arms.
Vascellari Collection (Italy) on display at The Murano Glass Museum.
Long before the rest of the world would discover the danger of ultra-violet rays in 1870, Venetian opticians were 120 years ahead of the curve.
The green colour of the lenses, conjured by the island's glassmakers in the bright hues of grass green, sea green and emerald green, wasn't simply a fashion statement but had a key functional role.
It has been later discovered that this colour serves as a powerful filter for UV rays, which are damaging to eye and skin health.
Thanks to Murano Glass, it became a true innovative jewel.
These emerald-colored sunglasses protected the eyes of the nobility and Commanders da Mar (of the sea) from the harmful glare of reflected light as they navigated the waters that surrounded them.
These sunglasses soon became widespread among Venetian high society.
One was almost certainly owned and used by Doge Alvise IV Giovanni Mocenigo (19 May 1701 - 31 December 1778), who was the leader of Venice from 1763 AD until his death on New Year's Eve, 31 December 1778 AD.
No one knows for sure why they were called "Goldoni" glasses, but it is assumed this was due to Carlo Goldoni (25 February 1707 – 6 February 1793), the famous Venetian playwright and librettist from the Republic of Venice.
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federico-morzenti · 1 year
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"After the illusion"
© Federico Morzenti
(Mask sculpted by Andrea Cavarra)
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hornyforpoetry · 1 year
Chaotic comedy plays for chaotic academics *
• Asinaria – Plautus (unknown date)
• The Frogs - Aristophanes (405 BC)
• As You Like It – William Shakespeare (1602)
• Volpone – Ben  Jonson(1605)
• The Miser – Molière (1668)
• The Servant of Two Masters - Carlo Goldoni (1746)
• The Marriage of Figaro - Pierre Beaumarchais (1784)
• The Importance of Being Earnest – Oscar Wilde (1895)
• The Seagull – Anton Chekhov (1896)
• Six Characters in Search of an Author – Luigi Pirandello (1925)
• The Threepenny Opera - Bertolt Brecht (1928)
*the years represent when the play was finished/published, not when it was performed for the first time
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acrazybayernfan · 1 year
“Le donne sono la miglior cosa che abbia prodotto al mondo la bella madre natura.”
"Women are the best thing that the beautiful mother nature has created in the world"
Carlo Goldoni, La Locandiera, I, 9
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thefrenchonnagata · 1 year
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Olivier Breitman and Sophie Tellier as Don Flaminio and Donna Virginia in Jean-Luc Revol’s Le Chevalier et la Dame. Still on tour.
[source Sophie Tellier’s Facebook]
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ginogirolimoni · 2 months
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“Pantalone - Qua no ghe xe maneggi, no ghe xe affari, tutto el daffar consiste in provéder ben da magnar, ben da bever, e devertirse”.
(Carlo Goldoni, Le donne curiose, Atto Terzo, Scena IV).
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perfettamentechic · 3 months
6 febbraio … ricordiamo …
6 febbraio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Joe Violanti, pseudonimo di Sergio Violanti, comico, conduttore radiofonico e autore televisivo italiano, iniziò come disc jockey nel 1975, in alcune discoteche e radio locali in provincia di Parma. Negli anni ’80 parallelamente all’attività radiofonica cominciò a collaborare agli spettacoli di Gene Gnocchi. Dopo la laurea in Economia e Commercio all’Università degli Studi di Parma iniziò…
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weirdesplinder · 5 months
La mia top ten dei classici della letteratura italiana
Questa è stata senza dubbio la lista più difficile da scrivere, anche a causa del fatto che io sono un tantino esterofila e leggo più autori stranieri che non italiani, devo ammetterlo, perciò per questo elenco mi sono basata molto sulla mia formazione scolastica e ho dovuto inserire anche dei classici piuttosto moderni.
Inoltre ho scelto di non citare di nuovo qui i classici italiani che amo e che avevo già citato nella lista: La mia top ten dei classici della letteratura mondiale, che potete trovare qui: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/729284916889698304/la-mia-top-ten-dei-classici-della-letteratura
Ma passiamoa lla lista odierna:
1. I promessi sposi, di Alessandro Manzoni
Link: https://amzn.to/3LMF1hU
Trama: Ambientato in Lombardia durante il dominio spagnolo tra 1628 e il 1630, anno di massima diffusione della peste, narra la storia degli umili Renzo e Lucia. Il loro matrimonio è ormai prossimo ma don Rodrigo, signorotto dei dintorni che desidera Lucia per sé, intralcia la felicità dei due giovani impedendo il matrimonio con la forza. «Questo matrimonio non s’ha da fare, né domani, né mai», dice uno dei bravi di don Rodrigo allo spaventatissimo don Abbondio. Tutti i personaggi si muovono all’interno di un contesto sociale e politico in cui gli umili sono vittime dei potenti ma in cui la fede nella divina Provvidenza, intesa come la mano di Dio che interviene nelle vicende umane, aiuta ad andare avanti permettendo di accettare le difficoltà.
2. La Divina Commedia, di Dante Alighieri
Link: https://amzn.to/46DunSO
Trama: Viaggio allegorico attraverso i mondi ultraterreni, rappresenta il percorso interiore del poeta verso la fede. L’opera è divisa in tre parti: Inferno, Purgatorio e Paradiso. Ad accompagnare Dante nella straordinaria discesa all’Inferno e nella salita al Purgatorio è il poeta latino Virgilio, che riveste il ruolo di guida spirituale. I personaggi che i due incontrano nei gironi infernali, appartengono non solo alla storia e alla mitologia, ma sono anche contemporanei dell’autore, che non esita a condannare i mali del tempo, e in particolare la corruzione di clero e papato. Per questo motivo La Divina Commedia è considerata anche un’opera politica. Nel Purgatorio, si trovano invece coloro che nel corso della vita compirono peccati più lievi; anche l’anima di Dante, nel corso della salita, si alleggerisce del peso delle sue colpe. Nel Paradiso Dante incontra l’amata Beatrice, che lo conduce attraverso i cieli, tra angeli, santi e beati, fino al cospetto di Dio, in un crescendo di luminosità e di purificazione
3. Il nome della rosa, di Umberto Eco
Link: https://amzn.to/46iL2uP
Trama: Ultima settimana del novembre 1327. Il novizio Adso da Melk accompagna in un'abbazia dell'alta Italia frate Guglielmo da Baskerville, incaricato di una sottile e imprecisa missione diplomatica. Ex inquisitore, amico di Guglielmo di Occam e di Marsilio da Padova, frate Guglielmo si trova a dover dipanare una serie di misteriosi delitti (sette in sette giorni, perpetrati nel chiuso della cinta abbaziale) che insanguinano una biblioteca labirintica e inaccessibile. Per risolvere il caso, Guglielmo dovrà decifrare indizi di ogni genere, dal comportamento dei santi a quello degli eretici, dalle scritture negromantiche al linguaggio delle erbe, da manoscritti in lingue ignote alle mosse diplomatiche degli uomini di potere. La soluzione arriverà, forse troppo tardi, in termini di giorni, forse troppo presto, in termini di secoli.
4. Piccolo mondo antico, di Antonio Fogazzaro
Link: https://amzn.to/46yaEDV
Trama: Ambientato sul lago di Lugano: ora calmo, ora tempestoso, idilliaco e impassibilmente crudele, quasi un protagonista. Il lago è anche testimone del sorgere dell’amore fra Luisa e Franco, un amore presto avversato a causa delle differenze sociali che dividono i due innamorati. Attorno a questo centro narrativo si dispongono tutte le altre figure (dalla nonna marchesa, fiera oppositrice dell’unione fra i due, al professor Gilardoni, ai tanti personaggi di un mondo di provincia nell’Italia risorgimentale) e i molteplici temi del romanzo: la scoperta della irriducibile diversità fra Luisa e Franco, la crisi del loro rapporto che si altera in un dissidio di natura religiosa, soprattutto dopo la morte atroce della figlia, la contesa sul testamento. Le vicende di natura patriottica con fughe e inseguimenti contribuiscono a dare vita e movimento a un ambiente provinciale altrimenti inerte, «segregato dal mondo grande».
5. Le tigri di Mompracem, di Emilio Salgari
Link: https://amzn.to/46gdKN6
Trama: Primo capitolo del ciclo indomalese di Emilio Salgari. E' qui che ci viene introdotta la splendida figura letteraria di Sandokan : giovane superstite allo sterminio della propria famiglia, sovrana nel Borneo, da parte degli invasori europei. Mosso da spirito di vendetta, accompagnato dai suoi fedeli tigrotti, vivrà rocambolesche e piratesche avventure per poi scoprire l'amore..
6. Uno, nessuno, centomila, di Pirandello
Link: https://amzn.to/3thJGSK
Trama: La storia narra di Vitangelo Moscarda, un uomo ordinario che ha ereditato un cospicuo patrimonio dal padre e vive di rendita. Un giorno la moglie Dida gli fa notare un piccolo difetto fisico di cui non si era mai accorto: il naso leggermente storto. Questa semplice e apparentemente innocua osservazione gli fa capire quanto gli altri abbiano una percezione di lui completamente diversa da quella che egli ha di se stesso. Ciò lo scaglierà in un vortice di annullamento umoristico e folle del proprio io, fino a diventare Uno, nessuno e centomila.
7. Arlecchino servitore di due padroni, di Carlo Goldoni
Link: https://amzn.to/3tpTYQw
Trama:  La commedia si apre a Venezia in casa di Pantalone de’ Bisognosi, anziano mercante che sta assistendo alla promessa di matrimonio tra sua figlia, Clarice, e Silvio, figlio del Dottore Lombardi. I due sono innamorati ed è una fortuna che possano promettersi, dato che Federigo Rasponi, agiato torinese cui Clarice era destinata, è morto in una lite a causa della sorella di lui, Beatrice. Alla promessa assistono Smeraldina, giovane serva di Clarice a casa di Pantalone e Brighella, locandiere veneziano che fa da testimone. Inaspettatamente, nella scena irrompe Truffaldino, il giovane servo venuto per annunciare il suo padrone; si tratta proprio di Federigo Rasponi, venuto in Venezia per incontrare la sua futura sposa e per chiarire gli affari sulla dote della ragazza. In realtà, colui che si presenta in casa degli allibiti personaggi è Beatrice Rasponi, sorella del defunto in vesti da uomo, per poter andare in cerca di Florindo Aretusi, suo amante fuggito a Venezia in seguito al colpo mortale inferto di sua mano proprio a Federigo e che lei sta inseguendo.
8. Il castello dei destini incrociati, di Italo Calvino
Link: https://amzn.to/3ZEZOd3
Trama: Alcuni viandanti, attraversando un bosco, raggiungono un castello dove si fermano a banchettare; qui si avvedono di aver perso l'uso della parola, e decidono quindi di raccontarsi le reciproche avventure facendo ricorso ad un mazzo di tarocchi che l'oste ha messo a loro disposizione. Poggiando sul tavolo le varie carte in sequenza si ottengono diverse narrazioni per diverse disposizioni. Tutti i racconti sono legati gli uni agli altri dalle stesse carte già posate sul tavolo e s'intrecciano narrando eventi, luoghi e storie completamente distinti. La particolarità è che, narrata una storia, e interpretata in modo del tutto individuale da ciascuno dei protagonisti; è possibile sviare da un percorso narrativo per seguire nuove strade e nuovi filoni. È possibile che una stessa sequenza di carte rappresenti storie diverse a seconda che la si legga dall'inizio oppure dalla fine.
9. Cuore, di Edmondo De Amicis
Link: https://amzn.to/3rB2xrn
Trama: Diario immaginario di un bambino di quarta elementare, Cuore narra gli episodi lieti e tristi di un intero anno scolastico, inframmezzati da nove racconti esemplari in forma di dettato, tra cui i celeberrimi Piccola vedetta lombarda, Tamburino sardo, Dagli Appennini alle Ande.
10. La lunga vita di Marianna Ucrìa, di Dacia Maraini
Link: https://amzn.to/3PJ9yOX
Trama: Sicilia, prima metà del Settecento. Marianna Ucrìa è destinata dalla famiglia a sposare l'uomo che, da bambina, la violentò lasciandola muta e sorda per lo spavento. Ma la lettura aprirà uno spiraglio inatteso nella sua esistenza da reclusa, insegnandole a conoscere il mondo al di là dei confini ristretti della quotidianità.
Onorevoli menzioni:
Decamerone, di Giovanni Boccaccio
Pinocchio, di Collodi
I Beati Paoli, di Luigi Natoli
Il Gattopardo, di Giuseppe Tomasi di lampedusa
Sicuramente non avrò citato autori di classici della lettaratura italiana che molti di voi amano, perciò non esitate a segnalarmi i vostri preferiti nei commenti.
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soaveintermezzo · 7 months
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Teatro Stabile del Veneto "Carlo Goldoni", Venezia, Italia.
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la-novellista · 2 months
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Teatro Stabile del Veneto "Carlo Goldoni"
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ask-jobros · 2 months
fave book? (asking everyone)
I love Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories! - Speedwagon Gargantua and Pantagruel is my favorite - Caesar “On the Paths of the North” by Matsuo Basho is a good story - Kakyoin My favorite story is The Count of Monte Cristo! - Polnareff I do not read books that often. But I liked Japanese fairy tales that my mother once read to me - Okuyasu I love "A Servant of Two Masters" by Carlo Goldoni. Quite a funny thing! There are several other film adaptations and they are not bad. - Bruno I don't have one favorite book. I read everything I can get my hands on and quickly forget, so I don’t really know. Does a playboy count? - Mista I really love the "Angelica" series of books! They were written by a married couple and I love the strong main character! She even escaped from prison once! And she managed to take revenge on all her offenders. What a badass - Ermes. I've never read the books, so I can't say anything. Any advice? - FF
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mousetulip · 2 months
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Introducing my man G. Charles, he's a playwright! I just wanted a silly oc for Hazbin Hotel to be Lucifer's bestie, but he ended up having a complex lore in my head 😔🐭 I would like to share it but he needs more exploration, so for now here's some fun facts:
He lives in Lucifer's castle before and after ep. 8
He's an overlord and, even though he died in the 1700s, he is still not aware of it. My man just likes writings and studying in his room
His room is always splattered with ink! His ponytail is made of ink and it can be used as some sort of tentacles. Also his saliva and sweat is made of ink
At first, he HATED the taste of ink but now he's so used to it that he can't drink anything with at least a drop of it
His full name is Golden Charles. It supposes to be a sort of wordplay because his look is inspired by crows and crows like shiny things >:) Additionally, Carlo Goldoni is another italian playwright just like him!
Lucifer thinks that Charles is in hell because my man summoned him in the terrestrial life. But no, Charles is just too egocentric and full of himself
Between Lucifer and Charles, there is mutual respect - they both have a love of art, and Lucifer have always loved Charles's play. They have seen each other at their worst, so Lucifer considers him a close friend. On the other hand, Charles sees Lucifer not only as a friend but also as someone to worship; he is totally loyal to the King of Hell, and he will do ANYTHING for him
Just as like any good philosopher, he's also a man of science, specifically how the afterlife's powers work - he is a mix of a theologian and a witch. And no, he's not doing it for the sake of knowledge. He's doing it for himself for reasons linked to his backstory
P.s the woman in the third image is another oc of mine, she's not related to his lore. She's far less complex than Charles🩷 (there is also a typo, sorry. I meant *actress 😭)
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(why is my tumblr bugged? The last image should have been with the others)
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justforbooks · 11 months
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“I always felt like the kid that sat at the foot of the gods,” said Treat Williams, who has died aged 71 following a road accident. And it is true that the first decade of his movie career was dominated by one high-calibre director after another.
John Sturges put the doughy-faced, darkly handsome actor toe-to-toe with Michael Caine in The Eagle Has Landed (1976), adapted from Jack Higgins’s novel about a plot to kidnap Winston Churchill. Miloš Forman gave Williams his first lead, as the hippie Berger in the screen version (1979) of the 1967 musical Hair. He was an ill-tempered army corporal in Steven Spielberg’s wartime comedy 1941 (also 1979). Sidney Lumet drew on his cocksure swagger and his air of moral ambiguity in Prince of the City (1981), a thriller about police corruption. And Sergio Leone cast him as a union boss in the gangster epic Once Upon a Time in America (1984).
It was Lumet’s film that announced Williams as a formidable talent, with a special aptitude for ensemble playing. He starred as Danny Ciello, a corrupt drugs squad detective who becomes increasingly isolated as he informs on his colleagues in the elite Special Investigations Unit. The character was based on the detective Robert Leuci. Williams lived with Leuci while preparing for the part. He also attended drug busts and hung out with police officers. “By the time we started rehearsals, I was thinking like a cop,” he said.
Janet Maslin in the New York Times commended the “playful, arrogant, effectively brazen quality” of his portrayal. Equally integral is the seam of self-disgust that runs through Ciello, first when he is exploiting his power over drug addicts and dealers, then when he turns on his own kind.
Williams went on to display a menacing eroticism in Smooth Talk (1985), directed by Joyce Chopra and based on Joyce Carol Oates’s 1966 short story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? When he turns up in the second half of the film as Arnold Friend, a vision of adult masculine prowess that the teenage protagonist (Laura Dern) seems to have been yearning for, he is simultaneously ridiculous, alluring and intimidating.
Williams was born in Stamford, Connecticut, and raised in nearby Rowayton, the son of Richard, a pharmaceuticals executive, and Marian (nee Andrews), an antiques dealer who also ran a sailing school. He was educated at Kent school, Connecticut, where he first began acting, and at Franklin & Marshall College, Pennsylvania. He studied in New York at the Actors Studio, where his classmates included Mickey Rourke, and was hired as understudy to four parts (including Doody, played on stage by John Travolta) in the Broadway production of Grease. Eventually he took over the lead role of Danny Zuko, which he played for three years.
Having already appeared on stage in the London production of The Ritz, Terrence McNally’s comedy about a hounded businessman hiding out in a gay bath-house, he was then cast in Richard Lester’s 1976 movie version.
Auditioning for the film of Hair was a lengthy and arduous process. During his 12th audition, he recalled: “I started removing all of my clothing. At the end of the monologue, I was standing stark naked in front of them … They applauded, and I told them: ‘This is all that I’ve got, I don’t know what else I can give you.’” It was enough.
Discouraged when Hair, 1941 and the comedy Why Would I Lie? (1980) continued a run of box-office flops, he began an alternative career flying planes in Los Angeles. A call from Lumet, who was looking for an un-starry and largely unknown cast for Prince of the City, put him back on track.
He continued to alternate between film and theatre, following Lumet’s picture by appearing in Ohio in Carlo Goldoni’s farce The Servant of Two Masters and on Broadway taking over from Kevin Kline as the Pirate King in The Pirates of Penzance. On television, he played the boxer Jack Dempsey in the TV movie Dempsey (1983), Stanley Kowalski – opposite Ann-Margret as Stella – in A Streetcar Named Desire (1984), the title role in J. Edgar Hoover (1987) and the super-agent Michael Ovitz, co-founder of CAA, in The Late Shift (1996), for which he was Emmy-nominated.
In Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead (1995), he played a thug working as an undertaker and using corpses as punch-bags. He was also in the noir-ish Mulholland Falls, the superhero adventure The Phantom (both 1996) and the thriller The Devil’s Own (1997), starring Harrison Ford and Brad Pitt.
Better than these were two projects that displayed his versatility: the monster movie Deep Rising (1998), in which he does battle with sharp-fanged sea-serpents, and The Deep End of the Ocean (1999), starring Williams and Michelle Pfeiffer as a couple reunited with their son many years after he was kidnapped.
He starred in Woody Allen’s Hollywood Ending (2002), played James Franco’s father in Danny Boyle’s 127 Hours, and the writer Mark Schorer in Howl (both 2010), which also starred Franco as Allen Ginsberg. He had a recurring role on the series Everwood (2002-06), as a widowed neurosurgeon settling in Colorado with his children, and on the cop drama Blue Bloods (2016-23). He also appeared in many Hallmark channel productions, including the series Chesapeake Shores (2016-22), as well as the Netflix musical Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square (2020).
He is survived by his wife, Pam Van Sant, whom he married in 1988, and their children, Gill and Ellie.
🔔 Richard Treat Williams, actor, born 1 December 1951; died 12 June 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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godstaff · 9 months
Who do you think is kinder: Wonder Woman or Lois
You must be effing kidding me:
Diana, of course!!!!
To answer the next questiion you're gonna ask: Why do I thinj Diana is kinder than Lois?
Nothing Wonder Woman does is for her own benefit. She only wishes to make this World a better place than it was the day before.
Everything the reporter does is in pursue of notoriety, awards, recognition. You my say "well, but she risks her life in her quest for truth and justice'". Yeaaaah....about that: Her quest for truth and justice was never her primary goal: she is not interested in truth and justice per se unless she gets to be the first to reveal it to the World in the front page, with her name on it. First in her list of priorities is the scoop. Truth and justice are an added bonus. Besides, the risk is a caculated thing: she always counts with Superman rescuing her if things get difficult.
Diana accepts all three facets of Superman: Superman, Kal-El and Clark Kent. No questions asked nor distinctions.
Lois accepts only the parts of him she's interested on: Clark Kent, who she still considers a hick (after years of knowing his secret), a rustic red neck from Mid America who she loves to call "Smallville" so he won't ever forget his place' Don't you think by now she should find another, less offensive, pet name for her husband? She never payed too much attention to him until she found out he's Superman's alter ego. Clark alien origins don't exists for her. Kal-El doesn't exist for her.
Everybody who knows Diana, loves Diana
Nobody loves Lois, except stupid Clark, but we all know he's a doormat. Lois has no friends, only business or work acquaintances. She uses people for her own gain.
Krypto loves Diana. Clark had a hard time making Krypto tolerate Lois. Pet instincts and opinions on people are important. Whoever has a dog knows this.
Kal can be who he realy is with Diana. He must be constantly walking on eggshells to avoid pissing off Lois, while she does as she pleases all the time. He's a doormat with Lois.
Diana is a warrior and a loving and protective mother in most elseworld stories. Lois is a career woman and a shitty mother. The play, by Carlo Goldoni, Arlequino, Il servitore di due padroni clearly shows us you shouldn't be serving two masters. Lois prioritizes her career, which she loves the most, of course.
Hippolyta would behead him if he hurts her beloved child. General Lane just hates Superman out of fear and bigotry. With a father like that, what would you expect her to become?
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