#Capital Tax registration
hrways1 · 2 years
Sales Tax Registration | Sales Tax Pakistan | Capital Tax registration
Ways tax provide the best Sales Tax Registration, Sales Tax Pakistan, Capital Tax registration service, Each of our clients counts on us as a trusted partner and tax advisor.
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nochangeintheplan · 2 months
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Preorder will go live on my kofi at 1:00 PM EST on April 6th!
Shipping is 6 USD for United States, 20 USD for Worldwide. Shipping is possible to any country covered by USPS. If your country has any specific shipping stipulations that you know of, when it comes time for the preorder you'll have my email to contact me about any of those extra concerns!
There will be 100 made; manufacturing is currently underway for the lil guys. I'll be sure to update my kofi with further info about the process as it goes along!
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nando161mando · 2 months
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Super rich and their (lol) taxes
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efiletax · 3 months
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mukwoodleaf · 2 years
Types of companies in zambia
Types of companies in zambia
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gycadvisory · 2 years
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masllp · 2 months
Navigating the GST Landscape: Expert Consultancy Solutions in India from Mas LLP
In the ever-evolving realm of taxation, Goods and Services Tax (GST) has emerged as a pivotal framework reshaping the fiscal landscape of India. For businesses grappling with the complexities of GST compliance, expert consultancy services are indispensable. Mas LLP, a trusted name in legal and advisory services, offers comprehensive GST consultancy solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses across India. Let's explore the significance of GST consultants in India and how Mas LLP can be your strategic partner in achieving compliance excellence. Why GST Consultancy Matters:
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Navigating Complexities: GST regulations in India are intricate and subject to frequent amendments, posing significant challenges for businesses to interpret and comply with. Expert GST consultants in India bring in-depth knowledge and experience to navigate these complexities, ensuring businesses adhere to regulatory requirements and avoid potential pitfalls.
Ensuring Compliance: Compliance with GST regulations is not merely a legal obligation but a fundamental aspect of business operations. Non-compliance can lead to penalties, fines, and reputational damage. GST consultants in India play a crucial role in guiding businesses through the compliance maze, ensuring adherence to registration, filing, and reporting requirements.
Optimizing Tax Efficiency: Effective tax planning and optimization are essential for businesses to minimize tax liabilities and maximize profitability. GST consultants in India analyze business operations, transactions, and supply chains to identify opportunities for tax optimization and savings. By implementing strategic tax planning measures, businesses can enhance their competitiveness and financial performance.
Mitigating Risks: GST audits, assessments, and disputes are common challenges faced by businesses operating in India. Expert GST consultants in India proactively assess and mitigate risks, helping businesses prepare for audits, respond to notices, and resolve disputes with tax authorities. By addressing potential risks upfront, businesses can minimize disruptions and protect their financial interests.
Facilitating Business Growth: GST compliance is integral to accessing new markets, expanding business operations, and fostering growth. Expert GST consultants in India provide valuable insights and guidance to businesses seeking to expand their footprint in India. Whether entering new territories or launching new products, businesses can leverage the expertise of GST consultants to navigate regulatory requirements and capitalize on growth opportunities. Expert GST Consultancy Solutions in India from Mas LLP: At Mas LLP, we understand the complexities and challenges businesses face in navigating the GST landscape in India. Our team of expert GST consultants in India brings extensive experience and expertise in GST laws, regulations, and compliance requirements. We offer a wide range of consultancy services tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses across various sectors and industries. From GST registration and compliance advisory to tax planning, audits, and dispute resolution, we provide end-to-end consultancy solutions to help businesses achieve compliance excellence and optimize tax efficiency. Our proactive approach, personalized service, and commitment to excellence set us apart as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of GST in India. With Mas LLP as your strategic partner, you can navigate the GST landscape with confidence and clarity. Contact us today to learn more about our GST consultants in India services and unlock the full potential of your business in India.
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pridepaths · 4 months
Top Challenges Facing Small Businesses in Kerala and How Consultants Can Help
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Kerala is known for its thriving small business landscape from restaurants to shops to technology startups. However, many promising small businesses in business consultants in Kerala struggle with common obstacles that stifle their growth and progress.
Business consultants based in Kerala or working with clients in the state understand these pain points well. They can provide tailored guidance and actionable solutions to help small business owners overcome challenges. This enables entrepreneurs to focus their energy on nurturing innovation, attracting customers, and expanding their ventures.
Funding Shortages
Access to sufficient capital and cash flow is one of the biggest challenges for Kerala's small businesses. Many struggle to fund expansions, hire additional employees, invest in technology, or even manage day-to-day operating expenses. Business consultants may connect clients to government small business grants or loans. They can also design cost management plans, suggest bootstrapping strategies and tactics for minimizing expenses.
Compliance Issues Navigating India’s often complex regulatory framework around taxation, licensing requirements, labor laws and more causes headaches for small business owners in Kerala. Business consultants can ensure clients avoid penalties or litigation by staying compliant. They can handle license and permit registrations, file taxes correctly, advise on the best corporate structure, and manage other compliance processes.
Talent Gaps
Another persistent struggle is recruiting and retaining qualified employees — especially for technology roles. Kerala’s talent pool is still developing, so hyperlocal hiring can be difficult. Business consultants leverage professional networks to connect clients to candidates in Kerala or expand searches regionally/nationally. Retention consulting may also analyze workplace culture issues or present counteroffers/incentives to stop top performer attrition.
Scaling Pains
Many entrepreneurs in Kerala struggle with the nuances of expanding locally or into other major metros. Business consultants can provide market feasibility studies, assistance finalizing expansion locations, advice on financing growth, and project manage all moving parts of bringing a small business to new regions.
By leveraging business consultants as strategic partners, small business owners in Kerala can overcome obstacles, avoid missteps, and receive guidance tailored to local market dynamics. With the right support, Kerala’s many promising small ventures can thrive, expand, and continue fueling local economic development.For more details plz contact us, pridepaths.co.in
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crownjewel123 · 5 months
I was always told that my insurance cost would go DOWN after I hit 25… What a fucking lie bro 😭 and when I called to complain they were like “oh the economy” “oh people miss car payments” “oh cars aren’t leaving the lots as quickly nowadays” 😭 wtf has that got to do with my 2008 Ford Focus bro 😭? Sounds to me like these companies made a poor investment and want me to pay for it??? Isn’t it enough I have to pay rent pay to live pay for groceries pay for gas pay for car repairs pay for my license and registration pay for health insurance when I NEVER consented to live in this capitalist SHITHOLE ?!?
That all my money I earned doesn’t account for my unpaid labor. That each of my checks gets a deduction for ssd and ssdi i will never get to use? That I have to work until I die and I am supposed to be okay with it?
Oh don’t forget my taxes also pay for free healthcare in Israel (but we have to pay for insurance and healthcare ?!?!?!)
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prodeskk · 5 months
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Achieving Excellence: Meydan Free Zone Powered by PRO Deskk Services
Nestled in the heart of Dubai, Meydan Free Zone presents an optimal locale for launching your business with the adept assistance of PRO Deskk One Stop Solution. Positioned strategically near Dubai's downtown area, Meydan Free Zone is designed to offer economical solutions for setting up businesses, attracting global investors seeking a smooth entry into Dubai's thriving market.
As specialists in facilitating business setups, PRO Deskk Solution ensures a seamless and efficient process within Meydan Free Zone, enabling entrepreneurs to capitalize on a plethora of advantages. These encompass 100% ownership, tax exemptions, the ability to recruit foreign talent, high-speed internet access, and streamlined import-export procedures. The flexible desk option is particularly well-suited for businesses not necessitating a permanent physical office space.
At the core of Meydan lies the iconic Meydan Stadium, a testament to Dubai's visionary efforts in global connectivity through international horse racing events. Yet, Meydan's allure extends beyond the stadium, embracing a diverse array of commercial, sports, hospitality, entertainment, and residential developments. Additionally, it houses cutting-edge business parks, healthcare, educational facilities, and luxurious waterfront destinations.
Our Services provide unparalleled advantages:
Facilitation of seamless business setup processes
Flexibility in business operations through the personalized Flexi desk option
Prime location benefits enhancing visibility and accessibility for your business setup
Assurance of 100% capital and profit repatriation, safeguarded by our experts
Unrestricted ownership rights for individuals and corporate entities, ensuring complete control
A secure and conducive business environment bolstered by our support
Meydan Free Zone as the preferred destination for emerging businesses in Dubai, endorsed by our credibility
Competent management of licensing and registration procedures by our Services
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kokiafans · 5 months
KOKIA updates: December 2023
Admin note: this will most likely be the last update of 2023. Below, I have summarized KOKIA's recent announcements and messages. As explained here, this will remain the style of updates for a little longer, though I hope to be back to old style full translations sometime in the new year. Thank you once again for your patience.
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KOKIA previously announced a performance in February 2024, and now we have the details from her news page from December 4: she'll be performing at Yokohama red brick warehouse #1, 3F hall, on February 4, 2024 with 'KOKIA 2024 Once-in-a-lifetime meeting Ongaeshi Yokohama' ('paying back a favor'). The venue will open at 16:00, while the performance starts at 16:30. All tickets are reserved seating and ¥ 8,000 tax included. KOKIA mentions how this is her chance to reconnect with her fans throughout Japan after returning to the country and things opening up again after the pandemic, and this marks the beginning of her era of giving back.
Advanced pre-sales have ended by now, but general ticket sales have opened December 23 via Capital Village.
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KOKIA announced the above performance in her blog entry of December 4, after which she talked about her then upcoming performance in Shanghai. Tickets only went on sale two weeks in advance, and she worried if they would even sell, but the big hall for 1,500 people sold out after just 34 hours!
Then, on December 12, she talked about her guest performance at composer Yuki Kajiura's Kaji Fes on December 9. As she usually does solo performances, KOKIA was happy to perform as a guest and also watch other artists perform. It being Kajiura's 30th anniversary makes KOKIA reflect on her own 25th anniversary, and she feels strongly that she's the person to create her own limits herself. She wishes to head into 2024 at full force, breaking through her limits, and looks forward to her upcoming performances.
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Finally, in her most recent blog entry of December 25, KOKIA of course starts by wishing everyone a merry Christmas, herself surrounded by music.
As the end of the year draws close, she announces what she already teased with her Yokohama performance: 2024 will be a year for local performances throughout Japan, not just confined to Tokyo. Fan club members have received a mail or can check the MEMBERS page on her official website for club members advance registration for the following performances:
KOKIA Once-in-a-lifetime meeting tour 2024
March 10 - Kyoto, Once-in-a-lifetime meeting uta mairi Kyoto ('song visit') April 13 - Oita, Once-in-a-lifetime meeting uta mairi Oita April 14 - Saga, Once-in-a-lifetime meeting uta mairi Saga May 25 - Special Tokyo performance, Mitsui hall, Once-in-a-lifetime meeting uta mairu Tokyo
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vyaaparsevakendra · 9 months
5 Reasons to Register a Company
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Welcome to Vyaapar Seva Kendra, your trusted partner for all your business registration and compliance needs. In today's blog, we will explore the compelling reasons why registering a company is a smart decision for aspiring entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes.
1. Legal Recognition and Protection
One of the foremost reasons to register a company is the legal recognition and protection it offers. When you register your company, it becomes a separate legal entity, distinct from its owners. This separation provides a shield that protects your personal assets from the company's liabilities. In other words, your personal assets, such as your home and savings, are not at risk if the company faces financial troubles.
2. Credibility and Trust
A registered company carries a higher level of credibility and trust in the eyes of customers, partners, and investors. It signifies a commitment to professionalism and adherence to legal standards. Many clients and businesses prefer to work with registered companies, enhancing your business opportunities and partnerships.
3. Access to Funding
If you plan to raise capital through investors or secure loans from financial institutions, registering your company is often a prerequisite. Investors and lenders are more likely to support a registered company as it signifies a higher level of commitment and accountability.
4. Brand Building and Intellectual Property Protection
Registering your company name not only establishes your brand but also provides protection against others using a similar name. This safeguards your brand identity and prevents potential confusion in the market. Additionally, registering trademarks and patents becomes easier for a registered company, further protecting your intellectual property.
5. Tax Benefits and Incentives
Depending on your country and business structure, registering a company can offer significant tax advantages. It allows you to take advantage of tax deductions, credits, and incentives that may not be available to sole proprietors or partnerships. Properly structured, your company can help you optimize your tax liabilities and improve your bottom line.
Registering a company is a strategic move that can provide a range of benefits, from legal protection to financial advantages. It enhances your business's credibility, opens doors to funding opportunities, and offers protection for your brand and intellectual property. Additionally, it can lead to substantial tax benefits, helping your business thrive.
At Vyaapar Seva Kendra, we understand the importance of company registration and are here to guide you through the process. Our expert team can assist you in navigating the complexities of registration, ensuring that your business enjoys all the advantages of legal recognition.
Don't miss out on the opportunities that come with registering your company. Visit our website here to learn more about our services and start your journey towards a successful and legally recognized business entity today. Register your company, and unlock the doors to growth and success!
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nerdylycanthropy · 11 months
Starting Business in South Korea
It is still a mystery to a number of people in the west especially when it comes to starting a business in South Korea. As the eleventh biggest economy in the world South Korea offers numerous business opportunities. This article will cover various procedure and paperwork that is required to start a business in South Korea.
Checking out Trade Name
Any entrepreneur willing to start business in South Korea first has to take a trade name certificate. This certificate process only takes a day and availability can be checked with the Supreme Court website. There is absolutely no charge for checking the availability of the company name, only condition is that no other organization is running the same business in same city or South Korean term 'Kun'.
Making the Seals
The next in line is getting the seals and other paperwork done for the company. In case of an entrepreneur they can use their personal seal. It is similar to sole proprietary firm in United Kingdom and United States.
Incorporation of the company
Next step in starting a business is to incorporate the company by registering it with the registrar of the company department. The notarization process often takes a day and company has to show the total capital more than 10 million Korean wan.
Next is Opening the Bank Account
The promoters starting a business in South Korea next need to open the bank account and deposit complete subscription amount in lieu of the share they are subscribing in the company.
Paying the Corporate Registration Tax
The corporate registration tax varies in different areas of South Korea. The basic components of corporate registration tax are - capital registration tax, education tax, railroad bond tax and registration tax of Supreme Court Stamp.
Registration with District Tax Office
To start the business operation an entrepreneur has to register their business with local tax office and get a commencement of business certificate. This process often takes 20 days and each business will be issued a tax identification number and VAT number.
Filing Public Health Insurance Program
Companies with more than one employee need to register themselves with National Insurance Program.
Finally the company has to submit the rules of employment to the office of Ministry of Labor in South Korea. This process only takes a day and company has to submit the proof of accident insurance in case they are hiring more than 10 employees.
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antlawyers · 1 year
How to start a business in Vietnam as a foreign investor?
Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia, with a young and dynamic population, a favorable business environment, and a strategic location. Additionally, Vietnam's government has been increasingly enacting more preferential policies to facilitate foreign investors' entry into the country to do business in Vietnam. If you are interested in starting a business in Vietnam, here are some steps you need to follow:
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Step 1: Choose a business entity type
There are different types of business entities in Vietnam, such as limited liability company joint-stock company partnership, branch office, representative office, etc. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your business goals, capital, and legal requirements. You should consult a local law firm in Vietnam to help you decide which entity type suits your needs best.
Step 2: Register your business in Vietnam
After chosing your business entity type, you need to register your business with the relevant authorities in Vietnam. This involves submitting various documents, such as: business name, address, charter capital, shareholders, directors, tax code, etc. Depending on the type and scope of your business, you may also need to obtain additional licenses or permits from other agencies, such as the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, etc.
Step 3: Open a bank account in Vietnam
You need to open company’s bank account after registering your business. You will need to provide your business registration certificate, tax code certificate, and other documents to the bank. You can choose from various local or foreign banks operating in Vietnam, depending on your preferences and needs.
Step 4: Hire staff and set up your office in Vietnam
The next step is to hire staff and set up your office in Vietnam. You will need to comply with the labor laws and regulations in Vietnam, such as: minimum wage, social insurance, health insurance, working hours, etc. You will also need to find a suitable location for your office and equip it with the necessary facilities and equipment.
Step 5: Start your operations and marketing
You will need to develop a business plan and strategy that suits the local market and culture in Vietnam. You will also need to build relationships with customers, suppliers, partners, and authorities in Vietnam. You can use various channels and methods to promote your products or services, such as: social media,online platforms, events, etc.
Starting a business in Vietnam can be challenging but rewarding. By following these steps and seeking professional advice from the law firm in Vietnam when needed, you can successfully establish and grow your business in Vietnam.
ANT Lawyers is the reliable law firm in Vietnam that will always contact the authorities to obtain legal updates on issues pertaining to do business in Vietnam.
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Setting up Company in Vietnam and Comply
Setting up Company in Vietnam and Comply: Quick Tips for Foreigners
A foreigner moving to a country like Vietnam with business opportunities is attempting to start a business and seize the opportunity. After settling in, the entrepreneur might wonder, "How difficult it is to set up company in Vietnam or how challenging the business environment in Vietnam is for operating and doing business when dealing with administrative procedures from registering investment, setting up the company, complying with periodic reporting and tax declarations?"
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As a spot with an ideal topographical position and copious work assets, and developing purchaser market, Vietnam is progressively growing emphatically, turning into a nation drawing in worldwide venture among Southeast Asia nations. Foreign investors must conduct research on Vietnam's policies, investment incentives, legal requirements, and the process and procedures for establishing a business in order to carry out effective investment activities. If international investors are considering investing in Vietnam, this will provide some quick advice on the fundamental factors they should take into account.
An individual or an organization established under foreign law could register investments and conduct business activities in Vietnam. Foreign investors are permitted to participate in any legal business, but in order to register an investment, they must meet certain industry requirements. There are a few areas in Vietnam where foreign investors cannot do business due to national security concerns or the state's monopoly.
An investor who wants to start a business in Vietnam must get a certificate of investment registration from an authorization agency, according to Vietnam law. The Investment Registration Certificate (IRC) will typically be issued within 15 days of receiving a valid dossier for an investment project. Be that as it may, it means a lot to work in the ideal opportunity for setting up the legitimate records for example application, monetary report, bank balance, individual archives and large numbers of such records require apostille, or authentication and legitimization and interpretation into Vietnamese prior to being submitted.
Except for conditional investments and business lines, Vietnam law does not mandate a minimum capital requirement for starting a business. Yet, financial backers are obliged to contribute capital as per the timetable expressed in the IRC and that the public authority has the privilege to demand the financial backer to make sense of the strategy agreeable to them in light of the proposed speculation capital. In the event that the financial backer can't contribute sufficient capital as per the serious time limit, the skilled authority might apply sanctions, including denial of the IRC or the financial backer needs to change the IRC to mirror the real commitment of venture. Once having the IRC, the financial backer then solicitation to get Endeavor Enlistment Endorsement (IRC) which requires 5 days from the date of accommodation of legitimate dossier for business foundation to finish the business setting up process.
Now that the company has established itself in Vietnam, it can officially sign a lease agreement, hire staff, and engage in business transactions to purchase or sell goods or services. The documents must be signed and sealed to be legally binding.
Then the question is how to have a seal?
When an organization was managed by the Public Security authority, it was more difficult to have a seal created for it after it was established. Legislators and business experts have been discussing the possibility of completely removing the seal from legal documents in Vietnam because the signature of the legal representative is the most crucial element. The law governing the issuance of seals has become less strict over time. However, in Vietnam, the seal is still very important because it shows the official notice, such as the decision by the business's legal representative to end a labor contract, along with the signature of the representative. or on the other hand a conspicuous endorsement of a substance to an exchange it enters to enlist a development organization for building a plant. Contingent upon the terms in the organization's contract, the financial backer has the privilege to make more than one seal to utilize. Before using, altering, destroying, or altering the number of seals, the company must send a notice to the business registration office where its head office is located for publication on the National Business Registration Portal. The day the notification process is completed and the seal sample is uploaded to the National Business Registration Portal for verification, the seal can be used.
During the activity of the business in the wake of being begun, the financial backer requirements to focus on charge commitments, which is vital in many purviews besides in charge paradise nations. However, Vietnam is not included on the exemption list. Every business is required to provide a tax declaration. Consistently, the business should pay various charges and expenses, for example, permit charges (in view of enlisted sanction capital); When a company earns a profit, it must pay Corporate Income Tax (CIT); announce and cover Worth Added Expense (Tank) for sold labor and products, for individual proclaim and settle Individual Annual Duty (PIT), or at times send out assessment and import charge, charge on lands.
The investment project reporting regime must also be fully adhered to by foreign investors in accordance with the law. These reports will be issued on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, or annually) regarding topics such as: carried out venture capital, business speculation results, data on work, utilized unfamiliar laborers, investigates natural insurance… Agreeing with the execution of expense installment commitments and intermittently answering to guarantee ideal execution as endorsed will assist the organization with staying away from superfluous dangers, for example, managerial authorizations, business suspension, punishments that could affect the business.
ANT Lawyers – a law firm in Vietnam will always follow up with authorities for legal update on matters relevant to investment registration or doing business in Vietnam.
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agape-philo-sophia · 1 year
For one to exodus out of the Slavery (Government) System, you need to give back the Birth Certificate to those that created it and resurrect yourself as a live, flesh and blood human being.
For one to EXODUS out of the SLAVERY DEBT SYSTEM and into God’s Kin Dom [freedom zone, special place free from government, natural living, Hapu, Nation, tribal sovereign nation], one needs to go back to source, to your first breath and learn who you really are.
Slavery System: A system under which people are treated as property through the transfer of their Sovereignty into an instrument at birth, named a Birth Certificate. From there you are issued a Tax File Number, Social Security Number etc… and forced to pay taxes, fees, fines, registrations and any other fee that the [De facto] Governments and their Corporations place upon you.
A Law of the Land precedes that which has been forced upon us through “civilized” society. Never forget that Fact. This is the wool that has been pulled over everyone’s eyes. -- “Know Thyself”
Sovereignty comes with several stages of learning. In order for you to actively and confidently stand in your own truth as a Sovereign de jure living being and to walk free on the land, certain processes need to be implemented.
THE DECEPTION. HERE’S HOW IT BEGAN… What if I told you “a government entity’ took your name; created a company out of it; traded it on the stock market; and made millions out of you” How would you feel? Well that is exactly what the government did and then fed you misinformation and peanuts over your lifetime under the guise of administering to your affairs whilst pocketing millions from the use of your name.
Certain ACTS enable the tracking of all Subjects or Infants. These tracking processes begin with the Registration of all Births. The Birth Certificate is in actuality the Birth of you as the property of the state or government and is issued after a printout is created which made you a deceased entity after your live birth allowing the subterfuge to begin.
From this document the property (you) is then turned into a company for trading purposes where your name is then logged into the system in CAPITAL LETTERS. In legal terms the CAPITAL LETTERS represent a TITLE not a Living Being. The CAPITAL LETTER TITLE represents, the ‘Title Of The Property’ of ‘The Crown In Right’.
The Birth Certificate is the Certificate of Ownership. It is cataloged by number. The Certificate is presented to the World Bank or International Monetary Fund as collateral for a loan. The ‘Property’ has an expected lifespan of 65 to 85 years as a Consumer. Each ‘Property’ is thought by some to be worth millions during a life time and increases when The ‘Property produces Infants’. The Registration of Birth transfers authority to ‘The Crown In Right’. Remember the Crown is the judiciary. It then issues a Birth Certificate which confirms the birth of the ‘Property’ not the live human being. The Property is also an Infant. The Birth Certificate gives ‘The Crown In Right’ complete authority as a “parent”.
A Birth Certificate gives title of the ‘Property’ to the Crown which then confirms with the InLand Revenue and/or Taxation Office that the Subject using the property would like an IRD, SSN or TFN number. Other tracking processes include marriage or union certificates, school registration, vehicle registration, driver’s licence, passport, mortgage, rates, electoral roll, death certificate. Their purpose is to ensure that the whereabouts of the Subject or property is known at all times.
IN SHORT – It is actually a DEATH CERTIFICATE. It is a Fictitious Entity. It is a NAME that is soon after made into CAPITALS [Check your bills], it is made into a Trading Name’ 1970122825’, then they turn it into a Corporation, Trade you on the New York Stock Exchange in your ‘Weight in Gold’. Monies created go to the Cesta Que Trust and all the [de facto] Government / Corporations use these monies to pay all accounts [pre-paid, paid in full, pre-approved]. They then look at us, the ‘deceased infants’, and ask us for the monies again and again through taxes, fines, tolls and other associated levies so they can administer to our affairs due to the fact we are still in that infant state. This will continue until such time as we awaken, grow up and re-claim our inherent Sovereign rights.
PERSON means a birth certificate containing registration information.
PERSON; ACTUAL MEANING: From "persona" (Lat.). "Person" is not the same as "man." A "person" is an "entity" – human or corporate – whose status is recognized and accepted by government. The status of "person" is a creation of the State. "Persona non grata" (i.e., "non-person) is a legal term for an entity that is not recognized or accepted by the State.
According to Bouvier's Law Dictionary, "persons" are subjects of rights and duties conveyed by government. A "person" is a "citizen": one who is "entitled" and/or "bound" by government.
"Every full citizen is a person; ... But not every human being is necessarily a person, for a person is capable of rights and duties, and there may well be human beings having no legal rights, as was the case with slaves in English law. A person is such, not because he is human, but because rights and duties are ascribed to him. The person is the legal subject or substance of which the rights and duties are attributes." — Bouvier's Law Dictionary
God created no "persons" – He created MAN. The state creates "persons."
About the most vitally important struggle which has plagued mankind since the dawn of history: mankind's continuing struggle between freedom and slavery, between value producers and the violent parasitical elite, between peace and war, between truth and deception. If the mass of people believe in political falsehoods and deceptions then mankind will continue to repeat the same gruesome mistakes, as it does presently, and the aforementioned struggle will continue to be no closer to a desirable resolution. Genuine change must first come by changing one's mind, and if what one had believed before was in error then one cannot expect good results to proceed forth from it. And all change starts with the individual.
DEATH OF A SOVEREIGN: What happened was, when your mother signed your birth certificate. It made you a STILL BORN making your mother the INFORMANT thereby transferring all the functions, duties, powers, authorities, rights, privileges and dignities belonging to the Sovereign to the Sovereign’s successor commonly known as the Crown or the Parliament of England. Act of Settlement 1700 (12 and 13 Will 3 c 2)
SOVEREIGNTY IS NOT AS EASY AS ONE MIGHT THINK. You need to learn to walk, talk and act like a Sovereign de jure under the Creators Lore.
“To ‘know Thyself’ is considered quite an accomplishment.” ~L. Frank Baum, The Marvelous Land of Oz
This is an individual walk where you must learn it and walk it yourself. No one can do it for you. Why? because if you get pulled up by any government authorities and are questioned but have not learnt the process, you will fail and get pulled back into infancy in the system all through your own lack of knowledge.
“True courage is in facing danger when you are afraid…” ~L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
WE ARE ALL EQUAL. One thing we need to know and understand is we are all Sovereign de jure making us Kings and Queens within our own KinDoms.
Freedom, like truth, is not inherited. It must be learned and preserved by each generation. The pursuit of truth, freedom and happiness is every man's birthright and individual responsibility. It cannot be transferred or deferred to another or to a government. People who don't accept individual responsibility, and won't strive for their own freedom, are known as slaves.
For tyranny is freedom – the more laws to obey the more freedom to obey those laws we have. Freedom is a privilege granted by government, if you haven’t guessed, and is the exact opposite of being free…
You were born a living soul with flesh and blood, with the responsibility to respect other life and treat your fellow man with love and kindness, and with a life-spirit provided by the Creator. Your unalienable rights are for life, liberty and property, and to respect those rights of other human beings on this planet, our home.
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