angiesdoodle · 2 years
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aro-mace · 2 years
I love that Camila is legitimately such a good mother. It would've been so easy to write her off as some neglectful and abusive mother who is ableist and wants to erase all of Luz's neurodivergent traits and quirks by sending her to an evil camp (takes I've actually read). But no. Camilla loves her daughter so, so much.
She accepts Luz's quirks, understands what she's going through, supports her and is clearly fond of Luz's overactive imagination and interests, like her saving the foil cranes Luz made her even after Luz (or at least Vee disguised as Luz) threw them away.
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Another sweet thing is how fast she accepts Vee. Even after Vee impersonated her daughter for months, Camilla still sympathised with her and welcomed her with open arms, even trusting her with everything after she has to leave for the Demon Realm.
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Even when the world is trying to inhibit Luz's neurodivergence, Camila still defends her daughter. She is completely ready to fight people who make fun of her daughter and clearly tries to support her through everything.
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Literally the only reason that Camila was even going to send Luz to camp was because she legitimately thought it would help her daughter make friends and fit in. She obviously got bullied and felt isolated as a kid and doesn't want her daughter to go through what she did.
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She IMMEDIATELY bought books on parenting LGBTQ to understand her daughter better and most likely read books on Luz's ADHD as well after she got diagnosed.
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She is fully ready to go to the DEMON REALM, which she's probably been told all the horrifying details about and just seen their creepy, cryptid looking emperor go to, just to protect her children and keep them safe.
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In conclusion, Camilla is best mom.
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I also think it's nice that they made Camilla a sci-fi nerd and Luz a fantasy nerd. They're genres that are often seen as completely opposing one another by many people, which is what we're led to believe about Luz and Camilla in season 1. Luz is silly, nerdy, frequently in over her head and irresponsible and loves the boiling isles. We're led to believe that Camilla is the normal, conventional TV mother who'd be disgusted and terrified by the demon realm if she saw it.
Then yesterday's lie gives us a lot of nuance to this, and we realize that while they're still very different and now on opposite sides of a conflict, both mother and daughter are incredibly kind people (seen in their treatment of Vee) who love each other but struggle to make the right choices without hurting one another.
Then thanks to them drops all this Camilla characterization and we realize! She was a nerd too this whole time! The wedge between Camilla and Luz is motivated by past traumas and grief! and for the future has them switching sides on the central conflict of where Luz should stay (Camilla now wanting Luz in the demon realm because it's what's best for her, and Luz believing that staying in the human realm is what's best for the people she loves). They finally talk and realize that, like Willow pointed out earlier in the ep, the two are so alike. Camilla reveals that she's a secret nerd too! That she had a hard time growing up and accidentally hurt Luz trying to save her from the same fait! It's so important to me that Camilla keeps calling Luz a good witch. It's affirming her interests and goals, reminding her that she's just as good as the hero of her favorite story. And Luz finally only realizes that she wants to be understood...when she's finally able to understand her mom. When she realizes that the woman she loves and admires is just as much of a nerdy screw-up as her and that there's hope for her. Her palismen ends being multiple animals at once, showing both how Luz making unconventional choices (like carving an egg) keeps paying off for her and how her potential is limitless now that she finally knows and accepts her own goals, but to me it also reminds of the fact that Camilla is a vet and passed a love of all the weird and unliked animals (like wolves, possums, snakes, etc) to her.
It's just so so sweet and it really shows how much love and thought the crew put into this mother daughter storyline (FTF haters are not welcome on this page, respectfully). I can't wait to see how both of these misunderstood but healing women (who radiate "little/big sister" and "mom" energy respectively) are gonna interact with a) the lonely, easily manipulated and well intentioned but ignorant collector (a mix of both their interests as a magic being with a space motif! I just realized that lol) and b) the nasty puritan white man who's really obsessed with conforming to society's norms even when it literally doesn't benefit him at all.
Anyway, I believe in noceda( AND clawthorne 👀) family supremacy 💙
#the owl house#toh#toh spoilers#luz noceda#camilla noceda#this isn't proofread so if there's words missing or misspellings or somethings unclear feel free to mention#but this is just a messy thought dump#I have a ROUGH WEEK. I wish there was a more positive vibe in the fandom rn (although i kinda get it but also :( sad)#but there isn't one i will create it#tentatively I don't have a responsibility to do that I just wanna talk about things i noticed and like#i am going to post reqs just u wait. bitch!#also uhhhh other things i thought while making this post but couldn't include:#hunter and gus being fantasy trekkies is really funny and cute but also fits really well with both of their characters#gus has always been in love with the human realm and this is the ultimate neat little bow on that.#he's dressed as a character he relates to (captain avery trying to get back home to the family he loves) and his interest is uniquely human#bc sci-fi is kinda uniquely rooted in/associated w/ the human realm in toh. even in something like Belos' steampunk tech#SPEAKING OF. hunter oh my GODDD#he gets so attached to the human realm in TTT bc he's finally somewhere safe (he's always been entrenched in the most-#-toxic parts of the demon realm and it's culture which is ironically propelled forward by one humans influence)#and it's like a part of him is reclaiming his weird split heritage. he loves magic and he loves sci-fi and he's silly abt both#he's not a witch or a human and he's happy. or at least he will be#anyway. i love this shows relationship to fiction it is sweet and comforting and funny
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(Just some general Hunter headcanons in a hope to pretend I haven’t been close to inactive on tumblr throughout the past month or two 😦
a new hyperfixation means new writing folks 🫶😽)
fandom: the owl house
character: hunter (noceda or wittebane, depends who you ask)
- turns out, most of the group really adores human music, including hunter, who during his stay in the human realm spends a lot of his time in the basement listening to camilla’s old records not to mention listening to luz’s playlists (which, it’s luz she has a playlist for most occasions) he gets strangely sucked into weezer on accident, but other than that most of his favorite songs have a bit of a sad tinge to them, it’s his birthright. (give both him and luz some mitski and they’d have a hayday)  - he is awful at dancing but he’s still learning and he just genuinely likes it so who can blame him. 
- besides wolves being a fixation of his, he works pretty hard to learn about the animals of the human realm, (library runs are his favorite occasion) he has read countless books trying to further his education on not only his own animal companion, but a lot of the rest of the groups as well. (he gets so excited to hand out little tips about different species) let him infodump about wolves though and you’ll be listening all day. 
- him and camilla definitely grew much closer during the group’s stay, he’d never really even a semblance of a mother figure before so this surprised him a bit. he insisted on helping with dinner (so did gus though), and she definitely taught him to knit if not how to sow all together. 
- man camilla in general can always tell when these kids are upset regardless of any masking of it, so sometimes when hunter was afraid to talk to the group about his worries,  he’d try talking to camilla. even if he couldn’t explain all of it,  all of the time, sometimes the guy just needed a mom hug, and you know she gives the best. 
- there were so many living room sleepovers with the group, and even with his original hesitation towards it, he absolutely adores these. movie marathon with human snacks and passing out on the couch with his best friends around him? consider him in. 
- i’m so absolutely a trans hunter truther, transmasc or transfem to be honest, so much of his identity has yet to be found, especially by himself. he’s always ever been the golden guard, who didn’t necessarily have time to worry about anything but his own obedience and lord belos’ command. he’s not sure who he is, only who he was supposed to be, and he’s sure he isn’t anything like that. 
- lacks much form of structure, zero sleep schedule, and tends to stay up until he drops (this changes a lot when in the human realm though because the group will lovingly bully him into resting) that being said he can’t sleep well without flapjack, and tends to fall asleep with the cardinal dozing on his chest.  - when he isn’t stressed or anxious (which.. isn’t usual but happened a lot in the human world) he is literally just a goofball. he’s still learning how to let his guard (heh) down, but simply watching him content or happy? excited? the absolute best. so many of these emotions might as well of been unattainable while working under belos, and this freedom never manages to not surprise him.  - hunter has never had a birthday party, and while generally the customs of ‘birthdays’ are different on the boiling isles, luz does not hesitate to throw one for him. it’s small, mostly just the group and a cake, (willow, gus and vee help decorate and the house is practically lit up with streamers, balloons, gifts, all the things ‘necessary for a birthday’) hunter wound up crying mid blowing out the candles, and thanked them all repeatedly. he’d never really gotten a formal gift before.
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cutesharkstudios · 4 months
Mother's Here Ch.1
It was a normal day in the Noceda household. Well, as normal as it can get. Luz was enjoying her Saturday, since she had no homework left to do and she helped Camilla with her responsablities. She was looking at the big old A on her report card.
Luz: Dios Mio, never thought I'd see the day.
Her grades skyrocketed after she and Amity got together. She tried in middle school, but just had trouble understanding some of the things. With Amity's assistance, she learned way more than she used to, thanks to her awesome girlfriend skills.
There was a knock on her door, Luz opened it to see her mom, but she looked sad.
Luz: Mama, is everything ok?
Camilla: Luz, am I a good mom?
Luz: You are a wonderful mom, why would that be in question?
Camilla: I remembered something today. Remember what I told you in middle school about applying yourself more?
Luz: Honestly, I had so much on my mind lately, I forget that moment.
Camilla: Well I remember, and I wish I never said that. I had no idea back then just how hard you were trying. I saw some of your recorded diary messages on accident, and saw you wanted to blow me away with that presentation. Luz, I am so sorry for how I made you feel. I just wanted what was best for you, but I didn't communicate it well.
Luz: I never doubted your intentions. I know you want me to be happy. And I am now. Besides, compared to emperor you-know-who, I wouldn't put your honest mistake near the top of my list.
Camilla: Luz…..
Camilla then embraces her daughter, her eyes pouring from the sheer emotions of joy and sorrow she was having.
Camilla: I NEVER MEANT FOR YOU TO BE SAD! I just didn't want you to go through what I went through at your age. I've always been proud of you, and I felt so much regret when I thought you were at that camp.
Luz: Vee told me some bad things happened at that camp.
Camilla: What she may not have told you was what happened after she left. Appenently the director was a raging homophobe, who burned down a cabin with two girlfriends still in it. Thank God they got out, and that, that, THAT [BLEEP!] IS ROTTING IN JAIL AS WE SPEAK!
Luz slightly backed away, since she had never seen her mom like this. Her mom was always kind and gentle, even when Luz made an honest mistake, Camilla was barely even stern.
Camilla: I'm sorry, I just, want you to know that I will never make that mistake again.
Luz: Hey, I'm just glad you're here with me. Funnily enough, being with you made fighting Belos a lot less scary.
The mother and daughter embraced once more, as they were just happy to be with eachother again, this time, for good.
Vee: Are you two ok--Yeep!
Vee is pulled into the hug, just glad she can be there for her new family.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 10 months
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Aww, what a cute au concept! 💖 ✨
U got it! 👍
Enjoy! <3
Caring Caregivers
As they were sound asleep in their bed, Camila and Philip were abruptly awakened by three small voices crying out for them.
Rushing out of their room, the two guardians burst into another one.
When Camila turns on the light, she and Philip see Little Luz, Little Vee, and Little Hunter all crying in their beds (Luz and Vee share a bed), with Hunter hiding under his covers.
Philip takes a seat beside the blonde, while Camilla rushes over to the girls.
“My babies,” she softly began, sitting on their bedside. She beckons them both for hugs. Their cries were quieted once they cuddled with their mother. “What happened?”
“Me and Vee had a nightmare, Mom,” Luz whimpers.
“Yeah,” Vee agrees with a hiccup. “There was a big scary sludge monster. He had scary glowy eyes and-and scary skeleton teeth. He took you to his dark scary cave away from us, and we never saw you again.”
“Oh, girls,” A sympathetic coo came from Camila. “It was just a dream. No big scary sludge monster is going to take me away from you.”
“They’re not?” Luz softly inquired with a sniffle.
Camila shakes her head and flashes a determined smile as she holds her fists out in front of her. “Nope. And if he ever did, I would pa-pow!” She proceeds to make a few punching motions. “Right in his ugly face!”
The girls giggle at this, feeling a lot better by the fact that their mama would be okay.
She was so brave and strong.
“Hunter, what’s wrong?” Philip tried his best to comfort the small boy, putting a parental arm around him. “Everything’s all right now.”
Hunter’s sobs come to a slow stop as he pulls his covers down, a timid look in his eyes. “I-I had a really bad dream,” he admits, pulling his red cardinal plushie close.
“A goopy antler monster. He chased me into the woods. Flapjack tried to protect me, but he… he…” He sniffles. “He died. The monster killed him.”
Philip was a bit puzzled by this story. “Your… bird doll?” he questions, referring to his plush.
“He was a real bird in my dreams,” Hunter somberly explains with a sigh, looking down. “I should have fought that monster, but I was too scared. I’m such a baby. I wish I were brave…”
“Now, Hunter,” Philip said in a soft, soothing voice. “Being scared doesn’t make you a baby. I was scared when I heard you, Luz, and Vee screaming. But did I hide under the covers?”
“No,” Hunter replies with another sniffle. “You ran in to check up on us very brave-like.”
“You see, bravery doesn’t mean you’re not scared. Bravery is doing what you’re afraid to do,” Philip explains, softly patting Hunter’s head. “If you can just face your fears, then I know you can find the courage to beat them.”
The brunette’s speech ends with a sincere smile and a hair ruffle as Hunter smiles back at him.
He hopes to someday be brave like Philip.
The lights in the room were now off as Philip stood at the bedroom doorway.
“Goodnight,” He whispers as Little Luz and Little Vee were sound asleep. As he begins to close the door, Philip catches the sound of a soft whimper. He looks to see Hunter, who has the largest set of sad puppy dog eyes imaginable.
Philip decides to creak the door open for him so he’s not in complete darkness as the two share a smile.
Hunter instantly falls asleep.
Turning to leave, Philip’s lips are met with a surprise peck.
“Hey,” Camila starts with a sweet smile, “I heard what you said to Hunter in there about being brave. I know he’s technically not yours, but you do a good job at taking care of him.”
“As do you,” Philip compliments her back, a bit of blush appearing on his cheeks.
After a light giggle, Camila takes Philip’s hand, happily leading him back to their room.
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takerfoxx · 1 year
The Owl House, Season 3, Episode 2, "For the Future," First Impressions!
I knew this was gonna be big.
I knew this was gonna be emotional.
I did not know it was going to hit me like it did, or for the reason that it did.
I wasn't expecting this episode to speak to me personally the way it did, I really wasn't. I was gearing up to see what the Collector had done to the Boiling Isles; to be reunited with Eda, King, Lilith, Hooty, and the rest; to finally see Luz's palisman, to see what Belos was going to do, and all that other stuff that we've been speculating for months about.
Instead, this episode hit me in a way that I haven't experienced very often. It spoke to my own experiences.
I'll cover the lesser (but still very important) moment first, and surprisingly it came from Willow.
Now, I haven't talked much about Willow. She's fine! She's an important part of the cast! But let's face it: for character discussion, she just kept getting overshadowed by the absolute angst factories that are literally every single other main character. Even Gus had more going on in that department!
But like everyone else, it seems that I've been taking her for granted. It really does suck to be the reliable one, to be the one expected to carry the team, to be the one to set your own problems aside for the sake of other people. I've been there, many times. And honestly, like Willow, I'm kind of nearing a break down of my own. You really do start to feel like you don't matter, that your own hurt is unimportant, but if you don't take it on the chin and keep truckin', everything will fall apart and it'll be all your fault.
So yeah, I'm glad that they gave her that moment. Maybe it got tied up a little too neatly and could have stood to have been foreshadowed a little more in previous episodes, but then again, maybe that was the point.
The other moment should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me and has read my other comments on this show, and it serves as a MASSIVE emotional payoff to my one big gripe about The Owl House, one that I've had since the very first episode.
So, we all remember that camp Luz was being sent to, right? Remember all the fuss people kicked up over it, saying that it was basically conversion therapy and that Camilla was abusive for sending her there. It was a real point of contention for a while.
And I'll admit, I was one of those people. I'm neurodivergent myself. I'm autistic and have ADHD, and my parents tried a number of bullshit methods to make me "normal." It was all with the best of intentions, and none of them were as bad as sending me to conversion therapy, but it does mean it is something I'm pretty sensitive about. So when I saw that flyer, I just got the most uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like, how could you do that to your child? And since that was literally the last thing we saw Camilla doing until Yesterday's Lie (aside from a couple quick Vee segments), that feeling stayed for a long time.
Obviously everything we learned changed my perception. Like I've said before, I think the writers realized their whoopsie and made sure to address that, and they did so in the best way possible: weave it into the storyline and use it for character development. Vee's friends showed that maybe the camp wasn't as bad as we feared, Luz really did have behavioral problems that needed addressing, and Camilla was a harried single mother still grieving her husband just trying to do what was best.
But we also learned more about Luz. She wasn't acting out just because she's a wacky kid with ADHD. Maybe that contributed, but she was acting out because she was also grieving. Her father was her bedrock, the guy that truly understood her and kept her grounded, and with him gone, she was desperate for some kind of validation. Her antics were a cry for help, which is why the Boiling Isles was so good for her.
Seeing those two finally sit down and talk about what happened really hit me where I live. They're both neurodivergent weirdoes that have tried to hide what they are to fit in and were deeply hurt by losing the one person that understood them, and in the process unintentionally hurt each other. I loved this. It reminded me of Entrapta's "Imperfections can be Beautiful" speech from She-Ra.
And as it so happens, that bit of honesty is what was needed to finally awaken Luz's palisman. Everyone? Meet Stringbean!
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I love the cheeky little references to everyone's speculations of what Luz's palisman might be. And as it turns out, everyone was kind of right! In keeping with the theme of Luz's palisman choosing what it wants to be, it's a snakeshifter! Oh, that is clever.
But also, snake people were also right. Personally I was thinking spider, but even so. We have our new baby!
Oh God, Luz has a staff. Everyone, fear her.
Speaking of palismans, Hunter is still grieving the loss of Flapjack and NOT doing okay, but I'm glad he got that catharsis of realizing that Flapjack is still literally a part of him. It's small solace, but it is something. And as a lot of people predicted, he now has the magic that he formerly could only use through technology. The poor boy, though. I'm glad he and Willow are starting to inch toward one another. They do seem right for each other.
Okay, time to talk about plot stuff!
The Hexside stuff was a ball. I did sort of call Boscha's minions being Kikimora, though it didn't click that her big robot was involved until a few moments before the reveal. And give it up for the best tribute to the best principal!
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I miss you, Principal Bump.
Also, credit for Mattholomule for stepping up! Gotta say, he's looking a lot like his big brother now, so much so that for a second I really thought that he was Steve!
I do hope Boscha gets some comeuppance. Not a whole lot, just some humble pie. Willow really owes her a smack. Still, I did crack a smile when Boscha desperately begged for Amity back. Amity was Queen Bee, and Boscha was her sycophantic minion, and can't do it without her, lol!
Now, the Collector!
I do feel sorry for this kid, despite the damage he's doing. I mean, the Collector is just a kid, one that was alone for a really, really long time, was betrayed several times, and doesn't fully understand what he's were doing. Doesn't excuse the pain he's caused (okay, the Terra thing was pretty funny, and we all love to see Odalia get humilated), but it is understandable, at least.
We also get some lore! Collectors literally collect living beings, which explains what that long one was doing to the owl beast, and why the Titan Trappers called our Collector the Great Hunter. But they are also predisposed to wipe out mortals that interfere with their affairs, which our Collector doesn't care for.
Huh, I wonder who sealed the Collector. Was it their natural enemies the Titans, or his own kind for not going along with their genocidal tendencies?
Speaking of villains, damn it Belos, why you gotta be so creepy? Does that mean all of his bodies are former Golden Guards and he possesses each one once they've been used up? No, wait, he still has the broken nose Lilith gave him. Regardless, possessing Raine will not end well for him. But you can't say he doesn't know how to manipulate the Collector, the poor kid.
Man, I know he was probably hallucinating those ghosts, but it would be really cool if they were real and drag him down to Hell or whatever.
Glad Eda and Lilith are doing okay, and that Hooty managed to at least regain some sanity. Seriously, the hell is he even? Also, I actually like that Lilith is going back to her old hair color.
What else, what else, what else?
Okay, where is Steve and the rest of the CATTs? I want my boy! And Katya! I will continue to uphold my fanfiction queen until the day I die!
Also, damn it, Edric! Stop hurting yourself!
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luminouslumity · 2 years
Liveblog for Thanks To Them!
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So I've seen the first six minutes already, very emotional and bittersweet! But also, the montage still makes me mad, because you can see the sort of stories Dana and the rest of the Owl Crew had planned! Curse you, Disney! But at least there's still fanfiction.
So, onto the actual liveblog!
Aww, they're learning Spanish! And of course there's Duolingo in this world?
Oh, Hooty!
Camilla is a mother of six, confirmed!
A map? Interesting!
Portal door! Portal door! Portal door!
Communicate, people!
Hero? Huh!
Uh... Luz, you may want to calm down a bit.
The rules are clearly because of Luz and I know I should probably feel bad, but considering she could've put her classmates in danger with some of her antics, yeah... Don't get me wrong, I still love her, though!
Oh, fork. Stay away, Philip!
Oof, poor Hunter!
First, that shirt better become merch! But also, never have I related to Hunter more than I do now! Wolves are the best!
Again, poor Hunter! And Gus, too.
Gus is awesome!
Woah, flashback!?
Poor Luz!
Hunter's doing his best! And Willow is so cute!
Aww! That's the spirit, Hunter!
Poor Amity, though her little bow was cute.
I really love that this show committed to the giraffe thing.
Oh, don't tell me...
Oh, it's the goth friend! Aw, and Vee's blushing! So cute!
Oooh, titan's blood!
Aww, memories! They're so cute!
Great job, Vee!
Yeah, we're wondering that, too, Luz.
No! Don't get angry at Flap!
I just noticed the little bi symbol on Luz's beanie.
Luz is such a good sister!
Okay, exploring more of the house! Cool!
That little angel hissed at you, Luz! That said, I'm sure she'd be great friends with Lilo!
Aww, family!
Camila, it's okay. We're all nerds on the inside.
YES! I had a feeling Luz and Amity would dress up as them!
I both love and hate the trope where this or that piece of media mirrors what the character is feeling.
Once again, poor Luz!
Aww, the kids look so cute!
That laugh! That awful laugh!
Ah, witch mock trials.
Aww, so cute!
Shut up, Jacob!
I mean, they're not wrong.
Yes, backstory!
Evelyn? Interesting!
Or that! Yes, let's go with the third one!
Luz, what are you planning!?
Ah, so she's been doing these video diaries often!
Oh, Luz, no!
Oh, no.
MAGIC! Great thinking, Luz! But also, be careful!
I also just noticed the rainbow patch on Camila. So cute!
Yes, go, kids!
And more stunning animation! Yes!
Oh, so the yellow streak does appear for Luz.
Portal door!
The good of their souls, he says! 🙄
Wait, Flap. What are you doing? Don't tell me—
Time to go home.
Overall, fantastic special! And considering they had to cram so much into an hour, I'd say they did a great job! Here's looking forward to the rest!
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an appropriately unhinged review of thanks to them.
anyway, in slightly less unhinged news, my sanity has been permanently damaged. I shall proceed to never talk about anything other than this ever again. But just. 
First of all, we Stan supportive Camilla in this household, DNI if you think she’s a bad mother. I’m dead serious about this.
Love Vee’s design, as always, yes I ship her and Masha, no I cannot be persuaded otherwise,
okay but the duolingo clone was so fucking funny-
Lumity is best healthy relationship, at least I can depend on that,
Hunter is just. He loves wolves. He mentioned Darius. He’s a Trekkie. He was possessed. He got a buncha fun new scars. He lost his first friend. 🎶fuck Belos, he is a lying piece of shit and we hate abusers in this household! End of fucking story!🎶
Okay but the whole Caleb saga is canon, good news guys, we weren’t screaming about stuff that never happened this whole time-
Is Hunter magic now? I’d… really not like that if that’s what happened, cause if you look at this as a metaphor for disability it’s kinda icky. I’d like it if he kept the teleportation thing but that’s it.
Also, why are his eyes brown? Is that gonna be explained?
No hunt|0w this time. 😌 us Aroace hunter truthers live another day.
Sadly, Camilla did not get to beat the shit out of someone with a bat, but there is hope yet!
Really though. It didn’t really hit me until I phrased it as “Hunter lost his first friend”. He lost his closest confidant, one of the first people he trusted, he’s gone, he’s not coming back, and it’s all cause his abuser just couldn’t fucking let him be happy-
And so, we circle back to a central theme of this post: ✨fuck Belos✨ GIRRAFES
❤️Gus my beloved ❤️
Okay but how is everyone in the demon realm, Dana? How is everyone in the demon realm, huh, Dana? (Jk we do not support harassing creators on this blog)
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ravenouseyes · 1 year
Alright I've just finished the new the owl house episode and let me tell you a couple things(aka what I've got from it):
I've tried to keep it vague enough to not be considered spoiler but try not to read
1 Luz is the best mc ever for me that's my baby that's everything I wanted to see as a little girl growing up and I'm glad kid get to have her now! She's so relatable and the talk she and her mother had? Reminded me of a recent conversation with my mom so it hit particularly close to me.
2 the collector is baby and I can't wait for the backstory I need him to get adopted too.
3 I'm a trans Hunter truther now, it was a neutral hc to me before yes but not anymore. That kid is trans idk in what way.
4 Willow is the best, like favourite character of the episode and I hope more people realize that, she deserves everything. My brave girl with older sister syndrome pls let her be vulnerable again.
5 RAINE OMG PLS THE WAY THEY LOOKED AT EDA? I need someone to look, gaze, being totally mesmerized at me the way Raine was in that scene.
6 also they're living a non-binary worst nightmare which is being locked up in your own mind with your old bigot boss who tries to control your life.
7 Lumity forehead kisses Lumity forehead kisses Lumity forehead kisses Lumity forehead kisses Lumity forehead kisses
8 LUZ'S PALISMAN!!!! I was so tense and scared they were keeping the reveal for the final but no my girl got her moment looking like a mix of a dark/ghost type Pokémon trainer and a witch and a radioactive bomb (IN A GOOD WAY) and got the cutest palisman ever!!!! IT LOOKS LIKE A MIX OF HER SIBLINGS!!! SLING BEAN IS A MIX OF KING AND VEE!!
9 I wanted to see Darius more tbh, and Raine, and Eda, and Lilith, and Alador please
11(last one) I'm so so so glad everyone who said Camilla Noceda was gonna swing that bad at monster and look totally badass while doing that was right we've been blessed.
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chatmeow9 · 1 year
Liveblogging The Owl House finale!
(I'll put a break here, this gets pretty long)
Immediately picking up from the previous episode, everyone gets abducted by ribbons (puppet strings? The Collector does has an affinity for puppets)
King's Dad?!?!
Luz is wearing Belos' Season 2 attire. The palace is similar but instead of a gold/black colour scheme, it's white/silver.
What's up with the giant heart in the throne room? Was that ever explained? Is it the Titan's heart, despite the rest of him being skeletal??
Back-to-back nightmare sequences (presumably) Can the Collector manipulate dreams?
Bill's completely blacked-out eyes are kinda freaking me out.
Witch's Battle! We've come full circle baby!
So they did get collected, and it is a nightmare. Also, weirdly, Hunter didn't have any strings around him like the other three until they all got yoinked away again.
"Get over here you witch." They knew exactly what they were doing with that line
Belos didn't know King is a Titan. I guess there was no way/reason for him to know.
Yep that smile definitely doesn't look completely unhinged.
OOOO psychic battle between Raine and Belos
The puppets! They're alive!!
Pac-man, marbles, and Jenga. how would the Collector know about these very human games? They don't have the excuse of being an extra-dimensional entity, they've been trapped in a disc for thousands of years
Aw, they are trying! In their own sort of twisted way of course.
The Collector's backstory is actually kinda sad. They really are just a child. I feel like if the series hadn't gotten chopped The Archivists could've been a bigger bad than Belos
... what vessel? That's concerning
It IS the Titan's/island's heart! Despite Raine's best efforts Belos barely got through, AGAIN.
Light Glyph. Light Glyph. Light Glyph. Light Glyph. The most pivotal Glyph Luz learned
Collector continues to be unhinged in the most terrifying and hilarious way.
Belos has officially gone full Kaijuu. The spread is different than his usual green goop with eyes it's more... radioactive mutated vegetation?
if the very evil ""man"" could be defeated with the power of fwendship I think that would've happened by now.
Oof. That question about Collector not knowing/understanding mortality comes back huh.
Some of the lights in boxes we've seen in the in-between were people's souls, then?
King's Dad! Also the figure we saw at the beginning of the last episode! A bathrobe, Bad Girl Coven tee (lmao), and pj pants with the glyphs on them
Luz now literally has the blessing of the Titan.
Like mother, like daughter lol
Is Belos pulling a Toffee and draining/corrupting all magic in the realm?
Twinkly magical girl Luz!
I guess not, since glyphs still work
The Collector doing ONE good thing after tormenting the denizens of the Boiling Isles for months
Raine's still alive. I partly would've figured they've gotten grown/gooped over
She couldn't think of anything to say upon her return but monologs as she's ripping Belos out of the heart
She's not buying your shit Phillip
I was kinda hoping Hunter would've got the final blow, catharsis and all that
Bread puns run in King's family
I just noticed that Titan!Luz had a fang on the opposite side as Eda
The Archives kinda look like a crown on top of the Titan's skull
Aww everyone gets their families back, but... Hunter doesn't have a family unless he's adopted by Darius or Eda or someone (It's Darius)
Of COURSE those three would want the throne
Time skip Luz is going to the BI for college (how would that work if she has no magic and glyphs don't work anymore?)
"Luz, you saw them last week" lmao
Vee's still living with Camilla even though it technically is safe for her to return?
Ah, the kid's hideout has been made into a permanent portal
Awww they made a grave marker for Flapjack!
Marthamule has an actual mustache now
Lilith has control of her curse and can do a harpy thing like Eda
Amity's got a pirate look going on now
They removed the Coven sigils! Darius is both super excited and also trying to play it cool
Oh, that's what Raine's palasman is, I don't think we've seen it before.
University of Wild Magic and Eda's headmistress
It's wholesome in it's own Boiling Isles way
King can do glyphs!
Last minute forth wall break?
(I accidentally placed a poll here so I'm just rolling with it)
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teehee-vibes · 2 years
Alright, list of headcanons/ideas/hopes for The Owl House cast after Belos is defeated and locked away or dead due to his own ambitions (give me your additions and thoughts, I will if I come up with more):
The Portal Door is recreated, but kept a secret from all human realm dwellers (sans Camilla and Vee). Luz travels back and forth between realms regularly, and sometimes, people tag along with her. She introduces demon realm culture to her family, and human world culture to her second family.
By extension, Gus indulges in human culture with ecstasy! He plans to one day foster a mindset where the demon realm can be well received by humans. However, he acknowledges that not all humans are open to the idea quite yet. In the meantime, he visits zoos for giraffe feedings and travels to major cities to visit prestigious museums. He shows off a lot of his findings, replicating them with illusions, and he inspires fascination with the other world across the entire Boiling Isles.
Luz fulfills her secondary dream of becoming a an author. She writes a narrative about her childhood AND her time in the Boiling Isles. In the human realm, it’s a best-selling fictional narrative about coming of age, found family, and trust. In the demon realm, it’s still a best-seller, but it’s treated as it really is: an autobiography and primary source from the rebellion against the tyrant, Emperor Belos.
Luz actually publishes additions to the original work, including additional history and other primary sources (like a replica of Darius’ draining spell diagram, sheet music for “Raine’s Rhapsody,” Luz’s various artworks regarding the major plot). The sources were put together with cool aunt Lilith’s assistance. In the human realm, she is, unfortunately, credited as anonymous for the sake of witch kind.
Eda and Raine get married. This one’s just a given. Luz helps plan it, and it’s very human and witchy at the same time. It makes Eda happy to see Luz happy, so she and Raine go along with a lot of the plans. Lilith is maid of honor, while Luz and Amity are both bridesmaids. Darius is the best man, and he gives a surprisingly tender speech about his friendship with Raine while also roasting the hell out of them. He doesn’t cry (he does cry). Hunter is a spouse’s man. So are the BATTs. Willow handles the flora. King and Eberwolf are flower girls. Hooty is the ring bearer, to everyone’s chagrin.
Eda remains an excellent mother and wild witch. She continues her life pretty normally, flaunting her prowess and scamming people (teaming up with Edric more often). She is treated with more respect, and she’s seen as a champion for those with life-altering curses. She helps those affected with one live with it, telling how she learned to accept her own.
King begins seeking out the history and real strength of Titans, learning to fully embrace his lineage. He also strives to help others treat “idols” with respect and empathy.
Raine goes back to being the teacher they wanted to be originally! They apply to be a bard teacher at Hexside, so they can give good education to Hexside students. All of the Bard-track students brag about how good Professor Whispers-Clawthorne is. They teach their students the whistle trick, and they all swear to not share the trick with others. They never do. They keep an orange flower in a pot on their windowsill at all times. Before moving in with Eda, they fly/walk with Hunter to school everyday.
Speaking of Hunter, he enrolls at Hexside. The environment there made him feel unsafe, but in the safer way! The people there are good to him, too. The teachers love having him in class because of his utter passion for learning. Like Luz, the curious overachiever, he tries to study all the tracks at once. Principal Bump, still in charge, takes quite a liking to him. In addition to participating in Flyer Derby with the Emerald Entrails, he joins the Clawthornes and Bat Queen and volunteers to help with Palisman adoptions, helping those like his beloved Flapjack find good matches for themselves after tragedy.
Darius’s excellent skincare routine can only do so much. Eventually, being middle aged catches up to him. Barely. He develops smile lines on his cheeks. At first, he frets a bit. But he gets used to them eventually. After all, it’s just a sign that he’s been laughing more. He does play a major role in Hunter’s life, primary caretaker or not.
Willow proceeds as Captain of the Emerald Entrails. After she graduates from Hexside, while most of the others move on for other things (Hunter still holds a passion for the game and keeps at it with her for longer), she continues with the sport! Not only does she go on to the big leagues as an adult, as the witch she wants to be, but she’s basically an inspiration to other young witches. She campaigns proudly for the sport, hoping that it will one day be just as embraced as Grudgby and that others can use it as a mental outlet.
Lilith strives to right Belos’s and Flora’s wrongs. She publishes book after book debunking Belos’s praise and the incorrect history he wrote. She makes exhibits in museums about the culture that was lost on the Isles, hoping that truthful education will encourage others to embrace the good parts. She also eventually accepts Steve’s therapy recommendation and learns not to undervalue herself to so-called superiors.
This is all I can think of right now! I’ll probably add more eventually, and I want to hear other ideas too.
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l-egionaire · 3 years
This is something made from a chat between me and @ordinaryschmuck.
Just imagine Vee attending Luz's human school and on her first day, she notices how everyone either avoids her on sight or mocks her. Whenever she tries to talk to people they scoff just call her a freak. Then she runs into one of Luz's old bullied who makes fun of her and even tries to take the hexes-hold um cards she had on hand. Vee is so scared and panicked that she punches the bully hard, but she's the one who gets in trouble because the teachers don't believe her due to Luz's bad reputation and the bully pretending to be innocent
Bully: Come on Noceda, We've been doing this since 4th grade. You should know how this works by now.
Of course, unlike Luz, Vee tells Camila and when she hears about all of this, she knows she has to have a talk with Luz.
Assume that this take place in an AU where Luz is domehow able to contact the Human World using titans blood and a pair of mirrors)
So, the next time Luz contacts home, her friends standing off to the side as she speaks with her mom Camila reveals what Vee had told her about what the kids at school did.
Luz has no choice but to admit that those kids had indeed been bullying her for years and they even made sure that the other kids all ignored her or thought she was a weirdo by spreading terrible rumors about her.
And Camila ends up asking the obvious question: Why had Luz never told her about this?
Luz admits that she saw how long and hard Camila worked and didn't want to burden her with her problems after she already made her deal with so many issues due to her getting into trouble. She also, tearfully, admits there was another reason.
Luz: Whenever I tried to tell a teacher or someone else they....they never believed me. They always took the bullies side. I was just scared that... maybe you wouldn't believe me either. That you would take their side too.
Camila: Mija, I would always take your side
Luz: Then why did you send me to summer camp?
Camila falters.
Camila: Because...Because you kept doing such reckless things! The snakes, and, and the fireworks-!
Luz: I DID THOSE THINGS BECAUSE I WANTED SOMEONE TO NOTICE ME! I just..wanted one person to look at me and not just ignore me or call me a freak. 😪
Luz finally breaks down and admits she doesnt want to go back to Earth to have to face that.
Luz: "Here I have friends and an awesome girlfriend and...and people who care about me besides just you! Mom, I'm sorry. I love you, but I don't want to go back to being that weirdo freak who no one wants to be around! I...I can't go back to being alone."
Camila: But you're not alone. You have me!
Luz: And that's not always enough!
Camila looked at her in shock.
Luz: You're gone so much at work. And, even then, you're the only one who actually cares about me! If I vanished or something happened to me, no one else would care!
Luz begins crying heavily, her whole body shaking with her sobs.
Luz: I just wanted to be able to get someone else to care about me and, and LOVE me. Like you did. But...but I never could. And after a while I started thinking maybe...maybe I just wasn't someone other people could love.
A tear drops from Camila's eye. She wanted nothing more to hold her daughter and help her but she was stuck, both on the other side of the mirror and an entire world away. Hearing Luz say things like that-that no one else cared about her, that she might not be someone that could be loved- shattered her heart into pieces.
But then, Amity comes over and hugs Luz from behind.
Amity: I love you.
Then Willow comes over and hugs her.
Willow: I love you too.
Then Gus.
Gus: Me too.
Next Eda comes and holds her.
Eda: Don't even think for a second I don't too kid.
King hops onto Luz's head with tears in his eyes.
And seeing Luz crying into her friends arms, as she was finally getting the love and appreciation she'd craved all these years, it finally hit Camilla. How her daughter had felt so alone and unlovable for so long. How she'd failed to notice how much Luz was hurting. How the bright light of her life who's smile always made her feel better was now so sad and crushed, and in pain and it was because she was so ignorant, Camila just...cracks. she falls to the ground and starts brokenly crying, beating herself up inside for not seeing this before it had become such a problem.
Vee put an arm around Camila to comfort her and once Luz sees her mother crying, she immediately feels guilty because she thinks telling her about all of this made her feel bad.
Luz: Mom, I'm sorry! I-i shouldn't have said all that! I shouldn't have told you-!
Camila: NO! Don't you dare say that! I needed to know that! Don't ever apologize or feel upset about how feeli g how you do!
Luz: But...but I made you cry.
Camila: And I made you feel alone. Unloved.
Luz: No. You didn't. Everyone else made me feel like that.. You were the only person that made me feel like I actually mattered.
Luz wipes away her tears and gets a genuine smile on her face.
Luz: Coming home to be with you after being ignored and bullied at school were the best parts of my days. Hanging out with you, and watching movies with you, or going out into the woods with you to play...those were the times when I never felt alone. Mom, you were never why I left. You're the only reason I even think about going back home.
Overwhelmed by their emotions, Luz and Camila stamp themselves against their sides of the mirror and cry into them. The others just watch in silence as they whisper "I love you" and "I'm sorry" and the like to each other. Letting out all their love for each other and soothing the stings of the past caused by lies.
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silverblood5 · 3 years
LunterWeek 2021: Day 2 Human Realm
Characters: Hunter, Camilla, Luz, Vee
Pairings: Luz x Hunter Some Hunter and Camilla bonding
Wordcount: 4544
Turned out a little more angsty than I was expecting but I wrote this thing twice and it kept coming back so it stays.
Hunter stared at the human building. It was a light blue colour, had two floors and a front veranda. Human houses seemed to be composed of more straight lines and square angles than the ones in the Demon Realm and Hunter had spent a long minute taking in the details before his eyes landed on the solid wood door.
A small chirp was heard from inside his hood, and it snapped the witch out of his trance. Hunter realised he’d been standing with his back straight and hands fidgeting behind his back, a habit he’d developed when he was nervous. He loosened himself and reached a hand up to scritch his palisman’s feathers.
“Sorry, buddy. Guess I’m a bit nervous.”
The walk to this house had been slow, both because he’d been thinking of what he would say once he reached his destination, and because he’d been taken in by the sights of a new and strange world. It was late enough that the sun had gone down, but he could still see the strange shades of green on all the trees, and the different shapes the leaves came in. The night air tasted different in a way he couldn’t explain, and the quiet sounds of insects he didn’t recognise had enticed him to stand still with his eyes closed for several minutes.
It was so strange, to finally be here, after hearing stories about it his whole life. Unfortunately, he couldn’t focus on it as much as he would have liked, as he had a mission to attend to here.
Luz had left for the Human Realm through their new stable portal a little over a week ago. She’d told everyone that she might not be back for a little while, as she wanted to spend some time with her mother. All her friends had understood, and there had been a long goodbye with sad smiles and promises to bring back human gifts when she returned.
Hunter though, had cornered her before she left. He could see something… off, about how she held herself since the portal was made. It was like her light had dimmed, and her smile held something a little different to everyone else’s. At first, Hunter hadn’t thought much of it. He wasn’t great at reading people’s expressions, and if no one else seemed worried than why should he? But then he’d seen, how she’d looked at the portal over someone’s shoulder mid hug, he saw her smile dim to something… regretful. After that, he knew something was wrong. Hunter may not be an expert at reading people, but he knew enough about fake smiles to know when he was seeing one.
Luz had continued to act like everything was fine when he asked, but as he persisted, the façade cracked, and she informed him that she might be gone a little longer than she implied. He had hugged her as she began to cry, and she told him through the tears that she was scared her mother may not let her come back. After finding out where she’d been for months, lying about it and then getting trapped there, her mother wasn’t keen on her returning. Luz didn’t explain much in detail, and he got the sense she wasn’t telling him everything, but he understood enough to know there was a very real chance Luz could be gone for a long time.
He’d had to fight down his fear then. Hunter was still getting used to being around so many people, and Luz was the only one besides his palisman that he was truly comfortable with. Losing her so soon after everything that had happened was the last thing he needed. But Luz was the one that needed the comfort, and though he wasn’t good at it, he tried his best to comfort her. His floundering had earned him a laugh from her, and he forgave her for teasing him when she stopped crying.
She told him that she didn’t want anyone else to know, as she didn’t know how long she’d be gone for, and she didn’t want to upset them. Hunter had promised not to tell on the condition that she told him how to find where she lived from the portal. She’d eyed him sceptically, and though he refused to explain why he wanted the information, there was some understanding and gratitude in her eyes as she gave him directions.
And that was how he stood here, in front of the Noceda household with a borrowed hoodie from Eda’s human junk collection and nerves in his stomach. He knew he wanted to see Luz and had contemplated just sneaking in to see her. Her mother would be none the wiser but thinking of Camilla Noceda had given him a thought he hadn’t been able to shake, and now he was wondering if talking to Luz’s mother himself would be the best option.
Luz was a lovely person, always thinking of others and trying to do right by them. It was noble, but it was also a weakness of hers. Luz would always do what she could for other people, regardless of how it would affect her, especially if it was someone she cared for. And if her mother was so scared of her daughter going back to the Demon Realm, then Luz may not even broach the subject for a long time, if only to appease her.
Hunter pet Rascal one more time and took a deep breath. Adjusting the hood to make sure his ears were covered, the witch finally stepped forward and walked up the stairs. After just a moment to take another breath, Hunter rapped his knuckles solidly on the door. The sound felt louder in the quiet night, echoed by the thumping of his heart in his chest.
The door clicking open was much softer in comparison and Hunter was faced with a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Luz.
“Hello. Can I help you?” The woman asked.
Hunter felt himself straightening back into position and tried to force himself not to. He didn’t want to seem imposing to her. “Camilla Noceda?” He asked, though he was sure this was her.
Camilla nodded slowly, a wariness filling her features as she darted between his face covered by shadows and the bird on his shoulder, “Yes?”
“My name is Hunter. I’m a friend of Luz’s.”
The woman blinked in shock, opening her mouth a few times as she tried to formulate the words. He wasn’t sure what he’d said that had shocked her so much, he doubted she’d be able to figure out where he came from, from that alone, but she quickly reoriented herself.
“A friend? And can I ask what you’re doing here so late?”
Hunter winced. He knew it was somewhat late, but now was the only time he could sneak past Eda and Hooty. “I know it’s late, and I’m sorry to bother you. But I was hoping I could see Luz for a bit, and maybe talk to you?”
Camilla blinked, surprised at the request. “Me?” She asked.
Hunter bit his lip and looked around. It was late, and there was no one around, so it probably wouldn’t be a risk to take off his hood. But he didn’t want to risk someone seeing, or worse, Camilla slamming the door in his face. “Can I come in?” He asked, not liking how meek he sounded, but he knew he had no right to ask this woman of anything, and it was pretty late to be letting strangers into your house.
She hesitated a moment but opened the door. Hunter wondered if it was a human thing or a Noceda thing to be so trusting. He understood there weren’t quite as many dangers here as in the Demon Realm, but Luz was too kind for it to be a staple of her species.
He thanked her and stepped inside, playing with the hem of his borrowed hoodie to avoid putting them behind his back. Hunter took in his new surroundings, noticing the same sharper lines inside as he had outside, but it had most of the same things you’d find in a Boiling Isles home, just in a different style. The biggest difference he noticed in the room he was in was the large rectangular object made of something shiny and black on a shelf opposite the couch. He didn’t know what it was, but from the position and its reflective front he assumed it was some kind of viewing screen.
Turning to face Luz’s mother, he suddenly felt unsure if he should remove the hood. He knew it would be rude to continue hiding his face from someone who’d just let him into their home, but he was afraid of how she’d react. Before he could decide what to do, she beat him to it with a question.
“So how do you know my daughter?” Her posture was stiff, and she kept her distance, but she didn’t take her eyes from him, bending her head a little to try and see under the hood.
Hunter bit the inside of his lip as he contemplated his answer. Sighing as he realised he should stop stalling, he lifted both hands to reach his hood. He saw her eyes widen and heard her breath catch the moment his pointed ears were put on view. He gave her a moment to adjust and to think of what to say, but he couldn’t help but tense as her eyes darted between his ears, scar, and eyes, which he knew from Luz were not a normal colour for humans. Having worn a mask nearly his whole life, he wasn’t used to people seeing his face and it made him a little uncomfortable.
Clearing his throat, he answered her question. “I met Luz a little over a month ago. We only became friends recently though. She helped me through a pretty tough situation, even when I was rude to her and didn’t deserve her help.” A small smile lit his face as he thought of how persistent the human could be. He remembered the first time she ever called him a friend with fondness.
“I’m gonna help you whether you like it or not, ‘cause that’s what friends do!”
Shaking the thought of how adorable her anger was in that moment from his head, Hunter carried on. “She’s the greatest person I’ve ever met, and I owe her a lot.” He looked into Camilla’s surprised eyes with a serious expression. “I understand you don’t like my realm, and you’re afraid of Luz going back there. I don’t know what conversations you two have had about it, but I do know that she was in tears at the thought of never coming back, and that she delayed her return here for several hours after we built a stable portal to say goodbye to her friends, because she didn’t know when she’d be able to see them next.”
Camilla’s eyes widened again, and she began to shake. Hunter frowned, realising he was causing her distress, and spoke a bit softer next. “Luz is an amazing person, and she’d do anything for the people she loves. I know her well enough to know that she’ll put your happiness before her own, and the reason I asked to speak with you was to ask you to not force her to make that choice.” He straightened his shoulders as he prepared to say what he came here for. He didn’t want to be stern with the woman or tell her what to do. He knew she loved Luz and wanted her safe, and he wanted to remain on her good side in future. Plus, Luz would kill him if he upset her mother. “I know that you think the Boiling Isles are too dangerous for her, but if you could see what it’s really like there and see the life your daughter built for herself there, maybe you could see it’s not as bad as you think. I don’t want to upset you, or tell you what to do, I just want you to see it for yourself.” He held himself still as he waited for Camilla to respond and prayed that the tears in her eyes wouldn’t actually fall. He wouldn’t know what to do if he made Luz’s mother cry.
It was a long few moments as she pulled herself together. She closed her eyes as she took deep breaths and held herself, it made Hunter fidget more, but a soft touch of feathers on his cheek had him calming a little.
Camilla finally opened her eyes and stared at Hunter till he tensed, readying for a fight. “I had no idea she had friends there.”
The whispered sentence wasn’t what Hunter was expecting. Shouting maybe. Lashing out at him for speaking about family matters he honestly had no right meddling in. It was in this moment Hunter realised he was completely out of his depth.
“What… what do you mean?” Hunter asked, confused. Because why would that be the thing she focuses on?
“I didn’t know… that she’d made friends. Or a life that she wouldn’t want to leave.” She sniffed, and Hunter’s fears of her crying were reignited. “I thought… I… Everything Vee said about the Demon Realm made it sound so horrible, and Luz said she was trapped there, so I thought that meant she didn’t want to be there, but…” She huffed out a sad sounding laugh that made Hunter tense further. Even Rascal’s nuzzling couldn’t calm him down now. “She also said that staying there was the best decision she ever made. And every time she brought it up again, I just kept shooting her down. Changing the subject and she never brought it up for the rest of the day.
“When I made her promise to stay here, I wanted her to know that I wasn’t trying to push her away. That I would do better” Camilla looked him in the eye as the first tear fell, “But I just made things worse again, didn’t I?”
Hunter was panicking. He was breathing too fast, and he couldn’t move. He didn’t mean to make Camilla cry, but he also had no clue what she was talking about. He thought this was just a case of overprotective parent, he had no idea about any promise or that Camilla thought she was pushing her daughter away from her.
‘Hunter, breathe. You can sort through this. It will be okay.’
Hunter felt himself calm at Rascal’s chirped words. He focused on the small weight on his shoulder as he took several deep breaths. His palisman was right. Just sort through this and it will be okay.
Camilla made Luz promise to stay in the Human Realm because she thought Luz had left to get away from her. He didn’t know how true that was since he didn’t know what caused Luz to stay in the Demon Realm in the first place. He knew she became trapped after destroying the portal, and that she hadn’t rested until she found a way to rebuild one. For as long as he’s known her, her goal was to get back home and to her mother, so there’s no way Luz was trying to get away from her.
Which meant that Camilla had it all wrong.
And so did Hunter.
Camilla’s fear wasn’t of the Boiling Isles, it was that her daughter would prefer it to staying here with her. Hunter didn’t know what had occurred between the two to draw that conclusion, but he knew it wasn’t true.
Now he just needed to convince Camilla of that.
A few seconds had passed during his internal deliberation, and during that time Camilla looked more and more ready to burst into tears. So, Hunter decided to pull a Luz, no matter how stupid he thought it was.
Hunter stepped forward to wrap his arms around Camilla. “That’s not true.” He firmly stated, and whether it was his words or the sudden hug, Camilla gasped and stopped crying. He held on just to be sure, and because despite how uncomfortable it felt to hug someone who wasn’t Luz, he found it easier to talk to Camilla without seeing her face.
“The entire time I’ve known her, all Luz had wanted to do was build a portal to come back to you. I don’t know why you think you’re pushing Luz away, because anytime she talked about you, it was clear how much she loved and missed you. She wasn’t sad to leave because she prefers one world or the people in it over the other, it was just because she didn’t want to choose.” He squeezed her tighter before pulling back to hold her shoulders and look her in the eye. “So please stop crying. You have nothing to worry about. I, on the other hand, am probably going to lose a limb if Luz finds out I made you cry.”
His feeble attempt at humour worked as Camilla let out a bubbly laugh. She sniffed and wiped a hand under her glasses. “I wouldn’t worry. Luz is too kind to do anything like that.”
Hunter rolled his eyes. “Yeah, she said something similar the second time we met, but since moments before that she blasted me of an airship, I find it hard to believe.”
Camilla looked at him with such wide eyes it made him reconsider if he should have said that.
“She what!?” She hissed in alarm.
“We… weren’t exactly friends at that point.” Hunter explained, though, again, it probably wasn’t the right thing to say.
“She blasted you of an airship!?” She began looking him over, eyes straying to the scar on cheek and the notch in his ear, and he realised she was looking for injuries.
He held out his hands to placate her, “It’s okay. I had my staff, so I just flew back. There was no actual harm done.”
Hunter wasn’t sure why she was so worried, probably to make sure her daughter hadn’t caused anyone any lasting damage, but his reassurance calmed her, so he resolved not to tell her about the Conformatorium guards.
“Okay.” She sighed, and rubbed a hand over her face, suddenly tired. “Okay. Well. Heavy topics of conversation done; would you like anything to drink?”
Hunter blinked at the sudden change but realised he could do with a break from all this talk too. And he still hadn’t seen Luz yet. “Um, yeah. Some water please.” She nodded, and he followed her to the kitchen.
This room was like the first, with a similar set up to a Boiling Isles home, but there were several more appliances he didn’t recognise.
It was as Camilla was pouring him a glass of water that he worked up the courage to ask, “So um… Is Luz awake?”
Camilla looked at him for a moment before nodding. “Yes, I believe so. Her and Vee were playing a video game when I checked on them last.” She passed him the glass and began pouring herself one.
“Thank you, Hunter.” Her voice was soft, and she was watching the water.
Hunter furrowed his brows, “What for?”
“For coming here. And for what you said. Luz must mean a lot to you if you’re willing to go through all this for her.” She looked at him at the last part, and Hunter got the sense that she was staring into his soul.
He blushed at what she said and smiled at the thought of Luz. “I never had any friends before I met Luz. She gave me a chance when no one else would. Not even me. I wasn’t lying when I said I owe her a lot. Luz changed my life, and I’ll never be able to make up for all that she’s done for me.” Hunter smiled, full of sincerity and adoration for Luz, and found Camilla smiling back. She had a look on her face, one that he didn’t recognise by name, but it seemed familiar in a way.uHHH
“I’m glad to know she has someone who cares about her so much.” Hunter blushed brighter and her unnamed smile widened. “I’ll go get her. Wait here.”
Hunter nodded at her and heaved a great sigh when she left. Rascal cheeped at him and nuzzled his cheek, causing Hunter to chuckle. “Well, that was more difficult than I was expecting. But I think it went well.” Rascal cheeped in agreement.
He petted the little bird and sipped his water until he heard the thumping of running footsteps. Hunter put his glass down and eagerly stood from his leaning position, while Rascal flew down to the counter next to his glass as he knew what was coming.
Luz tumbled through the doorway in her pyjamas, the same set she wore the night of their first real interaction, and there was a wild look in her eyes. It turned into a wide beam as she caught sight of him, looking so happy to see him, Hunter couldn’t not smile back.
“Hunter!” She dashed forward again, and it was only through his previous experience that he was able to catch her when she launched herself at him.
Unlike his previous hug with Camilla, Hunter melted into this one. He squeezed Luz tight enough against himself that he was holding her above the floor, and the laughter in his ear made his own laugh bubble up. Her arms were wrapped tight around his neck, and from her elevated position, she was able to press her face into his hair.
“Holy Titan, I missed you.” She whispered into his hair, reaching a hand up to run through the strands as she was prone to do.
Hunter smiled into her shoulder at the sensation. “Missed you too, Spark.”
Luz giggled at the nickname and pulled back enough to lean her forehead against his own. “What took you so long?”
Hunter closed his eyes as she breathed against his face. “It’s only been a week, Luz.”
“It’s been a really long week.” She whined.
Hunter chuckled, opening his eyes to stare into her bright ones, “Well I’m here now your impatient highness.”
Luz snorted. “Wasn’t expecting you to come in through the front door though. Thought you’d just sneak in through the window like you normally do.”
“I haven’t done that in ages. Not since Eda found out and banned me from going anywhere near your bedroom without someone else present.”
She snorted again. “I still can’t believe she actually did that.”
He grinned at her for a moment, still basking in her presence, but before he could say anything more, a pointed throat clearing caught both their attention.
They looked over to see Camilla, and a basilisk that must be Vee, both grinning at them with that look. It was stronger than ever now, and Hunter realised where he recognised it from. It was the one Eda was always giving him. Not that he knew what it meant when she gave it to him either, but having received it from three people now, something had to be up.
“I understand you two will want to spend some time together, however, I think I’m going to take a page out of this Eda’s book and ban you both from being in any private rooms together.” Camilla looked at them pointedly and they both seemed to realise at the same time that Luz was still pressed against Hunter’s chest, and they’d spent most of that conversation with their faces practically stuck together.
Both teens blushed like mad and immediately let go of one another, however, they remained close enough to brush arms.
Camilla’s face looked like she was trying to remain stern but failing to hide her smile. Vee on the other hand, was just straight up grinning.
Rascal, the absolute angel, decided to break the tension by flying up to Luz. She gasped with joy and held her hands out, bringing Rascal up to her face to nuzzle, “Lil’ Rascal, my precious baby. How are you?”
‘After seeing that adorable reunion? I’m fantastic.’The palisman cheeped teasingly, and Hunter decided to retract his earlier angel comment because he knew the bird said that on purpose, knowing Hunter was the only one who could understand him.
Hunter chose to ignore him, but Luz noticed the little glare he threw the palisman, and she just had to ask.
“What did he say?”
“I am not repeating that.”
Rascal chirped with laughter, falling over in Luz’s hands.
“You can understand birds?” Camilla asked, her previous teasing gone and replaced with a genuine curiosity Hunter wasn’t expecting.
He shook his head. “Just this one. He’s my palisman.”
“What’s a palisman?”
Luz was the one to answer her. “They’re magical animals that are carved out of a special type of wood and come to life. They’re normally bound in a lifelong connection to either the witch that carved them, or the witch they chose. Since Rascal chose Hunter, they’re bound, and Hunter’s the only one who can understand him.”
Blinking at her daughter’s excited explanation, Camilla stepped forward to have a closer look, “That bird’s made of wood?”
“Yeah. He doesn’t feel like it at the moment though. His feathers are really soft.” Luz scratched his belly feathers, where he liked it most, and Hunter could tell even without their connection that the little palisman was enjoying the touch.
Camilla opened her mouth to say something else but seemed to reconsider it. She shook her head and took her step back. Luz stopped petting Rascal when her mother crossed her arms and looked at her sternly.
“We have a lot to talk about Luz.” Everyone tensed as she spoke, even Rascal was holding still, but Camilla sighed, her exhaustion showing. “But we’ll talk in the morning.” Everyone relaxed, but she zeroed her eyes on Hunter. “You can stay the night if you want Hunter, but you will be on the couch. I’ll get a pillow and blanket for you. The two of you can talk but it’s late and I want everyone in bed in an hour. I’ll be back to check on you both, and I want to see you,” She pointed at Luz, “In your bed, and you,” She pointed at Hunter, “On the couch. Understood?”
“Understood.” They repeated in unison.
Camilla sighed and flapped a hand in the direction of the living room. “Go on then.”
Luz smiled and lifted Rascal onto Hunter’s shoulder. She stepped forward to give her mother a quick hug, “Gracias, Mami.” Camilla returned the hug with a smile and kissed her daughter’s head.
“Go on. And no funny business.”
Luz blushed, but with a goodnight to Vee she took Hunter’s hand and dragged him into the living room.
Hunter relaxed as they sat down and began to talk about what had happened in the week they’d been separated. There would be more awkward and tense conversations in the morning, but this was a good start.
Right now, he could just enjoy being with Luz. He’d deal with the way her mother eyed the legs she’d thrown over his tomorrow.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
Hiatus Of Drabbles suggestions:
Trying to familiarize herself with Luz's new life, Camilla takes Boiling Isles 101. Since Eda is teaching the class, it's also con artist 101
Basilisks, being snakelike creatures, shed their skin. Neither Camilla nor Vee were aware of this.
Contrary to what she tells herself, Willow is not OK with Amity dating her best friend.
When Hooty met Tiny Nose
(I'm only doing one of these for the sake of time and sanity. I'm fine with multiple suggestions, but space them out, please.)
More than a Distraction
Camila was in the kitchen, making pancakes for her daughter.
Or, well, the basilisk that pretended to be her daughter.
Who also ended up becoming her pseudo-daughter anyway?
Yeah, Camila's relationship with the magical creature in her real daughter's bedroom became maddingly complicated faster than she was willing to process. She didn't hate Vee. Not by any means. It's just that raising a basilisk became...interesting at times.
Still, Vee is a young girl who still needs all the TLC a mother could provide. And with Luz temporarily trapped in another dimension, Camila could use all the distractions she could get.
'No, not a distraction,' she thought, 'More like...something else.'
"Vee!" Camila called once the pancakes were done, "Breakfast is ready."
She had just scooped a stack for Vee onto a plate when a sudden screech upstairs startled Camila out of her skin.
"Vee?!" Camila screamed as she ran up the stairs, two steps at a time, running to her daughter's bedroom. Bursting in through the door, what Camila saw was...certainly surprising, to say the least.
"...Basilisks shed?" was all Camila could think to ask as she saw Vee, in basilisk form, with a layer of old skin starting to turn opaque over her face.
"Apparently!" Vee responded, trying her best to peel the dead skin further down her body. "Why? Why is this happening now?!"
"I have a theory. Snakes tend to shed their skin, too, usually because they've outgrown it. I'm guessing this means you're going through the basilisk version of puberty."
Vee groaned.
"Oh, yeah," Camila nodded, "Definitely puberty."
"This is the worst!"
"It's natural."
"Well, why did something natural have to happen on a school day?! I can't go looking like this! Kids will make fun of me!"
Camila gave Vee a flat look.
"...And also realize I'm a basilisk," Vee said meekly, "That's also not good."
"Can't you just turn into Luz?"
"I've tried! My stupid skin won't let me!"
To prove her point, Vee morphed her body to match with Luz's, only to then revert to her usual self soon after, thus causing her to whine.
"It'll be ok, cariño," Camila responded on autopilot, "We'll just call you in sick. Whatever it takes to get this shedding done and over with."
Vee whines.
"How long does it usually take snakes to shed?"
"Well, depending on the snake, about a week."
"Are you serious?!"
"Yeah, we might have to tell the school you've come down with the flu."
By the third day, as Vee lay in her bed, her skin had started to become agitating, making her scratch at her face to try to peel it.
"Try to keep pealing," Camila warned as she came in the room to check on Vee's progress, "Snakes usually need to rely on rubbing themselves against rocks and stuff to shed their skin. Thankfully, you have hands to take care of that."
"I've been using my hands all week!" Vee shouted, "And I've barely scratched the surface!"
"...Sorry," Vee mumbled, "I just get so angry lately."
"That would be the hormones talking," Camila nodded, "Luckily, you're dealing with both a mother and a vet. Helping guide a teenage snake-like creature through puberty isn't something I'd expect to do in my life, but I'm surprisingly prepared for it."
"I'll get that," Camila said before stepping out, "And try to be gentle! Your new skin should be sensitive. Clawing off the old one will lead to more damage to yourself."
"I get it! Also, sorry for yelling!"
"Already forgiven you!"
Once Camila opened the front door to her home, she saw Vee's three friends, Diane, Corey, and Daryl.
"Hey, Mrs. Noceda," Corey waved, "Can we hang out with Luz yet?"
"Oh, uh, sorry. Vee--Er, Luz is still sick with the flu."
"We've thought of that," Diane said, "Show her, Daryl."
Daryl then took out a face mask and put it over his face.
"Boom!" he exclaimed.
"Can we come in now?" Diane asked.
"Uh, no," Camila shook her head, "It's sweet of you to want to see her and smart of you to be careful, but I don't want to risk any of you getting sick."
"Well, can you give her this instead, then?" Corey pulled out a card from their pocket and handed it to Camila. "We tried to get the rest of her class to sign it."
Camila opened it up.
"...There are only five signatures on here."
"I said we've tried."
"Hm. I'll give it to her. Thank you."
"Any chance we'll get to see her this weekend?" Diane asked.
"That all depends on...how much flu Luz has to deal with," Camila chose to say. "Thanks again for coming by, but I really should go back and check on her."
With that, Camila closed the door and went back upstairs. Once she returned to Luz's room, Camila saw that Vee had got dead skin off her face.
"Hey, looks like you've made some progress."
"But not enough," Vee pouted, "Who was at the door?"
"You're friends. They wanted me to give you this."
Camila hands Vee the card, to which she then only looks at it instead of reading what's inside.
"What's wrong?" Camila asked.
"...This isn't meant for me. It's meant for Luz."
"Well, technically, it's meant for you. They don't really know the Luz I do yet."
"I guess..."
"But is there something else bothering you?"
"It's stupid."
"Not if it makes you upset."
"...Sometimes...it feels like I shouldn't get this. I'm just this stranger who basically stole someone else's life. I shouldn't have friends who are worried about me. I shouldn't be sleeping in a comfortable bed as I shed my skin. I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have you. A great mom who's doing all she can for someone who isn't even her daughter."
Camila frowned at that.
"Hey now," she put a reassuring hand on Vee's shoulder, "Don't think like that. It's just the mood swings talking. It's normal puberty problems."
"But what if it isn't mood swings?" Vee countered, "Aren't you ever bothered by the fact that I'm basically stealing your daughter's life?"
"Of course not. I will always miss Luz every day that she's gone, but I'm not going to let you deal with stuff like this on your own. You're a young girl who needs help, and I'm not made of stone. I'll do everything I can to be there for you."
"Even though I'm not your daughter?"
Camila could hear the sadness in that question.
"You may not be my daughter, but that doesn't mean I won't treat you as I would treat her," Camila urged. "There's room in my heart for another young girl who needs me."
Vee looked at Camila with wide eyes.
"You mean that?"
"Every word."
Vee smiled warmly, throwing her arms around Camila.
"Thank you..."
"Of course, querida," Camila hugged back.
'She's more than just a distraction,' she decided. 'So much more.'
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