writersrealmbts · 4 years
Con Amore: Part 15
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or ‘lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 05/28/2020
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff/Angst: 2,035 words
A/N: One more part after this, then we’re done. Promise.
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They were an odd group, but they worked together brilliantly. Sometimes, they reminded you of your boys.
Yeonjun cracked some corny jokes now and then that reminded you of Seokjin, but could also be as serious as Hoseok.
Huening-Kai had a tendency to pull the maknae card like Jungkook, and the enthusiasm that Taehyung got when excited.
Soobin would get embarrassed and melt a little like Jimin, or sometimes like Namjoon.
Beomgyu was absolutely as snarky as Jimin.
Taehyun’s attention to fashion which reminded you of Namjoon mostly, but also Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok.
“Do you think they would train us if we asked?” Beomgyu asked quietly, a change from his usual talkative self.
You paused, then kept stringing the dried peels, berries, and popcorn. “Yes. I do think they would. As long as you showed that you were willing to learn.”
“They’re the coolest,” Yeonjun said, awe in his voice. “Whenever we heard about them at the temple, Taehyun, Huening, and I would then go and look for every video and article on it we could find on the library computer. They’re so well trained and they work so well together.”
You smiled a little. “I don’t know that they would be able to help you all train your powers. There are similarities with some of your powers and theirs, but there are also differences.”
“But they’ve worked this long in working together despite differences in their powers,” Taehyun countered. “We have a lot to learn about working together.”
You nodded slowly. “That’s true. They are exceptional when it comes to teamwork. They’re a family, but they also have a heirarchy. They know who is calling the shots. They have a specific purpose that they are devoted to.”
“You?” Beomgyu guessed, grinning and ducking when you threw popcorn at him.
“No, you imp. They want a world that’s better than the one they were born into. They were best suited to fighting those who would tear the world down to make it their own. Trying to make life better for supers like you boys,” You said softly, reaching over to push Huening’s hair from his eyes so he could actually see what he was doing.
Soobin nodded. “And what do you focus on?”
“The little things,” You answered, pulling a clip from one of your non-archive storage spaces and pulling Huening Kai’s hair away from his face. “Small robberies, hostage situations now and then, children, children’s homes. As Nightingale, anyway. But as an archivist…the scope of my job varies greatly from day to day. The overlap is very present though, which makes what I do a little more fulfilling than just…collecting things that will collect dust while staying a safe distance from the world.”
Beomgyu set a snack beside you just as you were thinking you should get one. “But…you’re known for being a fighter. I mean, you practically died to save the town. They built a monument to you.”
You shrugged. “The memories of the populace are short-lived. So distracted by every new thing, attention spans shortened by the speed with which needs are satisfied. It was the first big fight I’d ever participated in. And I…wasn’t exactly alive when they got me to the hospital. I had to leave for a while after that, I stopped by the temple for a little bit to be healed completely, then I went and just did my job as an archivist. Laying low.”
“Because it was your family,” Taehyun said, then his eyes widened. “Sorry, I—”
“Relax, Taehyun, it’s okay. I know you don’t purposely pry into my life.” You rested a hand on your stomach where the baby was pushing their little foot out, quickly reaching over and grabbing Yeonjun’s hand to guide it there since he was the only one who hadn’t been able to feel the baby so far. It usually pulled away just before he got to feel it, and lately it had been a little less active. Still moving, but not trying to push it’s foot into your lungs or kick your ribs.
His eyes were huge. “She’s really sticking it out there.”
“He,” Huening Kai countered playfully, not willing to let his hyung have the satisfaction.
“It’s a girl,” Yeonjun scoffed.
“Boy,” Taehyun immediately argued, tossing a piece of popcorn at the eldest.
You rolled your eyes. “Boys, at this rate, we’ll never have the tree decorated and I’ll have to cancel Christmas.”
Beomgyu and Soobin’s eyes got huge and they quickly shushed the other three who weren’t completely ready to give up—especially Huening Kai.
Until Soobin pointed at him and directly sent a wave of peace into him, then did the same with the other two. “String the popcorn.”
“Yeah, I’m not missing my first Christmas just because you guys were fighting,” Beomgyu added sternly. He set more supplies in front of them, then continued cutting the dried orange peels into stars.
The other boys quickly set back to work.
You laughed softly. “I wouldn’t actually cancel Christmas, you know that, right?”
“Not worth the risk,” Soobin said, waving a hand to dismiss it.
You shook your head, still smiling. They were adorable, and you doted on them more than you expected to. Part of you blamed the hormones, but you also knew it was because they were so young, and because they had all been through a lot in their lives. You’d doted on Soobin before all of this, but now you were seeing him grow with these other boys.
Made you feel old, and you really weren’t that old.
Huening Kai was just a baby, too. A cutie-pie who needed to be protected at all costs.
They all were, really.
Beomgyu looked at you strangely. “Are you okay? I’m sensing something…weird.”
“I’m fine?” You answered, shrugging. You picked at the snack, looking over the garland before tying it off. “Soobin, go put this on the tree.”
He got up and took it, pausing.
“Start from the top, wrap it around in a way the looks pretty, working toward the bottom and keeping in mind that there will be a few more strands.” You scrunched your nose as a sort of tightness   pressed on your stomach.
Huening Kai was trying to remember the words to a Christmas song, debating with Yeonjun playfully until you went to get your songbook to settle the matter since they were just making it worse.
You got up slowly, wincing a little. Your ankles were swollen and your feet hurt. So did your back. You’d been doing easy exercises to strengthen your body as the pregnancy progressed, but it still didn’t do much to help since the doctor you were seeing in the town nearby had told you to take it easy. You weren’t strictly on bed-rest, but she wanted you to act as much like you were as possible, and the boys had been making sure you obeyed.
You found the book, but instead of going out, you stared at the book, looking at the doodle Jimin had drawn on the front.
He had been teasing you, mostly because he knew what you had gotten Tae for Christmas, while he had been hand-drawing cards for the other boys and his marker had slipped onto the book he was using as a hard surface—your Christmas music. So, to make it up to you, he had turned the mark into a cute little snowman.
That was the year that you had gotten Yeontan for Taehyung.
You missed the domesticity of your life with the boys. You wanted them here.
You wanted them freaking out when they felt the baby kick for the first time, or staring at the ultrasound and asking you what was what again and again. Freaking out if you so much as got out of bed when they weren’t sure if you were supposed to or not. Reading the books with you, freaking out when you made them find out exactly what happens during birth. Fighting over who would get to be with you during the birth of the baby. How they would handle the hospital.
But that wasn’t possible.
“Y/n!” Soobin called, sounding alarmed.
Then Beomgyu hurried in. “There’s a group approaching, Hueningkai says they’re armed.”
“Okay, remember the plan. Stick to the plan.” You tossed aside the book, running through your repertoire of songs that wouldn’t accidentally harm the boys while you were trying to help keep them safe. Your powers were somewhat unpredictable lately, so you had to play it as safely as possible.
“Y/n, I don’t think you should,” Beomgyu said, grabbing your arm. “You’re health is different than even earlier this morning. Please just let us take care of you. I know it’s not in your nature, but it’s necessary. This is why we’re here, isn’t it?”
You slowly nodded, then stepped back. “Alright. But I’m establishing the communication network.”
Beomgyu nodded.
You hummed the song you’d come up with a couple weeks ago, which melded the various powers of you and the boys to form a sort of mental communication to each other. It was the safest song you had right now. “Update.”
“Four men to the south, three to the west, two to the east,” Hueningkai said.
“I’ll get the ones on the south,” Yeonjun said. “Blind the ones to the west.”
“I’ve got the ones to the east,” Soobin told them. “Hold until we know their intentions.”
You nodded, silently agreeing with Soobin’s assessment.
Beomgyu sat beside you, listening to the boys call out their positions. “We’ll be okay, y/n. Try to relax.”
You glanced at him, but mostly were focusing on sensing out there. The foreign melodies. The inclination toward major or minor melodies and the dissonant or harmonic chords, how it all fit together. “Be ready. They sound more hostile.”
“We’re ready,” Taehyun said. “I’ve got eyes on all of you. Yeonjun, Huening, try to increase the snow-fall to inhibit them more.”
“Got it.”
“Good idea.”
You froze as a foreign feeling washed over you.
Beomgyu looked at you in alarm.
“Boys, maybe put a rush on that,” You told them, getting up and grabbing the go-bag.
“What? Why?” Yeonjun asked.
“My water just broke. We’re going to the hospital.”
“So…loud and messy is okay as long as it’s quick?” Yeonjun asked, sounding a little freaked out.
“Anything to make sure the house is safe and no one follows us to the hospital,” You replied, voice a little sing-song in alarm.
Beomgyu grabbed the other bag and led the way to the garage. “Just do it. She’s a month early and I was right about the contractions.”
Your eyes widened when you heard a crash outside, followed by some screams of terror.
“Okay, just need to bury these guys and then the way is clear.”
Beomgyu shared a scared look with you.
Soobin darted in and hopped into the driver’s seat. “Clear the snow and ice from the roads?”
“Got it, rest of us our outside.”
You held onto the door handle as another contraction came through. “Hurry.” Your eyes filled with tears, and right then, all you wanted was one of your loves. Holding your hand.
But you didn’t get to have that. Not yet.
Beomgyu took your other hand as the other boys hopped into the vehicle. “It’s okay. Just breathe and try to stay calm. Do you want us to contact them?”
“No. It’s too dangerous,” You whispered. “Just keep my baby safe.”
He nodded. “Nothing will happen to the baby. I’m going to be with you and nothing will happen to either of you.”
You rested your other hand on your stomach.
“Got it,” He answered, then an overwhelming sense of peace washed over you. Almost like when Namjoon would use his confession inducement-type power. This was, admittedly, more agreeable.
“Taehyun, Hueningkai and I will set ourselves up around the perimeter and keep an eye out for trouble. Beomgyu will be with you, and Soobin will guard the waiting room. It’s the best we can do at the hospital.”
“I know. Thank you.”
Part 14.   Part 16/Final.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.  
Tagging: @ephemeral-mindset​, @alex–awesome–22​, @bryvada​, @missmoxxiesworld​, @knjhe, @i-dont-even-know-fck
21 notes · View notes
writersrealmbts · 4 years
Con Amore: Part 11
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or ‘lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 12/15/2019
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff/Angst: 2,166 words
A/N: A day after I said I would post it and almost three months after the last part, we’re at part eleven. Next part is interesting. I hope you like it. I’m just a little discouraged with this series and I’m getting stuck because there’s a lot of ends to weave in to finish this series.
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You mulled over everything, making a couple notes about their plans while waiting for them to check in. They were checking the place that the tracker had traced back to.
“Here, you guys in?”
“Yeah, we’re done here. Raidho, Eihwaz, and Tiwaz are taking the equipment to another place to check it out. Sowilo and Laguz and I are going to try and pinpoint some of the people this was tracking. Raid is going to drop Mannaz back there.”
“Ok, be careful.” You sighed, feeling useless again. “Watch your six.”
“We will,” Tiwaz responded.
Raid appeared with Mannaz, quickly kissing you before teleporting away.
Jimin groaned and sat down, rubbing his legs.
You went over, rubbing his shoulders. “Usual pains?”
“Yeah. A little to the right.”
You shifted your ministrations to the right, feeling the muscle that was tense and carefully working at it. “Shifted to much?”
“Shifted into an elephant from a mouse,” He whimpered as your fingers found a knotted muscle.
“Oh, love,” You murmured sympathetically, kissing the top of his head. “You want me to draw a bath for you?”
He nodded slowly. “I think so.”
“Okay. Just wait here for a bit, I’ll get it all set up.” You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “You’ll have to avoid the drastic shifts while I’m gone unless absolutely necessary.”
He nodded again. “I’ll try.”
You nodded and went to draw the bath. You had to figure out a way to help them one last time before you went to the safe-house.
He came in while you were testing the water. “You okay?”
“Your phone rang, but it stopped after one ring.” He held it out to you, his voice gentle, as if sensing you were a little vulnerable. He sat next to you on the edge of the tub. “About this morning….”
You met his eyes, reaching up and brushing his hair from his eyes. “You were worried, I understand.”
“I know you do, but I still wanted to make sure we understand each other. I…I can’t stop worrying about you. And seeing this,” He pulled the photo from your appointment from his pocket. He had a watery smile as he looked at it. “The idea that this place, where you’re here with us, possibly being just as in danger as if we weren’t here….”
“We aren’t in danger here, well, no more than before you found out about me having an issue here. The only person who could pose a threat to us here doesn’t realize who I am yet. With me gone, it’s unlikely my past will be discovered.”
He sighed. “And the boys? What do you think their role is in all of this?”
Your mind went to a dozen different places, but settled in one place. One you didn’t want to bring up right now. “I’m not really sure. But I know that they’re important.”
“Are you packed?”
“I’m always packed. At least, nowadays I am.” You got up and turned off the water. “Do you need help?”
He nodded. “My shoulders are tight, too.”
You nodded in return and helped him take off his shirt, accepting the soft little kiss he pressed to your lips with a little glow of warmth and love in your chest. But you quickly helped him undress the rest of the way before leaving him to soak in the tub after the relieved sigh he let out after settling in. “I’ll check on you later.”
“Thanks, chubbs.”
You closed the door, then looked around the room, picking up pillows and making the bed a little neater. You weren’t sure which of the boys had slept in here, but you had your suspicions. You’d have to remind them to keep things tidy. You hugged a pillow and looked around at the strange walls as a wave of nausea came over you again. But this time it was the worry, that panic of having to leave the safety that came with the presence of your boys. Your loves.
You went back to the mission room, sitting with a pen and some paper to write a few things down for when you were gone. Your thoughts drifted as you tried to keep focused on the things you needed to remind them to do when you weren’t there, but instead found their way to your father.
You closed your eyes, trying to block the thoughts.
“There are three things you should always watch out for, my little hummingbird. Our job is a dangerous one. We gather things that people could misuse. We keep them locked away. Everyone will try to break in and get them,” He whispered as he wound the music box. He set it aside, the soft lullaby chiming, and wrapped you up tightly in his arms. “So there are three things you should always watch out for.”
You looked up at him sleepily, humming along with the lullaby that was playing.
“One, is coincidences. They don’t exist. So, if anything seems like one, you know it’s not. The second is those who use the guise of helping to hide their hunger for power. And the third,” He paused to yawn. “The third…third…”
Someone clucked reprovingly, but it was an amused sound as well.
Your mother gathered you up in her arms, kissing your forehead and humming along with you as your father fell into a deeper sleep. “The third, is the unbelievable. People with stars in their eyes, or wings on their backs. You will be an archivist, you will keep their secrets and provide them with the means to continue. You will see the most fantastical things, my love. And I hope we are always there to witness them with you.” She rubbed her nose against yours and you woke up in tears.
Worried eyes met yours as you focused on the person in front of you, the reason you woke up.
Jungkook gently brushed the tears from your cheek. “Y/n? Are you okay?”
“Just a dream,” You whispered.
“Pretty lullaby,” Taehyung murmured, laying on the floor and yawning.
You sucked on your lower lip for a moment, then realized Jungkook was looking at you with a sort of question in his eyes. You smiled a bit and leaned forward to kiss him before wrapping your arms around his neck.
He easily picked you up and carried you to the room you stayed in at night, then murmured he’d be right back.
You changed into pajamas and almost went to check on Jimin, but heard him telling Taehyung to get off the floor and left it alone since you also heard Namjoon with him.
Jungkook came in freshly showered and crawled into bed with you, laying on his side facing you and looking into your eyes. “Are you going to be okay? Alone with those kids?”
“I’ll survive. You still have the talisman.”
“Yeah. It’s safe. That’s just for the dangerous archives?”
“Mhmm, it’s mostly precautionary. I think they want Taehyun because he could tell them how to access the archives,” You whispered, then actually thought about what you were saying.
“Yoongi did say his powers were a little strange, but do you really think he might be able to tell them how to access the archives?”
“He can read the past. It’s entirely possible that he could find the answer to accessing them.”
He frowned in worry, then flinched as your phone starting ringing.
You stared at it, not moving to answer it.
The other boys heard it, poking their heads in.
Namjoon met your worried gaze, then nodded. “Put it on speaker.”
You hummed a protection song as you picked up the phone and answered. “Allo?”
“Ms. Y/L/N?”
“Yes, who is calling?” You spoke with a French accent, worried about who could be calling.
“My name is Gordon Sutcliffe, I’m calling on behalf of the Moorthes Museum of Art and Natural History. Our contact at St. Kishall Treaure Institute suggested we contact you regarding the verification of a collection of puzzle boxes from a private collector that we wish to display. The owner is claiming that they are the works of Jacqueline De Torrent,” The man on the other end of the line said, absolutely butchering her name.
“How many pieces in the collection?” You asked, suspicious.
You looked at Namjoon and shook your head. “Are you certain?”
“That’s what he is claiming, but we were hoping you would come in to verify that they actually are works of Jacqueline de Torrent.”
You cringed again. “I can tell you now that it is highly unlikely that whoever this collector is managed to acquire five pieces of Jacqueline Torrent de Cavalier. Before I make the trip, I do require photos to verify that this collection is real.”
“Of course, and the curator at St. Kishall’s gave us a general ballpark for your consultation fees.”
“I discuss price after I have agreed to consult. He gave you my email?”
“Uh, yes, miss.”
“Send the photos to that address and I’ll examine those, then tell you whether in-person verification is necessary or not. I need to see every side of the boxes. I’ll contact you further depending on my initial evaluation and we’ll discuss my fees then as well as times I am available.”
“Yes, of course—”
“Good day,” You said, then hung up.
They quickly surrounded you, Namjoon cupping your face in his hands.
“You’re trembling,” Yoongi murmured, taking your hand.
“Do you think that’s them?” Namjoon asked before pressing a kiss between your eyebrows.
“Of course, it’s too outrageous of a claim to be anything else,” You whispered.
“There’s no way you’re going. They must know who you are.” Jimin folded his arms, still partially supported by Taehyung.
“If I don’t go, it would confirm it,” You replied. “But I may be able to put it off for now—”
“No,” Seokjin said, his voice overpowering yours. Firm. He met Namjoon’s gaze. “There’s no such thing as coincidence. We should check it out. Even if it’s a trap. It might just give us the tools we need to beat these people.”
“Hyung, it could be dangerous!” Hoseok protested.
“Life is dangerous, Hoseok-ah. We’ll protect her as best we can, and she’s not exactly weak, either. She’s hidden for this long. We know they’re looking for all three of her identities, so maybe they don’t know. Yoongi and Taehyung can go with her to protect her, with Jungkook as backup. We make sure that even if they take her we can find her.” He met your gaze. “She’s safe-guarded the vaults, right?”
You nodded. “I did. I can’t reach the artifacts right now.”
“Then we give her a temporary power suppressors, and watch every move, and she evaluates the artifacts.”
“Power suppressors?” Taehyung squeaked.
“Just to mask my powers to any sensors. I’ll still have my powers, Tae. They just wouldn’t find out about them, not easily.” You stepped over to reassure him, kissing his lips to help calm him. “Not actual power suppressors.”
He nodded, a tiny shock jumped between the two of you. His eyes widened. “Will that hurt you? Oh my God, the baby? I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s fine, Tae. It was little more than a static shock. I’ll be fine.” You brushed his hair from his face. “And…I agree with Jin. I think we may need to take the risk.”
Jimin growled, obviously against the idea.
Hoseok wrapped his arms around you. It was his baby, and you knew that even if he was fine sharing that with the boys, he still thought of that as his. He had been carefully avoiding being overprotective, but you knew this was a little more than he could handle. Especially since he’d been preparing himself to part with you. “If she’s doing that, then I’m going to be with her. Taehyung can be by her side, but I’m on standby.”
“Okay,” Namjoon finally said. “If she needs to go, then we’ll make sure to have multiple contingencies.”
Jimin let a high-pitched sound escape him.
Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook seemed equally uneasy about the whole thing.
“Are you sure, Namjoon?” Yoongi asked quietly.
Namjoon nodded sharply, face grim, chin jutting out stubbornly. “We need some sort of advantage. She can’t tell them where those boys are because the safehouse is in a location unknown to her as well. We’ll be there to protect her.”
You nodded. “I trust you all.” You looked to Tae. “You’ll be by my side, right?”
He nodded, straightening his shoulders a bit. “I’ll have to take the suppressants too?”
You nodded again, looking at the faces of all of the men you loved. “Last mission before I go.”
They all huddled in closer, settling in for at least one hand touching you.
You rested a hand over your stomach, hoping your baby knew how many wonderful people would love them.
Part 10.   Part 12.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.  
54 notes · View notes
writersrealmbts · 5 years
Con Amore: Part 10
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or ‘lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 09/20/2019
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff/Angst: 2,070 words
A/N: Well, here’s another part for those of you invested!
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“We said no secrets,” Jimin objected, folding his arms. “You did, and I said it was a ridiculous expectation,” You countered. “Look, there are some things that are better left unsaid until the timing is right. This is the wrong time.” He glared at you poutily. “If it’s that important we should have known before we ever teamed up with them!” “This is why I didn’t want you to say anything! Are you happy now?” You asked Yoongi, completely exasperated. “It’s Joon’s fault,” He muttered. “I was worried,” Namjoon said defensively. “We all just need to calm down and talk about this. Calmly.” The three youngest started objecting and arguing all at once, with Namjoon, you, and each other. Hoseok tried to get them to stop fighting, and Yoongi was cringing on the sidelines. Jin got dragged into the argument when one of them accused him of keeping secrets too.
You took a textbook from the shelf and slammed it onto the table, earning a startled silence that you quickly took over. “Enough! All of you just sit down and shut up or I swear I’m going to do something stupid and dangerous and potentially life-threatening.” “You wouldn’t,” Taehyung said boldly. “Watch me, shocky. I’ve got a whole archive of potentially deadly artifacts that need organizing,” You snapped back. His mouth snapped shut into a pout. Obviously still thinking you were bluffing, but seeing the sense in not pushing things. You sat down, dropping your head into your hands as they all remained quiet. “Date us all, they said. We’ll make sure it’s never hard, they said. Well, I call bull. You all rarely ever make this easy and right now is when you especially need to make it easy. You will never, ever know everything about me because I will likely never know everything about myself so get a grip. I don’t need you giving me crap for having secrets. We all have secrets. Some of them we only share with one other person and others we don’t share at all because we know that it’s hard enough for us to know ourselves. Nothing has changed.” “We all said early on, that sometimes there would be things that we couldn’t share with the whole group and that it was okay,” Namjoon continued when he saw you were done speaking. “She said she’ll tell all of us when it’s over, so that’s what she’ll do. For now, though, we should just be enjoying the fact that she’s still here. She’s leaving soon. Right, baby?” You nodded. “Day after next.” “Did you make an appointment like you said you wanted to?” He asked gently, moving to sit beside you. You nodded. “Later today.” “Do you have a preference in who goes with you?” You met his eyes, unsure. “Do you want me to go with you? Hobi can handle things here.” You nodded, easily shifting over to his lap when he held out his arms. He stroked your hair and back. “Alright, then the rest of you get back to preparations. We know the fight is coming to us, so let’s be ready for it.” Jimin stopped on his way out, pressing a kiss to your head. “I’m just worried, chubs.” “I know,” You whispered back. He sighed and left with the others, most of whom also dropped kisses on your head or cheek in passing. Jin waited, kissing both you and Namjoon. “If it’s anything like I think it is, I understand.” Then he left. Namjoon waited until the door clicked shut. “Have you been getting enough sleep?” “I got more last night,” You replied, tucking into his chest as best you could. “Morning sickness?” “Mild, just general queasiness instead of full on nausea. Until all of this. It’s another reason I wanted to make an appointment. Other than the sickness and the fatigue…it doesn’t seem real. I need it confirmed, you know?” He nodded. “I know. You seem sort of sleepy now. You want to try a nap? We’ve got plenty of time.” You nodded. “Joon?” “Yeah, baby?” “Am I a coward? For hiding away from the fight?” “No, not even a little. And you’re not hiding. You want to be here, and we know that. But for the baby’s sake, it’s best if you aren’t. I know you can do quite a lot while pregnant, but fighting is something none of us want to risk. Not when it comes to you.” He lay you down and immediately joined you, kicking his shoes off before covering both of you up with a blanket. “And you’re protecting those boys.” “She said they’re looking for my human identity.” “Yeah. Kind of scary.” “But it also might afford us an opportunity to see some of the faces of our enemy?” He hummed, but it was a disapproving hum. “Sounds risky.” “Everything is risky. We can make sure I’m safe, maybe even get a hostage.” “I’ll think about it. You’re not going to be able to nap, are you?” “No.” “Think they can fit you in earlier?” “Maybe, we can always try.” Both of you got up and dressed, then found Taehyung to transport the two of you to the clinic. The waiting room was empty and the nurse said that they had an opening in a little bit, so the two of you sat down and he started looking through some of the baby information packets while you mindlessly flipped through a magazine. You remembered what Yoongi said about planning a nursery and sighed. Maybe if you got a bunch of magazines, then you could all cut out pictures of ideas and stuff. It would at least give you a project for while you were in the safe house. “This fight…it might take a while,” Namjoon whispered after a while. “Even my plans make it last a long time, because I don’t want any part of it remaining. Nothing to threaten our baby.” You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder. “We’ll probably have to move to a new house after all of this.” “Yeah, it said in the news that our house got burned down. Glad you told us to empty it.” You sighed again, closing your eyes against the world. “How many times will I have to lose my home?” “Hey, look at me,” He whispered, turning and cupping your face in his hands. His face was a portrait of emotions that would take you years to completely parcel out. “As long as we’re all together, anywhere is home for me. We’ll find another place to live, maybe one that’s even better. But as long as we’re together, it doesn’t matter if I live in a closet when I’m not sleeping with you.” “Y/n? Come on back,” A new nurse called, smiling as she led you back to a room. You left with a photo in your hands, unable to tear your eyes away from the blob of an almost humanoid looking thing that was your baby. Namjoon guided you down the sidewalk, and across the street to the pharmacy. “Alright, we need to get you some vitamins because she said you seemed a little low in iron and we want you to be as healthy as possible. You said you wanted some magazines for the safe house?” “Yeah,” You murmured, glancing around, but ultimately looking back at your smudge-baby. “Hey, you okay?” “It’s just…weird. You know? This blob is going to be a baby that I give birth to in thirty weeks. How long is thirty weeks?” “I think it’s somewhere around seven months,” He replied patiently. “Like she said, it’s due around February 6th.” “How are you not freaking out?” “It’s taking every ounce of self-control I’ve got to not run over to the store and buy everything a nursery needs,” He answered sincerely. “But, hearing it’s heartbeat…” He stepped in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “That was wonderful,” You whispered. “And a relief. It’s so hard to tell this early on. It almost didn’t feel real.” “She was really worried about how stressed you were. And she did say you should get some clothes.” “Yeah, things are getting a little tight,” You admitted reluctantly. He kissed your cheek. “Calm before the storm, let’s try and get you things you’ll need in the next couple weeks. So, the vitamins she recommended, looser clothing…anything else?” “Nothing I can’t get if I need it.” You kept hold of his arm as he led the way through the store. “There’s a store a ways away from the safe house. Small enough to be off the grid, big enough to have anything I might need. I’m going to go through some of the boxes of my family’s stuff. The things I haven’t gone through. There are some clothes there that I can probably use.” “You think about her a lot now, don’t you?” “My mom? Yeah. What about you? Thinking about your parents?” “I left to protect them, and they know that now, but I can’t see them without putting them in danger. Same for most of the others. Although, Jin-hyung’s parents threw him out, so did Jimin’s. It’s hard to imagine what kind of father’s we’ll be. Hoseok had a good father, and Jimin said his father was good until they found out about him. Tae’s father is still in his life, and Jungkook has been talking to his family again. It’s hard to get any information out of Yoongi, but now and then he goes away for a weekend and I know he sees his brother at least.” “He’ll be so loved,” You whispered. “You think it’s a boy?” You shrugged. “I don’t really know. At some points I think boy, and others I think girl.” He crouched to compare the vitamins. “These are the ones she suggested. This one is herbal and the other—” “Herbal.” “You have to take this one twice a day, though.” “I can handle that. We’ll need to go to the other store for me to get some clothes.” He nodded, smiling a little. “Hey.” You tilted your head a little. “Thanks for letting me be the one to come with you. I needed a break from planning.” He kissed your forehead. You smiled up at him. “I’m happy you came too. I’m happy we did this. Although, now it’s really real. Oh my god, what if I mess it up and they end up needing major counseling for depression and anxiety because I was such a bad mother, or because we all got killed when they were in their prime developmental years? What if I raise a supervillain? What if my kid is the next black sheep of the family that tries to exploit the archives in a dangerous way?” “First of all, you’re going to be a great mother. Second, we’ll all make sure that they don’t end up that way. Even if we get killed…we’ve already talked about it a little. We were just waiting for the right time to talk to you about it, which is apparently now. We figured that the strongest connection is to Hoseok’s family, since they actually know the whole situation we live in, so we wanted to make sure that legally, if anything were to happen to one of us, they would take our child and care for it. Hoseok already broached the subject and they were receptive. Is that okay?” “Yeah, that’s actually really good, a really good idea. I’m glad you guys thought of that. Okay.” You tried to calm your breathing down. “And the backup plan for that?” “Tae’s family, probably.” He grabbed some bandages and antiseptic, as well as various painkillers. You shuddered as you thought of what those would be used for. Of not being the one to use them. You couldn’t bear the idea of them getting hurt while you were gone. You didn’t know if you could lose any of them. You still dreamed of them being killed and tortured by your father. “That’s a good choice,” You forced yourself to say. He looked back and held out his hand with a small smile. “We’re putting thought into our future. I promise. Do you need anything else while we’re here?” “Not from here.” “Okay, then lets go pay for this and head to the bigger store.”
Part 9.   Part 11.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.  
75 notes · View notes
writersrealmbts · 5 years
Con Amore: Part 5
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or ‘lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 08/02/2019
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff/Angst: 2,463 words
A/N: Well, let’s keep this going. It’s a day or two later than I intended. I had a lot of not-so-great things happen within my family, so I needed time to veg. 
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“Nightingale, come to threaten the Conservatory again?” The dean met you in the main hall, caution in her gaze. “I came for something of mine that you have. Siphon.” “Mmm, I heard. He’s on his way. It took all of you to come get him?” She asked dryly, scanning over you and the boys. “Looking a little ragged, too.” “The Oasis Initiative has been revived,” You said calmly. Her gaze snapped to you, a hiss escaping her. “We weren’t sure who it was that was after Siphon. Are you certain?” “The high priestess of the light temple is sending one of her people here to consult with both of us unless I tell her differently. She was the one to pass on the information and unless you know of another dark organization that hunted and attempted to remove the powers of super-humans that had been disbanded before, I would say it’s the same group.” You didn’t move, allowing your gaze to follow her movement as she started to pace. “I’m surprised you’re warning me. You’ve made your disapproval of this place very clear.” “Unfortunately, this place is a stronghold, not easily conquered and a good base to fight them from.” She stopped, her eyes lighting up. “You wish to fight them.” You tilted your head slightly, gaze sliding to Siphon as they entered. “I will be supporting the boys as they fight them. I figure you wish to maintain your stronghold, protect the students. I only ask that you protect any other supers that need it and allow us to operate within the safety of the conservatory until this threat has been dealt with.” “You are backing away from a fight?” She looked confused. Siphon hurried over, grabbing Taehyung and Namjoon in a hug, then Yoongi, followed by Hoseok and Jungkook, before he half-hugged you and carefully took Jimin. “As I said, I will be providing support for the boys, as I always do. My reasons for not fighting at their side are my own, and until the need arises I would like to keep them that way. If you need incentive to agree, I do have a gift prepared.” “And I assume you also have a threat in case I threaten you?” “I see you’ve learned from my last visit?” She shrugged a shoulder. “Well, I’ll take your gift. My students are not suited for any sort of missions at the moment. Your assessment was…accurate.” You pulled the box from your pocket. “It only works for your kind.” She had one of the guards take it from you and bring it to her. She examined the box a moment before opening it. “A…necklace?” “An amulet depicting Ladon, the ancient Greek dragon that guarded the golden apples of the hesperides. A bite, a scratch, or a single wound from him would kill the intruder. You remember the man I was researching last I was here? Sentry?” She nodded slightly, still examining the amulet. “His daughter asked me to keep this safe. Said I’d have need of it. And she was right. She said that it gave a dragon shifter the same abilities as Ladon. She also gave me a bottle of antidote for the poison, but I prefer to keep that myself. For safety reasons.” She smirked. “A great gift indeed. I’m assuming the other catch is that I must be fighting intruders?” “That was probably one of the details she glossed over.” You shrugged, making a clueless face. “Nonetheless, it is indeed a valuable gift. I’ll give you the top floor of the North-eastern wing to work out of and get to work strengthening our defenses. I’ll keep an eye out for this ambassador from the light temple. This does not mean that we’re friends.” “Good,” You replied easily. “I’m not trying to be. I’m just negotiating a temporary treaty.” “Glad we understand each other. I’ll send a couple healing students up to treat your teammates.” You nodded. “I’m assuming we don’t need to be escorted up.” She gestured for us to be on our way. You walked confidently down the hall, holding one of Jin’s hands in your own as he carried Jimin. You weren’t sure when you took his hand, but you had it now and you weren’t about to let go. The elevator was large, equipped for taking heavy equipment and large groups of people. You punched in the destination and the doors closed. A nauseating jolt later and the doors opened again. Jin squeezed your hand. “You alright?” “Let’s get somewhere we know is private first before we catch up,” Namjoon decided, nodding to two figures a little further down the hall. The two came to attention as you approached. “We’re here to heal people?” The older boy, who was at least fifteen said, but it sounded like he wasn’t actually sure. “Tiwaz’s knee, and Mannaz has a few injuries,” You told them, gently taking Jimin from Jin. They both looked at Jimin’s wounds and then the boy looked at the group. “Which one of you is Tiwaz?” “Limpy, here,” Jin said, jabbing his thumb at Namjoon. The younger boy nodded and went over. He was healing Jimin already, completely concentrated to the point his tongue stuck out. But he seemed nervous. “I don’t bite, and neither will he,” You murmured, smirking a bit. He glanced up at you, surprised. “Oh…um….” “I know, I have a reputation. Just remember there are two sides to every story,” You spoke softly, stroking Jimin’s head. “And not every bad guy is completely evil.” He frowned. “But then how do you decide if someone is a bad guy?” “They hurt people, or they do things that threaten to hurt people. And sometimes you may think their reasoning is sound,” You looked away, thinking over the rest of your answer, “But it’s the duty of those capable to protect others. Doctors swear an oath of helping anyone that needs it. They don’t choose their patients, they just heal them. Even…even if they don’t think that that person deserves to be saved, they still do their job because to do so would go against what they swore to do. Do you understand?” “Is that why you don’t fight often? Because the lines are too blurry?” “I choose other ways of helping people. I’m not suited to fighting.” “But you are one. I’ve seen the footage. So why aren’t you fighting people who are threatening people?” He was almost glaring. You arched an eyebrow. “You’re the healer, you tell me.” He frowned and then sort of looked you up and down before his eyes widened. “You’re taught here that life begins and ends with being a hero. Nothing can threaten that. That romance and anything normal is beyond your grasp. But it’s not true. You miss too much if you live your whole life making lines between yourself and your superhero persona. There’s so much more to life than that.” You set Jimin down now that he was healed and he shifted back into human form, immediately turning and hanging onto Jin, who just held him up. “Also, if you breathe a word of it, I will silence you for the rest of your life.” He looked stunned for a second, then laughed slightly. “You’re crazy.” “All the best people are.” “You talk like you attended here.” “Well, you’re quicker on the uptake than your dean,” You replied, rolling your eyes. “Get back to classes. Him too.” He nodded and grabbed the younger boy, who was looking at Mannaz with awe and admiration. “Hey, name?” He looked back, stuck for a moment. “Beomgyu.” You nodded and opened the door to room, checking it for furniture and finding a basic dorm room. The elevator dinged. “What was that about?” Jimin asked. You shook your head. “Seemed important.” He nodded. “It was. But I’m still a little surprised. Normally you wouldn’t start talking to someone like that.” You shrugged. “I don’t know.” The others followed you into the room, closing the door. You hummed a song to prevent anyone from hearing or seeing anything that happened in the room, setting it to a charm from storage that kept the melody going. “Did they treat you alright? I was so worried,” Namjoon said, not fighting when Jin hugged him. “I’m fine, I was worried about you guys. And I know it worried you,” He said, coming over and kissing you. You just smiled up at him. “I’m alright as long as you all are safe.” “Are you sick? You seem pale and you looked like you might puke in the elevator.” “She’s pregnant,” Jimin told him, arms wrapping around you from behind and chin resting on your shoulder. Jin froze for a moment, then grinned. “Really?” You nodded. He leaned in and kissed you again, grinning happily. “That’s so great!” “Except now we have an even bigger enemy staring down the barrel at us,” Yoongi muttered. Jin’s face morphed into worry. “Right. The oasis initiative.” He shuddered slightly. “I barely escaped back then. I’m stronger now, but….” “But they already found you once. Found us earlier today as well. I don’t think they were expecting us to be much of a fight, though.” You breathed slowly and deeply to help calm yourself. “I think they were only after you. They may have had record of your family. Or maybe they knew you were associated with Jin in some way and wanted to make sure no one noticed he was missing.” Namjoon folded his arms. “I want you in the safest place.” “Whoa, hey, let’s not separate right after we’re reunited,” Jin protested, wrapping his arms around you and Jimin. “I still have to meet the ambassador from the light temple, and see if they have any more information about the other threat I was warned of. I’m safe here. None of you will let me get hurt and they’d have to get past a bunch of stuff to get to us. Until the fighting actually starts, let me stay with all of you,” You reasoned, meeting Namjoon’s eyes. “Please, hyung, it’s easier to stay calm with her around,” Jungkook pleaded quietly. “And she makes sure we’re all in the best shape for fighting. If she’s gone we’re all going to be worried about wherever she is not being safe enough.” “Taehyung would be with her.” Namjoon looked uncomfortable, nervous, like he hadn’t considered that even being a possibility. “Part of the time,” Hoseok pointed out. “We’d still need his help here.” “Which would mean he would be tired,” Yoongi added. “I’ll go when the fighting starts in earnest, Joon. I promise.” You had wiggled your way out from between Jin and Jimin, and you placed your hands on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. “I have no intention of doing anything that could harm this baby. How long have we been together?” “Three years,” He answered in a whisper. “Three years. And you trust me?” He nodded. “Of course.” “Then you need to trust my judgment. Right now, we’re safe.” He sighed and dropped his forehead to rest against yours. “Trust in me.” “Don’t even think about singing that song! It was stuck in my head for three days last time,” Hoseok protested. You rolled your eyes. “I wasn’t going to. I don’t want to force you guys to trust me. I just want you to do it because I’ve earned your trust.” Namjoon pulled you back into his arms, tucking his head in your neck. You ran a hand through his hair. “I trust you all to protect the world, trust me to protect this baby. Our baby. Right now, we just need to keep breathing.” You started humming, slipping gently away from Joon to pull all of them toward the one single bed, making sure Jin had prime real-estate beside you. They all managed to pile on, getting semi-comfortable around you. Jin placed slow kisses around your face, slowly relaxing in the safety of your arms, as well as the arms of the other boys as they quickly dropped off to sleep. You met Jin’s eyes, knowing most of them wouldn’t stir if you started talking quietly. “Are you okay?” “I was worried about all of you.” “You said that already, but you must have been startled to wake up back here.” He nodded slowly. “It was like waking up to a nightmare, then they said something about an evil organization being after me and I just about lost it because that meant they left all of the guys open to an attack. And you. It left you open to attack. You said that they found you all earlier today?” “We actually escaped pretty easily, though tAhere was a moment there. If Jungkook had been a few seconds slower we probably wouldn’t be here.” You knew he would want the truth. “They weren’t expecting us to survive the grenade launcher.” He breathed out shakily and cuddled closer to you. “But, a baby?” “Yeah. Terrible timing.” “Seems to be a trend with us.” “I know I should be somewhere safe, but the thought of being away from all of you scares me. Not knowing how you are at any given moment? I don’t know if I could do that.” “Besides, you’re an important part of our planning process. We’re going to be crazily overprotective, but we mean well. Okay? Now, do you think it’s a boy or a girl?” You laughed as silently as you could. “I don’t know. Either will be nice, though the girl would be very amusing with seven dads.” Dear God. That would be a mess. How would you explain that it really wasn’t actually normal? “Then again, maybe a boy would be better for the first?” “I hope it’s a girl. One that looks like you.” You smiled. “Except because of genetic variation—” “Shh, let me have my fantasies.” He pressed a kiss to your lips. ��A boy will be fine too, though. We could teach him a lot.” You nodded. “We could.” “I wonder if he’ll have your powers.” You hummed, closing your eyes but afraid to sleep. “Relax, y/n,” Jin whispered. “Everything will be okay as long as we’re all together.” You weren’t certain that was true. A lot of bad could come from all of you being together. One of you could take things too far when protecting the others, or prioritize the life of a loved one over that of a stranger. The latter wasn’t wholly bad, but it also wasn’t wholly good. It was a gray area that people liked to ignore when possible. You slipped into nightmares that recurred ever since your first mission with your lovers.
Part 4.   Part 6.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.  
57 notes · View notes
writersrealmbts · 5 years
Con Amore: Part 8
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or ‘lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 08/30/2019
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff/Angst: 2,678 words
A/N: I would like to reiterate that I don’t use Keep Reading for anything under 3.5k words. I also got feedback that reading these isn’t easy on mobile? I don’t have trouble with it, but let me know if today’s formatting is better, I tried something different that’s a pain for me but if you prefer it SPEAK NOW.
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“You were right,” Yoongi murmured, studying the broken tracking device. “It was transmitting when they pulled it out.”
“Should have reversed the signal to find where it was transmitting to,” You murmured, biting your lip.
The boys all froze, looking up at you and then groaning in realization.
“Tiwaz, you and I should try and put it back together.” Yoongi sat down and pulled the pieced so they were sitting in front of him.
“I’ll get the tools.”
Jin stopped Joon, and pushed it from Yoongi. “Stop. There are easier ways.”
“Yeah, can’t we just ask a technopath that attends to fix it?” Hoseok asked, petting Jimin (who was in puppy form).
“Y-yeah…yeah that works…” Namjoon looked sheepishly away.
Jin pet his hair with a bit of a smirk. “Come on, Yoongi, put the pieces in a box and we’ll head down to the tech-lab.”
“This is why we keep you around,” Jungkook whispered in your ear, arms wrapping around you from behind.
“Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees, and other times you can’t see the trees for the forest,” You summarized. “I know. Breaking the tracker doesn’t do much as it is, they’ll still be able to track it to here.”
“Right,” He murmured, resting his chin on your head. “Tae should be awake soon.”
As if on queue, Tae bounded into the room and looked at the tracker and bullet jacket that it had been hiding in. “Cooooool!”
“Not cool,” Jimin corrected, shifting and hugging onto the other. “Dangerous.”
Tae patted Jimin’s head, but was fixated on the device. “What are we doing with it?”
“They’re going to get it fixed so we can back-trace it and make sure no one else is being traced,” Jungkook explained as Yoongi took the box and closed it.
Tae nodded and then grinned at you. “Feel better?”
You nodded back. “I managed to sleep a little.”
He pecked your lips. “Good. Has anyone checked on Zephyros?”
“I did earlier. He, Soobin, and Beomgyu are leading games with some of the other kids. Another of the students was helping.” You left out the part where he asked you to find out if there was anyone left from the temple. You knew they would try to stop you from going to investigate. You weren’t about to be stopped. You needed to know, and they needed to start infiltrating and knocking down the Oasis Initiative instead of worrying about you. And you needed a job to keep yourself from worrying about them. It would be simple reconnaissance. Nothing dangerous.
“You’re plotting something,” Jimin whispered, taking Jungkook’s place. “You’re far away, and worried, but in a different way.”
You hummed in response.
“You’re trouble. You know I can’t let you do anything alone. I’ll just have to glue myself to your side.” He grinned up at you and then turned into a red panda and then clung onto you, climbing carefully up so that he was wrapped around your shoulder and upper arm.
You looked down at him, words failing you at his cute face. “You, my love, are far too adorable.”
He nuzzled up to you, getting a little smaller so that he wouldn’t hurt you.
You figured that was as good a sign as any that he would be coming with you on your little reconnaissance mission. You stroked his tail as you headed for the room the young boys were staying in.
They were coming from the opposite direction, but bowed slightly in greeting.
“Zephyros, are you ready?”
He glanced at the other two, then nodded. “Yes, miss. Um…”
“We’re blending in.”
“You can borrow some of my clothes,” Soobin told the younger boy.
Zephyros nodded and went into the room after you gestured for him to get ready.
Jimin’s tail wrapped around your neck, asking a question.
“Mind wearing a collar, and shifting into a dog, love?” You whispered.
A low growl came from his throat and he hopped off your shoulder, shifting back into human form. “You’re going out?”
“It’s nothing dangerous, but there are clues that I could see that others wouldn’t. Nadya knows I would come and look for myself,” You argued. “I cannot sit by and do nothing. I’ll go mad.”
He looked conflicted. “The baby.”
“Will be fine. It’s simple reconnaissance. Zephyros will be with me, and if you want to come, you will too. Do you honestly think anything bad can happen to me with you there to protect me?” You asked, placing your hands on his cheeks.
“First sign of danger you go into your archives.”
“Of course,” You agreed. “Please, my gorgeous, handsome, strong man?”
“Are you buttering me up?”
“Is it working?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his neck and blinking up at him flirtatiously.
He looked back at you, then made an indignant sound and looked away. “Aish. You’re too cute for words.”
You nuzzled up to his cheek, pressing little kitten kisses to his cheeks as he tried to resist you.
“Fine, okay, you win. Just stop looking at me like that,” He caught your lips in a kiss to stop you from flirting.
You giggled, enjoying the happy little moment, but pulling away to a decent distance as Zephyros came back out, the other two following to the doorway.
“I’m ready, miss Nightingale.”
“I have the perception filters, and a transport super waiting downstairs.” You switched to business mode, handing both him and Jimin perception filter devices.
“You only have two?” Jimin looked worried.
“I don’t need one,” You replied, humming the alteration song you and Yoongi had figured out. “I can feed off of yours.”
He nodded, then you all hopped into the elevator.
“We stay under the radar, if you see someone you recognize, then you tell us. Don’t go running off. We’ll want to be sure that they are who they appear to be,” You instructed Zephyros.
He nodded, glancing nervously at Jimin.
“I’m just here to make sure she stays safe. She has a tendency to jump into the thick of things, then get dropped off the side of the building, effectively almost killing herself and then disappearing and making us worry for a year.”
Zephyros looked at you with something akin to alarm.
“One time. Our first bad guy together. Special circumstances. And I didn’t make all of you worry.”
“Only because you took him with you!” Jimin protested.
You rolled your eyes and folded your arms.
The doors opened again and you walked out and down the hall to where the transport super was waiting.
You showed her a picture. “Here.”
She nodded and opened a portal.
The three of you stepped through the portal, into an inconspicuous back alley.
“This way,” You said, heading toward the ruins.
No one seemed to notice you three coming out of the alley, everyone mostly preoccupied by looking at the ruins of the temple.
Zephyros shifted closer to you. “It’s really gone.”
You rubbed his back. “I’m sure everyone is safe. Nadya and the other priests and priestesses of the temple would protect them.”
He nodded as well, still fixated on the ruins.
“Look around, Zephyros,” Jimin instructed. “Anyone look familiar. Anything look out of place?”
He took a breath, then looked at the faces. There were still emergency vehicles parked outside, and some people getting medical attention.
He looked around and then glanced at you and started walking forward when you nodded to him.
Jimin touched your arm and signaled that he was going to go check something out.
You nodded and followed Zephyros over to the fence. You hummed slightly, looking around for any sign that Nadya may have left.
“Those boys over there, sleeping in the box, one of them looks like one of the other acolytes.” Zephyros glanced their way again. “My friend.”
“Taehyun,” He whispered.
You glanced toward Jimin, he was helping animal control, calming a cat that was trying to claw their eyes out. “Go over to Jimin, call him your brother. He’ll go with it. Any sort of secret that could would show whether it was him or not?”
“Ask him if the Lepus constellation is in the northern or southern sky.”
“Is there a correct answer?”
“Okay, head over to Jimin.” You headed toward the people sleeping in boxes. The song you sang made people not want to see you, which made it doubly easy to pull a bag with some blankets from your non-dangerous storage. You handed them out, after altering your song ever so slightly, crouching beside the boy Zephyros had pointed out.
He was visibly shivering, though it wasn’t cold out, and he was obviously protecting the boy hidden inside the box. His gaze was on the ground, but you could tell he was aware of your presence. And he definitely had powers, the same for his friend.
“Must have been a long night, Taehyun. But my friend wants to know if the Lepus constellation is in the northern sky or the southern,” You whispered, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders.
“Kai?” He whispered, gaze shifting to your shoes.
“The boy next to you?”
“Friend,” He whispered.
“Is he hurt?”
“He got burnt, we were coming back.”
“Any other acolytes?” You asked, tucking the blanket around him, then peeking in the box, pulling another blanket from your bag.
“I don’t think so, the temple was already being burned when we got back. We were just getting some formula for a couple babies that were left at the temple.”
“Help me get your friend up. What’s his name?”
“Right,” You shifted closer to the boy in the box, “Yeonjun? We need to get you up and safe.”
He groaned softly, but was still completely out of it. Still hidden inside the box.
Taehyun touched your arm. “With the temple burnt, his protection is gone. He can’t be seen.”
You tilted your head, humming another melody that altered the perception of them and looking toward jimin and Zephyros.
Jimin caught your eye and they wandered over, crouching beside you. “Plan?”
“Sing us into an archive, then into the school. I set a point in the school where I know the melody fairly well, I should be able to open up to it.” You handed Taehyun a blanket. “Cover him.”
He nodded and went into the box, covering his friend and then carefully pulling him out.
Zephyros helped him.
“Are you sure about this?” Jimin asked, glancing around.
“Got a better idea? He’s too injured to move normally. I’ll have to come back to see if Nadya left me a message.” You closed your eyes and started humming, holding out your hands.
They were both grasped, and you heard Jimin instructing them to hold on tightly.
Then you were in one of your empty archives, one you hadn’t sealed with the artifact that Jungkook was holding.
Zephyros looked around in awe, holding onto the boy covered in a blanket.
You hummed queasily. “That cabinet over there has medical supplies. I need to rest, but I can treat his wounds.”
Taehyun carefully pulled the blanket from over the other boy’s head and horns.
The boy underneath was barely awake, glazed eyes glancing from Taehyun, to you.
“Yeonjun, my name is Nightingale. I’m going to treat your burns, then we’re going to go somewhere safer. Do you understand?” You asked gently, trying to meet his gaze to gauge his awareness.
He nodded slightly.
“Can’t Beomgyu-hyung heal him?” Zephyros asked quietly.
Jimin handed you the supplies. “If she’s admitting that she needs a break, it means it’s going to be a while before we can move again. We don’t want him in pain.”
You rolled your eyes. “I do know my limitations, thank you.”
“I’ll believe it when you act like it.”
“Can you two please not flirt?” Zephyros asked, making a face.
“Sorry,” You apologized, carefully moving Yeonjun’s clothing so you could treat the burns. “Habit.”
“This isn’t what I expected,” He said, changing the subject and looking around. “I didn’t expect your archive to look like this.”
“This is just one room. The archives are made up of multiple dimensional pockets that contain artifacts that I and my ancestors have stored—”
“Like Bernard Beufort?” Taehyung asked.
You looked at him sidelong for a moment. You could sense his power had something to do with time, but those were always the hardest to sense the exact nature of their powers.
He finally looked up and met your gaze, his one eye a star that glowed. “He is one of your ancestors, is he not?”
“He is, from—”
“France,” He said along with you, then his gaze dropped to the floor. “He studied under Jacqueline Torrent de Cavalier. You recently acquired one of his artifacts from a museum. And the night before that, you stole a different artifact from a company’s vault.”
“When you touch someone, you gain information about their past,” You guessed.
“Recent history. And their future. Sometimes. And not just people. Things. This place is scary. There’s no history at all. It’s like air.” He looked around nervously.
“But that’s not all, you can see. Taehyun…Mannaz, I don’t think we can take him to the school. It’s too dangerous. He’s too powerful.”
“We can’t leave him here.”
You closed your eyes. “I know someplace…we’ll take all five boys there and I’ll…I’ll stay there too. After I look for Nadya.” You opened your eyes and started working on the burns on Yeonjun’s leg. “I’ll go to the safehouse.”
“Where would Taehyun stay until we got the boys out?”
“I’d send him and Zephyros ahead to the safehouse. It’s far enough away that they should be safe.” You spread some of the salve onto the burns on Yeonjun’s arm. “I’ll have to be quick about investigating.”
“Alone with them?”
“You all are needed fighting the Oasis. They need to stay safe. And you…you all are going to need to be able to focus on the work at hand, knowing that I’m safe. Far away from the danger.”
“They’re not going to like that,” He whispered.
“I’m not either, but we’re short on options.”
“Why the other boys?”
“Because, for supers as young as they are, there is strength in numbers. You remember what it was like when you were their age. Beomgyu looks like he needs a door, and Soobin is about to be thrown into the thick of things anyway. Besides, I think Heuning Kai is already friends with them.” You smiled softly at Heuning Kai.
He smiled tightly, nodding confidently for the first time since he had first approached you in the Conservatory.
You hummed and a door appeared. “Mannaz, go with Huening Kai and get the other boys and their things. I’ll keep the door open as long as I can, but we don’t have time for explanations. Taehyun, in that cabinet over there is a rock. Pick it up. Ground yourself.” You took Yeonjun from Heuning Kai as carefully as you could.
Jimin frowned, but did as you instructed.
Taehyun sat with the rock beside you, running his fingers over the stone with his eyes closed.
Yeonjun was twitching a bit, but he seemed to be either asleep or passed out. You assumed passed out given the amount of pain he had to be in.
Jimin returned with the other three boys and their few things. “Okay, Tintin.”
You switched to humming a different door open. The one to your safest safe-house.
Beomgyu was lightly healing Yeonjun, enough to move him.
Jimin came over and picked Yeonjun up carefully. “Hurry, boys. Through the next doorway.”
They got up and you followed them to the doorway, watching until they were all in the house.
Jimin came hurrying back and closed the door, wrapping his arms around you as it disappeared behind him. “We can rest here until you’re at full strength again. Just rest.”
You laid your head on his shoulder and let the exhaustion overtake you.
Part 7.   Part 9.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.  
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Bulletproof Melody Masterpost
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Bulletproof Melody Masterpost: Superhero!BTS: What happens when circumstances force you to team up with the infamous Bulletproof Boyscouts? Will you be able to beat the villain threatening all of you and your town? Or will you watch everything burn? Complete.
Prologue: Meet the Heroes: A Character Guide Post
Total Wordcount: 30,232
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8/Finale
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Harmonious Extras:
Winding Down: One of the Halloween story raffle submissions; reader x Ot7 BTS from Bulletproof melody, fluffy and cuddly with kisses. Wordcount: 2,491.
Turkey Tango: One of the Thanksgiving story raffle submissions, Bulletproof Melody Universe, reader x ot7. Helping kids make Thanksgiving crafts proves a difficult task for the boys, who show you how difficult once they get you home. Wordcount: 2,064
Lost in You: One of the story raffle submissions; You and Jera/Hoseok make out in a corn maze while the other boys are lost. Hoseok x reader.
All I Want For Christmas: Christmas (and halloween) Story Raffle Submission, reader x ot7. The Bulletproof Melody boys are at it again and this time the gift they’re asking for is pretty special.
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Con Amore: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or 'lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6   Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16/Finale
151 notes · View notes
writersrealmbts · 5 years
Lost in You
Description: One of the story raffle submissions; You and Jera/Hoseok make out in a corn maze while the other boys are lost.
Warnings: Read Description
Posted: 12/14/2018
Tags: Superhero!BTS
IDK: 795 words
A/N: This is super late, and very sucky, but here it is.
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You giggled and rushed toward the corn maze. You hadn’t done one of these since you were ten and frankly, you loved mazes. It was a puzzle. Your job was puzzles. The boys hurried after you, then some rushed ahead of you. Hoseok stayed right by your side, but so did Jimin. You pushed the admission fees into the box when all of the boys were waiting there, then quickly bought a cider slushee for you and a few of the others who wanted them. “Guys, try to take it slow. Enjoy the ride. No cheating!” Jungkook and Taehyung gave you reluctant looks of agreement. Jimin just hugged you. Namjoon and Yoongi were barely even listening. Namjoon was sipping his slushee while conversing with Yoongi about some music they were working on for themselves and you in case of a future team up. Hoseok was holding your hand. “Mind if I stick with you?” “I don’t mind at all.” You smiled up at him. Taehyung called for Jimin to join them, and the clinger ran to catch up with the other two boys. “Perfect, let them get ahead a bit,” Hoseok muttered, pulling you slightly to slow you down as the boys all entered the corn maze. You smiled, marveling at how possessive he could be when all the other boys were around. It wasn’t an all the time thing, but sometimes he just craved your attention and the others were all there to prevent it. He just needed to have your attention to himself sometimes. You were more than happy to oblige. Hoseok wrapped an arm around your waist. “It’s really hard dating you while all of them are hanging around wanting your attention.” “Well, they’re lost in the maze, and we’re on a date. I know putting up with our family while we’re trying to explore a relationship is difficult,” You said softly. He pulled you into a dead end and it closed off suddenly. You arched an eyebrow, smiling as you heard objections throughout the maze from the boys. He shrugged. “Make it more interesting. Make sure we’re not interrupted.” “Oh? And what exactly are you preventing them from interrupting?” You let him wrap his arms around your waist, sliding your hands up his arms to his shoulders, then wrapped your arms around his neck. He leaned down and kissed you, softly at first, then he put a little more pressure behind his second kiss, holding you tightly. You leaned into him, finding yourself humming happily. He chuckled then went in for a third kiss, pulling you onto his lap as he sat on some sort of plant structure he created. His hand slid through your hair and he pulled you gently by your neck into another kiss. Then another. As if he felt you becoming shy, he gently squeezed your waist. “I love you.” You melted back into his touch. “I love you.” The kiss that followed was passionate, deep and all-consuming. You didn’t even hesitate to let him in as his tongue licked across your lip. You two got lost in kissing, and hands exploring each other’s bodies a little until suddenly there was a shout from nearby. You scrambled away from Yoongi, face burning way too hot for your liking and facing away from both boys. Hoseok huffed, looking indignantly at Yoongi. “What?” Yoongi folded his arms. “You’ve been in here for almost an hour. We finished the maze, got donuts, and more slushees, and we kind of want to go.” You gave an embarrassed cough. “Sorry. We’re coming.” Hoseok muttered grumpily. “If we have to.” Yoongi gave you both a disturbed pout. “Geez. We’re outside. Don’t even think about picking that up while we’re all at home.” Then he disappeared. Hoseok got up, then hooked his arm around your waist, pulling you back to him. “We have got to find time away.” You smiled up at him. “Well…maybe if you take me out on a real date…we could end up…somewhere other than home.” His hold on you tightened as he caught up to you and began walking away with you. “Like, going out to dinner? Just the two of us?” “Mmm, that would be considered a date,” You replied. He swooped you around and pressed a needy kiss to your lips, delving back into the same passion as before. “Maybe we could skip.” You nodded, letting out a sound you didn’t know you could make. “Your safe house, maybe?” You nodded and hummed, pulling him into your safe house and pulling him into a kiss. They’ll figure out where you two went eventually. His body was pressed to yours and any words exchanged were simply confessions of love. The best feeling in the world.
Masterlist. ~ Series Masterpost ~ Previous Part ~ Next Part
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Bulletproof Melody: Part 7
Description: Superhero!BTS: What happens when circumstances force you to team up with the infamous Bulletproof Boyscouts? Will you be able to beat the villain threatening all of you and your town? Or will you watch everything burn?
Prologue: Meet the Heroes
Warnings: Violence, gore, Tinny’s done playing
Posted: 11/05/2018
Tags: SuperheroAU, Superhero!BTS, superpowered!BTS
Angst with little fluffs: 3,320 words
A/N: I have no idea how I’m going to end this thing. Also, the songs mentioned are Titanium by whomever and then i believe by Christina Perri. Because the translations of BTS songs just didn’t work for what I needed.
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“It has to be this guy.” Jimin’s words were soft, but in the silent room they caught everyone’s attention. “What? Why?” Jungkook asked before anyone else. Jimin looked up at you. “He’s related to your mother.” You frowned. “What?” “That’s…that makes sense actually. From her file…your mom’s family…” Namjoon was beating around the bush as he looked through your mother’s file. You hadn’t been able to look through it yourself. The picture had made you freeze up. Instead, you were looking through the file of an unlikely candidate for your supposed opponent. “My mom’s family…?” You prompted. He closed the file. “They were killed in a fire.” Your heart dropped. “Why would that make it someone…related to me?” “Who else would know about your father?” Sowilo asked, shaking his head and closing the file he was looking through. You shivered and curled up, hugging your knees. “But why would my father’s file be completely stolen and his left?” “Maybe it was a different party that stole his file. Either way, this guy makes the most sense. He’s a level 9 on the threat level on this paper,” Jimin said, holding up a sheet. They gathered around him to look through the files while you tried to process the new information, thinking back to everything you knew about your mother’s family. You could remember asking if she had siblings and she had smiled at you softly. “Oh, hummingbird, I had the best siblings in the world. I also had some cousins that I was very close with. But they’re all gone now. That’s why your father and I want you to be strong before we let you do anything on your own. The stronger you are, the safer you’ll be, and then we can all smile together more often and sing louder. The more voices that join you, the stronger you’ll be. Because of the archives, you’ll always be somewhat separated, but if you have any of the luck I prayed for for you, then you’ll meet at least a one very special person that will help you protect the archives. One person whose song makes you stronger. Remember how we sing together?” You had nodded enthusiastically. “Red is the rose that in yonder garden grows,” Your mother started singing. You joined her, singing harmony. “Fair is the lily of the valley. Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne. But my love is fairer than any.” The two of you finished together, resting your foreheads against the other’s, both looking outside as the roses faded from red to their normal color. “We find music in everything, my love. Always listen to the melodies of the people around you. The people who truly get along and who will get along with you will have melodies that work together. Listen and you’ll understand,” She whispered, then kissed your forehead. “Y/n?” Taehyung touched your hand lightly. “What was that song you were humming?” “Hmm? Oh, um, Red is the Rose. It’s an Irish song. My mother used to sing it with me. I was just trying to remember what she told me about her family.” You looked at the wall, contemplating the words in the memory. He smiled at you, then went back to discussing the super. You watched them, noticing little evidences of their powers. Jungkook putting a forcefield in a glass of water as he goofed around with Jin, who was manipulating the water to try and make sure Jungkook only got a little water in his forcefields, as they both listened to the debate. Yoongi was scratching his neck and basically reading a page from the file that was in Hoseok’s hand and facing away from him. Jimin’s eyes kept flickering back and forth between human and somewhat cat-like. A plant near Hoseok kept curling and growing in peculiar fashion. Namjoon kept shaking out his hand that was trying to go super-speed out of excitement of actually finding a candidate for who might be their enemy. Taehyung had electricity arcing between his fingers and he kept tossing his rubber stress-ball through tiny portals and catching it. Then you focused, really focused, and you heard their melodies. Their base melody, the melodies that accompany their powers. One person whose song makes you stronger. Those who get along will have melodies that work together. You focused on Hoseok first, most familiar with his song. You listened to the tone and the timing, and comparing it to your own. You repeated it with every single one of them, noticing that they all matched each other. And you. You listened to them going through the file, but now it was more that you were listening to. You were hearing the melodies that surrounded you. They weren’t paying attention to you still, which made it easier to study and then replicate Taehyung’s melody that went with his electricity as it arced between his fingers. Yoongi was staring at you when you looked up from seeing the tiny sparks of electricity from your own hand after getting the melody right. “Guys,” You said softly, getting their attention before humming again and getting the sparks. Jungkook shifted closer, clearly fascinated, then hummed along with you. Not only did sparks jump from his hands, but when he slipped into harmony instead the sparks from you turned into quick little arcs of electricity. Taehyung’s mouth hung open. “Cool! Wait, what happens if I hum?” You shrugged. “It’s your melody.” But you all tried it. When Taehyung hummed the melody (taking to it naturally and looking sort of soothed) and you hummed harmony then his power seemed to be even stronger. And when the others joined with either the harmony or melody, it got even stronger, though you definitely started feeling a little warm. “Guys, let’s not exhaust her,” Hoseok said, hand stroking your hair. “This is still part of her power. Let’s refocus on this villain. How is he related to her?” Jimin’s face dropped. Namjoon nodded slowly. “Brother?” Jimin nodded. “So he’s my uncle,” You murmured, resting your head on Hoseok’s shoulder as you thought about it. You were oddly calm now that you could hear how compatible their melodies were with yours, and each mixing sounded so unique and wonderful that you didn’t think you could ever get tired of it. “You said earlier you were trying to remember if your mom said anything about them?” Taehyung prompted gently. “Any details about them?” “I knew her family died…I knew fire scared her.” You remembered how she had panicked when she found you watching a candle that was lit. “I just…I never put the two together.” “So he likely knows some of what your powers entails to you by way of your parent’s own powers. And he’s probably been studying us for a while since he came out when Jera was with you. We’re going to need a good plan. An unusual plan. One that he won’t expect.” Yoongi frowned, as he contemplated what to do. It was quiet for a moment as everyone thought. You sat upright as an idea formed in your mind. “I know how we can start.” “Let’s hear it,” Namjoon said. “No interruptions,” You instructed. “I know you’ll want to, but don’t. Okay?” They slowly nodded, with Hoseok agreeing last and taking your hand in his. You nodded. “It starts with coordinating with emergency services.” ———— You quickly swallowed and set the water bottle down and continued humming one of your many protective songs. Your plan was crazy. Absolutely insane. Why didn’t they talk you out of this? Any plan that had you sitting on the roof of a sixty-story hotel was a crazy plan. Any plan that had you out on the hotel roof like a sitting duck was a crazy plan. Any plan that had you sitting out on a hotel roof like a sitting duck and basically sending out a beacon to draw your enemies to you was a crazy plan. Any plan that provided you little to no protection from any potential snipers was a crazy plan. So of course it was your plan. All your doubts about whether or not you should see a professional about your crazy was gone. Had the boys objected to it? Initially, yes. But then they all saw the logic of it. “Shoot me down, but I won’t fall. I’m titanium,” You sang out loud, feeling a little more nervous for a moment. Aside from your occasional bathroom breaks where you went inside, you’d been waiting on the roof for about three days. Most of your nervousness dissipated, then resurfaced. Usually when you would start to doze off. Or when you remembered that the deadline was up two days ago. “You’re braver than I gave you credit for. You would be a sitting duck if it weren’t for your powers. You don’t even have any of those boys around. Very impressive, niece. And spending three days here with hardly any breaks: that’s the kind of dedication I love to see.” You let your gaze flick up, locking onto the ragged form of your father, not your uncle. “Hi Dad.” His eyes were wild with worry, a look you were very familiar with. It was the same look he’d had when he found you swimming unsupervised or the first time you showed the symptoms from using the records. He wanted to run over to you. To protect you. “Ah, yes, your father. The new control technology is working well for him. Others died. Maybe it was because he was dead when we put it in. Either way, he obeys very well.” “I will stop you,” You said, finally letting your gaze switch to the fire super standing beside your father and damn he looked similar to your mother. The shape of his eyes and their color, the slant of his nose, the shade of his hair, all of it was so similar to your mother’s that you had no doubts that they were related by blood. “You’ll have to stop your own father first.” You looked at your father, then the villain. “I will stop you, Inferno.” “It’s Sekhmet!” He growled, his hair bursting into flames. You snorted, then burst into giggles. “Sekhmet?” “Yes! God of fire!” He looked furious that you were laughing. “Sekhmet is the Egyptian goddess of fire, lions, and vengeance. Are you telling me you identify as a woman?” You asked, knowing it was a terrible, terrible joke but unable to resist. Your father looked surprised. He roared in anger. “Are you cracking jokes when you should be concerned about fighting your father?” “Should I really?” You looked at your father, taking in his state, then looked at your uncle and shrugged. “Oh, you really think you can beat your own father?” The man chuckled “He taught you everything you know.” “Not everything,” You murmured, eyes glued to your father as you saw where this conversation was headed. You could tell there was some part of him left that was screaming that he didn’t want to hurt you. That he wouldn’t obey. You knew he wouldn’t have a choice. “Sentry, kill her.” You waited a second as Sentry surged toward you before darting forward yourself and flipping over him, rushing at Inferno, humming the melody that Tiwaz and Eihwaz had given you. He was surprised, but blocked your first punch, not seeing your hyper-speed left hook as your song manipulated his speed, then manipulated your strength. You refused to fail. You refused to let any of the boys die. Sentry’s arm got around your waist, but you turned quickly and slammed your arm and elbow into his face, then ducked and twisted to knock Inferno’s left leg from under him as you switched to Raidho’s song and sent electricity through both. Then there were seven more fire supers on the roof. Inferno got back to his feet while you were assessing the new-comers. “Meet my team. You may have come alone, but I didn’t.” You turned to him with a smirk. “Who said I’m alone?” You threw another punch at him, but Sentry intervened. Mannaz dropped from the sky, shifting from bird form to Tiger as he landed on one of the fire supers that was blinded by Sowilo. Tiwaz dashed over, taking on a fire super himself. Laguz took on two. Jera helped you, pulling Sentry off of you and fighting him himself. Raidho knocked Inferno into your fist, then went to deal with a different fire super, dragging them away from where you were fighting. You didn’t dare stop singing, your fight with Inferno both physical and musical as he started manipulating with music as well. Above all else, you were protecting the boys from what he would try to do to them. When the boys could spare a second, they would give you an extra hand, giving you a momentary advantage before they had to focus on their own enemies, slowly spreading out across the next couple of buildings. “You killed my mother,” You spat, working it into your song seamlessly as you dodged his kick to your stomach. “She should have died with the rest of my pathetic family!” His song faltered and you gained the advantage, delivering two quick blows to his body. The two of you struggled again, then you went flying across the rooftop, rolling and wincing, still maintaining your melody somehow. “What song will you sing now?” He asked, mockingly. “A song about strength? About being a warrior?” You saw Jera fighting your father, preventing him from getting to you. Sowilo was using his light to his advantage, but his enemy was also smart and they seemed evenly matched. Laguz had taken out one of them and was working on the other. “Or will you surrender?” Your mind settled on a song. “I believe if I knew where I was going I’d lose my way. I believe that the words that he told you are not your grave,” You started singing quietly. “I know that we are not the weight of all our memories. I believe in the things that I am afraid to say. Hold on, hold on.” “Well, niece? Has the great Nightingale lost all hope?” You focused on all the memories of the boys, the conversations you’ve had with them. The things you’ve learned. The family you created. “I believe in the lost possibilities you can see.” Your Jera. “And I believe that the darkness reminds us where light can be.” Sowilo. “I know that your heart is still beating, beating, darling.” All of them. “I believe that you fell so you would land next to me.” Inferno frowned at you as you got up. “What kind of retaliation is this?” “'Cause I have been where you are before, and I have felt the pain of losing who you are. And I have died so many times, but I am still alive!” You slammed into him, but quickly slid out of reach when he tried to grab onto you. You switched to another song, one that Tiwaz and Sowilo had come up with. One that to keep the boys safe and alive. They wouldn’t be dying. Not Today. Sowilo thankfully caught onto the change and immediately fell into it, which seemed to signal the others. You could feel the power of them all doing their part in the song, letting you hanging onto one base note and focus on fighting. Laguz slammed a fist into Inferno’s gut, taking the villain by surprise before quickly falling in beside you. “Should I help you or Jera?” “Jera,” You managed to reply. He nodded, helping you for another moment before helping Jera who was starting to struggle against Sentry. You didn’t see Sowilo anywhere now, or the opponent he was grappling with and you sincerely hoped he hadn’t fallen over the edge of the roof. “You know what’s stupid? That you have all this power, and you lock it away. You don’t even use the good artifacts to help people. You don’t use the anger stored for generations by previous archivists. Or sadness. Energy is no problem, though, right? Can you store good health? Can you store diseases? Your father could barely even store energy, he said you could do it without a second thought.” “Artifacts are dangerous in the wrong hands,” You argued, able to pause for a moment as the boys used another protective song that they had come up with while you were on the roof. “In your hands.” “And they’re safer in yours? You who didn’t notice that there were some missing?” “Stolen,” You replied, getting a kick to his face. He looked beyond you and smirked. You turned to see Laguz bleeding badly from a wound on the left side of his torso and in a headlock, looking faint from lack of oxygen. Jera was still warding off blows from Sentry’s free hand, and trying desperately to loosen Sentry’s hold on Laguz. And they were far too close to the edge. “You see, this is where morals get you in trouble, Nightingale. Sentry! Take them over the edge!” “No!” You screeched. Jera grabbed onto Laguz, pulling away from the edge, barely balancing them on the edge. A ball of fire slammed into him. He yelled in pain. You screamed in rage and fear as both men toppled off the roof with your father. You swung blindly at Inferno and both of you went back to both the physical and musical manipulation battles. He threw a fist at your stomach that you managed to block and counter with your knee to his crotch and a fist to his throat. You quickly followed with a kick to his knee and a right hook that had him stumbling to the ground. You didn’t let up, pinning him as his song completely dissipated, and still punching him even after he hit you in the side with something far too painful to just be his fist, but you didn’t care. If they were dead, it was his fault and he would pay. He would pay for ruining your life, for taking away your parents, and now your friends. You paused for breath and got thrown off of him and suddenly he had you dangling in the air over the edge of the roof, holding you by your throat and your right arm. “You’re stronger than your parents. It’s a shame you’re so corrupted. So…good.” “Nightingale!” Raidho and Tiwaz appeared on the rooftop, quickly taking in the situation. Inferno sent a wave of white-hot fire toward them and let you go. You was Tiwaz slam into Inferno, and you just sort of knew the fight was over. Your back hit first and the pain was excruciating as your body slumped into the window-washing carriage. You couldn’t breath in, and you’d never been more grateful when you vision started to fade. Unfortunately, when you did manage to breathe it was way too painful. “Tinny! Oh, God. Oh, God, no.” You managed to blink up at the beautifully charming man, smiling a little. “It means…” “No! You’re not dying. Just keep breathing. Stay with me.” “Berkano…” “Stop! Please, Tinny, please!” “Symbolizes…fertility and birth…” You gasped for breath, feeling like you were choking. “Stop,” He sobbed. “You’re going to be okay. We’re almost to the bottom.” “Growth…” You coughed and it was horrible. “And new beginnings…” He kissed your forehead. “I’m not scared, it’s okay,” You gasped out. “Shut up. Shut up, just breathe. Paramedics are waiting, I just have to get you to them. Stay with me, Tinny. Don’t leave me.” He was safe. He was alive. You completed at least part of your mission. As you listened to him your eyes closed like the doors to your future.
Masterlist.  Part 6.  Part 8.
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Bulletproof Melody: Part 1
Description: Superhero!BTS: What happens when circumstances force you to team up with the infamous Bulletproof Boyscouts? Will you be able to beat the villain threatening all of you and your town? Or will you watch everything burn?
Prologue: Meet the Heroes
Warnings: Violence
Posted: 9/09/2018
Tags: SuperheroAU, Superhero!BTS, superpowered!BTS
Angst with little fluffs: 3,966 words
A/N: So, hopefully I’ve written it clearly enough that you guys know who is who, if not, there’s always the guide, so check that out. I haven’t gotten far enough into the story to actually decide who the love interest is, though it might come across as one more than another. The first few parts are mostly going to be exploring the powers and building up the relationship to the boys I promise there will be more action later.
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You rolled out of the way of your opponent’s kick, and grabbed the pipe, turning and swinging it at her knees before getting back to your feet. You swung again and caught her head.
She crumpled to the ground.
You dropped the pipe and leaned against one of the columns. “It is five in the damn morning on a Monday. I haven’t even had coffee yet and someone decides to try and steal from a bank. Most people do this in the middle of the night, but no, you wake me up before dawn. I hope you have a splitting headache when you wake up,” You told your unconscious enemy.
“That’s not very kind,” a teasing voice said from behind you.
You turned to look at your eternal thorn in the side. “This is my territory, why do you always show up?”
“Had to make sure you won,” He teased, dropping to the ground beside you.
“Really?” You folded your arms.
He flashed a winning smile. “Come on, Nightingale, admit it: if I didn’t come around you would totally get lonely.”
You hated that he was right. “Don’t flatter yourself, Jera. I mean, just the name is enough to annoy me.”
“I didn’t come up with it.” He flicked his wrist and there was a squeak of protest from your enemy as she was tied up with vines.
You sighed. “Yeah, yeah. Each of your members has the name of a Nordic rune because the journalist that first wrote about you guys not only called you the bulletproof boy-scouts—“
“Annoying name.”
“But also decided that he would name Eihwaz and Laguz after Nordic runes. Then the rest of you just accepted it and helped each other choose names. You opted out and ended up as Jera—after vehemently protesting Berkano at my insistence.”
“You still haven’t told me what it means,” he said, stepping close, obviously flirting.
“You could just look it up?”
“Now where would the fun be in that, petunia?” He tucked a flower in your hair. He was dangerously close, his powers radiating off of him, and sensed by you with your own power.
You smirked up at him. “You wish for a connection. If I tell you, you won’t have a reason to keep talking to me except for these useless check ups to see if I won or lost.”
He rolled his eyes. “You always make things harder. Don’t tell me.”
“I will. I’ll tell you when I’m dying.”
He grew serious as he realized you were. He swallowed and nodded. “So when we’re old.”
“Old is relative.”
“Hey,” he said, sounding worried. “Don’t…Don’t get yourself killed doing something stupid.”
You opened your mouth to reply, then snapped it shut as you sensed a fire super nearby. You pulled out some of your cached energy, handing one of the crystal pieces to Jera. “Fire, over there.”
He crushed the energy piece in his hand with a nod, preparing himself for whoever it was.
You picked the pipe up again.
“Nightingale and Jera? Lovers in the night? Or secret villains, colluding against the team he’s in?” A man’s voice rumbled in the darkness as his eyes began to glow like embers.
“Neither,” Jera answered, already in a fighting stance.
“You have something that belongs to me, Nightingale. I will have it back.”
“Her?” You guessed, pointing the pipe at the girl who looked up at you like you were crazy. You shrugged at her.
“Why should I care about some low-level thief? No, I speak of a scroll. A scroll that will solve all of my problems.” His eyes went from orange to blue in an instant.
Jera glanced at you, curious and uneasy. His powers weren’t strong against fire. He would get hurt if he fought for you.
You tried to think of what it could be. You had collected a few scrolls that supers had imbued their powers into upon retirement or as they died. It was like a sort of legacy. Because your caches existed on dimensional planes that only you or your ancestors could access, you stored a lot of dangerous weapons and artifacts for people.
“You try my patience!”
“My family has been collecting scrolls for centuries, you’ll have to be a little more specific!” You snapped, pointing the pipe at him in annoyance.
“The scroll of delight.”
You frowned. “Yeah, no, I’d have to check the records.”
A fireball caught Jera straight in the chest.
He screamed in pain, dropping to the ground as you shrieked in surprise.
“You have one week to get me that scroll! Or else I will burn this city to the ground!” The super roared, then erupted in a pillar of flames.
You dropped to Jera’s side. “Hold still for just a moment…I’ll…I know a song for this…” you squeezed your eyes shut, then slowly started humming. You felt the right sort of energy flow through you and you started sing the words of a healing song, gently touching where he got burned.
He grew still, his breathing calming down as the pain lessened. “Thanks, Tinny.”
You finished the song and surveyed your work. Now it just appeared he’d been in the sun for too long. You let out a shaky sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, if I hadn’t gotten snarky with him—“
“You still couldn’t have given the scroll to him. He’s clearly hostile,” he cut you off, sitting up gingerly. Then he fixed his gaze on you. “You’re going to need help.”
You looked away for a moment. “I am.”
He got up and helped you up. “We’ll leave her for the police to find when they finally show up. Let’s go talk to the other boys.”
You nodded.
Jera caught you by your waist and pulled you against his body. “Hold on tight.”
You grabbed on quickly, then the two of you were being tossed into the air by a tree.
There was a flash of light and then you were in their lair.
Both of you dropped to the ground groaning.
“Hyung!” Jera protested, rubbing his eyes.
“It was the fastest way to get you here.” Sowilo was glaring at you until he recognized you from your few encounters. “Nightingale?”
“Did you just turn me into particles of light?”
“So that’s how you stay so skinny,” you muttered.
He laughed, his tired appearance melting. “I can’t keep it as particles of light.”
“Oh well, it was just a guess anyway.”
“He forgets to eat,” Jera told you, clapping his teammate on the shoulder. “Too busy napping.”
You giggled as Sowilo protested his brother’s honesty loudly, groaning about him being loud.
You turned toward Laguz and smiled. “Hey.”
“What are you doing here?” He asked, curious but cautious. Then he saw Jera. “What happened to you?!”
“Fire super. We’ll explain once the team is together. It doesn’t hurt that much. I’m just going to put on a different shirt. Take her to the meeting room?” Jera placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, knowing that you weren’t around this many people often.
Laguz nodded. “Alright. Wilo, lead on.”
“Hyung, no jokes. We don’t want to scare her,” Jera added, then passed through a different door.
Laguz looked a little miffed.
“Don’t ask, they’re terrible.” Sowilo put himself between you and Laguz. “I told the others that we have a visitor. They should be decent.”
“I sincerely hope you just mean that they weren’t disguised,” you muttered, uncomfortable with the two men that you barely knew. You were examining your surroundings cautiously, trying to calm your nerves.
Raidho appeared in front of you (technically transported) and grinned. “Nightingale!”
You gave a nervous smile. “Raidho.”
“You’re actually here! Wow! Jera has told us a lot about you!” He grabbed your hand and shook it. His voice was deeper than you had imagined, and he seemed surprisingly goofy and energetic compared to when he was working. Out there he was methodical and exact. Sure, he would smile and such, but he always seemed focused. Intense.
“Raid, calm down. You’ll scare her. She’s a loner, this is a little new for her,” Laguz said in a voice that said scolding but with a look like you would give a beloved pet who was being adorable.
Raidho pouted slightly, looking at you. “You’re not scared of me, are you?”
You kind of were, but more because you had seen him fight and he was a stranger than because you actually thought he was scary.
He looked so hurt when you didn’t answer. “You are?” His already big eyes widened. “Why would you be afraid of me?”
“I’m not…per se. I get around. I’ve seen you fight. And you’re standing really close to me right now.”
Sowilo pulled Raidho back. “Sorry about him.”
“Ah, don’t be afraid of me!” He looked like he was about to beg.
You looked at Laguz for help.
He clapped a hand on Raidho’s shoulder. “Relax, she just doesn’t know you yet and she’s a little shy. Right?”
“I would have said cautious,” you replied.
“Nah, you’re shy.” Sowilo turned to keep walking. “Nothing wrong with that. It’s a good defense mechanism given the secrecy that we all need to operate with.”
“So, what happened? I doubt you’re the one who did that to Jera.” Laguz kept moving forward beside you, making sure Raidho kept moving as well.
“Jera will explain,” you said, a little nervously since you didn’t know if he actually would.
Raidho bounced. “Are we teaming up? That’d be so cool!”
You shrugged slightly, sensing the powers of Tiwaz and Mannaz ahead.
Tiwaz was the leader of the group, though he often said he shouldn’t be. He had super speed, could sense danger before it came about, and if he gave someone a penny they would be completely honest for about ten minutes. He could get two minutes of honesty without the penny, last you heard. He was also somewhat clumsy because of his speed. Still, he was considered one of the most powerful supers in the country and was highly respected in the hero community.
Mannaz had animal related powers, able to communicate with and transform into animals. He also had a sort of animalistic empathy, like how a dog could sense emotions of humans.
The only person in their group that you couldn’t sense was Eihwaz, the youngest member of their group, who had the powers of super strength and force fields. He was probably out of range of what you could sense though.
Sowilo grunted. “I’m gonna need a nap after this. You’ll have to keep me awake.”
“Why?” Laguz asked.
Sowilo didn’t answer, almost going invisible as there was a flash of light before Eihwaz appeared in the hallway with all of you.
Raidho caught Sowilo as the latter stumbled. “I could have done it Hyung,” he murmured, sounding both apologetic and pouty.
Eihwaz was staring at you with wide eyes. “You’re…”
He nodded. “Uh, nice to meet you.”
“Likewise, Eihwaz.” You hummed a certain way, hitting the notes to open your cache of energy, pulling one out and handing it to Sowilo. “This is only an hours worth of energy, but it should get you through the meeting.”
He looked at the crystal in his hand, then at you with confusion.
“Crush it in your hand.”
He did, then flinched and his eyes became huge. His mouth dropped open slightly. “So that’s what Jera meant when he said you can store anything.”
You hummed slightly, sending the dust to a different cache, and nodded. “Anything but others powers. And emotions. Well, I can store some emotions, but the emotion has to be strong and I have to store it with some sort of substance that matches the emotion. Sadness and those similar are stored using collected tears, anger with blood, happiness with lemonade.”
“Blood?!” Laguz gave you a concerned look.
“Hey, it was in the vial when I inherited that vault from my parents. Besides, anger isn’t something that should be stored. The only reason I still have it is because there are certain weapons that require a little bit of anger to keep them in check. As well as a protection scroll that requires essence of anger to activate it. Almost forgot about that. I should put that somewhere easier to reach,” you muttered, pulling out your notebook and writing a note to yourself about doing that.
“Why is happiness lemonade?” Raidho asked, curiousity in his large eyes.
“Well, in the days of my great-great-great-grandparents it was wine. But there were a few too many of my relatives enjoying the happy juice so my great-great-grandmother changed it to lemonade and it’s been that way ever since.” You looked away, getting nervous the closer you got to where Tiwaz and Mannaz were. Both were intimidating, somehow even more so than Sowilo, even though he was solemn most often and Tiwaz had a tendency toward klutziness.
Mannaz was just intense and fought too well for you to ever hope to go against him. Frankly, he scared you even more than Raidho. When Jera had heard it he had laughed. A lot.
“What happened to the dust from the crystal?” Sowilo asked, looking at his hand.
“It’s sleep dust now, I stored it with the rest.”
“That’s so cool!” Raidho grinned.
Eihwaz kept well ahead of the rest of us, not saying anything, but looking curious despite his nervousness.
You understood the feeling.
Laguz stepped through the double doors first, bringing up a bridge from under the water that lined the new, circular room. Plants grew on many of the walls, and were in pots here and there about the room. A fountain, like a waterfall, flowed down the one planter wall and into the water around the room. There was a miniature Tesla coil off to one side, near a computer setup that was impressive. A set of weights that looked impossible to use were sitting on the opposite side of the room. The light seemed natural, yet there were no windows, and prisms were scattered about the room creating rainbows in random spots. Also scattered throughout the room were cushions, mats, and dog or cat beds tucked into corners and niches.
And in the very center, surrounded by the chaos created by all seven members, was an oval table with seven chairs at it. A clear glass ball sat in the center, no doubt to help Sowilo project images better.
Tiwaz was studying papers on the table and looking perplexed.
Mannaz shifted out of being a calico cat and into a human just a few feet away. “They’re here.”
Tiwaz looked up and his expression softened, looked happy. “Nightingale, it’s an honor to have you here.”
“Honor to be here, though circumstances could be better.”
He nodded. “Right. I think we’re just waiting for—“
“Everyone to sit down,” Jera interrupted with a chuckle. He had changed into casual clothes and damn it looked good.
Not that any of these boys knew how to look bad.
You nervously crossed the bridge and approached the meeting table, following the boys.
Jera moved to your side, giving you a reassuring smile. “I’ll do the talking.”
Relief flooded you. “Thanks.”
“Sorry I ran off. They treat you okay?”
“I think I broke Raidho’s heart.”
He looked concerned and surprised. “How?”
“I couldn’t say I wasn’t scared of him.” You kept your voice at a whisper, conscious of the other ears in the room.
He laughed. “He’ll get over it.” He gently led you to a chair opposite Tiwaz and pulled it out for you.
You sat, unable to meet the gazes around you. You hadn’t realized how tired you were until you sat down. That fight had taken it out of you and with the temporary energy starting to wear off as your nervousness and unease ate away at you, you were feeling the exhaustion from your early morning activities.
“I went to see how Nightingale made out with her fight after finishing helping Mannaz and Laguz at the—“
The computer beeped loudly enough to cut Jera off.
Tiwaz was at it in a millisecond. “Robbery at a…toy store? A man, alone.”
“Is it a Gerald’s?” You asked, sitting up straighter.
He looked back at you with some surprise. “Yeah…”
“He’s one of mine. Gerald’s uses child labor to make their toys, and is putting good toy companies and stores out of business in ways slightly less than legal.” You leaned back in your seat. “I decided I couldn’t be everywhere at once.”
“What does he do with what he steals?” Tiwaz asked, frowning.
You smirked. “He donates them to orphanages, schools, libraries, and day cares. In that order.”
Sowilo smiled. “I think we can let this one slip, Tiwaz.”
Tiwaz nodded and walked back to the table, sitting back down. “You were saying, Jera?”
“A fire super confronted us. Mostly her. He wanted a scroll, said she had it. Called it a scroll of…delight?”
You nodded, still unsure what it could be.
“He said that if we didn’t get him the scroll within a week…he’d burn the city down.” Jera touched his chest gingerly, even though you had managed to heal him mostly. “We can’t give him the scroll, so we only have a week to stop him.”
“Do we know where the scroll is?”
“I don’t even know what it is. I have to check the records, and that…that alone could take a whole day. Maybe two.” Your father hadn’t been the most organized vault-keeper, and had spent most of his life collecting the things that shouldn’t be available to just anyone. Which left you with a mess. Not to mention the records dated back centuries. To your eight-times-great-grandfather, who had compiled and translated the previous records into one book.
There were now twenty-four books and none had been updated. It was your project when you had spare time. Which was any time you weren’t fighting, really. Your family's long history had you set for life, so you didn't really need to work a job. Instead you did consulting on specific artifacts and pieces of art, and were decently well-known for collecting pieces by specific artisans. Not to mention you basically acted as a secure deposit box for other supers and sometimes they ‘rented’ the space they used.
“Tinny needs protection, and help taking this guy down. He’s dangerous.”
You nodded. You usually dealt with low level stuff and you knew your limitations. Your powers weren’t fighting powers. You had learned how to fight on your own, teaching yourself in your spare time. You never wanted to be defenseless. Not again. You didn't like hearing that you needed protection, even though you knew it was true. You were someone who handled thieves and sometimes helped in hostage situations.
The boys handled the bigger threats in the area because they were fighters. Good fighters.
“Okay, so what did he look like?” Sowilo asked.
You shook your head. “We could only see his eyes. And when he burst into a pillar of flames after hurting Jera.”
“He had flaming eyes: orange and then blue. Changed with his mood.”
Laguz sucked in a breath. “That means he’s at the very least a level six threat.”
The boys looked at each other in alarm, but apparently weren’t about to argue with the water-super’s assessment.
“Hyung…” Tiwaz looked at Laguz with uncertainty and worry.
“Did you two come straight here?” Laguz asked, color draining from his face.
Tiwaz suddenly stood up. “We have guests.”
Laguz turned and brought the water surrounding the platform up into a protective bubble around the table and computer, with the bridge leading there as Tiwaz and Sowilo quickly wiped the computers after getting the information they needed from it.
Orange light shone through the protective water barrier on all sides, from all nine entrances.
Laguz was starting to struggle, visibly shaking.
You got up, unsure how to help.
“Eihwaz! Force field! Now!” Tiwaz shouted.
Eihwaz looked panicked, trying desperately to form a force-field.
The fire started eating through the water, causing Laguz to yell in pain.
Eihwaz finally got a force field up, but it was inside the water one, not nearly as large, and almost had Sowilo outside of it.
At that second, Laguz’s yell reached a new volume as the fire deteriorated the last of the water and he collapsed, eyes rolling back.
You caught him, despite his size and weight, staggering slightly.
“Laguz!” Mannaz cried, then turned to Raidho. “You need to get us out of here.”
Raidho nodded, closing his eyes to build up the power.
Eihwaz was barely holding the force field up, and it was getting unbearably hot.
Raidho grabbed Mannaz and Tiwaz.
Jera connected everyone with vines.
Then Raidho jerked everyone backwards.
The world flipped on its head, and then you were landing in a field.
You thought you would be sick, but you focused on Laguz. His pulse was thready and weak. He looked severely dehydrated, and burnt.
“Laguz?” Tiwaz stumbled free of the vines as they let go of everyone and dropped next to the two of you. He gently touched his brother’s face then looked at you. “Can you do anything for him? I know…”
You chewed you lip. “M-maybe songs about water? Hang on, let me get a water bottle out.” You closed your eyes and managed to shakily hum the right combination to get a water bottle. Normally you didn’t have to do it for water, but your nerves were shot, as was your energy.
“Please try the water songs,” Tiwaz asked gently.
“We need to move somewhere safer first,” Jera called.
Mannaz helped Sowilo up. “We’re not out of trouble yet.”
Eihwaz picked up the passed out form of Raidho.
You breathed shakily. “We’ll have to go to the safe house. But I won’t be able to help Laguz right away if we do, though.”
They all looked at each other with concern.
Jera came over and checked Laguz again. The water had helped a little, but it had to be given in small sips. He needed an IV.
“Does it have medical supplies?” Tiwaz asked.
You nodded. “I updated it two years ago to have a med-bay.”
Jera carefully took Laguz from you. “I guess we need to be put in storage then.”
You closed your eyes and started singing, opening the door to the safe house. You barely got the door to appear.
The boys did the rest though, getting Laguz and Raidho through, and then someone carried you through as well.
The door snapped shut behind you as the song died in your throat.
You were set down, but your legs were shaky and you fell back against him. You let out a sob, getting emotional with the absence of the threat and the exhaustion of everything you’d done.
“Shhh, it’s okay. We’re okay now,” a sweet voice said, gently caressing your hair. “You did well. You just need rest.”
“There’s a bed in this room.” You recognized Sowilo’s voice.
You opened your eyes and managed to clap and turn the lights on.
Mannaz kept gently petting your hair. “You need to sleep,” he said gently, hand supporting you when you flinched back in surprise.
You nodded, turning toward where Sowilo was standing. You were too tired though. Too drained.
Jera came back in and gently picked you up. “Laguz is in the med bay. Mannaz, go check on Raidho. Tiwaz is talking to Eihwaz.” He carried you to the room—which was actually your room—and set you on the bed. “This is my fault. I should have known better than to go straight to the base.”
“We turned into light,” You sniffled. “That’s hard to track.”
He stared at you.
“She’s right,” Sowilo murmured.
Jera covered you up briskly. “We’ll talk more after you’ve rested. I don’t suppose you’ve ever bottled good dreams?”
You shook your head. “Those are difficult to bottle. And good dreams from the past can be scary in the present.”
He gave you a smile. “Is that so?”
You nodded, then you gasped and grabbed his arm. “There are pictures.”
He became solemn. “You trust me to put them away?”
You hesitated, then nodded. “Please.”
“I’ll get all of them,” He promised, then lightly kissed your forehead. “Now rest.”
You nodded and let your eyes close.
Masterlist. ~ Prologue: Meet the Heroes. ~ Part 2.
222 notes · View notes
writersrealmbts · 6 years
Bulletproof Melody Part 4
Description: Superhero!BTS: What happens when circumstances force you to team up with the infamous Bulletproof Boyscouts? Will you be able to beat the villain threatening all of you and your town? Or will you watch everything burn?
Prologue: Meet the Heroes
Warnings: (Mild?) Violence
Posted: 9/29/2018
Tags: SuperheroAU, Superhero!BTS, superpowered!BTS
Angst with little fluffs: 3,339 words
A/N: Well, Taehyung sat still for exactly one minute. Yay. In other news, I’ve written more for the Safe with Me sequel than I have for Pack Trials. This week has been...stressful. I really haven’t even been able to look at my WIPs since I posted Spring Day because of School. Which I’m about to go do homework for. College is a joy.
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You knew something was wrong when you woke up. You could sense all of the boys powers downstairs, which was a slight relief, but you had this gut feeling that something was wrong. You sat on your bed for a moment, contemplating whether you were ready for more stress. Then again, either you could get it all over with at once or stretch it out painfully. You headed downstairs and found all of them in the kitchen. Jin was cooking again. “We’ll have to ask her when she wakes up,” Namjoon said in a final tone. “Ask me what?” You asked, tucking your arms around you as you forced yourself to step beside Jera and Eihwaz. They all jumped a little. Jera smiled softly at you. “Um, it’s just…without our normal base…” “You need a temporary base,” You finished the thought, moving him so you could lean against him. You felt more tired than before your nap if that was even possible. He was quiet for a moment, making sure you were comfortable. “Yeah. You okay?” You nodded a little. “Still waking up, I think. Anyway, you guys can use mine. It’s in the basement, farther down from the room I’m working in. I’ll have to program you guys into the security system though, so think of a little melody that you will be able to remember because that will be your password.” “Isn’t that dangerous? I mean, anyone can replicate melody,” Yoongi frowned. “But only true mimics can replicate a voice. As far as I know, the kind of super that can replicate a person’s singing voice is extremely rare and not located on this continent. And they’re a hero, not a villain. Besides, you also have to put in your thumb-print and know where to step.” You hid a yawn behind your hand. “Then…you can use the computers all you like. I only use them to send alarms to my work phone. Well, and for research.” As if to emphasize your point, your work phone buzzed in your pocket. You sighed and pulled it out. “Robbery on Third and Main. Police already have it.” You frowned at the screen as you looked at the other notification. “I need to go out.” “Why?” “Because I need to get something for the archive,” You scrolled through the description of the piece that the auction was advertising. “Cursed. I doubt it.” “Why don’t we get it for you?” “Because what I’m about to do is called ‘stealing’ in legal terms,” You replied, turning on your heel and rushing toward the stairs so you could get ready for your raid. “I’ll help you. I can look like other people.” Yoongi caught up and fell into step with you. You hesitated, glancing back at the others. “We’re supposed to be protecting you,” Taehyung said, stepping forward from the group that had also followed. “We can help it go more quickly.” You looked between him and Yoongi, then let your gaze shift to Jin. He nodded slightly. You looked at Hoseok. “I’ll follow you if you don’t take them.” He folded his arms. You nodded sharply. “Fine. Go get ready. Meet by the front door.” Yoongi and Taehyung hurried off to get their gear, which they must have put in the living room for the time being. “I’ll unlock the good old lair, just don’t close any of the doors or you’ll be locked out until I get back. Maybe longer depending on my state of mind,” You told Namjoon. “Just stay out of the black filing cabinets. The grey one has villain files, maybe my parents encountered this fire super, or my grandparents. There isn’t a method to the madness, but there might be answers in it.” “We’ll go through them, maybe even organize them. But no promises on the last part,” Hoseok said in a light tone. You flashed him a smile, then quickly pressed your thumb to the reader and gestured for them to wait. You glanced at the clue quickly, then quickly stepped on all the correct tiles to get across to the last door, humming your tune soft enough that only Mannaz would be able to hear it. The doors unlocked and you stepped inside, disabling the security system until the doors closed and blocking the doors from closing. “Alright, you can come through now.” You headed to your equipment room, closing that door behind you so you could change into your raiding gear. When you came out, Namjoon was always working on the computer and Jin, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook had the drawers from the grey filing cabinet emptied onto three of the tables and were already starting to sort through. You left them to it, darting out and upstairs. Sowilo and Raidho looked over at you, finishing their muttered conversation quickly. “Ready?” Raidho grinned and nodded. “Where to, milady?” You showed him a map and then the museum. He became serious and nodded sharply, taking first Yoongi’s, then your hand. His eyes closed and then he jerked you both back and to a spot outside the auction house. Sowilo and you pulled him into a crouch behind the bushes, spotting a security guard. You eyed the building, knowing you had to steal the artifact for the greater good of everyone, but not wanting to steal it because you were supposed to be the good guy. “Here, so we can communicate,” Sowilo whispered. You took the in-ear device and put it in. “You and Raidho will infiltrate, I’ll keep an eye on security and advice on the best routes in and out.” “Different code names,” You murmured. He nodded. “Suga.” You nodded and looked at Raidho. “V.” You nodded again. “Athena.” They nodded. “You and V need to get beyond that window, just beyond it. It’s the spot with the lowest security. Once in, you need to get to the door on the east side of the room. I’ll advise further from there.” Suga handed V a bottle of water. “Remember, lower voltage because they can’t get away from it. We just want to stun them.” V nodded, holding out his hand for yours with a serious expression so unlike the one you first met him with. You firmly took his hand, stepping closer so that neither of you would stumble on arrival. He transported you both inside, then looked around with wide as. “Laser security,” You murmured. “I knew they updated their system. High tech.” “Get farther in and then I can help you,” Suga said through the comms. “Where are the guards?” You asked. “I’m distracting them, give me another minute. Why?” “Because if we aren’t visited by guards I could always disable the security system.” V nodded. “Alright, I’ll take care of the guards.” You examined the grid, then carefully started making your way through, humming softly. Right foot there. Duck under there. Between there. “Damn,” Suga muttered. You froze. “What damn?” “Oh, uh…” “Keep going,” V told you. “You’re really close. Just watch the beam on your right.” You hissed through your teeth and kept moving, watching your right as you moved forward, then carefully did a backflip the rest of the way out of the laser field. “What damn?” “Um, don’t disable the security system just yet.” You looked across at V, worried. He looked like he wanted to disown his teammate. “How about now?” “Yeah, go ahead.” You shook your head and quickly opened the control box, humming softly and then plugging in the codes to turn off the security systems all throughout museum. “Done.” “Right, door on the east side.” You and V hurried to the door. “Try not to get side-tracked, hyung,” V said, his tone slightly teasing. “Aish.” You shook your head. “I don’t want to know. Both of you just focus.” “Yes, ma’am,” They replied synchronously. You opened the door after picking the lock, and slipped into the new hallway. The power of the object washed over you and you froze. “V, do you feel that?” V nodded nervously. “Is that from what we’re getting?” “What?” Suga asked. “It’s weird, hyung. There’s this darkness and almost like a ticking clock but with every tick…” “V, stay here. Suga, there aren’t any guards ahead of me, are there.” “No. V should—” “Too dangerous. Now that I can feel the power from it, he shouldn’t even be in the building with me. But he is. Keep the doors shut, I’ll be back.” You started running down the hall, following the emission of power to the artifact. It was being held in a special room, locked in a safe. You tried to open it, using all the techniques you had picked up over the years before finally hissing in frustration and carding through your mental song library for a song that would work. “Athena? How’s it going?” “Shut up,” You whispered. You had nothing that would work. How did you not have a safe-cracking song? “Problem? You’re not moving.” “Have to make a song, shut up.” You took out the ear piece and started piecing together some sort of lyrics or chant that you could use. The melody was important, use some sharps on the important words. You would have to access some anger, it was the only emotion that would work quickly enough. You hesitated before you actually started singing. You weren’t sure it would actually work. It had to, though. “They tried to lock me out, but I broke in,” You started out, thinking of all the things that have ever made you angry. Villains, murderers, kidnappers…and so much worse. “And every time I turn around, they call it sin. Though they took away my heart, and locked it away, I crashed through the walls and cracked the safe. I hit them hard, like an axe hits wood, splintering pieces across the world. I melted through all the walls they tried to build, now there’s nothing in my way. Because I’m strong, I just cracked the safe!” Crude, yes. But the safe split in two, melting at the edges. You put the comm device back in your ear. “You two still alive?” “Damn. They’re going to need a new safe,” Suga commented. You tilted your head in agreement, getting out a special fabric to wrap around the artifact. “V, be ready to go when I come back. I might not have the clearest head. Nobody touch the artifact, though. Not even if I drop it. Just get the hell away from it.” “What sort of power was infused in it?” “Something very evil,” You murmured, wrapping the fabric around the object before picking it up. You screamed as visions swirled through your vision, terrible visions. You could hear both Suga and V saying your code name, panic rising in their voices. You watched your parents and Idiot get killed again. Saw Laguz surrounded by fire. Sowilo blinded. Tiwaz legs get crushed. Eihwaz bleeding out as he tried to help his brothers. Raidho drowning. Mannaz tortured with electricity. Jera locked in a room with no light or color, dying of hunger and thirst, his body broken and bloody. You hurried out of the room with the artifact in your arms, trying to think of something to help block the visions. V met you halfway, looking scared and worried. “Hurry,” you gasped. He grabbed you by your waist from behind and pulled you out of the auction house to where Suga was, grabbing his wrist and then taking both of you back to the house, thankfully coming out in the basement. You hurried toward one of the doors while the other boys looked up in surprise and alarm. “Override! Hummingbird 986!” “Voice print recognized, override active, door opening.” The extremely secure door opened and you rushed in, dropping the artifact in a case and unwrapping the fabric, then you closed the case and stumbled out of the room. “Door close,” You shouted. “Door close!” It closed and sealed shut. You dropped to your hands and knees, catching your breath and shaking from the power of the artifact. “Tinny?” Jera dropped in front of you and tilted your chin up to look at him. You could see the fear and panic on the faces of Taehyung and Yoongi now, talking to Namjoon and Laguz and telling them what happened. Jimin was in cat form, fur on end. Eihwaz was standing a couple feet behind Jera, watching both of you. Jera shook you a little. “Tinny!” You focused on his face. “You’re really handsome when you’re worried.” You dropped against him, falling asleep. ——— “Stupid. That’s what it was, stupid. I ask you to take care of yourself and instead you handle an artifact that makes you scream and alert the guards that you’re there and scares your teammates out of their wits. Taehyung just fell asleep, and he wouldn’t leave. Why do you have to be so damn brave?” You blinked a couple times in the light, then turned toward the ranting Hoseok who was obviously not expecting an answer. “And then you go and say something so ridiculous. Handsome when I’m worried. Does that mean I’m not the rest of the time? You’re going to be the death of me, you know that, right? No, you’d probably say something like, ‘if I’m the death of you, why don’t you just stop hanging around me?’ and then you’d try to break your promise and tell me what that other name means and I’d have to shut you up. Which wouldn’t be fun since I’ve spent a lot of time trying to get you to speak to me.” You rested your cheek on your hands, watching him mix some sort of poultice that made the room smell like mint and something else you couldn’t quite place. “I don’t even know how I would shut you up. I mean, kissing you would work but then I would never see you again because you would fly far away from me. If I just didn’t let you speak you would still disappear on me. There’s no way I come out a winner in this. And you know, we haven’t even had the chance to talk since we fought. We just sort of acted like it was okay, but what if it isn’t? I’m not telekinetic, I’m photo-kinetic. I’m just happy you’re alive, and just want to keep you that way but you keep throwing yourself under that stupid bus.” He set the mortar and pestle down a little harder than he needed to. He sighed, sounding worried. “What could make you scream like that? Yoongi played back the mission, showed us everything that happened. You didn’t look like you were in physical pain…and if it wasn’t physical it was likely mental. What if it damaged your brain? Or scarred you psychologically? You need to be more careful. You’re still young, your roots haven’t fully developed and damage can be really harmful to young trees. Plus the more you’re damaged the more things will feed on you and you can get diseases—” “I’m not a tree,” You murmured, smiling a little. He whipped around, relief flooding his features. “You’re awake, oh thank goodness!” He came to your side, checking your temperature and looking into your eyes. “You’re okay?” “You’re the one who was ranting and scolding someone who was asleep,” You replied softly, studying his face since it was so close. Why was his face always so close? And why the heck could you not stop looking into his eyes or at his lips? He just shook his head, huffing slightly. “I’m just glad you’re okay. Look, about earlier—” “It’s my fault. I snapped at you when you were just trying to be a good friend and look out for me,” You interjected before he could continue. He’d done so much for you. The least you could do was take the blame. “Everyone’s stressed. I just took out my stress on you.” His dimples appeared in the forced smile. You poked one, smiling a little. “Cute.” Worry creased his forehead. “You’re still delusional.” You rolled your eyes. “No, I just think dimples are cute. You have dimples when you force a smile, but not when you actually smile.” He sighed. “Stop scaring me.” “You’re scaring yourself, what do you need me for?” “To give me hope.” You flinched, looking at him. He met your gaze and nodded. “I need you to give me hope. Because if you don’t help us with this guy, we lose so much more than our base. You are the only hope we have right now.” You shifted so you were propped up on your elbow. “Nothing in the villain files?” He shook his head. “There were a few possibles, but once we looked into it more we ruled them out. Are you sure we can’t help you go through the records?” You looked away. “Let me think about it.” Somebody yawned off to the side, then made an excited sound. “You’re awake!” You smiled a little as Taehyung came over with a big, boxy grin. “We were really worried! But everything is okay now, right?” He asked, looking so hopeful and excited. “Well, relatively okay. None of us are hurt and our theft was successful,” You agreed, sitting up. He hugged you tightly. “You’re not hurt?” “I’m not hurt,” You answered, awkwardly patting his back. He pulled away and squished your cheeks before running out of the room, probably to tell everyone else that you were awake. “You handled that better than I thought you would,” Hoseok chuckled, sitting down next to you. “Why did he smoosh my face?” “He’s always been a little odd. Um, I hope you don’t mind, but we sort of ended up taking some of the spare bedrooms.” You shrugged. “That’s fine. I would have offered if I had been thinking straight.” Taehyung came back and dropped in front of you. “Are you still scared of me?” “No, Taehyung. I’m not scared of you,” You lied gently, noting the instant bloom of relief on his face. “Yay! We’re friends, right?” You nodded, not lying. You were definitely scared of him in the battle field, but you had no objection to being his friend. Hoseok squeezed your shoulder, then left. You tilted your head at Taehyung. “Sorry if I scared you earlier.” “What did you see?” He asked, suddenly somber. “Was it a bad memory?” You flinched back slightly. “What?” “There was a second before you started screaming, too long to be something physical or mental. You had to have seen something. Your eyes kept moving like you were watching a movie. What was it?” He took Hoseok’s place beside you. You took a deep breath and let it out. “My parents getting killed. All of you being tortured and killed. Other things. There were flashes of other things that just…were horrible, but they went by so fast I don’t think I realized I saw them until now.” “Are you scared it will come true?” “We have no reason to believe that it was a prediction. I think it’s more of a nightmare thing.” “Why?” “Because the villain that imbued that thing with his powers had the power of torment. It took me a while to place what it was, but I’m sure now. He must have been very…powerful.” “Do you think that artifact resurfacing has anything to do with the fire super we’re dealing with?” He asked, merely sounding curious. You looked at him. Gears started turning in your head. “Right now, it’s a coincidence. There’s no correlation. If another one shows up…then it could be more than a coincidence.” He nodded slowly. “You want me to keep an eye on it?” You reached over and grabbed your phone. “Come on. I’ll show you what to look for and how to handle artifacts that come up.” He smiled and nodded, following you through the door.
Masterlist.  Part 3.  Part 5.
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Bulletproof Melody: Meet the Heroes
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The Bulletproof Boyscouts:  From top left: Sowilo, Mannaz, and Raidho From bottom left: Eihwaz, Laguz, Tiwaz Middle Right: Jera
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Seokjin— He was always drawn to the water and it’s many moods, he never thought twice about the way it seemed to bend to his will. Or the way he breathed the water. But his parents did, and they were scared. They sent him away, to a place where they treated people with super powers. Where they tried to suppress super powers. He ran away from that place when he was fifteen. When he was older, he teamed up with the boys. He met the Namjoon first, then Yoongi and Hoseok, followed shortly by the rest. Namjoon’s team. He wasn’t someone who was good at teaching others, but he conveyed his knowledge in his own way. He had the most training, and had the most knowledge of other supers because of those mystery years that he never speaks of. Then, when the idiotic reporter wrote about him, and the rest of the team, he was named Laguz—and the team was dubbed the Bulletproof Boy Scouts. Defender of cheer.
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Yoongi— He used to get anxious if he was in the dark, but he quickly learned the benefits of being in the shadows. He first discovered his powers when he tried to take a nap and the light was bugging him. He felt a sort of tug in his gut, and suddenly the glow that had come from the lightbulb was floating above his hand. And he couldn’t bring himself to extinguish it. Illusions, invisibility, illumination—all of these were useful for saving the day…but he mostly skipped school with them. He was the one who discovered Namjoon had powers too, and together, they built their team. The name Sowilo was a small price to pay for the bigger purpose, and family, he found. The light in the darkest of nights. Powers: Photokinesis
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Hoseok— He came from a family of supers, so when he started to have weird interactions with plants, his family just guided him in how to grow and control his powers. With the love and support of his family he flourished, but his desire to help people and bring them hope led him to meeting Namjoon and Yoongi. And when he got around to choosing his name from the same theme, it was Jera that he ended up with. Surprisingly gentle, but surprisingly fierce in battle, his duality is much like that of nature—a force to be reckoned with. Purveyor of hope. Powers: Chlorokinesis
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Namjoon— Namjoon was quick to learn, but incredibly clumsy. He seemed to break things in a second and he wouldn’t even know how it was possible that he broke it. Then one day he got in some trouble, a fight, and when he escaped and ran he ended up across town with his shoes melted and his pants on fire. He knew he couldn’t go back to his house. Being a super wasn’t easy and they had to have seen him run away. By chance, he met an archivist—a special sort of super that stored heroic artifacts and power scrolls and the like. The archivist gave him shoes he couldn’t destroy, and helped him hone his other powers—danger sensing and a peculiar power the archivist called “a penny for your thoughts” or confession inducement. When Namjoon finally struck out to do some good with his powers, he quickly met Yoongi and saw the potential good a team could do. His ability to sense danger led him to the other members of the group, and he ended up as Tiwaz. The warning system and interrogator. Powers: Super Speed, Danger Sensing/Premonition, Penny for your Thoughts?
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Jimin— when he was little, talking with the animals and pretending he was an animal was cute. When he was older, it terrified his family and got him kicked to the curb like a stray. He spent much of his time learning his powers, talking with animals, shifting his form to that of animals, and defining his ability to sort of sense the moods of people around him. He knew it was because of his animal powers, but it still fascinated him. Then he was in a crowd that was afraid, afraid of a villain that was trying to hurt them. He saw Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Seokjin defeat the villain and sensed the relief of the people around him. He knew he had to be part of it, and so he joined the Bulletproof Boyscouts, and became Mannaz. Guardian of Courage and Peace. Powers: Animals--morphing, speaking, and animalistic empathy
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Taehyung— Everyone knew that he was a little different. He always shocked people, both literally and figuratively. He didn’t think much of it when he started teleporting either. Until he was kidnapped by a villain and forced to help him wreak havoc for two years before Seokjin saved him. He was fascinated by his rescuers and Namjoon didn’t even have to use his power on Taehyung because the boy just told them everything. Then he begged them to let him help right the wrongs he was forced to commit, and became Raidho. The open door. Powers: Teleportation, Electricity
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Jungkook— the youngest of the group, he never really had a normal life. He didn’t know his own strength and hurt the people he loved. They forgave him, but he struggled to forgive himself and searched for a way to learn. He found the boys. He joined them at the youngest age, before Taehyung, because they could help him with his super strength and force fields. He quickly adopted them as his brothers and watched them, learning. He became Eihwaz, and he fought for good like his brothers. Protector of the weak. Powers: Super Strength and Forcefields
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Nightingale— the only Archivist left after an incident with a villain, she grew up in a world of supers, powers, and powerful artifacts that needed to be protected. A world that was accessed through melody and harmony. She learned how to help people through song, able to heal with this song, able to give herself strength with that, able to convey hope, sadness, happiness, fear, anger and love with the right melody. Everything and everyone had a melody. It was her job to defend the archives, to help those supers worth helping, and to find those thing that needed to be stored away and do so. But she was also more. She was a power sensor, a rare power itself. She couldn’t bring herself to stand in a different dimension cataloguing scrolls when she could help people. So she went out and earned the name Nightingale after singing an enemy to sleep. She met Jera, and struck an agreement with him for his group. She would handle the small things on her side of town, and they could handle the big. She knew her limits. He agreed on his team’s behalf, and they’ve functioned that way ever since. The Song in the Silence. Powers: Dimensional Storage/Cache, Power Sensing, Musical Resonance/Influence
Masterlist.  Bulletproof Melody Part 1.
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Winding Down
Description: One of the story raffle submissions; Ot7 BTS from Bulletproof melody, fluffy and cuddly with kisses.
Warnings: Nope
Posted: 10/29/2018
Tags: Superhero!BTS, ot7 bts x reader
Fluff: 2,491 words
A/N: DO NOT EXPECT THIS TO BE THE OUTCOME OF THE ACTUAL SERIES EVEN IF IT IS ADORABLE!!!! I haven’t even decided if everyone lives. But this was really fun to write. Hope you guys like it!
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“Tinny!” Hoseok grinned as you came into the house. “We were just wondering where you were.” “Had to get something for the archives.” You yawned and dropped onto the couch next to him, curling up. “Like what?” He asked, putting an arm around your shoulders so he could properly cuddle you. “Mmm, some silk.” “Really? What properties did it have?” You frowned and looked up at him. “Um, it doesn’t scratch the artifacts?” “W-wait…oh…you mean you actually went shopping?” “Mmhmm,” You yawned. “Oh, you should have told us. We like shopping.” Yoongi shook his head. “No, you Namjoon and Taehyung like shopping. Y/n and I don’t. The others…well…” “Yeah, besides, I just got whatever silk was cheapest and you guys would have been picking out colors and what-not.” You sighed, pushing Hosoek around until you were truly comfortable. “And I wanted to get in and out as fast as possible.” “We would have gotten it for you,” Namjoon said, dropping onto the couch on your other side and earning a glare for not being kind to the furniture. He gave you an apologetic smile, then kissed your cheek. “We can follow instructions, you know.” You shook your head. “No, I don’t know. I’ve never seen any proof that any of you know how to follow instructions. At least, not mine.” “I follow your instructions—” Hoseok started. “How many times have I instructed you not to follow me?” He looked away. “I’ve…” Namjoon stopped himself, and made a small disconcerted sound when he realized that he’s failed at it too. “None of you ever follow my instructions.” “Hey, I followed your instructions,” Yoongi complained. You thought about it for a moment. “That’s true.” You went over and cuddled up next to him instead. He grinned down at you, twining his fingers with yours and resting comfortably beside you. “Half of the time it’s in regards to whether or not I save you or not, though! That shouldn’t count. Why aren’t you cuddling with me anymore?” Hoseok protested, looking unhappily between you and Yoongi. “Because Yoongi actually respects me and my wishes. Plus he knows when to be quiet and let me recover from shopping.” You rolled your eyes and curled up again, happy with the smell of Yoongi’s cologne. You were mostly teasing. Mostly. It was quiet for a little while and you almost started laughing at their response to your words. After a while of just resting, you felt someone sit on your other side and take your other hand. “Does it actually bug you?” Namjoon asked softly. You looked at him and smiled, leaning over and kissing his cheek. “Where are the others?” He caught your face and kissed your lips. “They’re taking care of an issue across town. I thought it was about time that Jin corralled the maknaes. They needed to burn off some energy. But you didn’t answer me.” “You’re right. I didn’t.” You got up and headed for the kitchen with a smile. Not knowing always bugged Namjoon since he powers usually had people always telling him everything. Every once in a while you would tease him by not answering every question he posed. Hoseok saw through it and just chuckled, the three of them following you into the kitchen as Namjoon tried to find ways to find out if it actually bugged you that they didn’t always do as you requested them to. You started piecing together the things needed to make them dinner. “Can’t we just order pizza?” Yoongi asked, catching your hand and holding it tightly. “You work so hard. We could all use a break.” You leaned into him, pressing your face into his neck momentarily as you considered the idea. It’d been a while since you all had ordered pizza and it was within the budget that you and Jin adhered to. The two of you had been discussing splurging and getting pizza and supplies for ice cream sundaes for a complete splurge night since all of you regularly ate healthy to keep in shape for your demanding extra jobs. Not to mention the fact that you had to go away in a week or so for work and it would be nice to have a little fun with all of the boys. “See, you’re tired,” Yoongi murmured, always able to see you the way you actually were and not how you pretended to be. You sighed and pulled away, pulling your phone out and sending a message to Jin about picking up pizza and sundae supplies and calling it a super secret mission. “Alright. I asked Jin to get pizzas on his way home.” “Yes!” Hoseok grabbed you and picked you up. “Now we cuddle?” “What if I wanted to keep cuddling with Yoongi?” You asked, pretending to pout. Hoseok took you to the couch and sat with you on his lap before using his now-free hand to pull you into a loving kiss. “Don’t forget. You’re mine first, then theirs.” You just smiled up at him. “Do it again.” He grinned, then kissed you again, softly and sweetly, lingering until he knew you were feeling all warm and fuzzy. He knew how you ticked. When he pulled away, it was to tuck a red rose behind your ear, the fragrant kind that you loved so much. Namjoon was whispering with Yoongi, glancing at you every once in a while, but blushing when you caught his gaze. “Joonie, are you feeling left out?” You cooed softly, curling a finger to gesture for him to come over. He did, probably still having your rebuke of following instructions in the front of his mind. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his jaw before gently biting his ear. “I was just teasing, honey. You boys show me a lot of respect, and I’m really grateful. I was just grumpy after having to go shopping. But who can stay grumpy with three sweethearts ready to shower you in affection?” You placed soft little kisses on his jaw in front of his ear. He held you possessively, and a little dominantly, yet he melted into your affection like always. He leaned into the kisses. “Not funny, baby.” You pulled back and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “So insecure, my honey. You know I could never stay upset at you.” Your voice had a singsong quality to it that earned you a faint smile before he tucked his forehead against your neck. “Not fair,” He murmured. “You used your powers.” “Because I want to make sure it’s firmly planted in your mind that what we have can’t be threatened by a small bout of grumpiness. You’re my honey. So sweet.” You placed kisses on his hands, feeling how languid he became as you held him on the floor. “You spent too long running today, didn’t you?” He took a moment before he nodded. “Hmm, I think we’ve all been working too hard lately. I won’t be here to make sure you don’t overdo it for a week and a half. Go pick out a movie, honey. One that we can all enjoy.” He nodded, finally sliding out of your arms and over to the dvd shelf to pick one for everyone. He was good at balancing everyone’s tastes, the talent of a true leader. You got up and got out the paper plates and napkins for the pizza. You sensed the powers of the youngest three before they even reached the house, calling a greeting the moment you heard the door open. Taehyung transported to your side and quickly caught your lips in a kiss. “I took down the bad guy.” “We all took down the bad guy,” Jimin corrected, hugging you from behind. Jungkook pouted. “I did most of the work.” You pulled him in for a quick kiss. “I’m sure you all did wonderfully. You’re all so good at protecting the people of the city. It’s why I can do my job so easily. I know you all are doing what I can’t.” They seemed to hug you closer, each pressing kisses to your face and neck. “You’re an amazing fighter, y/n,” Kookie murmured, pressing his lips to your forehead. Jimin just purred, probably seconds away from shifting into some sort of animal so that he could steal all your attention like the needy little puppy he was. After kissing Taehyung and Kookie one last time on the lips, you ducked and spun so that you could put your arms around Jimin’s neck. You remembered when you used to be intimidated by him, and thought yourself silly for ever viewing him as someone who could hurt you. He gently kissed you, his features becoming solemn after the other two left you with him. “I don’t want you to leave, chubs.” You clicked your tongue at the affectionate nickname and spent some more time kissing him. “I’ll record some songs for you to listen to before I go.” He nodded, holding you close until he seemed to feel a little better. Then Jin walked in with the pizzas and ice cream sundae ingredients. The level of happiness and excitement went through the roof, and you and Jin exchanged satisfied kisses while the others got hyped up about having ice cream after pizza. “Get everything done that you needed to, y/n?” He murmured, tiredly kissing your face. “Yeah. How was the fight?” “Honestly, the grocery store was harder enemy,” He chuckled, and you could tell he was tired. He caught your look. “Taehyung accidentally set the room we were fighting in on fire. Took some time to put it out.” “Hyung!” Tae objected, looking betrayed. You laughed softly. “Cool guy.” “Cool?” Tae’s face looked a little surprised. “Cool,” You confirmed. He smiled, nodding to himself. “Cool.” He took his pizza into the other room. Jin was laughing as he released you to get his own food. You shook your head, hanging back and putting the ice cream in the freezer—a task they had all neglected—before getting your own dinner and going in, seeing that they left the middle of the couch for you to squeeze into for intense cuddles. “What took you so long, honey?” Jungkook asked softly, smiling at you as you folded yourself into the space, no doubt preening at the fact that he had managed to get one of the spots beside you. “I had to put the ice cream away so it wouldn’t melt while we ate dinner,” You answered, curling up slightly, and briefly resting your head on his shoulder. “Sorry, baby, we should have taken care of that,” Namjoon said in the spot directly in front of you. “Don’t worry about it. As long as it’s taken care of it doesn’t matter who did it,” You replied, then started eating, which seemed to be the cue to start the movie. By the end of the movie, pizza, and ice cream, you had cuddled with every single one of them for at least fifteen minutes, but you were starting to get sleepy as some of them stayed hyper. A nose pressed to yours, then soft lips met yours in a sweet kiss. “Come on, Tinny. I think it’s time for bed.” He picked you up gently and carried you off, ignoring the questioning boys. It didn’t take long for Jin to join you and Hoseok, curling up on your other side. “We’re going to miss you so much, y/n.” “We’ll be a mess, Tinny.” You shook your head. “You’ll be fine. You won’t starve and you can always cuddle with each other.” “Not the same,” Jin murmured poutily. “You just…fit.” You shifted onto your side so that Jin could spoon you, resting your head on Hoseok’s shoulder as he shifted into the familiar position. “It’s just for a week. And there’s still some time before I have to go.” “Why do they need you to look at the stupid ancient thing?” “Well, part of it is they want me to buy it. Another part of it is that I’m actually sort of the expert on the creations of Jaqueline Torrent de Cavalier,” You pronounced the name with a french accent, which earned you closer snuggles. “Her creations always house artifacts and other rare things inside them, but the outsides are a beautiful work of art. The outside is what is common knowledge. This new piece is larger, more box-like, and this time they’re curious as to what’s inside it because it weighs more than they expected. That’s also why Taehyung is coming with me, because we may have to break in and as my assistant he’ll be able to see where it’s being kept and be able to get in and out faster.” “It’s not fair,” Hoseok murmured this time. “I could help too.” “Hobi, Tae is the best suited for helping me do my job. Just like you’re the best suited for cheering me up, Jin is the best at comforting me when I’m upset and confused, and just like every single one of you has a specialty with me that makes my life so full and happy and loving. Besides, if you keep pouting I’ll have to kick you out and let someone else take your place. You know they all check to see if both spots beside me are taken before going to sleep elsewhere. They both held you more tightly. You smiled and snuggled into them, the sense of security they gave you lulling you back into your sleepy state. Until a Jimin and a Taehyung draped themselves over you. “Tae, you’ll have her alone for a whole week,” Jungkook protested, easily prying the older boy off. You blinked up at the scene sleepily, somewhat amused while Hoseok grumbled. Jin was out like a light. Suddenly, Hoseok was switching places with Jimin, letting Jimin be your pillow and leaving with Jungkook. You blinked after him, confused. Jimin tilted your chin up and kissed you. You melted into it, realizing he had been crying. “Jimin-ah, what’s wrong baby?” He rubbed at his head and sides and you understood that his powers had had side effects today. You gently rubbed everywhere you could reach while not waking Jin. “You worked hard today, mon amour.” He nodded, curling into your touch for a second before rolling over and slotting his body against yours just as you were slotted against Jin. You slid your arms around Jimin’s waist. “My Jimin-ah,” You whispered lovingly, placing soft kisses on his neck. Namjoon and Yoongi came in together to steal goodnight kisses from you and Jimin, then went out together. Finally, your eyes closed as you felt Jimin slip into his own dreams. You had the perfect family, and you’d miss them while you were gone. But coming back would be so much sweeter.
Masterlist. ~ Bulletproof Melody: Part 8 ~ Series Masterpost ~ Next Part
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